The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 21, 1901, Page 10, Image 10

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CIV. ' ,.7R4 '
".'--. - T'1
ceipt that calls for bak
ing powder use " Royal."
It will make the food
of finer flavor, more di
gestible and wholesome.
i'ictuiesquc, Quaint nntl Embowcicd
in rioweifc HnppyGo-Lucky Nc
1410 Population Place Whcio Mnr
bhal Muuit Lived and Died Other
Noteuoithy pRntuies of a Tilp
fioin Tallnhnssse tn New Oilcans.
um'.i, f..i iii ii linn
HAVINi! haw is-ed thnmilKhli mill
tatrfiitl.N the peninsula "I' r'lot
lilii, we letuil) to .KirUnilvlllr,
Mini ii'uiniic mil' joiune. ihimiKli
ii" wi-duii Kiiiewaj to 'r.ilhilin.'.
lie l.lpll.ll. .111(1 l'el.H 1)1(1 Its lllk'C
n..ipnil, .mil iiNii tlli' ilulf toast wilitP"
vort, to Mohlli mill New Orleans. .1
lot.iin c of .ilmiit ili'n mil's m.i 1 1n
New SriiliiMiil An I. iiw iitnl tin- fani-
IMIS I.OIllsV Im .mil NllxllVllli' t.llllaS.
Mo.ikIIiik ill' Si abnaitl An l.lui'
11311I11. this mail lakes us tin ijiikIi the
hill iintiiti.N oi blub liHinnioi U-i of Mid
dle J'loilil.i, oei llx own llin, foi "("
niilc.". to lilvei .lunillnll llfl It
foinis it iiinjum ilmi with the L.nnWx III
riml Nasln llli' mill takes tin. trawler
in l'( iih.uoIii. hi. nilles, ami Mobile, in.',
,ni'l without i limine or iiii Do miles
hiiMlRlii to Ni-w Orleans .i ' oiitltiiious
trip. If iIomIumI.
Jilslnq; liuin tin- .li'ii mi n out of
Oat pine woods miriiiiinilliiRf, Is a
tlililli hit of laml i tiled "IIIkIi llaiii
wouk." very let i lie .mil pieiuiesqup.
AW pa's wrtwnnl tlinninh tulle anil
miles of minimis mul lip.tltliiul 111111'"
.uid the older "''tiled lesions, loimetly
tin- seats of clt'Riirit mansions, l.irRe
plantation of auti -bellum In iMl
miles i'it It 1 cached t ! seat
of the ioIU'S' of Flotilla:
then HiiourIi .1 u-Klor of lakes, of hill
.ind dale, aie MiidHon, llleeiivllle,
Jlontleello and in Ml miles fioin .latk
ille Tallahiifvpe i ipnelied.
A dcscilptlnu of this, the i.ipllal Ity.
M ill plw a full- Idea of all. Thi Is
not an oimiRi pioiluctlon section
jitoprr. iIioiirIi inanv are grown In
t-hrltriPil localities and ne.ii the dwel
Jiiirs. lint .ill thi.s hill iuutiti of .Middle
Vlorid 1 lelils I'otton, toh.uio, siikiu
i.iiip. nun. ije. o.its and of fruit, peat",
readies, Rinpes, (lifs .lap.ltlpse peislni
1110ns mid plunis, siniwhei 1 Ii s, melons,
sweat potatoes and all W'nctables
srciiiKri'rs xi:v i:..iii...M
This lolliiiR l.tinKiMpi hlitli hills 1 in
oicd Willi eiililie, in.llN .some pails
of New IIiiRliiud. In pl.u e of sandy
flatness mi oiiunonl assoiiatt d with
Ideas of the Mute theie is on men of
1-'Hie -in) sipmie milis iif an alhniuin
ol 11 il ihoeolali' cla.W'j loams. Hie
1 ii hi1 i nf soil, pi nihil lint lai'Re nop
Tills as 0111 e ilit' sti tun) of the
. ,1 lib plaiitcts iiw iilujr hundieils of
Mines and iiltiatliiR thousands or
aiic.s, ami tin aliode. too. of eilueatlou
and lctinenii'iit hoi 11 of wealth While
1 many old lanillles m.- diuoed In toi-
luna and tin- maud old nlan- aie
astcd ly ntRlnl and pi)ei-t, sutll-
Icnt veniaius 01 tin old-tinn man
em1 1o implies tile siioi wllll Hie
iitiitnl linniilv ..I tin. lui i.iiinillmt
JWIIttK.U Ul...... ' ,." -'I I "..l..r -.
