The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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    tV " vr-v- ,Twt
Of"? f
-f ,jiitf tut - v? nvw v1 , ' '"'V T1
' llfe.
, An Excellent Coniblnution.
The pleasant method tintl bcncltclal
effeets of tins well known remedy,
Srnup or Fiob, manufactured bv tho
Camfoiinia Pio Svnui Co . illustrate
the vnlueof obtaining tliu liquid laxa
tive principles of plants known to bo
medicinally laxative and presenting
themin the f ot m most refreshing to tho
, tasto and acceptable to the system. It
istheono perfect bticugtlicnlnff laxa
tive, cleansing1 the system effectually,
dispelling1 eolus, headaches and fevers
gently yet promptly and enabling one
to overcome habitual eoiiHtipn tiou per
manently. Its perfect, freedom from
every objectionable quality anil nub
stance, and its acting on the kidneys,
liver and bowels, without weakening
or Irritating them, make it the ideal
In tho process of manufacturing figs
arc used, as they are pleasant to the
taste, buttheme'dicinai qualitiesof tho
remedy are obtained from senna and
other aromutiu plants, by n method
known to tho Camfoiinia Via Srnui'
Co. only. In order to get itsbencliclnl
effects and to avoid imitations, please
remember the full name of theCompnny
printed on the front of every package.
Forsalo by nil Dr'ggltts Price BOo per bottle.
HI'NK MN M1!- IN T mils Uwm ts
jritcrii'n nllpmocn sumn In is Iiink n tu f r
tlie Itolirf ( uin im.
l'Mlt M MOMIIOSI llio lifti Mill imrnal
fill of tin Sut inch unit (omit.) cnnilhiul sihi
cl will lie lirM it MijiiIio t tnln nil toinor
rmv. in nni dim: inn mi not -i - imo f
nmkmcii won put trt urK volutin triiiiu
down the iilil In iiiiko t toi tlit tiou muml
lioti-c in tlu l,ii k iw nun mil ml unl
noir.iniin him iiuh.i n Mm i imnsii
ci II, t (. irli-lc I tiinlipiliml toimt , J' r-tor
flu pi mini hi-, ilisi nrizc In ImiMnptrx 1n lmli;e
t . ulilnlil, in t nil, il Mill., cuiirl.
(,ltM) HI I l I !!- Ill III I, I mil Pii-nlnit s
Smith mil (,riiul SmicIih IVIpi 1 odium, Ii . of
lir hniL'lil.s fit st (.uici, in in the clU. mil
will nMr- tin lull l'It it llnlcl Hcsl, South
bcrjulou Innlijit
ni'llll I) Mll IJ1IW Mi- 1'ilinl WiNmi,
late ol I ifllt irnip, wis Imruil M-.tnIn morn
iiiK in ( ithrili il urn ti r Iir( nimoiii-r
of friondi ittnulrl tin fun ill A Inch ini of
)Miiiein ims .inu il II H lu ilmuh h the
pi-lor, I!n I' O lloiiiirll
TO SI'I k 0 ' III III 1! " li, v Pr 1! 1 oil
V Pirid will ihlmri loiliiro lnnlht in the
I'cnn rnun Piitit iIiiiiiIi on "It n Ilur," I, in
cril I in Walljii , idilnilril rilu
ion- will. 'I ho Iiitiiu will In e.ilciulill illu
Irilul wnli sIliuiMki n Uw- in i Ip fioni Ft. t M s
in thr 1 1
01 H( 1 IIn ( lio-l - Up iiiiiBrr.Mtun II n i
11 at 1. No I, tf llnluit -trcd, I i- in rlii Mini
on sntiil u iwiiiiu i lit fillowum: nthcfi mtc
rlpi Inl I NptMiiin ii tkittil prr-nli nt f r
Mini ttrni, titt. pn-llriit, I Mitlmti i
lttin, l,io mm, ilniiiiiit -nittirt, I
JIiiiiiiI, lit wiui, II lull iwil, fn-1 tni-tio,
I I tlllv Wpi-lilUUfl -KOllll till-Ill I lie' Olllll,
tlmil luisttt, II iIpiii III
MIM I I MOW-. IIWIi I lie mwii tf tho
Volt ltllnw-' hull il thoPulriil A ii nr Ii n s
',- liiii-tiin i H'ttnn will to i pi nul Ihui-iln
CMIlilM. IM 1t I '" I' III SHLII tpt
Mill hi -Piinl in I i In uiiii fir l i-iittp--ful
pliolo t - iiMinU hi intnntiil ioniti n will
tit frnUiti! to Mi Iturtiin tht iititiu
