3T" xfltV' 40" ' "Vi THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 30, 1001. '(3 7" To the Uncomfortable "Wearers of glassed, wo extend the benefit of llfteen years' experience, nnd a thoroughly equipped shop In making and repairing spcctncles. In this puitlculur we tire nlono In Scranton. H. TWINING, 131 PENN AVENUE. Optician f HAKRIS1 DRUcl S.T0RB CITY NOTES. SI'CAKS TONtUlir.-Ufv. Station V. Kirof IH pcak it the Itcscuc trillion tonight. WKl.K'R CLKARIXUS. Die Traders' NJlloinl lunk rrporLs clcarinits lor the wrck rmlliic Sept. TS us follow: Moncliy, S'j'lT.TiiO fiOi TiirnUy, SOI'WW.M; Wcdnculiy. J(k1,31I,,JT; 1 Imrsiljy, f2ll.7rt-M.Js Kililay, 1naj.SI5.Sli SilurJ.i.i, !. Ml T.J; total, JI.SW.Ml.iS. MH.IS lOMnlttlOW NKIIir.-llie illiolic llIrtorlL.il toddy ml Nrnman il.ini.llie iluli lll friiine lt lnfctlned lomorioiv night at thf JiniKriM of Coliimlius cliiti liou-ic. The iiroitratnma for tlic season will then be annnimrnl. Anions the lecturers HCiiirol .ire Dr. James Walli, ConJe I'lttn ami Dr. I'oiulj. xlfltlMVfl rilli: -The IIUEim huihllnir. on laViuanna aicnui', ui.s iljtiuc;rii hy tire Nitur day moininc to the extent of ahout tW. The (fntral city (ntiijiaiile icvpnrMleil to nn nlaim from hnx 'Ji, In time to ilicck the flames, sihlcli licit' iinkh:; r.itiiii prr'Ries.s rn tli" thlnl Moor n( the hiill'liiik'. A flic oicurrril In the miiu building cm the irriout exenlnp, hut was e tliiL'iil'lui without tli'.' necc-Mity of smiling In an alum. II XUIAI, 01' Mb .IOI1DAV The funeral of Mis' Mary .Ionian took place 'Saturday from the home of her mother, iorner of ,ahliigtrm annuo ml Larch street. A large eonsrrKatioti of inourti rm attemlcil the reiiiiein mist rcicbuttil at St. Vaul's church hy Itev. M. U. Loflu. liitennent was made in the Cathedral cemrtiry. T lie lull bearers wire: Andrew O'lloro, .Joieph Kennedy, .lohn J l.ally, James Kennedy, Willi im I.axis and 1 daid Manliy. I.I.KPI'IOX TUI.'DxY MOIIT- Company C, iiiirternth regiment, will hold an election on Tuesday night to (111 the vacancy ocaloncd by the recent resignation of (.'aptaln Joeph llel liKrl. Lieutenant Thomas Murphy, late of the .tnited States army, is the choice of the entire company, and will no doubt be unanimously cl'iled to the capt.unis. Alter the election the vmpanv "ill hold a social se.slon in the dininij em of the Klk ia(e. JCPWORTH LEAGUE CONVENTION Honcsdale District Gathering nt Hawley Tonight and Tomoirow. The twelfth annual convention of the Honesilalo District Kpworth Vague will begin this evening at Huw toy nnd continue all day Tuesday. Fol lowing Is the piogramme: mosuay i:r.isn, t:.o Auctions, Kcv. .Jnaeph M. Coleman, Throop. i'lve Minute Greeting, Itei Samuel C Simpklnt, llanley. I'lse-MInule IIctpor..ve. Itev. Manuel Itinera, DunditT. Lecture, "The Mctse in I'ckiii, ftt-v. 1 I. Came -lure, inc icrc in rrhin, iiv. i. u. .,aiin" i well, IMi D. of the North China ConCerrme, who, according to Suicess for July, lr,OI, "Held at arm's IcnEth an empin- of tour hun dred millions for hltyix day." Appointments Sollies. Bcnedietion. Tt'KSnXY FOMINOON, Mtui:. I'rascr Meetinf. Led hv Rev. Dnid KsaiiK, Sterling Demotions, Ues Orson G. Uuell, Hale F.ddy. "J.ianEclim" - 1 "The I.lle of nod in the Soul of Msn." Miss Kill Maude Stewart, Clitlord. 2 "Ihe Life of Man in the Work of fiod." MUi Idua Skinner, Milautille 3, "The tlc.it cin.-s Mosnnfiit," Mis. Heniietta .1. McCutihin, Wauuart. 4 ' 'IIih (.race AN.)." 2 Col S: T it flcpir lor Oct. f), Hei. OeoiRe 51 Hell, Anl. 5. "Uscntlal to ital ChrkftUnlt.s," Itev .John A. Tmi'iie, couth Canaan. 6. "The peelopmcnt of the l.ianselittic spirit in UilMlioocl." Mrs. .f. C. Kstes, Dunmorc 7. Intcichanje of Ideas. Three Minute Itepurts of fcuti Distiiet Contention Work IttiidncM Transitions. Sulci Mis lii.itc Whitney, lloncdale. "lMutatlon" 1 ll.e Mtituile fif fhn-tiaiiity towards l.ducation," lVny I iHarr. llnnctdale. 2 "The ldiK.iticm periled ihioush Read- Init." Mrs. I.lzlo II Mipiucl, Mo,ow. u "Tin llnioniuntioiul school," l!e. Aitluir I) lljticl Thompson. I "Is a IiiIIirc Kdin.uiiin Unliable for a .Msuuol l.ihniri " Hot Kiiltih' (Juimb.v, li.iiiiHntciii. .cc3 Peilm I lli'iiidii'tion. It IMiY U'lhHSOOV, 1n.O. Vetotions, llet .1 li. Itatiuoud, tailij Urook S "dm Kducatuiinl Woik: l'aal and I'ns rnt," Jlet l.'inrce I'laie. 1'h II, llonesdile, B. "Whit We ic and Whit We Oucht to Do loi saciiie t nitiHitt." He. .Justus V. Wainer, W.ijmart. 7 lnt"ichni!P of Ideas "Euii'M of the I ntciii.it inn il ( onientlnn," thailes ". Itaker, .Joim.tn. I.le iimi of I'ic-iiliiit, Itiioidms "-ecritart and Tieisuier, uiii.-pondlne SecKt.ny and .limine la ague "iipctintcnden . Tlio I smotitiitton nf .1 Disui.t MlAsiiinarj' Cum-, rnlttce. Completion ol t'litinUhnl I1ilIiiik Tlillanthiop.t" 1, "V sul (u noi Is ( omeption of Mother. In od," ltet William McVIiiiiii, NaiiowJiun;. 2 "lUloie tlie .Judffinent llai," ltet Albeit C. (liter, I. ike Couio " "An Kpwoilh I.caKiii' llcue," Mrs It. I, Clirk, Forest flit. i "Ihe Pot.ilillitles of the Meicv and Help lli pallium! on Honcsdale District," Mii ll.ii i let M. PaMnp, Carbondale, S "llaliituitini; Clilldirn to l'liihntliropio Woik." Mis. Iliail.s Folev, I'dktllle II Inlcnhaiifte of Idea-. otle3. I'silrn wnl, IJeneilKtion, 'It 1DY KVKNIMi. 