The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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fpcchl In llii Srinlmi I illume.
Koieit l'll. Si-pi ill) -lieu It. It.
Wnlsli, or St Akihh ihuii'h, vlto lias
nnt boon Hi kmoiI health for conic
wccus, " In I'hlliHlt'ljihlii. OuiIiir 11N
ausrner l!n. KiiUiit Mi'Niill.v f .let
iiiyii Irt iitiGiidliiK t Hi'' clutlcn of his
On Tucihiy, OctiiluT s, tho nii'inlipia
nf the Hpunith l.cuiitui' will "icl t
the home or Mi". J. M. Hi own to 01
p.ililre 11 llloiaiy till), find emu -"i?
of rcudlnp: will In- decided upon for thu
winter imitttlm.
V. II, Him Is, who litis for novel al
yenis ht'i'ti liooUkuPpi'i loi the l!lk
lilll Co.U lion (onipiiny nl Iticlt
mondnle, tidu begins his duties at a
desk in thu bciici.i1 unite of the com
pany In Summon. Mi. Jlairln Is ver hole and uhllc hl.s fi lends n
Brot his dcimituie they will hope for
his unlluiiud sii((rs.
On Sutiliday eeiilutr a Iiiikc
niecllns: was held In tho Odd
Follows hull of a tiiiilit It or the
P.tURliteis of iielieknli hcic. Theie
was 11 laii' nunibci "t ladles
lire-sent ami ..ill seemed Rio.itly Intel -eded
In the pioposed oiRimlatlon
villi h will piobably be Instituted Ooto
lit'i 11! by the Uebek.ihs fioin I'.ubon
d.ilo. The l'n res I iltv ntntlpn of the Krle was liinketi Into Sunday
moiiiliitr. The money diawer which
was empty was piled open and some
lutrRdRe was esaniinod by the Intrud
ers, but untiling' was taken, their
seaich lor valuables being a fruitless
Woik on the bip hi Ick bulldinRS or .1
I?. Hell and Mai tin Mtie-hltz Is heliiK
pushed and two weekn nioie will prob
nbly see .Mi. Bell in his now and com
modious tUmo mom
A thunder s.toim liiliiRlnjr with
It decidedly warmer utmosplioie Sun
day eniiiR is a token to some of our
nneient anil Infallible weather prop
hets the e.uly pait of the winter
will be win in.
Epecnl In the Scranton Tnbunp.
SprliiRville, Sept. "0 1'loyd KoIIorr
Is lioine fioni tlie West on a visit to
his patents, T. F. KelloRR and wife.
The ptoposed new load up the John
Thomas hill, that has met with so
much opposition Horn tho owner ot the
land, has at last had a view, and the
road is an assnted fact, as soon as the
Rtipervioih can have tho lettliiR. Hi os. at o inakiiiR piepaiations
to enlaiRo their rpiairy, thou
sand dollais capital boliiR leadv as
poon as tho iiecc-""-.u v anaiiRPinents
are made.
Stttat t Tillcy had so much coin thl
year tlial ho ltad to build a second
silo to bold it. 'I'ltis wcok will sop it
flnlsliod ,ind tilled.
J. 71. Jiitcholl had quite an etpeil
onco with his rsiivAiiel onsiI.iRo cutter
nne dav last w i'ol;. Two wi enthes
were taken tit and blown up thioURh
twpnty-elRltt ipet or pipe oer into tho
silo. And yet tho machine stiffened no
damaRe, otept to one of the knhos.
It is s.ifo to s,iv that tlieio will bo a,
Rood many people liom bote who will
nttond the Kiif-qiielnnnn county fair at
Monti oso uet AVednesilay. This fair
has Riown to bo as Rood as an be
Dili iiiR tlie past week Postmaster
Tuttle hii' had (aipenleis at woik fln
IshlliR tlie addition to Ills furniture
and undortakinR looms.
John T'ndoiliill is ill of typhoid fever.
Thomas Hawko has hppn sick in
Tunkhatinock over nwock with typhoid
A new Hi in v. ill, pip many moons,
take pospsson of the buildiiiR now
occupird hv X. If. Sliprman and con
duct a Rfocety, moat inaiket, Ice i-ienm
parlor, etc.
Mis. Nina Mikhell was quite sit k a
week or ntoio a?o, hut simp that time
has mateiially inipi overt.
The Rinded school is makltiR veiv
nice proRiPss, and tlipio is a Rood at-
tondanie. Noatlv one liundipd pupils,
nnd moto to (oni-laloi.
Iia A Mead, of T.oinon, "W'.vomliiR
count v, has bopu assistliiR J. II. Mitch
ell with his piiRine in flllliiR silos.
TV. U. Jleseiolo has bppn uniootiiiR
his Rippu-hnusp, and will take the
buildiiiR dow n.
Li. H. liiu o has sold his faun,
l, Hie, nnd this work Mails tor
Callfoiula, wliPio ho has a slbter llv
InR. I'. 51. Hlakslee, an urn le, will ro
with him. Mr. Luce mid family ate in
tondiliR to make their homo theio.
Ahiain J.tite, his father, will ro as far
ns Illinois, whcio he has relatives liv
ing, tor a tin oo weeks' visit.
Special In the Scianton Tribune
Kopbottom, Spt. SO. Miss Data
Cruise, who hns hern spending scvernl
weeks Willi her t-istor, Mrs. "V. K.
Brown, lPturned to hpr home in New
York on Fi idny,
Miss Jennie Hals-toad, of Clifford,
visited Miss Ellnhoth Hot ten last
Mr. and Mis CI, It, Hniber and son
nnd Miss ldn Haiher l etui tied to their
home in Suanton today,
Mr. and Mis. Kdwln Men III and
daiiBhter, of K ranloii, woio Bitests in
town last week,
Fiert Tiffnny sold his poisonal effects
nt auction on Saturday, piopaiatoiy to
mnviiiR to New Yntk Mute.
