V ?l " ''tif THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE- WEDxVESD A IT, SEPTEMBER 25, 1901. - ST, ' - II .' " II ".'..V..,"!.,!' t.u i II ' .' I ONcerr ' BURKE ' BUILDING :. NUPTIALS OP A DAY.' 7Hvo Couples Who Plighted Their Vows In the Midst of Multitudes of Their Friends In St. Hose ", Church Kennedy-Ban ett Nuptials In tho Morning and Joidan-Demp- ' sey Wedding In the Afternoon. Nuptial vows wore plighted on two . ..CCIlSlOllS In St. I Into chinch yostoi- day,, Iji,Uio inclining, when the Ken a ncdy;Hujiott .wedding, took place, uiul , In 'thd'latn nTtctnouif, when the Jnr . tlan-Dempscy man luge was snlom r nlzcd. ij Kennedy-Bairett Wedding. ' Tho .tuliuipiils In tho yist cot oniony weio Sllss I.tiey Kenneiiy, or innnu 1 ix street, mill John Hiuiett, the twr . chant tullor of South Alain street. Rev. V. A. (loiinutl solemnized the . pvpiiI which attracted it gieat timing, "as the- tulrlp mid ginom wero conspll'ii- uHitd popular In their soi'lul set, - It wits 0 o'pliick when the bridal par ty ipiiiIipiI the i hill ell and mulched in the mncttury tall, wlieio the lirlilo ninl gloom plighted their, vows befoio thp lipailtltnl ultiir. Alls KatlliMi Htltlei. of Sciuutoti, was tin- maid and "Will l Loftus, of this titj, was the gioom's best man Tho bildo was most becomingly gowned In a tohe of silk RatizV-ovtMv castor inloiptl silk. Slip cuirled btlilal loses. .MI-s Uutlcr was sluillaily gowned. A lereptlou anil wedding bitnkfast. nl which only the lelatlves and a lim ited iiiimbpi' (if friends weie pieSent, took place at the bilde's home. Mr. and Sits. Itaitett left at noon on a it -i to r.nlTato, the Thousand Islands and .Mnntte.il. They will reside on Hiooklyn stieet on their tetuin. Many slucoie wishes will accompany Sir. and Mis. TUinett In their now pphei e. Joidan-Dcmpsey. Theie Mas a lingo gathoilng of friends and nciiiinlntunces In St. Hose ehuiclt at (J o'clock lust evening, when Sllss Alice .loidun.of Kail !took stieet. mid John Deinpsey. of the South Side, weto happily wedded. S!ts Helen .Toidau. the bible's sis tn, was her maid, and William Sic Donald was gioomsni.in. The bilde woio steel ashiiKie. and hi'd u hoiiQuel of bildal tose. The Ivlde&inald was also piettlly atllied. Rev. W. A. Got man iclebiated the nuptial?. There was a leceptlon at the bride's home, wheie the conginttilatinns and well wishes came fioni a host of fi lends. A wedding supper was par taken nf. The bride and gtoom wcie most gepeiously remembeied by their numerous friends Sir. mid Sirs. Pompsoy will begin housekeeping at once. AMUSEMENTS. "The House That Jack Built." "The House That Jack ISttllt," a new comedy by (Jcorge H. Rroadhutst, who iiitioduccd the "Joneses" and "Smiths" to the stage, will be at the Ciiand Opera house tonight. The new piny dlffeis ladi.ally fiom any of the authors previous comedies. One of the most humoious situations, and ono of the most novel, is the paper-hanging- scene, whkh Is Infectiously funny. Author Kioadhuist wishes to go on record us saying that ho con siders Sir. Uenrgo H. Summcis, who plays tho leading putt as one of the best non-star English speaking aetots on tho American stage. "Tho Tridc of Jennlco," Satin day. "The Pride of Jennlco" villi be given here on Saturday night at the Grand Opera house. The play Is ono of tho most success fill romantic dimnas which has seen tho light for yeats, and It will bo pre sented here with all tho elaborate seen. eiy, costuming and accessories which have accompanied It during Its late prospeious run In New York at Froh man's theater, "The Crlteilon." Many Famous Successes. "Blue Jeans' Is a play tnmous thioughout the entile country; "Faust," Is immortal; "On tho Wab ash," Is tho only true Amoilcan melo drama: "The Cheny Pickers," won linpiccedcnted triumphs ut the Foitt tcenth Stieet theater, New York; "The Sporting Duchess," Is llrst of the great inelo-dtainatic successes to be present ed at populur piices, while "A Ward RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware and Hudson Railroad. June 6, 1901 Tulns Mill Icjio C'ailiomlalo at city utatlon aj follow: for hcranton nd Wilkes.Harro fi 00, T Ofi, 8 00. . POt, 1001. 11,31 a. nu; lili), 1 u, u.Sl, SJI, . ft 01. ?, loot, 10 fil p m, . Sunday tralm lcae at 8.5C, ll.2t a. m ; 1.10, 2,", 6W, SOU p. m. Tcr Albany, Su-atoga, Montreal, Ilolnn, New Inglawl ijointt, ck., 7 00 a. m ; ,ai p. m. umj, J and (Hranton as follo. 0.1VI. h.17. a .in 10 fin a. 111. ; 12.37, 3.(M, il.il, i 'J8, b OS, 7.01, 8.31, u 51. 11.57 p. m.i I.5J a. in, ' '' .snnrlav train arrive at 0.37 a. in.: 1; 10. .1"; . K-JO. 11.10 i. in. ' "' Iralni arrive dally from Albany at 3.18 and Pfis p. m t ard on hunilay at "no p, tn. 'I rain! arrie (rom Iloncudale and Wajmart dally at Mi a. m i 12.4H. 4 10, 6.17 p. in. hundaj trains anl at Carbondalc from Late IodQtf, Wajmart and llonesdale at 1.' 