'rWV" WPS ribtme ogsnttm V.s .11- ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RECEIVING THUOMPLBTB NEWS SliRVICIi OH THE ASSOCIATED PJJESSHE GREATEST jNHWS AGENCY IN THE WORLD. -, . .. : z. v a- TWO HOISTS. TWELVE PAGES SCHAMTOX, PA., SATURDAY 3IOKMNC, SISPTHMJJHK l8, J!)0J. TWELVE PAGES TWO CENTS. -v Vn it f-ytr -i SjpuwiZMfflWJSiOljfippfBnB5?i ADMIRAL SAMPSON IS BARRED OUT Ills Rcniiest to Be Allowed Rep resentation at the Sclileii Gase Reinsert bu the Gonrt. CAFT. M'CALLA'S OPINION He Believes That Coaling Wns Feasl ble Off Santiago nt the Time Ad iniial Schley Began His Rotio giade Movement Lieutenant John Hood, Who Comninnded the Des patch Boat Hawk, Gives Testimony Regaidlng the Delivery of Mes sages Captain Wise Makes Expla nations Pioccodings in Detail. lit lx lii-itp WilP fli'HI Tlir .OiiiPil PlP- Washington, Sept 27. In the Schley mill f in" luuuliy today a letter was ,r-. ntFil lioin Hour Admiral Sampson asking to bo allowed to lie lepiosonted In tli oiiit by counsel, but the court I'liiMd to Riant the request m the ivnutid that the 'Vourt doec not at Mils tune logurd you us a p.ilty tn t lit- a-" Hi iii im Ipiil v tl in p of tlir day v ie Lieutenant .lolin Hood, who mm i i.tnded the dispatch ho.it the Hawk tuning the Spanish war and Captain Hi in.'iii II. McCalla. who wns In coin. ti.l M I of the Mlirlilt head. The tcstl nionj of both those ollleeir dealt with tlu dtlivor.v nl dispatches fiom Ad nlia! Sampson to ('onmiodore Schley .mil both totaled oonvi is.it lotus with t'le other Captain MeC'all.l gave In iil.nl his p.irt In nii.ingliig a code of (gnats with the Cuban Insurgents and ms i oniiniinleatloiis with them near Cioufiicgops nn May 21. lv;s when It w.ts lf.unpil definitely that Ceiioin's Heel was not In the haibor there. He Mild lh.it Captain Chndwlek who was AdmiMl Sampson'? chief of staff wiih In only perMUi tit Kev West to whom h- hail communicated the signal code. apain McCall.i oxptossed the opln i a that coaling was feasible off Snn tmgn nl the time Sohlov In pan his :i tiopiade movement. PROCEEDINGS IN DETAIL. Opened with the Recall of Captain Wise. w ..Illusion ".it '-'7 Tin s, i, i imitr of in. i i pti'inpt In srliiui: lo mirk IckIki. i iilnn l.i uih Miptu tlwl Iip will In .iMp m n hi'!' In tin nn of ll-'Vl work, Vhout llllriil itnim in.'ip wlUiis-rs .lit- tn lu pallid. 'Mm iiipi,Iiiij lull' opriuri tlii. liliiruini; "I'll . ii' ill of i aptiln Wi-r in nuko triti.il ili.inn I I hr fl1.ili"it of llU 111111111111 'I IIP i lit.lm a i trsl lu- lupiiou,. MjtniiPtil i "in i rnini; Ihu li 'f ih" rut) il t'.ir tuiorit .. in si, t'i, I I ll lie t 1 llllfltlll to mfoiiii HIT,! tin- il smllutt" tlnl tlir lltlnL' Miii.ln.ii li ntT I -l!fil'". " Ik Mlit lip ilp.iinl lii mlii'il till iirt t.i tin unlit' iUPi.ltnii ii- tn tht lint .1 i hi, nut i .urn 'I mil In isitliii; llnl n had " I ' nihil OUt. "HlP ibttlir MpitlllOII l.a. 'I ilrii'l t piiMtnl wiih nil postilitp ill. uii Ii,' I .'lil.'l I ilitl t.nt iIp.hp tn inform tin .ennui il itr it i In flting .iiijilruti of tut oru unti turrit, tin 'i.l i wj. i.i Inionn nuniii.iii'lrr. . I On num. nn m i i the tl.ilui iiinli"ii" I In i "ml thru j.knl "llnl nm tlnti l I .iil nn SilI"i IP ;,ltp ( liMIMlnilnll s, ,,v llli' illlllllll.l i ii ."iililliul hi llip iliIiti.li fimti tin liity p.ll till' nl li KUlilllll. (In vtlu If lll.lllll- nl ItiP SiMtnh .iijill"ll I ili.l not Wood's Testimony Continued. I Ill n.ipt s,f(, n A,hhI hIiO i iiintniliilt'il ill.iiltrll IhmI Dunulit llliril Lr ll'i spinl,, - Hun iiillnl Ih lunlimit'il hii. ii.ii ' Ih uuii tpliiili Ml llajiin n-miml I,h llltlli.ltlllll tin WitlK. hjnl tll.lt Ittllli iiIuipm Iip liul linn on iul.pt iltin t l'lllinli .ill III! nUln ul u ."-' mil lull I -tlllPtlll IP liiull ll tllP illiOtl with two I li. in i j.i i lie iiiftiit' IhiikkI'i (mil. i auiif i ' tin- h.iiluir M II p hit tin ii nuil i ln liYtlmom til (.ipiiiii lliil nf tin' li'vrf-. isiiii'. llnl iIht. Ii.nl liu n in in. k. I ii'l. wahiii liu lliu' of tin ih'i i on i.i . liu w itlii" . Ill III J l tin m in nn nl i.- 1 1' i t ,pi i ii limb ..nil I jpt. hi llmlior hul ti.n- nil t a thii win tin ll. WeU 'Vi ui i,. li i .I i i ill," to ttlmli Mr It.uiiii n.i'iii'l'il' w miii iini iniiMt'hititf ripuiti lljrtifi h irj ' wirr itnppnihltii; hi n-to)pi (inn., noi Iii4 M lljttifi ( upum Ilmtipi' liii tJi'l (lull lh i " hi plikrl lmil at I ipiitiiPjiM. Ili w i. w h. w.w lip lint It M IS" HtlllPll thP UllllPPli "I ll41P M II i iiiiniiiilii 111 'hid nlxi rejHimtl tlul ilv li ii w.i not ih'l" I luoi wtllt.'ii ilic il. 1 . mi nt tlu I w.n lliprp, Hili.'i ni'opli' (nruot U ' I too " i up minx no I" intil ( ,i.i,iln ll.ii I - ".nit nl iiHnllri lion lit' M.tini: Hut Hip . 