The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 26, 1901, Image 1

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    v i Tf
a'" VSif '
. .
.vi i v"-t, , t t . 'stn
Di-nrlilnnte flMiinni'C and Mltrholl
Resent his Aileoed Insinua
tions flonlnst Them.
They Demand Tlint n Committee
Shall Eo Appointed Toi the Ptu
pobe of Healing and DellbeintliiR
Upon Clmigcs Biought Agninst
Them and Offci to Resign if It
Can Be Proved That They Aie
Guilty of Any of tlte Accusations.
They Insist That nil Ansvvei Shnll
Be Made Within Thiee Days.
Il I . Ill-lt. U II II .1" 1 1 - -nil 111 l"l "
. w Voil. tit .' -Ir an opt n
i iu.' ssm.l tndut .il the Ashl mil
li in -,,. S.inilii'l (iompei, piesldent nf
llu Miieuaii I'ldeiatlnli ot l.iboi and
. e-pnsident nf tin- rigaimaluis' lu
t i iitleuitl nnlon and .John Mltiholl.
I -Idem of tlu I'nlti'il Mini- Workup
i' meili.i unil M'i nn.l in'-pu"l(lt nt
ot ill" Amoiliut. redoi.itltin hi I.tlioi'
lalKnO't Tlii'iiiluii' .1 s-hntlti l tli
,ni ilgauniti il nsMiilatlmi it It mi steel
l.i till Wtllheis lo imni
unit itientl ni.idi' agulmt
i tti 1 In i lit In ii tollmv
Ml Thornton- I Shaffn.
hi state
llu in The
uialgaiuatotl .i-im l.uiion
Imn -ti el
illl I till Wolkois. Plltslllllg
Ue.ll sil . TIlOlO WIS ! nt Hilt ll
I. s-oilnlod Pi ess and published In
n Now Voi K p.ipfi ii statement put -
I Ltliir lo Olll.lll II" 11 Hill ."U 111 Willi 11
M.iw ihaiK- and Insinuation aie
)..ado li Mill ngalns. tin iiudi'i-lKiiid.
I In i .. w no t Ion If in mil mind tint
In matte' iniilallipil In the litter em
inati s tiom mui. I'm Mm. inloiini
i hi jnii will lind hi'ii" i in loxod tin'
llpplngs iifiiMit to fioin tin Now
loik pupils ill Tutsilut. -I
isllllllllg tllllt till' stntollltlllH l'-
ll.ll III Will' iiiiiiIo b.v Mill, Wo belli M'
nil rill should lie alfuldid th" ump--l
iippm tunln of id inoiiMratliu, lli
null ill Mllll ilUIRi.. find Insinuation-.
o tint II tin uio on
i i t tho w oi Id. and pai lli ului l thn
nlil nf in daubed laboi. hi in Know
i W In Mom tluit Mill should In af
i .il it it tin llllll u latliud. in Justltv
nig iiiir com so and oiir ehaigts and
at tin- -am time pllloi us It we ik
wiif t On tho other hand oti will
I'.illi tin linpnsslbllll nl oui allow
ing oiii charges and insinuations 10
go bioadia-t and stand un.insiveiid
aiul uiiehallinged.
The Piopositiou.
Wo submit tho following pioposliton
to ou.
rilt That a iiiiniultUi ot thiee
hall nirot ellhi l In Plttsbutg, M .Isli
ngton or Ni-w Yoik. lor tin. puipo-i
if homing ami doti'i mining tin
chuges and Insinuations mui have
uado agalti-t u-
'Seeoud That It tho i miiinluee finds
i gulltv of tout ehaiges and insluuii
lions wo Mill loslgn fioin tho pnsl-
b ni v ot tho Anioilian l'i iloiatlon of
l.iboi and lliu v Ue-pn sdem nl tin
i Igaiinahi i lutoinatloii i I'ulon
n oiu the pi sldoiu of llio rnltid Mln.
AVmktis ot America unil tioin tin.
ond v lio-piet-ldoiu nl tho Aiiioil
i in rodu.itlon of l.aboi
Thlnl That tho loiumlltoo -li.ill
i onslst it tin oo momboi' ot iiiB.uiiod
I linn to bo by ou luuu lli
htioln iiubmltted
(Tho list Kiihniltted In tin h in r
iiiines l'i mon all of w liom an ntll
duls ol loailliu labor 01 franlallim" )
Von will olisotxo thitt wi lnuo i iii
filll.v oiulitoil to xiibmit tho nam.' of
nn nieniboi ot the txpomlM count It
nf the Ann i lean Fidoiatloi o l.ilmr
I any lopui-tntatlio of am oisanl.i
urn which an nieiulieis of tho omui
ie c ouni'll f a mi mlioi (if louisi,
ivi )iao not hiibiuiilid of all tho nun
i nnpli noun loi tht It alillll.v and linn
t tt 111 tho I ji 1mm uiiiMMiit lit thai
would bo impo-'flliU unili'i tho iliiuiu
c lum ci-.
If i on inelu that t In- i inniiiittoo
should lonslit of mi'ii Mltiitl ot
laboi (iiifiinliitloiiH whir-. oiifiinla
tioiin aio uuallllliitod with tho Auioii
'in rttli'iatlon of l.aboi sou ina k-.
hit othoi than thoo named
'i hhoiilii hao ,ubmlti'd thn
nnilici' of the ofllioiK ot tho Hi otln i
hood of LoiomotlM ritoiutu and tho
lii otlifi hooil of l.oiomotlxo IhiKhittipt
but an Mi. MiiKCiiu nl the toiniir
ha boon isoilatotl with h In nui
ttoits in tin. stool stilUo unil beiaiii'o
ol Mi. Ai lluii poll' v nl to
watd tho Ktiu'ial l.ilmi innvomt nt, wo
have omitlid tlicli nanus
' W't c.innoi liiiiiKlno tbm uu would
make sunt ut iiiHiiilons .iBiiliiit, us
without ptomt-dltation a to iln-h i on
eqiieucc . wo thiinimo uiMm iinu in
"oiiunoii JiiMtUi to us anil with iiuo
iffianl to tin wlilili both mui
till Wi UpitMllt. ou will iiiKIm. us
in the ho itlipuii toil ot the Anti'iiian
IVdciatlor. ot L.tbiu iihhlimioii K
C . within til in- dajr' ol .miiii .11 1 opt.
