THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATt'HDAV, SEPTEMBER 28, 1901. 9 33 NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA HONESDALE. Fp'cial In t tir .siranton Tribune. HonrMlnlp. Sept. 'J'!. Tin" Ikiko ivt tMulHtivp ill th" W'Hyne iniinty fiTlr on WcdncHdiiy hnike the leciirtl "f ' previous j oar. Thr Jlrit tleMruetlve Hip nf tin ch on In HnnoHliiln covi'ted nil M'RPtn linn thl rituniltiK.'iy (vpiiIiik. October a. Ik .h riale for tlip Nt'W Kngtnnd xiippri t bp Bivon In Onion chinch Sunday Hrhuol mom. TIip Wnyiip ciiunty I'luhlbltlon con-vr-rulon will lie held In Hip IIoiip iIaIp court house Krldii, HcpU'iuber "IT. at .' p. in, TIip spinion piciuhod by I'pv. Wil liam H. Swift In Hip PipmIiMpiIiiii chun h lat Sublimit tmirnlim mi "Tin Soli In Which Aiinrchlnr drown" will by mined 1p rppcatpd next Sunday pvplilnp nt 7 SO There will be special music. A mrdlnl Imitation Ik given our cHUens penerally to atlpnd and listen to a discussion of the luiitiliitt question of tlip day. Protection Knclne cnnipany. No 3, will hold lis fotty.plirlith annual par ade on Friday. October is. and n Imp will be held In the pvenltiK at the ar mory. Music by the Maple City band and Fit omen's orchestra. The almost unanimous nomination of (. M. Jletr. for county trcftMiioi and l)r P. W. Powell for loioncr point to n ftrpublicitii victory at the full elec tion. The iippm house wa pn keil to the doors Wednesday to w lines the Jolly comedy fane, "A H.i.v and a NlKht." The follow Int; ladles spent the week In N'ew York It : Mis M. .1. Swayer. M. A. T Searle. -Ml- .lohli KdcPtt. Kena W. IMwctt and K.ithcr Ine W Onylord. Mi".. .M. Tracv and daughter. MIs Maty P.. will upend the mining three wppks with friends In Seranton and Wilkes-Ha ire. The apple cioji s usually a mhiiip of mui h revenue to Wn.vne lounly f,it mers. This year the fiull l.s of a email and pool quality Ml-s ClfzahPth W. Mently left today foi New Yoik wheie sho will spend a few dny. after which she will go to Atlanta, (.la Miss I'ditll l Toirey s Hie Rliost of Mls Helen Savage at liahway. .. J. At the letinlon of Conipany I. I.i.'d Pennsylvania Volunteers held lat week, Itenjamin (I.irdnpr. of Hnties lale who served as lieutenant, was elected piesident of the a .spoliation. HAWLEY. Sprnal re Hip N rantnn Trilninr. Haw ley. Sept. :;?. Miss Maine How 1 of Porl Jervls, who has been l he guetl of her mother for the past month, returned to her home last Tues day Mis. lMwaid l'ether and son and Mrs. 15. T. Hodman and two ihlldien nre spending nmo time In Mairyvllle. Miss (iiace Clark, of Honpsdale, was a guest in town on Thursday. Mrs. lllla Poland and Mrs. M. W. Cole are lslting relatives In Iliiigliam Ion. X. Y. Mis3 lllla Palmer Is the guest of her -Ister, Mis. Frank P.usi-oll, in Hlng hamt,on. Frank Fowlei. of Ilradfoid, recently visited fi lends in town. Mrs. Frank Pellett, of Paupai k. was thP gllpst of Miss l.ucy PcllPtt a tow days this week. A number of people ftom here at tended tJio lounty fair this week. Tin rxhlbltlons were all very good, among which whs one from the Wayne Knit ting Mills, located nt this p'.nce. Miss Yolande A. Klllain, of P.iupack, nas the sruest ot Miss Knapp this w eek. FACTORYVILLE. Sppciil In Ihc Stianton Tribune, Factoryville, September L'T. Mr. and Mrs. F. M. Ostei limit ami others, from this place, attended the funeial of the late 'Whitney Hriggs at Seranton "Wednesday, In the fault of Huffsmith s. llllen hcrger for ast-ault and batleiy befoie Squire T.cad the jury found a veidlct against the defendant. Hpd Jacket Kodge, No. :.'4. I i". . F, lonflncd tlie military degree upon thiee candidateK last S.uuida night. Mr. Joseph Dixon and son, of nn. ho have been spending some time here, with relatives, left for theli home Thursday. Mrs. X. A. (iardnpr spent the day yesterday In Seranton. Mr. Norman L, Hriggs of Pittshuig I! '. I . .1 . - - J ' IT'S AN ILL OMEN, Thinks the wife to have the wedding ring lip from the finger "Something i going to happen " Something is liafifientnz Tnal nni cnuld hardly be pulled from the finger when it was put there a few year" ago. Now it slips off by its own weight How thin the Angers have grown ' And the fingers don't grow thin alone How thin the face Is and how thin the once plump form. Almost unconsciomly the wife has been fading and wasting away The Strength, .riven to children has never been regained, urains which should have been topped have been neglected That is a common experience with women, unless soma friend hat shared with them the secret of the strengthening and healing power of Dr Fierce's Favorite Prescription. It regulates the period", dries the drains which undermine the strength, heals Inflammation and ulcera tion, and cures female weakness. It makes the baby's advent practically painless and gives vfgor and vitality to nursing mothers, "Words csnnot tell ho, grateful I am for your kind advice and good medicines," writes Mrs. JcJhn Cooke, of Kaitlngt, Northumberland