The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Extension to Claikc Btothcis' Big
Stoic Will Bo Seventy Peet Squtue
nnd Pour Stories High It Is to Be
Bendy for Occupancy Nov. 10.
Wllllnm Pctlnlck Ohmged by His
Wlfo with Hitting Her Over the
Head .with a Shoe Bnish Peison
als nnd News Notes.'
The lniROMl dcpni Intent Moio In tho
city is to be onltitKod. ftmtinotor
Peter Htlpn put .1 foici' of moil
to wink ielerduv layhiR l tie foiindn
tlon for the Immense i Mention to bo
linllt for Clniku ltio, to Hull nl
jendy immense plate of hulni"" tit
the lormr ol et laioKiiwiinna nnil
North Main nvtiuies. It N to bo lettdv
foi oi eupaiii v Nnitmbci Id. Tin addi
tion will fiont on West lau Knvwinnu
avenue, and will ! ovi my foci ipiiiii
nnd foui Mm loi high. Tho fiont will
bo or Itirlltinn lime Mono with plate
fjlni" window h, and tin- lomalinlei of
the bulldllifi will bo mailo ol luliK,
stone and steel.
The b.T-oiii( lit of the addition will
be tiM-il extlu-'lvolj a1 tho MilppInK
ilnpni tmont, whoio llftion viaKon oan
bo loidtd nt the snme time, thus glv
iiiK thrin facilities aie not piis--sessod
bv any othor stoie in tho tltv.
Jhitiuutc to the shipping dop.u tinont
will be m. nli' tiom an awhivav at the
east did of llio L.uUiiunn.i inenne
side, and a dtKow.n vviHtUnd iiudi'i
neath the now and a pint lull of the old
The Hist or main Horn will bo occu
pied cntiiclv bv the motoiv dcp.ut
nicnt, with tlnto distlnot aisle liin
niliK into it. 'I ho main intrant e will
lie made fiom Alain avenue, tluoilKh
Ine piosont stou loom miupled bv the
cli-lbliiK ikpai tini'iit, and the tlothlni;
vll! bo mo. il to the i oi lie MoiPionm,
now otiiiplid b thoKio(ei ilcpiut
jikm t. The wall in the lo.n of thoe
dcp.o tim-nts at puicnl will be loin
The addition will the thoin 0 -00n
additional f( el of 1looi spate, 01 a
total of JJ.onn fttl of sp 11 e on the main
Horn, and in,aon altoKothu tlnoiiKlioiit
tho buildings, which will lie fiooo square
foot mole of Horn spue than anj oth
ir dep 11 Uncut sloio in the iit. In
the K.11 of the addition their will be
eitited an iiiinitn-t ufi l;tiatoi foi
A Daily Reminder
Veil will Dill hv ill-(Jipoinl rrl m
Hut nil'- I hi . M will irlirvr lint
ti lull uul lolil 111 1111 nilil
A Little
Surprise Lot
Quite as much of a surprise to us, wheu we got
tliem, as they will prove to you when you see them,
Only 1,000 Pieces
Of Fine Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions
At prices far below the cost of manufacture. They
represeut a leading manufacturer's entire sample
line, and the very best things in the season's new
idea. That's all. If you get here in time, take your
choice while they last
At the Following
Prices You'll Never
Get the Chance Again
Lot 1
Lot 2
tot 3-Lot4-
-Edgings'and Insertings at
-Edgings and Insertings at
-Edgings and Insertings at
-Edgings and Insertings at
There's only one thousand pieces to go at these fig.
yre.9, and they can't last long,
Globe Warehouse
tnonlfl nnil other pet Mtnbte rooiH
The onllle lilllldlhtT will he healed by
stc.ttn nnd lighted by rlectrlclly.
The tin ee houic dwellltiFt, which
stood on the wlto of tho ntlilltlon, vvui
pm chimed by Joseph Cassetse, and Ii
beliiff moved to tho vacant lots oppo
site Lnrkln Hi others' place of buslnri.
Sevetnl Aldermnnlc Cases.
Wllllnm J'ethrlck. of 121 Noith Uvoi
pit a Millie, who was aiiestrd at the
Instant o of Ills wire wlto thai nod him
with nsHiuiltlnf1' her bv stilkltiK her
o(r the heud with a shoe binsli, tintl
rutlliiK n lniKo wish In her head, was
hold In 1.100 ball by Aldeininn Kellow.
