The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 27, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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SnioUH Charges Aio Pieferied
Apnlnst Cotuitllinen and Binges
Willlnm Kennedy John Wellnnd
Accuses Councllmen of Being Ex
travagant and Con up t, and Says
the Buigess Has Not Turned Over
Fines The Buigess' Indignant De
nial Mnss Meeting Sntuiclay.
The horuUf'h otllilitls and rouiicllmen
of DlckFoti City l)(H()iu;li hid having
trunnion of tli Ii- nun these days,
Mitny cltl.ens mil at rayed against
tlii-tn anil aio determined that
Mnw 0nilt rltliT lesli'ti or lit'iome tie.
1'endnntn In uilmltint action.
l-'nr the pant jeai 01 more thete. have
been rumors if 1 1, Kraut ini million,
dishonesty ami xtriiMiKiinie nitcinl but
the citlens at lit i H' took no delhil!
fiction. Tin.' minors weie passed fioiu
oiii to untitlier, dlft usscd it llKlf mid
then fen gotten lor 111" time iii'llitr
Theie hiIII remained In the public tiiluil,
however, n lliiBerlntf suspicion which
was cryMn.llv.ed Into dellnlle and unit
ed action last veck when councils
passed u resolution piovldlng: for the
Mfiu'ltiK of the names of thj old build
iuT committee, fioni the comer stone of
tin new borough IiiiIIiIIhk and lor tin
substitution theretor of tin; woids
1 Dickson City Hoioush UulMlng."
An Indignation meeting- of dils-ens
was called for latt Satutday nlBht ami
was attended by several bundled cltl
Kcny. A list of clungcs was prepared
and was submitted to an Inv c.-t iKat Iiik
(ommltlee wlili h Is ImeMleutinK this
week and wlilcli will lepott luek to u
seiond mass muetlns 'f citizens to be
held on Saturday niiihl.
John Welland, who Is one of the mnsi
pioinlneiit iltl::eus of the hnioiiKh anil
one of the leaden In the prevent ci u
(ade, made an extended statement luM
iilslit to a. Tilbune man cxplalnlm; nt
hiiKtli the Lliurfit'H nualnst the IhiioiikIi
otlletals, n synopsis of wlileli appealed
ii last Monday's Tiibuiie.
'cm.nxs aim-: ahoiskd.
i:lstlnff conditions have beioine u-
nt lable," ,ald he, "and tile citizens.
I'Kardless of patty, have decided to
in oho deeply Into this matter nml
liilnpr the Kiillty olllelals to uccuiinl.
' The action ol the coum II In passion
a involution pioldlny I'm a tlefncliiK
f the corner stone of the borough
iiiiildlnc, while not luipoi taut in lielf,
i- a wry Hood llUisliiitlon of the milli
ner iii which niir PoioiikIi alfalis me
i emulated. It was a spite in tlon. pine
md simple, orlninatliiK with Count II
in in Mi (lenity, w ho nppaieinl.v wauls
ii fet eeii with the men W hove 0. tines
m now on the stone bi'i.iuse ihey h-
- d In i',it . Ii I 111 .some lime HBO. The
mini llnien didn't mhul about that us
l-niK as the imniey lor the Ki.itillcntluii
f Ml. MtCeirlty's spite c.une out of
he hoioiigli treasuiy and not out of
l In h ow u pockets,
'Then tlleie Is the lllinltllie pui--I
ae. Council has jn,t ptiiohnsed a
eil nf lurnllure for the hoiouch build
ii'c il a total cum of $S9:i. We have espeit ftiniltute men look over
'lie fiirnitiue purchased and their es-
Dilates of the cost average about $."00
hi Stun less than was paid. 1 met a
miner tea-man today wlio told me
that when he was on the load a few
wars iiko, he used to Kive away just
is K"od chairs as the bmoiiKli Is asked
to pay S).r0 for, with a pound of bak
ing powder. That may sound a little
e,iKKPrnted but it Isn't a bit. They
ne Just common oidinaiy folding
amp chairs.
' At the Indignation meeting held la-d
Saturday night former Count llman
John Tienton iidmltlecl having received
a rake-off for Home hose pun based by
the horough last year and made the
public statement that lie had jjlven
Councllmen Harry Mc Oerrlty and .lolin
l.nrk JC.23 each as their shate. Holh
these latter men at? now- metnbeisof
our council. Six hundred feet of hie.e
has just been pun based at the same
price us last year.
"It the company could alford to and
did pay n rake-off last year on 'M feet
of hose it's pretty leasonable to sup
pose it can affoid to pay and Is paying
i rake-off this year when the same
Pi Ice Is being chained and when tlnee
times the amount Is purchased
"Then theiv'u t lie buisess. William
Kennedy, The citizens belle w that he
has not turned into the boiounh lie.ts
urv all the money wiitch should haw
been turned into It. He only tinned
over $0!!.&0 last year, claiming; that that
mount was all he received hi line-.
sk any man in this borough who Is In
his ilslit sensesi and he will tell ymt far, far more than that amount
was collected In tines.
"The present burgess has made a
specialty of ariests, He has posted bis
otllcets to catch evety tinwaiy , nt
eomltif? aloiis the load who may bv
ha nee happen to i Ide on the sidewalk.
The fines (ollecled I'miii blcyclKts who
hae been arn-sted In one da hae
miounteii to a eiy coiwldenihi,. nm
and yet he says In Rim days he ml
lotted only $(W...0. Jt Is my oplnli u
that the amount he uII.-ci.mI u tint-t
is neaier J1.000 than any other tluuie,
"There have been other i lurues made
nBalii(t the burse'.s. Ii Is tl.iinied ami
1 beliete It can be proved, that he has
to Broidwfy, N. T,
WlUel Btne. OirbondiU.
4 Ccirmonwulth bM'ft Scrtntnn, P.
imaMM MM H II M tt M M It it
ponnltted his sister to net ns iiiiirIs
tiate dttrlns his nUsente nud that she
has taken It upon heiself to e.xercle
the functions of his olllce,
"Then Is one llttlo Incident which
niu tlnow a little light on the
way things ate condtnted. It Is iald
that a peddler was uin-tited Kicnlly
and that he did not haie any money
wherewith to pay his fine. The burgess
thotiRht It over nud Dually ihatiKed the
Hue to till en pairs of Sllspellileis, two
of wlileli he kiiw to the tioroiiRli po
licemen, Keeping the other pair lor him
self. "Tlti yearn ta ley Is thlileeii mills
or thtee tiillls hlnher than It wat hist
year. This Is because of the extrava
Sitlice of the council and It Is time for
the cltlcus to iln up and lip these
men out of olllre."
