THE SCIUNTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 24, 1001'. xxxxxxxxxxxx; the MonKttx HAnnwAnn Ton?, Fixtures for the Batii Room The ones we sell me mndo fiom brass, nickel nlntcd, th" kind thnt do not rust. We linve Towel Racks, Soap Cups, Sponge Holders, Sprays. Evcrvthinsr ncccssiuy to rS make your bntli room com X plotc. Q 1J9N. Washlneton Ave O XXXXXXXXXXXX wmmwmmmmmmmmmwmmmmmrA Everything for the Baby I jmy inuy frnceiui-niuniy chnrmlng little garments es pecially designed to captlvnto the mother and win trade we've a growing demnnd for such goods wo want to meet you. A few moments inspection of these garments will convlnco you of their meilt. A line to us will bring a catalogue. Tb?BabyBazaar, 510 Spiuco Street. I fll ll.ll NIGHT SCHOQL la kavia.ini tin ri ( -illrftp (.onil light Onivl imtrililitl I'llcr ticlll. We Bra' t Pound Mini h anil pull ynur 1 limn to pin en. c t-.wc thr wrni for you. Ii'.h i nnomy to hao your llnon prop r i ly chipcI fur. Lackawamiea 1HR" sundry. S08-S10 Penn avenue. A. ii. Wnrman. aNfo,ro ooooooooooooooooo 0 ? Sooiml V 0 Gossip o 0 0 ooooooooooooooooo t thr nii'PtliiK-(if tho Kouith r smioiil, I'nloi. WtPinm' union, lioM ut (tiiPin.-o:- lull hist vnitiK, .t oiy I'lpjis.mi Mii'pilxt' whs vpiunK on tho lir-. by tin ladles of the auxiliary ait, i. lied to th" reitlnient, who c-hiiip 1".hI.m with supplier for a ni.ij;iillti iiit li,iiuiuct, which thuy stvpiI. After tin l'lMiuet c.mic n i-aiup-llto, whlih wax 1-r. icpcl ovt-r by Comrade 1'. It. Kim '1 uho w pd one year in llclnl 1'ii-oiu nflff In tot in of enlistment 'ni ocii.od, h liaviiiu lii-eii I'.iptiiH'il M iv ".". liil, tlif ery day hi trim i' ilnpp years pvplrod. The en c iifclnii Mas a very pliMaut one to thov pies. iii and In lilti'ly lo he ii'M,itcd at iin.v meotiiiK. The next inert 'lif? of the roKiinent will lie Moiula.v, October II, when ninith't- .surprNe P1 be spruuv, uliirh will Ihiuw all pie Mous ones in tile shade. Mis Mabel Cioss- and Alfred Ueiry u.u- married Suturd.iv atternonn at tli- home of the brides patents. Mr. nil Mrs, ,Iiu.eph Cnm, of New Hlreot. Tie eiemony wni. perfoiined by Kcv. (ii'Oice T. Alt it It, pastor of the (Itaee 1;-Innupi church. The luido wore a nn u of kU- blue silk tiiniuiPd wlih wlnie I1U and duello laec and eai tmi bridal loses. The lit IdeMimid'n lu.'wii wa:; of blue organdie. 'I'lie si'ooiu Is the r-on ot Stephen Iter ry. "I" (Julncy incline, and Is einiloyed in iht- Lackawanna lallroad ear hhois. II' i also a ineinher of the Thirteenth leKiiiii nt, Mr. and Mis. Ilcrry will re Plde on New htroet. with tho bride's pai eiits, iipnii returning fioiu their w "ddliij; trip. p.llt of ladles 1 1 Dill tile I'liestllllt Sueet Oermiiu I'lesbytcilan chuieh jminieyed to Arehbald yesterday. wheie ilev spent tho day with Mis. Thomas S inioiis, one of their members. In Hip paity weio the IoIIouIiik: Mrs. l-.i.i' Hpiiinotis, Mis. William lletv.e intli. Mrs. Julius Si hull. Mis. (irorso Hi k. .Mrs. William i'lelffer, Mrs. .lolin Willi.iniK .Mis. William Kalismmu. Mis. Knulliniiii, M m s, Sojihla Knullman, Si huliert. His. lleai'h. St haeffer, Tonus, l'el'is, I, rever, Masters Dail Ililller. Ch.ii lis miller. Cusper Hllllcr, Jay Cook and Dlehl. PERSONAL. Inhn llik, Jr., vtm In VcntruM Sutiijd.v. Mi... Ilcnt.v II. Mcim, ol ,ljikon ucct, i ti-it-ilH." icljtlirit In Wot Niclnili-nn. .lolm Wilshl, nl l.iurrno niret, hn ri tunicil ll'tur ticm 3 trip tn I lie Pjie Viiimu ,m. M II. f'.iwy rfinl I.. T. CiiifloM, ot ihn 1. k.i trrnini rillinul, itnt .tcilrnliy In N.w ork. ,1'ilm II. 