John Welse, or 1J1 South llvdo Park
avenue, had Chillies Mydor, of Peton
1)1111?, iiiialRiiod befoie Alileiiiiati Kel
low on the chaiKo of uiiiilt nnil bill
tpi, iiIIpkIiik Unit he roinmlttptl an ns
sniilt on lilm while they wen at wink
In the Amen lenn Locomotive Winks on
Sppteinbei 1S. Hlvdoi entprod ball,
liquid to soIIIp, and Is now pavliiK
the lost). In the euo.
Mis. rim elite Lilly, of West l.aoka-
uamiit avenue, had Samuel ,1. I'oitei
nut sod veitoidav befoio Aldci mini
Jellnvv on the thniKe of nialkloiis
mlschlor, allcKlliR that ho luoke open
a tlotu in hoi house and lemov'td thote
fiom ii piano, which Mis l.lllv bail
letaintd iih socuilty foi lent owed hoi
b Maishall i. I'oitei, who it tenth'
atalttl the pieinlsis Poittr waived
a healing anil oiitoiod ball lot his ap
peal, tin r al t (iitit
Mis. CiiiiIp Joins, of IbJJ Pi It e
stiett, jestenlav caused the an est of
lit r landlady. Mi, i:ans, on the
oliaiKo of tissjuii and ballon, alleff
litfr Unit she put lur mil of the house,
allien ri hot ami oilioiwlso nialtiealeil
hei. The defendant was held In bill
for her appeaialire nl t otu I.
I'h.ul'.s Wan on, of 0find and
Nililh sttoeus, rausitl the auost of
TMdle Lonl ami Kilrlle Walsh or s-outh
Ninth sticet, on the iIi.iiko of nial
kloiis mist hlef, in ttaiitiB down some
walet jilpps on his piopottv The bos
won- boltl In J0(l ball o it li 1 Akln D.imos.
West Side Diiving Club.
A sp, tlal lnitdlnjT or (he Wt s Sido
IiihiiiK ilub was holtl at t c. Dcik
elnli k's last coning anil ai i.iUKomtnts
o.e made roi anotbet tuic mot tiiif? on
the s.pttilwav Tlniis(i,i atlcinoon, Oc
tobn 10
All the kooiI litn.sts in the illv will
be rntoietl. Time will be a liee-foi-all.
'2 !ii tlass, t In 1 i .uo ami ninning
into Kiitiies niust be made with Di.
huttoii .mil Waltet Stott. on in befoie
Ort. S, ami the eiitiauic ftps will be 10
per lent or tin puises to be rIoii
Anolhii sperial iiioetins will be hold
next Moud.o eitnln.
'I ho iiipinbeis or the i:relslor tlleo
t lub aie iitiuesttd in tin et tills (von
Iiir at tilt- home or Meiulit Davis roi
iclit ais M
An entei taiiiiuint and sor ial will be
lit Id this evt iiIiir at Hit piisouirp or
tho Plist Hiptlst (biiuh on l!ot k
stitct. A nitisital anil pio-
gramme 'will be renrlcred nnd lofresh
inents will bo served.
Julm J. Iteese, of 1131 West Locust
sticet and Miss Jennie Olciiflou, of
147 Mouls rotii t, wot a united In nuu
llaRo on Satin dav ovoiiIiik at the pin
soiiiikp of the Jackson sticet llaptlst
I'liilich by the pastor, Hev. Thomas
do (liucliy. Cpon their letinn fiom
the I'nn-Auicilcnn tliey will luslrle In
a newly fuinlHlitd home at 118 South
i:eiolt inoniit.
Thomas IIubIics, of N'otth llebpcca
in enilo, was scveiply llljuied while
at wink In the Continental mine ie
eentlj. Me was (hopping a pi op and
the ae .sti title him In the lex.
Daniel Moikiiii, the Hellevue ks
tct, llRitied In a itinnway on Sutur
dn, and wits ittat'Rcd iiIoiik the street.
diistiilultiK slight In tm y. Tho hoisp's
k' was broken, and the animal had
to bo shot,
Slltnlan lodKt of Odd l'ellows hne
plotted the following ollkcis for the
onsiiliiu tot m: Noble Ktaud, William
John Thomas; ke gland, Iklwln I'.