HutKess Kennedy wa seen a little
later by The Tilbum1 mini nud ufter
beltiB told of the chin Res which had
been made a(;alust him. was asked to
make teply. J I went over to his desk
mid took out a blK book maiked "Hoi
oubIi Docket" which he laid on a table
find opened up.
"Theie's my teply, sir," said lie,
"This book shows the lines width hae
been toilet ted by my predeeessois In
olllce and by m.xself. You can see for
yourself that 1 have collected In one
year mine lines than any of my piede
ce.ivors collected In three ears and et
these refoimeis have the audntlty to
say that I'm not iIoIiir business: on the
S(t!.ue It's outlaw-eon, sir, poslilM'ly
The docket showed (hat Harness Sn
der collected (lues In IstH. !! and IS'trt,
utnoimtliiK to bill j:i;..",fi and that liui
ess Mollis Weiss lollecteil lines In
1S'7, 1S!). nml lvni amoimtliiK to but
."il.."0. The docket fut ther show etl that
lllll;e.s Kennedy tnllected and p.lltl
Into the boiniinh tteastiry for the one
enr of l'tiiil, the sum of C'!.."iii.
The Tilbune mail notltetl that i.o
fines tit all wen- tolleiled In the inu
tility tit cases, the tlel'euilants IimJuii
iIIm horned on p.ivnieiit of the ,osts,
the hitter Kolnif to the Piukc and po
lice tittlcers
'There it Is In bl.n k and white." anl
Hie hlllKfss. "Theie's no Keitlnn mwiiv
fioiu IlKUles. The Idea of them elaiin-
Inn that I tolleiled iieuilx j nun Why,
Its alisiud. sli. illiquid." and he leaned
b.n k In his i hair and Inuislied loud
and tiling
"This thliiK Is nil sp,. woilt" Mild
be 'This talk of eoirupllon .mil ills,
holiest) was all stalled b. .1. i.l. lluif
IIUKle, who's mad beillllse the binoim'h
woiililu't build no embankment to keep
the watei fiom the ilwi tioui How Iiik
Oil Ills plOpert). ( 'lllll It'll decided that
III" had lilt llKllt lo lllltholle the e
peiiillllll'e of inollev lor sin II a pill pose.
HutTuanle llieu got his n lends about
him ami staitetl thWiiy of t otiupiloii.
Il won't woi k."
i'.ritiii'-s jiakks ui-:niai..
The buigess llellied ns Ii III
Iv that Ills sisier luid eei acted as a
imiKistrale In his idaie and was uiiicli
Intenseil when told that It was t lalined
thai he took some ,siispeiuei.s fioni a
peddlei us a line.
"Thai's a lie." s.fld he. "a tlowiiilsht
He. I nexer took unj sllsieiideis foi a
line. H's false, absolutely false."
The members of the im estimating
committee met WetliieMlay niijht ami
had several of the t oimclltiieu up be
foie them They will Intel analn Sal
uid!i nifiht. when the huiyess III be
i ailed upon to explain.
One of tie 'in v.iid lat niKlit that Sat
uiilay nlnht's ineeiliiK inomlses lo de
velop some pieity slaitlliiK things. He
said that letlaln ollii lals will be con-
f i tinted with ceitain chanjes ami asked
to leslyn oi sufi'er Hie results of a
i ilmiual ptosei til Ion.
"We mean business," (..lid he. '"j'hls
Is no half-heai leii mnwmeni "
Bicycle Club Pool Flayeis Aie Still
Winning They Have Now Won
IS out of aO Gaines Played.
The Si 'anion I'.li. vdc lub's j , ,.!
pla.vers an- ki eplim up their winning
stieaU. Last nlutit iln-.i won time out
II. the I Olll Kltllle- pl,l)eil Willi (he pl,t
el lfil'fi lillm e Ill fell HiliKe
Wlleellni II.
.1. C. Dillheltl. ol the Itli'vle . Int..
who is ii. i oiii) a lein.tik.ilily koo.I
pool playei bin one ol the het liowl
eS III 111" cit.N as well sioieil 1 till
plilllt. In lileell ISIiIkh lo Willi. nil
Wetlelllitll s 71 John Iteese of the
Wllellllell evened llllllKs Up tlee by
deleatlllir .1. W. lllM'llllel l ol the lil
I ,M e (lull With a tllllli' ol Pill to t'.'.l.
I' I,. Hennetl and Dr. H. M. ilieen,
the two wheelmen who tame down lo
lilt; Hit yt e club lo play, weie both
defeated. '.. '.. I'rjor won lioiu Hen
net t with a scon' ol 100 to so ami liar
I J. tleleatetl Hi. (lieen with a
scc.le of P") to ::t.
Ol the twent sanies mi far played,
the Itlc.M'le l lull llaes ll,ie won f.
teen. There aie but thirty sanies lo
Ii pla.M'd hi lu older to stand any
show of Winning out, the lileen HldKe must win all of the ten games
vt-i in be pla.wd. 'I'his would only lie
tl in ami a dei I.IImk 'aiue would ilien
i' mala to lie pl.t.wd.
I'l It III Us .. h. ..I.
I tl M .11, Itl l.l
t'w nv ii,. ,.
" u i' I'.i.i i
pthi (III .III. Ill.j.ili
il. Ik
. Ill
i J.llll'
'I VMA' 'In M IIW1 I . ( n ,tl.
