The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 25, 1901, Page 4, Image 4

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    . ,,
(Se "Scranton ri6ime
PiiMlnhH Dill, rtrffil Sunday,
,, Tin. Trlh.
linpjny, t Filly C'mU a Montli.
tint riiMI,hin( Co
IIVV P nirilMII. Keillor.
Ct F U.lli I", llmlnwi MJimgrr.
Ntw loll Olllici 110 Nisuu .St,
s s viu:n,n,
Sole Audit lot Foreign Ailvctllliif.
lnlcrtd t Hip l'o.tofiicp it Niranton, I'j , as
Second IUm Mall Utlir.
Ulion fuip will prtmlt 'Hip Itllmnc l alerays
tin to inlnl liort Ittlrii Irnni lt irlciuU lM
Ins on current topics, tint Its rule la that IncM1
limit lis ilgnril. (or imlilliatlon, ly tlio writer a
ml rump; and tlie innrlltlnn prnfilent t i
irplsncf Is that all contrlbutloni shall lie seilijfct
i'f ruiionai revision
tiii: M.r rati: ion .ivi ktmno.
The (ollolr(j lalile shows t lie prltc per Inch
each ln-rlli-.n, hpjee to lie tunl within otic J ran
Itun nl Slcllnir on 1'nll
DISPLAY J!il"r Hi ulliis Pnaltion
Iraa'tlnii Ann Indira 21 ' .211 .M
' Indira 20 .21 -
1000 " pi .ITS 10
rooo r3 .17 .i
rw) n km n
For ends ol think., resolution rt mnililenre
atil slinllir niitriturt lon In the nituro nf n
trrlMng J ho Irlliuni make ,i ihaigo ol fi edits
a 1 1 n
rtilr fir ClaMlfleil Advertising (iiriililicil on
rr' la I Ion
sciiANTo.v. si:iTn.Mm;u 2.". 1001.
Suprrmr C.iri W II I 1 f I PtiTTI.ll.
Iiomiiii-I llM (i IIMtllK
Juice i w t
fftnlroller II. U)S..
t'oirnrr III! .1 I. I"
M(i t ion Vi 3
' When the IWuiodHiy wint out ol power in
lir suic It loll In Iho Kriiiihllian Halt a lm
Hi of almost ntmiii (n of rlrlil 1 hi debt, hv
wo .ldnilnMritii n under Mrpiilillrnii rule, has
been ilnio.t rntlirle pild, We lne Increased
the jpproprhiii.ns in the common liool until
wo Maud it the Ik .id of the lnrllcjii Mate In
urpott rf popular nlmatlrii 1 nder Itepublliati
mliiilnMrillon lluro lna lin n plid cull Mir for
educational purpov moio linn w i ipproprhtod
b.e the liniioirjtu pirn in their quarter of I
Phtim of nilriile We hae Increased our tip-
roprlallnn to iharitihlo and eleenioi nar in.ii
tutlon until wo an in ike the boast that no Mat
brtwren the two mriiu mpporla thee lnlltu
tion a well a dim our own Our T.OKlOOi) ol
people aie IniluMiioii", lioir-r, law abiding and
happi el rurioiiiulid j. we mo on eeerj sld
with rovprroti hmlneve condition, with people
happe. rrnploeid and contented and with oeerer
meniie of hu-lneve and trade full v occupied, .mil
with the pio.pect of the fuliitc hrightenlnc and
trowing tnoic hopeful, tlie old historic put of
fhliiitton and negition kcts up a ln'leiinl on
rf fiUe iretrnve, hioriiv and in.uiiintv tor
the puipiKc of tnUleidini: the people ,ind regnn
ire lot poir' lioui tlie llepubluan n a
NrKatlo tnon HPldnm atlvaiu-o far In
A Alodel Trial.
S . Pi:oPMJ pledRcd to law
and oidet.we should be pioud
L Jl. ol the manner In which the
at.sasi-iii ot our president has
boon at corded a piompt ttlal, the bene
fit of able c ouiiM'l and lompletc pro
tection UK.tinst ItilUlentes talculated to
bias the dot Islou of the Jtity. The oi
dltt, ertt,ill ptompt, PMtitly tallies
with the eldoiRc.
