'Si.in'r n "iFX" "&." u. 0; THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1901. -J NATION'S MARTYR NOW AMONG HIS LIFE-LONG FRIENDS ( .inc lit Inl f'ftn Pas' I 1 bcwtcl low, 111 lip twiii'lilntc ton vulslvcly. A fw Html ilr-inlfc urn nrifinprccl nnil tliMi tlie ilooi wit nprti rri to tlir pulilli'. Tvmi little girls weir- tlie llitt to np- piotirli tllP I'llHkot. IJJl i-iM t llcllllul tlifin wnfi h tall, powerful man with h iril liumtiulii'. Ah lir sustoil Into Ilif i-iiHki't In' rHtiBlit his lufntli In h nti'i'k mIiiii'P sinli that whs iiiKlllilf I" I'voiy Jiutt of thr Imllwiiy. Up tll"li riivp uiiy pntliply nnd, wpppIiir bitterly, jnisPd nut Aluiiv of the ppopIp as tliey looked upon thp fnn- of their denr filend whom they luid wm but two weeks hko, In full health, ihiirIU their Vn-eiith nt the i'Iihiirp thnl was tbeie. The piesldent's fate was mm It thinner than they expected It would be ami the MCht that met their eyes shocked them (,'ieatly. The crowd was admitted four abrrast, passing to the ilcbt anil left of the cm-UN bv two. No delay was peimltted and fully ISmi minute p.ised tlie bier. Not Again to Be Viewed by Public. The executive "ommHtce ! tiled this uitcmoun that the iciiiiilii of th Into piesldent should be lemoved to the Mr Kinley home at G oVlm k tills exeniiiK. and they lull not be iiR.iin lewed by tin.' public. SENATORS HURRYING TO THE FUNERAL "W.fllitiSlon. Sept S- patty of Vnltrd States sniatois and mcnibeis of the houe of I epivacntallveo left b'te at 1.30 p. in, today to attend tomorrow the finiPi.il sen b e oiei the t-ivmIiis of President McKlnlev at antoii. The train was In two sci lions the flisL eaiiyliiK" si-uatois and Ihe s-ecolul nienibeis of the houe. Several s-n.itois went on the fiitii'i.tl Tialn last iilRht from WashliiRton and 5.01110 fmm the Wmi will Join the paity ii i.'anton. The t-on.iti' iialn uilteil of die roaches and the hou"e li.iin of till. Until ate evpeiiod in rn It i 'anion rally tomoriow iiuiiiiiiii; ami tetiiililiiK t" anise In Washington Kilday uioi n JllR. One of the i oaclip Horn tin li'p-I'-rontathc.' tialu will be taken to I'hlc.iRo and the other to New Vol In. la Hulfalo. Soisoant-at-Aim Kan" dell Is in ihaiRe of the 5-nate tialu find t-erReant-al-Arnis Cii- mi of Hie bou.-o train. Phllaib Iphla, Soft. Iv- Alter a rid" n:' lliteo da.s on Inn sob.uk thioiiRh tin wild:- of Idaho and lour and a half lavs mi lallload Main., I'mteil States '.-ei'ator IVnuir-o anhed lioni" at niltl jnslu and loft this iiiornliiK foi ("anion to attend the fuuci.tl of Pii-bJeiit .1 K i nicy. Senator IViuusi' had been mi a two in intlis' huntliiK tilp In the WVt, and he s'aiiMi foi the Ka-t the moment the r'V of he slloollllR" of the piesldellt wa (oincycd to him. He I- accom panied hi. hl tilp to Canton bj, At-i-'imy ("bncial .lohn P. Klklu. llairl.'-bniR-.Sept Is. Uovei nor Stone and Prii.itc Sicntary (JerwlK left for ( .niton lonlRhl to attend the Mi Kinley I'unrial BAD PLACE TO MAKE ANY THEATS E F.vlu.nr Win- frutn Iri i,, a.i Pro.. Canton Sepi ; CoiiMderabl. i x itement was unin il in public .-quale while the peopb wiir a"-enibod theie to view the i cumin-.. Sonic one ai- i iisfd an Italian, who afteiwaulx Rave b.f. name as Cannlnr Dovl.tlio. of say ins he would kill Pie.Mdent l'.ooeveit The man. i ho totthl -peak h.ndly a void of KhrIIsIi, bpiann- filRlitencd and ansncied cs and no at landoin. to Tie questions that wele olle'd at him. imailahly RviMir the wio'hr an-i-wTts and In a moment a Rieat ciowd bid Mtrioundeil liirn and Hie cry of "l.yni h him"' w.ih laised. .Major Mamuls, with ,, mmpany ot Ohio lllllltia. foinied a hollow Mruaie nnd rescued the man. who a taken Ho the police hiMilriuaiieis for hi., own jproteetlon. The pi.li. . ,1,, not b. Ilee the man tout, inplatnl hanu. EVIDENCES OF THE CAPITOL CRUSH ' Washington. Si pt. is The oast nont kit the capltol, eaily loda.v, pies-eiitei! Jnany eMdenies of the (ontusiou thai i SeiRiied in the ciowd w lib li assembled lilt to cMerday bcfoic RalnliiR admls--lnu to