- a- Vf OW,A TUB SCRANTON THIBtNE-FMDAY. SEPTEMBER 1!0. 1901. PRAYERS FOR THE REPOSE OF THE DEAD PRESIDENT (Concluded from Page 3.) I behind ih'l within II the fact that we hue hern nurlmlng within llir surfate of our am Ml and p.illtlial lnleimuie it liout tint has wlimn he lal derade sprimc up Into rl of iilill iltj and haa xitnp turtli within tin last few d a (treat fnill. 'ihat lilous aliwil planted l.y I h enemies uf lho human rm and of tlrtne ha tlnUrn In "Hi 111I1M, anil tmla) wo siifli-l beiaiup id It Wo griitr i.petiallt liumiw of the tpiestlonltici Mhlth nui't rimsMril ionic In eter.t public mm and to rtei.t Indlililiut. eten llir question inns as In hmt lar jnu and I nl all llir public rum ol the tuiintri air tmlaj itfponsilile loi the I.I. IM (lime, llio Ullm' ua In the full tide of iiiiiilmoil nf nur thief rti'tulltp and our fuller, the ctlino Is nol the ntt of ulnrflr Insane per rrm, but li Is the (mil f .in iirRiiiIrallnii all'', nitltr, cliii'i.icitliu:. whli b eiend Im "ne kticms lum fit. tin lino known bow deep, nor l II poibc for w In mi Inn bow mini minds It ln nior or less ptiiidnl that tiriraniaiipn, tlill stsiem. Hut ikbiui t trin. Ms ifioin rul we bite sulleied frnin llir fliri nil llnl it I J bnllir 'Ihr ie.il dillkullt lir m ilu l.o I Hut n dri.ta for In ilnl fnrtro. II pilnai fn in liihiiiint). (mm ouoelies. Wo .1 1 I urn i hlblr n iml nur tJiMiVn'a thlblirn inn In mm pi iiijalnr 'I il'wilbtut tin klimiliiltfr ol Ihr nilluli. or ( Ihflr purlin Hi find it u -rtnl. iiilil unlieaid of eiimtli II is nol 'lie liirlUinn tint mines ralli fit in liiiiti.ui nitiiir mil lt i ir les-pe. and lttSelliMNi If l not llir mm hi-a of l.iltli: im, II l .1 nllite piop.iLMIIoii a pnsmte uiowlh nl niiirllili'ir (it ic k .iiiil rill. Miiiulhhiir lint Is lirwtilr hostile to nil uli.l'ii and Imrlllr l H"' irrv ei1rme nf linininl't ni'l H diprndniie Upon (ii il. Why We Mourn. Ihat i nliv wo iiiiiiiiii ililrtli mul win tr li' In tflPlt muiow lnii.il. nol llnl we h.m I'vt .1 1 1 i'ii I iii.ni "lit'. Imt lint i fainilt Minimis mill, bin liit.inr jou mil I ami firri illUrn.nl tin- I mini Mates hate in tin i ilnil tespi ii'lblllti iix ii n fur not upprrluir Hut nliitli mil Ho I j K.ithrr uinihiiinnl mul whnli romtriiiiutlnn u.is laughed it In tbr unions of the imrlil. thoiiB'i tin Hum l Ihr put Mi" li',r luvr moir than lulflllril lb.' pinphni .iml Ju-IU'liil llir nisIIi I ikr'l In tbr II. -nl of I'm I hurtli nl ll il l mi.' ml whit .H wo In .1" imln' I'ui f'.r Ihr Niiltltt Hint nr Imr. plul Hi. I t.n I Ihll i:nr tl rrllehui And nlm ln ut itiml II fnr HiU lat f uir hinnliril ir.ir- of Ihr ml.r rii-i.n.o. Hint nur llnl ili.il 111,11111 ion .in.l in., ih.ii !!. liuy tnko mrr of ihr tminiii, nui uimmI ihr mat Irml hrrp lllio-r rlirplnlil lini brill Likin wi. I'rm Hmi nmr tmil lit it in lli linn. i lb nm prnrnl t.t tin- ftilutr this irrriblr afrllitlnn is lilt ll lu linn btniuht iipnn m In trlmr ami bj I'jlth I'rni In liml fm tin fnmili mm i it iiimiruttis. Hmi Ihn ih.ii fin.l ilirnclh In 111" tnrnv, mul ho pupiml In Ilu gun In hj.uii tlut itiriubrr now ilrpmul llrrllirrn. It is nm intnuli lo pi.i Wr niul pmj with irt.nn. with liboi, with lintii-li j iill.nn rliml.illlii: tin Mini. of Ihr .Iipill..! prwiilriil. who i4 ,i mnilrl tilldi i inn.kl HatrMiMii I nhhrr. bomt iml lulu'lil fnrwjtil, lotn laroiit. i mm fr.iilc in Ihr pitfnrnumr tf bl ilutlr, ami iinlin nf hi own pnaltion, mul rirn in thr irri ml of ilnitiir a kimlinw, of rti mlhisr hl It mil In crrri Ihr thiui-iti'l' nf Im ihililirn, wn In br rtric krn iliwu. in M .nl of Ull'llif", which kinitiirM Ji ilurji tilitk u( bn wlinlo llir thr I. .ml .tilt il tipnn him l'r.n t.cl th it vi mi hn I troni:ili in lu troofliir that wo nu) rii. 1 alo ,i tuoih I in hi ilMMilrr. that wr oitrtlvrs, ruiul-imu; him, .In for rutrlir in.l our lounlii what t within our plirtr, .mil thili' ( nnl Hit chuli. "t il.iubl Hut Mmisbtt '.oil. in Hit turrit, will totiiii In .In what lb Iij ilonr hrnlnfntr for Hn umiltuir of our laml, ."lifl vi hunt; u .ill In pi air in. I h.ipii. lir linn .it il in tin tmild in mm, St. Luke's Chinch. A imit lnuu fs-flvr nicninrlal ii Ire m'.'ih t'ontltiftt'd In St. luUo's llpWcopal chuu'h .p?tcid.i niotitlim', illicit the following onlcr tiC sen lee u.if i-hm It'll out. I'tnii itionil, 'Ttmrral Manli-' . . . Ilrrihoira lliltin, "Win ii Hur llrarlt ri rijwril with Wor." MlttrtKTO ol lliiUl ijllltf I'ullcr ttlMiitrtll Lesion. 1 (r. 11 20. VKMttl(fc I 'Kill, lirililc. l.llatn ll.inili. "Sratrr M liotl lo Tliri'." I.itauv. t I'.alin No. lfli ( "ll.'ill.m ami I'rairn ll.iinn. "Itotk of ur ' sirnioii, Tom, I t or I. 2,1 I'irlpthui "H.'a.l Marth from "aul" lldli'1'1 I'Miriit iiuil Hlo.titiff Hi inn, "l.r.nl Kli.ill.i MkIiI " b'.n -.iMitl. "I'tnirial M.nili." I till Vi.