THE SCRANTOtf TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1901' When using baking powder it is always econ omy to buy the Royal. Royal makes the finest, most wholesome and de licious food. REMAINS ARRIVE IN WASHINGTON II nnilnilid li"" Paw I ! t'olimel Jiliit-'liiim at onio innile I ho iiri twin y iiriutiBCinpiitH for tin riiurt Army nf tho Jtr-piililli- tn follow tlio lii'iitHf 1o tlio ilppnti ami hhmIkmciI n t otiiinlttco of live to nci omp.itiy tin- re tmiliiH of I'leMilntt Mi Klulcy on t lio 1 1 ii I ii, as IoIIouh P. SI. Kiel iptt, adjutant Kcni-inl: ('IiuiU'h A. On, ilpi.uttiipiit coiimiaiiilr-t. Now Yoik C?iaml Army of Hip Ki-pulilii . W. !'. Hillings, coinni.inilor l'oit !, Alfivtl IMIp, pail wnloi iit toiiinmiiili'i-lii-lilrf, anil Jnsppli W. Kay, pant depart- mr-nt comtn.iiiilpr, New Yoik Uiiuid Aiin.v of tlie Itcptililli GOVERNOR NAMES DAY OF MOURNING P KitMuote Wire from Tho Mocittfd Prem HurtMmrK Sopt lfi fJovoinor Stino tofUiy iHKiiod the following prm'tniim tion appointing ThuiPduy uf ji day of mmirnlnp and piayrr throughout ivnn Flvat.iii; n litlinp tnlmti m lln iNomnn I Willi mi Kmln, hip iitrnlft)l of iln Tralnl Mitt, p..r imtitiirl tf'.illt Ins i.iiiaiii mi li deep oi tkw llirouphntit I hi' w.-rM. .in) in mioiiljmi i'h tin irocliniitinh f On inmlnit of the 1 mini Nitti, I, WillMtu inii p.vrrnnr nf tlt t MiniiKinwo.ilth of P tm-j h.itiU, t i .tpponit Thiir-i), Sjit. V 1 1 io hv iipun wliiih tlio hoih if Hi' ilr.iJ piifiiluit will 1t hid il let, K j U of itioiiriniri; 'ind punr llimuuhuiil Ihonltti, I inrmitirml tint tho prujili nt P mil mil do on tint 'In ?upiid tin pitiMiit nt nil m i limn and avtinlilr in tltoir lo-puhvp plm ( 'itplnpf thrrr t rrndri their full inr.ivuio f iov i. Tii o mil Inn ! the proiiJut o doritli lui I'mujlit Midi dot p uiicf (o our union (urn utidfr nu lund ind tlio oil nf the - iir ut Ihiriliini:, thi, ttlxlffntl iU nf vjc jftid'T in tho mm nf nm r)l. ,md ni tin t punniiwrtlth ilio one Itundird aw (wrtilt tifih. 1 1 v llir piXiiitKT, iTh,im M tit V tt i.ik. irtau of iht .imniiiiw. ,ilil REPUBLICAN LEAGUE TAKES DUE ACTION Hi lilnii ri lu in llii' o, ialiil l'n I riiilmli'lphi.i Si-pt lfi - The IVnnsyl .ilii,i Mule I.oiiKUP of r.i'ptllilli .in i lubs. wlui1-!' i oiiPtitliin ws to bo lii'ld at Siifintnn toiuoiiow and was post-poui-il on in i mint ol tlio di'.itli ot ips iIpiiI Mi-Kinloj. will lip ippipspnli-il at tin' fitui' ol tlip late pii-siilont In Canton by a i oinmltli'p. I'ipsldPiit Moot p. this moinliiK, announcPil tlip nppoliitnit'iit lor tills iwipiv-p of tho monibi-is of thp i'p( mivp ininmlttpi' fiom i-M'ty lotinty of the statp, In i llldlliK Hip lollowiiiR' otlhoii; I N I'lfMilrnt-. Iilwm 'Hi irt . .Inhn H It. Inn nil, limit W.irnn. 1-nlnr '..In I, I.i k r II nc I'm i-Mi ni-, .1 M ii t in ltnninii-1, I'hili il.lihi.i. Milinn M. -hrrii, lm, Willi im I. Iliilil, Jolin I', llrmy .mil Willi mi I Mil. I in il I'lii-lmrz: Uiiwjiil l.iiui, Willi.ini-inii, .nm .1. lm Hiirluin, "f I'lululi Uilii.i. Sci n i.m a .1' hit hrllii, l'hilnl,-lilii i .iml ittoiui K. Mm i Int. ilkpi Mule. In iMirrr Iitp II -lnn, lMiitailrlphu, i tn 1 the tnllowini; ifpiprnt iluci f tlip Ilikiip in Mli'Cliini iiniiilt Hon M. liii'iiu. It 11 l.iniUii, W W M11u.11, HiniiiK l Mflluii, I h j ill's 1: I'linn, linn, liiilnl Mo WluniiP.i, lion loliti Xliirpln, Hon I harli- . Miirlillitnunpt. sitniht (' liihr, 1 1 t I. ltrhart'O-lPiiniirr, .tnnp I 1- llmki- .iml II -1. W1II11111 II. Walliii-, I..11111-111P i.uiiili Tlio ritti-buii; nicmbcis of tho rum tnitlop have IndiP.itPd thoir puipnso i, nttendlni; tin- fitneial in a bod Thoy iill wear iipinopilato Ip.ikuo b.ulKi-s. PHILADELPHIATO PAY ITS TRIBUTE ft? Eirlutlve TMre from The .UforUtpd Presi. I'lllUdPlpbia Sppt Hi I'hllitili-lphl 1 havliiB fallpd In tho attempt to h.iu- The body of tho iIp.hI ptoslilcnl In- in t-tntP In Indi'pi nili'iu i- hall hor dtl.oiis iitc doliiK the iipt bi-ht thiiiR to ho the and koIiir to WiishinRtuii b Tho tlioiisallds. All tl.illlH tu WiihIiIiik ion tonlRlit. W110 now dt'd At nild nlKht. Manr As-lilirbln'. aiioniiauloil bv otlioi- ollluils di'p.utiil 101 tho Miuth mid will oillciallv lopipnont 1I10 1 Itj of Philadi'lphl.i. rioli-Kiillnns timu tho i'nloli Lpiirup. State l.i-ayue ot H-pub-In an flubs and otlioi otKiinl.iitious will alho nttPiid tho 1 t'li'tiionlos AiiiinKPiiicnts aio iiiiiIpi- way for a Bloat iiioiiioinl spulro to bo hold at Independent p hall on Tliuii-d,iy and 11 all foi a nioptiiiK to bo held at f-nnie fiituio day ut the Aiiulemy of was sent out tmlaj. The Na tional iJiiaid of I'cuHsylMiuiii and the Lpukup Island navy jaid today Hied hnlf limn salutPH rutin sunilso to sun sot. MR. CLEVELAND WILL ATTEND Ity Kxclndvf Wire from TIip Xwonatnl Pipis "Wahhlngton, Sept. 1iJ tienmil .loltu Mi 'Wilson received a message fmni former President 'lex i laud todux, saying that he was louilug to Wash Ington to attend the funeial nn nioules of the late piesldonl. lieueral Wilson has been designated to meet Mr. I'leveliind and make niiangemeuts for tils JiiUitnlnnient while lu Wash ington. SCHOOL BOARD ADJOURNED. President Authorized to nave All Sclioolb Closed Thursday. As a murk of respect to the dead piesldem 1 ho boaid of conttol ad jouriied sisslon lust night after train-. on "no item of business and Bdoptlng a I'siiliiHon authorizing Pies Jdenl !li ni to aider the schools i-losul on Tliiiisday next after the teacheis and pupils assemble, and hold pnnrojirJtilti I'oniwcmoratlx'o exeiclses, mill to lmp a pIMum of MrKlnloy, piopnily iliapi'il. litlliR at tin- plitrani'P of niili'si'liool IniililltiK for tlility days. 'I'hi' i evolution as piPHOiitcit b Mi. Si hrlffpr and tinnnlinotifdy adoplpil. Tin- oiip Item ot' lui-lncis tiiiniu-tcil vwih tlio ipi'pIvIiir of ni-w lild" fin tla i onti action of No. 2J w-honl In the Tlilid waul. At tlio foi irn r nn-etliiK all ItliU for thH Job wpip ii'Ji-etril In mtixp tin- liiwi'Ht blildPl' Hip iJlininniP l.tliiilicr iniiipiiliy, fallPil to state tlio minii'H of thn Htib-ionliiiPtors ai nilled foi In thp ailVPttlspiiipiit This Minn- ininpun i t lie lowpt Imlilf-i iikiiIii. lant nlRlit. nml hkhIii fallril to nlM' Hip niiniPH of tlio nub lontiiu tors Tin- bid" was ii'fpiipil to tin- bullilliij,' lomnilttpc to lopoil at till1 llPXt lll("tlllK HAD A TURBULENT TIME. Steel Workers' Officials Confronted by Highly Incensed Strikers. By KicliwlTK YSlr ttom Tlif Awioclitnl rr. IMtiOiuri: iit If. II i liiil.iilciii tin I r I'rctiiliiu IiiIIii nml tin' otliniN"! t' Xnnlxi tiiiml im i.iln n KiJh II" In nliinlHo- 't It p .ri;miJliiii f imwiml lioni iiininini! ml it imlni: Willi utt ik ri- nml ii-iipiiiI uin of loiljos luri tlio iinll '!'' "lid I1"' ,n' uoikiK urn . iw hi tic umil 