The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 21, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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    xiw . '
Doth Spoke on the Life niul Lessons
to Do Drawn from the Cnieer of the
' Late Ptesldcnt McKlnley Thice
Flies In One Houso Yesterday.
Shooting Match Won by Will An
nemnn runcinl of Mis. Williams.
Death of Edwaid Joidan Othei
Notes and Fcrbonals.
The Hist of the full HiimluM "f Link
nuiiuuii imini'll, No. HUd, Hnynl Ai
oniuini. was held nfli-i tin lr icKiilnr
meeting In Iorlto hall hist cvcnlnu.
The attrndnmc was lurRO art usual,
and a nuinbu of usltois finui other
cOlllii-lls IIPIP plo-i'lll. ItCKOIIt Out-ti'iuli-n
was thiilimitu of the nodal ho
lnii, and made a ! w lulef lntioduo
loty jcmaiks.
Hon. John 15. Tan and Attorney C, V.
Diver weio the M'mkeis of the own-tup-,
and Imtli ji.ild rlo(timit ti Unite"
to the inonioty of tho Into Piesldent
Me-Klnlr-y. liistitmu'iilul s li'i tlmi
wcio i I'tiilrrrd by 1'ied ltobliiMin, and
cimiis uc-ic passed. Jtofreshnii-nts weio
ufiotwiiids served.
.Mi. Pair icleitPil to Mi-Klnle s bill
Hunt taiccr as u man, state -ennui ami
politician, and called attention to
President llooscelt'n lltntws as u Bin
eessor to the nmi t icil inoslilent He
also sioted .111,111 hy and ill Red his
hr.treis to take .1 moie netlo Intel est
In and 1 iUi atlunal mallets,
and abide li the law.
Mr. OlM'i i,ilfl a worthv ti Unite to
McKlnley, epiesstiK himself In an pin
((itent maimer, adding that no wniilu
of his could do justice to mh h an illus.
trlous statesman as McKlnley. The
leinailcs of both spp.ikois who list
rncd to with maiKed attention, and re
tched llbei. il applause.
Tito on South Main Avenue.
At 7 SO o'lloek j.pstciday 11101 nine;
.1 tamp exploded In tho lear of William
.Innes,' coiifcitlonuiy stoio on South
Main nutic, near UMslon stieet, and
the flames d miiiKPd the to
tie extent of eeial hundied
Tho (lie was ilhcovciett by Mis, j. -, .
lie 11 MKh(i, who Iim , 111 t doni, and
the peininient men al the I'nlumliln s
ipilltPts Wile not tiled They qilii klv
le-iponded and ovtliiKUlslied the flames
V thoi t time nfteruaiils hiiioKo v. is
pe 11 I'MiIng I10111 tho see ond stoiy,
Itoe and Almond Cream removei
rednc&i of the skin and soothes the
rain of tunburn In oao night. Take
a bottle with jou on jour vacation.
Just a few of the little things that are usually
thought of at the cud of the week, brought before you
at a substantial saving from every-day prices.
Leather Goods Department
LADIES BELTS In leather, in velvet, in tucked
satin, etc. Bright, clean, new stock, with al! the lat- ,
est fashion points in them. Choice on Saturday 25C
A very superior line of Belts, in leather, satin, n
metal, etc. Choice on Saturday 5UC
LADIES' POCKET B00KS-!n all the new styles
and reliable qualities at ,10c and 2iOC
Ladies' Waist Department
FOR SATURDAY only, we offer abeauiiful line ol
French Flannel Waists, in all the new shades. They're
strictly up-to-dato and well worth $2.50 each. The . n
Bargain Price $1.98
Men's Furnishing Department
of fast colors nnd pretty patterns. French style, at
tached cufls and two collars. A remarkable offering
MEN'S NECKWEAR-Our fall line is complete,
and we think it as near perfect as can be. All the
, - new shapes and styles in two great values at oOc and
initial, and half or quarter-inch borders. A special
Saturday bargain at 15c, or i for
MEN'S HALF HOSE Made from real Maco yarn
and fast color. Split feet, fine guage and good fall
weight. A 20c quality for
Muslin Underwear Department
'- bib. The best half dollar apron in Scranton. On
; LADIES'FANOY HOSIERY In stripes and figures.
A splendid assortment on Saturday at
,, LADIES' YESTS-High neck and long sleeves.
The right weight for early fall wear. Nicely finished
j goods, in all sizes, at
Globe Warehouse
nnd nn lincstirjution uxraled the ft
that the tlamcs bail in ten then wio be
twei it the walls, but In fore llicj hud
trained imirli h.nduas the tlieinen wi-ie
aiialn called and put them out
Tli fltenien wete ealkd out foi the
thhd time last evening to r-NtliiRtilsli
flumes In the biilldliiK. when adltlonal
iicmaiti' was dune The leal of the
..nine is quit' b.ldly dnnuiRPil.
Shooting Match Yestculny.
