The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 20, 1901, Page 8, Image 8

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fK-V .
Tnjtuy Supplemented by nn Attfick
of Typhoid revet His Death Is n
Gicnt Shock to His I"i lends Itril
Inn Unjustly Accused Seeks Tollce
Fiotcctlon McKlnley Memorlnl
Day Religiously Observed Two
Weddings Itobbety on Meildlnn
Stteet Other Notes.
While thr ihllieh 1)cllr wet lulling
"he icitileii) .t"ti'!iliiv afti'itiinin foi
t'lt'tlilcnt .Mc Klnle.v. niic nf lilt most
nidont Hlipi'iH tci t snuggling In
l.o tlno-K ill di'.itli mill llftoen
nilnutc't I.Uot. 1 1 'at In ii ", Ilium, in
ft (.') Tenth street, passed away, stir
nttnilo by tlw iiiciiiIicih of lilt i.iinll.
lilt ili'.ith ( nines as ii soveio hIiiii-K to
ml who Knew lilin, at ti wax um gon
eially known tluit he n 111 At the
dedication Ol the new I'.ltllotle Unlet
Sen of Alllt'l It'll building, nil llglist
"I. .Mr. Illnniiin acted .it eltaliniau of
tile e.M'ielses .mil liliililletti'tl linn h In-l"l'-st
In the entei pllte The lH'Nt da.
(if mix hlttrli li a pel doc at lilt home.
Willi li thi' heglniilng of the end.
t nothing sellout wnt until I
t.ited. hut at the wound did not Ileal,
hit lolatlvos and filendt became mill H
.iliiriited. Wood iotonnr -el III. and
.ill etloitt to save lilt Hie weie In vain.
The i ud witt hastened also In an at
t,n K nf tvnhold fever width tl'Vol
iipeil let'i'iitls
Ml. Illinium wat one of the hrM
Known men in this city, wheie he hat
tetlilcd for neatly thhtv onix He
wax pinmlnenily Itlentllled with the
.Methodist elllllill. alltl held it lit nixe
ri nit the U'.v timing oiiteienco as a
loeal pi duller lie was also a chattel
member ot Camp IT1 I'ntilolio Oiclet
Sent ot Antt't Icit, fine of Its paxi pivsl
lentK, and ihaliinau of tin building
lie was alto president and riiici.iI
manager of the Serilliton Wood Wink
lug itiinp.iiiv. and was a thaitei niem
lift of West Sid nuiclave, No :.'ll
littler of lleptit.soplls, llei eased was
bran In Aldenvllle. W.i.v no count , on
IVtn tun 1", IM". and came to Siimi
tuil III 1ST-'. He lived fill tuolit.v -seven
ats on Tenth street and was oi -d.iln"d
to tin miiiistiy III tt i u voui.x
lie liMd a .otiMsteiit ( hiistlan life,
having In i it a nn n Ii i of the Simpson
Methodist Kpisiopal i lunch foi nianv
Hot nd Almcnd Cieam remoTM
redness ot the skin and soothes the
psln ot tunliutn In one night. TaVe
t bottle Kith yo'i on your vacation.
Just a few of the little things that are usually
thought of at the eud of the week, brought before you
at a substantial saving from every-day prices.
Leather Goods Department
LADIES' BELTS In leather, in velvet, in tucked
sntm, etc. Bright, clean, new stock, with all the lat
est fashion points in them Choice on Saturday
A very superior line ol Belts, in leather, satin,
metal, etc. Choice on Saturday
LADIES POCKET K00K8-!n all the new styles
and teliable qualities at 5()C Mid
Ladies' Waist Department
FOK SATL'ltllAY only, we offer a beaujiful line ol
l:rench Flannel Waists, in all the new shades. They're
strictly up-to-date and well worth ? each. The .
Bargain Price $1.98
Men's Furnishing Department
MEN'S FACY OlTIXtt SHIRTS A fine range
of fast colors and pretty patterns. French style, at
tached culls and two collars. A remarkable offering
MEN'S NECKWEAK-Our (all line is complete,
and we think it as near perlect as can be. All the
new shapes and styles in two great values at 50c mill
Initial, and half or quarter-inch borders. A special
Saturday bargain at I5c, or 2 for
MEN'S HALF HOSE Made from real Maco yarn
and fast color. Split feet, fine guage and good fall
weight. A 20c quality for
Muslin Underwear Department
bib. The best half dollar apron in Scrauton. On
LADIES'FANCV HOSIERY In stripes and figures.
A splendid assortment on Saturday at
LADIES' VESTS-High neck and long sleeves.
The right weight for early fall wear. Nicely finished
goods, in all sis, at
Globe Warehouse
jt'itii' anil was nlso n thurter member
of thp Hampton Stteet Methodlut
Kplstopal church, lilt devoted wife
one Min and one tlntlBhtct, Judson and
Grace, survive him.
The fiinotul mirvlceM "will be held
nt the hollte nt o'clock and ut the
Slmp'on MctliodlHt Kpliiopal chinch
nt - o'clock. Intetment will be made
In the Washburn Httoot lemetoty.
An Ucjuit Accusation.
.Michael (It let o. the Italian who Keeps
n ft tilt stand at the t outer of .South
Main avenue and Hampton stiert, hat
been the lttliu of an unjust accusation
login ding an aliened unset Hon be l
saltl to have made nKfilu-tt l'tetldent
AIcKlnb' The matter wiis thnioughly
Investlgatd! bv Lieutenant of i'ollte
Davit and a Ti Ilium nun last even
ing, mid at I iir at lould be leained
theie wat no foundation l'or the stoiy.
