MfiFpr'"'- 'l5j,''jr" f -1 I 'A -rlbtute TSst X4AA4,l'AA, 4$ ,4apuiWUUll $ iv THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPHR RECEIVING THE COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN THE WOULD. SCRANTON, PA., SATURDAY MORNJNU, SEPTEMBER 11, 15)01. TWO CENTS. TEN PAGES TEN PAGES TWO CENTS. y "y wv Vuv.l - a'S "iVyA'T!7"1 i?'1??SrtfA,Jt, Jiv?,' MORE POINTS ARE GAINED BY SCHLEY Court Withdraws a Question the Answer to Which Was Un- favorable to Him. DERELICTION IS CHARGED Admiial Hie" '..son, Who Command ed til. Massachusetts nt Santingo, Says Schley Could Have Dcslioycd the Colon Enily in the Game Had He Gone for Her with Vigor As This Is nu Opinion, Not a Demon strated Tact, tho Court Strikes It Out Other Testimony in Detail. Washington. Sept. SO. Tho Schley t ml nf inllll lecuiivoned today mid 1) -o adjournment examined four witipsscs. Tin- most important Inci- I-in n the da) was the decision of tli. 'Hint withdrawing a question put if in. iimrl Itself asking a witness to . ,n bin opinion concerning a point In iiuiersy. The witness was Hear i i.i . t til lllgginsoii. wlio participated hi t)u Santiago amii.HK! as laptaln of Mk battleship Massachusetts. Tills . tPfl was at utio time a part of the lev itlg t-fUllillfili I'liliillinlliifil liy Coillinn ne Schley and tin- mint asked lilin m state whether all possible measures if t.ild'U tn laptuio or destiny the Spanish vessel Cristobal Colon as it lay ri Santiago harbor limn .Mas J7 to Juno 1. ls'.is. Counsel for Admiral bl y ubioi-ii'd to tin question on the ground Mini a reply would imply an n mum and not a statement of faeit. .Iiii!k Advocate l.emley admitted that ihr ptecedents weic against iiuestlons of this character and the eolirt with drew this. Inlet togatiity. It is Reitcr ill admitted that tills decision wilt liai the effeet of materially shorten ing the term of the eourt as will hNo Mi' i unit's manitest intention to cut mt ii relevant questions und all hctir-t-ai ! stimoiiy. in several tlie witnesses were admonished to relate onlj events coining within their own obM-rulinu. Admiral Dewey showed himself a 1'iompt and methodlial presiding otll- i He ealled the eourt to order ex a i lv at tliu designated hour and ad ti.itrned It Junt as piomptly at 1 ieloil. The witnesses today were Hear Admiial Hlggliis-on, who coui lii.ilidtd the battleship Mns-saehusetts : 11 ins the Spanish wai: Captnlii C. M. f'li.i-tn. who ciimmiimlcil the cruiser ('un liiiiiili. .Major Thomas N. Wood, i-i tin marine eoip, who commanded i i murine on the .Ma.--s,ieliusetis and I'l'iiiiuander (llles 1!. Harbor, w ho was ex.n tithe ollleer of the Tesas, the l.u t i being on the stand when the court adjourned. The attendance of tho pub li was small. PROCEEDINGS IN DETAIL. Ma.iintnii, s,.,t -.'o i ,,, m one .mil pruiiipll) .it 11 ii'ilmk lieev.v, Hipicsi. ii lit. a-hed Nlilcv i he )i i, ,mv dijif. m tn nlbr tn .dmiial It ihi j . iiiiihmI to i i, in of tho Judges in place el Xdiniial lowi.ou, iiemi-.sril. Ai1iiiii.i1 ilile Mid lu had imi, 'the "iin was ll.rn seeotii in and sucn uroii'tilril io In ir ic-nimui). Iti ton. iloai'f hi, the pidge jdw. i .ii, addics-lng Itiar Ailiniral .s.hlc) as "Hie jp. (Ii. Jill." .Iik.ll it lie li.ul am iiiai'.-lintis lo nnki .11 in tho method ut iumiii'iIiii,-, rv tii ili r Ii. Iih.I ...IIIOIllllC III nil. I 01 ili-lmt tint In. I clnle I proctlll. 'Hie .lllllllllll l(.iullili'd utlli iukI uf llio bead and a move of tin Ii in.l, ,u.. lllte III? "C.e jlll'.Ul." Mi. I.cnily then pro. mid the i.pott of Hm bureau nt nititMlion lur li'i, .1 lijilinuupliio cliait uf tlio Wf-t lmlic ui.d ailjaci-i'it m'.u .iiid oilier chart', lie falil cxpllrillc tli.ii. they mic tntroiliiciij nut id I'tiilcmc, but a Imuk, of ii'f. Cli'llic. Will 1lu' pti'iluilc tln inti'iJiii timi u( mifci. 7m1 iloi'iniiiiif?" Jml.'e Wll.uii a.knl. "Not .it .ill," win tlie rrplv. "on itie n,. tiiir.t, o slult ilnlu to iiitidiliicp tln iirlBtinl tliKiiiiicia when iipimrtiiiiily oilim." iJlituni 1'jiUi'i. uf ioiiiimI fur Ailnnul s iilry, iimiIo ulijVitiiiii tu tlie licilrciitutililt. i Imii uiiiii it wit., "It i Kiuwh iiic.oiii'ii." tin .ml "As ii irr of tjct. lln- tiu.t lm,. f t uIm ii i-lv 1111I14 fuillier sviilli .iml tour 1111I14 furHipr ivpet th in it shnulil lip." lie, liouiwr, mthdrpw liN clijoi Hon when ii..iiin tlut tln rl.ait nut lo bo 11-nl a rii'liluc Admiral Higfrinson's Testimony. llMr Admlidl llli:xiii.-'Hi. mhiiiiijihI, r In ilm( ot tlir .North At 1 jut Ic rrpiulioii, m (lit- ln,t uiiiiPi.ii ralM. Up mIiI Cut lie lint, j uptjiu, . i"inniaiiinl Hip luttlpklilp Mjv.ulnii'tl liming thr war. ami tint fur 1 limp Hip Jj.,,. iIiiI'pmi luil Iipcii .1 pot of tlie "I'Miiir Sipml. ron." or wlilclt Itpjr -clil Iml I,, pn hi iniiiriMiiil. Up tolil of jolnins tlip Hiti .it .Nfpn't New: of culm; tn hoy IVi.l, ami tin 11. mi l.iy ii. nf Rnliiif to ritnfiirsiH, Cuba, Kiy Writ lad born Mt on M ij 1ft, J), ,in,l inn fiirxt'i IPJilinl 011 the iM "Wlut w.u (ln iloup to npiu ro ninicitiuii Mith tlio Cnlun foici on .hoipf" fjpljln l-i'inly a.kicl. "Nothlntr to my Unonlulgp," the ulllie. ip. plird "I iliil nut i.pp tint .initlitni; .u iIuiih, but I unilrritoo'l tlut infiM 1t1.11 i.m (on, prnln,' the C'ulunj .w iccfbrj lani ihiuuah McCilia." Up abn told, ill rt ply tu iu.'.n.,n. uf ii1(. prc.pncp of tlie collier Mc11l1u.1t jtnl ui iL,. ,,.. pjituiP of Hip I'l.v mif Sipunlron lion, 1 inilmm jnd the Jt1h.1l at Sjtill.ito un tlie lunin- uf ihe 'Jbtli. In ipply to e,iictlom, hp jid tlut tl.p MjtkjchiiPtti lud at tlut time tjkni on about mo hundred and tidily toiu of 1 oil, dm tM, m. tlir ucjllirr .i luuuli, thai .i. iiono wn, illiHculty. Hip wlllHii .1I-0 tuld of Hip Hirt'n lejiiij Santlas" fir Key Wpt on the iilalil uf it. airnd at the former plJir, and of hiuii, .