Fff-t -f'',i "- ?t TK .-" r TOtf"" TV"-", kKu LU "n Sribinte. cruntoit rj THE ONLY SCRAN ION PAPER RhCHIVING Tilt: CO.WHLKl'K NKWS ShlxVICI: OF lHK ASSOCIATHD PRIiSS. THI: GUI-A IliS PNl.WS ACibNGY IN HIB WORLD . . SC'RANTON, PA., Tlll'ltSim .M)ltMX(2, SICI'TKMmUt I!). 11)01. . rro cents. TWO CENTS. THE NATION'S MARTYR NOW SLEEPS AMONG LIFELONG FRIENDS " Wl' if -.. Of All the Touching Phases of the Recent Soul-Stirring Tragedy This Home Com ing Is the Most Intensely Pathetic. GRIEF OF THH PEOPLE INDESCRIBABLE More Than One Hunched Thousand Persons Ihtong the Streets of Canton to Show Their Reverence for the II- lustnous Dead and I'heii Evidences of Sorrow Abound Wherever the Kve Turns. tlr t'r hi r W I in Ih' ..-"lutfil I'rftf Canton n " pt I1- Tendeilv h ml icvoifitlv tluce who li.nl Known WII 1I.UII M Ki'ii v l "I icjclri ten'lved his liitiiltixl bmlv Illln IlK'll hiius. Thev Iih I nip ii .1) till UlllStllntlN intifl- of Hi si,il"tiiali III tilt' In-"4 of H gieit p. S'-ltiil ftli'tlil Willi ll nl Ml own ill .11 el i thMll with til' passing- nf till' ve.iis Tli v htiidlv iinth eil the pipslilent of ill. t inn I Mill-'- oi hi" inlilni't in tin u mials mill .iilmli.il' In theli li sp ndrnt utilluini". Tlif bountiful (lag diap. il .i-Ki t which ontHthf-d 111. luulv n I hrli ft lend iiml fellow iiiw n.-m.i ii li' hi nil Hull thought". II. hud lelt 111. in two weeks ago till" I'M t i 111 III''' fllll till'' Of till Mtength of ii jloilous in inliiMiii, iiul tiev had liioilf,ht film bulk ile nl. An guish was in thi' he.ut of pmmv mill woman mtl ' lillil The onlli' popula t on of tin lltll'- t Itv Hint thousands tinln ill omi lihi'i the lull stieligthnf til' iiiinon.il .jtiftirt of t Iii- "lute eight 'Siiiifnl" thif" battel li'i of in IHh'i v . Hi bal llllon nf tngiurpl" MmO niPIl 111 .il 'ho govf-tnoi. Ill tltt'll. lilt gOVPIIinl Ml'l n Jii'llrf nf 111" rttipietne mull 'ipi'i tit ll K til' I llH"1 III. Illi lies of lilt .- it government, wen? at Illi' elation in i He tli" leinaiit" The whole . iw n w .i" in d rp IiIikK. McKinley Cottage Is Undraped. 'I " ill li"ii' in ill lhl miow. K n n siiiugo ,iv it may "i em, 'mill a i u. Ii o moiiiuinu iliap'i ii " n I lnmlll.ii li Ixlnlev cni- .' nn Nnilll M.llK't stieet lo wllllh i i nn distinguished iiK'ii in tin1 not h,i. m nlf pllgi images in l hi' 'tin it MUif. Th blind" W". i toil ih 1 1 w.ih no ouiwai'l iK '' Hi- blow that h.ul tubbtd It n s l. I pi , Hill" possession, The Mil Hi- liln.illiHil nn the 1,1 Wit .1" tllOV li'l I vm . U- nun TIlM" Wan lint ' ll I ' '1 of i 1 1 n' llpOll Illi- lloOt v hi ii t i -iiiilcn willow w i" i, illicit ll l' I l In. Ill l mill III ltlo 1 IOIIi.ll II lllt'l lilt l1,llK I llOllll' i in H tl li-ht Ini h.'i hml ' n 'ii inl llio hit) hlui; pot U "l' 'U ll 'll lliilll nf lllf l, "ii Hi i I i l l ii sw.Hlii'il in blink In ii . iimm ti i 'wi t it iiiIkIii oiiloiin 'h i-ii'i.il "i honit nt iiiouinliiK i nil lllllt ll.nl lit 11 K'lopliil Neighbors Are Infinitely Sad. s,,i I as was tin pi 01 tsslon un, , ,lt, 'in bod to tr ' 'Hint holi-e whetf It le in si .11 thi" ifleiiitniii It 1 1111I1I not on I, in wiih th, Inthiite sadness nf t'a lit ss ihniUle Hue of bioKeii- lif.ntHii piopl who slitanieil siendll.v llii.in.h Hit diliilv liuht'd iiiiildot" of tin bmlilliitf fiom the time the lotllu whs opined uiiiil ll was taken Inline to tie sninnviiip widow, at ulUitfall I Iii.n st ppeil sofllv list their Inulfalls 'elt th ll tiietnl 1 1 nm his last hint; s' P I in 1 H nine unhidden lo wel Hi, tin 1 I'M haps it was the mt, it haliKt ill 1 hml 1 nine upon the 1 oiinteumii c win h moved I In 111 mule than the t-h;lit or in. familim ti, nines Tht. sns uf to- olniaiioii wlih It appiateil upon Hie blow 11 id 1 heeks v esteidll V , al 111" stm it 1111, lie In the loliimla of the ap'iol in U ashliiKtuii. had dei pent d I'll lip" had beinino livid All but two of tin li(,iii. of the ihaiulellei aliovo iltr hind v.ip Mlnmilshed. In unlet that tin iliinui inluht appeal less 1111II1 (abli but eviiv tine v ho vlewtd the tfimiltis indHV tfinaiKtil Hip dmk eiiffl fealutes and the (JuiMlv lips. When tin boilv whs taken awa.v thousands w te sim p, nn,i n, ,p innitnlttfp in iluiiijp ,,f dip miaiiKf. inputs was nppialeil 10 to allow a fill lilt t oppoi tuniiv to ,.