Co., Ontario. "I hare been In poor health for four years hack and this spriug- got so bad I rould not do my work, I went to the doctor and he said I had ulceration and falling of the internal organs, but thought I would try your 'Favorite Prescription.' (took 6e botlfes and three of the ' Golden Medical Discovery ' and one lal sf Pr, Tierce's reltets, and I can safely sy that I never felt better in my life " A Ladies' Laxative Dr. Pierce's Pleas, ant Tellets. One single, small pellet is a laxative dose. W m k Jk wa n ealler here Thursday. Mr. HiIkc was one time a resident of this tow n. Mi. and Mi. Stephen W 1'npvvell, of forest rity. hae returned homo af ter spending a few days here with our townsman, Prank I.. Reynolds. Mis. O. T. Spencel of North Main stieel spent Wednesday 111 Seranton. I'red M. l'enolds was a business lslloi to ihe Klpctrlc t'liy Thursday. Stetson' "t'ncle Tom's t'nbln" coin iuy showed to a fair sized audience In l.isk's hall Wednesday night. Panlonna Itebekah Lodge. No. ,'x. t . () P., will nieei In ipgulnr session llfxt Tllesdaj e enlng and Ihp staff will confer tile iIpripp. Mrs. lipotge !'. Stanion has returned after spending a pleasant two nepks' with friends in Sctanton and Wilkes I In I re Paul ,1 Sherwood. es( . of Wilkes IS.imp. was in town last Thuisday, cli culatliig among fi lends and old tie lualniaui es. James W. Plait of Tunkhuiinock and It. II. Holgat? of Seianlon were here on legal business Thiii'sduv . PORTRAIT Cut out tne,e parts and THOMPSON. s' ti, lh s, rant Mi ri'lmnp Thouip-on, Sppt. L'T. K. P.. iJpImII i shipping iniiip props thl wpU. Arthur I'ostpr nnd family, of I'nlon diili, hip Waiting nt his p.uonts. Mr. nnd Mi". N. S. KotPi. Thompson pnoplp havp iiiipioM'il thp llnr wpiithpf this wppk, at loniliiiRr frills, KallnMinK Imi'UwhPiii. nnd other fall w Ol lv. Dt. Hhrpi', of SiniUPliantiH, ralli'd last nlKht to hpp Miss l-'lrira Sanfonl. v ho has bppn skK for a few days at tin- MPthodiM par soniiKP. Mis Ada TpiiIII and ilanshtPr Stella rptiiriipd PMPrdii,v fioni WIihIpoi. N. V., wIipip Ihi'.v attPiidrd Ihc uoddlni; of hot nlPi Vi'ilnesilfi. I5pv. It. K. I.arralipi- will supply pv. It. It. Haulon's pulpit, of Wallsvlllp, ui'Xt Sabbath The Wonipn's I'litlstlari TPinpPianr.' union lll hold theii publli mtvIips In tlip MPihoiINt Kplscopal ihiinh npxt Sabbath pvpiiIiib. I'p. P. Tt. Toupr lll pipai'h for Itev. W. II. Fi-pih-Ii. at I.iiKp View. In the inoriiluf? and hpie In tin- nftpinoon npt Sabbath. Mrs. lipiiiamin Samp.-on illod al hpr Iioiiip in Stat run n ypstprd,i. Soiiip tltnp slm i- her foot bprniitp inllatpd by a nail in lu'i' shoe, which ipsulted III blond polsnnillB, w hil'll l'allPd her deal h Miss AIIip 'in low. aflPr a thiiM weeks' vWll with Iipp mini. Mis. U, I". BaniPs, totiiiiipil ypstprday to iter home. fo I'aptaili l.urrows, wife mui hild. of W'ashliiKtoii. u: i'., hip visiting at his sister's. Mis. .John Siininrr, In the township. He Is a Jolly old soldier, and Is an enthusiastic pmfPhor of IllltlPloloR) Stpphon .lenklns l vlitiiiR fiicnds in SiisitiiPlinnna this wppk. Mrs. Phrp. of I'nhpt'tnn. whose pro. tiallmi was nipnlloiied iPrently. has not laliied el. Mr.". Olive 1 n tin. of SusiiueliMiiiid, i lsltliiK Iipi npphpw . O. K. Wlttpp, for a fpw days. Miss Maud Tallinon look Iwehe miIi. siiIIipis for the life of William Mi . Klnle b.v Mil nil HhImphiI, toda.x, up to 3 o'clmk SUSQUEHANNA. Spatial to trip Vranrnn Trlliun SUHqiiPliannii Sept "T -Another batch of non-ipsld'lit iniielilnlsts took johs In the Kile shop on Thursday. The Itetull iitocets' AsMioiiitinn of Newark, N .1 . sou Mronpr, took dinner nt the Starruiea House on Thursday nnd tPmaiiied heie for two hoitis. Two hundiPil Siiwriuehanna people took In the Haifoid fair yesterday. Brie Engineer t'linrles Olnnavun has been grantPd an engineer's pension of $S per month Lena, the daughtPi- nf Mr. and Mm Itonialne Up fieUs, of Lnne.s- boro, died on Thursday morning, of dlphthpila. The interment took place In thp afternoon of the same day in the I-aneshoro eemetety Dr. Samuel Hlrdsali tead n pnper on the trpatmeitt of typhoid fever beforu the State Modlenl society, at rhiladel phia, on Wednesday. Former Brlp Conductor (aeorge MndU pin, of the Jeffeison branch, hu taken a good position In Dakotn. The "Old SI Stehben's" company will appear in Hojjun Oppra house on Tues day pvenlnn next. The young people of Christ Kplscopal church will hold thp llrst of a ftprles of popular hops on Wednesday even ing next. A district .Sunday school Institute will bp held at Ararat on Thursday, Oct ;. UlHliict No. 1, of the 'Susquehanna County Sunday School association will hold an institute at Stevens Point dur ing the last wpek In October. banefcboro has had several fatal cubes of diphtheria Principal John I., rtlyhards, or th Sf ' Orent Bend schools, lo the new presi dent of the StiMiuehnnna County Teachers.' aesoelailon. Chief of Police McMahnn nnd wife nie at the Pan-Anieticnn. Dr. Iliigen Is entertaining his