(tier ntcjiulni; caiward lor wiiiirllnip, the col all. In if. tpuii.p to ( uiniiioilorp Schlr' li;nj, rrturunl and Mrjiurd tu "illiln tun or t lilt 0 111, U 01 the tnouili uf Ihr luilxir. "What liipprnr'l tn ijhp the ihcUlun tu ru tuin lo Key Wist?" tho wa a.ked. ' I don't knuw," wa. I lie ri'plj, "What a Hip romlltlnn ol I lie wpatlipr at the (imp fur ciubns at p.iY" It un not ImpoMiblp lnioal, I Ihliik." "Hid jciii aii iciikn in wlili t In- ioiij. Iiiiiulnie olfltrr In ipzjiiI In nlurnlii.- in mm. lllB'i aflrr ,ou had untie 11 oil tin' vav In vy" ".N'ui.c. We acted under gvncul urdtia All ep 1I1, 1 e 1. t.. fulluw tlie .iitnil. of the flJ?ihlp the mnil ot thr coniniindpr In chief." Conditions nt Santiago. spiMkiiii; uf iiinlitioiK eehen SnillJCr) liatbor w.i- usiiii iPaihnl, the admiral Mid that he (mild .ip erll into Hip harbor, mid that he tiy the .pjin-li c'llp lulnn Ijlni: In tho outer harbor. Up del mi rcnipuiber rppIiir othpr e-els, but tlio I nlmi .n Ihrn l.nno .card, bpjoml .Morro I a-lp, I'Iip ipe-l lud rnrialiipil thtie until khe m lit r cl un, hlcli ee.ii tlonp on M iy ill. She tin h 11 tili'd. Iiuiiilmii; PiiicmciiKtit ilmir,il lUir ciiix'ii Mid it eea on thr ilif 1" Hue the ar in'l f rplnforei ini'iiK uniler lipar Admiral siiuiviiii. Up K.11.I that Iti 11 Ailmlnl Sdilr had 1 nine jbninl and Mid tint he wanted to "rfO 111 and tlio on the Colnii." "sn we went In and tired on hn," rnntlniiPel Hip witmvs. Up Mid Hip fcliotd fell khoit of the I iihni. and lint the Ppinbh hnrp battery had ill liirn Hied un the bmnliirilini. lil". In n pi) to iiiis,ticiiii I" wh't lud hern Hicutnpll-iioil bv I lie bombarihiieiil. the wUiiph npllpd it hid end to drav the tlrp of tin! spaiibh flmre bitlpry and Kiw in idra of eelnt it eea. euiiipnpil of. "Win' hlri did joii st of IK lompiwltlnnV "I did not think It ainonnlnl no an) thins" "Wlirr u,n Admiral S rdei diiilns the beni birilnipiit?" "t one time he e.l uiliiiti Hip lonnme tow er, luil ino.t of the tune be w.n on the outtide ot It. I eel. nrar lilin loo-t of the tlinp." "lipMiihe Ihe .uliiiliat't iiunner In tint ensa;c nirnt." "I haidly kiime liner tn anerr tint question, pvippl In m) that In. nntiiier en tint of rnnv 111 nidi r in e-liiPt." A Loading Question. lur JihIkp adeniatp Ihrn ,iked "What an. pn. inn did ihe'- maimer in M1.1t encage uii'tit make upeui 1011 " Mr. K i) ner. of roim I fur s,hie), oli'ei led to Hill qiie.tmii, ami alter -nine eontentioii the (pie-linn ee.H cellliilraeMi. Iiul;e dein.ite beinly ul befoie eiihihaMin; the q'ltloti that he loneldrred Ihe point ai einhr.ii "d In the precept, and 5Jul that while Hip ta-k w.11 .1 1l1s.1151e1.1hlP one, he oihhItpiI it hn duly to preMi it. and intiiniteil that he would -o -o at anniher time. "tlit did )ott not CO in and de-troy th" Colon in that piu cement Mac .11'" .Indie Adeocalo l.emll' nvkid the wlllii "Hiein-e in epn nu'. unlned tu dn m," rf pli'd Hip eellln j. Later on Ihe' eeitnp- uluiitpered the Kl.itr merit . "1 think Hip t nnn rotild hiee bprti iIm etmecd wherp 1.I1P lay at anchor tint di)." The admiral Mid In repl) to qtie-tion from I aptain LpiiiIv that theio weic no writ'en onlir. and 1.0 far .la he eould re'call the only vulial ordi re were "ko in." Hie jiidttP adincute Hun ottered dmiral lliy-Ciii-on' leport of the tilth of Ausu-t, Miinc (ho lepurt hid been made in Hup of dut). .Incite Wll.nn, ot mun-pl fm diniral v, nl.y, wld nn nhiPilion wmild hp inaili hut tint counsel fur Ilip applleanl did not ihnip Hip unotijirteil ' ceptmep nf Hip ri pin t In opeuite a. a precedent. Cap! tin I.emle aiiuouiieed Hut be Ind no fur ther nui'-tiuiH tn .i-k 1lm11 d llisk'iii-ou, and (uiiii-pI fur 1I111111I hi. j 1..111I tin) had no tUP-tiuni to put Questions by Comt. t apliiin Limit' then 1I1.II tin .null had froiuo queiiiuiK of it. men in ak 'lliey eieie eeiltteii 'Ihe hit ee.n conerinliit; lm cleeatiun of Hip Bum ihiriuj Hie bninbaiduiiut of Hip t nlon on lav II Tup nplv luit .it tint they werp T.'nn dot. and Ijitcrl) ".nmi ippt 'iho next que.tiou j a in eehethrr "tnerp wai any pi 11c uf hliPlter near .intijip wheie the ri)in Sipi.ulrun cuuld li.ii e coibd .11111 n .uriwl at Nintljun 1I111I1.1I lliu-'in-on ieilinl tint i.u.iiil iiuino wa- mil) foriv inilei to the ut. Hie thud iiie-tlnn, cnmiiiir, n it did, 1mm the eoiin, cte.ited innierhli uf a sin-ation, eelilih na. add'il tn In tin lepl.e. I In iille-tinn eea-' "Wa. peen I'llml nude In Iteir Admiral -ihley In ilnlioy or e ipluie the spinl-h -hip I -ulon ihe lay 11 am 1ml in Hip Inilmi' uf Santiago be tuiili tin .'Till and .d-l ol Mai " "Hlijeii! tlliint! Object!" c imp Iruiii rai h of Admiial "-elilc i'm .mii-i-l. but I if fine .1 lull eould be i.lllnl Ihe eeitiiivi had tipliiil "Nn, I nnii't think it e.a- " A Legal Controversy. I In iiiiHo!i .in.l Ihe repl) led to a b'k'il ionlioeiii.1. .liidse Wll-on mid Ml. llaeiur bulb Blip lea-ul). fill tl.eil obPi tlnn. 'liny inn. Iimled that Hip itup-liuu 1 illed tur the upinlnii of II, p uitiu-i., eehPie onl) fji t eeeie adiiiUsl hie. .ludse Itayiier aiknl, "M.i. I atk the imiit, if .1. loiiliir.' to tlio 1111II1O1I (if pruipihue luic, the nun ha. mini that wo aie not ai liberty to ohjnt lo my iiui'ethiii. at all Hul mi) be jknl " 'In Hut 1l111irjl llem-v liplud: "Whib tliht 1 ourt i- oidered to iioi-tluite j11 the titl., we naei tin luhl lo J-k mi) iiii'tiou tlut will liuiiir 0111 I lie jil. line nf the cluriteH .iflin-t Itt ji'Ailinual -1 tile) I. eehilliir or lint eeiry I'llort illi Ulllbillt mi Hie ii'mmallilitlB iilthi'l nf (In lint iiiidir xicli iin uui-tunie. wj.' in eiptuie ni d'-tru) the Sijnuti iniirr ( uhiii a. he Lie at anchor in Hn elduiue 1u MiituBu llnlbiir. Mae L'T lu .11 .illi Ill-iee. We ll.iee ,.,ei Hul itii-iiuii and wp liave In. 1 dtuiial JIIb-mli-on'.i npiiilun. I lm coin t b) the plT.rpl ic ublutid in Bin in opinion on the 101,1 Ill-Ion of tlie iiiv.'