THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 23, 1901. W xxxxxxxxx; TM MODBRK iKDWAKI Enterprise Fruit Press The easiest, best and most simple fruit press. Ex tracts the Juice and ejects the skins and seeds in one operation. THE ENTERPRISE FRUIT PRESS is especially adapted -to maklnp wines, jellies and Fmlt butters from ber ries of all kinds, grapes, tomatoes, quinces, pine apples, etc. Prices ?2,n0 and $3.00. Foote & Shear Co. JJ9N. WashJntton Ave :xooooocoooc Everything for the Baby Airy fairy graceful-dainty chnrminp little gnnnents es pecially designed to captivate the mother and win twle we've a growing demand for such goods we want to meet you. A few moments inspection of these garments will convince you of their merit. A line to us will bring a catalogue. TheBabyBazaar, 510 Spruce Stieet. NIGHT SCHOOL l.arVawnun nuln Cilice fiooil UkM. OnM lntiuetion, Piir nslit fc The Young Man who early begins to save Is squarely on the road that leads to wealth. Intetest paid on savings accounts. THE PEOPLE'S BANK. PERSONAL. l!rois Mill ir is In Now York nt.. Mr Mini Kobm-on li.u lelurnivl from IJntTiln. MM .li'wic I'.iIT, of l.imoln arnu, la ronflnnl lo her in nit' 1.i f linns Mi Alaiy Hun, of Snrlljml tlet, is mfTrr line irnm an jitaik o plmrU.v, I' .1 lliikcv lia Wt lo allrni Hip slate flio. Inifn' mmrntlnn In Philadelphia, Mtw IihoH Thomm In. returned liome from n iiii wnn incnm in uiihos-naric. Milium Wnglej, nt lliiiIon lrel, . rpenilini; leu tAn At the HulTalo cpnitinn. Mi nml Mr .lolin .1. (itltm, M North Mum 1riiiie art' mltitifr In New nrk uti. Mi listen Cilt, of llallroail aienue. Mho lu heen lie guest ol frlnij in lltnslunit"", 11 lenie asam Miwn I.illi.m 'llmnm ami .1n.ip, ,m liSic lieen AjOiumn; at C.irey, hue . turned linme Mr. lleeo Kmni and mother. n l.ureine lieot lune leturni'il hon' Ironi a 'lt with irlatitr. in "llkr-tltanr ll Lium O'MjIlej, nl T.lnroln llelclil. I in- tntmnlntf her iuiin, H Ilejlili-e .Millili. ..( Rnslnn, Mim I.auia lI'Mill.), nl Lincoln Height. wlm In epeni the ui li'c mniitht In lln.tnn, ti.., i homo dnii. Mt. .hum i: llrsiti, ol Itiilmid awmio. ii eprndln: .1 fiw ek uiili Iriendi and ieUtne at Trenti.n. N .1. Ie. md Mie. 1". Mithi-, ol l!.k tie.-l, anend'd the wnldinL' of their i,i, iltu, at 'Jttini.iiiihiitc, .mmckIii faid lie iiit Jlinoim' iic II"' liiiiiie nf ( h.ule (tonill. "I I nlnii lil. ind h HiimiiIi IIiisIik, til l.titini' ti"ft. The m-mlice of I Ir. I Iioiim Mhert Ciimn .in, I Mi- Benin M.n llininw lll lake plan, m n'lloik tnniniion- .it the Pit month t oiijiivjiinmil linn Ii Mi .tin I Mr-. Ileiheit IIjII. of Ninth Hnnidey aieniie, ii I'nk, lute irtiiinetl limn? linn lew rim tiit to the I'jii nnriiaii expo.ilic.n, Mama I'.ilU ii.ul other pon t ( iiuhp.i. IllSht Iiit. Hi. !,.. II., I. hi in. I llet. .I . O'tieilli leiloi c.f the C.llledi il. hit ;e,lenliy tu atlrnd the in-t.illitlon r .ihixiiih-i lif Umh't llet. Ilifhop i:. . (ijrtet, ui Ximnnn ii.iln. Ml Lillian hliteiiinie, for Hum te.ii twill I ii. Ilenilet, the le.idimr i.iiu v mil in n U lejlcr of I'hilidelphi.i. Ii,i In en eiik.iued lir ihr Miner A Well of ilii. i in u ttliiMnnnir k .in ipen In ill kind- of i'ihIh.ihI. ii t.trn and f mi t ttoil,. Ml nd Mi I. H llueiiivM. Mi md Mi. ViKiik LanilieitMin. Mi. I., of, ami Mr mid Mt .1. It. IImiIi ,md ,;i l,oi - of n i il.v 'elt tetteiikit aflernonu fur riiliniil.ile. 