I II Willl.l.'. villi. .'., il ii ..i e s,.l, ,,,,
iik. n in ii'.onlji iii.iiiihij r.n 1 in ,-t iiietn
JM'Vliol Villi lt I IIVM.I p. ' ,,,,
Mint' Wnik"i. Iii.iiliiuni'i on ihl. ileiriil lute
In-ill illlll'.lll 11,1111 II,,' tluiul I, l, m j),.x In
II" I'lllll Ixilllllllj, , si,,)),,, a,t,
VI' WtiMVS's l(IVl.l Tli, 'iiiti,' ,,.
i liJIIlif mil ll.ltf III liMMlllt; "I tJll mil Mllil.-i
i..ii,tU jt ilt.'ii to'iiii. en liiiaii.),, t. i. t, nr
wlil. Ii inn. a Hiii jHi.liiifiil of ji'nkln. Jjiii..
ii.i'n,il mm jml .plinl nun, I";cihi vtttli
uiImt tium linn, iilll hr mi Hlilipn. vil me
i.iiili.ilh inlml lu tall .ml in-pe, I tl te xowU
tillliVSIIMJ VS' M.I.IVNti: l uiiini, r.
jjinri'i nf I'iuIiiuiiiuii MIIjii. e i.j l en a.Lnl
lo i nine to tlif i miiiil ai t nt iliti , n(t 4tll .
giiii 4i alliJluc Wall line ol'icit In tiin .,
tiu.i inif li.i lifin ullol let 'lu.ildt hi-iudu,
tin I. lot rHi-ilini; mkiIi an in j uii.m.iii. Ml
nun. ui'inm Jiiil ttnltlroi) ir invili'tl lo tttni'l
lltHCMIs l'IH'li:i) l r (in i,
llnlgi' luiU' l (I lil I'iIIiiha ll nulit I'ltiiiil
die (tiltniMiit: clflii"i io rve .furinc tl.e fuming
tni. Suljlc bijiiiI, s. I'.. VilJunin; ltf nun. I,
M p. I'.iinuin: utiKiff, I II. sPnall. r"iiM''m.i
iiif ti. t,ijini lodge, W II hftfrlC'ii; tltnirf uu
'fi. liifl (Jtfl.t : itifm!in vt ri nrvtoii loiniiinir
I.. 11 ll.'J.a(i jnJ J. VI Mtiet i on.
I'lM.IIM. 01' .IVMI's lit ItKIN flif (niif.,1
if It. lull .1.111 Plllkill IUI llt'l'J .tflltlilo
iili'iiiiiij; limit St. Prtti'a i.llii"lr.l, heie it ir
Oni'm li ... jv .nlfiiiiiitoil by, Rev .1 .f. loiin
i'lir lull lir.ur nt lllih.l.l Nntn... .Uniiti I) .;
Km. .I'iIiii liu.iir, Mltlmtl t,inli ami M.tlln In
, mill llHtniiiiil., in. Ir III llir I alhrdi.'
Hnifoid the IMnce and, Yesteidny.
the Time of n Good Old-Fnshloncd
1'nlr Like Our Foiefathers Held
Five Thousand Persons Come in
Moio Thnn u Thousnnd Vehicle
Fiom All the Country for n Scoie
of Miles Aioiiml Some Inteiest
ing Events.
spil.l flulii Mud Cvirr'liuhJi'lit
llaifoid, l.i Spt. L'i!. -Here und
now is the only Kenulne. ulnt nine
ami foityfoiir one-huuilredth's per
.'in. pine and unadulterated country
ralr. Wallvllle. llalla. West I'iltston,
lliinesdale anil other plncm hav fairs,
bur they me not count! y talis. They
may have beep mutiny falls ut one
lime hi their hlstor.v. but when con
trasted with the Jlarfoid fair they Hie
.1 1 1 v t falis To Hartford atone reinalui
the illMltK'tlou of coii'dm llliif a loiin
tr rail.
l'oi ty-folii e.ns jiKii the Hat told
aiiiiiiul f4lr had its oi Ik In. It Is the
same fair today that It was Wednes
day. September 19, ISe?, and each sue
ceedltiK ar in the lnliim. -S'o hoise
laclliit or that soil of UilnKJlMt
pumpkins nud cows ami t ra.y
cpillts, and piesenes. Title, theie wjs
a bit of Innovation today lu the shape
of a lootball name, but Hie "suelei"
seeinetl soniewhit sheeplli about It
all the day ami. ver.v likely, will not
lei It on or again. Heiealtir the na
tions of ihe talr who demand evlti-lii-n
t uiled with their amusimelit will
l'.e called upon to be toutelit with the
annual ploiKhiiiK uiati II.
llveiybod.v -or at least what s iiiin
plehenileil by thai lei III f 1 Olll thin lew'
point -.iliemls ihe llatfoid fair. .nd
everybody i omes n carriages. Today
tlleie Weie live thousand pel-ons Oil
the iiiouiuls nml it is fitir to estimate
that the number of Vehicles leipilred
to brlntf tliein was not le.-x than twelve
lint foul Is lour utiles fiom the neat -el
p, n e. KliiKsleys: eevell Illlles
flollt Hopbotloill. folliteeu miles limn
Montio-e rtniJ tweiiiv -four miles fiom
i he Voi k slate line Ji Is lu a deep,
t l.lte-l(e ilepii"tsoii. it tup one of the
IllKlievt id' the (hoiis.tiid-aiiil-oiie IiIkIi
iiioiiiiialn knobs of teiitial Siliiiehan
n. t tount.v. To i each it. one limit dnve
op ami down s nianv hills thai i:
sickness I- an ever impending il.iu
Iti't the hills h.ivi' no ileierilic; -i-fet
. on the popiilaiion heu-.tbutits. if
He- Journey Is loin; ami slow lliej taice
on .'.iil.v start. due p.til.v. will a
I'mii' fiom Wlnd'-tii. X. V., slatted .it
I .. m With the Hist nivs oi tlie
Hill every roadi vvltliin a Ijtllils of
tvei.t.v or liioi i- miles was lined wi 'i
.th ties, headed I larford-w.iy und as
Hi-y began tt olos-lv toneii;e, il
looked as If a scoie of funerals weie
tt lollif,' Into town all at the .same time.
1 I Olll II oYlui k until noon the steep In
tbiie by which Hie fair mounds aie
! lulled, a. blocked with cariliiKr".
At 5 o't loi k. when Ihey Huiietl their
horses hoiiieward.s, the speetat e was
n pealed. 'What to many, no doubt
was the most luteiesliuir slKht on the
M'oiinds vJs th ten acres of carrlases
ami lhelr lllteen liuiulieil or two
ll'ollsalid holses, Ihetheretl to adj.uent
I ft"", i'heie weie ehltl-f. nf all kinds
little, of t OKI se. bllt tile most of them
vile of a Milletv indliatliiK that the
own-is wci well-lo-di) The hoi -es
wtie. tor the most pan line looking
in nn. ts.
Tl.ele ale twelve pel nijiient build
IllKS on the V'lolllltls, beside- u laiKe
lllllnber of plls for live slock. The
1ii:!IiIiiik.s ale neat and .siibslautial
lie klim palnteil a red. ttililliieil
In white, and lliiee tf llieni, the jml
iiiliuial hall, women's bullilluit and
n.uiiiK ball, 'tie of hoi nt h d'lmeiisions.
