10 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 20, lOfcL X That Troubled Look comes from using a cheap, alum baking powder. Not only spoiled her cake but caused a child to be ill. Cleveland's Baking Powder never spoils the cake, or makes the food unwholesome. Cleveland's Baking Powder makes the food pure, nutri tious, tasty and healthful. Cleveland's Baking Powder actually adds anti-dyspeptic qualities to the food. MOURNING NATION PAYS ITS HOMAGE 'I h 'iliii i II I: V.li' I VUlinlli' diocese, .mil .isMs-limt I'llltoil Htntfs Attorney lieni'i'.il .luiuc"' M. I Sock. Tlif Invitriulnii nun ili'llwipil Ity the I lev. lii-orsp I). JMIo-r of tin- Klit-t Pip.xUytcrliin cluirrii. itml t!i" liono- Mellon by Ill-Imp il W Wlilttiik'T. of tin' I'lott'SMiif i:ilMOi.il I'httirli. Thf tlirep IiyiniH tli.il lmx" Mnml out nwt iiiiiuIiHntly diirliiB tin uIwhiiIms ocr I IIP lU'Hll ll'.lllei In tin tin h'i P1V utiK by ill- aii(l.-n '. i!.'oiitlon( of sympathy fin Hip I. up pi sliloiil imil iHIii;; upon lip. siii'niiii-rii to sup pios.s nwirch, wmi .nloiiti'il. BIG CHORUS SINGS FAVORITE HYMNS rft. I.ouK Spt, I'.i -lnipii'slp ildii nnwtriilloiii in liif-mmy of Pi'ivIiIpiiI Me Klnlcy woio lipid toil.i. iii ilil oily and i:nst St. l.onl. Iiph piuIiIpiii? of mourning and li.ilt-iii;i!t I H.ik- wtip pi lip sppii on pvpiv linnn. Uitxlnoya Mas entirely Mispcnclpd. At J lock nil tliP httpct pais otnpppd uinnliiK for ilvo nilnutPt. mid fm Uip Mini" Ipimtli of limp pollrpiiipii on tin-It 1mi .stood nt ".ittfiitlon." At Minil"p H.itti-ry A llrcil a srilutp of thirteen suti. lollop -k dining the day at half limit Inter val with a slgn.il sun. 'huri'lipj of pvery ilennniliiatlnn Joined In niPiuoil.il r-rrvlce-s .mil -i er.il puhlli nipptliiir. were held. All the .Masonle binllex sratli eied at tlm Odpoii uIipip mwiKii were held and addieM-en made. The lin-ineiii-p iosptini at tin Kxpo-dtloii lilllMlllK ! iiouded wnh people fioin pvcry wall; of life who listened to .ul- hos-o.-i hy pioiiiliient niinlsiPis nnd eltl'.eiiK. rrecldpnt .Mi Klnp favor- tie 1II1IT Welo MIIIC h ,i ilolll! of 1.(100 VOil f .. SALUTE FIRED EVERY 30 MINUTES. Denver. 'ol.. Sept. in.- All bininp.-s vas MijipemlPd in tills -lt today. A aliite vas tiled every half houi. Me moilnl services weie held H atter nofiii in all the si liools and elllllehes. 'rills .ilteinoon a Iiukc piotpsslou I1lfied to the eapllol Kl (Hinds', wheie .'."..OOrt people paith IpalPd In linpipsslvp spi vices. AddiPssPs wen- made by (lu . i rnor James 1!. Oiinun. Hon. chailes llartzell nnd 1'nltPd States Senator 'IVIIer. A l.nsP horus saim the fuoi Ite Iimiiiih of thp late piPSidPlit. and taps noic founded h. Milton X. I'anip hell. a tritlllpptir in Jlajoi Melsluley's leniiuenl. BUSINESS SUSPENDED JTHE ENTIRE DAY. New Oi leans. Sept. Pi. l'uliili ni--i ftiorial herviei,s weie held lieie today. The mayor, Mate ami if oiTleiuK thp d-relgn rons-nN. the ( oi jind the ilti fens nnd the mllit.ii participated. .Addresses iieie mini" liom two standi erected in 3lk' place. Hiisiip vii practically silypi tided tlie entire da ABSOLUTE LULL IN INDUSTRY. Iliii I'UhurR, Sept I!'. 'I'lierc was ho MiooKt entlie suspension of luiin"t In 'Jl.uTlslilirs tud.i out of i'pjiei't to tip memory of President .McKinley. Thi most Impressive teeoKiiltion o! th il.iy iiecliried hetwten 'I.i'.a and "..10. when pot n wheel turneii tlirniisrlinttt the entile it . Xot a cat on llie n tile xystom of Hie llarilsbiirn Tr.ii tton tonip.m moMil and duilip; tiil Mispenslon all the lulls of ihc i liy lolled. .Metuoilal ervlies were held ill ninny of th i hui'i hex. WANTS STRINGENT LAWS TOR ANARCHISTS. nh llnston. Ill, Sept. 10. Former V.. i 1 i evident Adlal II. HtevPiion, at Ti no 'i nl.il sprvlie today, eloquently ruin, d the dead picsldent and nil- oc.it string' nt laws to prevent the landing of the duiiCPioii-4 foio;n elnsp.-. BLUE AND GRAY MARCH TOGETHER. Atlanta, Ga., Sept. l!i.