(V id,, ,.. Itlrflup loinoiiow inmnliiK befoiP I lie ,iip tHken to tin linn li Hut this hail to be teltntantlv denied t,, iiem, hiuI thp asket 11111V neVfi- be opened aRfiln. Today's Services in Canton. 'I he runiinl seivlit'H will take iiIhip tnnioiiow at 1 M p lit. at the I'lihi Methodist i;plsinpal tin 1 h of wl,th the mail 1 fd )iiesldeiit was a ioin munliaiit and tuistec. Thev will in btlef bv the pxpicssed -wish nf the famllv Itev O 11. MIIIIkuii pastoi of the I'll si I'k hIi tu Ian ihitnb in Wllllh I'trslilint mid Mis MiKlulrv weie Hint 1 I'd t 111 1 1 .ve.iis iiko will 11111K0 Ihe nppiiliiK ptHfi Hi .lolin Hull, of III" Tilull l.ulh. urn i linn li ..HI I .. t I... .... t... .... I - " iii nitmt- iiif hi i ?, i 1 1 it. ii r .11 I'niiiiiK. mill Di II I. Mi'liliiiiiK of 'the Tilit lt Ilt'fnllil ihlilih lilt iiinml III. C i: .llllli ll"M"l . p.iKtni of the Lite piehl ileiit'ii chilli Ii will iIpIIm'I the onlv ml ii. ..u 1 .... i. .,,.,'.. . Ill ult.ir "tl.i KllCiil 'II' -- I.I1I.,,. ..,(, .,ll ,.,,,l(,llt,l lle of Somew hue.' .mil mini hei ill.n tette will n mlt i t'liiillniil Newiniiiij' In inn. ' l.i ml Klmlh l.lglil ' Tllt'le Will he I -.llol t sei let lit tile Beauty of Flowers Surpass Belief. Callinid tin llltie" "Cell i luadt ipiale lo lit III C the people who aie i iilnluc lo llinilow 'I'he Illlllihei ami lealltv of the lloi .i 1 111111110" whlih ait. an Mm; snip,!"" In lief riowei'" ait lltitallv i omliii; hv lilt tun Tin hot hnU"e" of the inUllllV "eem to limp heell Plliptloil to Mlpplv Ihelll The laillillex of the little i Itv of I 'anion me i in liclv I Had e iuae to nil" fin the thoii".iiid who aie help, nun li le"" tin oiln i Uinn-anils who me on the wav. MiIumikIi the Imal lomnilllee I ilnliiK pvi I V thlllK 111 it powei to pnnlde food mid shelter, ll l.i tl v of the nllic l.il" ft nm ashliiKton aie ollllnell to si' ' p III til" i," tllPV Mine in and lonlijil liundied. .11 e Iw.ilKiui; the .titelb -ii'Kiuk food ami j plait-, to "Itep The population nf t'mi loil Is ahoilt .'.I.iiiiii hut It I" epei ei I that ovei Jiiii.ihii) pt ople will lie heie o I moi low I'm tiliialPlv ineinli.lv (lf the ceiitie and linu-e will lint ,111 Ive until tn moiiow I'lisiiltiil ltoo. veil his naval ,ildt apialn I'owhs Seiielatv Hoot and s-l"iant .""iielaiv Hill ate In the pa Ion" iP"ii'in of Mis 4. fltt t ttt ttt imi',Iiir x it it It . AViiiIiiwii i ' nietri.x, tiniiiiiiiiw , i iin-ixtliiK nl puiM'i mill ,i 'ilpittiul le.iillnc li Di ' i: l.lll ' III "tel mill Ill-Onip I ,lo(e nf Mllllle Ipoli" ee, toil Wll be SUtlR nt the .(lilt h u ill. ll telle lioin 1itt Iiiiik i iiiiimniil"i, No. I. Knight" 'I'eiuplm n IliipffliiK pun eisloii. (oiihlulliiK of iii.nix of the iii, mil im nf the IJc puhlli pot Iii the state the National tiumil of Ohio ilctulW nf iei;iineut! f mm all luiili'lieM of the - i li e, fia leiunl oi lal ami i li 01 ir.iiilatioUK ami ii in t t nl.it Ion'- of i omnieii Ini Imillii finiii all ovei the iouilli. the KoM'tnoio nf seni.il slate", with theli "tiilf" the lioitxe unit Honate nf the I'iiIikI Mn i ex ami the lablnet anil the pii'slilput of the rui'fil Stale", will follow the lemalli" to Westl.ltlil ( erne tfM wilt if thi will In plaieil In n ' it 1 1 I itii; vault. awalthiK the time when thev will lie laid in the kimvp he"lile the two it. nl ihildien Who weie liuileil v i ,u M iikii MRS. McKINLEY ALONE, BATTLES WITH GRIEF The Most PAthetic Picture in All the World Is This Frail Woman's Tremendous Trial. I'.inioit, 11, Sept is Mis MiKltilev. linnit'dl.'itt lv upon leaililnj; ih Ninth Ma 1 kit stint home, tetlted to lit-t loom diulni; In 1st If to all In Itixev -hiI she had Inn iie the nip fiom Washington veiv wtMt alllioiiuh she fi t qiii'titlv tave wav to lift nrli f In (lies ami sobs. Hi lli v said he thuuxht Ml". Mi Klule w mild be able to no thioiiKh hit pin I in the filiieiiil m latigoiin tits tnnioiiow. I'ioiii otlleis who m 1 oijiiiauliMl hei on tint Hip, It was leatii"! that she In hnlilhiK up a" veil as otilil he epeittd unilei the 1 lu'iunstain es bettet than liet lileiid" hid atilli lp, 1I1 il In Inet She Is IneaKIm; down, Imwevei, tiuilet lllf aw I lit stlalll, mid It I" ueieisal that she "eiitio all possi bit lest n in! ipiiei, that