The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 18, 1901, Page 7, Image 7

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Heavy Kuln of Ycstcidny Morning
Hindcicd Oicntly the Woik
of AunnRiiifj Exhibits As Soon ns
tho Unin Stopped tho Task of Re
pairing tho Sninago Done Wns Be
gun Races nml Other Attioctlons
That Have Been Arranged for tho
Remaining Days.
5pt'iil doin b stall l'"rrnHiiii)i nt.
Went I'ittvtoti, l'.i., Sept. 1". A wore
riixinul iliiy lor tho opotilnir "no of u
rnui'ty inlr could hiinlly ho iniiiRlnnl
tluni that which coufrnntfil the utile on
ii'i'l nt tubers of tho 111201 no County
Fmr Association this nuimlng. At
About MO) o'clock, when tho R.ttM
veto thrown open for tho butlnohs of
t.i diiy to (onutioncc, a eiitnblo do
Iuko of tain c.ituo beating into tho
Rrounds and In 11 very sltntt r-p.ico of
tltno had tiMUHfornicd the cutoltilly
picpnrrd nnd iriuileel track into .1 lmii.i1
of fccveiul Inches In depth. Tho rain
wan accompanied by 11 hlcli, cold wind,
which projected tho ilmiiptiets way I11
Melr tho criM'iod bililillliK", tents nnd
nil other Mieltois. The M-cretiu j'tf of
tlco, wlili li was liltoied with entiy
bl.inks, c.itiN, pi'usianiiiH s and other
paiiois, was epoedily iliowncd out. The
two l.irjre tout", which are to do duty
an uditdiiiii nt halls, wcio hoaked
through, tho tables and cloths rendeicd
pponccllko in their dampness, and nil
the jiiovlhlons that had been Rathoicd
for tlio day's meals wore spoiled.
Notwithstanding this discouraging
(ointneiiceinent the dheetors and the
lady helpers kept light nt work evoh
Ing order out of confusion. A large
number of exhibits which had been
expected to be on the grounds and In
older today were prevented by tho
wetness f 1 mil being brought In, and
consequently the olllcets of tho nsso
ilation decided that the time for 011
teiing would bo extended over until
noon toniniiow.
A laige number of exhibits wore on
hand, hocer, especially lu the fancy
woiks, ngtirulturat and poultiy de
partments. This latter bids fair to lie
the star attraction of the fair, outside
of tho hore incos and special attrac
tions, an especially good class of
feathered hipends having been enteicd.
They will have 1111 entile building to
themselves, with especially contiuctod
loiip.s, and oxen eaily this moiulng the
occupants of tlieso cages wcio nniv
lng in good minibus.
'J'ho giouncls cif tho 1,117.01110 County
Jair Association nro situated u littlo
ways below the boiough of West Pltts-
lon. nn a level tract of land. It lc about
cislit minutes' walk tiom the West
I'ltlston station of the Delaware, Iu U
nwanna and 'NVstein Uallioail. The Is of diy, wide enough for llit
lnusoM to trot abreast, and Is easily
watched 110111 any petition of the.
giounds. A capacious graudstnud, and
two exhibition luilta aio back of It
tin the haekstietch uie located the
banis tor tho tiotteis and p.ueis.
V ill,, lawns, both inside ami ouisldo
the track, alfoid plenty of 100m tor
hh. lios and f.iklts to display their
wniis mid nimi'-ciiionts.
I'lio olllcers of the as.-oi latlon nie;
1'iohident, A. n. Kainhani, i:ctcr, i'a.;
s, rotary, YV. 11. Hev. West Pitlstnu;
tie.isuior, AV. T. .Mii'abo, Vittston;
cxectitivo eoinmittfo V. T.
M Hughes, T. ,1. Coreoian; riliectors
A O. Fatnhani, I J. M Hughes, T. .1.
1 orcoian, V. T. Jlcc'abe, s. 15. Heu-l-tt,
M. I l'enin, 1 P. ,loy. 0, AV. II.
eS.iji, C. V, ist, .1 oli ti : siipctlntendeut
of buildings, 1.. K. Di.ike.
Theio will be nunieroiis attractions
for the next tlneo clays. In the llrst
I lac, theio will bo two hainess races
a h afttinoon, each of them for purse.-!
ot $-'i"i, and all of which nilcd cl
witli riioiI lioiscs. Then the famous
"eluideless Wonder," Cute with n rec -cid
of .'.n;,!,, will tint nil exhibition
male i ac h ilnj, her owner, IS. p.
Stiiing. of New pa it.:. N. Y., sajlug
that she will go lit 1. p uimimt the hall
mile in at least 2.I.V Theio will
nl"- be a baseball game on one of tho
nitei noons between tho Athletics of
I'lttcton nnd the Staifords of WllUen
Uaiio. This game was to luiw taken
l'laco this afteinoon, but owing to tho
condition ol iho giounds allot the
morning's dnwupotn, it was iuipeiltho
that it should bo postponed.
In acemdauco with the jMocbiiuallims
of President Itoo.M'Vult and (Jiueinor
"William A. Stone, the gates of the fair
pioiinds will ipnialn clo-ced all dining
Tbuihdiiy morning, lu 01 dor to allow
ciii.cns to pay their maik of respect
Mid nW-oivo the day ol uiouiulng In
honor of the late Pi evident MiKluloy.
Ai 1 11 elm k p. in. the gates will bo
opened, howowi, and the programme
Mill be raided out strictly according
to schedule. This Is expected to bo the
"big day" of the fair.
Tho pi milium list i.i H long one, nnd
prizes of varying values are offeied
in many dep.u tnienth. Following Is
the premium list in detail, divided into
the classes, ns they are printed In the
books ient out to intending compctl
tots: Tin: cl.vssi pi cation,
flam A, Horscsnitlion 1, rvl and iliivin-lior-es;
ditidon 2. for gmoial pmposes.