(St let o sj that a tilimbei of ihll
tlieii went Into bit place and itkeil
to he Riven, some lull' tiee. atltl when
they wcie tefusetl. tltetllated a stoiv
that he had made deiogatotv tetuai Ut
against the itetdent. lie offeted to
foilelt $r,0 to any one who toitltl ptove
the asseitlon.
Situ f the K wtte ullogod to
have b"en tnatle, litleco has been much
annoyed, and lust nlRht sought polite
piotei tluti. I.letttenant U.ivls wainetl
a number of . tiling men HRiiliist iin
no.vliiK the Italian, and If they pet Hist
In tloliiR so attests will follow.
Glee Club's Conceit.
Tin lb st annua! concett of the WIN
hum t'nnuell lllee club will be held at
tie ritt WeNh Hiiitti t lunch, South
Main avenue on Tuesday evening of
ll't week The club will itilupete at
an eisteddfod in I'oullney Vellllollt,
the latter miri of Septembei and tnK"
lilin means of lulslug lands to deftay
theli i'pelivet. Lovt I .t of Rood sing
ing, howevci. tan rett astured tint the
coat en will be in Kei plug with the
past pet foi mantes of the ilttb, width
ltave heeti hei aided bioadrast.
Tie luoRtanuue. which It now helm;
ai ranged, will Include the t otnpotitlvc
teleitlon.s to be suns' at the Vellllollt
elsteddtotl. olot ducts, etc, bv the
soloists of the orgnnivatlon. and tpei -In
I nuinbets by scum of the most
pintllllieiit voidllslt in the tlt.v. Sev
eial bundled tltkots have alicutly h 'en
dlspoted of, and a laiRe attendant t Is
St. David's Ohm ch.
The w Intel voik of (ill the Societies
of the ihttrch begun l.itt week
The St Agnes cluiplei opened on
.Moiula.v eV-nlliR with a largo nil p. of
woiKcth ,u niniibi i of Rltlt. Thy
have taken up a stttdv of inlf'tlonaiy
entei pi se.
The Sltteit of In an their
woiK on TtlfsdiO evening. Some fonn
ei metnb'rs letttined and new ones
timie In. They have intituled the en
tile saiKttt.tiy and t holt woiK in their
t'n Thur.Mlav the Ladles' Aid tliiiptei
iPMinietl lis ses-ions with enthusiastic
zeal They outlined a IroioUs
vvtntfl's rampaln
Tlu ihoh Is dolliR- most eicllent
woiK They have started the ptattko
of n beautiful communion service vrlt
ten by Gilbert. There have bicn gotnc
additions to the tiiL'iiibd'.slilii, which will
atlrl flllflciii y.
The Huinlay hpIiooI session hut been
t'hilltgcil to 1- o'cIikK. The irctnr It
i'iiiipIiIpi lug tin' nd liability tif Ditto
tlili'lilK it new mitl iiiftK- efft'i'tlvc !)'
tt in of lt'sxoliw.
At ii illoethiK of the M'ttiy lit f t Hftli
it ,i tltt'ldrtl to a Mamie for n tttm
iiiiiBf fiile ittiJ also n ntppt'i, both to
be slU'll In N'oeiiihel
Two Weddings.
John ,1. t'tmiioi, of .Mluonka. ami Ml
Maty U'lloyle. of ltiiiititoii tlt'i't,
t'le united 111 IlluillnKP lit Holy l'in
Calhollti i Inn oh on Wediiftilny niter
noon by Kev. V. p. o'Uotinell. The
uedtlltiK nun i It vwis ilnetl by .Mli"
Mniy Ilertlty The Initio xmih beinni
IliKly atllletl III it tiavelini,' Itnttli of
blown innteiliil, mill untied n bouquet
of bridal totet. .She una attendetl by
Mlt Sadie Xtione, who wnt tltesited 111
n kiiwii of en Mot toloietl uiitterlal, nml
fill I ltd n boilttlet of illlk The
Kioouitniiin wiim Ihigene t'oleninn A
u editing stippet wiim ei veil at the home
of the bilde'i i;i t fiit-i. ami the h;i)
t oiliil" let on a late tin In for lltlffalo,
mitl othei polntK of Intel et They
will leiltle tin llaiiiptnn Htteet
l!e. TholiuiH tie Oitlthy. I). I)., ottl
t lilted lit the wedding of (!eoit?e I.
KIiir. of South Seventh stieet. mid .Mis;
Sum Knnpp. of lUphon Pa., nt the
honie of the Biooni'- iiaieiits on Wed
nesday tnoiiltiK The eotlple weie un
attended. Ml"" liauflfld. of
Plttitoli, plnjeil the weddliiR inaieht".
Mi. and .Mim KIiik will ieldt In Wext
St laiitini.
Exquisite Decorations.
The dpeoratloll" at the Wiitlibiitn
otteet PioHbytei Inn thlllth tor the
iiifiiioilal eivlte yomi'id.iy weie
ninotiK the most iittlMle tllftplayed 111
the ilt,. The wink nii done by two
.ouiiR men Will .lours and Will (ilblc.
nnd both ileteive miieh eiedlt for the
nrtlsttlt manner In they done
theli woiK.
.Vine tiMliei weie etiB.iKed at the
thin i It In Heating the I.iikp ornwil that
nttentled the -etvlte. and they net
foimetl theli duties without any eon
fttslon whatevei They wete l-'iank II.
Thornton. At. ! Dimmit K, llerbeit
Watei .1 II ItattenborR. 1). 1,. Aloi
K.tll. IMkiii A. .lones. ll.iulel t'. Hal
low, William .1. Kelt, tumor and i: A.
t'l Ittendt n.