-.ienioiinl sfnlui n honor of the dead piesldpni weie held Uete today. The state, coun ty ninl city oiHces and business plaeps KPtieially closed. Anioiiji those who made iddresses weie (iovernor I'and ler, I 'illeil Htntes Senator Clay ami Oone'ul John B. floidnn. Tlu-te iva a parade of civic and military nrganhsa-tlons- thin afternoon. A division of CI. A. 11. and the Confederate veterans matched together. A salute of twenty mlnnti -1,11'w was fired at noone. TALL TESTIVAL GATES ARE CLOSED. Clmlnii il O., Sept. 1J. At the hour ot Ml-KIdI' i s funeral nt 2:S0 all busi ness was Niipcnri(l and for live uiln tites all i tiliiiinl trains and Ktiret cars vri- ai .' ' mi Mill. Hoats on the il or win 'ippMl and bells all over the tity i' ' Si n.itor PoraWer dellv- f red an s to an linmencf attdlencA jit Mi.sii Hall. The Catholic festlvnl chorus rindorcd "Lead, Kndly I.ltflit." "Nef'iiT .My Hoil to Time" nnd i.'li hymn?. The sates of the fall festival weie closed today. ALL NEW ENGLAND MOURNS llostott, Sept. 10. K very where In the commonwealth of Massachusetts and New niifil.uid today weie evidences of M)rtovv and mourning for the late chief 1 1 1 n k I -1 1 n 1 1" of the Anierlcau nation. In nearly every city, town and hamlet of the northeastern section of the United States business was entirely suspended. I'uhllp buildings nnd mptTunille estah llxlunents weie dinped In mnurultiR and memotlal services xeie ponduct ed by followers of all erf eds and denom inations. TRAFFIC BROUGHT TO STANDSTILL. I'lttsblirs. Sept 10-All mills, lillnrs, factotlps. public ollh ps. educational In stitutions, banks, excbaiiKPS, saloons and places of iimuseiiipnt were dosed today mid memorial services, weie held morning, noon nnd night at all the i hill dies. At noon the ptpsldpiit's ia lut" was Hied at the Fulfill States hi spnnt. Fvery wheel on the Pennsyl vania line west of Flushing wa slopped for ten minims, and the trac tion lines In Flushing and Allegheny and the AllegliPiiy l.lglit ouipany ceased for tlV" minute at i in o'clock this afternoon. memoriaTserVices IN OTHER LANDS IP Kfliiif Wire from Th AMOCiaird Vita I'Mlilnll s, , pi IP . l.tllO: lll) OI KiHK I ll- u.in! a intiiMiiiid N'hi" pi hoiioi ut n.r t.u I'ii'huIi lit Mihitil w.i is hi in Wi iiinnifr Aif m.iv I. n .iiiiiiiliil li,v nui.t niire in. in J I lisli-liliuii oi I1 ite i ion 'llii' tool s'imitil ef Iii" Imil, liaitl, t tit- I. .el u' I'liiitnottp, t.-picMiiiii1 the kin,: ("i lo tin1 nil f.il tlie I no. 1 st itcj, ntuli.iv.iiim, i. ( hmir Vurliiv WlillM (Till ntllfl IIKH'I"'!" -it Ihp I'llltlll sln until. I nloni-l Alfiril V. Fic-ilwit. umlinllir jinl piiirni ef Hip pill i' of (CMlijiiahl. teii i mid Hi Duke ninl lliuliori of ('uiimu.'lit; Moot .l.iiuri. I). .Moliii, KiHii,v of I'riiKc hiiv o.in. irpii -tilled tin1 Piinir .iii'l I'liiuct llinv Inn nt s, hlr.wlu llnl-ii in 'llir ,-iniii ii r iv.ii. Millhin s. .loliii HiiMliii!,, ,iml tin miihr iirf!.n.t of tin1 fijlfiiili nl lli . I.nid CmiiImiiiii', mil. pir.ria lti olln ijImiiiI liuiiiliri. v. i; il-n ii'iiirntiil. 'I lie lliiil-li ,iiiiliisnlor lo Hip. I inirtl stji,, tf( 'nin(rfoti. llii" IttiKtlmi ..to. In.nliir lo liiciii fltilHlii. M ilf si,ir.l; Hip line lli luliiMi' M. iln llilli, .mi I lli Turl.Mi .mi. til-sjil il lo.l a Xialnimlo I'.iiIm, lre ,i.i p'viii. inli iimnliii- nl liti lftf.il.tn l.i'ij lCriM'tiiii, llii lo il ihiff itiilui. Itnuii hrr Min . II noil I!. v tod ko. Ilj on Mount siiiifi, so 'A till. mi jimI I. eli ciioti lljiiuuil nij l ". i . - lll'-'nitl 'I .Mllt iill'i-li Mllollll Hill tl.ui MANY AMERICANS IN ATTENDANCE. Xlliull lltr lneri. lti. lie .intliileil lur M' ii.. wrtf li. P. Million, foitnfil.i urprr-i llilli OI III- I nitiil stp,..; ,,p nilFil sutf, .itnlii..jilot 10 pjii.i. ilioruo Will I.. Mr.irt; Hiimlvr. I iKki.m .liili;i Ijtnlii'it Tri'f. fotincily I iitinl st a,., uniii.icr lo ilflplino: .lolm P. Moi l'jii. I lull". I Mini. Vlme, llMiop IIiiim, ot Wj.Iiiiiuioii. flinl ili-lup ll.ulill. o! 1 1' Moll... de' l'.i-i(..d il.iu.li in Villi. i Omiptiiir .i firm pi' ur.ilir tlii 111 ran o lii-li. p. inclt, (liinc. hor. 