The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 26, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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i. -
Audience Tlmt Completely Filled
the Audltoilum of the First Welsh
Baptist Church Enjoyed an Excel
lent r-iogrnmme West Side Driv
ing Club Races This Afternoon.
Two Funemls Yesteiday Social
Events and Other Paragraphs of
Intel est.
The cnu'i'tt ol lho illlimi ('onnell
Gilo club nl tin- tilst Welsh ItniiilMi
cliin ill l.ixt owuIiik iittinoiid mi audi
onoo tlmi completely llllfd the i htm h,
mid It Is sale lo wv tlmt .t better satis-
lll'll aSSOIIlblnl!'' lli-M'l' ll-ll tin- edltlie
limb number mi tin piiiuiiitnmo v as
ri'i i'IvimI with much approval. iiikI the
sIdkIiik tif Mrs. I'rniil, liriiiuliiKc 1'int.
Hurry Jones' ii.'d "VIIIIiiim Uniits win a
it' llu'htlitl Mil prls". .Mi Minnie .Tfiiit-rt
1.U11H also I IvmI ii I'nHf-liltK nVli-
'Mi allei hi'r imiiK. ami lin ii ln'i in'.
kuriw J.'diiii-iil .
Til" itli" club snn.t ' .Matl.Mw ol the
Vti'ii.i," ".--"oiik of th" I'llyilui"." ami
' iiiinNMuht." nil iif whMi ui'i'c well
! 'I'Hod.
Wlllliini Hwiii-i. i sluib'tii of II Diaii
William. !; sever il nuiuht-is ami
Hi-played h I. Ii Ijiiiliinic volt" nf c.-
ileiil ro'iui' iiinl iliallt.v UN stylo
i ml r-iiuiichitlim N i;iii. ami In- has a
lilllt I'uitii'e hifuii. him. Ill' uiiil.
I"iil nf Tli- .MnthniV I'nu-Well ' was
v I'liilnn tllv n II ili'Mi-.
John 'vims. a i ',ns uiin tenia,
'.nil! "iilltli ii s llioi.e" elfeclively In
.i i li-li. sn -ft MM. . hi' mind iti!illi.
vliii. I Ivans. i.niiallii. loiuloietl "li.-nu-'
nil I. ;iml mi High" In a manner that
in lli'il Ri'Hiit applause, 'i!i nudioiico
vniild lmi' injnud a.niilur iniiiilict,
l ut she would nut shut mrnhi.
iVnluro of ih" torn mi nv tho
- ntliis nf Prof. Ilai iv .Itn.i'S, i nil.
' I'hlladi'li1ila. Hi his llrst appear
ii n ( ho wis aiinlilitl a K'li'HiUH 1 (
lit toll . Ills il "p lias's iiii o. nf ctccp.
li'iiial volume ami compass, iiinh-r per
il i-t iiniirnl. wiii never lK'iinl in lii'titi)
a 1v.iiitiiK 1 1 si ii Ir "Tin' MlKhl Di'i'p."
mill for an'.' la -i i.g "l!m Kul in
tin' I 'radii' of tin' ii'ti "
The lntti-r was a umm Ii i.'iullilnii
mil loielvotl Hi.' riTuKliltinii H do-
i-ved. (Hi hi i set nnd appi'aiaiH 1'iof.
Jones sinn; a si'l-illoji nl h's own.
i illi'd "I'rli inNlilp. ' .iii.l th'' number
.itlorili'il him .hi i-. I'lliMii nppoi tiniity
tn give hi" .ill'lnii. on lil.'ii nf his
Rose nd Almond Cream rrmovn
rrdni'M cit tlis sVIn and toottit-j thr
pain fit tunl'urn In one night. TaW
tottlf with you en jour wcatioo
I Oft salu nv 0. W Ji:XKIN5.
The Irresistible Charm
Of Fashionable Newness
Pervades the entire store these days, and so far we
have heard nothing but expressions of admiration
for the remarkable showing we are making of
The Latest Good Ideas in
Black Dress Fabrics
Fancy Dress Fabrics
Pedestrian Skirtings
Fancy Waist Cloths
Applique Trimmings
Spangled Trimmings
Ail-Over Trimmings
Combination Trimmings
Jackets and Coats
Suits and Skirts
Flannel Waists
Silk Waists, Etc.
lie Gioak Department Stock
la not yet fully complete, but there's more thau
enough for the most fastidious buyer to choose from,
and new arrivals are coming in daily,
All Other Departments
,! Are Complete. However
Globe Warehouse
capabilities, llo wan compelled tn ie
spoilt! to another cneou and sanj? u
catchy Wolh ballad, "lion rm fy
AIosms. IJvans and Abrams siiiik a
ploiixlttK duet, and tho latter' rcndl
Hon of "Why Ait Thou Cast Down."
from "Tho Prodigal .Son," was Riven In
his usual clever manner. llr. Alliums'
hIiikIiik Is too well-ltnown to ncod com
ment. Alts. ltitindiiKO saiip; the snpiano solo,
"I Know That My Itcdeomcr l.lvrth."
on which sin- was a wauled th" pilze at
the I'mi-Amerlcau musical festival last
week. Her slngliiK van an aitlstlc til-
tinilih, and added to her nlready estab
lished reputation as an at tint of excep
tional ability. In icspoiise to an en
tore she miiik ' Lead. Kindly I.lKht."
