The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 30, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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The Eunernl Services on Saturday
Afternoon Were Impressive unci
Largely Attended Weddhijy nnd
Social Announcements for the
Coming Week Woman Waylaid
and Assaulted A Number of Ac
cidentsNews of the Churches.
News Notes nnd Peisonnl Patn
grapha. All tlmt was mortal tit the lute
Owllym A. VIMams was consigned to
'4-tli In the Ditumore cemetery Sat
urday afternoon, where many dear
friend and relative assembled around
tho grave into which the body was
lowered, literally smothered with the
loving lloral tokens that silently bet-poke
the esteem in which ho was held.
TN- home ln loved ho wll, and
which he left only three shmt years
ago to assume the responsbilltles of
married life, sheltered those who wore
m-ar and dear to him In life, and tho
MiiotiindlnB lawti formed a background
lor many others who In some way or
other had been intimately associated
v 1th 1,1m In every day lift?, while the
si reel In flout of the house was eiowd
1 with people anxious to pay a Una!
tili.'i!? of respect to a genial friend
and ft How citizen.
In tne southeast parlor of tUe house
the remains were exposed to iw,
m Itllo In front, behind, above mid be
low tho casket rested (lowers and
t'mvpiF. High upon n pedestal rested
n bioken wheel of flowers, Intertwined
with the orange and purple colors of
ihe Klectrlo City AVheelmen, by whom
Owllym was highly honored. Over
hanging the casket was a chain of
liowcis with r broken link, from a
Ircle of his most intimatft friends.
.n open bible and setting eun were
the ll( ral offerings from thi Robert
Morris lodge, of which he was an of
ficer for many years. The Republl
i an club also sent a bioken circle,
anil his newspaper friends from all
the olllces in tho city sent casket boti
iiuots and set pieces. Thero were also
ii countless number of beautiful offer
ings from many other relatives and
friends. These fully at tested tbe man
ifest esteem in which tin? only Owllym
Aithur Williams was held.
A? the hundreds of men and women
pacs-ed the bier It was noticeable that
they were people Willi whom Mr. Wil
liams was personally acquainted, and
A Daily Reminder
Yntl will not he disappointed In
Pulour's Tar, it will relw that
Coueh and Cold in one right.
A Little
Surprise Lot
Quite as much of a surprise to us, when we got
them, as they will prove to you when you see them,
Only 1,000 Pieces
Of Fine Hamburg
Edgings and Insertions
At prices far below the cost of manufacture. They
represent a leading manufacturer's entire sample
line, and the very best things in the season's new
idea. That's all. If you get here in time, take your
choice while they last
At the Following
Prices You'll Never
Get the Chance Again
Lot 1
Lot 2
Lot 3
Lot 4
There's only one thousand pieces to go at these fig.
ures, and they can't last long.
Globe Warehouse
In life he could readily have called
each one by name. When they took
their final view of the departed one,
eyes tilled with tears and harts ached
for him, as they realized his suffer
ings had been more than any of them
had realized.
Dr. Moffat read the scripture lesson
and offered a touching prayer, in
which he spoke of the great beyond,
which passeth understanding. Rev.
Hugh D.ivlcs offered consoling words
to the relatives nnd friends of the de
ceased, and spoke of him in a manner
which charactotlzed his every day life
and cheerful disposition under all cir
cumstances, and advised his liearern
to be ready for the final call.
When the funeral cortege reached
tho cemetery, It was met by the mem-
liai'a ,tf iltn liiilf.a u-lin ru-tiie1 nn pith-
er side of the driveway Inside the main
entrance. With uncovered Heads tne
lvorltes Mood in silence, and as the
funetal cur entered, tho men fell In
line on either side nnd acted as an
escort to the grave, where the custom
ary burial service was omitted owing
to the lateness of the hour.
The funeral was admirably conduct
ed by W. I'. Price, and the singing of
three selections by the Shtlbert quar
tette appealed to nil In a touching
manner. Knch of tbe casket bearers
and (lower curlier wcio Intimate, per
sonal friends of Mr. Willlnms, in whom
he placed conlldence, and who reluet
nnllv lime Ids remains nwnv from the
scenes of his childhood, nnd earthly
triimphs. Tbat lie will be missed ly
all goes without saying. Hi was nn
eventful life.