'iitoiw jml llnuil. of tin" Mrli in MpiIioiIIm l.'pltiopil i l.lili 11 II,-. iinl. In ifertii'ii M..IU. witf Iwo or three liiou .ili'l otliii .crcii llie criie. wlili li .i fnlli iliorjl a of Mirmo lieauli. I ! (ifni.' for llie Pi.ol .n ti-eil. Willi tin' I't.iwi of ( l mull 1 n I eiulllnt. 'l-ctiiikowk .tii.l l liotuii'i. fUlHtrtl IlllltliC pinrileil tlio nriie Pe.m lluilUy lejil st. I '.in IV illoui.r on Hie tr.i'rieiln ii, .illu wlilili III!' lolloWilt? IHllltll. Writ MHli;. S.jP,'.1 . 'Ilmiuli I W.ilk." C.o- I lluiil .1 Vuli e" .11, .1 sdIioi'h "Ulixril ii. tlio l,'uitr-il." rii i i-ncieciliiii .ihi; "(oir l.v (iott to 'Hire,' wnh the nuli'th ionitnoii!e ii.,i In rimliml. 'I lip .(MliP lotiiljtleii villi J t llife mil II... Ihim u' tiitifi,il linn up 111 I liOltf IOOll 11 HIP i'XII nf 'III limit Jtl.l lllHlk ll.lti- Villi 111 At M" ilMatllii. J- lll.J. lie. Illt it OBSERVANCE GENERAL THROUGHOUT ENGLAND. I'm in .ill nil ol (,iil lltlijin, llio lliiii'S il..tnr ,itnl Hi! . our lie nt an drm inn minv i. iv;i. cniiu rii.lriiii' of the iitmei-Al ie.m pjtlii 'or tin pe. pie of llie liiii.it sunn In thin glut .itrliitiiin Th Kre.o t.ithciluli if ( .inleilmit. IMiiiImiilIi. Pill Itn, (,lisow- .iml oil. n ime ,ind ilf ihu',in of .ill ihiietnlti 1 1 fiiii IhiouKhotit llie Imil, in iiiir one of woiih et Mie wur toi.ihii trd. wrie flliil, llie loiigtYua. Iiotin, r.eriilly, heiiiL huilf-J hi tin injni Aiitl Lmpot.nioiiw j ni.nk of irsinii fur llu In e l'ie.i-1 ..a fi Kinlei . a the ri iLiimo- in t In kmtfiloni v.'ie Iorii loiliy the hwkerH fn Ihe lierl of I.. n ilon ih.pi.-prl nt .1 1.11JI tuitntur of tuPiuoii.il iaiil- wllli pUtinet of Ihe lule pieeiilrnl, rapnl IO'Pttp mnl fl.ic llie i.oti'iiitiiiil lmllilms' heie .mil iKewheii' hul II. in flitj at h'lf inui, Tin l.l.i-sow eln' it. it mi i lo-pil ilniiiij: ihe -mil iti lh.il '111 Tne iiitrii.iii anil (n. ill in fclniii. were ilr.ipet with hl.iit.. II... irtiliM In Hie m.rk.m ,nnl Itniuli $ linn Ii. -. on ihe ,outiiiii wrie t;itiii!ll .at i i.l -ei In mi tnhi r-. o thi io il iiiuilie.. i.ihei.t miiiitrr. i nun fi nclu I tries, iu.il .mil mile tiny etlu i.iN, i iiy ihel'l ami Kie-it iniiither'' of imi H i'ii .Hul III ill. li itvnleiiK or vkIIiii. l Chiisliiiu Ihe fcrilie in . IMiiiini 1 k il.imh wrrp .illuiileil lij Ihe offuers aim ine.i of llie I liilei sjti( li.ilninu hli llilllll... the , ili. net mini-tern, .on-til- .nnl ,ilii sipae. w ie lir.il In iln Hull ih imi iii.ni the (i.iu. i n iiueiuii; it the u"tii. four' of the Pjii' r f I.111.I.1I11I I01I11 1ioiiiiiui I'rno.t inn), a fyu paiieiii letfiiiiLe in t l.i .i.i.iiution 01 Pre!. in MiKinli.i. Jim laio-.nl x ie liithn, whi 11 ill aihiplerl in ileiite i i,iri Ml.;; ili p ilnu Ihj with Ihe pi'nplV uf 'In I lined SUP'. MEMORIAL SERVICE IN BERLIN. Ilillin srpt pi - M,i,,,M..l vnnf. were hei in tie iuiii.in 1 lupel heir m noon itub, 111 huiii.i ef , I.. 1ji I'i. .liiri.t Mihililei Ml tne 'ittpinul ntnJ Pin, dti 1 iliitut niimheri, weie present eviept llie iiiiperMi ilune'lloi. Count ou Itiielow. whri H ali.eui tiotn llerliu. fie wat n iren'ineil la I'rin I hiiiii illnr on nuentli'i. Ml the toieisi mnhivjilot. ami iiiiiil.in m lluiil jllrnili'il. mnl liul.v of Ihe .illjcl.rf tl.'l eeietiruv of the liiiilonuiir ioii were preient. I'i lini" I eopnl snluei'lljriith, .11 llu represent i 1. ie of l.iiipeinr Willi 1111,, onuneii the ejt of liot.01 Tne ilupel uj ileioiaieri Willi rliapeil .1mr1 tan tlj', ami w,is iiomhO 10 ihi fullpn i.ei.i ilt wiili timnlim of the Atmrluii c.ilon Tlio lte. Ilr, Dnkle inejiluil the inrinorl.il n'liiimi The 1 ncrei'jtliiii miie "Sesrsr H (lod to 'lli-f" nnl ' Mil-lil.l " l.iup, mi Wilh.ini hit onlPinl Ihe fljj, to he h.ilf ni.iieil toil iv ihroiiKhoiit the nai in hem r of tin lite ii,-'lilent. 'Ihe mail Ameriean lligt flnnu hei t.,.i aie half in-ilnl. OBSERVANCES IN MANILA. IiiiiI.i, s.'i . I'i.