1'iof. William Kviiiih deserves to lip
otniiliiileiited on liming sin Ii a splen
did ai ray of vnlccx liudei his eommanil,
and much of the success of the conceit
was due to the aitlstlc mcomp.iuiment
of .Mis. I), ij. Thomas. She Iiiim been
the etllcleiit aikompanlst of iti" Klee
rlitb simp Its oifaui.atliiu. The con
tort wa an aitlstlc suet ess,
The fclco club will Ieae today lor
rnllltlie). Vt Whole they Will com
pete 111 an elstedilfol on Satllldav,
Speedway Races Today.
Tll' piisiiiae I ,hi. in ! of the West
Sid" HiivliiK' dub will lake plan to
day op H: Klnihuist .speedway, icnii
lllelielnK ai L' n'l i)( I;. Soiile nf the
spoedlevi hiUS's In tin- city ale eu
loioil ami esoellont i niite.t.H are autl
ilp.iteil. The i aces and prize will be
as follows.
I'l '0-fnr..ill- KIlH pilze, full set nf
Inn -i Imot : et oml prize, f, in cash;
thlid prl.e, p. ill ur dilvlnn Kinoes.
l'..!il elas I' pib.e. lull vet of
Inn." lmnls; second prize. $.".: thlld
pilze. pair of ililvlnif kIows.
i'luli i. in' Special pilze of $lo, tlo
uat ' lij the club
lilllllllllQ i ace I'rle. bllillo.
Tile enlil.-s Will mil liise iinlll a
lew minutes bofoie em h nice, and the
i. ice ai- niien lo all i timer. All
ini'iuliM-. tn the t lull who me nobis to
th" lace .'IIP leiillosteil to meet at I',
f liei'Ueliilt U's clffiir .tni '.Hi Xorth
Main aelille at I n'clm K. ullt'le Ihu
hand wamiti will be In -s alt hit;.
The pnzi-'. in be kUcii In tho taie
mo mi i liiblllnii at i. W. Kilt7. .t
Cn'., Uawaiin.i nenue and H. Ii.
Hui..'i s. Vim i Ii Main nw-nu.'.
Two ruueinls Yesteiday.
I!ic I .limes. p.itoi of thoTiib
ein.nle I' i hutch, nlll
t kited at the tmiei.i' of fjnm'r, the
lufaiii It I Id of Mr. ami Mr.. Ilenjamln
D.''s. o.(eiday aftoinonn. The ser
vices wcio hela nt the hoiisp. on South
l 'bei, i nveiiiie, ami iiileinieui wa
mini- In ih" Wnflihui u tiei't i omc
ti'i Th" I'lllieiiil nf mi lul'.llil illllil of Ml.
ami Mis. .Inhn IJinkln. of THI Clver
lleel On III i d .sestertl.iy fill M noon. wa' ni.nle In ihe Cathedral
i eillelei .
Special Meetings Called.
i"i ml llieelliiK of Hi" Hleiliii C
Win -llin ii will Ii" In Id .il th' tluli
house this evening to tahe action on
the death of Qwllyin A. "Williams.
Tho members of tho West Hide Cen
tral Hcptlbllran club nnd Itobert Mor
ris LodKC of Ivorltcs will also meet this
evcnliiB to arrange for attending the
Events of This Evening.
Tho monthly buslnesM mnetlnR of the
Chrb'tlali Kndeavor society of tho
Washburn .Sttcet I'terbytcrlan church
Will Iv? held at Hip 11:11-1.111111 no llil
evening. A social s'sslon will follow,
to which the J.OUIIK people of tin.'
chuich oie Invited.
The Oxford dice club will ineel for
rehearsal this evenlm; In tho 1'lrst
Welili CtiiiKifRatloiial chinch, South
Main avenue. They will compete at
.North Su-anton mi Tliunk'glvliiK Day.
on "Tho Winding."
The West Seiatiton Piohlbltlou AI
ll.nito will hold an Important meetltiK
In Monjan' li'all thl ovenliisT. com
ineiicliiK at S o'clock. The West Scran
ton fdllon of the Tetnpetanco chnli
that saiiK at Xuy Auk p.irU lecenlly.
lire alo icille.ted tn attend th" ineet
A number nf ymniK friends of il
II. tin Hoi 11, teiideieil him .1 suiprle
p.illy recently at the home of hi par
ents, Mr. ami Mrs. Vul. Hun. Pitas
antiles of a KPlleial uatllie wrii- 111
dlltRod In lllilll a sesonable lioill,
when tt-'lrcsliinent were served Tho
IM of quests Incliiileil a number of
well-ltlinwii people.
Tie I), and I., il.iuclni; las on
d-li t"l Ihelt weekl mm lal 111'
h.i'l last evoiillii,'.