Robbery on Meridian Street.
Some unknown intrude! pliloicd the
hoii'-e of Mi. Ilodney on Meiltllan
ftriot a few diis .iru .mil .stole J15
beloiiKliiK to the lutnll. How the thief
K. lined an entiatite I- not known, nnd
the monej wast not niNied until moiiio
time aftei the bold tobbety was eoni
mltled. The meniheis of the hottseholil kept
the matter unlet In tin- hope of tllseov
erlnu the thief, and base not tepottcil
the mattei to the polite.
Iter. E. J. McHonry Injured
l!e. i:. J Mi Ileiity. the populat lec
tin of St Dad's llplsiopal (huiili.
H tontlned to hlrt home with a f-ptalned
ankle i:,ul. jtteiilay uioi nlllR he
tunic tl on his foot while w.-iIKIhr about
the house, and It was with muih dliri
c tilt J tlu' h" teaihed thi ilitnth to
conduit tin ineinoi lal ttei'vli es
The S o'rloek fptpp hud to be
tloned on at t mini or his Injtiiy. nnd
tin lo o'lloik Mibes wete the only
ones held.
Mrs. Stephen (riKllths, of Noith
Hlolilley ineiuie, fell down a IIIkIu of
stnli.s at her home on Monday eenlns,
mitl Misialiied sex eie Inlinle.-.
Allied Kent, of Stiantiin stiett, s
lsltliiR trlentls at Hiu kettstown, N. .1.
.1 W U.nls, who has heoii isltliiK
fib nils In Hollevue. lias lift tot his
home In Colnt.tilo
D W. VatlKlinn, of South (iai field
axeniie. has letiunetl home fiom an
vtended visit with ti lends and nla
tlves in Wales
Miss Sal, ih Klliin. of .liu ksnu stioet,
has leturned home tiom a st with
ti lends at Hock I.aUe
Piof. Hem) Cvans, of MelliMie win
be teinleic'd a t onipllinentm y t outfit
at Webet's l In K. Ta.loi, mi Mdiul.iy
i M'llIlIB next
I'lu Istopht i' Pfelffei. a taipcutfi ( ni
phi) oil on William Stilnnei's house on
Rlllldle iiM'iuio, fell tiom a seaffoldlns
leientl.v and Ii. tinned his leg
Thomas Phillips, ,,f West i:im stteel,
has i elm ned home fiom Wet Vhslnla.
wheie he was t.uifaKeil with his fathei
In t ontiai t win I.
Mhs .Nellie Ctu t nn will plaj foi Hie
Colonial Club DanelnK elass. whleh
will meet this eienliiK' at WashliiRton
hull Pi of. Thomas l.owK of .Noah
Si iiiutoli, Is the Insti uetoi.
At a leieni inietliiKot Watoiouiiill
D.niKhti'is ,,f Potohontas, the follow-
ItlfT ofllieis weie electetl. Pot iihontas.
.Mm Bin ft McKiilghl wiiionn, Ihmna
Kime,, W. II Hoc lot , lep
lesptiiutho to louiitil Anna Dol
nietsi h, allfinate Mis Small An hot ,
tl ustee Mis Allilll
The petliuilU'llt uioi ,,f the Columbia
Hose (oiupnnv have Hieh quaitets fll
tliiBlv tleioiateii in ininoi of the na
tion's mat t.Mod dead
. laiup patty of .oiiiik peotile wete
I'liteitiilneil leientlv at the home of
Miss Maine Wahl. when a llashllBht
p.lll was the event of llitetest.
The Kiailklln steamei will he tested
tiiiuonow nioinlns at 1fl o'eloek bv
Chief Peibei at the t orner of vde
Paik axeime ninl Juikson snoot. The
old hook ami laddei tuiek has been
tPiiiioinill. stmed In the itai of the
Hook and I.addei tomp.tuv'H tuaitei.
The funeial ot the late Mlehiifl Mnl
loy oetuiied yesteiduv hioiiiIiik fiom
Ills late home nn Ihnmet htieet Sei
h es weie held In Holv Cmss ihiinh,
nnd the lemalns weie taken to Pltts
ton for Interment
The postponed shootlnic mutch be
tween William and William An
iieinan will lake plaee nt 10 o't loi k
this moinliiB on the hi iik yawl mound
foi $100 a side
The Pails Sin Ml t lull of Pouih Si inn
ton held theli Hist soelal In Meais'
hall last evenliiB.
Mr and Mis. I.cwls llobeits.of P,ee
Mie, Will lit; tetiiieiecl a leeepllon this
fvenlne at the Beeue WeNh Cnl
lnlstle MPthodlst thin ih, upon thflr
safe U-turn from n trip nbioail.
The remains of the late Mis. I.aHue.
who died at her home In Tripp patk,
will bo taken to Danville tomortow
morning foi ItitPiment
Miss Ida Ilazlott. of New Voik, who
Is In terc (or ill ho use Kemp's Malum fnr
the 'lliitMt and l.un;, (lit giMt eiuuntidl
teincil) toul'J Jem believe Urn tl i oM nn
hi nitilti and an) Uiusct.t in aulhoiUed by the
propiiclor ot this uomlciful rnncdy to ;ne you
a amplc lotlle ticet It netfr Mis to iuio
ituto r ihronlo ton. lit. All tlrusvUts c!l
KtDip'i IUUjiii. I'iIic SO'.', ami VK.
him been vlttltlnfr Iter parent on South
lb do Patk iiVPtitie, l etui nod to the
Mrttopollfl ,c'Mteidny
l)v II. S. Sutton, the vptei liiniy nut
Boon; Samuel .lonos iintl William
Smith, of the ,)aelPon street dairy, -wcie
anions the vlHltmtt ut the PlttKton fair
this week.