'j . to attend tl,e iihiiIjbi' of Mr Lett I- lli.oli, ,.f Nrinlon. mid Mi Min.i II Nvilou, of I'mim. rialc, ilin 1, look pln' lo'l liijlit. There Is Still Time. SUiflcnttt aio ivgidtfiliiff 1h il for the ("ounorvimiry'8 courses In piano. Oftlce, C04 Linden stieet. Open all tIo. We Have For Sale flail, ft Snoter Totiirco (o aioik Coniiimet' Ire nnd I . ( v t' . Sranton ItedUinir Co. vtoi k Water bond, with ito.k honti Ilrettery bond ylelllng almost ;f Vionmiiv I.., II. h ' o linni. Hi, lljnd'n nd. Milk Co. ktoti. Title Bmrantf Tnul Co u k and nought fold J nd r(.hani:ed R. E. Comegys & Co. Dime Hani. Hiill'llng, Siranlon $10,000 PENNA. CENTRAL BREWING COMPANY, FIRST MORTGAGE SIX PER CENT, SINKING FUND GOLD BONDS FOR SALE AT 00, YIELDING NEARLY 7 PER CENT. Free of all Taxes. Due 1027. The company cleared nearly $60,000 in one month this summer. IHHI STOCKS THE M'KINLEY MONUMENT. Contributions for It That Were Re ceived Yesterday TO following contribution to the McKlnley monument tund for yester day are acknowledge'!. William Connell, Mrd. William Con nell, Gilbert Connell lldcar, Mattle Con nell Kdgnr, .ImneK I. Connell, Mra. Jan. I. Connell, I.titwenoe M. t'onnell, Pail ton A. Connell, Mary I.uclle Connell. .Tes.ile I.. Dlinmlck, WIIIIriii C. nlnt tnlek, JIit, Wllllani A. Connell, .linn S, MpAnnlty. MtM. .titnifx S Mi'Annll. Anna Mi'Anully. Clierle It. Connell. .Mis. t 'Initio" II. Connell, Met mud I. Connell, (llailyc S. Connell, Alfted K Connell, Mr. Alfred K. Connell. Kdwln K Connell. ,liint A, Connell. Anna Klounor Cuiifieii t 'hat-leu W Kulloii. Donnld C Kitlloii. 'I'lieoiloie K Connell. 'Wvn II Connell. Dr. A .1 Connell. Mis. A ,1. Connell, Kdical' W. Connell. MaiKaief ,J Connell. H A. Conn-ll. Mih. II A Connell. Hmold K Connell Helen f Connell, l.otlls? Connell. Mie. KiIrhi C. Connell, A T CoiiiihII, Mi ,;ii!'nlieili Connell, chiu le It Connell .Mih Kdwaid Pr. oi .lohli A Connell II It Devei, W P. Shoop Mis W I' Slluop. f?eoii;e W. StiilthliiK and Cut I l.oieti. SLOAT REINSTATED. Fomier Patrolman Again Given a Place In Btueau of Police Was Cleaied of Charges. Siiiinii'l K. Sloal, who tiiin leinovrd ftotti the police fori sonio teeUs oro lit Dliector of I'tihllc Safet T. t W'oi inner, ivn yHtiiday reinstated to hi foitner ilae n patrolman, and went on duly lant nlht. The order of lelnmateinent wan lned by Dlteclor Wormser ye.xterdav at noon, and reads an follows: The ilinatue ol deiehi linn of d lit pieteiled ,iHiml Minnel I- shut, fonnrilt j pilrolman on the hmeaii of police of tin. iiit nndet ulildi he tt.i remoteil horn i;ie loree, hate not heen iiliilned aftir ,i onulnl liiteti,1llon of the i.ite I heroh.t relint.ile Mr Moat to hi former pinllion lie tlll tepoit lor dnlt tin p in il ' "' huk r I, toini-ei, tlimloi ol I'iiIiIk Sifett. When ankuil yesterday afternoon by n Tribune ni.iti about Mr Sloat' te Instatenient, Mr. Wotniser said. "Theie Is very Utile mote to be said Ihnn contained in the older which 1 hate Issued. Itefoie hH retnoval I felt com imer that he had been utility of ri-ohs neKllaence of duty, but I am I hoi midily satisfied now that this was Incotiecl Yon can say that there Is nothlin; more behiml his te-lnstate-nient." MEETING OF W. C. T. U. Old Board of Oflloeis with One Ex ception Re-elected Yesterday. The annual meeting of the Women's Christian Teiiipeiaine union wits held In (ttiernsey hall yesterday afternoon. Mi's. M. Downing presiding. The old otllceis of th" oiKiuilatlons. with the exception of Mrs. Yost, who icslKiied as second lci'-ptesdent, weie te eletted. Mis. I. H. Hand was chosen to succeed Mis. Yost. Mrs. M. K. Wiiitmore, tte.isurer. ii ported that theie was a balance of JS.s In the tieasttry and this was tpgnnled as a very fn'or.ible repoit. Delegates lo the recent county convention nt I'eckvllle tendeied their teports, and Mrs. .1. II. Chandler, superintendent of the Sabbath observance department, K ve her report, stating thai L'.'