Itiaden; sect elm , John T. Kvans; lln
nnclnl sceielan, Uinld Cn(hK"iu:
tip.isiuei, John 11, Kelly; ippicsentn
tle to the Kiand loilgp, David Cadw
Kan; Utistee, John II. Koll..
The tallv day setvkes at the 1'Kin
otitlt CriiiRicKiitlonal cliutoh on Sun
tlav woie ol an IntoicstlnK' natiiir.
Music was iiitnlshrd by the Colitiu
bian oitliestia, an in rj nidation of
ytnmiT men.
Daltl Davis, of llii .Vol ill dm field
avenue, denies the titlth of the pub
lished niltiouutemenl of bis tomlliK
iiiniil.iKi to Miss Dcssle Jones, of
Tvviirib stttel. Jle thinks It was Hie
WoiU nl a fokii.
A thlld of Mi. and Mis. "Wllllnm Moi-
Kans, or Ninth rilinoii' avenue, fell
yestetdav anil illsiot.itcd Its elbow. Dr.
D .1. .leiikins iittontled tbo t hlld.
Daniel Colon and his jtninpr dnuKb
toi wote thi ow ii l Mini a Ihibr.v rail
Suntlii (VenliiR at the toinei of D li
on stioet and South Main avenue, but
in Itlier was Injuied bevond a few
biulsos. (lite ol the buggy wheels got
caiiRht In a nit and the . chicle over
tin nod
Miss Sadie Costlett, of this sldr, Rave
a moonllRlu suppet at Nay Auk intit
lorentlv In honoi of hoi Riicst, Mls
lktllali Hallev, ol Dallon A laiRe
niimbei of ouiir people vveiu pics
ii'l. The Colonial rlub lirlrl a lnoctiiiR
list eveniiiR to make .n laiiRonieiits
loi t lit 1 1 next daute.
The Chi I'psllon societv or the
AV'ashhuin street Pus tei Ian diuitli
lesuiuttl theli inectltiRs last oonlnR
artcr the summer -nation, and nut
Iliud theli jilaus rot the loiuIhr win
toi 's vvoik.
The Son or Ttinpoiant o tiler- t lull
tehcaiset! ill Moi Rail's hull last epti
liif, The have a numbei of tiig-ac-meulM
to 1111.
Miss Rssiu Kpllovv, of Chestnut
stiett, h.i.s letuinetl homo Horn the
I'an-Ainu Itan exposition.
Mi and Mis. lMvvaid Owen, or
hwetlanrl stint, anil Mi. mil .Mis W
A Bin ton ol Ninth Itvde J'aik mo
unt, welioniod new bn s at thtlr
lioinis in enlh.
Miss Mfith.i Williams or Ninth
r.iomloj avtuur, has lUuinul houie
rioni the nietiopolls, whoio sht spent
In i vatatlun
Stephen t'lettliei Is at the Parf-Amcr
Aldriinm Owen I) John, or llu
Coin tb vvaid, ictuuird home vosteidav
tiiim the J'an-Aiueiiiaii opositioti, and
s.i.vs lit is ninth ploasttl with tht nbow
In 1-,'eiHial
Mi--, MaiKtitl ami Moikui Tlioniis
ot Division stu-ot, aie home fiom a
visit at nikdak.
Mis ronK,,, t Danville, his n.
tinned home lioin a a. i-,it vvitli Miss
Ann i Jenkins, or 1'iiro stioet.
Mi- Moit, or njnon slieet, lias ip
tuiiitd honie fiimi New Yoik.
(Jioifje Mnlth and Nelson Deishinipi,
or Diltou, ai c the Kitetts or Wist
bt anion Ti Ieiuls
Daniel MilionlKle, or Stianton stieit.
is Mitndhirf a lew tlav.s at the Dunulo
ll.uiv, or West Lot list sliett.
has letiiiiitil litiino lioni the l'an-
11101 k ,t n
.Siiiiuel (ilnndci and Itkbaid l.nnei
.111, of Call view avenue, aie at Uuf
falo V. 3 Noalis, ,,r Chpsinut stiect, is
(-outlaid to his home by flliies..