tllclQ nrc found heailliflll R.ildiiis of
.Aaio plants ami ilowei.s mul I.iiIIiir
fviery breeze Atlili ti.iRianie and the
(tourist concedes tin- :llle of The Land
IBf l-'lOWPra1' ."is well ili'feM ed
I AVp icre linoiahl: Inipnssttl with
TT.iJUh.i'spl and Its iiniiiu inxliiui-
nont. Four miles 110111 the ii v the
I (rain p.i.n.'H oei u poitlou of tin tip
1 land lakes i this ii i,on. anioUK
lliein l.ahe Lafavi tie in the inldM of
'tile nohl estale Rianted liv ,1 Rratetul
i'ouuiiv to the Rleal Fiemh patiml
in it'ORuitlon of his valuable seiUn.s
in tin I'.cNoIutlonaiy sniiRnles 101 our
iililepi'liileni'e. Its was a inaRiillli cut
domain of l':! (hiu ,11 it"-. eontalnitiR some
of the I'holtest lands In the suite
iWput slopiiiR: hills iIm- as it hy inaRli'
mi evoiy pIiIp: In ft out eiuwnliiK- the
luftiest one mu the whitened walls
and thousands of windows .shlnliiR In
the nun nliiK Jim
i:.Miiowi:m:i in i-,i.owi:hs
The town Itself, loeaii'il on an eleva
1 lull it' SJi) feel above the him (the
ilnlf "' AIpxIiiu, presents veiy pleas
ant f i ilHh, einboweied as ) Is In 11
pitllU-.nil of llflWi'ls. The white build
iiikk RiiamltiK amoiiK the sretn tieos,
and hljjli over all iIsch the tall lower
of the capital, a massive, tooiny and
well-piescrveil thice-atoty brleK sttue
turo of Imposing- appearance, built In
1834 by thu military kovpi niuem of the
terrltoiv. The oily formerly was a
place of wealth nml noied tor the te.
liueniu'iit and hopltalily 01 Hi inhab
itants. U lias ample aenil''. lined
with pli tttiesqup oaks and iu.jiiollm,
and l.M.lentes that lndl.aie an ah or
plcnt. Only 25 inlies. ftom the ilulf
of Mexico, It receives- the exhilarating
brees'i laden with the odors of the
iinhrokcn pine forests between, lireat
wenitn of Benlal temperatute and com
foitabh 'uiiahlne accompanies these
meclliui. 1 aes of ozone, devoid oC
rhlll!ln -s niJfoff. Its tree-grown ave
naffi. Its il nry parks and sun-bathed
PArdens. jive h tPstfulnesa that In ps
peclaliy Riateful jor the Jnvulid tour
ist. A nolle ihl" fe.ituie of the 1 Ity and
llio mi" "as tho pcasantiy, "the
liappy-R' iv.' " eolored people, who
oninplli" ' ' 'i.lif of the, D.000 popula
tinn, la'. HI'V and laughter-lovlnid
nnrt tli- li tillers of the coll, travel
ing almiR the i (lads with their many
fhapcil Mdilrles and twmn of oxen,
mules and hoitc, all koIiir- to nhow
tbttt nutuiu generously glvea them
every re
ilenl to eat and abiiudanee of time
foi fiolh In is miles Is the fainoilH
Wakulla SptliiK To the heallh-swk-11
Tallahusspp affords 11 dry illmale
luii'liiR air mid all of the iidwiiitaRf-x
atlrltiliipd In Thomaivllle, (la , only
situated ail miles furthei' north.
ftei luivlnir Tallahassee in two
!', Is tin Muiat Plate, a line plan
tation, owned and 01 entiled h the
" Idow ol I'iIikp .Muiat, tile son of
N'apoP mi's favorite maishal. aftei
waid khiR of Naples. The pilliee mid
hl.i widow lie side hy side In the Kpis
inpiil ieinetei. at Tullaha.rp, Iheli
last lestliiR- plaee matked b twin
nioiiuniPlils of while nimble with
quaint and Inieiesilnir ni-ilptlnn
Talliihasst'e lus spveial Hup hotels
the Npw l,"Oii, tile St. .laniPS bpsldes
othei hosleliles with olieaper l.ite.
