The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 18, 1901, Page 5, Image 5

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Has No Equal
Watch thi3 spaco Thursday.
Foote & Shear Co.
JJ9N. Washington Ave Q
Everything for the Baby
Airy fail y graceful-dainty
charming little garments es
pecially designed to captlvato
tho mother and win trade
we'vo a glowing demand for
such goods wo want to meet
you. A few moments Inspection
of these garments will convince
you of their merit. A lino to
us will lning a catalogue.
Th? BabyBazaar,
510 Sptuce Street.
i . ki
ll nil m
I! i I liege C.nod lRht
n l"r i c riclit
C P luMs l"i ,.l, If
(. I III MM l l r Pr--.
II M lU- Ij.tucr.
Pllil ( inn
f ! I n P la '.pra.ilf
I I I) i li ,i I II lln n,
n f -,i II W l'tmii,
l U ill , M I II 1
V I 1 ill- n V I nr l t
1 ( i) v r I M I' ( irlrr
I tank I nllira, of tpimo Mrcet, lat PufTalo.
t'r Winrbrike lin returned from a ten dijs'
nut in viontrcal, Caiiida,
M' I Imlc 'villager ami f unity hive returned
fmni an rxti nded l.uropean tour.
1 iiml Ml?. 1 A. I irmell li io returned
fi mi the I'.ui ami Ni.ieiri 1 ill..
M . C . llosirt, of Middletnwn, V v. , l
I nc rntcitalned by Mia. (itcice li. Drown, of jienuo.
Mr an I Mrn. .1, 1!. Milium, of Vnrth W'n'i
in. i r nomin, aio pruilni; a week with, tiicndi
at N v oik uiul Itiuokl.wi
W M i i l.ibhnny. of A.h Mioft, anil Cfnrcc
11.. ii if ( dpnuw .iicuiii', arc viewing tho w m
t 'tho Pari Vliiorlcin export i,m.
M hi I Mi. William Warner scl VIim I ilhin
P if ln, of Quincy aicnue, lift jc.teidn f.v
ncfki' vilt at tho Pin imrkati ami
(.i li
V vniia L Thrum, daughter i f mt
In n t Utnrnrv U (..ilnnl 'llimni. ami Mm
Ji-nn f Tum, iliiightrr of Willi mi T. pauea,
f W isiihinn Kirrot. l. ft jctcrdj to cm r
W n I'lllcsr, .it I lunili i-Iiurj
1 e 1 I lie,' Vld anclntv nf the , nW I m
v -t rlmnli niff . vuth lu lluinmm, 'i.l
N'n 1 ik stieci, (.rem Huh. , jftu
)) n
John F. Lukncs Is Held In 51,000
Bail bv Aldetman Kasson.
J nli n V Lukiics was held In Jl.nriO
rrni lv IiIpi iiMii K.i-son vesteidavto
ins.. a ilinigf nf ciiibcilciiicnt pic li .Inlin Mm tin, president nf
M Piter iiml Paul's Unsvlau (lulu,.
iin iiiopk I'uilifilk' soiietj,
nf v , -t Hi lantern.
Luk.ics llvi'M mi Twentv-seiond stiff t
nnd it It, alleged that he has kept J'.ftO
will li ihiiip Inin liln hands while art
lilt; m jip(lileiit iiml c iihlilor nf tlm
roikty, Tho an ukpiI adinlts Ii.uIiir
Ihp mom ; s, Inn daliiis tlio light to
holil It.
In .ii contain o with tlu iuiii lamiitlnn
of Up jirr-slili'iit nf tho Viiltoil Ktatos
Jilirl nf tho (lOllUlf nf leiui. J illllll ,
m r i, , , rnniiiiriiioiMtHo of the iloath
nf mir Into liroildont, William Mc Kln
lc will ho hold at tho Flist I'roshy
Umii (huiili. WiibhlriKtoii inoiiuc, at
11 n in, TlmiKliiv. Sopt lfl, 1901. All
jipim-iiik mo inidlally Invited.