-iIkjiIoii Now, lu Hip opinion nf Hip unlit and 111 nidir to form in opinion eee eejutiil 1l11111jl lllt'ciii-on'. uplnloii on tlut ubjicl " .IuiIbp H lUmi - "I Ihd Hill pleilpl, nailliiB ll tluniigh frmu mil In 1 nd. In lm Imply 1 lil. Iliil I hole .lull In in iiiee-ilBJIiuii 10 BPl it Ihe f.lll-. llil etliiii eun haee BOIIill ai the t.ieii thni mil Pipit-, euiii opinion, but eon aip iml lulled upon, ami, I tiiu-l n-peit. tull) niibunl, an nut ppiiulitid to take mini" beid) ebe'. upliiiuii. Non liiee a liuhl to pet all ihe tail- eon and Hut i what ceo u.ilil. bill ulhileeiM )ou eeill mc .it unit that euu iiiIbIh Iijip a Bieit e. 11 lily of npimom ami all Hie opinion- ut uli'ii'lluiln lu olhu eeunl-, tin in. 1 . la duu'i call lor amlioih'. oulnlon I'Xiept tlie opinion ot II1I1 honouhle rouil." Vilmiul ieeei')"lu the opinion of one 1111111. lm 01 Ihe I'ouil ami peilupi of the nt lieu we don't i-k hit opinion, Iml lor a -tatiimnt of .1 miller of fj.l. Wt a! "eea peer) iliinj; doneV We duu'i !) 'in euui uiiliiiun ' " .ludiii' ll.ulioi ni nle an eMiudeil 11311111.111, 'liinliuj 111 m lrB.1T .iiiiiiuiiilei 141I11H nl(. ,u. uiiA-ilubie nl uplniciti mi the patt ot the wit m..ei mil In a -peikiiu eelun at I u'llo.k ill. 1 inn 1 luok 1 nip- o ,111 hum toi luiieliiuii l'ioin,il ai 'J ii'ilmk 1 lm 1 unit wa ulled tn nidei h) ihulul llitei.e and Mi. Il.ienor ipmiiiiiiI hn aiBUIiuiit ill opmilinii to the ad mixihilli) 01 iiui urn- inn ml. d to ..ill ,ut Hip upluioiK nf Hlluev.pi. lie contended tint if tiillinuii) uIiihb opliiliin. ihoulil he admitted Hie imiuil) leould he liiieimliuhle. If, for lu-lanii, eiuiilou. leeic to be ukfii a. to tin) pmptiely of Hie loop nude be tlie Itiookliii, pijillially ihe i lithe nil)' could In- wiiuinoiie.l, as all II. inembir n. (prit. and eji Ii would Ineo hla opluluu WltuiMi. weic expected to lllate- IjiIk: the 1 null In tlie opinion. Question Withdinwn. Hi pi) in.', .lud.'i' ilvoi.ilt Lemly quoied the moid in ihe ut ViIiiiiijI Kippol, tizuliit; tlut it eea enliiel) eeilhiu ll" dl-cirtlon of Ihe mil 10 1I1-1 l.le vein tie 1 llu opinion of 1 tellniM wlm lud hi "ii nu llu Biuiiud Imuld be called be Hip cmirl, lie llnmjlit. lone ner. that "the eeillthl nf aulh'iill) eej. aj:,iinl aiklnc the oplre inn nl a wIiiipm." flip 1 ourt then willidieie In I'lpetlun .i to Vdiulul lllnuili-uu'e opinion ai tu whether Lejiiiiuuiluie.' schlc) hid done all that could be done to destroy the Colon while that uet lay at anchor in Santiago Illy Another question put by the com! w.n a. to the ilblance tlio i-qiudron lay out trout miiiI.iko and tho reply was that it w.n three or tour miles out clurlns the day time and two or thre'e miles out at tilBht. In reply to a quptiiii he aai.l that alter the bomliirdmtnt of l.i) .11 no further effort had been made to destroy Hip t'oloii, became the icp1 bad gone inside the harbor. Admiral IliBBlnson wai then rxeuud and Captain C. . Chester, who commanded the Cincinnati during the Spanish war, and who is noev In command ot the n.iial war collese at Ncevporc, was tailed. Captain Chester rclited an Intrrelcw he had had with Admiral Sehley on boaid the llrooklen ,o(T the south coast of Cuba, on Miy '.'u, 1M. lie bad told the ad miral that fioni his rvamlnitloii ot the chnts he beheied coaliiiB ftaflble, but he thought it nould be done under disadvantage He had cpres.-ed the opinion tint boats nilsht be used or that a more neeure point lnlitht be rjIihdI utidrr the lca.s thirty miles to raslujul. The Enemy in Sight. Mijor Thomas N. Wood, of the marine orp, who louiuunded the luatinc force on the Mjim chtwtt.s duriiiB the Fpinbh war, testuleil In the tlrciiinstanie'i connected with that level's opni Honc durln',- the sii'SC of S.mtliBo. He nalil tint the second day alter f-anthiBO bav ten le.uh.d by the l'l)lnK Squadion he had teen 'he tililobul Colon l.vini; In'ldc the lnrhor; that tbcic w.n at that time .mother Spjnl-h i"HPl of the Mm i).i'h clis piille Milble. lie llioiijlit bolli were in Mow" for three or four daes. 'I lie witnes- .i'sd aid that whrit Schley hid come uboird the Mas-.uhuetts precious to the- bombjidmeut of the Colon en May III hu had hoard Unit ntlmr ny to Captain IUku'Iilsoo: "We ate roIiu: hi, but we will not go in Miflciemly heir to nn danser the cc.H'ls" U'' hid been told tlut the distance wa. to be 10.WO feet. After the bom bardment ici-rd, Major Woods said the Siilil-h lullerie rontiiiiic.l tu tire at the American t-lil". "Did )ou hear orders or iietiuction cIm-ii by Coinmodorp SiLhley after the hombjiduiuit ." askp.l the jiidaje adeocatp. Hip wlttipv. replied: "I sunt iqion the super structuip to a.k if we wcip eoIub in iiBaln, of Solus any eln-rr, mi as to knnev whethpr sp would hap a tlnnte to ur the kl inili lultPiies, of which I was in loinuunrt, and I betid, ns I bellcee, ( ointnndore hehl-y Kjy tn Captjln Ills-Bin-on. 'Sijiboard )nur helin, and let's (tel out ol this ' " "How clear I. )Oiir recollect ion? Where these his I'sj.f i.nrdi." "As 1 remember, the-e wrrc the cxart winds, and at the time I loinldered them lis l.ielns bun made by I omuiodore t- lilcy. 'Ihrre s.cre quite a niimlier of people up Iheie en the forward pait of the deik at that time and fiom the leiosiii tlun of the eoite, and the BPneral dire, tlnn from which It I came I took it to be .1 letnirk madp by th" flair ofliipr. I suppose I was prnbib'y elsht feet away limn the spcikpr eehm I lie ml this remark made." "Did jmj hear It di.