The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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4 - r - jf
Remnins Arilved fioin Qinnvllle
Last Nlfiht nnd Weie Taken to the
Homo of Deceased's Pnients,
Wheie tho Fuueinl Services Will
Re Held Dilvlng Club Races Weie
Disappointing Fuueinl of Mis.
Mackieth Piohlbltlon Alliance
Officers Elected News Notes.
Tin; remain nf ilio luti' liwllyin A.
"Williams iiiilvcd In thu illy nt KM"
o'clock last Jilplu over the Delaw.ue
mill Hudson i.illioail limn tiuimlllc,
N. Y where In.- died Wedmsday mom
Jnir. Accompanying them wde 1 1 1
wife fVid ihniKhter ami father and
mother, Mr. and .Mi. Wllliiim IS. Wll
Ham. The body tnUi'ii In chat in by
J'uneral Director Will I'll'-.- mul n
mnved to tho hum" of deceased's par
ents, St I South Main avenue. Iiiiiii
vlilch ptaec the funeral ulll lake pl.ue
tomorrow- uftoruoon at - o'clock.
A lame mmlri- of .Mr. Williams'
most Intlmato filends writ- at the sta
tlon when tlic licifiivi'rl wife nnd par
ents arrived, and ofieied their sm
p.ithy to thein In tlielr nlllli tlon. Tlio
new of tils h was a nvwa shuck
l at! iho kuw hlni.
A special mooting of the Vet Side
i ''ut i al Itcinibllcan club wan held at
the rooms eenltiK nnd u commit
tee of throe, .lames I.ryshon, Palmer
Williams and W. 11. HurIi", were ap
pointed by Piesldeiit Williams to draft
Mlit.iblc resolutions on the death of .Mr.
Williams. A (omiuittee cuupImIhk' f
David Davis, Dr. Talle.-eu Phillips nnd
Thotnaa Kvans witd alo .ippoluied to
proem e a. tloral tillering. The club de
iltltd to attend the funeial In a body.
The Jllectric Wheelmen postpontd
their Ktnsy affair last evening and held
a special UH-otliiK lor the pttipos,. of
adopting resolutions on Mr. William1'
deatli. 'J'liey nbo decided to attend tb
tutieral In n body, and will meet at
the club hoiifO an hour befuie tlie scr-
lees. 'I'lio lesolutioiis adopted v er
.is iollows.
Micrra, It lia l'frn Hi" lull nf Mniiiilm (.oil
to lemoie from our pic.Mr.ic eur lirloiril .mil vi
termed iiKml'Cr, ( .. Milium., mid
Wlirrr.u. In the ilcitli of our liioiiii w lue
ll-l.illifd sn inri.u.ililp 'i. t.ot onlv .11 a lie ni
ter, liit J a friend, uliiw mti'sritv, lioncfiy of
pinpoe nii'l uprUlilTiP. rit tli.ii.if id 11,1 Im j on.
I'l'H'.lCll. 'Hit It lull. I" ll
Ttf. and Almond Cream rrmoTM
rrdncM cf the (Lin and fooihts tte
riln of (unburn Id one night. Tale
t bottle nlth jou on jour vacation.
.'OK SALU BV 0. W. JC.NK1N3.
Iloulinl, Tint we fXlfni to the licrriicl tain
in uur linirtfelt Minp.ifli)- In llila, tlirh hour i.f
nut. ir,d ivinnieiul Hum to tie" All Wlf Ilukr
nf the I nl'riK, ilioii chullHIlKlitl arc intiiil In
niinv, an I he It (uttlirr
Ilo-Dlifil, Thiit our charter be dHpeil I" mourn
'in; for .1 .r(od ot thlity d.i tint thee tenolu
Him be fire.iJ en the inlniito vt the ctulii lli.t
11 tnpy li" pie.ctncil I j the fuinllj, and that (im)'
be pnbll'liiil III the dalle pjpir.
'. l lluirv. iJlMant W1III.111H, lM.ilil fl.