'tniiMiiilir in ilnpt nrol" a li'tui tlul thi'ir vin" l , ii k. I ll'i.UH tlti'll." Hi- ilnl not infill urn I In I r pifvtti '. uhil I rat r- i il ii ' II. lull liNiill.il UliV ktUUIlllllt IIIJ'I' l'l 'I'" I 'ii i j ill i 111 mlrf V, hfll lip lull J plikrt h'Ut Mill, ill i hi' plikrt till" that lip hail tirr.instil l llul li.iiil tin- puki'l Ikmi in tin- tliz.hlp.'" II ilnl nut niriitlun ait. uinl I lytp J line ni tilt In Hip ilii.iilinnii ullliu ittnitliui in dip en iv-i.Hi in I Ii.ii trptiit." I II miiii jtlilitliill in tin ipp.'it nf llip nuil- II .Hull t II ililll. Ill llhilti h" .l.ili. 'Ill'' I ill" l( luoi k nil' ' '-tl " I Wl.h to lirlllt II I'llI ll.Jt tH llilpillll w.li In hi. Hip till'', ami Ih it 1 Hir iiiit I iiliiIp In tl"- il pirlinrut I still ilJIl'l on llu point Hut , nut linm.il k- nut .1 III IP Hji' lotirii) I'Olt t i "ii up prifitllt light nl'iiut llul I, nl ton i not .ukiJ 111 irlriPtKP t ant ml Utn )t.ii Inn tun' nuili' upon Hip npnrt of tlip irnuiiunil i' n i hlrf ThP fiittlou H Hii": .iptjin ll.u I'T Iij- ilolinlttlf ktilnl tlil IhPiP tta tin piikrt Inui iihiiIp Hip HtiP fit ( li'tifmwo.. Yon .n iliriK mi jii'l lli.il Hip )itinnt J mu' of tl.o.p lu.m " I t,i InMil' Hip IIiip: Iml'lf Hip ( jiIiii ' Could Not See the Texas. It. Mi. (null I olthl .toll MP tin lit l f I mil thi- Hup ml 'I'M in.' I lie nli.-ht rf Mjy '- mil Mu ! . No .ii ' Mi llniiii nhjpiipil In Mr lUtiiPr'n ui.tlmil of i .n 'Ii.mk. up tlillt lo lilt ilur.T liil.nli'ii if ipti ii ll'irliup lctliiicrit .if iMonir l jpuiu lUil,. , he unl, li.nl t'tluJ 'lltllmllv tli.lt Im l k .nib f mu ll lull iPPnlli'Ulmi. Mr IN v. hpiV iiiiuii Mr lloin.1, rftrlpil. w.i jh iii'hiPit ininii liinnil nf tlip nil in'-. IContinucsl tin 1'ie li.) TO STAMP OUT ANARCHY. A Sectet Society Called the Republic Is Organized in Chicago. lit I trlii'ltp lie from the orUtPil I'ip.. I'lllfiipo, Sept -'T. To fitlliup out atl uriliy in t'hleiiKo u number of citizens o." Austin have Joined hattds mid fot til ed a secret oulh bound ortjattlzatlon with h they will hope will be the nuc leus of it secret fraternity In every city tlnuimlinut the Pnlted States. Today liicoiporatlon papers wete Issued for it ut SpiltiKlleld. The name of tin new otKunlzatlon W the "Itcpubllc." Its iiiKauiatlon will Include one stand IiuIkc and a number of subordinate ludf-es. The prim Iples of the oi'Kanl zatloti as expiessed In the papem of itu'oi potation me "to protect life and propetty fium atiatihlsts and their agitation " The oiKanlziitlou Is to lni Hide a lefr nl.ir system of detective and r-py woik ipon the anatcliists and prosecution of cveiy one of them at every oppot t unity under the diiectinn of the Riand lodpe of the older. The niembetn of the orKunlzatlon bind themselves lo cw ti.ii'isiii in every way of all people who lit Id anarchists' Idias or aid them in any wn PRESIDENT'S WILL IS PROBATED The Hulk of His 1-ropoity Left for the Use of His Wife and Mother. tit I. ilie it Win from TI.p .'n i ilnl 1'rriij. i 'anion. O . Sept. 27. Secteinry Cor telyoii came liei e today lo nslst Mis. McKlnley In disposliiK of nialteis cou neeti'd with the late president's estate. He ai lived this nioinltiK and was at mu p dilven to the McKlnley home. After mooting .Mm MiKlnlcv, the iuestlou of tiling the will was taken up. The tiyiitK task of loading It to her was undei taken by the faithful societal. v. Mrs. McKlnley made n heroic effort to bear up and suc ceded in doing mi. although the ordeal was dlflloult for her. She is testing well to night. All legal formalities necessary for her to silbciibe to were disponed of. At .'1 o'doik this aflt-i noon Judge Day and Seuetaty Coilelyou went to the olllie of the piob.tte Judge mid of fered the will of Viesldent AUKtnley for probate. They can led with them the following: I. Ida S MvKlulev widow uf Will iam .McKlnley, deceased, hereby ile illne tin- admluistiatlon of his estate and leioimneiid the appointment of William II li.iv and Cieotgo H. t'mtel yoii as adiiilulHtratois with the will annexed. This leconimendatloii boats the date of September -" 1WI- rollowing Is the tet of I'losldent MiKlnley's will Keuiiive Mansion, Wat-hlngloii. I). ' I publihh the following as my latest will and te.siuinont. lieiebv levoUiugall loiinei wills To my beloved wife, Tda S. Mi Kin le, I bequeath all of my teal estate, wbeiever situated, and the Income of any peisonal piopoity of which 1 may be posMssod at ileatli, during her mu tual lite. I make the following ehaiges upon jII of uu piopeity. both leal ami peit-niutl. 