The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 18, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Morning Sci vices Will Bo Held In
St. David's Episcopal Chinch nnd
nt the Fiist Welsh Coiif;ieg'Uloiinl
Chuich In tho Afternoon Boy
Caught Under a Car Fcndei.
Scalded Ills Sister with Boiling
Gteasc Shooting Match nnd Hoise
Race Has Been Postponed.
Soivh'fs will be colldtlifed 111 l. 1't
vld'd chuiih totnortow
mottling lit S imil 1o;'U h'i Im k, The
holy mliimiltiloil Will no cniil nt th"
lit st sen Ice, nnd the Initial, followed
hv the ofllie of the holy t mnmitiiloii,
.it the second. Tho cliolr will lit pto
cnt. Tlio memorial eivlics nt tlio Tint
"Wclf-li CoiiRr' (huiih will ho
hold at ' p, in. lonmiiovv, Instead of
nt 10 n. in, ns ptovloiisly iiiinoiiiiiod.
.Iiihli Waller Thomas, will lend it hl
t'liy of MoKlltlev fuun tlio tlnio uf Ills
With to Ills liiiiiiKUintlnii iih ptr-dilont,
and Willi. mi John Thomas mid u
piper on tlio doail pto.slilotifs i.ttoer
ns chief miiulsti ito A pt.t.vor vnrvlio
will aim )i hold In cunui linn with
tlio scrvloe.
Scalded His Sister.
TVcvlil Howe II, of South fintfleld .ive
ii iu, wont to his home voMoul.ty and
iloiimiidcd mniiov ft oiii liN sltci, with
vitilih to buy drink. Wlmn infused, lie
lzed ii pan full of kikiso l'loni tlio
Mno nnd throw It nt tho woman,
t-atuiatlii;; hor clotlilm," mid f .ildlnt;
hi r severely.
lipr screams .ittinrtccl PM'iiil of tho
nolshbot s, mid a ti'lpphmii iiu'i-..ik
was sent to the station hoiKe, lint
when a p.itiolmun miKoil. Howell hail
escaped, A iv.m.iul will 1 sttoiti out
fot his miM,
Two Paities.
Mi. William Miur.i.v, of Hevcntieuih
stieet, leiontlv ontoi lalni d a number
of oiim; poople at a patty In honoi of
In r Kll(t, Miss .Mjij of Ni'
"otK, mul liistiumcnlnl seloi -tlotis
weie lcndi'icd by n number of tlio
piti ts, mul ipitpshiiit tits wpip solved
Ml-s Nellie Uenitv of Not th Main
fiNoniK also ontoi t.ntiPil hoi fi lends at
lior hoiiio ipipiHIv atli'i thpv had taK
Ptl hrr bv suipil-p hhe was nsslstecl
In rnti i tnluiiiR bv .Mtrs .luliu Catoy
Row and Almond Cri-am reraoTti
redness ot tlie skin and eoothes the
pain o( (unburn in one night. Take
a bottle with you on your vacation.
Gloves and Corsets
For Fall wear, are now ready for your inspec
tion. The offerings from both departments in
clude only the reliable makes and qualities,
which experience has proved to give perfect
satisfaction in service, and of course the styles
are right in every particular.
The Special Showing of Fashiona
ble Gloves and Corsets in These
Popular Departments This Week
Ought to Be of Interest to Every
Lady in Scranton.
Stylish Gloves
One-Button Walking Qtoves,
with outside seams and saddle
stitchings are looked upon as
correct among the smart set, but
Two.Clnsp Arabian flocha
Gloves hold their own among
those who value their excellent
wearing qualities and their per
sonal comlort.
Dent's Kid Oloves need no
recommendation. We have a
lull line of the genuine Dent's
Gloves in all makes, styles and
Gloves for Evening Wear
Our line is as complete now as
it will be at Christmas time and
embraces everything that fash
iorsavj! is right.
Special Glove
Values at from
, SO Cts to $1.50
Globe Warehouse
and limy McWilllatnq. KlashllBhta
who tiikrn liy Anthony OIII and re
freshments were patted at a seasonable
hum .
Boy's Narrow Escape.
Tied C.ipvvell, of Lafayette stieet n
youtiK son of Mr. nnd Mr. Ocoiru
Capwell, was rldltirr In a ivngon near
his home jesteidny, nnd jumpoil oft in
flout of n lifayettp tat.
Youiir CapWPll was cnilKlit hptiPiith
the fender and iIiurkpiI some ilMiinoo.
The car was stopped and tho tuotnt
nian cti It tiled the boy fiotn his pot li
ons position, lie was not sctluiHy
Shooting Matcli Postponed,
Tlio shooting match urianped for to
monow morning on tlio ht Ii k juid
Kt nil mis between William Maish mid
William Anni'iiimi, has lieon postpotipd
until J'lldtiy on account of thp death
mid hutliil of ripsident MiKln1t.