17, 410 and 7.&S p. m. NeW'.York, Optario and Western. . Spt. 17, 11(01. " Train! leave' Caibondalo fur .Srantnn at 7 00 . in. i 4 If) p. 111. Siyiday train at 7.00 a. in,; h.M p in TiaJn lfr Carliondalc (or poluu norlli at 11. 10, a 111. On Sunday at B.10 a 111. Iralm Trailnff at 11 10 a. 111, week iIjjh anil 1 10 a 111 Kuntraj mako coniicitloni lor .Suv ork. Coin- nail, etc, .1 Iraliia anlie (rom Soranton at 11. 10 a. m ; fi in n- m.: Iroin polnta nortli, 4,i) p. ni. Mindai! .lro.m Scroploii ut 0.10 a 111. and 7.IJ p. in , from rdola at CM p. in. Erie Railroad, June 3, 11)01, Train If city atation, Catboudale, dally exrent fiundavl at 7.00 a, in and 4.J.1 p. m r Prande and Mnorli; at 0.1.1 a. 111., dally ',,. 'Cfptlnr flundar), for HIiiRhamton, nfakliiB con reellona for New Vnrk rlty and HnrTaln, and at 610 p. m. for Suiqufhinna, rnaklnu connictien for wettern polnta. Sunday train t (MS 1. m. for Suiquehaiina, with netlern connerjlqn, and 6,,7 p. rn,, ivltli iam eennec'tfona. ' ' ' TYaW airlS-e ltM-V rt. 'ard 9 A . m. Eundiyi it 8.53 a. in. j I 1 I F J J gJ . For Ult todoir, Hamart anj lloncsdalc, ;li, 11.05 a. m ; J.51, 0. 1 J p. hi. ..iMimtay trairu Icaic tor Lake lxiilorr, Waimart mfn llnnfMlalr at 0.SO a in. ; 1 30, 4 15 p. ni Trains airiic at ('artmndalp from uilLm iiirr. Catbondale Department. of Fianco" Is given, In most mngnin cent style. These inuke up but a small pail of tho fmnoiis productions that ate to be presented by the King Dramatic company, which Is announced to ap pear at tho Gland Opera house nc,xt week. The oiganlratloii Is headed by Sir. Lou Ueasley and Includes many popular artists who nre mote than ordlnnrlly known and who lnvatlably become local favorites. PAIR AND CARNIVAL. Centtal Labor Union's Entoipilse to Open Oct. 14. Tin- lominltt'-es 111 (haige of the ell- teiptlt-e me hustling the nriaiigemeuts lor the holding nf the fair and carnival of the rvntial labor union, which will npiit In Witll'.i hall on .Monday even ing, Octbbei II. The iiiiiiinlttpp on cnteitalumeiit has not decided whetlipf or not then- will lie mi enteitiilnment eiuh eMMiing, but It Is I'ltnlii that tliete will be enough iVatines iluilng the week to itmiisc and delight the tluong that will visit the hall. Among the m titles to be disposed of by limine me: A bed and willow locker, now illplavcd In 1!. W. Petit Ick's window . a handsome stand and lump, displayed nt piesent In Heny's window, mid a gold ling, wliltli is on e.hlbltiiiu In tin- window of Jeweler I'aiui'ion Twnt dollais In gold will uNo be chaiued off, and Thomas l.ang doli, balber, and Nicholas Noor, clgai maker, will tontest for u vuuklng set. CASES OF DIPHTHEKIA. Two Houses Infected by the Danger ous Disease. Two cases of diplltheilil have been i Plotted to the board of health authot ItleM within a few d,is. One of tile houses Infilled is that of Jacob Stone, on Sand street; tho house visited by the diead disease Is at the Corby ipiiiu mi Iielmont stieet. Caihondale has a splendid sanltaiy I '10111 anil no iiiiicciii Is felt over these e.T-(.v, niilv tu the extent that the health autlinilties will take tho usual piccatl lUius ili.it it emplovs in i ases of tliln i haini'tor. S'tnitniv Policeman Moffit has pla int ded the houses and will see to It that the ieiulicments of the law in such instume aie fully met. Appointed Deputy Select Commander P. O. Heniy Chapman of Pioneer l'lt Castle. No. L'O.'i, Am lent Older Knights of the Slvstie Chain has lieun appointed by Select Commander W. W. Wetzel of Allentown, deputy sell i t commander of the Second I.aikuwanua dNttlit whkh comprises Catboudale, Jeiinyn and Peckvllle. Two Births. Two West Side homes weic hi light ened this VNeek by the bliths of boy babies. They vveie tlioso of Chi 1st Tay lor, on Pallbiook stieet, and Sllihael Aimesbuiy. Enteitalned. 31 is. W. Swaitz Is enti'i talniiiR a number of her friends at her home, on Dundaff stieet, In honor of her Biiest, SIis. J. J. Kennedy, of New Voik ilty. THE PASSING THRONG. Lehman C.uey has moved his fam ily to Sri anion 31. P. O'Connor, of liliiRhituitnu, was In town jestetday. 