THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TCESDAY, SEPTEMBER LM, 1901. WEST SCRANTON GROUND BROKEN FOR CHURCH REV. BENNINOER TURNED THE FIRST 8PADE OF EARTH. Xmprosilve Ceramoniea Held by ths Mtmbert of the Hampton Streat Methodist Episcopal Church Yo terday Programme of Tomorrow Evening's Concert Arrangement Completed for the Riicei on the Speodwivy Thundny O. A. Will lnm It Now SufftrlnR- from Fever. (lioiiml wits In tiKoti ycslcuhiy utiir noon for the iliiudi which. nflir lis i ompletloli. will l tln home uf lli' congregation of the llninptoii Stieei Methodist Ilpl-H'Opal iliuiili. The new chinch Is louited tit South Mm In ue lute nnd Hryn Muwr lirit.iiliil the llit spudo lull of emtli "us tin in (I hy Itev. James .. Heiinlnger. tin1 pastor of the Itlllliploll Sllect f 'lllll li. The I'M'i'i lui'n opciii il with the slug Ids of tin- liyini'. Tiitth. Our Fathers Living SMI." Willi h was Inllovved hy prayer hy llov. .1, 1,. Ilaic. ol 1'emi Imtii. Tin' singing 'f Ihi' h.v inn. ".My I'nltli Looks I'p to Thee." was t ! pie. face In tin1 leimnks hy Key. Ml. licn nlnger. Tin- iliolr siiiik l hf aiithi'in, "O Jciils.ilein," and this was followed liy an uddiess by tin- lii-v. II. '. MeDei mott, pastor of I lie Simpson Methodist llplst i'lal i hut i h. Tliru tu'cuiicd tho folliial Incuklng of gioimd. After Key. lleiiningi i- Iniil lilt i'i out a shovel full of I'lirtli tin- trus ters nml liietubets of tli.. i Iiiii til -'lit dlil likewise. Tile Iiiii li will lie u handsome fiaiiu' strui'luic ami will mst $15,000. Tin tonti'.'itt for tin. oti'itlou of the rliiirt'li has htoii imntiloil to Mulheiln & Judge, who n' to begin wuik on tht building at inn i-. Of a Social Nntiue. Tho Drn men's club held their annual outing recently at t'.t.ivi'l ponil, wheie nil enjoyed llienisclve in many way.". The i'IiiIi 1 composed of Flank Jnioby, Km I D.iy. liny .Im-uliy. Seldou l-'ieilerli-, Harry Iloclil.imlir, William JoIiii,W1I lain .lanie. .lolui KMier. IMtilil, Cm hill, Samuel llovvuid. (leoige I'.iipeti lor. Tiatey Uage. t'.u Mi Donuiigh. .lame McDonough, Aithnr t'ol.-r and li. l Pint. Miss Ann Tin ne. o' Liieiii- street, MUeitulned a pjitv of nbrids .it Imp honif. icicntly hi a debating pa My villi h pioved highl.v amusing- foi tlm.. who Wi. piiiiin .iiiiiiii. nis of SUINJBURIM Hasp nnd Almond Crum remOYM redness ct the aitln mil toothfj the rain fI mnburn In one nlglit. Take i bottle with you on your vacation. FOR SALE UV (i W JUVKIXS. Our First Complete Showing of New Dress Goods and Trimmings for Autumn and Winter Wear, Opens on Tuesday, 24th September and Continues for the Balance of the Week. You Are Cordially Invited to Call and Gather the Latest Fashion Ideas, I Iffi i Shnik Skin Suiting?, Drap D'Almns, Fine Woo! Poplins, Bioad Cloths, Pedettriun Cloths, Aimiuo Suitings, Shou) Days, Tiiesday Globe Warehouse other Ulmli wore nisei enjoyed nml ip fi('hini'ntti weie nerved. Mm. Homer Cnstetllhe, of North inr llelcl nvenuc, gme n lawn piuty at her Iioiiip tecently, which was an enjoyable kocIiiI event. A Imge number of young people were In attendance. Mi.. John l),ile, who wim rceenth iiutt'i li'il, eiitci tallied lift' Sunday en-lirtl Inns fioiu till' Chrstnut Street Piesbv iPTlati chiii'ih, at hi'r Iiduip. toieinlv. Mls Maiy r.iumiu, of Twent -Hist street, was ti'iidi'ipil ii Mirprl"!' p.utv by a number of bet frlemli it I her limue lnt I'Milay pvpiiIhr. TIip r.'atutt' of the eiit wpip ill. Mit'iil and Innltu nipnlal ii'li'i'tloiis ifiuli'ipil by lb" bunt ess. ISiriiliini'iit! wpiu itpi'd. Tomorrow Evening's Concert. TIip pioRiaininp foi tho William I'oti ln'11 (!!" ilub com fit at tin- Kh.t Wi'luh ldptbt rliuii'li tonioriow i mii Iur ban hi't'll i ouipli'ti'il. It will Iticluili' the "Sour of Hip I'IIriIiiis." Hip i iiiii pptltlxo pli'if In hi- huiik at I'nillt n'. VI.. on SeptPinb"! 'S. and Hip Mipiauo Milo. "I Know That My IIpiIppiiu'I' l.lM'lh," by Mi.s. I.izl.' lluRbt'M-Hiiiiitl-iirp, on wbli h kIip won tlin rblef pile nl lb" I'au-AniPili'au I'lKtt'dtlfod at llull'iilo lust 'I'liui .