TIip tin pa iiiinoutipod for tomonow
on tlio Speedway, under Hip tuumbes
of tho Wist Side Driving cluh Iuivp nlo
bi'i'li pompoms! until u date to bo an
noiinipd lalPt.
runcral of Mis. Hughes.
TIip funoial of tho lato Mm. Ann
Hughes was continued .ostciilay uf
tpt noon fi mil tho fiinillv lesldoiKo on
ll.vnuii sticot. TIip soinIpp.s wpip In
chnigc of llov. D. I). IlopkltiH. ti.istor
ol tho Wolnh Ilaptlst chilli h mid Intel
nil ut was niiidp In the Waslibiun hit tot
Tlio T'.'H-ho.ii oi s mi in Thomas M.
WatUlns, Kilns Willlnms, D.iMd A Mot
giin, mid John J. Moigan. Tho sonbos
wni' attended b a l.ugo tiiimhi r of
Hl.itiVcs and fi lends of tho dtte.isod.
Funeials of Chlldieu.
Tho of Hilda, tho filing
phild of Mr, and Mis. Thomas A.
Thoibiiin, was un lipid ;itcidiiv nf
tprnoon fiom the house on roilitpolith
stioct Tlie ii mains win- latin ml In
tho Washburn sttoet citnetii.x.
Tlio i phi litis ot mi Infant tlilld of Mi.
and Mis, Tlioinis DouiliK-, of K.wion
stipot, wtto n No Intel led Mtenlny
Tlio tuitPi il of Mi. and Mis. William
.Millet ' ihlld will take place this af
tPinoon fiom tho hoiiso at Aidibild
initios, lluilal will be niailo In thu
Camliila nmeteiy.
Injuied in a Runaway.
H nt o llottus of Ninth tiiiillold
axpiuip, tlio will-know n attaeho of An
slo's iil.itiltiR mill, tiKUtPii in a llxolv
liiunw.n on Mmi(l.i mid had a naiinw
l Si iiio fiom hPI lolls in lilt v.
11 was diMiiR a sphitPil hotp on
South Wnshlnnton avenue, when tho beratno frightened, and losing
cnntiol of tlio i ill!, Mi. HottPS was
tliiowu out of tlio p1iIiIp. Up was
sIlRhtlv injiiiod, but to u
ioet in a hort time.
Choiis to Meet.
Tin i holts of the Simpson Methodist
KpNiopil i Inn ill, the 1'1 mouth Con- iliurch. tlio Kiist Ilaptlst
tliuiili ind tho .I.tekson street Hap
list i huii h and tin AVashliuin stteet
Perfect Corsets
Incomparable "Redfern" Cor.
sets meet the highest require
ments of the exacting woman of
fashion, The new models are
now in stock.
Straight Pront Corsets, by
all the leadine; makers, in a va
riety of models to lit all tiguies.
Prices from 50c the pair up.
"P. D." Corset Special An
excellent model in a teal $5.25
quality. All sizes today You
take chances it you wait. Spec
ial price $1.50.
Children's Waists and Hisses'
Corsets The most complete line
to bo found in this city, and not
a poor quality or bad style in
the lot, Prices are right.
Corset Prices
for Ladies' Wear
SO Cts to $10.00
I'reihyteilnn church, nre nil to lnp nt
the West Side Union memorial service,
which Is to be hold nt tho Washburn
stteet l'tcshyterliin chut eh.
Tho members ot thot-o cholts nre
requested to meet at tho WuMilwrn
stteet church for leheurnnl, on Wetlne--tin
v evening, September IS, nt 8
riogriunmo for Tomoirow.
Tlie follow lug pioKritmme litis been
iiiiuiiKcd lor the union to be
held In the Wnnhbtlin stteet 1'iesby
tcrlan chilli It loumtiow' afternoon,
coiiiiiiencliiK at 1! o'clock;
OrKtin Mituiitmy; nnthctii, by the
united ( holr; responsive reiidlnp, Itev.
13. A. Hoyl: lijinti, "God .Moves In n
.Mysteilous Way," conKiccitlon; scilp
ture leading, Itev. S. 1 Mathews; an
them, by the iholt; piuvct, :Cv. .laliics
IleiinliiKer: hviuu, "l.pad, Kindly
l.lKht," totiKioBatloii; wctinoii, Itev. It.
1'. McDci molt, player, Itev. Thomas
detiitiihv, I). D.; hymn, "Neater, My
Ood to Tlii'e." cotiKicKHtlon, benedic
tion, Itev. J. P. Moffat, 1). I).
Boys Weie Dlschnigcri.
W. T HwliiRli'. of Not 111 (latlield ave
line, had a number of boys aualKiied
bttiitp Aldetmau ICtllow Monda eve
nlii on the di.iiKo ot stntilltiK tools
fiom IiIm otlHliiii,
Theio was no evldi-nie to hold the
bovs and the aldetmau dhi 1i.iik d the
Tilbune Brnnch Ofllce.
rile public Is it quested to ..end or
leave adv ci Using and news matter fot
ptilillnitlun in tlio Tilbune at the West
Suatitoii blanch olllio In .lenUlns' diuu
stoic i ot tit i of Jlaln avenue and Jack
son stwet It will be i delved their
up to 11 ,10 ) in. and after that can
bo sent illicitly to tlio main olllio on
Washington avenue.