(tine ol om piopm-lllon "
and Mis. Roosevelt Take Pos
session of the White House,
lit l.xtliuhf Ui" (in I Hi" Nvuiulnl l'u
WaHhlmjton. hept -" Mr. Thin
'Joir ItoosoMll, tho wife ol tho pn.
1 in. took up hoi pernimipnt tthliloiuo
u WruhliiKtmi tonUht when a nil.
irvfH ol the. White llouisp die niouiili'd
iputiii'.'niB thcie foi the iliat time.
Hip loaoh d tin c It v about half pil
tilno n i lo. k iiiiiIkIu briiiRlnir with hot
twn of the l!on-oMlt rhlldicn Oooi
n.' and a Itouinkpepor.
I'roxlilont l!oooolt met Mi l!ooo
Mil unil tin ihlldton at tho Wlilt"
llotii AiMitnieiit In tho outhwot
tin pait ol tho liullilliii; liao lire n
hpoi lnll llttnl up foi tho new prol
iloutlil tamlh. Now caipctt ntul fur
niiiii. havi li". n boiiKht mid simio
I.t iti 1 1 ti ji ami vaiiilshltiK ilmn
Statistics Submitted by BnnkinR
Coinmlssionei Reedei.
Hi I i Iii.Iip Mil, (r. tn Ilii- -.ii nlri l'ir
lllllllMbllli;, Si Jit JI (ionoilll rinllk
liooiloi i ominiloiior of 1 mklnt,-, to
day HUlnulttoil to noMiiim Stono hi
annual npoit fm tho m lifti) on tho
liiilldln mid loin assoi i.itlinih oiorat
Itir In liniis una 'l'no n pint mIiow
thul tlnio an 11".. ilouiolli asnt la
tlnii In till lali Willi a-i Is aifmo
MtlliK 1 10 I'll "ilfi .11 a ilonoas. iimi
is'i'i nl 11 (,.'U,m:u m) Tho total li.ilillltlo
of tho asoi latlons 1 lin. ti.'J MO II n
i olptH, t" "iiVnn pi ilNbui soini nt. J"i -'lii
010 pi 'I'ho niunboi nf nhaioholdoi
I Jm,9vo Tho nunibit of lioiues built
01 piiich.ipi wn
1 lit iiumbfi ol tniolKii bullillm; and
loin tisoi latlmi" 1 1 1 tin w hlih tho do
limtmout ha ttoioloil topotl Is 11
Tho iiunibi i ol" shuns wliRH tlioi-o as
soi latlons lnuo in li nnshanlii I IVi -fi'ii'
loan on mil isiulo In Potinhii
nla J i 17.: Ml i.l linns im stock In
l'onns ixanlii troiTl'i't iiluo ol mil
ostati ow noil In loiinsliiuIii $1T(.J17
Expei ts Unite in Saying That the
Slinmiock and Columbia Will Be
Favoied by Biisk
H l.vtliMtr Win fit t ii Hi Wi.MtuI l'r-
Now Yoik Sopt. J". he i huips
and ailitlui; t-Npoit unite In piodlit
liiK that a lit ooo will blow tomoitow
that will glo tho sha uk and tho
Columbia a i no whh h will bo niemoi
itble in Ihe'liiiiK soilos of tii OM'iits
II wtatlui imiilltlmis of IimI;i iii'MaKo
aliMlilui;, till UOihti will bo ml
tdloil Tho Columbia took a piaiibo
siiii this .iiti'inoon, but tho Sliainioik
did not bo out lion Hi Thoniai was
told toclsn that as a losult nl tho olli-
ilil moayuiouiom of tho .v.uhts the
Hiiiininik wnulil hao tn nllnw the
Cnllimblii nulv loit -thin siiouils In
n thh t-ti)lk tour" ho was iiuu h
ple.istil. "Don't j on think wo hao a
splendid i limn o to win now '" ho u
inailu'il "Wo full.v txpoitetl tn hao allow oil
mini' tlnio but nl iiiuiso, wt uio eiv
well --atlsiloil with tho u-sult Anil
iikiiIii I h.i. nui the host bolt win "
Tho final imaiiKi moiits 1m tho uiio
him roinplPto ,iiul tho log.uta (oiumlt-loi-
haliiK tho lnatloi In thai so foil
nhsitml that ei thliii; pcisulbb' has
In on done to kIo i ai Ii mu hi a tali
show As in tho taso ot two eais ,iko,
tho inutt-o will b" patinlled bv n tint
ot n'i iiuo i nttoiK in i nininand nf Cap
tain Walkoi, of tho iom'uiih innilno
si i In-, anil tho in lus will h.iM an
linnbstl in to.l nun so of at li at-t a nillo
w Illo
It will not bo known until toinmiow
what oui -t tho i oiiiinltti " will onlti
Tho Hi t laio I a lliloon-nill i mi to
w Inilwniil, in loowmi) ami u tuiu 'I'ho
stait, tin ii Inn' hi taso ol a uoithiasl
ol siiuthwoci In i io w III bo i Ithor liom
a point nt .ii thi'.liii-e shoio, sonio s
miles soutiiwist ol tho lIchtHhlp. or In
an nppositt' dlioitlou iit.u I.oiik s,uul.
No Oillcial Functions, Will
Be Held
Until Jniuiaiy 1.
lit Itilu-ui' Win tr in II. Mj-j. utr.l I'm.
WnliliiKlnii .Sopt .'"i Sec U tm Coi
tt hint toilax niuioiiiiioil thai 1'ionldi ut
liimtoii wnulil not hold any olllilal
Iiuu tlmt nt tho whltt liouso until tho
publli impilon mi New Vi'.u V ila
Afli'i ihat ilnti lho will tako iln o as
tin nit il
I'm nial tall of niKauliillons and
olllilal in a boil will bo clotouotl mull
altti thiitv ilus liom tho dat" of tho
Into pioslilont h ilt nth 'I ho Uhk on tho
i'otiitlo maiD-lou will 11 at halt-xtalf
and moiiiiiiUK pipoin will bo um-iI bv
tho In ai li- of tho ilppm inionts fm a
pol lull nf i lii 1 1 il lH
Stilkeis and Non-stiikeis Fear Law
less Element at Madlsonvillp.
I't l I ll'llll tlO ...ll lltlll I'lHU hi. il i - lum mi !