Mrs. Owen ( ',11111111 died nt her homo
hoio on Thtn stliiy nininliiR, after a
brief Illness. Sho was 0110 of tho old
est residents of tho plate, having lled
hero about fifty ears, Her rtRO was
nhout seventy-four. The funeial sei
vices. wem condiifted fioni the Cutho
llo chuieh at Jlalstead on S.ituiday,
nnd interment was made In tho Catho
lic cemeteiy nt that place, beside the
remains of her husband and tluee thll
dren. Tho deceased Is mnlved by two
sons and four dniiKhtcis.
Special to the Stranlon Irllun
Susqufhunna, Sept. 20, Tho "Old SI
Rtehbitib" cninpauy will nppear In
Uogan oppta houso on AVednesMlay
Tho funeral of the lato Mrs. Altemar
neynolds, jellet of John Reynolds, took
place from tho Avenue. Methodist
chinch on Sunday afternoon, tho pas
tor, Hey, W. M. Houton, ofllclatlnR. In.
terment was made In McKune ceiue
tpry. Mr. and Mis. Martin Horseh returned
home fioni the Pan-American this
"Itally day" services were held by
the I'lcsbytetlun Sunday school on
The funeial of Mnry 1J wife of Hall
Kstahtnok, of Oakland tnwnsh'p, took
plate fioni tho homo on Sunday after
noon. Interment was tnade In tho
Not th Jackson lemotoiy,
1'astor Hollton, ot the Aenuo Meth
odist church, Inst evening preached nit
able and lnterostlitR memorlnl sermon
on the life of tho Into President Mc
ICInlm. (.'ommuniou sei vices were hold In tho
Methodist church on Sunday.
The Misses McOlveny and Wish will
open a dunclug school In HoRnn opota
house on AVediiPsduy evening. There
w ill he an utter hop,
Tho funeral of Mary V , wife of Hall
Kstabiook, of Oakland township, took
plate from the house on Sunday after
noon. Tho 1 cumins woio Intel red In the
Xoith Jiukson icinotory.
Spfihl tn the Serinton rrlbunr,
AV.MilusIng, Sept. ao. Mr. (!. h Oay-
Can ou re.ul
laid of 'WV.stfleld, Mass, is spendliiR
.1 few dajs with his parents, Mr. X. J.
Mr-. S iiiih- visited relatives at To
wanda a iew dayt last week.
Hoin To Mr. and Mis. Koland Cian
dall, Stexensvllle, Pa., Sunday, Sept.
20. a ten pound .son.
Mi p. Atthur J-ariows of Sternsille,
r.i., was calling 111 town S.ituiday.
Mis. 13. V). Lewis entertained the
foitnightly Fiiday afternoon.
Mr. Butt tiay attended the funeral
of (Mis. John Oeitiold at Meshoppcn
Wednesday last.
Mt.s. AV. II. and daughter, Helen,
spent last week witlt lelatives and
ft lends at To wanda.
Mr. and Mrs. Hatty States returned
to Philadelphia Satutday morning, af
ter spending a couple ot weeks with
her mother, Mis. Helen Hi own.
Miss Lottie Ktntnor returned Satur
day evening fiom Wllllamspott where
hho has been visiting lelatives.
Mr. Lincoln AVelles was called to
New Jersey last week on account of
the illness of his slstet. Miss, Georgia
"Welles, who has t phold fe er at the
home of her ftiend, Miss Plei.son,
l'rnm Sturm? and Sisru.
Our ptedlctlons last month that
"liot.s," panics and evil doings would
inn high all oor the world, and that
theio would be much excitement In the
business and politltal wot Id, were ful
filled lo the lettet. K.uth passing
tbtniiRli sIrii Alios, tho Ham, opposed
by sign Libra, "the Balance," fore
wains ns of the formation ot an or
ganization and btiangc combination,
that may bting about many sudden
and epected changes. Aries, the
Itatn, may take a notion to "butt," if
o, piopaic to witness some haul
stones. Tho elements will war. Labor
and capital will war. Politicians will
Tlie Rood foi ccs this month will war
with the e II toitc-'. Let the good men
and women In cety clime be up and
doing' It would seem as if tho gieat
pendulum of the moial wot Id hue been
swinging hellward until It has reuched
that extienilty of Its aic, and must
again ftom this time vibrate heuven
waid. The high tlnod foices tills
mouth will give the good ones a chance
to oveipower the evil fotces, and If
they do not ovot power them, then the
evil foices will continue to tun riot and
outrages of tho most diabolical nature
will staitlo the whole wot id. AYntch
out for sudden changes In the stock
maiket. An ei'lljwo of the moon on
October 27th will not be visible heic.
It will bo vlslblo thtougliout the east
ern pait nf Kurope, on tho Pacific
Ocean, In Alaska and in Asia,
So many planets will bo hunched to
gether this month nnd nil except Latth
and Neptune on tho same side of the
heaven unci almost In tho same Men,
It will be luu il to tell just what will
happen to old mother llaith, but wo
bolleo this sti aneo meeting will
cause the weather to play many tiek
and theie will bo some lively scenes
In the financial, political and business
Tho danger fioin stoun periods will
ho between the 2d and 5th, 8th und
12th i 13th nml 20th. As a Mcicury
peiiod Is centtal on the 22d, many
localities will bo visited with sudden
downpour ot lain and great sleet
statins from tho 2.'d until the 30th.
Pwelleis nlong the Atlantic mid Pa
clllo coasts must watch out for hurri
canes, tidal waves and cyclones this
month. Would bo well for imvigatois
along the Great Lakes to also watch
out for seveic etotm.s. dimes, dis
aster, earthquake;) and political tiou
blo will run high. This month Jupiter
(our financial planet) will pass be
tween 'Satuin and the Sun,, This un
usual position of tho planets undoubt
edly give us an oportunlty to bee some
panoramic scenes.
