The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, October 01, 1901, Page 2, Image 2

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Of licet
Steps Being Taken to Test the Legal
ity of the Resolution Which Coun
cils Passed Over Mnyor Kilprtt
rick's Veto, Awarding Three-Year
Contract to Lackawanna Valley
Company An Injunction to Be
The city lighting contract, which was
lapsed about on tins troubled council
manic sea for several months, did not
Tpatdi u port oC safety, It seems, when
.1 paused common council cm Monday
night of last week, over the mayor's
veto, for steps" have already been taken
towards socking the court's opinion as
to tlio legality of the resolution that
awarded the contract.
The. public Is well Informed of the
earnest spirit and determined light that
marked the passage of the contract
resolutions through both brunches of
councils, and, while this now phase of
the tight, for It wlis truly one, will
serve to stir up warm discussions
anew, there Is no mistaking the regret
that will bo felt generally that the in
tervention of the court is found to be
necessary. The hope seems to ho well
founded that the Issue would be settled
for all time at the late meeting of
common council, but the indications
now are that the city will have to de
fend against an Injunction thai will
probably ho asked of the court within
a few clays.
Opposition to the awarding of the
contract for more than a year, or prob
ably It would be more correct to say
the niiinnor in which the resolution
was passed, and this opposition will be
manifested In the form of an injunc
tion, most likely, asking the court to
restrain ll;e mayor from signing the
contract until the validity of the meas
ure awarding the same be passed upon
by the court. Citizens who have taken
a close Interest in the proceedings are
I 'ii to have sought the opinion of
'ranton attorney, who is regarded
i.s an authority on municipal law, and
have received the opinion that the
resolution was not legal: in fact, was
not the measure that should be em
ployed, and that the awarding of the
contract is consequently not valid or
regular. Reliance, it is assured by
those interested, can be placed on the
statement that the intention to invoke
the court Is more than a rumor, and
that definite action will be immediately
Its Bright and Its Dark Siae to Be
Described by Dr. Whalen.
What can bo promised to bo an In
tensely interesting lecture, as well as
conveying highly prod table lessons, is
the illustrated talk, "The Dark and
Bright Side of Life In Now York City,"
that Ilev. Dr. "Whalen will deliver In
the lecture room of the nerenn Baptist
rhureh tomorrow evening. The lecture
will be fully illustrated, an aimouneo
nent which will serve to Increase in
erest In the talk. An admission fee of
) coats will be charged.
The following notice of Dr. "Whalon's
lecture, which was delivered In Har
ford, last week, is from the Harford
"On iMoiKlay night he lectured on
"The Hright and Dark Hide of New
York City." Dr. Whalen is n very en
ertainlng and helpful lecturer. Such
pctures will do much to elevate n com
munity, because there Is something to
them and emphatically Christian. Peo
ple who miss tlioni, lose the privilege of
knowing more than they do at present,
as well as helng helped to better man
hood and womanhood,"
Of the Lutheran Ladies' Aid Society,
on Wednesday, October 2, at Union
dale. All members of said society and their
"cmale friends are urged to attend tills
.larvcst pleasure picnic and nut to for
get their baskets.
Erie train O.'Jf, a. in. starling, and re-
. timing .".IS p. in., Delaware and Hud-
ou city depot, where a return ticket
will be given at the rate of forty-five
cents. By order of the society.
Kinney on War Path.
Thomas Kinney, of Simpson, was on
.he warpath hist night and terrorized
t lie Inhabitants of the village. Ho
hurled a stone through the window of
tiio house occupied by airs, Hill and
Delaware and Hudson Railroad.
Juno ll, l!X)l,
Trains i Icjnc Caibomlule airily bljtlon as
follows: T
for Strantnn nncl Wllkca-ltarrc fl.OU, 7,0(1, g no
. 11.01, 10.01, 11.21 a. m.i 12.10. 1.IJ, 2.01, 3.J0.'