'Hiuiih., ct S utli I. Inn. In nutuio, ,n tel ri.cil lionie from UuTilo ninl Ni.isrn.c I all. Mivc I.VIilh Pitlf, (il Alililulil Irei't, m in tulaiiilni .MIm'illi I tow ill, o( et I'iu. ton Mm Ibittlry mul ilniiriilT. o( Taimiia, VVsli , ic ifiiCftn of llic .MImii 11.1'tlci, nn .VUillvin fltfinr, Ia sriialiir CliarlM A. blJfilrr ami (.iiiuly, .,( New York clt.t, are Mni: intrilainiil ! Anic-t Kollllenu, Pruned I.Jinbrixrn tn ttllc, nl Itanui I'll, an tho kiimK cf Mr. ami JUn .1. W, (,'urnurj, o( rino lirrt. Mm. Cevret Maikirlll, nl Null ll 1'ilnioie r nur is lUiiuneiiOy ill at Iit liomr, jihI lier re- 1'cnrr.t , iloulilful, Pit nl Aiilliony, .lolm VVillum, ami .Inhn ,lnni, nl Soiilli I'ilmoio Jtriiuc, .oc LiklnR In the tight. l (lie rareAmfilcati. 11. Ii. Sprout, of the I.JiI.anm at ,rrtii iltparlninii, m irturiiMl ficm n thorl Iriri to Riflnaw nml prlroll, Uit. William bhccpcr.oa and cliUjUttr, Ueleti, SS225 iMCabzB if ponillc rc lltlnij it llir limnf nl Will Urn llillDMi', ,: 0 Nuilli M.iiiiirr .imiiiii'. '1 Mump, ol Nij.t. I'm, nl ,nrnui fil Pr I' I' siru,.l,r, ll siiilh Mhiii nvi-inir, IK I, mi fimii a limit lehliu i i lo l.ikr Hih'ill Miv .Idiiili' l.r, el sili s,M1,).T n. nuc. i' iiai.lrr nl I'.iiihIiimii jiiil Mm, 'IIh'IH.H lnriv, Im irtutiii'il (imii ii t lir. n iniinlhi lit wlln fi niu In Who ilmrj, t mil 'Mir miiilni; luirrlaiK i( AVIIIIain II Knlli'iU'. n pi iiiiiiiriif oiuu iii.ui ( HiU (Hi, mi'l h Ini'in Ii. i .( Hip will ktioun limit ilnr (jnill.i. iml Ml Mabel Unimi, ilmalilrr n( .Miti.iaT I. W. Il.ifii nl 'lie Wllkri'lUrip l.iio Vlll, li.i liffii Ji iiiniiiiil -WilkMllane Ni'. Hull IVtrr ,1. lliiElir., 1 lif urll kirnwn pnlltli,il tllrr. I. liolP In fmk (lllrl III" mmMltlftn of MiiIp I.mitiic n( llrpulilliMii ( Iiil lr lil paprr, I'm l'lilhilrliliu Ttitiiv Mr. Ilimlir lia tint hiMp'I Pi iiii'.U,ini.i jtf intoititinn or a M ronfntion In ihlrli-nn jimh b M.ny ll.itilrnuti .n Irinlrii'il n mirirlp Mtl nltittinnn l. llio I tilif,' i. Mnlrtt nf (Ii ion I iiiln i in ilmnli, 1, llir Inline rl hfr (Imialilrr Mr I 1). .lolinxm, n( I'iihI ilrnir riMtl Mm. Il.iiilim.iii tt.i Til ,tiir. nlil iltiiiht, nml It tt.1. in Minimciniir.iliiin n( tin ormMon tint llio iiii. ti.i Eiti'H NO SEWER PROPOSALS. Not a Single Contractor Desirous of Doing Sawor "Work for tho City. Dids for Paving Opened. When interior nf I'llblle WolkH I'oihe and liccoiilor Connell opened bids lot a large amount nf illy work rsteiiay, they found that there was not a sliitjlo bid for the four seweis for wb'ih pioposals had been asked. The sewers for which pioporals had been advertised for weie those to be (instructed on AVyomlng nventio and on I.atch stictt. and those to he known as Section A ami Kertinn C. of the Sev entoenth sewer district. All of these ate fairly lingo jobs, the cost of the largest being about $7.1W0, Tho fact that when bids for sewets weie opened some lew weeks ago It was found that there wete only four hlddeiH for sl- sewers and that now not a single contractor has put In a blil. is it subject for most seilous con sldeiatlon by those who have the best Interests of the city at heait. Director Itoche Is still of the same opinion as ho has been, namely, that the imelessness which has ptevalled In the past In the collection of sewer assessments and the falluie