she may eiidtiie foi the next twenty-loin 1w.ni,. tlf-oiKt li. llattPt on Matket stiept A lOinpin.v of the Ohio inilltai snatds the house. Hut In,; the afteinoou the piesldeitt walked ovet to the Mc-Klu-Ipv lerfldtitie to liuiulip aftei Mis, Me. Ix'lnltv He was Inlotninl tint slip had stood the 11 lp liom Wasliliifiton, hut lu lite opinion 01 the phvslilan It would not advlsablp foi hei to at tempt to attend Hip seivlif-s at the Illi nil tiuiimiow. She will, tliPielote, itiualu iiulellv nt hei home with Hi Itixt.v. The other cablnpi oltbeis and Kenci.ils and lulnilials lompnsliii; the miatd of lioiioi, are Hlffi nt pilvai" lesldPII' PS President in Seclusion at Harter Residence. I'lPSldeilt r.oostivflt lOtunllied llle. lv at tin Haiti 1 it'siileiK p thioiiKhout ilu aftPinoon 11ml PvenltiK He dltied piivatil mid althfiilkh tlieio weie piitc a mi mix- of 1 allot, in the ev ru tin; ho irnialnnl lu st'i lusion Sf.iMfiiv 'oilclou will itliirn tn Washington Mlll the plrsldetit tumor, low night to grttllet lii the lute pit"! dents prinnnl effects (Hid will lulfi tPltlin lo t'.mttiii to f i lil All!" Ml Kill lev 10 slutlghttii out Ills pilvllle llf-fnh" WILLIAM M'KINLEY'S FINAL JOURNEY I'.llitini U, Sept IS Tile slljllt Wll" piofoumlh itliptis"lve ll" the flllielill ttalii iltew Into the little slutlou at 1 'anion at ev.iillv tiuoti todav. All iiliotit the vtutlon and hmiKed ileep In the "in lutinilllii; slleet" wete the till lid" and ueliihboi" nf the tiimtvied ple"hlent, while diaun up, b.u K nf the "tnllnti weie lout; line" ol inlllthituen at piexellt mill" lllllliedl.ltelv 111 the leaf of the "tiillou. at the 1110111I1 of Tenth "Met I, wil" I'tnop . ot I'li'Wliuiil, mounted on their I1I111 K 1 )iiiikci, Ktep Itli; the PlltlllUie of Hie line nt 111. II ill tli at I'p this "tttet "ohlleis nt Inletval" of fe'i leet Willi ditllillliv it"tiallied the -ollil wall of ptople. i'linlon had "inl- tleulv lief nine a i Itv of pin nun and the plitlie iopill.ition wii" In the "tteol" 'Hie station ll-tlf wn" tleand. 11 oin li.tliv of "oldlti" of the I'lehlh Ohio fi fun 'oo"t"i Ki'epliiB the philfoini leai Opposite over the heads ol in 1 e of ptople on the wall of a blj; iiihiiii f.u tililni; e"tahllshiuent was an enoi IllUlts shield thlitv feel IiIkIi with Mt Kllllev s liliit Ic hot dei id pptllle In the lllt'l 'I he In ul 1 (lUimllttp, headtd hv ,.v.s!ei it'tm.v of Slate William It Dav and .liidi.e III. nit, weie nu the pltt foilli Ml alioilt wtie svinlitiK nf 11111111 nltiK 'I'he appiiMih ot the ti.illl was un heiitlded. No whi-tle vi as hluw 11, no hell was It) tic. Ill nliMilllte silent It tolled Into the slntlou. Hveu the blm k hooded Ini (iinnllv e K.iv'e no sntiiid Theie was no iihiiIIiik nf th" evhailsl pipes The elieiKV that hioUKht it seemed to have heell ahsoluiel ex pend! d t the tin le "inllt nf the tiallt the ptople who had heen waltlin; theie foi I10111 s weie mertllv lifleited. Wom en solilied and nn 11 wept. Home-Coming of Mrs. McKinley. Kor a fllll minute aflei It had stop ped im our appealed. .Indue I1.1v ami his 1 11 mil 1 1 1 r moved slowlv ilnwn the platfoiiii in fiont nf the lino ot sol diets to the catafalque 1 at- and sioppeil Silddenlv Ahil'i- MiKlliIev, In deep lilinK hi" line tensp and dmwn appeaieil In tile tstjulr of th tat net that ioiivpvIiik the ie 111. in" mid a tuomeiit later In IIIm v aipoutd half eaiMliiK a Hail and IiioKpii fin lit. It w.m Ml" MeKlliltv, aitnved In the deepest Ilium nln'. It. -ne.itli the he.ivv lil.u K vtll she hehl hei h indKeH Inef lo In I evp" and hei slight limine shnoK onv ul"iv rlv. (icilllv "lie was lilted fiiim tlie 1 al and "tippmt'd liv Hi. Itlvev and All in 1 MilCinlPv. and wn- piintUally ci 1 1 led 10 .) imil.iKP In u.iIiiik at the east end of the "tntlon Tin door of the i.iiiIhkp was iosed and .Ml". MeKlnlev was dilven huiiltdlv 10 In 1 foilmii home 011 Ninth MatKet t-titet, whlih she had left olllv two Weeks ,iS(t with In 1 dl"tlnsulshed hiishantl lu the full tmu of uiiinhood Colotnl ItltiKliam, the pip-ideul's aide then nave illtPt tlniis for the te nioval of the easKet fiom the cat 'I he tolHu was too Ihikp lo lie tllKeli thioiiKh the 1I001. and n litoad window at the "Ide was unsiipwed and it' ll ved While thi" was koIiik