'7?W '""' Tr-jrrr h -r'!TV r JH "a? i '-H THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 28, lOOt. ' SSSf !5 O C 1 3. L mmm V 5T UK t'oiltitiy dull lm been tlio f Hct-ne of much Intcircl'tho p.ist J wpoh. Such iiorfi'i'tloii of " ui'tilliPi" him Jii-vpr licm In flowed on it coif icmni.iiiit'iil llithprto tui'l the ln'iitltlftil Htirnillliu-lnt-r Ii.iVp pir!ntr-tl an iitniHitiilly i;.iy tiji pen ranee wlih the tluonir of lsl torn piesrnt every day. 'I'lic nunilicr ' Olll Of tOW'll Jllltye'lM Wills li'l-'s' tl'Illl on jiivvIoiis ypuio, but in a coniraMt tlic locul eluli lins pionilsod inotp mi n uliti have limdc i'.NP"llcnt ii'i ohIh. The minimi golf totmintiiPiit l it 'tiiitio which no xvcll iPittilaU'd mini t dub should do without, and thp hltoiy of tlicHp pleasant e'XCIltH aw far Hi- our own pul) Is rouipi'licd Is a l'-mitl of many didliilitful days. Ii In pxppptcd that iliPif will be in.iii I'll 1 1 1 h HiIm iiftprnoou In tin' i lining rontrsl, llu- ladh" lin vIiir sliiiwu Kiral IniPipsi In this sn't in tup past. H.'vcial luixv In -on practlc inn ax"i'luou,ly and tlw si ores will oli.itily show niany Iiiiiikpm. TIi re Is one iil)cnt lure- from tin liiri KUiUp Katlu-l'Pil on tln vi'ratid.iH in m.( n koIiik nvi'r I lit? Utiles, and that i iln lai'p of .Miss Kti'iinor AihIpi- S-illl Who lS Ottl'll IPtlKMIlllPIPll 111 lli'l fit away AlauiiiKorilo honip diifltiK Iipi lovely SeptPiulipr days. Klio rx cfllPd In atlilotlPM and was an Insplra t on to alt Iht frh-nds, Mies. AliKll.st.i Arclihald In iiNo . 1 -?- i I tills jnir from the gay iiiiliml-t't.s .'i' tlir tournanii'iit. Slio has inadp HO'iil -mre-M n Hi,, past and would liitw- liei-ii in the putting oouU'.st If at home Thf spivlng of te.i lias hern a iiIuiih oiii lo.ttuip this j oar anil the piutty t.ihh'S have Iipph quit.- thn Ci-ntrp of fittr.ii tlmi. The poiiinilttoo ypstpiday i.piilsi'd of .Mrs Hi'iuy Urady, Jr.. M'- J:vpfit Wan-i'ii. .Mis. Clarpticp !-Mli.s Mi. x. Ii. Iloliprtsnu, .Mrs. II A KliiBsimry, .Mi-., p. it. Tli'lln, Tin' lloiisf I'Diiiuilttpp will seivo in. 1 .. " 111-' iMinpst Milli'liatloii uf many fiiPinls, Mls.i Susan JO. lileklnsiin has .onu'iitPd to kIvpiui auluiuiial hoi Ics of p.iilor talks mi subjects, whlih mv aijopl.x liitpicstlng but which few wo- rn posupHS the iMllltiip ami papabll- x of pipseiuliitr pilher IhioUKh Ih" ipfliiiiii of pi'ii in- wind. TIip first of tliPM' will lie at I tit- honip f Mr." U. M. Holes im the subject of Tin Uli'1'.tttin- of the liible as He- 'iK'tl In the Habylontan I'eilod." The second will bo In the parlors of .Mrs. T II "Wnlkins and will probably be hold In the evening, ns the t-ubjeet Is 'in whlih Is of particular Inteiest to innnv men wlio have hmcI iniieh on ngjptoloRy. It Is "Ancient Kgypl and Modein Di'eoverlps." The details le- gardlng two other subjects in the series have not ot lipen eotnpleleii, )mi they dl be eoimectPil with tlie inlliiPiicp (f literature on national life. They "ill ,isi, lie given ut the homos of dls- i Jj !, t liguislipii ipsldenls of Sirnutoii. . i . i.. . .,i . . . . u in ,i iMiiiniiie in lllfiKP mis 1(11- eoiiu nieiil In which one among the most familiar and be.si lnved In our itj Is Ihp eontr.il llguie. This little l.idj a typo of gpiitli'vvniniin of wlumi 'ho iirespiit Koucintlmi knows ton little, has endeaied heisolf by many deeds, find by the strong, true ami sweet Rospel of her pen, to a veiy large ill- Ip, far larger perhaps than she ical izes. Brave and sunny and uncom plaining she has lived it life of self, denial and often ol he.n t-breaklng soi low from which most men would slu ink I'liunlless friends hi this reg ion villi welcome this oppm tnnlty to 'ai her In a role which i-ho lias been unable to take up In her more icceiit arduous years. She is a gracolul. for i ililp speaker, a student and a woman if exceptional qualities of mlml. Her t (Iks are certain to be heaid with inthusiastli: Interest. Miss I.ota Stern and M. christian Tiothen were man led on Thuisduy at iho '"line of the bride's patents' on Tti) u. avenue. liev. Dr. n. V. V. 1'leree olliciated. .Miss .Mattie Meehlcr wat. biidesiualil and .Mr. John Sti-iu was best man. Mis Amy .Icsmip will tm to Halti iiioie next week, wln-ie slu- will ni ton I the liuerlii-Knsor wedding. Mi and Mr-, a. K. lluul have been lu N';W Yoik tills week, witnessing 'a v.u lit l.n lug. Tin Hour b.unl at the Ilium Im lb, 3 ililldless Is again euiptv and gr..u ? : Open This New Assortment of Ladies' Coats Ladies' Capes Ladies' Suits Ladies' Waists Misses' Jackets Misses' Suits Children's Coats IMEARS & . 