on the pint of the city to renew Hens In many instances has caused the sewer con tractors to be learful of taking on tiacts. "This Is a very serious matter." said he last night. "Something must be done and at once. AW cannot afford to have our woik of public hnproement, which N ptactlcally in its beginning, nipped in the bud." The director said that a thorough uiilerstaudlng on the pint of the sewer contractors of the municipal lieu law recently passed, piovldlng lor the making out of liens In the contractor's name, may cause a change in existing londltlons, but he did not evpiess him self In a very conlldent tone when he made the statement. ISei order Council and Ulicttnr of Public AVoiks John 13. lloche yesterday oieiieil bids lor the i (instruction of a vitillled In lik pavement on South Main avenue, below Oxfoid street, for the lonstiuetlon of a brick pavement on McKenna court, between Mulbetry and Vine streets, and for the la lug of sidewalks on certain streets. The bids for the South .Main nxetitie pave weie as follows: Scrjulon Ilrlfk and Tile company, SJ.01 per stpiare yaid and $"."0 per Miuuro yaid under and between lallroad tracks; M. II. Dale, $l.;is per stplaie yard anil $2.L."i per squaie yaul under and between lallroad track". The bidn for the pav ing of McKenna court weie as follows: Si raiiton l!i lik and Tile company, $2.0." per Minnie yatd; .M. II. Uale, $2 per square anl It. .1. Keisel bid 11' cents per square foot tor the laying of flagstone side walks on Myitle strct. between Wash ington and Quincy avenues: on Adams avenue, between CUb-on and Myrtle streets, on Jeflerson avenue, between tilbsnu and Myrtle slreei, and on tho south side of Columbia .itPiiue. ENTIRES FOR THE GOLF TOURNAMENT It Will Open Tomorrow at tho Country Club nnd Continue for Remainder of Week. The Country tlolf tournament will open toinonow and continue tho re mainder of the week. H will bo a Interesting event and will nt tract many expen golf playets from various places. Instead of cups, beau tiful medals have been selected as pibes. The ladles of the euteitalu uielii committee will serve tea every atternoon. Toinoirow there will be music. Many out-of town guests will be piesent during the tournament. The following are tho entiles up to date: W. s. lriifil, T. . llcixii', P.. S. fampiiMl, II . ,liun, .. siottin, lln liinon.l Couiiiy Lituntiv i lull. Ilionkljn. . I". Nnl, Wjimi Cnunlrv ilub V p Yiituc lljlllnuire I nuiitit' iliili. S ll.illrt, KnlrU'ilioiUiT PiiM club, n. A, '. iliiiitinglon, S-. 1'iiink Turner, Chirlui Teiil.iii'1, Wilkf-ll.nrr Cninitry cluh. i:. II CniUii, II. ('. liuciin, I'jiliontUle Coun lit' club T II. Wjikiw. .1 llkiir, Jr., .1. II. Ilrooki, V. .1 T.urrt. II C si,,,!,,, ,, iv,, c. p. lir. M. It PiiIIit, T II l)iruk. A. (I. Hunt, .1. II Toriit, (' II W.-ll. i. V II. Stnrrs, S. II. Kinztliiii.t, li C Itniiikr, I: C t'hisct, C. M. Jis- .ll. Smoke the Potono Co, cigar. fiES fill! Garcia Conchas, Vence- . dora Conchas, per box J)4.75 Marie Jansen 1 d - r- Sweet Violets p3.5U La Silvia J per ioo Fine Havana Cigars made in America, Finest Key West Ci- n gars, per box p5.UU Porto Rica Cigars, equal to finest imported, one-half the price. E. Q. Coursen m DELEGATES ARRIVETODAY ALL IS IN READINESS FOR LEAOUE CONVENTION. President Mooro Arrived In the City Yesterday from Philadelphia. Says tho Lenguo Is in Splendid Condition Deputy Attorney Gen eral Frederlo W. Flolt?! Will