The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 21, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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i 1
r Til 15 i'IihIiik KtWKlun f tho
I.ik liiiuiiiinii 1'icnbytPiy nt
H"IH"llui' Wc'lllll't-lllty nlKlit.
the lollop Ins icMiliilliiiiH wore
II.miIuiI, 'Ihit Hip Fio.l.xtciy nf Laikawanni,
In ec-wmii it IIoiipiiIjIc, I'.i , rxpicsa Its (loip
new- at the death of Piteielcnl Me Ixlnlry and
.' appieilitinti iif hi glcil abllllV '1 .1 stale
m.n mid c lilrf rvitmxr nf our tuti'iti, ami (
! ully Mir profound srut llnl In Unci fir llio
powerful liilluiiiiet til hi I tip tu mlmm! unci cull
ed i life
lint wo extend t.i Ml. Milsluliy Irndrr-c-i
"smpilhy In Icc-r l.rrllili' lieieaxcmcnt unci
n"ui lirr nl our ramiel prater for Iht dlxlne
tonnlalnii .iti.l eiip.'il In t 111- lur hour of urcil.
Hut the elated ! tk In- illioctrd To pulilili
th. o rr.nliitl.iti HIi'l send a cop ol tlirm to
Jin. Mek'lnloj.
oilier rcoliitliinn m lot t oil by tho
ricsliytriy wcio tin futlowH:
The ntrtnlicr of till Pirlili iy di-ming M
t" m on rec'itl llirlr iippuce illoii of the delight
fi' iacin ctijo.xoil ilmltiir Hie M'e.inii of Tin
tail meeting, mikn the following inmlinlnii!
I n.t llul r Until, tlif pa.tor and o(!n rw of
tie .11111. li for 1 1 10 prlxllogp ilii-j hue Kixm the
i.r,.lrrj of Hireling In tin liciiilllul t"Xxn
w Mi ilii ntliiictlic iluinli propert) Hi will .l
. .il ir. lo IntriMv the sratihcatleui nf our pic
l.ietv In the miIi-I.iiiIijI clnrjitiT nnd gi nrniu
"ik o irnilp, and t"r llic i
I'l'iliinlty of holding tin iil"ii of t'ip prpli
Ipii In a building eo xxcll tulapinl f r II"' pm
pn.p .1 tllP i h.lle I lilllldltlg l
Nc mid -That wo expires our it ml'" to tlip
pmple n tlm chiuili wlio base su ari.mgcel for
the Piili'itmniiictit of llio iiel.xtory, who hue
klmllj rrnlxiel u luln their li'inir slid mint
tereil so gr.u iouly mnl un-i ItMi'.x f"r our mm
fori and cninjitirnt there
lliinl 'llial xxp thank thr mi'inhors of tliP prrs
iMriv, Dr- 1 .iitiiiu .iii.l llaidiaxv and I'ldcr V.
l litkon, of "vtjiitoii, lor Hip very til. if tit,
K tplul mill irapirm.: addrcne ilrlixcrcel hy thrm
bi il.p popular iiiprtnm.
! ..inlli That .i i"t. f Ihank lio kIph Mi-
1 liiWtll llctitl.'.l. nlut h,U llrlpi'd tilt! Ilinlluns
il. jjuiliprins lij (irpililmj l the pl.ino
and to Hip ihurili urciinat anil tlinlr n lnp
o ii.l; addrd In tlm ilpiollonil and upliflnu
.iirnlrr of thp pulilli intilic
I in lilt; tn llio roipllt ilpatli ol thp i'npf pxpcii
1 nf our lirloxr! lOUtltry, f nnuld alo re
u 't
I ml That a a court of the up tln'il;
fl. d for Hip liiMutilul spirit ol (Tirlmi.iii rrien.i
t on cliVplaj-rcl In tho UmMi of our imiljnd
pri'-idtnt, iinil wo fhort nil Kip lmiclic
w thin our liouml t.i hunilil" IliPtimlu under
1ln- di-tipirut Ion of cllUiip l'rnlirnri, and "
j'Piiim of friii. rek to ctilllatP and rvlend hy
t.icliiiij an rumple a laiccr rplilt of loialij
pioiii -That we eyinpfltlilrr with the h
i mil ile In her feavm ol ilei p sorrow
'li, td 'Hut we prav t.od that our vice prrl
rl'iii, n hitddinlr- ullnl upon li tike up tlie
tliitir ol thief tii.ii;itr.iie, l.e rndowpt with iii
dom from on lnali lor thp faithful mid ct
fl. iPiit ill'ihaise of Inn rp.piinllnlitii'
KhlKMon P.i.. u rloclod a tlif
no.vt nioptltic jilfifp of tlif I'loslivtory.
,t llm AVotlni?.ilay oxonlnu tupptlti A.
AV. Dirkftm of llil.o illy. spoUi- in
"Tho New Citizen In MK'Inn.' n ml
TIov. AV. I!. IIiumIiiiw siinKo on Hip
' P.rllPx liilliioiicp of KorplKn MlMlnns."
l llio c'1om of tlilx niiTthifr Hip toail
Inc of tho iiilntitp w,i llnlln'il, mid
tlio ri-(.liyPt'.v iidjotmipd to nipot
with the- clitiifh it! rurty Tint on
N.IPllll)PT 1.'.
TUp TUnllst MlnWtiM'Inl t'ltnfpioiipe
of Horanton and vlrlnlly will vosutiie
it- ppsslmis on Mnndiiy nevt. My ln
MUtlon of Kpv. and Mr.x. lip. Tliom.i'
1. (Jrtit'liy, nntl tlio .lutUsnii Sivppt
H.ipllst rlilirrli, llio (ippnliii? M',lon
will lp held In I'linn h at in::o
a tit., wIipii an atldioss to tin. c-onfor-iilH1
will lip dell vim-'d liy I!p. Aha
S llobait, l. 1)., Hip illMtliiKiilsbcil' In I'roupi' TlipnloRifal spnil
n.ny. At i'j.:;i p. m . n rnyal b.iiuniPt
will lip sitvpiI by tbi' liidb' ol' the
htiivh. follow Inn w bit h. aftpf dlniiT
in'prlii's on "Viu'iitlon K( bop." will Im
th" onlcf (if tho day. To this entire
met Hub of tho conforpin o, the l!,ip
1 1 -t mlnlstpf. and tli-lr vivos of
Nut tbeastPni ri'iinsylviinln, ttl-u the
rnodPiator, I'lot'k and 1 1 p.iisuior of the
Aiilninon ll.ipllsi iivsiuintlnii and thnlr
who?, tuo nil jniii.1 'dlally Invited.