)iil, Coinnilttrp.
.Memliers of the llobei t Mot 1 In lodue
of hollies met tact eielilllK illld ar
t'.lllged for till' Indue In attend the
funeral servli en The newspaper men
If I hi' i'lty will iiIko attend In a body.
The funeral seivlees will bo londuet
d by the Itev. IIukIi P.uIoh, pastor of
the South Main Avenue We.Mi Ciilxln
Istle .Melhodlsl clilll c ll.
West Side Dtivinj? Club.
The 1. ne meet of the Weil Side
PihliiK lub, on the Khuhuiot bonle-
vaiil speedway yeleiduy nfteinoon.
war a ilNappolulmeni to the jevernl
bundled spiM Mini's who attend?d. Im
tin' llrt plaee, the entries w'U1 few
mil far between, and the hmses that
weie Hpe'iled riMllil not peffoi III With
jiii di'Kiee of eeitalnty or swiftness.
'1 ne best time made In ihe only l'lii'"
that was liiiNhed. mis i.;i for a half
mile. This a In ihe eluli r.ue, :n
v lilt M ill iv lior-" wi'io enteied.
TheM- weie Ten (III I. enteied by
liiui'lji1 W. .Inmes; St. Charles enteied
by Albeit VIe:, and Sleepy .lohn. en
teivil liy William llninlnir, mid drhen
bj Il(tir luxtln. The lllst heat was
won i.islly by Tea (llll In l.'.Tii4. She
11 Kit took the seeniid heal In l.L'4'i,
end the I'oiii'tli heat 111 l.-'l. Mrllulllu's
In rse tinned th- liair-inlle 111 th tbii.l In 1.:'!.
The lUnulliK laee fiirnl-hed the only
'.vehement of the day, and as 11 re
sill' a muuii? man named Kvnn ,lnep'i
now lies In the West Side hopli ll
villi a fractured lf-. In uminhiK1 up
tile hnisc he was lldhm for the s-eeoiel
leal the animal collided wllh Albeit
kicks' sulkey on the tiaelf, threw
.k'M pli oil', fell on hlni. and olherwlse
1 1 rfoi'iiied In mi uiiiuly niannji.
Wb'Us was thtowil fioin III" "e.ll,
his ilf,' was put out of huslnesM and
,li)ep'i received a seveie .sliakllig Up
mid biuislriK In .idditlon to an Injuied
ley. The race was called oft alter this
as mi one oil lit he found who until 1
i!d" the animal.
Tluee horf.i weie entered In this
exent: Krank P.. by Liveryman
relies: Kvenlncr SMi. by Meredith
.Toiler, and Tan's ".is-Hin." The
lhM and nnly bent was wnti liy Kven
ItiR" Star In 1 i.".'4. Helles' 1iiim was
lidedn In ibis heat by a hoy named
H'ttenhoil'c. who nNu had a naiiow
.iupc from belnpr Injuied. The mil
nial has a tendency to take to the
v nod when irohu; at his lhclle-it
Tlieie weie no entile In itn aK.ilnt
.li. iups Mahoii's hlaek chatter In the
'1 "0 i-tnss, and afler ooritifr ,1 few
fines., tin- animal was wltlnliawn.
'Jhe fiee-foi-all was cut out ulln
hither, as theie were no cntiie-.
The ofllcl.iN weie Pel.'i' Knhlliif,
starler: T)r. fJiilton, tinier, and Mr.
Wnldle. .Uidpe.
Joseph' Injuries were ,i I tended to liv
Ju. J'.dMnond and Dr. llnlllster, who
Our Offerings
For Saturday....
Will please you. They're bright, new aud desirable
in every respect. The qualities are absolutely de
pendable and the quantities are unlimited.
