( s , -.rf KrJV "nfefi : -n ."' ri, i .J ; THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1901 '4 ' -n puMithM niijr, Fpt PutKiiy. hy n';' line Publishing Compsny, tt Ulty Cents Month. i.iw r mriivnn, Fditnr. O K. nVXIIKi:, llmlncm Maimer. WYcrkOmc.tlMNUt.vuFKtAvn( Bole Agent for Foreign AiWertWng. Lnltred t the IYxtoffico at Scranton, Pa . s Second CWsa Mall Matter. When fpare will permit, The Tribune Is nlny rlad to print short letter Irom lt Irlenda tMr ing on current topic. but lis rule la that tlice mut he algned. for puliation, by the writers rral rames and the condition precedent to ac ceptance Is that all conlrlbutlona shsll be subject to editorial reclslon Tim flat nvn: koh .un'Kiuisim The following table lo the price per Inch each Invrtlon, pace to be med within one year! riiir mspnY, Position .21 11 1 H lea, thsrTtWI lnche. wn inches.. 1D00 SIWI two For card, of tlisnles. reolutlona of condolence and slmllir contribution. In the nilurc of ad uniting The Tribune make, a chatge of 5 cent! a line tlilet for Clutifled AdrertUIni furnished on application srn.NTON, snrrn.Mnnn 30. ii. THE REPUBLICAN TICKET. State. Juprrme Cnurl-WII 1 1 M V POT! Ml-lltaiurir-IllNk (i lUlllIK County. Judce f W. f XIIPI.NTI It. Controller II. .l(l roromr-IHt .1 .1 Itimi.tll Sniiujor-i.ilOIU.i-. I. 51I.U..N'-0,J. Llcctlon No. S "When the 1'imoiiiij cunt out of power in our Hate it loll In the IleiHihllc.cn iwitj- a leg an of alma.1 .flin.i of debt Thla debt, bv wie idmlnltrillon iimlor IlipuulUan rule, na, le(n almo-t rritir. t pud We line liiercij.r-1 the approprhtlon to the common fehooN until we atind at the hold nf the American stitea In npport of populii cflui itlin 1'nder Ilcpubllcm admliiMntlnn there hit Imn pud cat b jcir for edilcalliml purpo-c innie thin wit J piopmlcd In the Ihiiiou Mil pitt In their ipntttr of i f.nlun nf -m-riile te lue liuren.nl our ap rrnprlatloiiv to chultable .ind f-Wincv lurv lntl tiujnt until wc can mike Helmut that no stite between the two oroin-i sunpe'rl thee inttltu tiont at well at dort our own Our .-).) of P'fple aie iiidutrloiH, I one.t, liw Abiding anl hirpv. Xet, euriounde.l at we aie- on cxerv side with ro.prrout bninest im-litirn, with people larpj, empocd and inntitited ind with rcer nunue of Iumik.x dnd trade (ull occupied, and with the pro.pcit id the future brightening and growing more hopeful, the (,tl hl-tono part of ll met (on and negation sett tip n lilcrl.al civ cf tiHe pretence. hipoirf ind inline crltv for the purpote of niMenling the people and regiln Ire lot power" I torn the llqMitiliran Mi'O Phtfonii. The Ismio exl-ctlni; between theSoian ton Hallway company and the Railway Jhnplojcs' union dnet not (.ill for a sttlke. it r.ilN for ptninpt aibltiatlon. The company' offer to xtihinlt Its ease to n third party to bo mutually iiBieed tipon. and to abide by that pmt's decision, Inoki fair and wo mn see no tenson why It should not hne been adopted. An arbltr.il hoard of one Is as likely to be lmp.u tl.il as a boail of three. Uut whether by one or Itiue, nrbltrattott, not mi Ike. Is called for. The conditions of public sentiment and the needs of business hoth niRUo Mronsly acalnst ,i stilke. Sci.inton ban had enough sttlKis. Let Honey Talk. T UK Sl'M of $-.0,000 Is deshed to (.onsttuct a Jlttlnpr me- innil.il to AVilllam MtKlu- ley. It Is intended to place this nicmoiliil In Nay Ant; paik, pos sibly at its cnttante. IJvctjbmly lsits the ii,nk many times eaih season. Thousands of e.scuislouists fioni both up and down the nllt hao alieady been attracted to It, nnd tho paik Is hatdly (t out ot the ttape cf Infancy. Year by rar, ns the p.uk shall desclop, the number of its fiequenteis will in (tense. It will soon become the Kieat populnr le.