The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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    SiSrir yrw -
JrWtlW."l5Sp iws -nn .
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.,T, ss, v-ei.wi y-
Ho Cnptuied tho 2.30 Class Event
with Jermyn's Gelding, Tlmewood,
find the Other with Ills Bay Geld
ing, Wilkes Medium Article's on
Exhibition Have All Been Piop
ctly Sorted Bnlloon Ascension
nnd Painchuto Descent One of the
Fentuics of the Afternoon.
tp Ml fiom a Stall Conrfpotide'.t
HoiifwlHli', Pn Sept. it). All minis
led to llimcadul'; today upp.u cully,
JurlRlnr.' by iln uttcnclriiuo. Thorp wore
nnoiit MOO ppihohi on view and ton
otuled about the grounds of tho Wayne
County Agilctilumil society. Thin
van tho lust day of thin suelct8 thir-D-nliitli
nicctliiK and thcic wuh cuourIi
Kolnp on LOiiMtaruly to ilvot the at
tiniion of all.
Tlio two iacCF weio won by Mr. I..
A Pa tt ci. son ukuIu today, lie dupll
1 11111117 ''Is pel forimttit'o of yemcitlay by
sinning M of tho unveil Iio.Uh tiottod.
In tlio two diiyn of liulriK Mr. Patter
nun's hoifcs have Hbowpil In iiont in
ivet our of Hie four rare?, and lie has
ii lin tlioni liiiniflf. toinliiK under the
wiic a victor In tuelvp of the fotliteoii
li utn tiottPd In the two dun.
Mi. I'attt'teon won tlio 2.2d cl.ifH i.iro
today with John lennyn'ri bp11Iiiw
Tlniewood, the winner of jetPida'n
Ml) cIiiph lace. The other ccut was
taiuuied by hi bay oldiiif"-, "ii'llkes
Medium. Tlniowood'H best time was
X lit1.-, while Mf-dlnni'i cIToit
was ppilninird In 2 J0, ulilcli is bi.s
hi't-l initik.
Tliere uiih an pxliibtlon nillo between
two lioiefs driven by two of the Maple
( tt.'s mo-it promlni-ni cltl.otisi, wblch
tosultcd In ,'i dead In at and caused no
i nd of fun.
A balloon ascension nnd paiachutc
drop tinned all pc heavpiiwaid dllr-int-
tlic afternoon. A llKht in the stand
stand between jut lies fioin Iloncsdnle
uid Oaibondalo oer the met Its of two
ini-c fiotn tlielr icopectlvo towns,
. IiIhiiirIi not down on tlu pi luted
t- bi'dule. caused lots of Interest, but
vat Mippiesyeil speedily.
TIip Maple t'lly band pleased all by
us ni.istei'lv icndoiliiK of popular and
i lntisii'. Tlio 'Piilleiiinii in
ib.iiRp of tho i.uiiii; ii.irtic ulaily the
sun it r, M. J'hneiMin McAfee, of N'ew
Yoik city, pave pleasuio by their Itn
paitlal iietloiw and decisions,
t!eoipi. J". Stevenson of V.ieily,
who v tin. I'epiihtlt.iu c.uidl-tl.iti-
in Laekawauu.i rotinty lot
nullity Miteor. was allnltod the dlf
Ihiilt task of JudBlnjr the exhibits in
l"'tiltry. cattle, slieep. limse. tancy
wm It. elf., and he save scnoml satls
i.i' Hon b his decisions, aifd thoim-h
thi x weit.
taiKP number of e.irbondalp and
Sn.itilnii people won- in attcnilaiue.
iial Hip Hol.iu.irc and Hudson turn
pany kindly held thrlr r. :;.", p. m. tiain
mini t; n't lock to aei'oinniodato them,
I'Iip tiowd, although not .us I.u'ko as
Ii was, esteid.iv, still was far from
disappointing. The seats on the stand
tpposlto the Judges' iitialtcis was tilled
lnni; before the tlrsl tare was called.
Tin- exhibition halls and the Inillilins
il voted to hutigiy mm tals nleo had
thou lull ipiotu of lsltoiM. Tlie dco
1 I" wlio fninied the tiowds today wore
in iter behaved and ao linn'li lc-s
tumble to lontrol. On Wi'dnesd.i.v , on
t-riiial occasions, swarms of men and
bojt ovetian the track, bothering
hoites and dilveis. Hut today tliey
bcb.ivcd llieinsehcc.
vi mv iT.von.STitrcTi:D
The Itilield was, nut as ciowdcd wltli
Mlinlo", either, and the iew ol the
"iiarlcr polo waa unolisti acted. Time
"to moie city vlltoiti In pltiposltiop,
id as most of these tamo by tiain
in liveiyiiien wpip happy at the
'i.nice of tianspoitlim them tu tlio
The lame and lniMOllaiiootis nsvnt
licit of ailicln, leit in the exhibition
ball for the ii blliaincnt of the
ltidKix in Hie ,iioiih dep.irlnipiits bad
II been sepaiatid into tlist, second
ii. I commonplace. The led and blue
ll'kets NllhPL'lldl'll (1(1111 tlio-c loitun
aie enoiich to win jnlzes weie tlie
c iiimiiip of all rjojt. Coinnieiits of ad.
nuiation and tlie leveise weio eiy
nidlble as the spectator appiood or
loiiud Mult Willi tho decision of Dm
Jl was ten niimiles of two when tho'irt iippi'iut'il lor the llitt lieal. The
nailer was ubiiIii M. UineiMm McAlto
oi Xi iv Yoik city, who -ac so mui h
satisfaction M'sterday. The judKes
'"ip Mi. Audi us of Susquehanna and
1. M. I.oweiy of Oirbondalo. The
tiinois weie i:. ( Dojic of Wayinai t,
.1 II. McDonoimh of lloiipsdalo and
1J. boit Westlako of .Scrantoii, and tlio
tpk of tho touiho was T. H. Clink of
Honi'MliilP. The tlcar titliinspheip and
balmy air made it an Ideal day lor i.u -Iiik
and the tiowds wpip pvldentlv on
Hie tlplup of cspeilatlon mr uuniy
wasiift won. made on the stands and
about the ki-oiiuiIs on tlio icsults of
Hip days two ovpntf., espeLlally on tho
firr-foi-iill, which was icKiirded as the
tiuwnliij- loattlio of the uieetlni;.
no linpioveniPiit was inadf over tho
I'll Ioiih day. which pleased every one.
Tlie Maple City band was hioiisht out
on the lawn, near tho stands and dis
tmiispd melody thioushout the after
noon to apprtclatlve niidlenecH.
Tlio lilhtoiy of the harness lines, heat
hi heat, Is as tollows:
1'iist hpat Tin io weio only four
Ftarlcis out of the bit; stilus limned.