Straight front, short waist Cor
sfts in pink and blue only,
A good 75-cent quality .
for 45C
Satin Ribbons, all colors, and
very much under regular values
Nos. 5 and 7 7c
Nos. 9 and 12 oc
Nos. ib and 22 12 4c
Flannel Waists were an ex
periment last year. This sea
son they are a unqualified suc
cess, and the most popular
garment ever lashioned for
popular approval. See our
new leading val- .
ues p 1 ,D)
Night Gowns, of course, and
made from new and pretty fast
colored outings, a quality worth
Ssc. Will be sold, ,
Saturday only OVC
In patent leather, tucked satin
and velvet, etc New stock
and a wonderful good
bargain, at 25C
For gentlemen in fancy half
hose. Dots or stripes in end
less variety. These values
arc unmatchable.
No. 1, the pair 25c
N0.3, the pair 50c
weio on tho trnck nt tho time, nnd
ho was nftcruardrt brought to tho ho
pltnl by Liveryman Helloi", whofo
wtc ho was rldlnK avIioh Injured,
Hosiery and Underwear
Bargains for Saturday....
Ladies' Fall Weight Ecru Vests, high neck and
long sleeves. All sizes, iucludiug extras
Ladies' Fast Black Hose, medium weight, iu a
genuine 25c quality. Saturday.
Globe Warehouse
Birthday Tiuty.
Mailer t'heftei' iMoikiiuk. of Xurlh
nioitiley avenue, entertained a few of
hN friend Tuesday nfternnon at the
homo of hl iaieiit.t In honor of bin
ullth birthday. Delightful name were
Indulged In, white lcadii7 Mienl aud
IllHti iiiiieiiUil fulo were lendeied by
Mle lttith Uraee and Ml. Mjrtle lleo
inei', A enko walk wut nlo eeeued
by .Mlt .Myrtle Jteeiner and 'rhonuiM'. JtetreshnieiiiH, weie nerved
by Alr.. .MnrBiin and MIm I.eah Allen,
iil'ler whhh the llltle one.s deiailed,
wlhliiK 'he.ter niany mot is happy
blrtlidiiN .
'I'lioso preent wi'i Chesier Morcau,
AVIIIIe .Muigriu, 'airn M'Iioiiuih, Wei
don Tlniniax, Slanley Peace, llarnld
i.e.xsnnii, Miei wood iisnn, Kllliy .Mor
gan, Ituth (trace, Ina Allen. .Mary Al
len, Annie D,iin. Mr. and Mr.i. Mor
gan Moik.ui.x. Mim. Uuheit 'I'Iidui.i .
Mi.. ll. 15. Allen, Jlr Ann Thoinn.
Thniiim 'I'linnias, Miss Atyrlle Ueenier,
MI-m I.eah Allen, Mrc. Hleph n Mxanc,
Mls l.uej Thoiiuix.
Piohlbltlon Alliance.
The Went Serautoii I'tohlbltlou Atll-
auee held a ini'"tlliK In Mmgiiii'M hall
bint evenliifc'. lS-v. Uavld Jones wa
iiiiaiiinmiisly eleeti'd i Impliiln 1'nr tlm
elisulliK leiin. , (S. Moigall was eleel
ed tiensiiier, and rhatles l'oss as mar
shal lor the coming term.
Ten applications weio leeched lor
membership In the alliance. Alter due
inuslderatlnn all npplU atinns weie m-
fi'hed and candid. lies weie nddresf-ed
by the legnhir ollleers.
It was decidi'd lo have t'.ev. Dr. de
Ciuiby b!c an IHiiFtrated leinpeiaiKe
nddri'Md, A committee nf tlve was np
polnled lo select a date and plai e lor
the addiess and concert, nnd lepott nt
the net meeting, wllh h will be held
Wednesday, Oetnher 'i, In Mmgan's
Fuueinl of Mrs. Mnckieth.
The funeial services over the remains
of the lain Mrs. lleoige Mackieth weie
loiiducud eienlay .'iiternoon nt the
house. 011 Xoilh Flhnore nwutie. llev.
J. r. JI0ll.1t, of Urn Washburn .Street
I'leshylerlan i biirch, mul llev. I). I.