1 N. Iluttle, of Se.tfoid, U roRlsteied at tho Aineilcau house. J 11. jiaglpy of Canaan stieet i nt the P.in-Ameilcan cNpodtlon. John Mull head, of I'ittstnu, was a visitor to Carbondale vestenlny. Climles Tucker has moved fioni AVnshington stieet 10 l1rooklu stieet. II. Ii. Suthoiland, of Wilkes. Italic, made a visit to Ciubonditle jesteiday. Kx-City Solicitor J. II. Tot ley. ot Sciauton, was in Caibondalo ester day. Slis. J, C. SIcAnilrew, of Sci.intou, Is visiting' lelathes in the Umoklvn hectlon. Sllss Ida Tompkins, of llonesdale, spent .Sunday with het patents on Tet raco street. Sir. and ills. V. W. L m h, of New i'oik city, me stopping at tho llar ilson house this week. Attorney W. D. H. Aluey and W. A. UuuliiRton, of Slnutiiiue, weie at the Amoilcan house jesteiday. J. J. I.nughiau, of New Yoik ilty, repteseiitliiK Oately & Fltswiald, was at the Ilmtison house yestenlay. A. Lundnulst, of New Voik city, travelhiK aent for tho Piilon Pailtie rallinad, was a caller at tho Urle tielv t otllce In this cltj yesteidav. Sir. and Sits. Lehman Caiey of South WashltiKton stieet have removed their household elfeets to Sei anion mid will reside theiu wheie Sir. Caicy has f-e-cuipiI a luuutlve position. Fiank Hollonbai k and Lev 1 Pallet son weie at the Wajne 1 utility fair In llonesdale yesterday. SIi. Patterson is especially Inteiested In the tali as bo hopes to win new lam els with his sttlnp of speedy tmtteis. AVIlllam Ople. sr, of Ulikert stieet, returned Saturday eveuliiK' fioni a sn Joutn of j-eveial weeks in IhiKlaud. Sir. Oplo Is veiy much Improved in health and tesunied his position jestuday iikii nliiR at the Pelawme and Hudson Slain street blacksmith shops Tho Caibondalo visltois at the p.ui Atnerlcan 1110 the followliu;. IJ. W. Pethlck mid son, Vol. Ilolleubeck. J. P. Collins, SIis, I., l.ec, Mi . ami Slis. I). W. Humphrey and daiiRhtcr, Untie 31., Sirs. Wllllum Sliannou, Sir. mid Sirs. O. F. Colli It and 3Ilss tiiace Sill ler. V.. 1,. Hatlleld, founeily of the Car bondale depaitment of The Tribune, was In town jesteiday on his way fiom llonesdale, wheie he attended the Wayne lounly tulr as The Tilbune's tepiesentatlve. The full ieports that Sir. Hatlleld furnishes will be appie elated bj the Catboudale leadeis of The Tilbune. who me Bteatly Inteiest ed in the dointis of the fair. Sllss i:ieanor OallaKher, of Kansas City. ,Mo u lelatlvo of Dr. J, A. Kelly, was a miest or himself and Sirs. Kelly oil TliutMluy nlKht anil iltn Iiik yester day, when she left for her homo In the West. Silks (lalliiKher was one of a party of nlno school tracheis fiom Kansas City who made 11 tour of Kuiope, spending abuiit threo months there. On hor jetiiru trip she decided tp spend a d.-ty or so hete, and It whh to pay this gieatly rnjoyfd vitlt Unit she 'anio to Cai hodale. 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 THE ENTERTAINMENT COURSES. Maro, tho Magician, to Open Tlrst Series nnd tho Slavton Jubilee Singers to Appear First in tho High School Course. Awakened lutcicst and anticipation mo being shown In the enteititlnment and lecture couises which will delight Carhondalo lesldents this season. The com so, which Is under tho til lection of Claude It. Smith mid lsaau Singer nnd which luonilses to bo tho gt cutest success of Its character ever attempted In Cuibondalc, will open on Mondny, Oct. 21. Tho attraction will be Slaio, who Is one of the cleveiest enteitaluets sent out by the Htockway entertainment and lecture bin can. Ho Is a magician, shadow giaphlst and musician, mid his selection as the "Hist nlghtei" Is a happy one. Vcisons win deslie seats or who seek lnfoimatlon as to tho couisc will bo Infoi med by iidilicsslug Chimin H. Smith or Isaac Singer, of by calling at Reynolds' drug stole. Th" cltv h"hool teaehpis are now dis posing of r mil so tickets for the series tint will be 1 onductecl during lustltuto week, commencing Monday, Dec. 2. Tho spkiidld speakers nnd entertain ers, and the lndustiy and activity of the teachers vvlll go to nssuie tho splendid suciess of the etiteiprl"'. The Hist number will be the Slayton Jubilee slngeis and following these will be two of the most gltted speak ( rM ever heatd III Caihondale, Ileliiy Walteisnn, the dlstlnguislied southetn (i, mid Itev. Dr. StnlTotd, of Washlng Iiiii. D. l' . the eminent Shakespprlnn "cholar. The Smith sHtcis is the Inst number. The tlikiis for the coin so me but one dollar, which Is exceedingly low. DELAWARE AND HUDSON NOTES Items of Intel est to Railroad Men in and Nenr the City. Foiiner KngliiPeis linker and Hub haul me now employed at the tound lioine, inspecting engine supplies. Among th" improvements In the ymd is a new building that has been elect ed for the storage of oil. Sevetal tanks will be used and the oi; will be pumped Ink- the supply bouse by nlr. Ki" tinier YI"kors lias been n'Wed n position as suppilntendent of motive power by tho Stiutton Continctlng company. The old gale hoiisn where the water was tinned Into the t.iual tinm tho liver has been tout down in older to give mine void room. Sam Sliinii. of the supply house, Is doing juiv duty this week. The Delawate and llud-on company has pnld a number of Its old engines to Sutidiom A; Sttattm, contractors. Oeoige D.ivi", of the louud house, Is on the sU k list. Sam Tompkins spent Sunday in Sciauton. Uncalled-for Letteis. List of letteis temalnlng In the Ciu bonditle, Ia.. poslolllce, Sept. '.'4, ltliil. for