I1.H I. Duniin, ot .Not th Hiomley nve
title. N eonllllett to hs home with
Htoinaeh tiolible.
Ur .1 .1. Cm roll, of .linksoti Mtreet.
("pent esteiday ut Dolawnie Water
West Side eonelne. So. ill Order
of lleptnsoiilis, will liii't'l ut X .10 oYlot k
totnotiow fvenltiK In lvotlte hall to
take nrtlon on the death of the late
II. I'. Illnman.
Louis N'otli. of LafiiNelle Mtreet, Is
tonflnetl to his home h. Illness
Simiuel Powell and wife and D. D
KvmiH and wife opent yesterday nt
Keystone lundptnv.
Exetclses Held In the Public Schools
in Menioiy of Piesident McKln
ley Yesteidny Moinlng-.
Patrons untl rtlenilK of No JT .si hool
assembled at the si hool btilldliiR yes
tPtdny uioi nltiB at It o't look to lliten
to the snvltes an.inned bv
the priiK' and teaeheis of the
sehool. The larRo audltjuluni was
lllleti after the o; pupils of the si'liool
had assembled
The eei oniony whs .short anil .simple,
but very beautiful In ll lftideiltiK.
The little fhlldren seeimil to tindoi
stniul the (impose of the in paslon and
ninnv weie theie whose eyes bei'.inin
liiolt with wi.ns as the set vices pto
iFedetl. The following Is the pro
ki amine
m-mlilv nt l'ii,ilit in Vinlltmliim, in Mrp wnli
I'f it nt mnlfloil ilium, (luili. Mjrlz, ilnmi.
fn, i
iri tl nt Hnpctl nirit,ui die tint -iliool btn-
m-r Mattlien I Itim, i.Ior bi'jn r, Mix it
I ottc, bimii'r titriT
I'Ui linr t( 1'ir.itltnt MrKinlri's piitnn on ficl.
I'lottcr-bcirors thniriii Rlrt
lli ulum nt PirMtlrnt Iton.i'till''. I'm. I.i ii, j
linn . 1 1'lnd jiIi
llimii, "Nrjri'r M t,ml in rnrp ' .. n Imnl
Mniinrial ililicv .. . . Niuir Vinnltl
Ihiim, ' l.t il, himllj I lulu ' .. . I
Piiilns llimn. ' s,. Hi- s.jr" . .stheul
'llii. linl'i I'livril, ld h ilii- I'rimiptt.
Intoiostlns and lmpiossp memoilal
setvlees were lipid In Hie uttdltorlum
ol school No 'JS vewteitlay niornlns
The cervices openetl with pinyei bv
llev. Mr. Mesentxer. The sehool;
"Nearei My Uoil to Tine." after whleh
Conlioller H V. .layne lutioduced A
It. Stevens, who aililrt soil the assem
blnRO. Mi. Stevens was follow oil li Itev. V.
I! llateniaii. I)i, W r,. Simpson i;e,
W. P Foul and Kev. W. .MeAt thin.
Mis. I?. T. , layne saiiR a solo The
loom was elaboiately decointed with
II.ibh, buntliiK and palms Drapicl ple
tmes of the thtee ni.ntyicil (iiesldonts
oi t uplcd a ptomltient (losltlon. The
t'Mii'isps wen. l.iiKidy attended b tho
piients and ti lends of tho pupils.
In No. Ht school of whleh IC. A. Smith
Is pilnolpal suitable eveiees In mem
oi v of Piesident .MfKlnlev weie held.
The following piOKiaiimie was ob
scl veil
ITil'i I'ldtrr
sntiK, "Mt t oiium ' "i. ,i hu" ,. Hi
II.Miin. "I fad. Kinillt l.tjsht" . . . .Hi
I. Pirne, ,,t I rj l.rlfnn l'it, t!
Si html
S IliHll
V I!
t lii-ins tltmn, "Nmiii M iu lin,
111 stlonl
Mi. and Mis t. U HiiRhe of San
iU'Imiii iivuuii, have letiunetl fiom the
Pan-Amerli an e!ioston
The Mlsi's Anna llt-nty. Pea. I I. Id
stotn and Susie Uawhon and Messis.
Tnot and IMr.ii spent .vosu.tda.v af
teinoon at Haiti Mount
The Htinuiil mtetlnB of the Women
Mlsisonary Sotleij of the Gioen rihlBP
tt.iptlst thuith will In hold In the
i hutch this alteitioou at .'.::0 oclotK
AH who have the Home Mission mite
boNos aie r'liuesud to tetuin Iheni at
that time Meinbeis and filends ate
lIlKt'd to be lot sent
Mnnltige of Mis;. Maty E. Penin to
MoiRnn Wntkins, of Wells Stteet
at the Home of the Elide.
WfiliiiMl.iv tvonliiB Miss Maiy r:.
Pen in il.iUKhtei of .Mr. and Mis Wil
liam Poain. of Wa.vne avenue, was
united In nianlaBP to Moikhii W.itklns
of Wells stieet. by Uev. M. (1. lleesp.
of West Maikel stteet t'nu dim ih. The .vouiib i nu
(ile weie intended bv .fames Tiedtu
nil( and Ms.s Wlliox The
In id, wine a (ostium of .steel sia.
tllninieil with white satin, laujIiiK a
l.ll Bo biunillMt of btldal tuses. The
bililesmaid wote a sown of i team cloth
tt limned with point lati Attei the
toiemoiiv was potfonnetl the .oiiiik
totlplt mid Bliests elljoyed a weildlUB
Mtppei. altfi Willi h they left on the
mulniKhl tialu lor the Pnii-Auieman
fpoStlun TIiom. piesent wcie. Mi.
and Mis William Poain, Mr. and l !-.