-oit of Not theastein l'enn s.lvanln. rifty thousand doll.ns expended In the paik on a gateway, statue or other form of lucniniinl to the beloved innr tr picsideut will not only piy proper tilhiite to his memoiy but al-o popu larize and at I am c the Inteiests of the paik, theieby Insuiini; a double bene llt. At Satin day eenlnK's uieelliif; of the McKlnley Momoi lal nssnilatlon, (omposcd of i Itlens lepiesontini; eeiy pail and element of the commuult, the disposition to select the paik as the site of whatever miiuoiial shall finally be nRiPPd upon was unanimous, This was undoubtedly a fair lellex of public stntlnient. At this meeting a liouse to house ctli .iss in behalf of the ineinnilal fund was authotl.ed and as soon as possible will bo Instituted. Tills will cuiiy the proposition dlieitly to tho iltl.ens of city and iount. Aie they willing to Lontilbtito $1 apiece as n token of ic spect for tho lite and oviinplo ()f the gnatest Anieilian statesman and Christian gentleman ot our time? Aie they willing to ghe n dollar In older that their (hlldien and their (hlldien's children may be Impressed ly the memory and example nf the patrlot- nirtrij-r wnom anarcny shot down? 1p u worth a dollar anleco to tliom in hno It understood thtoughout the land that they havo no smpathy with those who would tear to pieces the stiuctuio of free government nnd erect chaos upon the ruins of law nnd oider? Words of eloquence ha-.e been spoken. Now let our money talk. Of couise, Columbia's vlctoiy counts Just ns much ns If It had been w-on with houis to spate. Hut the cup Is In Jeopardy, Just the sume. A Chip of the Old Block. "T1 HOMAS II. WiAXAMAKKn, I tho bon of John Wannmaker, L Issues a raid raying he, nntl not his father, Is tho solo owner and responslblo director of the policy of tho Philadelphia Notth Amer ican, which yesteiday besan tho publi cation of a Sunday edition. Thomas Fays his father tried haixl to etop that fiundny paper, even offering to buy the -whole plant, but their views dif fered. Thomas goes Into tho Sunday field with a truly pious purpose, albeit he Is confessedly a disobedient young ster who has forgotten to honor his father's wishes. Says he; "The Puritan General Cromwell did not hfsltate to make battle for liberty and ftee conscience oven on the Lord's llun of Siding on Paper Reading S1 .!TS SO .11 .11 17 .IV. .17 .IS 113 rtny. Some of Ills most Important vie totlcs for fipedom weie won by Ills PouIiii-MmkIiik Holcllots on tlio tiny tlicy reverenced tin of Iroly olillKittlon, Hy tho lmuo of a Siintliiy edition tlio North Antprloiyi hits nthli'il nnotlicr arm in H.m cqiiliinnnt for llio sorlco of thr people's cutiflp." Thin nffectltiff pitrnltel betweon thp Nortlt Anierlran cmwd nntl Ctotnwcira 1'tirltntis will unntii'Htloiinbty touch their fninllliiiM nml mightily nffprt tho world nt Ihirp. Six ilnyi a vet-k not bplnt? Biilllflptit for tlio working off of their yellow bile, Sunday In to bo be fouled In truly tuincliinonlotit stle. Evidently Thomas Ih n chip of the old block. ritinq for two new ntnioied irulsets liave bepti drawn at AVaahltmton and they rcvpnl tho lessons of tho war with Spain. They will bine 4 ten-Inch, M nlx-lnch and l!J thtee-lmh riiph nnd will rliurn the deep at 2J ltnotn. Jlut ItiMte.ul of two kuiIi boats we Bhould hae tucntj. Speaking of News. ONOi: IN a while the l fill man ot lustltut n inHtakc, but wo , it while the most t.trc- tloii tnakes Judge men and we judge associations of men by the genetal chainiter ot their woik. Appblng this standard to the news associations of tho counti, we llml that tins Associated Pioss fully de seives the conlldeiue with whlih It is tegat ded by nn nw i whelming majoi Ity of the newspaper publishers and newspaper leaders of the