7.M Deletions, Itev Jacob II. Itojce, I'lo.ls.ini Muunt. lifport of ( ommlltee on ItooHitiuns x Adlie.s, "What a ChrMian Nuiso Did for a Wounded Jev. iili soldier," Mrnto Jacobs, Scianlon, Fnlii-tii wounded, Riien up to die; iiuimn! bai k to health, accept Clnist, disowned bt pncnlsi liupiijoncd, etc, etc "He thriller my people, and nioird thini int.i DEALERS IX x x x X X X X X X X X X X X X X X a x Bonds and l Investment Securities 88 Broadway, N. T, Wilkei-Birre. Carbondale. I-S-6 Commonwealth bid's:, Scranton, Fa. a deeper rttltua1 life." Itev. Thomas He (Iruchy, t). l raster Jackson fctreet Hap lift tfiurch, fMranton. "I wlh evershodjr tuiild hr iiliii."-llcv. Arthur U. Duld, 1 homvon. lleatltudei. Hi nedii linn. Adjournment. DR. SWEET AT ELM PARK. Filled the Pulpit of that Church at Both Services, llev. l)r, J. H. Sweet, of Oneontn, N. Y npi)Ko In liitKO collRiCKHtlnn1 holh mutnlnK and evening yosteiday In the Kim l'ailt ihurcli, Many meiiiberH of hla former Hook at Simpson church lis tened to him nl oiitih service. Ur, Sweet Ih so great a favorite In this city that liln cotnlnc Iwck on this oc- i-axlon wn welcomed most Hlncerely, Last nlfiht lie spoko from the text, "Tlio Lord Uod is a Sun." The eerinon waa one of scholia ly ability and beauty of lniiRiiaKc. He illustrated his subject by railing at tention to the pteat centre of our nolar system. The telatlonhlp of the light gained from the oil In thu lamp as oi Initially derived from stored sun shine of other ngei, the problematic soutces of elcrtilelty, and tlio variety of Illuminating powets In general were ronsldeiud. Life, too, must come from the sun. All true robust life Is devel oped In the unhlne. Ood comes as the great sotiuv of life In the world. If in the beginning Hod created tlio gieater light to lule the day, the les ser to rule the night; If in the be ginning at God's command life In man appears, so life in the human race manifests its power In the sun the sun of ilgliteousness. All true spirit ual life conies from Ood. It Is not the thought of Clod that any man should polish, but should come Into eternal lire. The sun Is the source of warmth. The annual coal products of the world is about 'MO millions of tons. It Is said that if all this nuihS were set on lire It would answer but the Infinite part of a second to supply the heat which comes from the sun. If our earth were but one mass of coal and the inhabi tants thereof were as stokers feeding the furnaces of the sun they would be thirty hours of time keeping up it9 llres. God is the sun whose warmth and kindliness kindle the tires on the altars of our lives. We designate as revivals those sea sons when we meet together to warm our chilled purposes and our hearts and lives glow and throb together In the name of God. "We speak of the coldness of the woild as compared with the waimth of Christian charity. Warmed Into kindly ways toward each other the btothethood of man and the fatherhood of God ate realized upon the iai tli. The .sun is the source of frultfulness. We should have no rich autumnal sea-.'-on without Its shining. All nature re sponds to this power. It Is the spirit ual warmth which produces respon siveness of life and soul in the woik of God. We arc co-laboters with God. He shines into our souls and produces the up-brlnglng of heeds of ilghteous- , , ,, tlPf "' hollnc.so. Tho sun produces beauty. The blos soms of the woild tat n to the sun and everyone who comes into the sun light of God comcK Into beauty ot diameter and sympathy of life. Theie Is a time for the setting of the sun, but the darkness Is brightened by the star of hope which prophesies ot the sun i icing the light of eteinal day. COMPANIES CONSOLIDATE Pennsylvania and Central Pennsyl vania Companies Join Forces To morrow Headquarters at Hnrrisburg. A consolidation of tho Pennsylvania Telephone company and the Cential lYnnsyltniila Telephone and Supply company goes into effect tomoriow. The Pennsylvania Telephone com pany has Its lieadnuaiters nt Hsirris burg, and serves a tenitory extending ft oin Ht'.sdcton to the Matyland line and ftom Lancaster ui Uedfoid Springs. The Central Pennsylvania Telephone and Supply company, whose licudquur teis ate at Wllllamwpm t, serves a. ter ritory embiaclng fifteen counties, and extending fiom Forest City to Johns town. The consolidated company will he known as tho Pennsylvania Telephone company. The headquarteiH will lie at Ilaitisbutg, and the geneial manager "will be M. 11. rtuehler, at piecut gen eial manager of the Pennsylvania com pany. The WUllamsport hejdqu.a lets of tli" (Vutinl company will he done away w Ith. The dliertoiate of the consolidated company has not us et been selei ted. It will opeiate under the charter of the Pennsylvania company, and this pro vides that sixty days' notice shall be given ot any contemplated chnngo In the by-laws. It is probable that the by-laws will be changed to enlatge the dliertoiate. When the sixty days havo explted the matter of leorganlzatlon w 111 be taken up. The par value of the sliaies of the I'eimsvhaiila company Is $."ii, that of the Central lotnpany $100. The Central people take two shares of the Pennsyl vania slock lor each sr.aro they hold In the Centtal company. It Is a dollar for dollar exchange. The airangement Is entirely nmieuhlc, It Is wild, nnd