mother, of CiouliK'lioio. There are veiy few empty business places and tenement houses are In good demand. The old town appears to be entering upon a little boom. Sho can stnnd one. UNIONPALE. S.pi ul In Ihp Suantcui Tribune. Pnlondale, Sept. 27. Moirhii IVtnlcli nltPiidpd the Wayne county fair last Wednesday. At Hip homp of thp bible's father nnd utepmother, l.pwls Hrady. and Mln Mlna Notion wpre unltpil In marriage by (lev. Mr. Kurd, of Oraen Itldgp. Sevpial of our ppople attpndpd the llaifoid fall last Thursday. Mrs. Simon Pottery and son. Hoy of White's Valley, weie guests at the home of P.p. I. I). Jenkins Satuiday and Suuduy. Monto Jacob a convened Jew. occu pied the pulpit of the Piefbyteiian church last Sunday, both niomlng and nnd evening. Mi. S. S. Hubbard attended her hi other' wedding on- day this week at Thompson Mis. Hany Morgan, of Hraudt. wns a visitor at the home of Mrs. IMvvard Moigan Monday Se?ial of the young people expect to attend the Kpworth league conven- PUZZLE. put them together. Who is it t Ion to bo lipid in Haw Icy nest Mon day and Tiii'mIuj. A surprise pally was hIvpii In Myi tis DimmlcU last Saturday evening. FOREST CITY. .Spinal lo tn iranton rrihun- Km est i'll. Sept. 27. Up. W. Hul lliiphed will iMPHi'h on Ihe timely sub ,l"t I. "I'apllal and Labor." In Ihe Pies byterlan i hutch, Sunday pvptilng. Thp I'utipral of Thoiiuis Madden took plate this morning. Thp ptocesslon left thp housp m 7 o'clock A ipiiulem lilgli mass was said at 7.II0 in St. Agnes Chun h. and llip iPinalns wpte taken to I law ley lor Intel mrtil Deceased was t'.i ypins of age. He w,ih born in Wiiyne lounly. and had llxeil in Finest I'lty and Vaudliiig eleven years, gaining a wide elrile of ft lends. lie leaves n wife and live clilldien. The I'atholie Mutual IteneMilent assoclalion, of which he was a member, altendpd the funeral in h boilv . .lohn I'mlson has pun based ihe bakeiy business of Phllo l.ep and look possession this week. Mr. and wife have gone to Dakota for a visit with lelatU es t'llffoiil lodge. Independent Orilei of Dili! Follow s. bus eleitcd Ihe following olllcers. Noblp Riand. Fiank Hoiiian. lie-grand. K. A. Waketleld, secrpliuj , llpnry llos, tiPasuiPi'. W. T. iSummap, They will be Installed on Tuesday pvpulng. Thp Hpwoilh league Is foimlng ii reading elide. The league has eleited Mis. P.ena Pentecost, Mis. William Pclecost and Mis. K. I.. I'laik as dele gales to the convention al Haw ley, Septembei !'.rt mid October I. Mrs. ( ). F. I'oyle. Mrs. W. S. Hryant mid Miss Hunlcc Dunn ate alternates, W. D. Owens ami wife hip at the Pan-Anieilean. CLARK'S SUWMIT. Mis. William Itatnum and i lilldicti. of Mill I'ity. lslipd her slslor. Mrs. H. 10. Kos.s, yestPiday. Mr. and Mrs, Frank Smoke .mil son, of HiiiRhaniton. hip spendlns Hip week with Mr. nnd Mrs. .1. J. .Ipiuilncs. Miss Nlmi TrdiliK ha!- letuincd home from a vlsl with hpr friend. Mis. Cipoikp Lamp. In I'arbondale. Miss Avis Cole Is visiting friends In Wayne eduniv. Mr. nnd Mr?. Wlllmm Mlllei. si., of the W'pst Sldp are vlsltln.' tneir son, Frank, at this place. Mrs. F. II. Smith nnd Mis. Fipd Stone vlhllPd Siranton fi lends leivuily. THE MARKETS. Wall Btrset Atvlew. Nen rk. Sept. S7. Prolcwional opeialuia ill sloik had ihe market pretty mueh In Ihpnitelm twla.i. but Hip found various mattrrs of enuuir aeemenl 'Ihe dlacourageraent ot the beat with all the Imi iipw In sight disposed ot iwi cur rpfiiondineli sipjI. and their bujinK to enter their shoitk m,i an important iDfluence. The uu (ertain fluilii.itlun of the copper slocks in Ihe eaily ileallnits kept the market unsettled, but Hip pirMuri ni iiquitiaiiun in tnem, as well at fix tthetp in ihe tnarkPt, nas materially lightened, and Ihev hhaied In Ihe late general improvement ol the niatkei aharp rally in the price ol kpot ruppii In l.ondun had an Important hearing not onlt un Hip kIjIim ol these stocks in the kpri ulalite market, but on the copper trade outlook. It a tipnilpil itut the Amalesinaled Copper (Otnpan) was uppoiiinc the spot copper market In lainilun, Wlulevrr the cause of the rally, yes teida.t'n ronlention that copper could be imported at a prom tiai disposed ot and the fear that the Amalgamated company would hate to tut the pi Ice of its pioduct was less acute. The toik old rx'divldend and more than rrcoveird, but It closed tilth a net gain of only in. The re cent notable Inning of the Vandeibilts was re sumed, Ihe conviction growing that an early plan of ineigrr would be announced, New York Cential rose 3', and the Junior Vanderbilts group horn 1 lo 6'j. In the liberal speculative mood Dclawaie and Hudson, Dufidlo, ttochpstend Pills, butg and piobably some of Ihe more obsrure rail. I o.ui toika that niutpil during the day tieie rmhraiPd In the plan by fallh nf operators, V vrry largp niimhpr of Incnrupicuoiit nVn uere nildp atllip al ailtanira ull iI.a .lit. 1mm l 1a 7t. Amorg ihosc in this capgnry cie the Minneapolis, st Paul nH stilt Mp Marie roads, the Keokuk snd lies