TlniPwood. wlio won the class line
on Wpdupsday, was ukuIii out today
and iIipw tho polo lit tills rate. "Levi's
link!" was tho uiilveisai cMlamatlou,
f l.tuy lle.ver was in setond place, Al
tnoklii thlul mid .llin DojIp fouith.
Consldeiablo dlllltultv was expeilenced
In KfttliiK under way, the Hist few
times Tlniewood Iielnjf slow in start
In Mr. McAfee Kiew very impatient
at tlie double he had In staitlnn stall
a small bunch of hoi sen and lead the
not net to the drleis, with tlio lesult
ihat they started ptomptly tho next
tlnif, but weio so cautious not to toiiio
down ahead of the polo hotso that the
lino was loo niKKod to Fend off. Aealn
they tiled, and this time tho woid was
plt'ii to a poor start. At the tuin
Tlniewood went nwny from his tleld,
and by tho time the iiuuiter iolo was
leached, In 3(i seconds, ho was two
leiiBlliH ahead of Almoltln, who led
I.ucy Ileyer by tho same dlstnuce. At
tho half, lu 1.1191, Tlniewood was koIiir
easy, showliiR tho way to l.uty Ileyer
by two lonuths, with Almoklu thlid,
half a leiiRth back. At tho thtee-iiiai-tein
Tlniewood was at least ten lengths
ahead of Almoklu und I.ucy Heyer,
who were trottliiR along neck nnd neek,
while Jim Doyle, tho fourth starter,
was almost lost to view In the rear.
Time, 1.43. Tho llnlsh was spiritless,
Tlniewood Jogging homo three lengths
In front of Lucy Ileyer, who led Al
moklu by half u dozen lengths. Jim
Uoylo was u fuilong behind nnd was
distanced. Time of hent, 2.27' i.
Second heat Only Hupp hoises ip
ntnlned to start In this heat. Tho driver
of Jim Doyle, who was distanced In tho
InHt heat, made threats of ptotPstiiiR
the race, but did not take any decisive
action. Tho nulmnls weio sent ttwny nt
oneo to u poor stait, Lucy Ileyer being
u length behind. Tlniewood and Almo
klu nindo the lace all by themselves,
Lucy Heyer being nway behind nil the
way. At tho (iimrter mile Tltnpwood
was two lengths ahead of Almoklu. At
the half Almoklu had moved up and
was lapping Tlmewood's sulky. At six
furlongs nnd nt the mile there was no
appteclable difference and both finished
easy, Lucy Heyer being distanced.
Time by uuattors: OMV 1 13i. 1.53'ft,
Third heat Theic only remained two
inters to llnlsli and they came down
tho stietch to the wlro nnd wero sent
away the (list time. Tlniewood was
never In nuy danger fiom Almoklu, the
neai est the latter got being a hpuil
nway at the half. Tlniewood llnlshcd
the heat In an easy stilde, half n length
from Almoklu, who was getting tho
lash. Time by iiunrteis. 0 55V 1-13,
1.53U. -'" Summit! y;
I xi tli.. trotting niicl ruins, iuiii'c 2uoi
ThnrncMHl, bll. c, l A. l'.iltnnn, ( ur-
lionilalc Ill
Here are two Knslish oreras.
ltimkln, ih m, II II. l'lirco, Carlioii'
IjIl- -1 2 2
l.tuy Hcj.T, b in. Jiniie fool, lllc.
Itatri' 2 ib.
.Inn Dralc, I). K. 11. ' Wlllum. ''
lioixlllr Ii"
'111110 -J 2'i, 1 10, i II
After this heat theio was a balloon
ascension glpn by 1'iof It. T. l'lnw
eit. of Ho. ton. TIip huge bag. 70
foot In height, went up si might as a
die to a distance of about 2,000 feet,
while the aeronaut hung by his loos
to an lion ling and did other startling
feat. When ho cut tho paiuchtitP
loose ho fame down about 200 feet b"
foie It opened, and then ho mnde an
easy descent to the woods, about
tin fo-foui (lis of a mile noith
TJien p.iin an p1ilbltlon iaP be
tween Iioisps owned and dilven by
Colonel Coo Durland, head of the
llonesdiile Shop tompany, and W. L.
Kpikusoii, plesldout of the Wuvue
County Agietulttlial soclt. Thote
was a wager tin the reMill of tho niio,
of a t hainpiiRiio .supper at the Allen
Hoitsp, In llonosdalP Kadi of these
iliiveiF l over 70 of age, and
their apepniunee was tho signal for applause fiom tlielr filpnds and
townsmen. Mr. I'Virukui tlrovo Shei
llf, and Colonel riurland toyed with
the libboiis over Sidney Tansy. Ilp
f.up the raip was stalled, Mr. McAfee,
on behalf of Iho oniploPS of Hie
llonexilale Shoe company, presented
Colonel Imilaud with u liandMimo
driving whip. Tho time tho two
hoises tried lo sioio, Mr, Feiguson did
not come bat k at the recall, but kept
light on. Ida icet ahead, t lear to Hip
thlid fm long uiailt. TIip (loud near
ly went ci.izy with delight. The net
time up, Mr. Ferguson was the same
distance In fiont but Colonel Duiland
nodded for the woid. The Hist time
aiouud, Mr. Ferguson's Iioisp had kept
Hip dlstnuce Intact, but he almost
stopped at the fifth fin long and Colo
nel Purland's initio wont by him and
had got llfty fept In fiont bpfoio Mi.
rpiRtison lealled the situation and
stai ltd on a stetn ihase. Foot by foot
Slieiilf gatm-d, und 100 j, nds fiom tho
wlie ho and the inaip wpio on ppii
ti'ims ami they coniplettd Hip racp
nose to no.sp Tlie ttaek was filled
with u clamoring Huong and when the
annmmceinont was m.itle. "Dead
licit. Time, 2 10," the appl.ntsp and
cheers ot the wntcheis knew no
bounds The two dilerx wpip np
plaudfd to tlio pcho and pvpu Hip most
dispiinilnnting sioi tnian could find no
fault with the pffmts put 1'oith by the
two hale and lipaity eterans, nPlther
of whom had ever dilen In a lace bo
foio. They lixed tlio inattpf up bo
twppn thomsehes and did not dilvo
SLCO.ND HACi: Flli:i:.F()It-ALL.
Flist heal Theic weio live .starters,
mil Hoi was u great favorite with tho
ciowds, as ian manlfestod by the ap
plause ho ipcplved when he appealed
to score. mil Hel drew tlio pole,
Wilkes Medium was second, Combine
thlid. Upton Ghl fourth and V. II. G.
was llfth. Theio weie llvo unsuccess
ful attempts to get away befoip the
word was shouted by Mr. McAfee, and
It was again necessiuy for hlin to as
sonihlo tho dtlvers lu fiont of the
stand nud administer admonitions.