'hallo. Coombs, nf Koiirtecnlli stm t.
who sustained a si-veie Injury to his
ee lecenlly while at work In the
mines had an opetailou poriornioil
on Ihe member at the Moos T.iybu
hospital, ami I now iei overliiB from
111" Olftjct.
'I'lie pinpeity of I. III 1. .lolles on
Freeman uvenue, was itlte ludlv
dam.isdl b. the recent settlliiK m
the DoiIkc liiiiie.
An 1 ni 1 i.iiuuii in ,1111 will be
held in. ovoulns'. I Ictobei
Id at Hie I'ii. 1 Weh Ciiiiuitsiitloiiiil
chllicli. nndi 1 lb" uusplcs nt tin 1
i'olinj,' l'eoio's societ.N.
The umihii' mi'etltiK of the Vniinu
l'COIile'. Mu'Ielv nf lb l.'n-sl 1 11111111.. I .
K.itioual church will be held on Ki I
day eveiiiim nt s o'clock shin p. The
subject loi the "vouliiff will be "Les
son 1 com the llle of William McKlu
ley." Hoi 11-To Mi. ami .Mrs. Haii ,loiie,
of Ktlward totn t, a uni.
Millinery Opening Days
Thtiistlay. 1'riday and S.ilunhiy.
S.iM''.. Hi! X. Main avenue.
Miss Anna Harding of X"W Voik,
who has been the ijut'st of .rr. and
Mi v M. .1. Sheet In, of 1'nO'i I'rlt c street.
retained home yesteiday afternoon.
She wa niconiimnlcd to the Lacka
wanna station by a ,ni;e number of
li lend..
Mi. am) Mis. II. T. I-'ellows. of Tenth
stieet. will lenc today for a nip to
Hulfalo and l-'alls.
Mis C. M. Sturm returned home J.e.
leitl.iv mini ail evtended visit with
filemU and lclatixe.i In Philadelphia
ami New .Icl-sev.
1 'hallos I'Tsk I laid up with a
spi allied hip .mil knee at hi mother's
home. 112 Price stieet.
HllKlnecr W. Ii. Iloillee, nf 1.M:' Pi Ice
street. Is iociiwiIiik flnlll ail llltat k of
dlalieles and tever.
C. 1c. Acker, daily .leiikln. William
Pi lie, lleoiye Save, lleOIK" Peek, In
Iiik Suilili. 1 .i lit .1. Davis mid Hayden
I'v.ins reliiineil i'Stel'dllV fioiii the
Ku'Kht. Ti' lonilave at Hlna
hanitnn. Miss Alinu l.oeiiu. of Circeiiwtmil,
wa ovenome while at the conceit last
"M 11 lilt' ami had to lie assistetl to the
home of Kvim .1. Havls. wheie a pliysi
clail attended her.
Mis l'MIth Tin Uer, of Ashley. I Hie
Klli'St of .Mis Ceritude Lloyd of Xorth
Mail' .uenuo.
Mis. C. S. DePuy. Mies Amy,
Ixiit" and Surah Kiosko. Henry
U'lestse. and .Mr. uml Mis. w. 1 '. Sno
er altended tin; Odell-Kresuu wed
tllli at Kail, leeoiitly.
Mr and Mis. William llshleman and
sun into, of Xorth P.ebecc.i avciiuo.
mid Mr. and Mrs. William Kime, of
ltobliison stieet, hae letuinetl liom
Mis Veina WaKctafr. of Kjnoii
street, Is cnnlilietl In ,.f home li ).
Mr. ami .Mrs. .Inhn It. Powell ami
diitlRhtii. of Wa-hbinn stieel, Jiae
ii'tuineil Ikiui" irnni a visit to P.uf
f.iln, the Hmio-IUou ami Niagara Rill. I' .Merioiioiiuli, of ,lai;,.on
sireet. h.i leiurnetl home I10111 his
vacation, which w-.ii sjient in Xew
Master Willie or llazlelon.
Is the (jiiest of Mr. and Mrs. ileenan,
of Stunt (11 il avenii".
- -
Pali Uk Melvln. of Minnokn. had his
rlKht hand badly unshed ut the (.'on
noil mines yesteida by having It
iniiKht between Hit' humpois of two
cum ami t'allltiK 10.1l l)i. .1. ,1. Walsh
dressed his wounds.
Lodil union, Xo. V;.'A, Culled Mlm.
Woikers of Ameilca, will meet this
uvonlnj; In Xoviskl's hall.
Tho members ol the Sciaiiton Ath
let l club will meet lii i-oKiilar business
session this evenlns In their 100ms on
Alder street.
The 1 1 ul ley line on Hlnh stieet bloke
yesterday afternoon and ti utile was
suspended for over an houi.
W. S. Klonaskl, the Plttston avenue
driiKBlst, Is vlsltlnu at the Pau-Amerl-can.
A very pleasant p.nty was temleied
Caroline, the jouui,' daiiKhter of Mr.
and Mrs. AuutU Schlmplf, nf Cedar
avenue. Tuesday afternoon, 011 the oc
casion ot lho sixth anniversary of hoi
I j 1 1 tli. The nf lot noon was pleasantly
passed by the young folks In playing
Kumes and flinging, after which a
bountiful lunch was served by Mrs.