In inw nf this nipc-tliu; on Thur
ri. tho WoihiPMlay riulng prayor
mooting fin this wool? will ho ninlttod.
j. S-'"0 pnn-OH for hoi so moos at
tho Wist Pltthton fair, Sopt. 17-20.
We Have For Sale
nark K t-tnrr Tnliauio (o ulnck.
f'n.umcri lie ami I ( tOL.
(-, rarii'in PeiMins Co .t, k
Watir honil'. tti'li Hint imnin
llrtwri Imniii JI.UlllB atlllnft T
ionnn I , II '' 'o bonl.
rir Hand ii 1 nnil Milk Co mo, k.
Title i.uarantcc TliM Co fctoik
nought, (old and ciilinifccil
F. E. Comegys & Co.
Ditno Pink Uuilillns, birantnn.
We Want to Buy
I'nilfd fiiilA" I.mnliir Co totk,
(ollirty I nt'lniir ( i. Hoik.
St rani' n linMIri; to Moik
f laik K Nioir lohauo In flock.
S ranion Molt and Nut Co Hoik,
Suanton Iron lime Mftf to. mock.
(.rtanton xln Works nock
lckaann Dairy Co flcik,
fvianlon DrilllnL Co nock.
Nfw Mrxiio Ilv and ( Co, ktock
Lackut TruU and hafe Pfp Co, tlock
County 8avinga and Trust Co, Hock,
nimr Ptpoalt and Pia Hank Mock.
Tradm' National panic Hock,
People Hank nock,
Details Aio Being Aiiangcd by a
Committee of Clcigymen and Lay
menMeetings Will Bo Held in
Armory, and Will Be Non-Partisan
and Unscctarlan Bishop Ho
bnn and Recorder Council to Speak.
Theio Will Bo a General Obsetv
ance of tho Day.
The clvli and lollclnus soiillnicnt of
the people nf tlil Wly lit this hour
lit tip II llinll 1 MlllDW Is lo ho o-
ptoaMd innioiiou nlijht at a Kioat
lnootMiK i i ho hold in tho spacious now
Amp i
Tin rhi'i.iI s'litlment of tlio cltltous
nf tho ,i( soi'incil to be so strnilRolV
in fnui if huslug a puhlli'
iiiortuip in honor of the lmirtyied
president, that seveial of tlio Killing
clorgMiion of the city mot yosterd.iy
innrning In 8t. Iaiiko's palish house
nml begun tho woik. of nrranglng for
siii li a gathcilng.
The ilorginen who mot together
woio. l!e. V)i iitogpiH lmael, toctor
of bt Luke's) cliuioh; Itov. .1. A.
O'Rolllj, rector of St. PpIci'm cathe
dral, Itov. Dr. c. 10. J'.nblnoii, pastor
of tho I'lrst Proiln chuivli: Row
Dr. Hoboit V. Y. I'loioo, paxtor of tho
1'oim aVvoiiup H.iptlstc-liuuh, and Itov.
12. H Singer, ansltant pastor of the
lalm Park Motliodlst episcopal ohm eh.
These cloigyinoiii, after electing Dr.
Tsi.iol as chairman, decided to rail to
their assistance a lay committee con
sisting of Captain Dolpli H. Atherton,
Colonel Ilonnan O.sthaus and A. 11.
Stoeiix This ooniinlttoo will have
charge of the atiangeincnts at the Ar
mory Mich as .seating accomoilatlons
mid dri orating, while the committee of
iloigMiion will arrange the older of
eeules and other details.
fipnx to Tin: I'l',
The mooting Is to lie open to tho public unci it is earnestly hoped
and i pri tod that citizens ftom all
pails of the city will join together
li unking the gathering one of the
1 irgo.t lit the hlMory of the city. TIioio
x loom In the Armory for l.'.OOO peo
pl , and It ts believed that theie tdtould
bo at lo.nt half that number In at
t inlanci
Tim Thli toenth leglinent will be
pnsont In a bodv, as will nlso the two
(li.itid tiny of the nepiiblle jiosts mid
( amp No i .-oils if Veterans. An
offot t will bo mad' to both
IJatloi's band and Law lonce's band
join togetlior In. giving a Killed con
teit pi lor to the opening of the eor
cies anil In icndeilng holectlons dur
ing the night.