Cla,s II, latHe Illusion j, flinn linmcd thor
cuehhirds. lli.-b ('. Sheep Ditlsicn l'i, ineiinn; , Cols
welil. ..', Lc'leo.ioi . 21. .Suiiihdnnn. .'!,
Miopehlic; Si, liiiicoliuliiip, 211, Olorioni
7. Imrn Dmnl, is, iiliiIp nnd tutlin klirip.
CUih I:, Poultry I'ninliiiiu lur irictivs
ml pnl.d piciniinnj tor imulolnr In operation
ami "nrlfllcUl mnllifr" In niirrilion. Ilnl,,,,
tlirm time uro prici clffrrj for lifst exbibiu
ol iwrnty Mtrirtlrs o( plsrniu.
CI,im 1", Diiry l'roilucl-I)lilun 37, farm
Hint ilalij.
t Usi (i, I'arm Prci'liRt-PiUon SO, main ami
li'i'il; :-, mm, tnliaico and mI, lirt n
Haiku r( honipammi tvlniiui "'', reiulip,
10, (lino's II, lnilr. ""''I an'l ItcjiI; I-,
unnfd n( cliiul (rail, lion.-, iuar, en,
( la.H II -DnUinn 4S prrpaiine pro.lucls lur
ruikft; !. prcpolnit prnliHla (nr lranMrli
tion, in, ciiilntiiica an'l Mnli SI, hiMKilmH
1 achlnr
CUhi 'i, InttruintnU, MruOimln. etc. Pit I
tlfn S2, multal lntnimfnti! M. neikc-ry, china
and tlsn. SI. bnoU ami .linf, diy ucr,.i, har
nf' anri failrllri.
Clan Ir-DitUiiir M. ait, domtttici and mil.
"nrv work; ", cinbtolderj s i", knitted, net-
tcil, lite, ilriwn wnrks ('. rroihft wntks tn,
nnllM, rugs and rofa uulildnc, all hand work;
Mi, ax tterk, hair ttotk and piper tnic.
I'll.l M llltlil, 11 1,1. flnrjl
( la S, Kdiiralinnil-Iiiteion Si, e-radfil rir
rural rclmlam: u't. iimrrjilrd nr inrtl rhlnan:
S lilgli fchool, cradrd, or aradcmlo ndiolari;
"i, MrIi Rradc or artdrmlo hoolrr ''", cillicni,
pnlilWion or iiiuiulitlurrra.
Touioriow afternoon theio will bo
two races em the Hack. The nfllclut
who will bo lu charge1 of tho horses
and di Ivors Is the well known stuiter,
.lames Kelly, of Dunmorc. Tho (list
lace will be called at 2 o'clock, nnd
has tho following well known hoiscs
Mouses HNTKItm).
IMS ilas, tint and pare; purse, $jnl:
Alcrane, b. g, (Sangorer fc Opayke,
Hothlehem; Walter .1., cli. g., or Post
Haste, b. g, H. S. Ciorninn, .Seinnton;
J. P.. P., b. g., M. 1;. Ilnrd, Itetlilehoni;
Tinker, b. g., It. (. Noiton, sScrantonj
I.lley, b. 111., James Cool.AVIIkos-.
Harie: liosa liorln, b. 111., or King
liolcher. b. g., F. Tenant, dink's
The second race Is for Ihe l'.jo class,
trot and pace, lor h purse of JL'nn,
and has tho following entiles: Wel-
llete are two laundry articles. What are they ?
fine, b. in., or Kidney Murphy, br,
111., M. I.. Peirln, PlttMon; Walter J.,
rh. g., or PciMt Haste, li. g H. S. Uor
iiiiiii, Set anion; .Major S., br. g., d'coigc
Dunn, Ser.intoii; Miss Jennie, William
Melrs. Wllkos-Hiure.
Poisons who Intend to visit tho fair
should take cither the 10.0,, a. 111. or
l.:;o p. 111. trains on tho iSlooinsburg
division of tho Delawnic, Lackawanna
mid "A'estern road, lido to the West
Plttston station (not Susquehanna ac
niie), and walk to Wyoming avenue,
thou follow the car tracks to the
giounds. K. I.. Hattleld.
Opened in Honesdnlo Picsbyteiian
Chinch Monday Night Commit
tees Appointed by Modeintor.
p c jl in Ihp S raiilun Tribunr.
IIoiie.-(lao, Sept. 17. The leading of
thu stilptures by Rev. Fenton Jones,
nil Inipi0(-sivo pnijer by Rev. James
Mcl.ood, D. D., of Sci anion; anthem
by the choir and a trio composed of
Mis. W. A. Wood. .Mis. Hairy Rock
well and c. .1. Dibble, tendering very
sweetly "Father, Lead .Mo by the
Hand," tiom "Holsliazzar," niaikcd
the oiieniug of the sesislou of the
I.iU'k.iwnnna Pietbytery In the Hones
dale Piesbj tcilaii chuuh Monday ce
ulug. The opening scmion was dellveied by
Itov. J. S. Stewart, I). D., of Tow and. 1.
The speaker chose as his text Isaiah 10
i. pio.-entlng the gospel lu very foi
1 Iblo and fooling woids. Ho closed
with a tilbute to Picsldent McKlnley.
At the close of the simim the le
tirllig moderator, Rev. .1. S. Stewart,
1. !., called the Presbytery proper to
order for a lulef session. Tlio secie
tary called the 10II of ministers also
of iho ihuicliL's In tho Piosbytery. Fol
lowing this itov, I'liatlcs l.uo of Cai
boudale was elected modeiator and
Rev, William Cook temporary sccio
tmy, A recess was then taken until
D a 111. todn.
Itet. William H. Swift, chairman nt
committee 011 nrinngcmenis reported
that the day sessions would be lnun 0
to 1J .1. in. and i to n p. in.; evening
111 7.::0 (in Wednesday evening Rc.
.1. S. Stownit, I). D, will preside and
the mooting will be addiessed by A, W.
Dlckon of Scianloii and Rev. V. R.
llarshaw of West Plttston.
The session convened at ! a. in. thl
snoinliig and 11 half hour detotional ox-
oiclso was led by Rev. K. Flack of
PlMunuili. Prayer by the modeiator
lollowod and the minutes of tho even
ing session weto nppiovcd. Tho le
in.ilnder of tho moiulng sessinn was
taken up by tho highly engrossed min
utes of tho last annual meeting of tho
Presbytery and the adoption of the
new laws.
On motion of Rev. William II. Swift,
Rev. Jamee Mcl.ood, D, 1)., and Rev.