The postponed sIlootlllK mill' II. be
tween William Anneiiinn and William
Miusli wax pullnl on the llilik yiud
Kioiinds visli-nhiv 11101 Hint.' and n
sultcil In an msy lttoiy foi Anne
mi'ii. He tlKPided III hllllllR ID out of 1".
plReoiis, while Maisll killed but - out
of 15. The match was foi V'O a side,
with :i0 junta Use mid fin yauls bound
i David lIliRhei was tefeiee, and
t'h.nles Yoos acted as .stake holder.
ll.ull 111 in wan supposed to shout at
M.rnty-one binls, but as Autietn 111
killed ten out of llftcen and Minsk only
I'.illed two out of llftcen. It wiih not
necessity to shoot the limit. The ttap
ieis ueie .lolm Maish, Paid .lours,
Taylor, Thomas Mm no and ThomiiH
II. .lones.
Tendeied n Reception.
Mr. and Mis I.cwls Kobcits, of
lb llcvile. who have leccntly 1 etui lied
home ft mil 1111 extended Ihuopean tour,
wle ti-li'tpiid 11 101 option last evinlliR
111 tin- P.ellevue Welsh I'nlx lulslle
.Methodlst Inn ill bv theli ft lends and
niemheis of the Jtcllcnuo und
llilllll.ll soditV
Mi. Kobeits spoke lit the 'Welch
toiiRtii- rIvIiir an imoiint of their e
prililiics, and hliort nddiessts
vvi-iu nihil made by It' v. William Havls
and otheis. A number of vocal se
lections weie iiJoed, and lefiesh
nielitH weio set veil. The event was one
of tho iiiot enjo.vnblo of Its kind ever
hold In Jtellcvue.
Musical Ticat Fiomiscd.
TIip people who attend the ,l,u ktcon
.sliert l'.aptist eliiiu-li tomoirow even
Iiir -wilt he rIvcii a musical tieaL out
of the nidluai.v. The N'oitb Ihid illi e
club, the Mtiiessful competitois at the
I. ibeir day eisteddfod ut Like l.ndoie,
will lender the competitive piece, ' Mat
t.v is of the Aiona "
The srivlco will bpfjln at 7 o'clock
shaip, and llcv. Alva H. llobut, of
Ciocr, will iireach the fepiniou.
Jackson Stiect Baptist Chinch.
Simdiiv cvenhiR September "J. we
will have the ple.isute to hear the
(listliiRiilshed divine, the Uev. Alva S.
Jlob.ilt. D. I , 01 Ctoei Senilnatj
Moud.iv, the J lid, the lnlulbtcis and
theli wives, of the AbliiKton llai'tist
As-oclatlcni, will meet with us foi thpir
annual banquet At 10 VI the lb v.
Alva S. llobut, U H, will addiess
the lonl'ieinc. At 1J " the ladli s will
seive tile dililiei to be followed by
afic i-dlnner .spcodies on "Vacation
,i hoi s '
The Ninth Knd pi ie Rb e 1 lull will
iiir 'The Mai iv is of the Aieua' at
lln evening sc 1 h (. tumi'i tow, and up
Hutunity Is t,U.ii in us to In at- tho
c-hoius who won the pilp at Lnlte I.o
doip ltppaialn hav-p Iipkuii for our Hat
vrst llouip A Bond i Inn uk wax pipsint
Tin sday nlfilit.
A uipiit ileal of pipdlt It deserved
by tho number of vouuk moti in our
chut ill who vvoik as well a.s prav.
Died f 10m His Injmles.
lMwaiil Jordan, a miner employed
at tin- ('"ittinl, vviiec fatally ciuhIipiI
bv 11 fall of rock while at vvoik yrnter
du moinlni;. He was wniUlnr; In the
chamher and hefoto he had time to
ciape the full oc.-e.-tli red and ciUHhed
I1I111 beneath It.
The Inltlied man wasc taUeu out nllve
liv lilts fellow woikmen, and lemoved
to the Moses Tavloi hosdtal. but lived
onlv a shoit tlmo afterwaids. lie.
I'i'.iKPd vvan 11 reKldent of Hellevue and
Is miivIvkI by his wife and neveial
1 hlldieu.
Tho funeial will menu at ""() o'eloelt
tciuoiiow altcitioon licini tho house,
:i.!l ll.ii k miee-t. Intcillient Will bo
1'iii'lp 111 tho Oathe-dial cometet.
Sill: Ribbon Sale.
Out tubes oil nil best lilhhou Sat
tinliiy. Sco mil advoi tlsemeiit on an
other paRe of this paper.
.MIIAIE.S ,L llAC.i:.N.
runcinl of Miq, Wllllnms.
The fiinciiil of the lalp Mis .In no
Williams 1111 old and nsppiled usl-ili-nl
nee 111 icil vtstenlav afteinoou
liom tho home of her tlaliRhter Mi.
II. J I. Hill, on P1I10 Hlii'pt, near Hiom
It y iivenut'. Slim t seivhes wcio held
at tho liiuive, after vvhlt-h the lPinains
weie ipiuovpil to tho Tabeinat'Io Con
Kipatlonul cliuuh, win to Itev I). 1
Jones, the pastor, jiicmlieil the funeial
The li.ill-be.ileis wnc V M. Jones,
llvan V. llvans, Jjv.m ti. Keesp Thorn
as J. Williams, IUlIiuiiI V. Thom.iH
and Umlel Uokpi s, Intel metit watt
made in tho Wnshbllin .stieet cemeterj.
Our Now Tall Line
of hats, Mlili (m, neiKweiil, eli l now
toliiplt-le. Call and luspei t
lticiiAitus .t am urn
oJ'i J.aekawanua ave.