Wednesday and Thuisday, the 23d
and 24th, will bo the best days of the
mouth to fish; and the next best days
will he the 3d, 4th 14th, 15th and 19th.
The lSth, 22d and 20th, will be the third
lMEW jt. m. a 1 1
f f a. Ia Mm a. mW JP Wb&ZlmWm
licst. Fish caught at any other lime
will not he In proper condition to he
eaten by man,
l'ork killed on tho 2Jd, 24lh, 2t!lh,
28th, 30lh or 31st, will swell when
boiled nnil when filed there will be
scarcely enough grease come from It
to run In the pan. If killed any time
between tho Gth and 10th, the meat,
when cooked, will fiy nil to grease.
Those who do not believe In moon
signs can be convinced by letting the
moon shine on fresh bulclictctl boot at
night time the meat will be green and
putrid ns can Ion by morning.
Tho best time to sow grain, gather
ft nit, etc., wdll bo found In the curtent
number of our paper,
The best time to pcifoim mirglcfil
npetatlons during the cm rent month
will be the Ith, 24th nnd 31st: and the
nevt best days will be the nth, 14th,
10th, 23d or 2flth.
A flannel cloth wrung out of salt
water Is an excellent lemedy for .sim
ple sole throat.
Lcinon Juice will bting out the flav
or ot fish better than anything else
can. live especially on boiled Itsh nnd
cut thin slices iih n gainlsh.
If your collar is damp, put a box nf
lime theio to absorb the moisture; It
wilt also pi event foul and unwhole
some odois.
Unless Ri'aln Is sowed on the high
flood days In October, It will freeze out
this wl'nter or be troubled with mlc
lobcs next summer.
For full particulate as to grain sow
ing, potting fjoweis, ttansplantltiR
tree', vines, etc., see Prof. C. Coles'
"Storms and Signs." Price ten cents
a copy. 1;. c. Coles,
"Kditor Stotms and Signs,"
Kingston, Pa.
Sept. 20th, 1001.
Cm:MV. Ron 'Ion Mock cniipjnj. Alter
noon anil nlchl
SrH Iiamlilcrs FUiuwsanz,! lompani. Night.
"The Piincess of Patches."
riu' cipvity of tho Academy was tested last
night on the presentation of "The I' of
Patches." ty the l.evhurne Bon Ton Stock corn
pant. Piquant Emma Hunting c.ipttatcd thu
andienci" and Charlro Lpjburne was rv funnj.
The entire coropinj is good and beyond the aver
age repertone iompan.
The tpecialties are pood, and the moMne; pie
''ires presented are especially fine. This aftir
npon at the matineo "Mone.i M11I" will he fjnon,
and thll evening "The Black Flas" will be the
Modjeska-James, in Henry VIII.
The advent of Madame Modjiska. and Louis
.tamri next Friday eioninir, in lov of .the histri
onic KCJiius of both artiMs would in l'tfelf ner
shadow in importance almost any other dranntio
cient of tho present tcason irrepectio o( the
pliy in which they are to appiar.
ManascH Wagcnhals and Kemper, how cier, will
hae nnde tho lour of these great players the
more memorable in eelertini; "Henry VIII," nne
of the most attracthc of Shakespear'c'i historical
phjs, as the feature of their npcrtoire. In the
chiractera of Queen Katherino and Cardinal Wol
nej, both plajers will hive emial nnd nuffniflcent
opportunity, hew l( any other artists on the
I tpcakiuK Blaue nro as will equipped for
thife fanous roles either in temperament, train
ing or KC111U.S.
Iho Modjeski Jinios combination numbers thlr-t-scicu
people, and includes sin h plajers as Xor
man Hacked, llioinas Coffin Cooke, Wadswnrth
Ilmii, .Itrumo llarrinuton, fohn lions, Mis. I.or
ctta Wells, Alice Chrke, Lola Cale.etc. Two cira
are used in the transport it ion nf the orcaul'a
tinn's kemery. Fifty people ore used in the pro
iluction of "Henry VIII," Will be at thu I,y.
1 cum neM Friday evening.
"When We Weie Twenty-one."
A sreat company will piesent II. V. r.mnnd'n
comedy ilr.uni, "Whin Wo ce Twenty one," at
tho l.jcuim Thuisday inuht
The play is dellRhtful In rciitiinent and t,piiy
in liuuinr. It is wiltlrn in 11 seln of truu light
lonieib, pill bed up to the hiKheit plant. It is
thi' work of a master liaml. It tuupts the tear to
fill upon the lip of laughter, and his brrn pro
nounced by the piess and public r en where it
has been seen as tho Kieatest play of modern
Ramble j s at the Star.
The Ilamhlcrs llurlcique company played In
large audit nira nt tho Ptir tluttei ji'stei liy
aftetunoii and culling- on Ilia openinu of a three
da,s ingaRcmeiit, The peciiltj teatures inlro.
luccil by this troupo arc tcldom cqiulleil. Among
the leidcm in the olio may tn mentioned Chr
encs A. lutes, of the Lutes Ilmthern, who can
accomplish more with his feet than inot perrons
can with hands; the Ilijoit Four, one ot tho finest
male quartettes that has ever appeared la Sci ni
ton; (aorge .scanloii and Pearl Mcrns, and Maude,
and Cus sohlkcs and theu singing and dancing
'Iho ltamblcrs will be at the Star this and to.
monow oicnings, with matinee tomoirow.