Thomas If Walklns, Mi. ami Mis. Wil
liam J P.lihaiilh, .Mr. mid Mis Daniel
Jenkins. Mi, and .Mrs-. II. ii iteese.
The Miss, wen Stella Williams, Maiv
W.itklns MaiBiuet Williams, Maiijiiiei
Williams Anna D.ivls. Anna Pen in.
Hat hel Oav Is. MesM.s, wete: Oav Id
Watklns. William Hotul, Lewis Peain,
.lolui .lenkins, Thomas W.ttkliio. Wil
liam W.uklus, Thomas WntUlus and
John Jenkins
Stppheii t'liiippt II. of Not th Main ave
title, who has been tiavolIiiB In Ihuopo
for sumo time i etui ned homo ycstei
d.i. Mis. John Hummel and son, Miiiii
h f. of Noi'tlmmboilantl. nio the stiests
of Mi. nud Mis. M ', Sanders
The K'estone Oiamutlc ilub post
poned theli wotikl.v TIuum1.i IllKllt
d.niie ,u th,' Auditorium on annum
ol the hut l.ll ol Pi evident Mt Klnle
A pie soilul will be held In the Welsh
Piesbyteilan chinch, WiiMie iiveiinc
midfi the ,iupkcs of iluss No. 7 on
Mnnd.i (Aerilng. Sejiioiiibei' .M. lw
Colonel T D. Ltwls lotlgo. No. 1015.
Ji O. ol A. M. will illltlute sevetrtl
new tnembeis this evenliiB. All ineiu
beis of the mllltmy nio toiiuesttil to
be picssent
P. P Pems. st,, of Sandcisoii avenue,
Is vleltliiB fi lends lit MIiIiIb.iu.
W. H. reras Is niakliiK extensive im
provcinents tluoiiKhout the oci mill,
Mis. John Cull", of Sinus Ct. Ia
Is the sliest of several ftleilds lit this
John Collins, nt AVcst Mtuket stteet,
whs slightly lujiiieil in the ciaik tun
iicl mine tdnesdu nf tot noon.
John TolneBi'. who lives with a fntu.
Ily ut SOU Alder street, took sick cs
tPiday moitiliiB untl lili condition ri'ovv
IliB woise tluthiB the day he was ie.
moved to the Mnet Tayloi hospital
Ho was somewhat better last nlRht
The inembei.s of the YutiB"i' Munnot
t hooi will attend the St. Pauls chilli h
fair this evenliiB ami i"udei som- of
the selet toil StltlB' Satltfthiv lilBbt
the 'I'a.vlor bnud will attend. All i bu
llion are invited foi Sattiidu ariei
noon Theie will be two prizes utven.
a haiidsoine dull foi the bIiN and a suit
of clothes foi the bovs.
The meinbeis of the Si Mai.v's , hituli
iholt will meet for this even
liiB at St. Mary's t hutch,
The members of the fletieral til ant
(nmniatidi'iy will meet in reBUlai ses.
slim nt lint (man's hall this evenliiB
Louis Ximmor left yesteiilay for a
week's viuatlou at the Pan-Atnei Icitti
MHS. MAUY LA Itl'i: Aflot a lln
BoiltiB Illness of mouths Mrs.
Mury La Hue wife of Daniel La Hue.
past-oil nway nt the family houit on
llawthotne slitpt, TiIii'm Patk, os
terd.iy iuouiIiib at II a. in. The de
ci'iisod had boon u lent Mitfeiei for
a Iohb time nnd when the lltuil suiu
motis tame It toillid hel piidi She
was a true eliilsllan and a dfVoled
wife and inothei She Is smvlved bv
hoi husband and the follow Ihb ihll
dreu Mt. John Ituntiv. KhiBtion
Mis. William Llndsa.v, New Yolk. Mai
Rlieilte, .Minnie, I'dnii. Mlltltil and
Waltoi. Sci vices will bo heltl at tin
home at S o'eloik Saturday tnoinliiB
after which the lpinalns will be taki n
to Danville lor Inlet input.
STHPHKN COOK, used T", ye.ns
dletl Ut Ills late loldonoo In Scott town
ship Thtitsday allot noon. September
I'', lie is smvlved by elBht childten
as follows. ticniBt 1... Chostot C,
t'hmliM M , t M.i i cm i H, and William
N. Cook. Mis. T. S. Snyder. Miss Hll.i
Cook and Miss MMIIIo Cook Puneral nt
.lorilou Hollow ihtitth, Sattitilay at 11
o'i lock.
J. 1 JUifxo jl
A s') n,,w JOU Wl" s. ttb down
A and -tn.ii r.v '
l lb- tlld not atisvvi i at
XjL 'On t . loi twenty .oais lie luid
tioi seen hti. for l'tmlmid
Anna, Alisii.ilia Niu Cealand h.ul
known him duiliiR the Inlet vciiIub
space ol l hue Until hail Blown hi
unit h older, thotiBh licit hot had
lost In ph.-lcal beaut.v. Jlvei.v jilino
almost wheie Motln r Kmth had
sold in her Iom' oniluitcp had
drawn him tow aid It. In llu whol"
w lelo wot Id Hthui(4 theie wa.s no
iron elevef nilnhiB eiiBlneot thmiDltk
l.t ishton Ami the lite hud suited lilin,
stii(.'c tin life ho had iiaved for, the
ni'tural life tor a in, in, shaud with a
woman, eoultl not be his.