In the .Sunday iioiutji of niir pul
linm. Kev. Dnptof Cent-jre !:. ilnlld an
nntini.jH that, In consonant e with the
thmiKlit and the 1'cellnir of the pub
!'. which loiitlnue to cluster about
our national beroavpinont. he will, to.
in.n row liioiulllK, pre.teh ill Hip I'rovl
ilencp Pie-bylPilan church a dlsi out -e
on the llfine, 'Our National UuiiiIII.i
tlmi and I'oioiiation." Al'tpr-tliounbtH
in ciitiiiOL'tiiin with events mid
P'liwlnsr out of them aie oflen cpntp
il" ititc'1-p-.liiii.' niul suscesthc ,i the
lniiiii'di.ile (entx tli'inselves. and no
doulit ii disc otirsp on the life nud h s
M'ii .'I I'listdint j, Kno wtll form
a iii ,ii'iropri,it" subjpt t for topsii.l.
ci.itton in tin. worship of the I'iom-
No one needs to be told to try to cure
a cough Hut nnv one will be platl to
be told of a means of cure which will
be thorough and lasting. Dr. l'ierce'a
Golden Medical Discovery is a medi
cine which cm be confidently relied
on to cure diseases of the organs of
respiration. It cures obstinate, deep
seated coughs, bronchitis and bleeding
of the luuga. It cures when nothing
else will cure, and the locul phyMclan
says: "There is nothing more that wc
can do,"
There is no nlcohol in "Golden Med
ical Discovery," and it is absolutely free
from opium, cocaine and all other nar
cotics. The dealer, tempted by the little more
profit paid by less meritorious medicines,
will sometimes try and sell a substitute
when the "Discovery" is asked for. No
substitute medicine will satisfy the sick
like "Goldeti Medical Discovery." It
always helps. It almost always cures,
iTwoyearsngoa kevere coutjh started on tne
and I w.i alt bothered with catarrh, " writes
Mr. F Slcjod, of llanewood, ChliuRci Co , Minn.
"I could not Klcep night, a Hie rough wn
worhe at night, t tried evcral cough medl
clnet, but to no avail, until a year ago, when I
got j had I coultlmot breathe throuRli my noke
at tlmei. I then tried Dr. fierce', (ioldrn Med
ical Discovery. Alter taking fight bottles of
Dr Pierce'i Golden Medical DUcovery, and at
the fame lime ming Dr, Wage'a Catarrh Keiuedy,
1 am a well man. 1 can thank Dr. Pierce for my
good health, and will recommend hln tnedlcinea
to any one ufferlng from the Mine trouble,"
Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure con
Irnro Prexhytrlitn people tomorrow
ti ioi ii i n tr.
Itev. Itoboit 1'. Y. Pierce, pastor of
the Penn avenue Hiipllft church, will
b n!-lKtod In the Sabbath lunrnlnK
worship by the ltev Alvnh S. llolmrt,
I). D., one of tho most illfltlHRUlshcd
clciKsnteii of the Haptlst denoinlua
tlon. Di. Ifobart hn( recpntly resigned
th.' piiHtornl ;)s of n ureal church to
accept the department of llonielellfH
In the dozer Theological Heinlnary. He
coine to Set anion at this time as tho
diet of the Hnptlet Ministers' Pon
fetenee which holds Its opening nerv
Ice niul annual batuitiet on Monday
inoniliiK next. The numial meetlni; of
the coiifptence will be held In the Jack
son atiPt Haptlst chinch on Monday
iiiiirnliiff and Dr. lloburt will give the
atldiesn of tho occasion. The banquet
to the ministers and their wives will
be given with the compliments of Hev.
Dr, D? Orucliy and the ladles of the
.Jut Ufon street chinch.
The Y. AY. ('. A. gospel nioetlnij Sun
day at o',l"i will be lead by .Miss AVood.
All women are invited.
IomorroY's Services
MethodlBt Episcopal.
llm P.nk chiinli-l'ralie nud pr.ijtr at H.i;
rricp. and i-ernioii at 10 SO by K. 11. Singer, a
rlstant pitor; cl i. meeting at tloia ol Mriirp
in miiiiIjv school loom. Hie lcidrr, Mr. If oft
nun, would welcome you. Simdiy school ar 2
p. in. Snior Lcigiie at fl.".0. XIIm Mrzlc Itauh,
lender. Worship and word at 7 :H ltev. Iluah
Mi llpiinoti, of Siinp.iii (lurch, will preach,
blijiigrr welcome anions lis.
Simpwin MelhoclUt l'pitcpd chuich, North
Xhin airnue and bafijelte meet ltev. II. C
Miliennnti, pa.tor. I'rratlilug nt 1()..;i) a. in.
and T. .0 p. in. The r.ev. I:. II. Singer will pieatli
at the eietiiiic trnh-e; Punckiy school at 12 m.:
.lunior League at !t p. m ; 1'pnnrth League at
ti SCI i in I'utierjl sortlcc of the lite llcv. II.
C. Illnmaii will ha held in the church at 2 p. Ill
AOmry Mrthccli.t l' c ( orner avriiiie and llrlawarc (.trcot - Ilex. . t!.
Snrip-oii 1. II, p.ivtor. Ilexotionil mcctiiig of
the lliotherhond ol St. Paul at ".f.ri a in Pic.irh
ins at Ki.i a. n ; nubjec t, "The Natlon'n bor
row." ddiew by I. I". Rower, A. M., ami
the pvtor Sundiv . hel .it '-'..0 p. in. l'p
woitli leaaue at c, :o p in, pi. u Idiig at 7 SO p.
in , "ltfimnelatlon end Nitflciine)." Prajer
meeting, ecliied.ix. at 7 .ii) m DimIium
innting of the Iliotlitrliooil of M. Paul, on th
serend and fuurtli '1 ueeday of eaili month at 7 "0
p. in. Seat tree and all arc, welcome.
Pioxiilen.e Methodi-t I'plMnpal iiimh !! v.
r.eorge V Cuip, pa-lor. The brotliethood of t.
I'nil iniet at Id a. in Moining feruion at 0. J
ulijcct, 'Culled to He Mints." Sundiy m lionl
at p m . l.pworth le.ijue at n l"i; inple.', "The
sjloou aixxcr DiioiiikI." Harry llauli, leidcr.
Kicning teriuon at 7 "0; eul'jett, "Anaitliy and
Kindred LiiPinif."
IVdir Axenue MpiIio.Ii' Ppl-copal clituili-r.
P. Poiv, pi.ior. llroth. ihond of M. Paul, 10 a.
in mowing worship and . iinoii, ln.-.o a in.;
Nindn ichoul, noun: .lunior loacne. ,'l..0 p. m.;
rpxxorlli Ic.ieiie, HJi p in, exciung woliip,
7 'in Mi.meii and ill otlirr. xxeltom.'.l.
Ilinipi'.u siieri Mrttioillot Lpito,.il ihurch
l!c .Ihiihs lleiiMiig. i, pa. tor. Pivatlunj at
In. Hi, fiiliji'.t of mni.iii, "Labor and lu Law":
cli nieeiing ai II "ti i. in : Muulay fcl ool at
2 p. in ; l.pwrrm league ai f M p in, leader,
Mi. Hor.i Wllllain; exrniug preachlni srrxlee .it
T .in. PrnfcMnr .1 clue llughi. A M, of the
High siliool faeiiltx, wtll ieaili the teunmi. A
toidlil w. h onie 1" aP
Ali siii(t Mi llimlint ilmrili -Uiv.
.1. II n.tiii. pjsiur Morning preadiuig ferxicc
.it 10.30. rl.n nieeilng at II JM, Oliarlp I'roop,
Ipadci; Mindly mIhhiI at '- p in., V.. isloiic,
piiprruileitdem : rpxxnrth lejgiie at di ! ; exciiing
preaching ferine at 7.10, siimon bx t lie Tlex. A.
It C.uiuer iniilial xxelcoine to alt
N.n ug Mclhocli.t LpUiopil i lniri h llev. .1.
II Xii.lin. pa-tnr. Nindiv tphnol ut 2.K0 p. m ;
t'liaihing ..ixiie at 7. ml. All welcome.
liii .in MiiliiHlist KpUrcpal ., Howard,' Dr II Itciitlex', ptxtiir. Pleaching at
I". 'ii a in. 'unci n nhool, S:,0 p in. supeun
triiiliiit, Poller. (111111111 l.iidenor
iiieiliug, 7 p in Pi.ailibu, III p m. miIi
Jul. "ti inc tin. ci Ion In Itn-ljl and
Life" c.ji.lnl xel ine to ull.