Mlf. Thomas Ciauville ami Jli
Klii-iilieth Klpfn, ot Tiinkli iiiiini K ato
the Riie-'ts in Mis J. Seidell swls'iei,
of South .Main avenue.
Seivlecs over the lenialus of the lale
Mis .Mat 11 l.aikue will be eondllt ted
by 15iv. II. c. MeHeimott, pastoi of
the SltupMiii .Mi thodlst Kiisiop,il
t lulu h, at s.:n o'tloek this nun liltiK at
tho house on Ilawthome stteet, Tilpp
Talk. The i cumins will be taken to
Danville for Intel me lit.
The funeial or the- lale If. C I Human
will take plate tomoiiow atlcitiimn at
lull o'clock liom tlio house on Tenth
edit-Pt. Sei vices) will bo held 111 the
SlnipMin Methodist llplnopal c hun h at
J o't lot k, an. I Intel meat will be made
ill tin- Washbuin stieet it mete I. v.
All nildllKPiiiPiitu have been mm.
pleti d lor the Knnlnle c lubS dam e at
Men is' hall next Tuesday evenlnK,
wliieh will be the openliiK mji lal event
ot the m asoii
The Hist sot lal of the Colonial i lull s
dalle ins eliri was held in Washing-tun
hull 1 1 -1 tvinlns: and was 1iirpj it-
trnded. Music; was by Miss
Nellie 'ut nil
1'iank Nli hols, nf l.alavette stieet,
has euieitd us a htiulent In the Itiook CollPHu of I'liaimac.v.
Knl'it Jiiatlby, letuMv of New
Vmk, has accepted a position in a dint;
Mine at rittston.
Mi. ami .Mis. David J D iv l mil
children, of South ll.vde J'aik avtuue.
no vlsltlns tho lonnri s paitiils in
Iti.rzll, Indiana.
Joseph llattln, ot South Main avnuie,
had his aim Injtiied leeently while en
R.iRed In a inaetlce R.inie of loot ball
Mi. and .Mis. David Co, ot Wash.
Inii n tttcet, aif spendliiR a lew daja
at the Pan-Amei ban exposition
MNs l'hnebo Shlppei, ot South Jlde
Tail; avenue, lias lttuimd linmc fiom
a visit uith fii nils at Atwatet, N. Y.
Ch.ules J, HaaR, of Jat k.son htioet,
is situding- Ids vacation at Jliifiulo
'J'ho ladles of the Sinipsou Methotllst
KplsLopal ihuith (.ci veil another of
their delicious puppets to a I.uro iiuiii
hc i In tho chmeli last cvcuinR-. The
nicnu was. excellent, and a. Rood sum
was ualltd liom the uncle 11111x1115.
The ltachclois and Anthiailtes will
play their pivtpcini-d r.iiiio ot bise bill
at Jot) o clock this afletnuou on the
Hiowus' giounds.
The weildlnp; of Thomas Williams and
Mss Ut becca Thomas Is nimouneed
to take plai c- on Weduesdaj, Septeni
lie r ".".
Mlbs JCato llenulon, of .Tacks-on .stieet,
Is vKltliiR- li lends In and Mu
lleld. Miss Anna Itaffetty, of lhnmet street,
lias u tinned home fiom a visit with
ti lends In Ciibondale.
-Mis, John J. O'.Malley, ot I.lurnln
Helslits, Is entetlalnliiR Mil-. Joseph
Me Donald, of Caibondale,
IMriii- A. Jones, of South Main nve
niie, will lesume his studies nt Yalo
next week.
The spiv It os In the nelKvin- AVelfh
C M. c'liuith tomoiiow inninlu at 10
o'clock will bo In tho KhrIIhIi lanRiiiiRo;
In the evcnliiR at G o'clock In the Welsh
The Rospt I mettliiK' Sunday nfier-
iiooii at 2 j o'tloek at the South Side
V. W C. A. looms.Ki.'l Cedar avenup,
will be It U by Miss Anna Van Noi t.
Theie will he Kpctial inuslt. All wom
en and Rills ate Invited to conio und
biliiR- their fi lends.
Di. and Mi.s. citoigp II. nejuolds, of
Noi ill Main avenue, will leave toinor-
low tor llilistia, Kiihciuehunnn county,
xv he i o the clot tor will ictuppiato for a
lew ilnjH alter his Ioiir IIIupss.
William llittttm, ot Jat K-on hIippI,
has iitiiiuetl home Horn a business
tlln to Pittslleld, Mast.
Tho toneeit ot tho "William Cnnnell
nice club, nuuouniecl tor next TiiPMJuy
eveliliiR at tho J'hst Aelsh ltaptlst
e hui eh, has been postponed until AVeit
iiPMlay evPiilUR, on account of the con
vention ot Republican dubs In the ai
inoiy. Mis. O A. She paid, of Toiest CUy;
Mis. John ti. Owens, and Mis. David
Williams, of Cllfioul, attended tho
ItPMinlils-llnrillnK weilillim on Thuis
dny evenliiR.