)u .ml. n I uiii tn. titruiiot.i itiillju
lni,i- in .. I . Mj'll-omilL Una
ill i...nii.. I) i. Inill liuil lit SI .1
ill Hunt Mm. win In- l fn lli.u
it 1 1. in
ii. i. mi
i. In
til. lit tin K.ll III till I IT tlllllllll
I lie ui.t . t li. 1 -lili. ilni llu i..ik.i i. r lioifn
tta ituit. In liolli til .1 1 ikr r 4i.ti unit tnxri,
a llio n not ilili iu.i imiIi i!i. Uiii.,,
hin. n
A Ntunbei of Small Wngeis on the
Yacht Races.
ItV l llllll If
i u 1..
Wire from Hit AmoiIjicI 1'itf
eX J. iiiiiiiIhi ol (trull
im.iii. un tin .11 lit uirt 11 1 le 111
-tuei iiln Un iniliilllu 1; I.U leltit; .J
lo I
1 1 luinl.i llitl hi. ni tm MmrkJii boat
tin. in tin. In. im. u l(. oriel ta be willing
l. v'ii tm m reitii.liul the Suniiwk iiumey
u.i. i..iit.ii,ilhih ( un' ".en ut Ihe.i i.I.,
in. linn of, 1 h nine Inc. ken ulici 9ie
1 lit it mnif ." in 1 hair JMMI in plur ut lln.e
.il. t, lull i fj lurki'K n tin l.lpton Ml'llt
lidic iciuuil unlj 4 tu all (lift u( thl muni).
Other Woik of the Boanl of Pnulons
in Session at HniilsbiiiR.
lb I xiltilip Win- fiom'lhc VrorUtitl l'n
IliillKburir. Sopt J. Tho bomd nf
piiidou tojiv loooiuini ink il a pardon
loi Moco Plosii. who I tiltiK llftooii
month In tho I.antanti r Jail foi foiK
i'ii mui latiom. A homltiR: wn Riant
nl In the mc of Ciioikp Chilstinn. nf
AlltRhiti. Ilit dcKin nun dor and lo
fused In that of l'etei A. I'ltpatili k,
of lMilliiilolphla. spIIIiii; llipior without
a, llreno. Tho oap of Oooiuo W M
Muira. Ji of AllORhem lllt tloKloe
mui ilt r wa t oiitlniiod until tho Oc
tober hltotlll". owlnn to tin lliu ot
his uttoinoy. The bo.iul iofunl lo
tommuto to life inipilconnipnt tho -pii-tontps
of tloniv lvot and Climb'
I'tiiv. i oloioil, who mo to bo hmiKod
at t'hlliidilphhi on Dttotior s fot the
iniiiiUr of l'lofpisor Itov WIIkoh Whlto
of th. rnhoilt of l,oiiiiHlvmili
I'ho i aso of tho toil Illinois toiiWit
oi I of llotliiK at Onolihl dm llu? the
mi at anlhiatlto coil tilko In tho full
of PKiO was hi Id iiiulci nd ii mt nt
until tho (h tober i-ossion
Pai dons woto lofuseil In the ein'o nf
llowaul l!o. nf Watliington, .lohii
.1 UobliiHiin, of lAi7t no .Tamo To,
l'lliladolphla. Mlkt Cinklon CloaiKPld!
Italph Mooio, Chottl, 1'ttPl llallio,
I'hlladi Iphl t John Walt, Susiiuo
hanna, ,looph UO'-ohlno, l.aeluiw.ui
ua J 1'. Koih lio.iM't mid William
IViKtion l.oiiiiiliiir. Ii'loti.
Yale and Haivnid Men Vlctoiious hi
Six Out of Nine Events Agnlnst
Oxfoul mid Cambiidge.
!b I . i.n Wltrfiuni llu ui i-ili.l I'roj
New Yoik, Sopt "'.'Pile athhti of
Yule and llaiwud mot tin athlottt lop
itsont.itlM s of oxfoul mid Cainbililtje
uuhiisltlis tmlaj at I!oiklo. Oval In
tinck ami Hold oilits .111(1, as t
pottid, the brawn mid must lo of the
llloi liatl inlli glans pictM'd to bo too
unit. li tm tho lltmt, winning s-l out
of tho nino 1 m nt on tin' pioimmno.
1'nmts wen- touiUod loi wins unl, ,o
I lia Uio ilaiuud anil Valo 111011 ilo
toatttl thcli IhiKlish opponiiits b a
si 010 of 1 point to tin 00.
Itotwcn tho Amitlian uuliililo
houois mil! t M it, llmiaid mnl V llu
oath winning thno ovont.
'I'ho OMotil it'ini sontatlM m fallnl to
Ktllll a polui foi tho lsith)K toaltl, tho
llKlu lilito of CambildKo IipIhk In iioiit
In all tluoo lontists w lilih win won
bj lliiKllsliini n.
Tho Krtmosi into and ilosmt
ol tho iliii was the l.'u Mini liuidle
im 1. (imnlor, nl l)foid and Con
oim, ol Han mil, tho Issuo ho
twion llipinsehos tiom the nack nf Uie
pistol Up to tho ilghtli liuullo tli".v
woio nbieast, s.netal siiulu In I1011I of
Allooik. ot I'nmbildKi, anil Clapp, of
Yale. (Joins; ooi tho hist huidlo Con-
M'lso galnotl 11 toiiplo til Inilios, and,
as he tluew his blinds up at tho tape,
he was baiolv sl intlio In limn of
Ciurnlei, tho tlnio being !" .:-.". soi
Allcuik wa thiid 'I'ho siliiinim f
tho nthoi in out ftillnw
line huiillxl Mill .1 -h Win lo II llii
KIcik. tic I lllii'l. I jinl 111I1.P mi. nl;
.1 I IN11.I1, lljo ml, 1I1111I lniii-in 1 j ni-
One lull nillo run W.11 in II W Wiikinin,
Ciinbtulzi 1 It (Im, Owmil .iiniul, 1
II lln.Milun. llaoiril, llilnl Mine --1 ,V. .. ',
Duo "ituitfr mil.' run Wi n 1 I' ('. Ilini, llir.
1 ml Him 11 Ilunlinin, jlt, mi. ml, II W
rtm i o, ( mil.rl Ice. llilnl, s. Niim, 'ix.
foul, (curlli linn-Mi xsciu'-
llnowiut Hi" l'j 1.011:1.1 lumniti -Win In W
II ll, lUltiril, ill-lllK.' Ill 1, 01 n 111.I1.1,
I I II . ouiuil mioiiiI, l.' let I linlm:
I II llimliiMii, iMunl, llilnl. 111 mi J'..