T. A. Mills worn appointed a commit
tee on examination of Rev. Mr. Smith,
who is now supplying the church at
lSethany. The lollowlng standing com
mittees weie appointed by tho modera
tor: Hills nml overtuies Itev. J. S, Stow
nit, I). U J. S. Armentiout, J, M.
Lansing, Klder II. J. Deakln, CI. U
Judicial Ilevs. S. H. Moon, D, 1),,
S. C. Hodge, W. H. Harshaw, Riders J.
P. Finn, 1). T. Smith.
I.eavo of absence Rev. ,1. W. Young,
F. H. Watklns, Klder H. C. Hand.
Next plneo of mooting Revs. J. n.
Cuivon, H. V. Hammond, Klder P. S.
.Minutes of General Assembly Hevp.
James Mel.eod, W. U. Mickey, Klder
Frank (luard.
Finance and auditing treasurer's ac-counts-S.
M. Parke, M. K. Mc.Mlltou,
M. h. Oliver.
Nominating coinmlttto to synod
Itevs. T. A. Mills, I), T. Smyth, Klder
F. J. note.
Vice moderator T. F. Wells,
Commlttco on thanks Rev. J. R.
H. 0, Hnnd Is delegate from the
Houesdalo church nnd T, F AVells from
the flreen Ridge church. Mr. Clarence
.Salmon of Sernnton Is attending tho
J'resbytery. The business of tho Pres
bytery will bo hastened ns many of
tho mlnlsteis and eldeis deslto to nt
tend tho Thursday mcmoilal service at
their houses.
Special to thf Fcrantor. Tribune.
Tunkhiiniini I;, Sept. 10 Clnrenco
fioorge, of Sajie, spent Sunday with
friends In town,
Thomas Cuddy and fiunlly.of Willtso
Uario, visited Ills mother, Mis. Mur
giuet Cosgrovc, over Siitidny,
Miss Ruth Phut returned to Syra
cuse on Friday, where she will resume
her studies at tho university nt that
Flota. Hillings commenced suit in di
vorce on tho giounds of desertion on
Monday ngaliist her husband, Joseph
Hillings, now 11 resident of Minnesota.
Tho desertion took place only a. few
weeks after they were married.
Frank II. Kram and family, of Wyn
luslng, spent Sunday with the family
of 11. W. ltaidwell.
Tho town council held n special meet
ing on Satuiday evening and adopted
appiopilutc resolutions on tho death of
President McKlnley.
A young man employed In the woolen
mills at this place expiessed himself
In the healing of some of his fellow
employes ns glad of tho death of Mc-
Klnley, and a petition askng that ho
be discharged was piesented to the
superintendent on Satuiday. Ho was
plnmptly dismissed.
The following nigumcut list has been
piepaied for October term of colllt:
(Jecugo "White s. Frank Mulligan
and John Sherwood, ISO January teim,
1900; rule for new ttlal. Kva R. Crofut
vs. JIis. Kyuian Chase, 110 January
teim, 1900; Intet pleader. Nolan Rros.
s. A. J. Wanen, et. 11I.; nile to strike
off mechanic's lion. AV.iiien Alexand
er ts. .1. F. Kveiott; rule to strike off
settlement (lied; two cases. George
Urimgess vs. Aichic Wlldrkk; cortlor
111 1. L.ivlna Wngner vs. A. W. Rcrth
edf, executor of Samuel Arnold; rule
011 defendant for coits of Intei pleader;
two cases. Commonwealth s. T. M.
Hauling; certiorari. Fiances Orogls
ky s. Kdgar Ross, et. nl; certlorail.
lu matter of distribution of fund do
ilved tiom sheriff's sale of real estate
of K. R. Rlakesleo; exceptions to audi
tor's j open t. James J. Meany vs. Mis.
S. A. Cum. in; certiorari. Thomas till
111.11 tin vs. Asa S. Kcelor; certiorari.
In matter of estate of Frank W. Do
AYItt, deceased; exceptions to audltor'.s
icport. Abram Coolbangh nml Rurton
Sickler vs. Kxetor Township school
bo.nd; certlorail. K. S. Handrick vs.
J. C. Collins; rule to revoke ngieement
of counsel to try ca'-e without a juiy.
Jones Hi ns, vs. G. W. Stanton; nile to
open Judgment. In estate of D. T.
Cnpwcll, deceased; petition of widow
to cancel acceptance of provisions of
A mnrilnge license was issued nn
Satuiday to 1.. G. Moyor nnd Miss
Ponil n.illcy, both of Kast Lemon.
Maty Carver, by her next friend,
Aznr Stcinples, commenced a suit In
replevin on Monday for the possession
of two promissory notes of $ino each,
alleged to bo tho property of Mrs,
or, and unjustly detained by Hurton
Stark, of Tuiikhannock township.
Sept. IS. Miss Martha Pike lias
boon spending n few dajs lu lllooms
liuig with her ,lsters, Mis. Stuart Itey
nolds and Mis. David S. Spenoer.
Kx-County Commissioner Fied II.
Chase will move his fa.iully te Sei an
ion In a few days. Clarence Kaughn
will occupy Mr. Chase's house.
Mr. Audiew Kohrll and family of
Scranton have taken possession of their
new homo at the corner of Main and
Depot streets.
Paiilowna Lodge, Daughtei.s of Ue
bokah, met In regular session last eve
ning. Canton Kactoryvlllo, No. ,17, I, O, O,
F will meet this (Wednesday) even
ing. Mr. Joseph Dlekson and son of lovta
nio visiting lelatlvos in this place.
Special to the Sainton Tribune.
Honesdale,, Sept. 17. Thursday will
ho observed In lloncbdnln with me
morial services, either by the Presby
tery In union services or liy tho
churches, If tho Ptesbytory adjourns.
Uuslncsx will bo suspended unci It Is
oNpecttd tho public schools w 111 ho
MCKI'M-.lefleon Pe Anfjells In "A
ItoBiie." Mght
A('IU'M -Mjrkle and Harder Mock
pan). Alliriieinn and nliht.
STAII-"rrry Maiden nurlesiiucrs."
noon ami night.
"The Countty Fair."