the lotuiula. A!de lioni Ihe MMial iienris Icrt by a larpe iiowil Mhiih has been Ioiik In one plaeo. the jtround was Micwn with ninny ankles f wcarliifi- npiMirl. Then. ,.ic hmi rllods of hats, Mhiih had been is in n both by men and women, smih? of mnbiellap, liaudken hipfs, iiiiinbei ehH "ows. llbhoiis and tic. ami also not a tew ladlea' skills and otlioi aitlilcp of f'mlnliU" appaiel. PclleililK thai poi ketbooku. wan lies and other mtlcles of xaliie inlKht liaxp brpn dioppi'd, the police searcheil tint uimniils as soon as day bioke. hut they found niillilllGT. and the.i aie sallstled that o'lcr :e.irilieis had been there In adi of them. The artblct. loft imil been iroililen over until they wpip al most iuiecoRnl;:abIe. The ilu depart meut was Hilled upon to ilean tlio Kruunds. Cumbeiland Vnlley Telephone Co. Py Km I out Wue fmni 1 Iir .' mod 'i,. Ilarri'liurc, Si pt. 1 J 1 1 - ( uiuhi'i l.m.l Mni Trlfphun ioinpjny ineiiiiril hi IIiiiiiiI.imk tudy, hli Ihe Dolphin luuiilt 'rrplmr irnii. TJiij, tlie Sfiiahrrn IVnii.ibnli l'i li-phcm mm. pjnj, tl luinbtrlanil illc ldtplir.ui un Tel icupli i niniuny, tbt ljiirnii '. lepbour torn tuny tli dirru County IrlrpliOiie ioinuu i the uiui 1 1 i n if an.l con.titiicnt i..mpjnlit 'in rtir umiuny 11 J lbal 'it llif Hell Trbpn-ui company and wilt ha e an hi'ddqujitrrt in Itaiii.. hurj. Ceth Low for Mayor. By V. !i ' ii from Thj Aitoclaud I'uii. Nrw . .t. 1 Tht commlttf? o rljle ben ot ii ii 'Limminy orgaunlzation. iilih ha lifin l iliim i.rbiniiii for wrrrjl dai, ion riilrrin: irfin.pl.n). lor major, to In- mhnilltid to tlie gui.'d .iniirriiir cf thf orsaiilrallon, tool a Hnil i- loniclit, wlikh itood: I'nr Si Ji Low, I'! (or l.'.llir I.. Hivm, 1, - - m An 'ioi Yankee Conquest. lr i;rbi.l ' 'miii'llt Aitorlitcd 1'rfM, nniwrl. i' IV pifllminary jrwmtiit wit riM 'i ' ' o i'"la.i siting tht American claw pin tun lu.'iitln' uptlnn to ttuoib all tht MlfiiUo e1.i t.utmlu In ndgluin on the bull ,( k d pwll iiJUiiUiiiig aujlau lion fulfillment. ffi I II. Many More Like It in Scran ton. The follow Iiik in hp Is but one of many similar oiciiiiIiir dally In Scum ton it Is nn easy matter to vet Ify Its t otit'ctness. Suiely you cannot ask for better pioof than such inntluslvo evi dence. Mi. l'"iedeiik Davis, or r,0." Sunnier aveiiiip, oiiRlneer at the l.iieknwiiiinti It n and Steel (ompatiy, sa5s: "Kor two .vears thi'ip was a kiiiiwIiir' p.iln in t oss my hack, whlih bolheieil hip at iiIrIiI iiioip than any other time. I had to lie in Just sin Ii a piHitlon in otdei to take any eoinfott ot enjo.v mv night's lest. If I was not eaieful lu tutnliiR over, shaip IwIiircs would catih me lu the back and ilWuub my rest, so that I Rot up 111 the uiornlliK llred and with my bai k so lame anil sole that I ioiiIiI baldly move. The senellous fiiiui the klduen weie IiIrIi ly coloied and lontaltied sediment due of the men at the works ihi omnienileil Dunn's Kidney Pills to me. sayliiR they had helped his in liter when evei.v tliltiR else had failed. I sent to Maltliews III os.' dt lit; siote and Rol I wo boes. iiaihially tlie p.ilu in my liack lieRaii to leave me. and when I had ns.-il the two hoses It dKlppeared eoiililelel,v ." Sold foi "in cenls pet bo b all deal pis. lostei-Mllbuiii Co. Huffalo. N. Y . sole liRotits for the I'nlleil States. Itemember the name lioau's and lake DO otllel. V00RHEES IS THREATENED. Governor of New Jetsey Receives n Wn rnlng Message. 11 t'.v. lnM V iff from Hi wiOi utfd Pr-n Tientoii. N. .1., Scit. is.