Hot li the new and old telephones are
In the stm i, mid messages over tln
wile will be atti tided to. Oftentimes
news ltiattei left at nthei places which
ate dosed e.ulv In the evening do not
li ai h the p.tpet.
The 'I'tlbiitie invites contiibutluns of
Ii ultimate news mutter, and a vvotd
to the lotiespondent .it an time te
gaiding happenings of Intctest will io
celve Immediate attention. News mat
ter fiom Hellenic and Lliuoln Heights
can be lift at .tusilu Multh's ill tig
stoic, ft oiii West l'.uK and Tiipp Pnik
at "JO Ninth Stimnei avenue, and limit
all otltet iiolnts at .tonkins' dtttg store.
Htni.ill I'iian- one of tin peiniauent
men at the (.'olumbla llos,. company
iiaitirs, has lHtuined home fiom the
Pan-Aiiieilcan iprulton.
Chailes, 111 well-known ctipeti
ti i of Ninth Hiomlej aviiiue, is con
llni il to liis home bj illiiesa.
The diawltig lor $.'0 In gold, for the
benefit of Division No, J,-,. Am lent Ot
dei of lllbotninii", will take place on
Dpi ember 1" The Hist ptl.e will bo
J10, the second ?". and the thltd V:
Itosioe llali It, who lias been lstlng
filitiilj, bete lor "-nine time, left es
terd.ij for his home In the South
IMwaui Davis, of Notth Lincoln av
eiiin. Is lonllned to Ills home b ill-
The Sloan had a meeting In
Kvans' halt last evening, and tlie iiieiu
bets lecelved theli t ut tent winking
The voting people of the Hampton
stnct Methodist l.'iil-c ihuicli icin-
diuted a peanut so. ial and entettaln
mi n t at tho clitmli last evening, vvhlili
was lilatalH patiouled and enjo.vcd
bv all pic-etit.
John I!. Thorn, us, the instuuuic agent,
is spenilliifj a few t,ts at Htitlalii
Wallet I'.atitev and James Me Hate,
ot Ninth stieet have totttined home
finni a si with ftlettds In I.uetne
John T Williams and niothei oTltoik
stteet ate home fiotn a visit In the
tfiutltctn p.ul of the state.
Mi and Ml" M. !'. Hlltlev. or Hoik
stitet .tie eiiteitalnlng Mr. and Mi-.
I'latcnio I!. Maietla. Mis duties
Miihaol and Mi.s Anna Tupiei, all of
Mis Ihniin lVllovvs. of 'I'eiith street.
Is lepoiteel to bo setlouly III at liet
William i' Jones, o fltoek sttoet, Is
teioNciing Horn an attack of iliouma-
Albeit Williams, of South Main ave
nue, wlio w.n Injuied In the mines
lnoiith. Is able to be aioiind again.
Mic H 1. Hvatts, of South Main ave
avinue, Is suffeilng fiom an nuiy to
hi l uielved on Monday wltilo dec
mating In liont of the stoie.
The I'olonlal club opined their danc
ing class in Washington hall last even
ing under the ilirei tlnu of Instructor
Thomas Lewis, of North Scranton.
IP v IVlet Itolietts, of OI phant, for
linilv ot Wist Siianton, incepted
a call to a i hutch In M ihonoj t'lty,
John I William- of Hampton stieet,
ha.s i etui mil homo liom the IMn-Aiiier-lean
Miss Ktiima 'aiey, of Noith Main
avitiue, is visiting relatives In l.u
Zt l lie county.
The Kiinlnle club announce tin It
(list minimal dance at Meais' hall,
Tuesday evening, September -I. Hanoi V
oi ehosti a has been engaged to furnish
the niiisli, and Invitations have been
sfiit to all the piomlnent oung so
nify folk of the city and adjieent
towns The at taiigements ale under
the illiecllou ot tho following well
know n jouug men. Hai t. v A. Mlllci,
ihaiitnan: Itobeit 1). I'ottlt, scitetai.
An It Hi own, Fioil St long, Hdwatd
Allilotf llentv Hi lining. H.uiv J. n
kins, David Williams, Jtuput Thomas,
and Unwind Williams.
Mi John l.ovetlng and dnughtei,
Hll'abeth. of (licpinvood, visited IiIchUh
on this (c jesteidaj.
Mis. (iillllths, of South Main ave.
nue, has lotiuned fiotn South Walts.
Mr. and Mis. John J. Jenkins weie
visiting relatives on this tddo Saturday
Mr. and Mis. Cioiucr Williams and
child, of Middle (iianvllli, N. Y., who
have been tho guests of Dr. and Mi.