Mis Mai liu Domirllv, or Chestnut
stir pi, Is spending a lew dav.s at the
Janus S Ciillen left estoidav for the
I'lilvethity of lViinsyivaniu, -whoio he
will eiuoll as a medluil htudent.
Tliomas liniiiiifflon, of Hulfalo, spout
yesteiduv with Mends in town.
Miss I'luma Sullivan luis letinned to
her liome in Oswego, nflei ,i visit vvitli
filr-iititt hole.
The man v fi lends of Kianlc Hoseit
will be iilenscd to lentil that the letent
npei.illou for .'ipiiondkliiH was Mietes-s-lul
and hln eaily lerovety Is now louk
td loi,
John nnd Win, f'awley left
M-stiiduv for the
Ilin n To now mill .Mis,. AV, p. cilb
lions, at the niiinso, a duiiBlitei,
.Mi.s. Ann Jit Sw eeuey, of Oswego, Is
lnltliiK Mis. Sullivan, of rinnklln
Jllt-s Wlntili Mr-I.ood left yestenlnv
foi lliutfoid, Conn, whoio sho will
luaUu her iiituio homo.
Mr. and Mm. n. V. Hlshop liavo u
tuiiiPil fiom a weeK'H htuy at nuilnln
nnd .VIiiKiua KiiIIh, wIk-ip Mr. lllshop
(Utt'iided tho toiut'iitloii of faotnty in
bpectoi.s. PARK PLACE.
(muo lleikul, nt Jiminon, ami Ml Villi
nit II. frtslitr, ol Vliiuli riiiml,, v.oit iiniliil
in murium lit Utiliiiwljv iiiiii', it dn. Imme
n Ha .looms pan lit, In tin tc. I' Wii
kapli, pj-lur o( st piul',. iliimli U( I'iIuIiiii.'
'Hit- hil-li wir in i l.lun ,-uvvii Willi
wliltt tiliiiinliiKi ami uiilnl wlilli ro-n li.
suuh l It-lnr nu I rlilisnuM ami nou a
wliltt hwiv. iliois Jill uirinl iap. luilrs
Ikiritit, of Duiiiiiun, u i,ii)uniMiiiii 'Hie
HhMIiu liuiih vim (ilavttl hj Mia I,ilo 1'
llrilarti ol Jliiiiiiiorc. 1 lie joihij cnupln vicit
c n ii uUil l.j I lu Aint-rliJU liami, jiul uiiluil
nuuy v iltulile pni ul
Mi, ami Mri, .siillli.ui, r, w,0i elrrct, luvc
ritunifi liome tilltr a Iho wtikV vilt v,llli
flit lid) in .New hi 1-t tl
ili llcsile llli'l, n( Dlimoiul av cinie, lm re
lnrncil home after a tix uciW vilt ullli ttlciuU
in Mlcntnun
Mr. ami llii II I,, bmilli, ol Dlntruiiiiton, N
.pent lat feunJjj with tt II AiKtiaon, ol
lood otrcct.
Allow eousli to run until it gets brjoml Hie
rcacli ol inciJiciiii. 'llicv uiicu $j), "Otj, it w
mar aJJ," but in moot uicj It will wear
them aj. Could tlic be induictl lu Irj tho
mucsslul uictlUiuc tailed hcuip'a UaUaiu, ivlilli
U koltl on a II vi: Kuaunlro tu tun.-, the
unnlil Ifo llu. r-Y.dl.Mif itlfn I atlnm
Itiklui: Hi th 4 iIoh. l'liio ij(.. and 51.. 'iilJl
itt lrt. j At all tlrujtfists.
ftf r L-M MLF L' p lk.1 Vt Q0L 0L 4 Ttf-V ffk 'fl PL L .117
rj . ,h 4 pK ,u
P "Is ' "V "P l" 'I IJ
Honoied at the Tri-Annual Geneial
Confeience of the Evangelical
Chinch of Noith Ameuca Rev. J.
Penngei Left Yesteiday for New
Yoik with His Family and Will
Sill tiom Theie foi Antweip.
Speakeasy of Thomas Gilboy of
Ciown Avenue Raided,
lte. i: J. Ssihmidl, pistol of the
Clmuli of J'e.ite on 1'io.spett avenue,
has now the piiilet,e ot wiitinff Ph. D.
aftei his name, tie leturned fiom St
Loiiln s,atuitla, whole in tompany
with Count ilniaii iMiailes Uiaf, he ,u
tentlcd the tii-aiiuual ironeial contei
eute of tilt lIv.uiKelleul chuteh ot
North Ameiita.