The ooiol.sos me to begin at 7 1"
o'clock mid 'w 111 bo presided over by
Cougio'-Mnmi Willl.iiu Council, should
he aicopt the Invitation of the com
mittee to act ns chairman. Rev. Dr.
Ihiael will pronounce tho Invocation,
nnd there will be live addret-bos. Only
two of tho spoakeis have .so far been
decided upon. These are lit. Rev. M. .1. lloban, who will refer to
the nresd"nt's life and death from the
Christian M indixiint. and Recorder
William la Connoll, who will t-peak on
behalf of the city
The pipsideut's favoille li.vinns,
"Load, Klndlv Light" and "Xeaier Jly
Cod To Thee" will be Ming by tho Holy
Name society of St. 1'etoi's c.ithdral,
assisted by any of the choir singers
fioin the initial ity i hurchos who
mav volunteer their sot vices. The
Holy Nmno s-oclety's lendltiou of t..i
cied selections, under the dliectlon of
Rev. .L A. O'llellly. Is something so ln
spliing that It never falls to leave a
lasting linpio.sslon upon evoiy peison
homing them.
The platfoim eiected In the mmory
for the lonvontlon of the State League
nf Republican clubs will be onlaigod
Miflli It utly to iiiiomiiiodato not only
the slngtis, but nNo all the c itv and
county ofllclaN, Including the membeis
of the oehool lio.ii d and both branches
of lounclls. The platfoim will be
hoavilv dinped with lilac 1;, as will also
the oMoiior of the auuoiy.
The Intei national Coiiespondence
Schools' Social, RenoIUIal and Rduta-
tlonal association, which comprises In
lis iiiombeihlp nil of the local cm
ploves of the schools, had aiianged
to a hold n ineinoilal mooting toinoi
nivv night, also, and had even gone
mi far ns to engage the Lyceum thea
ter. When the gentlemen having the
affair In ihaice learned yostoiday that
aiiangoinents woio under way for a
still laigor meeting at the mmory they
klndlv and magnanimously decided to
give up their mooting and co-operato
in making the big mooting a sun ess.
The holding of tho big meeting vlll
not at all lnteifeie with the services
which have boon ni ranged for Thins
day In the . ii ions (lunches of the
illy A penoial union soivke of all
the i:auBelliaI e lunches In the cen
tial p.ut of the city will bo held to-
nioiiow moinlng nt 10 SO o'clock In tho
Rim Pink Methodist I'.piscopal chuiih.
Rev. L. R. Singer, uslhtunt pastor,
will have ihargo of the ser
vice, while the seiiuon will bo dollv
r l'il by llev. Dr. Robert V. Y. riono,
pastor of the Pcnn aVvcnuo R.iptlst
chin ill
The Italian cltl.ons of the ity hold
n mooting jesteiday afternoon In Cas
sesse's hall, cm l.,u kavvanna avenue,
to take some action on tho death of
President McKlnloy. Tho following was sent to Pichldent Roose
velt Siraiiton, Pi , Sept 17, 1'nM
To lln I'xrrllrncv, Theodore ltoociclt, Pritnlcnt
rf tho I nitrd Mates,
Pear Mr: Tho Italiini of Sc ronton air- deeply
affluted at the atrocioiu aij.lnaton of their
beloved pronlcnt, Wllllain MiKinlcy, and they
dejlrei to rxpieM to our rmcllrncy t lje i r fjin
pathv and their ilrtntion to jou at their nciv
It was decided to havo a special
memoilul (soivlco In St. Lucia's church
on Chestnut street toniouow morning
at 10 o'clock, when high muss will
bo celeln.ited. In tho afternoon at '2
o'clock a meeting will bo held In Cas
scsso's hall when addresses will be
made by Dr. Vlllane, Prank f'urlucvl
and Joseph Casscsse,
Tomorrow will bo observed as a nie day In every mine, mill and
shop in tho Lackawanna valley, and
many otders to that effect havo al
ready boon posted at arlous collloiles
and tshop. At every colliery oper
ated by tho Delaware, Lackawanna
and Wi stern company, tho following
notice -was posted conspicuously yes
terday: Thursday, bVpt. 10, ,!uvlns been appointed hy
President Roosevelt a a day of mourning lor
President McKlnley, thli colliery will be Idle on
hit daj. U, l;, bneltlit, Snpt.