Sclilmpff. Among those pieseut were
Gertrude (llaiih, Teies.i Dlppie, .Murtha
Hlffort. I'Vances Phillips. Lottie Schu
macker, Kdua SiliuinaHei. Maty Ilgl,
Verna VolUnnndt. Llllle Haberstroh,
Helen Plppic, Maigaivt (llaab. Cor
rlne Budonbach, Ueriiude Schmidt,
Hsther Uitdenbach, Kloionte Phillips,
Helen Pontius, Stella Phillips, Mary
L. Miller, Caroline Schlnipll, Willie
Pantlc, Willie Stoir, Willie Klffert.
Harold Wolf, Krank Oder, I-'reil Klf.
1 ncll in tlii lianJimct, ind ntln-H
lie liiMiri) (0 tall rn any iliug?lt au cci
tttv till) liotllc el Kdnii'ii llibain lor lb
Throat and Lungs, a remedy that Ii guaranteed
to (urr- and teller all t'liionic and Acute l-ungln,
Avtlufi. IIio'ilIiIii, ,iimI I .(siiiiiiiun. 'mc J5e.
M Mr.
President Sonth End Indies'
(lolf C'lnb, ChionRo, Cured by
Lydla E. lMnkliain'rtVegctablo
; tompniiiui After tho Ilesl Doc
tors Hnd Fnllert To Help Her.
" Dear Mn, Pinkham: I can thank
you for perfoot health to-day. I.lfo
looked so dark to tno n year or two
ago. I had constant p.ilris. my limbs
swelled, I had dizry bprlls, and never
knew one day how I would feol tho
next. 1 was nt-ivoiis ami had no ap
petite., neither could I sleep soundly
nights, li.ycllrt K. Pliikluuii'.s Vck
otublo Coinpotmd, used in con
junction with your Smiatlve Wash, did
inoru for 1110 than all the mutUulne.s
and tho skill of the doctors. For eight
months 1 have enjoyed pcrfeot health,
1 verily believe that most of tho doc
tors are fftiessintf and experimenting
whan they try to euro a woman with
an assortment of complications, nuchas
inino ; but you do not ff tics, now I
whh all sufforlng- women could only
knovr of your remedy ; there would be
less uufl'erlug' J know." Lacka. llow
akd, 113 Xowborry Ave.. Chlougo, 111.
$3000 t 'erf tit If about ttttlinenial Is not Qtnulnt.
Mrs. Piiikbiini invites nil wo
men who nre ill to writu her for
mi vice. Address Lynn, Muss.,
Ifiviiiir full pmtlculars.
toil W.-ilici S, hwelborg Plank Phil
lips. Joseph P.iutlo, Allr.'il Hi lor, Kieil
Zleglor and Kmiik Pantlc
Mi. and Mis. Charle ftlgliu lime 11
ttiined, alter a two weeks' Ml to the
Pan-Aineilimi ami Xl.igaia Fall.
Miss Chilli Woodruff, ol Hleililc ave
nue, letuinetl to Hi mi Mnwr lollcge
Miss Isabella Johnston. of West Pilts
lon. visited (iieen Hldjie fi lends jes
ti'id.iy. (icorge Lindsay, of Mousey axeiiue
left yesterday lor Philadelphia, wlieie
he will lesiune hi studies In tho medi
cal department of the I'nlvorslty of
.Mr. and Mis. John Hlnwei, of Db-k-son
avenue, have letuinotl fiom a lslt
Willi Honesdalo liicmls.
The funeral ot ihe late Whitney
T5rigg took pliuo I nun the homo of
bin son-in-law, Joseph 1'ldlam, mr,
Dciicon stieet, yesteiday a 1 lei noon at
2 o'clot k. He. W. is. Simpson, pastor
ot the Asblir.N Melhotlisl i:plseopuI
church, condutioil the services, nntl u
quintette limn the choir of that chutih
filinlshiil the iniisic. The Pis
woie (Seorge Hetiiaw, William Mal
thewson, Harvey Mriggs. Jlenry Mat
thew son, S. Whitney, T. .M. Oioi'lioiit
and Chillies Mntthewsoii. Krieiuls wore
picon fiom Cat bund. lie Pltlston,
Fai tm y vlllo, Pot k llle ami Dallon. In
tetnient was made at Foiot Hill 1 ciui -ler
Mr. ami Mis. Chahner Cope nf mi.
berisvllle. X. V.. are visiting: Mr. ami
Mrs. Itobeit llopbiiin, of Dleksoi at
lilli'. Thoniloiv Sliollo. of Money aenue,
I improving bis leslduu by the addi
tion of j wide front pon h.
Hot man Pi loin mow-d from
fii. mt aM'iiue to his ni'w bullillng 011
South Itlakely street.
P.. J. Kell will attend the llremen'
innvon'.ion 10 b.. held nt Plillaili'lphia
next week
l-Mwitltl S.'nli of slieet ha
ai.iepietl a position with Kramer
Ml-os. In Si 1, 11, inn.