Ills vvoith and woilt in the mti-e of
the ehuit-h hae attiur-ted the utun
tion of the leudeis of the KviuikiHljI
i Iiui eh ami duo letoKiiItloii was shown
b.' the tonfei ente t onlciiliiir upon him
the dfKieo of Ph.D. The leveiend koh
lleman was also appointed a member
of the Boa id of Foielprn Missions. Ml.
Gulf, the othri deliKtite, vvau honoitd
bv appointment.-, upon .seveial impoi
taut ifiminlltt t f. He leiuesentod the
nunsest ihuiih In the Athmtlis dls
tilit and was the only lay dtk'K.ite
n om this vkliiit whir h H In itself
a high honoi, and a ti Unite to his
.suindlnp, lu the loiumuuttv.
Mi. tlirif had the pleiiMiie of nitet
hiK an old triend in St. houlb, Jacob
Faust, a foi moi- well-known leMdent
ot this side, who .stinted for the "West
twelve jeais afjo. lie is a piospeious
liotelkrr-per In St. Louln and will visit
lus old lioiuu and tilentls on this hide
bhoi tly.
Left for the Old Home.
Itov. J, Peilimer, who icftlKiiPil ic
ccntly as pastor of tin Pio.speot ae
ullo -M( thodlst lliilr-eopal i Inn ell, ow
Uik to fallliiK' health, hade an affection
ate faievvi'll to Ills pailshloueih .os.
tuiduy and latei, with his faiui,
Htnitctl tor Now Yoik rlt, wheie he
will take pussaire foi Antweip, The
leveiontl Ki'iitluman Is tumbled with
an nffettlou ol the and a pio
longeil visit to Ills native litiuie, H.usle,
Swlteilnnd, wan huKestetl bv his
pliynU'lan. The betit wishes of the
lomiuiiultv Kti with the ruiltoiei.
ltev, A. Ileifoilli, of llaubon, ., J,
Ins hem lulled to till the vaianey mid
atldiesseii U& iinvv ihiiiKo on Sunday
tor the Ih. st time.
Speakeasy Raided.
Thoiiiat. flllboy, of SOJ Ciown ave
nue, was ani'Med jesteiday by Con
.stulilo WeolkuiH, and nualKued befoie
Aldeinmn I.entes, on iiiUuiuution
Indued b (,'oiiKtable Joe (latdiiei lor
selling liquor without a license,
(Jllboy pleaded Biillty to the ehntfje,
and was lined $r0 with the alteiunte of
Hpeudlnu thlity tlay.i In the county
Opening- of Social Season.
The popular Jiiuger .Maeimcit'lioi
will open the hoai.oii initially on this
side with a vocal mid Inatiiinieutal
conteit width tnkes plate on Tues
day pvenlim, October 1.1, lu Sthliuplt'.s
hall on Cedar avenue, The society baa
an enlahle recoid as eutcitnlnora and
the openhiB event of the M'.ion will
bo up to the m.indmd. A dance will
follow the I'liteitulninent. The follow -
,j u ti 4. t-u Vjjjj
Grand Fall Millinery Opening
UR handsome large iUillinery Show Rooms on the second
transformed into veritable bowers of beauty. The world's best milli
nery fashions are assembled and represented here in a thousand contrasting
tints and expressions. The inspired ideas of the greatest European millinery artists and the
copies and original productions of our own band of skilled milliners are all on exhibition,
forming together
The Most Magnificent Millinery Display
That Ever Occurred in Scranton or A ny Other City.
Hats of exquisite beauty and hats of the richest designs, Poems in shade and color
dreams of delight studies in blue and white. To describe them is impossible they must
be seen. Truly this Opening will be an occasion to enjoy an event to remember.
Jonas Long's Sons
I' 1" T T "Is "V "V T "f t' "V 1'
lliK i oiiuulltcr lias i liaise of anaimr
ments. John Htoelici. Clust.iv Jtejieil,
anrl .latoh lanitK.