The trial of Colgos a ionpk li
ons model of what nil ttlals ought to
be. It Is true that In not eveiy In
htatue is the pi oof of guilt s-o clear
nnd clo-o at hand; and thcreloio lu
not eery Instance would It be possible,
though It wcic ileshed, to ptoceed with
filch swift (lhectness to the ttlal ot
the Ishiie. Uut in eveiy cause at law,
whether In tlie civil or In the cilnilunl
blanch, It should equally be the earn
est ptitpohc of the bench and counsel
lo expedite justice.
In those las ol coiiscicace-soaich-lug.
when eveiy elfoit is being made
by an moused public opinion to locate
the souk o.s of the diseased condition ot
our public life that itself in
such n, ciimo as president-minder,
sight must not be lost of tlie i out I
butlons to anaichy and loiitcmpt foi
law , which some of can cants have
made, ami which a tendency among
many of our lawois to hiie theli tal
ents regal dless ol justice has not
lucked, but If mi thing has inn cased
When legal piocedure Is used lo shield
lime or when tlie t hnliallties ot the
law aie so Jugglrd as lo opeiale as u
llcen-e to ioguor it is not suipilHlng
that men of Impatient tempoi anient
ioini (also conceptions of tlie value of
law and aie eiicouiaged In their nat
uial inclination to hold the law lu con
Journalism Is not the onlv Held of
human activity that has ollo sttenks
In It. Its vellounesK Is vividly appai
ent nnd selt-evidently vicious. Hut the
attorney who Is willing to lend his tal
ents to the piotettlou of cilme. or enter
Into pin tni' i ship with piofesslonul evil
doing does his part, likewise, in diiv
Ipg wuik-nilntled unfoi tunnies to vio
lent e: and the lawmaker whoso nbll
tiy Is emplo)ed in constructing loop
boles in the statute Is no better.
The fact th it our courts can upon
Bieal piotnptltig move piomptly nnd
unerringly Is valuable as a outlast
wltli the tedious delays so often en
founteied in tliein. The Huffalo tiial
Is an Ideal towaid which Aineiiean
.couit pioceduio should cvetywheie
more closely npptoach.
IMilladelpbla heems to bo contracting
the town meeting habit.
THi: OFFICIAL hlstoty of tho
last uiiHiicrcsaiful atilke of
tho Amalgamated nsioela
' - tion presented lu tho fare
well statement of President Shaffer la
n document full of proiltublo instruc
tion. It Is pathetic in its candor. It
shows that honor is almost as rato
anipng labor agltatota na it ptovciblal
ly Is among thieves. Most of Mr.
Hhnffer'H colleagues In the profession
of labor generalship gave him nil
Jklnds of assurances of support nnd
dropped him like u hot potato the mo
ment ho got Into trouble.
Thcro was one exception John
Iltchell. Ho, Mr. Shaffer tells us, In
quired carefully Into tho Amalgamated
strike "and mated that If wo would
present a proposition, which ho out
lined .ho, would demand acceptanco by
tho Hunt, or call out tho miners."
1hrs' rev oil tho head of tho miners'
union ds a man of ulilt, wiw believes
In llio mti tuaill t nf labor IntciojitK. It
it No mIiuux that lio would not lavltulc
to pluiiRC the Illinois of ttio nnthiadto
ii-BTlon Into it Hlilkr for the ffprt It
would ltac tinon a controversy lo
which tlioy aii not u patty, iio Itleil
liu Kyinpiitlilrul with the tillto flue
whole. It i' evident that the dexlin to
w i lit power Is not eonlliud to Wall
What Mr. .Shaffer iloet not make.
tlear In why hl strike was ever marl
ed. Thote appears et no Jtistiilnttlon
for It. NothlliK In the eomlltlons of the
men enlisted In It warranted It ns n
hint deupetate means of ledtevslliR lll
toletabln ffrleMtnces, There wete no
Ktlevaneec. Thete wiim nhnply it ItlRt for
power the belief In the Inner elriles
of the oiRiinlziillon that It was an op
pot tune time to execute a Kiand
manoeuvie for absolute masteiy of nil
ths labor employed In the chief Aturil
can Imliihti y. I.Ike Napoleon'n Inva
Hlon of HuusIh, It mlsenkuhtled. Like
Ills retreat fiont Moscow, llx ancliiwloii
Is 11 1 1 ot (1 with the debiis of falluic.
