The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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A,iii-' -?. e,vi,-, jj - jHf'Vly'7,rt,"'"'wi'T5rJ".Tinv' --. - " trt "- . v -.,-i i;'w" f,-.tfiff jmZ&T& iv" "tinr'-Vjr.Tv' .v'r.tyJ?pWPT!!!p?)?5c5!S?y5!!J
Mra. Htittle Mny, Whose Husband
Was Killed In the Clark'3 Summit
Ynrd, Begins Action for $50,000
Agniilst tho D., L. & W. R. R. Co.
P. 0. S. of A. Cnmp Secures n Mnti
tlnmitg Agnlnst nn cx-Trcnsurer
Who Hns Not Turned Over Ac
counts Other Matters.
Klvo nrw tutloiiH nl law worn Insti
tuted ycftui'ilny In the oltU'o of I'rn-
tlitmottiry Coiieliiini.
A jr.U.UUO ilunititte still
JIRIliliet. till! lll'lllWIIIC,
mid "HYKlcrn Ittillroiul
airs, llattlo Mny, wliluw
WIIM lll'ltllll
ciiniimio by
of KiikIiipci'
Vllllnin .Mny, who wns hilled In tho
Clark's Hiiiiinill ynrd, July l'- last.
It in fhilnied that .Mny mot IiIh den Hi
liy Ids body coming In collision with u
fiu'lKht cnr, while bo wan leaning out
oC Ihp cab of one nl" tho "Iiok" uiirImon.
and that the company was loapoimlldo
for the dentil liecntisc It roimlred an
oiifilnc'or to look ahead at tlii.s point for
orders, and fulled to have Km trucks
milllrlontly wide apart to make It safe
for an engineer lo observe l his re
Attorney K. (
Newriniili ii prect nt
the plaintiff.
WiibhltiKlon ramp. No. 202, Patriotic
Older Sons nf Amerlen, of SprltiB
Urook. thrniiirh Its tienmircr. Wllllnm
J I. Jones, securoil an nltertiiillv" writ
of inaiidainns to eompel tho former
treasurer, II. K. Amies, to deliver up
the cilwlody (if the oonipnny's hooks
mid papers to his Hiicces-or.
The relittor, .Mr. Jones, represents
thai on Jauiiaiy U. linn, he was elected
treasurer Iti succeed .Mr. Amies, and
applied for I In hooks and papers he
IoiikIiik to Hint ollbe. .Mr. Amies re
fused to turn I hem over, and still con
tinues In bis refusal. The writ was
made returnable October T. at : a. in.
O'Brien ,V: .Martin are attorneys for Ihe
To recover I lie ramp's moneys, which
Mr. Amies is alleged lo have in Ills
possession, criminal procoedhms were
liroiiRht. lie uas indicted lor em
bezzlement by the grand Jury that just
completed Its sittings.
.Mr. Amies is a IcmIIiik citizen anil
well-to-do merchant of Spring Hrook.
lie is lighting the election of bis suc
cessor, it Is claimed, on the ground
that it uas Invalid.
Joseph Kaiolon, of Dickson City, be
gan proceedings to recover $::iiim from
the Klk Hill Coal and lion company
for damages alleged lo have been done
Ills property on Main street. A stream
Into which the company dumps ashes
and washes culm llows through the
lilalnllll's land. This retuse has been
washed upon the land in times of fres
hets and as a result it was made unlit
lor garde i purposes. John It. Ed
wards is the plaintiffs attorney.
A suit in divorce was a part of the
new litigation. Nina l'ellieiick is the
libellanl anil William I'elherlck the
lespondenl. They were married .March
21, Jl'OI. in Scranloii. One week ago
yesterday, it is alleged, be struck her
on the bead with a blacking- brush,
causing a painful wound, and after
using violent and abusive language to
wards her, ordcied her out of this
house. She seek,- to be divorced from
Ills bed and board and granted ali
mony. The llbellant is represented by
."Wlllanl. Warren Knapp.
.Mrs. Mary l.yclon, of Taylor, brought
a suit in eiiuity to compel lier son. An
thony I.ydim, to iceonvey to her n
properly on Main stieei, Taylor, which
slie alleges he Induced her to deed to
him lor a dollar. In November. ISlCi.
iv lien she was ill at his home, and
when her mind and body were both in
lirm, Henry II. llarils is lier. attor
ney. In Common Pleas Couit.
Vivo non-suits on account of tho non
appearance Of tile pluilllllfs were
granted yesterday, in common pleas
court, by Judges Kell and Carpenter.
They were in the cases of Phillip II.
Smith against Kli.aboih Carter, ad
ministratrix: Harry c.irle .mains: c.
Smith, Alfred Space agali-t John
tVord, Martin Ferguson against .1, C.
Mauor and M. V. .Morris against
ILewls Hans and others,
The case of Krcd llaldorly against
IMary Donnelly was referred to Attor
ney John It. I'M wards. The ease of
Owen Bigllu against William Xurn was
referred to Attorney Thomas P. Duf
fy. Other cases were dealt wlih as
( MlSUl II. I .11 ;r..hl. .u.-,.ill
Jtyan, rl ill, I'jti liuriii : II Dmiii. r .rjr.nti-l Mny
A. Jli mliiw, rl ul , i.'ptriiii. I'.mlik liiiiini'lly
r.','.iini M.oy J H in, i ll "i il . iihhmi'tit i,,.'ii.'il:
Is indispensable to athletic
success, lu training, much
dress Is laid upon diet; care
ful attention to the quantity
and quality of the food eat
en, with regularity of meals.