pei sons unknown: J. Almeno, I!. S. Hmtsell, J. SkCatty, IMwmd 31c nonald, T. Slat tin, INtate of A. Nkh ols, Charles II. Scudder, T. I'eteis, .1. P Sl.itteily, T. Walsh, Slis. l.llllau Uensbmg, SIis. 12. I, Janswlck, Sllss Nellie Catty. SINs I'e.ul Wood, J. H. Thomas, P. 31 Appointed Traveling Engineer. S. W. Heech, of this city, has been piouioled to ti. iv cling engimer for tho Ontmlo and Western. Sir. licet h lias l en an enslueer on the Kciautou In am h of the Ontmlo nnd Western for ten years and Is louslileicd one of the most lellable men that the company has lu their employ. JERV.YN AND MAYFIELD. The Woninu's Home Sllssionaty so 1 iety will mtet tonioriow alteinoou at tne home of Slis. (Jeoige Cudlip, ot Fointh stiett. Sir. Hosiner Fowler and two sons, Ai thur and Klmer mid Sir. and SIis. Thomas Hunter and sou, Floyd, have ictuiued home tiom the Pun-Aincilcan exposition. Ontuilo mid Wce-tein lhighuer Halls' family have moved theii household et feits to Cailosla, .V. V., wheie ho has been liansfeicd. Slis. Plch.ml Mvans and two ehll dien have letuined home fiom a lew das visit with Fullhinok fi lends. Postmaster Ciildlths attended the Ite publli.in state (imventlon ut Sciauton yrsteiday. .Mis M. .1. Shields mid Slb Slargmet Thiunp-oii weie Siianton visltois jes tenla.v Dr I). Pavls lett jesteiday fur lilnghaiutou to attend the New Voik slate Knights Ttiupl.ii innvenioil. .Instil e of the Peaie Ih.iac Slendel son of Slaj Held will leave today tn Mud.v no dlt lue at the Italtlmnic college of I'lijsti'iaiir. mid Surgeons. .Mr mid Site-, .lo-i pit .Mover and ilaughteis Chilsile and IMlth. of ICns lon, ale the gursts of Coiiiluctor and Sirs, Aithur Daj nl Cemcteiy stieet. A.qscoyv. Intel estlng and luspliing memoilal seiviies. in Iniiioi' of the late PiPldent was held In 1 0 Thin sday nfteinoon In the Slithudist ihiiuh. A huge ton giegatlon was pie-eiit. The (i. A. It. Woinan's Itellef Coips am) si hnol chll (lien muichcd to the chun h in 11 body. The ihuich was laslefnlly diaped 111 black", a pit line of SIcKluley otttipy lug u plate on the platloim O. II. Viiughn was appointed elialimaii for the iKeasiiin. Tho favorite hymns of SIcKluley weie sung at the seiviics. The scilptuie lesson was lead by Itev. (1. H. Pientltt. Prayer was olfeied by Hev. Slimier, atler whldi Itev. Hitch of Daleville gave an cm client addiess, Among othoiH which took jiait lit the servites weie: I'lul, Hush, i'tof. Sillier and Sli. John lliitl. Sirs. Slmhler of l.eetonla, IM Is visiting her sister, Slis. (Jtotge Hoi tiee Joseph Y eager Is (tllle 111 with plum plielimoillll. Sllss l'.uth am diier entPi tallied Sllss Clark of Hnnesilale over Sunday. Philip Knoll of Jet sey City Is 11 vis Itor In town. Sir. and Sits. Chubb and family re lumed home Slouday utter 11 visit In Wnymait. Sits. Walter Piinyon left Slouday for her new home in Plttsbutg, Mr. mid Sirs, l.oncteln spent Sunday and Monday with the former's parents near Lake Ariel. Miss Mary Hello Svveetser of Scran ton was tho guest of friends hero over Hunilay, R. 11. Krhart visited the Pan-American lust week. William Hinds Is confined to his homo with inllammatory rheumatism. Mrs. Lizzie Mcgargle, Sllss Ruth Gardner mid Sllss Agnes Watts wero elected delegates to tho llonesdale ills trlet Hpworth League convention to be held at Haw ley next week. TAYLOR. A grand conceit and drawing will be held at the Calvary Itaptlst church on Slondoy evening, Nov. 25. A grand opportunity will bo afforded those who havo not 03 yet had a ehanro on tho valuable lot, which Is situated at Johns nnd Thomas stieet, and which was postponed fiom the recent fair. Tho chances which weto to cents be fore, have been reduced to 2," cents, and those now holding tickets vvlll bo entitled to two chances. Tho committee representing Taylor Hose company No. I nnd Centuiy No. : together with the chief of the tiro department and burgess arc requested to meet at the No. 1 house on Friday evening, for the put pose of organizing 11 llrenion's icllef association. Tho Taylor Lilacs will play the Relle. vtto Stais on the homo grounds on Satin day. The Archbald collleiy will resume operation this tnoinlng after a week's Illness for repalis. Tho committee on Christmas eistedd fod will meet at 7.30 o'clock sharp this evening, In the Welsh Congicgatlonal chinch on Union stieet. The Scranton Hallway company has had a gang of workmen engaged In lepalring their tintks on Noith Slain street during the past few days. Tho Archbald Jllno local, No. ItilO, United Sllno AVorkers, wilt meet to nioiiow evening in tho Odd Fellows hall on Ninth Slain street. The f uncial of Slis. Isaac Davis will occur this afternoon at J o'clock, from her lato home in Greenwood, nurlul vvlll be made in the Slurry cemetery. Stlnooku