.IOO tracts of matter had been dlstt Ibtited durliiR the year. Mf. T. F. Heane spoke at length le KardltiK the establishing of a l.oyal I.okIou Teniperatne union here. Miss F'lrftices IJaitb, as chairman of the llowet committee, stated that ten visits to the sick and thirty-one bowiuets had been dlstt United. Mrs. M. K. Whit nioie was elected deleRate lo the state (invention, which will beheld at New castle, I'a.. from October IT lo LM. The ofllcers of the organization are as follows I'lesldeiit Mis, M. Down ing: Hist vlie-pleeiflent. Mrs. C D. Simpson, second Ice-piesldcnl. Mis. D. It. Hand cot lesponillne seeietnry. Mis. Amelia Smith. lecoidltiK secte tary. Miss I-'rancKS Itatib, tieasurer, Mis. M. !:. Whltmoie. DONATIONS ACKNOWLEDGED. They Were Given to the Home for the Fiiendless. The Home fm the Kilondless ac klloltledces u t Kl.ltltlllle (.Ills fiom th" follow lop dnnois. Hess, hakei, quantity btead; Mis rt. O. Htooks. tlmteis. Inn el limn . ,( Daltou filend, ct.-lle of swee rot n. Miss Hewin,, Mj.s .eliller. pies, luead. etc.; Ml- Coin Meitlllelit, Alls. John rjell ler. le.-nlhiK lll.ltlei, Mrs. V. V. Waison. one-half bushel penis, take, eti .liiulot Ameiicnn Meclianlis of I'tox Idem ,, inutility piovlslons; ICti wotth l.oiiKiie nuiimoi e Methodist ICplsoopal chilli h. niitouMaph (ttlll. a Itleuil. b.iirel e;etalile.: Miss Hen liell. peiii lies; Mis. Win. p. Keilllcilv. iloihliiK. Mis, c p MHllhews, m-kc-inliles; MNS Susan Hit klnson. pemlies; Mis P. lliii-ln-oiK, haby ciiilaije, CoiiilMliy Thlileeiith mkIiiii'IiI. ItiMiillty piotlsious: Consumers Ice compaii.t. he duiiv. )i. .. c. Ken neil. )r. Kelloi. In attendance, lies. sens wei,. furnished ,v Mrs. A H. Mlali. Mis. A I). Hlai-klntoti, Mis. Wllllani Mai pie. Salurday nlnlil donois: K. (',. Cour-t-ell. .1. T. Hoyei. Itolirttassoi's ImIc ei. V. ,1 Marvel. W. . Pol.e, D. K. Marb-iKer. i. .;. IIIH, ,, ,, stotr. I'lllt Still. I'.MMllt Itios.. . A. Pleice. Miss .eiiiior. v it ( ' ml, . I T Ann In list. Autumnal Exclusion. The X V. . & V. P.allivav i oi .v I will run an autumnal exclusion fiotii 'Siiaulon and Inlerniedlate htntlnns to I Koiesl City. Iniluslve. to Hancock. N V on Sunday, Oi-inlier i:nii. About this time tliM foliage will liae iissumed Us piettlest aspeit and for any one who has never been oor the plctines qlte route which the "OiiIiiiIom" Silllll. ton division liaU'ises, It will he well worth thf-li while to make the journey. AscendltiK the ru(.'Kcd hills of Vane county lo an novation of 2, 1 r.o feel, the exciiislonlsl Is broimht suddenly In ew of a hinad expanse of beauti ful country, ttinilually descendlntr to the quaint vlllaue of Hancock, (the tiHine sIpulfyliiK "The Wedding of the Wnteis") which is suroiinrled by the east and west hianches of the Dela waie liter, linvliiK a number of good hotels and liveries and noted for Its plcllliesqile drlfs. Train leaves Scianton S.;iu a. tu , Carhondale f . 2fi a. in. The return faro fioin Scianton and Ititeuuedlaic sta iIoiih to i;aihondale, lirclUHho, will he $1.01. and fiom Forest City 75 ccnls. Smoke th" t'ocor.n 5c cigar. RETURN OF GRAND JURY PRESENTED A LARGE NUMBER OF BILLS, TO COURT. Of the Number Two Hundred and Sixty-five Were Marked Ignored. Dull Day In Common Pleas Court. Julius Benke Is Refused a Dlvoice by the Jury Which Heard the Case Non Suit Granted in the Case of John Corrigan Against the Scianton Railway Company. The rihihI Jury made anothot teltiin to court yesterday when the ttue billet Klven