THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 21, 3901. 3. rEE OIIICC; BURKE BUILDING i i? PRESERVED" MILK CASES SETLLED The Stnto Department of Agrlcultute Drops Prosecution by Accused Dcnlcrs, r. C. Munn, Mulhollnnd Brothers nnd Heniy Wndemnn ricadlng Guilty nnd Toying Fine of 950 and Costs Over to Aldei mnn Moulson Locnl Bonul of Hcnltli Not Concerned In the Set tlement. The i'jhh against P. '. Munn. "t the Palace (reamer), Alillhnllatid Hnf. iiml Hem) Wiiilemnii, the milk deiil en, whnsp inrct In the middle nf August on i bulges i'l using ftunialde liyiln Ki "dubalm" or ptescive the milk they Mild was ii topk ol vvldi tllnis slnn. will iml Bo lo t In I. All of them have Iippii i tiled, nii'l n't l'"" '' mains Is tin i if pi I tlmi Hip IIKllllPIIPP lll.l) U( III iH M lltlllK II IcpOtltloll of tllP OtlPllSP. 'I'lln ll.mla Ml III Ml Mil-Ill lit. IM It is Known, wits th" plenr.liiB gull "I the detpniluiil it ml Hull pa.vimnt (.oil ol ii line of Jf" .mil msls, iiii.otiiitlux in SCVI'Wl lIllll.HK III llll'll l f"P. TllP Sellllllllll Wlls brought IlllOUl 1i. n proposition to t tin t i nil fiom tin" dealers and iIip iittUlcsipnce of tin stuip ili'iMituipiii ol agiliiiliiiicthiough US f I I lilt lit' III. Stunk .1 SlPVClIS tn otli i-i oi ili -tiite who tin it it III lOllillli I' ll tlll'iitlthnlll tile IllVestl I..II mi ll III Pll IP I i'l til' finding ' I ,((P Ul Ollll.ll'lclllll III SlllllpllS "I milk taken from the suppl;. of tin time dttllflfl 111' I th tle'l The lo al bo.nd of hp.iltli was no i un-euied In nnv way In tltp cm' oli' iiKtin.-t iIip dulryiupii i-tl'l mi I'm! un'lilng whatever to do With tile sudd' n Kl lllllllltloll of till! i sc Tile state dep.utnieiit "U" IIip tote at biter. Wlm t iiiovpiI tlio ionised tn seek a settlement without i .ii r tilK till' phi" to point, will tin. fiut wlillc IIip.v believed Hu'iiicpUps trte ot uii) wilful lolntlmi ol tlio lnw. pi the pic-Piup ot the loitniildeh.vde In tin- .inipp.H ot lllllk piocuieil fiom tlli'lil iiiiule tin in teehuliitlly gulltv nt least: iiml then Hip unpleasant noiiiilPt would ni t.oli to tin ir iIpipii'p ugilnsi tin ihaiges would Iip avoided by ha IliK thp end In tin uldctmnns otllce Ac-coidim-ly i In pioposltloii of settlement was laid licfoip the -tale aiithoi Itles. Ml. Stevens, the agent ol the depait iiiont ol agileiiituie. would ugice only to thp patties pleading guilty and pa.v lug all of thp (ots This In thought would s-crve tllP i lids ot Just Ik and would he no i oinpioiiilsp. In the sunt sense, on thp pal t of thp state TllPll the ptoiiiliioiipp of thp aiuised and their high standing In tlm loiiiiiiiinlty was a big cnnsldetatlnn Thp mat tor ended, with the pntiy of the plea of utility be lot p Alotilson, the payment ot $"0 Hues and costs It might bo added that this Is the Mate dp paitniPiit invailahly eui ts in closing ol this ehnraeter. The ptupnse nlmi'd-al Is to dPter otliP". possible of fondPis. TIip ppnalt. s a Hue ot not Ipss than $10 nor lump than MOO, m sltv das' Imprisonment, or both, at thp dl-i n Hon of tllP point. "POLICEMAN JACK" RETURNS. After a Stny of Thiee or Tom Weeks at Miyfleld Ynrd He Resumes His Station with the Night Patrolmen "I' .link.' the iIor nwned liv pp tilllllP, tile in.ili Willi the t llt- ppialllPIlt of stiiislilnp and Hie stm nf l!tllllP.'s IIvpi' pills. s K .lliloiiK lis dim p iii'ii c. and his fuiin siiiatt. body and Ills ahbtpxlatcd tail will hk.iIii be I a III 111.1 i-lghts on the stieets of the town, Matk' lame neai to foitt'illur lil title, "Polli em. in .link.' siiuo le.uiuK help and wIiiiiIiik that of anotlipr, his rival's, "Itallioad .link." DiiiIiir his ab.onpp he was at MaMlcld yanl, ll iilfr aiiinus the uipii ami teast illR on tlio Rood-MKcd (iiitubs weic left alter HipIi 1uiic1ipou. ".Inpk" pn jojpd hliiihPlI In his ihaiiKP of scene, and to I lie p.NtPin that he absolutely ipfll'-t'd to kIp iiiij atteiition to fnnner ('.ii'bondalp fi lends, to whom he ufted to was what Is left of his tall. It 1-u't intiph, but "Jack ' knows how to was thp npnlouy that the tail duiker left tiplilml. Yesteiday loienoon ",l,uk" staitleil his (UMiPr, the jolly Cumey, by tint tins;, or lathi'i ' waddllim" up Salpin avpnup. the liaunth of his p.ulv days, when Iip iipnpi i in pil to wandpr or to oaiu. .Mr. (iiuiip) had a III ot sut- RAILROAD TIME TABLES. DeUwaie and Hudson Railroad. June fc, mm liami will Ir.iM- IjiboniUlc al cii Mjtnn n. f How.: I'cr HUiil"n ami W'iIIm Hairr rt 0, 7 im, ROD, OOt. Mill, tt -21 a in, l.'.U., l.i;, ;j, j j), C.CI., 7 (M, tlllll, ID 'il I' III f-imrl.ii lulnt li.o' at s .it., II :i a in ; 1 It), 2 1. i in, S PO p in I'nr Mhan). -at iliva. Mnntrral, llinn. New I nsUnd oin. oli , 7 ( a. in , i ,i.l n m. ulally.) I or l.akp Inilmr, Wauntit Hint llonc.