The Lackawanna car and maclilnn
shops, the Anierlntti Locomotive
woiks, tho .Mils-Chalmers company's
shops and the Pinch Mnehlno shops,
together Willi all of the smaller plants
In the city, will 1)3 closed up In defet
etioo to the pioilmuatlou of the presi
dent. Only woik that Is absolutely neces.
sary, such as the handling of passen
ger tralllc and perishable freight, will
bo done on the Lackawanna, Dela
ware anil Hudson and Central Rail
road of New Jersey. all of tho olllocs
of these companies will also bo closed
during tho day.
The following older to tho Thirteenth
regiment was Issued yesterday:
Hcadqiiirteri Thirteenth llpglmcnt, Third Prb
gadc, X. (I P.
Sainton, Pa , Fept. 17, 1001.
Iteclmenlil Orders No. Wl.
The ll Id, Half, non conimtMloned M,iff, hint,
I Iret and Ihitd Inttilions "III awemldc nt the
Armor, Tliurwh), Vpl. It, to attend the er
Vic en In ineinoiy ol the lato prenldint of tin
I lilted ".tite
Pino nnllorin, cipi and Rhite plovei ill he
Aiwrmtily will be loini'led at 7 TO p in
Ilv order of It Col. I'. W. Sllllttell.
I). It Atherton, Adjutant. Commandlnff.
Secietary K. D. Fellows, of tho
school boird, csterday sent out a cir
cular letter to tho principals of all
tho public schools, notifying them of
the action of the board In oiderlng
the schools elosod on Thursday and u -questing
them to see that the schools
are opened piomptly jit the usual hour
on that day and that brief appiopriate
rterclsos be gone through with befoio
dismissing tho pupils.
Prof. Jolln, h of thp high
school. Is having a thousand eoplo.i of
the dead president's two favorite
hymns, "Xeaier My Ood to Thee" and
"Lead Kindly Light," pi luted and will
have them sung on Thursday morning
In the auditorium. Rrlef addresses are
to be made by Superintendent of
Schools Howell and Chairman T. J.
Jennings, of the high anil training
I'ieldent Chittenden, of the eeet
council, yosleiduy directed citv Clerk
Lavolle to announco to tho members
that the tegular meeting of the coun
cil, which was to have been held to
morrow night would rot bo held till
the night of Tuesday, September CI.
The following letter has been sent to
nil the Catholic prlcts of the Seranton
S, rent in, Pi , Prpt 17, l'V)l
Pe Peir sir
I ien if tho prcident ind the eoiernor hid rut
requetel in to meet on lliuradiy nevt. It would
bo only p-oper tint no fhoiild, on that day of
fcorrou, lotno together In our nrioui churchea
ind priy tint (iod muht comfort in In our
affiliHnti, protect our lountry and ble-a our
You will therefore invite our consrecilion to
attend in e al 111 o'i loi k, and to ih.' praier of
tho nil?" of the div ou will add the ( ollect
"Pro ipin iitnipio trlhuhtloni' " Von mil alro
n a llltii s irllmtp to the memory rf the hto
president, and denouni o tho principlci of an
an hi. in.
Srhooh fihould le dUnilwd an I proper em
Menu of moumlnir ho dlplaied on houo and
dliool flv cider of
HI llev Vf .1. llohan,
r.iho;i of S ranton
llev. John J Crlffin, Chancellor
A union memoilnl service In honor of
President McKlnley will bo held In the
Methodist Episcopal c hurc h, North
Scranton, Thurtday morning at 100
o'clock. Rev. II. W. Clyiuor and Rev.
