The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 30, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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6t. Cecelia's Romim Catholic Church
nt Plttston. Dedicated with Ap-
pioprlnto Ceremonies.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
nttston, Sept. 20. St. Crcclla'B
Itoninn Cntliollo church, n. now btaticli
of St. .lohn'n church of tlili city, wns
today consecrated nnd dedicated to the
holy purpose for which It was erected.
The cert monies took place this iiintn
lnK nt 11 o'clock, At the close of the 9
o'clock inns In St. John's chinch the
vnrloux societies of the parish, headed
by n number of priests and metnbeis
of the nttston city councils and
municipal oillclals, foimed In line and
paraded to Kxeter boioush, where the.
chapel has been erected almost on the
boundary line between that borough
and the hoiouRh of Wyoming, n point
convenient for the Catholics of both
places. About 700 people, Including
several bands nnd drum corps, weie In
line nnd as many more were In attend
ance to witness these solemn cere
monies. Bishop Hoban blessed the bronze
stone nnd the copper hnx which was
set therein, gently pushed the heavy
stone In place and with three trowels
of mortar sealed It In Its place nt the
southwest coiner of the Inundation,
The- dedication nnd consecration was
performed by the bishop, after which a
solemn lilcih mass, the Hist service of
nny kind to be held In the new church,
was celebrated, the following priests
ofllelntliiR Father fireve, of Upper
Plttston, celehrant; rather McIIuIh, of
Plttston deacon; Father l.avelle, of
Prra"o" sub-deacon; Father Foelcy,
of InKnrinnn, master of ceremonies.
The ver.o wa preached by Father
Com ford, of Archhald.
nther priests In nttcnd.inee were
TiMier Crane, of Avocn; Fathers Mnn
1 les n"d O'Mnlley, of Kingston; Father
, Jordan of I.nrkiuvnnnn; Father Burko,
of W llUpq-lcnrrp; Father O'Donnell, of
i prrantnn Father O'Hellly, of Scran-
ton Father Curran, of l'nst Fnd,
AVi'kes Harro rather O'Ttyrne, of
Scranton The choir of St. John's
chur'h had charge of the music.
At the conrluslon of the services the
visiting priests were served with din
ner at St John's parochial residence,
I'lttMon, while other vlsltois who de
sired vnin m rved with dinner In the
b.iseinmt of the new church.
The n u chutch was elected nt a cost
of $innn s.-,,nno of which was be.
o,ueiHind by the late Very Kov. John
Finnan, for years vicar of St, John's
church heie. The building has a seat
ing capacity of 400, ample room for the
accommodation of the 100 families in
the new parish, which f in charge of
Father Qulnnnn, for several years a
faithful curate in St. John's church,
Plttston. A parochial residence for tho
rector Is now In course of construction
alongside the church, but will not bo
lendy for occupancy for nt least six
weeks. The residence Is erected lit an
expenditure of $3,000. Over $S00 weie
raised In collections and by other means
a the chinch today.
Father McManus. of the Maryland
dloces-e, a former resident of Plains,
Pa , is a new curato ut St. John's
church, this city. Ho nrilved during
the week.
August Contnd, the NViith Main
strret shoe merchant, who has been In
Ciermany for several weeks with his
daughter, Miss Lizzie, returned home
yesterday. Tho Litter's health has not
been of the best nnd It was hoped to
secure In (leunany modlcnl attention
that would beuollt her, but In this re
spect the visit was unsuccessful.
Ppr, t t no Sr-raiiton Tribune.
Tunkhnnnork, Sept. 20. Mrs. Martha
Huso, of Wllkes-Paue, who has been
visiting Thomns 11. Oienvllle, leturned
home on Satuiday.
Judge F. M. Vaughn, of Meshoppen,
was doing business in town on Satur
da. The real estate of J. F. Mitihcll, con
sisting of u house and lot in I.aceyvllle,
as sold nt siicrurs palu at the remit
house on Saturday, and inn chased by
h osnurg, tne pia'utirc in tho writ.
for $o
The Order of Keel Men of this enutitv
Ihelil a pn nic ut Kons-linw park on Sat-
iiKiiiy afternoon.
Mls O'llrien, of Philadelphia, who
spent the summer nt the home of Mr.
nnd Mm Thomas Ityan, joturned to
her homo on Saturday.
Mrs. O. D. Stehbins Is contlned to her
home, on Tlog.i street, by Illness.
A K Adams, of Scranton, superin
tendent of the Dairy Dispatch com-
ipany, was a business man In town on
Srwcial to (he Scranlon Tribunr.
Xew MUford. Sent. "R. rnniimminn
serres were conducted nt tho n..
Ibyterian Methodist nnd Baptist
cnurcne.s hutulay morning, nnd several
riew members weie received in on.h
Mrs F. F. Moss nnd sons Kfhnriw
-nnd Kay, spent Thursday and Frlduy
in uingnnmion.
Dr "Wllllsim Blakeslev. of (
'was a guest at tho homo of Dr. D. c
Alney last week.
Friendly Peck, of Nebraska, 1m a
rucst at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. H.
Kjron Patterson nnd family have
moved from this place to Nicholson,
where Mr. Patterson has secured em
ployment. Mrs F T. Austin went to New Yoilt
Thursday on business.