In foity-oni' miles Challahoof he 1 Iver
Is flossed, a IniRf iler iiavlsablo for
Hteaineis to ('olimibus. C11 . and the
western tfimllius of the Seabo.lld Air
Line, whli h has inrrlrd us s.lfpl.v and
Iiimii Iouslj ovpi 1,20ft iuIIps of our
sunt hot n mm We eontlnii'- oiti jour
iiov to New OilemiM oei Ih" Louisville
and Niisip. tho mnneetloii beliiR
simply a toiitlnualtoii of Hie liuuilous
appolntineuis or the .Seahoaul Air Lino.
A sl-houi inn of !. miles brliiRs
us to l'eiisamla, Willi oiRht stations In
tel eniiiR. The most impoitaut slntion
but w eon Ithei Jlllli tiun mill I'ensaiola
Is He Fnnlak SpilliRS. a health resoit
thai eliaims alike the louiist, the
si holai and the seeker after health
and sunshine. it lias been happilv
st.xled the Adlrondaeks of Western
Florida." for hei stioams 1110 as dear
and biiKln as those of the noilhein
inountaliis of Now Yoik. and her t rys
tal lakes aie as pine ami spaikliug as
Lake (ieoiRO, 01 the Saianais. In fact,
h"i " spiiiir," In the eiy heait
of the town, one tulle in 1 iieunifprenee
and elRhty feet deep, with white 1I111
and slopliiR hanks, suiioiiiided l pines
ami oaks, is unrivaled. The absolute
pin Ity and (illative qualities of her
watPis makp Do Funlak wldfly known
as the Poland SpiltiRs of the South,
while bet tlear atinospheto, htlRlit
skies, IiIrIi altitude and Invigorating, make mi Ideal combination lor
the lest seeKei
The tountleiH or Chautauqua selett
Iiir this I'haimiiiR spot seenteen jenis
iiRti. as the bst loiation for a "winter
asseinlily." and the splendid suit ess of
the enterprise has justified theli wis
dom and foiPslRht. Tin- assembly
opens j paily In the middle of I'ehril
arv and doses the last of Aljuh. The
mosr distinguished letluieis. leadeis.
Iiupeisonatois. otators and inusltlans
fioin all pa its of the louutiy aie se-
uied tor this famous gnthei iiitr
A 11111 of elRhty iiiIIph alotiK the (iulf
of Mexlm bi InRS us to Hie Pol t of Pen
satola, anothPi- impoitaut health tesoit
of Floiida and Impoitaut lathoad 1 en
lot I'eiis.ii ola This beautiful t ll Is one
of the fiiilf polls of the Louisville and
Nishvllle lailio'id, situated on Pen
siuola I5.iv. an aim of the Mexican sea,
tii mill's fi 0111 the lur and has been
tailed the 'Naples of Ainerlt.i" owing
lo Its mild and lin lgoiating climate.
The i itv Is sftuntod on a good ele
N at Inn above the bay (a land-locked
haibor thhtv miles Ioiir by llitee and
iine-hall' mllm wide) and possesses
nidli.v advantage'. It has eiy wide
stieets, some having two drlvewa.vs and
Iv o patks luteillnlim them, adoined
Willi the live-oak. the magnolia, and
senil-tiopli al tiees and endless flow
ers . onmioii 10 Floi Ida that give the
d'.v -on-thi-dlilf an appeaiallie that
Is in yrwit tontrasi with those of north
em latitudes. The buildings, espei lally
In the upper part of the i ity. upeak
plainlv of the activity and wealth of
her business population, and the pub
lic Improvements of the city slum our
last visit attests its giowth and piiipi
pilso The 1 Ity is full of surprii'es.
One ! sutpilsed to learn IU the old
est tlt in the l nlied States, antl-dai-lug
St Augustine by four years, wlildi
some historians have at ci edited with
bring the oldest tltv, foi It was only
:;i .veais alter the dlfoeiy of A iner
tia hy Columbus, a Spanish fleet 1111
dei UeN.11 vacz. elitoied Pansacnla H.iy
In M'ardi of golden lot tunes, UcIIpvpiI
to exlsi In the new woild. Twelve
p.iis latei, Uo Soto anihoied In the
same waleis and in the year 1550 the
Spanlaid Ue Luna with 20H0 follow -eis
fouiuleil a settlement where Fort
Hairaiuas now stands.