tountiy; and we deslie to cite a lew icasons for this conlldeiue. In that sad iliml day of the Iluffalo tragedy, when the men nnd women of tho imlloii hoei((l anxiously mound tlio bulletin boatds expecting inonien tntlly to lead that 1'iesldent McKlnley had bieathed his last, them wcie thtee sep.nnto piematuie bulletins that tliu end had come; nnd the posting ot these, or their i It dilation fioni mouth to mouth, kept our telephone bells linglng all da nnd far Into the night lor exact lufoimatlou. Thanks to the Associated 1'iess, we weie nble to icitieit these false lepotts and post the ie.il news of the tragedy within tin cu minutes alter it was put on the who nt I'.ulTiilo. On Fildny night the Times and Tiuth, both seied by the I'nbllshei.s' Pi ess association, In desulblng the ai ilMil of CVolgos. at Aubutii lulsoii, contiilncd, under laif,o headlines, the.-u sensational woids: P.ile and ticniblitig, IVoUov wu dragged fiiin tin- tnln bi tin briwnv giuult lie wit h ind niffiil brtwcm two diputln. 'twenty lot d po- liiimen attimptid to kicp buk the cluwd which furged about the .ittjtiin, climorlng f r hit life 'tlio ciowd't ontljtiglit MI ko kUildi n tint the police njricli hid time tn driw tlielr clubs nnd reudcort 'llic prltou galea swung open anil the nsMvdn w.u implied through, but lut hi fore hilf rf tin crowd h tit liiiiciI blowj on the oIiIcim ,uid their prh-omr. llv the time the Associated 1'iess had begun lo sene the night icjioit to Tho Tilbune, this, ns noted in our S.itut- dav's Issue, had dwindled down to the following tunic iiiopoilloii.f crowd of nbout two hunihrd pcrtont w it iwailiii; Ihe anlv.il if the li un lather for feir of ill il . nlthough no dcinoiMntiont or nn attempt to liirni lilm were nn le, or from tnr of til prison and llio rc.iKz.it Inn tint tl o end wat n ir, C7ola ndlipecl .u he ftippeil from the lr.iln lilt leg, gio out. two burlv ikpu tun m tidily c irried him into the nniiii. Another instance. Sattnday night's Times, in Its intinductlon to tho aoht tace, said: llio Mutniork cro.ed the lino first, but w u not nble to ocicotnc the allowance ! fort lime MTonil, wlilch Mie hid tn ronccdo to the Co lumbia botiute of ditfeicnco In incjiurciucnti. And the Tiuth: lllghlind, ,ept I') Columldt wln3 on tlmo illi wince it .1 .H p m Meanwhile tho Assnclntcd Pi ess in Its bulletin to The Tilbune, hnil the facts light, ns follows; Columbia crofted tic line liiit and won by 3 f ei oniiit. Thl, without counting In the time al lowance, was within tour seconds ot the oflleinl time, and the cllffeiencc simply men sines a diffeienco In watches. Our leadets, If they hae paid atten tion to these things, can doubtless le ctin many similar Instances. The As sociated Piess Is not pei feet; It has lis sliino ot enois. Hut It Is sf) cnicfully nrganbed and eoiiseiatively managed that the cliantes for mistakes nie ic diiied to a minimum. Tt does not c licu late sensational or gieatly exaggeiattd news, and theiefoie Its tepoit some times seems tame alongside tho highly colored columns of the ellow journals. Hut whnt it cloes send can in the nvei w helming niajoilty ot instances bo ns tlini nughly l piled upon ns If accom panied bv n stack of allldavlts. That Is why In times of excitement Its news Is leeeUcel nnd accepted with confi dence. Last j ear 5.770,9 51,21.9 clgai.v, or 70 lor eveiy Inhabitant, weie piodueeel in the United States. It Is tho smokeis' IRC. - - Most Face the Consequences. T" It: HAND lesson awaits the substantial people nt Cuba of having to learn how to ch ingo their long-inaln-tallied attitude of ctltlellng tho nf fnliH nf their government Into an atti tude of actlo paitlclpitlon In govern ing. In a way they resemble pampered child! en who have nlwujs had eveiy whim