Willhm II. Traiie will devote tho winter to
touring in "l)aid Ilaium,"
Few recent plays have tcored tlie tuted ol wc
cess ouiliafeil to .Joseph Arthur's charming pas
toral melodrama, "Lo.t Hhcr," whuli enjoyed
a run of six months in New Vork, "Lost Illvtr"
will (oinc to tlie Ljtcuni in the near future,
Mrs. labile Carter will begin a lengthy en
SJKCinent at tho Criterion, Jscwr Vork, on o,
JJ, appearing in Mr, Disid llclasco's new pla,
"Mine. U11 llarn " 'Jhis 'asclnitlng figure of
tho tiigo of Louis XV, of which rojal eronige
Mine. Ihi Ihrry was the faiorlto, pae tluonli
ao many dramatic vicissitudes of fortune that the
mere historical events of htr cartel should com.
bino into a play of uncommon strength, Mrs.
Carter will ita ut tho Criltiion until mid lib.
MTj Iliniietta Crosman, after a tour that will
Include the principal cities, will come into the
Itcpublli! theater, New York, on Feb. 21. where
she will stay for tho rtmilndcr of tho dranntio
iar, bringing out Mr. Soutiicrlanii' new plaj,
"Joan i the Shoals," or a new pla by Mr.
lla.-tcton, Puruig ber stay at the Republic MLss
Crosiuan will be keen in a Shakespearean plij,
and perhaps in a performance ol "Mine, bans
dene," a pait in which the Is taid to have made a
success that surpasses her "Mistress Nell.'
Suffered 20 Years.
Cured of Piles.
A, li. IIiiMinar, Alnn, W, Vi , writes! "I nil
fercd frightfully tor 20 )ears from llihlng, Mltiil
and Ideedlng pile". I tried miiiy remedies with'
out relief, the first application give blessed re.
lief and put of ft RO tent box cured me com
pletely." For sale by ill druggists. Little book,
"Piles, Causes ifnd Cure" milled free, l'jrimld
Unit,- Co., Marshall, Mich.
Wall Street Bevlew.
New lork, Sept. BO Ihe small volume of trad
ing loihij reinled professional opimtioiM In the
mirkct. Ihe deillng weie less thin half a mil
lion whiles nnd the lato hardening movement re
trieved approvlmitily one-half of the early de
illuc. there was no very urgent selling1 manifest
at any peiiod of the das, although the bears suc
ceeded in uncovering stop Iom eiders in sugar
and to a smaller evtcnt in Prookljn Transit nnd
Missouri I'icille, 'the llrit named stock fell an
evtieme A, and tho other, 1! points. Declines
reached two points or over in n number of other
leading stocks, notiblj among the Pacifies, South
wc.lrriH and Vanderbllts. Declines of S to 4ai
among the junior members ot the last named
group gave emphasis to the feeling or scepticism
tint his gioun up regarding the much exploited
rumors of a pi in for merging all the members of
the group. Amalgamated Copper continued under
home piesjtirc, but tliec declines wero resisted.
.ertIons were nudi- in a demonstrative way
tint the I niled states Steel stocks' were to be
advinud this weik on the ground of the quar
tet K dividends on common and preferred stocks
and on the presentation of a decided statement
of the tlnances of tlie company, but these declara
tions diil not ciuse u ruJt to buy stocks, specula
tors persisting in distrust ol industrial stocks
after tho recent experience in Amalgamated Cop
pel. 'the maiket closed firm at the rally caused
In- covering of shorts Total sales today, 472,300
fialltnari bonds weie dull and Irregular. Total
sales par value, 1,)-J000
Cniteel St ites !)s advanced 's and 'he olds 4s
and the refunding is '4 per cent, on the last rail,
1 he new 4s declined li per cent
Tlie following quotations are furnished Ths
Tribune by M S Jordan & Co , rooms TOi 708
Mears buildirg, Scranton, Pa. Telephone MKH:
Open- High- Low CIos-
ng. esl est. ins,
Wrifin Sugar 1'i'; 1.MU 120 lJlLJ
Atchison 7"ivi 7"iTs 74S 7uK
Atchion, I'r Pl'i !)VA -)', 0i'4
Itronk. 'I i action rj, hiiij ( CI
lialt (v Ohm 10UJ iot'4 100'i liK)i
Chic K lit. West 2J'. il 2214
St. Paul lfOlj HO1, VMi ivji;
Itock Mind 142 112 141'4 lllij
Kin i Tev. Pr it ril il n2si
Louis A. Ni-h m;cj I0.ti2 irh!4 101
Mm. I.lmtid 122'j 121"i 122 122's
Mis-o. Pacific fti' '(.T, ni ),
South I'lnflt. fli.'s w.V MS fi"''
Vorfolk k Uf.t 14 fit 15 1 f.!
V. V. Central ruai ViT'i llii's 137'i
Ont k Western 'Ci's .11 ll'i ,llj
I'enin. It R Ill H4 J4l'i 141'i
Paeitlr Mill 41 II ll 42'i
Heading lie-. 41 4fj IO"i 40'i
Southern II It .tt ." S2 Wt It., I'r s,,ie. c,,i2 v, M
Tenn. Coil A, Iron VI i . fii (,i3 P2'i
V. S Leathei .." I2i 12''. 12it 124
I.S 1 either, Pr TIHj 70';, 7S 7l
Ir. S- Ilubber 17 17 1i It's
I'nion Pacini' r'7 07' 'il's fifi'a
Vnion Pacific, Pr -7U S7'i S,'t S7'i
Wabash, Pr il's ."'i1; tS-8 .'tSi
Western Ifnion nt; qpj ni n
Amal. Copper "0 on'l Ss; Hi
People's (.is 100 lOi.ii lOi, lOil'i
Tevis PlcltlO 41", IK, 40'; 40T9
Amer. C.u Foundry .... 2T 20iH 2i3i 2')
II. S Steel Co 4! 4t' 4 !; 411
P. fe. Steel Co, Pr , ... H 'i4 ) tn'i
Scranton Boaid of Tiade Exchange
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS Bid. Asked.