Hi. ii. -
lilllilill K Iii.ll Jllllli -iWtl l.v I "lik. I,
lie 'h tht i. tut li,. IikIiih; II I' humn,
Uio ml. Mini I li 'i hull, lluwjnl miiiiIi,
( iinl'iiil.e tlilnl '. Iipi I0. ilwln
Din inlli run l.n hi I' ( (oiklintl. ( mi
Iii.Il. II (.i.l. 1. n Cimlnlilui, t. i.l .
s tii.jl.4 llilnl Iiuu I li. I .,
Itiiuiilnir li.ul jump Wi n In I s sjn ... r,
ile iIiaImui H'' f. it I Iniiuo ti.ii'i.
lljri ml, Jl foel I Iniln, moiul W I .'!
II. ii. I w li, IHI..I.I, VI fill ' Inil.. llilil.
I .I ( i inl-li, nf foiil, wis iihlienl ii. ivltln
iIijm. lii njurnl Km 0 l olii.' L'.'U l.i. k . n Imn
is hi iiltHutitfil tn tike Inii lnitlil mto.
I wo mil nun Won In II W nkuiiu, ( 1111.
I.n l.i I. W Mill-, II in jiil, mi. mil ( 1
sum II ill ml. thin! II111. -!' Vt
Im I wiiii --Xalt IIjii ml, 1., (If ill on.
1 I. I
Pays the Penalty of Having Defied
Mr. Deveiy.
lit 1 . In-iti' ne tr. m J In -hihiii il i't. f.
Now Yoik. Sept. 2".. I'utioliuau Tai
wan! O'Neill, who a low weeks a'n
openly dt lied Uoputv I'olli o ('niimils
sloner PoM'tv and who ut.soitnl that
ho was pet set tut il booauso lu would
not pav tniino to s-ao hlmsolf liom
being iiaiiMeiioil. won today dismissed
fiom the foi co b Cumilllrislonoi Mlll
pln. 'lili- dl'-mlcfal was tho nsidl of
O'Neill h ti lul b Doputj Comuilsslmior
Yoik. on the dim bo of imiduit iinbo
lomliig 1111 ollli 01 Mr. Yoik loioin
moudod that O'Neill bo not imnWIu il
soMJicly, as ho was Iniioilng iiudoi
gioat of loliiK nt at the time tho 10
maiks w 'io mado. but Cotunilssiouor
Mm phy ilismlssed him.
) Nelll's taso Is the basis on wlibh
IJ'M'is was miesteil on thaigos ot op-iii't-lnn
anil hi ought biimo JustUo
.leiomi Tml.o DiU'D Koi a will of
piohililtlou 1 1 mu SupiPine inmi ,ius
tlto O iloi 1111111, lestialuiiiK Jiiftlu -I -
nine timn ti.vlng I lev en the la Hot
itM'lliliu that .1 11st li o Ji'i mile whs pi oiu-
(111 od
Seth Low Will Accept.
KiliiMte Win In in Ile M.oiUte.l l'i s
Ne f ij . vi ' Sfi jj(1v
ilium du I' wi.ul I uiiit the noiiilruiioii m
mni.r l.v the aril 1 r oiiiii.inv form ji . o-l
ilnt lie Mi.ithl ii.Ikii the pn ld. 111 v if l.luini.l.i
iiiit'r.lii IliU mil mhihli uitur tih.ii lift
14 fulinill iiolllle.1 r.l 1114 iiiinluiti.iii
- -.
Ilv I Xllllrltn Wlrr fimn 'I III' 4UI iitnl l'.i.
IM1II4 lclphii, hrpt 2 -Win nin i-pnutr.
for ll".' 'Jt Ulrcn mjis niirioullnu' 'itri.
tjo nl Hip I'lillnhlt'lih hijnl ol rh'irih ttttio
liui nf Ihe Metlmll.t lpUn.i tlunili. ill.. I In
nlu'l.l ill In I. ..1110 hen, jlitr 4 tm I 11 hi"", llu
u 01 jfsd. at Jkt.
The Philadelphia Democrats Pre
pared to Embrace the
Union Partu.
The Ex-Ooveinor Is Requested to
Ptepnic n Plan foi the Reoignn
Ization of the Democincy of Phila
delphia at Once nml Submit the
Same to the Committee Colonel
Gtilley Is Confident of Mr. Pattl
son's Success hi Biingiug' About
Fusion Candidates Yeikes and
Palm Ready to Make Saci likes for
the Success of the Movement.
Hi I . lu-o. H 11 hum fhe
nl .1 Pro.-.
The Oriiio-
I'lnlail'lphi 1. Hopt.
mile .'oputlo 1 omniltteo nf 11I110 of
ilii Domiii t.itii paitv, helil a mtotlng
tnibiN and wont o er the pollttoal sll
u nioi in the s(at ami In Philadel
phia At its rotif Iiislnn, the follow I1117
was glMMi out n basing bt 11 iiuaul
iiiiiihIj adoptt d
"Whoions the Detnooialle illliti
of I'hlljilt 1 i 1i 1 1 luno liiauguiatod a
nun mu nt under the 1eadoililit nf tin
Hon. Unbelt ,' l'attlson. whlih bis
In on encloiipil b Col James M Olif
loi nit 111I11 1 of tho national Demn
tiatle imiimlttop and by lion. V T.
Cioiist, t hall man of th state lentlal
toinmltloo. anil also bv the tommlttee
appoliitod b the Detnocintle stale
iniiMMitinii to linestlgato the Mate of
th pain In Philadelphia
"liesolM'il That wo, tho oviiuihe
1 iiiuiulttt o of tho Domouatle paitv of
l'pimsihaiila unrpmliliotllv appioo
mil onrlois- tho ,i( aollon of o
fiinoinor Pattlou our national eoni
mlttt email, nl out state t hail mill and
the luio-tlgating oillllllttoe "
'I'ho 1 iiiuinlttee appointed bv tho
lato DiiiiKiatlf state 1 oinetition to
a-it In icing mixing the p,ut In
tl'n ilt was also in fnn hole to
il. i. 'I ho full niembeithlp of the 10111
inlltoo was jiiosent mnl Ciptain Wil
li 1111 llasson ol Vonango pi "Idoil,
Two si sslons woio held. The eonimlt
tee iiilnptod tho toilowlng losoliitlcm.