Nell llurjcM and his lamed play, "The County
Pair," drew a good sized audience to Hie l.tceum
lan nljht and the horre race, where fold Mo
lasses wins and sates Ihe (arm, and all the other
well known feature were rerelted with aa much
enthusiasm ai eter.
"The Country Pair," with Purges! aa Abigail
IYiio, never cron.i old. It li a alnry o( human
nalure, almrly told and convincingly acted.
Big Crowds nt Academy.
IliB mullcncr nw tli pcrfonnancra Rlten hy
Iho Mtklc k Harder Mock company at tho
Aradcmv o( Mll'lc Kutcrdav nllrrnoon anil lut
In lli Itrinonn tho company presented "lor
III' fcMrr'a 1iko," and last tilsht, "Min ol
Mt." 1 lie bill (or today isi Afternoon,
"i'uttcr o( I.nti-j" niRht, "Knohs o' Tennessee."
At tho Star Theater.
The "Meiry Maldem" die two priformane i
at tho Mar todaj, doilnij a moct ucce(ul en
K.iirciuuit. The Mne nl Opinion lliitleriicr. tthlcli ta
to open lla riieacrniPiit llinrnliy altenmnn, daa
been polponed until I'rldiv heciine of the (art
thit the thrater ill he clewed nil diy Tlmrs
elay on account ol the funeral ol the I no l'roil
dent McKlnley.
The prr'ormincrs elten by dill compiny li
abvilutrly unique and unlike anj thins heieloforc
eccn heie.
Jeff Do Angelis Tonight.
"A Itotal ItoRiie," Kteln and l'rinol' operatic
comedy, lm proted a record breiktr lor .lefler.
don lie Anccll. TliU 1 his aocond np.non In
tho piece, and lili biulnrw rtrrytthero ln mc
ceeded all pretlom joira alnoe ho Ins been a
Mar. Alde (10111 Mr. He Aneclls' indltidual per.
(oimancp, "A llogiio" Is ild to he the
best niulcil piece ot its kind aeen in joim, It
Is reported to lute a capital plot and Mtuatlnni
that are naturally lunny not ncenes iinnudc
tured (or tlio occaion and mrs In innlnnlcally.
The inule has alo he-en cnthmlnlieally
praised, tthlrh coes to nhnw tint Jelt was le
In his geiierallon when he went to Charles Klein
nnd W. T 1'ruHs lor his opera, or opera
continue-, or tthitotor ho ults It. Mr. Pe nsells
and compiny will bo at the Lyceum tonight.
'The Volunteer Organist."
I'l.ivs that are alone the time llnrei as the
te.ichin?s ot Ihe church arc few and (ar Lrtitcen.
"The Volunteer Orsanlst" Is Just fuch a drama.
It tells a story that lew, l( ant, dramatist hive
hitherto hindled In a manner that I both pleas.
inc to It hearers and unobjectionable to the
'Iho chancier ot the jounjr minister is Indeed
a slroiic pirt and lis portrajal by the centlcman
in whose haiidn it , is a delicate bit of ait.
Tho entile c,i(, and it is an untmiallv larec cne,
was most carefully chosen so lint the presenta
tion will hate at tha I.tcoum l'riday and Hat.
unlay nlejhl and Siturdiy matinee still be a
dramatic trrat
Wall Street Review.
New ork, Sipt. 17 --Iho oicislonal show of
strength in todaj's stock market ttaj not tery
continilnu and as the day progressed proted lei-a
and levs no. The market closed distinctly weal,
with practically all ol the early giins complete
ly wiped out and the iterate level of prices well
below lat night's. This was perhaps a natural
reaction from tli tlolent rebound o( prices jes
terday. 'Ihe artificial Mimulanls svlileli were ap
plied to the market yesterday to maintain It
agiinst tho expected prevsure were withdrawn to
a considerable extent today, etents bat in; dem
onstrated that they were not needed. Support
ing orders continued in the niaikct today and
there was considerable manipulation also for the
riv. lias was particulirly ctident after the re
action In prices which (ollowid tho opening deal
Incs. 'Ihe reioteiy Iml the effect tthlcli was
probably desigmd, of checking the disposition
to realio en tho pirt of the traders. A number
( tpeclil ytoeki wire selcdcd then for a clem
onstiatite npnaul nioirujent. The sustaining
Inllueneo on the general lit which was cxir
cled by thco ticths wis adtantago ot
to take protita by the large financial interest
tthWi bought to sii'taln the market sesterdiy
and in the t-luinp of l'ndat. 'Ihe large rediic
tion in Iho short Interest was caused br
tho bii.tmi; to totcr, forced by jesterdat'a ad
tance made itself manifest met in the small
ciinipclllite demmd for stocks from that source.
While eterday's nlly had srrttd its purpose of
iis-toring lonlidenip so far as that had been
larking regarding the effect of the untimely cut
ting oft of tho chief magistiate, tlio condition
o( tho money market and other considerations
tending to repress speculation ami noimil to this
peiiod of the jeir reasserted thcmfcltes.
The slocks sclcited for the bull demonstration
were fct Paul, Innm Pacific-, Missouri Pacific,
Sugar, the New ork traitions and Western
I'nlon. There were tarious minor stocks wlil-h
roc a point or more. Amahrimatcd Copper was
pcKKtentlt wcik and encountered heny sellitii:
on tlio early rallies, l.ato In Iho elay it fell
three points below last tiltht and dosed nt a
ret loss of J,i. Totil files todi, 762,Oit shins.
'iho bond linrket was Itreguhr Total slice,
pir table, tj,."0,li. I'. S bonds were all un
changed on tilt: U.-t call.
The tollowing quotations ar (urnUhed Th
Tribune bj M. 8. Jordtn A Co , rooms 709 703
Uears bulIJinj-, Seranton, Pa TelephoM 5003-
Open. niRh- Low- Clcu-
Inr. est. e-t. Intf.
Amerlcin Suzar i:n'l Ultf, l'O'J Id'i
AtcliiKon ""iti Tfl'j "I's 7''l
Atcluon, 1'r ("i1, e,t sj h,,
Prook. Tmtion (Ifi'i i7 KVi C
nalt. ec Ohio lO.'S Ml 1CU MJlf.