1 In- li I In i' Krfrilmi; llii' ulllnmnt nf tin -lilki' Tin- ulliM it Iho pf 11. r il oMmim iti' .ill m"P nr li ixulcil .mil in mi wii ilii'pH liu iii-iil. S.IIII- ut tlio MllUri ilc.tlliil llm wi.lll.l mil nifit tin nnlir i illiiiu llii tnli' nil imlil il win- u'imii lull ii.iillrnliio "1 Hi. ih'IIIiiiihii. iiiIhh 'ii i illlns ImiIiIIi mi lm n-isimii'iii t l'irlilint M.illrr llnl Jllnllirr il.l- ill 111 III II il I III! willnlriHil "1 iIk-ii IiiiIb'"' Hum tin- 'iimnliimn II. fun- ItoniK hit nil 1 1 I'ii -in. ill lnllir .in tinmiml ilnl In1 ilul mil UniiU il iihijiv ti miki' i -tjinnriil Mi' -ilil Ilnl t In- inni'i (iitiiiiTi linl cImii 'nm iwiiiinn llm Miiulil not rrM-il U ioihIiIhiii- f I In- ikipiiii m. SON OF ENGLAND'S KING Duke nml Duchess of Yotk Roynliy Welcomed in Canada. Hi Kxiliiiir Mm- In in liie .i-liti'l l'ri-.. iiiili.i. ijiiilm . i in t'i nilil-i i in In i m iiil' nf innnn .mil tin uln-llm; n imli'lirn- m mi tril-. liu 11 iii.ll Iil2lilit-p IhP Piup nml llm lu .1 "ik. .itinpii tin. mi mIihI'iIi. 1 1111. 1,11 liiuril II M s nplni 'Mir -II11H Ullnlllilli'llt win 1 1 il putv 1 . 1 , I hup inikril null ilrmo itii-iils wMili Hiii- lirlil link in Hip tmlilirt, linli linnl liu ftiuN ln.m tin iilinf I" Hi 1'iillanitiil oj tiiiililnu' "in 11 liu tin. I'Mii.-i 'ii- In M111 r II. 11 s N I'm lit THBEATENING ROOSEVELT. A Loquacious Blacksmith Is Locked Up in Clovoland. riy VvpIikIip Wire Irnm Thp Vmociated Prcii lliiiliml. -1 .t Ii 1 i.inU lilinu .'.' 1. 111 nlil t ill II k-tllllh. H II III lUIIPil tiitulp .IllitltP Kptinrrli .11 tin iptiiiil 1 1 nut t.nlii npi't liu iIiitli tif -11-pn tun In 1 -lix-n nil M ( ilr ftini IiIiiil 1- .illitpil 1.1 liitp anl- -l li.'tont: In 1 f. Hut villi (iii lllll tu .111.1 .ll.l'l win mil kill I'h -iih ni It...- t.h ' I1I1IB-, .'a I"- li.Jiin.- Ififli, il. iiipii tint hp iiihIp Hip -lilniiriil Up ,i. iniKiniiiil n jnl mil mil In umn dii'iilin litiilii: Wrilnpsilit, M tntiint thp ih'Ihp mil imkp pict.i fffnil 1.1 liarn ill Hl'niit ill ni-intr. SYMPATHY OF AUSTRALIA! CATHOLICS Hi lilii-ivo War from llir in uipiI I'rpn II1II11111 11 . 1 'i it' (.iiilinil Imiii lulu nu mil 1 i.ililisi 1111 ti .111 ( jnlinil Mm. 111 mil-lio-linp ef siiiiii 1 ii-tnln iniitin .11 (In 111111 ' of tin I dtliiilii s nt imuIh. ipii-m- UiPir tit lioirrmp a tlio ii in iiipii uf Piii-iiluit Mi hinlpi llir oliliiji 1111 folloiK ' To 1'iuliiidl l.iblii-ini. Itilnmni. 'liu- ( inlii'ini. .il ii-ii,ilu rnps. iii.r-.if it till lll.lliolll al 1 1 tilt 1 tu 1 lllllll'l til tin- LDlirtl liii-lll nl Hip I lillP'l siji,, t lint In ntli-ll Min. ptllii lkiCH"li .iiilinil Mil in " CHARTERS ISSUED. By Rirluiiti XVIrf from Th Aworiited Prttn II illinium:, squ p. I'!,,. I'H, Mn 111.11IU111: iilnpilll I .l'll illIll ,ll S'lll.OIIII U.K llnltilPil tuilii .11 tin i-i.iSi ilrp.iitinini tin- 1 tin 1I1-: ill-lillin tiinipnii 1111 nipni it 11 11 111 I'liili-ll i.nni. 1 line In 111.- 11. piuii.iuii fm tin nu 1. ip ni ll.ill 1 I null impni It ion-, pllui In I In pi ilu it Hi, Mil I. nn 1 upnutic 11 lull In il 1 1,1 ii.n liiuti (liiitiiii mtp 1l.11 ui.'i it in tit -t mi put nniiis. nm ii.. miIiph Hip It iiiiij Uiiiini,' niiipani Piiit-nlli 1jpn.1l, s.'iiitihni Monument to Jennie Wade. U Kiduslte Wirt from Tin Auwrlittd Trtii. 