That is the secret of strength for everv
man. No man can he stronger than Ins
Btotnach. The careless and irregular
eating, of business men, causes disease
of the stomach and its allied organs of
digestion and nutrition. There can be
no sound health until these diseases are
Dr. 1'ieree's Golden Medical Discovery
cures diswi-ses of the stomach and other
organs of digestion ami nutrition, and
enables the body to be built up into vig
orous health by the assimilation of the
nutrition extracted from food.
lwas taken with the grippe, which resulted
In heart ami Uomnch trouble," write Mr. T. R.
vallum, m .inimiaini. Aiiegnauv to., j.c "l
l" ") da miylhlug t good prt of the
lime. 1 wrote to I)r Pierce
av conaltlan.
J.avlng lut
, ,;j . ... . , .. f T. .
; Li.iiiidpiicr ill iiib nimnn,. mi
le ad.
vised nic total r hit 'Golden Medical Sltoov
which I H licfore I hail finished the second
bottle I reran to feel belter. I hav iud nearly
hk bottle. I feel thankful to God for the bene,
ft I have received from I)r, Fierce' Golden Med.
leal Discovery. I can highly recommend It (a
(II rsou ai a kooiI and safe medicine." '
pr.J'krce's Pellets cure couitipatioa.
rind makes the cake lighter
finer'flavored, more
Ili'iij.aniii Tonkin ;ic.imt cii.v nl s'n.iiiioti, trc-i.i-i.
I'. ('. I'II(?it iiL'iii.'l iKirmiKli nt 'l'liri)i)i,
trei.i.isi TIioiiijs nir.iiriNl . II. ItiK-i'll,
tri-i.i : . II. 1' iif.ilii't S. N. IlKiko, .is
Miniiit . U'. . lliroy .ipiiii"! .1. tt. tVilliii", iii
1 ' .i I ; .l.i-cpli Mi'hin ,'il';iIiiI A. P. Ili'ilfunl el at.,
i--nmpsit; . .Md.iinahhii nunlnit .M.ui.i II. Hull,
i -ntiip-it : (IciirRc A, l'inkiipiillK ,ii:niiil 01,
I'h. ml limniiKli .mil Hi.' Ol.t pi i.i nt U'.ii.T ioiii'.iii,
i'tth'il -.l.ih.-. I'liillip-i :ii;:iint IMrr Itnrrity.
w.icp-; Witiififil Sinn ;m.iln-t l.'ulh Ann iiir;
.l.ii kon .Mi'iiyno.illni .i.'.iin-t Lehigh .illoy It.iil.
Ki.1,1 1'iiiiip.iny, tiei,UJ. '
Itcfenril lliiiiiinic llculoj apaiiu.! cit.v o(
ten. ttivp.-.
Oprii for Set 11,'liient - i'i.iIIi rl kll 1' IIUMillst
t' if N'riv .ler-ci . tio.-p.i-s,
(Vntliiiiiil fur S'ttleiiirnt -I). II. I'mirttlitlit
.iu.iint llittcnlii nili'r V. Coinp.iny, .isinitp-iit,
Ainrnifr the eases marked for tilril
im that nf deoi'KC II. 'I'raitKer against
Vein II. Trauger, divorce. The liliel
lant charges his wife with unfaithful
ness. There was only rue rase open for
trial, that of V. AI. Bealehl iiKiilnst
De Laurent & Co., In which an effort
is beini; inndo by the plaintiff, a ereil-
llrit nf 111,, ,lttf.twlfi 111 in lni'r llin ,r.i,,f
declare invalid an asslKiiinent made by
me iteieiKiani to anotlier ercditor.
Jtidw Kelly is heuriiiK Hie ease. Kx
JudKe M. A. Knapp and I Inn. '. P.
O'AInlley, of Willard, AVairen .t Knapp,
appear for the plaintiff. The defense
Is represented by .1. K. Murr, T. V.
Wells, and (i. T. Kirhy. of New York.
At the roll-call nf jurors yesterday
innruluir. II. D. Buck and Thomas
Walsh failed to respond and were lined
$:'.i each. Oenrne AI. Ilallstead, of
Scranton; Tiniotliy Tturke. (if Duninore;
Frank AlcCawley, if Scranlon: Patrick
Connor, of Olyphar.l, and O. AI. Will
iams, of Taylor, were excused.
Carbondale Water Case.
The hearing of testimony In the f'ar
boiidiile AValcr euso was resumed, yes
terday before Judge (1. AI. Halsey, of
Ijiizerne, specially presidlm? in the or
phans' court room.
The ease is one in which the existing
water companies and a number of
larse taxpayers of Carbondale are en
deavoriiif? to hav the city enjoined
from issuiiif? bonds for the construc
tion ot a municipal water plant. The
hearliiKs were adjourned on account of
tilt death of 1'resldent AlcKlnley, after
two days had been spent in takliif? tes
timony. The plaintiff's side Is still on. Their
principal witnesses yesterday were 11.
c. Frick, chief engineer of the Cnn
solidaled Water company, of carbnu
ilnle, and V. AI. Alarple, chief enj?l-nee.-
of the Scrnntou (.las and AVater
company. They save evidence tend
ing to show that the proposed site of
l lie city's reservoir does not command
a supply either from sheds or streams
sutllclent to furnish the city with
water, and that the stream which the
city has appropriated for Its chief sup
ply is already tributary to the Jerniyn
Water company's supply, and, couse
iliiently. already appropriated. They
also testified Mint the cost of the city's
proposed plant will be largely in ex
cess of the estimate made by the engi
neer, and, In consequence, in excess of
Ihe money appropriated fur Its con
struction. The fact that the .lerniyn Water com
pany Is mil complaining, was cited by
Ihe defense lo discount the evidence
regarding the city's appropriation of
the stream alleged lo be tributary lo
that lompauy's supply.