made for the purpose of strengthening the tone of the stock of both companies. The consolidation will effec t no change In the management of the local brunt. h of the Cential company. COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. lohn M Idwauls has been appointed ntcmigi.v pin i uf Hie en phant' mint. A lull for a mtv trial was granted Saturday h.i Jiulic laipcnUr In the taie of Jin. JI, J. I.' ell asaiiitt c MieritT I'. II Cliiuons Judge oliuii: on Situnbv handed down an Older Hxlng Oil .!, at 0 a m . as Hie time for the heal ins in the nutter of tlio eitate of Mar garet taiitfliau In the case of John Mullen against the Siran ton HjIIwij company the Juiy on Saturdat re turned a teidiet In fator ot the defendant. Mul len ued (or being lougldy handled and ejected Ircim a I'lotldenee car by the rnotornian and con duilor en the night of Dec 2J, I'TJ. Attorney II, I,. Tailor began habeas coipus pioceedlniM befurc Judge IMnards Saturday to secure the release of pomlneio Volpe, who li In the couni.t Jail awaiting trial on the charge of itealing W1 woith of Jeweliy and UIOO m cash from Ihe houso of Frank Varnet, HIS North Main ammo, Oct. J'l. lM! It Is ilaimed the cwdeinc was not autlhicnt to warrant tolpe'a committal. He wants Hi" court to rctiew tin cate It will be heard Oit i at 9 a m. Thexe Is Still Time. Studciils aie legtsterlng dally for the Conservatory's courses In piano. OHice, tj04 Linden stteot. Open all day. Tho popular Punch cigar Is still the leader of the lOo cigars. DIED, FlOlty.-On Saturdat, Sept. , 0U, the infant ton of Mr, and Mrs. Curtis Bertram Flory, LAST SERMON TO HIS FLOCK DR. ROBINSON'S FAREWELL IN THE SECOND CHURCH. His Final Seunon Was Delivered Last Night to the Joint Congrega tions of the First nnd Second Chmches It Wns tho Same Dls cotase He Delivered on the first Sunday He Entered tho Pulpit. His Rcmnrks to His Own Flock nt the Morning Service. Itev. Dr. O. K. Robinson preached his farewell sermon last night, to the con gregation of tho Second Presbyterian church, which wn.s augmented hy tho congiegatlon of the Klrst church. Tho edifice was filled with llstencia who deplore tho depai'lttto of the pastor so beloved and tho benignity of whoso presence will bo missed. Previous to tho sermon llr. Robinson made brief lomarks, in which he spoke of the farewell, which he had said at the moinlug service to his own people, nnd at other times to the wSunday school, the clergymen and othet.s. Ho dreaded the separation and the break ing of ties which had been so clo'-o nnd tendei. Ho hoped tho church would bo as kind to ills successor as It had been to him. Ho was certnin that those who had been his best friends would be tho "best friends of the new pastor. He knew not yet whom tho man would he, hut sonu whero Ood was prepailng him for this service. At the conclusion of his addtess, Dr. Robinson declared the pulpit empty. Throngs of people tuirled to express their regrets at 'the necessity for say ing good bye to their pastor of four teen years, Much emotion was appar ent In the congregation during the entire evening. A special musical pro giiimme was glvt-n under tho direction of Piofessor Chance. The sermon he delivered last night was the one ho delivered on tho llrst Sund,iy he occu pied the pulpit of tho church. His topic was "Sin Iilotted Out," and ho took his text front Is.ilah, xllll 'J.'., "I, even I, am He that blottoth out thy transgicsslons for mine own sake, and will not remember thy sins." He said: lilt IiOBlNSOVS ShHMON. The scry first thinjr that attracts our alien- Hon in thi passage Is tho distinct, iinphitic leioRiution of the peisonalily of find, "1 enn I." It renilmU mo of tliat teutence whiih K'inictimes hcems to be the greatest of all "I am" when Moses asked to hate cicdeutlals tilth which to appear befoie the IgiptUn (!m umply b i id, "I nay unto them. Hut 'I am' sent joii' When men think that theie is no other Hod than the force which carries the stats along and ttlilih. appears only In nature, they eav "It" inteid of "He." When they fpcll matter with a big "M" it Is all the clod thei want, or recognize. If in reading seicntiflc- triat Ue, jou obsertc that the writer uses a pergonal pronoun when he fpeaks of find, when ho writes "He" in rcfening to Ood, ton tmy be pretty Mire that h lat a reterent scientist, who feos thiough niture, tnture's Ood. Hut when ton detect a ftudlous avohlinee of tlio word Cod and freipient reference to the (treat llle of the uniterse, correlitlnc forces, rolling the ftam along, un ler tlio indefinite neuter pronoun "It," jou tieid hate no dllrkult.t in knowing ttheie to rank tii tviiter. A man, wlio in wandering through the great ate nues of thought, who, in all his Mudy of the uniterse, measuring and weighing the stars and noting the bilancinga of the clouds, nnd of the gieater forces ol the dolnr and stellar e.nteins, bis not attained to the belief in nil intelligent designing cause, a personal creitor, and does not hear the "I am" of Jelioiah, thrilling thiough the music of the spheres be iloes not tee the glory of Ood ho la blind and cannot sen afar off. "The invisible things of Him for the creation of the world aie clearly seen, being understood by the things that aie nude rten Ili-s external power and Cod head" of lllin Him." All