Hut he had titod of it now his pile
..ts m, nio. and so 1'iiBlaud ami .loyn
Wl lltnkci saw him once inoie, and to
.love he had told all he hail tloui In
tliot-'f twenty jciis "
"I don't know." ho alisweied, a little
vuBuely. lookltiB at hot and thiukhiB
hu.v beautllul slip was, as beautiful as
she had bt e n w lion hf b.iltl Kood-byc to
in I she was a sill of elRlitern then
twt nt.v .ve.ns .ibo.
'Oh, but oii must" she answered,
smilliiB nt him with filendlv e.ves.
"Think how lonely ou will be not
now, peihiis, but later on when hbo
bi'Biiis to i i oo ii upon .von,"
He leaned a little forwuid.
" nit .von''" he asked
Mm t oloi oil (.lightly and laughed. n i -haps
a tilllf bittoil.v, it was hind that
lie of all men should put that tiiestlou,
bin she looked at him bra vol v.
'Oh, that Is different." she answeied
"l.i i i linos. ( c, often a woman's poition.
nn sf of us take up out eios.s almost tin
t oirplalnliiBly. 1 tould have mauled
of (oiuse most women could most do,
tin ugh one Is seldom (ousideied unique
btci'.use one does not. Hut 1 am not
like some women, I tould not shape a
husband out of any man as is It not
Oliver Unimex says 'most women
(.in "
"No- 1 n wile Irani any woman: I
must love hot."
' ! ri sine .von must, but then theie
aie so nianv lovable women, and a man
,s not situated as a woman Is. ut best,
tier i tinti . Is llmlteil. wtill, :i i.m
ask Ii 'lnvehi'io, then and evoiywlide
I t ill ti K snitliiiB. a nailieior must no
a Vil.v, voiy I1.1t d-hrui tod llldlvitillal."
".Ia In- not havf loved once veiv
tlcfly and lost'.'"
She looketl at him shaiplv ht r licit t
beat a little more quit kly Twenty yens
ago when Ihe.v had saltl good-bye, ho klssii hot, they had patted ns
loVfis If was to have willten when
good times fame to him- he novel did.
Sin hud not mulct stood It. she had
gin toil tenlbly at Ihsl. but Iheie had
hoot, no engagement she bail not hud
1 hi 1 ighl to question hlni
Sin hud leinenibeied the night beloie
lie it'll IhiBlanil they had tlaiuetl to
ri th"i in a Kieat ballioont, huliway
thioilBh the wait'., without a wind, he
had lid hirawu.v to the moonlit gatden.
She mulct hem the mush' of the tlanio
st II Ho had told her ho loved hei.
P chaps he did thou, 011I.V man Is man,
and love with him is not an episode,
110; 111 o Itself as It is with a woman.
A now uttei twent.v ems. she had
lint him at 1 Idontl.v , he had scorned and hail gicotcd hei witli no ie
stiulllt lie had Kilgottell of null so, or
ptihnps it never mi m tod to him. that
he luil spoilrd hei lite; nml with wo.
mii'il (ii'Idf, taking hoi 1 tie fiom liiui,
she hud given him hei hand In filiiul
ship Muni woman hiuliome betwcdi llicin,
no tloubi, but he hail not nmnloil hei;
so much .loyie hud pitheiod. Ho wan
a h.uhclor still, and she. she told hoi -self
n little blttoiiy, an old maid
tl.oiiBii until to toll, theie aie 110 old
uiuMi now; the species bus died mil.
"Von lost hei '.'" she askpil
He looked .1111 pi'lsed
'Vis," In alisweloil. 'I lost liri,
don't oil know thin I lost her' Vott of
all women should no put tint 1 question
10 iih'"
She did not uiidcix(Hiiil, he Moko al
most I'l'sfimully why?
' I'm soiry," slip saltl t-oftl) "but
our lite has not been without Its iom
pcisullotis, nu hitvi' Plijojfd It. a
111. 11 has so much to take hint out of
liinisell. to divert his thoughts, what
evti elst joii have lost, jnu have seen
the wot hi and peihapi limitd It be.unl
lul." I have seen tin woild I have round
ii lonely," he unswoietl. "And
i if"
I. oh, I have found my happiness
In the happiness of others, in my slsteis
hum os, their chlltlicn, their luteiesis,
tho'i' Joys-1 hope I have been htlpful
nut! 11 t.oiiiforl soinetlnies, a nuililen
$ 1 ,000,000
of Uuttc,
(Unite l the KtenlNt coiicr
50 First Mortgage Sinking Fund Gold Bonds
t(...,tr,litntliin Ct.OnO. tniilorlntr I In ltd ip.114. Atmilv l.tnl litivt fur li rCMertrA
nnd sinking fund. .Net curnltiK tlmn untl
Wrltn lor reimrt of Mr. Piunuel Insult,
special (hiiiliti.
r jm. r .
.Shirts, Underwear and Hosiery.
. 2 Spruce Street.
Tiy our 10c. Linen Collnis.
tin 1 t Is often list ml 11 is said thoic
should bo 0110 in ivciv taiiiil.v I sup
pose 1 have lultllleil tnv tlestiuv '
Jt half te.iihod out his hand to hei,
but die v. it almost shyly
"It lr but makeshltt joy to see happl
ln'S thioilgh the e.ves ol otheis " be
half whispered. "1 I have lound that
out. So, niter all von did not many
tillllllUltSt'.' '
She turned to him with u stall
"I Hairy (Joldhurst .' -wh.v, .It nn
has hi en his wile those seventeen ,e.irs,
Did jotl tlld Joll," lit. 1 volte tiiltelcd,
"think I had mariicd him '
lie h.icl giown suddenly pale, his
hand lestlng on the aim ot his 1 hair
"Yes." he answucd. "1 bend ou
wen engaged to him soon nttei I
touched t '11(10 Town IJnigsloko told
mo he he was loud of loU, too,
Jo; t e."