As to the matter of Hie cost of the
plant, the defence raised' the point that
court cnni'it Interfere on the speculat
ive theory that the appropriation will
be moderate. The matter of providing
money to meet ihe expense Ik a legis
lative act, ill which the discretion of
councils Is not subject to tpiestlou.
Court can only Interfere lo prevent the
city from exceeding the seven per cent,
It is expected that the case will not
be concluded insldo of another week.
Attorneys .lames K. llurr, Welles &
Torrey and Patterson S,- Wilcox appear
for the plaintiffs. The defendants are
represented by Attorneys K. C. New.
comb, II. C. Butler. C. Comegys and
City Solicitor It. J). .Stuart.
Doings in Divorce Court.
October 2 p, in., wus llxed as the
time for tint hearing in (lie divorce
case of A. .1. llrlltnn against Currie
An alias subpoena -was awarded in
the case of .Surah K, Keller against
Jos-epli 11. Keller.
In the case or Anna Kennedy against
Patrick Kennedy, October ,s, at 10 a.
III., whh llxed as the lime fop. Hie hear
big. Marriage
I'etor Morgan
Ili.i 0rl.u-.klc
I'li'd Kiikrr ,. ,
M..ll(. Wound
(iuilvin Ma.iilock
AIJIk'JriH IllU ,
Duiuto I.augono ,,
Sleknil Amerno ,,
Joseph ZlnuoU ,,
Acala Wilck
Stanley Orycrik ,,
Mary Dcmbujrska ,,
....I0M 1'impoei uM'iin..
....10)11 1'livpci'l lUTIIUO
..I. ill S, lldiin-.i avenue
l--! D.Mioii moot
1 1 :t Mjjile blpit
lt'i Mapk' alucl
Twant a New Trial.
I'otlivill, )'., Kfpt. S0.-t'ouncl lor the llurk.
hirnt-Moyrr hrlra tcwljy mo,e for a new HIjI
in their aw lfiliit the l.lil,-h ttoal ami .Vuvliru.
Ill nn Answer to nn Injunction BUI
Filed In the Piothonotnry's Office
nt Wilkos-Bnrre Yesterday It Re
lates Some of tho Things It Pro
poses to Do Appointments Made
by IUll road Officials President T.
J. Nlcholls Has Mado This City
His Home The Board.
TheWllltes-nnrre Times ot last even
ing contained the following:
The first public admission of Hie
plans and purposes of the new short
line railway between Huzleton and this
city was made today In nn answer lllcd
In the prothonotury's olllce, which dis
closes noine interesting facts. The new
line will enter this city over the Cen
tral railroad tracks and nlso by ihe
tracks of the Wllkes-Barre and Wyo
ming Valley Traction company from
Ashley. The recent iietlon of the local
traction company In securing South
Canal street and other streets over
Hulling Mill bill, to relieve the trallle
on Hustle and Washington streets, Is
now explained, ns the llnsdeton air line
will use its trucks.
The Interesting fuels were made pub
lie In the answer to nn Injunction bill
tiled by the Susquehanna Coal com
pany on September :i last, in which
the plalutllfs alleged that the Wllkes
liarre and Hazleton Hallway company
did not Intend to operate a railroad for
carrying passengers and property, as
required by the "Act ot IStlS, that they
were In u measure uclliig under false
pretenses, had no right to condemn a
right of way and Hint they be enjoined
from entering upon the plaintiff's lands
lu liable township; nlso that they be
required to make full and complete dis
closures of their plans: and schemes.
The answer to the plaintiff's bill was
llled this morning and It contains the
following interesting paragraphs, set
ting forth Its plans
"We aver that said articles of asso
ciation were enleied Into and letters
patent obtained 'bonu-Iide' und with
the purpose und intention to construct
nnd operate a railroad from the city of
Wilkes-1 Jarre lo the city of Tlazleton,
In accordance with Act of tth April.
1SI1S. and to perform all duties as a
common carrier.
"We deny the averment that we do
not Intend to operate a railroad for the
carriage of both persons and property,
but aver the contrary thereof to be the
truth, and that it is our plans and pur
pose to carry both passengers and
"To that end and to accommodate
heavy trallle we determined at Ihe out
set, and still intend, lo construct a
railroad of llrsl-cluss character In
every particular and wholly upon prop
erty acquired by purchase or in the ex
ercise of tho right of eminent domain,
avoiding all streets and highways, mid
avoiding also all crossing at grades ot
cither public highways or other rail
roads, "The (haraeler of the construction Is
such as to accommodate the heaviest
kind of railroad trallle and the road
bed is being graded by means of cuts,
(Ills nnd embankments, including a
tunnel .Mint) feet in length; the roadbed
Is to be ballasted throughout its entire
length with stone; steel rails weighing
ninety-live pounds to the ynrd are to
be used.