115-417 Lackawanna Avenue. l'"'i"':i"' Is the icgret theieof. A family of eighty muit pat. .Mi- Idn .May Alhio has issued In vitations to the uunrlage of lior daugll tei, Louise Vliglnlu. lo .Mr. William M. I'utry, which will be solemnized at ltci home at SI,'. .lelTermn nvenue, on Thui siia.v evening, October It', at 7.30 o'i lock. .Miss .May Albio will be maid of honor. I.lnle .Miss .Mary X.elituler will be Mower girl. The weeklv Mvvlng nieellng ton iiectiMl witli the lliihncmau hospital will be held on Monday at 2..10 at the hospital when all Intel ested nre re- lUestell tn be pieseut. Mr I It-lit v .l. Neely, of the IMilliidel. phla 1'iess a visitor In Scranton. .Mr. Ncelj Is icpi'cscutlng .Mls .Miuy llallmk, the iclebiated pianist wlio Is lo give ,i teelial hero October ill. Mr. Neely Is himself an artistic musician and Is a member of the younger giottp of Philadelphia newspaper men who s'eiii destined (n make a name In Illi'iatUle. Those inleisted in tlie llahneiiiann hospital aie reuuesteil to attend the weekly sowing nieellng on Monday at "110 p in. at the hospital. .Mr. William T. Smeilloy, the eelo. hinted artist and lllustiator, has been 111 Wllkin-Harro and at Hear Creek for tile past week. Hev. ami Mrs. T. 1". Arrhbalil have a little sou m t10r home In Cuba, .V. Y. The manlage of Miss Ceuov levc, daughter of Mr. and .Mis. T. 13. Clarl;e, to Mr. Chailes Howard Van Oanipon. or Minneapolis, will take place October Mb at the home of the bride's parent on Jpfi'erMvi avenue. The maid of honor will bo Miss May Clarke, sister of the bride, the bridesmaids will bo Miss Clara Harrington, of M In neap Ills, and Miss .Mary Wright, of Huffnlo, ami Mi. Cicorgo X. Peeke, of .Minne apolis, will be best man. The marriage or Dr. Thomas A. l-3 -non mid Miss Merilui Mav Thomas at Plymouth chinch Thursday noon was the Important social event of the week on the Wi st Side. The ceremony was pet formed ,y ;Cv. C. A. Ilojl. assist ed by Itev. Tims. ie (iruch.v. Ms I'dith Tinker, of Ashley, was maid of l'onor. Prof. David Owens was best mini. The usheis weie: Dr. I II lluMiiond. Dr. K. ,1. Doimcgaii, Di. W. Iloulund Da vies and Di. A ('. Si. Aliinud, of Xew ynrk, Thomas u. Williams, or Wiishbuiu street, and Miss Kebeiia Thomas, of :ilt Xorlh I.iuioln avenue, were united lu manlage on Wednesday evening at the home of the bride's paidUs, Mr. and Mis. David H, Thomas, The i ere niony was performed by the Kev. Hugh Davlos, ii.istnr of the South .Main Avenue Welsh Cnlv Inlstle Methodist i luireli. Miss Annie Davis executed the wedding mniches. Miss Itl.iiii In- Sisio. of Sehnul sticcl, was married on AVeiliiPsd.iy night to Mr. I.ouls Argusl. of the West Side. Miss Phoebe Van Huron was maid of honor. William Argusl was best man. The ceremony was pei'tormed I Itev. (.:. A. Cine. Miss Mattie Wickheizei, of PaiMins. and Mr. AV. .1. Scott, of this i Ity. vvei e married on Wednesday at St. Peter's, Itev. J. A. O'llellly ollii latlng (Jne of the prettiest weddings that has taken place at IVckvllle was at the home of .Mis. Sands, of Main stieet, Wednesday night, when her daughter, Anna Cecilia, was mairled to Mr. Hl vvard K, :eii, o' pott Juvls. .. Y fiameily of this ( ity. Thy houe was elaboratel.v ilecorateil, iialnis. ferns, golden rod und asiers being ue I In Piofuslon .Mis. rturi h, of ..nv Yoik, played the wedding miii-lc. ,ss Xntalle Hett, of Port Jeivls. was tlower glil. ami .Mesls. Kreil Sands, of llavvley, and I-'reil K. Henjaniln, of PecUvllle. weie usheis. The ceiemoliy was performed bv Itev. A. .Messenger, of Jlancock. Th bilde woie white lk ami cairled bl Ide loses, on TliutMlay evening tie- Christian i:ildeavor society of lir.ne Itefoi med i:psioial i hill ill lu Id the llr-t sin ial of the .season at the home ol .Mi. and Morning j HAGEN.i 7 - Mrs. Wnltcrs, Tripp rark. There was a very largo nttPndance of members of tho poclety ami their friends, who spent nn exceedingly idea fa ut time, due In large measure to the cordial hospitality of their kind hosts. In ptiuniciitnl mtislu by the Misses Krnul; and very artistic lepltutlons by Mlis Hmnia Prank and Mrs. C Halter iulrie.il to thu pIciihuic of the evening. The arrangements were pintle by a commit tee consisting of Misses Mary MrC'ul loch, Uvelyn C Frcar, Laura. Wiiugli and Mrs. C. Huker. Among those present were: Hov. (I. I. Atrlrh, Itev. O. North, Mr. and Mrs. tl. H. Moigan, .Mr. iinri Mrs. Davis. Misses Hmnia Kiiuil:. Flora Frank, Funny Scott, Maigiiret llutton, ICmina Terry, IMIth Terry, l.ola rot by, Isabel (Iravps, nislp Aco, Mav Ace, l.uell.i Calvin. K. Klliott, M. Hck I. Kek, Ida Otte, M. Davis, May lluekett. U Hweet, H. Cunnlnglintn, W Aiiiioman, North rup. M. tliynnt, NelllP Prynne, Aiinle Mayer, Iailu 'Wolfe, Messrs. J. Jordiiu. H. North. Hurry Holler, W. T. Daek tt. 11. C'nrilew, ICIllott, MlehneN, F. Hutch, Harry Mayer, Jaroh Ace, W. Pitman, ltoy Walter, Paul Walter, tr uest Davis and TMvvnnl Davis. lovcmcflls of People Mr W. II. 