- Iheie were uii,ri (.lie mh, liiPluiN .mil 11. nul oh.eruii.e here lo.l In honoi 01 the lili Preiihlent Jli Klnle.i. The mourn IHC w,i he1111.1l. Mod gf 'lie hi;i,e honnK neie 1 Imi il, AfiiT 1 eenjie (it the pjlaif, the mliljiy e.roneil il.e lil olfii lj to the I.iiiku, wniie 4II the axaibhlL iiin;p., llci ami m., i itn. were j.-flnlilc.t, ami ,mj hrnoit In "li IjIo pu.lilent in the pretence of tlouind if ii,i i.Uoi' The rieei .it (ailie iiluiiil Chief .Imlice All llano, In an iMirj, -M ihi all Ihe nilplnos jhliotrnl Ihe ninie, nnl mat tie ilc.ltli of the meat and ROdd pic.in.ein would iciuenl ihe frlrinliilp of .Mnnlon. and rilipiin., Puen in man)- p.ut of the ar.hlpflajo inn iluiinl ferrlcra 111 hon r nf the ihad. 'Ihc hut chef wtre crowd-d. IMPRIBBIVE SERVICES IN BRAZIL. Tlio Ijnelio, Sep I'i I In- iiniiini.jl keiuie in hoior of Hi U10 piendeni M hmliy held In Ihe Methodwt ilmreii lodji w.n leiv' lirpadn;. Ihe Ilr". Dr. Ucnnrdy ofriilaled, Pief. I.in.'.lin pli)-ed "lfp In .fent" on the oiiun, .ind Ji hnirti fine "My ,Icni." f'ommndore .ltin tie Pjrioii represented Pie.ldenl l'arnpo s4p,, n ihe m-niliei- of 1I11 1 .ilnii"! the intiiilier. of the ilent ef the rommrrrlil na(iillon If Itlfi .Unelro, the pteldcnt of the fultriil ttumlier of deputlc. uttKiM ol the llrltl.il oQiiiilron now- anilmrerl here nil leinfttntnthei of all the nrntpjcni vnc ptevnt. BRITISH NAVAL SALUTE. (Illir.illar, Srpl, pi -All ihe nc were hell iim tnl ui noon imlj, lini tlte rh'iitiel A'iiilron. ihe I tillcil sttp liaimns: (hip Alliuite, ll.e fleniuii t r lini tiff ulilp ( harlnlle anil Ihe laml hit leiln fiteil u ednlp of IweiiH 'lie riiik in honor of the lite Pre.lilrnl MiKlrln. Ml th ililpn ate A Ine the merlf 111 m-ticn hilfnial ai 1I10 m.ilti. Ihe mrili.in rn.lun in f.nwn lull nun tliiotilthotit thu llllli.h Heet. DAY OF FAST IN CANADA. iiiumj. Onl , Sept. f. pioilimalion Iseiieil )rteiili hv the (ecielary of itate hr lonmunil of t.oul Mlnto, Roiernor Keiierl of Cnnmla, arpoliitlni; foil ir .1 iljy of fl aipl ceneril iiioiirnirii' tliiouphoiit the poiulnion on iironnt of the liireaiemrnt wlilili I111 lief illeii Hie people of the Prilled Maie h the rleilh of their ihli-f nuiKlotntr. INDIA'S TOKEN OF SYMPATHY. Itoiuliii" Sept H lodiv 1111 nii.erinl an 4 1I1 of piuul MoiirnitiR fur Previlriit ihnile ihiiiueliiiui I111I1.1 Ml Ihe ihiIiIh iifhii. hank .111,1 eiore-. weie iloei Minn weit li'lil In all H11 11' 1 il i ihe. TELEGRAPH TICKS COMPLETELY HUSHED tin ,IH" il 1' DIM frj'UI ,.1. -I'll It- ..V U1ii(iir ii lil-tuit tint it til un In Mi KiiiU'V ulM-iUi( It . tlif itr!it ftij; nf tin ltN ur.iii pcr Krfot iiM I- iloc f 1 ii tf n.i tut-t jmi itno nt- m 1 mi1 in nf itinn)Mttiii(tn!i I mni i' u tt. .nnl lioln omit i tt ouiiti m Hhi tikni i1.nr, ii i .h, unuliitit: Mi,iUrtlini; vwr In 11 Mn.ill uj wli.it v.i4 ilnv I lit .llurnoui imi j mjIi tin' u.i uiujntli t pnn nnt'T from tlu' fifl.Li.il ft tht i h t"! m 1 1 f I'ltk'i.iplt ((tinptiiii, 01 upon thr niiniuii mi puW nf tin rpnatoi, wliMi lint nlt uu (.Hi ui-ir lint nniwit, Ihc cntiir li-1-c'pli 1u of I tin I'nUriJ t.itff u.i ll'iOml im II r in 1111 ti h il ifii) p in . the liour H tnr loutiing Uji pl IctitV lmilv f in n the KUt at ( Miioii i tint ttittinfiit vn nil tlio lmj nrt wnik ! win" fiom (lie All nit t lo lli' I'jctfi, tint .t "M)itinIir III tin1 1 n J 2Jto .1 11 nsl' tkl., .t im I ili uit.it iirin t.ilili Wfio piilt luv .h tlio iuili nf On Ijh ( lllrf lmuUllJI'' hiinxlt, lfne tlutt omr prim t toli Hi)UinU ot nil lft nf i.ulw.iv ,unl v,it .ittric f.f inon. imlu tin) "i niHh.iiy. Inr piUMil 1 rf trihutr to llu itt. hi. 1 Mil lltr i-i.ilioti ul tnr tfloaMMb U mii li i r,niM, mi, unit ul, tor .tin 1 .niv 1 w'li oni pimiiiiit 111 tin1 woilil inotJ li m it in 1 1 oil tint In11. I("Mhh Wlriiplit 0 iiuiill,itir uiil, p.ml lioiiuur to lli iim mi of hKinlM. 'lit" t11f.1l lminltn t niilr- r.f iio ift" 'l "a tv.U ot 11 million and .1 i.ni r In 1lic Ui-I.in I nl-.n iln.-i-f) nftiM- tin IuiimIimU -if np'iat'i nil .hum- .11 tlicii tlf-K hi 11 im ni mr tit 1 Jill'1 dhil, j litiinu tlii'ii x mi, s.hij; v.'