Penn Xxeiiue lliptit eliurili, Penn axtiiue, be
Ixxciii Spruce and Linden utieet. cit.x -Moulin?
piixcr in ttie lowei temple at !M1. t
the iiioiiiing unite in the auditorium the p.Kter,
I!ex-, HoliPil P. . Pienc, will loutliiit the wor
kup. aM-tnl by Ilex. Mxan S. llohnt, 1) 11.
"miiiiIjv mIiooI hi t tie I'. mi Axinue thurdi at 2
o'clock, and at tlie Aiiinnini mivion at 8.TA
ouug Per pip meeting at ."i.Eci 'lopie of the
pi.toi's rxening m'iiuoii. "I iteV lteL for Cum
lix. Home and (.ocl Special muie by the grand
clioru of the cliuid). Lxirxhodx- made xxelcoine. ,.ou Micet lliitbt Chun li- Molding pr.ix.
rr meeting ul ' ai. Iliothrr It. Niehull, leader.
Xhiiiiiu fplluon hx' tho p.i.tol, Itrx. 'Iliruu cie
f.'iuehx at 10 1.0 Topic, "Hie Seed of n llexi." Miiidax si liocd at 'I p. in, (hirlc lloll.v,
"iippriiitciideiit. Kxenlng i-erxice at 7 idi.tip.
Pui'p and foug snxiie. "flie Mailxr. of the
reua" will be lemkrcd bx tho ortli bnd (lice
cluli .it the Rcmce. The Ilex'. Aba s, llobart,
II l , of t uiier ftmiiurx', will pieaili, nu aro
all i"i-.iii!h inxltrd tu all the of uur
chin. I i,,cii will he ppeneil at n.,10 p m
I ti t llcitit rliurih, Miutli Main airnuc-llev,
s r Miihcwr, pa.tor. The ii-uil scrvkes mom.
lug 1 1 1 . veiling, II. "0 a m. ami 7.JI0 p. m., In
t '. 1.. mi ill y tho Webh IliptUt chili 1 1 . bun
ii,. . ciiinl J in p. in., I'IjiiioiiIIi chiuili, Dr.
Ili'ilil... riipcrinirndeiit. II. V. P. I. scrxicc,
ii .0 p m ii Ixnille hall. Piaxer Hireling, Wcc.
iip.dd pwning, 7 .'( p. in. All aro cordially
in I d I llii-M. hrrxicp. Itiilge lliptist rliuiili Piiathlne bv the
p, i ,r nl tu a in, nncl 7.:.0 p. in. subject In
thr mm n icg the Vifloii ol the I'.NlIrd
I'r.rm. , ipnii.g, "I 'there a Dump Pioxi-
dri.. p in Hum in VfTair," Sundiy ixltool at
11 4 inr.iing of the .lunior i-oe iety nt S...0,
I'r. ,i m.piltig nf the Senior dot iPly at
I ir.t W.l.h Rcplut ihuiili, M.uUrt lire(
Il I A llixiei-, pa.tor. in l. in.. Million by
i ie pa.l.-r 2 p hi., Sundiy orhoal, il p. m., h r
lii.eii bx the pa-tor. The ei.llie exriung perxlie
xx il be i "mine led in tho l.ngllli 1 manage. All
llni.tian I'licnil aie cordially hulled to allrtnl.
lthikilx- riiptit (huith flev. Distil Spcntrr,
l II. pinoi Piihlie xxoixiup ut ldt.O a, in,
viiii an addre- by Mb Di Verna Mlnnl. of
I lima; II 1V lliblp Khuoli 7. 10, exintug i-crxlie,
with feimon oil "The .New t'plltl," KirrjLody
liiuimorp ihiireh I0W a, in, (Icorgo II, Fin.
bom, of Sci.inlon, will al., and at 7.!!0 p. in.
Willliiu 11. 1'rlfcl, of IllaUcl). Sunday cliool
at noon. All inxllcd.
lint I'iPfb.xterian church Pcnlcrj at 10 sn a,
in. and 7.::n p. in. ir. MtLrod will picadi morn
ing anil fxpiiing. SlrangeM welcome.
Setond Prebjlctlan church birxltr, 10.r;o a.
in. Ilr, Itobliison will preach In llio nmriiing,
ami In the cxriilng will adir.lnbtcr Ihr ceiiiiiiuii
lieu nrnce at the AdaiiH Axenue chapel, cointr
Sexv A'orl, Urcet.
Waslihurn street Piohxtriun rliunli-ltpv.
.lohn P., I). H , piftcr. Serxices at ld.'.0
a in. and 7.30 p. in.; Ilihle Kehool at 12 in ; C
1'.. A'oung Peoile at It. SO p. in ; pra.xer meeting,
7 so p. in. The rector will preach, inoinlng ami
cxe mug. All welcome.
(Irein Hldgc l'rcb;leilan church - It 10 JO ,
m and 7 .10 p. m. the pastor, rtev. I. ,1. Lancing,
will conduct worship and will preach. Iblile
Hlioul ut It!; ( lirMian Lndcaxor at C.JO. All
cordially inxllecl
Pioxldenco Pifxlijlcrlin rhurcli The pmtor,
ltex-. Dr. liulld. will toinorroxv morning picadi a
tllnniirtir on "Our National Humiliation and Cor
onation " Sundiy school ut J2 o'clock; L'ndeax.
or meeting at o'tlodc. Ksrninir kcrxlce, with
heiinon, ut 7.30 o'clock. The seals ol the church
are free.
Cspom chapel (Pmhi leilanl -Piracliliig at
19.40 a. m. and 7.30 p. m. by the pa.tor, v, I
ti. Tt, Potter, Sunday school, 3 p. m, Junior
llndeavor, 4 p. m.J Senior Lndeavor, IS.30 p. m.
prujcr meetliig, 7.:to, Tlmndsy cvetilnj, Wel
come to all.
Adaini Axenue clupfl, New AVrk street The
Iter. Jaine llugtiea will ptrath In the morning
at tO.SO and the ltev. Charles U. Itoblnson, 1), Ii
will preaeb In the excnlng at 7.30, unci will ad
mlnbter the Lord's Supper. As this I likely in
be the la.t senlre at which Hr. Itoblnson will
officiate before tlm clo of his long and succes.f
fill mlnltry in Sctanton, It I expected that theie
will be a trry large allentlanee. Come early ami
ttnrc a srit. Tlie ( lirbtlan Endeavor socle!
will meet at 1.45, Mr. I.ueker rresldlng. Tho
Sunday sdiool will meet st .1 o'clock, Mr. Chand
ler superintendent. A'ou sip cordlilly Invited to
attend thete seniors.
St. Luke' Parish llev. Ilogers Uiael, H. P .
lector; flex-. II. .1. Hamilton, senior curate. Six
teenlh .Siirday after Trinity.
.St. Lulio'i church 7..10 a. m , lily eeiuinun
Ion; 10. no a. in, moining prajer and sermon;
7.'(0 p. m., exenlng prajer and sermon; P. 11 a.
in , Sunday school ami Hible elase.
St. Milk's, lliinmore-s a ni holy coinniun.
Ion; Uifiij a. in, nuitnliig prajer and sermon;
7.30 p, m , excnlng prajer and sermon; .1 p. in,,
Sunday school and Ulble clae.
Last K.rd Miwion, Prcseotl avenue .A p, m
Sunday school and Hible chse.