Mr and Mrs. Arlle Woodworth have
gono to Hallstead to reside, wheru Mr.
DR. BARRETT, Dentist,
125 Myomins Avenue, Oicr Globe Warchouie
Crowned, pold ..,,
Crowned, porcelain
-W up
M un
Whine woik
Killed with gold 7ic 'p
.M l,p
i iiit-u wnn mver ,-,iic
Killed Willi irold Alloy ...Too
1 nil Set ef Teeth f, up
Kxainlnitlon and estimate
re.. If ,'aii j- . .
Inc. K you need an artificial set, jou wlili
kome teeth replaced without a plaie, If 0ii uih
'jir work.elono painlessly and well by reliable
KiaduaiM of lone experience at tho eiy lfat
roil coniUtrnt with wood, iubtjntial Dental
Work, iU on me.
AVoodworth hua secured a position In
the car shops.
Oeorgo Shay, of Peckvllle, visited his
mother. Mis. D. Shay, In New Mllford
township, Wednesday nnd ThursiJay.
Mrs. A. .1. Spencer nnd daughter,
Lena, called on Klnghninton friends,
The Western binnch union of tho
Christian ICndeavor society will hold n,
convention nt West l.enox, Oct. 4 nnd
5, H'01.
Seven children weie baptized nt tho
baptismal dervlres nt the Piesbyterlnn
church Friday evening, by Hev. It. N.
Mrs. Dennis Fnucher, of Scranton,
visited her father, Mr. A. Klsley, last
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Towanda, Sept. Sfl. About 12,000 peo
ple attended the fair on Thursday.
Considerable excitement was caused
nt the Tunkhnnnnrk station n few
days ago, when Lemuel Harber, of
Hush-a-bye baby, on the tree top,
When the wind blow; the cradle will rock,
When the bough breaks, the cradle will fall
Down comes hush-a-bye, baby and all.
Find baby's father and mother.
Solutions for Last
Mondir, Spt. 2?. One Is formed by the bar
ber' neht hirt tleevc. The pin'a rlsht lee forma
one (held up-ide down), and tho pls'a ncik forms
the third.
Tufndj, Sept. 21. "Look not a gilt horse In
the month. "
Wpdncvliy, Sopt. 2V The horce'a car form
the cjn of another horc; lib) iioe also fonni two
Dixon, refused to give up an Illegally
adopted child to a man named Cod
dlngtou, of Wysox, n step-father. After
some tlmo tha contest was left unde
cided, nnd at present the child Is still
living nt Dixon.
The chestnut crop Is reported to be
laige, and nlready they hao been
placed in some markets.
A bai n owned by John Tltchen, In
Terry township, has been destiocd by
lire, together with fotty tons of hay
and nearly live hundred bushels of
grain. Tramps mu supposed to lime
llred the building.
O. H. Lancaster has sold his hotel
property, at Monroeton, to J. 12. "Wil
cox, of West Franklin, who will ut
once take possession.
Tho next annual session of Rradfoid
county tenchers' institute will open nt
Hnle's opera house, on Monday, Octo
ber 7. The evening's entertainments
w 111 be; On Monday evening, n debate
on "Imperialism," by Hon. Champ
Clatk, M. '., of Mlssouil, and Hon.
Charles U. Landis, M. C of Indiana;
Tuesday evening, lecture by Dr. S. D.
Fess; Wednesday evening, lectin o by
Colonel Cicorgo W. Iinln, of Lexington,
Ky.; Thuisdny evening, muslinl enter
tainment by tho Ailel sextette; Fildny
evening, entertainment by Maro, the
magician. The day Instruclois engaged
me Dr. S. D. Fess, of Ohio; Dr. L. P..
Hulley, of Uucknell university, Lewis
burg, P.i.; Dr. George M. J'hllllps, of
West Chester Normal school; Dr. An
drew T. Smith, of State Nuimal school,
Mansfield, Pa.; Superintendent Ooorge
Howell, of Scranton; Miss Julia Rogers,
of Cornell university, Ithacu, N. Y.;
Professor J. F. Klnsey, of Chicago, will
be conductor of tho music, Theie are
fi00 teachers In this county, nnd Super
intendent Putnam is endeavoring to
mnke this one of tho best educational
gatherings yet held in this county.
Tuberculosis has caused the death of
several cattle In Eastern Bradford.
Special t the Scranton Tribune.
Welsh Hill, Sept. 27. Postmaster
John Thomas has recalled his resigna
tion, and will remain in that capacity
until tho first of next year.
Mr. Roger Kvans and son of West
Scranton is vlsitng friends at this
Mr. David Williams of West Scrnn
ton Is visiting at the home of David
J. Thomas.
Thomas Watklns has ictuined to his
home at this place after a visit to tha
Pan-American exposition.
Mr. and Mrs. John lie of this
place are vKsltlng frlends Jermyn.
Mr. Thomas Heven Is on the sick list.
Miss Saiah Hutler of Carbondalo Is
visiting friends.
Special to the Scranton Tribune.
Klngsley, Sept. 28. Dr. nnd Mrs. F.
M. Kdwards, of Ulnghumton, called on
l datives heie Friday.
Mrs. J. F. Tllllnghast and daugh
ter, of La Plume, wero callers In town
Charles Adams, of Hampton Junc
tion, was it lecont caller here.
