The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 18, 1901, Image 1

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    ' '. 1
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I . s "1
flnnthr.r Immense Thronci Views the?-
.. .
Remains as Tlicu Reposed In the
Rotunda ol the Gapitol.
Seiviccs Conducted Accoiding to the
Tonus Prcsciibed by the Metho
dist Episcopal Chinch Mis. Mc
Klnley Does Not Attend the Public
Seivlce at the Advice of Hei Close
riicndb runeinl Tiain Stmts foi
Canton Twenty Cais Requited to
Cany the Paity Pi eminent Pei
sonages AmotiR the Mourneis Pio
gtcss of the Soiiowful Journey.
Pioginmme foi Today In Canton.
Many Tiibutes ot Respect.
4- 4-t 4- 4- -
s- s-
II (i an- of fun.rjl train -f-
II Ji it in M mil from dipnt tu imut -f-f
I i- -f
4- II Hi h in rrii d 11 curt hnu.p
4 1 "I t . 'mii) i m I iiii,- in niitc in
4- limit Iiuum -
1 1 ) in Minli frnm evur hmnp to 4
4 Ij" hii hip mi N rth Mirkri tmt. -4
4 4-4-4-4-4
I t iliim' wire trim Th- Vwnntid Pics-.
U tsliingtoii, Sept. IT. All that Is
inurt il nf Willl.un .MiKlnlcv Is speed
ing tnvvaid Hh last ciiithlv ic MtiiiK
jilm .it lil beloved liiiino In Canton,
utri the n.itinn ollklally mid
with stale coioiiinny paid In tribute
il n spoil iiml love to the mommy
if its stiiikin dilof maglshatc. This
was .illiiot the i losing net In the awful
tiagedv wlihh has (lienohod the civil
ize rl oi Id In te.itM,
llriif.ith tin- white iliime of the
ipllni iuiu' wiilu of Mate woie
hrld nd.i oor the k mains of the dead
I'ttMdont It was eminently fitting
Hi it the botvleos should be lonilucteil
ii tint hi.iutiful liitutul.i, hallowed by
i lilstmy of the last sad litcs nf two
her mint is to the cause ot the re
public - ' mtul the occasion ami tlie
i h.n i in nf the man whose lemalns
urte iving told nml lipid In the nai
row embr.uo of the mctiillc casket, the
rrnurs weie simple. 'J'lity were con
ducted In noioi dance with the iltos of
the Methodist Hplsmpal ihuieh ot
wlili h Piosldent McKlnley was a life
long member. Consisting only of two
Minus, a song, a pi aver, an uddtos-s
and a benediction, they weio beautiful
nnd solemnly lmpiessivo.
(iathered around the blor were lep
rcsontathes of eveiy phase of Amerl
ian natlouiil life, Unhiding the presi
dent and the only sm l Ins ex--presl-dent
of the Vnlted states, together
with lopresontutlves at this i.ipltol
of almost every nation of the eaith.
(treat Jliltnln, Frante, Oeimany, Jtalv,
Spain, and all the lepublks to the
houthward ot the United .States ming
led their tears with tho-e of the Amcil
cun people.
A Memorable Sight.
lspito the fact that no attempt had
been made to dcioiate the iuteilnr
ot the lotundi, be.voml the ni range,
iiients made about the catafalqua. the
nhf-PinlihiKC- presented a memoiablp
Bight. The sombie black of the attire
of the hundieds of civilians luoent
was splashed billlluntly with th- blue
and gold of the representatives of the
aimy and the navy and th mut km
lumps of the dlplomatli mips
As the pweet notes ot .Mi .. KlulevV
favorite hjmii, "head, Kltidlv I.lnlit."
JloatPd thtouKh the pi eat loiunda the
Rsspmblaso toso to its foet. Dared
beads vein bowed and eves hticamed
with tears At the conclusion of the
hvmn. as Dev. I)i Najlot, iirrsldlnj,'
Hder of the WnxliinRtnu dlfitikt, lose
lo offer piaei, the hush that fell upon
the people was piolouud. Wlion In
lonelusion. ho lepc.Ueif the simple
rtoieii of the Loids inaer, the Kieat
audit me joined Holemnly with him.
l'ho liiunnur of their inlees lesembled
lothlnd less than the toll of far dls
.ant suif.
Stanely liad the word "Anion" been
Jieathed when the lUiuld tone of that
iwrotiy pleadliiK mmK, Snine TIuip
A'e'll I'ndei stand." went sttalclit to
ho heart of evoiy audltot. The solo
vas Hinff by Mm Thomas ". .oves,
if this dty. nnd the beautiful lefialn
vas Pfho'd and le-rihocd by tho
loublo qtiarlette i holr
The voneiablp Dlshop Ddwaul (i. An
IrevvH. of Ohio, tho oldest bixhop of
he Methodist Kplmopal ihiuih. tin n
ook his position tit the head of the
tier. A Rputle Iiipop thiotiKh tin. ln.
inula stlripd the delhatp blooms whlih
ay upon thp mllln and the 'peaie
'hat paHsotli all nnileistandliiK"
uremed to test upon I ho eneiablo
man's iountenano as ho bean the
oulofty of the Hie and wotks of "Wll
Hani McKlnloy. Ills woids weie slm
pie, but his whole heait was In eveiy
sne of them.