I'Ntr the Individual HUfferets thete Is
profounil 8uipnt1i5. Hut for the
ehpckmated Napoleons tltete lh no sm
p.ithy wh.ttxoevei.
They lmo fol felted the (oiilldeiice ot
labor and capital alike. If tliev had
their desetts they would end their ca
irn in as Napoleon ended his lu exile
with eeiy power for futther mNehlef
Comment In the state press Indicates
Ihe existent e of ti belief that foittvr
I.letitennnt tioxetuor Willies is nietll
latlni,' a battle fnt tleleK.ilc-' In Lacka
wanna count. This we take to be a
tnlMtike Ills ciiiiilldaiy, so far as we
i an lenin. did not orlRluate at homo
nor wete the Republican leaders of bis
home ( Ity and county advlcd of It. It
was annotimed ft out Philadelphia bv
mo. ins of HthoRi.tphed letteis ptevliuis
ly piep.ired, mltlrcs'-od .mil toady for
iolo,ic without the knowledge of the
people of Set anion. No doubt, tbete
fore, It will look tor its suppoit to
Phllatlelphla and other dbtant plates.
High Time to Be Careful.
missioner of Immigration
Povwlcily that the woik of
the Inimlgiiition buicau be
so exteudetl as to Include leitllliatloti
lit foielgn pints ot eveiy alien t iiudl
tlate for entinnce Into the I'nlteil
Slates, as well as suivdllaiiie for live
eais after he gets in, Is natutall op
posed by those who aie opposed to
tightening the bats, as well as by some
who want something done but don't
know just what. To this latter class
belongs the lloehesti'i-Poot i:picss, n
good but llnnlekv paper, which, lu n
comment upon Mr. Powdoib's sugges
tion, .S.tS.
"The proposed plan assumes that all
iuimigtants aie pilni.i facie ctlniinals,
it piovldes also that tbey must be
subjected to tlie llei tlllion stem of
monsuiemcnls, nnd that tbey must be
watched for live jc.ns. What seir-ie-spec
ting immlgiaut, or what poison
w oi th of hemming a citizen ot the
United States would submit to any
such disgraceful assumption'.' Imag
ine, too, what a coips of btutauciats
would be it'tiulied to keep 'ttack of
the hundieds of thousands of linml
grants come to this count ty eveiy
eai. Weio the tiip.teis to submit
to the biiiden of so many paiasltes we
have no Idea that this system of es
pionage, so hostile to tlie splilt of
American Institutions, would be cflcc
tle" It l.s not line tliat Mr. Povvdcil)'a
plan assumes that all inmilgiaiits aie
pilma lacle ciluilnals. It assumes
meiely that tlie United States has long
enough taken In all who otfei them
selves and should now begin to exhibit n
tntioual nieusuie of dlscilmatiou. No
foreigner has any lived light to enter
Ainetita. He comes tliiough toleiauce.
That being 1 1 tie. it is within our pio
lnce to define the tonus upon which
he shall ontei. liecauso people lock
their doois at night does: not assume
that all other people nte btuglais, It
simplv lecognizes the existence of
enough Inn gluts tu make It woith wlillo
to be fateful.
Many leasons aside fioni the luoblem
of nnaielilsm call for suivolllance of
liumigiants. When u man Is taken into
any of those i lunches which have a pe
llod of pioliatlon lie is watclied, to see
how he behaves. And ptopetly. The
ihutch does not want to take into its
fold one who would disci edit It. When
a man Is einplocd In any business on
trial, he Is watched, to see If he will
till the bill. This does not shame him
nor oftend him, and It In what he ex
pects. The Immlgiaut Is not a citi
zen but a piobatlouei. We may want
to keep him and tonvoit him into a
litleii, and we may not. Simply Ki
ting1 in eveiybody who wants to come
In, good, bad mid Indlffeient, and then,
Just ns soon as they have lived beio
the nocessaiy llvoyeais, unconcernedly
clothing them lu tho complete gaib of
tltUcnslilp, legatdless of how it Ills,
have caused enough of mischief in this
republic. It Is time to stop that cup.
lessness and apply the obvious dk tales
of common sense.
If to do tills icqiihcs 111010 govern
ment employs, hhe them. Hilckh aie
not made, without stiaw.
Fusion Isulvvujs easy until thote in
spoils to divide.
The Limits of Criticism.