-tril I lu.ir mil ljuarlritr l!e. Or llusets l"tnel, the in lor, tooK fi tel foi hit iipiiuon tlit fol low In? k'Im' flout tin- Sot mul bonk of Sitimicl: "llovi uu tlu mlelit.i i.tlb'ii O, .lini.illi.in, thou mis sl.iln in thy lllKll pllKOf " Till' ilot toi ".tlil that Ihi' pii'slilcnt lllllllK till' lllM lll't'U Of ll lift- CNPIll- lillllcil In it stiiMiiK inaiiui'i all Ihu-"-iittilliuit" iihli'h itiailn hW llff so stoat anil nlil.h will niitkt' lilt name one Ioiik to Im li'lltl'llllll'l-i'll HI tloxllp for kiinwledRt' mis show ii li.i hlx Imiuliy i'i;hii1Iiik tin- mm ioiiiiit"-s of hl wound, liH loo In his ilpxiie to hint' tin1 ih'Wh of hs stliootlns liioken Kenily to .Nlin MeKlnlci . hln nieiey li.i IiIh vniu paSHlou for hli uy.iHln; hl lonsldet. ittlon by hli fi-.n that the opotltlon lillRht HilftiM. and hit leslKtiatlon by Ills I'.iliu and In'autiful death. pI.h'Iiik IiIh ii list III Hod. In the Flist Chinch. I!e. 1)1. JaiiK". .Mi'l.eod ollli luted ii t the nieiuoilal senile toinlueted In the KIlM I'll'ibyteil III ehllli'h yeftelday nun iiliifr. In the ionise of a hiief nil dress he said that ananln had dealt ,Uh ovin tleath blow by the killing of jf'iesjdent MiKlnle.i lie leflTli'd to the elloli join mils ;ho defnnied he president ns ".issuh Ins of character," anil sold that they JtiiiM he claused and dealt with as the ji! aslnK who do their ncudlsii u;irk Jlth. ii tOAulver or a thiBKei. He said that then' hus no need to iiiouiii for tf If tf' DEALERS IN ft. i X .1 X X X J X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X VI HMJI M 1? X HXH Bonds and Investment P Securities the dead piesldent n he fell asleep 111 .lestis mul lias none to liilm the eter nal tow mil to which he was entitled. He icfericd to Piesldenl llousevclt, till? liiitlnu'ft new thief executive, ns it stalwiut pattiot mul a stalwart Chris tian. "He has bestln to dliehafKe the duties of his sreut olllce In the fear of dod," said he. "and he may test n sittetl that he will be tusliilneil bv theprayeis ami the pattlotl'uu and the sympathy of all our people " The choir, lllitler the elllclent leadel ship of Prof. John T. Watklus len deied "Lead. Kindly I.IrIiI," and Ten nyson's "CtoisliiK' the It.ir." A Mill intended sen lee In linnm of the tlciicl ptcsldent was tondtntcd last nlKht In Calviny Itefoinied I'huich, on (libsiin street, by the p.itor, lt" Minion I.. I'll or. The audience joined In slriKlliR Hi" piesldeiifs favoiitp hviiltiH and In a piayei to AltnlRlity find heseeililiiK llltii to coinfoit the nf lllcted life-mate of lilm who has passed aim and to uulde hIohr safe ways llio steps of the new president llei Mi. I'll oi made an addiess In whlih he eiiliiRl.eil the dead piesldont for III many public and piliale li ttles (. said that iinarihy would lieiei be i rushed out of existence 111 this lonntr until j.ollou Joiiinallsin, .U'lloii (iiutor. the deltlcatlon of weallh, the cuise of IntPinperaiK e ntid all oipiess(in of the weak b the poweiitil ale tlone away with. Con Be Better. "A nation which can pioduie mh li a spl'iulid meat and rooiI man as the late I'lesldent William McKlnle.i ." said he, "can lie betlet than It Is to il.i far bettet. Out iiiitloiuit life needs a thin ouu'h puiRliiR. It needs to tlnow off the lepimis spots which now dltiKiiiP It and until this Is tlone. who shall say that our piesldents me seen I e"" In acioidanip with the pioclani.i tioii of the picshlent mill ROVetnoi, the iiiiiKii'Riitlon of the I'll wt t'htinh of I'hilsi, Scientist, was held In I he thiiith ,it hi "a o'clock .M'stenlay moi n Iiik The seniles up. nnl ulih .IiirIhk of l.e.id. Klndli UrIii " followed by rcadliiR ol the thliti-ilfth psalm and a seleillon fioin Sell in e and Health with Key lo the Serlptntts bv Maty Halter (!. lMd, after w lilt h the con Kii'K.itlon united In silent prayer, fol lowed bj the audible lepetlllon of the hold's 1'ia.M'i The hsinn. "Neaier, My 1'iod to Thee-' was then Minn The pio tarnation of the Roveinor was lead by Mi. U. .V MclCee. S H. the lltst leatlei of the chut ih, who delli eied a .-hoi t addiess. He .said in pint: l I.H.II man ami n lin-lmi itlirrn In" fillru 'llir utuill uf mil tnunllt, tin tun pllll if foul. mi, hai brut .iv-ill.il It i-. luting Hut t hit-ltatH wlin air ilimuttlrattuir thr bhrttv nl thr tlithllili nf Inl.l hulll.l lurrt .in. I pit trihuli In tit tiuumri of this i;un.l iiiiu aul barn, pnhap". Ihr Iwon nf hi.. Intrial llr who aiiliil Williim Ibbinbi aatlri abn Ilu ptur. I.m bhiltlrH rl Itlli'dilil lit nur nitiutili ll ij Wo InnU tiputi nm llii; anil li nl t htiurt ami i plnphitt ll ! .in rinhhtil uf toviluiu. uf strife att.l tif Iatri i bhirtir whiih .or tit in touu ll bair of ithito anil uf it. I air llttltu; vlubuN of nut MUirv.ur i-t t is nf fitrilum abiiilt wuu, but imn ). nur uiir-itr ii.ititluw nf bluml A piiituil 1 liri-Hiliil titultr llir mrriian Hi; l happilr llnl ptuihlitur