Moines stock, lln Moines nil I'nrt Dodge, the ln Cenltnl slnk, lano lllr ami Trrrp lliulr, MiniiMpnl j ml hi lin, llip Telfiln, i l.oul" ami rlprn lntki Kaninliji Jiitl Mldilitn, The ecMlrra anH trunk linn ipoiiiII e.irl,v In llip Itirtm n.e nt tin V.itnlriMH muvrniMil, lu Ihr liMllnff rpnUllIrs ini Imllnit tin wriivn steel ikU ami llir lntal tint liin, alinweil pUilmip nf llrnjlli, hut It a not unill laic In the il.n llm Hi' iftrnt Ipadria el llir inaikrl amonn the BrangnK, Pari firs anil Siulhptetn riinurl Mrntiul) tipnarJ, TuUI jIk, .'i.'I.Iim ihttis 1 Iipip j a aiil ilriiiainl fm lailnoJ Immli, Mlilili nr Imhtl; TnMl mI par iiIik. !,i.VIl I nllprl ttrp IhiihIi mpiu ill um ImiupiI nil llip jl tall Up (nllininB p (iirnialipil Tha TrlhiniP Kv M. S .lonlui Ic Co , roiin 70VTM Mpara hullillrs, Vianleri, IM Trlpphonp ,WH: llprn' lllxli l.n lliw- llir. pI pI. In. Vn.ptlian I-'I l 1 l-M'i Mililn 7 ;P. TJ tliliUon. I'r !'."' 'hi 'iiij HV llnvV Trui Inn n:t iiT' ki' 7 Hall . Uhlii I'll l'rj 1(11 111! I Iip. IHiin Ci' I'l !' I'' ( hli A fit e1 !! -.1 !' !) M. Paul Pe"; till IVi ltai llmk Ul.mJ Ill ll'f III H27i K.iii A lox . I'r .Vl M', VI', .M'a lonii. ., Sj.h il I'll ll'4 l"l Man i:ipHPil lil'a IM IKS 2l Mrl. Iraillr.n Il ir,l Inl lflt'i lr. Pailfii "T'; "Ti, ll '."iS -milli P.i.lfl . ii'a y'n Vnitnlk tt IU.I M Si', V14 ,ilj (VhimI I;H Imi-S I'i,"'. I") Hill. A Wl-lelll .11 IIS .'i -S IVmn II. It IK M' Hl'a If' Pulft. Mall IS II l"S t'S llra.lniij IP . II IIS II US llPAilinir Id . IT TA'4 MS T'.'j T.-.S s,nhpni H II .'MS US '-'S '"'t .Milliprn It It Pi., . MS ""S IS "sl't 'liMin Iron ... IWS 11.1S -'t 'H'i I . . Ipalli-i P'it U' l!S US I s ,,Mtlirr, Pi :u -1 TS ' I nlmi Pailrii IT TS ""S ''IS W.1I11.I1. P : in 111 -lS Wo-triii I nlun I't 'US l"S "' lr, Pn-I A Iron .... '', o;S "t TS VitmI rni.iwi 'H'i ''IS '" "'S l'r,.plp' 1.1 ItM'f I17S l'"'S I"'- Ipx.i. P.rlHi . .. . tl' C !' C iiipi I ar foimilrj . .. 'S "' "'' " I , M,r In M II II It I s virl (n, IT., . n:S '4S l"S 'S Seranton Board of Trnde Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCK1?. ,a,Vawanna Pain "o . Pr Ounty Sivlra;" nn1' Tr"" '-0-' Kirt National Pink iCulion-lalpJ . Standard Prillins Co , Third National Hank Pimp Ppolr and Pi'iount Rank. Kronomi l.lsjlit. H. !' Co Hut National B'"k lacka. Tnut Sato Pfposit t",i kpd. GO .160 30 41 2?5 iron i;n t:s I'laik k norr i o , it Seranton Iron FrniP fc Mfar Co Siranton xIp 'oik Srranton Sailnc Bank Tradprs' Natloml Hank S.ranton Poll fc N'ut Co Peopp' Hank Sew Mexico Up fi C Co 100 05 no tr? 101 J:i5 7S 1!UM. Srrmton Pipnirpr Raila), Hist MortnasP. dii" l"W Propp' trpt Ha.bvay, firit mort race, dn tut Tpoplp'" StrrPt llaibiav, Cpnrral morlRacp. il'i" 1J1 Pickson Maniifailiirlnat Co I.arka. Tonhlp Sihnol S ppr ipnt Cm of seranton St. Imp fi prr IIJ us US too ppnt. . Seranton Traitioti per ipnl. 103 US Sctanton Wholesale Market. (Corrpitnl lit II O lUle. i' Lackawanna Vte ) lleana Per hn.hel, ihone Hi.niim, HUi.iA nutter-lrech creamer, 2la.';c, dalr, fresh, 21i I'hee.p Kill crpam. 10',-allc. Kbci VV extern fieth, l,VV:aiq, nejrhy slate, Ij'riW'sc Medium Beam -Per buhel. Mn (Jreen Peit-Pcr bushel, fl IOal.40. 1 lour llet patent, per lurrpl. ft IV Ileant-Per Imdiel, choice marrow, 5.110. Potatoe Per bu.hel -lal.lO Xew Tork Qrnin snd Produce. ,u Vmk. iii. T Klmii Hull VMieit Spot p.i.iei . Nn ' r-d. i'4'ii f n. I, iflojl, T.Vi Pln.ltiil, Nn I Niiilh.Mti lliilulli ;in. f o Ii liptimi. dull md C'npt illi lonei all il,n, rlit.iiihT mims Vtai iln.eil ,sT, ; sii,mtier, Tl'ji.. o,iiilni. f.1' ji.: IIiipiiiIipi 7'i'4i. loin fsjinr ,a.iii. Nn ', i,Jhi plei.nm, i.ii. r n. I, all. mi llill,m. niuk.'l opmi'il stpadi . i l.-i'.l MP,ik Vl.ii ,t d Ktii ; sfptpmi,,. ui4, ( ti, inlni, n". : II". iinliei. i.M.i. nn. s,i ,,,. in: V uhiip. Ilj'ri Nn :: ,. . . nil,, ; ll.nk u Inn, .'.Mllh llillmii ! 1 1 1 ,. i and luielv .tiM.b Mtih nun Ituiti r I'tiui irpinien, l,i 2ii.. failnit limp, Ifjifi'vi i line iirjini'ii, Orjl'ji unit ill in , iciiiii'ii. I I..I-. . : sl.ili' , ii. , Uii'i1;! I In .e I inn, trii.i' , ol, I, rxi il.i ,., mIhip. iifci . i.iii. i .mill i .J,. i,,, , ljii . ii". do 'thin, n,iis l.-L'i linn: sl.iip .mil IViin li.iiiu. ''t.ii'i . iio.inti nn impiIIpiI. IT.lJ'liji .. uislmi "0i,jj, . Fhilndelphin Grain nnd Produce. Pliilaiplihia. sr ..(,.. Wheat,, i,o. Jo'iei. imitrait trade epli inlii'i 7-".i,i. Inin 1i InMel. Nn luitetl s, it"lither, r.1 ilt'l. , tin. Iinn. Nn '.' Mhile i lippi'il. tl's lluitei -ruin, KO"d deniaml; farn i etciii iieunrii. 'IJiji.; do nearh.i tninn. -" Pagi Knm. good demand: freith nearln. "ill : dn. np.ipin. -Ii : do noutliMPitPlii, 'J'l, ; do. .milhriii. ps . liee.e I'iiin, fair ihiuand: Npm Vmk full ueain. fan t .null. 10,.; do ,o fan to il,o(,r, Ht it4i p . hnpil siici liiuel, hut Kteaili. I ottmi In. iliincnl Pa II mi linn, . in uim In hlnl-, .jiii . i III md iininiH puini do.. ."i ji . take., ilji(i. I.Iip I'nullri sieam . fol, liaiji., old i no. in., v. , .pni'i; ihirki'iis, t!a!1i : dinks. 