2 6.0(1. 7.W, 10.01, 10.51 p. in. '
hunday train Imo at S.30, 11,21 . nl . i m
T C.l'i, S.S0. 8.W p. 111. '
For Albany, baratoga, Moulted, loton, xCv
' Knglani points, etc., 7,00 u, m. ; 4.33 p. ,
.daily.) '
, for Uke Lodore, Wayinact and IloncMlalo
i 7.2.', 11. IB a, in.; 3.51, 0.1.1 . in. '
i Sunday trains leave for Lake Lodore. Wavmart
and lloncsdalo at U.30 a, in.; 1,30, 1,1.1 n. ;,,
Train strive at ('arliondalo from Wllkcs-parie
and Scranlon as follou.; i;.&ii, S.H7, in ut
a. HI.; 12.37. 2.(1.1, :i.2.t, 1.28, U.OS, 7.01, S.isi, oil
11.57 p. m.t l.W a. in, ' '
Sunday trains arrbc at 0.3" a. in.: 12.10 !:
4.28, a.29,,11.30 p. 111. ' ' J''
Trains arrive dally from Albany at 3 la and
0.58 p. in,; and on Sunday at 2,,'to p. m.
Trains arrl from and Wsvmnri
daily, at 8.13 a. m.; 12.(d, 4.10, 6.17 p. m'"'ma"
Sunday trains arrive at C'arliondale from Lain
I.odfire. Wajpiait and lloncsdale at 12.17. 111
and 7.55 p. m. "' ''g
New York, Ontario and Western,
' "3opt. IT, 1901.
Trains eae Caibondalc for Scranlon at 7 on .
m : 4. CO p. 111. w
Sunday I rains at 7.00 a. 111.; 6.00 p, m
Train leavts C'arbondalo (or points north .,
11.10 a. m. On Sunday nt 0.1 u, ni. Train,
Imlnif at 11,10 1. m. wetlt days and a.10 ,'
.Sundays make connections for New York, Corn".
Trains anlNe from Scranlon at a. m n an
p. in.t from pointa north, .00 p. m. V,m,:,.
Iiom Scranton at 9.10 a. a. and 7,45 p. m j mm
CadosU at 0.00 p. in. ' '' "um
Erie Bailroad,
June 2J, 10OI.
TjalM leave city ititlon Carbondale. dillv
(exeept Sunday) at 7.00 a. m. and 4.33 p. ' ,. ,J.
Biar4t and Nineveh; at 9.33 a. m., daily (ex.
ccptlng Sunday), for lilnghamton, niakin? eon.
utclloiu (or Kw York city and Buffalo, and at
6.10 p. m. for Susquehanna, making connection
(or western points.
Sunday trains at 0.45 1. m. (or Suaquthinna.
with western connection, and u. m., wltli
aamt connection. ' ,
Trains arrhe at 8.53 a. ra. and 4.45 p. uv
e.vodiys at 8.53 a. m.
Caftbondale Department,
nnrrnVly missed slrlklng three pIocp
Ing children. Kinney then went on
the rampage on Turkey lllll and word
hnd to bo sent to Constable Day who
took the reckless citizen in charge
ami lodged him in the Jail in this city.
Tomorrow Set Aside for Offerings to
Aid This Charity.
Tomorrow will be donation day for
Kmergoney hospital. The vacant store
room of J. A. lloolo on Saleni avenue
will bo tised for the purpoi'o where of
ferings intended to aid this charity
will bo gratefully received,
Articles of every kind are acceptable
but the following are especially necd
g.1: Night shirts for men, night
drosses for women, under vests for
mon anil women, stocking for women,
underwear, contributions of canned
fruit, potatoes and vegetables, clean
ing cloths are nlso specially needed.
The underwear, etc., should bo made
perfectly plain. Second hand nrtleles
which are In good condition can be
used, Contribution!! of money, espe
cially, are acceptable as the cash can
be Invested In the articles most
Leaves the Hail3 While Passing
Through Llayfield and, Striking
a Pole, Demolishes It Passen
gers Shaken Up and One Woman,
Mrs. Ellsworth Meyers, of May
fleld Yard, Painfully Injured.
There was a repetition of the trolley
accident of several weeks ago, but with
more disastrous ri-sults, when a north
bound ear jumped the rails while pass
ing through the lower end of .Maylleld
yesterday afternoon.