A. H. Smith will deliver acblres.s-'s.
In Loinpliatue with the piesldcnt's
proclamation, a union memoiial sei
vlco In honor of our deceased presi
dent will be held In Rim Park church
on Thuisday morning nt 10.30. Dr.
Pierce, of the Penn Avenue Uaptlst
church, will preai h. Dr. Robertson
and other clergmen arc to participate
In the eoiclses. It Is eminently llt
tlng that such a lollglous meeting be
held and It Is hoped that many will
join In the service.
In Calvary Refonued church, nt
Monioe avenue and Gibson stieet,
Thuisdiay night at S o'clock a memor
ial set vice will bo conducted. Subject
of the discourse, "Ix?hons fiom the
Llfo of Our Late President, William
McKlnloy" All membeis of patilotlc
organizations am Invited, together
with the general public.
Memorial service in honor of Presi
dent William McKlnley ivlll be held in
lh Court Street Slavonian Presby
terian church, both In Ltigllsh and In
tho Bohemian language, on Thuisday
at 2 JO p. m. Colonel Hitchcock will
havo charge of the Rngllsh services.
Text, "Thy Will Re Done." All are
cordially Invited.
Waveily will have a memorial serv
ice at tho town hall, beginning at 2:S0
o'clock p. in.
Services will be hold Thursday morn
ing at 10.::0 o'clock In the 1'list Church
of Chi 1st Scientist, 510 Adams avenue.
Memoiial services will be held Thuis
day, September 11, at 10 30 a. m., In tho
Linden stieet sjnagogue. Rabbi A. S.
Auspacher will ofUclate. The follow
ing Is tho oidor of services:
Orsm pirlude "I unerd March" Chopin
llnin ' 1 cad Kindly l.isht."
Miinnrlil nildrp.i
lbrnn "Muilo With Me"
Ort'in voluntary "Consolation" ... Mendelsohn
Kiddl.h (Pracr for the IKad )
Tho banks of the city will all dose
their doois Thuisday. A meeting of
the Scranton Clearing House associa
tion was held yesteiday morning in
the First National bank, James A.
Linen piesldlng, at which tho follow
ing resolution offered by II. C. Khafor
was ndopted:
Scranton Clearing Home Awamtmn,
Sept 17. ITU
At a meetinp: of tho tleirlne house held Tuc.
Finest Peaches
$l.oo to $1.25 buys
fancy fruit.
Rocky Ford
Finest Melons
Grown $2.50
per Crate.
E. Q. Coursen
Hiv, sfpt, )7, the followirR rexolutlnni were
aid pteil
lliolt(d, That In arconlince with tho prorli
luilloii of the pretidrnl nf Ihe t mini Statet and
the eoierimr of the stale nf IVniilflnIi, Rpe(.
Hull, tho InnU of Ihlt illy will ho doted on
liiumdn nevt, spi o, out f repeit ti (he
memory of the Inlc litnrntid Pretldenl MiKlnlei.
All mirniiaMe iMtrufuentt fallinij due on Ihurf
iln, Vpt in, will he due and piahle on the
In xt FUioeedliic da, I'lldaj, S pt. Ki
The butchers of the city will closo
all day Thursday on account of tho
president's funeral.
The wholesale grocers, millers and
feed dealers havo decided to closo their
establishments all day Thursday, ns a
mark of icspect for President Mc
Klnley. Tho master barheis met last night
and decided to closo their shops at
12.30 p, in. Thursday. They will keep
open until 10.30 p. m. Wednesday
Tho reheat sal and regular mooting
nf the Scranton Llederkranz, which
was to have been held 'tomoi row night,
has boon postponed until next Mon
day nlrjht.
An Epidemic of tho Diseaso Now
Pievalling Among Horses A
Veterinarian's Advice.
An epidemic of equine influeiva is
now prevailing among tho horses of
this city and Is likely to prevail for
some weeks to come, unless it Is
broken up by a cold snap.
A largo number of the horses In this
city me ycaily aflllcted with this dis
easo dining the months of September
and October, but this year's outbreak
Is much inoio wldespiead than any
which has prevailed for several yeais.