J J. Hobeits, of South Main nvenue,
K tin lied home jesteiday.
The tnaiiiago of lleiuge Howell and
Ml.s Anna Dagger will take place at
noon today at the home of the bticle
elect's paients on South Main avenue
Itev. S. r. Matthews, of the First Rap
tlst i hui ch, will pei form the ceremonv.
Homy McMahon, of North Suanton,
aged 17 yenis, was ictclved at tho West
Side hospital jestenlay with a com
pound fracture of tho nun He was
Injuied whllo at vvoik In the mines.
Tho following West Suanton ladles
spent jestenlay with old filends at
I'lttston. Mis. Allen, Mis. i:ans,
I) In itore for ill who use Kcmp'j njluin for
the Throat ind Lunej, tlio eieat euJiantccd
remedy, Would jou lelleio llut it Ii told en
IU merits and any dmssUt Ii aulhorltcd liy tho
proprietor of Ihli wonderful remedy to glte you
tatnple bottle fteet It never falls tu cure
cuto or ehronio cougln. All dtu.'sUU ell
Kemp's Pike J5c. and Wc.
A Lending Physician nt Last Dl.
covers tho Remedy.
l)t. ltudolph Schlffmann, ot St. Paul,
Minn., who In the rctognl.eil authority
on tin oat and lung diseases, and who
In thlity eaiH of pint the hits un
doubtedly flouted and cured mote
cases of Asthma than any llvlnt: phy
sician, makes the astounding state
ment that ho has at last dlscoveied
a leinedy which not only gives lu
stnnt relief In tho vvoist cases of Asth
ma, Hay Fever and Hioitchltls, but
efietts cures, where all other tieat
meiits have failed. Such Is the confi
dence of this phslolan In his dlscov
oi y that ho has authoiled the im
notinceiiient that all day tomonow ho
will give ftee of c lunge a llbeial
sample package of his lemedy to ev
eiy stiffeter who applies at Matthew h
Hi o' dine; stoic, ;t.'o Lackawanna,
Tho-e living out of town will be
sent a fue sample up to September
21st. If lliey will cue lose n Jc. stamp
to Dr. It. Sthlrrmanu, STO Jackson
stieet, St. Paul, Minn.
Mm. Hvnoti, Mis. Dr. Hvnn, Mis. Mat
how, .It. Williams, Mis. Pi he. Mis.
Mooio, Mis. Hugliis. Mis. Williams.
A nilnci liaiiud Halt:', was Injuied
whllo at wotk In the Sloan mines yes
tPlilnv. lie was taken to the Moses
Ta.vloi hospital.
Mi. and Mis. Thomas Tony, of Sum
ner avenue, tup eiiteitalnlng Mis. J. i
Jaikoii and duitghter Catheilne, of
George Howell, of Vlntondalc, Is 9.
llliig his slstet, Mis. Jin Pilre, of
Lincoln avenue.
.Mis. Flank Hoiiion and daitghteis
Maltha and Mlldied, ot Hallstcad, tue
Msltlng filend.s lu town
Miss Anna Mot gaps, (1f Viutondale,
has l etui nod homo fiom a visit with
filends hue.
McKlnley Memoilal Seivlces Will
Be Held in Piesbyteiian
Church Tonight.
An Inteiestliigand popular Mi Klnlev
memoilal seuit(. m i. j1P,j ,,w
evening in the ,ug Sunda.v s, i,uo
rooms of the Piovldeme Pies-b teilan
chiin h. Dr. (iulld will picsldo'ainl a
niiinlxr of btlcf addresses and otliT
apptoptlate eenst.s H iJO IPoinl
nent fe.ituies of the .seiviio Tlie set -vlie
Is lot the public In and
w ill take the plai o of tho ro( ommended
momoilal .sei(es (f Tliuis
dav. A loinmlttie has been appointed to
Mlltablj (ipcor.tt1 the iootn of the
lunch Let the people. s, far n, they
can make It convenient, unite In this
sonlie, with li has boon so urgently
lciommcndid bv Piesident lloos.olt
in his pi oi tarnation a few das ago.
The Pi m idem o Woman's ln 1-tl.iti
Tempeianio union will meet In the
Ptovliletiie chiin li aftei ni.ieni ,n..-.i.
lug tills evening. Di legate's M u.
elected foi the convention, b onlet of
tue presiiient.
Mis. J D Hioiison of South ('anaan,
is the guest of Mi. and Mis. Hatty
Simons, of ciinti h avenue.
The union ei v li o In tuenioiv of
Piesident William MoKlnlev vvlll lie
liold at the Piovldence Methodist Kps.
i opal church tomonow morning at
in.iO o'c Im k. Itev. It. W. CI met , pas
tor ot Hie clnlstlan ihunh, and Itev.
Albeit Hatchet Smith pistol of the
Noith Main Avenue Haptlst ihunh.