tribe, No. 217, Improved Order nf Red Slen, will meet this even ing. Sevetal candidates will be le celved into the older. Tullle AV. Jones has been elected as repipscntatlve of Taylor lodge, No. efls, to the next gland session of Odd Fel lows, which assembles in Krle, Pa. SIis. John Kvnns and two sons, lira met and Roy, left lait evening for a three weeks' visit to Mill Ridge, Ohio. Taylor lodge, No. 46.', Knights of Pythias, will meet In legular session tills evening. Sllss Canlo AVells, of Claik's Green, has been tho guest of relatives In town for the past few days. The changing of a piece of machin ery was the cause of the Lackawanna Klecttlc company not giving set vice on Slondnv evening. The Ta.vlor foot ball team has or ganized and Is now ready for business. Thoinai SIcLaughlln's new homo on Union street. Is fast Hearing comple tion. Sllss Agnes SIcAlllster. for twelve years 11 missionary In Africa, will give nn address nt the Taylor 3Iethodlst Uplseopal church this evening1. All ure Invited. Admission, tree. A collection for Alrlca will be taken. Sllss SIcAl llster Is an excellent speaker, and should have a large hem ing. Slessrs. Frank Hllderbimid, Anthony Sihulthles mid John Shields loft yes teiday lor 11 week's vacation to the Puii-Amet lean exposition, OLYPHANT Tomoiiow evening u supper will bo served lu the social room of the Pies byleiian church by the ineinbeis of tho Ladles' Aid society, between tile hnuis of r and !i o'clock. A tempting menu will be served for the small sum of lltteen cent"-, lie (ream will be extia. A huge audience enjoyed the moving plctuie exhibition bv Penlngtou's Rlo graph company, at the Father Mat hew opera house, last night. The entertain ment will be repeated tonight. Slis. William O'lliuu Is veiy ill at her hoine on Dunmoie stieet. The memlieis of the Am ieut Order of Hibernians held a delightful smoker In their moms in the Father Slatliew hall, Slonday evening. A programme, con sisting of voi al and instrumental se lections, was rendered and Uflerwmds lefreshinents weie spi veil. fail, the little son of Postmaster S. J. .Matthews, Is quite III. Superintendent J. T. Slooney is spending the week in Philadelphia. Slis. W. L. Owens, of Scranton, and Sllss Kinma Daniels, of Hazkion, were the guests of Dr. and Slis. A. F. Cians yesterday. The meiubeiH ol the F.ithei Slatliew society me leqiiested bv the secietary to leave their iiieasllicments ut Sliull's clothing stoic J, W. O Hi leu and son John ate at tending the Pan-Ameiicaii exposition. Dl. Canlner, of Sciauton, was III town on business vesterday. MOOSIC. Sli and Mis J. 31. Knlipifim aie at the Pan-American Exposition. The powder mill employes will te eelve their pay today. Sits. S. J Hinds visited lrlonds In Scranton .Monday and Tucfedny. Sir. Hasslt and Sir. Clink weto among tho'-e who attended the meeting at the armory last evening. Slis. Close of Connecticut spent the past week with her son, John Close. John and Dan Hes-sler spent Sunday with SIis. lies-Pier of Noith Slain stieet. Slis. James Siller of Caibondale Is the giu it of tin slstei, Slis. James Lc vmi. Sllss Ituth Lock has returned fiom ritrnuiMuilg SI is. Kate Hill, while visiting Georgo Horn's cottage at Lake Henry, fell noun n lllght ot stalls, In caking her ilhht aim and sustained seveinl severe I rulses about the head and light side. Dr. Hergo Is the attending physician. Tho funetal of tho lute Slis. Isaac Davis ot Gieenwood will occur this nf teinoon fiom her late home. Inter till nt In Slarcy cemetery. 0LDF0RGE. Tho Slessrs. AVIlllam mid Samuel Slniiiall, of Salem, wero visltois In town during the week. Sirs. Anna Seainans, of Oiange, N. J Is visiting her parents, Sir. and Sirs. Hums. Slis. C. O. Hnyuton mid daughter, Sirs. Frederick Townsend, of Syca more, III., who have been the guests of Sir. and Sits. George Drake, have re turned homo. Sllss Knto Slachall, of South Canaan, Is a guest at the homo of Mr. and Mrs. D. C. Reed. Sir. T. J. Stewart and Dr. Sleyer aro enjoying a few days at tho Pan-American. Tho choir of tho lirltk Methodist Episcopal church are arranging for 11 bazaar and entertainment, to be held In tho hoso house, October 22 nnd 23. Sir. AVallace, of Plttston, occupied the pulpit ot tho Prick church on Hun day, during the absence of the pastor, Rev. II. A. Greene. Things Different in Old England London Letter In the Sun, WE ASiniUCANS do almost nbt-o-lutely nothing llko our KnglMi cousins. IOvcn tour lnngunge, although the same dlffeis gieatly in the selection of words, for wherever there are two wordi to cxptess tho same meaning, the Englishman always takes tho one wo never use. Roth words are used, of course, equally cor rect, which fact only intensities tho dlffctencc. AVhat we designate as the upper end of a street the Englishman calls