"We are advised that whether we In
tend to use electricity in the operation
of passenger cars or to connect our
rails at the termini In Wllkes-Uarre
and Tlazleton with certain street rail
way lines, is niniialerial nun not pel fl
uent to the present controversy, but we
admit that it Is our present intention to
use to come extent jtaud as we under
stand, we have the light to use) elec
tricity as a motive power in Ihe oper
ation nf passenger cars, but we intend
also to use locomotives In our business
and were in negotiation for their pur
chase befoie the tiling of plaintiff's bill.
'Finding it desirable, but at the same
time Impracticable, if not impossible,
to reach with our line and to land our
passengers in the business centres of
the city of Willies-Bnrro and of the
city of Hav.letou, respectively, we have
for the further convenience of passen
gers and by agreements duly made
prior to the lillng of plaintiffs bill, and
prior also to the Act of 7th June. 1101.
arranged to connect our tracks with
the street railway operated by the l.e
hlgb Traction company in the city of
Ilaidetnii and the Coalville Passenger
railroad In the city of Wilkes-Marie,
and if legally permlssable we desire
and expect to transport our passengers
over said street railways to a conveni
ent point in each of said cities, lint
further we state that we have also ap
plied to the T.ehigh Valley rtailroad
company and the Pennsylvania Hail
road company for connection nl Ilnide
ton end of our route, and applied to
the Central Itnllroad of New Jersey
for connection nt the AVIIkes-Barre
end, and we fully expect to make such
connections and interchange of busi
ness with each of said railroad coin-
pan ies.
"We deny the allegations contained
In the remaining paragraphs of the bill
and aver generally that defendants'
railroad In Its much shorter dlstnnce,
Its construction, its ullgumcnt, and its
grades, is much the superior of licit li
the present railroads operated by the
I.ehlgh Valley and Pennsylvania tall
roads between the cities of Wilkes
I '.aire and ilav.leton, and is lu all re
spects better designed to meet all pub
lic demands and the requirements for
freight und passenger tratlla between
the said cities,"
The answer Is sworn lo by John H,
Price, president of the Wllkes-Barre
and lliiKlcton Hallway company, and
was filed today by his attorney, fleorge
Ii. Hedford.
In this city there are many who be.
lleve that there Is something in com
mon between the IliiKlelnii-Wllkcs-Harro
project and the road fiom
WillU's-llnrro lo this city.
Recent Appointments.
A number of chnnges tiro about to bo
inndo lu a number of railroad offices,
some ot which take effect today,
Among these uro the following:
J. W. Thonias, freight agent of the
Central Hallroad of New Jersey at
AVIlkes-Harre.wlll today assume charge
of tho company's ft eight business at
Parsons, .Miner's Alllls, lluxle street,
South Wilkes-llarro, and Ashley Mil
lions, Competent clerks will be placed
In charge nf the business at these sta
tions. AV. AV. Wentst, jr., Is now acting gen
em! superintendent of the Central
Hailroad of New Jersey, Instead of J.
II. Olhausen, who lias been on an ex
tended leave of absence, and It is
understood will not re-enter the com
pany's employ. Air, Went;, has been
succeeded by AI. AI. Iliehey, who slfjns
himself superintendent.
11. I). Caufield, a trimmer at the
Lackawanna ear shops, has been ap
pointed general freight foreman, under
Henry Smith. He Is a hi other of .Mas
ter Car Builder I.. T. Cantleld.
Superintendent K, AI. Illiui has issued
. sJ I'klMtlpbli, !'. n,l, (lrraa Hr-'Ulut ')
im n 4i0,rlm,eurMt't lirlby tuill 1'rlulr.
' I ML llili.(rrtbfui4lillilui)(irim,iliiiM,l
rVpM lllau. ruluia. r,oi Uebllllr, Ul .Wi'l.'
. uin, , tr, ,v., v,.,,. ,.. ...wii
I Vrlrofrl k tUrlctum f9 rullUg), I udtfrloyi
uqIib Uria.Hd rwrHwsro TrftlluosUWi BeubJ
IaiBlajtffrjr lnUu I J flnlrllfruj. jUathii. lp r.
the following order, conllrinlng an ex
clusive anniiitnccnienl, which was made
In The Tribune several days ago:
The l)claMue, f-aik-awanru nml Western II.iIIm.iJ
Office of Siipcrllitciuldil.
.Smtilrm, I'.i., Ortulivr 1, inOl,
Mr. II, A. tl.irkctt U till iby npp.iliiln! firlcbt
iiliinl ul sunnlnii, (r Mr. It, II, ViIiirIih, ic
IkiiciI. IMwIn M. Him', fcnpiMliilriiilenl,
.ppiovoil-T, II. f'l.tikc,
llrticiill Siiprrhilciiilciil.
Has Moved to This City.
T. M. Nlcholls, president of the Allue
AVorkers' union or this district, some
time uyo decided to make his home in
this city, rinding that It would be much
more convenient for him to reside here
limn In Nanlleoke. He Iiiih tiikeu a
house In West Seraittnn and yester
day removed his family to this city.
Last night ho lert for New York,
where, with National President Mitch
ell, he will resume negotiations with
the presidents ot tho coal owning
D,, L. & V. Board for Todny.
Following Is the make-up of Ihe Del
iiwitrcNnckawniiua and Western board
for today:
moxiiav. m:i'ti:uhi:i! hi).
Wild Cull, i:tt-s p. in., r. Il.illctt ; 11 p. m
Wurilcll, nlth A, II, Rime's new.
' TflMlAV. (ItTOIlKIt 1.