Will make tho nddlessps. Music up
in opt kite fot the soivlie will be tcn
lietod by the combined clloils of tlie chun Ii
A spoilal set ,o v I,,, held on
'I liursda.v afternoon nt tho Mpinotinl
Haptlst i bun h. i otnineiii lug at S p.
in, In niemoiy ot Piesident MiKlnlev.
The pta.vets will bo Intel spot s'cd with
lemaiks fiom the pastot, Itev. W. I".
D.ivles, and membeis of the eongiega
tlou. Hey. Di. It A. Tot it v, the well
known lottuiet, of Chliago, who Is
on one of his loctuio loins, spoke last
evening tit Hie Noith Main Avenue
Kaptibt tabeinaile befoio a laige an
dleitio on 'Tlie .liistliiiatlon b r.iltli."
deeply Inteii'sting all who hc'.ud him.
Dr. Tot icy will be at tho t.iliet na, lo
evciy evening of the ptosent week
fi. W. Davis. Chat lis Kenwood and
11. I.'. Ot Klin will dose theli di tig stoics
fiotn Jil i in. to 1 Jli p. in. net Tliuis.
ihl oil in count ot l hu plesilonfs
Last evening the Noi th Ihul stats
basket ball team ami the Minonkii
Slais plaed a mmv Inlet estlug game
of basket bill at tlio Audltoi Itiui. At
llio end of the second half of the
game the sicne stood 7 to 1 In favoi
of tho Stais
Toinniiow at J u loe k the lunches
in town will combine and hold a union
soi Ice In the Methodist chin ih. c om
incinotative of tho death of Piesident
McKlnlej, Addi esses will bo made bv
lite dlffeietit pislois and an aiigmeni
ed choir w 111 be piesont.
The boiough sihools will i lose on
Thuisihiv. In the inoinliig the s, hol
ats will all asspinhie in theli vittlous
looms and the toacheis will hold ev
en Wes comuieiiior.itlve ot the prcM
dent's death until 10 o'clock
All stoics and baihei shops aie dis
playing notlies that they will be closed
all day Thuisilay.
The Wnnipn's Foiolgn Mlfcsionaiy
society or tho Piesbvtetlan iliunii
will hold its annual lallv day ineetlng
at the homo of Mrs. Susan Nvo on
Thtusday aftPrnoon at L'.KO oMciik.
The Young Ladles Mission clielowlll
meet with Miss Lvdla Fairer, of Cher
iv stieet, on 1'ilday aftenioon nt I
o c lot k.
Walter Shaipo, of Apple stieet. Is
convalesilng after n leeent lllne-swllh
James Tuinbull, of tlinve sttoet, who
has been connected with the Si i anion
Stove woiks dining tho past thlity
eais, on Saturday last leslgned his
position and will spend his leiiialulng
day III letlieinent fiom active laboi.
Pievlous to his departure ho was pie
spuIciI with a handsome Koid watch
and chain by his formeis emplo)ets
as a maik ot their appieclation of his
long set vice.
John Hiowti, of Haiper stieet. left
yesteiday for Holy Cioss aiadeiuy,
wheie be will lesnino his studies.
Misses Kiitlo iVMiilley. Mattle KpIIj
and Hose McDonald ictuinod to their
studies at Stioiidsbure school
lleiuy C. Dieyer, tho well known
bailtoue, lea vca today for Huston,
wheio ho lias i etched a veiy llattci
Ing offer,
Cctcmony Was roiformcil nt the
Bride's House by Rev. F. P. Doty.
Funerals of Ralph Kelly and Lydla
Kcllcrman Suipilso Tarty Ten
deted to Miss Mamie Vockioth of
Plttston Aventto by Her Filends.
Ticket No. 10 Wou Glass Tea Set
nt St. Faul's Church Fair.
At tho homo of Joseph SIcmuiii, Pfll
Sloctim avenue, on Mondav, Miss Jen
nlo 11. Slociitn was mairled to Koitr.v S.
Webb, of lll Mousey avenue, by p.
-Mr. and Mis. Webb ale spending
their honeymoon at tho Pati-Amcili ait
and at poluta In Not thorn New Yoik
and Canada. Mi. Wc lib Is one most
widely known et the coips of lustnii
tois of the International Conespond
elico .schools.
Two runcmls.
The futietal of Kulph Kelley. the
fouiteon-.veat-olil boy who mot dentil
bv being tun over by a Dolawan and
Hudson tialu Satliiday, took pa o
esteiilay afteiiioou at 2.r.0 o'clock, and
was vciy laigelv attended by the
filends and lelatlves of the be leaved
family ami the connades of the de
ceased voting boy to take a list view
of tltolr dopaitcd fi lend. Sen lies oer
the I cumins weie held at tlio family
lesldoitio on Fig stnct. aftei wlthli
tho icnialiis vvcio taken to Heiiiik
Ceiitte for lutei im nt.