giatlfled. Veiy soon they will bo like those same chlldien after ad- cislty ovei takes their pal cuts and they, themselves, without ndequutc pic paint Ion, are thrown suddenly upon tho wot Id. Wo do not mean that under tho rule of Spain the substantial, ta paylng peoplo of Cuba had everything they wanted. Hut they at least linil no responsibility; they wcio fue to find fnult; nnd, ns fnult-lliuUny usually do, they exnggeiated what didn't suit them nnd weie not alwaj.s piompt In giving due credit for whnt did. A llttlo while ago these pinpoity owning Inteiests In Cuba weio fieely criticizing and deriding tho govern ment of Intel ontlon. Almost evety act of tho Amei leans dtew ticini them s.u castlo comment. They took delight in letting tho world know their con tempt for American clumsiness. Wo wero honest; It Is true a clictim stance equivalent in their minds to fltupldlty. And we wero energetic a trait that bored them, seeing that llfo Is long ami full of time. Hut wo hud no finished manuets, no elegant nnd exnulsltp tnc; wo could not come up to tlielr Ideal of what constitutes the Iriepio.ichable, fine gentleman. Therpfnrp they diow nloof, looked on stipeicilloiisly as, we tried to the best of our ability nnd unselfishly to put their confused nffalis Into shape, nnd with Hhrugglng of shoulders left us to our fate. That was when most of them took It for ginntcd Unit our promises nf Independence, like the fine phrases of Spain, were to bo without piactlcal meaning. Hut lately a change has ronie over the spirit of their dreams, i:ents have shown dearly Hint It Is the Ametlciin Intention fooii to turn the task of governing Cuba oer to the I'ub.ins. forthwith there Is a rush to heaibiuai teis to got us to do the hard woik befoie we go. Theio Is the fram ing of a tnrlft law, for lnstnnce. It Is full of dynamite and needs handling with care. The Cubans nio afraid to tackle It. Therefore they beseech tli'iici il Wood and send delegates to the president lit Washington nsklng him to do tho Job for them; to frame the schedules nnd put them Into opera tion In little of tho sovereign power that the United States now wields, to that when tho Oubnn republic pets up for Itself Its statesmen will hae the main sttuctuic of recnue legislation already built nnd In use, and will need simply to iese a few Incidental de tails. Veiy wisely both President Hnospvelt nnd licner.il Wood havo respectfully declined to nnticipato a duty so ob viously Cuban. The pioperty owning Intei est of that Island have made their bed nnd must lie In it. They hao wanted or pretended to want sclf-gnvc rnmeiit and they nre to lme it. This means they must face the re sponsibilities as well as the glories; In other wotds, they must woik out their own political salvation, If necessary, In fear and trembling. Ace m ding to Captnln lMwaid C, Muiisnn, assistant sin genu, V. S. A., as set foitli In ,i paper read before the Ameiican Public Health associa tion, In the six je.ns following the Introduction of tlio canteen, tho ndnihs slnns to the niiny hospitals for nl eohollui fell olf L'3fi per cent; delir ium tteinens diminished 31 per cent., Insanity ,".l 7 per cent. The annual n pi age of e omletlons by cnurt-mai-tal for dtiinkcnness fell fioni 37a to It'll, the late of desettlon decteased fioni 0 to I r. per tent., nnd the number of soldlcis depositing money with the paymasters Ine teased 1", per cent. If these llguies aie conect, It Is only a ciuestloi. ot time until the canteen will lis l e-pstabllsliul. Pollowlng tho Iiitioduc tlon of Ameri can stnses In place of the npen fires, on attempt will again be made to pop ul.iil.o Ameiican nntlu.ielte coal In rictinaiiy. Sas the New York Sun: "ihe 111 st shipment will be 3.C00 tons iii't! will be