'ilm.Irr It In Nov Yntk. s I. Iliii', li.i uuiiiiril fri'in 1'mn.t, N ,1. Ili'i. 1.. II Ujimi: lu iitiiniiil f i oni t . t r -Mil., V.i. Hi. nii'l VIi II II W,iri lur tituiiuil from I'ittdnilir. Mlt Vlalict lil iter lu totiimi'il lo scImkiI jt l'l'lliiin Minor. tiidc ll.iixl uihI linillv will ea tu the I'.in Ainrriciii next W(cV. Mr. It. W. Miinillc wjt Hit Kliot of Mi. W. M lliikwin Itili vvtrk. II. T lljn.lni.in, ic., and It 11. IVnmin l.'tt lil nislit tor ttiilljln. Mrs X. V. I,fct ii'l'jrm-1 mi Wnlnrtihy fiom n llt in N-ir Yoik 1.1,1 i: Mix. A. C, HroiMi, of llrii.krr lmt, lliniuiiiii, li.ii ttuno lo Iiro.i l'allf, 1,1. Mr, ami Mm. 1 hom i-t Sirjfin will Icivo mtt vrnk for a trip to Vrrinuut. ". II. Iloliliusiii, ir tin- Not lit Kin), lin Item' to l-ikp Wlnoli for 3 frw daik. I'. II. lloii'f, of Mirion. Xntlli C.iriilnii, It v Idling ft IotkU and rilitlf.t In tin1 ill. Mm. II. .1. Walter, of lllooinsliiiri!, i in II"" ill.i 'IliiiM'ty nn Iht nay licnio hom New Ymk. Mr. ami Mr. ( halmoM ('..kr. of Yonkrnvllli', N. Y. an Uitliifc Mr. jnd Mr, Arlliur llilrle (Ul k. Mi. ami Mi. .lelm . imii liiio rrtumdl from Ih" l'.m Vini'iiiJIi, l,u(ki'iit ami oltipr pointi of lntrrrt. rtrv. Dr. .T. I) rn nn 1 fjinlly, of llnionu, ato tho jiiosIh of Vlr. ami Mi. C. T. Miller, on lourt trul. Mi. ami Mr. I'l ink L.im.iII ml t.on. IVnijI.i", of fiotoii, nrr tho kiicI ol Mr. ami Mi. U M. Iloilnii, on Monioo .nrniic Mi. Iti'jnoM anil MUt I'.-jnolib, of Wtonilnir iniimo, and Mis ('. W. Vlillliow. of cjufny aioniio, nro Mltlnff ai Tnwand.i. Mi. .mil Mr. Iljtiil P. W.IIIIHII and Hmmlifr, Anni, Ini"" rrliunod fiom tin tr hiimnirr online .iinoiic rrl,ittitt ill Mluiiy, N. Y Miv Piulino C ll.ill, toailior of olm m i..n ut Hi. Si ronton Colhuo nl Mn.i' , li.i tiliinn.1 lo lr work lioir. alln Ii.oiii'i feni t he viiiiiiit ill Vrw tl, t.llr ! HER POIWT OF VIEW MHN do love to vicar b.nlgis. Tin more they have of Intently In harinonlous lines, the more ut teily (oiitcntcri and amiable Individ uals they aie. (You should havp fteu them at the Republican legue uonvon tlon lu the li'eitm the other da). They positively made one dizzy. Hut 111 spite of the barbarl.. taste of Un people who manage our politics, b.ulgi a lire toning down in color. You don't see as much gold fiingc and so many unbecoming shades of .vclkiw s.itlu as used to be evident on the manly i hes.s of our patilotlc citizens. The nation. i' colore piedoiulnate uouailii.vs and the celluloid button things ate more Sub dued. Alas nmv almost universal Is seen iningled with the gay lints, the somber touch of black which mutely tells that liaid-headed, pi.utlcil, hust ling, as are the men of America, tln-y have sentiment after all in their busy, active biaiiif. The signllU.iine of Ibis was felt at the meeting In the Lyceum. Not u speech, scaicely a lesolutlou was of feieri from ihe pl.itfoim tll.lt did not lonvey the thought uppeimot In ev tiy heart. The gleaming budges bore a bit of nape above their fastenings. The only badge Senator Penrose wiiu was that sad emblem of the loss whlih he seems to have lonftantly In mlml. Senator Thurston, too, htul the symbol of the nation's gllef on tlie lapel of Ills Pi line Albel t I o.lt. It has always been the opinion of the writer of these lines that P.epubll Jinn aie veri line Junking men. That oiivlctliin Is deepened since looking at the great body of delegates who weie In our ill this week. The leagueis seemul lo have a piedomlnatluK taste lor dark hair and mount, alios. Tle-ie weren't m.iuv baldhcads, and almost no In aids a a Jeiry Poffor. a initio able feat me was the pievalling fash Ion almost all the delegates luiri of wearing black ties. Was that, too, a tilbute to the uiemoiy of the dead man Un honou'd? If so it was a giaceful thought. If only these blnck-bowed-bl.uk-inoustached men knew how well ihe.v don't look In almost any color but lilac 1; they would routine their i holi. of ties more Mildly to that hue. A man of the type of Senator Pentose, tor Instance, would look like a bandit in u red tie, and must dark men do so love to encircle their visages with lav ing nil ties. ISe.'order Council made an i client speech at the convention. His em photic statement that the name of Wil liam Metflnley's. assassin should not go down In the recoids by tho side of our dear president's found heartfelt as sent. The Impression made upon Hut .ity'.s guests by the recoidcr was one of whli h the city should he pioinl. 15y tfie way, It should be mentioned light here, that Mr. D. JJ. Atherton, secretary of tho bo.uri of trade, was the other poison on thu platform Tues day night whose height appioaehed that of the Junior senator's of Penn sylvania. Speaking of thin men, It does seeni .it, If theie Is something in I'hlladel phla's politics which Isn't conducive to tomfort and therefore fat for the nni bltlous ones who want to get 8onie wheie. Mr. .T. Hampton Moore, who seems to have endeared himself so ex tensively to the Itopubllcuns (,f the state, Is nt an alarming stage of thin Hess. Mr. J. Martin Honuuell, Is If po.ible thinner than Mr. Moore, pol itics In I'lilladelptila must lie terribly wearing, fearfully strenuous, or, rilio thought perhaps It Is tlie effort to run a lU'iuibllcan league n order to retain a balance of $l," In the treasury that supei Induces emaciation. How pained wp should lie to spo our Mr. J'"leltz jdne nway like a tender flower under such a responsibility. Would that we had foiclbly restrained Unit over-oiu tluiHliistlc league from placing him In buch a peiitoii,s position, INCORPORATED 13(51. The Berkshire PtTTSPlHLD, MASSACHUSETTS. IV ilitlnll.' nuurndiT vali.et In CJh, p.tit! up ItiMiMtiin or evlrivn-.n murjnirril In Ihe M VS. Ml llliMIITS MIS rillllillll III; I..WV, in