T i-Linl Mtiitm, intl hi- -line oi, Mr It 1
Ull M. WOMSN llll ( Lsl Will m Ml -fir
nul In- ili Ictfup if Hi-t i in
ton, -' 't iut i l hUit in from oi llu
iitcriuucut luiihliiu In, li-t uuht oti
tin iflutnn- rf i intun; lilt Mtltl kunikril
Itfliln, rvu llu id n li in i ju-t it i ill ilin in
llniliii- hum li if ptncil il lis Hi plicnl Minn
liulh iiiiiln iiu-l Iut tint wort lilu nlti-nl
upon 1c it In,: a ilt o-u
Ill m Mirui wi- irir-lfil i-iinli ilinn il
i Hi, Hini; inpliiii .1 In Ma Mirfl nl --tun fn in
M "ilipiiniu i fow wnl- i .'ii. Ilo vh ill It Mi'l-tlilt Mill ii hi lii nl ,-ulli
Hi nl imiIpiki
,lo-iph llunhi- il II hitut, w i- tin-In! it Mi
I lik iitilm i M in. ii i nh MMinlit iiiiiiiiii- 1 ir
Ii'uhi fi. m pi-uun- iiiIiiim' iiiiiii Mm II iln
"M int-ti lit Mill it uiiimiiliiil him tn tin niuiilt
jiill in ilil uilt 1 1 I tin ut tin
O t ii Nnili ii, i liiiiiiiin uii lunil In (In lnki
Willi' I liliplnlli nllilpint WU n-llllll HUH
liiillnl tn tin iniuilt jnl In Mi.:!-iiilt Mill ii in
ilifuilt of s(m lull in Mip iIiiup ol iliii iiulini;
.Mi- Kt ii li, nt Mnllmit tint, out tf i h ml
lull mi iiuiiliu' I j -i
Uilll.uii Inn nt I' iininii, wn in. .Inl
Ji-ltlili.t il llu in I inn of I. i,ni si DUII, n Mio
nl minim Inn mil ni i loiiipiiit tin r.t tliii;
M lin- tmiii Hit mini mi V -mil II M i'H.
tl ilo tlowi ttiiuniiiiil him In tho i mint Jill in
ililiult nf --ikI lul , in w i- toiivuttil iT t
kiiulln ilniiso -hup tun iu, km llu. -i nti im
t I- Ml- tllllill h I Dill i
nun win u n .lijuh im hi i ht iiiiliiuKi of
lhii ,r i ii lintl -liiilm; ,n uniui or
I ii l i inn i iiil I innl.liii in inn- ti.lmht u.
Hill, II l I'lllillllllll I'llttll , i.ipui itul,o
in holt in i-ikln In i ilml.i piil nl up i l,i.,t
if L'Upi- lirm Mit unit -I nul on llu inmu ml
llllilp i tll-ll fir 111 ill llu lllnlm m f,,.
luwnl iiiul pi nul linn uiiihr hum II, will
lutt i i linn. o In rsplnii limit. in poUre iniirt
thif, no inn
I) HA I, l. US I.N
I Securities
? '
nroid37, N. Y.
Wilkei Bf rre. Carbondile,
f i S-8 Coramonwulth bWg, berinton, ft
,) KM fcfck
Hev. Dr. Sweet, of Oneonta) N. Y,,
Read a Paper.
The tcffiilur iiit'etlnK of the Mclhodltt
MlulsleiH' imtOLliitlon uf Meiuiitnn and
vicinity was held tn tllm t'uik (.hurrb
Mtuiditv nioinliiK at 10 ,10. I'teililent C.
H. lleniy picHld'd, ttml Ui'V. Joseph
Win die londiitted the tlevotlon. Jlnv.
John . Hueet, of Ourontn, N, V., iip
sntited a bentitlful and Innlritt tl
paiH'i, entltleit "t 'In 1st Vptttt H.ttitn."
Itev (I. A. Cute opened the dim. tonkin.
llos. It. ''. McDeiniott, It. M, I'uhliii',
AtiHtln (itlillit and S. J. Doibey nWo
pin Hi Ipitetl,
The ilclffwnell pleseilU wrio: 1te m.
Jiimet IteiinlnBcr, T. V. Doty, 11. ('.
JtcrJcinioti, Austin nrlllln, n. M. l'ns
ciie, ti. .1. Dois-ey, (S, A. Cute. J. It.
Hweet, Jospph MiiiIIhoii, Joseph AViitdle,
D. H. Hen t Icy, J. X. Ualloy, C. H. llen
iy, C. M. Stirditm anil J, H. Austin.
Rev. Dr. Robeit F. Y. Pleice Spoke
to Baptist Ministers Yesterday.
Kev. Dr. Ilobei t l Y. Pleice, pastor
of llic T'etiti nventie Baptist iliuirli, de
IKeipil an Intel estltiK' leetme on tlio
Olipiiimiiugiir Ptf-sion piav ye.stoitlav
lntntiltiK befoip the AbliiKtiin H.iptlst
Pastois' assni lutlon. The doctor "was a
ultU'"-s nf this rrllRlous spettnrle In
the milliliter of 1000 and Ills loctuie win
lllustuitcd with Htprcnpllion lc's
linide 1 1 nut phutogiaphs, a Iiurc liiim
ber nl" which wgip tiiUen bv hlmspli.