Hopkins, of the 1'lrst Welsh H.iptlt
cbuicli, wen' the olllilalliig elei gyinen.
The pall-hem ei wete.lohll llielinrds,
Peter .lamb-son. .Inhn AVatklns, David
Junes. Dux Id D. Junes, Ueuige Watklns
and (leurge Wlddb I.. Imminent was
made In the Waslihuni slleet enetety.
Serious Accident.
Allen W. Castcilln. of W'C North Gar
Held mcium, an engineer on the Laik
awanna l.illin.ul. met with an incident
on Wednesday which will lay lilm up
fur snine lime. While inspecting his
engine he fell Into a deep hole along
side tlie Hack and fr.ictuied two of his
He hiy in all mn oust ions inndltlon
for some time, and when he iecoeied,
walked to his home, wheie a phslcliin
attended him.
Social Events.
Mr. mid Mrs. David M. Jmnes. uT Lu
zerne .sticct, enlerlalned a number of
young people at Iheli home leceutly
The guests fin lil-ln-d ample iniiuse
iiient during tlie evening.
Mr. and Mis. 'I'houias Tlinnius. nf l.n
Ki'inc stienl, gave n reception Weilnes
d.i, ccnlng to the tclutlvo mul par
ticipants in tlie !: iiuii-Tliuinas wed
ding. A p.llty nf Wist Si imilun nnng peo
ple made a tilp lliiough ilie Milshm
lilllie Weilnesiln.v evening, llluier the
dit ei linn ol Cay lieenier.
Millineiy OpeniiiR Days
Thin sday. I'lhlay and Saturday.
fiiM-V. IM N. Main axepiie. "
Mr. and Mis, Walter A. M.uIiimns,
who woe iimrrl'Ml icieiitl.x nt Tin-m-ilisbutg.
Pa., am the gnesls nf the
fi n mr'.s patents. Itev. and Mis. s, F.
Mnliiews. ot ljuck street.
The linounl.s Dancing ila.'s xvlll upen
Hull at Washlliglon hall mi
: .inn day evening, wiili Pi of. Ilennli-a-
planlsr and J'ruf. Kern as instiiu
tot. Hlouiiiu ludg.., x,,. y,d. Independent
inder nf odd Fellows, have elei let!
the following oilliers tor ilie coming
term: Xolile grand, Kvan It. .lons;
vice grami, Xelscin Anderun: secio
tnry. Thomas I. Williams; assistant
M'C-retarv, David Ollibu; Ireusuiev.
I'enrgc Parr: Irustec, Jniiica F. Davis,
r 'pieseiilntlve to the grand lodge.
Hi nj.nuiii firltlltlis.
John T. Mnigans, of rtlS Xonh Kvei
(tt avenue, an employe In tlie S.tnih
Hanks collleiy. was caught between a
111 and a pillar on Wedncday and . -iej
Mr and Mis. Hmtene Fern and Mi
nnd Mis. K. Y. AVIlllanis attended the
funeral of the lain Paul Dilpp ,if
Wilkes-Harm on Wednesday.
D. .M. Jones, th druggist, mid Di
ld l!eee hae letuined fioin a sin
ns.sful llslilng til at Oak Hollow.
Mr. and Mis, William Prltihnid and
Iluiiy Pass, of West Lackawanna
axei.ue. left last night fur. the Pan
American. The Oxford nice club h -Id a lehear
miI last evening, and ai ranged to meet
ngaln Sunday afteinunii.
An Infant child of Mr. ami Mis. Wll
lhili Heath, of '! Snyder avenue, died
yiMeiday. aged six mouths. Tin. lu
ll ruient will he private. Hall and Onr Oswald will
lei.if fur Hufl'alo today.
The ynung iieople of the Washburn
M'eet Presbyterian chilivh held a .so
cial at the parsonage last evening,
which was well attended and enjoy
able. The lOpworth League of iho Simp
son Methodist F.plseopal church held
an old folks' reception nt the chinch
last evening, which pioed to be an
ll leiestiug alfalr.