(riom the New cuk Ttllniiii 1
INCU TIIU nssasslnatlon of
Piesldcnt McKlnley u few
apologists tor tho indecent
abuse to which ho was sub
Jectocl have come forwiud in ciitlclsm
of the almost unlveisal loellng that
tho vet bal anil pictotiul repi osculation
of tho president as a scoundiel, a
niutderer, an opptcs-sor of tho poor nnd
a tool of tt lists far transcended tho
limits of legitimate opposition, and
tended to piovoko Insane passions nnd
violence. Jt la snld thnt tho present
Indignation against reckless vilifica
tion ot public men Is Irrational, and
that the peoplo In their ptosent mood,
sttlvlng to put down uuntchy and In
citements to anarchy, would ovettuin
tho safeguards of llbeity nnd fieo gov
ernment. Full fieedom of public
crltlcifin, wo aro told, must bo pic
served, nnd tho infoienco is that a
publlu sentiment which foihudc such
ubuso as Piesldcnt McKlnley wui
anbjii'teil to would result lu u muzzled
press and ptatfotiu. Hut has liberty
become llicnseV Is the art of effective
but decent opposition entirely lost?
lluvo oiutors nnd odlloiv no longer the
clovoriievB or power to mouse Interest
or cm try conviction without resort to
billingsgate ami icckless falsehood,
such as once wete legarded ns marks
of weakness In argument lather than
of stiongth? Have the people so de
generated that sane reasoiiluc no lon
ger Inlluenecs thetu. and tlint the only
lesouice of those who would not see
them sink Into apathy and slavery la
violent language and appeals to pie
Juilhe? Of coin so, the ficodotii of discussion
must bo preserved. Constitutions
guarantee free speech nnd a fieo
ptess, but always subject to responsi
bility for nbue of those lights. Hut
Is the lino between the rights nnd
their abuse strictly enough drawn, and,
also. Is evident tiansgtoHsIng over the
line, no matter how loosely drawn,
punished by law or public; opinion as
It should be? Theie can bo no ques
Hon of the right of n citizen to criti
cise! tho ptcsldont's policies most se
verely. Tor instance, Senator 1 loin's
loinaik that the subjugation of tho
1'hlllpplneH meant "the nb mdonmeiit
of the pilneiples upon which our gov
ernment Is founded, nnd It will change
our republic into an nnplie," wus
within the limits of legitimate ciltl-
clsm. It was one iew of the ten
dency of a public policy. Another ora
tor, wlio, because the pi evident carried
out that policy, talked about "McKln
lev, with his wicked and cowardly
heart, l .vising b.s bloodstained bands
to heaven in hypociltlcal pi.ijer."
tiansccnded those limits and de
scended rot only to peisonul abuse,
but to unpatilotlc attack upon author
It. It Is one thing to disapprove a
war, (pilte another to call the ofllcliil.s
who pcrfoim their duties at the head
of a nation's nnnies thlevow and mur-
Likewise. It Is perfectly logitlninlo
for those who think that tho ndminls
tiatlon's policy favors certain llnan
eleis to point out tho grounds of that
belief, but It Is not legitimate daily
to hold up to tho balled of the Ignor
ant tho picsldeiit ot the United States
as the contemptible tool ot lepulslvo
villains, engaged In linaglniiiy atroci
ties. Saicasin, ildleule and denuncia
tion aie nil pioper Instiumonts of poli
tical opposition, but those who use
them sue. mm ally bound to use them
with a duo sense of losponMbtllty and
a tine legal d for tiutli, and not to
call an otllelal n scoundiel lu moio
piojudlce, confessedly -without facts
lo waitant such a conclusion. The
aits of a public oflleial ate always
subject to moio llgld seiiltlny and
shaipcr ciltltlsni than those or a pil
vato Individual, but a lie about him is)
just as much a lie as one about any
body edso, and Is abuse of tho Heodom
or .speech and the pioss. If we ever
have a piesldcnt oi a cltv otllelal who
Is a inuideiei, let us know tho tacts,
and call him one by all means. If we
llml that he steals, let us epoe tho
lasc.tllty. Hut let not an otllelal be
called a mill dot or or a thief Just us
,i Incident to Intempeiato opposition
to bis public polle. lie ought to bo
piotecled ltom such outtnfcoous libels
iu well ns anv other man.