uf lunl wliuh hill rrptrs autitli .mil brine out a thiinrr uiiiir in human iittaii In lhi tutiiitri tt Ua tint null mum into. Inn riuuplifi. In liliui iti praillir Hut law uf lur whiih run now "uii thrum1 ati.l irlubr. rtatr4 i.it rtiiprt" iiuiiniu; ifnnil, ri pt. v liu: ill ' Other Addi esses. VoIIowIiik this, nihil esses uptt. maib' by V. II. Talor, Mrs. 15. S Wood house, Althur Mairlott. John Sheniood and 11. V. Hcub.iuer. At the toniluslon of the addi esses, lesoltitious ueie adopted and ordeied. with letteis of simpathy to Picsldent llooseiclt and Mis. MeKlnley, to be fin wanted by the i let k. The i oiiimun lon doNoloR.v was then sung and fol lowed by the benediction. Itabbl A. S An.spat her olllcbited es tculny inoiuliiR at a memorial seime conducted In lh' I.lndcn .street snuh- s;oRue in honor of the dead preMilent. The hiuns "Lead, Kindly l.lRht " and "Abide with Me" wcio siiiir by the i onRrt'K.itlon. while Cliopin's t it neial in.u h was pla.wtl as an orRan pieluile. The Knddlsh, or ptayei for the dead, n.is icclted by all piesfiit, aftet a hi lef addiess had been made b.i Itev. Mi. Ansp.H'her He spoke w I til that youthful elo quence Willi h alwa.s eharacteilyes his icmaiks and aiming' other thliiRs .alil; In hum like ihrf.r, wlru Ilu intitio cluum of a iiHtional talainili Iii'ik niir out htail in.l tlriikill iloviu with bairr Ktllf wr IlluUltl thr li'ti nf our whom i uliolr ml inn Iml il. ItKhtnl In hntiur. it I- Inn Inline that wr hi. ten t.i dry out irart aid tik mil thai roiisul itl.ni iihiili i tnlid fur Hum ithu lrut In (uil Dull luud liai ttri tdlur liiiim;, and in tlua ttrrtbb t il tun t.i'lhtro U .irl aumr i oTi-olition. Out mattitrd prriddtnt Imd In i r hn ambition lulullrd. hr litul tn italtr tli.it hr hid oatlird Ida ninth, at, d Ida iiiiiliinluui M'lillnl in him an uudnulit. id imnioi1.tlilt. Ibid i uir Ihoifaud ti'ir- brrn hi allnt. .1 111119 and Irn leultuii llir p.ili of hi- da, a. In lid tint bur tbtti lushoi, in.) at in lilt lib hr u'uul.d tin' hlp of i-lJlo lbioui;li Iroulilutt rj In a mIv hairti, .ih mi dublotit sltiiiti.int ami mint; nr-tumi-tnur Ir tooil at llir 1l1coI, .1 fijtl.' and I'aulbiu pilot, mi in Id d.Mth bu Imulit nt (ill llr bioiiuht boiur a trtnblr mil li, in un,. wlilih bid fOoncr or lilrr to br Iraimd Wr gnt nur riprrnnir at the pinr of Ida llir, jit nun wr know that itcn In nur tlu'iNhiil land wi luw to dial with Ihr ilprr anaith. lbs di.nh ..ills 1111 to us- 'lli'ttau, Klluw 1 illi'ii.. tmi Inirii fctrtti ilut) ; lour fur, thino 1 1 ill. rptrit has .illowrd .1 irrprut In hr waiuud at mm lirjiib Hint lii in out piidlli " 'Hun a uiudr in Id' lifr, triiliti in hi.' dralh, a f 1 1111. 1 in .ill, .1 pill lot imd .1 sund nun, ur lalluii William HiKiidr.i In Ids ;i.no mid .Iths and ti'.liii, wlilt hritla lent mid Ihr bltlrr Imn In out kOuN ' (in, thou, ill ("III. oh, llllMlJniii drad. (.oil Tint th.i oul. Hmi krrp an.) bbwi Willi prair Ih widmud Itulr, dud iaiiis 1 tloublr puition of Hit kplrlt tn I ill iip.m him wlin now ilatnlt at llir holm in Hiri Mud, in.) mat be who rules mcr all luiiu; us tut Intl. Mil ne be reasonable in nut irticf We baie honored thrr end there li tnr erieal catlsfaitioii left ns, that no lautlon tould hate preirutul tho foul tired We hate lnt a gnud tout, hut we an) ion iuled beiaitiie wr km w 'Ihrte U no Hoik, howetei wrll 'tl tended Ilut one dead lamb i their Tline i no home, boweier will ibfandi'd Ilut Im one taunt ilulr "We luue burled the gie.tt "st man In our Rtiat lepiibllc: the plory of our nation wax put now In the grave, the most noble henrt oenfoil to beat, the hlHlily-Rlfted brains nte now a iry to wot niH. Had I'ipsIiIpiU AlcKlnlej died a natural death, we would wi . "The end of a man In lo die." Hut Preildent McKlnle.i died an ununiuial death; ho was tduln by the hand of a smcnlleil mail. Who was lleier llloiiRcd by him and hail no ri lev unco against hlin." The seniles . nm luded with a prayer foi the tepose of the deceased picsl dent, ilcllit I by I'.ov. II. Lewis. A special stvlce was held at - p. 111. yesferdny aftetuonn b.i' the meni bcts of the SciMiitim Independent lotlRe, I. U. H. A., iiiriier t.lncleii street and I'cnn nveiine. A IiIrIi Minute and eulogy was given the late I'lesldent MeKlnley by Itnbhl I. M. 1'lneberg. fol lowed by ntt eloquent nildicfs bv Itev. M. Drttek. In llio colliso of his sl tnon. Itev. Drink gave a special piaycr for the pioservatlon of I'lesldent Iloospwlt. The cpietnony was cty Itnpiosslvo. Th? hall was dialled In deep mourning. A plctiuo of the Into picsldctit was hung in a conspicuous plnio In the hall, with dope mound It. West Scranton. Exercises In School, p. m, tin pupils nmt iionnl of a Bpjiiy, V? y." . s -sr if Wllk-Birr. "m.. Citpaaal. 15 6 Commonlth WgK Scunton, P. At 'J the Moiitilloie Hcbiew M'liuul and many other vlsltois iiMienibled In the rooms of the Montlllore .Hebrew school to hold memoilal service. 