on. the lloial jilitts Inside vveie i.tiefully .ft' tttttttftTttttttttt f - -ft lifted out mid plitifd upon the Ktouml at the side of the ti at K When all I v a le.ulv, the suldloi" and s.illius who had act oiupauled the lemalus all the wav fiom liuffalo hiipikpiI fiom t il p 1. n and took tin li phu e 'I'he lnoltllfts ttalled thelt aims at thelt 'Id's and tin? "allots IipIiI theh di.iwn (lltlasses at tlK'll sides 1 ri I x the I luiil Inateis weie batph"iiii il and tin- . aiiueil. Meanlime, fieshleut tioosevell with his biotliPt-lu-lnw, I'uptiili) fowlif, of the navv, in full uulfriiiu, m hit. Mil, had desi-PiidPd fiotn the 1,11 iihe.ul of that ordipleil bv Mm Mi Klnlev The ineinbprs of the inhluet. Setielury foi telou, Hni hi hoi Nash, 1. 1, nu nam (InvPinor t'aldwfll diul .Indue Mar shall J Williams, of the Stipiettip unlit, IPptPSentlliK: the tlllee hi 'lln lies of the ("tale Rovetiiiiu'iit of Ohio, fol lowed The ptesldeut was met b IiiiIkp tiiant, of the leieptinu (out-mltt'-e and the nlll lal pmtv then nnivtil to the west of the station wheio thp formed In line with Hip piesiileul at the head. All weie tin loviiid Tin ui"Ket wtM then lilted thiouKh the window and taken upon the liiawnv shouhlei" of the body li'Mief onlv the rln k nm on It now. A Bugle Blast Sounds Requiem. t slight of it teais 1 nine tlllllldllPII and Unwed ft'plv. 'I'he sad )iiinesloti was then loinied. II wa" headed bv I'oloitel l!lni;ln ill In full tiuifoiui, a bow ol 1 lepe at Hip bill of Ills "heathed iiwoid I'dIIow liitf mid liuinedlalelv pte ledllli; the 1 itsKet vvas the I11111I 0111 inlllie li. .nl. il bv .luilm' Dav. Then aim the suldlits ami "allots. Slowlv thtv imivi d down the plitfutui to the till 11 nt the We"tein end of the "Intiuu, w-lt'-ie III" pie"ldent and inhitiet stoml. As thev leu Iiul the html ot the line a ileal iltiwti Illicit' nil sounded tl -"II-Verv- leiilllelll I5i fine the ptesldeut lllllt uihiuet ami the Ohio ollli lals the 111III11 was th"li bull," lo the heaise When It bad been pliu t-d Inside the pitsldent anil the ntlli lal Mltv eltteteil aiil.lKP" Meilltlllle Aillull.ll Dewev, l.iellteu- 11 II t llelietal Miles mid the othet lilj;li otlheis of th illinv :i tut iiavv, who iouiio-e the gu.ntl of honiti, had titoved mound the eust side of the sta tion. 'I'he llNo ellleled latll.lgi'H and tooU theh plate 111 th" lai'er ptoies siou that vas now fiiiiultii;. All weie 11 1 1 It fil In the full tllilfollli of thelt latlKs. Thev w fall In nblae Willi Kohl lat e The slit Illness of the bimle had Riven the III"! s;n in the waltiin; lllllll it lllle out(hl Hie stailnn tlmt ihe 1 .ihket was appio.u hint; liirilnuth the Iouk lines of sohllei" hei .nm' ilitbl, standing at ptesent aim" The hlaeU luuse" of the rievelaud tinnp itutueiliatelv ta in; tin si, 11I1111, Mood unit limit theh tldtis wllh sihtes loweteit Slowlv thioiiRli the Piitl.inip (.hup the si.n wail "iildleis and salloi. with soleinu ttead, )iellili(4 Tloft the IhlR-i OVel ed olllii of the man this 1 Itj luved so well "Nearer My God To Thee." " ii i.ini" Into view, ,1 meat sluh wint up ft mil the dense thtotij;. Afttt He lit si uliuiM' man of the men mid vv omen tinned nwit to hid" llteli enio- tinus, w Illi ll Hiev '"Hill not ltsllnlll When the ( asket hut hcPli consiKtl"d lo the In in "I' tlllee IllOlltlled lllllll petelf k.ini the "IbI1.i1 fill the Jun ti'siiii to move, a moment later the Milind of 'Nf.itPt Mv (.Tod to Thee ' lln, it"l thtoiiKh th air, a" the iliatul Atlltv M-tetali". with thelt baud "wuin; Into Hue and took up the niatih towaid tin- 0111 1 holt"' . ThiotiKh Tenth siteei and then to 1 'bet tv and Tu"iaiovn", the solemn pageant movid httwteu m.IUI iu.i"-ts of people, hauktil 1 1 fllll illlli to .stole tl'illt, tloWdltiK Hie house top" mid till 1m; oir window. TiiiiiIiik into Mai k"t sine- the iiialn IhoiotiKhlme of the 1 itv the pioiesslnn umveil unilei Kie.lt Mil I n lllf, of llltill 1 nlllK sttUIIK ll'illl building to hllllilini; .111,1-- Hie stieet 1allw.1v, one huiidt'd tiet ma f "Hi all solemn sp-i t.u le was piestii,, ns the pirn t ""Ion neaied the public siinii(. in the unlet of the t I tv Altet lite Hi, iiul Ami uf the liepub 1k 1. nut- the I'ltvelaiid ttoop in their I11IIII. nit tlulloiius of