n sr a i x& VW"T - " " )-' -'' '9 THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 19, 1901'. r?" Olllce: BURKE BUILDING Catbondale Department. !- -rL '. J. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Delaware nnd Hudson Ralhoad. Jim" (I, I'OI. Trilni will lute UtUncl.de at illy eljllon ai follow: , . .. for srinlcn and Wllkcic Hint- finil, . W, jn, 501. in 01. 11 '21 J id i lilU. I.Ui 2jl 3"' I W. m, looi, 10.51 r " , ,,, Sundiv Halm Irate at 850, 1121 a. m-S Ml), M, 4 50. (W p in lor Mli)i. s.erMoi, Montrril, nton, New Innlaml point, eti , 7 ") a ml '' P- m- all.) , . , IV., ik Imlnrr, Maonart and lloncsdalp, 7 !.'. 1I.O-, a in i .151, Hit p m Niml.it train lute- tor I Ik.- laaliw. Watiiurt nd llnnofUlf al 'i:a) a. )i) I 1 " I 1"' )' oi Inlni airito at I rlinnililc limn Wllkri-llatrr ind Stmnlnn m (nlkm. 0.5.1. M,7. 'i.m, 10 50 . m ; l.'.:i7, 2ll, 3.JI, 4 , UOs, 7.01, II, I' "'I. II 57 p m ; 1 5.1 a in. Stiml.it mini miltc it 087 a in i 1J in. !'- 4 1', o.'-f. 1 1 I'll p in. Irilm unite dallt Irnni .Mlunv at 3 HI and 0 5 p ni. ; aid on Sumlit at 2..0 p in. Inln afilte Irom llnne'dalc ami Wa.tnutt dallt H Ml a. ni ; i IN. 4 111. (1 17 p in Snndaj train arrive n( luthonlale hew M" l.ndinr, UjuiuU nnd ll'im s'ljlc al I-' l. 1 ! and 7 V p ni New York, Ontnilo nnd Western. .lime '.. I "II. Tiamt leate ("arlmmlili' f"r . rinlnn at 7i. M 01 a ni . I oi p )i) Mindat Halm il 7 0) 1 in . 0 0l p in llalni leate I .nlmndile lm ! iinrlli at 11.10 a ni : t II p in On sundn ai ' in a in Trilrn lMifiii: it II In a in rek Icti- an I 0 111 m. Ninda) tnlki c hum Hum fnr Nut S-nrk. CVrnttall, eh Train arilte lieui s. union il 11 10 a. in i I II f Hp in . tinin pmnu nnrili. Oii i in, I il p. m Siiti'lio tiem .Ni.iniMti il n i) . ni rfnI 7.11 P. in . Imii id wla al fi Oil p in Erie Raihoad. .linn SI. I'"ll Tralnt If lie ntt stitlnii, I mlmiiildp, dallt IPMTpt Nnidit) .il 700.1 it. ami t.'i p in fur llundt and Viiiitrh .il n..i i in , ilatlt fix plniff Mniditi, lm lliii.liiinlnn. inakine ' "" mftloni lm Nett nik illt and lliiflil" and il f. Ill p in foi ii-liehaniM, HuMns mnim n n. I r tftdrn pidnH "iind.it ti(n ai 9 t a in (m iiiiielianni. "llh wr.lrin inimeillKll. and l .!7 p 111, Willi Mine ennm. tn n lialm. .nut m " a ni and ft 11 p. m hnnd.it ai ! a hi THE DAY WILL BE A GENERAL HOLIDAY The Storos Will Close, the School Childicn Will Remain at Home, the Woikshops Will Be Idle and in the Chinches the People Will Gath er to Honor the Memoiy of the Beloved Ruler of Their Nation Who Will Be Laid at Rest Amid the Scenes of His Earlier Life. Today tt 111 be n goncinl holiday. Work, oxeiyw heie, will lie put aside, and the dnj tlll Vie kIxpii over to lion- oiinc tlio memory nt the beloved pi evi dent, xtho tlll be liild nt lest In eternal sleep amid the s-eenes of Ills early life. The MifperHnii of wink will be kcii eial. Theie will be nobody In the minex or wotkshopi. The Htoies will not open their doom: oxen the duiK stores, whleh of necessity i otualii open on neatly evciy neialon. will bo t loed by their propriMois fioui 10 In the morning until - In the afternoon, in kreplnr; with the sad splilt of the dux. The whool ehlldren xtllt not be called to their t.ihks. UhiiirIi they will assem ble nt the schools In the forenoon to lemaln an hour to p.u ticip.ite In ex rrclses In keeping with the nioiiintul oeeasion. The scholais -will assemble nt the usual hour thW moinlns: and. after the leading of a liNtnr.x uf I'lehl dent MeKlnley'x life, liH l.ivoiite hymns xt 111 be xung The Chutch Setvices. Tlie i oiiKieKntions of the (huiihex, or rather all of the (lli.ens will nhow in a public xtay bow they lexeie the niemniy of their depaiieil inler bv a fcinbllusr in tlie eliUK lies aVd by pi.i.xer and fconc: and lender tilbinos join In the jilrlt of the land on this diiv. At the Methodist i liuri h union me morial seixires xtill be held, loinmenr illK at 11 o'rloik. Ileslde th( clexo- llonal CNeielt-es, there will be addics.e: by Hon. .lames .1. O'Neill and Hon. .lohn r. Ileynolds. The bymiis of the president will also be ming. At St. 1'ose c lunch, in aemi dance with the circular of Ulshop Iloban, a i-olcnin IiIkIi m.n-s ot ieitilem will be mime, commencliiji at If) o'clock, during xvhich a culnjiy of the depaited piesl dent will be dollxeied. Tiinlty Chutch. A memorial set x Ice for I'lesident Me. Kinley will be lield in Trinity church at II o'clock. At this servhe Mr. Ualph Williams, of Kcranton, will (.ik scv eirtl helectlnns. new V. Khlngei' h.is sent to The Tribune the folIoxxliiR, touching on the sepxlees th.it will be held nt the Luth eran (lunch this eveiilnR: Pop the tblid time In mv American pastoral ofllce, now In St. Taul's Lulh rian chinch, do this sad duty, In honor of our hue nnd beloxed piesldent of the t'nlted States, on date of tlie official fiineuil. The follow Iiik pio Kramme will be can led out: opening Intiolt ".so p. m. Song by the congregation, No. u'lU, l.utheian church bonk. Piayer. 'Neairr My tiod to Tliee." Scrlpturo lesson tor the occasion. II Samuel, first chapter. Hong, quartette or double quartette. Selection by Uei mania Maenneicholr Sermon II Sam., 1:17-10-23-27. 