( hes. i- Ohio ; triifj li's ll'a
Hilc. V (it. West '.T, l-3 -its, 'J.!-,
st. rani inr; isif(, va pii's
Hoik Mind Ill llt'3 111 lit
hin A TVt , Pr M ', ,'i r.-,
Louis. A. ah lOJt; mfi lOJ'i M"i
Man. V.levateil 10 i.if, iSi lln
M(. Tiaclion MPS MIH r.2'i P.-Jtj Pacltie lot 101', 10: 10-Jti
southern Pacific IW'i r S7; 67-'i
Norfolk A- West Si's r.1 5t'i SI"',
N. Y. (Vntril Ill l.iii r.l'j l'si's
Out k Western .'! 3C S.!1; S.Pi
Penm 11. It 111 111 111 Ill's
Panne Mill 42 IJ"', 11 41
Heading lit- ii CJ'j (l'i ll'i
Heading lit-, I'r 7i'l 7t, 7H 7n
Soiithcin lit .t-J (til, ,v ;:'"i
South. 11 , Pr s;i s-'i (;"! s:,
Tinn Coal A- Iron cOj ill'a "'-I M
I' . Leather 127s 1 "'4 1-"1 UN
T S. U-alhcr, I'r M"j Sl'i Fn fn'4
mii.ti Padflu i mm; (.7', 0-.
I'nlon Pantlc, Pr "4 f"4 s"4 h";, I'r 10 0 .vis4 ,tii
Western Union lO (ci'l P.' n."
Col. l'uel A- lion V ''l'i , nuij
mal Copper I0s loos; lnrt,t nntt
Prnplc's das 100 lint; josi, ptss,
Texas Pacllle I2U 4 .'i 4J'a 4i'j
tin Cir Poundry UO'j -jot; 2-n4 2114
.P. R Steel ('.. 4I"3 4I3 4 l4 41
V. S. Steel, Pr Ol'a Ol'i 0Z 01
Scrnnton 33onrd of Trade Exchnnge
Quotations All Quotations Based
on Par of 100.
STOCKS. nid.
l.iekattanna Piii.v 'o, Pr ro
County Sitlns I'tnk Ai Trust Co.. 300
first National flank (Carbondale)
Standard Prllllns Co
Third National Pink fo
Dime Deposit and Discount Bank.. 273
Pconomv I.lqht. II A; P. Co
l'lrst National ItJnk jjiv)
Lacka. Tnit Safe Deposit Co J5il
Claik k Snover Co., Pr jj
Rcranlon Iron Pence k Mfg. Co
Scranton Axla Works
Scranton Satlnt; Hank 4on
Tiaders' National llink 171
Scranton Holt & Nut Co m
Poople'a Hank Ui
New Mexico Py. A C. Co
Seranton Passenuer Itallttay, first
Morteacre, duo lf US
i'eople's Street Itallttay, first mort-
Bane, due 1018 115
People's Street Hallway, General
mortRane, due 1031 115
Illckson Slanufietiirlns Co
Lacka. Township School 8 per cent. ...
Cily of Scranton St. Imp. 6 per
Scranton Traction 11 per cent jtS
Scrnnton Wholesale Market.
(Corrected by II. O. Pale, 27 Lackawanna Ate)
lleans-rer bushel, ihoico marrow, $..60a',.iia.
Puttcr-l'icch creamery, Sla-Ve.; dairy, fresh,
Cheese Pull cream, lOallc.
Fees Western fresh, WIO; nearby state,
Medium Deans rer bushel, J 10.
Green Tess-rer bushel, H.IOal is,
ITour tlest patent, per barrel, ,13,
Ileans-l'er bushel, choice marrow, $3. to.
rotaton Per bushel-tal.10. ,
4 Lines 10 Cents
More Thin Four Lines, 3 Cent for Each Ultra Line.
For Rent.
For Reet0
About 1200 ieet oflloorspace on
4U1 (loor of tho Tribune building,
suitable for light maufacturing. In
cluding heat, light and power.
Enquire at office of
This Tribune.
VOn IlL.S'r I'itc room house, near corner I
rerno stieet and ll tie Park atcnue, $7.
Ltans, 1132 Sidle place.
FOIt llLNT LlRlit room house on Adams atenue,
all modern Improtcmcnta, 0. heten rooms
on .TctTcrscn atenue, ll. 1'ltc rooms In Ktcssltr
loutt, 7. Coal KMhaiig", ltoom 01.
l'Oil HLNT 0J1 Green IIIiIro street, eight rooms;
steam heat.
I'OR m:XT Nine-room house in Green Hidge;
all contcnlences large lot. Itent, $19. Ad
dress S O, Teiiiune.
I OH IICNT I'lclit rooms, 73.1 Jeffernon avenue;
all modern contenlcnces.
For Sale.
POIt Sl,i:-llnuseliolcl futnituro tor S.1I0 at 3J7
Monroe atenue.
l'OK SALK-llomrhold furniture for sale. l'i
stairs, 30J Adams atenue.
TLA COIr-fl.S0 per ton, delitered In ccntial
city and hoiith hide ddrcss Jolm Hall, l'llt
Cedar'atcnue; 'phone WV1.
lOIt SALK Three rooms, one ball and stair fine
carpets, nearly new, will sell cheap. Apply
ci. i. Mocnr, sj.1 ttcDsicr atenue.
lOIt SXI.i: Tito light sprint: wagons and soma
harness, ihcap. Utans, rear 1102 Luzerne
10ft SLi:-Car load of draviwr and draught
horses and cood (imily horsev 21i-iH Oak
(old court. J. M. Field.
I'Olt SALK A Cottrell k Sons cjlinder press,
33i3(l, In Rood condition, new rollers, !0O,
Apply Wilkes llarre Times Office, Wilkes Darre,
Kenl Estate.
$0,fji WILL PUnrilAK proptrtv on ,felIeron
atenue that still rent for '" P" month.
Coal Kuhange, ltoom tl.
lOIt SLI'. A farm. 110 acres and stock, good
otchard, ttlth all contenienecs. Light miles
from Mrantnn, to miles (10m Moscott. Mary
Jenkins, Miple Ijke, Pa.
Funiishcd Rooms.