'I'o pav in.v mother, during liei life, oik lliiiusand dolhus a yeai, and at liei death said sum to be paid to niv sistei, Helen McKlnley. If the ltii'uine fiom piopeity be lusiltllileiit to keep my wife In gieat onit'oi t and pay the amiuit above piovlded. then I ill icit that sin li ol my piopertj be sold, so as to nuike a sum adeiiuate for both pui poses. Whatever piopeity i em ibis at the death of niv wile. I give to niv blother and s-lstPis, shine and shale ulIKe My i lilef t oik ei u is that uiv vtlfe liulll my estate shall have all she lequltes for li'M fomtoit and pleasme. and that my mother shall be piovlded with w h'lt evei money sin- lequlrPS to make her old age lomfortable and happy. Witness my hand and seal, this s.'ii day of Oitobei, IW to in lust will and testament, made at the cltj of Washington, Distiht nf Columbia I Seal! William McKlnley. The fun going will was witnessed bv us this j.'d d.tv ol Oi toiler. 1S!7. at the ioiuosi of tiui testutoi. and his nanie signed lieielo in our pieseme and our slgiialine heieto In Ills piesence. Signed I O II Coi toll on. I'hailes laielller. Ii Is given out on aiithiulty that the Mi Klnlev estate will total 'L'.'i.OOO lo V.T.O.OOn, Im Hiding HTe Insuratiie of (,',. (ii iO. Aside liiiui this lustiranie, the es tate consists of leal estate hole and i outlgiioiis to Canton and of deposits in Washington banks. Monday morn ing lias been tled by the ptobate judge lor a healing, pi lor to pi abating the will. Then It Is 1'Npei ted Souotniy Cor lelyiiu and Judge Ua.v will be llnallv apimlnted adiniulstiatois of the estate, with will annesed. and will give bond. The will is In the piesldent's own handwriting it m I Is on esei utive man sion lellei paper. Piesldent Mitchell 111. D tt. luiltf Wirr film I l.r AMorlittd lrra. Nut I. nl.. sipl "7 Inl ii lliti In II, nl tli. t'liitiil Mini' Nm kin, nlio I. ii'iiluifil .a Iih Imlrl liili' ttllh in .illnl, of kiii. u.in l.'i.nii,l .14 rin IipiIpi tnilit. dtrlimuh in h ntt riifriln j M-iluinlt III FOREIGN NEWS IN BRIEF. Irf'inlon, sp'i Iiip nflii ml irtiirn lu.t u .mil nhuvts tint in. s,,nii, in jn iiinipiitra 1 1' u uuii In Vusii. i in iniiil 117,011 pcrsnin, I lie 'lullii lllllillii'li'l J, Id of tt hi' h niunlirr l.7S nprp chihlKti st IMcr.tiiinr. vriit J7 I In iniiiitpr if din uitriiiT Im. .iiii I.iiiiiiiI tlul faniltip iui lit tin Mn.ilin-kt uinl lijiu.ti.hui'l.t' ill.tllits nf tin kiitriiuiniit ul Siulnil, In llip Mi'iirln-kl and llphlirpf.lst ill vl r if lit III thp uovrilllic-iit nf (lulii; III Hip l lliiliil.tt illl'l Itlllll-kV lll.llU Is nf Hip grttptliiin nt nf Itliinl.nfli In tlio I.aNlicf.l'.t, M.iiim llttllkt, rUlltKll.k.t, S,.kt, slil.l .It'll (lil. tl'" l.k.V illlllli I. nf tin' uiitPlllllli lit nf K latl, llnl In llip Mtnlilnk) ili.liltl nf Uu' knt 1 1 nun nt nf Nii.lim.k), WIRELESS TELEGRAPHY EXPERIMENT A SUCCESS. The Lttcnnla Communicates with the Campania in Mid-ocean, Ity Ki lulp Wlrp from Tlip AMoctitf d Vtff Cjucenstiivvii, Sept 27. The Cutiard line steamer I.ucaula. which sailed fiom New Yoik Hppt. 21 for Klveipool mid nirlved hero at 2 57 p. tn. today, tepoits having communicated for two hours with the steamer Campania, of tlie same line, (which left Liverpool Srpt. 21 by way of Qucenstovvn Sept, il for New York), In nild-oeeati, by means of the wireless telegraph. The shortest distance In which tom nitinlcatinn was elTected was thirty three miles and the longest sixty-live inll?. Many messages woie ex changed. ... m GANG OF THIEVES IS UNEARTHED New Yoik Police Arrest a Band That Worked in a Systematic Way. Hi I.vi ItMltp virp frcri 'J lie .oiiatpJ Pn New Yoik, Sept. 27. Accotdlng to Captain Titus of the detective buieau, Joseph Ctoldinan, who was attested last night with four other men and a boy on the chatge of burglary, was the head and brains of an extensive gang of burglais that operated throughout this city, Hrooklyn and New Jeisey. (ioldinun was known as an extensive commission merchant in glove, and silks. He did not catry anv stock at his place of business, but Is said to have conttol of Hrgc stocks In various parts ol this city. The at tention of the police had been illtecteil to (.Joldman by the thieves who have been ariested and lonvluted of nu nieioils lobberles and who after be ing sent to piison would utilise him of conntttlon with the robberies, be muse, they said, (ntdniiin had not kept his part of the bargain. The stor ies of the convicted burglars were re peated so olten that some attention was paid to them and for several weeks past detectives were kept at Goldman's hi el lonHtantlj. Acooidlng to the police regulai meet ings of the alleged lobbeis were held at which Goldman presded. IMaiis of lobbei.v weie made nt these gatliei- Ings and each man's woik was mapped out. When a place