-ilale, T ii. II ftt a. in . .1 M, 1. 1 1 ni siindajr traln lfaic lor 1-iV.c I mlorc, Wajmart arnl Ilinfialr al U.t'l in : 1 .il, l.t'i n in 1 rain arrive ,it 'iihoinlilr Irmn Wilkn ILiur and Scraulon n follout: o.Vi, I. 17, lt:J) win a in . I.'..I7, 2fl. .12), t 2, ti US 7.01, S ,l, lj, II 67 p in ! I .VI a m suniUv tialu aiihe at 037 a. in,, li if), a '.'.;, 2S fi J1, ll..") in. 'ItjIiii arrbr il.ill horn Alluny at i It and fl ." p. in i aid on hunda) al !:, p. m Traint aribe fiom llonciililt" and W'ajniart dall al A H a. in , li in, 4 ii, 11.17 p. ni fcundij tialni auitr at I'uilmnililo (loin I.j.c 1 odor", Wajnurt and llnnraijalc at 1.M7, J.lG and 7.5J p. in New Yoik, Ontnilo nnd Western. Vpl 17, 1111. 1i.iln Ipup ( ailiumlali for hiuntpii nt 7(") .c in . 4 i'l p. 111 siiihI.i) ir.iinj at 7.10 a in.; Mm n in I1.1I11 leni't l.'.u lion. I il foi piilnla nurlli nt 11 in a, in. On SumlJ' .11 fl. Hi ,1 in Ti.iliw liailne nl 11.11) J. 111. rcU iljii. ami n u a in, Miinla.ia mako i"iiinH.tkmi (or Niw Unk, (nue uall, ell. Pijlnt iinhc (10111 Saanlon it 11.10 .1, in ; 1. l p 111.: fiein pointa north, i ( p in. Mania w in vianteii at t. 10 a, pi. and i.l'i p. in.; (icm at 11 if) p. 111. Erie Railroad. June 2.1, loni. Train. Uf city ttation, ( ailiomlalf, dally (rmrpt Kundai) at 7.00 a. 111. and I.. 1,1 p. m. lor Bunat and Mnochi al 11 m dally (ev (.fptlnj Mindas), (or lllncliamton, raallng ton nuUou for NW "il lty and llnltalu, ami at dlO p. m. for Subijudiannj, iniklne icnmctlont lor rtrn point. Sunday train at 0 43 a, in. for Snsqueluiini, lth wrtfrn ronntltlona, and rJ.'.'7 p. 111., with unit connection!. Train, arrbr at K.U a. m. and i ii p. ni. CuacUv &J3 a. in, Carfcondale Department. pilses. but thp eake walk nf delight that "Jack" cspctitcd, his ubbit'V luted hinder pint doing a g)innnstie wiir, pippludpd tho possibility of mlwtuklng his Idptttlty. During Hip day "JmU" took up hH nccitstniiipil pliipp at thp city hull, nnd lam nlRlit hp wiih dnliiff llio iiaiitp ii t with oiip of the p.ittolnipn, tlitiH prov Hut Ills fliilin to thp title of 'Police man Jui'k." FOR THE NEW ROAD. Ex-County Surveyor A, B. Dunning's Onng of Surveyors Ronch tlio City In Thoir Tour of Locating n B.outo for tlio New Transit Bond from Scranton. The col ps of siuiois under the dlieitlon of p-t'iiiiiitv Sum 'Vol A 11. niinnliiK Pinploypd to locate a louti foi the piopnM'd tran-lt from Sitnntnn tu ('Hthoudiile. ip.ipIipiI this i Ity (tptdii., at least iiipasuiciupiitH wen taken within Hip eptltral p.nt of tho pity. Tin stuvp.Mirs have Iippii at wmk foi ppial wppk". tlnsely follow Iiir: a path IIiik hptwppn the DpIiiwiiip and lltuKon and th dntailo and WestPiu loads, nnd iiIiiuk 'he Lackawanna llpr foi a Rood di-il of the iIIsIiiiipp. The InttPl pail oT lift week the Kill -p.oih Pltteled till" Ity tllimmll the ItinnM.Mi .(( tlmi and followed tli s.inu hi t-r III makliiK nipiisiiipnipnts psleida. niPiisiiiPineiits pwip takpn aliuiK SpxciiHi iiM'tui and as Kiwi stieel was iippiom lied till' stol.N thai has Iippii Iip.ihI uliout Hip town was ipiiiIIpiI. ii.iiiu'I thai an option had been .sppuivd oil Ins. Hip puipo-e initial station. Stoiles Hun ate til Antluai lie build bpli'K to pipi t a tpr Tliis is one of tllP wafted .iliiitil as the appieaph ol thp toad to the tm it was dsi iisi ami as thp -iiipois np prii.n lied the lopitlnn of Hip Antlira cite tiulldim: in their ine.isuieinents, it was bv in.i n. whlnt; i olor to the slni'.v of ,i at that point A nieinbei of the Alitbtiipltp Land ami linpot eiuciit a-iH'latioii, which owns tin Antliiailt buildiiiK. lu foinKil tin Tilhtiup man ostcnla. hi ippl to a iuci.. that no optio-i hail been kIvp i on tile liulldliiK. but ald he. slftnilliatilh "If they waul an op tion or. tllP Anthracli" the) urn B''t It." Tuneial of Miss Mniy Vattghey. The funeial M'stetday fniPiinon of the latp .Ml"-s Maty VaiiKhej. whosp " Km iipi Iiik: lias Middciipd Iipi- on in,' f i lends and m iiiaiutaiups, wci sadly linpiesvp, Tlietp was- a hluli niii-.s of ip(Upiii sum; in St. liosp chin ch liy 'I lev. (Ipoiri l)lon, who aKo pionounced tin Pillowy, that ins well (lespied was In Ht. ISom- PPIUPtPf.. Thp pall lien i oi. s wpip: William Mc rjout. Michael JuiIkp. Nicholas Iloff in.iii, .Miehncl Hucklpy, Knink Uridsp, Matthpw I'omior, Joseph !Ipii lon and .loll n Hi own. TIip:p w.ip nuinetoiis pleies. AmonR' them wpip those fiom em ployes in Hie ("at bond. Ue Steam laun dry, I'osp Finnerty mid Mnrv Kailell, Mi.. It. W. Itudd. Mi. and Mrs. p. A. Cairoli Miss KlU.ihclti ('ampbell. Alls. (Ipiiikp Mc.MInn, .Miss Julia Kilhiilleii and Air. and Alls Jam -s Hut lis. runeial of Geoigo Stephens. The t urn l al of the late (IcoiRe Steph ens of Jl.udwlik, 't , was held Sun da. at Hie home of his son, J.iiiipi