1,. J.lchter man, ptlnclpal. delivered n niemotial address. In which he eonipnred the death of President MeKlnley to that of Aimer, tho son of Ner, who m.ih also assassinated tieacherotisly whllo being engaged In a great act. to establish peace and unity In Israel. I. Ike him he was fiHS.isslnuted by one to whom he stretched out a friendly hand. Con tinuing, he salil; The most Impressive religious sen lies that have eiet been held In West Si 1 niiton inclined yesterday afternoon at th" Washbiii n street I'lcsbytotl.in thunli, iiheie 01 ci llftcen htindied people gathoied to pay a last tt Unite lo the late piesldelll of tlio I nlleil States. Large as tho scatliiR capacity Is. It was Inadequate to accommodate all who soiiRht admission to the edl II 'o In tho mullein e ueie people fnuii evei.i walk In llio, fi nm the humblest ihlld" to the Riay haired eteran, all of whom had gathered to pay homage, tn tho 111,11 tyted statesman. The Interior deiotations weie ev iiisii'ly .11 ranged, and spoke sllentlv of the tilbute which was beliiR paid to an Illustrious man In fiont of the pulpit hung a llle-llko poittajt of Mi Klnle.i Intertwined with i tope Hang Iiir over the pulpit was iiliothei plittlio of the dead president, with a batk Riotltid of di cp nioiitnlng. On eltliPf side of the plattollii weie stilt ks of guns and tliiiins. which bespoke their loiinectlun with the nation's lite. Ht.iu tlful How eis, the tokens ol peace and loie. weie 11N0 In evldcuie mound the pulpll. Seated oil tin pl.t I foi in weie He J. I Moffat. Itei. .Ini'iib Schoettle, Itev. Thomas do (iiinhv, liev. James I5en uliiRi'i I'.ni. II. ". Mcueimott, Itev. 10 A. Hoy I and Itev. S. 1'. Muthcwf. Hehlnil tho iliigynien, la the . holr em losiiie. weie the slngeis ftom the vat Ions churches toptesonted llangiug high above them all in 10 I'lesldent MeKlnley 'h last woids. ' li is (Jod's way, Ills will be done." Piocloniutlon Head. The son Ice was opened shoitly after .' o 1 Im I; with an organ pi elude, by the 1 lunch oiganlst. MI.- Mabel Crist, and was followed by an anthem, sung by the united tholi. under the direc tion of I'l of l'. H Di'i'iiian Hr. Mof fat then lead I'lesldent Hoosevelts ptoi laniatlon, 1 ailing upon the people to assemble In their lespettlve places of divine worship, there to bow down In submission to the will of Almighty 1 'mil, and to pay out of full heaits their homage of love and levereme to the gteat and good piesldeut. 11 hose death h.iei smitten the nation with lilt tei grief. In ilosing he sad' "In ac ini tlitim- with this pioclamatlon. with our heaits tilled with sadness, mo aie hide today " Itev, i:. A Hull then took un the leading of the liuth psalm, whiih was lespoiislve with Hie 1 oiigtegntlon This was lollowed by the singing 01 tile hymn, "Hod Moves in a Mysteilous Way" and Itev. S. I' Mathews ie.ul the M'llptuie lesson (torn the fortieth ihapti't of Isaiah. The 1 holr sang another anthem "Some Time Well rntlcistanil." mid Itev James Henuln ger offeii'd a fen em piaycr. In whhli he asked (or divine blessing to lest upon Mis Mi Klnley, Piesldont Itoose 11 It. and tho people of all the kind. The congiegaUnn sang the piesldent's favoilto hymn, "Lead, Kindly Light." and Itev. ll. '. Mi Dot mot t delivered the hoi mon lie took his text from the tlisl book of Siiimul, the twenty-fifth 'diopter, and a pait of the Hist ver.se. "And Samuel died, and all s.iel weie galhoied together and lamented him. and bulled him In the house of graie" The speaker paid a most glowing and eloquent tilbute lo the dead picsldent as a man, ,1 tmldlu. a statesman and a ("hilstlan. He lefeued to his early snuggles in lift , his cnoer In tho aimy. his tiliimphs as a politician and M.itcMunn, and through It all he said he lemaiiied t lie tq ills ('hilstlan piin- ilples. The Modem Ptopliet. Like the other mat tyred presidents, he said. MeKlnley tame fiotn the hum ble walk of life and by his ability and eneigy. puilty and coinage, .nose to the highest position open to an Anieti can, lie was the modem piophct of tho twentieth centuiy. ISiv. McDeiniott's atldieisu was a polished oiatlou, clothed In beautiful language, mid touched deeply the heaits of his heatois, 11 ho weie moved to teals ilnilng ihe dlsiouise It was his Hi st public appeal mite outside of Ihe Simpson diurch felnce he came to Si 1,1111011 a shoit time ago, and estab lished him as a .speaker of exceptional ability. The dosing ptaycr of tho sen lie was made by in. do tliuchy, who touched a lespoiislve 1 honl In the hearts of eveiy nui' piesent by his earnest ef fort. At :i..fl o'clock the 1 hill eh bell began tolling and foi live minutes ihls was kept up, as It was tluoughout the civilized win Id, as a palling salute to tho lamented heio. The coligiegatlou then anise and