The wnrk Im the coinlnr? enr was
ninpptd out bv the Htisntlatlon. The
tneetliiKS will ho held pvpiv Monday
men iiitifr In the I'onii ineiiup elntrch
us in the past and a p ipei on Home
ipIIrIoiis tuple will lip piepaipil for
cith inoutitiK bv one of the membets
Numbei of Them Weie Appointed,
Will Meet at Boaid of Trade
Rooms Wednesday Night,
The wink of dlstilctlng the eilv and
appointing t-ollcltors to Rather lunds
for the MiKlnlev nietiioilal was taken
up eailv ypsteulay nioinlnjj by f'huh
m in IjUlher Kellei of the genpial coin
mittee, Sceietaiv f. Tt. Samlcison and
Captain I t. Atheiton. The lollow
ing (llsttkts wpiu mapped out and
solli Itnis named:
11111 to 1,'ojtllU' lliook, Moiiuc til ICITiMOIl
John lliook-
Ittltt-ioii Id iiliini;ton, I'mo to Miillnnj Dr
f, h Alpniuim
Mb i -mi tn Wj-lumilon, Mnlhcrrj to Licit.
w inn i Hi P H I iui.
Muliiuit to Pino, I'uin to i-hiiiton 1 '
Mulhoiiv to I k It iw inni, W-lnntoii to Ibicr
f llniliii i-tti
1'piiii In Ilin i, MiillioiTv to I'nip 1' I Vittcr
Itiipr to tnutt, ioni; I'rotidonir lonl, down
Colllt htltrt In ItltPl Kos-llllll 1 A til
I'help- to Pino, lutwnn Itittr tn Atljuis Cip
tain It l,ult
AiIiuh lo Wih-trr, hitwotn Pint mil Pophr
1 iiii-t, 1 I'liii,
ithui to Wili-trr I'mo to Cit.t F inc Gcorp;.
itliiu to lliinuim mil City Line lolin L
N luopih r
l'li-uitt to Hit, Ituiiiif: Duok to Pino Toopli
I'iip lo 1!iiiiii0' Hituk, Cht to Moiitne lolm
T I lotto
ItitPr to Smilt(iii( li(i(pn Alinon md Doll
it in Mkin-
-nnilut-oi to i-liiii;liin, botwtui Mmon ind
H I iw in I I, Howl-on
i-1hii( u lo Quiiii), litwtcn I It 1.(1 lis ,ind
Mil ion ( H s mill i -on
Villi IMik mid n iint John ilium-
Diliwno mil llnj-on Hiilrottl on M irkot to
llitoi, litwctn Hi I iw iro md Ilin -. O Mc
biiiuiill W i-limtou to Unor, I itwcon I ,unl Phelps
I l Md m.-lilin
Suiilt M mi lo (uuiolil, IIhi-kii to fid 1 mo
I I tllow- M i-on
MiitUM to Ittt-ti, Illti-ion to Cit Lino lohn
Dil I in
llmiptou In (n Lint, Itlur lo fcniih Miln
I li h I It lli-
Siutlt Mini to Diliw iro, biikiwmnt mil
Wi-loin lliuipfm to IKfoiil II llnlnkM
Ilil iw no I nl iw mn l mil Mi i in In lilt 1 1, tn
Iiuiuit to lliuipiin P P ( ilpm
-tilth M im to Uii i, 0f I 'o -! i inlou- It 1.
-tnntou to p-t Imtltti, Noilli Mini to l!iur
I Ik in ti illi mi-
Vulh Mini to Iti-u, Inim to Ceinotut
C,u ii 1 t iit-
Ui-I Puk in IVtltlionc. Vortlt M tin tn Keiser
- ( ol iclll Phillip
oilli Villi in (urfiilil, lVtlitmnp to bifitolto
-I' I Mi t Jim
( 1 1 1 tc lil lo Koj-vi, I tfitilti to I'ollthoiip V.
Ni nil Villi In Mirfltll, 1 ifi.tiltp io Ink- n
II I iikii
, ii lu IM to Minium, I ifitdtp to Iirk-on-
-""iiiii Viin to i. mil iii, ink-on io iiiii-mn
I' lolm.
ii Iii Id lo si, iiiiiii, jrk-on lo Uni-Ii n -Mil-linn
I null
i i iut to Join-, otih hin lo Ultoi l)i I II
Li l-tl
lout- lo Pintiili nip Spun. Ninth Miin tn
linn lolm I llupt wi II
Noilli Mini to lllu im, Vulol to I'lilnini
I lit mi- Si ilt on
Mnktt to Wi-lini I'ljri, lllwi to W lino I).