His tiibute to the Christian fortl
tude of tho dead piesldPnt was lin
ptpsslve. Vpon thp (outhiHloii of the
iprmon tho audlonce. as If by pie
iirniiRrmcut Joined the thoii in hIiik
iir "NPiupr .My Odd to Thee." All
rireretit sopmod to bo Imbued with the
lentlmcnt of hallowed leslKtiatlnn as
the divine blessing was asked by tho
iw., W, U. Chapman, acting pastor
the Mettopolltnn Melhodlst Kpis-
i opal iIiiihIi, upon both the llvltiRatid
th" dead.
Mis. McKlnley Absent.
Iih Mi K'lnlcj , boieft of husband
mil piostiated by her overwhelming
soi iow, did not attend the sen lies at
tin i npltol. It was dei mod wise li
those now neatest and diaiest to her
Unit she should not undeigo the or
deal hci attendant e would entail upon
hei She letnalned at the White
Mouse, iiimfiiited bv iveiv attention
thai InvliiR thought fulness i otild sug
Kist V st 1 1 (lav was a pi i fei t autumn dav.
but this moinliig dawned giav and
dieniy. The skv was ovetinst with
low ll.vlny: louds. Natuie Itself
wim d to be in muni iiIiik fot the na
tion's dead As the hums passed,
dashes of tain fell at lutenals, hut
despite this disi omfoij tens of thous
ands of son owing people appeal id
eail.V Upon the sheets Moth sides
of I'enusjlvanhi avenue, fioiu the
While House to the i.ipltol vieie
massed with an lmpenetiable midoii
of people wishing In tills wa to pav
tlual tiibute ot love and tespeit for
the dead.
As the lottige. im ol led bv
tioups, lepieseutlllg eveiy depai ttllPUt
ol the nitioii's mm llal sen lie, and by
lepiesentatives of lellgious and clvle
oigauiatlon, passed down the bioid
thoioiighfaie to the solium notes ot
the "Dead Mutch lioin Saul," walhil
bv the hands, the sni lowing1 people
band tbeh heads, dt spite the l.tlu,
and the many teai-stalneil l.uis he-
spoke tlieit grief mole elmiueiitlv than
It was a silent thioim. Xot a Mitind
as heai d. With aching heai ts ill i -uiPinlniPd
that only a few mouths ago
the dead pu sdcnt. thin In the full
ness o We and tiimnph had passed
along that i-ame thotoiighlaio to lie
Itiatlguiated a i-ei end time piisdent.
'I he Hags that had Mutton d gieetlng
to him in Matih weie fuilid and c 1 1 pe
liedeikoil in M'ptembei. The i hi ei s of
spring h"(.ime the .-olis ot autumn.
Jllef had leplaeed Jn.
Notable Peisonages.
As with solemn and cadenced tiead
Hie pent essinn ninved floe u the ave
nue, the ppopli niognled as one of
the iimuiUPis theli foi mer piisldent.
titovei C'levelcnd who had come to
pa his tiibute to his Minmm, They
ieiognl7od, too their pew ptesldent,
upon whom the ifspmiMhlliilPs nf the
iblef executive had heen tin list -o un
opoitoillv. With si pi salute tbe.v
gleetcil him. and. with them, ho min
gled his teats In soi low for the dead.
Among the hundieds of other dlstln
gtlMiPd pel sons who weie In attend
ance upon the funeial sen lies won
(iovernoi (inmv of Ithode Island
cioviinoi Vitu of Illinois; iJoveinoi
Hill, of Milne liovernoi Ciane, of
Massachusetts tSoveinoi KussiH, of
Xnlh c'ainllna, lioveinor Whit- of
West Vliginli, (ioviinor stlckiuv, ol
Veimont, and (iovimoi Vooi bees of
New .lusiv Colontl Mono lepiesent
ed the gov ei nor of Califoi nla, mid
Colonel A. C Kauffniau, of ('hail'ston.
I ('presented Governor MiSweene, of
South t'aiollna and convejid the
goviinois u'giet th it be was unable
petsonallv to alti nil
The Ii c orpi" vas i pnseut.
ed In pait as follows. vu 'lliiR-fang,
I'liinese mlnlstei. Ml. Takabiia. .lap
anese mlnlstei Senor Calvo Cosia
Dlian mlnlstei. Mi Asplio. the Me.
can anibasj-adoi : cheklb Dc Tuiklsh
mlnlstei. Mi l.iifei II, iv thin mlnls
tei. Mr lieiuid Low tin l, clTaig-'
d'utl'alies of the lliltlsh embassv,
whom King IMwaul had spec lallv com
missioned to paitldpate In the sen Ic es
as his pirsoimi lepiespntatlvp Captain
Louis Ilalle.v. of the paw, who
Mpnspiited the Diltlsh embassv M.
lie Muigeile, charge d'affaljes of the
I'lPnib embassy, who was designated
bv Tiesldent Loll bet to ait as IiIm pei .
sonal l pif sentative at the obs 'iiules
of the piosldent Seiior l'ulldo, Veiie
yuolan chnqe d'alfalios; Mr, Diuii,
Diiilsh lulnUtfi. Santo Thvtso, I'oi
tUKllise liiinlstei Duke He Aleos,
Spanish inlnisfM. and Mr. Gilp, Swed
ish mlnistn.
