The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 21, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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-r. r
15 I'roplr line ri tiimnl fiom tlie
-"it Khoi-u, III" inoiiittiilii Mid thf
liilvcliJr Jt Is tin Honson vlie;n
usually imirli Rnloty liewlni In tlio
IntcrclmiiKf! of lumpy RrectliiK
flii'i the entertainment of kiu'sIm, lint
i n; luivc been no Joyous k.iIIhmIiikh
n tt.Is city for tire unci week Jlist enilocl
i week tlint .cems HUr a year In
tli tears It litis cost, tlio jpurct, tln
bitterness. Time, the Inevitable hciW
of Horrow, tlio soft pillow for the indent
nhock, tlio pitiful frlnmi who ininfiirls
miely If slowly, will doubtless w
between tlio weeping eyes ami the
Klinclnw wlileh clouds them some day,
but In Scr.tntein. as everywhere over
the land, the pall of liioilinlni; settled
n ml theie vns no desire for amtite
ment. Our community ha shown It
nelf to bo what we could deslie. loyal,
tender-hearted, quick to fed the na
tinnnl bereavement, eager to respond to
tlio universal feci hit; for some out
ward expression of honor and nrlef.
The Country club of Serantou an
nounces un open Kolt tournament upon
its course, September -5, -ti. " nnd US,
beRlnnltiR next "Wednesday. The fol
Jowluff Is tho unnounceinent:
I Slllll.i.
Anv aiiulrur I Incited to compile 'lliore n
rin cnlMnoe fee, uml the privilege of the eourpe
nil the club home will lie extcmlcl tor tlir fteck
.( tin' toiiriuincnt without charse to any plavrr
entered. J'nlrles mint he maile licfoie 0 o'clock
p. ni , Srjit. 21, tu A. It. Morr. diuitiian Rait
lommlllce, Siraiiton, I'i
SiUfllMIir.R M.
'Hip cmnpptltou kIi.iI! piny n third k hole
ecratrh round. A gold medal will begitrn
for the lowot M-oie.
'l"ie pl.ijct nukltif the shlreii lnteeat von
hall qualify for ni-ilcli y lor the "Counirr
Club Matcb," and the wcoml sixteen hii1l qualify
for m.-itih pjjy for the "Coinolul'ion Match."
'I her? vill lie prize, itlun both the dinner and
runner-up In cji.1i of tlie.e m.ilclni.
hi:pTi:tni:it &i.
Mornlnc rirrt round, bolli lnairlm, el(htee-
Mlemnen-Seccmd round, both mmchco, elh
(ten hold.
SniTf.MnilB "7.
Hornlnc Semi final lonnd, both matclioti, pish-'
Ifrn holcic.
Afternoon l'ouroini niatili. riatern villi be
paired by the Rolf inmmltlre. I't'uts will be
fitn the winner of tlitn match.
MornltiR I'inal round, both mal 1. thim-U
Mtemoon-l.tdir' pulti.i; match. Men's hard
leap medal rcuud. Piiei Mill be Riven the win
ners in both of these nialfhix.
11i rule of tl.e I'nllcd sulfa Coif anVnehlinn
fhill coiern pl.iv In nil ijve
II. Morr. .1. II. Toirey. V ('. 1'iiller, .lamn
Ttlair. .1r., .1 II Drunk, Rolf cninmiiite. T II.
U atUuw, piCfiili nt.
Instead of the cup's usually Riven, the
tiiuniniiient committee has nrratiRotl to
have beautiful gold, sliver and bronze
medals, which may be used us fobs.
The entertainment fommlttee will
serve tea each afternoon. It Is expect
ed that it large number of out-of-town
entries will bo made, nnd that many
vttests w ill be present durlnp the week,
it will no doubt be thn most Interest
Iiir tournament In the history of the
Country club, as many distinguished
pbyeis will be in the lists.
The annual fall Rolf matches will be
played with "vVllkcs-Barre, Uctober 5.
on the. Countty club links, and at
"Vilkes-Harro on the lDth. There will
bft a team ni.iteh at TtinRhamton on
October 11', between I'.lmiia, lllnRhaui
ton, 'Wllkes-Hane and Setanton. i:neh
team will consist of four men. The
Hctantou team will consist of T. M.