It Mliulmi
Urli ii PI up to I'ukti, oith V mi to Wimip -VuiM
Klin in Noilli M iln. Puiil lo Piikoi 1. N
I m in II
lllooui In ( ilt I mo, Hljh uk- In Till I.lnt,
inilinliiu' ln.itl'i. I 1 1 ol P. I Ituiiio
Illilun tn llniiinu llinnk, M, iilnw tn Ititor-
IlitH tn Piii.pul, Miplo in llitkoo -Imiort
M mitt
I'liiipiil In Mil low, Miplo to lliikort 1 Ir 11
M lliuiipllii
Miplo tn (hoin, I'ln-pttt In Itittr Hi n lolm
-i In ni i
Mi ulna ti (lit I.Iiip, lliuilii.' nrncil. In IM;
Pio-pul In liltri, (hoin to t ilt I im I,
t not
MpiiIow tn I'ln-pict, Vipli In ( il lino lthn
l,ljlinm, r
111 the few illstiiits Ip whlih solp.
itnis Iiiimi in en selei'ti'd they will he
iiiiinttl The alitne will today leceho
the nllli Inl mitliUailoii ol tin lr up.
pnltilliit'iit and will ho ieiiustPil to ul
ti'iid n niei'tlnpr to he held III the biJnul
of tiado looms AWiliie.sduy nlBlit hi s
O'clock, 'I 110 WllllllOlS WlU UllM! dllllKO
of the lioiihi'-to-liouso ituiat-s and will
ho iiuthoileil tu appoint mioh
ants as may Im net c-'.ai y in jmwi the
wink ileum thnioiiKlilj and expedi
tiously, Tho followliiK- rath scut lu $1 es(ei
dm foi (he iiiiinuiupiu tund:
IllikMiii IjvIoi lo-ter,
Mij S Dltk-on Mi 1'nrett Wjrrrn
H (,' IS lllunliaitl Mi, i:intt Waricn
liuita It llkk.mi Hhs VaiRiri Warn n
I iiiiiii I. I ullii
V- Doiotlij Wjriin
lltiKli II Itol.ill-ull
II Slpifii,
W I, sthlji-cr
Mrs l s,i,ij.jr.
Nellie Mhlasci
rmnu Sihljstr,
V j)wr.t
HoUil lowrj
It .1 1'o-trr
Mr. II I. losttr
Mjitci I' U Waritn
Il V I'onill
Mi II . I'nwcll,
Win, I'. i'owcll
Horlha I'onoll
HUni s 1'owcJI
V I dllltllM)
Mi V I (iiiomift
Vi 1'. Snjilir,
Theie Is Still Time,
students aio ii'ijlbtoi Iiir dally for
jho i.'onteiiitoiy'n ionises In piano.
Otlke, COi J.lndcu stieet. Open all duy.
tjmoke I lit- 1' Dc, clguf, '
Discharged Conductors Have Not Been
Reinstated by General Manager Silli-
man and Men Will Refuse to
Handle Cars This Morning.
Unless something unexpected Inter
venes bofoie R.30 n. in , theie will be no
tioiiey ciuH running: this tnotnitiK. j;r
loits to settle the dlffei elites between
thn company and the men ptoed
S tittle, and the inpn dec luted they
would follow the decision of Sunday
moinliiK'a meeting;, that unions their
ilciniimlM weie granted they would not
go to woik Tuesday inoi nine',
Ilttily jestpfday afleinotiti the ein
ploves committee reecKcd the lollow
IniT letter fiom Oonciul nAlnaser Sllll
ninn: s pt ,0 Idill.
Mr P I, Hita, Pio-nlont 1JimIoii No 1(, V. A.
of Siippt C ir I inplnioK
l)i ir Si,, With iifrirnir to llio tiriinnil inula
hj jou niitl jtur coiimiittn on lo-ttrilu nflcr
noon tint this compiini, lufore tmiioirim in lrn
inir, icln-tttp Mnrtln Cordon nnil P. .1. Ctrdui,
licpntb ilbchircod, punlini; t dicislou lit ailu
(rdtion on tlio ficts which on i-ionul tin ir til
th hrp, md notifjitiff m tint, iinhvt tint i tloin
Mip mi nihil t of jour orRinlrit'cn will till p mirk
on toniorrow itioiuinpr. 1 bcu lo siy tint wo tan
not tcrcc to tin's
Hi will, howctor, 1n onloi tlur n quick ilis
potilltn nm he ruitlo of Mils inilltr, luioo In
rofoi tn fill-hop Ifobin, oi to olio, ol hli priibH
to bo niniod liv linn, the qui -f inn nt to whether
or not, nntli r our contract Mitli ion, our ili--thirRp
ol thtso nun propot, md ns ilrcatlt
iRrord l u, wc will, in ci-c I lie iIuimou h
fiiorablp to tlio men, pi) limn foi the Mine
thov Mould liivo undo ni ii-l tlur wue it work
on tin ir rtKiilii rim en linli Mtir-,
Si rnnti n ITillw it Corupmt,
fit fltmril Miui r
co.MjiiTTi:n s statiijii:nt.