taken to Stettin by the Htitltdi steamship Oimesby. It Is being sent by fleoige Stephenson, repiesent Ing tl'o Hi m of James Stephenson of S'e'tin, Tho cargo is designed for Herlln, while It can bo sold at a. prollt fur $7 SO a ton. which is rn cents a ton cheaper than the Welsh cannel eoal, the only pioduct In Kurope which conns an.swline near the anthi.icite nt lVnnsjlMinla." May It hac a fulr test. That is all that Is required. This Is Carnival W?ek af Buffalo Spend (Vrrcepuidcncc of The 'tribune Hurl ilo, sept 21 K I(! lit V hit lued his nrncl million fir t'litnv il week at the Itnnhnw Til. His subjects nre nihil uuon to give them fclvis up to tho reign of gijcty during tho entire week beginning tomorrow-. All has been aitivity nt the It ilnbavv ( ity the past wcik in picpirition for the feists and Ibwcr. the gimcs and Mjet of all kinds and rir-irlptlom which will be witurstid ittcr the king of the rainlvil Is duly iniiigurilcd It has jint hern decided tint the nMciil eimlv il cohrs fhall le Mil nnd gold Thete will bo the colors of King !!t, and every loj il mlijra will weir them cotpii uoiislv dicplivtd Ail tlio details of the irogi.imine tr this great week are being p. r feueil, :vevor In the luloiv o the woihl wis llieie in readiness lor a festival of this kind fO gund and In miifiil i setting .13 eUta todj at tlio l'111-Aiueric.iii tltj. Tlio t'ourt of l'oiititjins and the broad space eallnl the 1,1-pIauidc, to the wulh, wheie the liadlug fceiu-s of tho fistival will take place, would reitii to hue been trilled for Jut mcli i celrbntlon ies this Hilt court, with the grind illuminations It pnMesM nt night, his been the thiiue of countless eloquent dccriptinn.s and his been tlio olject of rntliuslistlc admiration t-im o tlio Itiltibow ( itv epened this spline Ihe gndcti like ctlec ts of this couit, whiro the rire-.t ami mot briutiful llowcrs ire grown, cnmluiicd with the be nitv of Hie sculplure which abounds upon tho hinders of its In. in and the ila of tho fountains, vhn-.i Kpray glltteis 111 the sun fhlno b) cliy nnd In tho holntlllitious from the lilt indcteont glol es b night, mikes a se ne which ktirs the iungiiiiliou mid crentia an itu prciwion upon the memory never to be cflaecd. o - Ihoiigh the Couit of l'liuntalns and tholpiin ado will be tho mow of tho general festivities, Hiiro will alo bo wine grind and u t.util ir event on Ihe l'.nk like and In the stidium A great fi iluro is going to be the chorus of sevcril thoiiAaud Kihoiil ihlldnn. who mil parlielpitc III tlio novel nnd beiutlful feenea ot Juvenile llav, when iheie will be t piride of ouches containing tho sweetest and prettiest bibles in the t'nllid vitis, nt U at in tho opinion cf lliur refpictive pirenN. 'Ihe Huril features of Jmiiille Diy have been tiken In charge by Mi llany llaiidln, wife of i member of tlio will known fimilv of horr.0 breeders MrA llimlln U uImi a iiieiuhcr of Ihe exposition cvecutlio com niillei'. Sl e is one of tho society leaders of IlulTiln. Mio will havo the n4.Ist.11uo of many of Ho fair fee in providing tlowirs for tho clowning and ilecniatlni of Hie diildren who paitiilpate in tins beautiful icction o The Itibv t'oieli pii idc will tike pi ice nt " .0 p. 111 on Tuesdiy. 'llio biby 10.0 lies and ur iliges will bo deeouted Willi floweis and other altrictlve adornuieuK, nnd the committee in chirge will hive little gills weiring wreaths of Mower to puh these vehicles l'11ea will be givm for the ino-t artistic) vehicle. 