"Watklns, J. It. llrooUs, V, ('. Kuller
sin d .AV, J, Toney.
T'ev. Mr. Randolph nnd Mls jjan
dolph returned on "Wednesday from
thoir European visit. They have been
Rone since June and liave had a de
llRhtttil summer, part of which was
Mrnt lit jlnyrcnth. iladamo Tlmbcr-inan-nandolph
will be at her studio on
Monday to try voices, leglhtcr pupils,
assign lesson bouts, etc. She will be
Kreoled by a law class who ate Rlad
to welcome her home.
.Mrs. OeorRO I". tltlflltli and children
loft tor their new home In San Fran
cisco on 'Wednesday. Mli KIoiii Mat
thews, who aii'ompiinled her sifter,
will remain In Calllnrnl.i duiliiR the
a pintly weddliiR took phu at tin
homo of Mr. and .Mio. Moiuoe I'., liiiin
daRe, SIS Linden street, Wcdueclay ev
eniiiR. when her niece. Mls (1. IMUh
AVittklit". was nulled In inanlnRe to
liilin I'. Allan, of l.eatHille. i'ol. The
ci'ictnorty wa perfornieil by Itev.
i:. II. SltiRer. Miss t.llllan Mllnv-c mted
s maid of honor. Miss Kvelyu Mete
dith. a c oiiln of the bride, was bildes
niald. The riooiu was attended by Wil
liam Stanley Meredith, also a cousin
of tile bl lih'.
One of the fiuilutes mt Satuiday
afternoon will bo a ladles' puttliiR
This afteiuoou there will In- all open
handicap for men, when the colllet
ants w ill play tor a up.
Movements of People
Vij Mabel Davli the RUefl of Ml 'pifluue.
Mid. ( du II. Dimtmck i at Uliilnei'a I'ulnl
thli ek.
Thoinan Spraaue returned In m l'lulidelphia on
(,'. 1), .loms and family are at hume from
Lake lirl.
William 0. Hall, of New ior', It tin- riio
of D.nld Iloiff.
.t. I.', rarrls and ton, .'uin. are at lluffalo nnd
.Mr. l,e Grande Wright ic cluitmj, her daugh
ter at Meat 1'ltWon.
Mm. Thoinn A. llerk md Mi-a John (! Hooker
are iitliiR In New Voik
Mr. nnd lira. W. I). II. Alnev, of Mnntrow,
were in the cilj- Ihi-a week.
Mr. and .Mr. Cabin Stone and diuirhter lift
Wednevlay mcht for Ilnflalo.
Ml Curie M Kulttil. of .bfferkon avenue, U
M'uling frlenda in New S'oik i itv.
Mr. nnd Mr .lame Anhlnld and dauuhtir
have rrturned front Coltaeu iij.
Mm. Williani MaiVarlanc, of Wot l'ilttcn,
oprnt jfMfrday i 1 1 1 Iriciul In town.
Colonel A. 11 lllair rill l.irl on Iim annual
ruoftue bunlliiR trii nrt Wcdne-djv .
.Iiidce Hand and family hace le'uined from
thnr summer boin" at Cotl.iRi. Citv
Attorney Piank I!. Donnelli- l pendiiiR a fe'f
davt lil former home in CMIoid, S. .I
Ijicmetr .lohn Hill and famllv t.av .- to
I'.m mericin and the Allrsheny Mountains.
Mil. la-noia 'l1iomon, the lontrtltn of Kim
Talk clrui'h, wa in er oik on Thurcdnv.