Lackawanna Daily Co , Pr o
County Savings Bank & Trust Co.. S60
First National Bank (Carbondale) 35
Standard Prilling Co 3a
Third National Bank 4S0
Plme Deposit and Discount Bank,. 275
Fconomy Light, II. fe P. Co 6
First National Bank 1200
Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co 150
Clark & Snover Co, Pr 12s
Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg Co mo
Scranton Axle Works 05
facranton Savings Bank
Traders' National Hank 173
Scranton Bolt & Nut Co 101
People's Bank lis ...
New Mexico By. & C. Co 76
Scranton Passenger IUilwaj, first
Mortgage, due 1920 115
People's Street Ballway, first mort
gage, due 1018 115
People's Street Railway, General
mortgage, due 1921 nj
Dickson Manufacturing Cu ,, ,,, irjo
Lacka. Township School 6 per cent. ... 102
Cit of Scranton bt. Imp. G per
cent 102
Scranton Traction fl per cent 115 ...
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O, Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ave.)
Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, $2 60a2 b5,
Butter-Freeh crcamu, 21a22c.j dairy, fresh,
Cheese Full cream, lOViallc.
Feb We.tern fre-h, iaH'10; nearby state,
Medium Beans Per bushel, $2 50.
Ureen Peas-l'er bushel, $l,40aL15.
Flour Best patent, per birrel, $4 15.
Ileins Per bushel, choke marrow, s 10.
Potatoes Per bushel-tlal 10
Philadelphia Grain and Froduoe.
Philadelphia, Sept. :iO -Wheit-Stejdi ; ron
tract grade October, 77iza73c, Com 'tc lower;
lo, 2 mixed OctobiT, ifl'iiOlf Oits Steady j
No, 2 wlilto clipped, 42al2';c, Hour Quiet, but
fctcady; winter superior, $2.15i2..10; do, extras,
$3.40(2: 6.1, l'ennlvaiiii toiler clear, !j2 00a2 15j
do do. straight, fISOatSt); western winter clear,
2.tiaiJ20; do, do, straight,; eio, elo,
patent, $1,0a3.70, p'iiR clear, JlaJS'ij ilo,
straight, $1 40a3 G; do. patent, $.3,70aJ Sj; do,
favoiita brands, if.! 1(1, cttj. mills extra, V 10
a2Wj do. clear, f2.Ha'! 20, do. straight, H'23a
JM; do, piteut, $!al.l0 Uc tluur steady at
$2 SOil per hairel, as to quality. Butter Hun;
fancy western rreaineiy, 22ltc ; do, nearby prints,
23c, Fggo l'lrm; frrali neaiby, 21c,j do. west
ern, 21c; do. boutliwestern, 2uc ; do. southern,
19o, Cheese Unchanged; New York lull creams
fancy small, 10',se' j do. do. do, fair to choice,
Sl'.a'JV. Ittflncd Sugars-Quiet, but steady. Cot.
ton 1 Hie, luwer; middling uplands, S 7.1110,
Tallow Firm; city prime In libels , flVSaCc; do.
countr.v in hhds , dark, 5"c ; cakes, datiVie. Live
Poultry (Jcilct, but steady; fowls, 2alsc, old
roosters, c ; spring chickens, 11'saUc. ; ducks,
lOallc. Privscd Poullrj Firm, good demand;
fowls choice, 12lc' ; do. fiir lo goSI, lJallc,;
old roosters, "attic,; broiling clilckciu nearby,
Italic; western do., Ha 13c.
Receipts Flour, 4 fX) bariels ami S97,000
pounds in sacks; wheat, 34,000 bushels; corn,
62,000 bushels; nats, 11,000 bushels bhlpmcnts
Wiicat, 26,000 hiu-hels; corn, 70,000 bushels; oils,
17,000 bu-'heU.
aVtrw Tork drtUn and Vrodut.
New Voik, Sept. 30. Flour Dull and baiely
steady. U1e4t Meadj ; No. 2 icd. 7o?c. f. o.
b. afloat; No. 1 Northern Duluth, 7',ic ' o. b.
afloat. Options opened steady and weie later
sustained. Closed steady. May closed 70c.; Oc-
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Line, 3 Cent.4 for Each Bxtra Line.
For Bent.
IOR lilts r Pittht room bouse. No. 225 Linden
street; possession given liiunedhteli. Inquire
.108 Board of Trade building. .Joseph splrrher.
10 RUNT Ten-room house on ('lav mcmie, with
nil modern romcnltlices, Including city ste.un
heat! will lease .very leasonalilc on sirount of
111 health. Aildrcs.1 !,. A. B , Tribune office.
FOR RIINT-One-linll double bouse: 0 rooms', up-
pel Orcen Itldgc; modern Improvements;
largo jard; pleasant location; moderate tent.
0. V. M Tribune.
$15 00 Large room suitable for lodge loom, steam
heat, second floor
110 00 Fair sire office room, steam beat, ele
vator ,
$noo-To connecting offices, good 1'itlit, mmm
heat, elevator, (has behUgrr, It'll litite
Exchange BtilldinR.
IOR RKNT-i:ight rooms, 733 Jefferson avenue;
all modern conveniences.
For Sale.
lSsvvsslSw Sk-S1.fLst,
FOR SLP One heavy draft nnd one driving
nor-e. inquire 1 n (irovc street, uiinmoic-,
IOR SVLl'-Poa Coil, $1 fiO per ton, delliered In
central city and 'outh Mile. Address John
Hall, 3D1I Cedar aentie; 'plionc 6tVSI
FOR RALK Two light spring wagons and noma
harness, cheap. L'vans, rear 1132 Luzerna
Heal Estate.
FOR SLK Coupe Rockaway, sj-slre, seatu four
inside; entiiely new, never used; by one of
beat makers. Address Roekwav, Tribune office.
FOR SALi: Two cottages in Llmlmrst will ha
sold to the highest bidder on October nth.
Terms to suit. Lximine properly and send in
jour bid to Dr. Biteson, 3)7 Washington avenue.