Then they got off. The start was fair
to good. At tho tuin. mh P.ol und
Wilkes Medium set out to tet away
from the Held nnd made a pretty iiipp
of I to the iiuuiter, wheie mh Hel
was ahead by a. shudder. Time, "t'.i
spoouds. At the half, mh Tlel had In -ci
eased his lead over Wilkes by two
lengths, Upton Oil 1 being third, close
up. Time, 1 10. It was a parade, to
Hip six furlong maik In 1.47, all the being well apart. Coming
mound tho turn for home. ICtli Hel
bioke badly and Wilkes' Medium went
around him Into Hist place und came
home a winner by two lengths from
mh Hel, with Upton Gilt three longths
back, In third place. W. II. G owned
by G. W. Dunn, ot Sciantou, was dis
tanced. Time, 2.21'j.
Second heat Only four starters face
iho Judges for this heat. They got
nwny on the thlid trip up to the wlro
and It was a good start. At tho quar
ter Wilkes Medium was a length In
front of nth Del. with Upton Oltl thlid.
Time, 31 seconds. At the half Ktli Del
was two lonuths ahead of Wilkes.
Time, 1.12. Just before the slx-furlong
pole was leached I'plon (llrl came
strongly and passed Wilkes, going Into
second place, and began to overhaul
13th llel. The time at this stage was
1.1. Coining up the slrelch Upton and
l'th wens being lashed, sldo by side,
und straining every nerve. As they
came under the wire It was utmost Im
possible to tell which was uliead, and a
howling I'luwd swarmed acioss the
tiaik, Impatient to learn the result.
Chrers and yells added to the confusion,
so the mounted patrols weio ordeied to
clear the course. It was deemed ad
visable to call In tho patrol before u
decision could be rendered. They le
ported that everything was all right,
nnd then the Judges gave the heat to
11th llel, with Upton Oltl second, Com
bine third, ten lengths back, and
Wilkes fourth, caught nt the wire by
Combine. Time, 2.19V
Third heat Hefore the dilveis took
their seats they were summoned to
appear In the stand, wheio Mr. McAfee
had a heart-to-he.ut talk with them,
telling them they must drive strictly
nccordlug to the l tiles, which they
knew by heuit. Tho first time up Up
ton Girl was left nnd they nil had to
go buck. Hth nel broke on the next
trial. The next tlnip thp word wns given
to it full- stall. At the quarter, lu 31'i
Can you tell which ones they arc
seconds, mil Hel was a length In front
of Wilkes Medium, with Upton Gill
thiid. two lengths behind. .lust beforo
reaching tlie half mil Hel broke and
Wilkes .Medium and Upton Gltl passed
by, the fm mer loading the black tnare
by half a Ipngth. Time, l.O'.i. At the
third stage of the Jouiney, in 1.43V
AVllkes was yet ahead, but Kth Hel
was close up to hlin, with Upton third,
a length away. The finish was again
a whipping one, Wilkes Medium, Upton
Gill and Kth Bel llnlshiug In the order
named, only heads apart. Time ot heat,
2.204. Combine was distanced.
Fourth beat Threo starters. The fli st
time they tiled to get away 12th Hel
was too far behind. The second time
he was i mining nnd the thlid tlnip Up
ton wns mlsbphavlug. Tho fourth time
they got tho woid, and n murmur
nrosp, for Kth Hel, the local favoilte,
was behind. At tho quarter Wilkes
.Medium was two lengths In fiont of
tho chestnut stallion. Time, 37's sec
onds. At thp half the time was 1.03V
with positions uncliangpd. The six fur
longs weie negotiated In 147, AVllkes
Medium's lead still unchallenged nnd
Increased lo five lengths oer Kth Hel,
The mile wus finished in 2.23',-, Wilkes
In front by live length", Kth Hel sec
ond nnd Upton thlid, heads apatt.
ilkro Mnliiun, 1 g , b A IMttrrjon,
t'jrlinmljlo 1 4 1 1
1.11. llel, ill i-, liiilee l'arm, .Mtn
Mllr, I' 2 1 3 2
I'p-ton Old, l.llt. tn , X. n WlllUm.
XineiHli, V. Y 3 J 2 R
Cimlnne, b. c, willjiii, Kun-
toi I 1 rtu.
W II. Ci , li. ir , (irergc lliinn, 'kin
("li .... ib
luni --'21'., 2t'i14, 2J0'., ""li,
V "l. ILiKlcM.
Iprll to th( Eerinton Trihunt
Susqui'lianiiii, Sept. 2ti Several bun
dled Susquehanna, people are taking in
the Hnrfoid fair toda.
The funeral of the late Patilck Bol
uiiil. an old and lesppctPd lesldent,
took place fiom St. John's Cat hollo
lull t li on Wednesday morning, when
lequlcm high mass was celebrated. In
teinient was mnde In Liunel Hill
Quito n large number or machinist
from P.itorsou and elsewhere,
taken jobs lu the Kilo shops this week.
Thp Susquehanna imsp ball club has
disbanded for the season.
A number of Kile bollci makers'
liPlpois, on stilko for .eeral nvonths,
hap roiiii'iied to woik this week.
The Ci ostein club will hold a social
hop In Ilogan Opera Hotis-p. October I.
Tli young people of Chi 1st Kpls
popal church and others. hao mgan
Ir.ed a social club, and. timing the win
ter win hold a seiies of hops nnd
other entei talumoiits.
Mr. Viai ringtail, of C.irhoiulal, I
the gitpst of -SUhqiiehanna fi lends.
A young daughter of Mr. and Mrs.
William Sullivan, of ttreat Hend town
ship, was hurled on Wednesday.
Henjuinlu Sailing' Cascade cranberiy
maish yields four hundred bushels of
berries. Tlie frost mined about two
handled bushels
K. It. W. Senile, esq. left foi Scian
tou on Wednesday nftuinoon.
The "Sunset Mines" company will
appear In tfogan Opera House on Fil
day eenlng.
spfonl tn IU s.nnton Trltiinc
.N'lebolson, Sept. 2C Mr. H. T. Wll
kins, of Sciantou, wus a business caller
In town Monday evening.
Mrs. J. M. Osterhout, of Funxsiitnw
ney. Is tho guest of her father, D. V.
Titus, of Stale stteet.
A. L. Thayer, of Hlnghainton, Is
spending a few days in town.
Miss Julie U. Ciuser will give one of
her pleasing entertainments lu the
Methodist Kplscopal chinch this (Fri
day) evening.
Mis. M. Clock, of Slate stteet, Is tho
guest of her sister, Mis. . I Itopor.
of Hcrniiton.
Wnll Street Berlew.