-(In . Tim ptom. turnip Is as follows: I'XIir I ll!r. slr.iinii, ' M.itlii uf Hie Aifin" .li. llilni llhnn roi.i.cll l.irr CUI IVtinr Siilu, ' ( hllilirll' lloit.r" .. .Ir.'O liiwih .luliii Il.nil. in- s, "111, ,,i, itlrm". Will ,nii Kt.m tunlulli ul.i. "Ilroiiiftil l.mnl ,n Ihuli" M I'-tniiic- linn ' I iu llj s.i,,, I tif Mitlil tlitp" Iii'li' l'litr.r IlitllJ lnri" Hum, Hie 'lo llnrib" I'iimui I'ii Iiiii Mmjiic, Will i:,ui I'M! I' sliOMl. n Hull, ' S'Ulrf Ot Hie I'ilclillll" I. Ih.vil.M WiIIIjiii IV.iiiiill tlUK I 'lull. Su'i.ini. sili), "I Kr.ow 11ml My It ,t ' I It.'lli'- IIjikIvI Mi-. I.uip HiuhrllinlHlvi'. Iljniiihi' olii, "Mntlirr' rarrwi'll ' ,. 11 -Inn Will Kt.iiK. IriLir s ,o ,l(f (til fiom "llir I'tiHliifil ..ii ' 1.1 II. .I.ini" 'llitiiui Mm.iiii- It 1 -us ,il S.I,,!,,! l,toIisur Hurt Jui.r. (..nil Niuhi" l I'linn i utin.ll linv rluli TIip I'linit'it will IiprIii pnmipll) at S o'i lot 1. G. A. William' Condition. Tin- lati'-t ip'Hlopmcnls in the ill iio" of'! A. Wllllains, the uell-Uniiu n ii'wsp.iper in. in. Is that Iip Is now ,uf fi'iliiR fioiu hi. mi fpti, and bis ou dttloi' is alaimliiR. II" b,is 1 - 1 1 u (i.iiillli-, N V. t-liip.. Aur II. and i-liipp then has siiiVi,.d fumi tpbotl l pp. Tin- .tttPiidltiR iIisi',uim mo miii b wonl.'d uvi'i tin. iIihiiri' In Ills iomiII J mil. .tnd h.Uf v,-.nt foi Di. .1, .P'liob pii who Is wniiti'tl in i'oiisiiii,iion. Mi and Mis. William It. Williams mo pipp.irltis to I. '.u.. foi CiaiiMUf wlih In-. ItoliPiio. West Bide Driving Club. sp.-i in' lii-ituiK of tllP WpsI SIiIp JliliiliK ' lull was h, 1, In. i i.-iiiii; to I'oinpii t- hp hi laiiR. iiu nis in; (in, in-f mot i on I lu Sp.'piw.i n.'M TIllll-ll.M .11 I'lllOIIII VMIH lilt idiil to SU. lllll', pi ((, il., '' two In tli" I fll TRIMMINGS Distinctive Novelties In weaves are comparatively few this season in dre3s materials. Solid color ings and for the greater part plain weaves are most in demand for suitings, while quiet mixtures, indistinct patterns and solid colors have first choice for Walking Skirts. New Waist Cloths In fancy wool weaves and mixtures oi wool and silk, etc., are as new as any thing can be, They're pretty, too, and their possibilities are so great that their popularity is already assured. Stripes with cord and tuck effects take the lead, but there are others. The Most Fashionable Weaves may be summed up thus: IMncess Cloths, Hand Cloths, Mehose Suitings, New Venetians, Whip Coids, Seige Wnist Cloths, And mauy of the favorites of last year in new shades and finishings. The truth is that common sense ideas prevail in the materials, while New Applique Trimmings Will be used more extensively than at any time in the past twenty years. A description of the new trimmings is simply out of the question. Their nmn her is legion, aud choice, as personal fancy may dictate, to a very large extent at any rate. This line is the most com plete we have ever shown. and Balance o! Week. M LB itflLrfl lalV VlEAabA JPBPPmtrnTMiVt ftV"f illlll Mrs. Ellen Ripley, Chaplain Ladles Aid, Grand Army of the Republic, No. 7, 222 10th Ave., N. K., Minneapolis, Minn., Strongly Endorses Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. " Dear Mr?, Pinkimm : Your Vegetable Compound cured me of ulceration of the womb, and getting nucha complete cure I felt that the medicine had genuine merit and was well woith recommending to other sick women. " For fifteen ycais I have been jourfiiend. I have never wtittcn you before, but I have advised hundreds of women to take your medicine, in fact it is the only real teliable remedy I know of for a sick woman. " I have not )et found a cav of ovarian or womb trouble which has not been relieved or cured by the faithful use of Lydiu E. .lMiikluun'H Vegetable Compound. " You have brought health to hundreds of women in Minneapolis as you have no doubt to others over the