A Hpeelal meetlnsr of tho West Side
Cential Itepublluin club will bo held
thin PvenlnR to complcto the nuniiRc
nients tor the eomcntlon ot Itepubll
ean clubs next week
Invitations havo been Issued for the
wedding of Daniel Jay Itecso und Miss
Is In Ftoro (or all uho nso Kemp's IMham for
tho 'Jliroat mid l.ungi, 1 lie sriMt guirantced
remedy, Mould jou bcllcto tlut it it told on
lta merits and any dru.'glat li authorized by the
picprlctor of UiIj wonduful remedy to et )Ou
a Mniila botllo dec? it never falls to curt
cuto or chronic cougln. All drugUt icll
Kcmp'i llalsjin. I'ilte 25c. and (Qc.
Doctor Wanata, of Lansing, Mich.,
Says There is Nothing in the Materia Medica that
Equals Lydia E, Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound for tho Ouro of Woman's Ills.
"T)rAn Mns. T'ivkiiam : The honest, intelligent physician is nbovo
tho ' School.' Whatever fa best in ciielt enso should bo used, no matter
to what school a physician belongs. J, as n matter of conscience, can
only preacribo tho best, and as 1 know and havo proven that thcro ig
nothing in .Materia Jledira which equals Lyclla K. J!nllinin'R Vogo
tttblo Compound in scveio fiisea of female disorders, I unhcfeitatingly
pioscritK) it, and Jiuvo never yet been Miiry.
"I know of nothing better fi-r ovarian troubles and for falling of
the womb or ulcerations; it absolutely restores tho affected parts to
their normal condition quicker and better than anything else. I havo
known it to euro barrenness in women, who to-day aro happy mothers
of children, and whilo the medical profession looks down upon patents,'
1 havo learned, instead, to look-up to tho healing potion, by whatever
name il bo known. If my fellow physicians dared tell tho truth, hundreds
of them would voico my sentiments." Dr. Wanata, Lansing, Mich.
As Dr. Wanata savs, if physicians dared to bo frank and own, hun
dreds of them would acknowledge that they constantly prescribe Lclia
K. lMnkham's Vegetable) Compound in sovero c.isos of female ills, as
they know by experienco that it can bo iclied upon to ellect a cure.
Women who aro troubled with painful or in egular menstruation,
backache, bloating (or flatulence), leucorrhcea, falling, inflammation or
ulceration of tho uterus, ovaiian ttoubles, that " heating-down " feeling,
dizziness, faintness, indigestion, nervous prostration or tho blues should
take immediate action to waul oft! the serious consequences, nnd be
restored to perfect health and stiength by taking Ijjdia K. Plnktiam's
Vegvtabln Compound, and then writo to Mrs. Pinkham, Lynn, Mass.,
for further freo advice. Xo living peison has had such a vast and
successful experience in treating female ills. She has guided thousands
to health. Every suffering woman should ask for and follow her advice.
Lclia 13. Pinkham's Vegetable, Compound has carried hundreds
of women thiottgh tho periods of child bcanng and change of life in
perfect comfort and b.ifety.
A medicine thnt has restored so many women to health anil can produce
?roof of the fact must bo regarded with respect. This is the record of IjjdiaK.
Miikhtim's Vegetable Compound, which cannot he equalled by any
other medicine the world has ever produced.
It is well to remember these facts when some druggist tries to pet jou to
buy something which he says ii "just as good." That Is impossible, as no
other medicine has such n record of cures as Ljdia- 13. Pinkham's Vege
table Compound ; so do not experiment with untried medicines.
It KWAHI). Wo haro deposited with tlm National City Bank of Lynn. $0000,
which will be paid to any iei ton who can Onct that tho aba to twtliuoulnl letter
is not Koaulno, or was putilUhod beforo obtaining tho wtitor'8 apodal por
mitilon Lyilla It. I'lnkbatn Moclioino Co., Lynn, Mats.
ltp'j'.v Ku fiiucluei on "Werlnes-daj
Octobci .', nt 1 i in, nt the home of
Mi. ami Mis J.iiimtu (i.udnei, V.u.
ton Mile, l,i.
1'iecleile it Jone of jadoou stteet,
letuined hoiue jtsteiclav ltoni Xew
Voik. lie will tomoiiow foi Duii
Kltlc, X. V.
Theie will not he any Suncl.iv s-ehool
III the Hampton Stieet Methodlict JOpls
copal t Inn ill tomoiiow nfternoon.
The test of the Ki.iuUUn steamer will
he made at ' o'clock this nioiniug nt
the coinei of lljclo I'.uk luenue nnd
JuikHon istieet.
I'ttei- V. llaiumett anil Miss Sainh
Thomas weie nun lied by the Itev. V).
'. Jones, puMor of the Tabernacle
c lunch, nt It o'clock jesterday. They
went to Klinha, X. V , on the 1 o'clock
train on their wedding ttlp.
"William 1J. Lewis, of Luetne ftieet,
was badly biultccd by a tall of loot In
the Cential mine ycMtetday.
The Defendeis' bisket ball team will
conduct a social Monday night In St.
John's hall
The niembeis of the I.ojalty club of
the Yntiiifr AVomen'.s C'lnlsllnn nc-ocl-ntlon
met In leijulnr cession lust een
liif,, after n two nionth's wuspenwlon.
tiu.K raucox s.m.i:
Cut pikes on all best ISIhlmnH Sat
in day. See our adxei tlsemeiit on an
other p.iKi) of this pupei.