Mr. and Mrs. Drown nnd daughter,
of New Haven, mo guests ut L. R.
Mrs. II. AV. Jeffers nnd daughter, of
Plalnsboro, N. Y ara visiting relatives
L, K. Carpenter, of Jersey City
Heights, and Dr. K. M. Carpenter, of
Omaha, wcro callers In town Wednes
day. Mrs. O. C. Steebe spent Wednesday
nnd Thursday In Wnghamton.
Mr. nnd Mrs. J. Zimmerman nnd
son were guests nt Mr,'s thla
Mr, nnd Mrs. Norman Howard, of
Scranton, weie guests nt V. 10, Moore's
Mln Olla Carpenter, of Ctirbondnle,
and M Js Mne Connell, of Wilkes
Hat re, were pleasant callers In town,
Veterinary Surgeon 13. L Tower, of
Montrose, was-'n town two days this
week, testing ci. vs for V, K. Moore.
Representatives of Taylor Hose
company, No. 1, and Century No. 2,
together with Kurgess Grlfnths, nnd
Chief of Fire Department Zumback,
met In the rooms of company No. 1,
on Friday evening and organized n
firemen's re'lef nssoclntlon, electing
the following officers: President, Kl
mer T. Daniels; vice-president, John
Welbel; secretary, W. J. Nelger; treas
urer, John Moore. The following com
mittee on rules and by-laws nnd In
corporation was appointed: nurgess,
William P. GrlflHhs; chief of fire do
partment, Christ Zumbnck; Casper
Ott, W. J. Nelger, nnl Kitner t. Dan
iels. The next meeting will be held
tho last Friday evening In October nt
the Taylor Hose company rooms.
A r.v delightful surprise reception
was tendered William Scherer nt his
Week's Puzzles:
more. Another l in the tree to the left, one be
tween the front feet, one in the lowir left hand
Tliuinhy, Sept 2il The fr end of the Ior
fornn the father and the mother Is formed by
the hood on the little girl's hend on the see-saw.
Friday, bept. 2;, 1'nuforc ltoblnhood.
SUturdny, Sept. 25. Dandmaster Soua.
homo on Union street on Saturday ev
ening In honor of his sixty-ninth anni
versary. Flashlight pictures were tak
en and refreshments were served. Out-of-town
guests were: Mr. nnd Mrs.
Jacob Rupp, Mrs. M. Ilolnzlemann, and
daughter, Mr. H. Kuschel and son,
Henry, Mr. and Mrs. R. Drummnnl,
Mr. Joseph Lutranger, Mr. Wllllani
Flschler. Misses Sadie Leach, Id.i
Mutik, Mr. and Mrs. Hor.ism, Mr. nnd
Mis Peter Scherer, Miss Lousla Rupp,
Mr. Walter Drummond, Mrs. Huffman,
Miss Minnie Leach, Mrs. Suinuel Munk,
Messrs. Pert V. Drummond and John
Rupp of Plttston; Mr. nnd Mrs. Wil
liam Kruse of Lackawanna; Mr. Geo.
Leach, of Y.ite.svllle; Mrs. Chnrles
Rlackwell and son, Mrs. Samuel Wal
ters, and Mr. Wesley Walters of New
ton; Miss Henrietta Scherer, Clark's
Summit; Mr. nnd Mrs. Henry Raker
nnd daughter?, Misses Annie nnd Min
nie, and son Klmer; Mr. and Mrs. Wil
liam Scherer, Mr. nnd Mrs. William
Davl, Miss Anna Scherer and Mr.
Jacob Scherer of Taylor; Mrs. (ireenor
of Scranton.
Tho Taylor Silver Cornet band will
give Its linn! open concert from tho
Youngblood's balcony on Satuidny ev
ening next.
The following is the programme to
be rendered nt the testimonial concert
to P:of. Harry 1 Ivans nt AVeber's rink
tomoirow evening: Addiess. by chair
man; solo, AV, L. Jones; chorus, An
thracite Gleo club; recitation, Master
Oscar Morris; violin solo, Miss Llda
Houser; solo, John W. Jones; selection,
North Kud quartette; solo, Miss Hdlth
AValkins; whistling olo, Alfred Har
bor; recitation, Mits Sallle Price; selec
ton, AVatkins family; .solo, Hairy Kv
ans: selection, Mozart quartette; solo,
AVIllInm Davis; solo, Miss Francis
AVatkins: selection, North End quar
tette; m1o, Arthur Morgans; solo, Mls3
Olwen M. llowells; recitation, Miss
Lousla Nicholas; chorus, Anthracite
Glee club; solo, Daniel Jones; duet,
Miss Edith AVatkins and Harry Evnns;
solo, Master Edward Jones; selection,
Mozart quurtette; selection, AVatkins
family; Prof. D. E. Jones, acompan
Ist. The Ice cream social of the Lacka
wanna council, No. fit, Degree of Poc
ahontas at Lewellyn's hall, was a suc
cess notwithstanding tha stato of
Mr. and Mrs. David Jones of Ed
wardsdale spent tho Sabbath nt the
home of the former parents. Mr. nnd
.Mis. Thomas M. Davis of Main street.
wessrs. Kranic Helderbrand, Anthony
Schultrles nnd John Schlelds nre homo
after spending tho pnst week at tho
Miss Jennie and Master Horace Pow
ell of Plttston have been the guests of
relatives In town for the past few days,
Edward Sweet, Alfred Goodwin, Al
bert Vrwelder. AVIIIIam Reed, AVIllInm
Oyflt?r and Henry AVelsenfluh aie view
ing the sights at the Pan-Aineilcnn
Mrs. AVIIIIam Oyster nnd Mrs. Gomer
AVIIIIams of Unlan street spent tho
Huobath with tho former's sister, Mrs.