New Voik, Sept. 'Jit. Tlie tone ot tuilij'n
mirkit hIiompJ Kfonlnlt ltiiprutrinrnt orr tlul of
JfJlriihj, 'ifr an ionldertlilp eviJriiti of
rrallliiK ft III, tthlcli itriillril alter tlio ormlnif
dip mui liodl a ItnJoiicy to imir from time
lo time, but fiippoit Mt foillicomlnu on ttity
ilftllnc nml before the tljy emlcil tlie liroVeM Mere
Kfiierulb' Hbpowl to eoirr tlielr uliott line", ram
Inic praitically a complete rtcotery ol nil loe,
Xot a few Mock ilioweil ilecliled net RJltu, Ire
clutlinir Anulitatiialcil Coppir, AiuiomU, the
amleiblltii, IViitioh.iMl.i, lldltlinoic anJ Olilo,
tt. I'.tul, Manlnttnn ami t'lople'n (Ik, I he
opcnlnif Ich were due to the ileinotutlzltiff ef
fect upon topper niliihiB flure( In the foicln
tinrt.ttj of Iho Inrik in Aintl.imjteil Topper,
lllo TlntiM were oft" oicr three ponl( in I'arln
when the Moik mitket opened here, jn! the cop
per nurkit In London hail tnide a further ulunip.
I ondoii pouted out Morki (reelv upon the New
Yoik lunrket In lliiuldition, itMkliui tlie opeiiltiK
acllic and weak. It became eildint tint iiippoit
va( to he atooriled to mjlgjinated Copper huI
naroinb. Only T(K) htrej of the former and MXI
alnrei of fhe lilter irild at H below lat niht'f
iloni(r All nulKcrpieiit trjtijclloni were at or
ahoe lj.(t night'a level. Th attpe demand
from the ahorts tamed Amalg muted Copper lo
retoier more than e?terday'a los and the Moik
tla'ed only below the best. Anmonda Is Vi
higher for the day. The relU-f to aentimrnt af
forded by the ncovery In Anulgatuattcl oir
ahadowed all mher cnn.liIratloiLt. Tlie aeierc
llqnirlition in some of the railroad atiwlci, which
i feature jeiterday, ai not in evidence and
the fear felt of unfatorable developments In the
tompaiilca not .vet known to the public were le
lined. The srlllng was explained a helm; due
to lliiuldallort by bull pool. 'Iho vcij favorable
rcpoita of the iron trade oullook, Including the
life In tho price of pig Iron and aveitloni that
lirae oiden for steel rails would go oicr to next
veai, wn aiceptcd a( a ihenlng liidliitlnii.
Total Mlc. fil,200 tihaiei.
Tlio piinclpal weak pot( in the bond maikn
weio In fpcuilative tue, Theje ralllul Willi
toiks and otlicK were flim thiougliout. Total
ale pir value, J2.f0,O)0.
t'nlled &i,ite bond weie All iintliuninl on the
tatt i .ill.
Tlie tollowine quotat,on( are furniaheil The
Tribune by M, "5 Jordan !c Co., loom 70V7M
Meara huildirir, bcranton, l'a. Telephone 60M:
Open- High- Low- t losing-.
et. et big,
Amcilian Simar I.'.' Ul JI lit
Million 7.:n Tl1! ,.1'i Tli
tihlion. l'r ". o-.ij II PV;
lliook. Ti.nllnn Clj's ia; M's MU
Hilt, f: Ohio po 101 P'l't, 0l
( hc k Old 41'i CU 4I' 4V;
Mill A Clt. Weit I'l'i 22' Ci -r,
SI. Paul 1(10 V' y'
Kan. ii Tex, IT Jl II t,l't ".I
l-ouu. ,t Nadi ,.102 Ho3, KJ Mil,
Man. V.Ievatid 12.! Ul 1J 1JX,
M(t. Tiattlon IK! 1(1 ii li,J; lullj
Mlso. Pailde Pi.'j PT'; PV, o;ij,
Smith, IMtllio S5'i W), ti.! 6r,s
Norfolk k lil B.V, 34 5-' M'a
. Y. Ontr.ll lld'i IST'l 1V.U I'.I'i
Out. K, Weicin .".Pi st sii, :n
Pcrina. It. 1! 1IJ Id1; 1IJ lUi
racllh' Mail PI 4i id 4WH
lir.ullnc Hi W'i -II 'i 4Hi 4I
Heading Hi., IV 73U ',Vj T.'. !..a
Miutbein It. It Sii 311 i S.'"; ,1(1,,
southern It. It., IV Si'j MH $,' S'l',i
Tenn t'otl & Iron cot; t. ijHi (,j
f s. lrf.,thrr u iii3 .ji iji,;
I s' I.eitlier, IV., .... Mi, T'i T'l' T'i'i
I nion Pacltlo ' "7 o,'4 r,;
Uabith, IV sii r.'i ,-,si4 ;!
rtern I moi ST no'- f.) 'ij
t'ol. I'licl A. lion Ul'i 'M' (", IM'ii
Atml Coiper RS'h M't s.i i)Ts
People' Oaa 1054 ldtfi, Kip, lOiiij
Tea( I'atifli' W 11 4'i'4 41'4
incr Car Pouiidiy .. . 'Ji1! 2't 21, S
1- "J steel Co 41", 4", 4l''j 4't4
I. s Sic I f'i , IV, ... 'IP, oi .,p ,,
Scianton Bonid of Trnde Exchnng6
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
ST0rK nid. Avked.
I.ickawamia Dairy Co , IV ir)
(Vmnty Saving Dank k Trutt To.. SCO , ,
Virat National (tank tCarbondale) si
Standard Drilling Co 30
Third National Dank 40
Dime Deposit "O'1 Discount Hank.. ;;j
Kionomy Light. 11. k P. Co JJ
I'irvl National Dank i.-oo
I.atka Ti mt Sate Deposit Co un i.'j
Scranlon lion lVnce k Mfg Co
Stranton Axle Work
Hcranton Saving' Hank
Traders' National Hank
Pcranton Holt k Nut Co
Pcople'a Dank
.New Mexico Hy. i C. Co
Scranton Pasaengrr Itaibvajr, flrst
Mortgage, due 1W0 j5
People" "trret Itiilwaj, first mort
gage, due I'lH 113
Teoplc'a btreet Pallway, General
lrortgage, due T21 115 it
Dickson Manufacturing a lw
Laika. Tonhip Sihool S per cent. ... io
Cily ot bcianton M. Imp 6 per
cent ioj
Stranton Traction fl per tent 115
Scranton Wholesalo Market.
(Corrected lij II. 0. Dale, 27 Ijrkananna Ave)
Beans 1'cr liuvlicl, iholie mairow, $2 60a2 f,5
Uutlcr I'rcili creamery, 21aJ2t.j dairy, fresh
Cheese Villi cream. 10:al1c.
Yse Wertcrn freh, 15Vial6j neaiby state.