countrv ." Mrs. Ku.rn Ru'I.kv. $10()( FOKKinT 1L' THIS AliOVK l-KTTKR IS NOT CKNUINR. When women aro troubled with irregular or painful menstruation, weakness, letU'on-ua'a, displace muni orulceiiitiou of the womb, that bearing-down feeling, inthuiunution of th ovaries, backache, flatulence, geneial debility, indigestion, aud nervous prontiation, they should ienieiubor is one tried aud tine remedy. Lydia K. Pinklmiu'a Vegetable Compound at once removes such troubles. No other medieino in the world has iuceived Mich widespread and unquiilitied endoismme nt. No other medicine has such a record of cures of female troubles. Refuse to buy any other medicine. ficf-tnr-nli , itnl '.' :', 1 lim I.U..M. The tli 41 will lie a m t of Iiiii."!' Iioiii" Him mn mill $.i In civil ami the Until ,i p.lll of lllllll Rloe.s. A M lul pi le uf $10 In i.ish will li.' Kheli the winner of llie (lull rfli e, nml the winner of the illinilll' laee will 'Ii' a valuable In Idle. The entiles lor the .tiiiu inee will he kept open mull a few mlnuiex liefoie lll 1,'liev hef;la. .lllll all imiieis of f.ivt lioisi'v ale llivlleil to pin Hi Ip.'lte. The i.iees will li. ln piomptl.x ni " n't tin U, ami all ineinliei of the Hub who intfinl kiiIiik up to the tniek In the !-pei,i 1 oiiveyain e, ate leipiesti'il to meet at " '. Detkelitlik's t IkiiI' sloie not l.itei than 1 u'elm I;. Will Not Accept Chnllenge. I'lem Maish. jr., the ue) I;innn wlnt; lliit, stllleil lilt (M-llillK lie will not ilfifpl the . hallellKe oT l."l Lew l-t ami Tlioni.M II .lorn-, of T.iylui, for a iloilhle pIKiolt nialfll lift ween them ami i'ii in nml Will Mai-h. At far as he , iumi i neil. i'ein vlll liinUf a mutt li sIiikU with eltluc ol tlu'iii, or i ii oihei wins -hot In Nin tli.'.it.. ii lViilit'.Nlwiiil.i He does mil i unwell i hS Inoilii'i, Win, in ihe .iiin' i l,i. a.i hini-eli. Kepairs in Station Houbb. lolui i: .1 , the South Main menu.- p'lMtlliel. has lOlllpleleil the WtjlU uf plltlfln; III llie r.(.pf i oiineellont 111 all tile tell- In the Weil Slile pollee si.itlnii. This linpriiMMiH nt has M'hii needeil tor a Ion;; time Tlieie U al-u neeil of a lutn.ue In i In hullilliiK, as Hi., pi Isniieis fiimpliiln liltt('l'l In tile wlnt f the foi. The too at piesent In u-ie W not I.iiku t mne,h to Ileal the i e)N Events of This Evening. Iiifui' ilinie or Hi,. Kiiiiinip fluli ni Moais' hall, i oiiinieni'lne; at N ::n o'tllllk ll.lllel' will furnish the IIIIIC. u linpoiiant nieeiln of tho I'oloniui lull will i... held this cvenliif; In their I'lioiilx ill the nelt W'asliliiRlnii hall lllllliliUR. I.ui'.il Nn. I;:, uf the Sloan mine, I'nllid Mine NVoi'keis ul' Allleilea. will hold a ypei la nieetllij, at T.IiU o'eliicU this- eenlns III .laiin-' hall or. ,1a. kson fll net All ineliiliei'n ,u , -i.ipeell It) In ins their wuikiue, i-.iis with th.-in. "JiiWS NOTES AND PEKS0N.LS. VIII Wllll.uim. of South II.Ml.. I'aik ax.iiue. left eieril.i. afleinnon foi an i ieinled siijiiiiiu In W.i , iu iolilll. Mil- MaiKaiit IliiHhes, of laiz.-ine Mieel. N li-itliK lllelids ami lelailves ill Wilkes. 11,11 ie, Newton O.ivK of tin. u0 . m Ht llie hume uf a filend iu Wlikes.n.nre. .MIssp iMlih Thomas am Maud Dur ih n. of Tilpp park, haxe leiuiupil homo ft urn a pIp.imuu stay at Lake Sheridan. Mi. nml Mis. William l-iit,.. of South Main avenue, have K.,. KU(.st Jlls, Uulieil ItolieiUs, of Now Orleans. .Ioili Tltfniiy, of llaifoiil, SiiMine. Iiimirt iouiu. Is lsltliiR at the Imnie ol Mr and Mis. Oldeoti Mumt, ,,n i,a. f.ieite hliePt, (leiirse lluhhisoii, of .Vol th Kebeiva II venue, Is liilllllieil to h home liv 111- le"S. Mr. ainl Mi. .lolui Hall, of Ujnon Mll'Nt, ,p i.,IK a tl,rt ,lyi a, t(4 I'.in-Ameihaii. nml win visit in tho South befoie fllll'iiK lioino. MIm- KHiel Uvuiib. of Stratftad live line, is 111 al her home In I,m. Heights. Miss lOIIiibeth Hnek, f Noi th e boft'H avenue, has let timed hmne from .in PMeiifleil slay nt Lake Wlnula. Heit Wlllhiins, of New Vol k. Is -HlriK dt ilu homo or his hunker. WIN Hani, on Alehb.Ud meet Mic Snltzman. of .orili Unnieifj aeniie. has ifturued hmne tiom a two weeks' stay at Lake Sheridan. l.PWlh Moneiifk, of Itiimllo avenue Lincoln lleiRhts. s niffeiliis ft nin H s-l'slii niiiifk of typhoid feer. William Wlllhiins. of HIiiKhaiiilon was the Riiest of Mr. mid Mrs. .1 Jones, of Kolllleenlll meet, on Slliw day, Mr-. Teetie, of South Sumner ave nue, hflf. iPlliined home tinn, Hl01t any ni Lake Sherlihtn, .lolui L HifiUley niui rioii, Huinphiey, of Lufayetle streei, Ml ,,.,,(n , ., fiom Illness. "" Jle. li. A. Iloyl and fninil. and Iteed Slvelly nml family win orl.llny Ilt M THE HOfflLIEST MAN InTsCRANTON well tlio lianJiotnfjt. anil nlhiri ito Imltiil iu tall on any drugsl.t ami roc frc t trial lolllo ol Kcmii'j mUm tor Ilia Throat and Lung,, a remedy llui U guaiantcfj to rure and rclicic all Cliioiilo and Acute Cousin, Aillimi, UrontlillH and f oiiiuniiuii I'rlit j,o, tad Uc Mass' new double house on Price stieet, between Uiomlej and Sumner nenues. The leinaliis of Mr. nml .Mis. Mail in MiNlehnls Infant thllil weie Intel red In the ' eemeteiy on Sllllda atleruooii. Thomas .lenMnt. emplopd ii a illl er In the Sloan mine, vn kltked In the fine by a mule leeenll). Ilt In Jm y Is not mm liaiti. William D.iRRer, uf Dodce ineliue. a baud nt the ItelleMie mine. t"ll fiom a ear let-eutly ami pialued Ills ailkle. The Mineral of the late Mrs. Uei lutld I'lauiiery will lake plrue at 't o'i lo. k I tit- lllollllllR fiom the house, 141 Solllll (ir.lllt avenue Seivltes will be held III Si I'alilik's i.'.itholle fhiliih, ami lutei hi.- ii t will be mail" In the I nul lum e I'.ilholle ceiiielel'.v . The funeral of the late l-Mwaid Tin ie,. who died mi S.itlirdav at the home of Mis. Itiunei. nn I'rli-e stieei, will take phu e thl' alt. union, ami wlil lm Iu ih.UR. of the Ail' lent Older of III beinlaus. Shoi l sei((s will be held al St. I'.urli k's fliuii'li, ami Inieriueiit will be made n the I'athedial feinetei.x. (letne, the uuiiR son of Dr. W. A. I'allie, uf Washbuin (.Heel, had one of his libs fl. li tilled on Sililiday, while ellaeil Iu a prat life Rallle nffoot hall. The testimonial toiu-eit arranged tor the beliellr of 1'iof. Iliu i y llvans. whleh was aunoiiiifpil foi lat eeniiRat Tay lui, has been postponed imill Tuesday f M-lllllR. Ol i. I. i:. It. tiilttlths, of 1'ilie sireei. who W m.iiiiiRei- of a stole neat Dover, N. .1., I .-tin neil In his business jeteidaj , al tei ,i shim visit with his lamll.x, Mr-, .liihn Davis. r h, who has been lsllliiR West Suatlloii lelathes, Will I etui li to her home this Week. .Mis. David T. Jenkins, ot Noith Iti lifffH avenue, and Mis. Cdvvatil Har nett and i-on, Itei t, of Laf.i.vette siieet, aie expei-tetl home tomorrow, fioiu a three inouihs' vNIi in the old fouutr.v. Tile We-t Seiailton SPllloll Of tile Tenipeiame i-hoir saiur at Nay AUR p.llk dllrlue; tile tempeiallie 1 1 IIUloll held theie, me ieiiiesed In lllet-l at Moir.iiis' hull, Thuisduy evenltiR. to itiiiMilo!' mid ail upon an Invitation ex lelliled to the i hnlr by one ot Ihe (lieen ltldRe flinifliei. to sIiik Ht a teinpei am e s-ivlee on (lit. II. It Is dialled h.v tho leader lllill eVl'I.V p rSllll lit piesent llllll InlliB fl lends. Mr. and Mis .imklu J. Juiies. nf Millers' .Mills, ,,ni .ir. and Mi. David W. D.Hls. of Kilmoie .iMiille, spent Sunday at the home of thu latin's sls tei Mis. Thomas I). Thomas, of Hyde I '.uk aveiitie. Daniel J. Thomas'. Olivet Jones. Unw ell llmvells, .lolui I' Thomas ami John Davis weie i.iiieis in I'lttMim Sunday. Thin sila.v eveiiln,; ihe monthlj busi ness meeiiiiR of the I' Kiidenvni' sin lety ol ihe Washbuin Stieet I'lt-s-bylei I. in i'linn h w 111 be held nt the pal -soniiRt- A Mil lul will follow, to Willi h all yoiuij; people of the ehtiii-h aie tor dlally Invlieil. The West S. i, niton T'lohlhiiloii Hill nine will hold a erj liupoi lain nieel Iiik TIiiii'mJii evening at S o't-lm k in's