!i ilu p tilnm tin- pic-hliiil Imnti i,tiii Mv (km) ic Him " Hie wur. ff ti iu i.iicii I'li1-, 1 lie IViil.il '1 1 li pupli (onipjm, thp Noirh tii(iit,iti iniup.itiv, tlic 1 tilt. ico .nnl lihwiiVo iMiip.ini arl .ill miiiU,ii uMiiiMnlpt m n in hnlci III lllO Ul'lHI.ll tOpp.lO. I'mlMlih lite moil it ni.irkjtilf nirili.nl . 1 pi . Im mp t.'inplfir mIiikc on tin' wm i ' tiiiin .m pu-.--illlit of lit 01 1 tif 1 in. 1, s.t rin plnMl ilif VvA Tilfrjpli lomp.im At 1 uhiii simiil l(xi uhp win ili-i oiiiii, tod, lit ir.illy tli.iiinnu iho 1 in nit- ot iloitiMitj thjf j!1 uitr urr in lnm ill .nut In i.ilh ' ilea! ' MORE BRITISH REVERSES. Boeis Ambush Throe English Com panies and Take Many Prisoneis. By Kxrlii.ue Wne ftum Ihe Amoi med TreM Liitnhiii, s,,t. in ili-pjtih 11,1111 I oid KililiMur, liuin PirioiM. d.,tiil s, (ll st mi. noiiiiire lint llie Ituri. s,pt 17, .iniliiNinit itt.e 1011111.111111 of inotiiiliil inunlii. with thin cun . 1011111M111I11I Pi ijo- Couch, In lh 1Mlltl ot siherp(i 'flv Mtir -.iiere hghlnu 'hi Urn lh Wile nM'l.puwirnl nd loM then pnn tin I'mtiN illnl lui'iih lilorU-. ol whh h win I Min.iil 'Iwn oi't .ind fiuirtien tin 11 win Villid find file ofliffi' ind lwenHfii 111111 wne Miniiidiil I IM' ulriuin .Hid one hiindii'd .mil inn turn wne iii.nl, prl'imi 1. M 1J0 Ctuli, iilm ii jped tlm lliif the nii;lit, leporii" lh.it Ihi ltoe. niiinUre'l .1 llioii.ind lot 11 .H.d tint thi.v w ie II niHunih'd h IJriu i.il Itotlu . 1 1 r-1 .. 1 I'h mh tepoiln lint (0111111-111111111 stniii- 111 oiihi to htiiU Ihroush .1 .oiil.n, iultnil on .1 ipi niton of Ihe sf.v, mecnlh I lniei i,i I'liniU Kim Piiori. killmz time oltnfii .ind tweniv ltun nnd wiiiunliti; one nill.er .ind liuiiy 1111 11 The liner., who weir dresved in MiiVi. W.I,' llll.1.llltl t-i tin llllll-ll I? nop-, .mil t.vt hi .mlv HONORS FOR DR. RIXEY. Piesident Roosevelt Names Him for Navy SurReon Geneial. Hi l.xilu.iio IVire fioin 'Ihe .soi lated Prr ( niton. 11. s.,,t, pi Picmileiit Inn.ielt hu iiiliiiiueii Mn. Mi hlnl. i- tint, 111 pur-iuiiif of the inti'tiiiiHi ot the l.ne pre. idem Mi'Kiiiliw, In reioiuiion ol Id- dinned elMlle, a. '.ill .i hti.ni.e of hu eminent fttnc-, lelhl..1 P.x.ini (net p IJKei would he appointed xiiruioii if iiri i if the n.nv upon the ipii.ilion of llie tirni ot s,n(;(pn 1i111p1.1l .in Rijpen 'Ihe teiietiiri of Ihe iliw ill" lieen teipn'ted hi the fiie-idint lo nivim ' Ilr. Ipvei t't nuke MH h .HiJIlcetilllll. .! will iiillile 1. 1 111 to 1011 liniie. if lipid he. hu ute of Mi Mihnilei h, tniiii now .mil lh,' I nne nf In" jppiuniiiiiiii 10 his in W ptiilli'll CZAR WATCHES ARMY DRILL. Four Corps, Numbering' 1-10,000 Men, Undeigo Successful Manoeuvers. It. KTilume Wire from The ".Moriatrd Priiii, lll.i line. I'laiin, srpt pi The ,ai toihiv wit it. .J ihe prjtnl anie .pi l.n h of fnm iml.iiiv mill. ion.,niiii? ol !4i,ii"n mi 11 ii U, 1 luaced III I .i 1111.1I atl.uk I'll loll tlii, whhli W.ll tin (1MI.1I pMilioii ol the 1 ii 1 1 11 linr. of il, fin.-r it llheiiu. Pin Villi. Winnie u mw of titi whole m In in 01 iiitutiti!ii w.i- ohiaiuihlc, oieilooU. mi itiiniin.o pine whtili w.i. liuralh nine wiin tioops 'Ihe itteii of ihe avuult ., ieta tut litn 'llu 1r.11 .mil 2iiHia .Hid Piixiileni l.ouliei, who lett Compei'ine at S o'lloik ihft nioriiitii; to witiu the tivieir. lund.cd .11 the fori after ll.e iiota(inu. wire oiii, then droie to Ithrfina. lisileii Ihe I'lll'eiliai. and iniiiiedinl.U alierisaid lonl. a ti im t ir tiinpnui. NO WAR WITH VENEZUELA. Ren&suiing Advices Received by Colombian Minister. fly Rirlwirt Wlr frnin The Akoelitad riwi VV.i.hiiUtnn s, pt pi -pi. Martiiirr sipj, the Coloinhian inlnUim ai "i l-liinclon, ho, reeened the followlnir oahlecram from tlu ( olomhlan mm i.lri of fnrtiun .ininn' ' llosal.i vpt. 1 - the piopnl ot war with Vi neyiiehi ;roM niute iiiuole eat h di.i. We do not want In jn M war wllli Veneiiela, hul 111 .iltjil. or iiii.i.Uii would lie piominli' met and H pill... I luiadiin of lla.ijir.i duealnl. i tempi in U'i.e llio liar In nti.it.ilril l.'uiiiloie.ni H'ontler riilet Hie t'oloinhi.in nilnlMe.