Miss Mamaiil Myers has leturlied to
her home in Philadelphia niter a vlit
v. I1I1 friend lu low 11.
Hoi 11- To .Mi. and .Mis.
Dnle of lClectdc aeinie
Mi. and Mrs. Mailn
viiling ai C.eoigettiwii.
Mr. and Mis. .Imnos
I Mw 11 id .Mt
11 daughter.
Tuthlll mo
Hallo. Iv llle
-peiiiimg a lew 11. ly wun .-l. Hives .it
Mi. ami Mis u Wlnteis spent
y-'stoid.iy at the Wane iount fair
Hb"!' Ur.illlliUK ol I'Tl'lh slieet was
a visitor iit IliiiicHilale's coinuy t'.i 1 1 .
MP.S. OWKX UKA.N died Tiiesday
iiM'lilngat liei home. iL'.'l Piospeit ae
niio. after u long lllmss Two children.
Uugciie ami Hilz.i, .1 hi 01 Her. Thomas
Joint, and a sllei. Mrs. Mary Daley,
all of this 1 liy, survive her. The
funeral will be held this moinlng at :i
o'clock, with a high mass of leiiulem,
ai Si. John's church. Inlet mom will
he made In Duuiiioi e ceinelciy,
.MISS MAItV .. J11IJDAX lied ,H
teidny ininnliiM .,1 the liniuo ol her
miitlior. 1 01 1101 .if Washlngioi' iiM-iiii,
ami Luiuli street, alter 11 long sick
ness. Her mother and one biother, Jo
seph Jordan, survive her. The lunoivii
will be held Satuidio luoiulng at 0
o'cloik in St. Paul's linn h, (iieen
Hldge. Inteiiiient will be made in die
Cathedral cciicury.
I-'HAXK WALSH, tin, fouiii-i-ii. y.-ar-olil
sou of Mr. and Mir. J. P. Walsh of
720 Ulver atrect. died estnrdty moin
lng at 7 o'clock after a few weeks'
Illness. The deceased wa a blight
and intelligent young boy with a prom
Ising futuie before him. Ills death
comes as a great shock tn his patents
who are grief stricken over their loss.
Tho funeial will bo held Friday morn
lug Funerals.
The lunonil of the late Mr.. (Jenige
W. Miukieth will take place from the
residence, :US Xorth Fllmore avenue,
at '.' SO o'clock this .iricrnoou. inter
ment Will be inado In the Washbiliu
street lemntery.
Tito funeral of the late Fralli Is I In.
gau will Ik held this morning at 0
o'i look from tho family lesldeme on
Prospect uvenue. Services will be held
nt St. John's church of Fig street. In
tel incut will be made In the Cnthedial
Ah I ' IKAHib jIBP J fJ
The inarrlaco or Miss Ulalichu Sisco,
daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. II. Sisco,
of Sihool Htreot. to Louis Argust, of
West .Sorantoti, took place at tin- home
of the brlde'H Hlster, Mrs. William
ltterly, 201.1 Iklmi S.30 o'clock
last night. The hrldo and gloom, with
their attendants, Wllllani Argust.
brother or the groom, and Miss Plioebo
Vim Hurron, marched Into tho parlors,
where they were met by Uev. (1. A.
Cute, pastor of the Providence Metho
dist Hplsuipul church, who united the
young couple. After loiolvhig con
gratulations from the unmet ous friends
present, the young couple ami guests
pat took of n wedding least. Mr. ami
Mrs. leceived many liamNome
and costly piesents.
Those present weio Mr. mid Mrs. W,
II Sluco, Mr. ami Mi. y, j. m,.iy,
Mr. ami Mr. W. J. Cioby, Mr. mid
Mis. II. Twining. Mr. ami Mrs. Holey,
Mi (looi go Slsto ami daughter. Mr.
ainl Mr. Van Conler. Mr. and Mrs. C.
H. Marshall. .Mr. ami Miv. Joseph
Chambi'is. Mr. and Mr I. Si, n Mr
unit Mrs. M. Hutton. Tho out-ol-im 11
guests woie Mr. mid Mis. H. (l. Jm.i
of Taylor; Mr, ami .Mrs. I''. Aigust, of
Wllkos-ltario, .Mr. and Mis. Louis
Heavers, of Forest City, Mr. and .Mis.
F.van T. P.lohaiiR of Carbondulo! Mi.
and .Mr. Louis 'I' Williams, of Old
Forge. Messis. Iletiiy ami Haiper
Twining. Aithur Jones. Moigan Kd
waids, Havld Hill, U.nld Phillips.
Thomas Thomas. Kwui Anthony Jteese,
licit Thomas, ami John tSiilllths, Percy
Shlies. Louis Powell, of Milwaukee,
The liuinc of JIi. ami Mis. Linnit
Xorton. of I'nlond.ile. was the stone
of a very pretty wedding Tuesday
evening when their daughter, Minn,
was married to Louis C Hiady, of
Scranton. To the strains of tho wed
ding march played by Mrs. W. J. Foul,
the bridal couple preceded by Miss
Ml hi 1 ed Wetnioie, as llower git I. eii
teietl the parlor, and taking their
places beneath a beautiful liornl anil
weir' proiioiiuieil husband and wile by
l!e. W. J. Foul. Tho bllde was taste
fully altireil In a gray gown with chif
fon mid lace ulimnliigs. Mr. and Mrs.