"That lion 'llboeit i: Patllson be.
and hi. I itci Hi v ioiiie"ioil to pie
pmo at the till Host posslblo tlato a
plan im the n mgaiiU itlmi of the
Donioi i.iey of the city and iotlht of
I Illl ulolphl 1 and submit the same for
tho 1 oiisldot.itlon and in Iimi of this
i iiinniitto '
Nnilniml Coinmltii omin .tamos
(!iiflo and Mate Ch, 1I1 man Cioa put
In 'i bus i,i. Tho hold 1 iintoioneo.s
with inun mon pi oiiilut ill In the pai
tv, on fusion, but a" fm a t mild b
loaiiuil. no action wa taken todav.
'Phat luslou will ionic about I unl
vois.ill', atlmitteil. Hofoie leaving for
Now Yoik tonight, Colonel fiiiiio.v said
"Thoio nui'-l bo Iiii'l In tho in oust
of ovciv Upihoi ml who attondod lli
lmtlfic atlou moptlug
'Tiom man 1 omule theto wo
f.iios .slip. b sitp. that had not hot 11
seen tos;i tin 1 lor mm.v eu 'Phis 1"
a It should bo W inul be olldlv
unltid If wo nxpei t to Mln A hil:
must bo inllid 011 the tin nival of tm
niptlon that has boon and I Invading
piaotli'illv oveiv tlopiiitment of om
Mn to and inunli ip il governments "
' What about tho situation in Phila
delphia " Colonel liiiltov wa akt 1
' How mo von s.itMiod with It "
"U position 1 Moll undei stood " he
li'Pllod. "the pi'iit fooling in Phila
delphia lent no doubt In mv mlinl
a to a Mltieiul olltioino of the io
oigmlatlnil ol the Donioi mt, led bv
(loveinor Pattlsoti, and a siuiasful
fiion with the I'nlou putv '
'I'lio stato eviiitlvo tommlttii' n
solvod to solid a sub-ionuulttio of
llllie In lllM'Htiu Mo th III Hull of
Doiiioc i.itli Coiiiii Comuiittttmmi
Chailos P. I'll ieh, T. A. Stotlei and
V. H K ului, vv ho lopiostntttl SiimP r
count In the fJovoiitoonth Judicial dis
till t 1 onion me, in musing n doudlotk,
w hlih If it lb" l)i nun latli paitv with
out a JudUIal landldalo 'I'ho linostl
nation Is to tiivt! also the mtloii of
Dtmoiiatk' Cnunn Cnuiiiilttoimati J.
('.. I.pshoi, of Snjiloi 111 suppoitilig the lit publli an iiomlufo fm Judgo
Ready foi Saciittce.
J111I1.K llm man 01kos nf Minks
(Oltlltv. Poinoi 1 nt Ir uonilnio foi mi
pi 01110 totut Judgo mid ltepieseiilaUve
J. Palm, of Ciawfoul iiiiiut. 110111I111M
tm stale titasutet, woio tills nftoinoon
fotmallv nolllied ot t lie 1 nomination at
the Coniiiieiitnl I10I1 1 'PI1010 was pips
out a Imgo (ompanv of Domoi i.its liom
uvei v patt of the state
Judgo I .in Ion V Dotv of 0111101 '
laud 'outil matin th uotilltatloii
spent li. Without spi 1 lib ally 'commit
ting Idmsilf mi tho fusion question,
.lud,',o Dol said the tainlidalos woio
1 Iiom 11 uuanliiiousl with the view of
Hireling mi ttneigoniy tm whlih the
lllilepelltlt'llts, too, vvoio piopat lllg.
The spooi h' s nf Judgo YoikeH and
Ml Palm, in loplv, Ion 110 tloiibl that
within thlit v ilits of the Heiilon Mr.
Palm will wlthdiavv In favm ol tho
I'nlon iuni's 1111111111)11 fm si no
lleasuioi. I'. X. Com, Ji ami thiieby
peiKtt liihlnii.
Judge Yoikts, in atit'pting the iinnil
irilliin, iiinous mini things, said 'I
appiotlato the oMopllmuil liunoi which
the new pint has touloiieil upon 1110
by piesentlng 1110 as Its iholte Im the
holiomblo but dellinto tlutv nt mooting
atioptabl I ho iiltbal loipilH ments it
those who, liom tho highest motlvts,
have slgullleil a pin pose foi the Hunt
being to sepmute fiom their llfo-loug
paity allllliittons mid to Join with nu
In a union to seiim those lefnims and
ihaiiRos w hlili they and jou ndvoiali.
I tiust I fully 1 callo the ospeciatlou
that the talldldato will be oritial In tho
gloat puipusoH Willi li have woldtil tho
demoviaey ami union pally together In
11 HUpieino offoit fot th" roinmon
Bond "
r.t'ptesontallM' Palm, In his ndtliesi,
took otiaslnii to say. "If the Utmii
trutlu state leutiul coininlttio shall
il. om my wltluliawal ndilsablo In ni
di 1 to fill thi'i tho calls" of the battle
for bettor bo eminent nml iiuiko iiioto
t'ottalu tho 101111 so mtnli tloslml b
ooiy good fltlen of this state, 1 shall
gladly wllbdiaw, not botauo I appie
1 late the nomluatlnii this; day toiidt'iod
any tho le, but doslie tho sllicess of
our common omiso the inoie. The call
of duty should not go unheoded In this
houi by any man who doslios to sne
tho Koystono state once mote freed
tiom tho shaiklos of machine mls-iillo."
Demociats of Philadelphia Meet
the Academy of Music.