hall. The inetnheis of Dew I Sam Indue of hollies held a leRiilnr ineethiR his evenliiR, at wlileh business peitiiln IllK to ihe Indue was ttansai-teil. The Wllllnni f'oiiiii'll (iee i-luli held their llnal lelieatsal last weuinR prior in their lomert In the aimory this evenlni!. and their slimliiR vvns very lavoiahly r oinniented upon. Mrs Jane Owens, of Columbus Ci,v, Iowa, Is Hie Riiest of Mrs. D. ,. Jones, of l!! South Main avenue. ICdRiir Allen Jones, ,,f South Main avenue, leaves today to loinplele his stuillii- al Vale Iinlv-Pislt. The ineiuheis of 11 vile Vnik fiistle, No, ilii. KniKhts of the (lotUeii JC.irIp, are ri(iiesi.i to meet at their eastle at 1 o'flot-k this afternoon to attend the funeial of the line Wolf Johnson. GREEN RIDGE. Th'' etiKrialnment will, h was to have been Riven last Thru winy nt the paiHi moms of the Chun h of the Ciofxl Shepheid. will he Riven on Thill iula evinliiR of this week. All lifkois .sold for the formei date will b Rood then Miss Jennie ninker, of ilieen llldRe stieet. Knve a puny S.ituiilny after noon iu honor ot her twelfth blithdny. Mis Kola Myet renrteied seveial o. Iln solns In an able mtlliner The fol low Iur little folks were piesent' lint tie Lour. Isrihellp colemmi. Mnry Onv, if j ii. .MnSRle .Inekson. ICIIxnbetli Crotli. Hiiitl. Mny Wnrd, Knllinrlne Itlooni, KttH Coleman, Julia cienieno, Mlldied (Innlner, A Ike Uriu-e. Mabel Pace, Florence O'Hnra. Annie .Straiib, Flnr piico liiissono, Kdlth Hrnce and Jennie Itlnlser. Mi. ami Mis, DeWltl Uessler, of 1'at- eison, N. J., me vIsIUiir .Mr. HrsMerH linicnK Ir. nml Mrs. Uooikp lh'iisloi', uf ili'ccii HIiIko utiei't. I'flpiiilu InteiPStPil iu tho ilioul nt lu'V. .Mr, Myers, nt Ciiinliorltuicl Hup, Ti'iin , iititlclpatn nciullni; a nulimil of fiii'lilturp hiiiI iithcr liyffiil Mitk'lc.i to tin1 xc limit, tlio Inst of tills work. Any pi'iiniiH IiuMiir fuinltliic, rmppt, rim1, plitlitps. rlolliliiK. dry Kiui'i'ili'i, illslii's m roukliiK utiMiKlN tlipy run hiuip. nml wish to iimiiI limy have tlii'iii c.illi'il fur li.v iKitirjItiR A H DlliuiliiK, of Monsi'.v n'iMiiii i-lthiM' liv iotnl or tpi'iihiiiu 'I'lii- I.uIIps (if St. Kiitlipriup's tlullil x'lll liiiM- n rake it lid lii fip.iiu kiiIi. in the (itlllil mom at the rhtlnll "f Hip tiooii siippiuMii, 'rinusiiiiy iirtPimHin. Th Yoiinir Moil's dull if thp rliuii'li of thp (looil Shepherd, will Iihxp a tlHtllp SO'lllI nt theli mums l'llllll.N evrnlilR "f thli week f!ippi lililfie IoiIrp. Iiiili'iipuiliMit Order of Otld Kellows. will eleet ulllrelS at their li' Iliei'tlllB lli'M TIllllKiltiV PvenliiR. NORTH SCRANTON NEWS. Funeral of Mill Annie Lynott the Larcost Evor Bocn in This Part of the City. The p.'irt'iii"ly Iiiirp nttendanee ypt tetdny mortiliiR at the funeral nf thu kite Mls.s Annie Lyiiott testllled silent ly bill eloilleiitlv to the wilful plnre she hail Iu the hails of her hundreds of f I lends nml of eveiybody 'With whom she euiiip In i-ontni-t. The house wus thtoiiRed with peo ple fiom the earlv imirnltiR mid a fi'lltiuunl piofessinn kept p.lsshiR by the enskt, tn tilti-ll one last glimpse or the dear dead fine within. When the taskel vviis plotted at 10 o'i lock, piep.'iialiiry to tnkliiR the leiualtis to the Chinch of the Holy Itosary, there Were still seveial bundled persons awltitiR their turn ouMiIe, to pass by the culllii. A soleiiiii IiIrIi mass of ieiiiem was soleiiiui.etl ut the church by the following- i let-R.vnien: Celebrant, l'.ev N. J. Mi Maiius; tle.'it'ou, K--v. Peter Lynott. of Wllkes-ltane; sub-de.ifon. Kev. John Holmes: ninsler of ieie- niOllles. Hev. I'.ltllf'k Holaiiil. Seated within the sanciu.iry weie the follovvliiR ti'iiRyinen: I!ev. Chatles Mmilev. of Klnsstnn; Urn. Patrick Qtlllill.lll, fif Plttstnn; l'.ev. John Ctn rau, oi Wilkes-Harie; itev. li uiik Caiiavan, of Mlnooka! Itev. J . O'Kellly, Itev. P. J. MfMatiils I!, v. Patilck T.avelle. Itev. .1. D. Mnvlati, Itev. Thomas C.n moilv. l!