Among the guests al the Kynon
Thoiuas wedding einnlay weie:
Mrs. linehe, of Xnu Votk; Miss May
llecse. of Vlislnla; Miss P.eta Tucker.
11' AFbley: S, c. Ueese. of Washlngtun,
D. ('.: 1 'llnton n. Heese. or Heading:
Harxey Wels. of Philadelphia: S. M,
Cionlu. of Albany, X. V.
Quint ju Clobtd, ot I'.itasaciua, Ir the
Rllet of lleoigo Sohustei, of Xoi th
Urrdeld avenue.
William It. Puce and family, of Lu
zerne stiiei, have letuined homo
from Ciesco.
Tho holL'l linens- of Jailelte Wll-
11 veil as thft liinJ.oiiif.t, mil (itheri
re liaiird lo call ji uny diutrelit and set
lire a tild bottle ol hcniii'a II.I..111 (or tho
Throat anil Lune, a iruicily Hut U Eiiarantci't
tn cure ami rcllcic all Cluoiik' anil Aiule Couthi,
Attlitna. ItfuiiiliiiU jml ('uiiiuniiiioii. hm,,' f,
lU Mc.
Our Grand Fall Opening of Millinery
Takes Place Next Week on
Tuesday, Oct. 1, Wednesday, Oct. 2, Thursday, Oct. 3.
Everyone Invited.
Another Exposition of Wonderful Bargains Await You at
Our Great Friday Afternoon Sales
Our Friday Afternoon Hourly Sales have become the most important and eagerly looked for trade events oc
curring in this city. Last week's success was truly phenomenal, and large crowds responded to our announcement.
But success only spurs us on to greater efforts, and this week the bargains are more pronounced than ever.
We can give no better demonstration of the mighty savings to be effected here than by inviting you to com
pare the following pi ices with those quoted by other houses for goods of equal qualities.
Sale No. 1
licgltiK Promptly nt
2 O'clock.
In Basement
Stupendous bargains In useful
housefui-nlsliing goods make the base
ment offering an extraordinary one.
. - .4
Tlie greatest bargain In tinware
that was ever known.
Toffee niKl Te.1 ltn Hn., (.(,
that hold two quiii f. Mum! Kloiii
Sifters nnil I'ake l)isi,i, all lii.iile
of the ,(.t Rih, 0i tin ami .-old'
leKUlni-ly at Hi . lie. aticl iv.
Vmii elioiee for one. hour
S'lT.AIXKIJS (iooil and mIioikt. never .sold
for lei.s than ;. mul U: I'm- this -5
in in the pilie is jC
hind you p.iy tie. a down for, .iet ready for
wnn ii.ij and seem.. s. dozen Jillis
at this hour Kale lot
The-c plu it's in ' tloral dei-umteil and lime
milil eilRe. .-uitahle for Miup or illnner .!
Mee, prlee Me. lo i.V. l'or
one hour the pi In. u. eadi
Great chance to buy Genuine Steel
Gray Enameled Ware at almost tho
price of tin.
AT :-!e. Ti:i;i, ci'.AY KNAMKUCD MII.IC
l'All.S-Thee lull xlll hold itiiiits and
ate in Hi ill iPKUl.ll pile Sue. ''Jr,
Here for mie hour at ZijC
IMTKKTS The new kind, all complete, Unit
would eost at any other time $1.00. a (f
Here for the hour at 4VC
KiriTIKS ei;ular pilie r
;:;ie. llote inr ihe liuui at 1 VC
Uneqdaled Offer af $3.19
Tin-: umiTxixr, wAsnixcr machixk
Will do a larff .led MaphltiR- fitultleioly
and f.ivp liard wink, made with eleitih
lioopi. Iiot i 'ilar oi)(l, i-taiid.iid ptin of
ihe iniii'hliie is JI..VI and newr i (
es. Toda toi the hour Mile ? 1 V
Side No. 2
Heglns Proraptlj at
3 O'clock.
Dress Goods
Main Ploor
AT lie. AI.I. WOOL Vlt'TOIlIA Sl'lTlNtirf
- Just ll.Cou ard iu all. Thin fabtlc mnde of
the he"! niiKom jam, .ipotiKed and slutitik,
leady for tini-, suitable for tailor made suits
or .sep.uati; sUlils. The eolois are Unlit
Kfoy, oford, led, KMiiiet, loyal blue, navy
blown, -ator, niyille nnd A few
silks and all-wool plaid.s go Iu wltii this lot.