1), ix Id's Swan Song or culugium (or eulogy) "And David lamented with thlt la mentation: Tho beauty of Isiuel is slain upon thy high places; hoxv "re the mighty fallen! Tell It not In fiath, publish It not In tho streets . of Askelon; lest tho daughters of the Philistines rejoice. Ye moun tains of ailboa, let theie bo no i dew, etc. Hoxv uio the mighty fall en and tho xveapons of wur per ished!" etc. So on David's foe and cruel per secutor, hoxv on a friend and father of his country and xvhoso life-book bears tho stamp of purity nnd good ness In his services to tho great American nation. Short sketch of life of President Mc Klnley. Rites of funeral will bo lead and prayer. Song by the Sabbath bdiool "Tlieure, blelche, hltitge Lelehe" fDr.ir nnd pale and precious liocjyi, S. S. Hymn book, No, 13. Priyrr. . ''' Alternative sons of the children and 'TJonisreention, a. S, Hymn book, No. US, "Unter Lllleujener Fieinlen" (In Midst Lilies Heavenly Pleasures) llencdlctlon. Song Doxology, old llundied. Dismission. P. Khlnger. piiHtiir; Pi of. .7. 1". Cm- well, organNt of the chutch; Miss Thlldo (lei hiu dt, organist of the Sab- bath cchool. The Mayot's Proclnmatlon. Mnor Kllpatrlck has Isiued the fol lowing proclnmatlon (oxeilng tod.i.x s obserxanre; "Wheieas, Tlie picldeiit of tlie t'nl ted States and the goxeiuor of the conimnnwealili -if I'cnnsylxaiila, In up piopil.ite lilbtit'- to the much beloved and gieiitly lamented William McKln ley. hue piesldent of our nation, haxe Issued pioclallliitinns i ailing Upon the nation to llttiugl.x nbseixe ns a day of inouiniiu Thin sibiy. Sept. IP. the day on which tlie leiu.iins of the dead piesl dent will be deposited In their llnal testing pint In Ills home city of Can ton, Ohio. "I, John W Kllpalilck, major of the llv nl C'aibundale do iccoiuinend and leipiest that tlie people of this com munity do on that flay, lefraln fioni all business putiilts and asseuible In their cusioinaiy houses of woishlp nt the appointed hour and pai tloip.ito In ihe set vices of mourning and piaxel. and thus lenibr the full me.isuie or detollon to tin- p cedent bv xthosp ilc.ith the nation is so lncp.ii.ibly nt lllcted "(ilxen uiidei my baud and the se.il of the , nv nf Ciiibiiiidale, this sexen leeiilh da.x of September, nineteen bun dled and one. "John W Kllp.'iti'lck. Major." The school ho.nd has Issued the fol lowing notice: "As Thin sdaj, the ll'lh day of Sep tember, Is to be generallj observed as a day of mounting on in i mini of the Mineral spixUcs of mil late lamented piesldent, William McKlnlej. It Is ar ticled that all the public schools shall be ctiisVl .ifler appnipilate exeici-es In the moiiilug "P P. Hushes. Piesldent; I! II. Keiwln. Stcietaij." To Close the.Opeia House. Manager i P. Hjiii", In keeping will- the iplilt of the dij. will close tin Crind (tin ii house fer t' d.ix and there will thereloie be no pet foi iiianie of Sir Homy Turpla tonlgbi. The tliugglsts of tlie town. Kiiink 1: IViiims. J P. A Tlligley, P. A. Kelly, J II. Kcllx. John A. Liincx. W. Reynolds. II P riaik, will l Insed i ln g.v.ttep i,nt t)f the d.ij, fioin 10 a. in to p m. CASES BEFORE THE GRAND JURY Those fiom Cnibondala Acted Upon by That Body This Week Much Intel est Manifested in the Case Against Edwin Moon. Sexeuil Impoi taut i.ises tnnu Cir bondale weie (onsideied this xt eek by Hie gland Jui y now in session in Si i anion. The inos linporlniit, at least the one that will nttiiiit n good deal of Inter est, Is the one which Kilw'lu Moon, fninn'i poor illieitor, Is chaigod xx Ith falling to pay up shortages that xxeio found In bis accounts by audllois, dur ing his teim of olllce on tho hoatd. It xlll be iccalled th.it Moon xas given a chance to settle these sur i hinges. The pi event poor diieclois left the matter In the hands of Altor ne; II. C. Hutler, the bo.nd's solicitor. In the hope of satlstai loiily settling the issue. Settlements weie made In the (.use of the other ex-dii eetms like wise charged, but the etfoits made In Moon's use weie minx ailing. Hence the delei llliuatloll to pi usee lite. The tase against Ambioso Illggins, who Is (liaised xtith striking John Peel on the head xtlth a stone, ,i happening that altiaited mote than oidlnaiy ut teutlou. .it the time, xtas (onsideied on Wednesday. Another linjioi taut case was the one against the man l.iuuady, tt out the Duudatf soi Hon. who is accused of tij--Ing to knock the head olf Patiolman (""anion with a water pltdier. during a fi.uns sexeial xtceks ago. The case of Nathaniel f'obb. L'onslable Neary'.s assailant, xtas al-o i onsideied "Wed nesday Among the tine bills which have been found aie thte-e against Itlchanl Joyte, the foimer waiter In the im perial iestiiui.ini. and Itidiaid 1, King ston, his (ompaiilou In i lino. It will be recalled tluit .lojie, In company with Livingston, illled tbc diesser of IM xxaid Coddlngton, bis employer, and .Martin Connor a waiter in the icstau rant. and made off xtlth Coddltigton's xtatch ami about a bundled