Mia Rnes Crohin, of MidUon avenue, i 'n-
tcitainlnir Vi Maicmt Ma.ick, ot Minei'j
II1AVI0 been thiukiiiR about the wo
men who -wanted to form a chain
of prayers last autumn to defeat
William McKlnley. I have been wonder
Iiir what their sentiments are today,
and how they liave felt for the past
fortnight. "Women are emotional crea
ture.". Tlie assassination of tlie pieM
dent, his sufferlns, his death, as holy
and sublime as could be that of a saint,
the mlRlity wave of prior which had
swept over the nation all these ac
companiments of the ttiiRedy must
liave affected thepetltlonerswho want
ed to see tho downfall of the cential
llRure in the century's records. I have
wondered If they like to lemembor
their part In last year'.- campaiRti, and,
too. If they find iileasure In recalling
their melodramatic endorsement of the
one woman In tho land -who is a trllle
less lawless than Knima Goldman
tlu natrow ("arrle Nation.
Is it a satisfaction now to be con-
New Goods for
Ladies' Waists...
Wc Arc Showing Beautiful Lines of Woolens.
French Flannels in plain colors, polka spots, stripes
and Persian effects 50c to 75c
New Silk Stripe Kyber Cloths, medium weight 50c
Soft Akrinos, in new Pastel shades $1.00
Silks, Persian Stripes and Figures, white and black
vork, lace stripes, Pekin stripes and spots $1.00
Jasper Mixtures in stripes and spots $1.00
27 Shades of Cashmere Silk, best in America 75c
Panne Armure Silks, a new one sure to please 85c
sclous that they prayed against tha
man wno pronauiy more prc-cmincntiy
In his own life, publlu and private, was
tho typo of what they would recoRtilzo
ns an example of purity, than almost
any other dlstltiRulshed flrjuro In the
present? Will they enjoy medltatliiR
on tlio fact that after all they wete
only hysterical and took such a ques
tlonable step for reason" which they
hud not fully thought out for them
selves? Their seuseles proeeedltiR was more
Rrotcsque than that of the cartoonists
who potttayod our dead pi evident In
a way which litis made u shudder at
the mental teproductlon many times in
the weary, heartbreaking fortnight Just
ended. The cartoonist makes a
IIxIiir by dipping his pen In
Hall llllil Vltrlltl In nlo;ii tmlt-iil'lml
minds and degrade public taste. Cool
women of the country, praying against
such a man ns William McKlnley, be
cause some Irresponsible Idiot suggest
ed the Idea and It pleased the dramatic
Instincts of tinthlnklmr listeners, tup-
sent a picture whole the lack of dig
nity and feminine Ideals Is too ib
ttuslve to be a ctedlt to an national
Ralleiyof historical pm Halts. I won
der IT It will be a lesson to the sister
hood that believes whatever Is Is
woiir. and If they will continue to
have their opinion moulded by such
men as Dr. Swallow and others of his
The Ricat illflh ulty Is with women
that they hear fcome Immattite Idea
which pleases their emotional natuie,
and off they KO at a tangent clinging
violently to their latest fad and add
Ing h.vsteilcal frills at every 1 evolu
tion. Something It might be so much
better If only they would deliberate
n little. The whole limiting of women
has not been in a line designed to fit
her to make a tadleal change In the
government by divine aid or the other
Theie is no more slgnlfliant evidence
to my mind that women in the aggie
gate are unequal to the task of man
aging gieat affalis of state than this
Minis "chain of prayeis" proposed by
some who wete believed to be among
the s-trongest minded ot thMr m-x.
Washington prayed befoie the battles
which have changed the face of the
world. It Is recotded that Lincoln,
with his sad heart bending beneath th'
weight of his responsibilities offoied
up many a prayer for guidance. In tlie
light of recent events, where death
bed revelations lunr shaken the emo
tions of a gieat nations, there hs no
doubt that McKlnley prayed with all
the devotion of a strong nature, and
that tlif serenity, the beautiful poise,
tho power which he possessed bad In
It "some participation ot dhlneness."