-tniolh " "I heard it fiirly di-timil). 'Iheie m. a bit of eniifu.-lon Bolus ut Hip time, 1 ui.pel b) pet-nns w.'ilkiut; around." fuptalu 1,'iles P ll.iber, imee 111e.1l alt.uliP st Paris and st. Prter-bnis, eeho ee.n cieiutne oflirer on bnai.l tho 'lesas iluilni; the spmili war, was a-ked, in the ab-eme of Captiln Phil lip", to Bbe ,1 deuiled ac.ouiit nf the 0per.1t inns of that vps-el ilurliii; the war, and he did wi. 'the Tevas had been a p.ttt of the I'll Ins Sfiiudiun and the witness said that tiny slrnned fnr Cleiitiieso. the flap-bip had sisnibd: "We so to Cienfuesos to h.s the Sp.11111r.b1. wi-li )ou good lutk." No Finns of Battle. In ri (ill tn qiiPition-i, lie slid thil lehm t u ti fuesos was iphIipi! eiirlhwurks eene illsiueiieil llieip. but no etlort was nude to de-troy thuu. Captain Ilirber was epie.itioneil as to uidirs eon- . 1 nine plins lor battle, but kiM tin! nolccnh st.itidins that he would baeo taken cuiuui.ind in cise ot the incapacity uf (.lplaiu Phillip-, lie hid uriieid un dir.ctioiii fiom ilu loinmimiir in ihief. He bad beard of no plain In i.i-i the tnemi' -hould be ensasid 'I lie evilnr-s Mid tint eeh'le l.ems oil Ciiiiiup. EOS, I,e, with olliPis, hid H'lli lislils fn 111 Hip shore, whieh. Iioiu Hun inliire. Hue tnnk tn In signal-, but no att.uliou bad been paid In them until Hi" Ollli, eeheii aire M irlib head bid sniiiul and hid. he uinloi.ili.oil, r.'plud to tl.e nun, ils, .mil coiiimunicalnl with tboc oil shnie. He Mid tlut there w,n no tneal nicd ot while lyins oil CienfueBOs, but that Hie Tevas eould line taken Inorp and would line been to set ll. 'Ihe Iowa had rojleil thirp. lie said. Precriblns the sail to Siiilhso, the witue-s said Iheie hid beiti mush weath.r, but (hit tlie Tens ould haee made belli r lime tlnn il did. lb iid that whin Hip iiiielroii arriee'd in ilsht of the ViIp and otlu r Ameiiian coiels off sjiitiisn 111 Miy "il all Ihe eenels ih.ited fur in linn, thinkins tley weie e-ils of the riuiii). Winn they dl-mipred theii lili-l.ll.e I'aptiln Phillips hid tlmi tiled Captain WI-p, nl the lie, neins: "line )nit B"t tin 111 in theie " to eeliuli tl.e I. file wa-: "1 think wp haee." Not Impossible to Coal, Mr. Ilinii.i, who eomlintiil tin' evamiin.inu ol Un witness, asked him pitlli ul.llly rnmernliis the trip 110111 santUso tuwanl Kiy Wi-t eelicit the squadron stirinl fur the latter place in onh r tu He said that nn etlort had luvn mule on the Jntb, the il iy of Ihe arilejl 01T Santlaso, tn .ml the ship. 'J'lie s..i was somewhat rousli. bill the wilnes-eil cU(s-ed the opinion tint cojlins lOiihl h lee bi'.n grcoiuplisliid. He lud puiieiib ed in tlut ope'raiiun at I'mlucas win 11 Hie weath er was e.piille- loiicb. "If )uu b..d been iri'iiuited tn (ml on Iho Vnlh, eelnt would jou have done " Mi. ILinni a. Led. "I would haee .lone It," Hip llln'.-j ri-ponil.'d, "I don't think Ihe sei n any heailir when e had taken cnal un nlhei oeca-ioni." Ilelatlns tn the p.irlluiljrs of the 1. nun tn viuthisn after staitins lor Key rl, Ihe wllue-.. slid tlut cnal had briu lain 11 on the nlsht nf the 27lh. When (aptain Phillips Ind be. 11 a-I.ed If tlio 'pas eenild dial hP 11 idled: "Wp .an In." 'I lie tiiil hid h'rn tnjiip nnd Ihe itL.rt had ptuepil -utcs-tul. ihe nitiiPis mil Plnlnly Saw the Colon. ( Iliibn ali luhl of npius Hie I i.lun itiilde Hie iuibur at Sautiaso on Hip uiuruius nt Mil ''i. ami said It lud rem lined lime until luiip I Ihe morii.iu tloil, he Mul, I.i 1- seem or ciulit mile., f 1 run Ihe mouth of ihe li.uhor at iilshi and furlhiT than tint In Hie da) time. iked .nn.eiiiliis hl kuowlnlBi- of Hie llinuk leu's loop dm ins the battle elf -Jiuiin Hie wllness slid he did nut -s-e the loop nndp. lie said In reply lo quoitioni Unit the lilmkade was inaintalned by the ve-sels lejinlns in column back and fottb in fionl ot Hie muuili of the luibor. at a dl-tanee ot fiom m-un to ten miles out, the RrcuUr illitanep hems tint ruaiiiiaauu at 1111:111. u nits 11111 nu e time eejs no dithcilll) ill set Ins the slioie .luilns Hie ilje time jml on clear nUIits ,lmt nlun Hie eeeathu ee is lud il eeji illtlleiilt to s.i tun lime in Hie day lime and some times un ler ihn-p .in uinstJM.s to mp it at nltihl. t aptliti lljiber eeai then J.kid lomeiuiliB Ihe pn-lliun of the lliuoklju lehillie to Hie Ti .n ami tn the other ships when hp tint i.iu lm alter the tutu "Ihe" lie liplud, "tea. on iho port boev of the levas, standins at an anale. I should fay. approxlnulely onc-lnlf iolut m I ho southward licellns of the Trxu. t tlut lime Hip Oiegon was jut foijins pm m on the starhoanl .1p, in sliore. Hie loa was still f.ntlin in shore and pululius up. to that lier bow overlapped our how, "Wheie wire Hie Spanish tes-eU willi leleieute to ihe headllij of the 'I'pxaij" "Ihe head of Hie Hup was then on our star Im.iid Imee, 1 should sji'. approxltrutely fuur pulnla 011 Hie how." t tlii point the remit adluuriipil pi ptl) .11 I o'eloil. until 11 ii'ilnek loniorioee. Will Print Secret Work. 11) Fuluilve Wire from Tne ssoclatrd I'rrn Indianapolis. Iml , Vpt. 51 1 The Hieeirlsn Bland IniltP of Odd tided Imliv In allner copietof lit.) sceitl etuil til the older lu be, made-, PRESIDENT WALKING ALONE. Disdained a Cnvringe or Companions Going on n Visit. Washington. Siqit. 