1,1-iiisliiiii:, Pi . -ni Hi Hi.' nnimiiiiiii in lillllli W.i'l. . i.t lull -I'lIU Mini ui- k Ilul lit I sun hullit iilnlp 1, 1, iiil' tui nl .liiiiiu: iln In! Ill ..1 l.nii-liuiL'. Mi iliiliitul tuilii in il,. piisniip nt a liie. 0-1 111I1I at It ih 1 fnnii Usurp in 111 nl, Ip im -uii.ilil; n,., II Iiim .1 uianiir ln-i mil -i miis m n trip nnui nu mil" nl Iln- I'tPlunrn minim I ii.uibIi Imp 1 iln 1 M uf M111 liprii-tu Mi W11I,, j si. 01 nf iln 1I1 ni unl. iln muniimint itisitpiifii li.v llir bilii.uf Hip liiiml 11111 ut ilu. Ilrpiilihu ttf inn 1 Salute Gun Burst. Ili Kxtlmlii' XX'Ire from TIip Xs-ncialul IVm Williim-piiil. I'.l, -1 pi in X i.ui'l .1 iiiiiii Inn nl ( niiipini- I), TmpIiiIi riLiiiuni. NjiiuiiI (iuiril nf I'i'iiii.i h jiii.i, 111 nl 1 siluip i,t nm buii iitn thill) minimi In, 1 11 (nun .in nlil ,iv p,illlulll. hi lii'linl nt llii' Hi nl nl A I ,1110 -1 1, hIiiIp iIip.i urn tiling tin lulu nl sin 1, I plllllllllll- lilslllllBI' (I UlP plpip sl'lllilv lilllllill . 1 ui .1 11 1 I I' 1,1 IDs i fm ,ui lilwiui full nf pntMlii mill Iip luai li,.p ,m pvp. Iln link 1 lllst Hi IP Iniili '.'linnl mil lm liuli! .11111 sptriPl.i huiiiril ami In ulul ,111.11 Hun II Mi !lr. 1 luii Ins iIlIiI iijihI Imiti I. Examining the Bullet. Hi I'.vilii'iip Wlrp limn 1 he XssoilaliJ I'ipss Hull 1 lu. sipt in -pi IP nn ni MjijIiijh it llllklllK ll lilltl llulliuii ll llllllsls In i, (film a iiluilipr Uip IiiiIIus hml Hum ( ulnw' ritnltrr lli.C (mini Hip IIIp nf 1 1. nt Milunl-i ilui tint tit-.ii romp puisnnoiis siili-tumi Hi u Initio .m si-tri In Hi limit li Hiilu, iln iiii. pitlui l"Sii il ItlmiMliiij mil IIpiIi it M Hit,, (I,, , ,tv ilitiuitt Swift Wilkes-Barre Justice. B Kiclutltt Wlrr from The Auoeltttd PTrta. Uilkis limp, Srpt lfi. -lliliiy Mp'ilr, ruipuul ill Hip Ninth rcBiiuiul, National (Jiianl of I'uui hU.iiii.i, trini li) (mat Iniuulii for uppakinu ilPiuiiatort nf Prrtuli lit Mrhlnli) lie at orrleiM niluinl In lhi milks aiul iliiiuinl fiuin Hie rreiniini Twenty-three Drowned, Hjr rtclutitf Wire from Tli Aaiociaterl rra. Hndar-t, Rppt, IH Twrnli-Onte pprmni upri,. rro-nel May ly thn nrrrk nf a fpir) liait tthlrli wat (ruffing the Pi'mldl Kulpa liirr, nur OmIJ, Curalia. CZ0LG0SZ IS NOW INDICTED fondiMcd from Pico 1 1 p.ieli sucpoedlliK qiU'Stloti, but t'zolfiosz stubboi nly refused to answer. Assigned Counsel, The tllstilct uttonipy lespoct fully stiRRpstpd that founsel be ussIkiipiI to dpfptid the pilsoiipr and ascot tain what he had better do as to his pirn to the Indli ttneiit bpfoio iiiralKtimetit. ttldi;n I Jittery then nsked the ptlsoner befotc the bur If he lind i-oiinsel. but thcie was no nnswer, despite the fat't that the polh-e olllelals told hill) the JuiIko was siipaklnc and that he must an- hw er. The 1 out l then said. '('colKOSii, yoll having appealed for airalBunient In the ioiit without eoiinsel, the law iiialu'.s It the duty of the (ourt to as sign tounsel. The Hnr iissoelntlon of our 1 utility has 1 onsldered the matter and siiKKPsted the names of eprtaln Ki'litleiueii of high iharaeter foi such assignment. The loint bus seiloitsly totisldcied the iitipstlnn, and nftpr inilili 1 onsldpratlon has toiiiluiled to follow the suggestions miidn by the as soelatloti. Tho mint, theiefoie, assigns the I Ion. Lilian L. Lewis and the Hon. ltolieit ('. Titus as .011r routisel " .Itidge Uiiioty tlliected the oflliets to notify the attorneys, and iemoo the pi Isoner. (Volgos. was liauili uffoil to the