- In Vet'i . meli lilt f 11,11 ai of M own nlltioii, 'Jh,. new l hilean n.iui.tir hu heen pien'nlnl at Ituseia " Bad File in Charcoal Sheds. Dj l.tt linue M,e fioin 'l"lie oil.Hfd Pre, llairl'liiii,'. s,pt, i-i..-1'hp Inoke rut in the lite pile of iluiioil mori.l In frame theds it Ihe I.iuhnn". fuuiaii near lljirUliuri; thli inonc ina. nnl im Mill Inn mils; ?ie tonight The pllo lentj.ni liei.iijO l.uil, 1 It of ihanoal and II wl..ed i." ( 1 ,",0" The Itidltalium aie thit llio i.cil. mil or enilrilv ie.troied nnUee the hie mil lit 1'XtiriinNhed. The tne wan lao'ecl lv epaili. li'.'lll the I.iukiiow fui;" Cieasy Calls n Meeting. Hi l.viltpiie Wire fro'n The Axmelited Prrii llairlihurif, epl. If, - t'lialrnmn ( iei. ol Hie llfuiori itlt .Ulo 1 onitnltiep, tndav iillel 1 nieetlns of thp rxix itllie innmiltlee, in Im In !d i Phllt Mplili inM Meilnesdii to foimiilate I . r " 1 i'i 1 iiipil,i St 5 '0 -a -a -3 ;vr ihz '--r iw - "v.. 5 W S- ', HV5-ViTV,-riigyiT.t, ,-,.i 4 S.w - J.- - itU.iii'lin.'iiJ ' " t (ffliiijjLa3LMir-iMB W m X."i'.'J"7 "i""'jTi j"i "uiijii"u'jil ','-Ik! li.fJ;-"J 1 MTT,y inrv-11. TJ' vv TjOTtl.1, vr-i Ti2..f uUisIW. riKft11, JH' I.. 1 iii,i,iiii li 1 .. hi in.. yyMsg.e.M'WuiiM. Ihi, ! ii li.. .T I. .niiTil.'Hl "in 11 rr fn -bpd e' h h1 b s y (in ssij - - 1--. -.rjisr itj-'", . ... .i'j'"c - jj ?ssffi?'.xvt:o;.vvM,.'.iii. i-i. ;i'i.,i. - " -Vi pipt f Jirj'" ,WH H ,B 1 ,1 1 il l,Wl ..h LTZ.jI H m ! B jg of money by calling here at the right time. It will pay any person who is desirous H of purchasing a Piano to take advantage of these rare opportunities. g The public is invited to call here before buying. gj H N. B.-There is but one Guernsey Hall in the city of Scranton. Guernsey f; Hall is located near the Central Post Office Building, j f 314-316 WASHINGTON AVENUE, SCRANTON, PA. 1 I J. W. GUERNSEY, Proprietor. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA RAILKOA ! Schedule in Effect June ii, 1001. Trains leave Scranton: 6.45 n. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsville; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsbuig and tho West. 0.38 h. m week days, for Sunbury, Harrisburg-, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsbuig and the West. 2,18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.08 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsbuig nnd tho West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wilkes-Baire. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts ville. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m week days, for Hozleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. j n III rmivsov. rn . Msr J n WOOD. Cen. P.i'j. ;t. Lehigh Valley Eailroad. fn KITfct June S. l'WI. Train Icne Sirantun: Knr I'lillailrlpliit an'l New York vu I), (c II It II , at tl.fi and U.3S a. m , ind 2 K I i7 (llluk Illinium! Kvprcs'l, ami ll.oO i. m bun daw. 1). II. It ll., l.ji, i" ni Tor Wlill- llatrn, lluildon ami pilmlpal pnlnti in Ihe icul ngion?, ii I) i II It It., ii. (J, 2 lb ami I. .'7 p. m Tor l'ottsille, ii 43 m.. i-is p in I'oi llollil'licm. I1itrn. Utailins. Ilarrlflnire ami principal inlfimcillai HjIiiuk ia U. k II It It., 0 45 !.:( a m. , 'J IK 4 'JT (Illjik Dia iiioml i:xprr). II -0 p. in Sunda, I), k IL It It., P.uS a m i 1 SS, 8 27 p in I'oi TiltiUiannoiIi, roAamla. Klmiu, IlliiLa. firn(n ami iiriiicipal intrnnnllafp tution. mi I).. 1. k V. It. It . 8 in a in mnl 3 40 p in I'oi (ifnoia, Km licMrr. Ilunal". M.iiuri 1'ilN riiliaeii ami all point" ft, ill 11 k II It. It, 7 4i, 11.51 a. m.. 1 2S .131 fHUrk Dlainoiirl pu.). T 4P. 10 II, II .) p m siinda, 11 ,V II. II It . 11 fA S 'J. p. in Pulliiinri pailoi ami lcrpln; or l.rliljli Valley pallor ilia on all halm trtivr-i'n U I Ik"..-lane ami New Yolk. I'hihili'lphla, IliifTalo ami Sin iion.lon Ilridgc. 