--tnpi nor Vooihees todav i pi piled a postal caul. povtmai ked lloboken, N. .1 , which lead as follow s. "You want to keep ipilet and keep olil detei lives away floiil beie or you will Ret what McKlnley Rot. We nip looklllK' for oin kind." The card bole no sdirnattne. It In thoiiRliI thai it i .Hue fiom nnnu hlsts at lloboken, as slate detei tlves .mil sei ret sei v b e men have been keepliiR a i lose watih on them slnie the slioot II1R of Piesldent McKlnley. SPANISH WAR VETERANS. Commander in Chief Coiyell Makes His Staff Appointments. By Kieluit Wir Irnm lh Auodattd Pr l.riliu.li'1 Va , 'l I I. thrill 1,11111. It I. Hi II I iillllll.'llidt'l iiiiImiI nt lilt Ntiell.il V m. i,it ton i,f Spaitsli Vnirruiiii W ir Vilillli. lu hmkiI uid'i ri i -l.ililihiia. ltni,,uoiri iii On. Iltl. Old tniklhu tllf InllnWIIIiJ .1 in" Jppnitll in. lit-. VdiutHiil :'1,-ijI. Willi. mil' l.illir. Linr.i.ii:: riiiiuitni.i' iriin il IMuaid I liiiiiinn k. in1 i cu; nipMlir lii-iiinl, nilI'll II lliirl-mi. In liHit'ii'iitis. Ind jiHlcf aili'iM.iii- stn'ril thy I' Mh. ll.iiuld. si .ItK-ipli. VI, i , Milcr.in vinn''l I'lJiui I iloii, I,nal I'jll-, Vl.ini , iiuiniil- III RI-llFI ll. slCpllOn Sdll, -llrlllll. '., chief ot ciilnrii-. I!n lunt Mi'iiri ihiup. N.iv Veil, iim: i liii't inn. i, im.: iifhur, W Infl. Id .Intii-. Nl. hi llli, I'l'lin , i Idi I iim1 ntriir-l. W il ll.nn 1. Mil Hi. Ii.. Vtoluli. VI,. . I .it rid lioni'. cl 1. Iilllle. linn, V. II. ilnf nf lllllliM. VViIImIII I I Pi. I.HHII1I, W.l-ll i liiip- l.titi in i Ii i f iliaitt II l..rii ., li.iiuiii., I BOND FOR EMMA GOLDMAN. Chicago Magistmte Holds Hei in the Sum o $20,000. Pi lilt'l!r VViri" fKHI 1 1 e fciit tllrd trr (llll.lUii. -rpl I- Veil,i I'nndll ill. M d.iv diticlid Im ,il!n 1'iiimi i.rtldiuoi. 1I10 jii auln-t. unnl tin 1 i.i- 11111111- up tii l.iMiin.;, nn dit lmnil 01 4 H.l.iO 1 1 pi dtliill.M. -aid ilir hid -01111111 Ml.imi .ind ii"iiiiiIi.ii l Ifti Ihe inlllt irmin tn -irU 111, lilditinut IIHUlij !if( irfit. vi,it,iiit Vti itolilniin iiji. till Im. U tn iIh uoiiun' iiiinrx at tlif Ihirt-nii -tnwi .tiiii.n sir w.i. unit Ii illrfinuiilld II llli ailliiulil nt tlir ti.tnd ifiviind "I zlu'.i I'm llmiiclit lli'-v Wt.litt! Unlf Hi tit.rid i-n l)l I Kildil Iml tilllil-ll 11.' -lit' -ltd. 'lull I Ii.it fiiptul. 'In pi.bir Kliim' Imlliin iIhui ind I'll hi mil id ht-lt In nilil " OPENED FIRE ON "SCARS." Sti iking Union Mineis in Kentucky Resort to Violence. Ri Kvrliiiie Wifi froni Tlif Amutrit TrM VUdi-iiiiiill. li , , pt. Is- riii' iitiimi inititK ipi'iiul liti tndiv nn t lip RiiaiiU at the llrituii.i tnini.. 'ilicii. ,1 itik' i in piiicn1,.-. ind ot inn liiiiidii'il lii mpii 1 vi Ii ini,i'il, 1 In' nun itinnii liirn 111 it mi tlirn M,t; tn lln uiui.'- .ind ipIuiiimI 1 InMii a- -nun ii- ili tliiui; insm. I'll,' luin-illik'ti iiipii ilri!.iii' llirj will n to Mnrk it turn ,tltn- mill ulmli 10 pintrtt tln'tu i.tli Oni 111.111 v i lintllidiil TO DEFEND CZOLGOSZ. Ex-Judges Lewis nnd Titus Have Consented to Act. B Fuliuivt Wire from rh AhocIX'J Prn. Illlllllll, lil I- l-.llllU, . I illHll I.. pi mil llnnrli 1 1 oik 11JT ,111 'til tin' aiul ptid tli llli'llt if .lllilsi' l.lnril III 111" 1111111M tnuit In m I 1 i'ilinrl tm IliC ilffi li-l' 111 lllo lll.il n I.11111 P. I rnliru.y tor nuiidii in ihr lli-t d'jin i Indii'' Tan- Mill n 1 111 fi 1 1 out MilMjnku' nn In iln. .Old will tlir-n inilillll lillll l luilji U .mil ilrtfllililip I In' Inn' of il'fil.-i In hr pir-lid. Iim will In' U'jdy lr tli" lilcl whfii lli-lurt Vttninii IViiiii v uimt'i ii in 111.- stiiiitui unnl lir 1 VliitnUi iiioimiiif YORK'S WELCOME AT MONTREAL, Heir of British Thione Received with Gieat Enthusiasm, Hi i:ilu-if Wlir Inni The unimril I'rrw. Mniiin.il IJiif , PH 1 Iho .ppil.il 1 1 jin limine I In" Hukr ami I'm In., nf ( niiiiull .in, I Wlk arlhiil lull' .11 :l o'dnik, mtrr td.l Mill finin ifiirlni, Irniirn'luiK nuuil .uiiniitnlnl V itor Kiilmn. ami lln" urUunii' iti'inltd .'i. ii'ij i-niili.l. n aiMii'.r nf iwkuiii m,i, ifji tn lln ilukp ami iim ln. .mil ihr foniirr ! plieil A lunco.h'ii anil nlher iriunomr. tmlnttril. 'I'li rink anil i1li"lll. 'in- In nil llftl Ihi- hnlnp of laud muIIhoiiii li'lf hen'. Movements of Stenmshlps. B; Inlurtu TTln lioa Iht AitoiUtid rrm Nf Vil. Sfil l.. nnn: 'liiimnli, .l. 'Iu9l. mliciia. i;lajou. 