A public olllcer can liaidly look to
the law lor such piotectlon without
seeming to Intel lore with fieo speech,
though even 111 this fieo countiy ofll
eots have not touted to call to account
In couit those who peij-onally slan
detcd theui. He ought, hovvovet, to be
pioteclf'd b.v public opinion ft owning
on unbridled political bitterness. Ai
wa s after a polled of such bitterness
the people c ome to see its Injustlc e and
to i egret it. The hotheads who abused
Washington and giavelv charged that
he was suuendeilng our liberties to
l'.ngland. might have known then that
tbey weio wiong ns well ns a doen
cus later, and have based their op
position to his policy on appeals to
icasoii and not to ignoiant prejudice.
So, too, thos? who (hinged Piesldent
McKlnley witli hideous ci lines liuvo al
ready found out their enor. and somo
of thoin havo relucted. How much
bettor the would lool today If they
had nnver wilttcn those eises, never
pletuied hlni as a tool ot mists, never
called hlni n iiiuidoiei!
Political life does not depend for Its
Heodom on license tor .such libels.
They nte meiely the mink of low civil
isation nnd Inability to deal with pub
lie questions with f-eiiousness, sobiiety
and logaid for the decencies, of life.
Instead of holding to such abuses as
lnstuitnents of fie? discussion, our
people should fluui them, so that poli
tic al (ontioveisy may be made to deal
wllh laets and in bo decided by lea
sou. Then to call all nflldal a mill -deter
will ni'Mii that ho is one, and
peoplo will stop to consider such a
e lunge. Now such awful epithets aie
Hung about so fieely that no attention
l.s paid to the nlitiso by sano people,
and a wicked olllcial lests secuio in his
wickedness ft out their action, whllei
the honest man may fall a victim to
the msiiiiectcd passions ot tho cilnil or nank.
Mr. Shaffer Is prepnipd to attest that
lu limine lug a big sttlko kind) wotds
alono butter no pai snips.
Tho opinion scorns to ho growing that
tho anarchist needs a eloso of his own
I'lotn the 1'otonto (ilobo
Aii.mliWii of the Mud tint Ju.-ullr aciuini
llon, w.u bred lint in the I tilted sut(j nor In
(tut llill.iln, while ftco institution:! arc cie
Jo; oil, but in iIkkc Duiopcm covuitrln wheir the
must mi ti iiicirurcx of rrpicfilon aie Uicd. It
liU) (jlrl lie clescilhrd a tho child nf'
nnd repletion, not of liberty. 'Hut form of .in
,ii(lilm wlikh la rife in Iho bouthctu at.itca, the
IjnchliiB and burning of iicvroca, what ia it but
the li'. ult cf tho crliuo airaiii.t liberty
which duk-Kcd the Afiliau from Ilia homo and
kept hint tor a (cututj in bondjgcf
'Iho iuv arrival! In a countrj aru apt to paih.r
In tho dtlci, and it U through those clt lea that
they form their tint iinpriMloim of the national
luMltutlnn If tho police uie corrupt or brutal,
It U iiiito lutuNl tint tho ni i oilier who Inn
been iliiblcd or Iduhnulltd khouhl form a had
iuiprcM-ion ot the whole t;tcm if government,
On tho other hand, an Imiicat, Intelligent, (our
iroua polko foicc, clean ktrerta and good muni
clul gntrinnKiit would have in important cduca.
tho lufluciico cm thn foiclgnrr. Let him b
taught that aa long at he rrapecta the rights of
nthcra thu law Mill bo hit ftlend, and lie will
bcconio a mipportci Inntrad of in otulUnt of tin)
inttltutloiu of tho country.
With One Uoice
the People Speak
Tenchers of Annrchy.
I'ront in Addrcaa h II r. McLaughlin, Principal
of iho New oik Mato Normal School at Ja
mah 1
"I till von tint the nun lio oil! In hi cell. eiftlip and em mi inHanimilnrv article
luav Imp tuilkltnt elf control to withhold lila
hand from tho awavln'n knife, but thoo poor
write Inn who read that aillcle may nut have the
nine n If control and ma) go forth and do that
whlih tho editor adtoeatm. Vour wrath fall on
the linn who did thin dcnl; but 1 tell jou there
atp othcra vho tiught bhn tho ciampl, Thcte
ait thote who put lieloro find men articles which
thej trad and Ineotrwrutc Into their very eharao
lir 'Ihe man who due thli fa the man who de
nivea mir iiptnbttlon mot. Head tho bet pa
per. Ilatii.h throe ftotii jour homea and our
alght which Incite to anjlhliig 'IIKp violence
agalnt the rubra el our country If thp dealh
of William Mckinley mileci in bile these evil
editorial and in'Mminalnry arllclea and tint
feeling e na In luniali them from our hnmea
and night, th.n William McKlnler will not havn
died in vain."