Dr. Jacob Hclmer, tho veteilnarlan,
said last night to a Tilbuno man that
tho disease Is a specific fever associ
ated with luilnmmatlon of the mem
branes of the nose and throat. It Is
not especially serious of Itself, he said,
unless the speclllc poison of the dls
eae effects the blood, causing a de
ptesslon which sometimes picdlsposes
to struetuial ( hanges in the organs,
and sometimes to death.
"Fiom tho number of cases I have
so far tieatcd this year and from con-
ri saltans I have bad with other et
ci In. u tans," said he, "I believe I am
safe in saying that probably seventy
live per cent, of tho horses In this
city will be affected with the disease
this year befoio It runs Its course,
unless wo have a cold snap to knock It
Tho (list svuiptoms of the disease
differ In dlffeient ears. Sometimes
It Is liill.iiiitnatlon of the animal's eyes
and sometimes ,i cough. This year
the cough is the flist symptom.
When asked to give some ndvlce to
horse owners whose horses may show
symptoms of the disease, tho doctor
"I would advise nil poisons having
hoi sos showing tho first symptoms of
the disease to administer no medicines
that ate weakening, If nny me admlu
Isteied nt all It Is best to keep tho
horso at work or to keep exercising
It unless a fever sets In. If lover sots
In the horse should bo kept In the
stable and a veterinarian should be
sent for nt once."
The doctor said that a large number
of tho horses nflllctod with tho dis
ease never get beyond the first symp
toms and soon recover, without having
a fever at all. Tho doctor said that
he evpeeted the epidemic to last well
Into October, If the weather does not
become much colder. Tho percentage
of deaths fiom the disease this year Is
a little higher than usual, tho doctor
Has Been Established by Sheriff
Schadt nt County Jail.
In accordance with the provisions of
tho law with reference to juvenile
courts, which piovide.s that children
under sixteen years of age shall not
be ine.neerated In tlio usual prison
prov ideel for law-breakers, Sheriff
Schadt has set apart a portion of the
county jail as a Juvenile prison.
This Is entliely sep.irato from tho
pait of the jail where grown pilsoncis
are kept and tho youths will not come
in contact with them In any way. The
sheriff announced yesterday that the
juvenile prison Is ready for use.
Post Office Hours Thursday.
Order No. 73
Out of lespect to the memory of our
lato president and in accordance with
postmaster general's order No. 101,
doled September lfi, PWl, Thursday,
September 10. 1901, will be observed at
this olllce and stations as follows:
Money oidor and registry windows
dosed all day
Clone! al dellveiy and stamp windows
open from 7 to 10 a. ni.
Cutlers' window open from 8 to 10
a. ni.
Can lei s will make no deliveries.
Collections will be made at 10.4"i a.
ni. tiom boxes on Main avenue between
Lackawanna avenue nnd Washburn
street, also West Lackawanna avenue
nnd Lackawanna avenue to Adams
avenue, Adims avenue to Mulberry
stteet. Mulberry stieet to Franklin
avenue, and from nil boxes between
these points.
Can lor No. 20 will make the 130 p.
in. collection, and the usual evening
collections will also bo made by ear
ners 29 and 43.
Rr.i H. Ripple, Postmaster.
Per D. W. Powell, Asst. P. M.
New York State Grand Commandery
of Knights Templar, Binghamton,
N. Y., Sept. 24th and 25th, 1001.
For the above occasion ticket agent
of the Lackawanna i.illioad In Scian-
ton will sell special round tilp tickets
to ninghamton, X. Y nt lato of $1.90
for tho round trip. Chlldien between
the ages of 5 and 12 years, 05 cents.
Tickets will bo on salo good going
Sept. 23rd nnd 24th, and returning to
and including Sept. 2Sth, 1901.
The Star.
No porfarmanco will bo given at tho
Star Thursday afternoon or evening,
owing to tho builal of President Mc
Klnley on that day and tho period of
mourning as recommended In Recorder
Connell'a proclamation,
I i H li ..
Special Fates to Allentown, Pa., via
the Lehigh Valley R. R., Account
the Lehigh County Fair.