Alisttian litts s.ns, with tall Immi skin IiiiKi, topped hv poiniioms ot whit- At the hill ot eveiy hv util slieatutd a Ioiik hand of ttpe, and the llnv "UK Killdoii llaijwa" lopptd with it luiiK lil.nl; stieimei Itiiim dl itev tollowlni; the mounted Hoops i aim- the h"ise beating lis tlan-i ovi tt d Inn den This was the siht that sent a hush iiIoiik the dense loin; lltiet. of I111111. uillv stietthltiK lot a mile awav to the mint house Hit i.i"lii pjssi d PM-i.v head bowed 11I11I evi't fai p ev Idem ed HK.ltest p'lsonal lef Willi ll 1 nine Upon the 1 1 1 1 II lltll 111 t . s was the had Formation of the Procession. j lliilll' dl.ilel.v InllnW ll) the heaise 1 ante the 1, 11 I lane ol I'leshlenl Itoijse- v -It who lode wllh III" biothet -ill-law t'nptaln Cow lis of the nav, the lattei 1 111 lull iiulioiiu, ami So, 1et.11 v iiiiK" I The i-atilai.es of the other uietnbei" I of tlie i.iblnet mid those who had been I neat to the late pioslilint lu public j life weie Until out lot hair a mile I Huk or iheiii in in lied the National ' illi, lie! of Ohio li'Klllieilt aftei tel- II lit in plitoolt lliilll fiiitlialion .mil lllllllU' the blind tllnl Olislll'ate flolil side to side As the head of the pio- "sslon ten lied the gi "at Minnie of the 1 itv. tin- mllitat) tanks swum; ahotit. loiuilllK solid 1 1 out s fining tne ap juiiiii hlui; heaise As it was dilven to the 1 ill ll, the beaiPts stepped fiom the phu es ithuiKshle and nuiilu took up theli huideu. Iltioi" the eves of the vast torn muse HIIIiik the siiiaie, the 1 asket was tt'uili'ily nilsed mid hot tie up the Wide slone s..is lendlUR lo III" ellttaiue uf tht 1 mitt houe The sttalns of "Ni.nei 1 Hod lo Thee" weie still sounillliK H" the ll.iK-dtaped , olllii dlsappeaiPil within the bitlhllnt; I'te-lileut lloospvi'lt allKltteil finm hi" uitlliwP and look t lie ,11m of See tPtmv link'' TliPuthei 1 ablliPl nlll "is Joined them at Hip (tub and then, two ami two, wllh uiunveteii heads thev movid In snlt inn pto rssiou up the step" Into th'- hiilldliik' Mnv 01 DpIiI, of Itullalo and Hip niayots nf iiiauy olhei illles, i'leshlenl Mi I'm lanil, ol the loininlssloneis of the DlMiht of Colnnilila lotlowed, while aftei them i.itnp SPiuttots llmtu.i, I'',ili banks, Hut tows Keau mid the othet pulille melt Who wete on Hip tl.lln. Uniforms Make Striking Contrast. In stilKluer contrast with Ihe MunbtP kiiiIi ot the ilvlllHit nioumeix vvpip the blllll, lilt lllllftitlns of the olllieis hlRh in the inilltinv and nnviil setvlie who followed Ihelll Into Ihe t mil t lloil"e Mnjoi Heuetul Htooke, in the full 11111 foiut of his IiIkIi tank, tuanhed nl the head nt the leplesentatlves uf Hit Himv whl'h Im Iinteil Malot Henei.-il OH" mid Mnjoi Helteial MuiVtlhUt Aiiioiik the (iinspif nous llniiii-s uf the UIIMll selVlie Wete Ileal Vcltlllllll I'lowiilnslilehl, Htm Ad111l1.il Kenney ami III li;. nil' I (,eiietitl littvwuod I OI11-nuindei-ln-i lib f of the to, nine imps Tlie KPttel ills wine 1 hapeiiti with Mow -Ini; I1I111 K phiuie". while those of the aiiinlial" Hi"' illsiluKUlsheil bv tin wealth of liPitvv cold btalil With the notes of -'Netttet Mv Hud lo Thee" follow Iiik them thiouuli the dooiwav. the btidv-lie.iiet s bole the 1 ulllll III to the lottllid.t uf the mint house a little befote 1 o't loi k Tilt hall wheie the bodv was to lie lu stale had been ll.llnl-ollll l deim.lteil foi them. aslon Tlie wall" and 1 elllni!" wete hull); wlili blm k nullified Into lold" at emit 1 01 net of the lotuudii. A single hmidellei gave lluht additional to the dim lnji that p.t"seti thtotii;h the dooi wav. Lieueath Hi" 1 luster of eleilth lights stood th" , ullll.'llque Upon W lib ll the 1 asket was to list. Coffin Borne to Its Support. Movlm; slowlv with shot I steps, til" eollln was bout" to lis suppmt. 