uphill. If you vvlsh to buy oys ters In London you must look for a Ghellllsh win chouse: every part of an English theatre except tho balcony Is named differently from ours, and his servant in the pit pay ono-llfth as much as an Englishman pays for stall seats ten feet In front of him on the same floor, ono of tho best possible Illustrations ot a distinction -without a difference. o About every Amoilcan Knows that the English keep to the left both In driving and walking, nd anybody who does not know this gets a quick objet t lcstion on his flist stroll in London, lu your genuine English hotel tho clerks aie women and1 nlwuys answer our bell. The cluss line between p.itiou and servants nt hoteli Is veiy shuiply drawn and the more In usque jour oulciH tho better your service. An Englishman loves uuthoiltj, and woe to the poor rhnp at the bottom of the list In any stole In London, for theie can be no balm In Gllead for him un til he, too, gets n peg higher nnd tan browbeat hl successor. Everybody In trade In England says "Thank you," no matter If "Damn you" Is much nearer their thoughts, while In Amer ica, even if the cleik suppi esses the latter ns too forcible, he ulbo refrains fiom the former. Evcrj thing you may buy beie has "and six" tucked on lo the price, and tho enterprising trades man who wilt start a shop for Ameri cans, In which everything Is sold for even shillings will reap a foitutie All the woild tides in a private tuitiniit, a cab or a bus, with the expense of tho first a matter of personal taste, of tho second "one mid six" or 37'4 cents In our money for two miles for one or two persons, nnd the last costs jou the modest sum of two cents the en tile dlstnnee, or, tin tho dilver ex pressed it, "all the waj" As long as theie Is loom on top of tho bus every body tides outside, for It Is a common saying that the "only wa to see Lon don Is fiom the top of a bus." This Is good advice, but meiely as a sug gestion, take It in homeopathic dooef. for London Is an enormous city and "all the way" on a bus moans cramp and oilier feelings best described in circus-seat pai.tlysls o AA'hen a P.iitisher in his counting room wishes to talk over the telephone to a buslne acquaintance he says to the olllce boy: "Put me through to Sir. Smith," and when a moment later ho Is told that everything Is leady ho salutes the said Smith with "Aie jou there? ' It must be admitted that this Is an agteetible change fiom the everlasting "hello," nnd jet It sounds odd. Your Englishman of the middle class Is a home body, a bit ovei proud of his domesticity, and when he has managed by ( loe economy dining tho six preceding dnjs to save up a bit of money he Indulges the fumllv In what they stjle a "week-end" dinner on Satuidny evening. A "seven and six' table d bote lestiitirant Is patronized, and the nlr nf Impoilame the entire p.uty assume would make even loyalty seem ordlnarj. Hut just try to play on the gentleman one of the sh.up little tricks the inaltre d'hote! loves to work off on Amei leans, such as otfei ing you a melon so dellcimw that you (buckle as you think it is all on the bill of fare only tn groan later when jou tlnd that It Is on the bill of ex pense, and a tidy Item al that. Ti mis port English fi lends to a Now A'oik hotel and Ptideavor to Impose on them in any such way, mid thej would un roof the establishment. At the dinner party every dish is served dlffeiently fiom those at home with some of the most impossible combinations such in the ev pi lasting marmalade for break fast, currants or pi tines with ilce, mustard on roast beef, spinach or "lilng beans alone nsoiieeouise of the dinner and never a bit of butter for your In cad or lie for your dilnk unless jou ask for It. Hut we do not fancy foi a moment that the English do not live well, for theie me plenty of ex cellent things to eat, the only point ' being that they serve their dishes so dllterentlj-. And get just one won! outstd" the otdinary table pai lance, mid jour SwlbS or Geiinan waiter looks nt you, woiidetlng what you want. English banks Keep open from one to two hours longer than at home mid the coiii tesy shown when piesentlng J our leltei of ci edit varies exceedingly Hum the latechlsm which goes back to join e.nly childhood and the eon clest ending air of doing one a gie.it lavoi at fi per ieut., even with the best of collate!, il, when one negotiates a small loan at home. Theio 1110 hotels In London nt which they vvlll not serve you meals at any prho un less jou mo a guest of the house. An American well known lu New Eng land inanuracturlng circles, not so very long ago took a patty of live 01 six ladles mid gentlemen to such 11 hotel to dine, ot emu so quite Ignoimit of tho custom of the house. His party had no sooner seated themselves than they wero