Medium Peanv Per budicl, . in
llrecn Peas Per bu-ihel, $t.40al 45.
Klour (list patent, !er lurrel, ft tS.
Beans Per buhel, choice marrow, $.1,10,
Potatoes Per burtiel lal.10
Krr York Grain and Produce.
New x,oik. Sipt. -'(l-lloin teadv Wlieal
Spot dull; No, 1 Noithein Duliitli, rti'r f o b.
atloat. Options were easier at tlrt, but sold up.
'Iliey finally eiM-d oft and tinned dull. May
titled U't. ; beptcmber, 71'jc ; Oitober. i.T'io.j
December, 7(U. Coin Spot Ktenlyj No. 2, 61'ac
tlevator' (5ITl. t. o, b. afloat Options auy,
but later became stionger. It finally eased off
and clewed eiv. Mav clo-ed etc.; September,
d.U'c.1 Detembir, (ll'io. Oats spot etrady. Op.
tlons dull, but steady with corn. Ituttei Firm;
(trainer), l."n22c.i factoiv, .lime, HHaUViO ;
.lime ireameiy, 20a2l'4e.i imitation trctmery, It
al?i; stale dahy, lli.'Oi'c. Chee.e Strong j
firny large roloied, 0,c.j fancy large white,
d'it.i famy mall colored. 0 tlOc. ; fanty small
white, Oia'Io. Fggs I'lim; vtatc and Pena)l
tanla, 21a22e : western uniandled, 17'jUOv.j
wt'ttem tandled, 2.0'JaJle.
Philadelphia Grain nnd Produoe.
Philadelphia, Sept 2h -tieal-stcd) ; ton
tiaa giado Soptemlier, 7.!a'je. Corn I'lrm. 'i.
blsheri No. S mixed September, fiiaoM, Oats
sicidyi No. 2 wlilte clipped, 4Ji'ic. lluttrr
1 inn ; famy westem cieamery, Siijc; do. rear,
by pilnts, 25c. Kegs Firm; fruh neaihv, '.'Ic.j
do. wcktcrn, 21c ; do aouthwestern, 20 j do.
southern, IPc. Clicrec Finn; N'ew oik full
(reams fant small, P),e.; do. do, fnr to iliohc,
Sha'J'ic. Iteflncd Sugars CJuiet, but (.tcady. Cot.
ton Unchanged. Tallow Finn and higher. Live
Poullr) Firm, good demand; (ol, I'lljc. ; ex
teptloual lot, lie; old roosten, s,iPc j spring
tlilikein, IJal'lc. : iluckji, ICkilli Drrueil Poul
tn 111 in. food drniaud; fowls iholie, Uo. i di
fair to good, 12a'tc; old roo.lern. tlifciTr.; bioil.
Ing chickens, 12al(li' ; nealeui do, plalle ; ex
crptlonal lots higher.
Itetelpts Flour, 1.2000 bariels and l.SJ-.'.Oi'iii
pounds In cacks; wheat, 88,000 bushels; corn, 21,.
000 hu.-heli; nats. 18,0011 biivhils. Shipments
Wheat, 2U.UJ0 liuheln, corn, 4,hu) lmhelt; oau,
Itl.lHKl budiels.
Chicago Qraln and Produce,
CluinRo, S'pt. 2ii txteptlnic a spnk ol annua
tion shown by 10111, tlie irli.lls weie dull lodi),
altliough steady; wlieat ilosid tc.; 10111, l.aUc.
i8 In r and oalt undianed. Provisions tlo,ed a
iiliade lo '."ic up ( ash quotations weie as tot
low.: FI0111 Slead) , No 3 fpilng wiieat, bi'saiA ;
No. 2 red, 70 .V.. No. 2 jellow corn, fotsaaOi ,
No. 2 oati. tMji'Jic.; N'o. 2 white, 3atti'c 1 No.
B wlilte, !)7,ia3siic; No. 2 r)c, Joc.i fair lo
tholio malting bailey, Slaivv.; No. 1 rlav aeod,
tl.oO, No. 1 Northwestern, $1 1.0; prime llmothy
setd, K'.'l3a,1, 5; mess pork, gUOOaloOO; laid,
W.S3aS7'3; short libs, KfcSaO 00; dry salted slinuj.
tiers, 7ia7TsO. ; short tlear aides, $lfcOa0l; short ldi. 'i.'sli'Mi(l; whl'ke), sl,.(
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 3 Cents (or Hacli Uxlra Line.
For Rent.
asstw.'vi.anafiiWiBAfAti'ivsa .
For Remto
About 1200 feet oflloorspjcc on
4th lloor of the Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Knquire at oftice of
FOIt Itl.N I" One half double boue; 9 rooms; up
p'l (iieen Itldge; nioderii improvements!
largo )aid. deaant lotation, moderate lent.
II. . s , Tubiine,
tlaOO-I.atgi' room sultabla for lodge loom, steam
beat, second floor
tlOOO-Falr slro oltue room, steam hrat, ele
vator $1j0i)-Two connettlng oftlies. goo.i I'liht, steam
heat, elevator. Uia. Mldager, Oil Fitate
Exchange Uullding.
lOlt niA'T i:iht tooms, t'3 Jefterson avenue;
all moderp ccrvenienees I
For Sale.
FOIl SM,i:-0ne heavy diaft and one driving
hoi-e. Inqulic 19 drove street, Dumnoie.
I Oil sM,l:iva Cod, M RO per ton, ihllvered in
unlial illy and .south Mde. ddics Jolin
Hall, 10M Odar avenue, 'phone Wist.
toil SU.h,n ait store establl lied Just one
jeai. .Must sell for npeclal reason. Inqiure
S"0 Washington aienue, til).
tOlt SVI.K Txvc light spring wagons and some
harness, ilieap. Cians, rear ll'U Lnerne
10H SI,i: tar load of dra irg and draught
hoive, and good family 222 1!i Oak
ford couit. J. M. Field.
tOlt SAI.K A Cottrell & Sons cylinder press,
aixTO, in good condition, new tollers, $."00.
Apply Wilkes Pane limes Office, Wilkes Baire,
I a.
Real Estate.
5,WW WILL lit double home; lot. 40xlrt0,
North U ahington avenue, 7 minutes walk
fiom po.lolllie, wortli JS.VW, easi teuns, bai
guin, bargain. tomeg)S, Dime building,
2,iw MUX ni'Y seven room single lioue, on
tral, co.t :M,.-iO0. Must be sold II II Hob
gale, Commonwealth, building.
I Olt SIi:- good farm in W'averl) borough,
luipiiie ot 1 v. Ljiuli, Waierl), Pa.
FOIt s.u:net building Iota in Du'imore. cor
ner Dudli) and Sixth Hieel. Will cut to
sbes to suit purchasers. Addres Arthur .