110174i: FOR SLK lust remodeled unci In fine
shape; lot 70xl'iO feet, with shade trees, etc.,
full grown. ?6,o00 will purelnse and on easy
terms. Location, uppei Green Ridge. Apply to
Dean, 010 Spruce street.
FOR SALK A good futm in Waverly borough.
Inquire of J. V. Lvnch, Waverly, Pa.
FOR SALi: Bet building lots in Dunmore, cor
net Dudley and Sixth streets. Will cut to
sizes to suit purchasers. Addres3 Arthur .
Close, Dunmore.
Booms and Board.
ROOMS '10 RF.T, with board. S03 Mulberry
Wanted Board.
Or.Nf! MAN deires board In plicate famile,
Clcnnan prctcrrcd. Address C. P., Tribune
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 531
Washington avenue.
Business Opportunity.
A Rvlill OITORll'MTV to engage in the mer
cantile trade: i fine store room; rent rea
son ible; a good opening. Address S. Bedford,
Waverly, Pa
SlOt K AND Willi T TiUDtRS without dclaj.
Write for ntn i.pcoial market letter. lice on
application h JI Ilihbard i. Co , members X.
V Consolidated and .Stock Exchange, 41 and 40
Broadway, 'Sew Anrk. 1'j.tablishcd lst4. long
Distance Phone 231S Broad
Money to Loan.
$50 to $50,000 AT ONCE 4 and 5 per cent. In.
terest. Kasy terms to repay. George W.
Okell, Coal Exchange building.
$3J0,iXX TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or
monthly payments. Stark & Co .Traders' btdg.
straigl t leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
311315 Connel! building.
tobcr, TJsc ; December, 75J4C Corn 'pot easy;
No 2, C2'4C clc itor'A l2'ic f o b. lfloat. Op
tion imrket opened steadv and then weakened,
fin illy rallcing, then doed easy. May closed
CJV.i October, 6ll5c ; December, Clic Oats
'pot dull; No 2 white, 41c; No, 3 do, 40'-jC.
Options dull and barely steidy. Cheese Firm ;
fancy laige' colored, flasc.; faniy large white,
DsC ; fancy small rolored, 10C4c; fancy sin ill
white, 10c. Lggs Steady; state and,
21a22c. ; wentern uneindlcd, 17a20VaC ;
western candled, SO'&aJlc. Butter Firm; fresh,
U'aall'ac; creamery, 15a22Vic; June rreamerj,
20i22c-.; imitation cieamcry, U'alSc. ; state dairy
Ohioafo drain and Product.
Chicago, fccpt. fiO Continued dullness and a
general bearish feeling had a deprevsing effect
on the board of trade today, and December corn
eloted -sc. lower; wheit a shade higher, and De
cembei oats, ',4c. lower. Piovlsions c losed a dull
(1i 2'ie. to 17':a20o. down. C'Jall quotations
were as follows:
Flour Stead ; No. J spring wheat, CSaCTUi1. ;
No. 2 red, li9sa70Uc,; No 2 jellow corn, BOc. ;
No. 2 oats, 35Ua3b'cv, No. 2 white, JUaJSc;
.No. 3 white, .llPaJliVaCi V". 2 rje, 53a4c.; fair
to finite o malting baiel, cViaGOc..; No, 1 flax seed,
1 W); No, 1 Xorlhwrstcrn, $1,(10; prime timothy
feed, Vi J",a5 40; mes pork, $H.70al4.75; lard,
$l D2b itl.til; short ribs, $)80a8 05; dry salted
shoulders, 7Ha7?c; short clear sides, I'l.oOaOtiO;
whiskey, $l,.0.
Chloago Ut Btoek Market
Chicago, Sept, 30 Cattle Receipts, 21,000, In
cluding 1,500 'revalue, p,0O0 westerns; Rood fat
steers, 10 tn 15 icnts higher; othcra stead; good
to prime Meers, 'OlOaBCO; poor to inediiim, $1
5 DO; Mockers and fieders lower, $2,25a 1.23; cows,
$l..Walii',; heifers, !a4,75; cauneis, f 1 'iOa'2 .10;
bulls, $1. 7511.75; cannrrs, $1.50a2.!0, biillj, Sl,75a
4.75, calves, (si it) 50; Texas steers, $!al; western
stecra, ff.1 73a5 10. Ilo-s Receipts toda., 27,000;
tomoirow, 21,000; leit oci, 2,WX). ,i the and
strouir tn 5 cents higher; mined und butcheis,
W 73a.20; good to choice heai.v, V 7fla",20; rough
heavy, 1 50itl0; light, d"3aiV; bulk of sales,
$0 75aflP3. Sheep Receipts, 30,000; sheep, 10 to
15 cents lower; lambs bet steadv to 10 cents
lower; good to choice? wethers, (t.i0j.75; fair to
choico inhed, "ta t 10; western sheep,!40; na
tive lambs, $2 50alf0; western lambs, slaOaluO.
Buffalo Live Stock.
East Hutlalo, bept, .'.0. Cattle-Receipts, 2
cars; steady for good fat rattle; others, 15 to 20
cents lower; no veiy good here; top steers sold
$." 73a0; fair to Rood, t.S0a3 rJ3; butcheis one half
fat to good, $.(OOal73; western branded steers,
ffl.75at.ri; heifers, $.l25al,75; choice, s;5; cows,
jl.73iJiO; choice to fancy, ifs'.T&iI; bull, ,VU
4; sausage, 2 73il2i; good Moclt'i and feeleis
higher; otlieis low; top, $3.75a4; ronimon to best
stocked, $2.50aJ50; fresh cows steady; vrals, ft5a
8; other cahes, $2 60il iiO og 10 car; lower
for all but heavy; lust heavy hogs, f7.'iOa7,40;
mletl paikcis, J7.10a7.27; light, 5fi 70all.80; pigs,
?H KUOOOj roughs, $fl.25ai) 13; stags, $1,754') 25
Sheep and Iambs Receipts, 103 cars, lower for
lambs; few tops early, f'a'.lO; closing, $1 UJa
4 83; culls to Rood, f-ljt m; Canada laiulis, $1.71
a5; sheep firm top mixed, M.70aJ M; culls to
good, $1 60a) 00; wethers and vearlings, sU.'Jftil.
ait Uberty Oatttle.