One Is suipilsed also at Its ast ship
ping Inteiests, th liealtliful and dellRht
f ill dluiate, mid to lllld'heie one of
tho latRpst, safest and piettlest hai
bois In the world, with iiatuidl ad
vantafips thai oxtoed those of most any
othei poit. and above all, that being
the oldest dt.v, and having all these
gical advantages, it lias been so little
The p.nly Spanish settlers being p-
I out
(uiiuillts, named neatly evetv-
thlng In honor of some saint. Thu bay
was tailed Santa .Mailc, In honor of St.
Mai Tho island was called Snnta
Ilnsu. and the first chinch elected was
called San Mlquel. in honor of St Ml
diacl. and the three fortltlcntlons nf
tervvaids weie named San Cdilos, Fort
San Miquel and San Deiuaido. and
the nilglnal town was named In honor
of St Mary, or Santa Mailc des Penis,
tola and In I'fi'J when the English took
possesion they named the thy Pen
am ola, which lias since been retained.
The most Intetestliig places to visit
aid the magnificent hailior, the foil
tosses and the navy yaid, and the new
wharf, the fishing banks and oyster
beds In the Gulf, and those who delight
in the antique and pinions, a visit to
old St. Michael's church and tcineiery,
near the heart of the city, will be one
of inteiest,
f3t. Mlehnel'd Catholic church hub es
tablished over 330 years nRo and the
present building presents a neat np
pearatirp. The LoniPtery l inohahly
the oldest PsNtlliK' burial plate In the
I'nltPd Stntos, hut no Inset Iptloni,
aside fioin nnmelpss shntteied toinb,
opr which hiiRe llo oaks hao riowii,
proelahn llielr antliiulty. On pi I uiar
hp and Rranlto with Inscriptions wpre
not used to mark tho iosIIiik place of
the ilppaiti'd, until after Hip place be
came I'nlted Htatos teiiltory. The old
ipinetory li 0110 mass of Riavos. so
immoioim that no new khivo tan bo
iIiir without lliiearthliiK the iPinalni nf
some one loliB since foi Rottpn. In
many places the bilck wall of tombs
stand ngalust cadi other. The whole
pbu.o Is ovot ciown with knutled live
oaks, and vnilons kinds of beautiful
vines have matted together until hoiup
pnrts are almost Impassable. The iIpiihp
shade and swept IIowpis and iiuallit
siii'rouiidliiRs entice ninny toutlsls to
tho pliiic. In this wilderness of tombs
many am lent names mo lost foioer.
On "All Souls' NIrIU" tho onllro t eiiii
toiy Is llRhted with onndlcs, and thou
sands of people wander about tho ave
nues of tho "Silent City." Hesldo St.
.Michael's ancient buiylliR Riound, rpv
Pial niodPin niouuniputs lift their
Htati'lv heads. Aiuoiir tliPin Is the
"Sullivan," lately ompIIciI.
tho hill at tho head of 1'alafov
sttcet. sevpilty-IHo feet ahoe tho bay,
mo tho mllis of tho old foil San
.Miquel. Nenr by Is the Confodoiate
monument, fifty feet high, that cotn
moiuotntps tho lives of those who died
In u "lost eause." A modern lcsldeiuo,
now otciiplcd by Or. Ilenon, stands
vvllhlii the iiiins nf the old fott. Tho
Kplseopal 1 hutch stands 011 tho
gioimds near tho old bairncko. allotted
to It when Floiida was lhigllsh teril
toi.v. Knit San Carlos, or St. Clint 1p,
is situated seven miles below (ho city,
among the other foils, mid Is Islted
nnv hour In tho day b water or by
tho i'ens.Koln teinilnal railioad. 11
stands below and neai to Foil Har
lalitas and the two ate tonnectcil by
an underKiouiitl passage. Tho original
foit was built ovot 200 ycats ago. do
st toyed ami rebuilt in tho seventeenth
leutury. and piaethally remained mi
1 hanged situ o that llino. The front
wall fates the sc.i and is in tho foini
of a hall-ilttlc. called tho "Media
Luna " meaning the "half-moon." Tho
two cuds of this half-circle aio ion
nooted bj a high wall, while mound
tho t'lri wall is a thy ilitch, so
tonimon about old foi tlfications at the
piesent time. Within a radius of less
than two miles of Foil San Cm Ins are
Forts Hai ram as, Ph kens, Redoubt,
the mllis of Fort MoKcc, the light
house, the National tenieteiy and t lie
navy j,anl.