mmriljiirp vltli whlcli all i.,llilc, uf Till: tiCHK-IIIIti; mo Iwni'di Iho olld fininil.il romllllon of tlie coniun) ; 1(4 lirpp mirpliH: It lundtomo illvidi-ndt! lit hl-rril pnllilMi and it proniplnoM in pailnir lt Irgllimitp tljlnn iliiilin Iln- pj. Imlf rrnliirt, iniko Till: bCIIK'-llllli: n mo.t tlralMlilf conipjtij for Ilio polli lioldrr and tho airrni. for ilr inlirt ind ritct. inMroa i.porlf.nni: ro) Henry L. Peabody, District Manager 708-9 Mears Buildlnff, Scranton. )ViV'l"iJ''J"8"iH'Hr' SCIENTIFIC SALAD "liurriir.ifr Viniwlwlge l.t II ilin?oroitt tiling, Nj lii Jll i iilngf lit nt tie acciiuo ' Hniilm of llir Siliil vsonld Rroitlr aid liif In mt i.isK. In iiIIik; iiiiotlont mm iiecc h.iril.t for nililii,ilion), wldili If pvolilo will lie a'nttrt ul in lull In an cailj lisu,- of tlio Wiokh stl.nl nnil tlnir nsilpl aokiiowloducil inimi'dijl. ly bj mill. Ml nn'H romiimnli e lloiw tiiiirt, li-n.tti, at j nutti-r of courm-, ti".ir (In- tvrilrr'it toiivcl n.itno and oiin--u, at tilinio ti' i-ilinoi Im t.ilvfii Into coii Hiiliration. Beef Juke to tlie Tapeworm. OM! point ount tn liaio bm'n ti-iiill, mt-i-looknl in Ilio 'idnilnWr.itinii of brcf Juiee. Jl li.H lipi'ii found that tho rwwil Juloo of froh iiiiiiMikcd ticof It in m.iny t.ios of illiimt tlio initfi tlliclint fonu of iicuritliincnt. It must )' laA lioino in mind, liovt-cvoi, tint oci.i-i. ioiulli a ln'if m Inti ctcd Willi the ivsIuitoiu it tin- 'I'.i'iiU imilloi .in Il.il.l (or Kiqimt.i), .inJ li.it I Ito otiio-nl Julie of I lie uncooked tnt-.it itiii.i Inf.'Ct n i.it i. nt Willi tnj.owi Tin. Till." fount Im oliji'otloii to Ilio ,1'InilliMr.itlon of tlio liorl Juloo, Inn mirMiliilr siTiipl v tlio uiiftil lnini" tliMl of llic lii'of lint I mod for tlio purpov. In tlue il,in vtlion m liiiny i,o.li. liny .1 inral-iev .ind iiulvo tlu-lr own Juiu, it it inipur l.iut tli.it tho ,,tli iau hliould w.nn tlinii of tin- danger of t.ii'i teriii. On tho "Ih.Io h ij bolter to lino llir moil juii ' tUT-parrd h a coin poti nt ilriiai.t. who Is hoII riinip-i for tlie imrHiNO hiuI ,o hit been cut-fully ptnl to look out for the i . -d ii ore ut. A ti vv i ws of tup- worm hue onuiiod in ClotrUml in piront vh"-o solo mtjiilut in! in any iuiiook'il iniut lirndm t .ui in tl.c IM.-0 of i mo lioni(--inidi- hoof ji While the inniiCLlion n not nillt,'ly jii m nl, tho pii'tutnitii)ii lo Milhiionil strong . di'iuatiil 1 1t -it u'n-.it cire ho oori i.i-d In so. lo. line hi. f for ilic inc.ilpici-. I Imlind V.d ti il loinnil. League Against Seasickness. I In- l.c.iEiic Vs.nii-I .S'.i sukiic-i ,i I'n mli .m-o. ii.tiiuti, tho luudihlo chjitt of ttliii.li 1.4 tlio iiid.t, vtllh a view to intention and tuio, cf uiupilhii, (l.itiu f,,r ''. ili km i, .nuunuiiK.t tho Fiim iim.ii.il ovjio.ition (f n-nirith m Hp.inist K.IHlknetJ. Ilio laiMtill will be held in An- KUt and sq,!,,!,,, ,,t ti,i(,0( under the jut rotMSji uf the hum of Uelcnm. Vmonif the i luliiM will hn ni-pentiiry .ippllainet desluneil to ledmo Iho luioeiniul of iho i. limit on idiips, Hipir,ilut for iuniiuliihring the ticoia, mollio.U foi the aii.iliiiu .ind iPKrnriatiim ol tlio jlr in t.ililut, leuiiiliit tor re ift km s. and the lit fiauno of tlio Mihieit. I'lililtc trlil-t ot the vail tut apiill.imifi and i.-mrihrit villi he luide off the Mime of (Muide. Iliiritij llie ioui-i of Hi" exi'i'-ition, n ioiii;ii for the Mu.lt ol ie.it'.ck Him still he In Id ai ll.o ,une jdii.. TIium- lie tcixti-d m ll.o Milijirt nuj ohl.iin fulhii hum lu.illoii l.j MildiesMiiu- tin "I mm , outre le U id M. r." .' Il.iulot irrl I'.-rt lt....il. I',in. New Things About Nuts. l'enii.iii puiieu rpeak ol nn .ininiil til.mt jn. Irnr in ttepiul Ahli i, l.ob ngtii". to Ilio Ifuiiiu iiiuiit i I.ini, ttluili is l.iujily inlth.ili'il liy ilio nt-itrot-t ut 1 fo.nl jii hlo. Ii hi. ,., , in in lloduil'd In mmp extent 11 Nuilheiu A-lj lllld in lli.iil. Il it nihil vvivud-u In- Hie fii ,in iit-u'ii'i; tlie liot.init.il nnuo it (ilviine ruluei Mm. i A 1'mnli c'ttt chimin of .iliniititi. hit iiciiitl.t auiltiil tlie fruit ol the io.iudu wiiu ii fin mo i.i iu i Ik mli .il ouij,iitiuii .ind itt v.ilne nt food. The fruit, like the ...unit, mi-turi-i under mound, 'ilio e.H.il.lo kiltie', lus the hlupe ot .in wi ind it dirk nil, nilli hUck s.lnpet at., h Mlilie latum, like iimi hunt It tuiimhoi a viry uhito Hour, ttlio-e tlitor jfn r i mil, Ills' luui.ll leMUllil,." Hill nt iIle.tuuU. 'I'lO i lii urn .-I (ouiMiitlou it ,'is pu inn. (,f n in uy miIkI.iii.1', l'lpu lent, miioiti-uout, in nr tfnl. Main, l ioi- rent, oily, I per cent, tolluloso tub H.IIHO, jud :i ir tent, ii-hm. It will he simi tlul Ivmi Milllld of those blmlis Muillil BUIipl.v the daily l. iulreiuints ot the hulii.ln ttttrni. VI. II ill. mil, Mho hit Ind Mule ovpiiiemo iu the tl.tliiUir.v uf iiiiliiiuriits eilld Hilt fnnt. Hie n.tt iiih- toiiiul lo him in a iului.il t.ile uhlili tn,i ull Hit i Ileum Jl irpcitli", nt a put. it nu-ie tin nl. V in n pimliiit pitpnod hoiu tli" tiiituiuit, and known j "vejulaliite." it liemi; inauufju tuud by .1 Vlineile ti in. 