'Ihe thildrcn wlio will slug in tlio chorus will march i-i the piude, li idllig the line, nnd when they arrive in fmnt of the reviewing tt.ind 011 tho I. -pi male thrv will tip and sing Tlielr dccoiattonj will li in blue and gold, the Carnival colors. "J lie tuinde will tlnUli in the stadium, where the participators will circle about tlio cniloseurc, winding in and around the central oval until one gran 1 ma of vehicles anl toluu It produced, giving a vcij fine effect. o There will be omo distinctive feature for every ilay of the Carnival week. One of the inot novel anl beiutlful sights nf the whole wctk will be the Venetian like Illumination and parade of drconted and illuminated barges, gondolas and electric' hum lie, which will tako pbro nn the l'aik lake. TliU lake, turrounded as it la with wooded shore kloping gently up from the lake to a to nttnrd un ideal plico for viewing the scenes thereon, I admirably adapted for this feature of the fete, There will bo prlics for the bait illuminated and decorated boil. Carnival week will end ip a grand night parade on the fplendld floats which he. been obtained for (lilt occailon, and which are tlmllar to the float whltli lmc made the Mirdl (lra of New OrK'atu to famou. King Ilex will occupy lilj throne and direct the frativltlra, which will wind up in n inagiilfccnt fireworks dltplay, and "dnlnga" en the Midway, which will eclipse the famous cur ing ot Midway day last Augutt for fun and Inno cent liollc. fl it Is ImpoMlble In a brief article to mention alt the uirlom feature of the weck'o progrimme, but the fact ahould not be omit led that the L'arnleat week ulll open with a great game of foot lull In the atadlum, free to eery one, bctwrcen the tcama nf Columbia unlurally and the tlnlicralty of UufTalo. A word ahnuld alto be added about the automobile feature of the floral parade, which will douhtlcM be a very noi el and attUtla afTilr. Ihe Southern railway will hue an automblfo rcpretentlntf the cotton bile, of the South Ircd I', Fox, of the Lacka wanna railroad, hat rntricd a beautifully decor ated automhllc and many of the firm, represent ing automhlle c.otitcmt nt the exposition hae entered umples of their beat chiclot, which will he finely decorated for the parade. The weather at the Itilnhow- City hai been Ideal for tight feting the pjAt few dai. For tho most pit: It list been Inlim, though not too warm, and sisltors could d .1 greit dell of sight feeing wl'lniit ehauallon If thla weither continue, theie will be no plcnuintcr fiot In the United Mi'es lie reining week than the grounds of the Pan Aim rie in ON YELLOW JOURNALISM. Oomnor Slone In lllj Speech at Pltlfburg Mlur- diy Mglit. Whit Is i jellow journal A newspaper tint has no pittv and no country and whose god Is the aehcrtlscr. and gcnrnlly a full page adier tlcr. 'Ihey ftrlic by cicr; possible lucins to lncrcac their circulation, licciuse adsertlsera piy accoiding to circulation. They live on their adicrtincnieiits. No rapcr could Hie if ou took the adcertlsetiifnts out of it, and o they hunt up fcnsitions nnd Hindi! to print and make peoplo buy their pipers to 'C what Is raid about their neighbors. They challenge the lion cty of public ofllclila. They are opposed to men In ofrVr They arc alwija for the under dog In the fight, no tnitter whether ho Is a dog or a tur, am thing to fell their pipers and nlse their admtbdng rate. They feed the flamea of Jell ousy, cnij, hate, prejudice and ambition, while honest peorle tlerp. They are the wltchrs ot llndor and dinee through the night around their caldrons of boiling scandals and falsehoods and fene up the met brew for breilvfaBt to nn inno cent and iihsoiblng public. Thine yellow Jour nals, by time tilled fmart newtpaperf, become the pll int tool, of uni-erupulou men who, through thrte libellous fheett, lah their polltltat oppon cnU Some can't stand It t can, I am getting med to it I was at Atlantic City thin summer. Tho mosquitoes wrre pietty bad Their bites got lf- and lot antiolng the longer I staled and