I blessed be the soul that not. lug the daisy, or the Illy of the field, can see through It something of the mind and head of Cod. Ulessed the man who can feel the 'Ven-e of Ood slide down in thrills through all things mule through sight and sound and eve rj thing." He alone can comprehend ttoids worth meaning, when be aald "To me tho meanest flower that blows can giie thoughts that do often lie too deep for teais.' ' winur. SYsruxi of sionvuiv. On the doctrine of the personillty ef Ood, so plainly taught in Scripture, so conspicuously reteilcd on a field, and in the kv, hangs the whole st stem of morality Deny tint, and jou deny all. If there is no Ood, there Is no sin. what serins so is simply the ellect. the imperfect effect of nature to leach perfection. Uut some one uii.t say mat at ieai me-ic vtuuiu uc ' there, if men hate no Judge to render tip the arcounta to. Hut with no pergonal Ood there Is no Inimoitality, and do )ou know wlnt that means. Sot only that this conscience, existenie or personillty which, amid all trial and sorrow jou would not bo deprited of, ceasra foreter 'at death not only that, but also all tint is iniolied in that, the total, iin parable, cternil separation at death from all light and friend. hip. If there were no (tod, then when jou stand bt a dting father or mother, or wife or child, and see them laid away in the grate, .ton could only say, "It is the end" "Till the beaten be no morn they shall not awake, nor be raised out ot th sleep." Hate jou any idea, can jou gain any ade quate idei whit this conscious immortality has done for man' What effect it Ins had upon his sense' of life and character? and what it has effeited In the rrclprocation of thought and feeling in the household' Take away fiom par ents and ehlldien, from Mothers and sisters all hope uf lltlng bejond the grate, all hope of meeting In beaten, and need jou reason long to become eontineed that the be.t and noblest part of life would be gone, and that human life degeneiates to a Ufa like the hearts who perish. Ml thought of immortality ceaes, or all belief in existence bejond the graie is abandoned with the abandonment of this doctrine ol a personal foil. C'UY COI.S IT TO OOD. Then If there be no Ood, who can sat- "I" tilth the? authority ot supreme volition supreme power and supreme lote there Is no I'rotldenee oier us. We nro drlteii along, simply as ma chines, there Is no help, no pity, no power to cheer us hi depression nor to inspire us with rourige. I was going to say "Cod pity u." but II there were no personal God rrajer would be a mockfi.y. Ihe cry that notv goes up to God1, no quickly, the sudden appealing prajer for mer cy or help, would hate to bo smothered, for who would pray with no Ood to pray to The Uible representation of f,od, the "I am" ol the Scripture "The Lord, He" -as the Hebrew often put It is the sole warrant for intellljint prajer All encouragement to prajer that has led to the erection of .o many family altars, throughout the woild, that has scut niatii s parent to tho solitary place to plead, and the prajer (or the saltation of her children, that hate for ages brought tiod'a people together, at staled times, for worship,, all wouhl be dene awaj the whole theory of a superintending prov. ideneo to help, protect and sate, would be sim ply the baseless fahilc of a dream Heme the emphasis In tlio Scripture phera upon this diuliine that Ood ts a prison nd there can be no stronger statement made in Are You in the Race S$ for a free scholar ship? Then y o u mint get jour lift uilo Die mail e.n Mondaj. Sept. Se) lliriONMUIYWOHY v Islua tcu luck and i long lit. Tiy to liud out one mors wend It may ho tl " winning stroke. I AJIred Penning ten, Dlrcctoi, Jj rmw,?&- the lllble, than when (Jod appcs.li to tho evi dence of tils existence "As I lite aaith the Imd (Joel, 1 hue no pleasure In the death of the ttlekrd, but that the wicked turn from his way and lite as Ood lives." Grasp that thought, beliete, with all the might of filth. All that is elear In life, all that is Inspiring to faith, all tint Is grand In ethics, all that U helpful In trouble, all that binds up tho wounded hearts, all that throws any light on the future and takes from us the horror of leaping In the dark, is bound up with this belief. These two little word, "I" and "Thou," expiess all the rel-itlen between (Jod and the helleter. And so with a repetition that It lull of encouragement, (Jod satai "l-eicn I-sin lie that blolteth out thy tiaiisgresslons," This terse has in It the very kernel of the gospel. This comet What every minister is commissioned to prrirli, what every belleter Is commanded to declare, that thl awful element of discord, woe, wretchedness, thi state of the mind and heart which shuts off from Ood this din, which Ood hates, rm be fnrirltin. Naj-, Irt me rut it In the words of the text, "blotted out." "I eten l-am lit that blottcth out thy tranijrcssionj." iiititi: is FonoivF.Ni:ss, There can be no Intelligent recognition of Ood without the consciousness of "in. Ood said, "I hata heard of Theo with the hearing ot the or, but now mine eje seeth thee, where fores I abhor nijsclf, and repent In dust and ashes." When Peter caught the gleam of the illtino glory shining through the vail of Christ's htinnn flesh, he tried