wns selected Gold man would go theio and buy a small bill of gooilw at the same time being careful to iind out If the pl.ue was wlied with buiglui alarms. Hi would jn.iko his leport at the next meeting of his "gang"' nnd Anally ptcpaiatlons for lobbing the place would be niadi. Oioaslonnlly it would bo decided to enter a. Hut and lor lbs work It is alleged Goldman had sixteen epi rt Hat w'orkers or thieves. The gang, according to Captain Titus, had made piepai.itlons for lob bing two big glove and silk houses nnd the plunder they would have ob tained 'would have been valued In the aggregate at least $ju una. TRAGEDY AT CLEVELAND An Insane Woman Kills Pour Chil dren nnd Commits Suicide. IIt l.tiliuiif V irp fioin'Ihr Attocnilcd Vrw. Cleveland, Sept. 27 The small town of Little York, fifteen miles south of this i Ity, was the scene of a tenlble tiagedy early today. Mrs. Peny Cur tiss, the wife of a fntmor, :!S yoais uf ago, di owned her four small eliildien Hi a well and then committed suicide by Jumping In heiself. Her husband, IVny CurtlhS, w.is 111 Cleveland with a load of potatoes and knew nothing of the t raged j- until lie lead an ac count of It in the newspapeis. rollowing aie the names and ag s ut the dead; Mis. I'eny Cuttlss, ns ye.ns of age; Itosv Cm tls-s, 2 e.iis; Anna Cuitlss. i years; Ilany Cuitiss, "i vears; Harold Sctidder, 9 yoats. The latter wns .Mis. Cuitlss' stepson. Mis Cuitlss was luleased from the M.issllon Insane asylum lecently as i u I eij. and It Is thought It was while sulfeilng a relapse that she commit ted the teuiblo deed. Hefoie leaving home Curtlss tenuested Hugene Itob oi ts, a neighbor, to milk his cows this illuming. Huberts, upon ariivlng at tl.e Cuitlss fatni, uttempted to draw some water fiom the well. To his hor ror he found it Hlt'i.illv tilled with dead bodies. The bodies weie lomoved fiom the well ns soon as possible and viewed by the county coroner. The body of Har old, the eldest boy.was teiiibly biulsed. He had evidently made a despeiatc stiuggle to save himself. REFORM WAVE AT CAPE MAY. Over One Hunched Indictments Re turned for Sunday Violations. Itr I'.xilmltP W up from The V.vjihted Pip, Cape .May, X. J.. Sept. 27. The Cape May county grand Jin y today Indicted twenty-eight hotel men of c.ipe Muv find Sea Isle City for selling liquor on Sunday. Thltteen business men who indicted for ciiiilng on getieial busi ness on Sunday, such as bath houses, soda fountains, and twenty poisons vtete ludlited for gaming, because thfy plajed sodal uanies and piogiessht. eiiehie In ull. 101 true bills weie found, the greatest Hi the hlstoiy of the lotintv. Lotnlun, Snt. '!T. tpidjl iliquith finm Inl.tijiu ..itA that thp lonilltion of lli-nuk Ilinn, tlip Nuittrcijti iluiiiatKt and pat t. Iia lannn ttni.p ami I h it ln iliath U huurl.i p. ITLtPlI lowliiii, N it 27 Kinj IMnjnl, ijnrtn Mi v .null, i ami thp ililhlipii nf thp PuWp and IiIiIhm nl torntt ill ami mk left Loiiflmi for llilmot.il lliU rvciiitiE. -ipcl.i iici'jiillon tttip AihilPil to Innirp thflr Mfity, Sharjlial. pt, 57, Clmu I. fatorjlily (on- I'lnlns n ltu-Un nlfir to purdmtp thp I'rl. tie fciiuiiiioii, lun.l.tlns of ilirpc fat cinbrr (i,r toipulu Iijt ip.p.tpi ,itn miiiic llill'l' cIim uuivt'i., 'I he ,iUi' s,dna,oou iciblfi. BOERS WANT ARBITRATION Representative Pierce, ol the Oranrje Free State, Receives Gonu of Anneal. DATED AT THE HAGUE The Pioposal to Submit the Differ ences to Arbitiation Made Before the War and Rejected by tnglanil Is Repeated The Signers Intimate That nn Unfavorable Reply from Great Biltain Would Be Indicative That She Dare Not Submit Her Case to an Impattial Tilbunal. Vr Etrltv-lt VTiu tivm The Aiiirntfd Prn New Yoik Sept. 7. Charles 1). Pleiie. leiitetentatlve In the I'nlted States ot tin Orange Free Stale, has locelved i, copy of the appeal made by the Uitctt lo the administrative council rf the peimanent court ot ar bitration at the Hague. The appeal, which is da led The Hague. Sept. 10. begins bv lecltlng the fact that The Hague convention of 1:9th July, W9, had piovlded a way for the peaceful setllenietit of Intel national differences, wheteby the Juilsdlctlou of the per manent com t i ould be extended to dif fidences between powets which had not become slgnatoiles as also between powers which had become and those which had not betonie slgnatoiles. The appeal continues. "Immediately on the loielpt ot this communication notltlcdtlon was made, on behalf of the governments ot both states icpiesented by the undersigned, to his excellency, the then president of our council, that these governments would be pleased If the war being waged In South Afiha could be ter minated bj the arbitrament