'Ihe beliets "WllliK slowlv atolllld, s,t tM the head lav to the as The silk b.ui net that was ttuni; ovei theinsket wa" diawil link, the wieath" w hit b teste,) Upon it" It'-ail wete lemovtil iiinl Hit 1 ulllii lid was taken ofl Wind was passed to I'ti'sldelit liuosevelt and. lol loped bv the ineinbet" uf the tubluet, lie stepped lulsklv Into the hall II" Klatued down as he le, 11 lied the 1 Hsket hailed lit led, then passt ( on. Ihe nii'ltilieis of the tiiblnet fullowed blm one bv one. Twetilv liet bevond the insket the hall btainhes to Hie tight nnil lett and us the ptpsldent le.uhed the tot net he halted, Ulueltaill w Illi ll wav to tut 11. n lishei at 0111 - cliifiteil hint towaid the east enti.inio nnd he passed tllloiif,h mid "ill to his i.ntlage w lib h bole him at om t to the te-ldem " of Mis. r.liilbetll lltlltei. While he Will 1 emain dm itu; his sta.v Itii'miloit The oihiupt uftli lal", most ot whom will al-o l.m.iln at Mis. Ilailet's hoine, w-PiP dilven uwh linmedlati lv aflei. Altei the piesldeitt had gone the olll- t-i p of the aim and navv headed b (itueinl Miles, Heiieial Otis .mil Hen em! Itlooke, Who walked logetlltt, passeil out and eltteteil the 1 milages. Ohlettlnn was made bv some of the ,11111V ollli el" In the blight light" shed bv the tlei-ttlc lights full on the 1,11 e of the ptpsldent hiiiI a deslie wns cx piesntd that the light should be dim med. The 1 haiulellei was (no high to i lull, mil a del. i of fulh ten minutes eiisueil. while 1 lllllll was made tot a 1I111I1. One was tluall disioveted nnil the light at the li.i-- uf the ih.uult- ll"t wii" exiingulshed mid fithei et - ,tlli light globes uti the 1 hundelit 1 tinned off The it-suit w.t" a ihehled ailvmit'ige The light while being ample was intuit soflet and mote in kteplng with the 01 elision VII thtoilgh the atteiuoou the ilowd pa"sed the 1 alul.iluile, iippioinaev al the nie ol" one bundled a minute, making. In the live hums lu vvhhh the bodv 1.1 lu slate, .1 total of M 0(H) peo ple piiu'tltallv a iiumliei fijuul to the total population of ('.talon When th" dooi.s weie 1 Iosed the line, folll nbieasi stielihed fulh one mile ft oni the iiiuit house, and people wete still mining fltllll t lie side slieets to take their phu es In Hue At C o't'lot k III" thiols wete 1 Iosed lo the public, and pieputnllons made foi it-moving the bodv to the Mtlxlnltv H-sldelli" on .Sin Hi Maiket stieel seven siptaies llolll Ihe 1 out t house 'anion 1 oinm.iiiilei.v of the Humd Atinv of the Itepublli in led us ismt and Hit-it' wu" no following. Aitiveii at the house, the est 01 1 funned lu line ill tilt" slleet, pieselltini; aims. While the 1 ulllii, bin tie bv the bod)-bearei s was taken Into the house. It was phu ed In the ft out parlor wheie It will lemaln until It Is lemoved lo the 1 lltll' h tonionow afleiuoou liuiiids wc-te pustfd ditiund the house tonight and .1 number of sentties wete plait d In the Hunt nnl Templar Sentry Takes His Station. Tilt llitinbeis ot Pieslilent Mi ln lev j, old omiiiauilei nf Kitlglits Tempi. 1 1 I'liiilnii 1 oiumaiidei v No .is. had asked the pi lv liege ol postiiig ,1 senliv ovei he c-nsket while It lav lu state. ("Iiules l.obeily, a business tnaii of Cumuli, vvas the Hist Ix'ulght Templai to tuKe bis jiosltlon at the Inad ot the 1 asket, and tluouglinul the afternoon the guaid was tellevtd eveiv ililitv 111 Intitt s At the font or the hlei stood, at pal, lite ler.t a luiionil guaidsiuau of the Highlit Ohio Infn 11 tiv, 011 the piesidenrs tight a st 1 -geant of intanti. and on his left a salloi stood with his hands 1 laspi d over the hilt ol his iinl.i'ts. I'oui ilet.ti lunents of militia wtie man bed linn the hall mid dtawn up in a Hue teaching 1 1 inn Hie eutiame, 011 the south, to the hlr-i. Another line slteltlli'd f 1 (nil Ihe liif 1 to Hip plate wheie the hill divelgnl and down the side of the hall with olhei linen Sttht 01 (lets wete gUiu to see that theie was no iblav in Hi,, uoml ns It insspd out nf the building W'Iipii evet thing was leadv lot the puhlh to putei, James Saxnm. inn le ul Mis Mclxitile). an aged mini howtd ilf-eply with the weight of veais, en let id f 1 nm Hip east hall and passed lip to the casket He Mood ten fullv two uilnittts Ruling Into the fait of bis distinguished kinsman Up then put-sod sliiwl.v down tlie hall Ills head If titilinuM crt PBf S 1 Today Will Find Business Generally Sus pended, and for a Time, in Some Cities a Total Cessation of All Industries. BELLS TO TOLL DURING OBSEQUIES Immense Memorial Meeting Anangedfoi Philadelphia Pulse of Chicago to Cease for Five Minutes Detroit, Like wise to Have Pive Minutes of Inactivity Pan Ameilcan Imposition to Close lor the Day. It? lulu-it? IV ire fiom tie At.iuteil l'irw l'hllailelphln, Sept. U I'm "blent Mi IsMnleis fiuieial day will Ilnd busi ness In I'ltll iiJelphl.i :ts ti'Mi to com plete suspension as It tan piailhallv be. All the f,ieat dep ll Intent stmts, iniliisni.il establishments, .small busi ness pl.ues rttid all the exch.inges will be closed for the clnv . mid III fuel, fvt-t suit of I111111. 