The blllldll ks aie III til- center of the
li'olil.ils. with the liens at the extieine
ml. To tile left Is a thin irrow of
Ciiint tiees wheie til-- hoi sh und
i..iilatje rtie inassed. To the light Is
tile only level spot ill tile whole I e
..nil Itilllld It Is l.lIKe enough to
,ti i, modal' a loot ball mldlmn and
i OVeletl With Kl.'lsv
A lllclT.V -ipl-muiid, two tlniype gal.
lei lev a l.ujje iiumtier of ieaiiut
stands ami refiestiment hootht.. ami a
it tune tellers tent, w hii e ,ou can
Miiiie a phture of your fiiiuie bus
l'nd or wife for ten cents, eompilse
the tempoi.tiy p tiaplieinalla of the
ti' oiiuds.
Jllst nllUiile tile xioillld.s. however,
1:1 tin bai;ianl of the adjoining hotel,
i'1-illil be found some of the tictompaul-
meiits of the more model n fair. These
liii luiled nlckel-ln-llie-slut inachlnes. a
liol-ti.inktiiit lav-out. a shoollng- Rnl
lery and a lilt-the-liead-and-K-t-one.
tie.'ii tcalile. 'liie '-otlely" woiililu't
allow these tielai lolls mldvvav tllltlK
Oil tllo KTOIIIlds.
1!A1 VHAlt VtHl Ol'.OWIXf!.
The fair was not nulto as Miuf.
ful as that of last year In the manor
o exhibit- and attendance. This Is
Npliilned by the fact Hint It was a
bail sear for Irultn anil vegetable-.,
and that last year theie was no Tan
Allieiicail epoltlntl to bill k tmillist. year the agtlctilluial ImII was
not big' enough to hold the exhibits,
iiis ear It looked positively ban?.
Theie weie only four pumpkins to be
si en. and the blgge-t of them would
not h I'iveii space In any other jear.
Theie weie no pumpkins at all lu the
Harford legion this year, the bugs
bavin.' eaten the vines early In' ihe
Ke.iMin, There wasn't a buhel or ap
ple; In the whole bulldlnsr. The apple
ciop was a dead falluie. The same
might be said of potatoes, except that
one exhibitor had a lull ly good show
lli) of I ale ailelles. In the live.
stock, poultry and women's tlepait
lln'llls', however, theie weie huge and
e.i client exhibits.
The special nlliai llous of the day
opened up with a ploughing contest, In
which theie weie fh'e entiles, AV. II,
ISlchaitlson, (1. ('. Korsythe, c. .
liiambeilaln, A. If. Ityneaison ami
t'hailes Daiiell, all of lluiford. H was
won h Mr HP lull df on, with Mr. I'm'.
wiitl ripurtiiinllf
piieh iiptviel
tiff w one fur you,
Ikh nr jtrl llfl In
t) cur M'oni t't.tiltit
ti k unit Uin 11
, 'llljl.lllfi In 1f
( ONSI'.lt V 10KV
for t yfar; com a
I 11 lull' onlj.
II v-
I Atlr t I'.nnlnf
Mi, lliiectvr.
"a fjir
German Beneficial Union
W II l tifld 4iiinl.iy. ScilMnlir "t. it u'l'IcnV
il thf lljrignri lull, f, 1T i,ill, Mam
vir( Will eniinre IpmiiiIi of llll Ulllell. i a Mitliul lliuitnt 'Hie
.iiniiuint iiiiJ Hunt litit'oitnl ..,). uili.u In r
litmie tluf iwn Ii. ncAit In u nl Kit kiip.
tiiltlinl or tlMtli. The I ttlun lilt a c tpil il f
oicr fiui.tMi fur viiiinr nf he iiirtnltpir. Tin'
IMMI li'l l tOC.tlril It Plllalillly, Vj, I W.
til IIHi'l J llljll- .llll'li'UlK-. V Wnlillitir.
Siipifiin. Mjiukit tif Oi'iuiin I iiloii
sythe setoinl, und Mr, (iiainlietlaln
A hllthlng- contest for latlles came
next. The test was to unhitch ami un
harness ,,nd then hitch nud harness n
single hot so. .Mm. A. W. Ellsworth, of
litlilgewuter, Won the pilne. t". The
other contcHliinls were Miss Cnty Will
iams, of llaifold; Jlis. Iloiton 1 ,.,.
nolds, of; Mm. H. W. Hooth,
of lliirfold; Miss Hello (lieen.of lhook
ly ii.
A similar mutch, for glils umler Yi
years of age, had only one enliy, Miss
'."llm Klein ll, of .lai Usoti, who received
A pulling' tiiatih for diaught homes
was an event that nllracted much in
tention. Teams were enteted by ,1. 1',
Mc.Malion. of Smsiiuehauna: (1. S. Dai
low. of . evv Mllford: 11. ,1. lthiuevuult,
of Hiooklyn; A. . Sullsbuiy, of lat
fortl, nml '. W. Slieldnn, of Jackson.
The flist und seiond pi-lues of $.") and
$.1. lespectlvely, vete divided belwi.en
Mcssis. Da now and HhliieviillU, their
teams showing equal strength. The
hoi ses weie Iii till ii hitched to u stone,
boat loaded with big1 incla. More locks
weie piled on after nil live teams had
slice eetletl In tliawlut; the load Willi a
steady start. Thtee of the teams wete
"stuck" bv the Ihlid loud, mid, mi the
fouitli load, the other two homes weie
both stuck', tit'ccs-vltating u division of
tlie two pi Izes.
1'ciOT f.AI.1. OAMH.
The toot ball game was between the
Si i. intuit High Sihonl luul S( bool of
Ihe'kaw'aiiiui elevens. The fonner
won easll.v In two twenty-mluute halves
bj a sioie of 111 to 0, The kawauua
lads had been praetl'lug' only tluee
la.vs, while their opponents had the
benefit of several weeks' practice. The
lllgii school boys played a quick,
snappy, heady game nud cuve eveiy
evident e of having m team that will do
Ihlngs this season. They attempted,
and Pin li time with shim ess, many of
the moie daililt; titcks, sin h as long-,
fake ami double passe.. Ttopp, as
usual, played a star game. Thayer, a
rieshnian, who was given his Hist tiinl,
made ii kooiI show lug.