'llir pui.liut It a 1 ind of bun. i, .n id N H. ih ii to ho p.till. ul..rlv ud.ipiid for tnk.'it -nid confei lioni-n-. It it mui Ii ilirjpii Hun huller, and U lncd tn he liitter .nlipi.d fur pjsti.t. an, I nunc in iljlly I'l-Mills It ion-itt ut lillniiiK tin- oil ovtr.-ii t trotn the lined totoanut. It It jierleitly pine inn! iiouii-lilnf. It only re-i mlilcs humr iu iu lain- iiituie, lmt II i lire viMlo und mut.li IijiiIit than the dmy piodun lu St. I.oult the iiul-ir-iekinir indiuti.i fii-.i iliiplo.Miietit In 'i coiiHiloulilii iiiitnbir of or. nu.s, tlioio liting lliioe pljiitit In tho tit.t. Tiio nut i rjikeM aie iltoeti !.. elei hii itj, t-aeii nut I., lie foil lhdoMiully lulu I he irihher. Allerlho flifllt ,ire iraked ll.o i uin jn- wlnnoHid by nil nil' hi el and tho un.it it picked fi.nn the iiu-hi'il slu IN In- hand, women nnd ;lrN tiilu? imploded lor thlt pjil of (he work. Skin nnd Body drifting in Reptiles. V (inlou. ivpoiiinnit Mat mriillj' trird bv 1'iofostnr Oiviin, of llr unbertitj, while mi lii- vacillon in I "loi.nlo. It li.n hern ton lenilnl lint tin- 1uKirNli rlriiilatlon of reptllet would pic-t r lit am KMflini; of their brain. ralileiuko was rvlindid with an non honk i Inline ldi lio.id, ijt tho Vv York Timey. An .nldrr M4t olilaiiied and out in tun. 'Ihe rattle make .it then Irr.ited In tho miiio way Tli l.ul ot the jihler m.h thin i-cned to tho uttlrr wl(( a ktioiur thrud, and idler tw-rnty-fmir houri Hie lion iull.li- w.i iimou'J and the totniosito leptilo a pl.udl in a rai;e where he jive every (videnoo of vil.ilili. Althougli the itlllo M.l't alirtnt from its new tall, the mipply of virim Pi lit fjliL-s irm.ilnrd iindliululvlied. It w.u il linvvil to olrlke ii i.iMut -lid the killer lus'tli In nill au wat di'id in an liour. The intlo-n.ik will be l.rpt mull r k. i lit itie ob-eiialloii fm i, rial inontht. Protection of Independence Hnll fiom Fire. The fnllowine tlrtailt fiom the I'lrrnun' IKr aid nhow the rxlraorilltMiy prrt-jiilioni. taken to guild hiilrprndriKe lull, I'liittilrlplil.i, inuii ileetiiictlon by Hie, Walihmeii mjintaln u patrol rterv liom- of Hit- day and nislit, and I lie onl.t lliilils pertnlited in the old hulhliii; me thnto iled to illtimlti.Ho the ilnek at nljhl. I'm ihe boiler Hied to heat the liuliiliwr fire proof vaul't Iniip been pi milled under the au'lmaix, and nnlt to eleilrlo wliet are allotted. Chief ll.ulir hit piotlded for tin- appearauee of ii enciiiM., tun tiuekt and n tlieinUal flujlne within tun loin ulei afur jii al.iiin It font in from Ihe flie alarm hov iu Hie tipiari'. There tic hlainluie in Mint Hunt that, if (Ire should gain headway 'n (le lruiliiie, t srnrial idarm lull be nent In, iMlllnit to Iho none twenty-she file rns-liie, hlr Iriukt, and M'nlher ilieuili.il eiiKiue, n Melt a ihe ihlif and iilno illtlilil entlni-iu. Ilierj-villi- lu Hit' vleiull) of tlie lull It jietlill hi. Life Insurance Company Milaled, and Mncer of the fire department tej. Iilarly Join Hie watchmen in ItepeLtinc the etlilko. I'ortaldo fire etliiRiiihrnt nrr uratlercd about the bulldlnp, and (llurtloim for fivliiR tin faniom eld jiorlrjil that lunj on the walla are cnn-plrtioiuly poted. Tl ete la s jierrinplory order ili.-pla.ted lli.it nailt; "In rave ot fire itet tin I.ihertt Hell out of datiper at any tti " The Leaning Tower of Bolognn. Miltots to bologna are Kruerallt- purhil In itio two lowi-ra. the Atinclll and i!jriend.i. If jndReil lnip.iitl.illv Ihe.v aie not heller cxjiuplia of lirlclwoik thin tin he w-ni tij tin IIioiimiuI tn, the fictoriet of l,anr.tlilre. They liavo vif fered from fetllement", and hive Inni: eeueil lo iiKt veitliallly. The O.iileeudj epeeijy It m mucli out of plumb one wondera why it lua not ioll.ip-ed. Hut Il.ily eeivlM o inueli Kl.imor over the Judgment that we may occaa lomillt bear travelers apeak of Hie fnwira at if Hiev wen- the tnot picturesque coixtructiona whlrli hate an Imporlant function In cfiieral tleivs of Hie (itj. Tie (Iirl-enda liat, bowevrr, lltnarj' mterett, for Haute re lor to it lu hi In feino, (olilpallnK the (flint who aloopi to w-ie him and Virgil to tlie touei at t lime when it was eloud-oappid. 'Ihe inclin itlnn of the (Jarl "Oinl.t is duo to i nildin Miikllur of the foil, but it liat rtooUe.o well there iimtt be seine plly for il, tor i far at can be judged It tan liardly rtc.ipe tiom a roll.ip-o. 'Iho toll which wi Imnf vt-.ia imaflotted by earth nioiemrnts li now ami in?, and pioducea tiaeka In the walla of the MUKtiiro, which la (upiaro In plan and about IK) feet in height. The mortar la falling out of Iho jolnta. It La perbifia 'Xiutable, aim Ihe Art Ill tret, lor Hie aiilhotlliea of the eld adiolirlv ltv, wliieh wis known at Ihe .Mint Mater Stitrlloriini, to innigine that Hie tower cannot be ntrr'hroAii, and lo aa.-uiiio tint Ida tecuilty tan he iiiurei bv the apjilfc itmn of little rougli-cast; but i triiituie tint Is 111 bet out of tho perpendli ulai, ami ia neaily a thoiisiud .veara old, deniandt .1 more illU,n.loua lem. d New Electric Motor for Propelling Small Bonts. 'I'h- Wifrl 'rn Kleetiblm clvca tlrtaila of a new jiort.iblc (l.