Among oilius puvetit weie Chief
.lustli e I'lillei and Assistant .lustiies
of the Supionip Couit Drewei, White,
(iiav, and Diovvn, Senators Uann.i and
PiuakPi of iihlo. many pioiulnont de
paitmeut ullli laK Admlial Dpwp.v. a
nuiiibci of n. ii admli.ils, all the uiem
bi'is of the i iblnet and many other
illsiinguisheil mill eis ot the ui my and
nav v.
At the crimliisii of the funeial sei
lies In the lotunda the tasket Hd
was lemovid, in onlir that the Imme
diate fi lends of the dead piosldent
might bo affoidid the eonifoi t of a last
gliinie at his featuios, mui nlat the
people whom he loved and who loved
him mlglit pass the blot for the samo
put pose At half-past twelve the
nowds btgan to Hie thiough the 10
tuiida, and duiliig tho six houis In
vvllb It the bodv was Ivlng In state It
s esllnialeil that "innu people viewed
the iPinalns
Calamity Nanowly Aveited.
Just at 1 oMoik a Iiightful inlnnilij
was uatiowlv avoldod at On east fmnt
at tlie capllol I'm hums the vast
tllioiig ol people hud hi a iii.ismmI u
f i on t of the inpliol (iwaltliiu an op
nppoi tuiilt to entpf the rotunda. WliPn
the iliiuis weie opened, tens of thou
sands of people nislu'il almost Iianil
mlly to the main stain ase Tlie po
liie and mllitaiy guaids woe swept
aside, mid. almost In a iw inkling,
tlieie was a tienipndoiis frush at Hip
toot of the gioat staircase.
The Immense timing swopt backwaid
and fonvaid, like the singing of a
might v sea. Women and chlldiPn. a
few of the latter babes In aims, woie
caught In tho iiowd and many weie
hull) hint. Stiopg men held chlldien
and even women high above the heads
of the miiglng cmowiI to pinteit them
fiom bodily Injui). Despite the cffuita
Asks All Members to Continue Throughout His Term and Says They
Are Not at Liberty to Resign.
Washington, Sept. 17. Piesideiit l!ooevdt at 3 o'llock today convened his first cabinet mooting held In
Washington. At this mtetlng the ptesldent asked the mombiMS ot Mr. McKluley's lablnet to letnln theli
lespeitlve pottfollos thioughout Ills teini, and unuounted that his ndmlnlstiatlon would follow- the policy
outlined by Piesideiit MeKlnley In his llulTiilo speech.
After the obsequies over the late piosldent, the inbliiet, at I'lpsideut Hoospvolt's ipqupst, nssenibli d at
Hie residence of Conimandet Cowles, where the piesideiit is staving until after the funoial, piluclpallv for
the purpose of Infoimliig their new chief of the slate of affalts In their respective departments. The piosl
dent deslied to loam If time weie any niattots of moment louulilug his attention bofoie his depai title
tonight lor Canton, lie was assiind that there was nothing of picssing linpoi tini(.o. The piosldent then
addiessed his advlseis i olleetlvoly, ns ho had ptevlously done Individually, ro(iiosttng them all to lelalu
theli lespeitlve positions In his cabinet. Mr. Doosovolt epiossod the hope nnd expectation that eveiy
member would soive! thtoughout his teini. fur, he said, he tendoiod the appoliitments as If he had Just
been i lei ted to the piesldeniv and was foiming an cabinet. The ptesldent said, however, tlioie
was one dlffeieneo between the piesent lender and Hint of an original offer, namely. Puder the pios
eMit linumstmues they wile not at libel ty to doc lino.
l'pon being askid by a member If leslgnatlons should be foiiuallv ptepitod In the usual mannrt the
ptesldent unsweMod that his m Hon at this tueiMlng had pteiludod the neiesslty of leslgnatlons. The dls
i ussiuii tinned upon the' poll y of the admliiistiallou, and Mr. lioosevclt nnnouncod that he loganlod the
spoei h ot the late piosldent at the Pali-Ainetli an imposition the day plevlous to the tingle shooting us
outlining the- policies to be lnllnwed bv the ailmlnlstiatlou.
It i annul be lem lied at this time whether m not all the numbers will bo willing to seive the full toini
Seiretatles Hay and Long lemain In Washington at the ptosldont's ipiiupsI, Ml. Roosevelt thinking that
some meinbeis of the cabinet should continue In Washington while the others aie at Canton.
Desidis holding the mbliiet meeting Piosldent Koosevelt saw a few cutlets dining the afternoon. At
7 "() o'llock lie and Captain Cowles loft the lattei's lesldenre for tho Ponnsjlvauia talltoad station to take
the tiain to Canton. Mis. Roosevelt will leave hue at 10 oeloek tomorrow moinlug for Ovstet l!a, L. 1.
ot tho poln o and military and thp ioo.
or hcadr lu tho throng, appatotitl.v a
hunelnd people win Inluiod Siomp of
the mnip seiiouslv butt weie can led
Into the intund.i and Into aiious uil
Jolnlng apaitmeuts ot the i apltat,
whole Hist aid tioalment was given
the m.
A number wen- hint led to hospitals
in ambiilanios. but the niajoilty either
we'io uim'ii in oi xuiiseiiieiiiiv went
lltmuialdt. .1 I r. J tlu
I'Misli had bei'ii ubited, upon the stali-
uise anil juaa unmeiiime ly m iionr.
of It weie found tattoied plei es ot
mens and women's wealing appaiel
of all kinds, nusliid hats, gloves and
even shoos. A ate lies, pm kel-books,
kevs and knives weie ph ked up.