1 liiir.i. Iiopinsni l.ui i". Ririnrii, via viiiihiniplnii. I.i Hi u;i,c, II. Mf. I oliimb.i. Ilaiiibuik. Ittfiioulain, llniu-i Inn iilrili Oiiaiin. l.iiiiKiul: M I'anl, Soiuliapiitnii, Krnln;loii, iitmii miiiIiuiii, lon iriiHl: I'liilailrlplil 1, Nr nV. Qnrrm luwIl-allfJ: Strila Oiniii l.iipiinnli, pB Ynil. Iloulntni- S ir Mpi - iilul' intridaiii, k Vol k, lor ItottirJim laiul inrriliti. In. iipool vnlfJ; (ii'rnuiiU, Ni'n 1.1k via (iiirim. Inwti. C hf rtourir Sailril: Kluif 1'iiix o M illirlmn 1 111 w), limn lliiniHi ami 'mithaiiitilnn, New nil. 1 Conl Company Chmteied. Ujr- Fxrliiflt Wlt Irom 'IV Aorllfd l'um Ilanlibure, Pa., Sept. IS, Among Ilir iliailn. kvicI by the itttf drpaitmrnt Iml 11 j oni to th Oobiish Oolllrrj' coiiipini. nf I'nlttvlllt; capital, $10,0fi0. RELATIONS ARE SEVERED REORET OF PRESBYTERY OVER LOSS OF DR. ROBINSON. Bccnttse of Tntllng Health He Was Compelled to Resign the Pastorate of the Second Picsbyteilnn Cnutch of This City Yestei tiny the Lack rtwiuinn. Piesbytciy Fornmlly Sev etetl the Relations Between Tastor and Cliuich Minute Ofteied by Dr. McLcod Was Adopted. Sprvl to th i'i anion "Irlbnnc. Iloncsdale, Sept. IS. At tllP leipiest of ItPV. C. II, ISoblnsoti. I). ) pastor of the Sei olid Ptesbyterlali t hut ill of Sirantoii, the jiastouil lelatloiis which existed between him and that chuuh vveie dissolved by the l.ackawniina Piesbytery at Its session held here to day. Dt. Itoblnson leslRiied his cliarpe Milne time IIRO. because of falllllR health Ills resignation will take er fect October I. The Inl liivv In-' inliilllc, offetpil bv jtev. , lamed Mcl.eud, 1). p., of St raii lon, was adopted lu tonneitlon with tlie seveilnc ut lb,, pastoral lelatloiis of Dr. liobiiiMiu: lli-.illitl. 'Ih.n tn ill.-nliaii; tlii pi-luul I' li lieh-lnp In imi'u tin' ll-i t : lli.lnt,.i,ii. I) I), mid lln' s,i iiriii.ruii , imil it ,it s,t,itit,.ti Mm pii.lntri.i put. wi mil in piiiii.itnl ii'tfnt Hill lln .iilliili It 1 1 t.i I In i iv. I II nn .niuillil nl 111 lli'lilh.nn'a lit.iltli Vp ilpi'pll -Mitpilinp vi nli tlir ilnitili vi Imli In. k, iHiiitintlj iitinrd in i-kiiie Mill tin it til.ittoii'i :i pi-tm jti.l ppi.plf Iip ill.-idvrd, lint (lull 111,1) lona n.llp nur Iip Ii.vmI IhoIIiii. iitid th.il Up iim) iniilitiup l. ir Mm tm uiui., )i,o- tn dn ,m (fniiuif unik inr tlie Mi-Iit wlintn Iip oip N nur i.iiiip-t pi.tm Il I .ibn nur uliaiip ii,ivii tlut Hip s 1 ilillHll nf -il.llilMll lit.ii In Hi, : i;iii,. III il init .1 "iiiuwir Id Hr. Unliitpnii 'lie I Intiii fitrtliir In'.iriili it,tiitiiPinli Hip num .it tlif n i imil Init li nt - niiili'ii in in.iknm -ii' nlili- ptiiiUiiih tm ihi. in unit it in, o of llr I! .li m-iitt fltid liii. ili'iiiiitl wi(p a loim .i it uu. pll'l.i' dud In ,i, tin II lnp im-:(Msi:t i:xpi:i:ssi:u. Slant iiise of deep sonow and tPRiet weip made by man) of the inln WtetM and e'deis. )n part In)' with a man so uiui li belovpit as r. Ilobluson. At the hitter's leipiest be will be yiwu ids letter hum idp i..i.kawauna Pus bytPl.v to tin- Piesb) leiy of New Voi U as he Intends tn tnnki his home to tin Vltllllly of New Yolk, allet his tetlie iiient It on i aitive wink lu Si laiiton. I!ev. III. .Mt'l.ioil was appointed inod etator ol the ves-dim nf tin. Sei mid Piesbyteilaii i linn h until sin h time as that i linn a si i in es a new- pasim. The i bin th it Ta.vlor made a leipiest foi tile servlics of i V. (J, run!,, who Is now In ihiiii'h ol the iliuiihes at I iii j vii and Lackawanna. The n- itps was uranteil. and ev. .Mi. l-'nnk will heiealter look aflel the Ta)lor i Iiiiii h. Tile li'potl of tt lollilllilli II i- vis'on ol the new rulis of the Piesbv tety, whli h oi i iipled most of the ttm lloini session il' the PlPsbytel.V, Tiles day mouilHR. was com hided at the al tei noon sessiiin. 