Hrady will leslde on Capon so avenue,
(Sleeii Itldge. Among the guests weio
Mr. and Mrs. J. K. Hrady. Mr. and
Mis. H. c. Hrady. Kenneth Hind). Mi.
ami Mrs. J. AV. (Suernsoy. .Miss Ouerii
sey. .Miss (in 1 a (Slieinsey, Jtev. mid
-Mis. W. J. Ford. Mrs. C. K. Welmoio.
Mlldutl Woltnore, Mis. (5. T. Piichard
ami Miss Lulu Churchill, of Scianton:
Mr. mid Mrs. Ftaiik Lambeisou and
Mrs. W. J. limit, of Kansas.
W. J. St oti. a member of the Uml
of linike ,i Si oil, ami Ml M.itllo
Wlclthclsor, of Pat son, weio united
ill inatri.ige at ft o'clock oserdny nf
ti'iiniou at St. I'etor's cathedral by
l!ev. J A. 0'ltoill..
Tho bridesmaid Mas .Miss KII011 Huffy
ami the best man was Walter Scott.
.1 biother of tho gi 00111. Iloth ladies
weio becomingly nulled in pretty
gnwiii ni biown miiti'ilnl. irliumcil
with white satin, 11ml wore hat to
Mr. ami Mis. Scott left I'm- Itull'alo
on die .l.riii Lackawanna ti .tin. and
upon their rotiini will reside in a
lvwly tin nlslntl homo on Ninth Itinm
Uy avenue. West
Al the home ol .Mi. ainl .Mrs. Tin o
doie JCelgler on liom oil avenue, Iie.
W. F. (Slbbon of the Hunmoie Pies
hytod.iu chinch last evening united in
nmidugu Itobeit F. McMllllan and
Mis ni.inche Cipwei; nt Lake 'i-
nola. Ml- May Winter acietl as
blidesniald while the ilutlos of best
man weio pci foi mod by II. T. !lt ot Providence. Unly the nieui-b-is
of Hie Immediate family wcio
plOMIlt. The happy couplo left on the
nililnlght ti ii in foi .1 week's stay at the
Hi. Thomas Albert Hyuon, the well
known dentist of Xorth Main avenue,
and oldest .son of .Mi. ami Mrs. A. It.
I'.Miou. and Herlh.i May Thom
as, of Limenn.. street, daughter of .Mr.
mid Mis. Thomas Thnmn. will be mil
I'd in 111111 lingo at 12 o'clock norm to
day by p.ev. I-:. A. Hoji. at the Plm
oillll tliuuh.
The biidesmaltl will be Mi.-,. IMIih
Tuikor. of Ashlej, .mil Prof. Ualil
Ov.i-u will act as gioonisiuau. The
uedumg niar.'hes will ho phi) oil by
.Mis. H. (J. Jleddno. all aunt of the
Kin The usher will bo Hr. W.
Kowlniid Davles. In. L. 1:. nayinoud,
lr. K. J. Uonnegan. and in- .. c, st
Alliond nf Xew Vol k.
Miss IE. Hohnu. ol Cttlar avenue, ami
P.ltllck Mellale. nf (lljphailt, Wi'le
tlltlleil 111 ii-imi.I ,r.. l..l .1 ...
- ..1..1 . ... -T- iiipi et.-lllllj III 11
o'clock. Iii St. Johns chinch, bv i-ev.
T 1...I I ....
.1. 1. hi, tun. 1 iip 1 orciinmy wns wli
nessctl by a large number nt Ii lends
uml rolatHes of both paitios. Tin Initio
was hoautliuiiy nlliiotl, uml was in
tended by Miss A. SulllMiii. Tho groom
WHS illlouileil ,j ,. Xi'llliill, of ol.
At the inmluslnn ol die tt-ieiuony n
wedding supper was serxed al 'ihe
homo of Hie Initio's paients, 011 Cedar
avenue, mid a ivicpdou follow oil.
Seiiiiliir and Mrs. Thuisloii woi en
tei mined at the home of Congressman
Council, wheie. us Mrs. Council has
not returned fiom her western lilp,
.Mis. Jnnies S. McAliully and Miss .les
sii Oliiiiiibk 1II1I Hie huiim.
Congressman 'onuell lunk .- 'n.,1,,1
Peniose for 11 tlilve oxer tin bniilevniil
yesterday iitlernoon. The , ongi ess
man handled the loins IiIiiim Ii and
diovo u horso which has a famous roc
01 d. Senator Penrose I'xpio.sseU hliu
self as iiinst delighted Willi die beauti
ful ill I ve of which Scriinlonlans aie so
State 'iriahiiicr-eltit Hauls spout
part of the day with Captain W. A.