111 liiiulstiv, wllh Ihe eMepllon of Hie sll.llll 1'llllti.llls will tellialn Hllll while the Inst st ell" of the national tinged is lelug emu u d In the Ohio town. With few txceptlons. chilli In s will hold iiiivniiiil.il senilis dining the ilnv in ,u ' niil. 1111 e with the pun lama Hon ol I'll -blent liuosevelt The bell III lll diplldellie Illlli. whlih took the phu e uf the old libttlv bill when ll iimktd while lolllny nu the I tl ii'-i ;i I dav ul' Clilif .lustii e Maish.iU lu IM'i, mid whlth lulled lot l.lnioln mid (lailblil. will loinoiiow at noon l".il nt eai ll half minute foi one I10111. lu the evening, a guilt liieiiliulal .... ..tit... illllll t tilt. .Ilkllll ..S ft 111. ,,,..-..,H, '."...' ." ....-, .... Itv of l'llllatllphla. Will be held al , i'lriiieiu "I I lltll' ("II II 111 1 11 t . it, el -i ,,,.,' 1 ,,,,,-.. States At till 111 Hetleial .laun s M H'ck Will dellvel dilille'ses I'llllllel I'lesidtltl (Jiovet rievelaud was In vited lo dellvel tile plltulpal llildl ess but lod. iv untitled the committee Hint he would In- unable to attend, tun would -end a message to be leul at tile ineeiini. All the stieel i. lis hi tills tilv Will be slopped foi tlve miiiutts loinoiiow ....1. ... 1. . .....t Vul.., .,, I ,.l....l TIN-WORKERS VOTE TO REMAIN OUT Not Satisfied with the Tennt. of Set tlement Ofleied They Decline toi Continued Witt, Hi 1 ii litivr Wn. Itiin Ititf s-" .li-ti I'ri-.t I 1 1 1 si 1 1 1 u , s. il IV -VI I llirrtlli,. IiiIjv l I 1 1 1 k I lie till fOlUi'l" lioin Tli stjt hiuI I lie VI 11 me ill-la ploil- J' nlnil llw l111l.J1.il 11 1 -1 nl, ll vijt ,. 1 I letl I" lllllll 11 "il U'lL In 11 ni'll a, Hi. X-w 'iiV akiifiinia ,iiJ .giaitiii uc ki 1U1 milt hinii li IjiIIiih tu In-." trim l'i"i ,li-iit "luiiii ,u i, tmut tt llu .lltl'llillll Ul iiMfil ilnw si tin ihii K"li.. - 1. nifiii ii uitli I It Phillip- Ji. 1111 1 nuiiu'-i f"i 1.' tiin-ii'un i. .,1 .1,. tlt ui iiiiti, (11 Afcttirii ititii iui ,,i -, -Ifjil uf -llulf ilf. 101 3 ll Hie liii-ll will txlltllllli III' -Hitf ai.Ult-1 till, rtllin Hull III- .lirl .lllle l p'J Hull) utiM ul Jll li"- mill. Ill tin. ilolil. I lull Hi. linplai. null. I ni hil tuiikrif .in 'till ii -.tlutfil and ri-dli" lu 1:1 Ki unit. ("Milium full lie 1 niliiiiiiilit'ii tifita lie Vm iliiuti il tillu ul Ml lit null, n- M k"'Hirt bin tin lt.t-i.,n it'lliiii; winl.. win- mining null 1 ill tulit, .111,1 lln .,1111 lumlilinii. inrVtiiltHl in Uini 11 v ui Piaiii s I mist V VI, nn liftm iini ilu I I jil. 1 lain- lln Vm il inuli il lirHiliii4iif. .ti alnte.i ti, iiul lulu t'n .nifiii s,,it 1 hi. ali.. nt ami II wi. .uini iiul liif aunt nf lint It 1 It iv iLt -linl .rli't'il In. li ulili t"i i. linn i" Uki- ! THEY WILL NOT NEGOTIATE. Repotted That Oiietntois Do Not In tend to Have Confeiences. M Bii,IuIi Wlr fiutn IK. Auucutfl l'l" lUt-II no si pt t V upi'ii 1. 111 i nu linn lute iiul lln pii ,li1 11'. nt (lit jtnliiuiiit cni funiinir iiijiU will nut t-ntir itiin ui" 11 ti 11,11 lull, uuli ilif I 11 tril Mile- W.iikfii' nitini'j Hun vciili a viiw uf liuiiliiiji 1 ji im tulffuiut llll'l Utlffll H lllllt u lltW Mill- ut Uu,' In ti 11 In ftl' 1 I tiFX VHll li it. .jil I Ini ilif .nif at f-i- "ul (i,iii.iil tlif ViiuluMiiuieil h.-i luimti will uf nti.r iriukitit. 41" ttiti i-.imi in ilii tiiini't'i 'Hit- 1 1 In1.11 In einiuia, ntit ,t lln' mil milling nu N. Iia n Li-li-tiilt leln.fli lit tunc nn mo ln.i'i 111 111. witli lln 11111.fi. init'ii, ami ii ' Uiuutl il liu. lie .nii4tlit uf lln u la 1 isiU Deployed liy Kite, Hi I vi In-nf- Win' In 111 lie- .i lalt-d l'ii. Vint. P.i , s,.t Is Ilu- luiuf- tui pUiu li I'ltiirui; In I..iIi'jii ItiKlliti., .Iln.ilril In llu' ion, I14I pill it lilt I II, ! I Itulll ll .lllllfll Im ftl I'Jlh Illi. IIIOIIIIIU H't I"" I i.tiiii.n 1 Jt I7 "oi, iiisiii wliicli lluif I. in 111. 