Close, Dumnoie
Business Opportunity.
A Itvlli: OPPOItri SirV tn engage ill the mer
tannic tride a fine stoic room, rent lea
sonable: a good opening Addict 1. llidfoid,
Wairrly Pa
5r0( Iv MMMIi:TTR.M)l'.Rt without d.Iay.
Wrlio for our special mirket letter. Flee on
application M lllbbaid i to., members N.
Consolidated and Mock Kxchanse, 14 and 46
llroadna), Viw oik IMahlished lSdl Long
Distance Phone 2tS Ilroad.
GOOD .SOLICITOR engaged in fir- or life In.ur
anee hu-lnceS on Ids own anount tan iiuieT"e
Ids income verj laigely bv representing us loial
li; appointee must be well known and reiom
mended Addies, tjting age and liu-iiifn ex
perlence, Moirls k (ir-enla, adju-tors ot tire
lossn for the assured, 41 Cedar stieet, New York
Money to Loan.
JM to fJO.OOO-AT ONTH si and S per cent, in
terest Fa.-y terms to repay. George V.
Okell, Coal Fxihange building,
KiUO.OOO TO LOAN-Lowet ratea; straight or
monthly pa)ments. Stark k Co.,Tradera" bldi.
straight kans or nuildlng and Loan At
from 4 to 6 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker,
31131) fennel I building.
Rooms and Board.
llOHMs TO lll.ST, with IhmiiI. M0 Mulberrv
Wanted Board.
iOl'NG IS ileues lioard in priiate familv,
Girman prcfened. Addic.s C. P, tribune
Boarders Wanted.
WANTKD-Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 631
Washington avenue.
Chicago L1t Stock Market.
(Iiltago, sr-pr 'Jn -Cattle- Itetelpts, l.'.'.Oil, in.
eluding 1 (ion 'lexaus and 4,000 welerns; dull and
20 in 40 mitt, loner llian Mondaj; good to pilme
sixers, finO.45; poor to medium, $.1.11 73, (.tockers
and lecders, JJ'J'ial .'.0; tows, $lal r; heifers, .'a
4 75; 1 aimers, M .V1I2.10; bulls, d 73it 75; cabe,
fsliGji); Texas steein, $.1a1; western steeis, $.l,u"n
5 Ji. Hogs Receipts today, 2l,(XK), lomeirow,
21,000; left ovn, 4,000; steady tn Hie cents lower;
21 to "Jl icnts lower for tlie week; mixed butih
ers, W.70a7.10; good to choice heavv, sit sOiT.-jo;
rnuglia lieavj, sl.40l0.75; light, $H 45afl.O0, bulk ot
sales, "si Ma6.P3. Slieep-Receipls, 1,000; sheep
stead), lambs tionj to 10 icnts highei; good
to tholee wether, $J, final; fair to choiic mixed,
VLSOithO; weslein slieep, M.'.'latWl, native
lambs, 5la5, western limbs, 1.71il ii
East Ubtrty Oattl.
Fast Libeily, Sipt '.'u. Cattle steadv , tholio,
.".,7ia; good, $5 2Uil N llogs-Slow- and lowei;
prime lirnvies, S7 2517.J0, assoited mediums, S7 M
a.2", heavy vorkers, .; I"a7.20; light voikers,
."i7a7.10; graasers. $0Ma7; pRs, KCAinW, skips,
M 75a3.75; rouglis, 'wil.tio Sheep Sleadi ; best
wetlien', MfOil; culls and common, $1 2,'uj ij;
)earllngs, tV- 5UI 25; veal tabes, J7i. 75.
New York Live Stock Maiket.
New Yoik, Sipt. 2i lleeies--Di used lne
steady, (iH.a'X-c : Tcvas beef, 5a7. t alio,
Stead); poor lo faltly good veals, iii V); glass
ers and buttermilks, f.l.'sjal, city dicssed veals,
Pal It. Slieep and Lamlis -Quiet, but piires gen.
eially steidy; sheep, W.50a3.i,0, lambs, $1 .VOa'i VO;
dressed mutton, 5',i : dressed Inmba, 7alli. lings
Steady; state bogs sellim; at $7 11a A
ACAPI.M-King Diamane loinpanj. Alter,
noon ard night.
b TAH Dainty Paiee lluie,un Night.
"A Day nnd a Night."
One of Ilo)l's lliel) fanes, ' Uav and a
Night," was pie.enltd at the l.ieum la-t ulglu
liofoie an audience of goodli' iiuinbeu. The (ju
remains the tame as when lust presented bv (Hi,
lUiliu and tlie other emiieut I lu) t auiMs, but
has been frohined b) tne injection of a iiumhii
of the l.itlrl da) songs.
One that made a gieat lilt with the audleme
was "I'm Tiled," Horn "flu' ( ailno dnl," by
Maik l.ane, who did hue work ill I lit- lole 1,1
Marble Hart, ileatrd bv Out Harlan, lu I lie tom
pany writ) a iloeu or to delt entertainers and
tlie) gave a good entertainment, but one lUt is
viot up to the maik ol tlio original lln.u'iom
paules "A Secret Warrant."
"A Vclft Warrant" with Willis fiiangir as
the brilliant Mar nt Iho pine, tomes to tlie
li)ccum Siturday afternoon and night. 'I lie bal
ance of tlie 11st arc lleverly Turner and Mailon
P. Clifton, who w.ll play their original parts,
Perry Cooke, Rus-ell Crafmd, Cllflord blandish.
Help Wanted Male.
WAMI'.D-llooil stuart men to call nn menbinls.
Can 111 ike $1 per diy easll), Adduv, I. 1;,,
Triluuio tints e
sill Mltl.xj WASH, II- V joutiic liilv deslii-s po
slthui a sttnngMplur and ivpi-vxiln 1 vd
diess sti nograpliei, lillume (mice.
WAN nil)-Men to leatn bitber trade; (.realest
011110111111111' ever ottered, only light we-ks
remiiled, positions piwitlttly ginianteed giiulu
iitts. Illustiated latahgue mallid fr c. llult-r'ii
llaiber silmol, New otk till.
llltlCKbWF.R W WTI'D-For fire brltk woik.
Communications and personal applltatlonx
will be lecelved at my oldie in llamoik, N. 1.
n .1 iiiis.-ui.ui
Help Wanted Femalo.
W AMKII'lllil for tenuil lioue work; bring
rofiiimts. PI" lne street.
WANTIID- girl for general hoiwwi.rk. pplv
at 101 soutli Haiti avenue, iiui't tome lee
omuiendiil WANTI.D-Olil for geneial hou-ework at Dalton.
Addiess II T, caie Tilbune
Wont Advertisements Will Bo
Received at Any of the Follow
ing Ding Stoies Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALBERT ECIII.UTZ. corner Mulbeirj
street and Webster avenue.