-tlilu niolor for propelling amall boal, Tli" novel feilure obtut Hiia row- tlevi- e it that the motor itself ia under wain, wlule the eiora.-e batleilea aie in audi compact form that tliey mav be filaced under Hie heals of en ordin.HT rottbo-t. In addition to propelling- ih bo.it, Ihe motor takes the plai e of the ludd-r, and serves lo Meer the rtaft at well. Thlt pio pdlit, a He combination of molor, proprllt r whrel, and iiid'Ur ia t-allid, it completi. and portable, wriglumr about .lj "iunil.. I Mutr two boca of tell'., the motor duvet the boat toi w.nd or liaikwaril at the fibl.i in. derate i-pe-d of four miles an hour, and it will lun 'Jii to ,0 nllea on one th.oge. by Hie addition of more tells, hottiver, il N potslhle to attain a spest of ei mllen an lmur. One adiainigo which ia ililtned for having Hie motor oultulr the bo it it lli.it Ihire it no strain or vibiation, awl en thu .toiouiil it i iiiini-ecraarr to hiiild a boat of aiiv exln s-lnnctli or weight in older t" larrv Ihe jiower. Jt ia further iledarnl b.t Ihe torn panv owning the patents for the deviie Hut Hie i-onttrnrtloti ih sudi lh.1t tlo- motor t.orka per fully well when rulimcrgcd in watn Electtic Aie Lights Made to Piny Tunes. Nitui' time auu. whihi cnjkiiiiii iiliua Willi tint i lei tin aie, . Duddi'll, an Kngln-li phiriii-l, nude tlio rental kahlii decumy tint it icuild b" made l.i pla) tniiea. lie found thai tho slight est alleiailon evni ( Utile a one ten Ihousaniltli jiirt In the i intent jufmiij; tlllougli tlio aie taued a tiiMihni in Ih" hot vapor r.liimu sur I'lniidiiit; Hit- i iuIk of the tarliotia wliuli piodutul audible miuikU Vnd ho tuilher found that by tin- us- .it a deviie called a ftimnt (inuii be i.iiild ouiliol llu- vaiiatloti ra jieifectly as ti olilitn a mutlial acale. He thin innstnult'il an an with holld raibont -the tored imiIkiii has no litti-.it- in lit ami and by Hi" u? of a (.Inuii eir- in toiilauiiiis' tapaeltv an 1 H-ll-lndi.il ion ind an inginiout keyboard l.o obuined an ia-iru-iiienl upon wliu h tuuei could be pined. The hhuut cm ull was pined dlnitl.i anott the tirniliiilt to the ato. Mr. Hiidilill bid no lilt a at Hut liui- llul he eonld ldaj In- lit--iiisiitnnenl fiori a rlln'anre. In tiiiitieelion witlt a Inline en Hie r lot Ii ft ale hi fine tho Louden InMiliitiuit ot lllet Irical ) I131IH i t-a be rxhibilid hit "inil-ieil ai," ,.nl jdjveil ver.il jdnes upon it for tin- innliunv. 1 i to Hilt point iho lneinii) w it more iuiioih than prartleal t-iinply n notel prosrtv of tlie ileelric IU' rllllable (of Ikllliitlsl I Jlloll 111 tilt-Intuit- liutll. Hut t-otiio ii. iv f.oi' hate ja-i eomo lu bghl i a most cuimiih wav, vihlih cctm to jiiomite u (oiiihi.ibl.v w nit f tiild lot the luiv tnualcal hi Unimem, aid whleli mil eventually give il Im poitant piaitltal .ippliiatioiLN, Ii bu now ti.uis plied that in two illllernil libuialorlrs about a fitlli of a mile atta ftuiu the lecture loom into Hut of Mr VV, Ho VV. Vbney and tie- nihil- Nr .Soiiimii I.oikjciS ana wlildi Men- being u.d for otperuui'iital wink beliavul hi a uio-r uiuccouutihle iiiaimcr, inni won- dow ntieil at plaiiii; timia or eingim; iliirmg iho time whin Mr. Iludclcll wa trMn his b 1 1 iiie. VI llil no one louUI ni;gct am' al I -.fait my esplaii illon uf tin ir iiirioua be hivini. llul upon tl.e pi.hlii alien of Mr. Iliiddi ll'a be. tine- it waa iinmeclialfl.v Mtaperiid Hat ho bid Iiiailii'itenHy pla.ved upon tluv two otlicr an t, aa wtll at ii.on tint In tl.e rrnlral technical lollop-, and lurtlin evperimenta have veilfldl thu eniii liulon. All Hint- irctt were fuund lo bo iipplitl witli iu mil I tiom Hid t.tiect miiif, and H w-a-i tletr Hit Hilt in tin currmt hid tioeii varud In kiiiIi ii way by Sir Tludilell'a ke.vlioau at to reproduce in iho two other laloritoncit t'u tiuii'i wliuli he supposed w.ia payln only to but audioiiio In tlm betiiin loom. Tula olm-(ii-H meant that b.v j-lajlng on one proioil) ,r ranged ketbrsj-il tunra loidd be I eprodm eii in a nuinbir of ililltrcin ana and at a dlvtmcn frum the milsii i Hi ll Midi iiuiaikabl, H'-iili. wire ubtaiiied pun Iv bv ai tide ut, ami hi wo without any special ar rangement, it M'eiiit vtry probible Hut further c'( rlmi nt.il work al(-t:R thii-o Unit, will tlit. elu-o a lilthrrtii iii.sii-jptttil tmnkihllil) In the un of the am llghl for public inlirl liniui nl .i-, well a.t illuinliutlou. 'llie povibb- applii uinii ot sutli a inii-ical itu-i niriit nt an- i'bvioii'1.1 vi ry mimeroiit, and If it pn.vn i, prneliial em trlv.miv nnd U iiMsonably liariiiniiliiiit, II. will Mirrl.v liiid niiio novel iba, luuslial houi lo-lioiiho wrvire, mi ihe amo plan a.t tin- liiih(iiie in viaiH r. -thiih ia i-ail In be veiv isipulir and Miccccsful in Hudapest at priMiit, ia out- of Hick-. Tho grand effort wlildi would be i.rmliiiril by all ol ihe an- llght.t In Vrw ork t'llj, tor lii tlanie, lalni: "I'olmnb'a" on some guar pub lic oriHsion tan be bethr itiiaginul Hun tic acubnl A aa rtitliir-ia-tio i-mull-t put II, the time- la perh tpt net fir ilikl.uil when wo elull be abb lo K.ilii pimi'lhing of llu- p-amleur of "Ilic iiiorn ing Milt ungitig logelher' Ihe tniKh of the aphrrea. Iinniense Photographic Plate. 