Tin- .Star hotial t lull, vvliitli i tom
posetl of rlieigrtit and well Known
jouiii: men on this siile, aie sending
out imitations foi n ball -w hicli they
will rtintlurt at Athletic hall on Alder
htiett, 'Wtdncstl.n, Ottoliei :.0.
The f'iitv houis' tlovotion triviccs
beliiB tontliicted at St. Man's ihurth
on Uivn sticet, in o l.uoly attendetl
The i oiik Ballon listened to an in
stinctive senium hv llev. Father
Hiehl, ol J'lttstnu, last eveniliB- To
nlKht the closiiiB hoiinon will be tle
liveicd by Father I1. A Fiitkei, ot
llvdi Pa ik.
Pattiolie Count II, No, SJJ, .Ii, O. U.
A. M, will hold thth tin lb annual
social In Sehlmpft'a lull tomouow
iiIbIiL loi which an iiitoiestiiiK pio-Bi-imme
has been aiiaiiBrd
Tho Star Social t lub will bold Its
quai tetly niettliiB nest Fiiday night
nt MliU hall on PltLston avenue when
they will elect ollltei.s tor the ensu
iiiB teiin.
Cil Titasuic-i IM 3 liobliisou, and
AiiKiist .Sthimplr lett tm Phil itlelphia
tsteiday to ntteiid the State Plie
nu'U's convention.
The South Side PowIIiib dill) held
the Hist meotiiiB of the s-eason at Zula
rci's bow Hub alley on Plttstou avenue
last evening.
Tho JuiiBei .Mauneichoi hoiietv held
tlidi 111 Mt tall nieetiiiB on Sunday at
teinnriii at thdi hiatlquaitei.i on Ce
rlai avenue.
The SiieiiKeu until t-nt lety will meet
in inontlilv session this evuiliiB at
Athletie ball,
Miss Lottie Haw,-, of Mt Cobb, Is
the Bucst ol Miss Coin Youiib. on
Plttstou uvt line.
A line bib), the ninth, nt lived at the
linnie ot Mr iintl Mis Paddou, on
Hot eh stioet, je.sieiday.
Mi. mill Mis UtoiRo Welde, ot
lllltli t-lieet, eiert to move to llut
falo cshoitl). Mi, Weldn h.ih hern in
Hie employ ol the I. u kawanua lion
anil Steel tompaii) foi maiiv )t,us.
A meetlliB of CiiiinH KodB, KnlBhts
ot P) thl, is, will lake pinto this ovcnliiK
In llaituiiin's hall on Pltlstou iiveuui
John tl, Soliwi'iikti-, father of .1. 1'.
anil J, r, Sihvviiikir, Is sotlously HI
at IiIh home, :i(0 Hluli .stiect.
Captain Fietl Uoyei, of the Nt'ptuno
IhiBlne company, stints for Alleutown
today while he will uptud a. pot Hon
of his vacation. DuiIiib liW ahseme
Ills- pliit-o will lit fllleil by Will linos
loi. A sou ol Mr, ami Mis, John Arnold,
ol Plttstou avenue, Is hcilouslv III.
Tho iuiieial of the I ito Mis William
Cahalln, ot Cheiiy stitct. vvus held
yoHteiday inutiilnB fiwu St John's
ehuieli, South Seianioii, whoio a hluli
inass of ictiiltiii was i elebiatetl. in
li'tiiiout was ni.iild lu the Mlnooka
Cathollt cemelei)
Ml.s. C. it. llaslam, ol P.lllou. Is vis.
llltiK in lilt on Itldhf
.Mr, SpuiB ami fainll.v ot Phllinlel.
phla, has moved to Ciicen ItldBe.
Mis. A. i! lropltlus. of Mldillulovvii,
N, Y Is the Bucst ol .Mr, and Mis.
A. It. Sinn ell, of Di ksou avenue.
Mi, mid Mis Pin est llcndiit I.mhi
mitl duiiBlitei, .Mm ion, mo vNHiib
fi lends In Wilkes. Haiic
Tho itBUhu luontlily niiolliiB "f Iho
AVonien's MiKslouaiy sotlety of the
Oiteii nidRo Pic-Mbytoilau tliuiili will
bo held lu tho lot lino mom, toiuoitovv
ntieinoon at 3 o o't lotk.