The Lackawanna eleven i ould do ab
solutely nothing with the ball, ami dis
tinguished themselves onl by Indl
vldiul tinkles, dilutes and C.ititleld
exielbd lhelr fellows In this ipg.ud
ill lines was rendeied inn onsiious and
sent under a physb lull's care for an
hour, by flying head-tit st against a tiee
in diving- after a l miner who bail just
t Kissed the Hue. iiinyer was put out
of the game by a bump III the face.
KI' ell points Wete lllutle In eat h
half, i'ropp missed one easy and one
veiv dlttlclilt kick, anil made two diffi
cult ones. The line-up was us follows:
Hull s, liiiul.
Vli lilliliev
M Hint's-
II .twr, Uiini- ..
VI. (low in
Tin)i tl jI i ..
V et-i lillitlt
0 llflllv . . .
TutliMottlifc I
I.. i Vatv.iin..
hlr ItcwMl
. Illshl ipijoi Ketllujl'
lift Kll.ld MIIIU
unit ni'Mi' Kt Hr
. l-lt lokli' Illlltlllil
.... ritla tml ( J-,(r
. . . kit 1'iiil en ktni;
ll.lll lull I'.lk (flllllll
l0 lull hul, 'jiiIi- 1,1 (I im )
lull Lu I.. .. . It n let
iiullel 1)1,1, V ji V-l.l
epti. 2. VI, Kiniifv, etsenrlitli
(lull llopll. '
Iteft'lee lullll JilitliJIl, ',1 --, I llntv -Itulpll
slilllil-, ol Kmlnlie juiIi-IIiv
It Wds tpe 111 st football game ev'er
pla.ved III these pails nml wheie very
few nf the '000 spettHtois llllllei .siooM
what It was all about. They watihed
It with exceeding- Inteiest. Them was
li'tle ot no applause. A funny tumble
would pitn'oke ilproailous laughter, but
lullliaiit inn- went by uniei oguied.
Some of ihe women speclalom went
awa.v when they saw playeis laid out
a couple of times. Mom than nine was
lie.ud "The pollie ought to slop It."
Till': IMtl.i: MOXKY.
A pne of JJ-r went to the winning
team The sociel.v ulso paltl all ex
penses ol both teams. The boys nude
llllllgs lively befoie and after the
The Olbsnn band, leliitoned by sev
eial plavcis tioni Hlnghamton, tur-insli-tl
cxt client music throughout the
day. An uiiheMra pla.ved dance inii
sli In the hall over the adjoining- hotel.
D.tutiiig was indulged lu all day ami
Ion init) the night. It being after $
01 loi k befoie the last of the young
people lett.
Some ot Hie piliitlpul prl'.e winnem
among' the exlilbltoi s wete:
II I' .Iwlie.. .il .S.HIlll VlullllOoi l toil l.tllf
Tor tell ,V luitell. of Hill lullll illi -spf, i.l pie.
jut .ti lui lie Instil .11. il ln"ti lii'iii of (.Hie,
IMllintlt leuurij 1.1 htlil, Jtul flfel )nH fut .l.lft...
I). I. sieien. of I Ikdlk lill'llHO.!.
J. P. Uiillfttieltl, nl s.niili Vlnniiii.,.,
t. s, i;i -I'uuliij
(' Maui -I'oUlui
(ieoitf H Miiilli, 01 Vliintiuv -I .ir ami lie.t
inllri 1 luit uf ti;i'i.iMt
(1 W. (iflatt, of lllleuti, tn'l W. C. Wjiner,
ol tw Miltbiil I'tiiiipVliK.
lln. Miiiie ru. ol Vlouiiow r..l.ed .lull-.
VIm IV. N. I!. Mil, of (til. son --.teHle, am)
ulin.a Unit'.
I II. lioiiimn, of Vlt.nlio'f liiolo'.
Vh.s l.lliii VI. llllleiilM.ll.e, of VLHitlil, t'l, II
OII iliatiin.s.
M.111011 siioiii, .,( H.11.111I He. 1 pan lirtoiV. Iv
ynl tiiufer 1 viao ot iitt.
II .IliOliil lln-i'. of Klt'iikl.tll, .Hl I I. tin),
s.iy. ol Ifjlfonl l!il ,lii'r. it. ill In nil If tiinl. I
1'J t,.IM t if .lr
llnlt'llie Wlielluil., l.l ( lifli.ligu ltllil)l' I'.lii
HOlk, Ollllltlf WDlk Olll 1I1OI1II1S 111 Hill llllilt'l l1
te.OA uf .i .
Appended is a li-t of the ollii ers of
the Haifonl Agticilltural sotety umler
whose .inspires the fair , conducted:
President, ii. A. Sle.uns; vite-piesl-dent.
i: ,J. Whitney; seiie(,ny. K. I!.
Jones; treiifUllf r. l'. M. Walson.
I'lxeciitlve coillltlltteO-H. I''. Illue, W.
W. Wllmaiiln, A. i Sulisbuiy.
Oflli ers of the day Heneral supeiin
temli'tit. A. II Hauling: as-Htant sit
ppiinteiiileni, V M. Wllmarih; t hlel ol
pollie. It. I. Wcscoti; ,siitrlnteniletit
of homes. T M iingle.v ; assistant hii
peilnteiident of homes, ". (). Howell;
Biipeiliitetideiii ol cattle, W. K. Osniiin:
assistuni supeilnteiident ol swine and
Molgan. superintendent of swilie autl
sheep, (I. W. Osiniiu: .supeijiitemleiit of
poullty, (', II. Slejins. siiperlnteiideni
of Vegetable Hall, . A Brown; as
sistant superintendent of X'egelab'e
Hull, l.elaud Williams, siipeilniendeni
of Moral Hall. W. U, Hammond: im
hlMluut silpeiiutelliielil of I'ioi.ll Hall,
II W. Hoolh; supeiliiieudent of Si honl
exhibit, O. J. Maynmd.
T. ,T. Duffy,
There Ib Still Time.
Students are icglstC'tiii'' ddlly for
the Conservatory's courseR In pluno.
Office, CO) Linden vtmrt. Open all day.
Intter Wanted the Judge to Sny to
the Juiy That Theie Won Noth
ing for It to Consider Non-Suit
Was di anted in the Case of Mm.
M. J. Lesh Against F. II. dem
ons iintl OtheiH Sheriffs Deeds
Acknowledged Man Inge licenses
John 1''. .Mullen's snll foi ilniinmes
ngalnst the Sctantoii linilvvay . oiup.iny
occliplcil the atlelttloii of .lildge II. M
Ktlwaiils ami 11 Jury all day. After tlie !