20. About 1.S0 o'clock, shottly after the eoneluslon of the cabinet, today, I'tesldcnt Jloose velt left the White House to go lo lite residence of Ills fdster, the wife of CominaiKler Cowles of the navy, for luncheon. Dlsdninhig n carriage, he walked eswlflly and alone. No one had known when he would leave his ofllre and nfl he passed briskly out of the grounds ot the executive mansion he attracted lit tle attention, scarcely anybotly recog nizing him. He noised Pennsylvania avenue into Lafayette squato and thenee up Sixteenth street to his des tination, lu the cottt'isc of an hour and a half he returned to tlie White House, still alone and walking. THE PRESIDENT IS BACK AT WORK Holds Mooting of tho Caolnct nnd Seeks to Familial i.o Himself with His New Duties. It) Ks. lulie W ue fiutn Ihe At-oi laied l'n-s Wnslilnglon, Kept. 20.-- The piesl ilcnllal train arrived in lite lVntisyl vanla railroad station at !.-." a in. to day. I'resldent Itoosevelt Immediate ly ettleied a carriage ami wan driven to tlie White House. .All member ot tho cabinet who went to Canton lettttned with him. The president on eutetlng the White House proceeded to the cabinet room, wheie Picsldeut Melvlnley was wont to do tlie greater portion of his woik. He walked briskly and spoke pleasantly as he pa-e-ed to the watchman nnd other employes of the mansion, ltcacli ing his olllce lie was Joined almost Im mediately by Secretary Long. Soon af terward Senator Cullom called to pay his respects, and following him came Senator I'roitor, one of the ptesldent's cloe iieiMinal f 1 lends. Secretary Long tepotted to Ihe ptrs Idcut the condition sif aftairs in tlie Navy department. He was asked about the work of the Schley coittt of In iltili.v. With Senator I'ulloni I'tesldcnt l.ou-evclt exchanged pleasant greet ings and received tlie assurances of the heaitv support of the Illinois senator. Willi Senator I'roctor there was a sim ilar exchange of exptcwslons of good will. The picsldent's foiiuer seiietary. Mr. Loch, jr., will tctnaln with him, ptob ably as assistant secretary. Mr. Cor- tel) oil, at the prcshlen't's earnest p iitest. will retain his position as esec iclaiy. At II o'cluck all of the ineinbeis of the (ablnet, with the exception of At toille) -Cieneral Knox, Intel at rived at the White House and soon were seatcel areiunil the familiar table, f'tesldenl Itoosevelt occupied a scat at its heail anil In the h;tli long occupied by bis piedei essor. The majority of the lneinbei of the 1 ablnet will. It is certain, i cumin dur ing Mr. I! even's term, but It Is prob able that Secretin)' Long will retire within tlie next f. w months. He feels that he can leslgn, without embarrass ment to Air. itoosevelt. and therefoie it is believed that within tlie next few months lie will ask the president to pet mil him to retire to private1 life. The cabinet scv,soii lasted about an hour und a half. All tlie time was spent in a general tevlew of the more Impor tant questions which will require the attention of the new president. i;ach member explained to tlie president the policy which bad been followed in deal ing with the matter-- under considera tion and their picsent status. Xti new niisincsf wius l.tKeti up. PEACE SETTLES UPON INDUSTRY Recently Sti iking Mill Workers Aie Returning Rapidly to Work A Few Reasons Why Their Strike Failed. It) I'm lu.ive Wne fioni 'Ihe Amii uted 1'ris.s Pittsburg. Sept. 20. With few excep tions work was tcsiimeil, at least In a measure, nt the I'lilted States Steel corpoi a lion's mills today, anil If the dlssatislled tin winkers can be concili ated by next .Monday all tlie plants will be in full operation. Among tho tin wotkers the feeling against leturning to work unless the union is leiogni.ed Is still strong. Hut inllueuces are at voile which, It Is Imped, will induce tlie st 1 licet s to re consider their deteiniinatlon before any 1 ash move Is niaele, At'Mi'Keispoi t all tlie plants but one rolling mill, wheie the- men still insist 011 recognition, weie nuuilng lull, and the strlko is tegardeil as finished. The Amalgainateil Journal, comment ing on tlie New York settlement, s.i.vh: "The causes that led up to this unsat isfactory settlement were tho over whelming otlds that the association hail to battle against, tlie daily press, public opinion, the nil vice of pioinlnent labor leadeis and the withdiawal of credit by men hunts." Suicided on Sou's Grave, jr Eirluiirt Wire from Ihe Auoelattd Prcm lli.iilin,-. jii I luil,- tomtit, aged ii, 1 hu-iue-j iniii .eeim 1,, 1 luibs beam' iimetriy, 1I1U rv.niiut iml .1101 am) killed lime .elf on Ihe suic ol hn -on, pi, who died ilv. month- 420. Ihe i.uw fm Comett'a ait l up0ed to lie 1:111 f 0111 Hu sun' dialh. Lord Derby Wins. (f Kit lu.ive Wire fiom The Auoelited Pres.1. lteadvllli', Ma-J., Sept. SO In l,e $111,010 raec bcleeirn l.nril llerhy and lluralnii heir todl.v, Isrd Drrhv net in three stuichi h.ats. Inn,' 27'i. '-''i;"i. " DEATHS OF A DAY. '.' lluin-iorl, Sept. -.'il.-t aptain William X. Iniiis, major nl Wllllaiu-pnrt finlll m tu 1iJ, 1II11I this nioililne, ageel i!7 )rai. Wjshlliu'lnll, Sept "U.-l'jplJlll Herblll I,. Huper. Iiillid Mates Marine rorpi, died uf heart j.'.A.ate at llonj Ki.l mi Ihe Huh nl., annul. Itie to a report limn Admiral KrmplI In the tiny ihpiilineiil. Captain Unpen en. appointed (mm h' and inleied the Mailue e"iii lu Jul), I sell. PATTISON WILL NO LONGER LEAD Resigns as Chairman ot the Phila delphia Democratic Gitu Committee. HE INSISTS ON FUSION Because the County Convention, Lnst Night, Nominated a Stinlght-out Democratic Ticket, tho Quaker City Moses Deserts His People and Together with Colonel Guffey De elates for a New Committee nnd Fusion Union Party Extends the Bolters nn Earnest Invitation. Ilv l.ulunitr Wire from Tlie Assoclaled Press. 