I felt tint if I could stay a week or two longer I would get so that t would not mind them. And I think that by the time niv term of office expires I will be absolutely Indifferent to the jellow JourniW They are anarchistic in fo far ns they tilth that gniernmcnto arc corrupt and friudulent without proof that it is true; in so fir us they tracli want of confidence in public olfleiils who differ from their paj matters point-o-illy. Hut the jellow Journil, will fill, anilchv will fill Our fitteni of government will triumph Willhm Mchlnley will be avenged Out of Ida mutjrdom will come wise and effective liwa that will diive anarchy and anarchists out of tliis rnuntrj and all extravagant and whole file charges of corruption in official life not auttilned bv facts will be rebuked bj the reople at the poll. From 5hoe Strings to BOOTS NO ORDER TOO SMALL, NO ORDER TOO LARGE. NOT PROFIT BUT BUSINESS INCREASE. LOWER THE PRICE, LARGER THE TRADE. SEE THE POINT. ALWAYS BUSY. Lewis & Reilly "ALWAYS BUSY." 114 116 Wyoming Avenue. See our School Shoo Window. A Second-Class City with a First-Class Stock of Gut Glass, Sterling Silverware Clocks, Ete. Suitable for Wedding Gifts. Mercereati & Connell, 132 Wyoming Avenue. Open a Charge Come and buy whatever you Pair of Shoes. We'll churge it to your account and you can pay in small regular payments that won't lighten your purse to any great extent. What do we sell? Why everything in outer wear garments. Hats and Shoes for Women, Men and Children. We have 28 Retail Stores and a busy fac tory. The middleman's profit doesn't figure on our price tags. Style, Quality, Credit 317 Lacka. Ave. Second Floor. Open Evenings. FINLEY ' S Fall Exhibit of New Silks and Dress Goods Our entire lines of Torelgn nnd Do mestic Silks and Dress Goods nre now on display. They nre the new est nnd best creations from tho fashion miukclis, homo nnd abroad shown In rich nirny for your Inspection. SILKS ulacic and coi.onnn taffeta rilLKrt, at 41c and up. BLACK AND COLOIWD PEAU DD SOIU, nt $1.00 nnd up. BLACK AND COLOniiD LOUIS INKS, $1.00 nnd up. BLACK AND COLORED SATINS TiOc. and up. FANCY TAFFKTA WAIST SILKS, 7ic nnd up. FANCY LOtUSINHS WAIST SILK, $1.00 nnd up. Corduroys at 50c to $1.25 Are In very creat demand this fall for Jackets and Separate Skirts. DRESS GOODS Plain, smooth fabrics predominate this ienson, PIUKSTLUY'S BLACK DKESS GOODS nre here In abundance In Krent tango of new weaves. PIUKSTLHY'S C B A V E N V T T V. MHLTONS, for Storm Coats ami Suits; 51 Inches ivldo, nt $1.65 and $1.0;. WOOL BIABITZ CORD, in black and colors, nt $1.00, PRUNKLLU CLOTH. In black and colors, at $1 25. TEQUIN SURGES, black nnd colors, 75c and $1.00. ALL AVOOL SURGES, black and col ors, nt fiOc. HO.MKSPFN Sl'ITINGS, 01 Inches wide, 60c nnd 75c. EXTRA HEAVY MULTONS, Bl In ches wide, at $1.00. SILK AND WOOL SUBLIME nnd LANSDOWNE. nt $1.00 and $1 25. ALL WOOL CHEVIOTS, at 45c and $?S0. 510512 Lackawanna Ave To use furniture In your ofHco thnt is not up-to-dato in style nnd quality. You meet prospective customers in your office and they will judge you by your surroundings. Your office furniture should be such as to make a good im pression. We carry the finest stock of Office Furniture in the city. If you want Desks, Chairs or Tables come in and see what we can show you. Hill & Connell 121 N. Washington Ave. Account with Us. wisha Suit of Clothes or PrBHr PEOPLE'S Credit Clothing Company SCRANTON'S BUSINESS HOUSES. THESE ENTERPRISING DEALERS CAN SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS OF EVERY OHARAOTER PROMPTLY AND SATISFACTORILY. L. SOMMAR, DeiUdlng Contrtctor. Fmpleya union mm. t'ltlmilei chMrlullj glvtn. Ittmodtlinir nl rc-palrlng ipccltlty. 