It would have been illlllcult for anyone
to Imagine him as Issuing a petulant
edict for prayeis to defeat some sena
tor or eongicsMiinn who was not In
perfect accord with his policy. It Is
In such gi outness as this that we wo
men should fall. We have not been
trained to a Judicial estimate of values
as far ns vast political Ksites and the
true Idea of st.HcMiiantOilp Is concern
ed. AVe might be export politicians,
but It Is a question whether wo would
be as consistent In our methods as ate
men nnd tint Isn't mnUiig any pie-
tenilous claims. We would cling to a
ionise for feminine reasons, and telln
quih It for others . illoglial. That Is
why we are universally so nice us wo
men. If a peison could picdlct with
any degiee of coiiildeiiio what we
shall do next, we should be shoin of
nun h of that charm which, after all,
contiols the world. I believe that Wil
liam McKlnley would not hac lived
anil died tho stiongest, most Infinitely
hemmed character In this coun
tr. had li nut been for the
gentle. Ilower-llki-his
and bilnglug
ity of his natuie.
as tlie r.iiest and most pieelous gift
befoie It his lieurt ever knelt. I won
tier wlili h one of us women today
would choose political fame fm our
selves lather than tin homage of a
great soul such ns William McKlnley
gave to one delicate, I'i agile personal,
ity dm lug all the yeais of JiN man
hood. What an idiotic thing handshaking
Is anyway. IVrhaps our method of
greeting Is a .slight Improvement on
die Austinliati one of rubbing no-es.
Perhaps it s moie polite than the
South Sea Island fnj-hlon of tin listing
out one's tongue when meeting a
f 1 lend, but It isn't many degrees better
than clllier. Wo would be ns pleased
to shake hands with a fl-di as some
of the people wo greet so cordially.
It does not add to the ho-pltality or
the kindly leellng exptessed In n .Millie
nnd a flash or the eye. It Is simply
a Luge, objectionable Imposition. It
woesn't and cannot mean anything. A
glance is moie altectlonate. and In
clination of the beycl Is more kindly.
Why on c-arth should we want to
squeeze tho hand of some person of
distinct Ion, who doesn't know us fiom
1 he man who play.s tho cmbals In the
orchestra, passes comprehension. If
we have within our mentality that
strange elusive power which can leap
from tin' ees to compel an answering
1 ei ogultlon from his own glance, that
Is anothet matter. If wo have a mag
netism of personality It Is .something
to excel In Its possession even in a
crowd, but most of us have not thai
and might better slay In a sei luded
spot to cultivate It or else be content
to stand aside and look at greatness
lather than push to gain Its attention
by hand-gi.tsps.
Tills I) HUH r.ltlc cu.slom of electing
has been the soiine of agony to gieat
men. Including piesldeuts, all down
the line. While none of them until the
last and In many lespects the greatest
of all. lias been dune to death
beiau-e of It they huo suf.
feied fiom the ardent grasps of tho
iiiultltiKh In a way that few of th
multitude 1,111 appieciate,
4 4
Sale of the Finest and Best Grade of Silk.
' Our entire stock of Colored Satin Gros Grain Ribbons,
,11 colors, all widths: not a lot of undesirable shades usually
ound at special sales, but all new colors of bright, clean rib
ions, Note the prices; come and see the goods.
Widths, 2 j 4 j 7 9 z 16 22 jo 40
Reg. Price 5c 7c 8c 10c i2jc 15c 20c 23c 30c 38c 45c
Bale Price 3c 4c 5c 6c 8c 10c 12c 15c 19c 22c 25c
life illugiiiR to
out the dlvln-S-i
in 11 shrine
415-417 Lackawanna Ave.
Our piesiiieni's wives liae endured
torlilles bei aue of this fetli-h of
AiiieiltanlMU. Mrs. Cleveland, In tlie
climax ot her beauty and ginc. was
forced to devote liouis to the reduc
ing and soothing of the aching mus
cles of her swollen flugeis, and she
was .1 young woman with the vlgoious,
firm right baud of tho up-to-date col
lege girl, fond of athletics.
It Is a well known fact that Mis.
McKlnloy's peillous Illness in Cali
fornia was l.ngoly dill to the over
enthusiastic vice-like grasp of a hand
shaking public that bruited her deli
cate fingers and resulted In a
dangerous wound for tills gentle flit
lady of our land to bai.