Set vices ovei the u mains of LmIh,
the seviMi-moiithh-iild daughter of Mi
and Mis Peter Kolleiman. were held
vestenlay aftpinoon at S SO o'cloik at
the family tesldenco on Cedar avenue
bv Itev. J C. Schmidt, pastor of ti.
Hlrkoiv sited Haptlst i hutch. Intel
ment was made In the Plttston uvonuo
Suipilso Faity.
A pb ts.iiit suipilso paitv was ten
ihtnl to Miss Mamie Vockioth of
Plttston averiuo last evening bv n lium
bei of her ft lends on her lotitin Horn
New Yin It city wheio she had bei it
visiting for tlie past few months Tho
evening was whlled awav in ginies
singing ami dancing and at a lit
hour lelieshnirnts weie si r cd.
Those ii esc ut vvetp Miss F1.I01I i
Hews. Lottie Miller, llmnii AViith.
Katie Hlilhaidt, lilt Chase, LUio
Si lu 11k. Floien Khln, Laddie V01 k
10th Lena Sclioiti, Canlo Kelp, Ld
lle Vockioth. Helen Khln. Alnellii
Hlatlei. Anna Haas, K.itle Hun,
Chat his Schneldei. tiooro Oshwlndt,
John Halm, Chailes Hotgliausei W II
II 1111 Hellly, Chailes Dleknian, Joseph
.nig. C, (Itltllth. William Kicssier,
Aitliltr litlggs. Chailes Si hem k, Wil
liam Hgan, and Adam Man .
Pali iik l'laheitv. a fm mm student
of Stioudsliutg school, visited
that Institution ditiing tho week
.Mi. ami Mis. P.itthk O'Domtell and
famll.v. of New Votk. ate the guests
of their inothet on Hliney aviiiin.
Mis Anna (VMiillov, of this side
has lett fot a stunt visit with H lends
at Cleveland, Ohio.
Miss Maggie Huiett. of clirm
stieet, Is visiting tileuds at C.11I1011
ilale. Tho tnenibeis of the Jainos Comioll
lodge. No lTn, Independent itulii of
Odd Fellows, win meet 111 legulai s, .
slon this e Piling,
Miss C.oitiudo Spiay, of Oakland
Calltotiila, is vl-ltlng li lends 011 Pitts,
ton avenue.
Louis S.tnftoti, of HonoMlali . called
on South Side ft lends dining the week
Tlio Mlssos Jennlo Ciopcloii, .! ss(.
MiOcddllek. Fiances Mojeis ami c e
iclla Ham It ato visiting ft lends at
lieotge Itelf, eiT I'lospeit nvenue, lias
letitiniil fiom a ten dajs stay at lite
Pali-Amei lean.
At Si Paul'b ilmiili fair last own
ing a glass tea hH was won by ticket
No la The holder of the same i,m
call and get his pi io Hum ativ tin tu
ber of tlio eotnnilttop. Fildav nli,ht
Is .lunger Miiminei) hoi night ami Sal
iiid.iv evniins tin' Ta.vloi band will
The tiollev i.aitv which was to 1
given tomoiiow night by Mt.Sihwenk
ei and .Miss Moitsl h,is li, , 11 postponed
011 account ol the death ot the piesi
dent. The Ladles auxlll.uv of lite Hlckorv
Sttett I'tesbj letlaii 1 hun it will 1 on-
dllct ultolloe pttiv tills atteinnon The
paily will leave f inner Plttston ,i,
llllo and Hinli stteet at 'i 'ill o'c lot k
llio .Misses Amelia K ell, Anna
Faust Mate Wit til and Mut Hi 1 Nun't
hav lotuinod limn a tmi-oay visit in
New Yin I; ell.v.
Mrs John (lllbildo and dauglitoi
Ida, ot N. V have letutind
I101110. after a .seven weeks' stay with
ft lends 011 Flu Mi ot.
Miss (letlle HoNoniamp of Ashlov
Is visiting Miss LIk.Ic OII111.1, on
Plttston av 'line.
The inembets of tho (j m Sm I il
1 lub will hold a soi ial at Win Mm;,
man's hall Monday evening. Sept. J :
Thomas (I'Kaia, of Plitso 1 neniie,
Is visiting filends In New York iltv
l!" 1 1. J. Hustln. of tlio
pieaiheil the si 1 moil at tho l'otty
1 louts' devotions in St. John's iliunii
last nlglit. Th" devotions will close nt
S o'clock this mniulng with a solemn
hJgh 111 iss Monday night the serun 11
was by Itev. J. J.iiiMln, of the ( h -dial
who took lor his tet the wo Is
"What doth it pioilt a man to gain
tho whole wotld and lose hln boitl,"
W II P 1 k. of avenue, left
jestenlay for Huffalo.
Mis. lieotgo D. Hi own of Sander
son avenue, has as her guest, Mis. t
S. Hogait. of Mlddletowii, N. "i
T. H. Jackson of Mousey avenue, Is
contlneil to his home by Illness.