Ilr I iuip Win Irotn 'Hip rlut d I'nw
Philadelphia, Kept. 2 The Demo
ciats wlio have loft tho legular nemo
natle oiganlmtloii of Ibis tit bold a
bilge town mooting tonight at the
Ai'adoiny of Music and pint oil in nomi
nation the same toutity tkktt as that
of the l'liliin parly and Municipal
loaguo. llosnlutlolis won udnpttil do-
nuimcing the I)i nine milt orgnnl.ition
111 this ilty for n-fiislng a loalltiou
with ludi'pendt nt voteis 10 oppose the
itgtilar Republic mi tlikoi. The lesolu
tloiix alo antboi lo the apiiolntim nl
nf a tommlttee of osou to Imni a
pinpei iiiganlatlun utiili 1 the ilhec
tloii of tho sinto aiithoiltlos to pirfoit
plans mulct the dlioetlon of tho Demo
1 1 alio stato 1 ommlttee ami the icoi
ganlatlon connnlttoo of tin state 1011
ontlou to tot 111 an 01 ganlatlon nf the
Deinoiiatli pattv In Philadelphia 101111
1 (hat shall bo utognlcil as the law -lully
1 tnistitiiloci iiiuimlttoo of the
paity In this tit ami touut
In puisuaiiie ol the resolutions
clubman Item v I'latuleis uniiiid tin
toilowlng eviiitlvo committee, with
mithoiltv to pel ft it the organization
of the iciuntv demount
Itobi'it I J. Pattlson, James On Coi
tion, William i: Kiseiibiowii, John Ta
lor, it. tioidou liiomlo, i:. Clinton
P.lioades and John Ii. Pondortei. This
coinmltloo will meet tomoriovv and of
ftil a pounaiicnl oigauiation
Phe mooting tonight was tailed to
oidir bv Dallas Samler.who Inliodiieed
Homy riandeis as the chilrmaii. Atl
diesses wok made b e-!ovoinor
Pattlson, ev-.Iu'dgo James !a (ioidcm,
o-Stato chati man Itobeit '. Wilgbt,
of Allonttiw 11 o-Deputy Attorney rjen
tml James A Stranahan mid II. Clin
ton lllio, nl. s
Remaikable Time Made by Paceis nt
Allentown Fnir Yestcidny for
a S3000 Puise.
lb I m lu-tt" Win 11 111 llu mii unil l'n-
Allentown. Mpt -" Pi hue Al"it
niuilled tho wotld's iptonl at piling
on half mile Hack of 'J0 t-l .it the
n lul-ieliteuulal Allentown fab ibis
afternoon 'I'ho tin wa a special
niatih fot tHioii botwo.n llttl" l!ov
mnl Pi line Alt it Utile llov bioke
badl In the Hist In at and Pi line
Ah it had to go unuldi'd bv competi
tion Diivot Jack Citnv .sent him tor
a in old in the sot mid Ileal and the
Pi lino ltspondetl noblv, moving a
even in ilotkwmk. The weather and
link condition weio pel let I and an
ttionnous itowd wn piesent
Tin 2 "0 pace was a walk over lor
Dan It., onlv three hoies stmtlng out
or tw 1 nt -eight enteiotl
'Pin J.i) Hot In ought to the who
tlvo nl the twenty entiles, liuth M,
won handily, though well pusliotl by
I'll. tilts D. Jut nb. Tho hoe for all
pan was the most i itlng 1 ai o ot
the lav. Don and Ambulator lighting
haul tor lli.l place. Ambulator won
inch time, nine by a 1100 ami onee by
a link. Suminaiit's.
.MO put, klip ll' el ikl pill.e l (lll-.Mi II,
ltlllt, vtnll. V V s ni, 1, .ii.n.l S,,.
llklit flilmm. HiirJ Unit .' I4ij, .' IP.. J1I'.,
'id Hut, 1 Jir nki, uiM. -1,111111 Kill It VI
1 lone), vuii, Cliuli- ll l.ool.s (l)u iliili 1,; P. puiii ihiiinii in 1, tlilnl Imn
.'i;i,. -M7 "Wi
In t I ill I u. sno -Vlnhllljlor
("mull), u "ii Pin ii . hi. 11. 1 l.. 111
(Itlllm), tliir.l lum ill'.; .'14, 'J 10.,
Suiil 111 il. li uie piiiM vj mm l'i im VI 11
(luiri) mui, lllllt 11 n ll'ihn. 11 -i..Ml
Tim. .' 0 i'.j Mit4
Typhoid Tever Discussed at Annual
Meeting Held in Philadelphia.
Ill I 1l101t1' no 111. 111 II11 Awji Iitnl 'ii.
Phllailolphl.t Sept. 2". Tho Medlml
society nt 1 Im Mate of Pennslvanla
In aiuiual un ling hole, today dlsi iissod
tvpholtl fivoi Paptis woio load by
Di William i: Itobeitstiu ami Di.
("Iiaile A Mli dolt on 'l.iiilvvig an
glim icimplli.itliig tphoil lovei." ami
Di S. IIIiiImiII, whose subject was
mi mo piaithal points In tin UealuiPiit
ot t pliohl It vei "
(JtlP'i pap. is on s( Mibjoets
woio also und Many of the plish
lan iluilng the d.i vlsltul vailnii
hospitals ami niptllt al tolleges win 10
spoi lal 1 Units had boon aii.utg.d Ai
the aitoinutin slous tho tuiinlnatlng
1 emmlitPt loioiunit udod the ekollon
0, the toilowlng iitlh 01s Im the 1 u-ni-Iiir
Pnsltli-lii Di !' P Hall of l.uik
Haven .hi pi-rlil.ui Di Waltei
l.ithmp 11 iletou. .eiioimv in c
1, StoveiH Alhns. aseilntiiiu s. tie
tail'K. Di A 11 Ih.iniau. .Ma.iingle
tii'iisiiifi. In (liotgo 1 Dunmlio
Phlladelphki Alleiiiown wa shIhioiI
as the in M pl.uo o nioi ilus
Eveiy Indication Hint She In Gain
ing Ilei Noimal Condition.
lb It I. nm Wn liom llu . In ,111...
I 11 I U O s
IIUU. I 1 mine li
pi l.i .uiii . 1
Mi h n
s. 11 not
. 1 1 11 I..I
1 it I Kite.
1 ln til 11. til Ilo 1. i
M . K I J- m 1 no et III
mi! 1 111
ut 1 l
mil in Hi 111. n 11 ei iilln
iimI Illin.i Hi Hint'
n pi i in illt li Hi.
iijnu'ii ' 1 un.
I ' ulllklii lull llu
utlli 11 liilll lull
Ilit tmul l 1
ll l III llllll. L' llllll
It I IlllttU ll 111 .1 ItU'lfrHt
uul lull of I u iltoli ..(J
t..i. -p'lil lit ilmliip In llw ..mui ij.