SwTet nt Dunmorc.
MUs Mabel Schawl), of Shenandoah,
will return homo today after being
tho guest of relatives heie.
Messrs. F. P. Renjamin, Robert H.
Moon nnd Hownrd Rrundago leave this
morning for Carlisle, whero they at
tend the Dickinson Law school.
E. L. Crnlg, superintendent of tho
connell Powder company, located nt
Trevorton, Pa., spent Sunday with rela
tives here.
Tho funeral of tho lata Kdwnrd II.
Unrber took place from tho late resi
dence nt 2 o'clock yesterday nftcrnoon,
Tho funernl was largely attended, nnd
the floral tributes were mnny. Kov. F,
aendnll, pastor of tho Methodist lOpls
copal church, nlllclnted. He was as
sisted by the Rev. J, S. Thomas, pas
tor of the Ilaptlst church, and Pastor
S. II. Moon, of the Presbyterian church.
Interment was mndo In Prospect ceme
tery. The way of tho poultry raiser In
IVckvllle's classic precincts nro hard.
We doubt that If In the past flvo years
there Is n single poultry raiser In the
borough who has not suffered tho loss
of poultry through tho nefarious dcpie
dntlons of tho chicken thief. Time nnd
time ngaln hnve efforts been made to
capture the thieves, but nil efforts
havo proved unsuccessful. They nre
very bold In their work. The latest
visitation was on Friday night, when
Frank C'hlvers had nineteen chickens
taken. Mr. Jenkins lost three nnd Mr.
Kemmerer four. The thieves used n
horso nnd wngon to carry oft their
H. K. Mnlncs, of Academy street, is
very III with typhoid fever.
Fred Orltmnn nnd Miss Rlnnch Car
penter, of Scott, visited nt tho home of
F. I. Tnylor yesterday.
Mrs. Julia Rnrnes, of Plnon, Colo.,
who has been lsltlng relatives here,
will leave this morning for Washing
ton, D. C, where sho will visit her sis
ter, Mrs. Kato Ward Burt, prior to re
turning home.
Irene, the young dnughter of Mr. and
Mrs. C. II. Reattys, Is 111 with diph
theria. Harry Carpenter, of Scranton, visited
his sister, Miss lhnma Cnrpentcr, of
Prospect street, yesterday.
ACADEMY FWi Ton Stock company. Night.
STATl. Hanibler Kttr.uaganza company. Af
ternoon and night.
"A Secret Warrant,
Willi Citnncer mide hu Scranton how a a
otar nt the l.jcenm Sitiinliy, where ho appeared
In the ioK of Lou! He tleiiimont in "A Secret
Warrart," which llobert Mintell rvajed a decade
ago. It i n four-act romantic drama and tho
ee-n1 I laid In France a crntury or no mo. It
i a nell constructed play and u presented with
foiee and charm by Mr. Graneer and lili tu-so-elates
Saturday afternooi nnd evening.
Some of the rleier people mpportlnc Mr,
nraniter are! Forest Lnrdner, Fleerly Turner,
Rusteil Ciut.fnrd. Ciace Atwell, Adeline Dunlap,
Marlon V. Clifton.
Bon Ton. Stock Company.
The people's fivnrite, Dnma lluntlng, will be
seen in her fnorite part, that of Nettlea In "lho
Princess of PalehcV tonight at tho Acidcmy of
Music, where the Inhume Don Ton Stock com
pany will appear for the week, presenting nearly
an emlro nw repertoire, with all new peencry.
"Money Mad, or. Ml for fiold," will be to.
morrow-' matinee oflerine. "The nlaolc I'lig,"
with Mr. Iburne ns Lararti'. wdl be Tuesday
night's bill. Speoiiltlea changed at each per
forminoc. ew pictures by moWng picture ma
chine at every play.
At tho Star Theater.
The Ramblers' (Jlgantie Kutravagum Pur.
lesipie company, with lu high class saudollle
act and fascinating girl., is billed at the
theater todiy. Ihe performance will he in Oiee
arts, consl'ting of a monster spectacular flrsk
pa't, wleieln neither time nor expense has been
i-paitd for tlie scrnle effects nnd the ca'tumes.
The fcond i l rapid firu, hilarious farce comedy,
and the third concludes the performance with a
coloval burlesque entitled "A Swell Affair,"
throughout which miny Siiideville acts will bo
Interpolated. The management confidently offers
tho followlnj artists as the personnel of their
ciond tour: Pearl Sleiens, Scanlan and Steven",
Ilobeit Mack, a comedian of merit, late of Mick
nnd Matthew; Ilijnu Comedy Four, a quartette
of tlnger nnd comedians; Mill in
I-elloy, tlio poclet edition of Jennie bind; tho
Urolhers I.utes, introducing the twentieth cen
tury marvel, ftlarcnce I.utes, and the Sohlkes and
tl.cir littlo Art.hlpeljgoaiii.