Fioin the heights of Knit Tlaiiauciis,
one fan look aiioss the iiiurovv nei k
of the bay to Santa llosa Island, and
Sep Knit I'll kens tinwnlng on thp sea
and the Inlet to th boy: also farther
out 011 the Gulf of Mexlto and pop the
great iiioiin waves breaking upon the
shoicd and hear the loaiing like the
soughing of a distant sluiiu. To the
cxiienm leu Is thp city and Its hat
bor, with its multitude of in can ps
sel. lo the east, the ships at the quar
antine station biding their time to
enter the haiboi at Iho elty. A little
lienor is the "life saving station" and
the cievv enlisted to keep j (.(instant
lgll of the May and (iulf. It Is a
none of majestic giandeui and thrill
ing beaiil.v.
KOitT picki:ns.
Km 1 I'll kens has the distinction of
being the only southern foit, save K01 1
Mai ion, ovpi which the tlag of the
Confedeiaiy nver floated. The pe
culiar Iih a Hon of Fort Pl( kens gives
It a i omnium! of the entrain e of the
harboi on time sides and Its impoit
anii was lecoRiilzed bv our own gov
ernment foi at the breaking out of the
wai the foit was so well equipped that
a small fin op of -IxIppii men In Id it
against Rteat odds. The walls aie foi
l feet blgh and twelve feet thhk. Ka h
vessel that inteis the bay must pas
half way a 1 omul the foit, for the en
tianto fioin the (Julf Is a selul-t Irde
ihamiel mound the point of the island,
thus making the bay enthely land
locked. This s a stiong featuie. A
ve-.sel simply 1 nines mound the point
and safelj closes the door to the oiean
behind It
After the war, when Dr. It W. Hiad.v
and ms,df weie at Pensaeola. the
101 1 Idl Into disuse and tho cannons
weie taken fioin the long lows of
bomb-piouf lasemoiits mound the
walks and th long lows of guns that
weie mounted on top of the walls and
pointed In eVeiy tlliectlon vveio also
removed, and dii's and wild lloweie
took pnsession or the fortless. e
eeiitlv modern batteries of dlsappeai
lug illlPil lannon have been planted
and aiiaitgetneiits for lines of toipedos
in loss the 1 limine!, making It Impos
sible for a hostile licet to eiitei
The heath Is pure white nand and
slopes giadilally and the bathing Is as
fine as the tliiest. Fioin this shoie tons
of delliate tinted shells aie picked up
1..,' louilsts and r.mled nway as sou
venlis. one never tltes of llngeilng on
the ttuiiny shoie, hieathlng the hcaltli
gi lug siilubilous atniospheie and
watililiig the oiean-s waves follow one
another up tlie bem h only to sink bin k
into oblivion fotevei.
Till) NAVV VAIll)
Tho navy yaid l only five miles fiom
tho city, leached hy the "dummy lino."
The place Is enclosed by a high wall
on two sides, the othei, li regular side
being tho bay shore. The endosure
comprises eighty acies. divided into
beautiful blocks and paiks. Ileie mil
lions and millions of dollais have been
spent f 1 0111 1S25 to 1SSI, since which
time opprutlons ceased and It fell Into
deiay only a few ollUers and watdi
inen have been kept to 1 outlnue the
lullltniy watchfulness, until lecently
has it again been piin ed In Minimis
sloii, I'jiamids of (.11111011 balls aie
used to oiiiaincm tile piottv giounds,
and audiuis weighing fiom 500 to 14,000
pounds each, aie auaiiged aitlstlcally
In the Author pink at thu .nd. The
ivntinl uvpiiilP Is n tli cam of beauty
all the j oar lolind, while the gieat live
oaks spiead their foliage ovei Noith
avenue. The e.ieioi of the tommand
tint's lesldente Is a pleasant dream nf
southern quietude and ease while the
Interior shows a soldiers life Is not
one of liaidshlps. The foi met- quietude,
gave it the appearanie. of peipctuat
Stindio Hoie Is great granite diy
doik. tor usp again when the Interests
of the (ioit loqulic It.