below and 2d IkuoiciI bills weie piesented to colli t. Most of the li noreil bills weie In iinlinpoi l.tnt cases. The Juiy expects to complete Its w Ol k Thursday. Yestei day's list of Irue bills follow s. Math ion Ml.. Inef s I., lialleli, .lohli C llee.e, iio. Ijnenv In Utile Konnet Cohli, alia Wlnnr,) C,,hh. li.irli Poll, i. pio. Vilnltei) .linule tillleit: Kllaheih Tappiii, pro t'oinleation and llitatd, M.ntin Moitl-on: sarah .lane soiel, plot Common Void N.nta s,,hal s Annie Pieni. pniv Iniherrlement t M Mono. I) I. I) unit, pn in llmileled tlolll limit I'ln. Ii, pro naeln Men, l J mill fllh Intent Kill ilnai Monti; llir.t Nfninn urn l(3llltled ,1ill .Hid lllllill Milluel KonI. koleh. sininn IVtrini pin ljunt iind Hei-itliis sininel Knlln, K. S, I'.ilnnr, pin Willoim Pil'ner; K. . I'lhner. pin. ntonio 'Ion, h, Intonlo I'.i.-l. iro. Miih ,iel MrNnltt. Ch.llle PiIut. pro Miiluel sod bik. .Uioh sillotll. pin, rnnl rihiet , .Imeph V IVoelkei. pio smiiIi ond lloiert I' 11. tlienlt .l,,hti V.. (t'Bll. pin.. W'oftrma .lle't-H. ndlelt Zllew--Ki. .loepli .itetttld. I. I'riherhef!,!. pio. Haile ll.iMini. Mi Plillllp. pro t'llen "-i het lin: nnie sinn. pint Kunl. I.el,, and I'jnh me lelin,,k. Inhn PetnifAt, pio. I.eoice lllhl' win. Ilnah l heiilaiin. pm tnthoiit Nimii; llilnt Walkm. pro Kian). It.tniafilun; auil Hilu. pio I hile- ritsrnd. tllirahelh Punier, pmx. .lennle lidhert; Klir.iheth Tjppin. prov, Common Pleas Court. Il was dull In tommon pleas iiiilit .etetda.. I'.tll.t in the day the list was exhausted and lotul had to ad join n until this ntornlnrr The tiespass mm' of John Corrlcau against the Scianton Hallway company was ie sinned befote .ludue Carpenter In the morning and after the evidence on the patt of the plaintiff was In. a non-suit was granted on the gioiind that t'ortl Kim had been guilty of cotitrlbtllot y negligent e A rule wns also granted to show cause why the non-suit -should not be si I liken off. In the i use of Julius Henke against Henilelta Henke, ptoceedlng. In 1 1 - oi iv, a tenllct was returned by the Jin y yesletday morning denying Henke the dlvotie asked for. The Jury was t oiniiiended by Judge Kdwaids for lis enllit, which he said was a Jusl one. The plaintiff not appealing, a non Milt was granted In tlie matter of ap peal of John II. Hull against Isaac H. Kelts-.. A Wrdlot of $l.:" for the plaintiff was teturned yestenlay by the jury In the case of !'. K. Xettleion against J. D. f.u.U. Want New Trials. A title was gtanted jesteiday lo show cause why n new trial should not be giauled in the assumpsit case of Mai S.iiel Flaherty against Annie Flaherty. It Is returnable at Aigtitnent court. The case wns tiled last week. Treasons foi a new dial weie also filed in the case of Hie City of Scran ton against Amauzn Iteynolds. which was also tiled last week. Question of a Line Between Land. The heal Ins III the equity pioueeil lugs ol P.. F Wells against K. M. I.ow tle was i out lulled befoie Judge J. P. Kelly yestenla. Th- plaintiff, Wells, ami Mai tin Shetwood and Fiank Welsh tt eie e.aiuined In his behalf, l.ottrle was sworn and said that Wells has an liKoiiea Idea of the line between their propeitles. The irue line, he said. Is 140 feet fiom where Wells thinks It is. He denied that he is min ing coal fiom under Wells' land. In Register's Office. The will ol Mlihael Flaheit, late of this -iiy. was admitted lo piobale jes terd.iy anil leiteis testamentary giant ed lo his widow. Maty Flaheiiy. In the estate of Ann Hughes, also of Simmon, lelleis of admliiistiatlrm were granted to William Hughes. ,e. leiM weie grnuled to l.etltla Heese In the estate of William It. Iteese. late of Olyphanl. Mnniage Licenses. August Shafer Annie Fischer Mai tin McCiowan.... Sarah Flannery ,.., Joseph Kluuowskl ., Ann Sedot Wallace K. (Staves. Jessie M litie 'In l.