The ear carried about a score of pas
sengers who were tossed about and se
verely shaken up, when the front truck
.lumped and ploughed Into the ground.
The forward end of the ear struck a
pole with such force that it was
snapped in two.
"When the shock occurred the passen
gers were filled with fear, which in
creased as they were knocked against
each other and against the side of
the ear.
Three or four women collapsed, and
one passenger, Mrs. Kllsworth Meyers,
of Mnylleld yard, was bruised about
the lower part of the body and suffered
considerable pain from an injury to
her side. Khe had to be assisted to her
I.,ike the other accidents of tlio same
character, yesterday's happening is at
tributable to the condition of the road
bed. Series of Evangelistic Meetings.
A series of evangelistic meetings will
be opened tonight in the First Metho
dist church by Kev. G. AV. Wilson, of
Providence, 15. J.
"tev. Mr. "Wilson's labors as an evan
gelist have been marked with signal
results in oilier fields, and it is expect
ed that his stay here will result in a
stronger religious spirit among the
people whom ho will reach.
The meetings will be hold each even
ing except Saturday.
Election of Officers.
The following oflicors were elected at
a regular meeting of Olive L,eaf lodge,
No. lfti, Independent Order of Odd Fel
lows, hold last evening: Noble grand,
George ISeattlo; vice grand, Frank
"Wells; recording secretary, J. P. Vala
mantain; secretary, U. F. "Whllclock:
treasurer, Kdward Hull; trustee, Frank
Luclwlg; representative to grand lodge
session in Krle, Kd. Hall. Installation
of officers will take place Monday even
ing. Oct. 14.
Week of Good Players,
AVliat gives assurance of being a
week of splendid entertainment In a
theatrical way for the people of Car
bondale opened at the Grand last night
when the King Dramatic company
gave a line production of the pastoral
piece, "On the "Wabash."
The scenic embellishments were
splendid and the specialties were
treats. The company will undoubted
ly play to tilled houses as It deserves
Meetings of Tonight.
"William H. Davle.s' "Women's Hellef
Division No. y, Ancient Order of
Ht. Vincent de Paul,
l.ackuwannnu tribe, No. 208, Red
Mitchell Hose company.
Carbondalo conclave, No. 39, Order
of Heptusophs.
Tickets for Entertainment Course,
Tho tickets for the entertainment
course, which will bo provided by tal
ent from the Urookway l.octuie and
Kntcrtulnment bureau, will bo distrib
uted this week. Tho promoters of this
series of entertainments lmvo met with
great success. They huvo disposed of
400 tickets for tho entire course.
To Attend Abington Association
Several ladies of rho Korean Daptist
church will attend tho basket business
meeting of tho Alilngton itaptlst nssn
elation, which will bo held at Waverly
011 Thursday of this week,
Miss Cella Moses, of Hamilton, Is the
guest of relatives In this city,
John Forbes, formerly of this city,
but now locnl editor of nn Ashury Park
(N, J.) iliilly, visited among hla friends
In Carbondulo yesterday,
Maurice Dean left yesterday for New
York to resume, his studies In tho law
department of Columbia university,
Miss liiiuru "Woodward, tho Dullou
milliner, will have her fall opening on
Thursday and Friday of this week.
Sir, and Mrs. "Watson, who have been
boarding for soma time at the home
of Mis. K. G. Von Rtorclt, will leavo
on Thursday for their homo in Dan
ville. m Charles Miller has been repairing hla
house wtl a new roof and a fresh
coat of paint.
Mr, and Mrs, Frank Von S torch r
'Phone t
NEW, 286
sight-seeing at tho Pan-American ex
position. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Montague are
moving Into the houso recently occu
pied by "Walter Purely.
ISov. A. V. Cooper was a visitor In
Scranlon yesterday.
The funeral of tho Into James 1.
Sampson, an old and esteemed resident
of Second street, took place yesterday
afternoon. At 2 o'clock a brief .service
was held at tho house, after which tho
remains were taken to tho Methodist
Kplscopal church where tho services
were continued by Ucv. M. D. Fuller,
assisted by Hcv. Francis Qcndall, of
1'cckvllle. Tho latter was 11 life-long
friend of tho deceased, and In accord
ance with wishes expressed by Mr.