Icstlmoiiy was in. law points weie pie- I
seiitetl and Major Wat i en made a i
slioug effoit tn have the case takni ,
fiom (he liny. He said the plaintiff in
his det laralloii states ihut a willful1
and llimitivokcd ass. toll nun nni.le I
Upon hlui bv the ctiiitluctor nml inotoi- '
man or the tar 011 which he was ildlng '
and tloes not t lunge anv negligence on
the pail of the slte.-t nillway toinpaiiv
He contended that the tompauv was I
Imnpable ()f making' an assault upon
any pemoii, and II imis ceitain that,
none of Its seivanls wem emiilo.veil 10 j
licit passengem In that way. I
On the part of the plaintiff tt wim
nifiiietl Unit Ihe at ts of the tepiesenta- I
lives nf the fompan.v Weie the aits of I
the company, ami that If an emplo.vel
tonimllti'd mi as.iult while iuioIukJ
out what he believed wete the Insiriii.'
llous of the tompan.v, (he tompali)
was liable. 1
.linlge Ktlwaiils snltl them was enough '
In the case to submit lo the. Juiy. as
he viewed It, and this inotnlnir the ai- '
gllniellls ot (Oitnsel will be heard.
Ill the 1 use ol .Mis. M.J. I.esh against
I". II. (ieiiiniis and olhem a non-suit
was gt anted yesteidny b.v Judge I'm
penler. The suit of .loseph ll. Hieliuall, of
('.'trbomlale, against the Kell Ttiw'lishli
School Dislilct, to tet over J.V.'; sal.ny
for Ills seixltes as a leather In the
schools of Pell township, was settled, ami a verdli t In lavoi of
Mi. was taken.
Sheiiff's Deeds.
The follolwns deeds weie iicknow 1
U'l"ed by Sheiiff Schadt )estenl.ty m
ope; court:
IV'in of Milium II lleUtl. n s,, ,,,,,,,,
to SjijIi 11. lkoli'li, fin -HI. Co.
I'topftlj of Cunt Mi'lleti, in P1.k-.11 t 11,1. 10
(110line Mellrn. tor I'd l0.
Propttl) ol .lalin and M.illm 'I ln.ii.a-. In
ll.t' s,t, to I 0l0m.1l Nairiyii inl I101-1
111-ul ii-Mi-iaiion, for "tl'M
l'io,eii of Itictunl I'o.tir. in Dm, an, k, i,,
I" 1). M.iiliy, tni.f.'f. for M,.4
I'mpfitj of 11101111. McOinnii, 111 Vt.ttielil, in
.lioiu"! Mi Cililii.. 101 -( "'
I'lnp'ili (( Ceoigr Down, lit tllipli oil, to
I' S nil. for yis hi".
I'roprili of lli'iirj I. Il.tir.nir, in s, im.,11.
In . II. Ituilttp. for ii.r.u
I'topetll nf Ill-Ill l I. HlllMlift, 111 s,,,,,!,,!,,
lo tli-olfi' 1) l!ion. loi 7I l.
l'ioii'll nf Joetlli seiplr, h, s.,1,,1, Vl'ilikt. 11
to Co i.per.iiiip lliuliliii!;, 101 vi '),
Plopellt ot llrnrj I.. Itllllitnll. itl s, I.1IU..I ,
lo liiiiiiMiii lliuliliii iiii.l I.. iti .ts-u. 1 il imii ti.r
sti.1 lis.
I'liipeill of P. let .mil V.i(t Vll. oikeiil. 111
Si union, to domino KiiilUiiki; .is-n, l.tion i,.r
71 o.
I'lopeil.t o' Vinirliro .ilinxo. In s, i.nti.ii, ii.
irlliljlilf tMllilitl .llifi ..s.,ii tul Iti, I, r
Sl M)
I'lOtitlM ol VV'itliilii W'ltnl.lp. ii) s,,,,),),,,, ,.
I) I. I'll kn. .md II s Keliei. I,, 1 ,im.
Ptopittt ot sjui, 1 Holmt. ntil sm 1,
In strjiiliiti. u. s,n,,ii I, Holme., for in.ii.'.
I'lOprllt ol l.iljtei .1 halt lifln, 111 s,,,t,ui,,
to W.i.iihkIoi1 N. lion. I llitiMiti .nil Loin
iil.ition, foi t 2.1
l'lop.rlt ol pjnio (I I'ntii.i in ( .ll.t.ii'i.le,
lo I lliuei-' and ln Ii.iu.a' s4tui(.
Inn!., foi !.''.
Piopeilt ol Cli.tlfti Ciflnn- in ( .ileindtk. 1.1
I 'IVitiiilr Hopple. iHfitpr lor !u0
Plopi'tl.t of t'eolje illU U.lftlrl Mieil.loll. ill', to WiIImhi tt Lane, loi ,' .
Plopelll or Ktlll.u! I.llle pi I MrDiilitl.le, 1.1
1. . 1 1 i, tor ol.;t
I'topeill I tl.klf.-tl el . .dmuatll ttllv, Ml I .11 loSimnel H Mill.. for 7I i,
Plopelll of I jlelt an J Milgilil .Imift, in III,., to Co opnuliit Buildine lunk, 101 JH-t 1.1.
Prop. ill ot .Lines tliige. n, in sutiioii 10 I'
.1 Much, .1 R Fov. II . Kellt, X .1,
jtnl P. .1. Poiihs, tni.lrfs, for iil So
Piopritv of ll.iv itl 1', fcttinpti-li.ior, 111
siiaiitoit, to Kuie UiKtiiinmi. for fVt -'1.
I'lopnii of Willi. in stfinl.-iK, hi s, 1 ,1,101 1. 10
.1 Temple lloppur, leteml loi ,.', lis
Pioi-ily of Waliei .1 u'Millr.t, ..InniiiMi.t
tor, in S'ttonloii, to VI Vlui.ti, t..i 'om,,
Piopflltr of l: lUnd tit s., 1.1
.) O'lirim mi'l II. Mtnf. tor Sso ..11
PlOplTIt Of Ctl.lUs S Sltvltlk. Ill snil, 1,i,,..
ion. 10 Itjvid (1. VI, I'oiniPll. lot Willi
lrpet1.v of ll.tb.11a VV.tlkei, dnttrii( i.itrtx.
In riiioup. to InViii.iioii.l 11,1'l'lnu j ml l.o.n
essot i.lion, tor si'j :.