de tectives, who stinted out of the 1 out t loom with him. The tiowils surged after them, but found the exit bulled by polleeinen. Outside the mtiit 100111 door tho pi lionet was stiiiouudeil by poliietuon and luii fled downstiilis Into the basement, whenee Iip was taken tluotigh the tuntipl to tho Jail nuns Polawutp meiitle. W'liethei ho was If ft llioio for the night or taken else where, the pollie tel'usd to saw Olsttlit Attorney I'ennej said that JllMlies Lewis anil Titus would lit untitled and given nu oppot timlty to talk with the pi iMiner. and that ho hopi d to aitalgu tV.olgos tomottow. AVOCA. Mai Jul le the one- ear-old daughter ol Ml and Mis. Ilobcit Hone, of I'ltts ton, died on Thliisdn e ening at the livdiloin e ol Mis Hone's niothei, Mrs Small I'l.iustoii of the North Und, The 10m, litis weie taken to the home of the patents. Intel iiietit was made oil Sat in day afternoon. The iiiiuilagi of Willi. 1111 Stuildeis of the West Side and Miss May Nolan of Dupoiit Is atliioutiieil to take pl.uu this month. A mule that ha.- been li.nll.v tieated li the l'ns while loatuing the sttoets is now in ol .I0I111 Houston of j-i hool stteit. Owner (.111 hae It by pa lug 1 haiges. Mies Viola Deeble and Thomas Ne bnne will 111 company the Nantknke choir to the I'au-Amoili .111 today. .Miihai'l Miinlo left .M-sloiilav to inntliiue Ills studies at Villa Nina ml I. ge. Pint. 1' I". Iloban was unable to at tintl to duty jisteida.x on aiiouut of Illness. Mr and .Mrs M. v o I'.i Ion -pent pstcitlay with ft lends in .letni.Ul .Mr and .Mrs. Theodnic llogan and lamily weio guests of Mi, ,un Mi.s. .lohu i.;alaghei of Ma.Mield on Sunday. Mis Hlchaid liter ami daughter of V, nulling are guests of Mis. .lamb Webster. Miss .lennle Hell has letiiined honie .illet spi'tnliug M'et,il wieks with Itiends in Sip Iton, t'onn Mr. and .h .lohu l-'tue him n tuiniil lioni Now V01 v 1 ity T. I'' MiAndtew smi',i1i (iaitelt and Kate' runnlugliam icttinied to Hlounis biiig niiimal mIiohI jestoiday. DURYEA. line of the fniist ii in I a.s-aults that has ixer in in nil in this , inii was wltnu-seil Sunda.x ixenlng by a lntge iiowil In a heattd iiuatiel .lohn li hii k stunk Mis. 15o-ii SokolowsKI and sexeielj Injuitilhu Mis Soknlo ws was holding an infant In In r anus when assaulttd by Ishkk and the i hlhl was aleu injiueil. Mis. Soko-lowi-kls injuiips ni.iy pi out latal. The mws ,is coin e oil to Joseph SnUo-low-kl that his wile was being kllkd and he attaikul I ill it k when an un known man Intel let ed and Sokolowski was biutall.x beaten about the head. At this wilting he Is ji a dangeious ton illtlon. Ishk was aiested anil taken lielote .lusilio of the Pe.uo It. (' Mo-tk-ka who sent him to Jail in di fault ol SL'.iJUO bail. The statcuKUt In the Wllkos-llai te lleioid i'Moidny that Joseph Vt s taxlc. shut his wite is tal.-o. The fl lends pf Vcm'.ix li . doslio It to be aunouiiieil that he l.s Intimtnt ot this i hat go as hi Is now in jail for hol)t Salloi Cnwle IJhuii Ttnglcpaugh has i.t opted a position ,m . U t Is. in IJiImiII te Clatison a gnu i r sni, M m ES STRONGER THAN HIS STOMACH. The stomach U the vital center of the body. It is the orL'au from xxhich all oth&r organs are feil. A xveak stomach nic-ius a weak man. There never was a strong man jn, a eak stomach. What is called ''weak stomach" is in Rcneral a diseased condition of