Vl'li... tin. ii iimhiu ..I' (Iw. .lit .l .1. ..w
.. ... .. iiii; i. in. ii. tn i ,...- .i.-.i.i ,'... -i
lileiit weie lluallv losed foievu to
the view of Washington people, the
iillnlll nsi (it t nt'.illi Mils! Iiilllled mid
(ouve.ved them to the spei lal tiain,
wmi n is now innve.ving me uniiy 10
(iil(.1 'I ll.i lililirllllli Hill .llu.ili.l. ...
. . ... . .... . . . 1 1 . .... .t.ri.i,. ...
(Iota! offei lugs, nuniheilng no Usmiian
one uuniueei aim iweniy-uve pieces,
and making thp most tcmarkable lloi
al tiibute ever soon heie, was taken
to the station fiom the lapltol In
cditlugps and wagons and thoie placed
alio, u d a special i ar whlih had bein
piovldcd lor them. Tlnee see Hons,
coiiipiisiug in all twenty passenger
loaches weie neiessaiy to aiiummo
d.ito all those who ai copied Invita
tions to make tho jouinc lo Canton.
Washington M'pt IT TIip last Imp
t M of tin- the nmoval
of the fiualns of Hie late piosldent
lo the giave, at hi" old home at Can
tun Ohio, began at S.-'O o'clmk tonight,
Wmi the fuiiPiat tiain toft heie over
the Pennsvlv.mlii l.illioid.
Tilt gent binne dooi.s of the i ipl
tol lu whlih the bnd.v had lain In
state, had c losed while tlieie was still
thousands of people waiting to get a
last giant c at the t asked The ovor
of the i asket was snowed down bv
tlie itndei takots: It was lifted nine
llinie upon the sholildeis of the bodv
beinrs, and by them boine to the
be-aise at tho foot nf the east steps
o' the e apltol.
The time was mat ked bv tin doleful
dlsihaige of a minute gun stationed
at a convenient point lu tlie c apltol
giotttids Thlity minutes' time was le
epiliod for the ot the bodv
Hum the i apltol to the tiain. The es
coit on this Jouin-'V consisted of com
tnltt"fs fiom the' annv anil navy and
two Miuudi-ons of the Eleventh c avail y.
The mute down PennsUania nvenue
was lined on each side by Hoops. It
was a illlet, noiseless journey without
musle. ' Not a ilium was heanl. nor a
funeral pot " At Hip Pennsvlvanlii
lailioad station, snldlois and seamen
caillod the casket fiom tho heaiso to
the ohson atlon ear and pkued lu the
soiond see Hon ol the funeial tiain
The Tiiiieial Tiain.
No less than twonlv eai weie io
eiulied lor the tianspoi tatlon of Hip
funPtnl puty to Canton. The tlnee
SPitlons into whit It the tiain was di
vided lelt at tPii minute Intervals Klist
was a tiain of eight cms beailng piiuii
ItiPtit pet sons ami forty newspappr
nien. Tlie second section was the pies
Identlal tiain pinpei, made up of pun
tliully tho same seven whlih
niaele the tllp fiom Hutfalo 'l'ho i ar
Olympia was assigned to Mi Mi Kin
ley whllp the car net was oocuplod by
the piosldent and his cabinet lleblnd,
In nnler. came two sleepers, a dining
i ni and a i oniblnatlon cm On this
ttaln weie the (allowing passengeis
Mis McKlnloy and maid. Mi. and Mis
Abner McKIuIpv. and all the other
niPinbeis ol the McKlnlev famllv the
piosldent Sociotaty Root. Attomov
Genoial Knox. Postmaster Goneial and
Mis Smith Socrotaiy Long, Scciotary
and Mis Illtche ock, So(iet.u.v and Mls,s
Wilson, Societal) and Mis. Cottolvou.
Seuatoi liamia nnd a huge uuiubei of
othoi ollklals. The thlid sirtlnn ot the
1 1 .tin was devotPil Piitlielv to the in -cninmodation
of tho unity and navy
olllieis Im ludlng Admlial Dpwpv.
Ptesldent Roosevelt's aulval at the
i lain oi cm i oil at 7 .V) and was tin
mm ked h lucldont
It was Just bofoie 8 o'doik when
Mis. McKlnloy was elilvuu to the sta
tion. Pcmlng Hie thing eftoit nf the
long walk fiom the laulage entiaiue
to the cm bet apait foi her next to tho
head of the tiain, a lolling ilialr had
been piovldcd for hoi She du lined
this, hovvevti, and vvuikvd with sui-
pilslng ilimucss to her place, assist
i'd by Abnei Mi Kinley and Di. Rluy.
riootled with Light.
It was Sin n'llock when this section
"teamed away in the darkness, the
Hist sci Hon having ptoe piled It ten
minutes. The obsi nation cm bimlng
the lemalns was llnoilid with light.
Thiough Its eijstal sides i mild he seen
the hcatltlfullv diapod casket, with Its
mass nf i me blossoms, so aiianged
that oon as the tiain swept thiough
the night the people lu the louutiy It
passed thmugli might gave upon the
sight of the casket, with a soldier
slandlng giiml at the head and a
salloi i at i lug his nitlass upon his
shnllldoi, at the foot. A gil.ud of sol
dleis ami sailors unuplod the plat
fniins and bitweep them at tho icar
was a mamtunth wreath six tiet In
illametir of laic on bids and lauiels.