The ivnillar prlee of these- f.ilules Is 7,1 rents
a j aril, for ilie hour sale they no
at, per .ipl
VKSTS Kloeee lined and ribbed. Tile p.inls
made wltii I'teneli waistband and buttons
on the sine. 1. ovular price -oe., aim never
sold for leM1, lieto today for one
liour only at
Sale No. 3
R -' JL l m
Begins Promptly nt
4 O'clock.
Boys' Clothing
Second Floor
AT 21c. HOYS' 1CXKK r.NTr5 AM wool
and heavy t-ixli t. (nine In plain blue, hiown
and dark srey, made wllh taped -eanis and
extra strolls' band. The .seams and the
billions won't oome olf. AVoith 25c y -t
and ;:"i". l'or this hour JL 1 C
i'IIIKIS Kauey culored ami handsome
finn-y heiii'.stltehed holders. These Roods
,ii e woith fully 1." ecnts; for tlie liour
at. eaeh
Second Floor
AT I.V.. l.AUIKS1 DIIAWKltS.Made of
line mullii. with deep hem and cluster
lueks. l:"Biilar in Icy 25e.: for tho
hour t-ale
Second Floor
A1STS Splendid KiiiinenLs for fall wear.
Tlie euliie In blue. Ricetl, bhiek and Krey;
pleated and Hteked lnuil and baek. Ilecil-
lailj win th ?1..'5. l''or ihe hour
rialn Floor
AT . .!.. KAI.l. ot'TIXd Kr.AXXKI.-Abmit
".ortii yards Iu all. In all the new and staple
i li i ks, .stripes ami fancy plaid?: suitable for
ladles' and children's diesses, wiapper.s, men
and boy.s1 shifts, HcRiilnr piioe Se.; (-,
l'or ihl- hour at per yaid OL
AT fi'jc, PKUfAWK "J Inches wide. I'mne
In daik Kiouhd of navy, blown, caidlnal,
unlet ami bl.ul.: the patterns fumy, of
small and I.iirc deslsiis. lac. sroods
.lad ffeod i.illle at that, foi 111- hour C'
sale at U2C
lill.VWKIt.S Sizes fioin 1 to 7 years. Made
with plain deep hem and cluster tucks.
HCRillaf pi Ice '.0 cents. For the 'J
hour sale 1 XL
Haln Floor
JX(! In asMirted colors but not blak. Regu
lar price nf tills blndim? flc. a yaid.
ii'or till lmnr f-ale
S1IOKS Made, of box grain ami doiiRola kid.
I'onect iu lit and linpo, built stromc and
serviceable; worth $1.2". All sizes
up to 2. For the hour at
AT 25c. FIXi: 1..VWX 1'II-l.OW SHAMS
of handsome pillow shains and bureau scarfs
In small, medium and laifie sizes. Made
with Irish 1'oint lace, scalloped edge and
embroidery. Ilek'nlar ptlco lroni r.O to
cents, Tako your choice for this
hour at
dilfercnt dclRiis, imitation nf Marseille".
These spreads never .sold under $1.23. On.
For the hour sale,
AT li'lc, r.MHHKIil.AS Fast black Arin
ure made with Coiiro handles. n-Rii- "JQ
l.n pi lie 30c. In ihis hour s,te at... J"C
llains, of ,nn Souili Main axi'iiue litis
been tiansieried to Many '.
Itev. .lohn J.iaus. of limine. "Wis.,
pieaihed at ihe Fhst Welsh Consi
R.ttloual 1 hill, h last menlue.