All liieoii HlelRp ding stotes will b"
closed Thuisilay fiom 'I to 1J a. m.
and 1 to i p. in, mid open lu the
A vciy piottv ilitiieh wedding took
pi, lie last ev oiling at St. Paul's 1 lunch,
when Miss Maud McIIiirIi, clatlglitei of
Hlehanl Mi Hugh, and Joseph W. Ma-
ho f Oljpintnt. weie uiiitd lu uiat-
liiiKC, by Hey. . J Mi Matins, pastoi
ot the chuii li. The bilde, who was 111
tended bv Miss Maiv (iunoll us hi Ides,
iniild, entoiecl the ehuiili on the turn
of Iter father, and was nut at tlio
altar by th gloom and his host man,
Thomas IIorhii The bildestnald, who
pi ei cited the bildc, wa diessed in pluk
IiiiimIowiic, tilnimed with dm boss l.u e,
and eat 1 led a shower boiiitiet of pink
carnations. The Inirto's dtcss was
white oiubiolilerpd chlfloii, over white
taftctu, ami waa tiliumvd with velvet.
Funeral We Will Close our store all Day Thursday.
Art Goods Sale
Continued Today
The scope of the bargains that this sale offers
is best understood when wc state that the
former selling prices of the goods were three
and four times more than they are now.
Brisk business yesterday in the Art Goods De
partment in spite of tlie rain storm. No wonder we
are kept busy, for bargains such as this sale con
tains does not remain long without purchasers.
Again today we resume an interesting
value-giving in Art Goods of every descrip
tion. These values should strongly appeal
to ladies who delight in adorning their homes.
Skein Silk, Tassels and Cords
IhiibioldPiv silks In many iliffci
cnt eolois w 01 th Oi.
rainy whlti build that sills for
f tents
xsoitcil lot of .vain, vvoith fiom
lu to Hi
l.lnell floss foi embtoldeiy. All
eolois of these Woith mote than
1 sod tor nigs nnd 1 m tains
Pa own and gat net eolois Values,
l"a , jiii ami .'"ii
Pain v upholsteiv tii ds in niaiiv
dllleteut (olois wot til 1" and JOc.
Sill; tassels ami bells for fincy
wotk in handsome shades, woith
1 ie to 2."i ,
Fin 1 iishlon and fancy vvoik,
woith mote than double
Hunch eds of Laundty Birs Hemstitched. Bureau Scarfs
Stamped do. lies Embtoldeiy Linens White uncovcied Cushions
Satin covcied cushions and othei nttlcles of ait can be purchased
at this sale for less money than they cost the makeis. Don't
delay, as a chance like this
1 to Lopg's Sods I
Hv a iei nt ait nf the IcrisI.i
tine lice tulilon is now sianted
ai the
Literary Institute
State Normal School
Bloomsburfr, Pa.
to ill thcM ptepailiiK to tea. b
This echool maintain 1 oiii-cs
ol sttld lot iciulieix. lot tlincp
ptepailiiK foi 1 oIIprp, and 11 r
tho-i sttUlV lilt? Illlfle
It HI I l lO Willi tT Hill l'l"N
el lii r M.h '1 oflrts . h 11 fciu , 11 ir a'l'' at u-li lu" Klii Viiln 1
J. T. Welsh, J.M, Ph. D., Priii
I r pmti tii ku 11 I ml ptjf Muto nil
)lrn I'l 1 il li tin uz Mjh I 1 i -r. '
IlI.eN M IhJUltlK, Kill I IJll'U 0l II
at iii mi I (. in alii
S. A. Doolittle,
S' lan V' mi llni.l irntin, N V
Vissahickon Heights, Chestnut Mill, Pal
A lionnliiic ilioel for t ill tlie clrealcil
niulliinuiititl oprn connin norlli of l'lilli
letplili v ndiiiili s from llro.ul st Mntion
I'or citaloRiics scMicx
JAMES I.. PATTCUSON, llead.Masttr.
T 1 lo.tir, 1'icnJcnt. 1 inur II Iimll, Ircif
II J lo.tir, Manl P. Alien.
Vice I'niltlrnt. Si-crctiry.
Sho woio a i olliir of lui-i' nnd i. tilled
n boinntit ol liiliil tn'ii .t tin'
i iimliiflon uf llio lOirmtmv, mi cdalini
nti' woildhiK cllnuir was miviiI nt thf
lionif nf the InldeV I'tltR, on Adittns
iivpuup 'I lit ouiiK ioiiilo loft on .1
iiti tiiiln for nil PNlPinlod vvrililliiR
ttlp. v hlili will Im lildo .V' w niklt.
Xpvvhureh, Alh,iu.v and I.hbi ilomai
.Mi .Million In a ili.iinilni; nilltR l.ulv,
ilm whs ptonilncnt In 1 Inn idi nnd --o.