asked by tho head vvulter If thoy weio guests nf tho hotel, and oil lei Piling a negative leplj-, tho would-be host was told that his party rould not be seived. Hut the Aineil can's grandfather fought ut Ixlngton and tho Yankee blood was up. The munager wus summoned nnd again tho rule was stated most courteouslj, but llnnlj'. Tho Amei Iran peislstcd, 1111 ex cellent dinner of sevetal couises with the usual liquids nt pioper Inteivals was served, but when the bill was demanded it was the Englishman's tin 11. AVhen lie said to the Aliieilcan: "You niado me servo the dinner, hut you cannot force 1110 to break my rule and your money Is not good heie," the humiliation of the ntanufaetuier fiom Massachusetts was bb complete as the dinner. Coming to tho all-absorbing subject of dress, tho English, most notably the women, aro tho worst dicssers In the world. No American ever expects the fit from an English tailor which ho demands at home, und In splto of pay- HOTELVICTORIA Broadway, 5th Avanua and 27th Street, NEW YORK. " j--. vSy3-':e In tho center of tho shopping district. The Only Hotel tn Manliattiin Fronting on Broadway nnd Fifth Arc. EUROPEAN FL.ArM. Vlmlfrn Ktnlflm HMel Complete In all Hi tpiiolntmcnt' Kiirnithlrtit: anil iirnrtleni entirely new tlirnnehnul rroinniodallnni ler 5(0 cumM; IV) mlrM with hathl. Hot and colj water and telephone In rer room. Cqlne unexcelled. GEORQE W. SWEENEY. PnoPniETOn. FINANCIAL. WE OFFUR TO YIELD ABOUT 5r,'e $ 1 ,000,000 BUTTE ELECTRIC5EP0WER COMPANY of Butte, Mont. (Rutte I the gicnlcst copper producing; city In tho world), 5; First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds llenomlnntion $1,000, ninturiiig 1 to tin yenrs. Amply provided for by reserve and elnklng tiinil. Net titrnlnirs tlireo nnd three qimrtcis times Intcrct charges. Wrllo for report of Mr. Samuel Instill, President of tlio Chlcngo IMIaon Co., and special circular. n RUDOLPH KLEYBOLTE & CO., 1 NASSAU ST., NEW YORK. lug onlj one-half the homo pi lee ulti mate regret at tho pin chase abioad Is Inevitable. Not so very long ago your Ingllsiimau who could never sell 11 bill of goods If nttited lu anything other than the tall hat and frock coat was wont to sneer openly ut tho Amer ican stiavv hat, negligee shirt and tan shoes, but In the past two jeats our Hritlsli mother has melted away fiom his cast-iron custom to the extent of dolling his coat ent'liely between busi ness eulN and cairylng in bis moist hand (list the silk tile, thou the ouce desplsed stiuw headgear to suit the occasion. As to the IVtltlsh matrons and maidens, to be honest and tuith fut, lJuglish women aie the wcust diesseil 01' their sev anvwhere In the w 01 Id ot civilization. .Mist wiij' they only know, fur they study have as much money to spend on themselves as any other nation. Hut they simply do not Know how to dieH ninl woiso than all this, thej' will not le.nii. 11 When they bloom foi tb In all their gloiy, It Is not a case of putting on but r.ithet of taking off their best, as no matter how beefy or scrawnj' the neck, jour English woman must show it when In evening dic-s and quite as hoon at a lestauiant table d'hote din uer as In the ptlvnty of her own (Hu ll's loom or In liet bo nt the opcia. And jet jou will see (he.se ladles so secure In their blind belief that the lhigllsh never can lie wrong actually smile p.titly In pit J', but mine lu de tlslon, nt the high-necked cltess of an Amei lean gltl who cousldeis It vulgar to chess othetwis-e in a public testnli 1 mil The English girls fiom VI to 1 wear an impossible and most unbecom ing mop of hair, which, bunching niouud the neck anil shouldeis in the most tllsliosMng way, ccuiip.it os most unfavorably with the natty Kton jack ets and bio.td white linen coll.ns of their lirotheis. Hlbhon belts aie worn In such a way that they come lu the middle nf the back, quite dcstinylng the effee t of the waist line. They shop In thin French heeled hllppeis, orna mented with beads ami velvet hows, and, quite unmindful of their own pe cullai foot gear, KI170 In wide-ejed smpiise at the far mote i-eitslble nnd sturdy shoes of their Amei lean visltois. MB. M'KINLEY'S TINE MEMORY Ono New York Assemblyman of Whom It Made a Life-long Friend. While Piesldiiit SIcKluley lay dying in Huflalo. Af-fcmhlj man ('hailes H. Adler. of the lllghth dlstilct, 1 em, lined alongside a telephone, ami when the news of the end came the. te.us weie sti earning down his cheeks as he went home. Asheinbljliiiiu Adler was one nt the warmest admit cis the late president had In this dtj. Their acqualntum o began lu ll'l In a lailtoad tialu near Steubeiivllle. Ohio Adler was then a traveling i,ilesmau and Slujor SlcKln lej was a candidate tor (iovernor .f Ohio against foimer coventor Camp bell "I boa 1 did a tialu one clay at Steii benville." said Adler, tilling the Sun teporler about It yesteiduj. "and the biakcmau t-ald to me: '(Jo lusldo that (ill. Theie't, the Slujor thoic .lust lllliodtlce youiROlf.' I walked up to Slujor SIcKlnley. held out my hand and said: 'Slajor, allow lue to ion gt ululate the next goveinoi of Ohio,' "'Thank you,' he nald with a smile. 