1101, MX II Wll.nillt, fitn. Supl., 2(5 Cortland ktrfpl. New Yink. ril.MlI.ES S LIT. Hen l Alfi., 26 Coilland atrrcl. New Yolk. A V NOSNI.MM lll'll. Dl IM Asl , south nethlfhrrn, I'a For llckit and I'ullinan iPcnalion apply to SOI I.aikauanna airuue, .Siuntun, I'a New Jersey Central; Stucn In New YniV Foot of l.lbciij iticet, N Ik. anil Sontli ln. timi: TAiii.r, in Utixt .it k :o, laoi. Tiain lr-iic Scranton for New York. Ncnaik, 1 liralirtli. I'luladi Iphla, I aalnn, Urllilflirm, AI Itnliiwn, Mamh Cliunk and Wlntr llavrn, at s -,,i a. in.. xire. X 10; tipres), 4 10 p m Sun- dim. - 15 I1 nl For l'ltiton and Wilkns flarip. 65 a, m j f) and 4.uo p. in r-unJnji, '.MS p. in. 1'nr Itillimnio ami Wjnliingiun and point Su'ith and lrl ,a IlPtlili'hrm, H.jj j. in , 1 pj and 4 f"l p I" Simdaja. 2.15 p in. For Ione llramli. Ocian tlioic, etc., at 8 5j a in. (through ,ui'.Ii). and 1 10 p, m. I'm Ittadlnit. l,li'iion and llarilibint. il.i Iniitowii. H.'i'i a. in and I lu p in. Sumjajt, 2 I'i p hi. For I'oitvill' ?5" a, m.. 1 10 p in I'm- .Mountain Park, s 53 a. in, 1.10 ami I w p in. Tlnmiali iikrt to all poind mi, aontli ami lft at lo"l u'r at tin utation. C M 111 HT. On Pav si. J. II OLIIAUNL'N, Gfii. .upi. Selawaro nnd Hudson, In Effect June 0, l'Ail. T.aina (or t'arhondale leave Seuuton it f). 0, 8 00, S53, 10.1! 4. in; 1JO0, ..i, .'.41, 3.52, 6"0, 8.25. 7.57, 9.15, 11.20 n. in.; 1.10 a in For Honcwiali ami Lake Lmjoit, (i.2i). 10 i t, in ; 5.41 and 3.2'J p. rn. Fur Vllke'lUrrc 0 l, 7 1", 8.11. (.::-, lft.r, a. m.l lilkl, 1. 2. SIS, !" I .'7, j 10, 7.1-, 10.41. It.: P- m. 'r I.. V. It. It l'olnt-6 45, 0J?a. m.j 2 14, (27 ami 11. Ml r I" Fur lVnnltani It. II. points 0.43. J!l, S 1J. ft :ii ami 1.27 ii. ni ' For Alhuiy and all poind imith -4 .1) i. ru 1 and U.5. p. in SI SOW IttWNS. I'.ir 'ihinlali V0, ll.il-; a ni ; 2.11, .153, 6 52 and 10.5.' p. ni. Fir like llaue -1.3? a. m,; J2.0J, .., .;., C..i; ami S.li p. ni. Fur Alliati) and poind north ll 5! p. in. For llmieulali" and Lake Lmliire 50, MM i in tm! .1 5' p in .".Kill li-It 111 I iv BUC," f. rz7a" Tii H !$! "" 'V--. " --s--is.s "" ' lfIi.AN0 ii '.IHli'l. Special Sale of Wilton Rugs To make room for our new stock of Oriental Hugs we have reduced prices on all our Domestic Rugs. This sale will last only six days. Michaelian Bros. 8c Co. 12A M. Washington Avenue. cMiaiiiinHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinmiuiiiiiivj s 3 The WalkOver Shoe I $3.50 and $4.00. 1 Fall Styles Mi J MM . tutuiuiniutiiuiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiEiiiuiituis RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Selawnie, Lackawanna and Western In F.fTr. t Aus 11. IMI Train oi i.iantoii for Nrw .irk-At 1 li), S.M, 0 55, ,50 and 10 Oj a m . ' VJ. 3 20, 3 45. 5.01 anil 8 -,0 p. ni lor New yolk and Philadelphia 7.j0 and 10 03 ,i in., and 12.49 and fl.45 p ni For Tulijluiini AI 0.10 p in For Ituffalo 1. ID, 0.22 and P.io ii in : 1..10, ;I.5J. 7 05 and II .13 l m ''ur Iliimliiuiton ami ay ill tjoii 10 20 a ni and 105 p. in For (Nes, fcuaiive and I'tlia - 1.1S ami d.22 a. in. j 1..50 and 3 0- I". in. 0w.(rn, hyuiti.p ami I'tuu ttaln at r,.2i a m dally, rxiept Sunday lor Hontrci P.i1 a in.; 1.05 and 7.05 p. in. .Nirhnltou a(ommudatior. 100 and 0.15 p. m Mloonbuil IlnWou For Northumberland, at 6.43 and 10.0,5 . in ; 1.J0 and ( 10 p in. For riiinoutli, 11 8 10 a. in ; S.ftj and POj p. m. Sunday Tialnv-I'oi New nil,, I U. J.UI, ;5 53 ml 10 05 a ni : 3 20. 3 IS and But) p in. For Buffalo 1.15 anil ti.22 a ni.: 1..IU, 3,f.J. 7 oj and 11 .13 p. iti For Hinshamlou ami ay Ma tlonn (i.() and 100 a. in IllnuinOjuri: ilfu.ion laie cruuton, 10.0.5 a. ni and 6.10 p. in. New Yoik. Ontario and Western. In din! I'ueuli), Sipt. 17. lll'll. NUII III 11IJI Nl) L' lie I et i .rn' Tr.niH. .ii,mnii f '.iilioiiii.il I uli.la. . ln..jl i, in 1110.1 in l.oip. in. V, ; ii.lilp. in r. 