1 0.1 lit. Hip.skI I'niiltn Viinirr; louls ihnlip, l.iaiti.. do fait in u'i'O'i, l'..t-i.. old loosirm, 7aii.: hioHer np.irln. Il.il7r ; McIPrn do., 11a ll llnpipt. I lour. '!.i0 hairpla, and Im.ojiI t.iiiii. in .aek. uhpai. ir.tmu ImahrU: lorn, "i(,. lino lnidiels. nalk, I0.(t h.i.hels. Shipments -Wheal, .1,000 liu.hpls., i) bushels. Chlcafo (train nnd Produce. I hii.i.'n, Sept. 27.- Willi the exieptlon of a slim I lived activity in corn, bu.fness on Hip boa id of trade tras dull again lodav. Pecemher m n iloed 'ic. lowei: Heuuihir wheat, 4aac. iloitn. and December oatu, i(e lower. Provision' i bwed fiom 5 to 10 cent higher, CaMi quota tions tserp as follows: I lout -Steady: Nn, 3 spring svhpat, fJHaijOo. s No i rpd, 70i"4c; Vo, - jellow, 67TC1 o. 3 nail, .16a37'.;o.: No. 2 white, "I7)ia38iic l No. X do.. 3i'ia3SU. i Ko. 2 r)e, fife.; fair In choice nulling, JtafcOo. : No. 1 flax seed, $1,03; No, 1 Norihtvmtern, $l.Ct; prime timothy seed, $.5 35a ,',..V1; mess pork, $H.Mal5; lard, $.07HalO; short litis sides, 8SOa8 05; dry salted shoulders, H c. J short clear sides, $9 50a'J ro; whiskey, H.30. ChiMffo X4t Btoek Xarktt. (Imago, Sept. 27. Cattle -Receipts, 3,500. In. i biding 3V) Teians and 300 westerns: markel steady; no fancy cattle heie; good to prime steers, fOiMl; jwer to meuium, $laS,7S; slock. cm snd feeders, $2,tJK 30; cows, rfl50al.ii: heifers, t:il,75; camiers, $l,50a2.25; hulU, $1.75.1 i.'j; calte. .1a6.S'i; Texas stern, flat; western steers,,a5.'24. llor-Reclpls today, lO.cKV): lomorrow, 13,000; left ovrr, .1.000: good gra.lea stiong; other slow; mixed snd butchers, p'0 7 10: good to choice heaty, r.R0a7 23; rough do , i.IOa.7i; light, W.45a8f5: bulk of sales, tsn u'.a f.W. sheep Receipts, 1J.OO0; sheep tteak to 10 i nils lower; lambs stesdr to stiong; good in rliolco wethers, $3.ti0ai; fair to choice initid, K1.30a3.(i0; tspstern sheep, (.LiiiUl; naiiip lamlx, t-1i5; western lamia, $.l.7.1at.75. Buffalo Live Stock. Kast lluffalo, f.ept. 2,". Callle-steady for good, dull, unchanged (or others; trait, M.75a5i fancy, s.25. Hogs llilrt -eight care; steady at esterday's prices; corn fed, firm; pigs, (l.70a 6. BO; grsssers snd Mlchigans, Sl.G0a7.10; roughs, fytlJaflfJ); stags, $J.Ma5.70. Rheep Forty-lno car, ttith fourteen cars Canadians; loner; lambs, f5.2Ja5.3; others, fla.1. 15; top sheep mlsed, -i M aa.tOi culls to good, $1.50a3.00; Canada Iambi, ajovt ; number unsold. New York Live Stock Market. .New York, sept, 27, Uectcs Receipts, 5,JJ1, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Four Lines, 3 Cent (or nh fJitr Line. For Rent. "". TS For Rento About 1200 feet ofiloor space on 4th lloor of the Tribune building, su'table for light maufacturing. In cluding heat, light and power. (inquire at otlke of Till- TUIBl'M:. I'llll lll'NT On, Imll iIoiiMp Ihiiip; I) hhiiip,, up pi'l (llull IImIiip, llliiilelll InipinlrlUi'llK. I.iri!i lanl, pliji.iiit iH.iii-n: mmlprale t nil tl !, 'Iilliiiiip M'iKI ligp iih.iii mitl.tlilr loi lvd,J in. Irani lifat, priihil IIimm. fl'Mal lull lp offlip rnoni, tiitn In at. e'e lalui ljin l'n iiiiiiii'itlnc mil Ciwil I'lJlH. "'""'i plptalni. lln. i I1I.W1 1 , P'll I 'I'' l.xrliuiue lli.ll'lltitf. tOlt Itl'.NI' -i:ii,lil rnom. T."1 Jeflpin avpnupj all morlrni rrripnlfnrpa I For Sale. lull s,. Mot ail linnaiP foi iIp i heap fm iah IT.ll Miiim-i .ii.'iiiip Kill Mlt pnii.i Pitilalili ("I l"l '" lail- iIipii. zuaiautpnl .iIi.oIiiIpIi afp m will p ihai.KP (or Iiisp hoii' (Srpiti HhIiJi' l.ntnln'i i mil tun; Kilt s.: uni' Iiohij ili.ifl ami ihip ililvlnE lior-p Inipilip I.Vi (inup .inn. Dininimi' I'lllt s,K r ( , i ;,o por inn, iIoIIipipiI in ipnlral ili.i ami miili side- ViMii'i -loiin Hall, pi4 CPilat aiptnip. 'plump ',sl KOII Sl.i:-To IIrIiI .prlns acon and some hrnes, ilipap. Kan. rear WU 1."""" KlPCt. lOIt SM.K-f'ar load nf diailrs nd drjuht liotkpa and irooil family hotei -" '" "' fold court J. J. Kield. Heal Estnte. Hill IIK-I'i" loitajn- in l.lmliui-l Mill In .olil lo llio lillip.t lilililrl utl Ptlohi'l ritli I'piiiii to miii t.vainini pinppili .oul md in mui ).! t, llr llnc-'iii. ;:; Vlun:i"M aniini. HOI s Hill s. Imm km IpImI mil in nnp Kliltn, lot riM'al frPI. mtli sliailn iipp, iti . full aroMti i,.o Mill iinitli.iM md mi ini trrtn. nli'ii, iipiiei I, lien Itiilur Vpt'l.i In UiMll. MH spriue -ill, 'I. ;,ul Mll.l III ilnulilr Ihiihp. lot. IIM1. Nnrlll Wa.lilnmoii alpllilo, 7 IllilllltPi. M,ilk fii'iu io.iotrt(p, Mirtli Viii, a p.i,i tpini. Imi iriln. liaimin ( rniirt:!.. innevl,iii,ni: I'UII s,; Cnm faun ill w.nrll.l limmlsll. Iln)illp ill .1 . I null. Wmill I'.l lull mi. i Hpm Iniildme l"i iii liii'iiiHiir. im ii, r liiiill'i and sii, .itentv. Will imi in .ip. to .nit pun Inter. iiiri iiiim W I lop. r Business Opportunity. II" Mil II W I s'Msi oi sviiii i.. lie lid tm tHititill it. hull ion i.iii i.itor ,l no" Mprkli inn. nn' iii Hip li'.t mil iii i.l .iini.