i "Depart from me, for 1 mil x sinful man, 0 Ood " And so with tin mercy characteristic ol Ood, this emphatic dec laration of His personality, is accompanied with an assurance tint there Is "forgltcnosi with Him that He may be feaied." I do not care how deeplj- a man may be oontlctcd ol his sins, the deeper, the better, the nearer the truth, for I know tint such tont lo tion will not lead to despair so long as I cm hold up before him this text, where Ood sn.ts "I eten I im He that blotteth out thy trans gressions." Ilifl gladdest sound I can hear is tho cry, "Whit must I do to be saved!" for I know what to say, where to point the con tlcted soul. I can hold up this promise of the test, and say, "Take that, belieto that; see what Ood will do for jou" And this repeti tion, "I eten I am He," it made here as an assurance that the work of saltation will be well done, thoroughly done for "Goal it able to sate unto tha uttermost sj If there is any one here today who feels his sinfulness, anv one who it rady to u knowl edge" himself a sinner, who does not need to bn reaoned with to prote hie sinfulness, but whose crj-, if it had anv toice, would be the cry of tlio Publican: "Ood be merciful to me a sinner," I desire to speilt to such a one. I must say that souls in suet, a state of contictlon are coinpirititely rare. My Double is to find many who ore ready to take the slnner'is posi tion and to adopt the publican's prajer at their own. Most persons, while giving an assent to the general ttitement that all men are sinful, are unwilling to reeelte the peisonal application of the truth. When the great and solemn truth Is pres.fd home to them that Ood, from His tert niture, has a controtery with them, be cause of their sinfulness, and that there can be no peace between God and thcin until that sin is blotted out, they si ill sij, "My minis, tor's idea of God Is different from mine." "I don't think that God, biting created me. will condemn me. I don't beliete that He mikes as much of sin us tlie minltcrs say. I'm not willing to put tnjelf among thnso who haie no vailng graee within themseltes, and who are lot unless sated wholly through the grace ot God. I don't bclieie God icipiiios such humili ation of me." AN AFrKCIIMS 'I HOUGH T. 'Ilieie ar many in this congregation who prailnilly say just thit, and who, therelore, put thfinelies out of the lcich of x text like that of tills ctenmg. Fur, at tho rlit glance jou will sec thit these worels are addressed to those who aie concerned about their sins and to whom tho thought that Ood Is holy, and that they are unholy in Ills sight, is an infinitely solemn and aw till thought. It Is aeldrcsscd to those to whom an assurance that Ood will blot out the triiisgrossiiins, will bo an inestimable comfoit, the best news which they cm hear And it la .1 tin- affecting thought to me, tliat many of jou, this ctenlng, therefore, leaie jour seliee nut of the range of this text, by trnir unconcern, by tour eilsrrgird of tho great fact of sin nirated against God's holiness Oh, my dear people, how many of jou will allow jourlic to be frankly approached this etening by tlio tlnee words? llow nnnv humbly, seiiously, con fiding jour need of listing your iraritgressiiins blotted nut, will tike in the promise nf tho text? "I eten 1 am He tint blotteth out thy tian-ffiession." ( omider what the promise is, what God pro poses to do To blot out the sin. Iet us gito pi ice to that etpicvsion a few moments in our thoughts. "Ulottcth out"? How mueh Is lett of iinjlliug tint is "blotted out?" Write upon a blickboard an iccount with some cus tomer, anil when be pita it rub it off. Is there anjthlng left there? 'Ihe words "blot out," as ii-ed here In the text, is iletined to mean; to obliterate; to ctlaic, to erae, to can cel." In etcry easa it means that whateirr it i;s a stilu, a charge, a spot, a ehrgraee, a sin. It is gone', 'there is notliing left of it .nii are not sure about jour arcount with somo mei chant; jou go to him and ask him how It t anils; ho opens the ledger and tells jou that jour debt Is cancelled, that toil hate paid all; tlio books are hilanccd; there Is nothing against jou. ou are not slow to comprehend his meaning, Wi hate nothing to pij And tliat U just wlnt Ood proposed to do In this text, and in tlio whole offer of saltation. And it is that which makes the Christian minister's meKs.ace such glad tidings; to blot out, to put out of mind jour sins to "bilng them no more to remembrance." 'i m: rnneious noov to Mtv, Does tint seem a small thing to olfer? an Insignificant boon fiom God' There U nothing bitter thin this; nothing so precious as this of. fir which God mikes in the text. It is not well to take our feelings about If, an indifference to it, or anj- measure of its; talue. There are many tilings; that operate to make worthiest our estlmato of it from our feellnga. What if we elo not feel that it Is taluahle? Dots that mako it of no value? What if we elo not realm', do not feel that It is the "pearl of great Jiriee-" Does that make it n worthli-ss bauble? Nol Not God alono stands where a fair estimate of the worth of being sated, of hating our sins "Iilotted out" tan be nude, and He, slewing Heaten anl Hell; He, looking at life omniscient. Jj, says that theie is nothing in all