Have No Opposition for tho Presidency. It Is Expectod That Ono Thousand Parsons Will Como Hore, A cording lo the estimates made lute last night, thete will be fully ono thousand delegates and visitors In at tendance at the convention of the State League of Jlepubllcan clubs, which opens heie today. Philadelphia will send between t-lx nnd seven hundred, Pittsburg will have a bundled or moto lepicseiita tlves, and nnywheio fiotu two lo live huiidied scattering delegates will be cm 'mini fiom the oth -r cities' of the r' HON. FREDERIC W. FLEITZ, C.inJUate lor President ol the State League of Republican Clubs state, having membership in tlie league. btate President J. Hampton Moore, of Philadelphia, nrrlved last evening nnd took nuarter.s at tlie Jeiinyn. Ho was nn re than eiithuiaslii! over the for a very sueeetitl con vention. State President J. Hampton Moore, ' Phll.ldpltihln. nrrlvpil lnwt ovenlnc ITS Xl'MKIHCAIt STUBNCSTir. The numerical Mtcugth of the league, Piesldent Mooro sas. Is greater than when tho pie.seut admin istration took charge, two ears ago, and It has a very substantial balance In the treasury. Altogether, the league is in much healthier shape than ever befoie. Corresponding Secretin y John Kelly, of Philadelphia, who has been heie for the past two days, conferring with the local committee ipgnrdlng the prellml naiy work of the convention, Is In le celpt of communications fiom many notable ltepubllcans thtoughnut the state, giving assurance of their pies encij at the convention. Among tho prominent Phlladelphlans who will come tomoriow me Hon. Jo seph M, Huston, h-aditi nichUcct and cloiuent otator: Common Councilman Wilson 11. Hrovvn, Itepiesentatlvo Charles V.. Vorhecs, seirelary of tho city committee; James P. McNlchol, the noted city leader; Senator William 11. Hoikolbaih, Harbor Master Joseph H. Kleiumer, Congiessinan Henry Hutk, Congiessinan James liankln Young, Magistrate H. A. Devlin, Mag istrate Thomas A. Conynghiun, County Commlssloneis Jamb Wildetmoro and Hugh Hlack, Otis IJachiirach, setietaiy of the civil service i oinmission; Com mon Councilman William Hmkness and William Kinsley, leptcsenting tlio War Veterans' 1'nlon Itepubllcan club; Itepiesontatlve Theodoio 11, Stulb, At torney Howard 15. I.ucas, W. W. Linus, Robert Von Moschl.isker. ROHINSOX COMING. Hon. Jack Robinson, Representative Ward R, Hllss and Suptemo Court He porter William I. Sohaffcr will be with the Delaware county delegation. Hon. Anil Mnckrell, former piesl dent of the league, and Robert H. Lind say, one of its Jirst secretaries, will be among the Smoky City notables. Hx-Presldent Isadoie Sobel will head tho Kile delegation, and Repiohenta llvo Frank Han Is, candidate for stale tieusurcr, will maibhal a good-sized delegation from Clearfield. Governor Stone, It Is feared, will not bo able to tome, but Hanisburg will be represented ill Geneial James AV. Lutta, secretary of Internal affairs, and Sol Haeharach, the governor's execu tive clerk. Tho Phllailelphlans will come on a special Pennsylvania, train of twelve cars by way ot Pottsville, IlaKlcton and Wllkes-Haue, arriving heio at D.JO o'clock. Senator Holes Penrose and Senator and Mis. John M. Thurston will como on tho Hlack Diamond, arriving about the same hour. Senator and Mi. Thui Mon will be tho riiprIs of Con gressman and Mrs. William Council, Kdgar .'