the stomach and other organs of digestion and nutrition, which prevents the proper digestion of the food which is taken into the stom ach, and so reduces the nutrition of the body. When all. food is taken axxay the body starves, When the foot eaten is only digested and assimilated in part it only nourishes the body in part, and so the body is partly starved. And this starvation is felt in every organ of the bodv dependent on the blooil which is made from food. The great variety of the cures per formed by Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Discovery is due to its remarkable poxver to heal diseases of the stomach and allied organs. It cures through the stomach diseases seemingly remote, but which have their origin in a diseased condition of the stomach and the other organs of digestion and nutrition. "Weak" heart, lungs, kidneys and xxeak ness of other organs is cuied with the cure of the xxeak stomach, Mr Thotiink A Mvarts, Ilox lot, titili-stallon C . Coliiinlius, Ohio, writes "I wan taken ery ucU with, xeiere headache then cramps in the toinach, anil food would not iliceH, then Lltlnev and liter trouble, ami my liKk got weak u I could scarcely Rit around The more I itouurcd the worne I got until six jeara passed I had be come o poorly I could only walk In Hie lioue by the aid of a chirr, and I got to thin I had fiifn iii to Jit, IliliiVliiR that I could not be cured Then one of my iieiehbnrs naitl, 'Take I)r 1'irrre'iColtleii Medical lilicnvrry and make a new man out of jourkelf The first bottle helped me o t thought I would get nnntlier, ind alter I had taken eight bottle I wat weighed and found I had gained twentv-neven (J?) Iht in about i wecka I have done more hard work lu the patt eleien month than I did in two) cart before, and I am at stout and healthy to-day. I think, as I eer wat " Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets cure cnitipatiou, PAPER ON CHURCn UNITY. Read by Rer. C, H. Nowlnp at Meet ing of Methodist Ministers. The tegular meeting ot the Mjthodlst Mltilsteis' nsioelutlon of Scr.inton nnd vlelnlty was hold at Klin Park uhnrch H-jteiday invrnliif; at 10 30. Vlco President IJ. U, Singer presided und llev. V. P. Doty conducted the devo tions. Rev. C. II. New Ing presented an excellent paper entitled "I'liurih t'nlty." Itev. Austin Orinin, IX D., opened the discussion. llevs. It. M. Piiscoe and Jatiies Hennlnger also par ticipated. Memheia inesent weie: Hevs. O. C Ij.vinaii, R P. Doty, Jiiines Hennlnger, Austin arlllln. W. S, Simpson. S. .1. Dotsey, ('. H. Newlng. (V II. Prenthe. Joseph Madison. .1. 'N. Halley, IJ. H, Singer. It. M. p.iscoe, A. 'H. Conger, J. It Austin. 1 m SOUTH SCRANTON NOTES. A Holley ilde Is to be given by Adiiin Mans and Hunt y Schwcnker on Thursday evening for the betieilt of the new palish house of the Hick ory Street Pioshyterlaii iliutth. Tick ets aie on sale by Adam Mans M7 Alder sheet, and Henry Schweiikei, 712 Plttston avenue. Tickets can bo had no later than Tuesday night. Itp .1. Pipriiifffr, MHor nf Hip Pnniict t p. imp Uiimin Mrtlinillit ihuuli. Ii' tp. lUIIPil III putoratP mi nerntllil nf pnnr liullll. lip nlil ilpllpf hi (.uchpII uprnmn npl Sumlay niclil. IIpi Putlnvpr Iml Iippii p.ilnr nf lie 1I11111I1 .1I111111 nup .111H fi inniitli- an. I mulli ,1'liiilrul In Hip mi-inlirri nf lii luniri' Kit Inn, tn Minim lil rctieintiin