of this coin t. "Now that this war has gone on for lio.uly two .veins without any ptospeits of an cud theieto, except ill the way only recently acknowledged ns being the most etlle.iclous and at the same time the most equitable means of de ciding Intel national diffeionces, to wit; Submission to arbitration, the desirability mutuullv, for such a peace ful tPtmluatloii cannot but becoino more and moie acknowledged, "The states icpiesontnil bv the un dersigned, theiefoie consider that I hey should iepe.it tile pioposal alteady made bv them befote the war but re jected by Hnglaiid, to submit to atbl tratlon the settlement of the differences vvlik h gave i Ise to the Will. Question of Rights. "In this they pai ttcul.nl have In view the question whether lmglaud Is right In alleging that any action was t..ken by the icpiibllcs, whlih had for Its objei t the suppioslon of the Kng lish element In or Its expulsion finm Fouth Afib.i, and goiiorall.v. whether the lepubllcs Have made themselves guilty of any act. which, according to Irtoriuitlonally leiognlyed principles, would give Kngl.ind the right to de pth t them of their independence. The nuclei signed, mot cover, allege that Kngkind, alieady at the oiitbteak of the -war. loinnietiiedi and has over since continued to act In contravention o1' the rules of -war between ivlllzod poweis as generally, and also by Hng lontl herself, acknowledged, and as solemnly continued by The Hague convention of 21th July IS'.iS, concern lug the laws and Usages of ivnr by land, while Hngland has, mot cover, quite lecentlv. by proclamation issued bv Field Marsluil 1ird Kitchener, at I'letoila, and dated the 7th day of August. 1001, vlrtuullv untitled that she intends shortly to take ai tlon In i cntraventlon of articles 20: also. the. governments of the states represented by the undersigned are fully prep.ued as soon as an opoprunlty theieto -shall be afforded them, to substantiate the allegations made by sotting lorth and piovlng the p.irtlt ulnr facts to which they lefer "Since Hngland sees fit to deny ibis nntlnu.il violation by her of the laws r warfnie, the states represented by the undersigned i onsider that they tuny nisei In legard to this dllference, seek 'i decision of the petni.ineiit court of nihltiatlon. "The undet signed, and their govern n.enls, are aware that In order to ob tain such a decision that consent of Hngland Is required. They tlierefoie ti.ke tli" llbeitv of soliciting your council to apply for mch consent or to endeavor to obtain the same by your mediation or thnt of the govern ment icpiesented by you. "Should the Hngllsh government give an unfavoi.ible leply. It will theieby be manifest that they dale not submit themselves to the Judgment of a i onsclentlous, learned and Inipalital tribunal. "Thev will then, lnoievor, continue to bear the responsibility for the pio long'itlou of a war ns tetrlble as It was unneces.sary and tliey will tat-ltly have acknowledged that the manner in which they have can led on the win Is In mnllict with the demands of humanity and i Ivlllsiutlon as con tinued by themselves." The appeal Is signed by W. J I.eyds, A. Fischer and A. I). AVulniarans, plinlpotentlailes or the South African lepubllc. and A. Fischer and C H. Wosm'Is, plenlpotentlatles or tho Or ange Free State. Most Hearing; Postponed. Uy Vifliwvp Wlrp from Tlie oc!vll Print piv Wrl,, .ipi. 27 lli'jiitur of Hip urn .ijjln-t lolin M.i.i, airwlnl Sninlit night .it Corn, I. I . for ti.ilailuii nf tlip nut Inn of Hip pciul mil'' rpluitttf Pi ltuUHful as.pinliUcP, tun .Willi mlliiiiiiinl tmliy In nnlcr to glti' Hip uh-p i nt ion limp (or Hip p.miliiiition of pnport finiiul nil lilt ppiwnn. .Vli'lulat, sVpl, So, tt it rt fur & liculnc nf tlip t h tig- -is.t inst lct, tthu tt it iieiln iijiiitulttril to JjiI In d-lault of AV,i 141. KITCHENER DISSATISFIED. Ho Does Not Like Partial Enfoice nient of Martini Law. n Kiclmho Wire from Tlip AoflatPd I'remt London, Sept. 27. The Pull Mnll Ga zette this afternoon confirms the minor published by the Daily News today of (inferences between Lord Kitchener and the war secretin y, Mr. itrodeilck, and adds that tis a lesttlt Mr. Hrod eilck 1ms had u long Interview with the king. The Pull Mull Gazette de clines It Is In a position to say that Loid Kitchener Is dissntlslled with the partial enforcement of niaitial law In South Africa, wanting It pint (aimed at Cape Town and elsewhete. He also de sk es more serious penalties for lebel llon nnd better relnfot cements. Lord Kitchener took over the com mand with the explicit understanding that his hands were not to be tied, but as this condition was not carried nut, "ho Is seriously reconsidei