Wild Cits. i:nxl 1,iK) .1, in,, M. LalitfliiiPj-: 4
.1. in.. Ii, IlauKerty; f it. in., W. ,1, Milcr; S n.
in,, II. T. Staples; 10 u. in., W., with
II. Dohcrly's new; 11 a. in., II. Wall ice; 'J p.
in., Wllllnm Kliliy; fi p. in., II. M, ll.illrtt; (1 p.
in.. McCarthy,
summit". Ille.-fi n. m., c.ut, ,1. ('.iriius: n a.
in., wt, (.', Krniuifrlkrr; I p. in., west, Thump,
inn; il p. m., cast, .1. llrntiit.Mli; 0 p. in., vel,
M. linlilcn, 7 p. in., X.iy Aug, I!. McAllUtci ; 7 p.
in., I'.iynpi, Jl. (llnliy.
I'lHhcn (I n. in., William ii.15 a. in., S.
rinncrly; 8 a. in., Ilnlicr; II..10 a. in.. Mnr.ui;
II p. in.. P. tW: 7 p. in.. Murphy; ! p. in.,
W. II. Bail link. iiiPH-; 10 p. m., I.,inipinis.
I'.imniKr llnicliin, 7 n. ni., (i.ifTiiry: 7 a. in.,
Singor: til a. in.. N.iiinun; in a. in,, Secor; 7 p.
in., staiilnn; s.:w p. m., MrtJoicin.
Wild (als. WcHt.-n a. in.. .1. II. McCnnn, ivllli
I. Wall's clew; !l a. m., A. Wlilnnor; II a. in.,
I'. C.iv.iii.iiikIi; 1 p. in., II. tt.nul.'lili; -2 p. in., '.
Kiiidc.i ; :: p. m., M. Carmiuly: I p. in., A. I),
Krlrliinii: . p. m.. I'. Wall, with .1. II. MifVinn's
new; 0 p. III., M. riimcrlj.
line in .01) rla. engine mi iliml.c nn r, p. m,
ami (I a. in. pn-licr. connnrncliii! il p. in., Sept. ;'.
Celitlucloi' Kcllnws t.ikr-. his urn nn -S a. in.
wild cat. Oct. I.
( nnihu li.i't !,. I). LiltlmtM and new will tun
0 p. m. Milinnlt, Sept. .'10, in plaic of .1. Iliimium
and new.
Conductors W. A. Burllndomcw and W, It. Mann
and irpu-A will alttnd 10 a. in. claw at air brake
iii-trncliun car, ( t. 1. ,T. .1, n.urcll reports for 0. Ki.imey.
Ilr.ikcnian MtCue vepoits for f!. W, Itinl, .lames Mullen repoils for T. Ilnpkiie.
George Long in Jail for Attempting
to Entice Little Girls.
George Long, an old man who was
arrested on Sunday night for attempt
ing to entice two little girls Into Ray
mond alley by offering them ten cents,
was commltled to the county jail yes
terday morning in default of ball.
-Magistrate Millar ipieslloueil the two
little girls privately and Is convinced
that Long is guilty of thn serious
charge preferred against him. The
police claim that he has been guilty of
such offenses before. He denied tho
charge and claimed he only asked the
girls for a match.
First Scrnnton Man Naturalized in
New Federal Court.
Joseph Hlslop, of liS Deacon street,
has the distinction of being the llrst
man naturalized in this city in the
Middle district federal court, ile was
granted his papers yesterday by Judge
it. V. Archbald.
Hlslop was born lu Scotland .May 1,
1S.7T, and came to this city Sept. 30. 1891.
Schedule in Effect June 2, 1901.
Trains leave Scranton:
6.45 a, m., week days, through ves-;
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con-
nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg,
Philadelphia. Baltimore, Wnsh.
iugton and for Pittsburg nnd the
0.38 a. m.. week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more. Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.;), for Sunbury. Har
risburg, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pitts
burg and the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from WHUes-Barre,
Pullman buft'ec parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia via
Pottsville. Stops at principal in
termediate stations.
4.127 p. m.. week days, for Hnzletou,
Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
.1 II lit 'l( IIINMIV lien, M'.T.
J II. Wool), l.''ii. I'.i. Aat.
Q Evw paclcagi IB 'III 1 11 H HIIHP1 " T . 3
7 of biwuit hav. M 1Mtymi "fl iFKS A aganut moisture,
Even if you live next door to a bakery
you can go around the corner to the
little grocery store and get your biscuit
in the Inerseal Patent Package just as
fresh as yon could get them at the bakery.
No matter where you get the Inerseal
Patent Package, you will find the con
tents are fresh, and full of flavor.
When yon order Soda, Milk, Graham, Oatmeal, Saltine and Butter Thin
Iliscuit. Hanquct and Vanilla Wafers, Ginger Snaps, and Sultana l?rint,
don't forget to ask for the kind that come in the In-er-seal Patent
Package. Look for the trademark design on the end of each package.
Known Throughout the "World,
Pays Tribute to Duffy's Pure
Matt Whiskey.