-t itin Ttoihen . I.el.l Stem .. ..Scianton Taylor .Carbondale .Carbondale , ..Pi Icebutg . ..Olypham ....Scranton .. ..Scranton .. ..Scianton .. ..Scranton William F Mclliile Ol.tphant Slnrj Mi l.ane Scranton Joseph mils Aichb.ild Pusquellna nubitoss Vrchbald l.ewls August Scranton islam h Sis, o Scranton Garcia Conchas, Vence- . doia Conchas.per box )4.75 M.irie Jansei) Sweet Violets $3.50 I. a Silvi.i ,) per ioo l-'ine Havana Cigars made in America. Finest Key West U- gars, per box .JM.UU Porto Rica Cigars, equal to finest imported, one-half the price. E. G. Coursen ;voi Mil OH Thomas Albert Eynon Scranton Bertha May Thomas ....Scranton COURT HOUSE NEWS NOTES. The report of Attorney 1. P. Wetle man as refereo In the caso of Elizabeth Ueech ajralnst the city of Scranton was yesterday filed with I'rothonotary Copeland. Exception on the part of the llltlne Turnpike Company were yesierday tiled to the coneltnlon of law contained In the opinion of .ludge Kelly In the case of P. P. Caller and others aKalnst the Itldne Turnpike Company In whim the discussion wan In favor of the plaintiffs, Attorney W. S. II inlander yesterday presented to the cnutt the petition of Mts. MitiRiuet Knlttle which sets forth that John Knlttle of this city has for three yen n been of unsound mind and Incapable of mnmiKlnrf his affalts. She iiked fm the appointment of a com missioner that his mental condition tnlRht he locally aeei tallied, .ludae Caiponiei appointed Joseph .lefftejs. MUNSON SHOWED PLUCK. Clung lo Frightened Horses Pi evented a Runaway In a Large Crowd. and Jltsi iis the visiting Kcpubllcnii clubs teie mulching up l.aikawanna avenue esteiday afternoon from the Dela ware. I.nck twatina and Western rail toad station, a team of hotses attached to a suney slatted away fiom In of the stallo'i and caused the wildest kind or eoteinenl for a few minutes. The outfit l used by Superintendent i:. K. I.ocimls, of the coal dopnitinent, in making his petlodlcal ttlps to the .irlous collletles, and the driver. Floyd Munon. was waiting for Mi. I.ooniis In ftont of hs olllce when one of the ttacfs became loosened, and as the band began plavlng the hoise boiame frlghlened and started away. Munson clung lo the leins In an hem ic manner, while the team dodged lit and nut of the ciowd, between wagons and street oni, when sutlednly he pulled them up In ftont of the Scran ton House, where the team plunged on to Ihe sidewalk. One of the noises was half way thiotigh the doorway of the hotel dining room, while the othei was thrown to Ihe paxemeut In the rush made on him by the ctowd. Munsoti, In the meantime, had been thrown bodllv fiom the suney, and Icinled In a heap on the sidewalk, but still clung to the telns. and succeeded In holding his hotses In check. av"tt- Ing what looked like a set Ions affair. When the hotses plunged Into the ciowd several men were knocked down and iiairowl.f escaped Injury, among them being M. J O'Toole of the Sclan tnniau. and f litis. Heffetlng, of the D. II station One of the hotses was slightly In Juied. and the suney was quite badly damaged. The vehicle was lemoved to lilume's shop fm rep.ilts. WATER CONTRACT SIGNED Slgnatuies of Recoider Connell and Piesldent Scianton Affixed to Five Year Contract. The f.oiitia I between the city and the Sci-mlon flas and Water, company, by the teinis of which Ihe latter agrees to furnish water foi municipal pur poses tor Ihe years nt an annual rate of $12,000 per year, was signed late yes tenlay .iflernoon b Itecordei W I,. Connell and President W. W. Scranton ol the company. A ery btlef conicieiue was held ear ly In the iHy bewen Itecotder Con nell, city Solicitor Watson nnd Piesl dent S' ranton. The latter agreed with, out any aigutueiit to sign the $12,000 .oiiti.u t ami did not seek lo pie.