Stephens, on Dai to iivpiiiip. AftPf shot t t,phes the lemalns -pip taken to Hip Methodist lCplscopnl plituch.iitiil a ciy tomlilnR- spivIip was londllpl ed by Ke. A. K. CIi.HIpp, aftcl Willi ll thp iPinalns weie taken to Alaplewood ipiuptprj for Intel niPiit. The pallbeaieis wpip. Kb haul I'dy, John Alatlipws, T. ( lioblnson, P. n. K I i K. T. .1. Sklniipr and .lamps Ala Tile llowei bp.iicis wei IlllKh Atkinson. John Tonkin and An h lliink. The Iriends wlio uttendei' the sei- lees ft oiii oui ot town wpip All. and Mis. John James of Ilaidwlck, All and 111 Walter Syuinn I'liaiips Iteildl.k, ol Wlllips. Dane Vt : and and Alls i'iouipi Si i .inioii and (laiiKliter, Viola, of A Wedding Announcement. A tnaiii.iBj annoiuupnient that will be pleasaiitly lpiclxed In .soilety di ( les in Caibondale, s ot the 1 imii IliKT weddlnif ot H.M.iii ('hcdlstpr Cluei lll, .supfllliteildelll ol the I'lirbondale (Ji (Oinpany who will b wedded to Allss Kloteliee AdolphllH Ihiso), daiiKhti't of All. and Alls. John Thoin n.s I'nsoi of H.iltitnnrp, Aid Tlio (PiPinony will tnkp place on Thuisday ilctober 10, nt ti.aii p m. In tlio Hi own Alpiuotlal Pips1), tPilaii ihuich, ami will be sopinnlPd by tilt pastor, Kpv. Di. Stoni Mr. Olieiln will havp as his best man, Aim timer H Kullpr, of Siiailtmi, with whom lie was 11 1 I.i.nm. inalp. bnlh at the prepiuatorv (ol 1p(,'p at PrliHPton and the uiih -"islty aa WPlI Mr dUPiiu and Oils lulde will ipsIiIp In ('arboudalp. whpic Air. Uupiin lias nuide many win in lilendslilp.s sIihp his ipsldpupp In this p Ity. Stiect Impiovemonts on West Side. City niiKlnePi" Knpp and Stiept ''linmls.sonpt' KIIIppii, with n i'oup of niPii, luiNo tn.idp pomiiiPiidablP Ini ptoseiiionts on soxpuiI hIippis mi thp WpkI Side. Tin Important 111 r those nloiiK Hip loadwny lpadliiK lioin Scott HtlPPt. at the toil of Hip hill, and ioiKiiliis to IhiiPiK'iiiy hospliiil 'i'hls is a roadwav that Is usul dallv by phy.sli'Ia 11H In (IiIvIiik to Hip hospi tal, and hv ambulaiKPs In . an iiir p.itlcnls to that Instltiitlnu. The ill l way has Iippii too uariow for ( oui fort and safely, hut Hip splpiidld work donu has tcililiPd social IiIkIi banks nnd llllpd In 1111s nnd (lppipsslnns, so that now it Is an iipcpptablp inciiis of iipcpss to Hip hnipltnl. This Is one of the Impun onientH iP. poinuiptided by Hip Joint stippt com. mitt pp. thtnuKh tho effoitH of Select Couiu'llnian llattlp. The "Y' it Mayfleld Yatd. A foirp of laboi'Prs Is at woik at Mnylleld yurdon Hip "V" that Is bdng bullt north nf the station. The load bed Is about leady, and Hip laying of the tiaekH will tnllow in a few days AVhllo tin "Y" will iieimuod.itp all of Hip Piiglue.s that leave and pnlpr tho yanl, It Is esppclally Intended tor tho "hog" ilahc, which aio too heavy to us? the j aid tuin-tnble. 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 THE VALLEY COMPANY GETS 3-YEAR CONTRACT Common Council Awards City Light ing Job for This Number of Yean Independent of the Mayor's Vato of the Bamo Long-Brawn-Out Ses sion of Commoners Boforo tho Lon ger Drawn Out Affair Ends Coun cils in Session Until 10.30. The city lighting conttnet, which sepiiipil destined lo ipinalii In council1 until thp nppiouch of Oarbondnlp'H (enteimiiil, was lliially nwiudpd last nlnht to Hip Dapknwannii Vnllpy P.Ipp ti If l.lRlit. Pnwpr nnd Supply company for 11 ppiiod of thrpp ypniH, Indppeiid pnt of Aluynr Kllpatrlpk's VPto ot tho same on the ground that 'in was op posed to Hip pilmlplp of Involving thp (Ity In anv litigation which might pipjudlio Its Intpipsts. an might be posslblp under 11 (out! 111 1 for 111011 than one piii . TIip vpto was passed over the mayor's head by just Hip requisite number of votps, eight, as follows; Kcuupdy, John MaslPis, Stone. Doftlls, W. H. Mnstprs, Pugliauo. Thompson, Aluiphy. TIiokp opposed wpip. Collins, Np.iIoii, Whlt HpIiI mid Dvaiis As liidlcatPd In TIip Tiibiine of yes tpulav, It was Hip Mite ot All. Pugllano that was Hip iIimIsKp oiip. Al Hip last meeting he was absent, mid It was duo to this 1 iiciimstniup that action on Hip pto was adroitly postponed by mov ing tor adjoin uiupiit and cairylng Hip iiioiiou, w lieu .Mr. .