In l espouse to Genet al Manager Sllli
ninn's letter, the coinmlttce ptepatctl
the lollowiuer stateniPiit:
bcruiton, 1'a , Sipt 0, lrOI
lo tho Pullip
With rtfcirnio to tlio m'-ttor lo the ortutitc
diinnnltio of Tim-ion No if, in naiul to Hie
inon tint iioip di-Lharod, we t in see nothing
mire In it linn the til t prou-ltion In the i mi
luilttp Mr. bilbuun did not stile whither lie
Mdild or would not lirmtr hi- Mitno-.-os litfoic tin
irhifrilion hoird in ordor Hi it our men would
lute an opportunity to quo-,lion them Montnor,
it i noil undir-lool thai it i- net the ttullei
rf irbilrition tint ii it i-ue 1? no Into lioth
isroed to tint, but the Kin-t ittmciil tf tin o
im n
Mi, billimin his tint ofT, red mi rei-nn win
t Ii.j- liicn should not be allowed to work puil
inc the intostiprition.oo jiointed out iut u is m
win it would bo doliinioiiHl tn tlio cnnpint
On the ollnr bind he Milted until the eleventh
hour to site hi- an-wor mil then not until lie
bul tu-t giton il to the pu befne lie did
to the lonunitttp
Wt notice tint he did not uiiKo an) rcfeuncp
to Ihe piit minions of tlio oontract
Now the men in t;enci tl hive decided on the
Klion lliiv ire tn tilt Mr Silliniin In- Iiotn
notittod of tho -mie mil lie 1- the t nil mm hi
Srnntin tint tin in rt i fctrilu 'lruo, lu Ins
nffirod to pat Mio-o inon, hut ihe 110 willing
to work, for ill tint i- romuiLf to tlioin, for wi
toiitcnd lint ill nitii lie innocint until pioun
Ho ire willlni lo llmlo lit irlnli itinn, lm! wo
still insist on lhoe men 1 omsr illowul tn vol I.
pending .irlnti tlion, and if the) ire pioien pt lilt
wo will pit llicni foi the time tbot woik on
the in- in reimbui-e the ininpmv for the -line
trt io jiot liulh t(tir,
P. I siioi,
V I llitittt,
I W ( Jitct, ComniilUo
A 'Jtibune man siw ('hah man Shea,
as he came fiom a meeting of tho com
mittee at v-hidi the answet was ton
sideted, and be unieseiedly declaied
the men weie not mtihlled with the
coinpanj's ofler
Tin compuiv tloes not t hooso
to legaul tho pioposcd nibitiation .is
an !n estigatlon b a couit of the (list
Instance, but lather as a it-view bv an
appell ite coiut, the nup'-tlon at issue
bt ing whether or not the company of
fended against nnv piolson of the
contiact when it discluuged Ooidou
find t'aiden, l.ituei than whether or
not theie was sutlleicnt cause to ie
mtne them, It Is the tompam's pui
poso, hnuePi, to go fmthPi and pitno
to tin- atblttator that theie was suf
ficient caubc.
la othet wot ds, the two illhthatged
nun aie accused of lm lag boon eltliei
ni'gleitful or dishonest, A clause of
the contiact t-ajs that the company
initv iliHcliarue men for dishonesty or
K the otil) niitk tint should
bei-jeiiahth, I'le&h milk,
isilanijeiousin wariu weather,
because it is ustiallj kept
sweet with fonuaUklnde, or
borne other chemical that im
perili. the childS life. He
Mire to get Or, au'i-xi
1-eeps sweet in any weather
don't buy ice, It is richest
in butter fats and has added all
the food elements of whole
wheat. It makes a puny
child healthy and strong.
Hooklel on infant food, and
letters, from mothers. .
Tha Or. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
Sainton, pa,
W ill9 I
neglect of duly. The company, while
not conceding that tlioie is anything
In the tigteemcnt wheicby any party
other than the company Is to decide
whether or not a man Is dishonest or
neglectful, is willing to wahe Its ex
clusive tight lo pass upon the conduct
of Its men, and show, under foi felt,
that In this cat-e It had full valiant
for discharging the men.
Timnn AnniTnATOtts.
At flist the men wanted thtee aihl
tiatois and Mi. Sllllmau agieed to It,
although his pieference wus for one, It
being his wish to avoid as much as
possible the liability of disclosing to
the emplops the t-ouice of tlio com
pany's Infoi motion, or In other words,
disclosing the identity of the company's
The men named T, .T. Xlcholls, dis
till t piesldent of the United Mine
Wnikois, us It.s leprcsentatho on the
bond of nibltrution. The company did
not name a loprcsentalHc, but instead
i ame out estorday with the offei con
tained In the geneial manager's letter,
pi lilted above.
The committee was ngiecable to the
pioposltion to hae Bishop llotian act
as solo aibltiatot, but no atbtttatlnn
would be siitisfaeloiy that did not con
template the leinslatement of the dls
cbaiged men pending the nibitiation.
The companyicfufeed to reinstate them,
but ngteed to pay them In full for the
time thov wete off, if the decision of
the atbltialor was against tho toni
p inv.
The piiiploes argued that theie was
a pilnciple nt stake; the dlschaiged
men ate leady to make affidavit of
their innocence; their oath should be
as good at least as the woicl of the
conip m'b "boutccs of infoimation;"
and until It is pi oven that II isn't, the
men should not be compelled to walk
about the sheets adjudged guilty be-
fine they aio ptcnen Innocent.
A riKAIj EFFORT. ulht the emplovps' committee
waitctl on Cieneial Man iger
to make a elTort al settlement.