lug his posi tion." LABOR CONTROVERSY MAY BE DROPPED Ptesident Shaffer Has Been Advised to Discontinue the Fight with Mitchell and Compels. By Kulunltc U irp fiom Thp V'soilitod Press Pittsburg, Sept. 27. The controversy between President T. J. Shaffer, of the Amalgamated association, nnd Piesl dent Samuel Oompers, of the Ameilcati Federation of Labor, and John Mitchell, president of the United Mine Wnikeis, may be dropped. The official communication ftoni Piesldents Oompers and Mitchell was iccelved by President Shaffer today. Ho suld he can uffoid to Ignoie It, but Has not decided what action he will take. He Has asked President Simon Hums to represent Him, If the dispute is to be Investigated, nnd Mr. Hums Has agreed to do so. The details have not been arianged, but Mr. Shaffer has been advised to diop the matter. RACE HORSES KILLED. Seveial Persons in the Equine Palace Car Also Injuied. fly Kultit.tF W irp from The Auoclattd Prew Plymouth, Mich., Sept. 27. A palace horse car was .slitiuled upon a siding on the Pcio Marquette road today. It ovci tin nod killing two valuable lac ing horses and Injuring three otheis so that they had to be killed. The test of the animals In the car were i ul up badly. IJCtddos the horses a paily of eight ii.cn and boys, two women and two Hide gills, were In the car and ut whom several tt'ere also hint. H. King, a lad of 15, had his arm brok en, hut the others of the party es caped with slight biulsos. The car wa- en route fiom Foit IHIe to Cin citintal. CLOUDBURST KILLS THIRTEEN MEN Tenlble Disaster in Presidio County, Texas, Near the Rio Grande River. Ity i:tplultp nue frvin TIip Awrnulccl I'iim San Antonio, Texiis, Sept. 27. News lias Just been received hero ot a teirl lile disaster In Piesldio county near the Illo Grande river, on the 25th Inst , thirteen men who were prospecting for olnnlbiir losing their lives In floods caused by a waterspout or cloudburst. The dead ate: Henry Cutter. Her nandez Costello. Philip HumpHiey, Peter Shaffer. Alftedo Monten, William Jeffeison. Thomas Fiezzel, Algernon Ithea, C.lsper Heutschniail, (leoige Ansih. (inbtlcl c.ur. William Holls. George Holton The men weie in two patties, camped one mile apatt In a dry lavlno known as Ahtmiiita eieek, Hi whlih thpre had been no water for fifteen mouths ow ing to the drouth. The men were asleep when there was a cloucibuisl several miles up tho lavlne. A vol ume of water fifteen feet high washed down the channel of the lavlne and swept over the men In two camps be fore they weie awaie nf their danger. All weie drowned, and up to this time only six bodies have been iciov ered. The Alaminto empties Into the Itlo Grande liver not far fiom vvlieie the fatality occurred, and It is more than piobable that the other seven bodies have been swept Into that stieani WARRIORS HONORED. A List of Piomotions to Be Confer! ed for South Africnn Service, lit l.xiluntp Win from The vioculnl I'ipx Loudon, Sept. 27. A long list of hon ors and piotuotiotis conferied for serv ice In South AH let occupies 27 closely pi Inted pages of the Gazette tonight. Companionships of the bath, compau lonshliw of the distinguished setvlie unlet, companionships of St. Michaels and St. George and brevets have been scalteicd with a lavish hand Ihiough out all i.inks and blanches of the lin p l lit 1 foues, MuJoi Huiuhum, the Auieilcuii si mil, who was on the staff of land Hnbeits, gets a companionship of the distin guished seivlte ordei, Lady Sarah WIN CONDENSED VVuthlncton, Vpt 'J7 liu ii,ilii4liiiiiiit of fin, ( ilolitiTt rprtui ,u sluip.lniii:, I'.. , lia. In en i"-ti(.ii(i linni CKt I to ut I Mltllili.l nut, srpl, ; lln' luil.ei.iu ttiinil in (iiiiijI I'ciin-tlt inn toiUi 1 1 "il. up Hip ttmU of II. Iliiiiln','11 Jl rlililurt Jl l.om.l.iui Thlt In t il ut ion Ii.k an cmlotriupiil of il(l,iKl .iinl pn-pi'ilt uliicil at KJ.1""1, ttitli ,i ill lit on It of jii,fnm lljrriliiirc, Vpt. 27 Imtpinor "w toili.t lltnl Nut. I for Hip pvpnitlou of .li.lui l.uu, ii VVIIkn-ninc. ami Willi nil .Mini, -liu I'lrt liirhln, of I iilunlmtn, 'I lie putcmor hUh HvpiI Hit. i t Hip pvcciilluit of lliltcnil IIIiI'IIp, Jli.it Wrlslit, ami John llliMI,', allu Mrislil. of I'ltltliirK, MURDERER CZOLGOSZ TERROR STRICKEN son Is decorated with the loyal ted cioss, Colonel Cartwilght, nf the Ca nadian coips. becomes n companion of the Order of St. Michael and Ht.tleorge, and half a dozen other Canadians ic iclvu the companionship of tins distin guished service order, Including Mol loy, tlie blind Hooper. SETH LOW ACCEPTS. Will Be Fusion Candidate for Mayor of New York. Ity i:ilultp Wirr from Thp VMorlatnl lirw New Yoik, Sept. 27. Seth Low, tho fusion candidate for