feelingly sang "Noaioi My God to Thee," nml tho service was biought to a close with the benediction by Dr. Moffat. Hilling the afternoon similar ser vices were held In the Kiist Welsh Haptlst. Flint Welsh Congregational and tho Tabernacle CongiegatiniiHl chinches. At tlio Haptlst church ptayciH we 10 offcied for tlio dead picsl dent, his wife, his successor, and all Christian nations. Itev. 1). D. HopkltiR paid a lilting eulogy to MeKlnley The evening set vice was of a similar nil tine. The services at Itev. David Jones' chinch weie hugely attended, and con sisted nf addresses bv John Walter Thomas and William John Thomas on the career of President MeKlnley. In the Tabernacle, Hleaster Jenkins, gave a rending and prayer on the dead presl dent, and Itev. II I. Hvans delivered an addiess along the same line. I). M. Jones exulted the ynuug people to abide by the law under all chcuni stances, and the congiegatlon went thtough the burial setvhe. led by the pastoi, Itev. I). I'. Jones. Evening Addi esses. Four mithems note tendered bv the choir during Hie afternoon set vice, and at the evening meeting Thomas J. Wil liams dcllveied nil addiess In I'ugllsh and John 11. Jones spoke In Welsh, Appinprlale player services were also held both afteinnon and evening. The cotiRiegatlons weie unusually laige nt both set vices. Itev. J. H, Whelnn conducted the fipeclal high mass In SI. Pattlck'.s Cath olic chinch nt 10 o'clock In the morn ing, and also preached the seimon. In which he leforied to the goodness, nnd Rtcatness of Piesldont MeKlnley and emph11.sl7.Pil tho lpssons that should be dtawn bv all fiom his life. Ho also seined iniatchlsm and Its teachers, and pleaded for peace and contentment thioiighout the land. At St Lucia's cliun h, on Chestnut stieel, mass was said by Itev. Fioder ho Sproccu, and he also spoke of the life mid chin actor of President MeKln ley. Ills people, ho said, 1110 against anarchy and for good government, n oie Ilrothots' mchostta and Miss Mary Cavanattgh, organist, assisted In the sei vices, and Miss Hose Arigonl sang the "Ave Alalia" nt the offertory. The Misses Ciiaio and Muy Calabrnso also assisted In the Hinging. The different Italian societies ueie lepresentod nt the service, and the coiiRioRutiou wns unusually huge. Only one serv lie was held at St. David's I'plscopal chinch. This was at 10 o'clock. The bin lal service was tead, and also raits of the Sflth and UOth Psalms. The lesson was taken from 1 Cor, xv.0. The lessor litany was al.io said and "Nearer My (lod to Thee" was sung, and also "Load Kind ly Light." The Hiiipture reading was fiom the l.wth Psalm. The lector, Itev. H J. Mcllemy. made a touching refer ence to Picsldent MeKlnley. and at the close the organist. Mis Siebeit, played .1 funeral inaich The niemotial services at St. Mink's Littheiaii chinch weie hold last even ing, and consisted of special piayers by tho pastor and congiegatlon, to gether with special music by the choir. Dr. Itanier spoke on "The Life Work and Christian Fortitude nf the Chief Hxec utlve," and paid a worthy tribute to him ns a Christian and n 111.111 Special services wcio also held In St. John's German Catholic chinch, the Chestnut Street (iciinnii Piesby tetlan chinch, and In all of the public si hnoK .tnunc and trusl.t pilot, and ill thr rtvlltl Vnew ho would flnr lral(tht. Ihr Miprrme trt of a man, howeiir, was In the prrmur of 1 .il.unll), MitHrlnc nnd death In inch a itiomrnl tie Is vrt.i llktl) tn br blue trlf and rrteal hl true ibaratlrr. Thr 1MI1I In pain will tall for her mothers tbr pattnll In his mony will pray for bin country! Ihr miner m! the ilriinVird In ilrath will rail for llir gold or the ibani, but Ihr man of Hod will U laVr lilnv nclf (0 that Minluar tthrrr he has oftfn been before. Tho man ulm has Rilsnl.-il his uprrth In thr burl) butty of a campaign or the flush of ilttoty will not oltrnd with It in Ioiiriip at Ihr end of life William MrKlnlrr bail fhoitn by his example how Itirorruptihlc alalrrnun may lite iml how avxrctly nnd rilnilt a (hilstlan ran tlir. At the conclusion nf addresses the choir and congregation sang "Nearer, My God to Thee," and tho vast assem blage wan dismissed with the benedic tion by Dr Lansing Owing to tho absence, from town of Itev. 1. J. Mc.Manus, postor of St. Paul's Catholic church, llev. M. J. Lofttis officiated at the niemotial serv ices held In that chinch yesterday morning nnd pronounced a brief but beautiful and touching eulogy upon the deatl picsldent. rfwywwuywwwwwwu In Honor of Our Dead President Our Store Will Be Closed Thursday, September 19th, fieo V Millar & Co m wn ATeBiB VJCU. T. 4T1111U.L IX. VUi walk l anil Loak Around. fmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm THE PERFECT MATTRESS, A Strong Current rSsiSSS Si .m r-. ill.. -vv. uf iiiteiest in thr up to date l u.lv of piaiiu U i.Iiuttn In hi la i sr irsislratimi al tho (H.SSKItV.V 'lOltV.. Tin Altlit! Iteiltal Course Is u batitre that all f t u ilitiU apprnlatr. 