MIhs YliKinla (1iIbk, ot I'lttston
aenue, has tcturned home, nfler a two
months' stny with fi lends In I'aihon
dalc. X. J. Xealon nnd I. J. Teeiiey at
tended tho i.ues nt rittston on TIuiih
ilny. MUrt J. MeyoiB, nf I'lttston .iveuue,
lett for the i'au-Aiueiiiau c.spoxltlon
J. DoiiRheity, of Tin nop, called on
his many South Simmon tilenilH cn
loiiluy. J. J. riaheit, of I'lllKlcm iivenue, Is
leioNCllllg fiom a hceie lllncfM.
Tho luemlK'ts of t'uluinliUH cciumll,
Youilff Mell'H IiiHtitilte, will meet In
iPRiiliir bonMon In I'liiiiiuiu y hull on
Sunday ufteiuoon nt -' 10 n't leu k nh,up,
orn ni:v i'ai.l i.ini:
nf lintic, uhlitH, neckwear, etc, Is now
complete, fall and Inspect.
."'JO LiLknwanna ne.
MM Mazle fieorKO of Chinch ac
nuo enteitnlnpil a number ot jountj
trleiulH nt her homo last evenlmr. Ilur
Inff the ovenlnu Raines of vnilous kinds
weio ludulRcel In until n sensonnblo
hour. Those ptesent weie: Muty nnd
l-' Clenlt, Mniy Mm nn, Katie
Lynch, Xelllo Nolan, Kntlo McCarthy,
Yeionlc.i Ucoikc, Joseph "Walsh, Peter
Mcauhe, IMwmel Collin?, I.nwieneo
tieorRo, lldwnnl Jloriiu, Finnic tleotge,
1'iank Nolan and Ft auk Funoj.
Theio was no bhiiio of baeket ball
plaed at tho Auelltoi linn Inst nlfilit on
at count of tho hall bclnir used for an
other puipose. Next Ftiduy eenlnu
the HIkIi Woiks' basket ball team nnd
the Xoith Knd Stats will play at the
ouit xi:w TALI, i.ixi:.
of hat, Hhlits, neikwear, etc., is now
complete. Call and inspoct.
ltlCIIAllDS & AMltTH,
.IJii tickiiwanna ue
Aldeiman Otto D. Myots Thnm.iB
O'Mallcy and Fiank ::nl'ir hne ie
turned homo fiom n eiv sueeehful
lishlnpr tilp nt PioniKe Land Pond
Ml.s Anule Thomas, of I'lttston,
who has been lsltlnsj her .sister. Miss
Tied Muo, letuined homo e-totday.
Cut pi lees on all best Klbtions Sat
in dny. See our adveitlsement on an
other paso of this pupei
mi:aii.s & iiac,i:x.
The PPiices In the Memnilal Uaptlst
c hutch tomoriow will be at the- usual
houi.s. The pastoi, Rev. Y. V. Da-ls,
will pieach "Welsh In the iiiornlnK and
lhiKllsh In the evenlm;. Sunday behool
at - p. in.
Mr. and Mis. Deltrlch. of Heiwlek,
hao letuined home after a week's.
lslt with their cons, Ilea. A. Dlctilih,
nf Com t f-treot, nnd llnlpli S. Dlet
1 1c li, of Xoith Jlaiii inenue,
Mis. J. Iv. Jones, of "West I'lttston,
is tpendlliR a few du.s with lmi
diiUKhter, Mr.s. Ilea A. Dletilch. of
Com t Htieet.
Mts. Aithur Ac-ker, son nnd oil 11
dien. of Wood stieet, aie spcndlnir a
week with f i lends la Xew oVik city.
Me-, ti. W. Deckel, of Ilonesdale, Is
spendlncr a few diijs with hoi luotlior,
M. 11. Drill, of Wood htieet
I'. l. Tei w II iKer ami luoiliei rieil,
spsnt a day at the fair In I'ltl.-ton.
llio 1 il. t Mcllmilitt 1 pncopjl Jmuli lii'C
(h trln lleurj Niftin.', piilor-scrilic t V) 0
i in and T .0 p. in l'lraililiiK b tlio piatoi
hmli nininin: and cie-ninc. Mnmlne uli(-ct,
"itloi)"i cirnliis kulijeit. "llio Cenei oj
(.rejlncn " S-uudu) nhool at 2 .III p In
I'rjjcr KrMco at HoO p in. Mliluic-W ihuuli
pujer liiictiiis WidniMlij U J0 I1 in.
Iho 'liipp Avfnuo llirNtlui cliurtli-1'rcnlilrir
both iiioiiiius .ind eieuiiu hi Iho pJitor, f.
II Daline-. Morning topic "Won ot Inlrm
perinco", cvcnlni; topic, "Nanctli, tho Hoc
hood Homo ot ,lem " bundiy nhol at 10
o'eloel. 1 icr.iboil) imitrd and niado rUome.
Mr Airs, llrjdon, t Dudley tirrct, U In li
pocd al her home
silk lunnox p.m.i:.
Cut prices on nil best Rlhbons Sat
urday. See our niheitlseinent on an
other page of this papoi.
Mi hcariic;, wh hi bun nry
ikV. (or komo time, ii now llliile imprciud,
all- suinnor U eWtlnir llio miiui ot hl
bojliool eU)i, near Mini inilllc
1 rnot lloiard took pail in a neital uurn
at Hilton li.t night.