Fedeial Authoiltles Take Action for
Mlsuie of Mails.
lit I vtlii'be Wire bum lite N.mieljletl l'n
Turomii, Sept .'" Chiiile (Juviin
.lame W Adams and Jiiiiiph II. I..11
kln tnembem of the homo anarchist
tolnn In Hil count , lino been 111
tutod uiulci an liitliotment fotiiul b
the fodeial grand buy at Spohauo
ihaiglug them with depositing In the
mall an Impiopei' newspaper. 'Phe
piNoueis woio In ought to Tuconia and
tiimmltti'd to Jill pending- Miulna
tlnn An itiillt tmoiit un ns,) ictnniid
against C! Mmoiig, who, It Is 1101 ted,
was tho author of the eihjei tlmiablo ai
t li It Mninng Is now In Massac luisott.
but will bo iiticsicd mid biuughl hcie
for tilal The nowspapei In iiuostloti
I Hit nlllt lal titgau at the ' liotm ,"
anil ndMiiaicK auaichv ami I loo love
Fathei, Biother and Sister of the
Assassin Aie Granted nu Intei-
view In the Eile County Jill.
fit ll liuneWii. 111.111 II. v.ei iliill'r.v.
Hufi.ilo Sipt 2ri Paul, Waldetk mid
Vlclotia (Jolgo7, lutliei, biother and
slslet of Leon (Volgo, the assassin of
President Mclflnlo, vveio giantoil an
iniorvlew with tho ptlsoner in the Kilo
lounty jail todiiv Asslslanl Distilot
Allot no riederlck llallu mid Assist
ant Slipci Intend! tit of Police
woio piosont, under liistitii lions of
Distiitt Atioino Peiiniso, thioiighout
the lutei view. No ollur ptison -will be
allowotl to spo Uio ptlsonoi until alter
the soiitijtlto of do lib I Impiwid to
luol low afteinoou.
'I'ho lntoi view bntwooii tho usaii
and hi fatlp'r. biothei and slste 1 lnttd
thiit-ilvo miuutts, but no lnroimatlou
loading to the imputation of any one
else in an auatihlst pint to kill tho
piesidont was glvtn bv tho pilsouei
' Wo lemned nothing wo did not
know liofmo," Haiti sstiilit Dlstllet
Allot nov Haller at Hit 1 oiu luslou of
the 1 iiufoiento
lie talked 111010 tliaii lie lias at any
in ov Ions time, but oven to his tamlly
ho was not voiy tommunUatlM'."
'Pile faniiiv retuined to Clevi'lanil lin
imillatil aftei tho interview
Hut littlit of the 1 onversatiou which
pned between the inembets of Hie
fainllv could be gleaned. The otllclals
said that the e ouveisation was natui
11 II such as would on m at suth a
meeting, ami that it was In lloi in
thiow the mantle of ptlvai nvot It
How ov er.authoi Itat Iv o amioiim t nient
was made that Colgos. ileiilod nbso
lutelv that any one ele was cone 01 in it
In the plot lo kill the prtsdont. Ho
asset tod, as ho ins fiom the outsit,
thai In did the deed alone ami unaided,
anil that no othei person In Uio vvoild
was toiiterned lu the tragedy. Soieial
Units when ho was piesspd tn till tho
tine stoiy of the assassination, the
pilsoner lopoatoil tho words, "I did It
alone theto was no 0110 elo "
'I'ho pilsouei asked nothing about the
otht 1 meinbeis of his lamllv 01 his
f 1 lend mid dlil not give anv evidiiue
nt sonow Im hi act. His tatlioi and
biother won atfoilnl niluiallv ovu
tho niPilIng, but tliov gave little out
w (ml evldento of it 'I'ho slstoi 11 ltd
all of the time, but 111" pilsouei gain
no ovldniiio of filling, aslilo 11 0111 s,i
illg that ln wns glad ho (mild son tin 111.
At the end ol thlitv-llvo minutes the
pilsouei shook hands with Ills fatlnr
anil biothei ami his sllei tmii fully
klsod him good-bo
The Fiiucipal Papeis Read at Ses
sions Yesteiday Visitois En
teitnined at Conceit.
lit I xihl'iie Win fiL 111 tin V .i. ului I'll"
Plltsbuig M'pt l'i The llouien
patlilo Modlial soiltiv nf I'tinis!
vanla vv hlili has boon lmttlug at the
hoineopitlili hospllal, lesimitd its ses
sions this mm nliig with huge alteii-
lii lit o
I'ho piltulpal p.tpoiri nail al Un
inonillig soslou wen those b In ,1.
H. ' 1 lllici 1 of Plillailelphla upon
Mttastli 1 pout lent laitliimua of
the (phial unil" bv In 'P. P. (ilttetis,
ot Philadolplilii mid one h Di D.
Klsihr nl W'llki s-Haiii 1 hah mall of
to. . .Unil of pitil'ilog upon the tils
f,tse ni hi siitlmi 'I'ho atteinoon
was dioii.i to inateila modiui and
ninuv pipits won load upon tint sub.
y 1 Dr. . .elb(it nl ll.iritun, ih.ili -man
01 tin station nun Hull Inu the
plimlpal nut
Tho ot filing wa ,imii up to soi lal
oiiteilaluuioiii, tin Indus iiUoilillns
ill. D,imtoeh eon. oit nt 1 lie exposition
and ih 'in i oiijofltu a sinokei ghon
lit tile toUIlt) Sill let
SteiuiiHlilp Aiiivnls,
lb l tin 11 Mil. 1 oiu Hit V4oi iuIih! 1'iei
h m s,,i i. ilium! I ' iipittjliti
IIjUi , I'iiihIhi'Ii Im tno-.i II.. un n, tl.i
initl niiitiii 11 I il Itl-lii 11. h Ihttiiliiui;, til
l'l.iui. .nt. 11' I I. limit. -til.ii l I..111K,
S.H1IIU11I1I'. II, I III .III I IMIplbl, ..1 1 ll). I,
Vlitst'n tjll iliiili uiiiijiiipluii tun. ill
i I'Jlll. Ni mil- iileil sicsnntr kitlrilii
lljrit IIioii.j iliwn Hieiiniij, N ik, vii
1 IwiU 1114. t. tei. 111itil (1.., mli, ,Nt.v
tMr. Isidor Raunor Has Succeeded
uic Line dimue wiison
on the Gasc.