'J he piibliu la In till. I to .r tthat nr dn and bott, .1 .Mired Tennlnj ton, Direetor, North Scranton. I'lilon seivlies In memoiy of the late piesldont of the 1'nltetl States vietc held In the Piovldenie Methodist Kpls iop.il i lunch yestenlay morning and were most impiosslve. The church was garbed In soluble black and hail an air of solemnity . Hack of tho pulpit was diapeil a huge Ameilimi flag, under whli h was hung tho portrait of the lute piesldont. About the (lunch vveio palms, ferns and boiuiuets of nsters nnd inruattons Hehind these vias n latgo plctuie of Mr. Mi Klnley with Ills vilte and mother. Itev. (!. A. Cuio, pastor of the iliuiih. had the services In chingo. They were opened with the singing of "Xemei, My Hod, to Thee" by the audli'ine. Mr. I'tlio thou Intioiiucod W. P. Davles. D. D.. and Rev. R. CI. Reese. Mr. Ha vies lead the ninetieth psalm as a Si'iiptuio lesson, after which Mr. Iteoso offeicd prayer. Tho choir sang "Sometime We'll t"niler.stond," Jona than Hioadbent singing the solo pait. Rev. Mr liymer, of tho christian Chun h. m.ide a short addiess on the "Kindness nnd Love of MeKlnley,'1 which touched the heart of the audi ence. Rev. A. II, Smith, of tho Hap tlst t hutch, preached the seimon. In ((inclusion, the congregation sang "Lead. Kindly Light" and "Ainoilci." Itev. Uavles piouotiuced the benedic tion. Yestenlay morning a high mass, In memoiy of tho late President MeKln ley. was celebiatod In St. Joseph's Lithuanian c hutch on N'ottli Main ave nue. Tho church was tluonged to Its (opacity. The Lithuanian church or chestia vi as In attendance. At tho Holy Sosary church. Rev. J. V. Moyiau lelebiated a high mass and preached a veiy touching set mini on tho death of President MeKlnley. In the Kirst Welsh Haptlst chuich, on Market sheet, a memorial muvIco was heltl yestenlay afternoon at 3 o'clock, the Rev. J, Vaughan Davles, pastor, ((inducting. The set vice was most Impiesslvo throughout. Prayers weie offeied and addresses dcllveied, In which touching allusions were made to ihe death of the late president, and sympathetic lcfercnces to Mrs. MeKlnley. Green Ridge. The nuditorluni of the Green Ridge i'tesbytorian diunh was tilled lo tlio doois yesterday afternoon, when the longiogutlon bad gatheied to Like pait In tho serviies held In niemoiy of tho late picsldent. chairs weie placed In nlbles and nt the icar of the loom and In tho vestibule. The space was occu pied by those who stood. The Ameri can Hags and bunting weio attlstlcally draped about the pulpit, where sat Dr. I. J. Lansing. Rev. Kroneis R.itcniun, lector of the chuich of the flood Shep- honl; Dr. W. O Simpson, pahtor of As bury Methodist Kplscopal chinch: Rev, W. J Void, pastor of tho Orocn Rldgc Haptlst chuich, and Rev. L. R. Koster, assistunt pastor of the Circen Ridge Presbyteilan chuich, occupied chnlis. on tho platform. The services weie opened with piaycr by Itev. L. R. l-'ot.-tei, after whlih the t holr sang "Lead, Kindly Light." Dr. W. O. Simpson led in a icsponslve service from the psalt ei y. Rev. AV. J. Ford lead tho Seilp- ttito lesson fiom the thlrty-slNtn psalm and II Timuthy, fourth chapter and sixth verse. The choir rendered a beautiful and nppiopiluto anthem. Rev. Francis llatenian offeted prayer, after which shoit addresses were made by Dr. Simpson, Rev. F. R. Hateman and Dr. Lansing. Di. Hatemnn said, lit pait: 'lids Is a day nf lamtntutioit and muiirnlue and itoe. Only a few ilaya aeo tie mre (impelled In ta-r the moti ilmrae rlemriita of limiiaii t liar aitrr in lltiuic tnntrait brfntr our ryea V man uf ktalnlfM tharailrr, of IiIkIi mural purpoae and prmond benignity on ihe one altlej an Jsnasiln im Hie other. Vu exposliina aetling forth the triumphs nf cltilUatlon and a crime more than liarbarlt. Wr could hardly exaggerate the grai. Ily ol the peril In Hie prosperity and reputation of tho inmuinniiralth, 'Ihe a tilcf of the uoierntnent had been atrlrVen down, but Americana ahould reflect with rut,hr prido and gratitude that Mr, Rooetelt haa nerped Into hlx place Thr ahlp of atate xtat not a ivrerk, but though the pilot had been ihot at hli prut, the helm hid been taken by another South Scranton. There was no union servii e In South Soi anion, but Instead Independent ser vices weie conducted in the various cluu i he". In St. Paul's Hplscopal chuich Impiesslvo and largely attended seivlces wcio held, in the lllckoiy sttcet Piesbyieiian Cedar avenue, Ltt theiun and Cedar avenue 7. 