Chancellor Day's Views.
siraetm di.patch k tint upon being aleerJ
In tho New ork Journal for an evprr-"ion upen
President Mihlnley, thancetlor Jime It. Ilav,
of s.iiaeiiso unlvtiail), ketit the following to that
"samiiel Hick, (icneral Vlanager, Ner Yotk
"Heir sir Will jou ileie neer aeiiel to thi
i Ihco an matter beam g the imptint ol the New
Votk JoutnaU I loathe tlie New .mk .Innrml
as I di tho unspeakable wretch who hnt our
groil pio.idcnt. I believe jour paper, more linn
any other agent In thn (ounti), lielpid to make
tho condition whkli riienuragril audi awasiiie
Hon To lnvo our Institution commended by
miih a piper would he i burning disgrace.
"lames I! Dav "
lu an addrrs Tt the Mhunbra, in s.uaime,
list 1'iidiy i.lght, ( hantellor lliv olid. "The
wickfducM Ilia at our dooi in that vie have
tolerated for months nnd jcar certain deformi
ties of Journilinn whtih have proceeikd to abet
and comfoit Ihe asiln. nd these horiible
beet are morp roponAihle in the ught ot Al
mighty (!od fol the arsainatlon of William
Vlchinlev than i. Iho poor wicteh who shot the
bullet at Iluflalo 1he nerved Ins hand, thev
eieltcd Id courage, they cured hi brain, and
when ho goo3 to the cleclrio chair at leant oi.p
of tho editor cf those ecllow journal ought to
take i re it beside htm to expiate- the crime ot
liituelf an I Inn fellow assassin "
In Anarchism's Class.
Itevilutint.s Vdnpted bv the nrooine ( ounrv, New
Vork, ltrptibllcin Convention
' Wo e uitift rrfniu at this time fuin eipie
lug oui m sir li and contempt for those newspaper
wlileli liaeo so persltentl, be word and eal
toons, sought to urate discontent Itiktiad of
happinri-a In the mind nf minv, hive vlllllied
and tradiiecd out best men for no other rcison
thm tint thpv occupied offleial position In
vehuh they were ciruestlv Ulieine to do their
tint, liivp soiiKlit to breed a eplrlt of disregard
and contempt for our judge and court because
of theli rtitorceincnt of law and order, and, (.en
crallv, lino let no ociaAion pas on which thev
eotild appeal to the hvof pialnn of men and
thus dethrono viilno and rvalt vice. In our opin
ion, when wo lcgt-lito against amrchv and a.
Msslnal ion. we should not fotget tliit 'cllow
journals' belong in the fains clasj."
Stamp It Out!
i:.Macr Hewitt in a Speech lleloie the New
Vork (hauibir of Cointnoice
'It la ea enough to deil with the poor,
wretihod ilegeuei ito who waa the instrument nf
.itsavlnatloii, but how- no wp going to deal with
that reckless newspiper whhh we all believe to
bo icspuusiblo for the murder of our dcarh be
loved president? A long a wo continue tu
coiinlrniiue such i newfpiper bv our aubscrip
lion, or our adeerlisement. just an long i an
assc-ains Justtf llietr daslatdl conduct be t .
spec ion. aiguinent of n prrss tint po-e a i
tnoial tiacher VVhu I responsible for this events
siiuli-. It l to bo found in the pervetted teui
lug of .1 iccklcsa ptcss tint lu not hcsititcd t i
coin conscience into ilidlats"
A Gient Duty.