-s a demand tot $l."i.000 a ear. Ihe late which the city has been paying lor Ihe past two months. The signing of the lontract sees the end of a year's delay on the pari of councils. Mr. Scranton made an offer of $12.0oii a e;.i' last fall and an null name providing for a lonttatt at that liRtire was Intiodu'-ed shottly after wind., but had not been passed when the city government was tv-otganlzed on April I last. A new ordiuauie was then lutto duced nnd when councils allowed this to dtag along like the other. Pie.sldent Scranlon sent one of his i haiaciei l-tlc letters to the tecorder announilng that the company had wlihdtawn its $1.', ono offer and would chatge ihe city for water at the rate of Jl.YOOo a year until councils saw lit to hate another confidence. The otdlnnnce pioUillng foi the $12,000 commit was then rushed through, bin many (otitu lltnen weie liuiineil to think that Mt. Si ranton would InsNi on a tate ol l",.H'm. FIRST FOOT BALL VICTIM. Fiank Rogan Died Yesteiday of In juries Received Last Week. The flisl football victim to be reiord ed in this city Is Fiank ISogau. aged ','. who died je.iterday mot nlng fiom Injuries receded while practicing with the High school football team at Ath letic patk last week. Itogan was Injuted while irjlng to efl'cil the dangeious "centle rush" la. He was laid out llliioustious on Ihe Held, bill was soon leveil by his companions. He Immediately ie. suiiied playing anil the accident was foi gotten. t'pon teaching the home of His par ents. Mr. anil Mrs. Patilck Itogan, of j '.22 Ji nsiect acutic he complained of being very weak. I.atei he suffered Intense pains and physicians weie sum moned. An examination soon ie waled that he had sustained fatal Inlet mil lu Juiles. F,ver elfotl was made to save his life hut to uti avail, Itogan was a member- of the flesh man class at the High school anil was leguided as an Important acquisition to the football eleven. The sad affair hits tin own a shioud of gloom over the M-honl's bootball piospecls and may result In the aban donment of the team. SHE DECAME HYSTERICAL. Miss Ada Mlschler Taken to Lacka wanna Hospital, Miss Ada Milliter, a doinestli em ployed by Mrs. F V. I.eai h. of Olive rlieet. became hysteiieal nt the armory md created some excitement The Lackawanna hospital ambulance wua summoned nnd the young woman was ic moved to that Institution She spent the night theie and will bu discharged this moinlng. Millinery Opening, Fall and vt Inter stock, on Thursday. Ftlday and Saturday I'nprecedcnifd display. Housherty & Thomas. 1J Wyoming avenue ANNUAL GOLF TOURNAMENT OPENS THIS MORNING AT THE COUNTRY CLUB. Order in Which the Players Will Be Paired In the Qualifying Round Which Begins at 8.30 O'ciock This Morning Entertainment Commit tee Has Provided a Pleasing Pro gt amine for the Week This After noon Bauer's Orchestra Will Fur nish Music. The annual tournament at the Scran ton Country club will open this morn ing. Theie are many entries and the playing wilt be full of Interest. It will consist of a thlily-slx hole sciatch med al lottnd. A gold medal will be gdrn for the lowest sfiqe. The players making the sixteen low est scoies shall qualify for