-sciiiini un uikihk at t loll. 1.11st night will stand out as ( onsplcii 011s foi the length of time that It le-(pili-pd to hi lug enough cotincllnipn into the loom to inakp a quorum. Tlipre was a sullli IpiiI number to inpet, in fait, all ol I Iip ( oiiticilnu'ii but oiip or two wen in or about tin (Ity hall, but tlnougli sonip uppieliPiisioii oor the success of the pvpiilng's inograiunip, the adherents of the threp-ypar con 1 1 mt kept aloof f 1 0111 the 1 mini 11 ( lumber rinallv', sppii nipiiibprs diilted Into the loom ami, reioglii.iug tills, (Tiair niaii Collins (ailed the meeting to older. When the veto was callpd up. I'lialr inau W. II. Alasters, of the light 10m inlttip, was not piesent with the px liei ted tepoit. After some sharp 10m mi'iit on the dllntmy tactlos of the (I1.1I1 man of the (ominlttep. Air. Np.iIoii gol the lliattel helole the house for ll ote 011 Hip ptii. The ole would hnp goiip tluoiijTli and It would hup Iippii sustnliieii. to the of the electilo livlit omp,in.. but foi the timely ai liiil ot Mr. Alasteis aid oiip or two othpis of the (oinpaiiy's "dherents. TIipii the lepoit uis iiibiniltpd by Air. AlnstPis and tlipic ensued n long deb.ilP. Klguips 1111 the insts of light help and theie wpip ii-ad by Chairman Collins, whli h wen lpfutpd by Mr., Hip kawanna's ieptppnta tip in Caihomlalp, who was given the Hour. Sexeial iiipuibeis had somelhiug to say, either foi 01 against tlio ad lsablllty of a loug-tetm lontiaet. At last it (.line to a ole, but bpfotp the lnembeis wpip ie(Oidcd. two 10111 iniinicatlons wpip lead. One was from .Mayor Klip. ill h k, suggpsting Hint il was Illegal to awaid Hip contiact by ipsolutioii, and asking the 1 ity solii- Itoi's opinion theipon. Thp (ity solU itoi leplied thai, in his opinion, it wns pioper and legal lor louncilH to act as they Intended. The other (ommuubation ( nine fiom the Cential Labor union, protesting agaliisi Hie awaidlng of the mill ait for inoip than one enr, and suggpst Ing Hint Hip otPS of Hip niPiiibpis would be (aietlllly watched. Tills had no ellei I. lor the veto was ipjeiled and the (onti.u t awaided. Common lounill loneiiued in icso ltition settling tlio P.ppsp Hughps i.isc. "The House That Jnck Built," Tomonow. The offering at Hip (ii.ind foi Wed nesday night will lio "TIip llousp Thai Jack lllilll." a lollhkiug loinedy, Hip latest of the llioadhuist ftanip, and It will, liom all an omits, piop pvpii bett'i than "What IlappoiiPd to Jones" and "Why Smith l.pft Iloiup," although wiitlen upon piiliii'ly dlffor cut linos. Put Over to Thuisday. The suit of Joseph ll against the i liool bo.ud of Pell town ship, which Involves nearl seven hun- Hf Hnnd'a Con denned Milk con. tnOiK phoRphnlca of 111110 nnd smln, fur ti-eth and linnrr.; hvpophon pluitf Knf potiiMslu in, for nerves nnd bruin, In poiliosplilies of miincn.. iimo, to enrlili thp blood- inireiife the red coipusple. Tlice food floinnnti iiPirtiMirv to I111II1II111.' ft purfpcl hoiU nre blended m lib the purp, rich mill, iihih! 111 Ma HAND'S J uttt na titer exlat In uhciit, nnd nuve hip anine unvnr tney Kive wiicnt. tney ninki tlio milk very rich, but more palutnblo tlinii "fw'li" milk. It never Eclnnour, una tin won 1 ueeu ice 10 Ktep 11. booklet 011 Infant fond free, THE DR. HAND CONDENSED MILK CO. Scranton, Pa. onrni t- )-au.maTira'a.CTfnirnt;iiraa)iBjMin I Boon )1 ky, y I for Vi- I Babies MvJi I X if PHQS3W1ID M9LR Desperate Case Off Piles Cured. Alrn. Wm. Kenmore, So. Omaha, wiliest "I Hiiffcipil many many yeius with piotiudlng piles and dined not ilsk nn operation. Aly pupp hcpnnip desppratp I took Pyramid Pllo Cuie and In 11 short time vhb entirely curpd with no 1 etui n of tho trouble." Sold by tilt druggists, 50 ppntH 11 box. Hook, "Piles, Causes and Cuip mallrd free, Pyiamld Drug Co., Marshall, Mich. died dollars unpaid salaty, wnsi called In common plpns tourt yesterday morning, but wns put nvpr, hy ngrep nipnt, to ThuiMdny, for the reason that poiuispI on both sides wpre engaged In other pases. Hesldo the solicitor for the town ship. Attorney Louis K. Oramcr, of this pity, the sphoot bontd has rptnlned Attortipy J. H. Tonpy, of WpIIcs & Toirpv, Scranton, to defend against Hip suit. O'ltrl-n & Alartln 1110 Mr. llrennan's poinifel. AMUSEMENTS. "A Day nnd a Night" This Evening. Iloyfs "A Day and a Night." the latest Jdicepss of America's most popu lar piny wright, comes to the Orond to morrow night, abounding In bright and patchy specialties nnd now and taking songs. The company has been selected with especial pare, find It Is pl.ilmed that this season's production of tho play outclasses any that has hpiptofoie been given to It. The 10s ttiining is new and costly and pverv attention lo dMall is complete in Its production. Woodmen of the World Multiplying. Tli1 order of the Woodmen of the AVoild, which was established In this vicinity several weeks ago, Is spt end ing vvondei fully, nnd Is probably on titled to Hip lccord for rapid growth of an order of which theie was al most no knowledge when th Idea ot estnhllsliHiPDt hero was suggested. TIip local camp, 'which Is known as Ciystal camp, has a membership ot seventy-llvp In good standing, while new Applications aie jpielved enph vppk The ennip In Forpst City, repently Installed, lias twpnty-flvp members, witli prospects of double that number belore many weeks. The camp here Is nrinugiug for its badges and other paraphernalia. THE PASSING THRONG. Kail Hrlnk has resigned his posi tion with Fuinltuie Dealer It. W. Pet hick. New pll Stoddard is his suc-ics-or. J. Halsted has lesigned hl posi tion witli the Carhondale Machine pompan.v. .lospph IlmiH'ii and Dan Hndgins weie Scianton visitors Sunday. Allss Alaignr't Kelly has iptttrned lo, N. A"., after visiting at Iipi paipnts' home, 011 South Main StIPPt. Airs, Xoia V. lireiiuan and Airs. Mmj Hi own left esteixay for a week's .stav In New York city. Sdiool Dlrpitor C V. Swigpit Is in l'.inghamtnu. attending tho meeting of I be state pommandery Knights Tpiii plai. of New York state. 