Itev. William I. John, of Wlllv
Haue, Is the Riiesl of .lohn S. Jones, of
Archbald stieet.
A Hililo 1 lass lias lieeti orfiMiilzcd in
Hie l'l.iiioiith roiiKteRatlonal 1 hiirch
by Itev. ('.. . Hn I for ihe study of
the Won! Itoiu liem-sls to the end of
Hi vel.itlous. i:ei body Is welcome to
Mr. ami Mrs. John J Howell, of
I'lttston, and Mi. and Mrs. .lames
1 lamia, of 1 'latU's Summit, attended
Hie Williams-Thomas wed'Hnsc on
Vedliesclay evelllntJ.
At fi o'llodc ypieiday mornlnj!, all
that was moital ol tho hue Mrs. Owen
Mean was laid 10 lest In tlie Duunioio
I'athollc ceinetety. The family lesl
deiice, on I'tospeit ineiiue, was
IhroiiRed wllh sorrow Iiir fi lends and
lelalhes. who salheted lo pay their
last I'aiewell to Ihe deceased. The n.
ninilis lupuned In a beautiful uisKet,
and weie viewed by Ihe people piesent.
The funeial iiittene was lame and at
tested the esteem and lespcei in wliiib
the dep.uted was held. A lilyh mass
of leiiuleui was celelnaled In St. John's
church b Itev. K. J. Mellpy. after
which the fiiui' pioieslou inoM'il to
the ieinetoi., ''he pall-heaifl s wete
JaioliN'awley, M, I'oMie, T. Hcffioii. 13.
( 'link. .1 unit's Walsh and James Mc
llnle. I'. Itoss. of Huffnlo, X. Y.. Is Ultlm;
Mr. and Mis. Klein, nf Alder stieet.
Mis. H. Hrandby, of I'lltstoli uxciiuo,
nicl with a seilous accldtnit al her
home yestctday iiflcnioon by falllns:
down 11 illi'ht of Htnlrs. She inlssed her
footliiR iin' fell backwaids to tho bot
tom, When picked up she was 11111011-
si lolls I)i. A. Kolli was summoned,
and after eaiiilnlnR hei he stated her
loliditlon as ery si 1 unis.
There will be 11 nieetlliR of tile .limner
Maenneichor 011 Sunday afleruoon at
:;.;!" o'i Im k instead of loda..
Cictieial Ol mt 1 oiiliuaililerj , No. 2JU,
will meet Iu icruIiii session this eeu
Iiir at S o'tlocU Iu llaitmans' hall.
The. I'.itrlollc order Sons of Anierlui
I'lfe and Dunn corps attended the St.
Haul's chut eh fair last eienltiR.
1). Jones and sou have letuined ft mil
a ten da.xs' lsit with friends In Mary
laud. DUNH0RE.
Floyd Mutisoii and Miss Sadie tirotii.
Ilch wile milled in marriiiRe at 111"
Hiesbyterlan iiinn-c Wednesday after
noun by He. W. V. (llbbons. Tim
joiiiir people enter lhi-ir new I If 11 wltii
the best wl"hcs of llielr many ft lends.
The Ladles' Aid society of Hie Meth
odist Kplsiopal ihurch conducted n
eiy successful oclul at the home of
.Mis. Frank Mauley of c'heiiy stieet.
The usual dlvetslons were IndnlReil Iu
bv the meiry iIiioiir present ami a
eiy eiiJo.Miblo eeiilns was spent by
all In attendance, liefieshnients ei
wnnl and a ory suhstiiiiilal sum
v.ia add'd lo the todely's neastiiy
Mis. A. I'J Hrown of llieen HIiIrb
street and Mis. William Simpson nf
Dudley street lelt jestutday lor a sta
of several weeks wllh Iowa irlends.
MihR ( race Hetlew of Hltlston Is tin
Ktnet of her sister. .Mrs. A. M. Hliiy
liaui ol Hlakely stteel.