J tako Rrcnt pleasure In nssurlnir you Unit
1 llnd Hint your l'ara Malt Whlrkcy f n most
mlmiriililo rcctipcratlvu when the least lilt
f.itlRtied. 1 know o( nothing fo perfect nnr
to pure. (Signed.) HAItAH llKUNHAUnT.
thousand!) nt prominent turn nnd women
who nre uinlcr a constant, strain mentally nrul
plij.slrally like Mmc llcruhurdtrmve been kept
well nnd strong by Daily's Pare Malt Wlilskuy,
which keeps the old young and vigorous.
hns carried tho blessltiR of health to mora
homrg during the prist fifty years than nil other
medicines combined. It cures consumption,
nervousness mid Indigestion: stimulates tho
lilood, tones up the heart, and is a boon to
women diirliiK their periods; itnllnys nil pain
nnd cures the disease commonly known amonK
women ns female weakness. It hns saved
many young Rlrls' lives nt the critical period
chaiiRhiB lrom girlhood to womanhood.
Dutly'a Paro Malt Whiskey Is tiliMiltitely
pure-it contains no fusel oil, All druggists
and grocers. $ln bottle llewareofcheiiiisnh
etttutcs, put up by unreliable dealers in lottlrs
that look like ' Duffy's." Wheniivcr you see
a dealer's name on bogus goods hownre ol that
dealer: ho would not hesitate to sell you Impure
drugs, us he la wholly dlshoiickt. Medical
booklet sent free to nnwino who writes, Dufly
Molt Whiskey Co., Kocncstcr, N, Y
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In IllTett .Iuiii 2. Unit.
Tr.ilns leac .Seranton:
IVir 1'hil.uMplii.i ami N'rw York vi.i 1). & II.
It. It., nt li.l.'i ami H.:IS n, in., .mil ';.!, I.JT
.1,1.. I- it: I ......, n...t ii ,! ,. ... (......
ii.ii.ii, ,i,ii... ,. jli i,,i..,, ,ii,., j, in. .ui-
ii.n., D. - ii. it. it.. i,:, s.'j; p. m.
1'nr While ll.ien. Ilazlelon .mil piinelp.ll
points in I lie mil regioiK, via D. & II. It. It..
H.I3, L'.IS ami l.'.T p. in. i'or PulUvllle, li.l.'i a.
in.. -MS p. in.
I' II... I.I.I. . ... 1..,... I....IU.. It .... !.!...-
I l'l lll'l llll'lll III, l..l,.l, llt..l,llllt ll.ll l iijuik
nml irliiilul lini' He stations i;i II. ,", II,
i(. i... ii.).., :i.i,s a. in.; -j.i.s, i.-ji 1111:11 k inn'
m.ind i:pre-s), 11, 110 p. in. Sunil.i?, J), tc II.
it. 1:., " 11. 111. ; l.os. v.m, p. III.
I'.,,- r,,.l. 1. i,.,, 'I'.i,, ., ,!(, I'lixlm lll,l..l.
r,'riica anil prineip.d iiiteuueili.ile latioiis, ia
11,, 1,. ,v m. a. ic. .iii a 111. .11111 -i.iu p. 111.
I'm (ieliev.i, Itoche.-ter, Ilnir.ilo. XI lill,
I'hiiJL'o ,'iinl all i.iinls wo-l, i.i II, fc II. It. It,,
7.IS II. ." .1. 111., 1.2. .t.tit (Itl.irk llianmnil Kv-
plCnSJ, i.l.s. 111.11, 11. ..n p. m. .Mlllil.llf. 11. k 11.
It. It., lt.r.'i. S.'J7 p. 111.
Piillut.iti p.irlor .mil Icepinj: or I.ehiuli V.ille.v
pallor imi'.s on all Ir.iins between Wllkes-Il.iue
ami New Y01K, I'lillailelplilJ, Biiiralo ami Sus
pension Itiiile.
KOI. I.I.N" It. Wll.ltlll. (ten. Pnpt., 'JO Coillanil
k.,..t K ..... V...I.
CIIlll.i:SS. I.i:i:,' Hen. I'.i.v. Au-t., if Coitlunil
f-ueei, .ew inih.
A. W. N('KMAl'lli:i5, Hie. I'l'-s. Aal., S011II1
i..,i.ini.... 11.
iiiiiiiit.i,,., . ,..
Tor tickets nml iiverv.ilioiii apply In
::ii:i b.nk.iiv.inn.i .noiiuc, S, union, P.i.
Delaware and Hudson.
In nteor .lune '.1, liWI.
Ti.iim for C.irlioml.ile leae Seunloii at i2n,
Mm, s..V!. in. 1:1 ,1. in.: 12.(111, 1.211, 2.11. ::.w,
B 2'i, ii.2.", T.'iT. il.t.'i, ll.'-D p. in.; a, 111.
Fur Hone-il.ite .iik! Lake l.oiloie, (i.'JO, ID.I.l a.
m.: 2.41 ami 1.20 p. 111.
I.r WIlkPi-Hino fi.t.-i. T.t,, n.:t5, 10. c:
a. in.:, l.'-s. 2.1S, ::.:;, 1.2;, d. 10, 7. H,
10.11, ll.aa p. m.
I'm- I. V. It. ft. I'oinl-. i. 1.1, !.::s a. in.; 2.1?,
I 27 ami 11. "0 p. 111.
Per Peiirs.Wi.ini.i I!. U. Point.s It. 13, P.::?. 2.1s,
:i.:::i ami 4.s' p. m.
I'or Atluiiy ami all points north 11,20 a. m.
1111 1 a.r.2 p. 111.
for C.iilionilnle .5C, ll.JCi a. in.; 2.11, 3.32,
fl..1'J anil 10.3'J p. in.
I'or Wilk1v.ll.1tn !)..I5 a. in.; 12.UI, 1.3'!, s.2,
!.::2 ami f. 12 p. in.