-tul itiln.ltni III Vletti.inlil in CXihaime, l'JIJ P.nk lln'l ll.lll.llHL-. Npm i.ll, V IIVIII' IIPI'llllll NII'V iii i'Iui.'i III Hip nii'l- lalilltr ll.nli, l tun .Imp i, .mil ton! let .onahh : a coml I'pt'nitu Vddii'v s Ptiltnril, VVjipiIi. I'.i sii( i Mi: T TIIVIII l! mii, mui ihl.1.. Will,' fm mo piMiil milkel tett.l I tee on .ipplualliui s VI HiIiImiiI ,v in. in iiiliets N. V ( on.ntiilalnl and Mm k I-.mIiiii. It and Pi llloadMal. Npm Vmk I .1 iti'i.tipil liil l.onj Hl.taiiK Phoiip ".: Ilionl Wanted To Hent. VV VN IKl- VI on, p. imo il".l.lbll in., in., i.,iiir.dli t'HHipil. nt i. '. and uilp. Midi nr miiIi., nt Im.ii.l lint ''.is. s, ,int,,i, , 1.1111' i ling i a. nil. mm Vdiln... I . VVVN'II.H V tiiini.tml i, .mil im liuhi Ii ki''i llig fm null .md Mill, .tale pun .! M, 'I i, hut Illi i Booms and Board, lltlllVIs in -tl t r t II.M, null I'i'iid -iy Miillu'iii Wnnted Board. MUNI. VIVN ill .no. I...jr. in jiin.,1, r.llulli. t.ilinall plittll.d Vil.UP.. I P. IlllillIlP nihil Boaidei: Wanted. WA.NTKll-Talle beardcrs, Washington atenue. Mis. Tompkins, S3 1 Lodgings. Inpi.lM. Mi l.emui ViIviiip. 1-7 ( micips. tterr N . near Pan Vim in. in dentin, ip.i.nn ilili Lost. V' sS -- SySl.'r-VsJV Li l I' '' if ai tm it't irn l "hilt- im -r ' in . rutin, Ui mi -IIk-' of ttl.K k l( i 1, IMIIir ' nil " SEALED PROPOSALS. i "V ) S X1 -N X"N'Xy's 's,VS'Xl' XA X'X'V X, sKM.t'H Pllll'llsl Mill .e ivpiI lil lhl iletinttneni until I n'lioil, p m Mon.lai . IK' 7lh Hll, I'M prill iIpIiipiiii it Hip ills irpnaiort toi it.e pn.iiin'.' ii n Mill ptea.p In'.l ppaiali It mi Pa uni Inii'kMhrjt slrp.. Ml bids -hall !" files! "illi tin' im .onlrollei .it hlsothie in tlie , hi hall nm litii than lOn'ilnrk a in. Vlnndi.i. Iil Tin. n0. II, o ills ipvcitn Hie right in iprii am nr all bid P. I. WiitVM:R. Hiinim llrpiriiiieut of Pulil i s,ifpi siianlnii. Pa.. s,.ii -.1,11,, vol. .sl'.VI.r.l) Plilpiis s nip ,e riii'H.d al Hip nf the of thp ..piicUm of Hip s. lanl'.n Hoard of Control until 7 ." n'i Im k, npnliig, (VI lull. Pml, In liiiiii.h Iii.' ..clinol .Ii. niu Milh three iliuii.anil n,ol spIiiiuI ipki and Hip rPiUiitP iiunilipr of rears. In be funn.hid at such limes and in suih nu.iniitles ns fhp board ii'ay l(iiiiip The pilir hid Is lo lip foi a greater or Ip.h number llian spoi IIipiI above VII desks in grades aliote Pritnan ( In bp suppliid tilth ink ttPlts of a patient tn br j.rprtn In Hi. Hoard of I ontrol Mills .n in Male Ihc quality of the In the iIp.Us, ttplght of i j -lines snd stp of flul.h, samplP disk to he eahlblted V'ith eat It proposal The sum of IOfl ni i.h nr cprtifted check sbsll bp iiR-la-i'd ttith rach bid, tthlcli sum shall be foifplted to the siliool dlstrirt in case of refuul in onil.lon on Hip p.ut nf the successful bidder In I'tetute lontiact within ten days after the aMaiding ot the same. No bid will bo read or irinsideiril which falls to comply ttith this re rpilrrmcrit. The board reserves the right to re ject anv or all bids, tv order of tlio Srrtnlon noard of Control KI'fiU.NB D. rr.lJOWS, Secrclary. Medium lo good steers, io cents higher; common, slead , hulls and cotta, stead; steers, l.2.'iar,; I Mia. wl.."J). bull. einoalt.Mi; cons, tfl.75a.'.7J; (.lives sumiJj for teals; grasses higher; veals, ,.iN 7:,. little calves, (a(.fl; grawets, V1..0 til. mil.. !: lily dressed veals steady at ia 12. .Inrn linily st eaily; lanuis easier; sheep, .' 'All. i nils. .', lamlKS, Sla.VOO; one car, $'id0; mils. .! ..ii Canada limbs, J.I0a, Hogs st e jih at it,7a7.2; choice slate hogs, f7.35. Bsist Llbsrtr 0ttle. Fast I.iheity, Sept. 27 -Cattle-Meail.t ; ihoite, 3.7331'.; primp, f'i..'Alj.T0; good, $5.20a5.50. nga Steady on heavies; prime hcatlea, $7.25a7.30; mediums, K.W; heavy orkert, 7.10a7.15; llgnt jorkers. 7a7.10: gtasers, V'W).i7; pigs, ffl.504 (1.70; skips, si.50.i5.50: roughs, $-'jt. Sheep Steady; be.t ttrlhers, Mtoti (tills and common, tl.21aj.2i, carlings, .'.J0al.2i; veal caltea, s7.l 7..'A Oil Market. Oil City, Sept. 27.-('redlt balanies, lil: icrtb fiialrs, nn bid. Shipments, III, Is.'; stcragr, flj, 5S7, Runs, Offi'b; average, ol,l'J7. SITUATIONS WANTED FKEE. Help Wanted. l'i:i I'mir lulli'i ill KPrittPimii n iMiUhl ilari no pxprrlimc ipqiilipil tall IipIwipii II .mil i or J nnd 1 p in i lonaj Imtrl Mr. MrKie. Help Wnnted Male. tlll. sKIIVUT. umPiniiiPiit lllon. '' p poliiltneiiM iii.iiIp I.ii ei' 1'riili.ilib II, l liiiiiiinti Mlmiil iduiiiilmi "'pHrnl ("r I lip Maiiuniriin t iMliyiie "' Infi'iinntlon lop. t limililjii Ciiiip-pmiil-mp tnlli-SP. wailiimrlnn. II. W WITH Hoi In nrll Mit Ihip sunilij Soitb Niiii'tlimi ' Nniir Inn liiiilpm H'P'1 "I'l'lJ TwniM tnui pii'ia iitlcieil IiipIiIi'4 pintll" A'l'l to lloiieii I". .iDliiidiinp, I7 sprue I""- IMI lilt .it IhlIiIip; Hoik nimtul .11 oihp .IJ'l Ninth W I'lilnjitmi iimiiiip. sill MltlN 1 wrKtl .miiiiB l.nb' iIpIip I"" lilmi ti'iinui iplipr and ijpiMiltpi. 