Funeral services were also held over
tho remains at the home of Mrs. Wil
liam i Shaw, Maple Grove Farm,
Granville, N. Y on Thursday morning,
and were conducted by Rev. John W.
Williams. The pall-bearers at that
point were Gomer, David and Uenja
miii Williams, brothers of deceased's
wife, and I.ouis Hathbun, his brother-in-law.
Three Other Funerals.
The funeral of the lato William Krba
occurred yesterday from the family
jesidence, IIS Bllckens court. The ser
vices were in charge of Kev. Jacob
Schoettle of the Chestnut street Her
man Presbyterian church, and were
attended by the membrsof th German
Benetlcal sorely and the employes of
K. Robinson's Sons, where deceased
was employed. Tho ltlnggold band
played funeral marches on the way to
Foteflt II 111 cemetery, where interment
was made. The pall-bearers were se
lected from among the society mem
bers present.
The funeral of the lato Mrs. Patrick
Watson, will take place this morning
from the house, 310 Fifth street. Ser
vices will be held in Holy Cross church.
Interment will bo made in the Cath
edral cemetery.
Tho remains of nn Infant child of
Mr. and Mrs. William Heath, of I'D
Snyder avenue, were privately interred
in the Washburn street cemetery Sat
urday afternoon.
The Salvation army corps had a fu
neral service at their bat racks on
Price stfpet yesterday, which was con
ducted over the remains of tho lata
William Hldge. Knsign Lontz con-
nnrl Incortinnre o-
and Insertings at
and Insertings at
and Inserting;
ducted the service nnd the army mem
bers nnd nuifllclnns were tho chief
mourners. The pall-bearers were also
selected from the ranks. Interment
was mado in tho Washburn street cemetery.
Chapter of Accidents.
Hoyd Fowler, of Oxford street, Is
suffering from injuries he unstained
last week by being struck on the head
by ono of tho elevators In the Cou
ncil building. His left arm was nlso
Fred Thomas, of North Kverctt ave
nue, employed on outside work at the
Rrlggs' shaft, was knocked down nnd
run over by a runaway car recently.
Ilia head, legs and body were badly
George Williams, of G10 North Sum
ner avenue, fell from a building In
courso of erection in West Park, and
sustained Internal Injuries. He had n
remarkably narrow escape.
Mrs. Samuel Slulter, of Chrstntit
stieet, fell down n (light of steps nt
her home nnd fractured her arm.
Ml.s Kllen Dullln, of Plttston, was
thrown from a carriage nt South Main
avenue and Locust street, last even
ing, and both her arms were broken.
She wa.s hurriedly conveyed to her
A losldent of Scranton street went
home In nn Intoxicated condition yes
terday and called one of his neighbors
vile names. She belabored him over
the head with a poker, and ltllllcled se
vere Injuries on lilm,
Willie Allspaugh, a lad residing nn
West Klin street, fell from n Chest
nut street yesterday and fractured his
arm. Dr. Itoberts sot the member.
A child of Mr. and Mrs. Kvan Jen
kins, of Rebecca avenue, fell from a
couch yesterday, and sustained a frac
tured nrm. Dr. Itoberts was called.
Waylaid and Assaulted.
A woman residing on Meridian
Meredlan street, who was passing
the Oxford breaker nt 10 o'clock Sat
urday night on her way to visit a sick
son, was waylaid and assaulted by
some unknown assailant, who knocked
her down nnd kicked her in the face,
when he learned she did not have any
money about her person.
Shortly nfterwards die wns found by
the watchman and engineer nt the
breaker and taken to her home, where
she Is now In a precarious condition.
A search was inudo for her assailant,
but no trace of him could be found.
The matter was not reported to the
Winners Every Time.
The Scranton competitors at the
Potiltney, Vl., eisteddfod on Saturday
were successful as usual. Ivor Parry,
of North Main avenue, was awarded
prizes for the epigram and poem of
twelve stanzas.
William Kvnns took first prize nn
the baritone solo, and the chief com
petition prize was divided.