. Snyder, Washington cones- , 1 1. iivmi, "The attendance promises to be larger than for a number of jears past." President .Moot said last night lo n Tribune .reporter. "The conven tion will also cccoll. in all likelihood, any of Its Immediate piodeces.'-ors In the matter of notables piesent. This convention has a, peculiar slgnitlcance, being the first meeting of the kind tbtit will take action on the death of tho pteMdcut." loiuinudl on I'Jtc S.J THE M'KINLEY MEMORIAL. Subscriptions to the Monument Ro solved Yestenliiy. The following $1 subscription!! to the McKlntcy Monument fund were handed In yesterday: W. 1). lloycr, M. 1j. Jackson, Mis. M. I,. Jackson, ticorge Haldvvln, John Hiildwln, Krank l.autholl, J. N. Cor nell, Charles llcnvvood, T. H. Ilttglien, Colonel (Icoige Sanderson, Mrs. ricorgo Sanderson, Miss Helen Sanderson, Mlsa Matlon Sanderson, (Icorgo Sandetson, Jr.. MIm llildget Oertlty, Miss Mar garet Casey, Colonel It. A. Watrcs, Mrs. 1.. A. Wati os, Harold Watie.s, Law rem o Willies, iteyburn Walies, Ur, and Mrs. lingers Israel. C. I'. l''erber, Fred (!. Foiher, Hon. W. It. Connell, Mis. W. 1 Connell. Miss Connell, Jason K. Council, Natalie (5. Connell, Lillian O. ConiiPlI, Mliiudlua Connell, William L. I'onnell. J,.. A. 11. Hrlggs. A CHARGE OF BURGLARY. Two Italians Aro Accused of Having Robbed Ftnnk Vatncy's House Last Fall Both Committed. Uominlck Volpe and his btolhet, Jo soph Volpr. both of Dumnnio, weie ar- rested yesterday, nt the Instance of Mrs. .Mary Varney, of lOf. West Markt sticet, on the charge of burglary. They were arrested by Detective William Clifford, who look them befoie Magis trate Howe for n It ning. Jt will bo remembered that the house occupied bv the Vatiipys, on North Main avenue, opposite the Audltoilum, was buigl.ulzed last October, (lining the progress of a Republican mass meeting. About $100 in money and f.'OO worth of jewelry weie taken b.v the buiglars, who nppaienlly bad a good knowledge of the Iioufc The Volpe In others weie working about the premises at the time, doing garden woik, and weie suspected be cause one of them Is claimed to have flourished a roll of money shortly after the burglary. Hvidcnce was adduced osteidny at the he.ulng that not only had money been lloui isiiul, but that some ot the Jewelry had been seen in one of the men's possession. MnKlstrato Howe decided that the evidence warranted him in holding both prisoners under $1 000 ball each, and ho did so. Neither could find a bondsman, end both wore accordingly committed to the county Jail. FELL DOWN PANCOAST SHAFT Frightful Death of a Mine Worker nt Throop. A mine worker, whose name Is unknown, was Instantly killed by falling down tho Pam o.ut hhaft, ut Throop, yesterday. Thr man was employed in the mine, but It Is supposed that his light ivent nut yesterday and he wandered about the No. 'I mine and In some manner stumbled and fell down the shaft and was Instantly killed and frightfully mangled. He fell w distance of about 1.