South Side Mission. Fig street 2 30 p. m ,
Sunday school and llilelc elis.e.
Cliureli of the flood Shepherd, comer AfonX"y
axdiue and llrcrn Itldge street Itev. Prancl It,
llatemiii. rector. Sixteenth Sunday after Trin
ity, riotv f'ominiinlon, 7.30 n. tu. ; morning
prijer, 10.10 m ; Sunday school and rector's
clan-, 210 p. m. ; excnlng r'lJer, 7.30 p. m.
Evangelical Lutheran.
fliate Kxangellcal r.nglbh Luthenn church,
corner of Madison axenue and Muliieuy stieet.
Sunday school at 9 80 a, m. ; prcarhlng service at
10.30 a. in. by ltev. J. T. Ixendill.
Ciliary ltelorined church, Jlomoe axenue and
CIlMon slipct Rev. Marion I., l'iror, pastor. Ser
xlcts Sunday at 10.S0 a. in. and 7.30 p. m. Sun
diy school, 11,30 a. in.; ( hristlan Lnclrixor, 7 p.
in. Morning subject, "The Oppositn ProccJ
sions." I'lrt l'riinltlsa Mpthodbl rhuidi, (Ircrn Itiilge
I!ex. (!. Lee, pastor. Regular preaching at
10.:;0 a. tn. ami 7 p. in. Subject, mointng,
"lhl 1 lint," rxdiing. "Tho Christian In Poll
tic." A welcome to nil.
Zien ('lilted r.iaiigcllial church, 1120 Cpoue
axenue Pleaching at 10 30 a. in. and 7.30 p. m
by Hie pi tor, ltev. .1. V. Me-tenuer. subjctti,
"Zeal rtighl and Wrong" and "O, 1'ather in
Ile.ncn." Sunday school, 0.30; .'uuior l'.n
eleaxor, I p. m.; Senior llndeaxor, 0 oO p. m.
Prajer meeting, 7.30, Wcducsdiy exening. Silts
free and exeixhody xx-ckome.
All Soul' I'nlxcisalbr church, Pine street, be
txxeen Adaina and Jefferson axenues Serslcea at
10 30 a. tn, crnion by Ilex'. .Tame I). Tilling
hast, state superintendent; Sunday school at 11. IS
a. in V. M C. llenr.x' Cuiiv, errrtary
of the Hllhoid V. Xt. O. A , of Waterloxxn, .
A'., will b" the speaker at the men's meeting ol
the Itailroid A 51. 0. V Sundae at .1 13 p in
This will be the opening of the fall xsork of
the railroad department. Will Jones, of Tajlor,
who hi been engaged a inuicat dnector, xvlll
sing tenor solo. A cordial Imitation la extend
ed to all men
The inu.ic ptepaied for the seixiep luniorroxx
at the I'lut l'iolijterin church xxill coiipbt of
n "To Ileum," solo and chorus. (Hudley Tlutk);
baritone sole from "1'he Holy City," .1. T.
kin; aiuhein, " t I'lentitle." solo and chorn,
I'M hueckei 1 : tenor sot.i, "Out of tlie Deep,"
l,Pixiel, Hnid MepliPii.
Tlie cxrellent mitte gixen by the ileuldp quar
tetlp i an aeceptahle featuie of (lie eix'ice.
SlrJiig. I in toxin .Hnl all aie eoicllilli' wel
comed. T'ic pastor, Hex J.imea Mcl.ti.d, II. 1) ,
will preach the seiiiuiu.
Timlin llexiioti, iicm nf cx Ymk tux-, e died
on fiiiiul dining the xxcek. II p i In goxd
he'abli and progrelng iiieelx.
The following musical sclce tioic will be ren-
deii'd at the moniing and ex tiling scrx ices tonior-
roxv at Llm Park ditirdi, lirder the direction of
J. Alfred Pennington, organNt and choir master:
Oigan, Klcgie in O Minor lemaigre
Choir, Anthem, "0 Taxte and ee" Oo
Oigan, Xleloely in li Major Dunham
Duct for Tenor and llj, ".lesu, 'lliou Joy
of Lnxing 1feirt" .Siegand
Mr Wooler and Mr. Warn u.
Oigan, PoMiude in i; Minor filaddtone
Organ, Prelude In C Mijor Tlryjon
t'limr, iilh(in, "l.eaxe l' Not" Stainer
(iigan, Pastorale from Sonata No. 1 ... fiullinint
lti sjln vleeied
( hieir. Hymn, "Let the (;opel Light Sluue
Out" lieihet
Oigan, Po'iluile fruin Ariane ....(Jiulmant
I l "
I T. Watkln-.' studio lu undeigone n coin.
plcte ihange, having been thoroughly iinoxated
at the hand of a piinler arti-t.
i 'I 'I
LMiiiutd lAilele, a gifted and adxaneed jounsr
Multilist of Seiintnn, will In a fexv xveeka lease
thi citj In continue hi !eson en tho slolln
Willi the pcerb" mister, Henry c!iradieclc, of
Nexv Voik. Dcforo leasing lie will bp tendered a
loncert, the programme of which xx-lll be gixen
In- mi array of home talent seldom heard together.
Ilendea In. own numbers, our joung friend xvill
he aseisted bx Mis Klia C.irriRin, contralto;
Mr K.ithrjn Thiele, sopiann; Mr. Alfred Wooler,
tenor; Mr. Lugene Ham, flute; Mr. Charles Doer
miii, piano, and others. The concert will b at
t.'uein-ex's lull, 51ondax', Sept. 30.
The folloxxing muicil selection xx-lll he ued
at the morning serxice tn the Seccnd Pre-bjlenan
ihuiili. No exening i.erxeei
Organ Piebide, Andante in P Johnson
llxmn Aiithcm. "Oraelou Spirit" fiounod
Ml-v-.cs Dink and fiar.igan;
Olppel and Jforgan.
Offeilorv Alto Solo, "Praise (he Lord"
5Iim (.artstan.
Oct: m Pn-.llu.le Tlaeh
Mr, J. 51. CIwiiii', OiganUl and Diiectoi,
I II "
The singing ol the auzmeiiied rhocr In tlie
1'iist l're.hjterlan church at th iiienieiriil scr
sice lot 'IIiuimI.ij' morning was lmpreixe in
tho extreme and ha le.elnd manj (axouble
i hi
Profeor George H Carier, formerlv orgsnuet
at Llm Paik ihuiili, lhi its-, ha Jii-t elmrd a
serie ol orgsn recital. guru by him at the Pav
Amerban esiioition, Xr, Carter hi been en
giged to take charge ol the niu.ic in the largo
Presbjleilan church at L'linlra, V, A , hxxlng
rpsigncd lis position a profcor of orgia at
elejaii iiiiixen.ltj', Delaxx.iic, O, to do so.
!' ' il
Theodore Pieer, muile publidier, Plnladd
phla, ha accepted and will shnilly publish Mr.
Alfied Wonlri'a new- .,iig, "Chilsuna Morn
Hath Dixxiietl Again " Mi, Wooltr I fa-t gain
ing an lutrriitlonil reputation a a composer ef
flrd das soug, some of xxlilth hava had exccd
Ingly large sales, both In Lngland and In lhl
inunli-. Ill sacied songs, "Land So Pair" ami
"Ileum 1 Not Par Axxax," are being seiy exlen
slxely suiig,
Mr. Alfred Wooler I batk tn xvork 151m in hU
socal studio alter .1 six weeks xacaltou,
il tl I!