320 WASHINGTON AVC. EDWIN S. WILLIAMS. CONTRACTOR. BUILDER ffOOM SB COAL eXCHANOC, SORANTON. PA. (Jold Medal Pliotognpher " FOR SALE IllinCirS and VVAO. OSS 0! all Mnd; Un llouacs and nullding l.oU at luriuirn. nonsrs. CLIPPED ind GHOOM1.U at 'fc. Chlldrcri'i Artltt, FARRELL'S Transfer M. T. KCLLER'S Movm freight, furni ture and Uiitrgaife, Faff, Pianos and Ma chinery. 21" Lackawanna Ava Laekananna Carriage Wctka. J. B. WOOLSEY CO CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. Dealers In Plate Glass and Lumber OF ALU KINDS. LACKAWANNA UNDERWEAR STORE Will tell all their samples of fine Imported Uadrai Shirts for men at 69c. i worth $1 to il So WALTER E. DAVIS. 214, Sie. 213 PAULI BLDQ. Attorney-at-Law, Scrnnton, Pa. E. JOSEPH KUETTEL. rear 511 Lackawanna avenue, manufacturer nf Wire bereens of all kinds, fully prepired for the spring reason, e make M kinds ot porch fcrrrns. etc PETER STIPP. General Contractor, Iluildcr nnd Dealer In nullding Stone. Cementing of ccllau a spe cialty. Telephone 2692. Olflce, S27 Washington avenue. JAMES J. MURRAY. Stiecesor to the Hunt k Cornell Co , In tin and sheet metal work and ventilation. Carton fumacea, lepalrs anl general tin work a specialty No 433 Lackawanna avenue. H-'MI"H"H"fr-H"H - H - - M - H - Fall Designs In In announcing the opening of our new stock, we 3j call special attention to the fact that our Entire Line has been made to our special order, thus giving us an Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the j. world's leading mills. Never before have we been en- abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics. Wilton Velvet Tapestry An Early Inspection Is Advised if k Williams 126 Washington Avenue. f Carpets Wall I L OP SCRANTON. Capital $200,000. Surplus S523.O00 United States Depositary. Special attention given to BUSINESS, PERSONAL and SAV INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large or small, Open Saturday evenings from 8 to 9 o'clock. Wm. Connei.1., President Henry Hewn, Jr., Vice Pres. Wm.H. Peck, Cashier. Allis-Chalmers Co Successors to Machlno Business ot Dickson Mnnufacturlns Co., Scranton ana wiiKes-iiarre. i-a. Statlonaiy lysines, Boilers, MlnlnB Machinery, Pumps. Hanlevs Bakery, 420 8PRUCE ST, BueceMor to HUNTINGTON We makt a pjieclalty "I Ine bread atufla. Ordcr for Balad Olsten, Croqucttei, tc., promptly filled. A full line ot tee Cream and Icet. W. A. HARVEY. riectrlc Wiring and Fixtures. Flectrle Dell and Telephone Work. 309COMMO VVC TH BUILDINO FRED H. WINTER. 024 CAPOUSC AVENUE. Staple CrocerlM and Provlaloni. A full line of Vegetables, etc., received dally. THE SCRANTON VlTRIPietl Ftaic-.u ANOTILE MANUFACTUniNQ COMPANY Haken of Paving Dilek, etc M II. Dale, Ceieral Seles Agent, Olflce S28 Wanhlngton ave. Worka at ay Aug, Pa , 11. K W. V It. It.. WILSON t COMPANr. Kavhlonable Tailors (Hotel Jermyn nullding), S22 Spruce street, Scranton, Pa Suits prewed, 85 cents; pants pressed, 10 cents. Clothing re paired, called for and delivered. New Thonc, 2692 KlNQSBURY & SCRANTON. Manufacturers' Acjenta MINE AND MILL SUPPLIES. District Agents for John A Itoebllng's Sons Co "a Wire Itore and Hcctrlcal Wire. Cutta Percha and Rubber Mfg. Co 's lleltlng, Packing, lloee and llethanical Rubber fioods. Ivnoulton Packing Cartcr'a Oil Clothing Itnom 310 Tault Bldg. SECURITY BUILDINO t SAVINGS UNION Home office, 203 209 Mears llulldlng, transacts a general building and loan business throughout the state of Pennsylvania - H - 4"H"H"H"H 4"i"t-fi4-I"I-i"V4""i"i" Carpets Axminster Brussels Ingrain Paper Draperies f 4 Refrigerators, Oil Stoves, Screen Doors, Gas Stoves, Window Screens, Hammocks. 325-327 Pena Avenue, $15,00 TO $18.00 A WEEK ijn nr nmn . . v'nmWm hn. so vnti P? hour In. jro time. Msnufactuttr, Hoi 7b, I'hlUiielphla. McAnulty S Fit