-.0 feet. His lomaliis were taken to Jones' uiulertaklnir establishment- nt i"i. phnnt. They have not yet been Iden- iiuen. Millinery Opening, 'Fall and winter stock, on Thuisxlaj. Friday and Satin day. I'lipiocodentorl display. Dougherty ,t Thomas, 12S Wyoming avenue. Select Your Neckwear From a stoek like ours, and you get everything that Is good new anil stylish. Heie aro new Imperials, new Puffs, now Ascots, new Hows, and, hot of all, some narrow Four-ln-Hands In Roman stilpes that ate tho best Wo value ever shown. i.Wl ' I KNIGHTS GO TO BINGHAMTON TO ATTEND ANNUAL NEW YORK CONCLAVE. Arrangements Are Already Being Mado for the Forty-ninth Annual Conclavo of tho Knights of This State to Bo Hold Here May 20 Next Every Room hi tho Jermyn Has Already Been Engaged by Knights of Vaiious Tarts of the State. The Knights Templar of this vicinity have been much in evidence the pres ent summer, and piomiso to continue as Important (lgutes In great affairs connected with their older for soma months to come. As tho grand com mander nf Pannsylvnnla, Major T. F. Penman Is a resident of this city, tho cnnunandeiies of Scrnnton are bi ought Into special piomlncnce. Recently the grand commander has returned from a fortnight's tour, where ho and Mrs. Penman weie tlie guests of honor of Pittsburg ronimnndcrles, which enjoy special distinction In tho country. The tour Included tho triennial conclave at Louisville, a visit to the Mammoth Cave, a lilp cm the Gloat Lakes and to the Paii-Atnerlcnn, and entertainments galore. Major Penman and Grand Wnnien F. L. Hi own attended tho funeral of the president at Canton on Thursday, having places of honor In the cortege of 2,000 Knights Templar. This mm nlng- tho members of the Coeur do Lion nnd Melltu command etlcs of Scianton will go to Hlnghnm ton to participate In the annual con clave, which opens In that city today. FIKLD DAW On Saturday a great field day will be held in Philadelphia by Division No. 1 ot thu Knights Templar of Penusjl vanln, when 1,200 knights will be In lino and the diess paiade, with all its Imposing ceremony, will be nn impoit nnt feature. Tents will be pitched on the grassy slopes of Falrmount Park. There will be a ball nt night and other festivities to take the place of the jousts In the tournaments of other days. The Grand coininandety of PennsI vu nlii ptomlnent on this occasion con sists of: Sir Knight Thomas F. Pen man, light eminent gland commander; Kzra S. Hartlett, vice-eminent depart ment grand commander; Charles M. Stock, eminent grand generalissimo- Wilson I. Fleming, eminent grand cap tain general; William J. Dlehl, emi nent grand senior warden; William M. Donaldson, eminent giand junior war den, Thomas N. Doyle, eminent grand pi elate, John Jay Gllioy, eminent grand tieusuier; William AV. Allen, eminent grand recoider. The com manderles participating will be the Philadelphia No. 2, St. John's, Kadosh, Mary, St. Alb, in, Corinthian, Chasseur, Kensington, Chester and Pennsylvania It will be one of the most notable events In the hlstoiy of the Knights Templar of the state. CONCLAA'K IN THIS CITY. Hut the event which Interests Si tan ton most will be the forty-ninth an nual conclave of the Knights Templar of Pennsylvania, to take place May 26 next, when Scianton, as the home of the giand tonminnder, will be the scene ot the pageant and Its accom panying ceiemonlals. The city will be crowded with scrotal thousand knights, and "ciowded" Is literal, for sevetal mouths ago every Inch of space was engaged In the Jermyn, many of the most supeib commanderles of the state lincllng It Impossible to secure (punters In that hotel. Plans are ahoady being perfected lo make this event one most notable In Blank Our values have always been a little the best because we handle only the "STANDARD" Hrand any book hearing that trade-mark has the same Intrinsic value ns a Govern ment Hond. Our window shows a bundled styles we have four bundled. No trouble to show them to you and piove to you, WHY they lead all otherb. Isn't this a good time to think about special books for uso later. We make all kinds In our own Hinder. R. E. Prendergast Manufacturing and Retailing: Stationer, Printing. Engraving:, Lithographing, Office Supplies. 