1'lilladelplila, Sept. 20. A sensation was sprung in local political elides, to night, when ex-i!overnor Itobett II. Paulson announced his resignation as chairman of the Democratic' city 10111 mlttee, ;ts a result of tlie count) con vention nominating a straight-out Democratic ticket. Coupled with this announcement was a suggestion fiom Mr. Paltlson that a new Democratic organization be foimed in the city, which btought out a statement fiom National 'onunltteenutii James M. itttffey heartily approving tlie sugges tion. The patty organization In tills city is continued by ex-t'lty Chairman Charles P. Donnelly and t'lly Commissioner Thomas J. and there has or late been much opposition to their leader ship. Kffotls have been made by Mr. Pattlson and ills supporters to have tlie orsanl'ation fuse with the Tnlon party in tills elty, which has nomi nated P. F. Itothertnel (tho incumbent) for elistiict attorney, against the Ite publicati nominee. John Weaver. These effcuts fulled, and tonight the Demo cratic convention placed the following straight ticket in the Held: For dlsttlct attorney. ex-Postmaster W. Wilklns C'arr; contioller. Joseph C. Mageo: 10 corder ot deeels, Henry Fernberger; clerk of court of quarter sessions, Her man V. lb'tzell; member of the board of tevlslon of taxes, Clttules Denton. After the lotiventlnu had aeljourned, Mr. Paulson announced his resignation as ibaitman of the committee, to take effect at once. His letter nf resigna tion l as follows: Pattlson's Letter. I'o Hie Members nf the Dniun ratle. Louimiilep nf Philadelphia. luiitletneir Sane wnk.s ajo, I was elei t -.1 iluiriuan nf your ..uumiltee. 'Iliis action was wttliout colli nation em my part. I ane-pled the eleiiinii with ureal s.iernbc to my business m-tere-U. After aisumuig the duties of the nllu e, with the ii-suranco of eotif cooperation, 1 vl-iled all the ward-of the clt). wltli the fMiplmn "f three, to .vu'rlim the condltlnn of Hie ward ut-L-.inb.illol . I found in inane' uf firm tlui, time wa- not even the sPUiblance of tin oryauuati.U! 111 snim- of the elleislnii,., fter s, lining' Inn knoeeUilEP, I made up ltiv mind to slicnthen the weals places anil eneour.ute the strung. Hut am r wpek-s of the mo-t arduous labor, tin- aeimn nf the 1 utility convinces hip tint I am without nine or influence in the diieclion of ihe existm;.- ui t; miration. Iiellrifiu;, as I 'lo. tint is the nti-iulieliiiini? setititnent of the Demo, rats uf Phllailelplda that this is an occasion when wp should uiiitp nliit the indepi ndent lteinhliian.s for the overt lirow- of the 1111 nipt mis, whleli is 1li-g1.11 nig the minis, nation nf public attain in our citv, I am pre paid to alvo my tiiup and serines' towanl anv niovriuint which will brim: about such h cotidl lluii of alTalrn as will a-sire eoniiilet- til-ton and will aiPOinpllsh tliis result. I further believe tint the ino-t illiut war of reailitng such a ie siil't Ii the nrgjnlration of a new Heiuoi ratio ioin-initipi- whleli will lead to tlie nouiluitlnn of 1 finum tuket such ai will ccmmaml the sutlrics uf ihe malorlte- of voters of Pliiliilelphu. I Hieietuie liiulii niv iP-iitnalinu, to take efTe.t at on.o II. Iieee me. ii.iiin tiule, Hubert I I'llii-uii GttlTey's Statement. At the same time- Colonel Cluffy Issued the following statement: "I have spent valuable time, at the Ituonvcnlencf of myself and my busl ines tiylng to bring about a state ot altalrs political, in Philadelphia, look ing to a better government. 1 had tea- son to hope that a Democratic county convention would be Inlluenced to this end. Put I rcgtoC to say my labors have not availed, and believing the only utirfco now left looking to this end Is tho one suggested by (loveinor Pat tlson, chairman of the Democratic city committee, I most heaitlly endorse his present ptv-ltlon ami suggestion and will aid lilm to the best ot my ability." it was announced by those clo-ee to Mr. Pattlson Unit a new organization would at onio be created with a full city committee. Negotiations will in all likelihood be opened witlt the I'tilou party looking toward fusion witli that organization against both the tegular P.cpublhan and Democratic organiza tions. t'ongtessinan James K. P. Hall ot H!k tonight gavo out a statement in which he nays: "Tlie committee appointed by the te cent Democratic stnte convention To supervise party conditions In Philadel phia met on last Sntutdny and ad journed to meet at the call of tlie dial) man with the understanding that ho would call a meeting when deemed necchsaty by any member of the com mittee. The necessity for that call is now here and I will wire tho chairman at once to convene the committee lit Philadelphia on tliu 25th of this month at 10 a. in." The chalunnn of this committee is Captain William Uiiroou ot Venango, ami the members beside Mr. Hall, are William Hlgler, rieurflold; W, Hnyes lirler. Lancaster: John II. Head, West iiioielaml und .Senator W. C Heinle, t 'en tic. Tlio Judicial convention for tlie nom ination of a Judge of common pleas iiiltrt No, .'1 which waH ctcaled by tho 11 tent legislature will be held toluol row, The Dounelly-ltyau faction lias Hlaled Judge Maxwell Stevenson, one of the present Judges In that touit, foi the place. The following was furiinshed to the local newspapers tonight. "TIip 1 nlon pirtv, at a meeting of their elty totnmltlre, tod.i), loinpusrel of eighty two tep roMMiljUe... from peer) waul, who ti present watd orKjiilMtlons composed of fl.10 netlie lb publican rccelted nomination papus slitueel be Itllv thousand Indcpiiidpul voters, tiomlnatins .ludse Yeikes, tor mipreme court, and P. I'. Itotheimel for district attorney, ami they staiiel reaely to complete their ticket lu Philadelphia countv