Of n Religious Nature
Knslgu Lenta, of the Salvation iirmy,
conducted a memorial service at the
barracks last evening1 and delivered an
eloquent nddres on the subject,
'There Is Put Ono Step Between Me
and Death."
The feast of St. Michael and all an
gels was observed nt tho St. David's
Kplscopal church yesterday. Tho other
services of the day were bold as usual.
W. H. DIohl had chargo of the Kp
worth League services nt tho Hampton
street Mcthndtft Kplscopal church last
evening, and nt the 7.S0 o'clock service
County Organizer Gomer D. Reeso de
livered a temperance lecture and the
Prohibiten quartette sang.
"Anarchy or tho Gospel, by Their
Fruits Yo Shall Knok Them," was the
subject of Dr. do Oruehy's discourse
in the Jackson street Baptist church
last evening. It was a thrilling ad
dress. Kev. A. L. Itamer, Ph. D of St.
Mark's Lutheran church, spoke yes
terday morning on "The Christian's
Vocation," nnd In the evening on "The
Spiritual Growth or the Servant of
Christ." Roth were able discourses.
Union services wero held yesterday
afternoon nnd evening in the hose
house at Tripp Park and were in
charge of II. Cardew.
Forty Hours' devotional services
wero begun at St. Patrick's Catholic
church yesterday with a sermon In the
At 10,20 o'clock mass Hev. John
Dunn gave Instructions as to how tho
devotions originated and how they
should be observed. He also announced
that masses will be held at fi, 7 nnd S
o'clock on Monday, concluding on
Wednesday morning at a o'clock with
a high mass.
The sermon last evening was preach
ed by Itov. D. J. ilustln, of the Cathe
dral. This nnd tomorrow evenings
there will be a sermon and benedic
tion by visiting clergymen. Confes
sions will be heard nil day and evening
Monday nnd Tuesday. The attendance
at yesterday's services were unusually
Washburn Street Church.
All of tho services yesterday were
of a rally day nature. Dr. Moffat
preached at both services on "Tho
Need of More Karnest and Diligent
Study of Cod's Word." Tho orchestra
was present nt tho Bible school serv
ice and rendered delightful music In
connection with the special rally day
Tho Chi rpsilon society will meet In
their rooms this evening at 8 o'clock.
Kvery member is urged to nttend.
The Ladles' Aid Society will hold an
all-day session Thursday.
Dr. Moffat is desirous of having a
largo number take up the outline Bible
study course.
Recent Social Events.
Miss Anna John, of Bundle avenue,
Lincoln Heights, entertained a party
of friends recently In a clever manner.
Tho list of guests Included many well
known young people.
Miss Mumo Feathernun, of Luzerne,
was tendered a reception at the homo
of friends In Lincoln Heights recently.
David J, Grldiths, who left for New
York, on Snturday, was tendered a
farewell reception prior to his depar
ture, at tho homo of Mlt-s Mabel Spen
cer, on Jackson street.
Coming; Weddings.
Wlllam F. McIIale, of Olyphant, and
MlfcS Mary MoLaln of North Main
avenue, will be married ut St. Patrick's
Allow a coueh to run until it gets beyond th
reach o( nirilitlnc Thev often ay, "Oh. It will
wear awny," hut In tnot cam It will wear
tlitm away, Could they he Induced to try th
rut email medicine called Kemp' laUatn, which
la told on a positive siuranlei to cute, they
would Immediately ace tho cucllcnt effect alter
taking the Hut dose. I'rioo 'JSc, and jUc, Trill
Ite tree. At all drui'ijitu.
'fh 4 -.1 -l SI "l l "l
Grand Fall Millinery Opening
Every Lady
Interested in
Fashion's Newest
Creations Is Invited
To come and enjoy our
A Millinery Opening at Jonas Lang's Sons' Big Department Store is always interest
ing and enjoyable, but this year the firm have surpassed all their previous great efforts
in presenting
The Most
Magnificent Millinery Display
That Euer Occurred in Scranton.
Our Handsome Large Millinery Show Rooms on the second floor have been converted
into a veritable bower of beauty. The world's best millinery fashions are assembled here
in a thousand contrasting tints and expressions. The inspired ideas of the greatest Euro
pean millinery artists and the copies and original productions of our own unrivalled band
of skilled milliners are all in view, forming
A Superb Inspiring Fashion Show.