A lARGI.', ttell (urni-hed loom, with all con
tuiieiicej pritate faiiult. Ml Mulberry kt
l'OIl ItLNP Punii-hed Iront room, with heat,
bath and gasj near court hou; gentleman
preleried. Address Iloom, Ilox 'J90.
ron m:r-i rnMoiini) ntosT tioom; all
modern contenlcnces; references required.
122 Adams atenue.
l'OIl lll.NT l'umMied room; heat and bath.
(jJ5 Linden street.
FL'lt'llM.r 1IIONT ItOOM,
Washington atenue.
ttlth board. CO
Boarders Wanted.
WANTLD Table boarders. Mrs. Tompkins, 531
Washington atenue."
LOVT Ten dollits reward and no questions a'ked
lor return ot black shepherd dog N ime
"Sport." White noM- 'Jan lei t. T. S Fuller,
4P1 Vino street.
I.OM Pocketbook containing a sum of money
and v.iluiblo pipers. Howard if returned to
Tribune oflicc.
lOL'Ml On Wadiington atenue, piir of no-e
glasses. Oitner can bite ame by proting
piopeity and pajini for adv. Tribune IlusincMt
Kerw York Drain and Frodueo.
New York, Sept. 17. ITour More settle and
trongcr. Wlirat Spot stiong; No. ? red, 7"$i.
f. o. b. afloat, and 77,c. cletitor; No. 1
northern Piiluth, 77o. (. o, b. atloit, Options
ttero gcncrallv 6trorg all div; closed strong at
'ialc. net adtance. Miy closed 803ic ; Sept,
751c ; Oct, 7"k ; Dee., 77,e Corn Spot
firm; No. 2, G'.V elctator, and CO'sc. t o. b.
afloat. Option millet ttas aetiv r.nul strong all
di.t. Closed strong and 2"'si27tc. net hlglier.
May dosed CfiV ; Vpt., K,c. ; 0t., Mc.j
Ilec, Kii'rn.: Oils Spot firmer; No. '.', 3ic. ;
No It, :t-',:o ; No. :t white, 40o : No 2 ttlilto,
OiVtlc: tiaek inlxeel western, .WialOcv ;
tthite, 30'Jil'c. Options luglier, ttilh corn. Hut
tcr Firing creamer, ll'saCd'it.. ; lactoiy. Juno
pirked, llalVio ; imitation creamer', llil7o ;
slite ilury, KalS".c. Clieesc Quiet and 6leidv;
fancy luge coloied, S"ae. ; fancy laige white,
SV ; fincy small colored, O'c. ; fancy small
white, OUc Fggs Urm; slat rand Prima ,
IRjlOo ; western, uncandled, 17ilsc; ttcslcrn,
candied, lJ"alh'so.
Ohl&apo Orrvin nnd Product.
Chicago, Sept 17 All prams euro aitlte to
rt iv on the board o( trade In ropnnsj to reports
of fiost last night. Pecrmber wheat closed 1'ai.
higher thin eterday. December coin niado a
gain ol 'Jm to Ui cents, and December oai
c.lo.ed IHc up i'roti.lons were aetitc and
dived with gains of (10m 17'j to 2J'S. Cash
quotations were as follows:
Flour-Steady: No. 3 spring wheat, f,ani4c.
Vo. red, 71a7t"in- : So. 2 vellow, AMSS'se. ;
No, 2 white oals, 35i.-.S"4e.; n. 3 white, 37V4
.".s'jr : So. 2 rip, seta i'r ; (air to cholco milt
ing barley, R'aVU'.i No 1 fiix seed, $1 .!, So.
1 northwestern, SIM; prime timothy seed. $5 .(",,
mess pork, 14 tmi.Xi; lard, $;i.7fi'ja0 M),
short ribs, W.'.aS7J; dry silled shoulders, "".
T'ie.j short clear sides, s)12jal.3.V, tthUkey,
Chicago Live Stock Market.
Chicago, Sept 17. Caltlc-ReielpLe, 4.500, In
cluding IiOO Texans; 2,000 ttitterns; no cholco
nitltcs ben i market steadier; good to prime
steer', Wal.40; poor to medium, Jla'i.K); stock
ers and feeibrs, f i .V) 1 1 ."'i , cons, . ,W, HO;
beifriH, li3; (aimers, l .ViiJ 'Ml, bulls, tf.'al.'S;
calte. .liH7i Texas steers, f3al.V).
Ilogs- Kecelpts, liS.OO; toinoirnw, J.'.dnn; left
otrr. 2.0S); attitc: IialOo higher; mixed and
butchers, $'1.80 to tlf.0, good to chnho b'lty,
il.7"'a(t70".jj rough beaty, t 10 to d fal; light,
$il fial.SO; bulk o( siles, Jl S"1 75
Shee Ilecclpts, S'i.OcK): sheep, klow and 10a
IV. lower; lambs, liiaiv-. Inrr: good to
choleo wethers. $3.0at; (air to 1 holec mixed,
tM.AOi.lrV); ttelern shiep, f1.2ia1.7as natlte
lambs, $1a5; western lambs, lal.S0,
Buffalo Live Stock.
Fist Huffalo, Sept, 17. Cattle Receipts, seten
isrs; hilf Texas; dull and weak; trail, ?ua
77.00; lew sold.
Hogs Decelpts, 17 cars, with S hold oters;
acllto and Sc. lilglicr; best heaty grades, $7.15
a7 2.ii mixed and mediums, $7a7.1J'i; pits,
(0a0 25; tracers and Michigan hogs, $d .'iflaeVOa;
roughs, $A,ii1.S,1; slags, f5aS&"
Mieep and lambs llecelpls, 12 cars, with fi
Cansclas; slrsdy; lamhs, natito culls to liest,
$3a 10; sheep, mixed do,, $l1 70; wetheri,
$.1.7311; xcsrllngs, fair lo best, U Mit,:5.
Oil Market.
Oil City, Fept. 17.-Credlt balsneei. 123; cer
tlficales, no bid. Shlpmentj", M.nnfij atersge,
r.s,7ll, nunr, SI, 551; average, i7,l3.
Help Wantod Mnlo.
WNTi:i A good errand boy. Tribune binder).
WAMI.D-A good elothlng saleuiaii, solier and
induttrious. Address ilox nil, Tribune olliic.