If wo msiit shako hands, let in
linltato tho ChlnesB (which wo
might well do In certain other
matters, too,) and shako our own
instead of oilier people's. Then
if we want to squeeze and Jam
and bruise tlio llesh In our exubeiance
of patilntlsm, it will lie our own lin
gers that must ache, hikI It will give
less oppottuuity for villains who nr
handy with guns to murder somebody
w love and honor Saucy Hess.
"Inircurtlr linowlnU It t dinnrfniw tMfif,
Bo in all thirif. let iu bi ccutU. '
Reideti of th fiiUd would itretllr ! m
In my (ilk h; jiklnr quMllont (not
rllj for publication), which tf poMlble wilt
If- iniwfreil In full In in enrlj tune it tttt
IVffklT gid ind th-lr tfctlpl ciinoildd
IminniUtf-ly ty mill All inch CMinmunlc'
lloni mud. Iiowrefr. i iiut'tr ol tovnt,
bfr the wtllfr'i correct nunc nd ddr
ctherwlw tlif iinnct bf tkn Into con.
Why Do Dogs Swallow Stones,
Sticks, Etc,
If II s rciciiilv lion nncrtcil Hut the tm
fme nf foidsii viIwUium like pilifolei, kIjw
and frutbers in a iIjk' Monuih lion tlmt tha
auliiul un nflritdl with ubir. 'II1I5 I' I'.v 110
mcaiiv correct. Ihe ilop prnlulily miflcrinif
11 em hOiii' lomii-li tioiiblc, vvliltli nuy lnvc
Ci rn 1L iunuilloin and i.mcril It to net In .1
manner wlilili cave iiv to tlio delict that it was
r.ihld When n elnj- i ufirlng fiom one er
moie (ninplli.ili(iH nf tlie dkonlfi nt tlie stoni
mli or itiivtltiM ,it il jwallow liim of .ilinost
.iii.itliiiiit viliiili (oniM In dl w.ii liojiltur. to
tin. I .1 mil ill i'i ami 10 irrl tclnt A II til t
111011 iitiuljti, wliose tunic I rmnnt icmcnidci,
Iim clllcll llic eplnimi Ih.ii llic mcic tirt
(if fludine (oieiKU nll.iih0i in .1 il"S'n momiiii,
tiltlioimli no pniof of 1 allies, may indicate incline
l' iiinilni;lli, wliUh i lit outn.tnl form re
feiTililcn violent r.iblw, and U apt to make th
duff dcliaic omcvvlut m an-onlanie vilili the
l'oimlir conception of rablm. 'flic f.m thai 11
tit tr allows kI.i". and ou.i-kmall,.- 11 .miiiII
elciiic, iIock nut ludicitc an.v ncn'oiK ilnurdcr.
Tuc acid in iiic ranlne tiomacli are very tlrong
and 11 rj ilcniifiil. Sointtlincn tlio lining of the
Mumaili Ikioiiiih fo ihaigcd nilli tlicec .li.hll. m
i'MM nf the i)ii,iulit,v icrpiiud to dimt the iipcii wlili li 1I10 animal lia It 11 livini:,
thai ihe tnltiter icel, an iriilatit Mhleli ail
upon the i.ill of the MoiiikIi anil c.ilic 1111
nitlficlal uvitrloiv of the nnd. liraet H I tic
eoiiiiti-l'liiilaiit prnvnlrd d.v nitiilc, and the
one the clop ptcfcrn. It ilmt tint cliooic unouili
tftiv, dm that Mliiili lu piiiklc ciIkis mid
lie klrs, 111- little Rl.nnle vec reting the a ld It
craw ic tint atoiuid, timt U Mill cat,
wlilili never Unc M-tlou Injun. When nelthir
itrjis nor hair can de found, the poor animal will
tn.illoiv other fiilitainc, mic 1i .i hIoiipi and
viooel lite lailer 1 ilani;rriiu
Thf innial i natch .iinir tlcg and aticnd in
cm nf'r. Do lint A'ciinie he
ha lahid because lie nwaitottt tnreign Mill
Insects and the X-Boys.