Unequalled in the annals of Millinery History. Hats of exquisite beaty and hats of the
richest colors. Shapes and treatment that denote the delicate touch of a true artist. Poems
in shade and color. Dreams of delight. Studies in black and white. To describe them is
impossible they must be seen. Truly this will be an exhibition to enjoy an event to
Jonas Long's Sons
? 'fr t fc "
church on .Tnckson streot, nt 12 o'clock
on "Wednesday.
Owllym Maddnek, of AVatdiliurn
street, and Miss Marsavet AVIlllamx, of
1-J2S Kynon street, will lie married at
the home of the latterVi parents, Mr.
and Mrs. John I. 'Williams, "Wednesday
Daniel Jay lleese, of HI South Fil
more n venue, and Miss Bessy Kv.'i
(rardner, of Adams avenue, will be
married on "Wednesday afternoon at !
o'clock at the home of Mr. anil Mrs.
Ulrman Gardner, In Factoryvllle.
Announcement has been made of the
nMrrlane of David Davis, of 116 North
Garfield avenue, and Miss Bessie Jonea,
of Twelfth street.
Cards have been Issued for the mar
riage of Chillies Cromer, of I'nlondale,
and Miss Hannah Hughes, of l.uzerne-
The coming niarriase of Herbert D.
Johnson, of North Rebecca avenue,
and Miss Mary Fngan, of Plttston, ha
been announced.
Events of the Coming: Week.
The Sons of Temperanc Clee club
will meet for rehearsal this owning In
Morgan's hall, corner Main avenue and
Jackson street.
Class No. 7, of the First Baptist
Sunday school, will conduct an enter
tnlnment nnd racial tomorrow evening
nt the parsonage, 1114 Bork street, lt-3-freshments
will be served.
The primary classes of the Taber
nacle Congregational Sunday school
will conduct an entertainment nnd so
cial In the church on Wednesday even
ing. Refreshmionts will be served.
A progressive euchre party nnd so.
clal will In held next Friday evening
at the rooms of St. Brenden's council,
where the members will entertain In
their usual clever manner.
An adjourned meeting of th? local
barbers' union will be held this even
ing at John Hughes' shop, 1031 AVest
Lackawanna avenue.
The seventeenth s?ml-annual con
vention of the "Wllkes-Barre confer
ence of the Kvangellcal Lutheran
church will open this evening nt St.
Mark's l.utheian churih and continue,
throughout Tuesday and Wednesday.
The second Infoimal social of the
Krmlnle club will he held In M ears'
hall on Tuesday evening. October 15,
Bauer will furnish the music.
Mrs. John Rlsewick and Mrs. Wil
liam Reed, of Jackson street, are nt
tho Pan-American.
M. C. Blrtley, Robert Blrtley and It.
M. KohnHnmm, of Rock Htrei-t, went
to Buffalo on Saturday for a few days.
Miss Dorothy I'mbarwest, of AVIIkes
Burre, has returned home from a visit
with West Scranton friends,
Mrs. Benjamin Kvnns, of North
Bromley avenue, Is reported to be III
nt her home.
Miss Florence Harvey, of nor, South
Ninth street, Is home ftom a visit with
friends In Spiingvllle.
Dr. George It, Reynolds o'f North
Main nvenue, has returned from sev
eral days In the country and Is now
'h 4- -X 'fc "h 4 4 b '' h rk Stri
?' r rtj P i' t' " 'V fr v "f5 v l"
ready to resume his general practice,
having recovered from his Indisposi
tion. Andiew Conlln, of North Filmore
avenue, Is at the Pan-American, nnd
will visit Fall lllvcr, Mass., before
returning lining
Bernard McNulty and Thomas I.a
vi'llo, of North Grant avenue, are
spending a few days nt Buffalo.
Mrs. Christ Flehler, of North Brom
ley avenue, and Miss Henrietta Fieh
l'i of Jackson street, are nt Buffalo
and Niagara. Falls.
Orlando XTtter,of South Bromley nve
nue, Is suffering from an attack of
Miss Julia Moylan. of Wayiimrt, Is
the guest of Miv. V. J. Nealls, of Chest
nut street.