12. I). f..ithrop, of Hip livening Lead!', and Mis. L.ithtop, Ipft on Saturday for Huffalo, vvhpro they will visit at the Pan-Aiiicilcaii, from whence they will make a ti Ip through the Thousand Isl.indx, Jlontrenl and along Hip St. L.1WIPHPP. Thpy will be abspiit during this week. Among the Cai hondalcaus' nt the Pan-AiiiPiipaii this wci-k ate: Air. and Airs. William Male, J. A. Vnnder 11. ark, Kdwaid Aunger, Air. and Airs. C. W. Fulkcrson, Air. and Mrs. K. '. Kly, Air. and Alls. (Jpoirp J. Hputnii. Wilght Cuinphell, H. II. ll'ldci. Mi. and Airs. (Iporgp Kppiip and All. and .Mis. A. Al Hanks. JERMYN AND JV.AVF1ELD. Ii S. r. Alnvii if 1 '.ii bondfilp. and Allss I.ntiia Hill diiu'liter of All and Alls W i) Hill, will be united in luaiiiaHP at noon tnmntrow at the Inline of the In ido's pdlcllts, nil Allllll Ml eel II P Al 'ad, of Tompkliisvillp, has rented Hip shops of Silas H. Hills, on Ninth Al'aln stippt, and1 commenced business tlipre ycstciduy. Allss Alaiy Kit wards and Mlw Alice Wademau, of Carbondale, wete vlsl tins lirro jesteidny. Chnilcs Hnrvpy. of North Alain sti'Pet, and Allss Kiepinan. a foriupr Jpi'inyn resident, -werp unltpil In mai rlagp tit Hip honip of Hip brid's pai puts, at Thioop, 011 Saturday pvpiiIiis. A I'Pipption was held In their I101101 last pviiilng at Hip hr.tnr' of the grooms paipnts. Air. and Alls. W'll- 1 Ham Ilaivej. which was largeb ai- t mil d In iIip niiiig lilpudi of Hip in wlv -111.11 rled couple (ipoigp .Mori 0111, of Scioinl htipet, a miner In Hip Krlt lolllery, was pain tuli iiit about tho head yesteiday while at woik by a slight fall of lock While his Injuries are. not 1'iiis, they hip of a painful n.ituro and will 1 online him to tho house for sov eial daj s. Allss Alaty AlcDerinott, of Main rvtreet Is visiting Kingston trlends. TlinniaH Joplln has s-eeured thp ngency for AIcCTuio'h llfi nt AIcKlnlcy, and Is i.inviissliijj tho pnlty. TIip employes of tho DpI.iwuio and Hudson colliery will tpcpIvo their two wppks' pay at 3.15 o'clock this after noon. Thomas Hiicklngham returned home last pvenlng, after an absent e nf sev eral montlnr. t'laudo Stocker, who iiiniu home from the Ivitfayetto college on Satur day, with symptoms of appendicitis, was Inst evening reported to bo slight ly better. Then Is no Improvement In the con dition of Alls. John Ti otter, James P. Sampson and John Alnson, thieo of Hie oldest Jenny 11 settlcis, who huvo been critically III for savpral das past. William Ilowo yesteiday moved his - -.. rr household effects to SuniniprlHIl, near Johnston. James Tucker and family, of Kourth street, will move Into tho house vacntpd 'by the 'Howes. Word was yesterday received from the Pasteur Institute, New York, whero Beth Spraguc, one of Tho Tribune's carrier?, N undergoing treatment. The treatment Is some what severe, but tho unfortunate lit tle fellow Is standing It bravely nnd Is receiving every attention In the In stitute. Airs. Andrew' Clarkson and chltdien nnd Mrs. Jumps Nicholson, of South Main street, 1110 vbltlng Wllkes-Hatic relatives, Mr. and Mri. Hobert Marsh, of Dun 11101c, spent Sunday hcte. TAYLOR. The funeral of the late Chatles War took place from the rpsldpnro of Mr. and Mrs. William Kvans, of Old Forgo, ypsterday afternoon. The funpral spr vlco wns held in the home by the Ttev. J. J. Jenkins, pastor of the Nebn Con gregational church. Intprmptit was made In the Mnrcy cemetery. There were a number of beautiful Moral offer ings nnd were carried by the following young ladles. who ncted as flower-bearers: Kthel Jenkins nnd Minnie Cooper. The pall-bearers were David llnddoek, William S. Kvnnn, William (1. SppIp.v, Henjamln Williams, Thomas Phillips and Kennlth Alntthpwson. Tho Invlnrlhlo connnandpry, No. 252, Knights of Alaltn, nre making prepar ations for the receiving of a class Into the order on Friday, when the degree team from n Seranton cnmmnnder.v will be prpsent to perform the woik. A smoker will be held In roniipptlon with the occasion. All sir knights tiro urg ently requested to be present. The committee on Christmns eistedd fod are requested to meet tomorrow evening