mayor, was wait ed on by n committee ot the citizens' union oignnlzatlon at His residence to night and formally notlllod of His nom ination which was made at the city convention, Oeorge If. Putnam, halt man of the city convention, made the notification speech. Mr Low icsponded aeieptlng. IM w.ud M. (jioul, the fusion cundldate fot comptroller and Chniles Koines, the candidate lor piesldent of the board of aldeiman, weie also untitled of their nomination CASTRO TO DECLARE WAR. Hostilities Will Begin at the End of the Month. lit hvitinitp Mlip fiom Tin' V.totutril l'irvi Wlllenistctl, Island of Curacao. Sept. 27. it is again asserted In welt in loriued circles ,u Caracas that Piosl drnt (Justin will decl.ue war on Co lonihlu ut tlie end or the month. The Venezuelan government Is with out financial resoutces nnd will. It Is said, shortly uw the methods' of South American dictatorships and proceed to raise funds by force. Lack of confi dence in the government Is manifested everywheie in Venezuela. YACHTS WILL BE OUT TODAY Sir Thomas Lipton Still Has Faith in the Ability of Shamrock II. fit Kni'lusitp IMrp from 'Hip toPiitrd I'mi 'New Yoik. Sept. 27. -The llrst l.ue of the Ameilcas i up series, which, after a disappointing day of lluky seepers, was abandoned In a dead calm Tlunsday. Ivvll be resallod tonior iuw. over a couie off the Sandy Hook iiguisiup . neat to windward m a run to leeward nnd leiuin will In sailed, the course depending' upon tlie direction nf the wind at the time the two yachts arrive at the lightship According to tho agreement, the first, the thltd and the fifth races ate to b sailed ilfteen miles to windward or to leeward and return: the .second and the font th races being over a course lepiesonted by an equil.iteial ti lanul measui lug ten nautical lulled to th If' "The wind off Sandy Hook on Satur day will he fresh nntl eastetly In the morning, and will probably shltt to the uoitlieast In the afternoon. In creasing to brisk. Acocrdlng to tlie definition of a biisk breeze. Interpreted1 Into flgntes fiom the standard of the weather buieau. In the morning the velocity of the wind will vary from ten to nineteen lrlles an hour Hy a bilsk bieeze is meant one dilvlng anywheie between 'wenty and twenty-nine miles an liou-. Wind, wind: my kingdom for a v mil " This was the united sentiment tonight of the two rival ,ichts that 1.1 behind Sand Hook, within a hun ched yntds of each othei. "We must have wind." Sir Thomas l.lptou said "and fiom the piesetit Indications, we shall get It tomoriow. If it comes and theio Is a raie. all Arierlcd and ull ltiltaln will tejolce. loi then we shall have the (list ude qiiatc test of the yachts." "Why none lieie has sern that boat rn.e as jet." he declined 'Give her a chance The race of Thuisd.iy was a piocesslon of flukes and a bouquet of tizzies, which II would be hard to equal even If soaiehlng the recoid of the i aces two years ago. ' I am Just as eonlldent as ever, and evciyone aboard, share my conviction We Have seen the Shamrock (-all and know what sho Is capable of. Hut give the Shainicick a fair breeze. s,i ten oi twelve or fifteen knots any thing. In fact, over eight knots an hr in." "All I tleslie ts a snapping bieeze tell oriovv." snl U. V. Moigan. manag ing ownei of the Columbia, "Don't Intel piet this to mean that In a strong wind the Columbia (.in win. for. as to that, only the test can tell: but I want a r.ue, a good, bona Mde contest, where the mettle of both tin- linn Ine steeds will be tested. ' Vesteida s trial was nut onlv 'no lute' but II was no contest. ltec.niso the Ameilcun boat was In the lead when we lad flukes in the wind, It Is no loason whv we should dedal' that the Columbia has outclassed the Shamrock. Time alone can solve that pioblem. We hope for victory, but that Is all we tan do at piesent." STATE NEWS. Wj.luiiuliiii, s, ,,1 piiinluii of $. li.i l"'ii limiipil l.uiiiu Kj-Iiiiii cttldtiH) of White ll.um sin ii.uiili. ill. sih i, , an .Ijincs, a nurrlpil nun ut tins pint', ua. iii.ijiill.v ktlltil, iml (hiilit l.i'tti .iml Miilin Miliint, Imth hiiikIi, tttip s.iiiiii.lt injurpil by n fj lof roi U jr I.. IiIkIi .. Hit inlllprt So I Ituljt, I Im ttirp inuianl in tinilnriiiE the lopp ttlu-n tlip anl iltit iitiiinil llJirUluire, ipt "7 Hip lMifliolilcrit nt llip I'c im-.t It.inia Ipkphniic tonipaiit, il ,i mepi Ilk in llil.t tilt Imla.t, .irraiijnl to K.iic $1,111, I'm ttoilh of tlnily lo tike run tlip (uitril I'll nlt,iiilt .ii.ii siijipi, luinpin.t, 'Hip lwtliipx of llip toiiipiiiy. lotfilni. ihlit.t.ptpn iniinilr, n.'lli lirlttMii JiJ.OiKl .inrt ro.nnii lii.tiiiimnt, ttlll lliiiulin he ilifiiltil hum lUirUhun;, He Yells with Frirjlit