tlio world, nothing in the uiinerse with so much to a sinner, to a soul tliat can neter die, and that, without sins blotted out can neter be happj, as to hato God's foi git ene-ss. And once In awhilo men are conscious of it, once In a while they are brought where the thought tint their sins are not blotted out, darkens the sunlight, and fills Hie soul with anguish. Onoe, while I was in my study woiklng hard, a timid rap took me to tho door. A man and wo man.strangera to me, deslicd to seo me. Thinking tliat they might be among that class ol people who lite by fiaudulent begging, who hate about the 6ame story to tell, that their tickets were lost, they wein on their way eat or west and desired help to get on further to friends who were waiting for them, and would be so muih obliged to me If I wouhl adtance the means to help them on, that they would return the money by the next mall. I was readv to glie them short notice, for I hate considerable money intested In that way, and am satisfied to nuke no further intestinents, when, what waa my ilellfiht to learn that ..ey had came asking no fator, but simply wanting to be taught tho way to C In 1st. They had lieaid me preach, I bclieie, somewhere up in tlio count rj, nnd they had romei oier twenty miles, with this thought to ask mo to tell them bow to be saied. They had been in sorrow over their tins for a month or more and had found no relief. "Tell us," said they, "how to get rid of this burden and be sated," Can jou imagine how gladly the previous work was set aside to tell them just what I am telling jou this etening tliat God promises through Jesus Christ to blot out our sins, and all we hate to do it to take Him at Hn word, trust Him for li " nd jet how many nf jou hate the burden of jour sin retlng upon jour souls, k that jou would go tin (ect to Ami peace. How min.v of ) on caro for thee thlngt enough to make any effort to accept the Ditlne offer? How many lit o within the sound of the Gospel and will go to church on the '-ibhath day, if it does not rain, who are indifferent to this offer of saltutlnn, when these people, troubled about their soula, came tucn'v miles to ask what they must do to be sated? llow the death ot Thrlst aflcctt this I am not railed upon to explain, and I sa- let no man attempt It, take thit truth, at It stands. I tuin to the third chipter of the Fplslle to the llnriijiis, beginning tilth the second tere, and I challenge jou to find any other doctrine, hut tliat tlnoiuh the blood, the "Mood,", the sac rlrlce nf Jcsm, it become possible for God to offer full, (ice pirdon to sinners. WARRANT FOR THE BURGESS REFORMERS SAY THAT WILL BE ISSUED. ONE Situation nt Dickson City Is Nenrlng a Crlsls Injunction to Be Asked for to Restrain tho Treasurer from Paying Furniture. Bills, Which Are Said to Bo too High Investigating Committee's Report Was Appiovccl At Saturday Night's Meeting of Citizens. Tho investigating committee which has been probing Into tlio doings ot the olllclals of Dickson City borough is ex pected to get down to real nctlvo busi ness this week. It was announced yesterday that Burgess William Kennedy will be ar rested befoie very many days will have elapsed, on tho chat go of malfeasance in ofllce, and that Impeachment pro ceedings will be begun at tlio same time to have him removed from olllce. Court Is to be petitioned within a few days also for tin injunction re sit alnlug Uorough Trevisurer Uldlrgan from paying the bill of D. T). Jones & Co., of Olyphnnt, for furniture pur chased by councils and for which, it Is claimed, an exorbitant price xvns paid. Tho borough council paid $900 for the furniture. Tho committee has In its possession a communication signed by Hill & Conuell, of this city, offering to duplicate the furniture for less than $o00. A second public Indignation mentlng was held on Saturday night, when the following report was piesented by the Investigating committee for the consid eration of the citizens present; THE REPORT. Tit the Citizens of the Borough, of Dickson City, in Town Meeting Assembled. A our committee appointed at the last meeting of the oitlena to intestigatc certain charges made against the borough council, beg lcava to repoit as follows: First To the report that the borough councils Intend to defaco tlio corner-stone of the boiough building, we find the following: At a meeting ot the borough council a motion was made bj- Mr. McGaj-ritv, which was duly seconded and carried At that meeting but set en members were prc.-cnt. Mr. McGarrltj-, leading the affirmative, succeeded in hating a majorlt.v of the councilmen vote for bis motion, whi'h wn.s as follows: "That a committee of the borough council he Instructed to procure some persons to erase the named of Ihe building committee, president of the council and burgess from tho corner-stone of the public building, and to place theieon and in its stead the word Dickson Pity Borough. Sei end To tho report that the bill of hose pun based by the council for the jear 1101 was piucliascd after certain louncilmen had been Kuhatautially lcwaidcd for their totes, w hnd the follow nig: Mr. ltentham, a former member of council, openly aecusca John I.arke and Henry McOarrity with luting reccited certain money from some persont interested in the selling of the hose