A FISIIINli M2.'Ti:il.
I'ensaiola s noted for its llsh busi
ness. The o.vster mid Ihe led snapper
ludiisti) iissumes cuninious propor
tions. It is a fail, not geneially known,
that the gipatpst supply or the famous
icd-snapper Is found In the vldnlly of
Pensamla snappei banks and St. An
dievvs' hay. Nowheie else Is II set ill ed
In stidi quantity and In sink excel
lence ot flavor and llhei Hilly of sl.o
Fftges could be given to a desalptlon
of this Industry and the stories told
by the fishermen, for they have a
large fund of big fish stories, that seem
hardly credible. Without vouching for
the cradty of their statement, the
writer will sa, that tho most peculiar
font mo n lion t these fish sloiles Is their
absolute tillthfulness, for when Invcs
tlgnloil and pioved by ntimbpiless phn
tngraplis, they aio not ovpi drawn
Imagine fishing with u large line over
100 feet long ami seveial hooks, and
pulling up fiom the bottom of tho sea
one, two or pet linns three fish ut one
time, t lint measure two or three feet
long and having to ask aid in getting
tliom Into the boat.
It I conceded that no legion can com
pare with these waters for food llsli.
There ire about thltty species of food
fish In Floiida wateis to bo taken by
the nncler. Among the aea fish are
mullets, grnttpcts, led suappeis, pom
pa no, blue Hh, Spanish mackeiel, sea
trout, and these In abundance, besides
the giecn turtle, A fishing exclusion
to the snapper banks some twenty
miles frcin llio hay Is a pleasure and
evpcileice never to ho foigotten. The
red-snapper Is one of the handsomest
follows that svvlinps the southern wnt-e-s
nnu when first caught glows 111
bright rcarlet and averages; nbout ten
poiu.ils In weight. Ho has long giace
ful fins and "walks the wuteis" with
most grateful swiftness. Ho is as
cuifly and ganiey ns any that swim
tho ocpmi. He is only caught In from
ten to fotty fathoms of water, and
close to the bottom and It will glv
you all J.OU wunt lo do to pull up a
good-slzpd one. Pompano arp only with a seine. Hlue fish and
Spanish mackerel aio favorites with
many. A pleio of red flannel servte
ns a halt for mackerel, but unless the
hook has a wire or chain to It the llsli
swallows flannel and hook and its
sharp teeth sevcis the lino as qulokly
as the edge of n raor. The spetkleil
trout are of tlueo vailetlis. The
flounder should not be Ignored, nelth-pi-
t lie flheep head. The bait used for
Hip latter Is an oyster, nnd a species
of en crnh. Both are Iiii-rp and beau
tiful and make toothsome dishes.
The shell-ctackei Is another fine fish.
They cratk various kinds of shells
with the mouth nnd eat the content".
Tho three varieties of pig-fish, aftci
(npttiie, grunt like a pig. The sea
mullet Is found by the thousands- of
tons. They arp cunning and rat ply bite
a hook unless covered with dough or
banana. When chased by the pm poise
will leap Into the sea, making a roai
by their leaping like a gust of wind.
Large sea tin ties mo very plentiful
Some of them are monsters in tslze and
hunting for them and their eggs Is
attractive spoil 150 to SOa eggs are
found In a nest. The aio delicious
eating, like the turtle Itself, which Is
so 1 pushed by tho epicure everywhere,
Oystet.s in countless millions lino the
shoie all along the Gulf. They .110
veiy largo and considered equal It not
superior to the Npw Yoik saddle-rocks.
The largest oyster-beds in the world
abound here and in St. Andnnvs Ha v.
It is said that without tho slightest at
tention to propagation, or protection
there aie 111 the beds of this bay
enough oysler to supply a wot Id foi
years and with ordinary care the sup
ply cannot ho exhausted. They glow
any and everywherp they can Unci any
thing to fasten to A post driven Into
the watei, or a lock, or Jar, or brick,
or piece of lion thtown Into tho water,
will be coveted with them In a oar.