I'lOpellt ot W ilium Mi Don. Id. In Vloiun , 10
I :.J ,v .1 1 ii si.'njll, loi 1(0'
Plopelll of Ci'oltt V.,ltUlls. J.iinilil.ll.ilitl
in Vrilili.iKI. 10 Uediti I' hrllou. toi it.4 fin
PlopTIV of I I "l (, in llenloii. tn s,.,i
lliii 1 It-), tor ',s,'ju
Piopeilt of .l.tnrl. II. ami klniii ( utile . in', to ( o oiiijrne IfiiililniK lutik, nr
&' i7.
Propel It ol pied W in Pin in., 1'
to s,(, ( jpnal Jlllly4 .ml I.0111 ts-o, l.ti.ip.
for stl'"',
PlotiellV of llcill.t lllWIloIiU. Ill I II k.lV4tllie.
to rennet-' .nd Meilijiiii.' .tInJ run, I aii'i
I 0.111 at-01 uiioti, tor V-.,,i.
Piopi-ilv of M,n r v lti.,inoKl, lit I.Jikm.nui.i,
to hot. loi t l.jnd toiiipitit, for i7 D-l
Ptopoilj of Chin It W licit toll, iti siiii,t,,i,,
to ('liaili1 II sejn, in l,!1.ui.
Piopi'il.t of .lolin Walton siein, tn snnt,,),,
to I W s.iiftiii, i . foi WIS 31.
I'liipeill of Vlltl.On) P0il0, III 'IlltOOp, 111
(li'tiiuh lliiililinj; .nd loin j-ioi l.tiioi, l.r v.,
I'rop.'iit of .lolin P.iiko. In I iitot. 1,1 VI.
Hon., foi s7l '..
Piopili) 01 II til Hanoi. In I lllllllll-l, to i.
Heading lnil lompiiit. loi 11 l'i
Piop-Mll 01 s, s v i'.i;ir, in Vlieron, u 'e,i
s, teller Itinl.linu and Loan js-o.l.tiMt, 101 sn7n
PlOpOtlt t)f .lullll Stteint.,, in nltitlMiit, .,
liellnall HillMtllK SJ.sinlillpii, foi lint ;g.
Plopelt.t of MelinU (1.111,011, III .l.lltiill, 10
Co opi'iante lluild.nt I, ink, foi s'.ni.i
Propcil.t oi Philip Ki.'ii. in s. tatiioti. tu biin
llipoa and lliMOiua tiank. lor t, f,n.
I'ropith nt Hunt I anil Mune I.. II. 1110,11.
pi s, unlmi. in l.dii.i I' I.iiiii, tot SI lo pi
Piopfiiy of l.oitt I. II101111-. In sii.miun, h
Mount 1,'llllatilei' llllll.liliv atul lent .v.. ,l
lion, lor Vi't'tl.
Pionil,v of (it'uit.1' I. (Iianiet. 111 s, rinli. 11, to
Mt ion K.t-on lor s Mi
Mm l Inge Licenses.
Ili.lll N llll.Mll VI,H,
Vlllill' HoU.'!l Nl.lllll'll
Mtipiieik l'lo- Vitiulil
Virlu voliit Vlitlii-M
luliii V jiIi T.vl(ir
Kjlr Mum I'iliT
Ca.i!Ctn f'Mlilfir I'lll. toil
I'.llllM'l lllil I'lll.lOII
.lui. ii III iiii rk I. it lor
Vnn.i (iiuit TjiIoi
I UJl-lll' I,. CllJMII. ( JllHlll.l.lIf
I'ijii' 1'i.k Iltil,.'il
nll.i Ceiiiit Il,iiluni
VI' A llrtkiiK vritnimi
tiinr I'. no. Lit . ijiii.ii
IHir KIDIiil I'liv lm tli.potil ol ill In" !" It,
I'ortit' hrfoi it autl toda; utll tj.ll llir , minlt
l.illlrlinc mil nuLr il I'poil In tniiti.
Allomry 'I'honiii 1'. llufW JfHrriliJ' jpiilltrl tor
4 thtlltrl fill tllr Votill, VVrlilr Strnilr otiiie
Mtn't (lull, 'tin t'littiilidi, lo Hit iilltlrn vf
I Hand Painted China
3g livery piece is choice cliin.i. painted by an .tttitt, not decal-
j comania nor tiansfer work. I'lie wiie we imported in white,
5 'e decorating, was done bv teachers of the largest Art Schools
t in the couiUty during vacation. This gives lovers of hnd-
m painted china an oppoi tnnily of puiclusmc the genuine at
5 prices of tiansfer. A good time to nuke Christmas selection,
as we cannot duplicate this year. Sugars and Creams, Jugs,
" Cups and Saucers. He.
3 Geo. V. Millar &
Mattresses Made Over,
Pillows Renovated.
We will call for your old mattresses or pillows and re
turn them as good as new.
Muttr esses Hade Over, same tick, $2.50
New Tick, best material 4.50
Pillows Renovated..., 10 cents per pound.
Set anion Betiding Go,
l.nckawanna und Adams Avos.
For Reliable I'ur Ooods call and
examine onr stock of
Seal Jackets
Persian Kami) Jackets
Beaver Jackets
Klectrlc Seal Jackets
Near anil Seal Jackets
Fur Capo
Neck iM-arls
Units anil All Other kinds
or Furs
Also, if yo i wish voui old Hits
Repaired, bring them in as soon as
possible. All kinds ol lurrepaumg J
done. i
I: Ml r
I Scranton Garpst&FurnitureCo.
4,4 .
lli!Oiiol.itlli jir Hub-!! t,..t,ln I. II Mil, III!,.
Mi'i.Jfl In. Vlilh.. H I I"H U-.ul liiltt
sittl rilf i.i lm I iinliuiler Ioihj. ..ffrr t
llttl it 111. tollll I.Oil't- t,-lrnl.,v I lift writ
fill lll-.ll. U bj tlif I'.'llll-tlt.illU I millji I '!
irill. tlf Mllltll.l, llll Ut'
ll.'IOIf lllllut' I .llliflilfl 111 iliJlutil lonultt
i,.iliiii.iit .iv liejul In il'f ihii'iit' 4' of
.ill..lll tiluliilli IJII.! I. tlif 1iltllllll l
iii In il lie. I ll-i l.i. I ll J lln i" 'H 'I
1,'liiuli' l, I... ih iliJ l.'li lu'i .lililifti le ll"l I
1111 iiiiiuai:,' (li.ivii.,11 .nl,'ji llitl Mf. N" ' I
ill iim-iI lli" iliihliin ut ii, V" I. tml .!" i"'
111' ull hlr Ki lilulrjli1, in In i lit i In
j i i.ui Ilnl t. Imii' I." "i Mit '" Ii''
li.rtift l.n.ltir Itur lr(... elilt.l l..-lillli ul Mi l.l"- I I'l
lli Hi,' ilni.l i'
Stieet Unlhvay Men Want to Know
Why and Aie Detetmlued Thnt
the Manager Shall Tell Them.