207 WASHINGTON AVE. C37"The Second Largest Stationery Store and Stock In the tote Philadelphia has the first. Office Supplies REYNOLDS BROS. HOTEL. UERMYN BUILDING, Stationery Oils, Paints and Varnish t Malony Oil & ManttfacUiring Company, 141-149 Meridian Street. TELEPHONE 26-2. WE OFFER $200,000 First Mortgage Five Per Cen t. Gold Bonds of the United Power Company Of East Liverpool, Ohio. Dated Jan. 1st, 1901. Due Jan. 1st, 1926. Coupons payable January and July. Denomination $1,000. These Bonds are recommended to the public as a safe and conservative investment. Circular containing full in formation on application. Title Guaranty & Trust Company, OF SCRANTON, PA. 516 Spruce Street. the reconls of the order in the state. There will bo many elegant social functions and, ot course, the gtanil parade, with the installation of ollkcrs and tho ball, PAVING THE DRIVEWAY. Eyesore Near City Hall Is Being Done Away with. The dilveway leading from North Washington avenue to the dde en trance to the central police station and the open space beyond It Is being paved with vlulflod brick under the direction of City Knglneer Phillips. Director of Public Works Roche de cided to have the woik done In order that this part of the grounds about city ball harmoui.e with Its surround ings. II has long been littered with cobble-stones mid dirt and has been a sort of public eye-sore. Millinery Opening, At M. A. Frledlander cV Co.. Wednes day nnd Thursday. Sept 2S and 2ti. 20i", Adame uve., Court House squaie. Thete Is Still Time. Students me reglsteilng daily for the Conservatory's courses In piano. Olllce, CO! Linden street. Open all day. Smoke the new Kleon uc. cigar. A LONG DISTANCE TELEPHONE The greatest commercial economist In the world today. Compared to any necessary Investment In business, theprofitfromaTELEPHONE Is incalculable. Residence and Commercial rates at a moderate cost. CENTRAL MNNSYLVANIA TELEPHONE AND SUPPLY CO Vtniger'a offlce, 117 Adtnu iTenue. Books Blank Books Engraving t'!1 Tlie Famous Columbia Yarns re fupriinr lo ii' oilier, and the ttand aid (ur cxi.llciR.. Columbia Shetland Floss innta 11. moir i.iicU tn the ounil, Tiore "l.iMn, anil Mill, larilicr llun miy othci. Iirm r nr 'lir.ipici I olur 41. .oil, brll llai.i ami (IcImI.U Per double Skein 18c ! nor fonffitihil tui superior flosi with otht"" mirror IjuiuH. Cramer-Wells Co., UoWyomlnjr Ave. l"f4- Ladies' Tailoring Jackets and Skirts made very reasonable. Rainy day Skirts 5.50 and up. Goods furnished. King Miller, Merchant Tailor, 432 Spiuce Street. Among your friends you'll find that most of them buy their Hats here. That is because we carry the largest line of the best hats for money in the city. CONRAD'S '-V Gc ".en's Furnisher. 305 Lackawanna Avenue. Every Lover Of Atuslc UM: Will our ' offer in 1 Music Racks. This Rack is 40 in. high. 18 in. wide & made with twisted posts & spiral top, fin ished in mahog- 111 y and las 4 shelves. 250 d'o On Sale nt $1.35 each 1 WITH I.IKI. CUT. OEEDIT YOUP CERTAINLY I IHfe. WYOMING AVKVVI. (offliwi iiid JMwBS 9F SLJXCWi R53 ' M umwjj
Significant historical Pennsylvania newspapers