Mrs. James Butcher, of South Sum
ner nveiuto, has as her guest, Mrs.
Claire, of Montrofo.
George Robertson, of North Rebecca
avenue, is recovering from a long ni
nes". Mrs. Osman Beer.-, of Reb?cca ave
nue. Is at Tubyhanna. for a few days.
Frank Chase, of North Bromley nvo
nue, Is able to be around again nfter a
threatened attack of typhoid fov?r.
Mrs. AV. T. Ace, of South Lincoln
avenue, has tho use of her right foot
ngnln, after a live weeks' suffering
from a gathering.
Misses Kmmaaud Mary Forging, Mr.
nnd Mrs. Thomas Gaynor, of North
Lincoln avenue; Miss Mabel Dershl
mer, Mrs. Glbbs and son, George, and
Kvan Williams, of South Main avenue,
are among the "West Sci anion people
at the Paii-Anierlcan.
H.irt. Dunan, of Notth Bromley ave
nue, Is recovering slowiy from his re
cent lllne.vs.
Mr. and Mm. 12. M. Tnwksbury. of
Rebecca avenue, have returned home
from Buffalo.
Rv. and Mrs. J. B. Sweet, of One
ontu. N. V., called on West Scranton
friends yesterday.
Tho Iroquois Dancing class opened
their .season In Washington hall Sat
urday evening, with a largo enroll
ment. George Kern Is the Instructor,
and Prof. Ronnie the pianist.
Tho Oxford Glee club held a Well
attended rehearsal yesterday afternoon
In tho First Welsh Congregatlonat
church on the selections to bo sung nt
the North Scranton eisteddfod on
Thanksgiving Day.
Tho Hyde Park Father Mathew o.
clety will hold their annual temperance
rally, banquet and social at St. Ioo'a
hall on Thur.sday evening, Oct. in,
James H, Brown will ha tho toastnms
ter. Mr. and Mir. W. J. Coleman, of 11L'
South Seventh street, wero tendered a
Hiirprlse paity on Friday evening, tho
occasion being Mrs. W. J. Coleman's
hlrthday. Tho spuial features of the
evening wero vocal anil Instrumental
music, after which lefieshmentH wero
served those present. The guests were
Mr. and Mrs. farmer, Miss King, Miss
Relley, Miss Holland, Miss Barrett,
Miss Sloane, Miss Gilllgan, Miss .Xunilu
fr r,V & vt ? & 4 4- 4 fr fr
For 3 Days
Tuesday, Oct. I
Thursday, Oct. 3
This fashion reception
will be held.
i X ? '(" ? " (" ? ?H "h fc 'fr
Bailies, Miss Jennie Bailies, Messrs.
Rafter, Burke, H, union, Cole, Raines,
nnd Jacob Harrlty. of Wllkes-Barre.
A pleasant surprise party was ten
dered MUs Bessie Holdeu at her home,
110:: Linden street, last Friday even
ing? Among thoe present were Mr.
and Mrs. Joseph Holdeu, Misses Sarah
olden, Laura Gabriel, Lizzie Hnlde
lnan, Nettle Connors, Sadie Geames,
Messrs. Kdward McNerney. A. K. Oblti,
Rudolph Bloeser, John Bloeser, Arthur
Sweet and William Leggett.
The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper
was administered at the morning ser
vice of the Green Ridge Presbyterian
church yesterday by the pastor, Rev. I.
J. Lansing. D. D. Nine members were
received Into the church, three on pro
fession of faith nnd six by letters from
other churches.
Miss Nellie Bliss, of Capousc avenue,
nnd Miss Minnie White, of Green Ridge
street, will leave today for Washing
ton, D. ('.. where they will enter Na
tional Park seminary.
There will be an Important business
meeting of the members of the Young
Men's club of the Church of the Good
Shepherd this evening at 7.43 o'clock.
Tho Christian Endeavor society of
the Green Ridge Presbyterian church
will hold a business meeting in the
church chapel tomorrow evening. At
the close of tho business session it
social will be tendered tho members
and f i lends of the society.