'aiiion,jiii in m MIITII HOI Nil 1.1.IH l.ia"' tl'i I ,idoii. f'jiliondjli. .iiiuiin ,, o ,.uo, i, ni. 7.4'i.i in Nn. 1 15 p lit I imp. li I 1j , ii . -I SDA5.. IINU, NlUIIII IHIISII U'ai U'jie Aim. i'l.uin. Siiuiiton. t iiimndale. ,ului.i o. 'I :::i ,i. in it.lii.i in lu I,. i. in ,,, ,5 7.tlp. in. v.( .iilimnlJlr, , tup m --01 III Hill Ml. I.,'i M' l.ejie Inn- I .lllf.lj ( IlllOllllllf. ( l.llllnll N I' ,.'Kl"i tr 7 Hid ni N, pi . . I'lOp. Ill M)0 p. in. f 15 p in 1'i.iln. No. 1 mi ueik day, mi, I 0 in Suudiw, uuki' inaiu line iounii.lloii for Nns oik .m, MiiMlriiiun. Wiillnii, Nninlih, Oiuidi. ll.,.i.u and all poinu o For linlliir liifoiiii,iu.,ii, mi.uli ink ,,mi Erie Ralhontl, Wyoming Division, Tialn" f't llilei and inleimedlile poliii. fllr. SnaiiPni a" f"ll"w-: N". 2, 7 10 .i m . ( H.50 a I" ! ;"' ' "-'' P- "' N'u " 5 '0 P in' mi, 2 and ll Ihimisli luuu fui Sen 5,,il, Atllial. No. I, h 15 1 in.: Nn .,', lu . ii ,, m .No. i. .1.15 p. in I No. 7, li.ll p .in 1 1.,,,,, , 6 and 7 aie Ihrniiuh luilu fimu e- Unk M'MV IIIMSs lleiatturi' Nn. 20, I) a. in.; No. , ,, , Arriial.-.Nu 21, 12 15 p. Ill i .No, 2.:, M3 p, m, AlVAIAflIAOAAWVV Guernsey Hall Is Headquarters for the Leading High-Grade Pianos and Organs Guernsey Hall is well known as the most liberal Music House to deal with. Prices are always low, terms easy and goods equal if not superior to any in the market. Every instrument is thorough ly guaranteed. lift It fianos are a few of the many beautiful and celebrated instruments that can al ways be found in stock. Special bargains can be secured here almost every day in the week on Pianos and Organs that have either been re- turned or left on sale the city. You can often secure a $350 or $400 Piano for less than half that amount Now Ready. HENRY BELIN, JR., Central Ajent for tho W'jomlr.j D,tin.t for Dupont's Powder Mintnz, tllanlln?, -ioitins. -mol.elci ani ilm Itipauno Clicnili.il Compiuy'i HIGH EXPLOSIVES. iitny Tiiic, Caps and Fxplodcrn. lh;iiu 101 f on lull lluildiu; .Scianton. I.IALII. TIIO lOItli JOHN II ."Mllll SON W. L1. MULLIOAN .... Piit-t m . ..PI mouth Wilkea lljrrtj ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic hotel and annex Virginia Ate and Death, AlLintto Ch, N 1 blxth i'Jl. S.50 heautilul luoini rnmlt. , . 1 1 1 K T . and with hath, hoi und '.old tej-wati'r hatln in hotel ami annex loiation teleei and .'enii.il, within tin ard. of tin Meel Pn r uriie4ta, 1)1), is fpciial .piliig rati, U lo $15 l.v week. il 50 up hy day r-pi ial lati a to fjmiliea C'ojrhi'.i meet all train. Wuti- fui liooklit ( lIAltl.lS F 0pr Allis-Chalmers Co Succeisois to Maclilno nuslness ot Wckbon Jtanul'actiuliiB Co., Scianton and WllUcs-U.ure, Vn. Statlonmy Uiiglties, Kollcu, Mining Maclilnco, Pumps, BUY THE GENUINE SYRUP OF FIG ... MANUFACTURED BY CALIFORNIA FIQ SYRUP CO. rir-MiTl. Till'. .NAMK. . sir. a?: tr. 0 c . ar: tr: by parties leaving ST. Brewery Maour&cturora or OLD STOCK PILSNER 485 to 455 N. Ninth Street. .PA Telephone. Cull. 23.M. THE I0S! POWDER CO. Uooms 1 andS-Cotu'lth B'l'd'g. B0HANTOM, PA. dining and Blasting POWDER Und at ilooalo nd nuihdala Worlta. LAPLIN A RAND POWD0R CO.'S ORANGE GUN POWDER Eleetrlo llattorle. ElealrlfiKxploflarv xplodlug bUita. Mafety Kuiaaul Rcpauno Chemical Co.'s cxplo1.Ve Failure InlifeU inoie often due toeitimifcted uere force than to l.ick of capital, .stroiis nerve! ntc the capital that helps men conrpier couilitlons When people loe their capitat they set to work to regain it When wc Ice our nerve foiee we oiiRht to seek a mean of getting it Vi.icL There U a way certain anil bcleutlfic M& feed the nerve-;, inakinr; them steady and ktiongaiMecl Wc do not tieluve they nn fail (o cure Ncrvom Deliiliivaiul plnsical ei-lu.ii-tlon that'Hnliy Metigtf e to refund your money if i boxes do not cure you, ?10f) per box, fl hme V)00. mailed ecurcly ncnltil upon receipt of priee UuoU tree Addici. ri ai. MhfitciNK Co., C'lcelanil, Ohio. For ale h John II. Phelps, PharmicUt, comet Mi-ninu at.iiuo and bpiuie iticet. TRIBUNI3 WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS Sin w Lager Beer