'Ihe liige.t pliolograplil rplile our iiunu fiiluiid l luliis made bv a di.v plate coinpaiiv of Si. I.ouis. Ii ft f,-ii lung, I feet .ind s Inilut wine and tluictlglilhs of an bull In tlilikm-M, hi.vr ihe Niw Veil I. 'Iilbuni. It will be u.ed by (lunge l-ivvremr, of t'liliajju ,wlio will make ti phologiapli troiu a billoou of M. Haul .itnl Vnt,eap,i. aa (he oftvin rllr." To nuke Hilt plait- It a netc,ai foi tlm luiu. Our Fall Millinery Opening Takes Place Next Week, Tuesday, Oct. 1 Wednesday, Oct. 2 Thursday, Oct. 3 Styles of the Season in Goods That You Need..... At prices that will meet the favor of every discriminating shopper. All the proper fashions of fall are here and abun dant assortments furnish a wide choice so that every body's taste can be satisfied and the prices are sufficient ly moderate for the economical. To make this day interesting for all who visit our store we'll offer some exceptionally great inducements. Read them carefully, then come here and sec many more values equally good. At 25c, Ladles' Outing; Flan, nel Skirts Made with bottom ruffles, in many different hand some colors, will not fade. Sat urday bargain price 25c. At 95c, Ladlea' WorsUd Un derwear The new "Fit Well" brand, made of the purest wool, in light gray color. At 25c, Ladles' Corset Cov r High neck and without sleeves, in white only, made of the best Egyptian yarn. At 35c, Ladles' Drawers Splendid quality of white mus lin, lace trimmed and proper hapes, flounced bottoms. 18x26 Feather Pillows With fancy tuckings, an unusual offer price, 79c a pair. Special in Dress Goods 32-Inch Plaids at 64c Yard In dark and bright colors, suit able for Children's Dresses. Jonas Long's Sods pimi In 1'ti. un in ,iiuilu vi ml 11 ft J ill In. liMiui". A Kic.it luiitilt '.lib, 1 irt'i r thin tti plulr, u i tl.c tli-t reqiiMt. I (mu Una tla' I'litf ia tint; while tl.c iiiiiins ! I'Oinit ap I'llul. I.iikc elmiil. nl i'C Uui.itli it luip it ut a tiini'cuturc' tli.it cull uJ tli' cniiil-uui 1 .i 1 1 u 1 1 ja It ia jpiiliiil I In- mu. limit r of tin' pii'iif cif nuiiiil.ii tun' La ul. ink il Willi lli.it lo ttlilcli am till 1' plaid, hi i' aiiliji'ilul. Two uf tin- tilt; plali Mill Ih) inni. . mi Hut 1 j;ood one lujy In' iii'itiiil 'llila prri .nit inn ia ticic'iry, liriiiu-.' tin. 111.11n1l.il tun- uf plattx in Miiiiint'r is much mori' iluttdilt in. I urn nl.iiu than in uiiiliT, omIiii; In llu liueli ti'iupi uIiiip cf I tie jr. Differentiation of the Blood of Dif ferent Animals Without the Aid of the Microscope. XlctllUi. Ill folliiuillK out tin' i pi 1 mil lltr 14 av-inujiiii aiiil ctmit' mi tlif iliilti.ntutica ot human LlciuJ fiom Hut if otlur .iiiluuN hy 1111 ma cif i xpi'cill w ruin. Ins coiilliuual tlulr liul.i-- tu a rt'liiitkalili' iIpsicc. 'Ihe pilnciplo iiiveiHfd lis IuIIhms u iiuiiiiI ihuli Ins tieu iiln ut.ilieously iujinihI al iutirials uf ai rr.il il.na Mlth tlir fiinm of tin .ininiil of .1 ilif fu.nt rp.'e -. viH'K ntli r ecrjl wih- .1 tiriun Mhlch piuilucit. 1 pin Ipil.lll. Ill .oliitlitis ol tin' blooil ut tin1 litur anlnul (of a di llir. M ipiilis). I'nr iD-laiiii', ilio IiIooiIthiipi of .1 r.ililiit tie.iliel as itmvi' ullli liiiiiun lilooil'stniw T-imlui e .1 prcelpltatc. only when inlxnl ulih .-0I11I101H uf hiuiiin lil.iuil. VII uihir kimla of blood jic iiu'itfci.tiil. Definitions. AI'IDNOMV -llu- onl .imonoiiii or It a.l JiHthc 101 111 autonomic le livi-iicmly iii-ul l.y mi'iIiii- 011 iiolttir.il oiononn jud 011 phllo"Oplili il uihlrrla .mil inraiia In thp f.rat plui' tin1 pop ul tell eo eminent in 1 heir ii'-tihlnl llmila cf A Ult of a pnli1ii.1l uliuli- -iiili ,ia auloiioiiiy "f a Male1 of the I mini M ilea, of u clly or 1 nr (loutioii and i loitli. In the second, the put! eophlrjl. -ii-iisp il iiiruna lit ludc pendent .11 linn of any ciuup of miuIUi Ihoimhta or lilfjji toward f.uli eitliei iiuinhi'r of unli autonomic cioupa of Ideaa fortiilnc the siand fnlal of a mlijeet of thoiiKld Tliiia pujMi-. elirnilatrv. anatomv, ::eeloi.' and " fuitli. e.uli aiiloiioinie iu itaelf, form the u'ind toul ol iulnl.il phllo-opln Call Seller, M. I). Preparing for th? N?i$f World's Fair pei nl I iiiierp'indmie ut Th. Trihiuie Si, Com. Sept. 'JT Till! lOI'I'IWl I'liuliane I'xpoaillon. to le held in M. Coma in l"fts, will luie- nn diri'itni k'eurial, null as inuuer poai lleiiia hae had, lo w the eaenillm head of all deparlnifliia and tn hale tlii direct au peiilslou It Mill hire lour dueetoia ceneial, or dlifcioia In ilnet. That plurt of nrganlMtton his hern pi.uliialli deiermliieil upon One of the four haa lie 111 wlected. an fir aa Ihe orjan Izitli'ii and rviiilhr eoumifttiea ari ronrerned, and their fomial .11 lion apprmlnc the wlrction will prolnhli he made 11 the next luretlnj- of the bi.aid ol ihrrimr Ihe four men will d i v Id, tlic dutlea of the ilirmor neiural, and ifltli iouidln.ile poMeia, and will he re-ponsihle ill leelli lo (he irralint ind neiutlic comnittiee of the euuipani 11 'I lie liukiliR ol ,111 eepoaliloii iluid. a It.elf Into four liiau'hes. The1 aie: rirt IVin-tiiiiilon and nnltiii lunie. Si'iond Kxplnllatloi' al liome and aliiuad, 'llilld-'lhe illiiilliiu and Miponltlcu nl all ilipaitmenta of exhibit". 