The tramp social given by the Young
Men's ciub of the Church of the Good
Shepherd, Saturday evening, was a
highly successful affair and greatly en
Joyed by those who attended. Mr.
Oglesbury, who acted as Judge, lined
every member In attendance who was
not properly costumed. John Hay and
his able assistants furnished n tooth
some lunch to the Weary Willies.
Speeches, songs and social converse
caused the hours to pass all too quick
ly. Among those who wore real up-to-date
old clothes were Messrs. Goodall,
Stone. Holmes, Sears. Seward, Hart,
Wheeler, Ray, Cook, Richards, Shedd,
Chamberlain, Wilson, Alders, "Walker
and Fautss. Two prizes wero awarded
for the most tramplsh costumes. Of
these, John Holmes carried off the first,
which was a handsome moustache cup,
and the second, a pretty match tray,
was awarded to Frank Goodall.
Statirday morning a young lad by the
name of James Moore, of Providence
road, entered the ofllce of the Poyntelle
lco company, during the absence of
Manager James Atherton. mid stole $5
from the money drawer. Mr. Atherton
had tho young man arrested and taken
before Alderman Bailey, where a key
was found lu his possession which
titled the loik on the money drawer.
In default of ball, Monro was commit
ted to the county Jail. Later, John L.
Paine, of Proidenro road, became his
bondsman, and he was released. The
case will be continued this evening.
The Anbury Methodist Kplscopal
church Sunday school observed their
annual rally day yesterday. The fol
lowing programmo was carried out:
Slngtns, Ay school; prayer by pastor,
4 -it 4 & l $ 4
t t i fr i t
l i'
Lyceum Theatre
31, KK1S, I.esec unit Minacrr.
A. J. DL'IFV, Bui. Manager.
Thursday, October 3,
tiik si:mis's sncinv
lMwaul K, line I'rmnti. H. V. Esmond's nutl
till l,me Romance,
When We Were Twenty-One
Coinp.inv o( Supwr lAccllrnre.
Priio OicliMia,; orclirutia circle, 7."o I
ilicsi ciicle, .W. ; lower box he,it., $1.30; lower"
fp spjU. fl.OO. Ilalionj -Flii-t two ron. 7.V.
balcony clnlr-, .'inc.; liocs, SI.50; Ipch, IJl.OO.
N'U on al Tunday at 0 a, m.
1 , a
Academy of Husic
M. IlKIS I.ecr. A. J. Duffy, Manager,
Siii..ruiig MI 1MM 111 STIXH. Opcnlns
Tonight Willi
Matinees dally, rninnienrliiK Tuesday,
Matinee Pure 10 and ;o tenl
KuniiiK Puces lu, 20 and SO cmts.
AM', a. llKllltlXfirO.V, Manager.
Mondiy, Tuesday and Wedncsdiy,
.Iatlne.i Tuesday and Wednesday.
Dr. "N". G. Simpson; recitation, Mlsd
Aithur; duet. "Lead, Kindly Light,"
Miss Newell and Mr. Lanyou; talk byi
Mrs. J. S. Miller on Sunday school
work; talk on the homo department nC
the Sunday school, by Mrs. W. O,
Simpson; singing, by the school, ad
dress, Itev. W. J. b'ord. pastor of thu
Green Itldgo Uaptlst church; address,
Dr. V. li- Simpson; hymn. "Nearer, My,
God, to Thee." The church was beautU
fully decorated with autumn leaves,
(lowers and fruits.
A large assemblage gathered In tin
clinpel of the Green Ridge Piesbyterlan
church yesterday to observe the an
iiual rally day exercises of the Sunday
school of that church. Beautiful tloral
decorations adorned the rooms, and sel
dom does ono see a more Interesting
gathering of young people than was
thete assembled. The exercises wer
full of Interest, excellent music wai
rendered by the church choir, and tha
primary department of tho pchool did
themselves great credit In singing two
little songs, Help lit Set tho World
Rejoicing" and "Llttlo Fishermen."
Addresses were made by Hie pastor)
Hev. I. J. Lansing, I). P., and Profi
( it urge Phillips, after which clasjei
from the primary depart inent were pro
muted and classes assigned their newt
positions. About 500 persons were lu