I'm Albany ami points 11.11 Ih ."!.."! p. lu.
I'm' ilrineMlalc anil Lake l.oiIoicS.30, ll.S.'t
a. in. ami :l.."2 p. m.
Delaware, Laekawanna and Western.
In l.lled An 11. bill.
le.i.p M.ianton lor ,'cu Soil. -At 1.10,
,. 7.30 anil 10.0.J a. in.: 12.111. ,'!.20.
:i.t3, 3.0U ai'il S.IIO p. til. I'or .Sew mk ami
Pl11l.nlelpl1i.1-7.30 nml in.03.1. 111., ami 12. I'J ami
:i.l."i p. 111. I'm' 'I' At (1.10 p. 111. Km
lliillaln 1.13. t'.22 ami t'.m) .1. in.: I.oil. 0.3'.'. 7.u"i
and 11. a." p. in. Vr lliiigli.iiiitnn ami way sta
tions 10.20 n. 111. nml 1.03 p. 111. I'or (Kwtko.
Miniu-c ami t'tica ami H.22 .1. m.: I..M
.linl S.52 p. in. O'lvrji, .Mr.iiuc ami Clie.i
train at '('.'-! .1. 111. daily. e(ept Sunday I'or
Jlonlm-c U.Oft .1. m. : 1.03 .mil 7.03 p. in. Xliti.
ol-fin ,ii(niiim(id.itinii I. ft' anil 0. 13 p. in.
Illiioin-I'iuir Ilivi-iou I'm' N'mthiiiiil.eil uul, at
(1.13 and 10.03 .1. in.; l.' and '".10 p. in. t'ur
I'hinoiilh, at f-,10 a. 111.: 3.33 nml .(I3 p. in,
SiiikI.iv 'I'l.iin.s-I'm' New- Ynik. 1.10, ::.(!, 3.33
ami 10.03 .1, 111.: ;:.20, ::. l." ami p. 111. I'm'
ltnflnlo-1.13 ami 0.22 .1, in.; I.IIU. .1.32, 7.03
anil ll.tfi p. in. I'oi' Itlngliaiiitim ami way .Ma
Hon- -nuO ami 10.20 a. 111. llloaiiinlniiK dhiilnn
I.e.lic Seiiuitnii, 10.03 .1. in. ami (till p. 111.
New Jersey Central.
Si.iiimis In New Yoik foot of l.iiVily trivt,
N. It., and Niiiih I'eriy.
timi: TAiu.i: ix i:ri'i:ci' "a. nu.
Tiallis leaic -icianlon for New Yolk, Xewatl:,
Kliabeth, I'liilailelphia, K.1M011. llotlilelum, AI
lenlnwn, Maneli ("hunk ami While Haven, at S.3,
,1. 111.; e.pie-s, 1. 10; ciii', p. m. mi, 2.13 p. in.
for Pllislon .aid Witk'.s-Il.ine, S,.i.3 a. in,; 1. 10
alnl 1.UO p. in. sunil.i's. 2. 13 p, in,
I'm' l l.i 1 1 ami W.i-Iu'ubIoii and points
Sonlli ami Wil lia ll.'llili'hi'in, S.3"i a. in., I. ID
ami 1,00 p. 111. Simla--, 2.13 p. m
I'h- l.niiL- llinmlt, (leenn iiae, (le., at S-..V.
a. 111. (Iliniii''li iiiaeh), ami 1.IO p. in.
I'm' lieailln:,", I.iImiioii ami llanUiiiig, l.i A I
renlowii, S.33 ,1. 111. ami I. to p. in, Sitmla'..,
2.13 p, 111.
I'm- Polliulle &.3"i ,1. in.. 1 in p. in. .Mountain I'.uk, s.3". a m, I in ami 1. 0l
p 111.
Tliimisli llil.rls i.i' all p.unl e.1-1. smith ami
wc-t at lo'ie-i ,11 tin -.i.niiin
I l III IIT. lieu IM-s ai
.1 II III. II MM N, (.en, Nipt
fc-uafHSr i''gWf!rtin-"l'Qfc rS
Ily a recent net of the IcrHh.
titre, free tuition la now granted
nl tho
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to all tlmne ineparliiK to leneh.
TIiIh xehnnl liiulnlnlii's courBC.i
of Hludy far teaehors, for tboso
preparttiB for eolloKC, and for
thohc studying nitiuic.
It will piy to write for parllrulari.
Nn ntlicr Rtlmol offeis Midi sunerioi' ail.
vantages at such low rates. Addicdi
J.P.Welsh, A. M., Ph. D., Priii.
Intnrnatlonal CorreHpondenee Scbonl nf
Seranton, Vn. (Incorporated) 1,000
Free fioholarshlp.s. Vor particulars,
addresM (.'harlesi P. II. Maeaillay,
Seranton, l'a.
Tor Xervntn, Itaekward and Deaf Muto Chil
dren. Phsical Tralnlni;, Manual Tialnlnir, Artlu
elation, Mttsle, liawiup, Ivindirsarlcii. Up..n
year around. Circular,
S. A.D 00 little,
W IMrricw Avenue, niushaniton, X. '.
IwissahicKop. Heights, Chestnut Hill, Pa!
A boardltiR school foi boys in the elevated
and beautiful open country north of Phila
delphia, 30 minutes from liroad St Station.
Por catalogues nddress
T. .1. I'o-ler, President, rimer II. I.awall, Trcis.
It. J. foster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vice President. Secretary.