-v. William O'Douuell ami liev. M. J. Lnftus. nf thl city. The full i hnlr lendeied tinunudv mass mid sulos wpiv leiiileted h.v Mis. John Liich. who s.iiir "Neinei My Cinil to Thee." at the olferlnr.V The pall bemei-s were all Hist ous Ins of the dead young woman. 'I'helt iiameJ follow: Joepli Hvnns. Philip Hiad.v, L'dwnrrl ("inllnR-her. Thoniat Kvaii", pei' (Jntl.iRhei' mid Thomas Judge. Th" benutlful llmal offeiiiiRs weie cart led by and Peter Plice, also ills! f.iuslus uf tie d teased. Tilt body was fnlluvveil In the I'alh.--dral leinelerv liv no less than Id i.-u- jllJReJ the l.ii Rest lilltllbel- ev er seen 111 a tuneial piniesslnii Iu Noiih Si tan tuil. TOX.D IN A FEW LINES. Mr. and Mi. P. J. .Ionian, of Not 111 Main avenue, me leloii-iiiR over the nn of a voiiiir sou. Art Inn I'Mriii-. who has I u vsinR III lllls Sei'tluu for sunie time, left JH. terdny for l.afayetl chIIcro. wheie he will eiitoll as a stmleii' Dr. J. J. Sullivan. Ji.. and sister. Kathei liie. are spendliiR a few days at the P.iii-Aineiican exposition. Kl Itln v eveuliiR. the Noith Knd Star baskets ball team and tho city team will play al the Audltoi limi. The Railie Is exppt teil tn be n lively one. as both teams have been In the habit of playliiR a eiy stroliR, sclentltle Rmue, In a very i-lev'er manner. Fol low InR the R.-iine, n daiici' will be Riven. The eeiillive f onillllt let of the North Sciantim brant h of the Youhr AVoin-Mi'x Chi-lstlaii a-isoi-iiitlon met .vesteiday afieinoon mid pioposed the tlllllles of those to serve on coliiinlttee.s tiuilng the next .vein. Miss Sll-diee, the uevv sefi-Mnrv. haw taken up iiiar teis in the looms of tin. sin lety and will be theie at all times to Rive in tention to all demands upon the ns-n-fintlon's usefulness, ''(. prospect-" lor Hi' coming w Intel's vvoik me mo-it i iii-ouiaRliis, ami a large Incicase In the nunihet nf .voiiiir rIiIs ami wo men availing themselves nf the bene fits of the iitsopliitlnii Is antltlpated. The Ciystal Literary and Uiamatle dub, one of the fnr-Miinst urgiiril.i tlons In soiinl mid dramntli' utf.ilis, held n meeting In their looms Sunday itlteiuoou ami dlsi'iisseil plans lm hav ing a subscription dame. The dance will be li 'hi In the Allililoi linn. Itauei's otr-hestla will fill iiNIi the dam e muslf. Tin- Noi ih Kiel Star basket ball team and the Central City b(is(Ht ball team will pla.v this evening at the Audltoi luiii. .MKst.rf Lucy mid Nnra llefferun. nf Pltlslnli. llie the guests of fl lends nil l!f).s llVPIItle. P. II Mllllllle, Ul'.lllll seclel.ny of Ihe Pennsylvunla dlsliict Voting .Men's Institute, will deliver n lei Mile at the M.iiiiuettc council, Voting Men'" Insti tute, In thelt limine, llils evening. Miss Hessle Kvnns. ul lllll stieet. has returned hnine, afler spending two weeks at Wllkes-ll.u ie. The ladies of the Piov Idenc Pies b.vtcilnn chinch will have an uhl (Hshlnneil sew Inn t In Ie Rathering to day. I.'uli lady villi pinvlde her own thie.ul and thimble. Cnlfee ami tea will be furnished at th' rooms. The bouts lor the sewing society me from 10 a. iu. to t p. in , ami all the ladles of that i hurch ami coimiegailou an. Ulgeutly Invited to attend. The Ninth Scuinton Prohibition .. Ham e will hold an Important business meeting Tuesil.iy evening at the home of Thomas Mooie, corner Kast Parker stifet nml Noith Main avenue F.iei . tlmi of orllceis and otliri Imporlaiii blirilieis will be iriiiisiii led h Is ,e shed liv llie ollliers and the touniy that vim ineinbei ntteml. ' SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. Seivhes over the leinaliis of L.Vtlln, the 8inoiitliH-(ilil ilaughter of Mi.'nml Mis. (ieoiRt. SthaliMt, weie held yes terdny afternoon nt i o'cloi k al'lhe fllllllly iHsldeiitf. L'll Maple stieet. by Itev. Schmidt, pastor ot the (ieiinnii HaptNt iliuicli on Hickory stieet. In terment was muile In the Forest Hill cemetery. Fnri houi'h' devotion will iiegln Iu Si. Mmy's tleiinnn catholic church liet .Siinday. Mis. Austist