Ten mlnuti s latei the thlid see Hem
spul nwav and the national capital
bad pei filmed its pill In the fuucyi.t
ic n muliles
n.iltlmnio s,,,ht, i7.(iin linaid tho
funeial tiain) -Leaving Washington,
the long, winding tiain beailng the re
mains of tho mm tv tod piesideiit
I lunged nut into the dnk night and
Inn tied like a stfak on Its
iniiin nful Join ney. The in tains of the
Ha In weie diawn when thev pulled out
ot tho station, .save only of the oh
si nation mi. The countless thotis
iiiuls pxtniding fiom the station fat
out into the stihiubs of the national
i.ipital, wnitid patlontlv in tlie eliouch
lng lain to catch a last Hooting glimpse
of the ll.ig-eoveiei! tasket as the tiain
sped by.
Altei diiilng Washington all was
ilnikness The tiain seem d to be ni li
ning tlnoiiqh a tiinnot, so blink was
tin uislit Now and then the fin os of
a little moaintul gioup. baielioadd. at
the hide ol the tiaik. i otild bo soon bv
the light 1 1 oui Hi" doatli ihamboi as
tlie ttaln Hashed bv, nnd, as the little
villages bit ween Washington and lial
tlmoie weie passed, the .sound of toll
ing hells cunio faintly to the hoav
he.iited iiiouiiipis nho.nd.
liefoie loaihlng IialtlmutP. tbmis.
finds nf silent foi ins could be son and
the dismal lolling of the bells loutd
be lieai d A clear di awn bugl'1 tall
sounded ioiUom At I'nlnn station,
i iow ils pai ked the station and gazed
soi iow fullv at the casket, while the
Im omotlvi s weie being shitted The
tiain, 'wlilch liadi at i iv m1 nt 'ill p.
in, pull 'd out im tli. West a few
minutes latei,
Anivnl at Yoik.
Yoik. V.i , Sept IT (tin Iloanl Hie
Punetal Tinlnl. Passing out of tho
station at MalHiuoie the was
lined with people. Laboieis and hand
somely iliosseil w omou stood stele bv
side nine oi twlie a ipilik glaiofimu
a pliologiaphoi's llashllght oxpnst il
Hie whole Haiti to view At Paikton
just Inline the Mai viand line was
I called, a In lef stop was made to
attach mi etia engine to help Hie
heavy tialu up the guide at tills point.
Then fm miles tho Haiti i.m thiough
the Dutih settlements of Pciius.vlvnula.
It was now after in o'clock, but many
Duukaiils, the men utuovcud, the wo
men in theli fiualnt bonnets, weie at
the tiaik. Othois of those simple folks
lould be seen ill tlie open ilomwavs
bv Hie lights fiom theli faun houses.
The Diinkmds go to bed oat ly, usual
Iv, but It was appment that most of
them had lemaluod awake to get a
last look at tills mournful fuiifiat
Tlie lighted death (liamboi In the
i ear (at must have been all Impiesslve
spniaile, the bier lu lull view, the
soldlei, with bavnnttod gun. at salute,
mid the Jack tm with diavvu nitlass
giiaiding the bod.v. Tlie twinkling of
the light fiom that ear was piobably
soon tor miles Hiiotigli the darkness
Yoik was leached at 11 '10 p in. Ten
thousand piople woie at the station
and along the tiaik leading to It. 'l'ho
bells tolled dolofiillv as the tialu
In Haiiisburg.
Ilaiilsliuig. Sept. IT. (On boanl the
funeial tialu). Tlie haln slowed up
tint did not stop at Yoik whole the en
tile population scciupcI to have waited
tar Into the night to sec it pass The
dolorous tolling of tho bells i until ho
distinctly licanl by those uboaid.
Soon after leaving Yoik all had ictlied
n boanl the tialns and they sped along
lluiiltiiuiU uii I'jgu
Refuses to Talk to His Counsel or
Make Answer When Auaigned
Before the Court.
By Btduolve Wlr from Tlie AnsocUted Prei
l'.uflalo. Sept t7 Loon P. Colgo ,
Hip assassin of Piosldent MeKlnloy.
was mialgmd befoif .ltldge Kdwaid
K. Kmoiv in tlie county imut. at :'
o'clock this afteiiioon, on tho Indiit
inont fm nun dot in the Hist dogice, In
fatallv shouting Piesidout MiKlnlev.
In the temple nf mush , at the Pan
Ameiiian l'xpositlon on Soptombu ii.
Again the stubborn pilsonor lofuscd
to plead in pvph to uttoi a word or
sound and the Hon. Loialn L Lewis,
c-supiome lotiit Justke, cntond a
ploa of lint gullt. The .mused will
lie tilet In Hie siipieme inurt next
M' d. uairnlng.