dollais worth of other goods. Jojce, when ar lesled. made a xtlld lesistanie and eieated n seusatlnn in the town. TOLD IN SCRANTON. It'a the Evidence of Scrnnton People Published in Scranton Papers That Has Mads Such a Reputation for Dr. A. W. Ohaso's Norvo Pills, Standing clear and distlmt, maikliig the dilfetenie, the superior meilt, the adaptabllily to piesent-ilay ailments is tho volume of loial testimony for Di. A. W. Chase's Neixe Pills. It's so illf feicnt to the oidlnary leinrilles refer ring to cures made at distant points which it is haul to veilfy. Thcio Is a reason for Dr. A. W. Chase's Norvo Pills commanding home evidence wher ever they are known. .It Is their won dei ful Influent c lu bilnglng up the standard of nerve foue. Mr. Henry Albeit h, of No. 018 lllrth stieet, St i anion, Pa., suys; "For about two yeais my back and kidneys hail been so.ie, lauvj and tho secretions lu bad shape. Nothing seemed to help mo until I eat Dr. A. AV. Chnso'n Ncixo Pills nt Matthexvs Hios.' drug store, No. 3J0 Lackawanna, avenue. They did tho xttnk, Hiring tho soreness and lameness, making tho seciottoiiH healthy, and gouerully glxlng mo health and strength." Dr. A. W. Cluiho's Neixo Pills am fpld at Mo. a box at dealcis, or Dr. A. Wi Chase Medlclno Co., Rulfnlo, N. V. Seo that portrait and Hlgiinttno of A. W. Chute, M. D., nio on eveiy package. 'Phone : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 ANOTHER EXCAFED ASSAILANT CAPTURED Pnsqunlo Graeco, Who Shot Catmen Siilano on Juno 12, Appichonded in an Indiana Town Steps Taken to Have Him Extradited to Stand Trial His At rest a Creditable Bit of Wotk on tho Patt of Constable Mornn Story of tho Shooting. Hj' (i singular coincidence txxo fugi tives, xx ho xveie wanted badly by the Caibondalo police authotltJcfl, were lounded up Tuesday. Nathaniel Cobb, ("unstable Neary's assailant, xtas taken on that day, lu (iieenlleltl township, and Is now In the (unity J. ill. The other Important nr lest xvas the appiehcnslon of Pasquale Diaeco, the Italian xxho shot Carmen Sltlano, bis countiyiunn and neighbor, on the night ot June 1". (Irnecn xxas taught In Bedford. Indiana, xvheie the authorities nwalt the ititlon of th" olliclnls heie. C.KAHCO'.S Cltl.Mi:. The tiline for xvlilih (Jiaeco Is want ed caused almost as big a stir as Cobb's doings. The shooting look place in tho Italian colony off of Dun dnlf street, and It seemed providential that other bullets from the leckless (ii aero's lexolver did not llnd their way Into the bodies of his touutrjmeii. He whipped out his pistol In the midst of a gioiip of Kalians xxho xxere play ing cards nil the stoop of Sit lane's house and llietl axxay at Slriano, who was sin lounded by scleral compan ions. It Is a inaiiel how Slriano xxas Ihe only man xtho xxas shot. One of the bullets after striking some object xtas (lellecled and took off the tip of a tlugei of a lad named Jlllliott. SHOT AT PATROLMAN CAItDKN. So soon as Ciiaeeo ttnished his Wild West ft oak, he hastened to get away fiom the scene nf the shooting, as last as his nimble feet could cany him. He dinted in and out of the maze of allej'wavs and passageways in the col- niij-. nnd befoie ho denied the place he came near to having to nnswer for another crime. Patrolman Patrick C.iulin, xtho was attiacted by the noise of the shooting, hustled Into the colony and encountered CJraeto, as the latter came tcailng tluough a naiiow passageway. The moused Uraeio's III. st Impulse xtas to bate iecotir.se to Ills teiolier. He blazed away nt the pollc email, and before the latter could ictoicr himself (Ji.ico was out of sight. It xtas .in easy matter to llnd a bid ing place in tlie houses In the colonj. and (iiiietii suc ceded In secieting him self until tho il.ukncst olfeied him the chance that be sought to cover his Hacks. He didn't leave the c itj lion- cxei, but lemaliied In and about the WINon Cieek mine. He hovered about the place for mlly a week, axtaltlng the lestili of his iIctlm'H lujiiiles. Siilano xt.is taken to lhneigeui.x hospital, and alter n xteek, xthen It xtas certain that he would lecoxei, timet o took himself out of the cllv. Dining the time he xxas In hiding Omeco xtas supplied b- his fi lends xx ith fond and clothing, and though a xlgllant walcdi xtas kept, lie managed to escape the sulci espionage of the police. TP.Acnn Tiinorc.H iils rmiiNDS. Constable Moiau lias kept (liaecn In mind ever since bis disappearance, nnd never tensed his endeavors to locate and appiehend him. A fat tor In the uuceaslng effoi ts to itiuiid up C.iaeco xtas the attempt he made on Patrol man ('ai den's life, xx bile he xtas at tempting to do his duty to an est the dangeious mall. (Srneco has beep In communication xtlth his coiintrjiueu lieieabouts and It was through this that knowledge of his xx lieieabouts xtas gained His being located is a highly ci editable bit ot woik on Constable Moi an's pat t. Steps xteie Immediately taken jes tonlny to bring firaeeo heie jor til.il. An onler xtas obtained from touit to lime bis ciisr. piesented tti the grand Jury now sitting. After