'I'ln-lr tepml was adoited willi few slight alteiatlons. Thp nil- to led to pnyliiR one-half of the ppt.ses uf impuiIipis to Ihe S.v nod IiioiirIi! on a llvel) dlsi iissloii, lesulliiiR In a tie vote. The matter was decided b) the modeiator in tlie allliui alive. IteVS. lleol'RC (1. Mai Ills and Joseph K. KippiI vveic lei el veil I loin the New ton Pie-bvleiy. I lev. C. I.. Pen), of the Wayne Itaptlst iiin iatlon, and Itev. ("!. A. Place, of the ItiiiRliainiou iiinl'eienie, wpip Invited to sit as i oi -re-poinlbiR lnembeis, Ccv. i),. .Mhiih made a favoiable lepoit on Kieeiliuen. whli h was in i cptcd Di. Itoblnsoii. fop the i ounnltlei', inadc a lepoit mi Sum ner avenue iliiiuh. lie resigned lioni the i oni'itlllee. te. pIvIiir the thanks of the Piesbytciy for Ills mivIips, ) . .Mi l.eod was lippulnteil to till the a uiiny. A tall tor I!pv. .lames K. Kn-pii to th" Siotl hin i'Ii was aiieptcil. DI!. l.ANSINOS ADDItNSS. Itev. ,1. li. Ciaven, ot Wllkes-liane pii'sldeil ill Ihe evenliiR ineelillR. A Inl Re nildli'lii e listened with piofouinl Ililciost to the talk of 1!pv. I. ,1. I.ans. Iiir. D. D, on Hip "Chibl iVntiiil in ciiilstlanlty." The speaker held tin auiiienie for one limn while he showed the ihlld lential In the Christian lite, the wmld's piomess and all that Is Rood. ThlK nioinln the tastoial lelatloiis between Itev. W. 1. Cioiket ami the i hi. nh at Canton wen- dissolved. The salary ol the Muted ileik was lled al $.a0 pel )ear: periiianeiU clei k, $;',0 pej year: tPiupniuiy iletk. per jp.ir: tin Piesbyt, rial n.lssloiial . l,uOrt ami e,eu-es alter Dctiiber I, 1!'H.'. Thursda) iihii'IiIuk at II o'clm I; the Presbytcrv will bold a memoilal sei- l o for tin- I, tie Piesitbnt MiKinle.v. The ppople of lloiiesdale will Join vvllh lli'-iii In Ihe serv li p. 1 1 is fourteen .veais since the Piesh.v teiy met with the lloiiesdale Picsbv terian i linn h. licv. li. li. Wehmer Is peiinaneiit i lei k, ami Itm. P. II. P.iooks. stated clei k ot the Piesb) tei ) . Theie ate forty. uIrIU inlnisteis and twinty-foiir eldeis piesenl. Eiiibaliiier Makes a Statement. 0 Rirhutvt niri (rem The AMO(it Prrta l.llllnn. (I. i il l' -Vlnuiii; lli.i.n i ilif (nlllt h,il.l I, ,i. II Hlnln tin. l.,,,j l(. J rn ii'.iuit 1 1) 111 .liti- .i i. f111111.1l ilnr,, nr limn Hiillaln. iilm iiiilutini'il tin Imil Anil ,mi.i inni' 1,11 In if In Inni 1 In. ilulh's in thr I, ml fiiiiual iliii'ilni. lln Inn riHi'iwil .1 ili.pnih II 111 III. Iill.ill"... ,ivn Mil' a llutlllii . ilili;.' 1l1.1t .i.iiii cniiiiniiii wa. biiiu in.nl m rrninc ihr IntiH hHIi ndlili thi i.Ait h.h 1U1.01I. ouini: In III" iiiiiilllinii nf tin' iniliiliniiiii 1 1 . .1,11, il lh.it lln1 iiiiiilitinri nf lln r.in.uin .illn I tic an Iiikv iii,ni 11 linpollili In iti"uili' n'if,,nii tln 11.11.1l iluiii'. nf Piiiliilniiiiu ami Im j.knl, In Jll.lllf In llllllcH 9li lll iixiilljlft., thai 1 In v flit hi ntuli'il nn In. aiillmiui ronr Shot by Hobbeis. Hi I:iiiIi Hire from Ti oi 11111) I'iiw. I'liilaiMplni, Mpl Ip-Iii ittpiniiiinc tu rlti.l anr.l tn litcliw.ivini 11 ibmoioili.lv notiniliil 4 pollirniaii 1 1 1 1 1 .li;lll.i inlninl tlnrp oihrr et oii nn the )ilajri nicr fiom lonislu I'oli. man IJIrtanJ llnonry nai flunk inlip In Hi. link ami a wotnin, in in and lnv wrre al.n hit liy bul IrK. H la not known Hlii-llin Kfionn'n wuiiini la latjl 'Ilif Iwo iiifii miii . 3)i in i-ij ,mi jai 1 In ii raini na .lo.fih Kin,'. .,f w llain, O.mii , ami I'iiitiup Mi ('.iniiill. of 1 111 ni. Disciplining a Shy-ncr. Ill Cm iit Wiip II. in 'Ihi .." uiui 1'ie.. 'Iruitbii, . .1, Si H 1 I in iiiiiiiiii mint lo, li .i.n mini .liil.n 1'iJinn I I'lnll, a i u.iik Ijiuir, f in pmilin for Iwn nu inr lollii'lnn In itlriiiillnK to ki'iilio u ilnuii. (in li. Mjhiip 1111,-1 I nun hrr hm-lianil, I lank llil.i. Isthmian Canal Plans. IU t.iilinltr Wlri" tioin Hip Aiaoilatfd l'ra, .i.lilniitnn, SpiI. l--lt Man Iimiii'iI tndaj II11I I'lf.hltn! Inin.rwlt hit limn nil, a..(il if tin' ni-inll.iliini. In ini.nx ii'I.hUi in tin propnanl l.ilniilaii nnal tirali ulih I 1 clan, I, .inl h ippruud t Ii-iii INDIA AND CEYLON TEA BLACK or GREEN Quality is a Small Word But it means n great deal when applied to teas. Hachine made teas possess QUALITY, because they reach the consumer PURE. This is their strongest argu ment and accounts for their popularity. ASK YOUR GROCER FOR SALADA i Ceylon Tea REFRESHING. 0EUCIOU3 finld only In I.it ratkeli, 50c, flOc. and 70c. Per Lb. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Lehigh Valley Bailroad. In I fleet ,1uni 2, I'Ol 'iSann lpac Scranton. I'm I'hilail. Iphia anil New ork u I) ft II It It, at (3 I.i anil U JS a m . and SI". I .'7 lllljik lliaiimnd txpri"i, and 1130 p 111. Sun iia, D A- II. li. It . 1 iW. " -' p. ni Inr White llaun, naarini ami piinuiiil point. In tlif ci.il rrioii ua 11 II. It It, i,.4.. 2.1S and 12. p. in For 1'oimille, nil A 111.. 2 IS p. 111 lor llethlolinii, t.a.tnn neailms. llaiiUbmi; ami prnuipil intirinedlale ataltciit in 1) A It It It., tl j. 93-S a. in.. '-li. 4 .'" tlll.nk Ilia motid llxprew). I l.S'O p. in. Sundaia, I) A. II It It.. 9.:i- a. m 1 &". S27 P in For Tutikhannoik, TOAanila. Flinlra. Iihaci. (ii'iiei.1 and piimipal liilrrmediatr tition. u li . 1.. A A. It II . 1" nl ami ' ") P m For ficnevi. Itm he'trr. Hnflalo, M.lKJia I all.. Clihaan ami all ioinlt et. 1a I) A II R IS, 7 I, It 51 a m.. 1 i'. S :i.l (HI u k lliamoinl I pio-w). T.I, lit 41. II "a p m Simdajs. 1) A II II It . 11 5.1, '.? P ni- l'liUiinn parloi and xli'i iine or l.i'lnsh Valley parloi lata en all tiain. Iirtp.ii XMIke. Ilrrn and Nnv Imk, I'hlladelphia, Hnrtaln and bu pen. Inn nridce noi.I.IN II. Wll.nt'll. len Snpi , it C'oitland itript. 'r link CIIM1I.KS f- l.KK (fi'ii l'i" .k' . JH (.01 1 land utrecl. New York A VOWl'MM lll'll. Iliv l'i-' ct , saulh llellilehrin, t'a. Foi tid.il. and I'lillmaii leNerialmni apply to SO1! Iikananna aiinne. Suantnn. I'a Selawaie. Lackawanna and Western In l.nVd Aiitf 11. HOI Tram leae .ianio.i Inr Nch oik-t 1.10. r, nil, a O, i.nw mm iuvj ... in i 3 li, .iim and ' p. iii 1 r V l,liilailHrliu--7.50 .iri'l 1005 m . S.li i in Voi Tohlianna -At fi I ."..(W. 5 'o, T.i'O anil 10 Oa a. 111: i.'.4'i, ..JO. 1 nr mmv iorK aivi and IM'i and 10 n tn. Inr Ilultalo- 1 15. f--' a'id VM) a 111 : I SO, 'I ni, , Hi and II l m For lllnsliaiuton ami uav .la linni-IOiU a. in and 101 p in I'm Cluirzo, Suauire and lin.a-t.15 and .JJ a in , l.0 and il 5.' I' ni Oiw -jo. .uauie and I'tiui 1 train at 611 m daily. eirpl -nniday I or Moutio.e 'HVI a tn . 101 and 7.01 p. m Miboloii aiioniinnditior. -4 00 and II 15 p m lllocinibinc llntMon- Foi SiHIliunbeiland, at t 15 and 10 05 a in . 1 M and (110 p. in. For I'lininnili at MO a m SSI and llli p m Sundai Tiaim-lor Npm liiik. 1 P), :, In). .1 il and 10 01 a m . .1). 3 45 .iml 5 00 p in. lor lliifTaln-l.il ind '.-.' a in. 1.10, ,".,, 7 05 and II 05 p in For llin;lniiilnii and way ta tinin '(frt and l'l.'J a tn llloninln,!. diiiumi Leave Sniati'on, U 01 a. ni and 6 10 p m. Delawaie and Hudson. In l.fTi'U .lune II, pl. Tiiiri" foi I'aibondale lpae Stanton il ', FOI 5, 10 1.: .1 in: l-lO'. r). .'. ,);,, 5-1 II .'... 7 17. 0 II. II '0 p. in . I HI a tn For lliiiie.dale and 1-ike l.odoie. B so. Ion t, ni ; 2 41 ai.d 5 !'i p 111 IVr Wllkea lime- ii i. 7 1- il, ::'. in 11 a in; Ui. I -". -I J ''" ' '-". ' 10, 7 l PHI. 11 n P "i I'm I.. It U. I'nltit'-n 1"'. 0 : a. m j : IS, 4 .'7 and 11 o.p in V,r Vnnlatila It II pointa 8 15. 0...S, ; 1-s, 3; .i and 4 27 p. 111 For Mlian and nil pmnU noilh-fo a. in. and 3 5- p. '" SFSDW TltM Foi fatliondali 50, 11 '' a in ; -J II, S 5: 6 5.' and 10 62 p ni Foi Wllkep Uane-'l ' in ; 1.' Hi, 1 1 3 .'j, 0 3J and C i p ni I'm Albatu and pninli nnrlh -3 li p in For MnneiiUle and Lake I.odon' 50, 1113 a in. and .1 5' P m. New Jersey Cential. Siatinm In N Imk-root ol I.iIipii, .tupt, K II . and Vinib 1 em 'I'lMI TM1I1 IN Fi'l'l CT .11 M m, pun '11 aim leave --cranlon foi e loik. Scaik 1 liril'Clli. I'lillaih'lplila. I.ailon 11, ihlehrm, lintonn, Shiiih C'hunk and Winn llawn, at p .1 a in ; etpiem. I 10. fipni-., Urn p in. sun dai. 2 15 p ni Knr I'MIHon and tt Ikep Itaiie, s 11 h 111 ; 1 i) and 4 on p in -"inda,, 2 15 p 111. I'm Hiltini'iie ind tahiiiBtnn nnd ponin gonth and 'p.t ia lleihlelirm. ill a. in, 111) and 4 00 P " "nndai.. 15 p ni for lrniB Hianili. Otean (lioic, eu , at S 55 t in (tliinimh "Jib 1 and 1 10 p. 111 For Itradliik,. Mmnm and llairUliinc, l lriilnnn. S.55 a. in and 1 10 p m, Sinidii., 2 15 p. in Foi Potmllle. 