'Wits he'.' ' she nnsw'eied billet ly.
"Anil he told jmi that, knowing it was
no. LI lit V Well, love sunn times has
Ciangt wa.vs ol showing Itself and
you bt llevetl ll ""
"foulil I help it' And you had the
tight ou wete not bound. Tlu pi '.ns
laid I thought of (omlng; lionif. I had
finished my weak In Mashon.ilantl. A
ijiifii soit of Idea came to nu that
tin ic might have been some tulstakt ,
that l'lisingstokc had been wrong .In"!
then I had .1 letter fiom a ilium, he
Hud me about a wedding ot Ooldhui-t
and .Miss Whltlaket-I novel ilieamecl
but that on were the In nle, you see,"
si'illlng sadl "The other gills, .void
sistet.s, welo III III, eves so mm h less
attr.11 tlve and so I went to Austi.illa.
I hud had an otl'ci a vci good om
it was still open, and I .11 1 opted It
"I see," she answeied almost stupid
ly. ( dull hi .ivy tooling had iiillen upon
her So It bad all bt en a mistake, and
a lettei might have put It slialgbt
l" of the tl nobles ol this llfe'.s vor.
low j anil vvinrlcs are doubtless i.uiseii
bv htteis that aie wtltten, as nian,
(Kiln ps, bv those that nio not
"And," she toll she nill.-t go 011, volt
like Australia""
"Yes," he answeied. 'Oil. Ji". I was
loud of my woik. So It was all a inls
t ike Jo to .vim never man led be-
Mie foiied a little laugh
"Iteiausf I was foolish
say," she nnsweutl "Fur
!ll ss(, 1
eais they
had no patience with me,
bill tlii'.v
don l talk to 1110 of lovois now 1 111 lot
old. I suppose While the wnt Id is lull
of 1 1 uutllul young gli Is men don 1 want
to many women ot my age'
His hand ciopt clost to hois 1 lusped
tt sill tieiiibled; die tl.islu d a ipiuk
hi 1',: at him
"I'm glad of that," he said snttlv "Ii
llur selllsh Jo, eo" Hut one man does
Jo. ic It, as join sisieis sa , von
hue bet 11 foolish, it is li It loo late to
be wist'.' Mj dearest, ilnne has nrv-.
bee 11 another woman fm mi in all tin
twent.v veats Shall vv "i't happiness
In our own e.ves, feel fiom oui own
l.fuits.' You aie tight. I should In
1 nn i.v , you ax tight. 1 must nianv -Jovie'
Joyce! It is not to lute. '
He bent towmd hot she hesjtali'd 1
mop tin. iliPii. as she smiled into his
e.ves shvlj happll he tnuglii Ic 1 10
him and kissed hei with the mined up
paftion ol twenty ,irs Pi'itn.v Pit
lorl.ii Mugazlui'
Satctism of a Hninssed Editor In a
Nntive Pnpet.
I 1 llir Pill Vli! 1,1 1,
Tluif ai. many peopli In .ni . I'
Paikei who legaul an 1 ditto s pii-i-tloti
as a "suit thine." and a tett.iln
tilimbei' of these pel Mills have mad'
thch In un.tii iisionnd t'hl
11,1. wheie they an- e.ientllng nnn'Ii
time mid lnboi in the eoircttlou and
godly ii tl im ml t Ion ol the edltoi ol a
native papei, whose lobust lefonn pin
cllvltles are olt'flidillg agull)s the I111
uiuiable laws of his land OiImii at
hiifilli to detetul himself, iht haias"ul
Joiuiuillst ndtliessf'd to his 1 rltlt s ,1
Inlet' ediloilat of which the lollimuig
li.iliMatloii give- an idea of the i'lu
iipm? toiueptlou of sauasin, eriniifous.
ly declined to bo uoii-oxlstoiil b man,
liavollfis. Alter a (uelliiilnai ne
Iciiowleileeiiienl of falllbilllj the uitl
do ptocetds
"In itituie uiithliiB whlih may be
described its new will appear In these
lolumiiM, and thoieby (itovptit peo(iltV
midei stinidliiBH fiom being enlightened.
None but bigoted iiieinbeis of tin cim.
ceitod llteiall will ivei I). uillcil to
assist upon the odltoilal stafi Wo
shall 1 online oiiiselves to the nlt'ulis of
the lasi d.vnast.v, nut fully avoldluo; all
loft'iouce to the family tli.a now iiib-s
t'hlna. W'c shnll t,hi our special at
tention to fortuiif telling, wlti'hciali
mid kllldlnl subjects ol I mill, of
which 110 one lius an doubt, A iluve
JBe fcv ;
,n'-. pttz.
A. out. p
proihicliiB city III the worM),
tliree iitiirli'ii times Interest i harms.
President ot HioIMiIciiku IMIson Co., ami
n flh
Lyceum Theatre
M. 111.1s' nml VI ouch
v. .1 lltll'V. Iln-. ManiRcr.
Friday and Saturday Nights and
Saturday Matinee,
IlnrtY M.MITIU luewnti thi. ItcauiJul
torjt ('uiimiI' Dunn,
Ili.itnitiicl fu 111 ilu' eim ni ihi. same luine
UY M n i.ll W
I nilounl In tin il ru oi mi ifuiomllMllun
. thi' iliiitiiir'it jiul in w, tiiii ip rilii:fi)tui
iln nf tin iig. Nt igrntt, 1 1 i in. jntl 1 1, c
in, d tit' '
11111 I s l.i.n 111: , ni. . nut s
fun', ritilii' Iouii limn iih . itittii tiiUoiiy,
tin (lillilon In on tun ut hoii.p In
M-ilt el Nile Hdliu i1j .11 tl ,1 111
Academy of Husic
M .c.(e J. Hum, Ijiu p
I! VI M I. til' WI'I.K.