the pieseut nieiil, which It Is e.pected xvlll be surely foithcnining, tlie necessary ineasuies will be taken to bring him f i mil Indiana. What is supposed to haxe led to (liaeco's xtlld shooting Is a spat that his childicn and Seiiano'.s had oier en inly. The Omeco child chopped a piece of candy xthlch the joung Sliiann piiked up and ale The foimer xtas leeplv oflendeil. and xxlien ilraeto came home In the exenlng somewliiit under Ihe Inlllieiue of di Ink, Ills wife. It Is t Inline il, nia&nllleil tlie Irippcniug and llislsled on vonie soil of sallsfni Hon Spllliecl 'iv lhs fJiaeco sallied forth and t ouiniiHeil the ci line A DAY 0M ELK HILL. A Pr.it y of Younp People Enjoy nn Outing at Thnt Resort. A p. nt i I joung people fioin this tin bad a delightful outing nn tlie hiMiilHul heights of Hlk hill, the be rliiiiiug of this week Theie xteie uu iin ions pleasant social Ineldents to iiuike the occasion highly enjoyable, and the pally kcenl.v enjoyed the day's pleasiues Those who xteie oil the dilve mie the Misses Kllzabetli and Mingani Median, Anna, Margaie', May and Kalin Uilliool, Teresa (iIIiiiim tin, .i, mil and Maigaiot Kllleen and Kltll Dojle. M'llkes-llane; John Caido'i, T hennas Plunnety. John Haley. An lv lloban, J.jt C.lllionl. Tom dllhool M. I'. Noiton am! (leoige Collins IMPROVEMENTS COMPLETED. Plumbing System at Poor Faun Ac cepted by the Dliectois. The plumbing nnd sewering system which has been under way at the Carbondalo poor faun xtas completed on Tuesday of this xteek. Tlie same day it xtas inspected by the dliectois, xxho di ox o tu the larm for this pin pose. The sjstem xtas found to be sntlstac toiy, nnd In eieiy way coming up to tho plans anil specifications. On ie turning in tho evening, the dliectois met In special session, accepted the work, sent for U. J. Vanuaii, who had thn contract, nnd gave him a check for oxer 1710, the amount of Iho bid. The directors nio highly pleased over the system, xvhich they have icasnn in be, for Its Installation lemoves a lniiK standing evil, almost, and gives Discovery of a Leading Physician. Public Test Will Bo Made at Matthews Brothers' Drug Store Today. All day today free sample packages of the celebrated "Schlffmunn's Asth ma. Cure" will bo given away at Mnt thetis I3ios." drug stoic, 320 Lackawan na n venue, The doctor wants ovety sufferer from Asthma, Hay Fever or llronchltls lu thts city to call unci get one. When asked tegnrdlng his te.isnns for giving his remedies away In this manner, he said: "People nio nntuntlly tkeptlcal about an asthma lemedj', and xxlien you consider the number of so-called 'cures' on the in.it ket you can hardly blame them. Now I claim that my Cine cures. H txlll Instantly relieve the the most violent attack. It has permanently cured thousands who had been considered Incurable. If 1 did not believe it, xxhy should I be giving It nwayV" Tho sufferer who gets a sam ple package can tell In two minutes whether It is ns I represent It, and It does not cost him a cent. That Is fair, Isn't it?" It cerininly does not look as If any thing could bo fairer. Thoste living out of town can get a flee sample by writ ing and enclosing n 2c. stamp to Dr. Tt. Sdilffmnnn, .".70 Jackson Miect, St. Paul, Minn., up to Sept. 23rd; not later. the farm a system that xvlll incalcu lably Improve the comfort and hcnlth of the Inmates. Lavatories and closets hnie been Installed throughout tho building and a laige reservoir has been constructed at one end of the farm. The plumbing Is of tho most approved style, and altogether the Improvement Is one that Indicates hoxv .solicitous nro tlie dlrectois of the inmates that arc entrusted to their charge and care. Fiom Isaac Rogcis. Isaac Kogers, about whom a storj" appealed In one of the pnpeis that he xvas concerned lu a controversy over the shooting of President McKlnlej', declares that he never cherished the sentiments that aie accredited to him and that what he said must have been inlappieheiided and misconstiued. To Enter the University. Albeit (!. :iitherfoid, son of James Itutherfoid. o! tho Globe sine, left yesterday to enter the Vnlvcrslty ot Pennsylvania. Mr. Itutherfoid has been conspicuous In thn younger social life ot the town, and has a wide cir cle nf friends here who xvlsh slncerelj for his success. THE PASSING THRONG. Miss Cecil Merlelo has returned to her homo hi Kingston, after a two xxeeks' visit with relatlxcs in this city. The Misses M.uj- and Klnience Sopor have returned to their home In Klniira, N. Y., alter a xxeek's visit xxlth Mis. Ucnrge Hurdlck, on Muple axenue. Mr. anil Mrs James Smith and son, Horace, of Qilbeit stieet, left yester daj' morning for New York citj', xthero thoj- xx ill visit friends, and befoie re turning will spend a week nt Kings ton. JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. Mis. John Trotter, of Second stieet, xxho has been critically ill for the past two weekb, xtas veiy low yesterday and her iccovelj is bejond hope. The services at the Itaptist church this ex'oning xxill have two objects in view. Tlie loiepait of the time xvlll be