State (liiliiniii Reeder ill .m Vihhcs ul I -
ton, Pi
' V gieit ilute I upon the Republican pine
of this 1 1 nd The Uiison mine villi tirnblf
force and teach m the import int and iiupciitue
dill of using all the power of lit" llrpubliiau
pait to fc.ncli out nnd Mamp out tin- blasimg
iiiise of miuhc, whereecr found, and of up
pros.Jng in some nieisme that form of iircspun
tiblo jouinalism which lia given In .iiinichv it
grcatcut encoiiiagfiiient An in lie I a blot upon
obligation and fhouhl find no soil in which to
take root in a free republic like oiu let the
aupprcssiotv of tin groat crime aga'nst suae v
and otiletb- goecrnmeut be made one of the ia doctiine of Itepiiblii enlsin. t'nbridled
abu'o cf public men exilic the passion and
prejudleia of the Ignorint and the fanatical to
tlirt commission of cilme fif whhh tho asaatsi
nation of ojc lito president I the culmination
The ltepublican part owes it to Itself, to m
ciitv and to the peoplo at Inge to lay Its strong
luiul upon theM oflcnding Journals "
A Malediction.
Prom an Open 1 etter bv ltei. Ilr Iotph ( oop-r,
of Itutgei College, to the l'ditor cf tho NiW
Vnlk Jouiual,
(anv with .vourself die ami night, everywhere,
while ou curie the ciilh with jour presenie, the
consciousness tint all lionoiable and vittuoii
men and women In the land who liate had tlie
opportunlt) to know the fait hold von and join
like lrspoiisiblo for this awful horror, and loithi
jou, not to the extent our eonduct de.erv.s,
but to the rejch of tlur abilitv.
Tho Cilme of the Cartoon.
I torn the Philadelphia Pies
'liu re i a plito (or the cartoon In the public
prints. 'I In rr ia a hiinioi and a wit that In tlm
giaeo of good nature can iiccompltvh much In
Iho depletion, Ihroiuh i illcature, of the foible
and follies of those In public life good cause,
a was, true lu the memorable ease of 'at v-
'I weed. I neeir better terecd thin by tho poiui
oil cutoon tint ptciiche a aeimon or innvcv a
pulilic lev-oil In a fiw stroke of the pencil Hut
there 1 a point broud whlrh the honorable,
self respecting cirtootust i annnt, velll not, go,
and lid point Is the dellbirile dalle' present!
ticn of men in public life n Ihe llest nf the
vile, through i dehbeiale fa 11 Ik itiou of their
known printe clnneler and public arts, In a
way that f-cts them cut in low, degtaded and
without (hinder or conscience ,n1 Ihl i the
crime of tho llivrnpoit itid Opper cutonm, that
they did do this. In season and nut of aeison,
with an almost insane iterillon, save that thera
wa. a hlreling'u "method In tho niiduess,"
From Shoe Strings to
Lewis & Reilly
114 116 Wyoming Avenue.
See our School Shoe Window.
Fall Opening
Display of
Ladies' Muslin
Thcto W that somethlnp; indescrib
able about our lino ot Ladles' Muslin
Underwear that distinguishes It fiom
the oidluiiry.
Tho Tit nnd Tlnish Perfect,
Our styles Are Different.
The Embroideries Aro Finer,
Tho Lncos Are Prettier.
Our Tall Exhibit of Tine LliiECiio Is
unusually attractive, dhow hit; many
new nnd novel designs, beautifully
trimmed in ncut and pictty patterns
Fino Embtoidcrles,
Point do Pnrrio Laces,
Point do Gene Laces,
Valenciennes Lnces,
Renaissance Laces,
Real Torchon Lace.
At 10c to S2.6D.
At 25c to S2.50.
At 75c to $2.95.
At 85c to S6.50
At S1.00 to S11.50.
At 45c to S2.75.
At 10c to 85c.
At 60c to $1.50.
Lackawanna Ave
To use furniture In your office
that Is not. tip-to-date In style
and quality.
You meet prospective customers
in your office and they will judge
you by your surroundings.
Your office furniture should be
such as to make a good im
pression. We carry the finest stock of
Office Furniture
in the city. If you want Desks,
Chaiis or Tables come in and see
what we can show you.
Hill & Ccnnell
121 N. Washington Ave.
A Second-Class
City with a
First-Class Stock of
Cut Glass,
Sterling Silverware
Clocks, Etc.
Suitable for
Wedding Gifts.
Mercereati 5 Connell,
132 Wyoming Avenue.
Allis-Chalmers Co
Successors to Machine Huslness or
Dickson Manufacturing Co., Scranton
and Wilkes. Bnrre, Pa.