Fast Liberty, Pept. 30. Cattle lower; choice,
$5 73ai); prime, ?.") '0a5 70; good, $3 20a5 50 lloga
About (.lead ; prime luavics, $7,'!Oa7,:ti; assort,
cd mediums, 7.20.i7.25; heavy votWrs, 17.10a
7.23; liglit porkers, $l.70al,75; grashc-is, S0a
0 70; pigs, W WUO 7.V, wethers, $.IEeJa).P0, mils
and common, $1.25a2 23; jcarling., $2 50al25;
KJl calves, 7a7,'2i.
New York Live Stock Market.
New York, Sept. 50. Ilccus-Stccis steady to
10 cents lower; bulU and cows steady to itrong.;
alters, $lae) 10; oieu and stags, $l,75a5 10; bulls,
82&0aJ.c30; cows, ?1.60a3O5; calves veals steady;
graders, 23 to (0 cents lower; veals, f5a8.73; lit
tle calvct, ssl'25a(; graiiera and buttermilks,
3 25a 1 60; western calves, tl 62l'a4.75; city
dressed vtals, Daljc. per pound. Sheen Stead ; '
Help Wonted Malo.
bx.NVA'sKHs''ANTFD For an honest,
strilahlforwanl moiinslttmi. Not ii tll it ill v
scheme, hut gone! pi for good work, iuig
men of neat appearance and good habits wauled,
it tney nice hail some experience in nil" i"iug,
so much the better, Aildriss, sliitliu: n.i, i'
jicrlinte and previous Mietess. M'srilll
tribune olllce.
WOOLEN hl'INMMt VVANTKl) -Night work p
ply direct. The Perry Knitting ('oiiipant,
I'err, N, V,
AMIIIMOI -l Vtll Ml MEN' W Willi), between the
ages of 21 mid 3(1, who would leitn something
lo their iide.iut.ige Sc ml for piniphlcl, " Un
profitable Piofi-slnn": in ills il fuo. K 1). .ir
rlnglon, Cirbondile, Pi
CANVASSERS To work In ell; eisy hours;
good pit, silarv and cnni'lVsInn Addross
K. II. , Tributie ufllce.
WANTED A man stenographer wllli somebnslnevs
experience to make small investment and
take an nfilclil position with a publishing nm
pany just forming lids Is n good oppoituilty
and will stand inviMlgntton Vddiess box m 2.
WANTED Four or (lie brlcklajers, at once, .1
B. O'Connor, Foiest Oil.
BHIOKL4.YI.HS W WTI 11-t'nr flro brick woik
Communications and peisonal appllritlous
will be recoiled at my office In llaneoik, N. Y.
B. J. Bussman.
Help Wanted Female.
CANVA.'sSTRS To work In cite; cisy hous;
good pi, salary and coinmlicsion Address
E. II , Tribune oftii e.
WANTED (!ood gill or woman for general house
work. Must bp able tn cook. (!eimin pie
ferrcd. Family nf three. Call PIS Trescott ave.
WANTED girl for generil housework. Apple
at 101 South Main avenue; must come iec
ommended. WWTED-Olrl for general housework at Dalton.
Addrc.s It T., care Tribune.
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. IL
Central City
ALBERT ECHLUTZ. comer Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
GUSTAV P1CIIEL, 050 Adams avenue.
West Side
(iT'iHOE W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
TRED L. TERPPE, 720 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Malo
avenue and Market street.
Green Bidge
1337 Dickson
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Green Ridge street.
O. LORENZ, corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irving avenue.
WANTED A large show case. Apply William
Gilford, 1547 Dickson avenue.
Furnished Booms.
TWO Fl'ltNISIIID ROOMS in pneate famil ; all
conveniences,; gentleman preferred, 3M Wash
ington aeeuue, cit.
FOR RENT Furnished front room, with heit,
bath and gas; near court hou-c; gentleman
preferred. Addicss Room, Box 21B.
IOR RENT Furnished room; heat and bath
G25 Linden street.
LOsT S23 rewaid for return of Wick shepherd
clogf, white, tan feet, name "sport."
T. S. Fuller, 116 Vine stieet.
LODC.IN'O Mrs Ceorgc AlcKenric, 1S7 Congress
street, Buftaln, ,N. .; near Pan American
gicuuds; rates reasonable.
SUPKRFHWS HAIR, wirts and moles painless
1, peiimnentl, scientifically removed li
electric needle; no seals. Perniatological Pal
lors, J12 Washington avenue.
NOTICE Tho annual meeting ot the members of
the Lackawaunu Stoie Association, Limited,
will be held at tho ollite ol the u.s.,oe iation in
the lity ot Seianton, Pa , on W'edncsda, Octo
ber 2nd, 11XH, at ten o'clock a in. for tlie elec
tion of managers for the ensuing ear and tor
the tiansaction ot such oilier biiMnesj as may
properly come before the meeting
II. S PMItrillLD, Secietary.
Scranton, Pa , Sept. 10th, lout.
'llli: ANNl'AL meeting of llu meiulHis of I ho
Pennsylvania, Oial School for tlie Deaf, tor
tlie election of four rime lore to nerve thuo
jears, and for sticli othei liu-liiisi a, mav prop
crly be brought iKforc the iiiecting, will be held
at the ollke of Ihe secular, Room 40,1 Coiintll
Building, Scranton, Pa , on TiiC'da, Octobei
Sill, 1001, at tlui'o o'clock p in.