taken by Miss Hmma. Parsons, of Salt Lake City, who xxlll talk on the Mormons. Miss Pnisons Is nn Inter esting nnd lluent talker and speaks from pei sonnl knowledge of these peo ple. The latter portion ot rlie time ,wllt be usi d inr a short memntial seixiee for our beloved and lespected piesldent. who has suffered mar tijclom. An ottering xxill be taken lip for Miss Parsons' expenses. Members of other chinches and the public are nifwt coidlally Invited. Tlie choir xtill be glad ol any assistance fiom nicin beis of other cliolis In the memoiial set ues. Services will begin promptly al 7 ::o o'clock, Memoiial services xvlll be held in St. James Kpiseopal chinch tills morning at in.liO; aKo a short sen ice In tho atteiiioou at 2.30 o'clock. The postofllce homo todaj will bo fiom 7 to 10 a. in. and n to 6 p. in. Fiee tlellxery of letters and the aulval ot malls xtill bo despatched ns usual. Ralph, the young son of Mr. and Mis. Thomas J. Williams, of Third stieet, fell fiom the bildge. on Sec ond street, Into the bed ot the neck, sustaining a sexciv gash on ihe loir, head ami shoulder Ml. and Ml. John It. Jones and son Wlllard, of North Main street, al tendecl a wedding of a i dative at Scrantnn last ex cuius. A quiii terlv contention of the St. Aln.iflus Total Abstinence and Henexo lent so. lei of the upper distiict xxlll be In Id lu the Assembly hall on Sua- il.ct. i )c tuber ci. Misses Myia Hills and Saiah Mul len spent last evening with Sc-rautoii fi lends. Mlt-ses Kloicnie Mnlncs and ("orlnno (illfllths aie visiting Koiest City friends. Mis. Esther Mitchell nnd Miss lMlih Moore, nf Caibondale, weie Jciiuju callers last evening. OLYPHANT A spi ial niictlng of the si lioel boaid was held on Tuesday nlghl to consider a piopositiou li run the Peck Lumber loinpanj iclatixe to the Kiist wind school amies tontine t. The company asked for an additional 3."0 to com plete the building. The boaid thought the piopnidilou a fair one. and unani mously loted to accept the sumo, thus the cllfi'oi enies elstlng for the past two months between tho contractors and the boaid havo been agreeably settled, and woik cm tho building xvlll be lushed to completion, Tho boaid also dedded to order tho teucheis to close tho schools of the borough on Thursdnj, In honor of tho dead piesl dent. An exdtlnc liiuaxxuy occuned yes terday afternoon nbout 3 o'clock. A team of horses attached to a dray wagon belonging to Drayman It. I Post, of Scranton, xvero standing In final of P. F. Callahan's restuuiant, on Lnikiixxniuia stieet, xvhen they be came f lightened at something and dashed up the street to tho Delaware and Hudson classing and there run down tho tracks as fur as tho bridge, wheic they came to a standstill. A young boy, who wns In tho wagon, xvas thrown out at this point, but escaped xvlthout Injury. No damago was done to tho xx agon. The lecture glxen by Miss Einnia I'aisoiiE, of Utah, lu the lilukcly Ua. list church last evening, was well at tended and proved very enjoyable. Her subject w'ns "Mission Woik Among the Mormons." Miss Parsons gave an en tertaining account of tho woik among these pcoplf. Prank Parry left yesterday for Can ton, O., to attend tho funeral ot the president. Thomas Rogaii Is spending n xxeck at Buffalo. Cards arc out announcing the com ing matrlagc of W. V. McIIale, of Hud sou street, to Miss Mary Mcl.aln, of West Hcrnnton, to take place Wednes day, October 2, at noon, In St. Patilck's church, West Scrnnton. A force of men nro at woik putting up tho poles for tho Lackawanna Tele phone company. Tho Daughters ot Pocahontas gave a Pan-Anieilcan social in their looms, In Kdwards' hall, last evening, which xvas largely attended. An Interesting pio grummc xx'as rendered, which was en Joyed by tho audience. Mr. and Mrs. M. J. McAndiexv and daughter, of Patcrson, N. J., have le tumed to this place, whcio they will reside. TAYLOR. Special memorial services xxlll be held In all ot the toxvn churches. The stores, places of business, schools, mines and factories xvlll shut doxxn and the people will pay their tr'bute to the niMiiuty of the nation's dead chief magistrate bj" observing tho day In a manlier bctlttlng tho occasion. Special memorial services xvlll be ob served lu all of the town churches, both afternoon and evening, Mr. Me Klnley's favotlto hymns, "Nearer My God to Thee," and "Lead, Kindly Light," will be Ming at all set vices. All ihuuld attend. The committee In chaige of the fall of the Ametlcan Pintestant aoda t!on, to bo held In Weber's rink In November nio leaving nothing undone to make It a giand success Tickets nro being tapidly disposed of. The postofllce houis today xxlll be 8 to 10 u. in. The money tinier de partment xxlll be closed all claj. John V. Itecse, postmaster. "With the close of the base ball sea son near at hand, the athletic young men of Taylor are tinning their atten tion to the foot ball aicua. Tay lot's foot ball team has made a line leeortl in tho past few season, haling met some of the strongest teams In the vullej-, each time vanishing their op ponents. This year the boys