12. church uppropilato seivlces weie also held. A beautiful and thoughtful etilogv on the life of I'lesldent MeKlnley was dcllveied by Father Melley. Rev. Peter Chi 1st celobiated a high liiaset at S o'clock In St, Marys Cicr man Catholic church on River street. He also pt cached a beautiful sermon In which he referted to the worthy life of tho dead president and tho model It Is for his devoted countrymen to follow. The mass was attended by a congiegatlon that taxed the capailty of tho church. In tho Polish Catholli ditiich of the Sacied Heatt on Piospcd avenue llicie was ,i high mass at 10 o'clock, followed by a i.ei nion by the pantor who spoke of the hot ror with which the Polish citizens of the I'nltcd States had ev oryivbeic heanl of the killing of Me Klnley. The people of unhappy Po land who have niado this country their adopted home cannot express In too stiong tei ins, ho said, their hoi ror at the teulble clinic which temoved from the countty Us chief exo( utlve The mass was attended by a very large congiegatlon In St. Jo&eph's Catholic (lunch, Ml nooka. the pastoi, Rev. T. J. Rea, cele brated a high mass and pionounced an eulogy on the fallen picsldent. Rev. 12. J. Melley, the energetic pas tor of the Church of St. John the Hvangollst, South Side, Is n foe to everything that savins of disrespect to authority. In i espouse to the mandate of Hlshop Hobau, mass was offeted at 10,30 a. in. All seats wcto taken. After the lit t gospel had been lead, Father Melley Xuced Ihe congiegatlon. ile Is not an oiutor, but his slnceilty adds weight to all lie says, icstcnlay he said, lu pat t: Ilrilhtii,: We arr assemblrd tndai bv thr man date of our right rctrrrud bihop to prat for the ip..r of the oul of our late lauientrd and nun b ron ml President Mi Klnley. 'Ihr ( atholle thuriit In. ideates a respect for liw, tthich mr.un good tltirenthip The gnietnor u' the tale of I'rnn mIi.iiiU, Hon William V, Stone, ordered tula day, the tin- on iihlth I'rrjidrnt Mi Klnley Ix to be buriid, set apart for a inrmoiial aertite, ard it la a, pleaMiro for ('athnllis to (amply mill Midi a ptoilanulion. If their is on? thing that the Catholic iluircli lais parllcnlai Mres on It ix rrpert for Hie lnv, for auHiotilt. and x person (tiling In Hnx regard ieae. to be a prai Ural Catholic. V on .no all familiar with the lirtuniftancex that make tins a diy of unlicrral ol row. You lino read of the iiitne of the ,ixAttn, itho appiojihrd I'loblent Mckinley in the guise nf a fiirnd, itliilo niuider lurked in his heart Vou know of llir Irtiggle of Ihe dortot; to rate the life that nax valuable nbote all others be caiir of the rvilted atatimi he oitupifd, and on a prrtloux oetaflon ynu bate prayed ttitli your priest" tint lhoo efTnrls might bo atirrosiifiil. Wo am here noil tn prat for thr 1.011I of thr prii dent, a duty that Ix imposed on all ixtholiix in all climes, in all countries, to pr.n for the mccesx of tltrtr rttlcra and the ptospiruv of the (Oimtiy, Thrte arr netrral rrisnnx nliv tins (ouiitrt should br dear to nin.st of in, 11 by tie nhouhl pray fur ilx inntlnueil prnaprritv and for thr sup pre-sxlnn of every tiling that iinuld tend to uiiari tie nftairs of gotenimcnt Hur eongrrgalion Ix mule up of different natiouilltiex, the parent, of iiuny our our children, young men and iionun baling lonir fiom tho different states In Kurope Hire eierj man N free, line tho poor man il ax much lefpeeteil as ihe rlrli. He hax but tn oksrrii' tr Ian. '1'hlx implirx an observant i of Ihr lax of Cod, and the man tthn mil obey tho tomniandmcnlx of the dumb, ax well ax tho tin rominandtiientu of Hod, giten to Jinxes on Mount sinal, nill be a gooil tllfrru, Hr tiill not assixsinate a ptrsident, nnd he iton'r barter hii tote on election day, either, brethren, ourx la a ail duty todai. In common with the rest of the Vnicriean people our he.irN aiu heny ttitli grlnf. Ilut we are not without hope. President Mi Kin. ley was a mxu of purity of life, blamelexstir.x of character. Hod will hearken to our praters and make ltini one of the eleit. We must do more than this, bnweter. We must lote our countrv, llils glorious lxnd of freedom. Wr must prat' for it, and rather than that Inrm should befall our institutions nc ahould fight for them. Una Ix the lneanltif of good itflreiishlp. H(m-. -T -!?s. The Celebrated Hlastic Felt Mattress made by TIlC Scmntotl Bcfl. fling Compnny. We make and sell all kinds of mattresses, pillows, box divans, cushions. We carry large stock of line Ilmas and Iron Beds, the best madcWliltcom!) nml Bcnistlcn. Upholstery. We do the best in town. Let us fix up your furni ture now, while you aren't using it. Lackawanna and Adams Both 'Phones ESTABLISHED 1866. F. L. CRANE. For Reliable Fur Goods call and examine onr stock of Seal Jackets Persian Lamb Jackets Beaver Jackets Electric Seal Jackets Near and Seal Jackets Fur Capes Neck Scarfs Mull's and All Other kinds Of Furs Also, if you wish your old Furs I Repaired, bring them in as soon as possible. All kinds of fur repairing done. H. D. CRANE SPFGIAL MENTION For Well Dressed Woman