Judge Lewis one of tin attotno.vs as
signed as lounsol by Judgo r.inei),
.vesteidi.v. tailed at the I3rlo county
Jail, at J o'llock this afternoon, to
see tho ptlsonoi. CVolgos, ipfused to
talk to Judge Lewis and oven i of used
to answer questions as to whether or
not ho wanted nny counsel. Judge
Lew l said that nevertheless ho would
apear lor the pilsonei upon mialgii
mont, oven if ho decided not to atiopt
the assignment of the imut
Absolutely no demolish nt.lon hav
ing been m ide against the pilsonor,
estPldii, the autliniltlps doi Idcd that
the stioug guaid was unnoi essai.v. to
da). The prisoner entoioel tho louit
loom at .t o'i loi k and, as many of the
(til ions speitatois as i mild, singed
Into the toutl loom behind him.
Again Itefused to Talk.
As soon as Cznlgos, was bofoie Hip
b.ii and the handcuffs wen- lemoveil.
Dlstitit Attomov Pciuiiv liegait the
foi mal arraignment lie iodic I th
pilnelpal olimgos of tho Indictment nnd
nskoip "How do ou plead, guilty or
not gullt.v"' Not a sound was uttoied
bv the pilsonor Ho stood mute before
Hie bar of Justlip. nppai cntly, contin
uing his feint of ln.sanlt.v. whlih was
notltlod foi the Hist time when bo was.
liiKPil into (Oiut osteida afteinoou,
In his io, lining glumes Hie piison-
oi 's o.vos met those nf a lepmtoi, who
stand lilni full In the face in a mo
ment the pilsunei's evollds dinnped
and he shitted iiiicisllv Hnwevei,
aside fiom tlie slight evldemos of im
p.lsluoss, Colgos.'s appe.uanee was
that of a liiati shamnilng Insanity
AVlieu the pilsonor i of used to plead,
the dish lit attorney asked him if he
mulct stood what bad boon load, and,
loeelvlng no answer, told blin that he
had been Indicted fm mm iter In the
Hist degiee, and that he otild answer
"fs" or "no" Por an Instunt tVol
gos. glanced nt Mi Pi nne.v nnd It
wns thought Hint lie Intended tn speak
but lie did not. Judge Lewis thou ad
diessed Hie mint at length, sa.vlng
that lie bad called upon the defend
ant, but had boon unable to nsi ei talu
of an.v vi Mi on the defendant's, pat t
as to the oniplovnioiit of (ouusol. He
said ho had appealed lufni malty tn
outer a ploa of not guilty on behalf
of Hie defendant, as the law ipqulied
sueli a plea tmilei the ciicumslnm cs.
He asked pei mission to lesoive tho
light to vvlthdiaw the plea and enter
a speiial plea or lutei pose a doniunor.
To Be Tiied Monday.
Dish lit Attorney Peune gave no
the Hint tie would move to have the
indictment trausfened to the Sttpiomo
(nuit fm hial, nnd would also no
tice the 1 1 lu 1 for next Monday morn
ing. 'I know of no leasou why the
delcndant should not be iead next
Monday." lopllod Judge Lewis At his
loquost. how over, tlie mdeis will not
be enteied until Judge Titus assoi late
c nunc II lotiims, whlih III piobablv
lie w llliln a day oi two
Judge Lewis said thai In might aWo
like an older of the mint for alien
ists to examine tlie pilsnuot, as the
dish lit attoiue.v had Intntineil him
that eminent hIIpiiImm had examined
the pilsonei em behalf of the people,
'fills gave ilse to the belief that a
spot lul plea ol Insanity uia.v lie en
teied by the counsel for the doloiisp.
'Remove the pilsonei," said Judge
PniPiy and eloigns?, vvus taken hick
to th Jail b.v Hie undi'igiotiiid imiie,
pasting tho gaih of niouiulng, tsopt, ia-.iuiirp Ron.
eit C Titus, of Duffalo, Is lu tills dtv
atieiidiiig a Masonic i (invention When
seen icgaidiug Ills appointment to dc.
fend ('.olgosK, he said Hint lie knew
nothing of It, having loft Buffalo mi
"This Is the cmj III hi Intimation 1
have had." he said, "that my name
laid even been i oiislileiod In that un
pleasant i miiipttlou. I left Iluffalo
Sumla.v, and the subject bad tint In en
bio. icliod to mo illipctlv or lndlro(tl
up to that time. 1 know of iu possi
ble leasou wh stab a task should be
Imposed upon mo "
hi answei to a (iloslon as to
whether he would lonsent to defend
the assassin. Judge Titus U'plled:
"Not unless oi doied to do so by the
coutt "
Say That Theie Was No Serious Dls
ngieement Among Them.
11 IirliuUe Win from Th Auodttrd crew.
Iluffalo, Sept. IT. The following
"taU'tneiit wns given out tonight by
Hie phsc,ins who attended Picsldont
McKlnley duiliig hit' last Illness
llio iinilinmncil nureroai nnd plivili un, viho
were In altiiiiliiic-o en tlie lite l'rp?ldrnt Me
hinli'j, line Ii til tlirlr aticntkn nllol lo ccMtnn
srn'llllolul ntltnnnits Icirlitll tililillulu il, IliJi
lailni; dls'i nlon ind in ilnilnitiuni
anions them
Wi i!cho lo k.iy to tli.j pres ami public,
onee for all, tint ecrrv Kiicli pntihritiiiii mid all
alb .eil iiiirri(4 wall an of us rontiitintg
irliliUm of one jnutlirr or of .mi of our asnt
aim aie fiUi
f my Ik i hi tint there- wj neitr i serleiin
ill'iffrceiiKiii miioiiir th profinsinul iltrn lintii
ah in in nf thr Mmplnm-i, ni n to the treit
melt nf tlie iw, or J to the bulletin which
xmic jind V vet uniiuil hiriuniiv ni oMti
an mid lillnn pioiilled all thioimh the us,
Iho tinfmluiulo rr-iutf oul I nut 1n been
firorcii Ik loir thp nut icoubli hiuiptoius a.