Tho fiiuoiH Sehubtit n."J'teH' beld lis tirt
1d1cjK.1l fox the seaon of l'l-lfij.
A Ladles' Aid socletj- from Dellevue
came for a trip out Into the country
last Tucsdaj-. They took dinner at
Pardon Harbor's. Luckily they were
well supplied with iimbicllas.
Vncutlou H ut nit cud and several
of tho young people aro leaving homo
lor their respective schools. Miss. Car
olyn Paterson and Perry A. Carpenter
nro attending the Syracuse unlvcislty;
Miss Jpttuetic Paterson una roup to
lOabt Stiotidsburg Stuto normal; Hob
crt TtrunriiiBo will enter Ann Arbor,
and lladn Van Fleet tho University
of Ohio; AVorlh Snillh s Htudylng den
tlstry In Dallliuore; Carl Tlffuny Is n
Junior at Bucknell.
Hunting Is 11 fuvorlte recreation Just
now. t
Sunday School Z,
Lesson lemperance Lesson. j.e. Gilbert, d.d
PrOV. XXlit: 29-35. Secretary ol Amerliin
September 22. ffiLn! Rcllelou,
1NTK0DLTTI0.V -A king of Israel, said td
liaxo been the wlct of men (Jlalthcxv, all, 42),
U appointed the teacher lor today. Atlef the
l.ipe of tlitee thousand years In will Instruct
the fifteen million of children and joiilli vslio
-einhl In Christian Sunday school. The lei
son I one of the utmrt pergonal Interest, a
theme upon which ministers and phllsnlliropist",
reformer and legislators haxe bestowed their
bet thought, lloxv strange thit sleo and sin
should n perpetually claim their xlctlmil Af
ter all the eenturlc thoe deluded by strong
drink are a numerous, a they were In the eaily
ages. It appear tint In Solomon's time all
win understood concerning Ihe-rasagr of thin
lerrlhlo dibit. He seem to base dad In mind
the scry thing noxv common among in, ami
he sought a good people now do to turn men
from their nip. Will not the warning of the
ceiiturle ho heard and heeded? Or, will they
be depled.
LTKCCTS -(Verse 20 )-Pirst Id presented Ida
awful plttuie of exll reulllng (o the Individual
who use intoxicating liquors. The presentment
I made Inlcrrogatuely, the better to call atten
tion to the seiles ol misfortune thrmselvsi, un
der six heads. Woe, calamity coming upon a
peron bv untoward ctreiimstsneea and Inflicting
pain; sorrow-, grief rising up from within through
tho conMdcratlon of one's unhappy lot; eonten
(ion, striving with others of sarlou kind,
such a. fighting and disputing; babbling, con
fused and Incoherent speech, a when tho tongun
la not under control; wounds, whether of body or
mind, pbjslcal and spiritual hurts or Injuria;
ledness of eies, Inflamed bills or ltd uncom
fortable to the person and dlsagreeahle to othei
a kind of summary of things which sll would
gladly ec.ipe. Who ha all these together! Who
draws them upon himself, by his own conduct?
Who carries theni with him day by day a a
constant posesslon? Tho question w'a intended
to proxoke reflection.
CA INK. (Vine 30 ) These effects all proceed
from one and the same cau They are so
many treamj pouring out of one bad 'fountal
Solomon follows up the course of each and finds
the source and point It out to answer liia oxxn
o,iiction. 'I he peron so aflllcted ato wine
thinkers, and cxceixe drinkers at that "lliey
aie not sau-licd with a single glass, but they
ut long to indulge their appetite, (npheslaies,
s. IS). The conxlxal hahita of ancients and mod
ern wete much the uaiue. ltecauv of pleasur
shle somallons much time kh passed In social
ooiuerse and indulgence, Whit at first natl
Bed became aftervxard unpalatable. To increase
the enjojment tho winea weie mixed and
diugged, and the dexotee sought these eageily
to maintain Hie pleasure of the hour. (Psalm,
lxxv, S.) Thu frequvntly an Interchange! of
filrndlj greeting, comparatively harmle, wa
turned into s piolonged debauch, bringing tlie
roiwquenie nhoxe named Hire then is roj.ll
exposure of diunkdine., the chief xlce of ori
Ipecisl to the Sertnton Tribim.
Montro-ic, Sept. 20. K. A. Main has
accepted a position at l.estersblre.
Seats ate wiling rapidly for Stetson's
"I'licle Tom's t'tthln" company, which
appears at A'lllage ball on Monday
Kev. K. A. AVattlner, lector of St.
Paul's KpKcopal chuich, will take the
assassination of our late piesldent as
the theme of his discouise on Sunday
AVhlle draping lil place of business
yesterilay.r,Oroii p. iieehe was acci
dentally struck in one of his eyes by a
falling hummer fiom a window, above
where Mr. Beetle was nt wotk. The
blow was sitlllclciit lo severely lnjuie
tho e-e, but It is believed that tho sight
can be saved.
On Tuesday evening a number of our
young athletes met and organized a
foot bull team to stand for Montrose
during Hie comlnir season. "We under
stand that the Montrose eleven has al-reatlj-
received challenges from Susque
hanna, Ttmkbuunoik and tho Wng
I). Hilton High school.
At tho annual reunion of the surviv
ing membeis of the Fiftieth regiment,
Pennsylvania Veteran volunteers, held
at Nexv Albany, Bradford county, this
week, our townsman, AA'illlam II, Den
nis, sr., xxas chosen president of the
association for the ensuing year.
Miss Mary dagger, of this plute, Is at
Susquehanna, helping care for her sis
ter, Mrs. Homy T. Ulrchard, who Is
veiy seriously 111.
Banker O. A. (.ilbert received, this
morning, the sad news of the death of
his mother, Mrs. Mary A. Ttirrell, of
heart fallute, at her home lu AVyalus
ing. She was 70 years of age.
Miss Madeline I.oomls successfull.v
underwent a surgleul operation this
week. A giowth on her neck, caused
by being struck with a base ball, xxas
removed. Miss I.oomls Is doing nlcelj'.
Mrs. M. LnGinngo ntltlls is visiting
the Buffalo exposition.
Deputy Postmaster Fred A. Muck Is
taking a brief vacation. He Is at pres
ent the gueMt of relatives and friends
In Blughanitoii.
AV. T). B. Alney xxas professionally
engaged at Sci anion on AA'ednesdiiy.
Charles Bead, of the census bureau,
Washington, V. C, is visiting relatives
In this place.
AYord reached heie this moining that
Louis I.oomls, son of L. P. I.oomls, of
this place, xvho had gone to Tunkhan
nock to attend the Wyoming county
fair, bail been accidentally shot
through the leg, and that the wound
was very serious. Sir. and Mrs. Loomls
left Immediately for Tunkhannock. The
full particulars of tho accident have
not yet been learned.
Yesterday the citizens of Montrose
devoted nlmost entirely to honoring
tho mcmoiy of the lato president. Tho
morning hottis worn spent in complet
ing tho decorations upon business
places and prlvato residences. At
noon all business was suspended. At
2 o'clock the cltliens assembled In tho
Methodist church, where tho
following service took plueo: Organ
voluntary, Mrs. James Van Cnmpln;
hymn, "Nearer My Clod to Thee;"
President Boosevelt's pioclamntlon,
Rev. Fr. A. T. Broderlek; tho gover
nor's proclamation, Judge D.W. Seailo;
Introductory lesson, ltev. K. A. War
rlner; prayer, Rev. I). C. Barnes;
Scrlptuio lesson, Keel, xil, Bov. II, B,
Benedict; hymn, "Lead Kindly Light;"
remarks bv Father Broderlek, In an
nouncing hymn; sermon, text, II Sam.,
1:11); hymn, "Thy Will Be Done," Bev.