We have equipped our re
pair shop with the latest im
proved automatic screw cut
ting lathe and are now pre
paired to do all kinds of
turning in brass, steel and
Give us a. trial, all work
Florey & Brooks,
212 Washington Avenue.
New York, Ontario and Western.
In effect TiicmI.i . S'pl 17. I!1.
1.iii .1r1e
Ti.iim. Su.iiiton. Ciibiniil.ili'. Cnlivii.
o. I lfl.tWn. ill. 11. P)a. 111. I.uip. 111.
l). 7 (i.llip. in. Ai. (i 1 6. in p. ni.
(.''u. Cailmndjle.
Si rantnn,
7. 10 ,1, in.
t.lUp. 111.
(HI J. in.
'.'. I.', p. m.
4.IK) p.
XOHTIt ntll'St).
bene ni.-e
('.iibouil.ile. Cad'ii.i.
II. Ill n. 111. 111. I,", j. in.
Xn. Il .,
.No. 5 .
. ,s.:;n,i. in.
. 7.(10 11.111.
Ai.t'.iibond.ili', 7. lo p. in.
Mllilll Illll Ml.
bcive bcai
C.ido.-i.i. C.iilioud.ile.
7.(X) a. 111.
, l."0 11. 111. fi.Oil n. in.
7.111.1. in.
II. 1.1 p. 111.
"N'o. 0
"An. in
Train No-,
I nn wci'U il.ijii, and P on SiiiuI.iv.
make main Hue iiimicctirnis for Ne.v voili cltv,
.Miililletoun, Ualbili, .Nonvt-li, Oncid.i, 0.eiio
and all points im'-I.
1'nr fiutln-1' Ion. coimttk tnui'L aaenti-,
.1. c. l)i:i(.CIV, (!. I'. A.. .New York.
J. II. T. I'. A Seranton, P.i.
Erie Hailroad, Wyoming' Division,
Tialn for New Noik anil ititeimedi.iti' points
leave M i.inlnn as follow.!: ;Si) a. m, ; a '.'1 p. 111,
Vrn.ils IU..1. .1, 111, lioin llnneiilai, ll.nvbv
and fnli'imiill.ilr fioiins; (i.'Jl) p. m, fiom New
mk 11 in I InieiiiKiliaie pmnis. 'o Suinlj.v d iui.
Scott & Co.
Sec our
Fall Opening
of Black and
Dress Goods
Cheviot, Melton,
Kersey and Rag
lanette Skirtings.
New Suitings,
Exclusive Pat
terns in Novelties
New Waistings,
New Dress Trim
mings. Liberty Silk and
Net Ruffs in
Black and Black
and White, New
Silk Neckwear.
Special exhibit this week
126 Wyoming Ave
t Rlis w.
Manufacturers or
48B to 455
N. Ninth Stree
Telephtmo Call, 2333.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Iiclns Dave,
American, iSI.M Per D.iy nml t'pwMtili.
i:nroiiun l'l in, frl.On I'er 11 ly and Upwards.
Special H.itoi to I'anillirs.
Ml'.', in 1. 1 (HI Kiiht l."tli SI reel.'l'i;itSO.MmitlinrouElil.vlir5t-cln5
family unii trunnmit linlol, ilemiKUt in'ni
uiuni cost 11 mmnnnmot In jury aim comfort.
On 1.1th htioet. jmtciiHt of Union hanaro,
it is mtliin n tew miniito of tuo loading
shops, thentrxn unit eluh.
European Plan, $1,00 up.
American Plan. 2.50 up.
Suites with Privato Bath, $2.00 up.
For special or information write
JOIIV i:. I'ltAI IIDI.U. I'mprlelnr
For Uiisliiess Men
In tho heart ot Uio wholesale
Vw Shoppers
. . .. ..ilL In IVnnnmfilnra,
S minutes to Biosel Coopers Us
Store, tlasy of access to tlie creat
llry uoous Diurca.
t For Sitrhlsccrs
One block from B'way ram. gl.
Inc easy trnnaportatloit to all
points of Intereat.
Only ono illouU from Iiroaaway.
ROOniS, $1 Up. fj Kcajonubls
Guano Atlantic Hotel and annsx
Virginia .We. and Heidi, Atlantic City N !,
Snlli )c"'i 33U l.'.iulilul iduiji eiDultc, tingle
and wilh i'Jthj hot and cold .-oa water hathi
In hotel and annex, Uoiation bclcit ami icnlul,
nllhin feu aida of Ihe hlcid I'icr. Onl.c.ti.i,
Olid .-fecial spilns laics, W lo ?l". by week;
W.M1 up hy day. ticcial rales lo families, Coaches;
nucl tit trultu. Wiilc for booklet.
ciiari.i:s u. ropn.
Every .Woman
MARVIL Whirling Spray
V.V S-
tv. Cs iJ"
WUtlH'i MWlflll, lPt ftl-
ot mm l mvni!nii,
lltlf J0P0IHUJ,
4i vur liU3ifUt fwr II.
II h.'i'.iniint Mii)y Itio
n.ii r. it at.' ti-i mi niiifrPiii. mttiiiit Kir 11
uituifil honk eiyt
11 lt.itlUiiI.iiAiiinl 4iiHi'llnlH
v o , 1 lt I
Kcom C60t Timcb Ddi;. New Vcik.
(tCli 4,1
' l
M '"'
t V fc. a
mo., w ;y