CUSfAV I'ICItLL, 650 Adsms avenue.
West Side
OEOROK W. JENKINS, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRED L. TERITE, 710 Cedar asenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAWS, corner North Main
avenue and Market street.
Gieen Ridge
CIIAM.ES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson
F J. JOHNS, 020 Oreen Rldsc street.
C. I.OREN. corner Washington ave
nue and Marlon street.
W. II KN'Eri'EI, 1017 Irvine avenue.
J. 0. DONE k .SON.
WANTED A large show case Apply William
Ci fiord, 1517 Dickson avenue.
AgentB Wanted.
OUTFIT I'lll.i:, riedll given, tin pun Ninas
books; WV.. bonk, 13c ; 1 book, 2." : l "T
book, ftX.; ii 50 book. 73 AIo best life Mi
Klnle) Ferguson, COM Fifth, I inilnuati
ACJENTs N1I.D-I.lte of Mclvlnle), tlie hun
dred pig.' book. Ilandsoinel) illu-trit.'d
Outfit free. Now readi. 7.i per tent illsrount
to agents Finglit pud. (ndit glicn. Henry
Neil, a Dearborn street, ChUaRo.
Cnnvnsseis Wanted.
CAN ss,ns WN1i:il lor an honest,
stialghtfomaid pioposition Not a 10 .1 dav
scheme, but good pa for good woik. ".nung
111t.11 of neat appearamc and good haldts wanted,
If the) liaie bad oouu1 I'Vperinite in tania-ssing,
u much the belli r ddrers, waling age. e
penenie ,iud pieiious eimew NFl'PEIt,
liiliuni' othic
Furnished Rooms.
I.MK.i:, Whlli FI'IIMIIFI) front loom in pn
vato fauiib, with or without board. All mod
crn impioii'iiunts (..'.' Adams avinur.
FOR RDM V large, well furnished loom
(ncalit) on MnlUon an line. Inquiii', T
of TYibiiui .
FROM OCT 1, two moms, luniLslied or unfur
nished; all tonienlences; niui lontion; rent
reaMiiable 01S Pine street, city,
FOR RENT-Fuml-hed front room, with heit,
bath and gas; neir couit hnue; gentl'man
prefeired. Addrewi Room, Hot 'J'CJ.
IOR III'.NI' Finnbhed room; heat and bath.
C'5 I.indrn ttiect.
1111, Mss,s M'llb'Ul". lite of New York.
Mb es' dicss miking nnd ladim' litis" undv.r.
1 lotlu-ri (dO spnice stnet
SlPrillT.KH S IIMR, wirls and moles palnlc-s-Iv,
peiminfiilli, silentifleally leinovd by
eleclilo needle, no sens. Deiluatological Pal
I011, ,IIJ Wahiugton avenue.
I'o.ter (iaidner, Oroigo W. llimmond, Adeline
Dunlap and (irate twell.
Tlio pl.iv has unrcd an liiuneuso suness vvlar
ever it lias bien presented. The costuniin; and
sienery 310 t-aid to lie vny fine, and th plav
i.irnes one bail, lo Hie )oir 17-M, wlien tn re.
Iii-e tn dnuk tn tie king or to snub a r").il
niistiess, would send one to the bastde, thuc
to lot awav their lues
Bon Ton Stock Company.
Nothing tiMcrilt like ullls. Ur, l.r)buin
and Ills Ui Hon Ton Stock toinpany sunetded
in plea.lng llieater going people ot this city lit
season. This siaion lie his enlarged his company
and is able to putton some ot the moie preten
tious plait.
"The Pilniessnf Patches" will be the opening
bill on Mniula) night next, with dulutv l'mnu
Hunting i the pilmei, Nnv tpiclaltles have
been added to the tliow
The I I. Rice Amusement company will pie
sent ),.iuond'i beiutiful tomanllc coined),
"When We Weio Twcnt" one," at the Ij renin
soon. The miiipanv Is under tlie pejvonal diicc
Hon of William Moirls, of tlie l.mpiie thiatir,
Sew- nrk, and iin ludes null tin il'os us Walter
W.dkri, M I Hutlei, Joh I T. Iluike, Alln'it
Dons, F II Tillnu, Mks Hall. .Mi' M J.
Iliiilir, Miss Mlldicil St. Pierre, Mis Floimio
Wiikilitle and (mil let n ntliers
Mitn.igets Wagenlials and Kemper will inani
mate the staiilug tour of Aithor Ihion at ilio
stiiililnkir iheaur, (Tiiiago, on O lobir 7. 'II, e
lll.l pla lo be pusuitid will bo ' I'ctllcoila
and lla)on(t," a dramallc ruinedi by A-.i SICi le,
a pla) wliiili lias alreadi uimisid liiuili lorn
nn nt. Two other pla)s bate alio bun km uretl.
Soon alter Us (Tmaco iiaageinent, "I'ttlicoats
and Ila.iuuits" will be seen in New Yoik
The tour of Madame Mojje-L.i and l.ouls Jainrs
will lirgln in Oi.uijc, V. .I., nn Motility nUlit
lievl in .1 piodiKtlnu of Item) Mil. I lie) will
appeal In I In' pilnilpal cities of the and
soutli 10 be followed by 11 tour 01 the I'aulic
iiusi. Thiir siaon will end wi.b a lour wi-ck.s"
eiibagiinent In N.'iv otU, lieginulnii tail) in
spril T'he slats aie stiilounded Willi ,1 lompaiiy
ot well tialneil und xpiilen, ed ligltiuiilH pin
ei, aiuouj whom aie Noiliun llaikett, Ml"
Loii'lia Will,, Wadnwoith lliii,s, Tli'mas I ul
lllu Cooke and l.oulsi (.ale.
The Kill Hunutio tuinpjny picsenred "llm
(liiny Piikers" at Hie 1.1de1ny ot Mu-lo last
evuilntr to a largo and wrll pleased audit lice, I 01
the toda) "Nell (.njiuie" will be lot"
bill Toiilght the coiupany will ne.ont Iheir
matter-pieir, "III 110 Jiaiu." 'lids Is the lut
season tlie famous play has been seen at popular
prices, It abounds Willi tbrilllnir iccurt Slid
startling climaxes. Including the fjmnus sawmill
siene, wbero the hero it llrcwn oier a auv table
with a large saw- In lull motion. For the matinee
Saturday "s. Ward of France" will be reputed
by special rcpiest.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than Pour Lines, 6 Cents tor I'ach Uxtrat Line,
Ceitlfled Public Accountant.