'You're a traveling mail, I take It. Sit down. I am always glad to meet jou gentlemen.' "I sat beside blni. ami 1 will never foi fid the pliiiMtnt ennvetsutlon wo had. lie talked glowlnglv of the ru tin c of the I'nltecl Staler and Incident ally the tariff Issue was bi ought up. "'Young man,' he said, 'we love the I'nlted States. When anybody advo cates tiee trade for this giand, rleli tepubllu of outs, just tell them for an answer that one of the lcasons tint you love this (oiintiy if for the gold theie is lu It ami jou want II to stay heie.' " "At that time I hnd no thought of going Into politics, hut fiom then on I was a pioteetlonlst In HiliS when 1 was a member of the assembly, Speak er Fish one day announced to the mem lieis: 'ilentleinen. allow me to Intioduce to you iiovenor SIcKluley of Ohio,' and we mrmheis nil pushed up to shake hands with the noveinnr. When It runio to my turn lie looked at me shaiply and as-ked' 'Aren't you the young man I met on tho train one day FINANCIAL. DIRECT NEW YORK WIRE Stock and Bonds nought and sold on the New York, Boston, Philadelphia and Chicago Mock Exchange and carried on margin at current rate ot Interest. We Charge the Usual Commission Interest allowed on balances. New York and Scranton Bank References Telephone Connection. Old, 067-,!; New, jio IRWIN THUBMAN & CO., 7j Connell llullding, scranton, Pa. near SteubenvllloV I think j-ou are nnd that you said you weio a drummer.' " 'I am,' I replied. " 'Then what nie jou doing up heie?' he asked, "'The people down where I live sen. tern cd mo up lieie,' I mid. "'Aie jou a member ot thi assem bly? ho asked. "'Yes, and a good Kepubllcan mem ber,' I answered. "'I am glad to hear it,' he leplled. 'I am glad to see one ot your piofesslon so highly lionotcd. 1 won't foi get jou, young mini.' "It was only about a jear ago that I went to Washington to seek a p.u 1I011 lor one of nij' coii'-tltuents, it vh II deseiving case, nnd I lelt that after I talked with the piesldent he would grant mj" request. The minute 1 en teied his chamber he lecognized mo ami held out his hand. " 'I .1111 ple.u-ed to see you, he said. 'You aie the young drummer 1 met on 1111 tin- tialu lu Ohio and aftei wards in Albaii.v. Aie you btlll in politics?' "'Yes, l nm still 11 member theie,' I -aid. "I explained my eiraml anil my re quest was gianted light away Thn next day 1 had the pleasure of tcstnt-. lug to his wife and chlldien a fatho who had been .sentenced to a. long terirt In Sing Sing tot .1 ciime of which Z knew he was liinoeent. "The news of 1'iesldent srcKlnley'a death came as a chock to me. To meet him once was to love him, and I be lieve that theal feeling of love for him existed In every Amoilcan heart." New York Sun. Clever Compiomise. I 1 0111 inulh'a OiniMtnnti. Ill the j-enr of tS71, when the gnvoin incut of SI. Thiol h was at Versailles, and liefme the National Assembly hacl di deled whether the now- constitution nf Vrance was to be mnunrchlal or re publican, the late Comte cle Pans visit cd the palace at Versailles Just ns liu was about to enter SI. .lules Simon met and recognized him. Howing low SI. Simon said with much giavily: "If we aie 11 lepubllc, Count you ate in my hoiihe. and I shall be dc -lighted to do the honors; but if we am a monaicbj', then 1 am In your house, und cannot play tho hosd." Tho Comte cle Pat Is laughed ami took SI. Simon's arm. "Ah. monsieur," ho said, gayly, Irf us go In together!" The Reason. .lac k t Just saw j-otir wife, old niani she was simply stunning. Hy the waj, you'ie looking rather mlsciublc joui self. What's up. Tom Don't get enough nourishment, that's nil. You see, 1 onanged with my wlfo the first of the year to give her a certain amount each week out ol which she was to pay household ex penses am' buy her clothes Philadel phia Tress. DR. BARRETT, Dentist, 1 '1 W 'luini; Svfii'H' Oirr rjloli Warolinu.f), TEI3TH I orai net "A t I. He d 'M N.1I01I "Vi i inuhrsl, cold M tip ( rrmnril pour l.i in M up llinliu uoik ... M tip rillttl with guM . . .7ic lip I I ltc.l Willi f-llcci Jill nilai will) gold lloy . 7ftl 1 nil vi of Tc-flh . up I vjiiiinalion anil rjllnutri tut- If nui trcili mr dfoa . inc. if jou nerd mi mtlhiml n, ,1 jnu wkh nine Irrili r.'pUtrrl willinut 11 platr. If you ulh. jour work ilmi punlfwl nrt fll hy reliihl sidiliulm M long experirnce t Ires nj lea in.t corutlAiinl ultli gcutl, iul)Unlul Pcnt.il Hulk, call en me. cVacT sj (J nl vll Bi I II jV J