V dnv w,i nude liilf n wood and hilf nf
hcel Icid. In tlie nondeti Inlf a nuindei of
lanac of tiiei, dec, dcetlra and clher nwei is
mt plated, and the dn n ihen plated In the
field of the vram liic m"cit inlnni at nin,t
dennic (tl i-jtlv CKited. and after iiawliiic In ami
from, flinllt cnilirratetl, in a tonn, I" ihe lead-n
halt of the de, wiieic llic 1 iv tnuld nnl pene
lialc. Th- cTpernncnl via5 rtpcated niani 1 1 tut .
and alnai with the tain" renlt (.miliar r
piiimeiil uav tiit'd uith tin dlind lanac nf a
teiiiiii t.pci leu 01 t'Cctlp. nimili-i m tnetii
Mire plated in an ch 11 iieu Imv. ttunli alv,
enutaiiied a tnclal ln n-'tli m npenmc N
runner teic Mm ravt turneti nn imn Hie iiie,tt
t-hiniftl HtEtit e.t tliirr'. Ilieir iincaiin,A in
iieatt'il, and in 1 liltlc while ide.i .til nnueht
lefllKC in tlie dn, tho linic m Hip
stolid epeiitneiit rie ,-niireH ijhtlcs-. theu
peitepllnn of tiic rat- ttiu-t tike pla e ihrniii;li
the iirrtej nf t ! -kin Ihe Ainern in ttiy
.li'UIII 1.
A Peculiar Legal Decision.
ei t orioiM inlerpietatinn nf the law c, -it
at llluea, n unions that it eeenit at timusli the
t'lhi 1 tn t In ran did nnl en hit wav veri t tear1
I" an.v iraMiriahlc Hetlleineiit Morkincniaii
C dug up Ihe :111c pi ink ol .1 vcvil in all I. lis
lili tin, k fell ami hull hmwd to hidli that
lit- ditd in a tew ditf.. Iho juiUc tl-1, nei ihat
hi. lanilly it not cnlitled to compi ntalmn
deiai.jc Ihe slap vtat not a laitm.v. nn appeal
tint tleei-inn vat auMaiiied t another e.nir'
dul lurlher nppcil to the hmtv' nf lrdt ictuaid
In a nf tlie vcrdiei thai 1 ntup wat
inn a latim.v. li at 11 fm tory In the plaintiff
111 Un at tiivli .lint lli.e that was where hi wwn
cariiinc tut loins, llic mhi wat in drt dm k
nml it wa ,1 tatlnr.i, lltnefmi t'n nnkininn
tinul.v were cntlilttl lo inovpr.
New Engines.
li eiuui,. fin ptsMMiKCi M-rt 11 1 hi-, lie, p t..tet
f.a lit. 1 t 11. la. t pied and 1- ilatiiiitl t le
at mitaiiic up,,u cvt-tiu? hnninniict li 1 a
thici tiimiii i impound, I'm- IiikIi tiretsnie and
iwn hot pM'-.i'ir. itllinlcri, ilie litter being tun
iu mime 1 lid. wliilc llic f. rni"i mU ..11 a
ctanlcd tiiam avii Ihe high pfi -vine cvliinlrr
PVli1(lts lllln liottl III 1..M pn .ttl,, illimlcK,
ami pinti."ii i made foi arlmill 111c loo tt tin
inlo the low ucvmjii i.tllinl.n nn stariniK a
lit.itt tiuiii. I lit. -1' l.l-l are JO 1111I1 diameter dv
II ineh, while tin. Inch rciutr n Vi
Imlie. I ,,1 .'! 11,1 In- jitml.p new fcituie in
llic doiltr 1- iht- iiiiplo.tnieitt ot wait r lulu
in Ihe upper put nf tin lndo nn-Miis 11
lioin ,i,, to -Idi ; thfj.c lubet inMc.i'.e the heat
fni. tiiitatt- in the lircbov. mjiiic ;:ci jh r ecttt ,
and Ihe rmur endt ili-ller into tlie wao-r ia, ,
Hie uprtiinir in I he -hell -hut. cxtinialli, I"
inir pioltttcil In. a hntinM and Udts in ihe
mini wac. It n-tattd lliat tlilt engine hat ilnne
IiihiiI work fm it- iliinrii-hiii.. uklng Ir.urH . 1
4U4 tun- .11 a epti'd ot ,VI mill- pir hoili otn
lit lit Kl.ulei.