In the Welsh Congregational church to further nrrnngempnts. Justice of the Pence William P. Orlf flthH united in marriage on Saturday. September 21. nt his ofThp, Miss Mnry Smith and James Scavo, both of Old Forge. The degree team of Allnookn tribe, No. 247, Improved Order of Red Men, will pay a visit to Old Forgo trlbo this cv Piling and pprform dpgree work. The funeral of Mrs. lsanc Davis, of Grpenvvood, will bo lipid on WpiIiips day nftprnnon Intprment will be mndp In the Mnrcy rpinetpry. TIip Taylor second foot ball team will play the West Side Stars on the Wpst Side gridiron on Saturday next. The Clrpenwood colliery nf the Dpla wiup and Hudson compnny will pay their employes tomoiiow for the foie- part of September. Mrs. John A. Jones, of Main stieet. Is quite ill at her home. The membets ot the Taylor Hose poinpany, No. 1, had their picture! taken In full dress uniform Sunday at their headquarteis by Photographer DpWIH, of Scranton. Allss Helen P.yan, of Dalton, Is Hip guest of Miss Annie Hums, of Grove street. Lily lodge, No. fiJ!, Independent Or der of Odd FpIIovvs, will meet this pvpnlng In tegular session. John Kdmunds, of Nanthoke, spent tho Sabbath with relatives in this town. Miss Gcitrudc Atoitls.of Grove stroet, visited Miss Edna Lewis, of Wpst Scranton, Sunday. Miss Minnie and Alnstcr Thomas Evans will return to tliPlr home In Hazleton today, after spending the past two wpeks with lelatlvps in town. An impottant meeting of the Lacka wanna lodge, No.llS.Amerli'un Protpst ant association, will bo held this evpn liiB in their rooms In Reese's hall. OLYPHANT Tonight and tomorrow night Penlng ton's Hlograph of Living PlPturPS will bP exhibited nt Hip Father Alathevv opeia house. The employes of the Di'lawaiP and Hudson polllerles will be paid today. Miss Heniletta Stone, of Hell btreet, who has been til for the past thrpo wppks, Is able to be out again. MIspps Susie Hanks, of Caibondale, and Anna Lnngan. of Hawley, were gupsts at Hip Alnhon house, Sunday. P. F. O'Malley left yesterday for Philadelphia to i-psump his studlPS nt thp Fnlverslty of Pennsylvania. T. Al. Voylp rpturnpd yesterdny from a tiip to Huffalo, Toronto and New York. Miss Nellie Ryan attpndpd thpfunpial of Miss Annie Lynott, nt Provident c, yesterday. Allss Norma normally, of Scianton, spent yesterdny with Miss Nettle Me Donncll, of DelavvniP utrept. Mrs. J. A. Hull is visiting relatives nt Easton. Itev. i:. J. Hnughtnn. of Dunmoie, was a caller In town yesteiday. PECKVILLE. Harold J., the R-months-old sou or Air. and Mrs. J. V. Decker, of Hickory stiept, died Sunday. Tlio Itinera! will be held at the tpsldenco this nftetnoon at 2 o'rlock. TIip Pmployps nf Hip DPlnwniP and Hudson Glassy Island mine will be paid today c. C. Mace, of Hlnghaiuton, is tho guest of his brother, V. V. Mnie. A special meeting ot Oriental Star lodge. No ,W, Frpe nnd Aicepted Alasons, will hp hPld this PVPiiltig.when tin At Al degreo will ho eniifprrpd. TIip 1. Unary society wilt hold a box so. lal at Hip hotnp of Miss HpIIp Van dpivoit, Friday pvenlng, Spptembpr 27. A Hup progrannnp ot solos, quaitpttps, (".iillngs and 1 epilations has been pte parpd. All ladlps aio InvltPd to bring bovps. Cako and will he served. NICHOLSON. S-prnal tn lh ?rrinton Tribune. Niiholson Sept. 2.1. Air. and .Mrs L. N. Hojie, aftpr an extended wedding Hip to Hlugliamton, Albany and New York city, have returned to this place, and aro the guests of the former's par ents, Air. and Airs. F. N. Hole, of State Mi pet Air. and Alls. Clonics Coiuad and giaudilHUghtPl' Alahcl, and Allss Ethel Stark, who havo been spending ten days nt Hip Pnii-Anipriran, have ip tinned honip. Air. nnd Alis. H, S. Stpphens and son, Simpson: All. E. V. Johnson, Ruth Johnson and Vein Taylor, of this pliice. and Air. and Airs J. H, Stephens, of Royal, ,ppnt a few dnvs last wepk camping at Lake Nicholson. At thp Alethodlst Episcopal chinch. Friday evening. Sppt. 27. Allss Julia E. Cruspi. of Montrosp, will glvp an pii tprtaiumpiit. Sho will be assisted by Nicholson talent. One Fare to Gettsyburg nnd Return via the Lehigh Valley Railroad Account the Union Veteran Legion Encampment. Tickets on s.p, October 9. 