1'ourlli 1ln illieillnn nl ioinei.loiis ami id' inlstloii-, and Mlldlfd llnea p( exposition bual. neva. I'l.i' miiJiillllon lulu Iheae four clliUlnna la foiraliadoHrd V) Ihe work, an far aa II lus proBreaN-d nl l. I."'il. Ihe im-clia flllea of the foil I heads ul Kiaiid divisions will he dt. At 25c, Black Cashmere 4 ; inches wide, heavy goods and fine finish. At 5oc,AII Wool Storm Serge Black, sponged, ready for use. A decided bargain. Very Attractive Satur day Offer Ladles' Swell Shoes for $1.44 -worth $2.00, $2.50 and $.00. These shoes are elccjant footwear for ladies and the price stamps them bargains, They come in dongola, vici kid and box calf. All the new touches of style in toe shapes, heels and form suit able for house, street or dress, the workmanship and finish first-class In every respect. In the lot are high grade shoos worth $2.00, $2.50 and $3.00. For Saturday the price is, all sizes and many widths, $1.44. At 95C1 Boys' and Girls' Shoes Sizes up to 2. in grain leather and box calf, well made, strongly reinforced and com fortable. Splendid value at 95c. tinnined by the Iminl of diirvtnin, in an amen h meiil 11 ihe hy laiih. Mhicli xvere made at a tune Hlii'tl it h u tliKuglit the ehiliia wniill hi; mn-oliiljied 111 the hinds of a ilinctor general. - ii - 'llie litha mu he dunlor ceneral of con atru'tiuii and m iiulinaiin'. director i;encr.tl of exploilalloii, ihrnlor tfimial of exhibits, ,iml iliriilor Kiiieral of hum 1 ssinn.a and adinlhion It mac he thuiiitlit pielerahle lo use director lu ililit d eonstiiii'lloii and huinlili.'iiH e, direetnr III chuf 01 explnllatiiiii, Hi. Xa alieuly alatril, one of tne four headi- liis been decided upon. and Ihe form 1 1 ippoiiitment Mill he reeoin merded to llu? bund ul ilin-elura. The telei lion la I'leileiicK .1. V. skilT, lu talea Ihe position of direi tor Kimr.il or clliertor In chief of exiilhits. Jlr. Hitf will inter upon I1I1 dutle at unwe. --n Kieihrul. .I V -kllf Mas born in (liln.p.e, Mai's. 111 l'.l. lie lived, iu Ma eiilhr year-, also iu nliii;llrbl. Mi.., und llioukliu. . . lie adoptid Io'iuuUmui as ,c pi.ifcaxiou and lunvnl to ali-J Ml l.sTu, lie xaa ll;act.d 111 111 wjjnr Murk .11 I.iMieuie, Kan., until 1"T7, Mian he inmcd to ('idoradu lleie ho m,i em. ploiid iiputi and luiallv biifiine iiiiuaiier of thf Ihnier irlbiine In issuuo ho M.ia tale coin-iiiia-ioiier uf iuiuui;iatliin for C'ulurail 1, mpir lsiui: Ihe btale exhilnla at expositions iu I lm.vo ind t. Cuius duiinic that. time. lu Is'), Prisidenl llarriMin appuinled htm on ol ihe iiitloiul ii.mmUsioiii'ni to the World' Columbian exposition ulupiejiili he n- allinnl Ihii lespuiiyihihlv tu hetxmie chief ot llu dipiitiniiit uf mlniK and iiuuluc, ol Ihut cxpu and later xvns appnlntid deputv direrlor Reruul. At the dose of the ( olumhliri expoitlon. lit was npopinted ilitedor in ibiif of the I'icli I '. , 1 1 1 1 1 1 b 1 a r miivcmu, nhich position he dill hold He xx ia in cliiige of the org inilm.', eiliupmeiiC and lii.talhilim of the miKeuui, mIiiiIi, nilh ihe muniflc'iiit endnMimmt of .Mat' hh.ll I'itlil, was opened in .lime, la'.d, aa a intiMiim ot niiltiral M.ier.ce and antliropoloej. Mr. II. II, lllRluholIiim. xxlio xxan the presi ilert of the Columbian exposition, ia prealdent of this institution, which baa already becom ont of Iho fnreintwt ulentific muaninit of Ilia Hi 1 hi. Hi- consent of the I'eM museum frusteei, Hi, -kllT aenpted the important position of ilirn lor in chiit of the Culled Sutra fixiiitnla.a1.lii to lh I'aria i'xnlliii of Iiem. in teiocrnitlon of hia teivncra at I'nrl', be uaa cleroralrd nfth Ihe enws of the Iegion ot Honor by the 1'reiuh Cnxernmrut. .Mr. klff haa aKx reeelxed bronre medil fi 0111 l-'raneo HSfl) and a pold medal from f.rrnuiiy in in'OKiiitioii of merit In rxpaillu.n work, He ia a member of tlm Aincrleau axs 1 iatlon for the advancement cf tclenee; Aineri cm Institute of Vlnlnir rntrinccry, Ititertiatlonal Museirma asaoeiathm, I.'nclanel! ational Oeegra phical sorlcl.x, etc 111 lfeOT he awiated in or uani.irc and was a memhir ol the jury at the .a.slnlllc I'xpo.illoii INDIAN CRADLE-SONO. ' swiub ibee lo In thy cradle aixlt, Deep In Ilic duaky wood! SmIhb then low and atiinc alnlt leep, .is a iapuoe tliould; Tor iijfe ia jour little hlrihrn nrff, , Cfulet Mill comr. and peace and rnt, If the liillv papoose la eood. ' ii 1 'Ihe iiijolo Imwla 011 the praiile rulil, And the omIoi lmoia In the Hie. Vnd the bit; moon ahinca nn tin lltll ehlH r It klinnbim peaerfullx , Si in Ins thee liluli iu thy Utile peat. And kuIiik thee Iom and lake ilm test That Ihe rluht ulnd bilu;t tu Hire, 'Ihe fallal Ilea 011 ihe fiiiiiatil Bio'ind, liieaminir of hum and lislu, And the llmc.lrau'a 111. lie Miih mournful VNifiJ Ml Ibroiiuli Hie lolenui niiclit : Hut th Utile pipuii-e In lis birehen nut, It nrlngirir low aa lie tales his reir, 'lill Ihe .un briiiKa the nininlnif light, .New .urk l'rej.