'Ihe elhleiiei nf oil nuiii.'e nliat f. 1 nRine
iu vvhitli the inipul-t- 1- ihtltid li.iui the cvpln
nun of foil a and .ilri In. icaing tlail.t N r
ntilv i- Ihe rcioilalinn cnullt liuptmcd, lint tin
ioiiiiiiiptlt.n of oil iv. ilct irii-!i; ,al-o. Ihe fir
cl Hie eiiKiritu I- ineiralng, 1 I1.1t thei ate imu
f.irriiiiladlc liiali nf the encine . 'i-prciallv
in poilable wink. Ihe ldianlagr ti Milling irinn
doilic anal with ilic holler, and it-'11
ablc watii Hinl fuel clippie, ale nn km 11.
givniff the oil umlnc bii aiiiautanc ulniii will de
HI) hard to utitioliii-
The Weather Btneau's Foiecasts in
the Rural Districts.
Taunt I- who live on the line of r111.1l fu
mail tlilivrey louiea are to half the ad inl.ii;e
til Ihe Weather Ituuaii'i (cirtj.ts of the weatlnr
Aiuiigcnicnta aic deing made h.i the Potnttl, e
l)fiailiiimt ami the Weather Huicni tn liaie the
mail 1, nta (ipiippul Willi witli tigiuN, wliiih
will lie lOti.pii uotik. n that the.i tin be icid
.11 iniitiilei idle elitlanei. fiom tlie hlirhnaic.
I In- tanii -icieni ol nolifilns the faunei't in
nn cpocili reitlnl icaiiin. of the Wett hit
deiii in 110 on tlie o-ialliil mulm nf 'I.
io..i1 criiitc and nn the train of the I'n ilh
latlroadt for 3 number nf viai put, and hjt
pimed ii'ij -aii.lai inij to the farmtit.
A New Kind of Gas Tubing.
new kind 1 f sas mbiin; in put un the market
wliuli Ik leiniutncnded fm- u.c whole thctc 1.
an.v il.k of Hie uihdcr being burnt, at in
inokiiiff ton. ironlni., I' wmkt, etc
The lubber tnhliitf U covcietl with finely woirn
braid of athestut, md further with Intcnibuitihle
piini. ulin h will wilhiand a Kieet amount of S'limcioiH a.iiileuu onur throuali llic
tubiiict tomlni; n tonuu with tho p.H ttamc,
or wild healed niaftiulc, and HiU new article .
Kliowimt 1I1 tilled advantaiTM mer nnlimi.i itibhir
lulling-, cho ild comiiiand a n-adj kale.
Remarkable Economies in
Boys' Clothing and Shoes
For Intending Purchasers Today.
The growth of our Boys' Clothing and Shoe business is
sufficient proof that the goods we handle gives universal
satisfaction. You can always be sure of receiving here the
best qualities at the lowest prices.
Take, for Instance, Today's Offering in Boys'
School Clothing ane Shoes.
U If f '
Boys' School Suits and Knee Pants
Boys' Vcstee Suits at S1.48 Sizes 3 to 8. An exceptional
bargain. All kinds of desirable patterns and also in plain blue,
the material trustworthy and made in the new fall fashions, the
sewing and trimming first-class in every respect, 4 . 0
made to sell for $1.98. Saturday price $ 1 .4o
Hoys' '2-IMCCC Suits ftt Sl.ilS Sizes 8 to 15 years. Made in
double-breasted style, of durable cloth, plain grey and blue; also
neat stripes, strongly sewed and trimmed in the best t
manner. Regular value $3.50. Saturday price.... p 1 .vo
Hoys' Knee Pauls at 25c Strongly sewed and rightly
made. Knee Pants In many different shades and colors. ,
Should be soc, but price here 2,5 C
Boys' All Wool KllCC Pants at iiOc Double seat and double
knee, in blue, brown, grey and desirable mixtures
Kxtra well made and trimmed. Worth 75 cents, but
here at 5l)C
Boys' School Shoes
At IMIC Boys' Shoes in sizes 8
to Yt, box, grain and glove ctlf,
made with strong oalc soles and
reinforced stays. These shoes have
spring heel. Always sold
for $ 1. as. Price now VvC
Little Boys' Shoes In sizes from
12 to 2. These shoes are made of
satin calf with McKay's sewed or
standard screwed soles, mannish
heel, proper shape and
style. For Saturday at... 99C
At SI. ID Boys' School Shoes. In
sizes 2 to 5., satin calf and grain
leather, mannish heals, double soles
and strengthened back.