111 1111 ti il i7 im" I In (ull-e nt llio lllf u inikliHiwi Old Jloftid Re-eleiteil. IP I . lu.". War lli'lll 'II 1 .m, it il l'i,4i Phil ill I11I114 "mi i 1 hi ftiinuul tun nu. of tlif I 11 11 1 141 nun niiniit n ,. I , lit 1 1 if 11 itjr. Hit nlti hillil "I ilimlfil"! pip fleiifil finiii ' !H to ,', I". p m I1I1I1 Is thf! Hill" It ,- tXpetletl I'l. lilt nt Mi Kin. i v s 1. munis vxin j.) 1, , i in tlm rc. IV illg V mil Chicago Is To Suspend Operations. "hit ago, St pi. In Mavot llairlsou tiuhiv Itiiuesteil lli.'il nil hiisiurss lies ss,einh d toinoitow I10111 .-'It p. tu, to -''!" p m. Ile ask. d that onlv stu It wnik as was nbsuliilt Iv le . ssat y bo done Mlulsttiis ,,r the 1 it me ie- iiieseil in see that iluiinif litis issn- t'oti ul theiltv's pulse In hoiiui nf thf 1 memo! v- ol tin nation's ,-.i,t nil , Inn, n bells toil iii. .iluiit In taking lb" si. It'in " ul Hie tuotii nlug- t li v letioit. St pi IX .',ii tlvt tiiluulcs. tonionow inlet noon, vvlille the ftiueiat set v li 1 s me Inking plat" in ('niton, O, ovei the bod of r'tesiiltiit McKinley, all stieet nu iniillt In the t it v will tease and mini of Hit boats in tho ilvii wil! al-o slop foi that length of time Tin Wiibasp, .Mbhig.iti Central and (.li.ink Tt link i.iilio.iils will shut down nil shops iiml fi eight houses, All si liool hoit-es and Hit 1lep.11 liiient bells will le tulltil dining the liolits of thf! funeiiil mid liiisluisH gitietally will bo "Uspelldeil. Pan-American To Close Down. Hull. ilu, Sept lx liiiPitot- rjpneral II111 It man aitniiini'id tod.t that 111 11 tiiluitt-ot ti spi 1 t ami to 1 mphasl.i the solt-nintlv of tin- ilnv the boaid of ill. tei tin s of the l'aii in. 1 it an exposition had uuaulmuuslv agixil to ilnv.. the gali" toluol tow M.iiiuia.o Sept ix William llnypd. valiant 1 nnuunnih t nl the Knights nC tin l!tVal ttlt j siliiiin ketpfts' as- suiiiitioii it is issin ii nidi is fur all "iilnoiis 111 1 Ins,, nn 'Ihuisiinv 1111111 1 to i II t Illi k l III ollt III it -1 It 1 to 1'lPSl. d' ut Mi k nil' SIX KILLED IN RAILROAD WRECK Expiess and riei",ht Conic Together, nt Avon, Mass., with TuirIc lU"-ulti Twenty-live Injined lit httliKitr Win- fit 111 lie Vii ulfil Prftii. liioiklon. Muss Si pt lx switch nut piupeilv "t l In oil), lit a p.is-engfi' txpiiss mid 11 lu ivv fiilght tinln to. gelllt-r tills aftei noon, with Hit lPStllt .llll tlelllh of six p,is-t ll,t is tin Ihe p. ptess ti.Hu .iiul liiftii n - in twiutv-tlve ullli'is, nil III' .i w lill Sill 1 1 11 I'll .mil Haitfuiil i.'illioul nt Viuti Tit" expies" lett Itosiun at 1 iix p tu and It was 1 mining fut tv mil. sun hoin it tho Hint ut Hit in 1 bit 111 i th, -is pei. SOUS Willi Weil kill' d but loin iiivo In ell Idoutlllt-il and lliesr .111 I l III I'l lull t "I tin t in, he. I in. r nl s i - 11 w nt . 1 ,,, ii .,,, Sllss VI W IHXklX .,1 (nl 1 .it Pi i. nit-tit Hi lit u ill 1 mill at II 1 n. 1 Wll I.I VM I I Ul I. Ill IN I t II 1 1 .l'.'l. rl I ll".lun Tin tvo linl'l' ulllit tl Inuli' s it. ilmsp uf women one unlit . (l. 1 1 x mui veiv huge lu llu in Tin olll' I Ulinli nlllleil b lltn wiih uppnii nil . ,'x i us f,r ugp, Willi light hair, 1 vldeiillv 11 Swiib Of the twenl -tlvt injuiiil tlinsn innsl stilollslv hint win t.ik'ii to I .i in lv t ill I111spll.1l on a spit lal li.un, Totu rishenueil Di owned. Ill I i lllf It' Win lii'lll'lle .-u J "1 Pi . ttti IV. pt l 1 1 1 11 1. I nnm, I un r tu vil ki "tit, vi-ir ilu mii a u t tl nf, inllltltAI'ltlltl .lllllll l.i,W illllll utt I li. lllllt.. Hit iitif, itiin at lu 11 w 1 fiiipl ., I 11 f II ,lt of lu-WI. A Mite 11 11 I) 01 1 " ui, I vino riii'tiiiliitg i" ituiii 1 p uii'l 1 uli 11 1 it bud tli ut I Ip.lill Mis Roosevelt Retuun. Home, III rxtla-iv U It, tutu tin ,. in t Pi,-. Wu-llltUlfll. III 1 Ml- III ' I 11 l!unf. 11I1 lull null" im li r 1 nu " r II M will rui in in vi ' k unl i 1 iii 1 ui rt. ilt ti, at 'I f vti uini n 111 s 1 YESTERDAY'S WEATHER. I . il Uil 1 fin s pi ml 1 i- I ul H'sluM l.nip luiuir . . 1. ilitrr.t luiut.l lilliiluliue ,, . ,1 IfKtfM liflullif Itllllllillll 1 11 111 .... "I 1 .f fut . p tu . i rt -fnt, I'm plluti 11 I I 11. 1 lul il S p 111 nnllP lMH4tMtl-ftHH ! - WEAT11KK FOHECABT. -. y ' w ,1, m.i, 11 s, ,i is, VorfdU fup ,' u I 1.1 .11 I'i hii.ii-Jim Itiin 'IhnuiUy; 4i fn.,li nm lu ..1 in nuiilmeit vrinia, Irt- - 4 iUt la 1 -K f-- tf-tf-f-ff-f itoWi