to the borough We can find no testimony beyond the statement of Mr. ltentham and Mr. Snyder to sulistantlatc this charge, but the silence of Mr. McOarrity and Mr. I.arke continccs us that they arc not free from slain or they would dny this charge before jour committee. Third- In response to your third subject of In quiij, which is as follows: That Treasurer Eld crkln is demanding and taking a discount from parties for cashing borough order", jour commit tee ha ascertained that Treasurer F.lderkin has receded monej- for the cashing of orders.. The committee stated thej- have no c.ie at hand where he has demandtd the same, as thet hate no etidence of the same. llegarding the purchase of the furniture and oil cloth for the borough building, we find, the committee sajtt, there tins no opportunilj- giten for competititp bidding upon those articles and the committee has asked reputable buairnvs bouses and they find they could be purcnascd for neaily 'i00 lew than the purchasing commit tee jjalel for them. 'I ho raising of the tax rate for the borough is an action on the pait ot council that is unwarianted, and, we aie advised, unlaw fill at the rite fixed for this jear, there being no reason for the let j lug of said tax aslgned and the com mlttre condemns said action on the part of the boiougli council. The committee also intestlgatcd the easet charged against the council of preventing Henrj llager from taking his teat and participating in the deliberations of the council, and thej' find this to be true nnd beliete it to be a matter of personal spite on the pjrt of certain members of the council, owing to spite and spleen. The committee say they know Mr. Hagcr was legallj- electeel and council refused to seat him Tlio charge that the council expended $1,200 to contest the seat of councilmen. They find that this is untrue. In relation to the charges tint Burgess Ken nedj' has not made reports to the council, as re quired bj- law, thsy nnd he was elected burgess in February, POO. Hla salary was fixed at HW per jear, and monthly he was required to make returns of fines to the council This he hat failed to do, and it is understood that lie has colli'cted luge sums and appiopiiated the same, having made no return of monej received for fines, licenses, etc , that he has not giten a bond to tli" boiough, as required by the statute, and that his conduct his been such as to cieate sus picion and elistniet and it Is the opinion of the committee that his conduct of the office of bur gcsR should bo inicallgatcd to the fullest extent. (ct'orge Hofuaglc, James Margetson, James Iteeel, Committer, FAVORHD INVnSTIGATION. Theie were n few supporters of the accused officials present, but the large majority seemed fo favor the Investi gating committee and its report. All of the report, with the exception of the clauses protesting ngainst the Increuso In the tax levy and accusing certain councilmen of seeming rake-offs on hose, was adopted lifter much discus hlon and general debate. The committee was continued, nnd the members will meet again early this week to finally shape their plans. The olllclals of seveial of the big corpor ations owning ptopeity and paying taxes in the borough, notably the Dela ware and Hudson company, have noti fied the committee that they will ren der all the assistance possible In bring ing the alleged guilty officials to Jus tice. The charge which will be niiide against the burgess will be tliat he has appropriated to his own use fines and costs collected by him and tliat he has failed to make a monthly return to tho tieasurer of such moneys. The com jnlttee lias been Informed by City Solicitor George Watbon, of tills city, that the burgess has no light or au thority, under the law, to keep any costs Imposed hy him nnd that he Is also liable to iirrest nnd Impeachment for falling to make a monthly return to tho boiough tteasuier. Tho burgess has always maintained that the costs collected by him are his Jtist and lawful perqulsitles, hut Solid tor Watson differs xxlth hlin and holds that he has no light to keep any costs as he Is paid a eaily salary hy the borough. M.ni,K TO AHUUST. Tlio ineinbfis of the committee have also been Informed by legal author! ties that each and every member of the council htui rendered himself liable to arrest for levying during the last two years a special tax for the crea tion of a sinking fund and then using the money collected for other purposes. Cicomu llufuauclu, alia o the leudei s (VtYmtfyW m II j mi wa.ited to buy a watch, ton wouldn't go to a tin store, If you want to buy lamp don't ynu think a lump store is the place to buy It? We hate had twenty jcars experience In (ho lamp business and should lute some knowledge of what Is good and ttbst Is not, There are lots of poor ones made. If jou buy a limp here jou get the benefit of our experience. and Nickel, J.J SO. Antique llras reading has no superior. Old Hra.s SLA l( I'crfeillon Student l-inip lor I'lnbh 41sJU II k It. Lamp for nadlug ami general light, (Q candle power, It the C Oft best ol Its kind. Complete with shade iPA.UU CVvxvVtAs tleo. V. Millar & Co. "..'"" -- - - - . Mattresses Made Over, Pillows Renovated. We will call for your old mattresses or pillows and re turn them as good as new. Mattresses Hade Over, same tick, $2.50 New Tick, best material 4.S0 Pillows Renovated.... 