Remarkable value at., ipl.iy
Jonas Long's Sons
Wear Clothing
Fall Styles in Shirts
Great plenty of patterns and color
ings, made of Oxford and t f(
Madras Cloths P -vu
Wets never so near perfection in
every detail as this season and an inspec
tion of the varieties of colorings and
ptutciiid is an incus b
needed to convince mP
you. 1 p i J II 7 J
ran ana winter
Consistently priced
$6.00 p-
liave undergone a
most ladical change,
and the high crown is
the "real thing" for
Fall and Winter wear
ing. We carry these goods in
Exceptionally Good Value
The styles are always correct.
Ask to see our
Detfey at $3.00
Is one of our specialties, and you'll al-
1 way 3 iiiiu iiic newest
goods here.
Shapes and shades
enough to please the
most fastidious.
1. j. ii s sn
Clothiers. Tailors, Hatters,
304 Lackawanna Avenue
25c "" 50c
BPBIfiTT?7i7Tf . a ; VnHMIiHHH
We make are the
best tailoring art can
)duce. Made of imported woolens
1 best the market affords.
Our Patterns Are
Especially Desirable
Gieat care and good judgment having
been exercised in purchasing.
an mwir to .t iiuoion pin let nif l."
of ihr rmlm e.t the S.lnd. I gut- ut nilslit
ijm for a iletlnllion of tlio phrjr "V)iliologii4l
Aloiiifht." iiwil ol IjIp ijulie froqiifiillv li rli
tuial CMltrm. 'I his phu.-e I, jn iJaUt ton ui
tlio pxnrciun, "l'ir mrllnlie moment ili cci
llceu tiVontnli," iun l.v vno c( U.c nWtrart
(iciiuaii phllosoplirn (whi'h crt I ciimot ju-i i
proienl in .ill In mlml), to illgiutP a Miil.lm
iliktlint iikiiIjI l.lon c a ew cinotloiul mi
pirleji. .Iml.'Ir.c Iroin it iwnl eonlrvl 1 1
rirrlun nnvudjj, m n,nl m ilmolii Hut pjr
llnilai lurloil of nine en iln moincnl ehfn
nut in ninif liiilcfinHr IcJej. nhiih lito Wrn fl.MI
inn tu clir iimiil tmonir kiiciilrnl.c rrfUlliid.
k, 10'41, jni finrj eiihil rxproklon In ccrilini;
or in kpffili it a drrtnlli' niilonomli tlionuhi
I Iim pvi Imlou'ii il nioiiiMil nut ho prce IpiutKl
h 11 kiiil'len rcirrani:i mini nf llic ivoiMjiion ol
dlfrf 111 tin mlml, 01 eeh4t la m.iio common,
li.e iif ineii-utril iiiniinti,iiion nf Ihe inin.l
1J111 to Ihe nnritill) of i niu In in fthlntl.l
willlns or extempounrou. publlr rpeakinir on
.1 ciien Ihenif or ulijri't. In Int. p.i
inoimnt anel utiat lie knnun a an inepimtlon are
m,i nurl.v lion; moil.,
c arl Seller, M P.
Style in Leather.
The nature and quality of Leather has thor
oughly been studied in the make-up of every Shoe
in this new department.
All Leathers used in their construction are es
pecially adapted for men's wear. The new Fall
shapes, or lasts, have been a pleasing surprise to
many so far. Have you seen them?
Samter Bros
-3 Outfitters