HENRY IIKI.IN, .111,, Secietary.
lambs lower, sheep, $2 50a175; culls, $1 75i2;
limbs, l 7515 10; one cai, $3 10; culls, Ja)5();
Canada Iambs, $5,0i5J0. Hogs Lower at S;6 S0i
Oil Market.
Oil Cit, Sipt. ."0 (Villi balances, Ia0, ceitl
fieatcs, no bid; liiiment, 2'2,s'i7; uvcrate, Pj,
aiU; iuns( 210,b20, average, 7l),077.
r. ""
National League.
At Cincinnati First game R II F.
Philadelphia 10 1:100 0 3 0-111 II 2
Cincinnati 0 0 0 0 0 10 10-2 !
Batleiies-Oilli and Jactclitr; Phillips, Sudhoff
and lliigeu. I'inpires Uiown and Na.'li
Second same R. II, F
PhiladelphU .,,., '20000000-2 7
Cincinnati 0 1 0 0 O 0 0 0-1 7 J
llatterii a White and McFarland; llfNinin,
Peiti and Hurley, I'mplies Brawn and Nasu,
At Si. LoiiU-Fir.t game It 11. F
New iork 12 0 10 0 0 0 0-4 tl :i
St Inula ,..,,.......1 00002 ,1 a 12 20 A
llatterios-Sinltli and Warner; Jotce and He)
don. Umpire !w)er.
Second game It II E,
.New Voik .,,,,..,., M.0'000 J-S 7 2
St. loills ,, ,,,,0 0 6 0 O -(! ii 2
Ilaltcrlcs Jones and Wvnci; Murphy and
Nichols. Umpire Dvcjer.
At Pittsburg It. II. E
Boston ,.,.0 12 200000-5 0 2
Pittsburg 00 00 00 100-1 f
Batteries Willis and Sloran; Pohcny and aiim
mcr, Poole and Yeager. Umpire hmilie.
Brooklyn Chicago not scheduled.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 6 Centt lor Bach Extra Line,
Cei titled Public Accountant.
EDW MM) 0.lvicUM)INuT2.!TRAV)rIil3 BANK
Faitate Exchange Bldg., 120 Washington ave.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, Scranton.
Rooms 12, II, HI and IS Burr Building,
D- n REPLOtil.E, A'nTmNEV-LOwTNEOO-tilted
on leal estate security. Mears Building,
nr"ci Washington iiveuuu and Spline stieet. ""
nncl tounsellois it law. Republican Building,
Wa-hlngton avenue.
sellers at-lnv Coinmonwcalth Building, Rooms
19. 20 and 21.
t'nJ?'u'D w'- 'iiiAnin. APTon.Nr.v. rooms
002 001, nth floor, Mears Building.
r"de Building, Scraiiton. Pi
Bank Building.
211 Wyoming aeenue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
Ington avenue. Residence, 1 118 Mulberry.
Chronlo tliseases, lungs, heart, kidneys and
gemto urinary organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Rates reasonable.
P. 7.EIGLER, Proprietor. .
senger depot. Conducted on the Europen
plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A It. Brlggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Kicke's drug store, cor
ner Aduns and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erymen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, 1050 North Main avenue; store tele
phone, 782.
Wire Screens.
Scranton, Pa , manufactutrr of Wire Screens.
also ladies' waists. Louis Shoemskcr, 212
Adams avenue.
veloncf, paper bags, twine. Warehouse, 131
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scranton at the news stands of Reisman
Bros . 400 Spruce and 503 Linden; M. Norton,
.til Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Schuticr, 211
bprucc ctrect.
Situations Wanted.
YOUNG MN desires position as stenographer
.mil typewriter, considerable' evpenence.
Itecoincndttions fuiuinhcd on application. Box
10, Tribune office, cit.
SUtTATION WANTED A woman wants washing
to do at home. Address, M. K , Tribune 01
fite. SITUATION WANTED V woman wants men's
under clothes lo wt'h; experienced laundress.
M. K Tribune Otitic
sill TION WAM'KD A young lady desires po
sltinn as stenographer and ty pevsiitci. Ad
dress Slenographci, Tilbune Office.
SITUATION WAN' 1 1. D By young married man
willing to work at anything, office woik pre
ferted! cxpeit tclcgniph operator; can furnish
boat of retcrenee. Address, J. L. M., 607 S. Ir
Ing avenue, city.
Sll'UM'ION" WANTED-By young man in machine
shop; willing to stirt in at ieu,onahle wages;
lias borne knowledge of drafting. Addiess, Box
S'JI, Honcfdale, Pa. ""
sift VI ION WAN Thi) -Bright, indii-trioiis boy,
17 ecus of age, clones situation. Addresi,
G. K. ) , Tribune Oilier
SITUATION WANTED-By an experienced chf
in hotel or boarding houe Addiess, Chef,
Tniiune otfite,
A I.M1Y ele.slies 1 icpeutable position for gen
eral hoitsewoik or take cue of children; inv
kind of woik, no object. A F. (J , Tilbune of
flee. A OI'.NU man wants a job taking care ol
hoires or working for n piivate family doing
general hoiiscwoik. Address 123 Robinson street.
WANTED United States Lumber Co. stock.,kiwanna Mining to stock.
Scranton Bolt k Nut Co. stock,
Traders' National Hank toek
I. F. M.girgcl k Co,
Stocks, Bonds und Olliei sVeiiritlrs,
Connell Building.
DifiGl Naw Yotk Wire
Stocks and Bonds
All orders executed on exchanges. Quick
nnd absolutely reliable service. Teljphons
Connections, Old, 667-j; New, no.
73J-7 ul-j Connell Building, Scranton. Pa
Spencer Trask & CoM
2X &. 29 Pine St., New York
Now leady for distribution,
nnd mulled upon lequest,
iSetepmber Descriptive List of
Mcmt'ci New York Slock L'xchtnge.
Branch Office 65 State St. Albinj