10, and 11, good to icturn till October 15, Inclu sive. See ticket agents for particulate. KIDNEY TROUBLE CURED General Health Greatly Improved by Peru-na. Jja'vyi? JMafBSjMHeLLLiaBLHi 1 AIRS FRANCHS AIATOON. Alis Frances Alatoon it entailer of th Allnne.ipolls Indcppiidput Order of Good Tpinplnis, whips from 12 SIMh stipcl, Allnncnpolis, Minn, ns tnllows "Last -winter I had consiceinbte trouble with my kidneys, brought on nfter a hard cold which I had ne glected. One of my lodge friends who palled when 1 was ill told im ol" a won derful medicine calld. Pptutia. I had no faith In It. but niv huslrand pur chased me a bottle, ami asked me to tiy it. It brought me most satisfac tory result" I iispd tin pi bottles bp forp 1 was completely cuied, but 1 lmvp got d cause to be gratpful. to.' r.oi onl.v did my kidney I rouble, dlsappea., but BENKE ASKS A DIVORCE CASE HEARD BEFORE A JURY YESTERDAY. Libollant Allegoa That His Wife Wai Cruel to Him and Forced Him to Leave His Home Mrs. Bonke nd Her Children Tell Quite a Dif ferent Story Trespass Caso of John Oorrlgan Against the 8cranton Traction Company Is on Trial. Court Notes. The 5-rrnnd week of common pleas opened yostPida merning. Judgp J. W. Oarpentoi is on the bench in No. 1 and Judgp 11. At. Edwaids In No. -'. After the list had been disponed of tae trespass case of John Corrlgan iigalnt the Scranton Traction (oinpany was put on On Dec. S, tbJi, at Ninth Alain avenue nnd Dp.ui sIippi his wag on was struck by one ot the can, of the company. Hi alleges that thiee ol the. wIippIs wpip knocked from under the wagon, that the wagon was upset and badly wiecked and tho ho we was s,, badly hint that he had to glvo It away. The evidence on tin pint ot the plain tiff was bping hpnid wIipii mint ad journed Coriigan lives in Ninth Scranton and is icpresented by Attoi neys C, W. Dawson and Janus O'.Mal 1p, and the (oinpany b.v Attoinevs Eveiett Wan en and C p. O'Malley. Conlgan was the only witness swoin yesterdny In No. '1, the dlvorcp ease of Julius Henkn against his wife. Heniletta Benkp, was tued bifoio Judgp H. Al. Edwaids. Alis. Hciike and her the chltdien resldp cm Meadow avenue. South Scranton, and have le.slded there for yeais. Pi 0111 the undisputed testimony in thp iiise, the couple have quarrpllpd for jp.iis. In IS'17 thp Phil dien and Alls. Retikp got at the fathpr and husband and gave him an awful beating. Since then, he hiis not lived nl home. Hpnkp'.s stoiy was to Hip pffeet that his wifp quaiiPllPd with him and nag gpd at him for yenis. slip fro qtiently refuspd to gPt his meals, nil his dinner pall or mend his clothes and that she -was nlso imtiup to him. bping Hip motlipr of thiee chlldiPii by nnnthPi man living In South Siran tou. This chargp was most vigorously de nied by Alls. Henki". She s-vild slip had hppti a good -wifp to him, had mended his clothes, cooked his meals and carod for him as -wife ought, and that ho repaid Iipp by coarse language, iii'sph and frequently blows. She said ho would drlvp liPtself and thPlr chlldien out of (loots in the dead of night, mid compel thpm to sepk sIipIIpp In tho houses ol (he nelghbois. All of her ftv'e (hlldien cnriohoiated their mother as to the Inulallly of the fathpr, and also told of his ipfuslng to woik. The 1 asp was given lo Hip Jury shortly be fore ndJouinniPiit. O'Hileu .V Alaitin appeared lor All". Reuke nnd W. S. llulslanrtei toi hci husband. Judge Kelly yp.steid.iy lnoruinc charged 111" jury in the insp of F. E NPttletou agalnsi J. D. ".iryl, put on trial last wpp1. A verdict had inn been returned up to Hip hour of ad journment. The lirst can on the list .vcstPidav was E. F. N. Edwaids against Dr S. P. LoriRstieet, a tiefpass inse. (in Hicoiinl of the nhseiii e from the dtv nf Alderman W S .Millar. Hip hi"1 wns continued, but the mint dhriieii that It be placpd al tho liPad of Hie lint for onp of thp weeks 01 the .o venihei term (ither cases continued were: 11. tJoldsleger against Sir.tutoii Tuition coinpan, lirspass William J. Lewis ngalust DelawaiP nnd Hud son (oinpany, tiespass: Exeter Ala rllhip works itRrtlnst Pino Hill Coal inmp.iny. assumpsit: Eliz.ibPth 1'ir miin against Siiauton Railway 1 oin pany. tipsp.iss: S. T L wis and 01I1 prs against New Yoik. Ontario and Western Railway poinpany. trespass, Alary Walsh against Ilnrough of Wln ton, tiespass, The case of J. Gpoigo Hiifnaglc against the IN nns ivaiila Cential Hrewing "onipan. assumpsit, was allow pd to go over, but will be placed at tho 1ip.uI of the list tor tlio November term. The following asp? wpre lepmtPd settled. Own DoiiiipIIj against P. Hngcn & Son, Intcrpleadei , Walter Oi eaves ngalust CIi.iiIps Hlops, nppeal, Glynn Hnrrett against J. 11. Rltten house, appeal. TIip case of Lena Shop, maker against Lewis Thlel, ticspaFS, was stricken olf the list. Mlcluel St'iifotd not appparlng to prosecute his tipspass case against the Scranton Railway company a uon suit whs granted. A uon suit was gi anted for tho same teason In the pjeclinent m.v general health Improved and I havn been In good health pver slnre. 1 would, not he without It for ten times Its cost." - Frances. Alatoon. Tills pnppiIpiko has been feppatedi i..iiiv times, Wo hear of tiurh ensea i.c.illy every dav. Mii. Alatoon had catanh ot the kid neys As Mjtin 113 llp took tho tight remedy she made a quirk recovery. 