appear to bo stiongcr than In pievlous seasons. They xtill be coached by ex-Lieutenant John H. Harris, of the United State regulars, xxho xxlll appear tin the team nt full back. The team xtill meet foi practice on Fildaj" evening. All players interested In the game are re quested to be present. Tho make-up of the team at piesent is. Right end, A. Maish: light tackle. S. Miller; right guai d, F. Joid.cn; left end, D. How ells; left tackle, M. Glynn; left guard. T. Glynn; center, K. Gueke and J. Powell; light half back, .1. Kvans; left half back, W. Tubbs; full back. John 11. Hmris; quarter back, 12. lteese. The Taylor Piohlbltlon League xtill meet Satin day evening at 7.3'i o'tlock sbaip. at the home of H. A. Dcablcr. on Taylor street, . xtbeie business of vital importance Mill be ti.iiis.utcd. Kveij' member is uigentlj- leqtiested to be present. Itev. D, C. Kdwaids legtets his In ablllt.v to attend the proposed me mntial seivltes to be held at the C.il iiiy Raptlst church, on account ol a previous engagement niettilclan W. M. Hell, ot Main street, Is lecoverlng fiom his t event illness. Piof. Claik Thomas, of Scranton. xvlll leetuie on "Voice Cultuie." at the Methodist Hplscopai chinch tomoiiott evening. Piofessor Thomas Is nn In tcrctttlng speaker and his addiess should pinte a Heat. All aie luvlted. Mr. and Mis. Thomas Powell and Mr. nnd Mrs. John lildgeway, of Main stieet. attended the funci.il of the late William Junes, ot Hellenic, yes-terdaj-. Thee oncei t held at the Sibley I'lilon church last evening was a success and a tie.it to all xtho attended. A num ber of Taylor's best talent paiticl pated In the pi ogi .inline The funeral of Gcoige, son nf Mr. and Mis. Gursou Miller, of he Aich bald mine, occuned jesterday after noon. Service weie held nt the house at 2.30 o'clock by tscv. James "Walker, pastor of the Primitive Methodist church. Hui ial was made in the C.im bila ccmetcij. West Scianton. A largo delegation of members fiom the Taj lor Women's Chilstlnii Tem peiauco union xxlll attend tlie county tonventlon, to bo held lu Peckxille to nioriow. The Antlliacitc Gleo dub xtill take pad lu the meinniial services at the t'altary Raptlst ehuieh today. On ai count of the convention of the Women's Christian Temperance union, to be held at Peckvllle tomorrow, tho local league will not hold their mect- i Ing on that evening. PECKVILLE. Mis. L. (". Dodge, of Wells III Idge. N. V, and Mis. Wlswold, of Kiankllu. N. Y.. i etui n homo today, after spending a week xtlth Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Rioad. Ualph Holfecker leaxes today to spend a week's vacation at Uethlebeni and Next lersej". PostoUli c bonis tnniniiow xtill be ficnn '.i :;) to in .10 a. in, and .1.30 to fi.sn p. in. Mis Rett Gibson Is visiting i datives near Ilonesclale. A new the alann gong has been plated nt the Peck Lumber company's mill. This gong will sound all alarms dining the daj, theie being no one on duty to sound the nlanns that may come In nt night. Today Is a clay of national mnuiniug. All plates of business In the boiough xxlll be closed the entile clay. Nearly every building In town Is diaped with mourning for tlie death of our dilef executive, President McKlnlcy. Tho Rlakely Rmough Republican club met at tho Wilson Pile company's hull on Monday evening. A l.uge num ber of mimes xteie eniolletl. The tol loxxlng lesolutlon xtas passed, after xvhich adjoin anient was made' "Resolved, That In the death of Will lam McKlnlcy, by the hand of an as sassin, our country has lost one nf its noblest sons, a xxlse i tiler, anil an up right, Christian gentleman. We humbly bow In submission to the divine xtill, hut our hearts aie filled with sonow, because, of the gieat love xvlieiewith wo loved him; and be It fiuther "Resolved. That in the noble life xvhich ho lived, ho has lett us all a pieclous heritage, xvorthy of emulation by tho gientcst of mankind. And In his denth a noble example of his Chris tian character, and dlsclpleshlp of Him xxho said: 'Father, toiglvo them, tor they know not xvhat they do.' Our sympathy goes out to tho bei caved xvlfo In this trying hour of her aflllc tlon, and we pi ay that God may strengthen and support her In every trial. Wo gicct him who hus been CATARRH OF KIDNEYS Quickly Develops Into Blight's Disease Pe-ru-na Cures Catarrh Wherever Located. John Herzlger, son of Aldeimaii ller zlgcr, of Neennh, Wis., and Vict-Piesldent of the Neenah Young Men's Club, xti lies In h lecent letter to The Peruna Hccitelno Co., of Columbus, Ohio, the following, "Alter suffciing for txvo yeais with kidney ttouble, I received icllef and a cuie fiom u&ing your svondeiful medicine, Peiuna. "For months I was unable to woik on account of a sevcie pain in my back, and when I xvas able to do anything I was in pain nnd dis tressed most of the time. "Hearing so much of the good ic sults people had obtained through the uso of Pei una, I dctei mined to give it a trial and it svas a lucky day for mo xvhen I did so. I am well noxv and it only took a few bottles of Pe iuna." John Hcrziger. !107 Com mercial