John Heed lilt jotculay (or Ilultdo and
Mr. and Mr'. ( himhcrlln lone today lor a
two ueek' Hay with Philadelphia dirndl.
oint NUW fall i.ixi:.
of hats, Hhlits, neckwriir, etc., Is now
complcto, Call and Inspect,
Siii Luclcuwunna ue.
It Wns the Fifteenth Annual Oath
erlnp of the Kind Duslness Meet
inp of tho llxecutlvo Committco
Wns Held In tho Morning Bcfoto
tho Convention Itopoits on tho
Vnilous Btnnchcs of Work llcaiel
Dining tho Dny Old Donrd of Olll
cct3 WnB Ee-clcctcd.
At PcilcMlle jestetelay wan held the
1'ifteentli annual conientlon ot the
l.iickawiiuua Ceiunty Woinen'm Chtls
t l.i tt Tcinpetanie t'lllon. The Metho
dist llplscopal chili eh wheio the ces
sions of the convention wcio held was
mo-t tastefully decoiatcd with au
tumn flower and potted plants, a fine
portialt of .Miss "Willatel having a prom
inent place on the plat foi in.
At !) o'cloe-k ,i business meeting of
the exeiutlso committco was called In
the Sunday fehool moms and at 0 15
the county olllcers, Mis. M. W. Vaughn
of Moscow, Mis. j. it, Sleklcr ot I'eolc
Mlle, Mis. Kllz.ihotli Howell of (ircetl
Ridge MI-.S Fiiineert It-iuli of Serantnii
and Mis J'.lln I'.. Rhodos of Pmvldence
1'inU the pin t foi in. niul th" mectlug
opened with a pialse Korvleo leil by
Mi (! A Cine of PioUdonec, In
whli h innnv look pat l.
At 10 o'clock Miss Fiiinccs Rauh, the
cniicspciliillng secretin, cnlleel the
loll, to which all niembeis anil olllceis
piesent icpoiidcel by scilplllic nitotit
tlonw. She then giixo her repoit tin
the j ear, which was accepted. The
lepoit of the tieasuiel, Mis. Hlln 13.
Rhode-', followed, and was luceplcd,
with somo discussion of finances,
which was no sign or ililllnilty, heu
cei, as $19J.0s was lalsed dining tho
cai, with a halaiicc of ."i.flJ hi tho
treasuty us compatcel to $17 1 it jenr.
Tho teioieling sec-retaij, Mis. Hlla
beth Howell, gae her leport, consist
ing ot facts ralhei than figures, ciy
Instinctive In Its genrial ti end.
The adelipxs of the piesldent, lis.
uiigliu, was a thoiough account of her
eai s lahois, .peaklng, lettei-wilttlng,
and joutiiclug to and fto In the lntc-t-esn
of the cause of temperance.
Tho ii-noit of the lomnilttee on cied-
entlals halng been lead and accepted,
Mis. D, H. Hanel of Scranton led In
piaei piexlous to tho election of offi
ce! s Thlsi Is usual, was one ot the
most stilling cents of tho da, but
after much elKciihMon, lesulted In the
leliihtatement of all the old officers, as
befoie cnumeiatcd. The morning ses
sion closed with hi let pi.iei by Rev.
.Unison X. llailcv. The nsscmbly, nuin
lioilng oer a hundred, to
the Sunday school looms with theli
haskct lunches, excellent eoftco being
sen eel by tho resident union.
The afteinoou session opened with
dcotional sei vices, led bv Rev. Jticl
xon X. Ralley, editor of the At row, a
teinpeianio paper published In MooMi.
A ie smile of the jeai'.s woik w.w giv
en by each of the lollowiug local presi
dents; Mis. P. Downing ot Scranton,
Mi. I- W. Stone of Wiueily, Mis.
(I H hlPjiliens ot Peckllle, Mis. L. M.
Sw.uts of Punmoii, Mi - 1311abeth
Howell ot C.ieen Ridge, Mrs. Relle Vim
Stoich of I'losldeiue, Miss Turner ot
Nay Aug, Mis. T. R. How en ot Tay
loi, and JIr. Pietcc Rutlet of Carbon
dale, Mi". Stoll of Paltou and Mi.
Sotoan ot South Ablngton leported for
their unions In the absence of the pica
A solo bv Mi. Rlackman at this
junctuto pioscd a xeiy pleasing num
her. The supei Intendont of I.ovat I.e.
glon woik hi tho county. Mis. liean of
Duntnoie, then gn o an lnteie--tlng le
port of tho year's ptoceedlngs Mis.
Hand, superintendent of raltioad woik,
spoke on achlevementrt In this lino.
The evening session was hugely at
tended, anil a clIm.iK to a well-spent
el. iv, special music by tho Methodist
HpHeopjl chiilr and Hue aelrtresscs by
Mi.- A M Hohey of West PIttslon
nnd "W. W. I.atluope, of Si i.intln, and
C. V. NkhoK of AVIlkes-Haue, being
liotiLCililo liatuies ot this lit s-es-slon.
The ii-oliitleins uilopted bj the
convention follow .