No one at Pensaeola need want for oys
tPis. They nte a luxury not denied
to the pociiest, for the.v ate as fiPc
as vv liter
Aside fiom aquatic spoils, "the man
with a gun" and a dog can take to thp
woodlands and get his fill of wild tui
keys. deei, quail and pheasants, with
now ami then a beat
Among the hotels of Pensniola the
llscamhla. suriouuded by massive oaks
and tropltnl plants, Is, without doubt,
the most Fpat Ions and one of the finest
In Ihe South. We onjojod its home
like air. its spacious moms, extensive
and broad eiandas, and excellent
table set vice, old has a complete dot tile
light and tiollev system, also watei
works, and Its wide avenues and well
paved stieets are kept si rtipulousl.v
clean. It has three up-to-date news
papeis also Pensamla haibor Is
claimed to be the onl ilccp-water,
land-locked haibor in the South. As n
haibor it has no superior. It Is thlilv
inlles long bv three and one-half miles
wide, with thirty-three feet of water
on Its 1 lianncl bar, the deepest hai
bor south of Now pott News. It has
enough deep water to accommodate
many thousands of ships and still have
room to spate. The shores me sandy
and tho wat"i dear nnd dean, which
makes It a huven of comfoit foi sea
men. The eutianie to the haibor Is nni
low and the foitltltallous piotectlug It
form a tilanglo mound It. Dm lug the
past three e.ns ami al present, tho
I'nlted States government lias n laige
fin op of men equipping these foi tlfi
cations with the most hnpioved ord
nance of model u wat fine. The dlsap
peai lug guns, whldi have been plated
In position, make it Impossible for a
hostile licet to tome 110.11 enough to
bombard the dt.v. As a commeiclal
1 Ity she has eveiy natuial advantage,
a 1 idi counliy in fiult and vegetables,
vast logging tamps, capable of f ut
ulshiiig pitch pine for oxpoit for gen
eiatlons to come Hot expoits arc
yeaily something over 140.000.000 feet
of lumber, besides laigo quantities of
Alabama toal. Tho turpentine indus
try is otioiiuous. Over foity thousand
bands of tuipeiitlno mid one bundled
nnd sixty thousand bnirds of losln a
united 11l11e of Jl.ino.0oo giving em
ployment to over 11,000 men, coinpilsed
last yent's business. Pensaeola lias a
huge turpentine tmik (apablo of stor
ing 150,000 gallons.
The mammoth whaif and winehonsc
of tho Louisville and Nashville iad
loiid, In Pensaeola, Is the laigest ami
most tostly building of Us kind In the
South and coinpaies favorably with
any In thf I'nlted Stales. Five million
foot of limiht'i was Kqulied In Its con
st! uctlon exclusive of Its foundation:
ulso six thousand piling from seventy
to eighty feet long, extending ftom
shore Into the bay, over one-fourth of
a mile, or 1.3:17 feet long, by 12S feet
wide: these were cieosoted and 1 on
over Jl .'5,000. I'pou this foundation
was tonstiucted the two-story ware
house, which Is 1,227 foci long by ins
ftet wide and capable of stoitug 500
mis of freight, Five lullroad tiatks,
lomptlsiug a total of a mile and a
half of hacks have been placed in tho
waiehniiHe two of which are elevated
and lead lo the set mid stoiy apart
ments: the other thiee run the length
of the MiiictiiiP. in tho hulldliiR. in
loinul numbers are 17.000 pieces of thu
hei - 100,000 feet or flooring, and "0,000
pieces of blldglllg, Loading to tho
warehouse Is what is known as Com-
nlniiMiMi " r H
m U I U I rj'jitu
fTJ ' -I a kM,w
Why not buy at first cost when you have a factory right at home, where
the best pianos in the United States are made. These pianos are in use in our
Theaters, Convents and by the leading music teachers of the country, and are
pronounced by them to be
Superior in Tone, Touch and
Durability to Any Now Made
OVER 13,000 of these Pianos aie now in daily use, and have been
for the past twenty-one ycais. Every piano fully Warranted for 10 Years.
We always have some bargains in Second-Hand Pianos and Organs, which
are taken in exchange. At piesent we have on hand the lollowing that were
taken in exchange last week for Keller Bios.' Pianos :
One Hazleton Upright
One Steinway & Son's Grand
One Ivers & Pond Upright
Two Chickering Squares
All in good condition and will be sold at a baigain.
Call at Factory, 1043 to 1051 Capousc Avenue.
Pianos and Organs sold on easy payments. Old instruments taken in exchange.