Some Positive Opinions Are Ex
pleased Upon the Subject of Tak
ing1 Coal at Sea Mr. Rayncr Com
ments Upon What Ho Regards tho
Inaceuiacy of the Depattmcnti
Repoits Captain William Ciolso
Testifies iu Refeienco to the Elrst
News That the Spanish Fleet Was
at Santiago Secretary Long's
Dispatch of May 20 One Session
of Couit Todoy.
lb 1 11 holt e Vine f 1 om Ihe Attoeljtnl I're-w
Wellington, tfpt SI Two new wit
nesses weio Intiodttpod In tho Schley
imn' todiiv. They weio Admiral Cot
ton who as laptuln commanded thn
auxlllmy ciulei Iarvnrd, and Cap
tain Wise, Mho commanded th- amn
io ctulsor Yale, dining the Hpanlh
win Moth those M'ssols wtio uitl a
scout, anil both mine up with Hi.
llylng seiadinn on Santiago on the
J'th nl Ma, b"foio tho lotrogmde
moveinent to Kev Wot ivas begun
Adinltal Cotton te stilled that he bad
gone aboaid Admiral Sehlo's llaa
hlp, tho Minoklvn, 011 that date to
tako dlspiteho to him, and he said
at lb t that In gave him tour or live
dispatches to the comman
der of the MUiiili(in Ho afteivvatd
modified this stati nieiit saving that
piobably all but two of theo dis
patches, woto adtliossod to himself
(Adinltal Cotton) but tlmt they con
tained inlm niatiun which ho thought
should bo lu Adinltal Schlo'n posses
sion due of thio wa a copy of a
c'll-p.iti It fiom Admiral .Sampson,
vvlih I. had not been ptinted In tin
nllltlal pcnlil, stating Unit the Spm
11) Hoot was nt Santiago, lie ahn
said that could have been takiu
liom tho o.Miihnao 011 tho J7th of Ma
the div on whlih the lotiogiado
inovoni'nt to Key West was begun
fm the puipo-o ot eo illng
Captain Wise tetllled that on the
27th ot Ma In had signalled Captain
Phillip, ol the Ten, his opinion that
(Viiciu was Inside the' liaibor at .San
tiigo, but lb' listlmonv was iiilcd out
Dining Uio dav Admiral Sibley 1111
liotinioil that lie hail -1 In toil Mr. 11
ilol lUvun as his thli-t of coimsel, te
.sin 11 od .lildgi llson
Counsel for Schley Points Out That
Despatches Weie Alteied,
0 ltilune Wire trim fhe Mccuticl Pree 11. n pi ' Hi -ihlri mint
f inptlii at the ntiy unl ut II
..'1I..1I. tllllt llu n Ml- LHinil ..llllll. Ilt upon
Un lot Hut tie Mil vhlili hut Inen
(1, in the l.itiiiiiin- 1 f lie slitniLS tit Itnlire VV li
st 11 .n vai tut. lie luil endiurcil limwlf 11 it
.lib 1.1 Uie nu inhi id ot the mint, hut In ill
tin-me. ithotit 1 lit. lourt, jnl niw.v mi jliown
t it 1 ten 10111 ti iitui f.
Vtlmiril s, tiirj ml tint ilnti tie death of
lu.ln Wil-oti, Vltirn.i 1-IJ.r ltivno
w.nilil 1 1 the If 1. Inu- ii.uiiv. 1 111 liu ii-., ut I
llul hi iioiihl In .i.sKtnl hi ( ililn luim. I'll
In .1 Niw l.iu, ml li VI , 'Icjijii' .(
II iinu. i in ixj.iit lis MjiiI.
Vlr Ituintr will mullniii 10 niultiii llu' iw
e mini iti.Mi u( witnuM", .11 Im lu Inn lumv.
aiul Un 01I1 r ui ink men ill luiilinu lu in.
-nu. . ipietti lltiv ci 'lipid! tip to the time -f
lud W ilvm' tit jilt. Mi. Itiiner jnncitmnil Urn
if It lieiiiii 1 ni -sin In tli ithiii '
il.-li 11 1111.' of tin vr1lun1111c.11 ilm iiindiM in 11
1 i In unpin .i-l-l mt, or If lie sltont I
he muwil luhli tt-rnl nt iinv ttipi , llut plop r
iirii'itnniiil "di I'" mnli l"i" tint piuiinie
II wall lwik nf th lourt i jlotnej ...v
unit u 1 1 ult on u lirse m ile mniic the tjri iir I
site uf lit" liillli nir sjliliacn mi .lull 3 Tn
kfiutlirn ioit of lulu in the vlelnlty if Mn
tni.ii vj pljinli inirkitl 'I If pnlnn at vvliu li
Un S,inM, s!un unit (.. the Inilnni nr tn tl -.
.lime 11. te ill J'.il 111 nlilii liilriinr. s,i
fill 1 lull, tthh It lii.l hin rcpin I
miniluiit. vine iiIjiiiI In tti reir if Uie icmiih
.mil nui iiilitiilul lo illijlul vjiIoii.' pline. n(
llin suniim,!) r lniinlsn
'llu Hist nitmn t all il ltli,i vta II ( luv
Im tin. nncliliiitt nn lie lent, nho lint h
un lits Imtliiiiiii) vilton (lie lltlni.'i nl the mint
nen no aliitipib ii'iniinileil jejiuttlj;- innruln.
h ilii lie" ith nf lililst VVlhon
'lli foil Vlr ( I.1M011 look tile UjiuI, (Viunianl r
Mi ilm r uin tttullnl to iniWi' vnlul louetthui'
In the nftiiljl mpi of hit li'.liui'.ii). In one 1 1 n
he i- mni.lcil J kioiu; ll"' "Irirlnir an I
illtntice" of Hit llnmU'ii lh will lie liJ'l isltiii
the h-irlntf mil ml 'In ilUlinie Ile tnnl
urluiH I'lher iluii.-e 1ml lluv weie rol miter,
Claxton's Testimony.
Mi ( liM'Hi -tiil mi liil n. lr'. I"' ,l"1 '"""i
on iltilv In the ru.lne uein '( lie lM Hie
inslne iiillutnr li nl lullnl in lull t red ali'il
lutli in he nioiiiinu mlihli I nl. within an limn
iilln id htsinuirsr of the a. 11 n. horn ilium:"!
1,. .mil unil ileiu In n. ktinwhil.1 the
luil h en no -i.ud
stliM lie Mill iIji
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11 ttiliti il . n I'u.e I
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bi jwr tent.
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Pie. pitun
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VV i-l liiuinu S pi 25 rm-eetrt fe a.
Ilmr.ilit and Ithlu)! 1 ailetn IViirttvl --
tmii Ian lluirMlu) nnd FrlJsj; light
lu nnrthrat wlndj -