"When We Were Twenty-one."
"When We Were Twntv-ono," by If. V. F.s
mond, which leered an onoimous mece.-d at the
Knickerbocker theater, New York city, and has
been pronounced by pre-rf and public the greatest
pljy of modern tunes, will be presented at the
I.vreum Ihursdiv night by a euperh compiny.
The story of "When We Were Twenty-one" is
simple. It tnras on the dctermlnstion of a, middle-aged
bachelor to sao the son of his deid
friend from the follies of youth. He takes tho
boy's tins on his own (boulders, and the sacrifice
which he makes results cnntually in hl. own
happiness. In nil the action realism Is rampant,
but there Is nlmya underlying it a puro senti
ment, wholesome and true.
Word comes from Sin Francisco that a pirty
of capitalists hue ananged to build a new nnd
spacious theater In that city, and Inve offered
to lea .i It la Henry Miller, ns nctor manager.
Mr. Miller Ins bien plating summer engagements
of several weeks duration in San Francisco for
eeral jears past, and has come to be consid
ered there as lho int high dramatic artist
wli, lsits them.
We are to lue a splendidly lonstmrtid play,
with a conltent plot, a heart story whuh strikes
home, and brilliant comedv, in "Fennels anil."
which Is the Joint aulhor.hip of Daniel I,. Hart
nnd O, V.. Calhtun, both prominent in the ranks
of popular dramitists, as is altestrd to by their
lespcetlie successes in "The Parish l'rlest" and
' Romance of C'oon Hollow," etc., etc. A
select metropolitan east, tha celebrated Wick
Piumond Quartette, and beautiful new scenery
by James Fot, of New York, including a real
elevator or cage In actual operation, are features
of "I'enn.yhanla." It Is to come to the Lyceum
One of the amusing fe.ituics In Hanlon's "Su.
perbu" this season is what is appnently a dum
my electrical orchestra, controlled by a famous
Herman professor, which plijs equally as well
from music as by ear. It Is a motley as.m
blage of eccentrlo characters, utterly out of
harmonv in appearance and at tunes with the nlr
also, Ihey gne aeeral dissertations on the re.
rent pnpuUr musical effort of the times and
(heir effnits nre ended In a most surprising way.
It will be seen nt the I.yreum shortly.
National Loague.
At Chuago- II, H. i:.
fhkaso 010000000 1 5 0
IlrooMjii 0 3 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 I 10 2
llatlerles T. Hughes and Kling; .1. Hushes
and Mifiulre. I'liipiro O'Day, Attendance 2,000.
At rincinrotl-l'lnst game It. II. II.
Cincinnati 0 O 0 I 0 0 1 0 -! 7 1
I'itMiuiu 100000000-1 7 3
llatteiies Halm nnd Ilerseni l.ceter and Zim
niir. Umpire. Nauli and lliown.
Second same II. II. V..
Clnuniiati iniOOOOOO-ts S 1
Pit I. burg ooo in ooooi :i i
Haltiiies Sworm-lcd und Huileyi Tannehlll
and Zlmmer. l.'mpiies Nash and At
trndime 7,000.
At St. Iiirls First game It, . U.
SI. Imli 1000030 3 O 1.1 1
New York 0 113 0 0 0 0 0-4 S 2
flatteries Powell and Sthrherj Magee and
Warner. I'mplie Iiwjer.
Second game 11, It. '
St. Louis 00000 111-3 7 1
New York 110 0 0 0 0 03 8 4
nuterle Yerkes and hchnveri Tjjler anri
Warner, t'mplic Ilnjir. Attendance 10,000,
No' American league games; ccison ended.
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Four Lines, 3 Cents for Rach Extra Line.
For Bent.
FOR RUNT One-half double house; 0 rooms; up
per flrecn Ridge; modem Improvements;
Urge yard; pleasant location; moderate rent.
. W. S Tribune,
$15 00 Large room suitable for lodge room, steam
heat, second floor,
flO.00 Fair site office room, steam heat, ele-
$15.00 Two connecting elTlors, good I'ght, steam
heat, elector. Chat. Scblager, l!ll Vltate
l.tchange Dulldlng.
1011 RUNT Eight rooms, 73S Jefferson avenue;
all modern conveniences. I
For Bale.
FOR SALU A pony suitable tor Udy or chil
dren; guaranteed absolutely safe, or will ex
change for Urge hone. Green Kidge Lumber
FOR SAI.E-One heasy draft and one driving
Mvirc. juquire lov lirote street, iiuiiiiiuin
FOR SALE Pea Coal, $1.60 per ton, delivered In
r,Hl,l I, a. .k.I P....L 0..I. 1 .IJ.... .lAlin
Hall, 19U Cedar avenue; 'phone 6M,
FOR SALE IV o light spring wagons and some
harness, cheap. Ean, rear 1132 Luierne
Seal Estate.
lOR SALE Two cottages In Elmluirst will be
sold to the highest bidder on Oetobex 11th.
Terms to ult. Examine property and send in
jour bid to Dr. Batcson, 3.17 Washington senue.