diipil 1heiieelii, hlf en the sivtli (Ui. in 1
mild nol Iiiip bli iiiovrntnl b In) hum in
ai ikc
lYndinsr thp inni lelinii nnd publu itmn nf
the etfiiijl iiyirM nt th pot mnrtrin vim
iners and illrnrlnii; t iff r lnl1 ofu-p ti nuke
am further stitduent. tnr nliln ition ind dl
h u d intrMirwH with au$ nt hi inn lip l,nmwi
t 1 1 fin il i)ii-
VI iilhi P VI inn K .vielt pirl II rm in
Mvntcr, 1 iigciu W imIiii (IiiiIis d -im a n
Six Desperadeips with Revolvers Re
sist Ariest and Aie Puisued by
Officers nnd Citizens.
fli fciluiiip Wire frnnlhe Vwm.Med Pr"
Altoona, Pa S( pt. IT Tills i tv was
tittoilfd today bv a gang ot s dos
peiadoos, who fought a despoiate
battle with the polle o, one man being
injiued, slot In the laie by Chief of
Pollip Sedpiibiug
The tinuble stinted at tho Pinnkllii
bote I, whole one ol tlie pirtv grubbed
a i oil nf bills fioiu 'U'. P. Dunn, a les
tiiitiaut koepei Dunn suiitihed tils
tuoiiey fiom Hie fellow, who started
out to bu.v ivolver.s lor himself and
fi lends When ho lotuined, thev
wanted to Hie hotel for Dunn,
tint woie pi iv lilted liv tho landlady
and 'ovi'ial otliois who piotest -d that
Dunn wis not about the pl.uo The
pollie woie ( ailed and the men letl.
Later two woie found hiding In a
md. Olllcor Hallow- tiled to an est
th"iu and thev pulled lovnlvois and
tllieatoned tn shunt tiliu Tlioj lied,
and a posse of ollli ers and (Illens fol
lowed them. Pveivone who could beg
ol bouow a levolvir Joined lu the
i hasp
Soon Hip battle oiiMied. Shots woie
fioch cm hanged and a tunning tight
was kept up for two miles In the
Sheets and thiough allevs. Chlel
Soedenbllig shot Hie one fellow in the
tape at a i.inse of fifty vaids. Poi -tuuali'b.
no fjtttsldeis woie stunk
The men wme i aught at the i .1 lit
given a heai lug before Aldoiman
It imev at onee mid held for omut. Tim
men said theli imupi weie Domlnli k
Pel kins and Hill Ne. Nye was shot,
not spilmidj.
It Is belli veil the men came bote to
lob while the McKlnlev funeial ti ill)
passed thiough Altoona The pollie
aie bringing In all MispUous ih.uac
Public Will Leant How Steel Stilke
Wns Settled.
Ilr licluHP Wiro (mm Hie tan latfd Prfje.
"Iitsliuig, Sept. IT After taking
time to think It over, Piosldent T. J.
Sliiiffr. ot the Amalgamated ussocla
tlon. has anontineed that theie will be
a public statement of the tonus of
llio settlement of the Ml Ike of Ills ni -ganlation
with the I'ntted States stud
(io ni.iHon
lie has also dei Idod to issue a ili
itilir giving tlie tonus of the iigi co
ntent on vvhii Ii the nion weip onlciod
to leluin to woik, and aftci nil the
lodges have iPiolved It the elidtlar will
be made publli .
Toda the ollli es of the Amalgamat
ed assoelatton weio moie qiiloi and
onlPily than they have boon for some
wppks. Hip huge niajoilty of strlkei.s
having i elm nod to woik.
11 Pxi bub f Mae fiom 'the Voilitrd l're
Xch- ViiiU, s, ,i i; n pun ( uiiiiiU.iiiner
el Pollie V) ll'ieni uirp.icd tmhu in
the clnlBP of r pit vie Ii Old liejh.t (( (lute,
Up caw bind
Movements of Steamships.
Hi l.vihMiP )Irr fr. ill llio Aisuriilrrl l'rp
Xp X ml.. s(jii 17 Viiiinl Kil. I Witliilni
IM I ,i us r, llriliiin licihhli II'I IiIimii, II'
nun Vllu. Iii'iin.1 und Siih ( li.ain Inn
liikimi. Viiiii' ' I'nil
s. ill .,), IjIui, Uii Mil II til Sniillnuniliiu
ritustou Has Appendicitis.
Ilj l.vilihiip irr (lem I lie A-'m IjIciI Pie"
VUiiIIj, Npi K (.iiipiiI I una m i. In Uo
h'inul, -111111111: fii'in Ml' ii' I ii it i- ik ud'
lululili III. ii uieil iikii .
Her Friends Arc Genulnelu flPDre'
hcnslve oi the Tmlnrj Daij5
Soon to Gome.