Maj yesteiday. llo and the captain
wore classmates at Latayotte college,
and have always inutliuied tho friend
ship Inimed In earlier years. Mr. Har
ris left last night for Allonlown.
It Will Bo Small but Will Bo a
Model Bulldinp in Every Wny.
Tho new sthoni house to be known
as Xo. 2.' and 10 In, oieetml at tho
corner or Oak street nnd Keyser live
11111. while small, will nneitheless lie.
one of the model schools of the city.
Tho plans have Iieen piopnri'ii In
Architect James il. Fecii'j. ami pin',
vide for a two. stm y hvWU bullillng.
about 1.1 feet deep and (in reel wide.
It will contain but four rooms, two
Jonas Long's Sons'
Millinery Opening
Takes Place
Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday,
October 1, 2 and 3.
Forcible Facts Concerning
Our Grocery
ISIT OUR Grocery Department today and
learn what it means to purchase high
class, pure groceries, for lower prices than
ouier nouses cnarge tor the ordinary kind.
Then you shop here under the most favorable condi
tionsplenty of light, space and ventilation, with expe
rienced salespeople who understand and fulfill vour
wants properly.
Unlimited assoitmuUs of the newest and freshest
grocery specials that the grocery market provides here
in abundance. A few forcible illustrations of our great
facilities to offer high-grade groceries for less money
than any other concern in Scranton.
Hams at 12c a Pound.
As everyone knows the
price of hams is going up
and it is wise to buy now.
These sugar cured hams are
exceptionally fine and the
price unusually low. Here
at 2C a pound.
Fancy Messina Lem
ons at 12c a Dozen A
new lot just opeiv-d and
very good value at uc.
Fancy California
Prunes at 5c per pound.
Splendid prunes, newly
shipped: 22 pounds for 1,
or 1 pound 5c.
The above items indicate the general value giving
spirit that animates this department.
Jonas Look's Sods
oil eat h Ibinr. Tin main eiuram -opens
lull 1 a I.iiko and spin Ions hall
l'l.i fool ill "dZe
Tlii'io I. to bo a loom nil e,n II .die
of the hall t'lillllectlllK: "lib il b
two thiols Til '.e 1 Hums will be Jls.H
foot in size and will bo e..pocially well
liuhU'il. as there will be windows on
three sk'es. Tin- cllina will be '.'
loot blub
The 'talrway io.idiUK to lho j-eioni1
thiol mil- fioiii the 1 oar of the ha'i.
The M-t mid Hour 1. planned exactly
the ..inie as the Hist, ullll" tho base
meiit iilno pi actlcally an osact du
plicate, oi opt that instead of m-IioiiI
iiumiu. it contains play moms one fm
tli boys ami one for the silil"
The luiildlmr will base a -lupin;
l-'iench i oof of i-hinules and will, w lien
completed, bo one nf lho lit
tle schools 111 the cll.v. It Is lo In
built by th- iMininoio Lumber unii
pany al a cost or SII..I1111. whll- the
heatlns and piitllutliitf appai.itus wll
be in.stiilleil by i I! Si. ill ,. t'o .1
a cn..t ol Jl.tlta
t.i'llei Cuiler Thomas li. Klilley
was loiidoied a vei plem-aut mil pi 10
Tuesday evenliin the 01 t-.islon lioluif Ills
thlt iy-dth blillulnv. ikiinos of vai
lous kinds wcio Indulged in Heclln
tions mid iiiu-ic, both mh al ami In
i.lrumeiiial, wi-r. 1 outlet cd b iln-
f.ll.V.lw flit. I' Ullll'lt I-. I'l I'SlllllMtllS Ul'lf
sen I'd All presi'iil ellJu.M'il .1 'l
pltili-.inl eilllllK.
Those proM'lll wen- Allss I'.ll.i I'liiuui.
Mason f'lij. Ill, .Mihs Susie Mil Hoy,
.Ml. Olive. III.; Mis. John li .lom-s ami
son Willaiil. of Jorinyn; .Mr and Mi..
A. K. Whin. Mi. and .Mis. Thomas I'.
I!hm, Mr. and Mir. Thomas l.iui.
Mr. and .Mrs. Frank llaker. Mis- J. 11-ni.-
1 .i ii- Miss .Mary Kvalis. Mies
Phoebe 1:1 ans Miss Mai'Kinel Lewis.
Miss Al. .id Willi. Mi- Hlcliaul L-wi-.
a, ul .1.. lighter .MarK.lieii.t Mi. Wll-
II'llli Jl.lKer, .Mr AlaiKlliet J.ew is,
l.ti'M M-tlnii- While Willie l!oes-.. Wll.
lard and Itobert lllitley of Scialiloii.
iiu- .Nnilli sitiaiilnu I'l-olillilllou Al
llaiuo held a very Important busi
ness niootiiiK Tutsday eveiiliig at the
homo of Tilolllas Moolc. Itf . ISot'M'
was olecied iluiplalu ami P.alph .M
Donald was elected luaruhal.
A proiiusltloti leiidored bj It-v Dr.