'iV'.i !!" - iAri.iiNi. M TirDi:"iisiiAsit
"nSiM!" "' VXV,i- AllCllinxr.tONNKI.Ia
rill'IIKIIICK 1.. IH(OWN'."R(lt. H., REAfa
l-tbite l.xebangc llldg,120 Waddngton ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
"s.v S tVI sllltllllt
Dll- C. f. l,t HI! II, IF, WMIMIMI AVKNUB.
r'ltoo,n. 1 .',. J'Ori.Kr'TM-lORN'I'.Y-.VT-AW.
Hoonn 1.', ll.ju nml g Ittnr Hulldlng.
' K- TIIA(j A11"' .OMIONVi:M 1111100!
I,'ti!Li".,:.,,'''."',:' irirNiT Tr n- m:oo.
toiler u- r', !' ',,,k' 'I'J. -"leara llul'dlng,
coiner Wajhlngtun avenue and fcpruce street.
"n!l"Vl"' VI M"''V" KNAPP, ATrORNEYS
fi wlloi.iiU,, llepuhllcaii Uuildlng,
"a-lilngtun mcm
JI;!'ilJ! fc.-iiNst p. ArioRvi:s and (ouk-
i al and '"I Co,"n,u"w('''1111 llulMiBB, Koomf
,: mVcs'i'i11 1 VI' J" "J;"' A '"'ORNEY. itoovia
WHPUt, Mh lloor. Mean llulldlng.
kfV1 .'.";?. ATrOR.NEY-Ar-I.AW, POARD
of TradeJliiJ,ig,ji3n(1,n, n
''lili'n:ln0.v''t Wllo, iitAliERV NAT ION AD
innk Huilding.
A1.',..lll:'fllOI I". OlTTCi: MOVED TO No"!
-11 W.iomin aienue.
Physicians and Surgeons.
dr w. 1.. Ai.i.i:v, iiu Noniii wa-iiino ro.v
ington avenue. Residence, 1378 Mulbcrrr.
t hronio tliseuses, lungs, heart, l.idne)j and
genitoutlnaiy oigaus a tiei laity. llouis, 1
to 4 p. in
Hotels and Bestaurants.
thi: ik cam:, u-i and i;; franklin av!:
nue. Jtattss reasonable.
P. ZniOTtER. Proprietor
senger depot. t'ondutleil on tho European
l'"n. Virion KOCH, Proprietor.
less pools; no Otlor; onlv imprnied pumps used.
A It. Ilrlggs, proprietor. Leave oiders 1UW
North Main avenue, or Elite's drug store, coi
tier Adams and Mulberry, both telephones
C. n (UlthE k CO.. SsEEPsMKN AND NI1RS
ei.tnien, store 201 Wellington avenue; gneB
lioues, 10V) Noitli Main avtnue; store tclo
phone, J,
Wire Screens.
JOsEPH M-l.'Tl.b. REAR 511 1,(.R. AVP-,
Scranton, Pa, manufacturer of Wire Screens.
alo ladles' waists. LouU Shoemaker, 21.
Ail nns avenue.
MI'ttWIKLi: nit(K, PRISri'ltS" MIPPLII.S, hV
velones, paper lug', twine Warehouse, 1IC
Washington aienue, bt.ranlon. Pa
Tin: vi(.Ki.dn Mini: iiiroitn can hi: had
In Scranton at tlie news stands of tcimii
Pros., 400 spnice ami "all Linden: M. Norton.
MJ Lackawanna avenue; I. S. Sihutrer, III
Spruce streit.
Situations Wanted.
Sl'irUlOV MAN'TEDRv an esperienred ch't
in hotel or boarding house. Address, Chef,
Tribune otEce.
A I,UY desires a rcpeotable position for gin
eral housework or take care ot children; mr
kind ot work, no object. A. V, (J., liibune cf
A iOFNO man wants a job taking1 care ol
lioritcs or working for a private tamlly doin?
general housework. Addrctn 12C Robinson street.
MTl'ATION WAMED Wasliinir and ironing It"
tlo at home hy hrst clcis laundre-s; best ref
erences given If needed. Address Mis. L. M,,
care 5-'i! Forest court.
blfPATlOV WANTED bv a lady to work by thi
day; to take washing and ironing horns.
Address O. K 4P) bouth Washington avenue.
WORK WANTED by an experienced laundiesi;
washing and ironing' to do at home. Call of
address M. N , 23S Pcnn avenue.
NOTICE The annual meeting of the members nl
tho Lackawanna btoro Atoilatlon, Limited,
will ho held at the olhca of the association in
the city of Scranton, Pa , on Wednesday, Octo
ber 2nd, 1001, at ten o'clock a, in. for tho elei.
tion of maimers for the ensuing viar and fir
the transaction of such other business ui mi
properly ccino before the meeting.
II S. FA1RCHILO, Secretary.
Scranton. Pa , bipt. 10th. IPOI.
American League,
At Haltunorc R, n. B,
n.lltlmnro 0 0 4 0 0 3 112-10 17 1
tlrvclantl 0 0 0 1 t 1 3 0 ft- f) lf 1
Batteries McNcal and Woods; Kainea and
Ilrcsnahan, Lmpiie lla,skell.
At Hoaion R, H, y,
Chicago 0OI0 00 00 17 2 3
Hasten 0 0 0 2 000013 .
Hattcriis-Callalun and bugdenj Lewis tni
Crigcr. Umpire Connolly,
At Philadelphia R, J, F,
Mllnaukeo 0 2 12 0(010-10 14 n
PiilHiIelphla 12 0 0 0 0 0 0 0-3 10 .1
Haturlci Reldy and Malone.v ; Plank and Poiv.
eis I'mpite shendau.
At Washirgton R. H, I!
Dciiolt 1 0 1 0 0 0 0 o-.l S 1
Washington 00 100 2 0 0-.1 ft 0
llitleiles cagir, McAllister and Shaw j Mencr
and Claike, I mplic -II11I ',
National Lengue,
At Pittebmg- II, 11, i.
Hinokl)li O111Q00 0O-3 8 J
Pillshiug 0 0 0 0 fl 4 I) 0 I 8
Haiti riot N'ew ton and McUuliej (TiestiM and
Kluuuei, I mplie (l'l)ai'.
At f iniiiiuatl - R, l 1;
Hostou 10 0 0 0 0 0 102 ,", 7
Cincinnati J 2 0 I) I 3 () 0 7 II 1
lljlteilts Illneiii aiel Klnrdgo; llahi) and
llrigrii. I mplies Nadi and llrown.
At (hie ago r, , p
New 101k 0 110 0 1 11 0 .1 9 1
t.liUskO 11 0 II I (I 0 0 0 0-1 7
Hiltcilcs -ra.ilor and W'ainer; TaIor ami
( li J lice. I niplro Emdli'.
At St Louis R, 1 0 li 0 I It 0 0 J 0-0 1'
St. Louis 11.O 0 nuoo 0 1 O-i 13 I
Itatleilcx-MTilte and McFarland; Wrkea and
Siluber. 1 mplic Du-rr,