Sampson, while alive, preached tho
funeral sermon. The services were
largely attended, and tho inemherH of
Ituslibrook lodge and encampment of
Odd Fellows attended in a body. The
pall-bearers were D. Winter, It. A.
Wllliimn, "W. O. Hill. Thomas Hen
wood, Robert Jtoe mid Edward "Wood
worm. There were 11 number of beau
tiful floral gifts, which included a pil
low with the inscription "Grandpa," a
palm from the Sundny school class, a
sheaf of wheat and several casket
bonnets. Tho (lower-bearers were Ed
ward Mason and Samuel Temby, from
tho lodge, and Mrs. Theron Mfon and
Mrs. Thomas Prynn, members of the
Sundny school class.
Hetween Saturday evening and yes
terday morning a mean outrage was
perpetrated on a number of contrac
tors in tho Delaware and Hudson col
liery by some miserable and vicious
miscreant, who visited the places of
the contractors in the colliery and de
stroyed their tools. Pick handles and
scoop handles were cut or parts taken
away, and kegs of powder strewn along
the headings. All the men whoso tools
were destroyed are either driving head
ings or airways. The men are nattir
nlly incensed at such outrageous work,
and it is too bad the culprit was not
caught at It. As a specimen of mean
ness, this is about the worst case that
has occurred in the neighborhood for
some time.
James Carlo, of Fourth street, was
operated upon yesterday at Dr. "Wheel
er's hospital at Carbondale. Mr. Carle
is suffering from cancer of the stom
ach. Charles Smith is homo from the
Klondike, and was around both bor
oughs yesterday shaking the hands of
his friends. He will probably return to
tho gold fields again, after a few
Dr. Sickler, of Peckville, who is at
tending Will Graves, was in town last
evening. .Mr. Graves is suffering with
lirlght's disease and is in a very seri
ous condition.
Will Uray, of Hazlelon, was a visitor
here yesterday.
Mrs. Theodore Spettlguc and daugh
ter, Mary, called on Carbondale friends
The funeral of Lieutenant Colonel
"Wallace will bo held Wednesday after
noon at -.30 o'clock from his late resi
dence, on Olive street, Parsons, Pa.
Paul Weldlck and Mike Dribuock,
two Hungarians residing on the East
Side, were brutally assaulted by Mike
and Andrew Getze, two fellow country
men, on Saturday night. Hotb men
had badly battered heads which a
surgeon had to dress and yesterday
morning tho assailants wore arrested
and taken before Justice' of the Peace
ltobinson, who will give them a further
hearing this morning.
The Citizen's band gave an open air
concert on the lawn of Mr. and Mrs.
Thomas Maun at West Maytield on
Friday evening". The programme was
a varied one and was thoroughly en
joyed by the large concourse of peo
ple who were attracted by the band's
sweet strains. Perhaps tlio two most
enjoyable numbers wore llunky Dory,
a two step by Ilolyinann and the Oal
antlio waltzes by tho same composer.
Mr, "Kirlin, of South Sernutnn, spent
yesterday at the homo of his daughter,
Mrs. .1. F. Nicholson, of Mnin street.
Frank Gendall. of Scranton, was a
visitor hero yesterday.
Mr. and Mrs. John Mairn have re
turned home from the Pan-American
Mrs. Arthur Day, of Cemetery street,
Is visiting her parents at Kaston.
Mrs, John May nurd and daughter
Ruth are visiting friends at Unlondale,
Miss Edith Muynarci spent Sunday
with Olynhnnt friends,
Miss Mary Spettigue,- of Cemetpuy
street, visited friends In Carbondale
Sat 111 day.
Mrs, lllauche Nlvens and son, Har
old, of Port Jervls, and Mr, and Mrs.
James Wat res and family, of Duinuoro,
and Miss Annie Daniels spent Sunday
with Miss Jtertlta Jones, on Storrs
Mrs. Margaret Shepanl and daughter,
Jennie, of WllUes-llarre, visited at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Richard H.