.1., CI.'iii lit 1r. nlt,t ti Iniiiniifiiiirb ml.
.. ......,. ... ... . ..,,r- ...... ....
drosi and mm -it with sierooptlcon
views was consineieu. 11 w.i. uotiniu
to take the olfer: also. If possible. 10
seiuie Ociober i' as the date
.Miss Mary Powell. duuKlitor of Mi.
mil Mrs. Howell Powell, of SpiliiK
.,.. ..111 I... ... ....... ,,!,... .... tilt,
piliri, ..ill ..-, t ,' itiir- iii.fiiii.iK ".' '"
ti.;' i train over the Lackawanna untd
for Now Yoik city, whore she will bo
united lu mmiliiKe to David ICmiih. of
C'ayuifa strci 1. After the ceiemoiiy the
0UI1K inllplo will spontl several weeks
ill iiu Muroiiiiai it iiioiiiiiitiiis. ititi-r
whlch they will leiuiii home ami le
slde on ti.piiiiK stieet.
Last Monday. William HilKht. tho
?Coitli Mithi iivi.iioii em 1 liieiiiiiK'or. re.
eclved 11 tliroateiilm,'' letter liom a sup-
poseii aiiarcnist, 1110 loner neiinr hi-
l.titil.i.l ,'.,,. IV'llllii.ti I ... r nlw.t .. itln. 1. .
mill tli, who look such 1111 uiiiw pail lu
Pettijohn's Breakfast
Food at 10c a package.
Considerably under price.
Fine nixed Tea at 35c
a pound, j pounds for a
$1, gives the utmost satis
faction. Pears at 10c a Can
Comes in 3-pound cans,
consists of whole halves,
Sardines in Oil 5c a
Can. A fine domestic
for 25c.
Soap 8 bars
Lyceum Theatre
M ,
..1.1 .
I III I . Hi- M-r.j- 1
Saturday Matinee, Sept. 28,
'I 11 ilnlli 1111 Istui
Mr. Willis Granger
jiid j mImt oinpHH' in the ronuiitit rirrtiiu
IU Tirmunn, duthor of Tiii 0.i;jrr inc
h- t 11 , ' 'li DnvUli'ii ol M. I iril
Sun Nlttm Mll .li t ut", hiln lit nil Mill
jifwfitul 1 T i,
IM.. -Ji. . n, , ;; .11 1 1 n .Null
sitmii.n ii'ni 1 i tin " i1 1
t hiiiiith .it in in. 1 iu
Academy of Dusic
M lll'l"
I IliiITt, Mlll.1, r
It VI l I 111 II I I li
Tonight Cheny Tickers
Mnttnee East LyniK
I . iniiu I'M' - M ''I " " in
l lllini' I'll' if Ml. 'II ' t-lil-
M l' llltl IMIS
Sii,i.iiiiii. Mss 1MM III NUM. Iii.'nn.
M.'ii.lit iMiniu wall the
I'l.. f- "Hi '", ' 'Ml-
l I' 1: III IIIIIM.1IIV M.niirr
Ml I I h
Milan i M.ikIi' w ,h.i .in' in I
1 1 1 1
"Dainty Pares Burlesquers"
tin iii'limi.iiinii tin i-UliK held last w.'ik
in Aldcrinnii M.veis' otlb e. Tuesdav Mi
HriKhl it-teii'tl iinothei letter, as 111
upolOKV. xiatlmt that the lettir was ad
diossetl lo ihe winiitf pait. Other rt
teis have been lecelvetl by parties in
this s-ectiuii. who look pail In tho mass
mooting holtl .Mniidnv iveuim; at tin
Aitilltorium. iilu Hpwoiih leaKiie of the Piom
iloine Moihodlst Hjilseopal chinch will
hold their annual nicotian this ovonlup
at o'llock. Oillceis tor Hie eiipuiim
year will lie elected. All inembcis are
urged to bo present.
Wheie Wan en Fell, tuuiilia a IllitUti (rirnil 1
tirw iln illtliii'iil I'l'Ji' I' of atirailiuti lu Ha
lianii el H'liinit. Iirotuilil htm to liunkrr I 111 t
ilii't .iiiil ltHiltinu i 1 1 ip ilimllil UKiuuineiir
uluii Hip uniili' iinuiLnt:
"IIiU I- tin plan. li. ivlirr Wdrnn frll."
"All." i.'iilatl ilu I. lull '111110 11. i-Wilmlly net
p. loil up in ItKdl biilurkal llhitl'U, "ititl I
Inn I him 111111 li."
'II 1,111 limki'il ai In. 1111 ml
"Hull Iiiiiiv" .nil In. "li" v. kilml. ir"
"li. li" w.o. i'ii " -ii'l tin- Cnvilfliiniii. Hi
rtiini: tin mi iiiiiiiiiii. n'd 1 "linn' m ms 1
uilt Ilu IiHbI'I in I"- "'i iiibul. Iimt tiv Ui r
"Writ. I .li.mlil iMn1 In tiouiil Ihvp li'on ..
jl hi Hi." Hi llii
I .1