W , Hi liiiinbii- of Inkauiiiiia I in W
inni'i UmMiaii itinprrame miioii in llltrenlli
miaul comcntion iiiiblnl, i.iaimille ok
nmleiUi the Si u ioiii 1 jilinir of ""i" ihaiuilv
1 ' it In r in the I ruu-rrM of Iho u ik of the
Woman's riniitlan Jempcnmu union in eierr
union ilnrins the pit jui. we iUo irjoiee
in tlio iin.ieue which It is ohm to reeord in
incnihir-hip ami acllilty in our unn lomiii
We lelicio H an oigalil?atioii we liao bifii
cillel to carrj on a mat nioiil rrfomi wine h
diniandc from us niurli petsnwi oru ana par
illliu of caw, ind tint loiKmc tow-lull the
nn. I mloiy h1ik.Ii muat rienluallv come, we
jjiili pledge ourrcliii to rinecccd illort in
tho ciihc of foul absliuciico and piolublilon,
mi 1 irnew our covenant to stind firmly by
lhip piiuiiphi und tike no baikweid Hrp
ill tlio iar ncioio us nut n ku Mi-aunr wi.
wind in lovihrf elipendaiiio upon our lleaiinly
Iiijiiiiii.Ii as total ilutiiiciuc for the indiwd
ual an I liisal prohibition lor the .tan.- aie
tuiidiincnta! principled of our work, no iciom
iih ii I our linluii to cinpln.lro both of thr-e
phaMj of th.i sreat iucilion In tlio loinlni
jcar'd work
I he htronr.t hupo of the tempi unco le
dum Hit in llio education of the .voun;, 'liio
ucntiliu tiiuprraiiie iiitrilclion lawi traihiui;
tlio nil and m ductile clfeLU of aliohol and
naiiotiid will true, in III tho future a Binna
tiou of foul ulutaiurii. 'Iho Ui$ il liuinr.
anio lesion, Willi tin eaicfully pnpaied nun
ml' a Ion.: the Mine llurs, lit rlilhu-il-ni, in
uiotloe, Iti tally ill; inn .will swell tin hope
ful lompiny toward whhli wo look with e Hi
ndi mo and Iiopr Wo rejuiio tint Hie false,
uimlintiliu leadlines of l'mf. .Mnalei, of
Wci-hjan coIUrc, lino been m ahtind
nutli di-proid be loinpcicnt mediial an
IhoiliirH md the u curacy of the triiliiugi ct
the ciubweil tct boki fully c.lablihcd
Wc tlcploro Hie alilludo of our nitloiul gei
i riiuicnt in KKaid to tlm army canteen, and
uruo our unioiH to renewed (utility to elciiat
tlio oident iiitmlioii to npeal the
Wc li iltniii cm wll con.ldeiel resolution,
pi..iil at our midyear contention. In lecird
to tlie tt lie flu Hues and tn-luiU our pretldrut
and diliKJlin to libor for icioriu in tlili niattrr.
At tlm tuna of nitionil orrow and dia.tcr,
wc tccoid em honor and ihuuuchthn of the
cowuiillv nvUiliialion of our prcMditit, Wil
liam Mikmlej thii.lim women we de
nouiiio the lcalUatioii of the tiloon, nhuh il
the hot bd, tho inciting place, the home of
auaicliy, wolcnt.0 an I bloooVlinl I'roin thin
ufuge tho trailic out and tlitkej at
tho inj foundation of our no eminent nnd
oir Iioiiii.
We rduiii tlianki to tlio I'eikiille union for
their hoMulahlo weliomo an I eeiierou.1 enter-
tiinmeiit, to the tin. tin and pi.tori o tlili
ihuich, to the- iuu'ii-s who hun done tn
to nuke; line luiclini: pleasant an I piotltable.
'Iho fn t lull iramo pined 'lliiiisdn beiwern
tho lcll.e JuiiiiH and No ,.! hchool, ir.ulli I
in a tie, HO Iho bicU of tlio No tl team did
tome good woik lliry weie Itrjiiihli, Clark
and llnlhlU. Muiph', the full iuk of tic
lillpke Irani, did wnno sood woik Willi the ball,
while llouil,, cf tlm uun. nam, cave a huo ex
hibltiou in taiklln.'.
You Jm
don't Ql
need fl&l
ice rni
When jou
use Dr.
Condcnscel Milk you don't need
ice to keep U sweet, nnd jou
can nlwnjs feci sure of its
purity. Delis creel milk is fre
quently kept from .souritiR by
the use of chemicals dangerous
to health.
Is nlways swoot
no nintler how lint If cftn. If I
rlohon In butter fat nnd hnn mlderl
nil thoptionpliatcs anel hypophon
plillrHcontnlned In ivlient. it hun
tlioflnioroferciim, the suclnlnlnt:
power ofnivlicnt diet, llookletfrce.
Scranlon, Pa.
Lyceum Theatre
M HI I I r- md Mime. I
I 111 11 , Bui. Minajcr.
Friday and Saturday Nights and
Saturday Matinee,
HMIIiy MMtll'tt, nrejenta tlm Tlraulifiil l'
total Lonieiiy Piama,
Dramatized from the ten? of Hie f unc name.
ii v mm n cum.
1 inlorerd by the elircv of every denominjlion
a the stroiifcest and mewt impressive trllBlnul
phi of the ane. 1 imiilkcnt kcenie. and clec
tin it eflcct-k
IMIK I.n Lvcnlnc, "V , If . Toe an t l Mat.
hire, entile lower floor, S'X ; cntln bilcony,
Jot Children fo any pait of house, lac,
r1t1 er Mle Medneii) itOi m
Academy of Flusic
M. Ul.lS, I esre ,1 Iiiinj, Manager.
tiAiiW k ot" m irr.