I. B. Walters; benediction, Rev. K. A.
AVarrlner. Tho church had been clah
orately draped, especially about the
altar and pulpit. The largo nudltoilum
was literally packed with humanity,
and every seat lu the edifice xvas oc
cupied. The sermon, or funeral ora
tion, by Rev. II. B. "Benedict, was rtn
eloquent and powerful deliverance, nnd
by unanimous request of the assem
blage, tho speaker will furnish tho
muuuscilpt of his remarks to tho
Montrose papers for publication.
Mrs. Mary Biewster Rooth, youngest
daughter nf A. J, Brewster, of t.'ils
place, died III New York city on Mon
day, Sent. 11. 1301. Tho lemalns, ac
companied by tho bereaved husband,
reached here on AVednesday afternoon,
and the funeral wus uttcnijed fiom the
ental courts and ot high life ever where and al
waxs, ADVirr,. (A'erso 3l,)-1low may these ruin,
em results be avoided? That lexatloui question
has divided (he people of our lime Into numer
ous parlies. Thero are those who would prohibit
tho minufaeture and sale of alcoholic bevengca,
doldlng thst it I the duty of society to protect
tho Othera would regulate the (raf
fle, giving authority only to reputable people lo
conduct the business after prescribed rules,
claiming tlut prohibition is Impossible and an
Infringement upon personal right. Some plead
for the moderate uie of Intoxicants and say
that every man must Judge for himself. Listen
to Solomon, who, without determining the duly
of society, calls every person to stsn.l llrmlv In
support of hi oxxn be-t interest on the basis ot
total shstlnrnee. "Look not upon the wine"
xrhen it ha become Intoxicating. So Is the
meaning of tin ads ice here gixen, and this ac
cords with the combined Judgment of the best
people who now labor in temperance rcfoiut.
POIM1W (Vere .) Why in h extreme
teaching? Why total abstinence? Solomon
might luxe argued against moderate drinking
as miny now do by showing that It I the way
to excess. All drunkards were once modrale
drinkers, and alt moderate drinkers are liable
to be diunkardis, Tlierelore, touch not, taste
not. Ihat would bo good logic and moral pin
dence. fliit lie- prefers a different coure. He
looks steadily at the constituent properties of
the alcoholic drink and flndt there what cannot
lux allowed with safety esen In a niall clegiee.
lie was no ehemlt. It was reserxed for tlm
r.ili at a later dale (o And and name whit he
knexx- to be present, what he knew moreoxer bj
its baneful influence. It xxas a poison of the
most s Indent kind, which might Indeed be u.ed
for a time, but whose work would surely though
gradually be done lu the end, and no one
could tell when, II xeuoin would be like the
bite of a serpent, tike the sting of the adder.
(Jeremiah, sill, 17.) It wa therefore not to be
trifled with. There was but one xvlse and safe
cotuso to be pursued -It mint be let alone.
llKl'l,r (Vei.. 3.1 ) The bite nf the seipent
and the sling of the adder cause moie thin
tempoiary diseonifoit. They Inject Into the si
tem what derange and coirupta and dtstroxs,
ho the poLson contained in intoxicating bexerages
ss oik It mlscliicxoa renults in exery pait of
man's nature. It has a strange power to lntlama
the passions and awaken unholx- desire. 'Hie
sice of tlrunkennes I geneially attended hv the
most loalh'ome fonm of llcentiounes. In our
(lit- the saloon and the brothel aie In cloe
neighboihood and oflen In partnership, Solo
mon calls attention to this fm, showing how a
nun I di.igged down to a life ot Impurity
(Ocnesis, ,xix. 32), so that hi heart send foith
out of II disordered slale reprxere and Indecent
woids. (Daniel, s, I ) Obcenlly I one of the
family resident e on Maple street. Rex.
K. A.Wat rlner conducting the services,
Interment was lu Montrose cemeterj'.
Mrs. Booth was 37 ears old. The
cause of death was heart disease.
Special to tha Sersntor. Tribune.
Tunkhannock. Sept. 20. Miss Maria
Muinfoid, of Mauch I'liunk, depart
ment piesldent of the AVomen's Relief
coriw, will Inspect the J. W. Reynolds
corps, of this place, on AA'ednesday
ex-enlng, Sept. 25. A special meeting
of the corps xll be held on Tuesday
evening, Sept. 21. All membeis are te
quested to be piesent.
Miss Leona Harvey a trained ntuse,
ot AVestport, N. A., Is stopping some
time will her mother Mis. Sybil (Sur
vey, on Wyoming axenue.
Mrs. AVIIson will give a supper foi
the benefit of the P. K. chinch hi bet
home on church stieet, Tuesday, Sept
21, from ii'DO to 7.P,i) p in. Hani sand
wiches, baked pork and beans, Fietu-h
filed potatoes, cnbbngi salad, celery
salad, picked beets, cucumber pickles,
home-made frld cukes nntl cheese, leu
and coffee. Supper 2.") tents. Ice cieuiii
and cake, 10 cents extra, Kxeryhody
cordially Invited.
Rev. Islsih Frey. of Wllllamspoi t, is
visiting bis brother Henjnmln Ftey at
this place.
AVUllain Mosler i liming some le
palrs put on his residence on Second
street, and Is also connecting It xvlth
the sewer system.
William K. Stark, of Scranton, Is
xlslllng telatlves at this place.
A Red Men's picnic, in xvlilch all the
lodges of that order in the county
will Join, will be held at Renshaw
paik, on Saturday, Sept. 2fc. It will be
a basket picnic, and there xvill be ad
diesses by home and outside talent, lu
the evening the local lodge xvlll publlc
ly Install ofllcers at the xvlgwam on
Kast Tioga street.
Speelsl to the Strsntnn Tilbune.
Brooklyn, Sept. 20, Mrs. S. II. Kid
ildpe and .Airs. Kmma Shadduck made
n trip to Monti ose AA'ednesday.
Our schools and business plases xxeie
all closed Thurday p. in. as a tribute
to our martyred president.
Hon, and Mrs. Benjamin AA'ood of
111., have been x (siting her tu other F.
B. Jewctt.
Miss llattie McMillan is spelling a
short time with relatlxes In Kast
About thlity young people met at
tho homo of Dr. and Mrs. Sage,
AVednesday evening, Sept. 11, in honor
of Mrs. Bertha Sage xxho xvas about
to leave for Colorado. It xvas a com
plete surprise and a very pleasant
evening folloxvrd. Miss Bertha will be
greatly missed, especially In cbuth
Mis. A. S. AValdle, Miss eGrtrude
Waldle, Mr. nnd Mrs. F. II. Kent. Dr.
and Mrs. Sage, Mr. and Mrs. G. A'an
Aulten nttended the Susquehanna asso
ciation at Nicholson last xveej-.
Tho Ladles Aid held their dollar
social In the I'nlvorsal church last
evening xvhen those who have earned
money for tho church told how they
did so nud presented It formally to
the church.
Kdward Lathrop and Mrs. Charles
Kly visited their sister at Klk Lake
There xvlll be union services at the
M. K. church Sunday morning nt 11
o'clock In chargo of the G. A. R. Dr.
Sage xvlll deliver a memorial address.
William Ruth spent a fexv days at
tho homo of Frank Mosteller the past
Mrs. John McGarry visited xvlth
friends in Wilkes-Barre on AVednes
day. Miss May AA'illlHms Is spending her
vacation xvlth friends In New York and
West Point.