match play for the "Country Club Match," and the seennd slvteen shall qualify for match play foi the "Consolation" match. Theie will be prizes given both the winner and runner-up In each of these tnatihes. The euterlalnnieut committee has provided a plaslng progianimc for the tournament week. This afternoon there will be tnisc. II. met 's otchestia will gie selections at the Country lub and a committee of ladles will serve tea The committee will consist of Mis. Ileniy Itiady. Ji Mrc. Klnts. Mis. It. K. Watson. Mbs IScllit. Miss Aichhald, Miss Hunt and Miss Itey nobis. Tontoitott those who will serve will be Mrs, N. V. I.eet, Mis. II. H. Jeiinyn. Mis. (S. P Jermyn. Mis. Walttw right. Mts Waltei M. Dickson, Mrs. Dale. The coininltie., on Filday will be Mis, l-dereif Wat i en. Mis. II. W. Klngs bui.t. Mis. X. (!, Itobertsou. Mts. C. S. Weston, Mrs. C. H. Sutrges, Mis. Paul M. Uelln. The House lommltlee will be In chatge. It Is hoped that eveiy niembcr of ihe Country club will be piesent din ing these fete das nt ihe club grounds which Is In the height of their beauty now. The following Is the oidet In which the plajers will be paliod in the quail- f.Ung loiitnl of ihe open golf tourna ment wlili Ii loniinences at the Country club this mot nlng. beginning at S.I'.O o clock: w l' Nrill t I lll.ilr. .h .. llllllllllltlKII .1 II lllmtlv. s. I 'I in tier i I. ( . I'iiIIh II W llrM,l t II. ( . SlullM. I llJlli'i l.ntilaliil t W. .1. I'uni','. I I. IV. I, tu. . 1111111111. i. i. itiook i. i:. i:. ( ii.oe (i Hun' t c II Will,-., .Ir. M II flitter t V 1 1 in, l . h I" I I .llliphnll t. I' U. lio,t, II l.rMinnl v. ( II. Millr. I.,,inl si,, on, t (Im'Ii' llilin. i: II ( elll. H t Ml,, II ,.,.i II (' (.ii.i.ii t i:. l,i ),'v.iii s II ltint;liiiit t- W II Vmn,f. X II sioii i. .1 . T-Mi.t TEN ROLLERS QUALIFIED. For the Sandeison Tiophy at Gieen Ridge Wheelmen's Alleys. Ten members of the (Jreen Itldge Wheelnien qtialll'icd liisl night for the tin. lis to be tolled l'i Iduy niglil In the bowling matih foi the Colonel Sander son tiophy. The one bowling the high est avemge foi sl games will be awarded the price Last nielli's aveiages weie as fol lows: Fied Mason. ITU 2-.! Unwind Uavls. IT.'I 2-.1, It. 'I' JjiMie. If,;i 2-." II. P. Moore. Jfi'i. Wallace MtAlu. Ids l-:i Fiank Heaveis, u;i, i.;;; w. P. Web hel. Ifil 2-:!; Allen Itidgwny t',t, (Scorge Xldiol, 1GJ 1-1, IMwaid Pr.or, lh2 1-3. FUNERAL OF EDW. O'CONNELL. Inteiment Wns Made in Cathedral Cemetery Yesterday. The funeial of l.'dwaid OVoniiell was held jesierday fiom his late home, lull (ireen's place Itev. Kntlirr O'llyme celelnated a mass of teiiuleni in St Pelei's The pallhonteis weie .lohn It Kel ly. .Inhn Kelly, .loliu Ituane. IMward P. Mitchell, Domlnlik Iteddlngtou and M. .1. Iltid.. The (lower heaters weie .loliu llnilil). Michael WaMi, .lohn Ale Hale and John Alcljonald. Inlet nient was made In the ('ailiednil cetnetei). Railroad Day at the Pan-Ameilcan Sept. 28. 1001. The realities of n,i Hl nlH Htlffalo Pan-Anieilcan exposition will lie the giealesl event of thf )eai N'n penso will he spared on the patt of the nfllilals to make It a giaiul sin - ess Iii evei) way. Th k-t agents of the kawanu.i tallioad will sell tickets good going on any n.iln Sat uiday at special low rales. Select Your Neckwear Ft 0111 a htoi k like mil . and )ou get in ery thing that is goinl -new and si,llsh. Hen aie new Imperials, new Ptilfs new scols new Hows and. In si ,if all some narrow l''our-lo-ll,uiis In stllpes 1 hul an' ihe hest .Mil tiltl MMi siiown ; . "ON T5jAI?E' Oils, Paints Maloney Oil & MandfacNiring Company, 