'l ihp s,n,Bi i,in. TrlliiiiH' ufllip. WAMKH Men to Imrn bailipr Ii.iJp: iie.itel nppiirliiiillt pirr nftiifil: mil piri" '" ii'iiuliiil. pny'ltiiun piKplnlt Riiar.intpul Kiailii air. Illii.tialPil lalilomip lulllrd Ir.e Mnler a IUiIhi m linol. Ni'M mk till. HUM Kl.i l-.lfS WWTI'.ll Pur lire brlij. "'! Conitntmlrarlon ami pirwiul applications will be meiieil al myiilflip in llaneoik, N 11 I. Hnviiuti. Help Wnnted Female. VV VNll'H (,'ni'il ulil "r Mnmiti for Iihiip Mink Mu.i In- ililn I" iii'il- l.piinan pie feiieil. Kaunli nt lit n I .ill 'Ms Pipniiitl e I.VDIKS. Illltls. eierlMliei.' M.ililed VV p pit pir llioii.nid for ttiiinur lptln for u VV r i.iii ii-p lrntt tliinisiiiil Miekli send .id ilipsi'l eiiiplnpp pirlliuliiK. V. M. v.. Utpt l-I'V. Hot tin, Phllnlolpliu. VV VNTi:i- V eihi, rjlil for crneial limivtiniV. Vppl.i. uilli irfiritiip. at Hi ( Lit uitnte VV VN IT. 1 1 fivi, ioiihk MiitnPh, one ,ij took .imi one i nil.e' silm in oaih. li monlli and lioinl. Vppli al llip I'ltn, PO aieime VI VN rill V uni for Vptdi al n suti Vlaln .iipniie. inii'l mniP r'c rintnendeil W VNIKII (inl fm i;eiiial lioincMork at Hilton vtilip. II 1 , iarp Trihune BHANCH WANT OFFlOgS. Want Advertisements Will Be Becelved nt Any of the Follow ing Drug Stoies Until 10 V. M. Central City AI.HIRT sClll.l'TZ. pornrr Mulberrt dlteet ami VVeb-ter avenue. OUSTAV PICIII.I.. 650 Adams avenue. West Side , , ULOItUK W. JI'.NKINS. 101 Soutn Msin avenue South Seranton FRLD b. TKBl'PE. 7'."J Cedar avenus. North Seranton CI.O VV. PAVIit. corner North Ham avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CIIARIXS P J0SI.S. 15i7 Ilickson aienue V J ,IOIlN, !20 Orrrn Ulrlge street. C. I.OIIK.NZ. corner VVashingloo ave nue and Marlon street. Petersburg W II. KM.PKIX. 1017 Irving avenue. Dunmore J. 0. PONG ti SON. Wanted. WW I I'll-A large show lase. Apply William Ciffoid, 1517 Dickson avenue Agents Wanted. in n titiiivit I'lii.siiiKNIS."' Lincoln h, hi .in. I Vl.ltinlri Ihree natni" mot proinl mm in Hip hi'iii. .md minds of the people. In liii'.ilnu im uli ut In the llteis oC this lilo of iiiiiiiuitat. imiiliinej In nnp coinplPto voIihiip, I.iii ! l .Mi llr.t book published. Agent want ed iifUMlietr. Iii-I leiin.N credit gnn Sain i.h IhiiiV lie,' mull HI tenls for postage Vi I pimiiitb. i, hi... I'.i ,o tii, i s i. Hell (ompaii.t, I'hila- 1 til 'II II' ll.K.k. In i,k. .VI. III I., upibi mtpn: to' fiiup Anus ;as bimk. IS- : si book. r . $.M . i; ,n I k. ', VI-" hist life Me- IVieu 7il hillh. ( incinniti. It nli i I VIJINIs VV Wll.ll-I tie ul MiltinlP. titp hun- I iliul p.nsp honk lland-oiiiclt llliislratul. I tl.itht tin- Nom rpadi 7.' per rent dlsrount ti. agents I irlgl.r paid. I ipiIII gltrn. Henry tl'll. iij l l airioin irrci, 1 i!!i,k". Canvassers Wanted. CNVssllIs WVN'IIH I'oi an honest. -li.ilgh1fiiiM,inl pinpi..uion Nm a $10a-diy .iliiine, lut gooil iii fm aoo. vioik Voung nieii nf in it apt'oiinm and good hahlts wanled; if din haip liad i'pprienie in (amassing, ii niuih the liemr Vddip.t, staling age, es lirriemr and pretlnu. eurip. NTWaPAPLU, I'rtbun" nm1 P Furnished Rooms. IVVli IT l!Ns i ItiitlVIs m pritatp farrnlr; all i. him nn nn'-. ginilrinan pirferred. .1,(1 W'ath ingti n .iipi, im i hi I.MIiii:, vvr.ll, II i:Ns,i fiom room in pri iatp famlli. nil, i oi iinhoiit hoard. All mod pin iinpiMiPiiiPiiti. i,.:, dims jienf, loll HINI V laijr, Mptl furnlslipd room, finn lnialiit on Mn Il-on atenut1. Inquire, T, cam m IiiIiiiiip rilliM ni III Ilili, reasmiatde t imo ioonis, tiunijhed or unfur all imitriilencei; nicsn location; rent .Vis Pine strpcr, eily. FOR IIKN r- Furnl.heil front room, with heat, bath and gas; near court house, genlleman piddled Address Room, Hot 299. FOR IIKNT Furnished room; heat and bath. b.'J Linden street. Dress-Making. rfsas Till! MIS-SKS SI'ILLAVB. lale of New York Mioses' dtrKsiniking and ladle:,' flue iiiulcr clotlios. 616 spruce street. Miscellaneous. bL'PKRl'Ll'Ol'S HAIR, warts and moles painless ly, permanently, scientifically remoter! b.v electric needle; no nars. Permalologlul Par lors, 312 Washington atenue. LEGAL. J-lJ-JX-l)XX1sr)PISVlsl i i1 1 1 ! im 1 ' "i! HbTATR OK I'.MMx II. VOrilin, late of the Dor ougb sf Dunmore, Lackawanna County, De ceased. letters testamentary upon the above named estate having been issued 10 me, all persons hav ing claims against said estat will present thera st cine tor pijinenl. and all persons Indebted to said estate will please make Immediate pay ment to Itl.NRY A. Kt.PP. hiranton, Pa. Ksecutor, Till! ANN'I l. tnretint ' Hip niemhens of the Prtiiistlvjiiia dial ilionl fnr Ihr Deaf for II10 rlrcllon of (our dlicrlnm to scno three jears. and for such other butine. j as may prop erly be brought betorp Hip nucllng. will le held at 'the ottlcp nl Ihc spcrctsiy, Room IM Connell Iluilding, sironioii, ra , nn niesda, October 8th, IW1, at llnee nVlcak p. m. IIKSIIY HKI.IV, JR., Secretary, N0TICK TIip annual meeting of Ihe members of the Larkattanna Store Vssodalion, l.linlted. will be held si tin oftice of the association In thp city of Sctanton, Pa , on Wednesday, Oito. ber 2nd, 1101, at ten o'clock a m. for (he elec Hon of managers for the ensuing year and lor the transaction nf such other business ss may properly come before Ihe meeting. II. S. FxIRCIIII.D, Secretary. Seranton, I'i,, bept. lOlli, 1901, , -l DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thin Pour Unci, o Cent lor Bteh Gitra Line, PROFESSIONAL. tv'W .t Cettlfled Public Accountant. i:HWllti I,'. M'ALLIII.NO, 5J TrtADEMANK lluildlns. Architects. KIlW VIII) It. HAMS, AHClllTECT, C0.S7.ELb nutliiincr. Kiti:iii:iiicK i uiii)N:."'