51 a 111 . t 10 p m. lor Mountain Paik, 55 a. m, I 10 and 1 10 p ni. Ihtoiifh tUVila In all pnlnti p.111, i)utlt and went at lowest nira al tlie lallon. r M. IlL'lt P. lien. Pa. t. J. II Ol.HAl'SKN, (!pii uU New York. Ontaiio and Western. In eflict 'I1te.il n, -ip 17. lr"il nillll IIOFNH lao l.'an n'ii Triltn. No. 1 , .N'o. 7 . -iLintnii ( aiputii.ilr I adoia lO.iOa in. II loa ni 1 I'lp in ii 10 ) in. M. t .uliundale il 10 i m -OF 1 11 1101 Nil liaie l.ian' inip I mlu.ii. r.nlinmlili iiiiiiuii ;.i)a in ".40 a nt , . . 2.1.1 p in I no i ni 1.15 p in FMIA- DM,1. Mlinil 1101 Ml I,c,im Leave Anne i'i.i!iloii ( aihondile, 1 adoi i :.0ii in '1.10 J. Ill 10 11a in 7 "I p. in. r.( ailiomlale, ,,li. ni -III 'III 1101 M) . 6 .No. 2 'lr,iln, So, o 1aie l.eair iue 4 ailu.la. ( aibonda'e, Nianlon Su. il .'.On a. in. T.tii.i in So 10 .. . . I Op. lu ii. nn p. in. ii.l i i m 'Hani- No. I on Ank ill", .ind li on Ntlldjl nuk" mini Illn' 1 1 urn 1 1 Inn. Inr New 'inik uii MiiilnMl. Wallnli, Sum nh, llnciili. Il.urj,. and all polnu i.t. For fiuiliei 'nfiniiu.iiiii, ioii.iiIi 1 1 . I ,ai nip I. I' Will It-IIS. II I' .. Sett Iml, j i:. i:ii. t. p , su.intoii. p.i Eile Railroad, Wyoming Division. Tiatn for Haw ley and Inlermeillale pnlnu leaie Suanlnn a fnllnvn: N'o. '.', 7.10 a in j s'o. I, 8 50 a .in.; No. fi, 2.2.1 p. in i Nn f, 3 20 p. in Nut 2, and fi thronih Iralin for S'ew toil,, Airlal-No. I, c IS a. in.; Nn a, 10 ao a in ; Nn. 6, 11.15 p in : No. 7. P.I5 i ,m 'I la i in S'oa, i and 7 aie Uumidi Ii.iIih fiom New loik. M NI1W II1MSS Drpiililie-i Nn "0, II a in . Nn. 22, 2 p in, ArrlaU-No. 21, 12.15 p m.j .No, 21, S.IJ p. ni. -ir&S?. . "M:a, "jj t- rs&,.z:& i i nil M rxjxm CSP- Why not buy at first cost when you have a factory right at home, where the best pianos in the United States are made. These pianos are in use in our Theaters, Convents and by the leading music teachers of the country, and are pronounced by them to be Superior in Tone, Touch and Durability to Any Now Made OVER 13,000 of these fianos aie now in daily use, and have been for the past twenty-one years. Kvery piano fully Warranted for 10 Years. We always have some bargains in Second-Hand Pianos and Organs, which aie taken in exchange. At present we have on hand the following that were taken in exchange last week for Keller Bros.' Pianos : One Hazleton Upright One Steinway & Son's Grand One Ivers & Pond Upright Two Chickering Squares All in good condition and will be sold at a bargain. Call at Factory, 1043 to 1051 Capousc Avenue. KELLER & VAN DYKE Pianos and Organs sold on easy payments. Old instruments taken in exchange. cuiiiiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiiiiiniiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii I The Wal k0 ver Shoe I $3.50 and $4.00. Mi i Fall Styles Now Ready. w&H&w suiiuiuuiiuuiuiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiieiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiKiiiiiiiiii NEW YORK HOTELS. V"v--'VXV'V'S'N WKSTM1NSTEH II0TKL ('or Mkt-rntli St and In nj I'laie, NEW YORK. Anirii.an Plan -V 0 per Dai and I p '! 1'uiope.in l'lan, l (W P i l).i and Ipujiia f'uiil Itaipj to I amines T. THOMPSON, Piop. HOTEL JEFFERSON NEW YORK I oa. I ii 1. 1 on F.i.i l.iili strecl. Thp .1 H I I ItMJN l ii thoroughly hrnl-clai. fairllyHndtranHient linipl ottpriiiff Atannni. inumrn.t aninilinumof luxury and com fort, lln 15th htrept ju.l pant of union Square. It is ivithln a fou minute, nf tliQ leading liopf, thealle. and i lull. European Plan, SI. 00 up. American Plan, $2.50 up. Suitei with Private Bath, $2,00 up. 1 or .penal rut p. Buhl ., or informal Ion writ o JlllIV I'. I II n IKI.Il, I'niprloliir HBPHHMEIBHKiaiHHaBm For Business Men Jn the h!rt or Ibe wholesaU district. Tor Siioi)crs s minutes' walk to Wanamnkerv, S minutes to Stecel Coopei'a Die Btore. Fjany of access to the ere Dry Goods Btores. 