Tickets on salo September 23rd to
2Sth, limited for return to September
29th. Sco agents for particulars.
" '" a
There Is Still Time.
Students aro leglsteilng daily for
tho Conservatory's rotiises In piano.
Ofllce, COt Linden street. Open all day.
Smoko tho Pocono Ec. cigar.
West Plttston fair, Sept. 17-20.
Primaries Were Held Yesteiday, but
Only In a Few Instances Wero Del
egates Run in tho Interest of Any
Special Candidate Make-up of the
Ticket Will Depend Upon Whether
or Not E. C. Ncwcomb Will Bo n
Candlate for Nomination for Judge.
Convention on Friday.
Dr. J. F. Saltry had some delegates
running In tho city wards at the Dem
ocratic primaries jesterday, and Aaron
Augustus Chase stood some men lu
tho country districts, but further than
this none of tho Demnc ratio candi
dates concerned themselves about yes
tei clay's pihnmles.
Most of tho districts had elections,
but in cveiy few of them wero theie
any contests. With very little effort
any old man might havo soouied dele
gates enough to Insuto him of nny
old office In tho gift of the conven
tion. As yet theio has been no slate made.
Tho leaders aro waiting on aMtornoy
K. C. Xevvcomb. If lie will agree to
tun for judge, an effort will bo made
to Induce Dr. Saltry to allow the nom
ination for coroner to go to some phy
sician up the valley, Dr. Kelly, of
Olyphant, being generally preferred.
If Mr. Nowcomb declines to enter the
lists the Democratic leaders will give
the convention mighty little considera
tion. They feel that with Mr. New
comb at tho head of tho ticket there
Is sonio hope of making a showing.
Without New comb It it a case of "hap
less cause."
Mr. Xcwcomb Is still non-committal,
but, according to reliable leports,
be was yesterday leaning at a very
decided angle towards the judicial
nomination. A Tilbuno reporter sought
to havo hi in eipress himself, but the
most that could bo gotten out of hhn
was that he had not yet came to a
conclusion as to whether or not ho
would .seek the ofllce.
It ho does not nccept the ofllie the
nomination will go to W. A. Wilcox.
A word from S. R. Pi Ice that ho wants
tho nomination might tuin all calcu
lations topsy-tin vy. It Is not likely,
however, that Mr. Pike will be. heard
fiom one way or tho other.
The nomination for county control
ler will go to P. W. Costello, county
auditor. Patrick Hlewltt, foimeily
city engineer, will be opposed for the
nomination for county suiveyor by
Milton Mitchell, who was nominated
by the Prohibitionists last week with
out consulting him.
Tho chances aio that Xewcoinb, Cos
tello, Kelly and Rlewltt will be the
make-up of tho slate.
The official announcement of the
change of the time for holding the
convention was made yesterday by the
county chairman, James J. O'Neill,
and Is as follows:
To the Pemocnts of Latkaninna County.
Mnco tl o revolution of the Democratic com
mlttrp flvinir the date of the county convention
on Thursday, Sept. 19, a calamity has fallen upon
the country. Tho funeral of our martyred preii
dent, Hon, William McKlnley, wilt be held on
tho diy pet for the convention.
In order to give all grief stricken citlzeni an
opportunity to Join in the univerul mourning,
the Democratic county roniention is henhy poat
poned to Kridav, Sept. 'JO, at 0 a. m , at Music
Hall, in the cily of Scranton
The primaries will he held on Tueiday, Fept.
17, ai heretofore ordered
Jamea J. O'N'elll, Chairman.
T P. Duffy, Secretary.
Headquarters Colonel William X
Monies Post, No. 319. Department of
Pennsylvania, O. A. R.
Scranton, Sept. IS, 1901.
Comrades of the post will report at
Memorial hall, coiner of Pcnn avenue
and Linden street, on Thuisday, Sept.
19th, 1901, nt 7 o'clock p. m., for the
purpose of attending memoiial ser
vices to bo bold nt the armory In le
membranco of our late comrade and
beloved, the nation's piesldent, Wil
liam McKlnley.