ln hiniinlit - t linn Up will 1. up tnr l.uriipp .iliout Hip iniilillt! nf llPXt iiok Tin- niiiiiim nf s. P.iul'i tint li fair j.l nUlit in UhiimiiI.i lull Mi IjikiIi itlptinril Mi-iv 111MI.1 nml ii-i'lnl .ntlilr- npip ilianml nfT Dm -lug tlip ripnliis Hip ItinjE'iM hinil liiml-linl 11111-I1 Tin- (tiiinnillpp In tluiBP nf Hip .iltali 14 .11 fiillnni: Mlilij,e lliimin, llnrln LpIiiiiiiiiii, (iiitat llalir, Ctoiitp saulipi, ( iipi-i N icrIp, 11, I". Mnnri'. I111I1 Pitil, nilirn IIiihim, I .i-ih r liicui. .Iiilm Von llprsPn Tlio t ilii- iiip In llnrilP lit ll l.nttp I'.llllllli, I1SII-M Hi 11111, HiiImm N.ipeIp. Mi- Mire.utt PihnTpr iml Ri-itiiit Kli ill- 'Hip nprnini; jilili- w m Bittii li i,p. H.1III10111 Itilm IliniK, tlip Irfjnl spii nf Mr ami Mi. lolm lltirii", nf rig ftippi. .linl -unilii iiisnt nfttr 11 (in iln lllnpii TIip I11t1rr.1l tnnk pi no Mpili .ifli'llioPli at 2.1H n'llmk flnnl liu 1 1111II1 KkluVme Intiimciit ti.11 nudp In tho I irnutcit Efforts Will Be Abandoned. lit Kxiluiitr W'irp from Th Wocittcd frpM t'liiiaun. ipt it) -t'.rTniin In mnnfit Hip ( li i -iijn aturilil-t uith a pint In ivtinuti- l'ipi ilrni Mikiiiln ttill tp il iti'lntii il mil tin prf-nn. in prnlnlil.i will lip rilriipil lomniinu Thlt ilnl-ion ,w rpirhiil lit i.H iiiiiinriiim ttiilij. Jack Bonner Wins Another. Ill- Ciiliifiir Wlrp from Thp miriatpil PrrM. Iniitiiii, 1 . Spt In In Hip rs-inml rinunl nf a liuiiit tiiiiim 1 mill si it Uip Trriilnii Allilill. cluli tnnlchl -link" Mm I.-, nf sj int Minn, mis kn kpil nut In fail. Itnnnci. uf summit Hill, Pi Genetal Stexvoit's Condition, tly Kxclutitp Wlrp from Tin Awociatnl Prcai llaiiistiiits-, s,,i ,i -riiprp ha lirpn 1 mttkPl (limze tnr Hip liitlpr In Hip rnnditlon nl iliu I. nit Henna I MPMart thp put Iwrntv-lnur lmiiri. Hit uilp ami trttipri jttire aip np.irlt nntiml ami Inn plu-iii nn hail trnng h"pm nf satini; Ills fiat turpil lit. D., L. & W. BOARD. Following Is the mnke-up of the D, L. A W. hoard for today. MHMlXi. s I'll. miii it ,-, W1I1I (at-. I.,.t s p 111. ( W Dunn 10 p. 111 . 1' I' Met in-. tl l-lX, sKI'll Mill It r Wild ( a- I i-i 1 11 1 ni , I I it piiin k I CT yy u To make room for our new stock of Oriental Rugs we have reduced prices on all our Domestic Rugs. This sale will last only six days. Michaelian Bros. 8c 124- tM. Washington Avenue. KELLER BROS.' RIANOS. THE PLACE TO Is at the Piano Factory. Why not buy at first cost when you have a factory right at home, where the best pianos in the United States are made. These pianos are in use in our Theaters, Scranton Conservatory of Music, Convents and by the leading music teachers of the country, and are pronounced by them to be Superior in Tone, Touch and Durability to Any Now Made OVER 13,000 f these Pianos are now in daily use, and have been for the past twenty-one years. Every piano fully Warranted for 10 Years. We always have some bargains in Second-Hand Pianos and Organs, which are taken in exchange. At present we have on hand the following that were taken in exchange last week for Keller Bros.' Pianos : X One Hazleton Upright One Steinway St Son's Grand One ivers & Pond Upright Two Chickering Squares All in good condition and will be sold at a bargain. Call at Factory, 1043 to 1051 Capouse Avenue. KELLER & VAN DYKE Pianos' and Organs sold on easy payments. Old instruments taken in