1 For Sightseers On. hiork from B'wav Cars, etv. Ing easy transportation to all points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YOUK. rnr init st. a UNivKnsrrv vu Only one mock from Broadway. ROOUIS, $1 Up, prcc Reaionable -- RAILROAD TIME TABLES. PENNSYLVANIA ' RAILR0A1 Schedule in Effecc June 52, 1001. Tmlns leave Sctnutou; C.45 n. m., week days, through ves tibule train fiom Wilkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car nnd couches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvllle; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects tor Suubury, HanisbuiR, Fhiladelphln, Baltimote, Wash ington and for Pittsburg and the West. 0,38 a. ni., week days, fev Sunbury, Hat'ilsbuip, rhllndelphn, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg nnd the West. 2.18 p. ra, week days, (Sundays, 1.88 p. m.), for Sunbmy, Harris buig, Philadelphia, Baltimore, Washington nnd Pittsbuig nnd the West. 3,33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule train from Wllkes-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and conchea toPhllndelphtn vinPotts vllle. Stops nt principal inter mediate stations, 4.27 p. m., week days, for Ilnzleton, Sunbury, Hartlsbuig, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .1 II lirit'lllV-ON, Urn Mur J, II. WOOD, Cm, Pi,!, Agl. Keller Bros The Place to Buy Pianos Is at the Piano Factory, EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition I'.v h loirnt atl of thr Iorij-U-tin, fi"' tuition 1." now gunteil ut tin Literary Institute nnd State Normal School Bloomsburg, Pa. In stl! thoip pipp.trlnB to toarh. TIiIh Kilinol nidlnlallis iuuri.ri of flilili fur tein heii. fin llioxc liipp.iiln; foi i hIIori', ami for tlin.-i s-1 Virij IllB llllixli'. It Mill pi to iiiilo foi pirn iila-. No other ptlior-l oflpu -ii. ii .iiiipi inr ad antace. jt nuh l.iu raua. Addrcn J. P. Welsh, A.M. Ph. D.,PriD, BINGHAMTON TRAINING SCHOOL. l'.r N.nni- lit. hMtI llfl t'Jf Mi' (nl di. ti I'll -n u-1 'I t nn ni: iiin 1 1 i.i mil:, Vi n liiaimti Miimi Dijvm- KilHl'i.li1 1) l)i)ft fat iixiiiKl Ciifiilrii S. A. Doo little, e' lam iv inii. II nshaint n, N CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Wissahickon llcitjhtj, Chcslnut Hill, Pa! A lioardiiiR 1111001 fur hoy In the elevated and lieniitldtl opiit countrv nottli of rhlla delpld.i. .0 tnimitei from llrond M Station l'or cntalciBiie" ndilte. JAA0S L. PATTERSON. Ilrad-Mastcr. SCRANT0N CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRAM ON. I". T I Toiler, 1'ifiidtnt. Tinier II I awall, Tieai. II. J I'o.ier, Man'i) 1' Allen, Vne Prendrnt. S'tre'ary. ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and Annex Virginia Ave and Beach, Atlantic Ctoy, X I. &imh iai, 3'i0 lieautiiol 100111. m-iiiie, ungie and v.lili hath, hot and cold .ea.vatcr Palhi in liotel and annrt I.oudlioti wleit and lennal, Aiihln ft auU of ihe Mill Pier Oiihe.tia Ortu. pe, ul piin utoa, $13 10 $15 by ivrrk, J.' M up h da .'pai Ul latea to fanulie foachei nittt all trilna. Write for hnoklet I II Mil V (OPI. Allis-Chalmers Co Succeiisnift to Machine r.UHlness of Dlcl.son Muiiufaiturliit; 'i Fu-anton utnl Wlllit'H-U.iire, Pa. Statlonniy niipinef, ltullfi, Mlnlnc Maclilnoi'j, Pumps Prof.G.F.THEEL,527?,f. rkll-Helphl, I'. Oni Utrmtx hprrUtUt iJ -lnrl-r Onirivlfrt lo rf ! hj milt Trhilf IHiMiMrrf-iliriirt t IM l-i-) Eir -), 4 htikh, a a--- ..- -- -- -- - a A - nittd-i rlP". fr ihMMf. t h-ftAO.' larlrA-frU A KlrUlurfi ' ml liar . I tii1flutt mrl.Mirkfi(lriiaN'radforhMri rrllwinUtA fUobl npiliitir7 nrtlUtl wJ rUrlrUklfraiKl. Htnllei-i i jrrJ i(aa Pianos. ffieldrum Scott & Co. See Our Fall Opening of Waists Dressing Sacques Kimonas and Bath Robes. We Are Showing; a Most Elegant and Exclusive Line 126 Wyoming Ave Lager Beer Brewery Mnnur&ctiirers ir OLD STOCK PILSNER 480 to 455 N. Ninth Street, .PA Telephons Cull. 2W-J. N Every .Woman a ,nt-rfl! ilninl hi loll Id knOH s- MRVll Whirling Spray on uht u- tun llMt af s C G. ii Aini rnnirn ni ll'aunud I inirtttt mtiiBiiy I fir II f . ii'ti a .ii't 'he 11 1111 :.. mi i 1 till nir Inn .f nt i.inilitor II iitinird l nk ' II Biifi '1 il iwrln iiUi.uii.I ilfll.1 linn. Ml. 1 s 1 'j r'i4" '" ,. fa t 11,, KI 'If YctV. v Poem 631, Tinim Mt w v1 w 4