At the close, ot tho nild-wctlc .scivlro
ot the Oiteii ltldBO Pie.sliytei lau ihiiit Ii
touioiiovv eveutUK, tho Ladies' Aid so
ciety will uivn a social lu the t hutch
pailoiu. These sotluls am given quui-
-j fr St k 4 4 4 4" b
Begins Today
Wednesday and Thursday
October 2 and 3.
Every Lady interested in the Newest Creations of
f-ashion is invited to come and enjoy this Magnificent
Display of
Beautiful Hats.
'V J I-5 f l5 f ' T- T' t f4 T' T"
ttilv, thai all the membeis of the
r lunch mil) meet the now chuuli mcin
beis in a sot ial wa).
'Iho Ninth Ibid Sims' basket ball
team antl the C.ieeu IJitlBe will
plav this eveniliB at tin Aiitlittn linn.
A nierlliiB ol Hie iIiiikbIsIs ol this
pint of Hit tity was held )tsteirlav
antl an agi foment leathotl lo t lose all
stoics at !l o't lock timing Hie winter
Mts Claionie Steele antl Miss lailu
Dolan will leave for Pulfalo todav.
Chailes, the li-jcai-olri sou of Diub
Blst Honwootl, met with a veiy soi Ions
atcident jesteiday iiiouiIiib on Ninth
Main nvenue, while ildiiiB a vouns,
spiilted hoi so. Honwootl was on his
wav- back to tilt li.n n, after wateihiB
his hoise, and as ho was about lo tin n
onto Ninth .Main avenue, the hoise
took flight, BhiiiB a sudden foi k ami
1 oil to the pavemtnl with Kenwood
beneath him. The hoi so quItM) le
toveied his tootiliB anrl leleased ouiiB
Kenwood, who sulleictl a spialuctl It b.
lie vvas taken lo Ills home, on Noith
Main avenue.
Jonathan Yipond, Ii , who has boon
nt the Pan-Ameiican, lotiuned home
last ev onlug-.
Mis Jennie Jones, of Montana, wile
of iMvvaid Jones, loimeilv a baibei of
tills place. Is visitillB T. I! Jiiines, of
Waj lie avenue.
The lunrial ot Thomas, the "-veai-oltl
sou of Henliuiln Hit hauls, nl Oak
snoot, look plate josteidav atioi noon
at ,1 o'eloi k Soi v Ices wen toudiutoi!
bv Uevs Uet-se and Jones at the home,
Intel nienl was made lu Km est Hill
tenieloi ,
A lettptlon will be hold ill Hie YoiillK
Women's I'luistimi a.ssotiatlon looms
Tuesday eveniliB, Ottobor l' A toi
dlal Invitation is eteutled to all
John KIcli'iBo. of Adams iivouue, prot
Into a tlBbt at a Polish vveddliiB on
l.lovrl stioel, on Satuiday nlKht. and
Brit eiy badl) used up. KIs nose was
In oken anil his fate vvas badly lituised
and Inieiated. Joseph Maelinskl and
Antliovv Zlepmito, who, It Is tlalmeil,
won) KleloiBo'si assailant", vvoio m
losittj hv l ho polite. Tho fonnor was
leltastd on $tsfi' bill bv MiiBistiato
Pltllor )cstonlav uioiniui;, while the
latltt vvas lined $10.
MRS. 1'liANK' ArANfJAN, audi ,T!
voai.s, pissodawii) )estetilay inoiuiliB
at hot- homo on Lai kawanua avenue.
Sho Is suivlved by hti liiisbmul and tho
lollowliiB 01111111011' Mat), Kate, flei
li title mid l'i .ink. The iuiieial will bo
held on Thuisdii) inoinliiB fiom St.
KIINST flLASSHI!, a well-known
lesldenl ot tin South Side, died )es
loiilay at Ills lesldenie, on PIk slttet,
nllei an Illness lastliiB mi'i two eais.
The ilrieasetl wits for imiiiv )iais n
hltuksnilth for thn Delawaio, Liu Ka
wanua ami Westeiu iDiupau), ami is
suivlved b) a wife and gi own-up lain
II V- Ho with fiJ )iais ot iiBe, and for
a ImiB time suffeied with lutiB tiouble,
whli h oventually caused death. As a
member of the Kml-Oaii sor lety ami
Nu) Aub Tiibo ol toil Men, he was
well ami favoiahly known, ami nun h
sjinpalliy Is felt for tho lieu aved laniT
lly. Tho funeial auumiuit incut will ap
pear later,
The ftuiiial of Lieutenant Coloni 1
Wallaic, of the Ninth nvlinont, will
bo held Weilncsilay afternoon at 1' ::n
oMotk fiom his itsldciicc, on Olive
sticet, Pat sons, i'a.