Silk Lined Suits, from $14 up. The $14 Suits are in Pebble Cheviot, Swiss Taffeta lined. We would also invite you to the attention of our RAGLANS From $10 Up. 324--LACKAWANNA AVENUE--324 NEW BUILDING. I Black Suits for Younu Men. I I We are now sbowincr the finest line of Young Men's Black Suits ever seen in Scranton, This line was especially made for us and has the full guarantee of this house. They are made of Vicuna and Finished and Unfinished Worsteds, and are the product of one of the very best manufacturers in the world. We ask no more (or these Special Suits than you are obliged to pay for the ordinary kind. I John D. Boyle Dunmore. a 416 Lackawanna Avenue. I J lum! n. A lui kg r unuirits Tlio 1'iesbytoilan, MotlimllHt and Christian I'lmrclica joined lu a union 111c111nrl.il isorvlce at tlio MPtliodlst Kplhcopdl chuieli osterclay afternoon. Hnv. (.'liarU'K 11 New Iiik beliiR In tiiarKC. A lursc iholr. oinlmicliiR sIiir eiH fiom all the cliuiehes jmi tlclpatiug, dltl the hinging. Tlio governor H lnoelmnntlon was lead by Nov. W. V. (llhlious. 15c. Ohaileh II. NowIhe read the Sculpture. Rev. J. D. Dibney olfercd the Invoca tion, nfter which short addresses were niado by oath of tho ministers present. Itev. (llbbons. In tho course of his rematks, cxpicssetl his Intense peisoual grief over the loss of ono who nil pres ent mourned as a dear peisonal fi lend, and who has been ii'feired to as tho best loved man In the whole world. Continuing, he said: Till la an epoch ol eicatrr nrrli.t and errat or political tNpinslon. 'flip man who unod a tlio test rcprocnutlie ol una rpom was mm (or whom all nitlom inoiiin todaj. Proidtnt MtKlnlc) was. in rtcry miup an Moi nun A man of honesty ami imrsrltj n( pnrposf, .Tint at all tlinra nhl what Im thonsht to lo rk'ht In tln IrM of Mmlglity ("lOtl. A man who throns'i hla wholp rarrrr the drralh of aianilal wai nctrr lip rpfrrroij to lilt Rrralnost nf tliaratt.'r, III. purrniaa of heart ami Iho nnhlcnoa of hla pur- post' If that wrrr pniiblc. hr was nohlor .iml Inatrr in ilcath than life. Wu cannot loilat re wh (iod In Ilia protidtntr, lua plateil lids heat) grief upon thin nation. It ttja netevii that lilood tlmnlil he nilllod and incn fhouhl aurTtr before thli country waa horn. Let tw hope that out of thla te.tlns Hum tlirouEli width we are p.islni; our round) will enifnjo finer and hetter than eter before! that out of thla meat anrrow fjod will lrlnar aomo great national IdonliiE, that will will he blr-ised with a higher eltUcnililp that will lead lo (lod'a grratcr slorj. Itov. Dabney spokp briefly, rpferrlns to President MeKlnley as the highest type of the American people nnd the greatest statesman of his time. The Gteat bond between him and his people v -- t M t -ft-t-f-t"- v WRi-i' ndtrP I" s wlj ii w - Charming. 1 1 i ai lirr best uhfti nut thr ha Lhdimin; fur- FURNITURE mi i itn and i riuinl nt c Inll t , rrr more la mat. n rl'.pla i f up to date l-ur r r ii hr no lielt. I lime t-i ni, n mder tli in Una week, i, n I! nw hiap. 4 sft s t 4 - 4 l Scranton Carpet & Furniture Co, I 4 ... . ,H,iiii.i.i, AtrETKIIIC . 406 LACKAWANNA AVENUE sV-4 4 4 -- s4- 4vsV44.4 4sV-fM----V 4--sv41-i.-- ' was the brothel hood exIstlilB liftweril them, both i tiler and penplp turnliiK to the hrtine king of kings for guidance. llev. Newing said, In pait: We ninnin tndav he au-i J lirnllier helnted ha cone He pretailed wall nun lie.ause he earn Ir.irned to pietail with t.od. We lute nn in Miiimrnl upahle ol mejsiuine the t.ilue of Hi life of Willi im Mtklnlet We loted him Hrsi hetii.p nf Ida tenderin Ilia Bentlp mi diiime the past iiuaitu of 1 lentury for his frail i"in panlnn will he an iterlasiiui; examplt for eteiv Imshinil and father In thi iounli. At tlio Catholle fhurth yesterday mointng. Itev. M. II. Uonlan celebratpd n high mass, after which he gae a short addiess, In which he besought his heaieis to pray that anarchists and all who despise our government miiui bo dilven from our midst, sm. thnt nutlini-IV tollies Il'iuil says I'aul (lod, ....... .... ...-.. ..1 I. lu ,.! nnd he said tno taiiiuuc i-umsn ." -ways loyal t authorll. whenner It may be founik Special Fntes to Allentown, Pn via the Lehigh Valley R. II. i Account the Lehigh County Tail-. Tickets on sale September I.lid to iiSth, limited for return to heptembor iiDtli. Scu agents for p.unlenl.irs. McKinley Fhotographs. McKinlej photographs (not llthn graphs) In thiee sizes, flamed and un fianied, at .lacnlw & rasold'e, 205 Washlnston avpnuc. Our Fall Stock of Shoes Is Now Complete THE DORCAS, for ladies, at $3.50 is tho best shoe bargain obtainable, LADIES' OXFORDS, !?2.50 and 153.00 kind. Now 1.50 MEN'S OXFORDS, S3.50 and $4.00 kind. Now 8.00 SCHOOL SHOES, guaranteed, for 75r Many other bat gains too numerou' to mention. UuiMs, Rdddy, Dauies & MUrphq, 330 Lackawanna Avenue. 4