Upon Enter- inn tlic Prison at niiuiirn. HAD TO BE CARRIED FROM THE TRAIN Although No Demonstration Is Mado Against Him the Assassin Loses Contiol of Himself on Leaving- the Cars Ho Is Dtngged Up the Stalls Moaning Sudden Collapse Aston ished Sheiiff's Pnrty Expiessed Soriowr for Mis. McKinley Ex plained How He Annnged tn Handkei chief. Bv I. vi liiltp V lip f inui 'llip V-wjiljtol I'rp", Aubuili, N. V.. Sept. 27. Lou T Colgosz. the assassin of President Mc Klnley, ntiived heie at ."MS o'clock thla morning. He was in tlie custody of Sheriff Caldwell of Ihle county and twenty-one legular and special depu ties. The piison Is Just ai ross the load fiom the iallro.ul station. The distance which the condemned man had to walk after alighting from the cat was less than fifty yards. A ciowd of about 20H persons wim awaiting the ariival of the train. Hith er for fear of that, although no dem onstrations or any attempt to li.uin him wete made, or finm fear of the piison and tlie leallzation that the end was near. Czolgosz collapsed as he stepped fiom the train. Ills legs gave out. Two bully deputies piactlc.itly cut loil him into the pi Isoti. Inside the gale his condition became wot so. He had to be diagged up the stalls and Into the main hall. He Mas placed In a sitting postuie on the bench whiles the handeufls wore being removed, but he tell over and moaned, showing tin most abject tenor. As soon as the lions had been unlocked he was cu lled Into tho principal keeper's utile. and stiipped, A new suit of clothes wus given him. As he was being shipped he cried and jelled, making the prison coril dois echo and iceeho with evidence of hs tcrroi. The piison ph.vslcliin. Dr. John Gerln. was summoned. He examined the man and ordeted his .. tnoval to the cell In tlie i ondemned row which he will occupy until he Is taken to the electric chair. The doe tor said that the nhsat-alil wus stlffei ing Horn fright, but Hint he wus shamming to some extent. Sony for Mis. M'Klnley. The collapse of the muideioi aston ished the sheriff. Kn unite fiom Huf falo he show id no indication o bi cak ing down Ho eat heattlly of sand wiches and snioki d i Igars when not eating. He talked a little and e-pie-ed legtet for his ei line. He. said: "I am I'speclallv soi i v fur Mis. Mc Klnley." He lelteiated his loiiner statement that he hud no accomplU es and as. soiled that he never had heard of the. man under uirest In St. Louis who said he tied the handkei chief on Czol gosz's hand. He says the handkei thief was not lied He went behind the Temple of Music, .manged It so as to hide the weapon and then took his plate In the iiowd. Ity Jailor Mitchell He sent this message foi his fa the i . "Tell bun I am uoii) I left slab u bad name tor him " Czolgos was in noiiual loiidllioii this afternoon and seemed to have fully lecoveied lioni his collappo. Theio itip live cells Tor i ouiloiunod men m the pi Nun Czolgos was pl.u oil In the only vacant one Two Koopois aio cousiaiitlj' on guanl In the loom, which Is sopatati fiom the main pris on. As an extia piecautlun against an attempt on the assassin's part to commit siilcidi, two mute guards havn boon lidded. One will sit constuntlv In Itont of the cell and will have t Key. so that ail uttempt at self.de Slrilltloll fll.l be ellsil fuistiated. STEAMSHIP ARRIVALS. lit' I vi Iii-iii Miii'truiii flu Vtsoi uti'il I'irw New Vol It. Sept 27 An lied: Ger iiiiinlc, l.lveipool. cleaied: Murla, A: ill mil. .Ma.iMl.iiii, Itotteiilaiu, tin Houlogii" lliivu Anlvod: L.i Hu tagtie, New Vtnk. Itiemeii Atrlved. I.ahii. New Yoik. Handling An Iverl Columbia. New York via Plymouth and Che'tniuis Cherhouig 'Sailed Augijste Vii tin I.i. ifioni Ilamhuig and Sout),amptoiil. New Yoik. ytieens town Aitlved Liuanla. New Yoik for l.lvnpool. Moville Sailed' City of lUi.me, tiioin Glasgow) New Yoik. DEATHS OF A DAY. Hi I vluup WiiPiiom tl.p V.-omiiil I'rr.t, Kjii-j.. l.t, sipi 17. Kiiklni'l II. Viiiidnr, llip pjiUir. iliul a I'N rini'luiit' Iipip 'hit ptfu unr Vi. Vini'iui iiiIupiI uiiIi Itrlulit'it ilLiM'" ami tu'A Iip.ii t ami hid licm tlnl.lni; Ki.niuiHy fur linn' il ivk m YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. Local UH fin Npl 27, I'M- IbullKl tclliptlalilli' lottivt tillipPrJtulP Itilctltp llunildltt S ,i, in ,. 1 llctilP'l i, 41 ilriiKPK . So prr t'lit s i in .... ."( per tnir I'm iplliiiinn, 'I li'iuit rmlpij 8 t, ni,, noup f-f'f-f-f -f -t-t- t.t.t.t s- - WEATHER FORECASr, f 4- Whiiiiclun, s.'pt. 27 I'orppaJt fnr l.a.tirn I'liiii.tlviiiui: Incrpatlnc cloinll. nr situiii.ij, prolubly rain In thp fpr - nnoii in tlic miiitlicin portion; lii(tfiin; iioilhi'ittrrly wind". EnnJay, ra.n, 't-rttttt'f-rtt't'tt.ttt.t