10 cents per pound. Sctr anion Bedding Co., F- A. KAISER, Lackawanna and Adams Aves. At Crane's Fashion's Doors Swing Wider There's always a pleasure in being the first to see the new, and the new here surpasses anything we have shown in the past. A day makes a vast difference in our Fall Displays, a veritable transformation has been wrought since our last general announcement. To chronicle all the shifting phases of fashion is a task from which any pen might well shrink. We have shifted. "What we show is the extreme essence of style and utmost values. Others have been convinced. Are you waiting tht same opportunity ? crane:, New Building, 324 Lackawanna Ave v aia).av.a-t---.----t--t--t-'t-t-tr i Scranton Carpet & 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE. . 4.4.4. .,4f. of the present movement, was nsked yesterday by a Tribune man if he had any statement to make In reply to Uurgess Kennedy's assertion that he (Hufnagle) was bringing tlili piosecu tlon because lie was angry at council for not building an embankment to keep the water from running on hli land. "The fellow Isn't worth noticing." said he In commenting upon the bur gess. "He knows that what be sas Isn't bo and everybody knows It. Kven If It wete It wouldn't be any excuse for his remarkable actions as butgess, nor for the dolngi of the ruling fac tion of our council, I only own a very small portion of the land which would be Improved by this pioposed embank ment. The officials of tho coal com panies owning land there luxe been more interested than anyone else in securing the assistance of the borough in creating this embankment. All they want the borough fo pay Is the labor, thu material is to be all fumWhetl The councllnien wouldn't agree to spend $-00 for labor on this improve ment but they aie perfectly willing to throw money away extravagantly by paying twice as much for things as they aie worth. WOULD GO INTO C'Ol'ItT. "If these men who are accused by the committee are Innocent they'd be into court In a minute, 1 know that If the ehaigca were made against me that have been made against some of thee olllclals 1'rt have the men that made them arrested the next day. That is, of course, piovldlng I was Innocent, If these men weio wise they'd resign. The leformers claim to have seemed a councllmanlc conxert as the result of Saturday night's meeting. There aio eight men In the council ulneo Coun cilman llager has been refused admis sion and the McOarrity faction has constated of five of these for several months. The leformets claim that Council man Hly, who has been a staunch Mc Gariity man, nnnounred bis intention on Saturday night of going over to the other side. This will make council evenly divided and will leave the bal ance of power with Mr, llager, who is a ptonounced leformer. AN UNHAPPY GROOM. Arrested by a Neighbor on n Very Serious Charge. Peter Castiillona, who was mairled tin ft weeks ago with gieat eclat to the belle of the Italian colony In Dun nioie, gaxe hall in the sum of SfiOfi, be foie Alduimau Uuddy, Saturday, to answer a. charge of having attempted to ciiminiilly assault tho 13-year-old daughter of Vincent Diabase o, Caslalloua is u bcctlon-hand on the PS rraiK I uoaic Arsino, MANAGER. Both 'Phones -- -t f t t tt- 4 The mnnuTni'tiircrs shudder at the prices wo hell their FURNITURE - - for. They nell it's Rertroom, Par lor, or DlnltiK Itoom .Suites to retail at so much, but we fix our own price, nnd every one Is henefltteil. We sell more Roods, and the pco'ile savo money. FJut pi lues, would be no Induce ment If beauty of design, strength, and quality of mnter inl ivere lacking- Everything that m.ilce.s f?ood Kurnlture goes with low in Ices bote. Furniture Co. 4 Registered 4.4-4-4sV4 -- 4.-M.-4.4-S-"--- 4-4-M-4- Our Fall Stock of Shoes Is Now Complete THE DORCAS, for ladles, at $3.5C Is the best shoe bargain obtainable, LADIES' OXFORDS, $2.50 and S3.00 kind. Now 1.50 MEN'S OXFORDS, $3.50 nnd $4.00 kind. Now 2.00 SCHOOL SHOES, gunianteed, for 75c Many other bai gains too numerous to mention. UuJis, RUddy, Dauies & Miirphq, 330 Lackawanna Avenue. Kile. He claims that three of the neighbors' little girls, the Dalbasco git I among them, inltihlcvouKly tan off with his coat and pick, which he left on the hand car, Friday. Ho followed them and upon overtaking them pla fully thiow one of them down and piled the otheis on top of her. The Dlabasco girl's father happened along at this juuctuie. Montrose Fair. The fifty-fifth annual fair of the Sus quehanna County Agricultural society will be held at Montrose. Tuesday and Wednesday of this week. Special reduced ratts have been se cuted on Delaxvaie, Lackawanna and Western from Cresco to AVavcily, in clusive, and on llloouihhurg division to and Including Shlekshlnry. nt the rate of one and one-thltd fau for jound tilp. Tickets good October 1 and 2, and for return the lid. Tho society have engaged tho famous Dr, Mason Olee society, of Wilkes Uarre, to sing on Wednesday, as one of its attractions, and no doubt a laigu number from this locality will avail themselves of this opportunity to spend a day In beautiful Hutiiiiehannn county and to hear the most famous glee soci ety in tho United States, Smoke the Pocono 5c, cl".