bv linlnin itlnc sileli Demo irais a. 1 olonel .uil..v, of Ihe Deumeratle na tional conuniilee, and (lovernnr I'atllKiti of the remit)- committer, nuv siibbpii, "The I'nlon patty stands lead) to .oopetatp with Hip hniipit lliinoiiaey of Peiins.vlvanli and tho elty nf Phlliilelphl.1. as teprps.ntpil by (ol onel (PilTey ami IJovernor Patlison for the elec tion of an huripst nun's tl.kct. "iniiiel M Ch inenis, "ci I nlon Put) " UNION PARTY CONVENTION. Call for Its Long-deferred State Con vention Is Issued nt Lnst. He Ksilu'ive Wire from The ssoeiaied l're. Philadelphia, Sept. 20 -The Tnlou party state tonveullon. w lib It was originally fixed for September t. and later postponed on aciount of the as sassination of Pteshlent McKlnley, will be Held at the Academy of Music in this city at noon next Tuesday, Si p tcmber 21. The call for the convention, slgtieil by a number ol piomiuetil lte puhllcuns In a majority of the counties of the state, was Issued today. It Is as follows: To the P. ople of Pi mis) lean 1 'the ind i lb 11 lie p of the preient slate nlnnm tration tn the rights ami of llu people of 1'itm-t llama, is witnessed by Ihe untune ins lit and Jpptoval of 'ripper bills' taking aeeav from lilies of the -pi ond chns Hie nithi uf selt-covrrnment ;the trolley legislation, fnr Ihe purpose of creating vail tirtunes for poiilb it frhn.U .11 the evpen-e ot die people: the various hills muted for the1 creation nf new' courts; the Increa-e of sal tries anil usplos ollnes as rewmLs for political tre.ic.heri. Hie abolition of tho boaid of rpvislon of taxes of Philadelphia i npiiitrd by Hip court; tho shameful exhibi tion of roiniptiun, tiom the election of Mar shall as spojktr and ffii.iy as senilnr, to Hip erj end of a disgraieful session; the ehfeit of all efforts to secure an) ballot reform or prinurv election law.., and the slated iimnlm tion for Judffp of tlip Supreme court bv the state convention of a judge appointed by the r-ovcriwr, who is chared Willi having subordinated his high nfliee to dlsgricrftit politi cal ends, make it llnrallve, if the honor nf our eiiniinnmvpaith is to be aved, that .1 t nmn putv, ut faeuiof tlie rpitor.ition ot hotiPit guv eminent 111 our slate and municipalities, be furuieel, the uIm and object of vshiili -Ii ill be to iioiuitnle nun for oftl. e whose inlegrltv ami honest) ale uiutoiiliteil, and who will 1101 11-e J11di11.1l or cttlciil po-itloiu for the political or official adeantazes of themselves or friends. 'Ihe sole illi-tlnl1 now befnrp Hip penple e.f I'eiiui.ib.inla ii a one. Shall fund and corruption ami all Hip debasing iniluetiees uf Ihe pre-cnt -tale .idniiniitratmn he approved at Hie coming election bv the lolers ot tho 10m ninnuealili, to the eiuhistliig disgraii- of (In state, ui shall ami Inlegrit) pievad' In Older that steps mae- be taken to nominate candidates whom all voters can lonslstetitly sop- Ipoit. ive unite in a call for st ite convention, 10 nt- neiti in I'liiuiieipnia ai Tue-eiiv, stpi. ''4, to adopt a pnnciphi, 1 lininc. pari) rules iiuiiiiiulioti i.imliiljtei tor iudge loutt and si ite ti'ejiiitei V2 o'i luck on dei larjiion of ami place 111 'I the Supiniie William .McConway, of Allegheny county, who is one of the signers to the call, will be permanent chairman of tlie convention. Use-Attorney Gen eral McCouuIek, of Wllllainsport, will place tlie name ot Judge Yerkes before the convention as a candidate for jus tli'e of the Supreme court, anil Walter Ueorge Smith, ot Philadelphia, will nominate IleprcscntaUve Corny, of I.u- zciuc county, as the 1' laudldate for state tieasuiei. MRS. M'KINLEY GOES TO CEMETERY Gratified nt Sight of the Beautiful Flornl Tributes nnd Begins to Take Intel est in Affniis. Canton (., Sept. L'O. Shortly alter noon today Mis. McKlnley expic-sed a flesh e lo be taken to the ictni'leiy. This reqttes't was teadily acceded to by Dr. Ili.xey who, witlt an attendant, es corted her to a doseei carriage. They were accompanied by Mrs. llaibei. At the lemetery a throng which quickly gatheieel about the catrlage was dispensed by the soldlets on guard ami Mrs. McKlnley was driven over the lawn illicitly In fiont of the -vault The- military guard gave a formal sa lute. When she saw the beautiful array of lloral pieces. Mrs. McKlnley ex pressed gratification, but was appte ltenlve lest injury lie done her bus Ii.iihI'h body. She was assured by Dr. Ilixey that the mllitaty guard would be malntnlucil ninety days at the ex pliatlon of which time tho body would be seeuielv placed hi the utult and lot kcd. "I am happy oer tlie ell'ect of the drive on Mrs. McKlnley." said Dr. I!ix ey when the paity leturncil to the house. She is much better tills motn ing and I have dually achieved success in getting her to take ait Interest In nf talis going on In Canton. She asked many iiuestlons while riding and neemeel lu good spit Its." "FRESH" SHAD CAUSED DEATH. Stioudsbutg Woninn Succumbs to Ftomniue Poisoning. Speelil to the Scnnton Tribusr troiiibliiuc, Pa., sept, io. -Mis. .mbio.e I'liie. of Kast "ilroiid-biug. who In. In en sufleilug Willi plonulne pol-onlng sine li-i Mn, his nu niinbpd lo IU dradlv . rloit.s Mis. I'liie was poiiniieil by eating fiesli si ad, Slioill) alter eating the tlih slie ve.i. sctrul with see eie piln in Hie ahilnuu ll and with vomiliug, he hail somewhat leioeered from the poi-oning, bur receiillv siitti'ied a nlini, vvlii.h . Jil-ed In r death OPENING OF BUCKNELL. One Hundred nnd Thlity Admissions to the College. Br Rielveiiit Wirt flora Th AHOclittd Presi levviabuig, srpl v'll Ituikiiill univeisiM' opened tod.iv with one huudicd and ihuie .uluns. alnns tu I lie iullie.1 of liberal am, one huudr.d mil ihrre uf whom air firshniiu. 