HOl'SE FOR SM.E-Just remodeled and In fine
shape; lot 70x100 feet, with shade trees, tie.,
lull grown. tfl.tVX) will purchase and on ey
terms. Location, upper Oreen Ridge. Apply to
Dean, eUO Spruce street.
FOR SALE A good farm In Waverlv borough.
Inquire of J. V. Lsncb, Waverly, Pa.
FOR s'Al.i: Rest building lots in Dunmore, cor
ncr Dudley and Sixth streets. Will cut to
sires to stilt purchasers. Address Arthur W.
Close, Dunmoie.
Wanted To Rent.
WANTED 1MIEDIATELY-Smill house or fiat.
Implements, central city. W, 60J Connell
Rooms and Bonrd.
ROOMS TO RENT, with board. eOD Mulberry
Wanted Board.
YOl'VO MAN desires board in nrlvate famltv.
Oernian preferred. Address C. P., Trlbuiie
Boarders Wanted.
WANTED Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Washington asenue.
Business Opportunity.
A mm. OPPORTUNITY to engage In the mcr
innllle trade; a tine stoie room; rent rea
sonable; a good opening. Addrtw 8. Bedford,
Wamly, Ta
STOrK AND U HEAT TRADERS without delay.
Write for our special market letter. Free on
application. S M Hlbbard A- Co., members N.
Y. (Yinsolidited and Mock Exchange, 4t and 41
Broadway, New York. Established 1S6I. Long
Distance Plione 2.13 Broad.
LODr.IXC -Mrs. Oeorge McKenzie, i! Congress
street, Buffalo, N Y.; near Pan-American
grcund-e; rates reasonable.
The following quotations are furnished The
Tribune by M. S. .Tordan At Co., rooms 70-V;0u
Mears buildlrg, Scranton, Pa. Telephone 60iH:
Open- High- Low- Clo-
irg. et. est. ing.
American SMigar m 12414 I2.lj lili
Atchison 7(1 77; 7A 7(1;;
Atclii'on, IV., I cj, njtj; (1,1
Brook. Tractto'n 07 673a ''i1 fcfi1
Halt, k Ohio 102 iiiji, lftj 101U
dies. & Ohio 4(1 4H 41'j 4il
Chic, k fit. West 21 2 t'l 21 CHi
v. Paul li.0vi l(,l, HflTj ihitj
Rock Island Ill in'4 111 1I1'3
IuU k N.tth. 101 HM'a 10 ini
Mm. Eleiated 1514 121s lil'i 12IU
Mlsso. Pacifle f)7'4 PTi frt'a, !7
Soulh. Pacitic 67 67Vj 57 67
Noifolk it Wat 51!, 6I' 6P 6l3s
N. Y. Central 100 Iih) 5R1i ljl
Ont. it Western 31'i 31'i 3l'i 3U5.
Penni. R. It Ill lll 14414 HHi
Pacific Mill 4t II 'i 41 413
Reading Ry. 41's 4.' 414 4U4
Reading lie-., Pr 7fi4 7ii'4 7f 7
touthein It. R R.15, 3IH ai'i Sl'a
Tcnn. Coal it Iron ,,,,, (1.1 H rl'j M14 mij
U. S. Leather, Pr. 79' to 7(i U)
1'nlon Paelho 071 9,54 r7'& 67lj
Wnluh, Pr, ,11' J S0t Sll, 3.),
Col. Fuel k Iron l Pil 01 p.1
Amal. Copper nt t'1 Pl'i t'1'4
Texas Pielftc 42i 431, 41 411,
V. S. Steel Co 41 44 41 444
L. S.,jSieel Co., Pr , ... 8l'i 05 ()i, yiS
Scranton Board of Trade Exchange
Quotations--AH Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. Bid. Asked.
Ijckawanna Dairy Co , Pr f,o
County Savings Uank ft Truat Co.. 360
First National Bank (Carbondale) 315
Siandard Drilling Co 30
TIdrd National Bank 4S0
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 27s
Economy Light. II. k P. Co 43
First National Bank 12(Y)
I.scka. Tiust Safe Deposit Co 150
Clark k Snover Co.. Pr uj
Scranton Iron Fence & Mfg. Co 10o
btranton Axle Works 0j
Scranton Savings Bank 400
Tiadeis" National Bank 175
Scranton Bolt k Nut Co 101
People's Bank lis
New Mexico Ry. k C. Co 7J
Scranton Passenger Railway, first
Mortgage, due lO 115
People's Stieet Railway, first mort
gage, due 1013 US ...
People's Street Railway, General
mortgage, duo 1W1 115
Dickson Manufacturing Co joo
Lacka. Township School 8 per cent. ... 102
City ot Scranton St, Imp. 6 per
cent 103
Scranton Tiactlon 6 per eent us ,,,
Scranton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. a. Dale, 27 Lackawanna Ae )
Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, 2.bOa2.fiS.
Butter-Freeh creamery, 21a22c; dairy, freh,
Cheese Full cream, lOUallc.
Eggs Western liwli, ISHalfl; nearby state,
Medium Beans Per bushel, $2.50.
Green Peas Per bushel, fl.40al.45.
Flour Best patent, per barrel, ! 41.
Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, f.1.10.
Potatoes Per bu.hel U1.10.