Wire Nails
Cut Nails
Coal Picks
R. R. Picks
Taps and Dies Wagon Tops
Wagon Umbrellas
5 In fact we carry everything to make
a new or repair an old wagon or carriage g
Bittenbender& Co f
1 126128 Franklin Ave. I
lii.linlniu l.i Mii-pt wliuif wlmll Itself
xU'iids nver a half tulle fiom I hi' b.i.v
phorc, Ih'Imk luiilt if miIUI Hlonc and
I'.irth ami miirounik'il on c.i li hUIi- lt
n 'lip of atoi SOO feet w lilo. On this
wharf, whli h Is Itself ahout i'Ort feel
wldi'. thi'ie .lie laid twelve swilih
tiiukf. Tho estimated leimlh of all
tlit'ie trailvH, Iik lildlllB thoo In ihe
wuii'hniiM', H Hevon and oiie-half mile"
whli h In liHelf U a K""d sized hIoi.iko
aul. The Bialn elmatnr at Its fili
thpr ctipnill' hai a eapai Ity of a
half million litwhpl. TIip whaif and
w ari'lioiixe N llBlitil with Ihe hundiod
liii'uiulpxipnt and are ll,iit. huiiip
le.ichliik' to Hip hold of a vessel whleh
I" Inadiiiif at nlfiht. l''or the iutoi tlon
of the Coinniaiulani'la whaif. et. ,i
jipifei t Hip sHtein, with all modciii ap
jplaiup, and mRaiilzeil lire rompaiiles
liae heen inovlded. Thin kIkiiiuIi i'ii
teipi'lsp Is illilli'H t l'l of the elite) pi ie
of tho railioad oilli l.ils and pnhlii im
It of the eltlzens,
l'eu.iaiol.i h.iH no liuiiin anil does mt
want any. It does nut need lo li
"boonifil," for It has the natural ad
nuiaRPs thai yo m innKo a city and
a si cat srapoit. without any iiunatu
l al Inflation, It Is claimed theio Is a
steady lialuia! riowMi and a later
nuiiilior of substantial homes, ami
ImsliipsH plai es are In Inir Pieeted all
Hip time and the population Ini icasine
lis fast as the ll k tpsotiuos aie be
comlui,' Known J K. ltli'hiuond
Allis-Chalmers Co
KiU'crssnin to Mnthliiii HuxImiHS nf
DlL'Khon .MaiuifaL'tui'liic Co., Mtiantun
and Wllki'S-H-iiir, I'u.
Stutluniiry i:iiriics, ltullou, Mining
Machinery, 1'umpa.
Keller Bros.' Pianos.
The Place to Buy Pianos
Is at the Piano Factory.
Loaded Shells
Empty Shells
Horse Rasps
Nail Pullers
Shirts, I .ind Hosierv.
12 Spruce Street.
Tiy our 10c. Linen Collins.
Every domain
u mttiu il 9iil ihoii'ri knnn
v 'S. A.VR
. 2
MAUVf 1. Whirling Spw
TlifU'n lilKjHif in
tU n I rvriwn IICIJ it
II ll'llrtft ltHi
. f.rll
i ii. mnol tupi'lf III
ir. Kit f'i iinrnn (fit ll
wr. m .. iiu tn nil
H pvfii'iill"i1 ' "" iim
Room 6C0, TImts PJc-i New Ycrk,
t- r i'i,i- m. iiii i
. J&M,,
' " 1
SfffV rJ j
Scott k Co.
See Our
Fall Opening
Dressing Sacque
Bath Robes.
We Are
Showing a
Most Elegant
Exclusive Line
126 Wyoming Ave
Mnuur&cturora or
435 to 455
N. Ninth Street,
Telcphoas Call, 2J3J.
iiiiim li. mul llf.'li. Allaniir (il), N I
fcixll. if a ivi luiiiiliil iniinn inult, Mucli
anil lin Lit li . hH nn'l i"l1 .i-iiwulfr hathi
in liottl ami nun I iiioii J". I .in') rrntinl,
within li null d I"' l'l I'"1 OltllMtU,
OHir .n.i.i4l iiin iJlf, tli lo l'i by nl,
J.'.VJ iii In ili spuiil ial' it i imihei Con-lit,
miu in i(iiii. umv ii i" ,
I -