btieet, Neenah. Wis. Two yea is suffei lug xxltli tatiinb of the kidneys, unable to work on account of the novel e pain t ould tlud no lelief fioin medicine, gnxe Peruna a trial and xxas promptlv t uied -silt h xtas the es peiienie of John lleiv.lgei, of Wiscon sin. Tills espei loin e has been lepeated many times. Not only In Wisconsin, but In evciy stale In the I'ninn. It xtas indeed a lucky day for this joung man called by the constitution of our ciiun tiy to preside otcr the destinies, and cany out the laws of Hie nation, and we piny that God xtill bless and guide him. so that the name of Piesldent Roosexelt xxlll add new lustie to the pi oild tecoid of Illustrious homes gone befoie " William L. Allen, F A. Peck, C. J. Gauzcumllc i , c onimiltcc. clark;sgreen. Piofessor Tucker spout sexeial cl,ij-s villi his many friends In th- xlrinlty ol Thompson. William Klutucr was a xlsltor among t Natives at Springs illc. William S. Ki.tce Is in New Yoik on business this week, W. L. Matthews and xtlfe letllined Horn the Pan-Ainerlean on Thursday cicnlug last. The foimer was on the sick list, but is now able to be at Ills wen k. Mr. mid Mis. Sxhestor Mead, of Ar al at, aie x Mi ng i chit lies here. Mr. and Mis. William W.itois, of Rlughamliiii, me guests of the hitter's patents, Mr. nnd Mis. Allium WINon. Miss Ihmun Coon, no nmpanled Mis. W. II. Swallow and son Webster. Mr. and Jlijc. .i. S. Goclshall nnd Mls Klla.ih til Place to the Pmi-Amotican 1 fl ttoil:, and k turned mi Satimlay nltoinnon ,j.t. Ret. A. II Douglass nnd wife, xtith his lu other, of New Jeisev. are xlslilug f I lends mid member of his former pai sli, he haling serxeel lliem sevei.il ve.ns as pastor of tin1 Claik'i Gi 'on Raptlst c lunch. Alls. ,i, il. Cook u turned to her homo heie on Tucsil.iv last fiom an estended trip among i dallies In Philadelphia. Rex. II. P i.'asl anil Miss Doia Rob inson xteie eldegat 's to the Ahingtiui Raptlst association sessions held 111 Cai hondnlo l,i.t etttk. Al. II. Coon lias lnnkeil ground for in aniicN to Ills hardttme slon-. Air. and Airs. William P. Coon xtill oectipj the second stcn t . MOSCOW. Tlie Giand Anns' ot the Republic will bold memorial soi vices in lionoi of the Into piesldent, William AlcKlnloy, at D.iloville In the .Methodist cliiinh next Sunday. A mmiiioii will be clellieiod by Rev. Hanks, D, D. Alls. William Hhtgood. ol Sciaiilmi, was a visitor lien- jesteid.iy. Ray Hinds ontei mined a few of bis young friends nt n p.utv on Satimlay et enlng ut his home. The tallowing guests xteie piesent Raj Rinds, Fieil DePow. Joseph Wardell, Guy Stvai Is, Clair Pellon, Prank c.iniiou, Frank Stvnits, Goidou Rl.uUttell Wlnlleld Decker, and the AIlss.-s Daisy Wardell, Llv.le Kolli, Hlla Robeits Sue Hd xvitids, Ihnma Wheeler FiocU Hinds, Alls. Hinds, Air. and Mis, Khoiiuuii, HALLSTEAD. Speclil to tin ?rrnton Tribune. llnllsieail. sept Is. 'Pile foundation tor the nett cie.imer.1" lu Uioat Rend Is fast helng built. Local fanners haso taken a gieat Inleiest in the n-xv pin jee t mid .no enthusiastic oxer the new idea. All of the buildings, both public and piliate. in Hnllstoail and Gieat Rend, aie icppiopi lately hung In mouiuli.'g in honol of the ri.nl piesldent, Tlie ells plaxs most is mi by of mention aie ihe is liulows of F. U. Sands .xV Co. and of M. F. Hand, also the V. Al. C. A. building, the shop ot V. D. Shaw and Fli omen's hull. Allen .V Rullanl aie nnw locnteel and ready for business tu their new stoic building on Chase avenue. .Mis. C. II. Hint ami Alls. A. Tltfany. both of Riugliamton, spent .Sunday with Mr. and Alls. Al. S. Low". I'ncloi taker II, 1". Tuttle xtas called to Coukllll the tirst of Hie wrek to take chaige of the funeral of the late .Mis. Williams. F. P. Hi on lie. of Plnilia, was here Sunday and spoke at the V. Al. ('. A. He was greted bj a fair ri.oel audi ence. He has many fi lends hero xtho aie always glad to seo him. Miss Cora Drown, of Kliuiia. Is xslt lug her lilenel. Miss Nllin Teiboss. James AlcCabe. of Alontiose. visited friends and telatlxes in town .Monday. Many school leathers fiom heie will attend tho teachois' meeting In Her rick Center Friday and S.ttuiday. Gem go GilfTln Is assisting In building a barn for Mr. Aldilrii on his Paik nsrntio lot, Air. and Mis. Jerry Fuller icturned home ft oin a visit with Klikwnod fi lends. AIUs Kate Smith and Anno. Ti rne'y when his attention xvas called to Pe runa. What would have been (he re sult hud he continued suffering on and fooling away precious time xxlth other remedies, no man can tell. Rut It Is almost ccituln that Itxvould have ended In incurable Plight's disease of the kidneys, xvhich sooner or later would have proved fatal, Pei una Is a sure cure for Incipient Ilrlght's disease of the kidneys. Taken In tho early stages of this disease, It cm ea permanently. Ilrlght's ill Hen so always begins xvlth catarrh of the kid neys. Pet una ernes cntiinli w hoi ever loculed. Congressman Bankhcad's Statement. Congiessniiin J. 11. Rankhend, of Ala bama, one of the most Influential mem bers ot tho House of Representatives, In a letter written from Washington, D. (' . glxes his Indorsement to tho great catarih l cmccty, Peillliu, III the loiiowing woicls: "Your Peiuna is one of tho best medicines I over tried, and no family should bo xvlthout your lcinarkable remedy. As a tonic and a catarrh euro I know of nothing better." J. H. Bankhcad. Samuel R Spredm. Junior Roadie Court Angelina No. KI2J. I. O O. F.. 20." High stieet, Los Angeles, Cal., xviitcs: "I came here a lew jcars ago suffer ing xvlth catairh of the kidneys, In seaicdi nf health. 