John Mit'arty, who has been a iesl.
dent of Newark, X. J., for some time,
Is now visiting his family heie.
II. ll. I'air yesterday moved fioin
Uttdley street ulo the Albeit Jenkins
holiiestead on Hlltlef Mice!,
Mrs. Huler I'inckney of Shoemaker
tivenue Is onjoyliiif 11 week's slay at Iho
Tlieie will be u special niceilng of
the It. Mall CM rks" Assm l.i'lon of Diui
tnoie tbl t venniR ai o'i lo.-K 111 Man
leys hall. All nicinbiis ale uiRed 10
lie pi 1 sent as business of iinportaui o
w ill be ii',iiictt tul
Mr and Mis. P.J. Dr. J. H.
O.uvey and Matthew I'awley hae re.
turned from Altoorul wheie they at
tended the Installation coienionh'S of
IlRht Itev. K. A. Uarey. J. Whir H tiidlspoed at his
Inline on Dudley slice!
'Ihi' cleiks employed In the lallroad
ollue.s of the Krie oinpan will enjoy
their annual oiiiIur at Lake ('lenio on
Saturday in-c 1
MIIS. MAItY ('. C.HAXilKi: wile of
Joseph iJiaiiRvr. died on Wednesday at
Iter home on I'ouith Slice! afiei .1 tew
weeks' Illness. She Is sunlvcil by a
husliaiiil iinil one daughter, Miss Tiilie
(IraiiRer. The funeial will n held this
motnltiK 111 I'.:!'1 o'clock from Holy 'ios
chinch, with liueinieui In the i'.hIi-
edllll 1 fiuclel.
MISS. Wll. 1. 1AM i'AHII.IX. ol ilKtry
sueet, died jesierday 1110111I11R, alier a
bilef Illness. Of her many friends. eiy
few Uiihw that hei lomlllloli was so
.unions and Ihe lows of lit- fatal tet
iiiliiation yesietdio iiioiiilng: was a
Kieat shock lo them. Mis. I'aliillu had
lived iu South Scrauioii foi a number
of jeais. aud wan held In hiijh esleeni
by a larue uumbei nf 111 (iialutuuces.
She Is survHed b hu- ihlldieu, Mink,
Willlaui, Mai lln, Kalle and Mar I'alit
lln. Tlie funeral nnmiiiiiiement will be
published later.
The funeial of Flank, the H-yem-old
sou of Mr. and .Mrs. J. P. Walsh, will
lake plai e tills mornlllR al !' o'clock,
Services will lie held nt St. Peter's,
cathedral, luteiment will be made In
the I'utliedral cemetery.
Lyceum Theatre
SI. Ill Is, li'o an I M '
A .1 III "11 . It." JUnisor.
Saturday Mntlnee, Sept. 28,
'1 1 i- Urilluni. t 1 1.
Air. Willis Granger
mul 1 lei t luwptni in the rum.uui. ilrjma
Iti W I IVhiiihii', Jmhnr ol "The P.sbh n4
tho 1'iws" fii Hiiisiiuii ol VI W. Hjntn. U
Son Ninufioiw a. t . niiv, Miprili ni.uim-,
lomrlnl pl.i.
I'iiie-25i . Mi"' . '"-' ! iVi, N 1 h I .
saunlav v.i.tnrr 'l'i nnil i0 c ms
I lillUrcn al Mitinri- IJ eni.
Academy of flusic
M lilts
.1 JlurTi. Manas r,
lll.M I Ol Ml I h
Tonight Dine Jeans
Mntlnee Nell Gwynne
I muuic n in . 10. u 11 1 '
U.lllliM- J.I 1. , ID, 11 1 nl
si i u mvi riiiv
Snpp..i 111111 MIS fMMV PI MINI. Opmnai
Vtniiiln im nu Mllh tlf
I'm 1, IU. '0, .0 . in-
l I W I'l li
Miiuiii't Muii.lai, W . Jn.HfUj . 'Iliiirvla) aul
J "Dainty Paree Burlesquers"
. .