Philadelphia Orain nnd Produoe.
Philadelphia, Sept. 21. Liie slock receipts (or
tho wceki Cattle, 2,007 sheep, i.iii; hogs, 3,.
4 1". Cattle Principal offerings were western
Pcnusjlwiila and Virginia cattle, the quality of
which was only ordinary, strictly fine tteers
being scare. Market ruled somewhit draggy.
i,ckera and feeders were not offend. Be.t,
$1.7Ja1.S7; choice, fS ,Vla5 fiO; good, 31251,187;
medium, l,75a3; common, H.5Hi4 0.. Sheep
Lamha Common stock and undesirable culls ah.
snlutely neglected. Best supplies under moder
ate inquiry at Heady quotations. Lambs ruled
s tilde lower; sheep extra,, 4al'ic ; choice, 3'4a
IHic.l good, 3a3',4c; medium, 243c.j common,
I'.:?'-!:?. ; lambs, 3'taS'tc.
Help Wfinted Mnle.
straightforward proposition, Not a $10a-day
Scheme, but good pay for good work, oung
men of neat appearance and good habits wanted i
If they have had some esnerlmie In canvassing,
no much the better Address, stating age, r-
perlente ami prrtiuus ure
Tribune office
ess. M.WSI'Al'UII.
WANTED Four or flse brleklajtrs, at once. J.
11. O'Connor, Forest City.
WANTED A joung man wrll scemalnkd with
sll sections of the city to drive deliver)
wagon. C. S. Woolworth.
BRICKLAYERS HANTED-For fire brick work.
Communications and personal applications
will be received at my office in Hancock, N. Y,
B, J, Bussman.
Help Wanted Female.
WANTED Rood girl or womari for general house,
work. Must he able to cook. Orinin pre
ferred. Family of three. Call 013 l'rescott ave.
WANTED-A girl for general housework. Apply
at 101 South Main avenue; must come rec
ommended. WANTEn-OIrl for geneial housework at Dillon.
Address II. T., care Tribune
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT FC1IL1TZ, corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
GUSTAV riCIIEL, 6J0 Adams avenue.
West Side
OEOROK W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRED L. TEUPrE, 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, corner North Mala
avenue and Market street.
Green Bidgo
CHARLES P. J0NE9, 1S17 Dickson
P. J. JOHNS, P20 Oreen Ridge street.
a LORENZ, comer Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. H. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irvlnsr avenue.
WANTED A large show case. Apply William
Ql fiord, 1547 Dickson avenue.
Agents Wanted.
AGENTS WANTED-Llfe of McKlntey, fue hun
dred page book. Handsomely Illustrated.
Outfit free. Now readv 75 per cent, discount
to agents. Freight paid. Credit given. Henry
Neil, .121 Dearborn street, Chicago
Furnished Rooms.
TWO FURNISHED ROOMS in pilvale faniilv; all
conveniences, gentleman picfc-ned. 3.) Wash
ington avci.ue, city.
LARGE, WELL FI'RNIsIIED front room In unsafe-
family, with or without board. All mod
ern impiovements. cliS Adams avenue.
IOR RENT A large, well fumMied room, fine
locality on Midison avenue. Inquire, T., care
of Tribune.
FOR RENT Fmni. lied front room, with heat,
bith and gas; neir couit house; gentleman
prelerred. Addre&a Room, Box 2j0.
FOR RENT Furnished room; beat and bath.
6J5 Linden street.
LOST ?;J reward for return of black shepherd
dogf, white noM1, tan feet, name "Spurt."
T. S. Fuller, 413 Vine street.
THE MISSES M'I!.LN1. late ot New York.
MIsjes' drrsa making and ladicn' tine under
clothe. blS spruce street.
SLTFlU'I.rOl'S H MR, warti and mobs palnlcs
Ij. pernnmntlv, selentitlially rrmnvnl by
electric needle; no scaia, Deiinatoioglcal Par
lors, u!2 W oshiugtun avenue.
NOTICE The annual meeting of the members ot
the Laekawjiina Stole Association, Limited,
will be held at Ihe office ot the association in
the city of Scranton, Pa., un Wednesday, Octo
ber 2ml, 1001, at tin o'clock a. 111, for lho ike
tlon ot managers for the ensuing jear and for
the transaction of such other husine! us may
properly come before tho meeting.
11 S. FMRCIIILD, Secretary.
Si-ranton, Pa , bept. IO1I1, 1101,
NOTICE IS 11EREUY given that an application
will b- made to the Governor ol lVmiiI
vania, on Monday, Oitobrr 7, 1'JO, at ten o'dock
a. in. bv George bcheuer and others, under Ihe
Act of Assembly entitled, "An Act to provide
for the incoipuialion and regulation of certain
corporations," appioved April 2t, 171, and tho
supplements thereto for tho charter of an In
tended coiporation lo bo called "Pennsyl
vania Baking Coinpanj," the character and ob
ject ot which is the manuiaiturirg, buying and
selling all kinds of baked goods, merchandise,
ami commodities, and for these purposes lo have,
poes and enjoy all the rights, benefits and
piivileges as conferred by tne Ait ct Assembly
u forei id, and Us supplement.
R A. ZIMMERMAN, Solicitor.