A STi:il -Vouns married man,
who is ttllllnc; to lite near the birn; ref
erenccs required. J O. Aikirinan, 21 Liikiiwan
na atenue.
WASTLD-10,000 actlto agents Iniinedlilely to
lake orders for "Life ot Willlun McKlnley"
Memorial l.dillon. (Iraphlo record of his whole
Illustrious c.ireir Lhborately illiistralcil. Sdls
at sight. Host teuns to agenls. Hooks on indlt
Simple, enabling ton to in ike fiom ci In M2
dilly, by null postpaid. FltLK on applii.illon
Ad.fiess fllobc Flible l'ub'g Co,, VJl Chestnut M.,
Philadelphia, 1M.
WANTLP Kneigitlc men for outdoor ttotk;
splendid opiHHttinltt (or hustlers. Addrs
Insurance, Tribune ollue.
WANTLD (,'ood, strong bot, about 10 jnts old,
(or general woik In store. Foote A. Fuller
Ccnpaii), Meira (lull clirikT
illllCKI.AVl'.ltS MAM IMl-I or tiro briek work
Communications and personal appllcillons
will bo receited at my offlco in Hancock, N, Y.
II .1. Iliisuman.
Help Wanted Femnle.
WASTi:n-C!lrl fc.r treneial houeork. V. J
Hand, 35.1 Mill suet, Dunmorc, Pa,
WANTLD Olrl for geneial boiuecttork at Dalton,
Addrcsa II, T., care Tribune.
Apents Wanted.
WA.STl'.lV-Tho Mutual Ciiarantro II. k L. aso
nation will make a B'ioJ contract t.iih
agents ttho cm pioduce business. l'eniilt.inu
eorporstlon, Ten .tears old and his mitiireel III
teen series of stock to elite Only men of 1111
questioned integrity and iihilit) need apply bv
litter or in peron to ltoom 31, 4.V) W limit
Hreet, Phlladelphli, Pa
CAN'VASKtlS I.adv or gentleman outside Iho
eify of Seranton' can hate a permanent agencv
for the peifiunc of tho cfnturv. Phcnoincnil
sales, Coods In largo demand. Ltcrytblng fur
lilslied on credit Liberal arrangement with Ihe
fight party. Address "Cut Itoses," SOtU steel
and 6II1 atenue, New York
Want Advertisements Will Be
Received at Any of tho Follow
ing Drug Stores Until 10 P. M.
Central City
ALtlLTtT ECiairrZ, corner Mulberry
street and Webster avenue.
OUSTAV P1C1ILL, (550 Adams atenue.
West Side
GEORGE W. JLNKIN3, 101 South Main
South Scranton
FRED U TERPPE, 729 Cedar avenue.
North Scranton
GEO. W. DAVIS, comer North Main
avenue and Market street.
Green Ridge
CHARLES T. JONES, 1557 Dickson
F. J. JOHNS, 020 Orecn Ridge street,
O; LOnt'NZ, corner Washington ave
nuc and Marlon street.
W. II. KNEPFEL, 1017 Irvlns avenue.
WANTED A large show case Apply William
Glfford, 1517 Dickson atcnue.
WANT'lD An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen
tlcman to fill a light, pleasant position;
good pay, if suitable. Address P. O. Ilox 20,
Scranton, Pa
Money to Loan.
$V) to JM.OM-AT OS'CE t and 5 per cent. In
terest Easy terms to lepay. Ucorgc W,
Okcll, Coal Exchange building.
3JO,O0O TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight cr
monthly payments. Stark A Co .Traders' bids.
straight leans or Building and Loan. At
from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on '. V. Walker,
314-315 (Vnnell building.
LSTWT: 01' Jeremiah Simon, lito of the Citv of
Scrinton, County of I-ickiwanua, ileceaseil
Lrlteis of admliiUtration on the above limn d
estate luting been granted to Iho undersiguisl,
all pciotis hatiiur. claims agimt said 1 slate
will pic-ent tho same for settlement and all
thee indebted thereto will tnaku imiii-'cliate pi)
ment to DWID .1. DWIS. diiiliiMr1t0i,
( ily Hall, Si union. Pa.
NOlICi; Ol' DlN-Ol.l ITOS" Ncitue Is lieieln
giten that tho pirtner.liip sultaLsting between
C. I'eiry Went and iithoni F. lliitly, under
Iho flun'nanie of Went A- Dully, wis i!l.olvrd en
the lOlli da of Mptcmliei, 1 sit, i inuliial
Ml debts ovting to sud partnership are 11
eeitahle by nnd (J. Pi rrv Wenir, ir (!. P. Vtcnir
k Co., to whom a-n all claiuu mid deininds
agiinst S.HI10 are to lie pic-enticl for paiueni
new partnership his this day been formed
between C P. Went, and others, under the firm
name ol (1. P. Wcnu A. Compiny. by whom the
Iiusiiions lormerly conducted by Wont k Hull,
mil hcieittei bo e irried on nt the same pl.ue,
Nos. . 10 11 l.aikawanui atencie, Sranlnn, Pa.
seal WT110.SY F. HLI'FY.
Wilnes-M. E M'DOStLD.
NOITOE Tho annual merling of tho member of
the Liikattinni Stoic Avne latlon, Limited,
will be held .it Iho otiice ot the as-oelallon in
the citv of N.ranton, Pa , on Wedneseiav. Octo
ber 2nd, 1001, at ten o'clock a. 111. for tlio elec
tion of managers for the rnsiuns tear and lor
the tnnsailion of sucli other business as may
properly como befoin tho meeting
If. s. I'MHf llll.n, Secretaiy.
Siianten, Pa , Sept 101I1 POI
National League.
At Rrookln (first game)- R. II E
New York I 1 0 0 S ft 2 0 1-10 10 I
flionkln ft 0(11 HO 003 fi 11 4
latteries Hickman and Warner; llu.-hci and
At (second gime) Ilaln.
M ( Inilnnitl II II
ritieiiiiiit sniftftnion 7 u 2
tinclnnail 1 ft 0 1) 0 0 1 ft 0-2 S 1
llilteile-Che.liro and O'Conuoi ; Suinmcl and
PciU. I'mplies Enislie and Nah.
Other clubs not sc)irduled.
American League.