The Ladles' Aid society of the Brick
church met on AA'ednrsday 'afternoon
and elected tho following officers for
tho ensuing year; President, Mr. H,
A. Greene; vice-president, Mrs, J. H.
Iniatlabl cacrompanlment ef dcburliery. Tlie
man who descend to that lesel das well-nigh
defaced the dlxlne and human and entdrnned the
I'Kttlli, (ere .11.) t'nder such citcunntsnces
the proses of degeneiatlon I lery rapid, and
the sense of Insecurity constantly Increase. Tie
man addicted to strong drink I in constant
peril. Ity lot. of phxslial vigor, by disturbance
of moral fieultle, by the awakening of nppetita
and !le affection, he selert wist that aie
not only bid in thnntelies, bur which are beset
by destructive Influence, within and sslldout
are peipeluil menaces. III condition is as
perilous a that of one xvho lie down to sleep
upon the top of n mast of a xeel at eea, wheie
by the xxaxc and etotnia he Is liable at any
moment to lose his balance and to be drowned
All this U utllled In th ellves of the miliy who
meet slolent death while Intoxicated. (II Sam
uel, Till. 2.) If the list ot such casualties in
any coininimily could be published tho people
would be shocked, nd all would see what
filghtful sacrifices of life are mid to the demon
of alcohol.
tlONIHdi: (Vete ,15)-Slrong drink lesd. a
man steadily on fiom one ttaite to another until
h becomes a inot abject slave. Among tha
earlier proof of hi bondage Is a stowing I al
luclnstloii that tlie exll that luio bcri biought
upon him by hi own actions were really Inflict
nl br otheis. He fancies himself strlckm by
sonn enemy and beaten ir offense of which be
wa not guilty, so that ho lis lesented a an in
jury whit should haxe led dim to npentance.
(Jeremiah, xxxl, 18) The results of this habit
hav etlc s only to strengthen tilni in it.
Alter nnv pljalcal suffering, which wa nature's
call to relonn sent by a loving heaxenly father,
he turn. sgair to seek his cup, expecting to
find relief Irom pietent discomfort by momentary
stlniulatl.n ind ciliilaratloii. So the chain are
fastened tr n bold soul and body, holding him
In galling siaiety fiom which there is no lelease
by any piwd of his oxvn.
COVCLI'MON. ueh then i the xolee of wis
dom, apesMng out of the past, to the joung of
lodiy. The wine mav spaiklo in the glasa and
appear beautiful to the exe, and drunken porta
may write xerj Ingenious- thins In praise of It,
but "at the last it bltelli like a seipent and
stlugeth like an adder." It I far worse than the
fabled tup of Clue, width transfoiiucd men Into
brute. It flame. the pjlons and piompts to
ex'ery ciiuie. It rums mati'fl constitution and
tenit In beggarj. It is an Incentlxe lo the
basest lusts and causes many to fall into the
deep ditch from which so few escape with their
lixea. It lit looe the tongue to utter meij'
thlng linplnu. polluting and proxoking. And
jet It fauiiiaten him Into such loxe ot dl ctucl
oppressor and hi galling chains, that he only
sleeps lo recruit himself, that when lie awake
lie may return to hi. destructixe indulgence.
Who that ha common sense would conltact such
a habit or sell humelf to such iniquity?
Delaware, Lackawanna and Western
In Effect Aug. II. 1901.
Trains leaxe Scranton lor New lork .t 1.40,
3 00, Sl. 7.50 and 10 05 a m; 12.(9. 3.20,
3 45, S 00 and 8 30 n m. I'or New York and
Philadelphia 7.60 ami 10 05 a in., and 12.41) and
8.45 p. m. For Tobjlunna At 0.10 p. m Pur
Buffalo 1 15, 0 22 and 0 oo a. m ; 1.30. 3.62, 7 05
and 11.35 p. m I'or ninghamlon and xvay sta
tion 10.20 a, in, and I 05 p. lu. I'or Oswego,
Sjiacme and I'tlca 1.15 and 6.22 a. m.; 1.30
and 3.62 p m. Osivego, Sjracuu and titles,
train at 6 22 a m daily, except Sundiy. I'or
Jlontrose 0 00 a in ; 1.05 and 7.U5 p. tn.
Nicholson accommodation 4 00 and (1.15 p. in.
Dloomsburg Division For Northumberland, st
45 and 10 05 a. in ; 1.30 and 0.10 p m. For
I'l.s inontlt. at S 10 a. m ; 3 65 and 9.U5 p. m.
Sunilsv Train For New A'otk, 1.40, 3 00, S .15
and 10 05 a m i 3 20, 3 45 and 6 00 p in. For
Uuffalo 1 15 and 0.22 a. in ; 1.30, 3.62, 7.05
and 11.35 p. m For Ilinghainton and way sta
tions 000 and 10 20 a in, llloomsburg division
Lease Scranton, 10 05 a. m and 6.10 p. m.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In F.ffeet June 2, 1901.
Tialn lease Scranton:
For Philadelphia and New York via D. & II,
II. It, at 0.45 and 0 33 a. in., and 2.1S, 4.27
(black Diamond b'xpre.), and 11.30 p. in. Sun
daxs, D i II. It It . l.M. 27 p. m.
For While Ilaxen, llaileton and principal
points in the coal legion; via D. k II. It. It.,
li.45, 2 IS and 4 27 p. m. For Potlsville, U.15 a
in . 2 13 p. m
For llethleheiu, Faslon, Heading, IlarrUburg
and principal inieimediale stations sla I). & II.
It II , 6.45. 0.38 a. in ; 2 IS. 4 27 (Ulack Dia
mond Kxprrsa), 1130 p. m. Sundays, D, & II.
11 It , OXS a. m ; 1 M 8.27 p m
For Tunkhannock. Toaramla, Klmira, Ithaca,
(ienesa and principal Intermediate stations, via
D., L, pi W. It. It . s 10 a. in. and S 40 p. m.
For (Jeneva, Hochexter. Buffalo, Niagara Falls,
Chirago and all points west, via D. k II, H. II,
7.4S, 11.55 a. m , 1 2. S 33 (Black Diamond Kx
pie), 7.43. 10 41. II 30 p. in. Sundays, V. li II.
It. It . 11.65, 8 27 p. m.
Pullman parlor and sleeping or Lehigh A'alley
psiloi cars on sll trains between Wilkes llano
and Vexv York, Philadelphia, Uuffalo and Sus
pension Bridge
1I0I.I.IN II xULM'rt, Gen. Supt., 20 Cortlanct
stieet. Nexv York
C1HM.KS S. LEK. Oen. Pass. Agt., 26 Cortland
street, Vew Yolk.
A W. SONNEMACIH-rt, Dlv. Pass. Agt., South
nethlehem. Pa.
For tickets and Pullman reservations apply to
309 Lackawanna avenue, Sctanton, Pa.
New Jersey Central.
Station In New York Foot of Liberty street.
N It., and South Ferry.
Train leaxe Scranton for New York, Newartr,
Fltrabeth. Philadelphia, Faslon. Bethlehem, Al
lentown, Maucli Chunk and White Haven, at 8 53
a m.i express. 1.10, express, 4.00 p. in. Sun.
dais, 2 15 p. m.
For Piltston and Wilkes Barre, R 55 a. m, j 1,10
and 4 00 p.m. Sundajs. 2.15 p.m.
I'or Baltimore and Washington and polnta
South and West xla Bethlehem, 8 63 a, m., 1.10
and 4.00 p. m. Snndais, 2.15 p. m.