Scranton, Pa., bept. 14, 1WI,
New York nnd Ontario Lund Co.
NOTICE IS HEP.I'HY GIVEN thrt the .' Y.vk
and Ontario Land comiunv will, en Hie lust
eliy ot February. 1'jM. tale ut and icdcem si:
of the bonds now outstanding Issued under the
nioiigige or dead of tnbt, dated Jan. 4th 1190.
exeuiled b the said company to the Ccntrnl
Tnut company, o( New lork, o.s trustee, by
pajing for each such bond the sum of five bun
dred and filly ($550) elolhrs mid all interest J
cmed to the said dale I'avment will be mule
on preentatloii of said bonds and all unpaid
coupons, at the office of the Cential liut com.
iaii), of New tork, No, 64 Mall street, In the
elly of New York
A, !.. P4.IIMELEI., Tuasurcr.
New York, July 31, l'jnl
of Butte, Mont.
(tlutto Is tho greatest copper pitxlucing city In ffio world),
5 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds.
Ilcnomlmitlnn 81,000, inntuilng 1 to HO years. Amply provide'! for liy reservo '
nnd sinking fund. Net earnings three 11ml tlireo-quiirtern tjmca Interest cunrt'!i.
Write for nport of Mr, Samuel Insull, l'rcsldent of thevCUIcago KdUon Co., and '
special circular. s
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 6 Cents tor Uach Extra Line,
Certified Public Accountant.
ltate l.achange Bldg., 120 Washington ave.
Civil nnd Mining Engineers.
bprure street, Scranton.
F'.K ,:'.. "OYI.K. ATrORNEY-AT-AW.
"'" " H. It! and IS Burr Building.
", ;". fl cstite security. Mears Building.
corner Washington avenue and Spruce street.
t?..!,'!011!1"'"0" at Uw Hepubllcan Building,
Washington avenue.
"i.?!1"' ."n'. AnORNF.YS AND C41UN
10 -m" iW.. t-'"i"iwnwcjllh Building, Rooms
--, -.. u,.u i,
IW-II04, 01 h floor. Mears Building.
' Trade Building, Scranton, Pa.
Hank Building.
A'oi,W''."Kli"or'1' OrFICU MOVED TO SO.
-11 " joining avenue. .
Physicinns nnd Surgeons.
ington avenue. Residence, 131S Mulberry.
Ihronlo diseases, lungs, heart, Lldnejs and
genlto-urlnaiy crgaim a specialty. Hours, 1
to 4 p. m.
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Rales reasonable.
P. ZEIOLER, Proprietor.
sengcr depot. Conducted on the European
Plan. VICTOR KOCH, Proprietor.
ceas pools; no odor; only Improved pumps used.
A. II. Briggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100
North Main avenue, or Eicke's drill store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones.
erjmen, store 201 Washington avenue; green
houses, low North Main avenue; store tele
phone, 7s2.
Wlro Screens.
Scranton, P.1., manufacturer of Wire Screens
nl-o ladies' waitK. LouU Shoemaker, 21 J
Adams avenue.
velrncs, piper bigs, twine. Warehouse, 130
Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa.
in Scranton at the news stands of Reisman
Bros , 401 Spruce and 50J Linden! M. Norton,
Sll Laikiw-anua avenue; I. & Schutter, 211
Spruce street.
Money to Loan.
$50 to $50,000 AT ONCE 1 and 5 per cent. In.
teret. Fay terms to repay. George W.
Okell, Coal Exchange building.
1JJ0.O00 TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or
monthly payments. Stark k Co. .Traders' bldg.
straight leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
811-115 IVnnell building.
SI 1 CATION WANTED woman wants washing
to d at home. Address, M, IX., Tribune Of
flic. blTUATION WANTED A woman wants men's
uncle r-clothcs to wash; experienced laundress.
M. h Tribunu Olllcc.
SITUATION VNTED-A joung lady desires po
sition as stenographer and typewriter. Ad
dress Stenographer, Tribune Office.
hl'llTATIOS WANTED By young married mn
willing to work at anything, office work pre.
ferred; expert telegraph operator; can furnish
beat of refcienee. Address, J, I. M., 607 8. Irv.
ing avenue, city,
SU'L'ATION VSTED -By young man in machine
si. up; willing to ttait in at reasonable wages;
Ins sumo knowledge of drafting. Address, Box
ML, Honesdale, Pa.
SITUATION WANTED Bright, Industrious boy,
17 ycard of age. desires situation. Address,
O, K, J., Tribune Office.
SITUATION W'ANTED-By an exp'rleneed chef
in hotel or bonding home. Address, Chef,
Tnbuno oifiie.
A LADY desires a respectable position for gen
e-ral housework or take cam of children; any
kind of woik, no object. A. F, G., Tribune of
A YOUNG man wants a job taking esre ot
horses or working for a private family doing
general homework. Address 120 HopiiTOiv, street.
Srri'ATIOV WWTED by a lady to work" by th
day; to take washing and ironing home.
Address O. K 410 South Waihlngton avenue.
Dine. New York Wire
Stocks and Bonds
All orders executed on Exchanges. Quick
and absolutely reliable service. Telephone
Connections. Old, no?-.)-, New, 319.
7l-7.j Connell Uulldlng, Scranton, Pa.