At Present Her Condition Justiflel
the Hope That There Will Bo No
Rieakdown, at Least "Until tho
Tinal Offices Hnvo Been Paid to tho
Dead, but It Is tho Possibility of
A Reaction When, the Excitement
Has Subsided That Aiouse3 Their
Dread Mis. Roosevelt Calls Upon
Her to Expiess Sympathy.
Rv rvliHnp Wire from The Aincited Prew.
Washington, Sept. IT. Tho frlondi
of Mis. .McKlnloy nio scilously alarmed
about her. They speak with giavc np
piehcnslon of the dajs that aro soon
to como when sho will be borno up
no longer by her sense ot duty and
tlie sustaining force of her desire tr
pei form her full part ln tho ccrcmnu
l"S that tho national character and
haglo end of her distinguished hus
band make approptlate.
They dtoail Hie appro idling days In
Hip (pilot ot her homo at Canton, when
her "beloved" major will not bo near
to cmufnit her In the reaction that
will follow- inevitably after thp pres
ent shock. It Is believed that she will
bo aide to go thiough the services at
Canton without too gioat dllllciilty,
but subsequently a collapse Is gtcatlv
foil ed At ptespiil her condition jus
lillos the hope that thoie will be no
bioakdown at least until the final of
(Iks have been P lid to the dead.
This ov oning Mis. MeKlnloy Is eon
sidoiablv weaker than when at IlufTalo
but (outlnues to beai up with great
fottltude. This aftctnonn she gave uit
! ti r gri f moie fiecty than at any
tune sum the liagiil. nlie sobheu
nnd 1 1 led for a long time and thc-o
paioxvsins of gitcf sapped hor tiongtli
to itiite a digioe Dr. Itixey said that
he was fait ly confident of Mrs. Me Kin
le's abilltv to take jiait In the sorv
li is at Canton.
Among those who i ailed at the White
House (luting the alteinoon and spent
a. slim t time with Mis McKlnloy woie
Mis Koosevelt. Mis. (iaitett A. Ilnhait
and Mis John A. Logan.
Public Subscilption to Be Staited by
the United Societies..
Hi Ixitiisnp Wire trim 'thp AncUtrd Prr
Now Yoik Sept, IT. 'l'ho Italians
tbimiglimit the I'nltod States aie to
eicit u mouiimeiit to the late Picsl
dont M(Klnlo. The memorial Is to
lie plan (I in one of Hie squates ot
pniks of Now Yoik city, and Is to tost
$100 Oilo
On Satutdav last the Idea of a monu
ment was In ought bofoie the meeting
of the I'nltod Lilian soilctlos and icso
lutlons weio then passu! which assure
Its Sill less,
Thoie Is a gioat deal of feeling
among Italians of tills city with lo
gout to tho assassination of tho presi
dent .n much so Hiat an album con
taining hft 000 signal in ps is being pie
paiod to be sent to Washington as a,
token of soi iow , at the assassin's woik.
Leading Italians In this eltv aie of
the opinion that the American penpln
hud gotten the impiesslon that nnai
e hy was piev alont among their eoun
tivtuen This Impiesslon, they say, Is
false. No mote loyal eitizens, they
mglte. exist lu this rotiutiy than tlie
Italians They abhor anaichy even
moie than the Ahum leans.
Luzerno Republicans Want Eveiy
Toim of Anaichy Outlawed.
fU Iviliuiio Wirs from Tlie vclitetl Tre?.
Wllkos-n.inp Sppt. IT. The P.epub
llcan county (nnvcntlon met Iieto to
day and nomlnatod lion. V. M. Nli h
ols, major of Wllkos-Hane, orphans'
couit Judge, to .sun cod Judge Dai to,
deceased. Tlie governor will now- ap
point Mr. Nloflols to tho vacancy, and
tils honor will louder his icslgnatlnn n
m.i.v oi citv inumlls will elect hi-,
niiipsuii, io seive until tho spring
elei t uti
The convention adopted suitable
tesolutlons on the death of tho piest
dont. and th-1 next cmigtcss Is uigcd
lo p is.s stilngont laws against eveiy
form of nnan h
fly FxcIu'Ito Tlrp fmm Thf A.Moclaled Prf-s
1' Si-pt 17 Hip Chlnco trnop re-. ntfred
p, u In o 1 ei lln Vim rhiiH an I laruiiPKi urn
nil menu. U liimleil ov'i tin fi-itildden cit to thr
I hlin'te luilioiilii"
To Attack Anaichy.
Pi llvitiebo "Irp fu tu Hip oiliilril l'rev
lliiil.biiur. sopi 17 Ill-lie p shunlun. of tr
Ihiibbiiri; ilimex ni t lie- ( ulholh iliunh. !
.mil i piniliinilH n in " In' i lns ani hit; of
tin dli'ii.c mdii. nihiiuL' th" di iplntf of "'
pnl.h biiltdinzs Ihi illiinu of u i-pei Lit lu mi" mi I Inn -'Ii) md ihp prpneuUln n
ill ai In. Inn Hun mi huh Ii at tin) h-t liii-
in l siuidii iii.ii ii nir
4-f 4- -f-f --t
-- - -
V i..liiiui in. s, pi 17 -l'orrcit for
vviilu .lo oui Ihuisdij 'itrm Prnn. -
4 .ill mil Pnili (hiudi MirlneMAVi frfh -
linilheili wind" I'lnnnlji, tloudi proh.
ibli i iln -f