Let every comiade report in uni
form and show the love and respect
wo feel for the loss of him wo so dear
ly loved, Comrade William McKlnley,
R. O. Rryant, Commander.
Tunis Thomas, aVlJutant.
Our Shoe Stoic will be closed all day
Thursday, on account of the death of
our beloved piesldent. Lewis & Rellly,
lit and US Wyoming.
West PlttBton fair, Sept. 17-20.
Knox Hats
For Fall
Better (if possible) than
ever before. Better, because
they aro light - weight,
easy fitting and clean cut
styles. The quality always
tho best obtainable. Made
by hand.
l Oils, Paints and Varnish
MaIon?y Oil & ManiifacHiring Company,
J 141-149 Meridian Street. J
First Mortgage Five Per Ce n t,
Gold Bonds of the
United Power Company
Of East Liverpool, Ohio.
Dated Jan. 1st, 1901. Due Jan. 1st, 1926.
Coupons payable January and July.
Denomination $1,000.
These Bonds ure recommended to the public as a safe
and conservative investment. Circular containing full in
formation on application.
Title Guaranty & Trust Company,
516 Spruce Street.
Patrick F. Kearney, of Archbald,
Had His Leg Squeezed.
While driving a ttlp of cars In the
Rtk IIII1 mine, nt Archbald, yesterday,
Patrick Kearney, aged lfiyeais, slipped
fiom the car on which he was tiding
and fell beneath the wheels. Ills leg
was badly Injured.
As soon ns possible tho boy was le
rnovod to the Lackawanna hospital,
In this city, where the Injured mem
ber was amputated below the knee.
Change in N. Y., O. & W. Time Tablo
Commencing Tuesday, the 17th Inst.,
N. Y , O. & W. train leaving Cadosl.i
at S.I0 a. in., and C.iibnndiile, 10.01 a.
m., arriving Scranton, 10 to a. m.; and
train leaving Sciiinton nt 4 p. in.; Car
bondale. 4.14 p. m, and arriving Ca
dosla 6.00 p. m , will be discontinued.
Oiand poultry exhibit. West Plttston
fair, Sept. 17-20.
Change of Date.
Jcffeison Do Angelis and company
In "A Royal Rogue" at the Lyceum
Thcatro Wednesday, September 18.
West Plttston fair next week, com
mencing Tuesday.
Snioko the new Kleon Be. cigar.
Men's x
I Enameled
Shoes h
M A special bargain in a
high, grade enameled
H shoe. Fall weight,
x very stylish, new style
jej toe, extra well lined
M aud sewed and solid
?. throughout. The style
and appearance of a
C5 $3.00 shoe and has
Q never been sold for
j less than $2.50.
JC Special, per pair
We have equipped our re
pair shop with the latest im
proved automatic 3crew cut
ting lathe and are now pre
paired to do all kinds of
turning in brass, steel and
Give us a trial, all work
Florey & Brooks,
212 Washington Avenue.
The Famous
Columbia Yarns J
are fuperlnr in alt others and the stand
ard for excellence.
t Columbia Shetland Floss J
rontalnn more rard. to the pound, l mors
rhstlc, and knits farther than any oth'r,
lienee tho rheapent. Colorj aro uolt, Bril
liant nnd desirible.
In uliadcs per (double 1 Qf.
nkeln) low
In Illaek and White 1Ar
per (doublo akein).. U
Do not confound this superior flon A
rvitn otner inicnor rjranuj.
Cramer-Wells Co.,
130 Wyoming Avo.
is still
A popular 190 1 Fall Shape
you find it at
"A Gentlemen's Furnisher.
305 Lackawanna Avenue.
Ladies' Tailoring
Jackets and Skirts made
very reasonable. Iainy
day Skirts 5.50 and up.
Goods furnished.
King Hiller.' Merchant Tailor,
5 1J -piuco Street.
Every Lover
Of Music
offer in
Rack is
40 in.
high. 18
in. wide
posts &
top, fin
ished in
lus 4
I 250 Go On Sale at
1.35 each
i:ui 1 i,iki, cur
0 arcrsoNfa
r te