Jones, on the Sabbath.
Miss Ethel Jones, of Storrs street,
left yesterday for a week's visit with
relatives in Wllkt'S-Harre.
Kvan W. Davis, a popular young man
of this town, and .Miss Margarot Reese,
an estimable young lady of I.ausford,
will be nulled In marriage today at the
latter place.
This evening tlio complimentary con
cert for Prof, Harry Evans, previous
to his departure for his liouin In Wales,
will bo held in Weber's rink.
The Taylor Pnlon band held their
postponed picnic from Saturday even
ing, at Weber's park, last owning,
As tlio open air concert to ho given
nn Saturday evening next by the Tay
lor Silver Cornet baud will bo tho last
of the season, It Is suggested to huvo
tlio Anthracite (lleo club, one of our
foremost singing organizations, assist
(lie band In making tlio dual concert a
memorable one,
Tho foundation walls for tho mam
moth new building or Nelger &. Powell,
on Main street, Is being pushed to com
pletion rapidly,
Tlio committee on arrangements on
tho musical programme for the Christ
inas eisteddfod aro working hard In
preparing tho snine, The programme
will appear in full In this column In
tho neur future.
Hyard T, Grlltlths, son of Hurgesaanrt
Mis. "W, P. Grllllths, left yesterday to
enter as a student. In tho Stroudsburg
Normal school.
Tho AVomen's Christian Temperance
union will meet In tho Methodist Epls
copal church on Friday evening next
at 7.30 o'clock. All aro cordially in
vited. MIbs Ida Sperber, of Taylor street,
has returned homo from a visit with
friends and relatives In New JcrBey.
Robert Moore, of Grove Btrect, Ib at
the Pan-American,
Miss Gertrude Fainter has returned
to her homo in Dunmore, after visiting
rclatlvcB here.
Mrs. Dayld S. Price and son, Bert,
have returned to their homo at Clark's
Summit, after visiting her parents In
this place.
"Old 81 Stcbblns" will bo produced
at tho Father Mathew opera house on
Thursday night. In this play the au
thor hus portrayed with a great deal
of earnestness tho story of a rustle
farmer whoso adventures and mishaps
in tho city are full'of laughable sltua
tlons. At tho head of tho company I
Dan Darhlgh, a character comedian,
whoso portrayal of the rustlo gentle
man has never been equaled. The com
pany carry with it two complete brass
bands for tho Twentieth century
street parade which will take place
at noon on Thursday.
Mlclmpl B. O'Brien who died on board
ship while returning from Cape Nome,
on September 10, was a former resi
dent of this place. Ho Is survived
by three brothers and one sister. They
are Mlrs Mary O'Brien, of Lackawan
na s'reet, J. W. O'Brien, of tho West
Knd hotel, William and Joseph O'Brien
of Scrnnton. His remains were burled
at ea.
Tho ladles of tho Initial society of
the Blakely Baptist clvurch, whose
names begin with tho letters W. and Y.
will servo a chicken supper in the
church social room Thursday 'evening
between the hours of 6 and 9 o'clock.
John Thompson and Richard Allison,
of Pittston, spent Sunday with friends
In tow.
Mrs. A. D. Haines and Mrs. John
Barrett have returned after spending
a week at Gelatt, Pa.
Miss Mabel Corlbaugh, of Wilkes
Barre, was the guest of Miss Jennie
Patten, of Delaware street, over Sun
day. Mrs. Mary Lewis, of Hyde Park, is
visiting friends at this ploce.
Mrs. A. F. Crans has returned home
after a week's visit at Oswego, N. Y.
Mrs. S. E. Akerley returned home
from the Pan-American exposition yes
terday. Miss Maggie Jones, of Susquehanna
street, left yesterday for a visit with
rela tlves at Baltimore, Md.
Miss Rachel A. Evans has returned
home after spending a few days with
Pittston friends.
Miss Laura Healey, of Rochester, Is
visiting her mother on Dunmore street.
Mrs4. S. J. Cowley and Miss Mabel
Moran who have been visltng relatives
at Philadelphia, have returned home.