'the oilier eh parluieuts also have luge enrollment. Pinfesinr fl I I. Iteime, of Hariard unlvrr itv, a-tuiru'd ihe) iluii nf ni.ulriii lan,'iui.i-. Delmonico Deiul, P.T F.iclu.ivf Wire firm Ihe sjueclatrd Trm. Xeev- Vmk sept in Wool wa. reeelefd In this illy lonlchi of the di-ith in Culniadn itpilegs, Colo., of I hailea ChrUl Delmonkn, tho fainoi'j eiM.,,1, KING ALFRED IS HONORED One Thousandth Anniversary ol His Death Celebrated In Enoland with Due Gcrcmonij. AMERICANS TAKE PART Expressions of English Sympathy for America in Our Affliction nnd of Kinship Ate Numerous nnd Sin cere Loid Boschery Delivers tho Address nt the Unveiling of th' Stntue. lly r.seluslve Wire from Tlie Aejocistrel Pre. Winchester, Knglnnel. Sept. '.'ft. In the presence of a nst loucourso of Anglo-Saxon delegates anil olllclals. Lord Kosebe-ry today unveiled the great statue of King Alfieel. During the course of his eulogy of the Sa.xon Mug the former premier said: "King Alfieel wrought Immoital wot Is for us and for our sister nation over the sea, which In supreme moments of stress anil sol low Is liteslstlbly Jollied to us aciois tin- (iMtturh's and actoss the seas." Tlie city was lu holiday giub. busi ness was stopped and tho main thor oughfares were lined with troops. A great profession, military, naval, civic, ecclesiastical and academic, pteccded the unvelllnt; of the statue. The city was lavishly decotateel. In tlie absence of Air. Ornate, the T'nlted States ambassador, fioni the luncheon in the town hall, Charles Francis Adams lespoudcd hi behalf of lb" Ameileaii delegates. He took oc casion to mention Ihe appreciation of the Amei leans for the deep, spontane ous, all-pet vuslve. sincere sympathy manifested bv Cit-eat Hiilaln nt Up time ot America's national botcae ment. An Impressive Occasion. The lelebtatlon of the thous.tudtt' nnnhersary of the death of King Al fred, with h began September 17, has been of more than usual Interest ami Imptesslveni'ss. The quaint old town of Winchester made great preparations to receive the latge number nf distin guished Ihigllshmen, AnierlcniiH anil others who weie to be theie. The prin cipal featutes of the ceremonies wete the unveiling of tlie 1 olossal statue of King Alfred, modelled by William llamo Thot ne.M'ioft, 1. A; a sermon by the Archbishop of Canterbuty In Winchester cathedral, after the unveil ing, anil lectures on King Alfred nnd his times by Sir Henry Tnlng, Fred eric llanlsoii and ntliets. According to the piogranmie the mayor ami forpoiatlou of London it'id of many other leading cities weie In attend the unveiling in state, and del -gates weie to be present fiom the uni versities of Oxford. Cambridge. Dui bain. I'Mlnbtirgb. Aberdeen. Cape n fiooel Hope, Toronto, Mcllill of Mon ti onl, Laval of Quebec, Ti hilly of Tu lonto. Vlctoii.t of Totonlo, McAllister of Tut onto. King's college, N. S, Acadia. N. 1... C.ilciitta. T'unjab ami Madras, besides representatives of the following American universities: Cali fornia, Columbia, Cornell, Johns Hop kins. Michigan. Princeton, Virginia, Wisconsin and Yale. The Tloyal soi i cty anil other great bodies also seiir ileb'g.'ltes. Why Held in Wincnester. Winchester was chosen as the loca tion for this memorial and lommemoi fitlon because it was King Alfici's capital nnd it was tbi're that he was buried In October, fidl. A play, entitled "Alfred the C.teat." Is to be- enacted In some historic spot near the old city, lit hnunt of the 01 casioii a Ui'illsh lioiiclnd has tit'Cit named aftet the king. NO GRAND STAND PLAYS. New Yoik JusticoCnlls Down Johnnn Most, Editor of Ftelhelt. Rs I'm linne Wire fiom 'I in ssoi latril Press X, ink. -ipl J11-bih inn M ..1. Ihe editnr nt I'leliii it ,eelm e is itiietni li.t wee, on l 1 harge ol lueiiig pulili.hcil .1 seditious aili.1. 111 his pipti, -eji .iiiaigiinl for pleidlng todo in Hie comt of -pei 1.1I sesnon- M hi n asked be .In-tne Holbiuuk it In hid 4 bivever. Most 1, piled thai he had not. and fiirlhirinoie III it lis hilieved he did not turd 0111 . "I cm elefind iii)df, lie (aid. "I vvlh f not giiill) " "Wo will have no -'(i u ulsr work hpre," sin .blitlifi llolbruok. "lour iaie will go over and when it is 1 ailed )uii will appear at t tli s hi, witli a iniiiiscllur to ippcar in )our defrnee." Must attrmptiil to i.ppjk lurlhep but w,t in ttjtilly sileiuid ami returned frnin tho mint loom He is at blurt) nn -l.t""! bill. Rev. Dr. Stnfford Honored. Hi i:elu.ive Win- Irom The s-in lateil Pros. W.iililugloii, Spt. L'li.-lhe Itei. )r. P. :. Stilloid todav was npioliiteel Ihe p tor of St. 1" milk's llonnii Catlinlie chttri h i tills .lie. St. I'.itrli I,' pjll.h Is Hie ibhrst i U.i.liiiiulon, ihe iliiinh uwnlug teal estate won tour million dnllji. Boeis Capture Whole Company. It) Kvelusive W ne fnun Tie l.iled Press. I.oinloii, s, pi ''0 I nnl Km Inner ri'pm'u tlut the Hn r- halo i.ipiuied a oiupatiy of luuum 1 Infatitr.e and levn guns at v lakiunl, In Hie Hon-, III iiipiriui ton.' smiuiiuih'il the llritlsh l.eid Kitehcnei ! nuking a iiiui Itivriiigalinn. mt has rent ic'hmin- " tump- in uiisuit of the liiors , i YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. l.o, il lUl.l fil s, pteiuber 'ft i.i Highest tiinpiiatuie. R deijn-ei lawven iiiup.i mire !!S deKifl ltd.itlee lluiniihiv : s a. in "1 per " Sp in TU per in. Pin ipltaiiuii, i liuuu ended 8 p. m., none 4.--s ssVsv,a,ata,.f-t'4. 4- WEATHER FORECAST. -f -f - Washington, hep. iO.Yontft 1"T s- I.ailriu l'enni)lvaulai fair, tiaturday s s- ami Sunday i waimt-r, fcundiTj bght, s nnrtliPil) winds, be. ornlnc TrlWe, Oj ft-tftttt tttt-tJt.t.t.t.11