Tlu j- ugieed to have llishop Hoban
ai bill ate the question as to whether or
not (loiden and ('anion were guiltv of
the chaiges piofeiied against titer ,
luo tiling the accused men should be
given oppoitunilv to make a defense
befoio the atbltiatoi, eithei in peison
oi by a tepiesontativo, and that thev
should be put back to woik pending
the dicision, the union to pay theli
wages it the decision was in the com
panj'r favot.
Jit. Silllinan would not agiee to go
any fuithei than indicated by bis let
tei, that is, "to tetci to Bishop Hoban
the question as to whether or not,
under out contiact with jou, our dls
chatge of these men was pioper."
Mi. Sillimau was willing that the
men should bo allow ed an oppoilunlly
of putting in then defense befoio the
niblttatoi, but ilt dined to agree that
the accused siiould have a chance to
lace tlieii accusei s and eiobs-question
tlicm. The company 'vvas willing to
have the accused furnished wltli the
evidpnee, but not with the names of
the p n ties giing the evidence
The committee left the geneial nian
agi l s olllce and went into executive
session it its heatl(iittiteis in the
Giand Ceutial, the same quaiteis fiom
which it diiceted the stiike of last
spiing, At the conclusion of the meet
ing, 1'iesident Shea said there was no
alternative but to live up to the de
cision of Sunday morning's meeting.
A committee would bo posted at all tho
bains, he said, to notify the crews that
no settlement had been effected, and
that the strike vvas on, This was
seaicely mtessai, hovvcvoi, as C'ai
pentei's ball had been engaged as a
tallying point, and neatly nil the tiol
Ipvinen us-einbled theie at the con
clusion of their runs, to hear whatever
news the committee might have to give
out, and leielve Institutions for the
inoitovv, In itise the light was to go on,
A member of the executive committee
said last night that Oeueinl Malinger
.slllnian's lettei olicied nothing, that
It vvat- wiitten with tho full Knowledge
that It could not tfiect u settlement,
and that its only put pose was to make
the public believe that the men had re
fused to nibltiate,
Tirnv FinsT it.
"Why rt was the men who (list pio
posed nibitiation," ho went on to say.
"We aie willing to aibinato and to
show our anloiy for aiblttatlon wo
waived the first agieeinent that the
bo, ml should consist nt thtce men anil
allowed Bishop Hoban, the eholeo of
the company, .should bo solo atblttator,
But the company does not agtee to ar
bltiate. "What Is le.illy olfeiod In Geneial
Manager Sllliinan'.s lettei Is that the
company can convict Goidon and Cai
den befoio any fall -minded lofeieci
piovldlng Goidon and Caideu ain not
allowed to combat tlio testimony of the
company'b souices of lufoimatlou. We
want tho public to undei stand that
tho company does nut ofiep to arhl
tiale and that all the mini aie asking
Is aibltiuljon and the rtiinstntement ol
tho accused men pending the tludlng
of the arbttoi "
E. Sandeis and Peter Hill Given
Notice of Death.
The piaetlcitl Joker, who litis beep
sending tliieatenlng postal cauls to the
dtUens of Not th Hi i anion who spoke
at the recent aiill-uiiiuchlst meeting, Im
still ut his woik.
The last lo icielvo postals ao M. 1),
Sandeis, who acted as dull man of the
meeting, and Peter Hill. The postals
aie wiitten lu led Ink and nio penned
in a hand that appeals to lie a labored
attempt on tho pait of a person who
i an wiile well, to wijtu llko an lllltei
ate poison. Mr. Sandeis' postal sets,
foi th that It Is his death notlie, while
Mi, lllli'H (Hunts him to piep.uu his
soul, as his end Is near. The sending
of these cauls Is a most striuus ofiense
under the federal statutes.
Result of Games Between Bicycle
Club and Wheelmen,
Another of the series of pool matches
being plaied by the Sciantou JLtlcyelo
club and tli eon llldge Wheelmen took
liliice last night.
At the Sciantou Hlcyi le club, Wctle
niati, of the Wheelmen, defeated Kays,
of the Ulevele club, 100 to SI, allil
Duspiibctry, of the Hltyclo dub, de
feated Monies, of tho AVlieeltnen, 100 to
At tlipOtecti Kldge AVIlPolineti's club,
Keese, of the Wheelmen, defented Bllf
tlold, or the Bicycle club, 100 to V), and
Tolot, of the Wheelmen, defeated
Gotinnn, ot the Bicycle club, 100 to 82.
The iicvt games will be played on
Thin sduy night. .Seventeen games Is
the goal sought. The score at present
Is: Bicycle club, sixteen games; Wheel
men, eight.
Made the Best Scote in the Handicap
Golf Match.
The handicap golf match played Sat
urday at the Country club links was
won by T. It. Wntklus, In the play off
after a tie with Mr. J. Ij..Peck.
In the ladles' putting contest, In
which twenty-five contestants took
pail, Miss Atchbald, Mrs. A. li. Stons
and Miss Gladys Watklns all tied for
lirst place at ten stiokes. In the play
off Miss Aubbald and Mis. Stous
again tied with ten, while Miss Wat
klns took eleven and chopped out. Pill
ing again Miss Atchbald made ten and
Mis. Stons eleven. Miss Archbald,
theiefore, took the handsome silver
medal which vvas covpted by all.