The homo of Mr. and Mrs. Edward
Parker was made happy by tho ad
vent of a baby boy. This being the
first they are naturally highly elated.
Tho property near the high school
building known as the Maloney lot has
been purchased by Clarence Simpson
who intends to erect a summer resi
dence there at once. It Is one of the
most beautiful locations in the state.
Mr. Raver of Benton has purchased
tho hotel and intends to make some
needed improvements.
Tho Baptist church is being painted
by Perry and Stone which adds great
ly to its appearance.
Parties are negotiating for tho pur
chase of the rink lot on Academy street
owned by Week Stone, for tho purpose
of erecting a summer residence.
A reception was tendered the old
people of this community on Thursday
evening by tho Epworth League in
tlio social rooms of tho Methodist
church. Thirty-three were present
who were beyond sixty years, the av
erage being pixty-elght years. Mr.
W. R. Flsk was tho oldest, ho being
now past eighty-five. Mrs. Elvira Corn,
and Mr. Lorey Stone aro about the
same age, both crowding toward eighty-four,
while Mr. Samuel Whaling,
Mrs. Mary Swallow, Mrs. Esther Stone
each has passed tho first year of the
octlgenarian rank, with Deacon Tyler
about ready to enter. These, with oth
ers ranging from sixty to seventy-seven
years, graced tho occasion with their
presence. Mr. Chamberlain, aged ninety-one,
the oldest person In tho com
munity, and Mrs. Smith, aged eighty
seven, were unable to bo present, and
several other, being detained by infirm
ities, sent regrets. After a substantial
supper (served by the ladles of the
League and church, short congratula
tory addresses were made by Prof.
Hanyen, and Rev. Godshall, pastor of
tho church. Responses were given by
Mr. Lorey Stone, Mrs. Coon and Mr.
Clark, of Pawnee City, Nebraska, a
former resident of this vicinity.
The Methodist Episcopal Church Aid
society is planning for a harvest home
festival and entertainment In the near
Chaplain and JIib. Newton Rltner,
w ho have been spending the summer at
Mr. King's, returned to their homo in
Philadelphia on Wednesday,
Row and Mrs. Thomas Warnock have
been entertaining the latter's sister and
husband from Illinois during the past
All hopes of a completed boulevard or
a new depot for this summer will soon
be laid away with the season's gar
ments. A petition is being clrculatid for the
purpose of inducing the Delaware,
Lackawanna and Western to place an
early train nn to accommodate those
who cannot reacl1 their work early
enough on the 7. '".. Such service Is
greatly needed and would he of much
benellt to many of our residents.
David Smith has returned from a
week's outing In Wayne county, where
he renewed his youth by fishing and
other diversions.
Mr. and Mrs. Horace Jones and son,
Lawrence, returned homo Sunday from
u visit with Scranton friends.
Tho Ladles' Aid society will meet
tills (Tuesday) afternoon at tlio homo
of Mis, Poston,
B. J. Cannon was called to Long Isl
and City, Stinduy, by tho Illness of his
Tho Misses Sara Decker, Susie Ed
wards and Margaret Edwards and
Wlntleld Decker spent last Sabbath In
Hyde Park.
Mr. and Mrs. E. N, Wells and daugh
ter returned home yesterduy, after vis
iting tho former's mother, at South
Tho grange fnlr will ho held at Madl
souville, Wednesday, Thursday and
Friday of this week.
The regular monthly literary meet
ing of the Epworth league will be held
in tho Methodist church, Friday even
ing. Mrs. Bush and daughter, ot Sprague-
'ltle, nro visiting the former's sister,
Mrs. James Shoemaker.
Fred Do Pow will enter tho Scranlon
Business college today.
Miss Emma Anderson and Mies Kffle
Williams Parsons spent Sunday at the
homo of Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of thla
Ruth Gray of Duryea Is suffering
with a severe attack of diphtheria.
Mr. GeorRO Richardson and wife and
Mr. Thomas RiohardBon and wife of
A'arsons were visiting at die home of
the slBtcr, Mrs J. Dills on Sunday.