'isj Johanna Lewis, 1313 N. Hrati6 avi hup, Minneapolis, Minn., writes: I know that I enjoy perfect health, all due to Pei una. l,ust winter 1 suf feiPd from gpupial debility caused from a cold. I hud almost constant dtngglng paliiM and backache until I bpcnnii so unstiting nnd iipivous that I poiild not sleep nights, and became a physical wippk. Fortunately Ppruna, was hi ought tn my notlio nnd 1 dp ildt'd to tiy It. It was nothing short of a blessing to nip It cllipd thp cold, alla.vcd the iipi vottsnpss, l-novatpd my mili-p systpni and brought health and .until back lo hip. I have advised sioipsof my Mends to try It. nnd thosa who have used It speak of It 111 tho lUKiiesi i"i-ms. jonanuii t.owis. A riominent Washington Society Lady. .Miss J K Hoopps, 13'Jl F stiect. N. W, Washington. D. t as. "AI.v s.vstcni was 11111 down and worn 1. ut bv continued (olds ami catanhal trouble. 1 experienced nr, permanent: nllpi until I tried Perunii. "Today I feel better and stronger than for yenis and 1 feel vei.v grateful, nt ti Uniting my lestoied health to tho bciipllplal crfppts of Ppruna." Pet una. chips 1 atari h w hern or lo. calcd. Ppitina Is 11 sp.'dllc for the tatarrhal deiangemeiils of women. Addiess Tho Foi linn Aledlcliip Co., Columbus. Ohio, for fipe book 011 catanh wilttcn l Dr S H Hartman. is.- of .lamps Gannon against Thomas RIpI nnd otheis. Hv agicemenl lurlcr. unit was taken In favor of the plaln- tlir In Hip use of the People's .Mar ket (omp.iti against Joseph Scott, ap peal. Hy agi cement Hip case of Georgii Spitz agalut Steve Dufalls, a felgnc.l Issue, whs leteri-Pd to W. W Haylor. Thp tiespass casp of James Nolan against the Uiy of Scianton was also 1 efei red. Wells-Lowrle Equity Suit. In the orphans' point room Judgn John P. Kelly heard testimony jester tla.v on Hip nile to continue until final hearing the piellnilnniy Injunction in the 1 use or H. T. Wells against E Al. Low lie. It in alleged that l.owile la mining coal from under land owned by Wells in Cailioud.ilp township and Atelibald borough J. I-'. Wells and Linden Tayloi, hitr eois, weie Hip only wltnps.sps p. amlned yesterday. They told of th location of Hu vailous lines of tho WpIIs and LowiIp. TIip hearing will bo resumed this motnlng. The plaintiff ii represented by Attorney L P Wede 1111111 and the defendant by H. D. C.uey. Mai lingo Liceiibes. 1'iliM I. ('1111,11 ... VUririinl Aim. 111 .. Tliftints II. Willi 1111. Itrlir-i 1 a lli. mis ... (.cnive I:. Tranli ... 1'i.lrll.i M. Kiviir . I'.iln, k P. M.IUl,' lliidtH llnliar. I.innt. V hdtic .. Min I (.1,1.1. ti . llunnior i lliininoiii sruntun si r-intori sunli'ii s. r.inion Dhplimit simntnn s Lull 111 suanl- n COURT HOUSE NEV7S NOTES. IIiikIi I i'i. w m i. unlit iimnti'l 1 ii.ihl.i of tlio K11111I1 w.inl nt l)li!imt, 111 pli c nl Wiltlini IIii.i, iliiianl Vllniiift I' W. Ilidvcr wi e.lrnliv ppnin' ril inniini'ilonrr In .nljiiilimli tin' inilrlilnln.-n ol Ohl Keicr tnvinslilp .ilmul dl.irn I ,in. I) d l rKi' liornnuli Mlirml ililrn I V iiile h w ci nil c it .lotmlii tn huw iiHi it .1 il'trcr in ilnoi c nlull iiui hi nu.inlnl In Hie ( ir nf I It I enipli 11 asi,ri (ainn ( onipimi ll u nuile riluiiiiMc m 1 0111 1 Mis lirllr T!.itirrsori. tlitmuli linin'"ii Putin A Dunn, 4pliiil fir 1 Huoiic rttrrrl.w In. in 1, Itol.ei I son Tlici aiir nuniril Mi !!;, l;i. iiml Vr. Ilnliirlsii'i ! hci liu-lian'1 ilontril In r nu (M Js, wis, u, ii,u inicpi'r ni. tul in his ili.riiii.u FRANK B. LITTELL PROMOTED, Made Professor of Mathematics in the Navy. Frank R. l.lttell of this 1 Ity. who ha1 Iippii an assistant astionouiPi at thn naval obsprvatory at Wasbingtoii, ha. bppii apiiolnleil a piotpssor of lnathc uuitlis In Hip liavv to till 11 vacant). Air. l.lttell Is a giailuatp of the Seran ton High school and Wi sleyiiti univer sity. Up 1ms been emplneil nt thp oh spivatoiv evpi since his 'T'adiiation a I Wesle.van, cm ppt lor oiip vear. vvliP'i he was oiip of the t.ieulty at Hip High si hool In tills 1 lt. He iPturued last minilh with thd paity ol astiononiPis who werp sent out by Hip government to take obser vations on the Island of Sumalin Jli Llttell's promotion 1 at in s villi 11 high honor and a nlie iinieaso of s.ilaiy Special Taies to Allentown, Tn., via the Lehigh Valley R. R., Account the Lehigh County Tail. Tickets on sale September 2"ld to ISih, limited for ictiiin to September 2!)th. See agpiits for pa mil ulara. The popular Punch cigar Is nt 1 11 tin leader of tho 10c ilgaia. Lathe We have equipped our re pair shop with the latest im proved automatic screw cut ting lathe and arc now pre paired to do all kinds ol turniug in brass, steel and iron. Give us a trial, all work guaranteed. Florey & Brooks, 212 Washington Avenue. Turning
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