The Myikle-Hnttlei' Coiniinny
In a 'puiuin nt lnuli iiiiicil .illucttntH il
iiiiul ir (a Ices.
M M ni!l HON.
Cinp Drmuntic Company
l'i' 1 nt in., iiip (iillimiiiK itiiiiinic "On ili
WkIh-1 ' Mini.ln inslit. "I iiist. ' Iiio.Hjj nnt
inir V inl nf I 1 in. " 1 111 vilu night. "I n
drr hen tin;. ' r,lui.liv mitlnii. 'spnrlina
Dm In ' Wi li -tt . inulii I i.t la nnr '
MiiiimIo m.iliiiir. ' ( lirrrv Ph kn, ' llmnrtii
ihhIii Ni II l.miini Inihv niiHnri. 'Hlnn
lull-. ' I ihIiy main V WhiiI el t rmfr, sj.
unlit milium th, Oi iMimn ' siiunli nlRht.
Niulii I'M, 1. Id. ill 11 il .,0 (fni.
M.ituiri I'lm. in nml Ji (rut.
M (i 111 HlllNinON lnar
lo Nisht" Two itinr
I 1 m v mil m mrc! iv Mi iiMtiona'
Slaves of Opinm Bariesquers
m.i. m t wi Hi. tiMNi ri:i;t
Hy a icient nit of the legisla
ture, fieo tuition is now giantod
ui the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
BloomsburK, Pa.
to nil those incparlng to teat h
VphlM si hool 111.1l11t.1lns
of slud.v lot ten hois, fm those
pi opining fm tolligi, and lor
llio-o stinblng mush
It wilt 'iv to urii'" fnr (MrtniiUn
No other Mil 10I nflirA .111 li auulinr 4i
(jnuitiH at oiKli low rilcj AilJifii
J. P. Welsh, A.M., Ph. D. , Prin
I'm Ni'icini-. llHiknad (mi tint Mule (hi.
ill 11 I'lu. 11 it Ti 11111112 Miinul Iriinins r 1
tilittrn. Mn.ic Hut his Uiiuli ihiim n l'(n 11
jcar jiuunJ In 11U1
S. A. Doolittle,
OJ I'JIMOH .ilili Illluhallltilll, N Y
Visjahickon llcihts. Chestnut Hill. Pat
boatiliBB "hoe' foi li'i in the rlrvii rtl
ntul lir-antlfiil ojieii iniuitrv iiottli of riiiln
ilcliiliia ." niiiniUs from Hronl st .stution
Tor cat.ttoRiics a Mif
T 1 I', I'rcitlint 1 Inn r II Iia I, Tick.
R J lu.icr, fcunlcy 1' Allen
Vkc I'ltiidein S'cietaijr.
$10.00 TO $18.00 A WEEK
ilml. 11 II . ' in 1 1 ttonun n ed n
ll.llli I' mill 1 i n 11 " e,n 1 1, n , 1 i
hun nun Mjhii me' II. l'liil. ii inl, ,
rProf.GKf HEEL.527 Itf
I "i. 1 "!' raa ;iiii.i laf
im.rl.' l.uarRl.. Iu.r, l.i I.J pi.ll rril.
HI.,.., llf... (h... IIImiiI I'ol.nn. V.r.on.,
UfMltt.lo.t llinhoo'1,(iirl)',UMrlrturii
rulllac. I ni1., A Shrunl. llrit
IKr '.n .ftT.rur.i 4 to HI it't.3tl jnr trartlrM f. ..,.(
hil.rllll tpfrl.n'eUO.rn.pinf. S.n I fnrlivnl "Trutb"l'l
tio.lnc fry wfll.IA frind.. tl.wllow Oil. py.r,
of siiprenit Inipot i.iin i vtill he giver
to tin n vi ifil ti a huig- ol genman ,
anil wo shall sho tliat a man- k o 1
luil. oi mtnitiiu, It loniiollril hj tin
slius. 'r shall I' spi-i ttilllv lug hli
liinji tiv to ohii'iv, the ulil i list., in-,
iiinl that the m.iiitlat im. tollow iholi
(Aielleiit ami lime houoieil ineiliocH of
liiillstK ting lilitlni's We shall nsit
1 1 ll all our strength eei.v .1 ! tempt
to liitioiluco letoiinsaml lout vi should
ho tempted to tecoril any 'tin cut
events we icmiIvo fiom this time toi
vv.ittl to Ulspetito vvlih the sctvlce nf all
iepoitot us u useless iva-no of money
W'c hope lu this vmi.v to earn thr gooil
Mill a ml support of nil our lendeis
Html, htllevlng that If ve laithfuliv
tin nituiiliiig to this holiest and atl
uiitahle advite iln hi nellt will bo
manlttsteil in all."
Looked the 1'att.
Iniiitiii i.ii wnli j ml ''HI 4111I Iimih it Ui
iiii.I.ciI I ,.i 1 1 nulil, ilnln'l nun
M lliumh MI11. im I utnl .0 1 4v illor
liiinint I mn.o mi 11 1- iiiUml.i'n, ihrn il
Mnl In ;.'! urn mil 11 1 I . .kij like lUc Jjvi,, -
rilllj'kll'lnu 1'lios.