'I'lle llit'llllteix tlf Hie Stl.'fl ll.lilWIIV
Ullllilti.Ve.W 11111111 .lie IIIVefllKIIIIHK
tile Vll.V lllltl vvlleleftiren tlf tll' le.ellt
(lll'lllll'4e til' IWtl t tlllllll' HII" 'HI tbi'1
I'.irllillliUlt Hll". Tll' Uie ilflellllllletl
III, II (ielU'llll M.llllljf.el .-'IlilllUIII - ll
KlVP llll II.IMIII f'll' tile tUscliaiK'- "I
iln men und thai h" xhnvv Ii vvn
Mlltleielll tit VV.II'I'.lllt lllell- leiniivill.
Tile IVVit 1'iillillirliili1 I'. .1. Ct'ltl'll
Itinl Mm till (itililtlll. weie peieinpliiillv
tils, liai'Kttl liifl Miillilu.v lm fpt'clllc
e,.li lielllK Ul V II. Tile lllell cillell 1 1 If
.llielllllill ill llle il l- .till " cilllllllllte.
In llle lllllllei .Illtl llll' lllelllbelM tlf llml
litiilj VVillletl 'HI Cli'llt'llil M.lll.iBei Sill
Iin.ill .Hill ilelll.llllletl .Ul eilltllllll'm.
(llle III llle III llllleix III' llle lllllllllll-
I-,, -alil Iiihi iiIkIU .Mi. Slllliii.ui
lllltl Ht ,Ve SiVI'll llll )irvllc rCUMIII llll'
lite nien's iliM'll.UKe. i h.lil been In.
Illllllteil. Illiwevel, lie s.tltl, III, II tlley
weie .Hiuseil nf pm iiiumlnr? timixftii
.tml ui'iiiiir llieni Iii III ila "I fai"S
i tiili'i leil.
Tile tllei'luilsjetl inell lil'Mli le'ltue
llie iiiPinlii nf tilt tiiilon al ii llieel
Hit; held cai'l.v llilf iiiti'iiiilK and u(ttil
elllihlllli .lll.v III. II tlnv lllltl b"eu Kllllty
of no olleiw and iheu vvnv mi ici-nn
fill' lllell tllril lift Hie.
Tlie lui'iiliiK vv its hllll lu hii'i-.-ii.iii
when tin Tilbune ivenl tt ii ", but
a ipptnler u .is liilnrineil bv llir plel
dt ut ili.u noihlnK nf Kt'cui luonu'iit
would be dune fuilli"!' iliau to (III hi I
the Krlev.llice toiillllillee Ifi lllllllei' lu-
il iisn t 111'' tll.vttei.
To RaUe Money for the National
McKinley Monument.
.lullll U lleyniilr.'. I lie lm.irri
niiiiaiicr "f l"' " tin.-Mod joUit toni
i.iny, which will be line next vfrl,
Ik In the clt arranKliiK; for the ap
paiaiue if th starH lu thlh (it.v.
"1iuIh Jitiiick hi a ndmlier
Co. "UBS'KKX f
Both 'Phones
UJL -. ..' JH
For Well Dressed Women
Silk Lined Suits, from $14
up. The $14 Suits are in
Pebble Cheviot, Swiss Taffeta
lined. We would also invite
you to the attention of our
From $10 Up.
.. ' UJL.J'
't t ttttttt''
'I'lif iimiiiifjitinci'x Hliudder nt
lilt' I'll' es Nf hell tllelr
1 tn . Tlif.v m' us II, hIi 1K1111. ar
I111 hi UlnltiR Itotitii riulie.i to
iftnll ul sti imifli, but we fix our
iivvii in ut'. ami eveiv one 1
lii'lifllttftl. We .-ell nidi P kooiIm,
.mil Hie ietiiile .s.tve ininy.
Hut lulies vvtiiild be ntt induce
in -in if beuuiy of di.sisn,
-tieiijiib, .md tiualit.v of mnter
i:tl win I.iiKIiik ICvei.vthlliR
i'.ii m.iUes tioud Kiirtilture (roes
V llll low III lies llele.
Our Fall Stock
of Shoes Is
Now Complete
rrxiv nnnnAB fnv la,llc nt sr?.Kf
j Is the best shoe bargain obtainable.
$3.00 kind. Now..'. 1.50
MEN'S OXFORDS, ?3.50 and
$4.00 kind. Now 2.00
SCHOOL SHOES, guaranteed,,
tor 75s
Many other bai gains too numerous
to mention.
UvUis, Rtiddy,
Dauies & Miirphq,
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
nf llir late I'lt'HIilf'Itt Mt'KlllIey." fnirl
Mi. Itevnnlds liti nlRlit, "and' tins
limtle a stiKneftiliiii to tin actors of
llie ctiitiitiy. vvhltli, If adopted, will
iihi ,t laise sum of money for tlio na
tn'iial innntiuient for U Klnlcy, to bn
eierietl lu W.i-ililnston. Mr. .Ifttnes'
t,eu i In 1uiv eveiy person connected
villi llie Ktni In thin country rou
li, bill' a ceilulu iieivcutuRf of hH
ial.iry lor n nlvii week to the nionii.
irtnl. The .ickiih who hiivo haul
li.e MiieilnM have nlven It their
Ileal iv iippi'oval, anil ll Ih ptnhnbl
tliat il will be .tdojiletl "
Reduced Rates via tlie Pennsylvania
tin a iiiiil ot the I'llitaliip
llielil rnlnli Veieian I.eRton, t','. '.i.. Octobei Ii in 11, tti
I'eiiiiHylvaniii H.illioatl company will
,eii eM'inslnii ticket, at the rat of
one I'.ne for the itiiind tilp from all
piillltH on ItK line to (iettyshlllK. Tli'k
eit. to be hold and sootl r-oIiii; Octobrr
ii, 7, S. ami 10, ictuinliiK, to Oi'lolir
Ki, iin lii-slvc.
The popular riinvli clsar l still th
leader of the 10 tlgaiM. ,