Mr. and Mrs. Lano are rejoicing over
tho birth of a young daughter.
A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs.
Walter Nailer.
Francisco Sirnghi Accused of Mak
ing Counterfeit Dies.
Dy Kxeluslve Wire trom The Associated TrcM.
New York, Sept. 30. Francisco Blr
aghl, nn Italian, 42 years old, who ar
rived here last Sunday on tho steamer
Espearcnzo from Havana, was arrest
ed today by United States secret ser
vice agents. Blraghl, it is alleged, is
tho man who made tho dies for the
Paris gang of counterfeiters, which was
run down by tho secret service bureau
in Janunry last. Six of tho gang were
convicted and arc now serving terms
of Imprisonment.
Blraghl, who Is nn export engraver
and dlo sinker, left the city just before
tho raid was made, going to Havana,
Cuba. Blraghl pleaded not guilty when
arraigned boforo tho United States
commissioner today on the charge of
making the dies and in default of J5.000
bail was committed to jull to await
The Assassin Seems to Have Recov
ered from His Collapse.
By Exclusive Wire (rom Tlio Associated Press.
Auburn, N. Y., Sept. 30. Czolgosz's
first Sunday la the condemned, cell
was unmarked by special Incident. He
is tactiturn and his conversation with
guards is concerning .meals. His ap
petltlto is unimpaired and ho seems
to have entirely recovered from his
recent collapse. He has had no cal
lers and but one letter, although War
den Meade is constantly receiving ap-
JHHK1 1 smllWg.&li.Fi
Z"HtajJV y Mill IIHll I IhJIIIbbbbbbV fHH WUHsbbbbbbbbI H
MaW ''IjZL. llBBBBtBBBBBBBBVlmftlllll. TJ H
Mrs. L. A. Harris, a Prominent Member
of a Chicago Woman's Political Club, tells
how Ovarian Troubles may be Cured with
out a Surgical Operation. She says :
" Doctors have a perfect craze for operations. The minuts
there is any trouble, nothing but an operation will do them ; ona
hundred dollars and costs, and included in the costs are pain, and
agony, and often death.
" I suffered for eight years with ovarian troubles ; spent hundreds
of dollars for relief, until two doctors agreed that an operation was
my only chance of life. My sister had been using LycliaE. Pink
ham's Vegetable Compound for her troubles, and been cured,
and she strongly urged me to let the doctors go and try the Com
pound. I did so as a last resort ; used it faithfully with the Sana
tive Wash for five months, and was rejoiced to find that my troubles
were over and my health restored. If women would only try Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound first, fewer surgical operations
would occur." Mrs. L. A. Harris, 278 East 31st St., Chicago, 111.
When women are troubled with irregular, Huppressed or painfur
menstruation, weakness, leucorrhcea, displacement or ulceration of tha
womb, that bearing-down feeling, inflammation of the ovaries, back
ache, bloating (or flatulence), general debility, indigestion, and nervous
Jirostration, or aro beset with such symptoms as dizziness, faintness,
assitude, excitability, irritability, nervousness, sleeplessness, melancholy,
"all-gone " and "want-to-be-left-alone " feelings, blues, and nopoieasness,
they should remember there is one tried and true remedy. Lydia E.
Pinkham's Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles.
plications to visit tho prisoner and to
witness the electrocution.
He was bertilloned yesterday. The
ilt " Today
We Welcome
a You
The carpenter, the electrician, the deco
rator, and all manner of mechanics, have
finished their work. Today we extend to
you a special invitation. We are feady to
escort you through every floor and depart
ment of this great store.
The plants may interest you, but we
think the New, Fresh and Stylish Fall Nov
elties for Man and Boy, will be a revelation,
We appreciate your support to such an
extent that we have left no stone unturned.
All the markets have been visited, both East
and West, and now we are ready, as ser
vants of the people, to give you out entire
attention. You are welcome, whether you
have a purchase in view or not.
The doors will be thrown wide open
and all are cordially invited.
Samter Bros.
Complete Outfitters.
warden declines to make the measure
ments public. Czolgosz has not yet
asked to see a spiritual adviser.