1 thought that the climate would tine me .but found that 1 was mistaken, but what tho cllmnto could not do Peruna could and did do. Seven xtceks' trial convinced nio that I had the right medicine and I was then a xxell man. I knoxv of al least txxcntx friends mid inembeis of the lodge to wide h I belong xtho have been tilted of catauli. bladder and kidney trouble thinugli the use of Peiuna, nnd It bar a host of friends in tills city." Samuel It Spiccher. If you do not dciiie piompt and sat isfactory lcsults fiom tho use of Pe iima, write nt once to Dr. Haitmati, glxlng a full statement of your case, and ho xxlll be pleased to glx'e you his valuable advice gi.ills. Addiess Dr. llai tni.in, Piesldent of The Haitman Sanitarium, Columhus.O, hnxe relumed to Norwich. after a pleas ant s'acatlon al their homes here. John Do Rutin has leased the small building adjoining tho Van Nes.s block and xvlll start a Jexxchy lopalrlng nnd slls or plating shop. F. II. R?lilen and Kdward Slmoni xteie attending the meetings In Lestcr shlie Monday. The Lackawanna has lecently sup plied sox-oral ot their clerks here xxlth tjpewrltct.s. Air. and Airs. Hurt Alford haxv re turned homo fiom visiting relatix'es in Rlngliainton. Air. and Alls. Henry Tiow bridge and l.imlly aie slatting nt the Pan-American. TUNKHANN0CK. S"cU1 lo tlie Srjntnii Tribune. Tiiukliaiinock, Sept. 1R. Mis. Adcl beit Scutt, of Carbondale, formerly of this place, Is stopping sslth friends in town. liosooe T. I In lull 1c k, nf "Wllkes-Rarrc, visited his brother. Colonel H. K. Hand rlck, on Hast Tlog.i stieet, on Alondaj-. Ljiiian Luce, xtho xxas formerly In the employ of W. II. Morris, Js now nt West Rros.' meat mm ket on Fast Ti oga stieet. Piothonoliii j- John R. Donovan has received the Pamphlet Law.s of 1001 and thv nm now re.idj" for distribution to the county olliel.ils' and Justices of the peaio. The local branch of the League of American Spoilsman have been notl llod that certain parties In Washington township have boon shooting squlriels out of season, nnd they pioposo to take steps to enforce the last- in that direc tion nt onto. The Tiinkhannock fair began today and continues three dajs. John NIc links, xxho haft boon employed for a long time in the jewelry stnie of Ch.iiles Goodrich, has resigned hi.s po sition ami gone to Plttslon to woik Geoige W. P.ldlcman, a clerk In the pension department nt Washington, D ('., is spending his xacatlnn xtlth his patents, Air. mid Alls. Deeiner Ridle in.in, on Wan en moot. ll.ii ry R. Rrotsn. or Alo.hnpprn, was a visitor In town on Alond.t.v. Naval Paj master '. Wells Rejliolds lelutned to his eliitles at Portsmouth navy yiuil on .Monday atier spending a. ten days' vacation with bis parents at this place. Ills family still lemaln here for the winter. Rex. Samuel C. Hodge i.s spending a week al Hiie, P.i , visiting his brother. Aim. Hodge, who has been theie for sumo time, will ai company him home. AVOCA. A mass xxlll bo celebrated In St. Alaiy's i hurch tills morning a 8 o'clock In memory of President Mc Klnlcy. Services xxlll be held lu the Primi tive .Methodist chinch this morning at 10.30 o'clock lu honor of the dead piesldent. Rev. James Aloore will piesido. Theie will be a public social in the Alethodist Kpiscopal p.u senate tnmor iosv ei tiling. Refreshments will be served. A sllier collection will taken. be Posindlce hours from ! to 11 a. in. and fiom m ' P- in. Miss Sarah Fndden has teturnf'l fiom Nets- York city. Fixe children ot Mr. and Mip Wil liam Rente, of tlie West Side, are cut. tally HI with diphtheria. Rex. D. T. Sinythe is attending a meeting of the Piesbytery at Hones, dale this sveek. Hugh Jennings xxas a xlsltor In town this week. J. II. Atideisiin has in his window .i veiy appi opt late memorial consist lug of four canopied pedcritals enclos ing a beautiful pastelle pen trait of the dead piesldent About the pedestal aie placed small statutes of tho states man, wlillo nn the outside are gi imped Hags, with bind; diapcilrs Air. and Mis Thomas Puny Thomas Nebone ami Allss Viola Decide me at lltiffiln, wheie they will sing with tin I'nltfil choir, for a piuse of $1000. New Yoik State Grand Commandeij of Knights Templar, Dinghamton N. Y Sept. 24th and 85th, 1001. For tho above occasion ticket ageni of the Lackawanna iiilhoad in Scian. ton will sell special lound trip tlcketl to ninghamtnn. N. Y.. at mte of Ji.o( lor the inund trip. Children betweer he ages of 5 and 12 yeais, 91 cents Tickets xxlll be on sale good goliiK Sept. 23id and 21th. and iciurnlng tc nnd Including Sept. 2Sth, 1001. ) W