For Long Branch. Ocean Ciove. etc., at 8.55
a m. (through coach), and 1 10 p, m.
For nestling, Lebanon and llarrlsburg, xds AI
lentown, S.S5 a. in and 1 10 p in. Sundajs,
2 16 p. m
For Pottssllle, R 65 a in , 1 10 p, m.
For Mountain Park. 8 65 a. m., 1.10 and 4.00
Throned tickets to sll point esst, south and
west at lowest rales st the station.
C 51 lll'nT, den. Pa. Agt.
J II. OL1IAUSEN, Gen. Supt.
Delaware and Hudson.
In Effect June P, 1101,
Trains lor Caibondale leaxe Scranton st n.CO.
ssrjo. S51, 10.13 a in ; 12.00, 1.29, o.,, a.j.,
5"0 6.25, 7.67. D.tS. 1120 p, m.; 1.10 a m
Fcr llonesdale and Lake Lodore, 6 20, 10.13 a.
m ; 2.44 and 5 29 p. m.
For Wilkes-IUrre-d 45, 7 4?. R.I1, 9 3, 10.41
a. m.i 12-01. !.. 2.1. 3 31, 4.27, CIO, 7.4.
10 41. 11.30 P m.
For L. V. It. II. PoInt-6.45, 0 33 a. m.; 2.18,
4 27 and 11.30 p. m
For rennxlxan1a It, It. points 6.45, 9.3S, 2.19,
8.3.1 and 4 27 p m.
For Albany and all points north 6 20 a, ra.
and 3.62 p. m.
For Carbondale S.60, 11 33 a. m ; 2.41, 8.52,
6 52 and 10.62 p. m
For WTlkes-Barre-0.38 a, m ; 12 01, 1.59, 3,23,
6.32 and 8.42 p. m.
For Albany and points north -3 52 p tn,
For llonesdale and Lake Lodore 8.50, 11.33
a. m. and 3.52 p. m.
Breyinler; secretarj-, Mrs. Andiew Al
lien; treasurer, Mrs. K. J. AA'lldrlck.
Mr. and Mrs. Sidney Stearns, of Cort
land, N. A'., xxcre the guests of Mr.
and Mrs. II. L. Kdsall the past xveek.
Ilemy, the little son of Mr. and Mrs.
Geoige Brown, who xvats scalded so
badly by falling In a pall of hot water,
Is slowly Improving.
A number of friend and neighbors
gathered at the homo of Mrs. Mary
I'Mwurds on Monday evening to tender
her a surplrse purt The evening was
pleasantly spent lu music and other
amusements. Refreshments xvere
served, after which they all left for
their lmnic, wishing their hostess
much pleasuie In her new home.
A number of friends assembled at the
homo of Mr. nnd Mrs, T. J. Stewart
on Monday evening to witness thu
christening of their daughter, Tho
water xvlth which the child xxas chris
tened was brought from the River Jor.
dan by Mrs, Royuton, a friend of the
family, who has Just returned from
the Holy Lund,
By n recent act of tho legisla
ture, free tuition Is now granted
at tho
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburg, Pa.
to nil those preparing to teach.
This school maintains courses
of study for teachers, for thoo
prepatlng for college, nnd 'for
those studying music.
It wltl piy to write for particular.
No oilier school offers such stirierior ad
vantage at such loxv rales. Address
J. P. Welsh, A. M.( Ph. D. , Prln.
For Nerxou. Bsekwatd and Pesf Mute Chil
then. Pin sh at Training, Manual Training, Artie
illation, Music, Drawing, Kindergarten, Open
year around. Circular.
S. A. Doo little,
82 Faiview Axenue, Blnglumton, N. X.
Wissahlckon Heights, Chestnut Hilt. Pa!
A boarding school for boys in the elevated
and beautiful open country north of Phila
delphia, 30 minute from Broad 6t. fetation.
For catalogue nddre
T. J. Foster, President. Timer II. Lawall, Treas.
K. J. Foster, Stanley P. Allen,
Vice President. Secretary.
Cor. Sixteenth St. and Irving Tlace,
American Plan, 3.50 Ter Day and Upward.
Kuropean Plan, jl.00 Per Day and Upwards.
Special Hates to Families.
1O2.104.1OO Knit 18th Street.
Tha. 1EFFM1SON Is a thoroughly nrst-claia
fsmily and transient hotsl, offering at aminl
mumcostamazfmiunofluxurvand eomfort.
On 16th Mrest, Just esst ef Union Square,
tt Is within a fsvr minutes ot tha leading
shops, theatres and clubs.
Europesn Plsn, SI. 00 up.
Americsn Plsn, 12.50 up.
Suites with Private Bath, $2.00 up.
For special rates gnldss ot informations rite
JOll.V K. d'MATriKI.D, proprietor
For Business Hen
In tha heart of th wholesale
For Shoppers
ft minuter' walk to Wanamakers:
S minutes to Blegel Cooper's Big
Btore. Eany of access to tho great
Dry Goods Stores.
For Sightseers
One block from B'way Cars, ftr
lng easy transportation, to all
points of Interest.
Only on Block from Broadway.
Rooms, $1 Up. pr?S5TitS.AJSi.
Schedule In Effect Suns 3t 1001,
Trains leavo Scranton:
0.45 a. m., week day9, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor can and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsvillo; stops nt principal In
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Harrlsburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg and tha
0.38 a. m week days, for Sunbury,
Harrisburp;, Philadelphia, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. ra., xveek days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg nnd
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches toPhiladelphla viaPotts.
vllle. Stops nt principal inter
mediate stations,
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hnsleton,
Sunbury, Harrlsburg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
J, B. HUTClUNSOf, Oen. Mgr,
J, B. MOOD. On. Pass. Agt.
New York, Ontario nnd Western.
In effect Tuesday, Fept IT, 1101,
NOUTU B01!,).
Lesxe Leaxe .rrix.
Train. Srianion Carhnndals, Cdoia,
2,0. 1 10,'tils in. II. 10a. m lOOp, m.
No. 7 6 top. 111. i. Carbondale d 40 p. m.
soiiru iioii.M).
Leaxe Leaxe Anne
CadosU. Paibondsle. Srranlr-n.
n. 6 7.00a.m. 7.(0s m.
No. 2 2.l3p liiv tiMpjii. MOp-m.
Leaxe Ja-sx-e . Arj-x
Train. Scranton. Cmhondale. Tadr-sia,
o. n H.SOa. 111 P 10 a. tn 10 is a ni.
No. S 7 (lp. in. r.Cailnindale, 7.(0 p. m.
laxp Leaxe xrrn
I jdosla. Paihoudale. Sxunlen
Vo. fi T.OOa m. ?.(0a in.
Xo. 10 (.30 p in 00 p. in. U,p m.
Tialna Nus 1 on week dais, and 0 on Sundaxs,
make miln line lonnetlicin for New V01K rlti.
Middletoxxn, Walton, Norxxith, Oneida, Osix-ego
and all points xx-est
For further Infnimatlem, consult (leket sgents,
.1. (.' XIIKHMI, (i P . New York
,1 L. WCMsil, T. P. , .scrxnton, Pa.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Train for Nexv York and Intermediate peinri
lesxe wanton at follows! 7 '.'0 a, m., 2. U
p. in,
ArrixslslOS.S a, m from Honesdal. IU'1
snd intermediate points, 9 CO p. m, from N
York and intermediate points. No Sundiy trains. '
-i .....
ift;" ii
1-. I