.ui7iT n rcai) ttatc KMhanRP tllda;., lf Vahlns.lon Vf. Civil nnd Mining Engineers. II. I,. IIAItlllMl. I! BL'IUHSO. Dentists. Jilt l'. K. KII.CMIrlltCI.II, PAUI.I IIUILDIMJ, lllKP trpp(, Siranliin. Hit. (. C. LAl'llMII, lfi WVOMIN'fl AVENIJB Lawyers. riJWK K. HOVu!! AnilltSKV-AT-AW. iloonn 1.'. II, Id ami IS Burr Bulldinn. V. K. THACV, AITV.,1 OMVIONWKAl.TH HLDu! ii. n. iti:i'i.oni.K, ATroitM'.v-i.oAss nf.oo. (iatpd en rpal patito apcuiity. Mpars Uulldinj, '"iiier Watlilnntuii stppup and Siruce street. Wll.l Villi. KHi:V k KN l VTIOHKYS and lonn.ellorvat h. Ilrpulillian Bulldins, WalilnElon aienue. JKssi . A ,,KS , .vrumNKVs and rous- laM, forninonwcalth Building, Roams . !'! and 21. KIlW Villi VV. TIIAiKIt, MTOUNKV. R00M3 W-'-'ll. Pth flnoi, Vlear Bulldinff. I. A. VVATIIIs ATIOHNKV AT LAW, BOARD of Tiailp Ilulldlnc Siranton, Ta. " PAI'IKIlsiiN A- WILCOX? TRAllKRXAlToTAL "ink Huildlnj. ijoviKriVs. 01"? ni.prnlTrv.v nuiLPiNfiT" A. v. nciniot.t . ort-icK Mnvt'.n to no. nil VV.vnmms: aipnup Physicians nnd Surgeons. , im vv aienue K AI.I.K.N. flit .NORTH VVASIUNQTOX im s vv. i.wioni i . okkicf. a3i wash- Ington atrnue flpsldonpp, 131 Mulberry t drome dpars, lungs, heart. Lidn'ys ana Benito urlnar orgms a apeclalty. Hours, J to I p. m Hotels and Restaurants. ' ' TIIH KK r-.rK. l.'S N0 1J7 KltASKLW AV&s nue. Hates reasonable. J P. ZF.ini.ER. Proprietor.- 1 KIIVNIOV IIOlsK. NKAU tl U ft: W. TAfW 'nger depot. I ondurted on th' riropeaaf plan VICTOR KOI H. rropnetor. Scavenger. A. R nr.IC.HS CI.KANS PRIVV VAULTS ANB icss pools: no odor, only improved pumps used. . II Pngg, pioprictor Leave orders 1100 .North Main atenue, or Kuke's drug store, cot npt Adams and Mulhpiry. Doth telephones Seeds. fi. R. CI.ARhl' ft (0.. SP.KDSMI:N AND MIR3 eitmcn, store 'J01 Washington atejiu: gresa houes, IH'iO Not III Main atenue; stoes) tels phone, 7J. Wire Screens. JOsl.l'H Kl KTTF.T,. RKAR 511 I.ACKA. AVX., N. rant. in. Pa., manufacturer of Wire Screens. ' - -r-: . 1 Miscellaneous. nttt.ssMAKiNn ton ciiii.nni;v to order: lo ladies' tvaisU. Louis Shoemaker, C1J Adams avenue. Mi:RRGEE BROS., PRINTERS' SUPPLIES, KN telopes, paper hags, twine. Waiehouie, IM Watmngton atenue, Seranton, fa. 11IK WII.KKSRVRRR RKCORI CAN BF. HAD in Siranton at the news stands of Risman ttirw . too Spruce and rVM Linden: M. Norton, ."!-' LackaManna, atenue; I. S. Schutier, 211 pnice slreet. Honey to Loan. $10 to f 30,000-AT ONCE t snd 5 per cent. In terest. Easy terms to repay, George W. Okcll, Coal Eichange building. sV300,000 TO LOAN Lowest rales: atraight or monthly payments, otark- & Co.,Trsders bldaT. ANT AMOUNT OF MONTY TO LQAN-Qukk. strslght leans or Building and Loan. At from I to per cent. Call on N. V. Walkar, 3H-315 (Vnnell building. Situations Wante d. MTl TIOV WWTF,D-Hy r.un; married mail; willing to work at an thing, office work pre ferred: expert telegraph operator: tan fuml'li best of refctencp. Address. .1. L. M., W7 s. lev ing atenue, city. fclll'ATlOV WAVIKD-Rf .toung min in m'aihm shop; ttilllng to start. In at reajr.niMe tvajrs.i has some knowledje ot drafiing. Address, Box' fi... llonesdale. Pa, MTl'VnON WANTLD Rrighf. industrious lsi.r, 17 years of age, deities, situation. Address,-' O. K. .1., Tribune Office. blll'ATIOV WASTKP-ny an experienced eh-l in hotel or boarding hou-e. Addreu, Ch:f, Tribune offlcp. A 1,HY de.tirps a rrspectahlp pouiion for grn eral hou-ettork or take i arp of children: an kind of ttuik, no object. A I. (i , Tribune of. lice. A YOl Nt; man wants a joh taking nr- of or working for a private family doirr general hou.ewprk. Address IM Robln.on street SiTI'MION WVNII.Ii Washing and ironing n do at home l(y (list class liundtei; best ref erences guen if needed, Addrcij Mrs. L, M , care 52S Icrcot court. tslTI'ATIHV W NTI'.I1 bv a lady to work bi th day; tn take, washing and ironing honi". Address O h , 411 South Washington aienue. WORK WW1F.II b.v an cxperlrrfici laundre.s, washing and ironing 10 do 41 home ( all oj address M. V., CIs Pcnn aienue. FINANCIAL. pXVXSsi'X(N'Wt,- ssAssysvxAyrt Dltact Nbw York Win Stocks and Bonds All orders eiecuted on Eichanges. Qu'c' and absolutely reliable service. Tel-pnont Connections, Old, 667-j; New, 110. IRWIN THURMAN & CO., 711 73j'i Connell Building, tcrsnton, ra Spencer Trask & Co.; BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St., New York Now ready for distribution, and mailed upon request, Sctepmber Descriptive List J INVESTMENT SECURITIES. Memtru ew oil sn'ck Lxihanje, Branch OtTice 65 State St. Alb'ti :. i X S ? ... i$i? V