Stationary Engines, Hollers, Mining
Machinery, Pumps.
$15,00 TO $18.00 A WEEK
salary for in intrlllgtnt huh or woman In each
town. Prmianrnl notlllnn. ::n ttnti nrr hour lor
t wain time. Usnulacturer, lieu iti. l'tillidclihij.
iy JiSk trial
You "Bf
L. SOMMAR. nulldlnir Contractor.
Emploji union men. I.itimitet cheerful!
liven. lUmodellnu and repairing a ipccliltjr.
Gold Medil
v ruoiojrapricr
Children"! V4
nirnciKStnd wnn.
OSS of nil llnd;
aim lloiuej tnd
Ilulldlns !-"! t
lirRlnn HOIfsl.b.
CI.II'l'i:!) and
Moves freight, i tirnl
t ure and Iticcmje,
M. T. KeLLCR'sl
Mien, I'lanas ind JU
217 I.tcUujnna Ate
Dealers In
Plate Glass and Lumber
Will aell all their aamples of fine Imported
Madra Shirts for men at bOc i worth $1 to $2 50
214, SIS. 213 PAULI BLDQ.
Attorney-at-Law, Scrnnton, Pa.
(A! 501 Mears Pullilin;. Parlor open MomUr,
Thumday and Saturday evening.
rear 511 Lackawanna aeenue, manufacturer of
Wire Screens of all kinds, fully ptepared for
the spring waioo. We mako all kinds of porch
ereen. etc;
Oneial Contractor, nulldrr and Dealer tn
nulldln; btonc. Cementing of cellars a spe
cialty. Telephone 25M
Office, o.'7 Washington aeenue
4.4.. ........f..!....! .j..
Fall Designs
In announcing the opening of our new stock, we
call special attention to the
has been made to our special order, thus giving us an
Exclusive Line of designs and colorings from the
world's leading mills. Never before have we been en
abled to offer a stock so complete at such tempting
prices. A superb stock of all the leading fabrics.
Velvet Tapestry
An Early Inspection Is Advised
I Williams
126 Washington Avenue.
Carpets Wall
Capital $200,000. Surplus $525,000
United States Depositary.
Special attention given to
INGS ACCOUNTS, whether large
or small.
Open Saturday evenings
from 8 to 9 o'clock.
Wm. Connem, President
Henry Beun, Jr., Vice Pros.
Wm.M. Peck, Cashier.
Succttaor to
We make a, npfdiltj of nna bread ituffi.
Orders for Salads, 0 iters, Croquettes, etc.,
promptly filled.
A full Una ol Lee Cream and Ice.
F.lcctrlc Wlrlns and Fixture.
Flectrio Ilcll tnd Telephone Worlc
Staple Groceries and rrovlston. A full lint
ot Vegetables, etc., received daily.
The Scranton Vitrified Brick
Makers of I'avlnc Drlck. etc. M. 11. Date!
(let eral btlt Agent, Office .129 Wellington ii'i
Works at Isay Aug, l'a , L rV W. V. It. Ill
Fashionable Tailor (Hotel Jcrmyn Building
3.'2 bpruco street, fccranton, Fa, bulls pressed,
35 cents, pants prcsed, 10 cent. Clothing re
paired, called for and delivered. Neve Phone, 2691
Kingsbury & Scranton,
Manufacturers' Agents
District Agents for
John A rtoebling's Sons Co 'a Wire Ttopa and
l.lcctriral Wire Gutta Perch a and Ituhber Mfg.
Co.'s netting, Packing, Hose and Mechanical
Ituhber Goods. Knonlton Packing. Carter's
Oil Clothing. Itnom 810 Paull Bldg.
Home office, 20S -00 Meats Building, transact a
general building and loan business throughout
the ttalo of Pennsylvania.
Sueressor to the Hunt & Cornell Co, In tla.
and sheet metal work ana ventiutlon. carton
furnaces, icpairs snl general tin work
specialty No (32 Ijckaevanna avenue.
fact that our Entire Line
Axminster Brussels
Paper Draperies
McAnulty, I
4-4-4-4'44"44"r'44"4' H,4.y
Oil Stoves,
Screen Doors,
Gas Stoves,
Window Screens,
325-32T Penn
i fii
Avenue, A
'i ,