Moser. sr., had her arm Imilly M'ulilpd ypsteiilay iiiu'inoon, while lifting; a holler full or boiling wilier fiom thu stove. Unu cud of the I JONAS LONG'S SONS. I Samples of Savings That Await You Today In Our Grocery Department Hundreds of homes boarding houses and res tauiants, wishing High-Class Groceries at the very lowest pi ices will do well to come here, A first-class grocery department occupies half of our immense basement and wc handle only the best and purest goods that come direct from reliable maikets. No other concern can meet or match the prices we quote for groceries of well known merit. Here Are Some Values That Strike Home to Every Household aie for Butter rilgm dreamery Print in i lb. print, you'll like it. A rare quality of butter that is sweet and Iresh. The best product of the best butter makers. No to Pay High Prices Even for High Grade Groceries Whjn Jonas Long's Sons' Quote; Til9S3 Items At 55c, Jonas Long's Sons' Flour 2s lb sack, Minnesota Patent hard spring wheat, absolutely pure, a pleasure to the palate, wholesome and brnciicial. 1 very sack guaranteed. 33c lb (or Coffee Our Celebrated Mexican Cof fee, a special blend of the finest llavor, prepared from the best Mocha and lava. 1.10 for s lbs 39c for Royal Baking Howder The right kind as you well know. Put up in one-pound packages. Jonas Lods's Sods boiler .slipped tiom her hand ami the hot water ponied over her in in, scald ing It Up to the elbow. 'I'he llleinlii-l s of 1 'oliiet lodge. No. I'ii. Knights of Pylblii". will meet in legu hir M'slon this- evening Iu II. 11 1111,111 s hall. The nieiubeis ul the Junior tinier fulled Aineilcan .Mechalili will lucft this evening In Schlmpff's hall. The annual ball of the Si. John's basket ball team, beliei known as ihe DcfoiideiM, which miii held last even lug In St. John's hull, was n eiy pleas ant event. Music tor the occasion was turnlshi'd liv l'iof. Henney's oichestra. The Delendeis will plu their Hist game of basket ball Thursday evening with the Sander-on Mill Sim.-. The game will be called at S o'i lm k. UUNJV.0RE. William lieikinan. of Itlnkely stteel. employed as a miner in No. ." shaft ol the Ihle iiinipaio. met with a s'i Ions uei lileut vesi.'iday. As ho was In the act of phu lug pontic! In n hub-, a spark 1 111111 his lamp Mew mid ignited tlie powder, the lesulling flames limn ing him iiulle b.ullji about tin taie mid anus. He was lesllng 1 0111I01 tnbly at Ills home hist night, nnd Ii Is now thought no sei Ions insults will follow the mishap. Or. .M. U Su.vdei, of i'Icii.v slieei. leaves today for a ten davs vaiution Iu the wilds of SiiMiueliaiiiiu oiintv .Miss Kitty Kemied bus leiunied lo her home in liliighanilon. alter 11 sln.v of several weeks In lovt n. Theie will be a leheaisal til' Ihe bull mole within Ol Ihe Telnpeiailie J.-. union 1 Imlr. Wednesday evening, at ihe Inline of i: !'. Allemose. on llinok slleet. It Is desiled b) Ihe lender every member be piesent mid bilitg fl lends. Theie will aNii lie 11 itllll tette leheatse at tie- same pbue, ullef the tehearsal 01 tli" . hull OBITUARY. WIIITNKY ItClliUS a well known ami lllgllb re-ipi-cled lesldelll of I'et k vllle. dletl at tlie l.ackuwaiiiui hosplial M'sitrday inornliu,. aflei a brief Illness. Tlie deceased was Vu eais of use, mid Imil icsldi'd iu this secilou foi many years, during which time he miule a legion of fl lends Al the ombietlK of the I'lvll war he eiilWied will) i'oiii p.'in A SlMeeniii I'eiuisj hanln caval i.. TIliniiKll merlloi ions service he was jii 1 1 ti id t imI 10 iiiaiiei muster ei -gf.iiu of his foiiinaii), which ollii e he held ,11 lilt- mUstellUK out of Ills lecl meiit. He is sin vlv ed by a In oilier. I'.ipiulii S. II, HrlgK-, of Peikvllle. ami the follon Inn thlldreli: .Miss (Iraie llilgK". .Mrs. Joseph Kidlain. wife of the well-known mullein rlei . Not man I.. Ill Irks, of I'lttsbiirg Ktidlnand. of San Fl am lii o, ami Jese now In the l'liltt-d Stales nnn.v. ruiieinl will be held Wednesd.i.v ufiernoon .it J o'i lm k Ht the home ul Joseph I'ldlalll. !.! Men cou slieei. Servhes will be t oliducled by Ihe Itev. V. I!. SIiiihimi. of Aslilliv .Methodist Cpisiopal chuit-h. I ill t-ri ii.