1 Ial I'liclos, nnd lmi' lnihli,tiiil is nuo
uf Ol.vih.ini' most pi)tciiilhliih' otimj
All momlii'iM of the On en HI1I15P Wo
ni'ins I'hilstliin Temioi,ini o union 1110
mitii'titod to It- iiipsont at tlio nii'ot
Im," at tho homo of .Mt. ,1 V. 1 low oil
this ttfti'iiiooii. an dPlcKiitcH tu tho
count) convention nn lu lio elected.
Mtf. M. A. I.vnott and dniiKlilei, Ak'
m s, nf SiimleiKtiii tivenue, hiivti 10.
tut nod from a four vveeKh' May nt
Km k.ivvay Hoik li.
Miji. Pi, ink Hnnlley, of Now Yoik
ell, is tho Biiest of Mm, Tinviihonil
J'noip, nf ('ajiuilHo aveiiuo.
Atuhioxo Hpi'iu'or. Jr , of WntdiltiRtnii
uvenue, cuic'ied Lufajette colleeo ea.
To 3"'f'"-' oasenve the DAr op
the Uatc President McKinlcv
Miscellaneous Ait Goods.
Silk loidod tuswols, ifjc: leguliir
pi ii e, "Ik , in assented handsome)
eolois, used for cushions.
Fancy Tilnged Tablo Covers, 10c.
Was liV.; In plain unci fancy pat
terns and good size.
Battcnbcig's Patterns Just Half.
A huge, Muled assortment. Tho
piiies plalnl maikcd. Pay Just
Fnncy Knit Biucau Scaifs, 30c.
I'oiiner pike, iVic. A vciy hand
some 111 lb lo foi tho house and
neer offeicd so low In ptlcc,
Biucau Scaifs, 10c.
nebular 3'ti. TIiim Siaifs with
mats to match, lautv tullliil ciIrc.
25c. for Table Coveis.
Stamped fiinged tabic covets,
woith 40c
50c. Scaifs, 29c.
.stamped I.incn Huteaii Scaifs ot
electant deslKlis.
A Matchless Bargain.
Cushion top, ns'-otted patteins,
woith It 0111 ,'0e to Toe. All ro at
may never occur again.
Lyceum Theatre
Vt ill I1- Irw an! Miiua 1
A I III II , Ilu Vfanijct
(Wednesday, Tonight)
Jefferson De Angelis
t 1 1 p 1 Mruni I Ik iff r
11 " il iti 1 ill I Iv l I1mhm1i on at omit
nf I'MHitttni Mi hml v s 1'intul Nuti are Hon
1 11 itlf
Friday and Saturday Nights and
Saturday Matinee,
llVliltV VI Villi II, jrcnl. 1 r lljiitifi p.
DmiiMimI fnni il r nj r ili mine name
I nl n?f I . tin i I iH t i t i '1 hoininii q
a Uk -imnoi an I in f mipi i"iw irliii iui
Vh ol th j.- M inin Mt in in I ?
tin il rtrntx
I'llll h I in i,.'. , A . nil -! U1
IIIM, MltlK Im 1 tlr M iK lit li h ill Oil V
ui (lildiin i nn nut M Ii'min,' 1j( ,
V 11 i I Mil WniTH rj IL ') a III
Academy of flusic
M III I- I , i- V J lliirii JUnijrr.
The Myiklc-Hiuder Company
vimim t. lonvv,
Tho Power of Love,
Knohs of Tenncbsce.
Mil i , r l'r i r-. HI, ll 1 1 hi J
I i' nine I'M" - I", i. I' ' ""
N i, Il r ill, n,i will f .1 il nil lai lliiirH
iln mi i ml nt I'u -!l in VI ImtiIiv lunoMl
M I 1. Ill IMIISI.ION, VUnit.iT
It 1 Itllo It ..Mill 11.
M ml i s ih mtifi t hi
"Ittetiy Maidens lUule&qucrs.
VI urn - VI niin in I Vlnlni mI.u
titilnv Mi potiopf was ,1 niomlirp
of tin 1 l.iss of pmi Kiaduatoil liom the
Hiliuol of tin It, kiivvaun,!.
"Vi:. l,i:i:, ncod .S vr.tts who hT3
hoon tut ,t 1 111 m lio i- of jears pniplovod
iih c'o.uliman by (l 8 Johnson, died
laM itiKlit at the I..icknvi,tniM hospital
of tjphuld fovot, The doi.'.thod was a
son of Mr. anil' .Mm. Hartley of
ln.'li Cipotiso a v 011110, both of whom
Mil vivo him The rnnoial announce,
ment will lie made l.uet.
Ml'MlAIM, MAM.nV. of SO l.'mmet
Mtet, died at his home jesfcrday
inmuliiij. lie Is survived by his wife
Tim funeitil announcement will be
made later.
Tho fiiinMal ot Hie late. Wllllftm C
Jotio.s will take plate 11 1 2,7) o'clock
thlst afternoon rutin the linn on
Aiker tivoiiiie, Intoimeiit will be nude
In 'JtllburIV slicct ccmiLtciy,