141-M9 Aleridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. WE OFFER $200,000 First Mortgage Ffve Gold Bonds of the United Power Company Of East Liverpool, Ohio. Dated .Inn. 1st, 1901. Due Jan. 1st, 1926. Coupons payable January and July. Denomination $1,000. These Bonds are recommended to the public as a safa and conservative investment. Circular containing full in formation on application. . - - . Title Guaranty & OF SCRANTON, PA. ' ! S16 Spruce Street. AGREEMENT APPROVED. Lncknwnnna Telephone Co. Stock holders Ratify DIrectots' Action. The stoeklioldets of thn Lackawanna Telephone companies nf this i lt at a meeting held estetda. inoilllng. Uliiitl Intou.sly iipptoved of the action of the ditcctors In eiiteilug Into an agreement wllh lite Consolidated Telephone com panies of Pi unsylvanla. Tills action set nt es connection! dip a t oi in of yeais with the Independent telephone loinpanles In Wilkes. It.nre, Heading, Philadelphia and other iitlis In the eastern patt of the slate. Now with Ciamer-Wells Company. Miss Slmnnds, fottnetly wllh llevans, has accepted a position with the Cuiniet-Wells roiiio.itiy. Wyoming avenue, whete she will lie pleased to see her ft lends and p.ittons. Views of Piesldent McKlnley and Cabinet on lawn of Milhtnii residence, tuneial inocesslon and Temple of Mttsli Twenlv-lle icuts each Addtcss II S. Poole. 1171 Delawate "avenue. Itttf falo. X. V. Smoke the new Kleon Be. cigar. g "Never Rip" il Shoes for :J 5? Boys HI S5 II you buy the ordinary H shoes lor the fiaod lively W school bov you will be H buying shoes every month. C Buy him a pair of those H H out-of-tlie-ordlnary kind, ft O tap soles, solid one piece ft ft leather insoles and counters S ft circulettes in the heels, ft 0 guaranteed never to rip. 2 Positively the best shoe ft Z.0 made (or the money. c5 0 Sizes 1 1 to 2, pair v $1.23 Sies 2)i to 5J4. pair, $1.49 $ftft)ftft0 Lathe Turning We have equipped our re pair shop with the latest im proved automatic screw cut ting latnc ana are now pre pared to do all turning in brass, kinds of steel and iron. i Uive n-5 1 guaranteed. a trial, all work 1 Florey & Brooks, I! 212 Washington Avenue. x and Varnish if; 'f? '' ty t w pfef ed'A 4.?" . - i 1 h Trust Company, s . rr - - . ,,. ,,,4,4.4.41 We Have l-ngiiRed the servico of Miss WHittetnore, of Philadelphia, the famous teacher In em bioiilerv, yarn and fancy work. Miss Whittemore will be .it our store ptrmanently beginning iMonday next. Don't forget that we have ' a large stock of Down Pillows In assorted sires, at prices which make them the very best value ever offered in Scranton. i Cramer-Wells Co., 4" f 130 Wyoming Ave. Ladies' Tailoring Jackets and Skirts made very teasonable. Rainy day Skirts 5.50 and up. '-'-Goods furnished. 7 King Miller, Merchant Tailor, 432 Spruce Street. Among your friends you'll find that most of them buy their HaU here. That is because we carry the largest line of the best hats for money in the city. CONRAD'S "A Gentlemen's Furnisher. 305 Lackawanna Avenue. ff The Interior Fittings Determine the Coziness of the home. Rich Car pets, Handsome Rugs, Inviting Draperies, Por tierrea and Curtains Come in and take ad vantage of our experience Itt fitting up "Attractivo homes." In the Carpel.. department, we call special attention toltfie!:, very Select line pfi terns shown incur Bo4y BrusseJ line. '.h'esi goods are the cheapest to buy when yon con sider their Jong life $1.25 and '$.Y40 per yard. CREDIT YOUP CERTAINLY! -fZfc -'' m 221.283-285.887 WYOMING AVENTIB. Qmmnq MT i iom tr- i f.-f ' , i tiw ifv-mkJviUtkeMtt iUfami .-) " "---