Tho Myrkle-Haider Coinpany
ln a rcpcitolrc of bluh priced altractloiu at
popular prliei.
King Drnmatic Company
1'ieeiitlns tho follnnlnR rcpi-rfoite- ' On th
Maba-h," Mondiy night; "Paust," 'lueday mat
inee; "V Haul of 1 nnie," 'luo-diy niBht, "In
drr Two 1'laci," ll'edncday mitlnee, "--porlltias
lluche.i" Urdnesdav niBht, "Ei.t Ijnne"
Jlmndav matinee, "( liciTy Pickers", Ihur-diy
nlsht, "Nell (iwjnne," 1 rldav matinee, "nimt
Jiani," I'riday niBht, " Aard of 1 ranre," Mt
urdiy nnllnee; "the Octoroon," .-.iturdiy night,
Nilit Pniei. 10, 20 and SO cent..
Miliure Prices 10 and 20 cents
All" fi IHItUISOlOV Minacer.
IScoMrIiI" Two Matinees
I inlay and -iturdiy the Sensational
Slaves of Opium Buiiesqaers
mi. m r r k, ' nisrv rnEh"
$10.00 TO $18.00 A WEEK
Hilary for in intelligent man or woman fn rich)
to en I'iimanent pottion. 10 icntu per hour ton
spaio time. .Manufai-turer, Ilo b, Phllidclphia.
iTheNfs f Inv flnisflnlra flh
llnconvrnlcnre, atlrctlon MITT
lln wbiob, . opulbn. cCu-V"1"
bucdci nnu inipriinns mil.
rSA fbllalvtptiia. V. fjolj (rmta HnKfUlUt lit
n Am..... ti.. ...-... . .... .1.. .- " -II m -l..a.'
i IlUfiffl.(frrhrtil tftl(ldyt)EircHtihtiir I
IJlofxi rol.oi. rrfos Itthllllr. Lotl Hiahnoil.1
"""I tm imiicnirri (if run- ij uikii g riBIi
m Tarlrnrrlcn it 8trlftur4 (bo rultlavi. rBdInniv
InrRtiabrunkf n Ortftm bti fur Sworn TftllmoBUlift lloolii
Ttpstinittry MfdUal awcl t Uflrlnlfrm 1. Hfollan paprr.I
Ions reseident of r.ictotyvllle, illcel M-rs
suddenly nt Ills homo last Tnosd.iV
ovenlriB, that beliiB his Hlt-ilfrh
birthday. Ho iwih cnteitalnlnpr ln
coniiade, I... H. (.it-cn, who u.m ale
colelnatlnpr his boventy-sr-xenth lmth
d.i y. They hnd heeii unllsliitr mound
tho y.ud, niul hurt Just sat down to
dinner, when Mr. .Reynolds' licmt di op
ped forw.uil nml hcfoie mediial mil
could ho hiiuunoucil ho nai unron-
scions and died shortly after the doc tor
anhtel. Mr. Keynolds wns nn r
county ooininlssloni i of "V online?
county. Ho was a inomboi' of iho Hap.
tlbt ehurili, ltcel Jacket lodfie, 1 O. o.
r nnd the ti. A. 11. of this nlacr. Hi
li MirvKcd by a widow, an adopt- it
duURliter, Miss Kvn, ono hiothcr,
tor Reynolds, of 1'ni'loryvlllr, and t"'i
sisters, Mis. Ilcniy Iteynolds, of th m
plitce, nnd Mrs. l-'lotllla. (.'apwoll of"
Omilson, lown. Tho tuucial was hriil
In tho l'liat Haptlst c-liun-h Thurd iv
nt 10 oVIoelc, r.nv. C5. It. Smith H-iMt
eel by Itev. J. X. Lou, onie-lntliiB ln
termciit was ninde In Uxeifjiven ioiiu
tery, l-'actotyville.
MISS ANNIi: lV.VOTT. ascd "1
oatH, chiUKhtei- of Mr. and Mrs,
TlioiiuiB l.ynntl, of SIS West Mnilsol:
stiect, past-eel nwuy jesteiday innin.
liifr, nfler n tluco weeks' Illness with
typhoid fever. Tho doi cased oiiiik
woiiinn line! been employed for
joins nt MeaiH & lliigcn'H btoir atiel
wiih pioinlnently Identified with it
number of chinch orKiinUntlons In
Noith Si'ianton. She was nlso Ue
presldent of tho Ladles' nulllili ta
tho Aiii'lent Older of lllhpinlan ellMs
Ioiih of Noi th Keianton. Sho wns pos
sessed of u sweetly beautiful disposi
tion, and sho will be long lonicinboicel
bv her hosts ot fi lends. Sho Is Mir
vlM'd by lii-r patents nnd tho follow Inn
lnnthciH nnd sisters: 'Wlllliiin V , clot If
of tho common council; Pattinc J , M,
.1 , John i:, Thuiniis, refer T , Klsler
Maiy Laciullii, ot Cinboniliilo niul
Katheilne. The fuiiPinl will bo held on
Monelay uuiiiilnr; al 10 o'llnek. A sol
emn high mass will be celebrated In
tho Chinch of tlm Holy Hosaty, and In
tel meut will bo made In Hie Cathedial
X v I