At Philadelphia (first game)- It. II F
Deiioit ftioortonnn 1 7 t
Philadelphia ft 1 0 11 0 ft ft 2 O-T i 3
ilatlerlct Miller and McMllster; Willie and
Potters. I'mplie hherldan.
At Philadelphia (second Ksine)-Riin.
At Hoiton II II. T.
Clrteland 0 ft ft ft ft ft ft I (I
Poston 0 00 2 110 .1 7 1
Pitlerlrs Dnwlins; snd Connor; Young and
Critter, Umpiio Connolly,
Other clubs, no game, rain.
Eastern League.
Toronto, 7; Huffalo, 0.
3 Insertions 25 Cents
More Than four Lines, 6 Cents lor l!ach Ustra Line.
Certified Public Accountant.
LtmVlll) II. DAVIS, "AKCiiirt.cTrcosM-a.ij
lwlato Lxihingo Illd(j., 120 Washington ave.
Civil and Mining Engineers.
Spruce street, s union.
Ilooins 12, II, 10 and 18 lluir llulldlng.
Haled on ical e,lito secuilly. Meats llulldlng,
cijiner Uanhlngton atenue and Spruce stieet,
and inunsellurs-al law. llepnlillcan llullding,
iiahlligciii atenue.
Jl " P k .IKiM'P, .vnilRSEVS ASD COFS.
sellors at law Comiiioiittcallli llulldlng, Rooms
l', 20 and "1,
fVl nil. IMli floor, Mears llulleling.
of Tiade llullding, Siranton, Pa.
Hank Jliiildiiur.
211 njomlng' atenue.
Physicians nnd Surgeons.
DR W. E. ALLEN-, fill .NORTH WAslllNOToJj
HII S W l,'IOIIi:M-, OFFICE 3.10 Wtll
Ington atenue. Rcsldcnco. 1318 Mulbeiry
(T11011I0 diseases, lungs, heait, kielnes ami
kenlto-iirlnar organs a specialty. Hours, 1
to I p. m
Hotels and Restaurants.
nue. Rates reasonable.
P. ZEIfiLER, Pioprletor.
SCIIWTON 1101 SK, NEMl I)., L. k W. PAsl
senger depot. Conducted on the European
plJn. MCIOII KOCH, Proprietor.
a. 11. niticns clews privy vaults and
cess pools; no odor; only improved pumps used.
A 11. Ilriggs, piopnclor. Iato orders 1100
North Miln atenue, or Elcke's drug store, cor
ner Adams and Mulberry. Moth telephones.
ei.tmen, store 201 Washington atcnue; green
boues, I'i'aj North Main atcnue; store tele
phone, 7h2.
Wire Screens.
Seranton, Pa, manufacturer of Wire Screens.
THE IlLVCK DIiMOND Ponv Express for Wilkes
Dane, Miay'is Express lor Carliondale, and
Mob' Lxpiri-es for F.iitortllle, hate changed
lluir office Irom :,0i I.u kattanna atenue. Scran
ten, to 2H Spruie trect. .New telephone, 327.
alo ladies' walts. Louis Miocmakcr, 212
Adims atenue.
teloprs, paper bigs, tttlne.
Waiiingtou atenue, Scranton,
Warehouse, Mi
in Siranton at tho news Mands of Relmau
lliew , jjimj Spruce and Mil Linden: M. Norton,
.".'-! laikiuinna attiiiie., I. S. bchutter, 211
Spline street.
Situations Wnnted.
bin; VI ION WANTI D-lly joiinu girl, wnehini
ilii-hes, aitcndini; cliildicu, 01 any light.
woik, willing lo work for 'l a tteek, clollies
and bond. Addicts L. II., r-,t Sido postofttce.
Si I CATION WSTI.D-Ily (omiiitciit woman, in
lcstauiart or doinj trncral houscttork. 72
Fellows street.
SlTT'VUOV WAST I'D -Washing and ironing to
do at homo lev ntt cla liundre: leferencn
if needed. Addrc-rf .Mis. L. M., caro 520 Foiest
1 cunt.
SIT CAT IDS' WAST Ell -To go out by tho div
washing 01 cleanliu, Mrs. Kum-cII,, 1J19 Ci
clar atenue.
MIFATIOV WVNIED Hy a good, hone.t man
as .1 niielimirt or in Iho -heepa. Apply 11. L ,
Dunuinre, Pi.
A 1 lV would like to get work to go out hy
Iho cl.iv or ua.hiiu; to tsku home. 10
llink couit, city.
SIT I IION- WVN1I.D-II a rr.pect.ihle girl for
geneial liou-ennrk in A iiiill family Can bet of letiicuces. Plta.o call it Alt
Rebecca atcnue, llde I'jik, cil.
SIT'CVITON- WNTED ioung woman wants po
sition as cook 111 prliato family. Can rub
irfcuiiers, .cldle9 0(1 omne atenue.
SITFMIOV W NTi:i) Hy a widow to work in
country inel to tike little gnl slons;; his
enough to take cue of childicn. Appl) Mrs M
It., Tilbune Oftice.
hi I CM ION W.N1I.D-My a tnung glil 1) trars
old lo help with light hoh.-cbotk. Address
No. 201 houtli Irtins atenue.
MII'MION WVNll.D- widow with one chll'l
would like a position a. housekeeper. ( n,
gite ijood rofdence. AddiCoS Mrs. L. D. 01
bll PATIOS' W S I I.D-Position ss housekeeper
wanted; capable nt taking (ull charge. Call
or scldrciss WJ iUrrion atcuue.
bill MIOS WXNT1.I1 As superintendent or lores
nun at coil mines, llltcen ears experience
and bct refrientes Ilox A, Tribune Office
bll'F.MTOS' W WIT D llright, industrious boy.
17 teirs old, desires sltuitlon. Work In tl.i
ilvil englneeiing or eleilrlcal lino prefened. Ad
drens .. Y , Tilbune Office
V-. svyv"
Wo own and ofter at price?
ylelilliifr nearly flvo per cent.
First MortKa&e SinkltiK Fund .
Denomination, $1,000.
Btiffe Electric
of nutte, Mont.
Write (or special circular.
Radolpb Kleybolte & Co.
1 Nassau St., New York.