The funeial ot the late Mis. Hi n
Juiiiln JJeuuett will take plate at 1
4 4 4 4 4 i- 4 4
floor have been
'V I '(' T T f'1' ffr t'
Lyceum Theatre
M HI Is, Lcmoc and Managri.
A. .1. IJU1IV. Bin Manager.
Thursday, October 3,
libwitl I line I'n -nils II V I siuou 1 s lleatilt
ml 1 oio lloiiuntc,
When We Were Twenty-One
1 uiiipniv ot SupLiiur 1 trllincp
I'iko- riithttid, s oo niiiicti t ii tic Tai.;
ilros-t tiult- I'V ; I mei box ril, s rt), Iniur
ItiLt si i, s vi II ilt i ii) I li-a inn lour-, 7 jt . ;
liiltmn tut It, rv , 1 .t -. s ti, loa.v slim
sijN III Mir I in mill nl o i m
Friday, October 4,
Extraordinary Event !
WiKtnliiN.V hrrnper Prn-ont inoiiia'-, loremisl
JI11 ll 1 u il Or 11117 ititiii,
Nodjeska and James
And in liiioiniui ililc Cnmpiti) in
Willi spotlll Mll-U ll.l t Jll lllL'i ll
Pllll'l -v Kntiie limn Hun, s ,1), lovit-r I 1
ft ilrt f J 0"), l)ilion lm ml I u'f Mil", $1 i0
tu -t. two rottr. Inltmiv, s ml, hi t thrrf, ".it,
Ijt thru unift. i)i . trilliiv, J
s, it 011 silt- Wtilm-ili) at 0 1 in.
Academy of flusic
M m IS, I eric. A I Dulh. Mmar.
siiipnillnrr Miss l'Vivtv 111 MIMi,
In lltptilulit
Touight Black Flag;
Matinee Money Made
Millner Pin. s 1(1 ml Jtl cut-
I iriiini; I'm in 1U, UO iml o) iuit
Alt' : HKIIItlMilllV, Vlnmcer
lonuht, liiinirmw nl. lit, Viilnri I itnoriow,
"None Ilitlrr."
o'clotl; lomoiiinv aftoiiionn fiom Iho
house nu Ninth stioet, Hev. .James
Hciiiillixor will olllelale, ami Intel inont
Will he mailo lu Iho Wattllhlll ll sticet
Another of the oolohiatod Hainp-mn
roloietl tumlh ol liajnioiul couit is lu
(limbic- This lime U is one of (he
Imjs. Ilai i by name, a pi editions
viuiPKhii r of loin teen oat'. who hems
a t lost ies lliblliiiee to Ills 1 enow lied
lnr, 111., t. V11 ll.l.., I1II1 win. I., .irivv t.lll
4iillilliKr hi the 1 mints jail 011 tli
1 uaiKt 01 lau in.
I I 11 1 1 ifnl lilt 11 11 tlirlif ll il ll !i Inll lali
nil J Mi'l tVf t lllll "ll ll "t'lWH
latl iimncit .Siinuu-I Cohen, II.111.V laud-
111 !smum a iciiiih mow in 111c cje
whiih huotUed Hit latter down and
in-aily out. hiipt 1 Inlonili ut of Polite
Itoblini,' w jt.vt paslnif at the tune and
plmcd the Simpson lad iindci aiicst.
.Mis riamiisim, the mother 01 the
Imvs, ai'eaictl liilruc tin pool' lioanl
a fi w wicks 111,0 Willi teais lu hi 1 oo.l
mid suuotded in i,ettimr hot four
.voiiuc't'i ihlldicu 11 leased I10111 the va
liotis iiistltulloiiK In vvhlih tht vvcio
loiilluetl at l lu time hhe pioiuisoil
that sho would look aflei Hit 111 will)
a nmtheiV, taie. The hoi aiiestrd lait
11 Ij-rli t Is one ot the toui who vveie ic-