-ii t Will be niaiie iu I'oiesi lllll ienietcl.v. MILS. SUIMIIA TIIUMAS illeil eallv yesteiilay morning ut Ihe home of hei daiiKhtcr, .Mrs. I.. .Mackey. -101 Webster avenue, after a few months' illness. She was ii.") years of use. She Is sur vived by n In other, Hoyd ('(implicit, of Miihnuoy City; 11 sister, .Mis. David Kloss, of Ashley, 11 ml the following chlldicn .Mis. 1.. Mnrkey. .Mrs. W. J. Wllllumc. of Scranton: Unuy H of Cliuse, I'd,; Cliuiku, uf Hutu-bilule; .Mis. Georgia Codfish at 10 Cents n Pound New nnd fresh stock. Put up in 2-lb bricks. At 35 Cents a Pound, Mixed Spices for Pick ling Purposes High grade, pine spices just now in demand. At is Cents, Pure CI der or Whlto Wine Vinegar Price here 15 cents a gallon. At isjic lb., Hams l-.xtra Fine Sugar Cured Hams, weighing from 10 to 12 lbs. Splendid value at I24c lb. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre 11 iu:is 1., ..p, ,M,i mji, ,., V. I III I It. Iln. vunir Thursday Night, September 20, Hoyt's Happiest Hit, A Day and a Night An Appetizing Dish of Merriment Prices. 25c. 50c. 75c nnd $1.00. Seats ou snle Tuesday nt On. m. Academy of flusic M !Uh liv K I Hurt, MfinJiT. One ulnl Wiij, ( . niiii'ip irn, Muiiili, Kt pt 2(, I hi,jh' nit in ui King Dtumatic Company Ilii hH't i i iti 1.1 1 .Miiv oiSiirndtiun ii.iiri'tur, 1 i iintii; mi u ' 1 n nf in iu 1 1 ul fiHirliu Mflni l',r'ici miiii 11 1 f.wn (ovitnl k 1 ni; injh( int lulling Mi 1 . n ll i"l' v rfiul Mui Al.uK'ltf I. Km i:..,i.ii. Of -i.o Wdhrt Ii.ihI.i liiuM. I t'M. ' 'liifol,H iiMnmr, i W.ul .1 I mui . J ih -tli muiii "I H'I"i IV 1 r'a, Ulmiln luiti-M' n.uinis I 1 nr it1n'il( ntyiit I ji I mui. Im.imi ii t lim. 'iiin I'i. I,i 1 IIhumI. hi" t. r4 .v inif. I rid 1 1 iii.iiii'i'i ' Hli if dm- I il ( IiIkIiI . "V Wml (! i.iiH ' ViMimI... tlUt iihp: Iiu- u mrmii ' .1 jmJ iul h. Al itliii'P i n 1 1 't 1 rt f . unu 't h l. '11 .n M lit- STAR THEATRE VI 1 1. Ill l!l:IM.IO Vim,. VII Will. . 1, 1, v 1 .,,., ,i i.i.t nl "Dainty Paree Burlesquers" J. A. Svvlnisle, of I :. ii 11 1111 ii r. Tin- r vltcs will lie lit In 110111 llie residem of hei iliiughier. .Mis I.., 404 Webster avenue, Wednesday in 1 1 o'i lot li. Illleimelll Will be llllllit ill llie flllllir plot II. I'olt.V roil TIl'V leinains will lie mkeii there on ilm l.l'.n Hi-la waie. I.nckiiw.inmt and West ern train. T.wi.iii: isinsuN. of i:iir, Ceiiai .ne- nue, died at Sa.vre, I'a., Sunday niorn liiK. alter a brief Illness. IK ceased was a will known resident of South Sct.inlon. who went to Siire a f- w nioiillis ago loactept ,1 position. II leaves a widow ami lliiee chlldien rule son and two daughters. Tin- rema.ns will ui live In this cliy at VI o'cloi k m tn) on llie lielawaie mid Hudson limn ami will be taken to St. Luke's t-hm-h 011 Wyoming avenue, wheie servi. ft will be held at '.' n't lock. Intel liieiu will be nuule lii tin- l-'oiesl Hill cf-nie-lel). CD.MI-Ilt HAVIS. ihe l-.veai.oit sou ol Mr. and Mrs. Ileal, 1111I11 Davis of I41 South Itebecia avenue, died ycsterda . The fiiiiciul servlies will be 1 oudui ted Ht Ihe house li IjeV. D. I', .lolies to- uioirow iitieriinon at :! o'cloi I.. liuer iiiein In the Wiishiimn stieet teiiu'iery, Fuuernls, The tutieuil of Mis. Maiy Kiamiei wife of llermird Flnuiiery, of It'i (irant iiveiuie, will be held tills morning with service In St. I'atrlck's- 1 linn li In lernient In Diliiliiuie tcnicteiy. Questionable Comfort. VI.1I11- I'm uihiitni-.1 :l,i. .liihn. I'.s h.ard 1 11.. null i.t ilui! ( ten ln- ;inv ii'p.'ci ior m, In iln liitiiii- jnii will niui. ilili lijlilt ii hmii. iiu nt Hit ifi. .tniir mot tier u-l li niAi' Sjiiiiiii -I'll 111 ir iln i, nu, 'iluii I io m( Iu he a HUH, lltntull (.Dill irr.
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