Representatives to Wilkes-Barre
Evangelical Lutheinn Minister
lum Gathers in St. Mark's.
The opening session of the seven
teenth semi-annual convention of the
WllUes-Bauc Bvangcllcal Lutheran
Mlnistoiium was held last evening in
St. Mai It's Lutheian church at Wash
burn and Fouiteenth stieet. Tho
vi'dtois weie entei tallied at sup
ppr bv the Woman's Guild of St.
Mai It's chut eh, after which the
confession and absolution serv
vices weie held in the Sunday school
room, The cleigymen then matched
to the auditorium, wheie the opening
session of the conference was held.
The hetmon was preached by Uev. II
F. J. Seneker, of this citv, on the sub
ject of ' Christ, the Head of the
Chinch." His text was t ikon fiom
Hp. 1-13 The cbui eh choir rendered
an anthem and Mi. Phelps hang a solo.
The cleigymen in attendance are:
itet V. ,1. Biuer, Summit Hill. la.
Itet r, P. nit then, Cotiliislioro
Itei. I r., lloppte
Itet r h Iliimig, Howimmltmn
itet. I' M Heyshcr, fcnjre
Itet T n Holes Wilkes Pure
ltd II II Ilriimiijc, 1 D , White lla CD.
Itet It Com id, West Pitlslnn
Itet. O V. Mluoin. 1'itWnn
ttei. 1' 1 C I luiio'cr, Ctrl imhle.
Itet. O I belt, Auiieiireitl
Itet r I OdMe, luuistonl.
Itet. I I Kunl?, 1 reel mil
7!et C!t urj,'f S huiikle, I elughton
Itet T II Kuder, bell ghton
lltv. O Karscliner, ConinRliim
ti t I J Keulini;, VVetlurlt
Itet I II I.oniritn Weittport, Pa
Itet VV. C Ij I nm, Srrinlnn
ltn. I, Mntltrotiutli, Wilkes li-nre
Itev II I Mot el, An.tnsi!nuH
llet. I I Miller, I) 1) Vieu
Ilct Willnni M Ktlin', Pli I) , Mmch Chunk
Itet Tol n W Ituulolpli, 'sciintou
Itet V P Itippei, Wist llilttriii
Itet V I. litnier, I'll 1) , sernnlon
Ittt I O Schlenlei, Ilailetuu
Itet, V il li mi If sirnwu. I tlu'lito i
llet II P. I Senekei, Wilkes Ilin e.
Itev ( (, Sutkci, Stranton
ltiv. VI I) St hinot t r, Uwt Maiieh Chunk
Itet (I Wucliler, fiilbcrl"
Itet J II C Witke, Sti iiitcn
Itev Ihinilnrc tilter, Piftston
Hit P 1 izelniaun, Scranton
Following aie the lav delegates- A.
AV. Moser, Summit Hill; A. H. Hum
ble, Audeniled; John Gtiepel, AVilkes
Bane; .1. Warlike, Mauch Chunk, Wm.
.Icines. "West Haleton; lewls Bet,
Lehlghton; Utnest Frank, Ilnleton;
William Nahlen, Plttston; V. W. Mo
set, Setanton.
'The lsltors aie being entertained at
the homes of Dr. Hauler's parishloneis,
and todav they will be entertained at
dinner and supper by the Woman's
Tlio business session will convene at
9 o'cloik this morning, when the official
repents will be received, officeis will bo
elected and other mutters per tabling to
the conference will be discussed and
acted upon.
This afternoon the discussion of doc
trinal and put lit al subjects will be
taken up bv the deigynren. Yesper
seivlccs will be held this evening, and
Hev. I. I.lndenstruth, Hev. H. If.
Bt unlug and Rev. J. II. Kuder will bo
the speakers on Impoituut subjects.
The sessions will be continued tomor
iow morning, afternoon and evening,
Hev. A. Ij. Humor, Ph. U tho pastor
of St, Mink's chinch, wheie the con
vention is being held, Is sccretnry of
tho conference.
Sim Davis Wants to Shoot with Clem
The Tiibuiie Is In leeelpt of the fol
lowing acceptance of the recent chal
lenge ol Clem Maish, the woll known
Smiiliui, Pa , s, pt , jr,)!
spoitlns IMitor ot 11m Iriluiue
setlni; tint (km Marrli Im rlmllniril inr.
limb In tint rouutj to shoot him moriling to
iiii.t rule?, I hirthv nflir lu bhoot liliu a filr
Hutch, fiflj lilnls, inortliiiK to ntliei hi.liutMI
iiiuiitj or Viueiinn Vociiliou rules-, for S.MI0,
the to lit shot al Mlililie I'm m iut
111, ami tlie B'ile uctlpU to 'u tu tin u iled
rinrltlri of Ptrjiiton Man anil moiuv un he
found on Oet 2 at S m jit .1111 South Miln
avinue, If this olTtr is not fikm I vtill Itiinre
ill nlhcr challfii,'t8 whlili Mr Maitli nnv nuhi
sini Dins
Mi belli tils in 1'iohibllku are i iiurtul lo
lllu I at (iiiilli-i) lull I Hi mI it Mining,
The S( pttei'o T II Miiht.t ttlll met in.
Iillilit at S n't lock til tJle It i ion mi Hie IM ID
Ihe ( tlilul Woiikii's (bri.lilli 'li lil or ill e
union will unit IhN ifuiiiuon it :, u'tluuk in
(aitriisi.t I all iili)cct. "llrlJtfou ol the ou
I ii Inns to tin Stale ami Cnuno,"
More Opportunities
fur Hal iio;iiv, in
il inn mm; jie if.
le li tl b; I be t US',
si ll MOIIV than
ilscwhue, nut-Id,'
tin' liue cities 1 our
aiNt pejlals ttlll
lu ehtn li) fdiiiniH
lljliit.S lioiu nv
nik, Phiiaiklplua
ami lliintui.
I, .Mir fit I'ciiiilns
ton, Diuctui.
II .lull wniileil In Inn' ii ttitcli, .von woiil In't r" to 1 tl" tore. It jou want
to Inr ii litni ilon'tjDii Ihltitc ii liimp Hole Is the pltcc Id buy It?
Wi luvp hid ttttiilv vein ixieriener tn tlio lamp litulnrM ntnt rlmiilil lnvn
iinie Kiioleilt!e if Mini I sooil nntl vvlint Is not, There nre lots o( poor one! nude.
If nil lint a lamp here jou Ret the lieiielit ot our experience,
Perfeillon siudenr I. nun fur rrmlliisr Ins no superior, Old IiriM CA t(
and, lllotl Alitlipic IIihm I inUli ''w
It ,v It. I, imp for riidlnjt ind rciipi il Unlit, CO landle power, li tho O lt
best ot It-kind, rimipkn-wllti uluilc P-.W
5 Qeo. V. Millar &
-b -
Mattresses Made Over,
Pillows Renovated.
We will call for your old mattresses or pillows and re
turn them as good as new.
Mattresses Hade Over, same tick, $2.50
New Tick, best material 4.50
Pillows Renovated..., 10 cents per pound.
Setanton Betiding Co.,
Lackawanna and Adams Aves.
At Crane's
Fashion's Doors Swing Widei
There's always a pleasure in being the first to see the
new, and the new here surpasses anything we have shown
in the past. A day makes a vast difference in our Fall
Displays, a veritable transformation has been wrought
since our last general announcement. To chronicle all the
shifting phases of fashion is a task from which any pen
might well shrink. We have shiited. "What we show is
the extreme essence of style and utmost values.
Others have been convinced. Are you waiting tht
same opportunity ?
New Building, 324 Lackawanna Ave
End of the Season
Sale of Baby Carriages
We hnve had a great season of baby carrrage selling, but
still have about thirty first-class, up-to-date cairiages left.
We don't want to keep them over- the winter and in order to
close them all out have made a general 1 eduction on eich
and every one now here. The following list will give you
some idea as to the magnitude of the bai gains offered m this
$45.00 Cariiages now $30.00
35.00 Carriages now 25.00
27.50 Carriages now 22.00
25.00 Carriages now 19.00
23.00 Carriages now 18.00
312-314 Lackawanna Avenue.
An examination of our stock of clothing will teach
you how to dress well on little money, We believe
our goods are a little better, and our prices lower,
than in any other store in town. Call and find out.
We stand ready to prove it.
We Want Every Man
Who Is Particular About His
Clothing to Inspect Our Line
Our Clothing is all made by Union Tailors, and put
together consistently, with linings and trimmings
that we know are good. Our .Hull's Flll'llisllillg
Depiirlment is complete in every detail.
Occupies an Imperishable Position in the BUSINESS WORLD.
" h!
NO. 23 S. Eighth
Mik Muiy I'atiiisKy, n I'ollfcli oin
iiii. icfclilliiK In tlio leai ot tl.'S South
WiihliliiKtun uvciiuc, fell Ui'.ul on Hull
(li,.ii'Uiiui(iu in UJut of her home.
Mis. 1'atiiibhy head a iliild riy
Iiik lu tin' btioot, ami luxlu'it liuuleUly
uul lu M-i; if H us lK'is. As the
Co. '.!':'""'
ttmrib iuovk nrinti
Both 'Phone
$20.00 Cairiages now $16.00
17.00 Carriages now 13.00
15.00 Cariiages now 12.00
12.00 Carriages now 10.00
9.00 Cairiages now 6.50
& Wirth
Unquestionable Superior Merit
Annually adds thousands of names to
lie long list of Smith Premier users,
representing eery line of trade and
eery profession , ,, ,, ,,
The Smith Premier Typewriter Co..
St Philadelphia, Pa.
1 car lied tho front Bate, sho fell to the
m ouncl ami tiled, after fifiniilin,- for u
moment oi' two, l)i. John MiOtrith,
who happened to ho pahhliitf. examines'
her mid pronouiKcd her dead.
Tho popular I'uneli cigar Js still thr
leader of the 10c elgurs.
jj- l
--. i