exchange. irittttitiitttittntittitititi.HitntitttHttttttttHHttii if if if V V If If f Hayes & 42M2G Spruce St., Bctwoon j Autumn Display Of Ladies' Tailored Suits, Dress Skirts, in wool and silk, Walking Skirts, Silk Waists, Wool Waists, Etc. EXTRA SPECIAL Beautiful Tailored Suits, jacket silk lined $10.50 anil $15.00 All Wool Dress Skirts, with llare llounce trimmed $5.00 Handsome Silk Skirt of TalTcta, graduated llounce, beauti- lully trimmed, really wotth $ 1 5.00, at $10.98 All Wool Walking Skirt, g-inch llare flounce $5.00 Wool Waists in a beautiful array of colors $1.98 to $7.00 Special Purchase of Silk Waists, in all colors, worth $6, 0 must be seen to be appreciated. Price $3.9o tktitlltt!ttttttttttttitKttktltttllKimtltHtttKttHtt 1 in. Willi 1111 Knl. 1 . ,1 ni , I llinkliirl, A i 111, II W I'ilrspialil. In 11 in. W X II iitli.'l'i iiipii II 1. ni , II (u-lir. ii ii li It .llllt:iii' inn. I p in , I lliisli, & p in, i.iiukc Tlmiii.n: ii p in, M I. Ilriiiilaan, siiiniiiil., I.ii 11 1 in, i-,i.t, 1 (anise 'i 1 III, Milt. I! I'll IllltPlkn . II 1 111. rt, 1 1 in. mil), iip 111 . 1 i-l. I. IlriuiL'i'i. s p 111,1,1,1, Lillliupr, 7 p 111, Sat Viu, II. Mi Mlisiu, ', p, 111 , Ci.mis.i, 'lliitnpiiin, 7 p 111 , I 11111M, M (.iii lii. I'hsIiit 11 t'i 1 ni . " I'liinpit.t, s a in, I U.ikIiII; II 11 .1 in,, Xlurin. 7 p in. Miiip'n, (i p in. W. II, HittlmliiniH , 10 p in, A. Wnlr mu Pawpnrpr tiiclnp 7 a in, flalfnfy; 7 a m, sinter, in a in. S.iunuii: in i 'ni ,, 7 l. in, I .1. Xlurrai, 7..0 p m, Millmifn. Willi ( its, -:. a. iu I'. Will, 7 ,i. in, 'Iipiiipi, Mitli It, ( asttipt iipu, S ,i m. T, liptiilnaii, HI u in, (I. Itimlulph II a in. W I, Miliar, 'i p in, (' Klimsli.ti .1 p ni . X I hpttli.ini; I p in, M. ('inintili; 5 p. in, I. It. Mil. urn, G p. m , .Mm lijliij-'in NOTirr. (' Rnllmlnnipw Mill tike III run nn It up tn. wild .-it liip.iln. sppt, 17. Hi ikinmi .Mm It'i-illi- itpnils fni .lamps liilu lliakiinin .1 nnis Xlull.-rn reppi'i fur T llnp. kiai. ( niiilin nn II (olluan Mill inn .i (1'. srpi 17 Hllll tillnllff' IDH. Until fllltllPI linllip. Hi iki in in I W ( Inilili tppnits fni W X llar tlli'lnim H ATLANTIC CITY HOTELS. Grand Atlantic Hotel and annex X'irginla Ate and Ileal li, Atlantic City, S .1. Sixth )ear, :i.'.0 l-raulilul looms enmlte, flnqi.? and with bath; hot ami told wi. Malcr liatht In hotel and annei. botation sclett atul central, lthln feu anl-i of the Steel Pier. Onlie-tn Ofleis speilal i-rrltiff rale, $12 to $15 hy wrek, JS0 up y da) bpetial rateii to families. Coatliea meet all Ir-ins. Write for hnoklet i:. corn. $15.00 TO $18.00 A WEEK !ai for an fntrlhcmt nun i womin tn '.idi town IVitnnunt mitinn .OirtitHpn hour fir h4fC litnr ilnm(Ji Itnci lto 7 I'hil lilt tli i 1 C fl j? luii is.u Co. VarleyJ Washington and Wyoming EDUCATIONAL. Free Tuition Hy a ictcnt act of the leglsla ture. free tuition Is now granted at the Literary Institute and State Normal School DIoomsburp;, Pa. to all those preparing to teach. Thin (.(.hool maintains courei of study for teachers, for those preparing fot college, and for those studjlng music. It will pav tn wrile tnr pirtleiilari. No other nhnol (ilTem meh nuni-tlor ad-unt-prs at tucli loiv ratct A'lrti cat J. P. Welsh, A.M., Ph.D.,Prin. BINGHAIYITON TRAINING SCHOOL. I'ur Nriinu. Ilukiiircl an I Ileif Mutt (hit iIipii 'll.iinlii; M.iiunl liiiniii.', Xuu uliiiPii MikIi PraviiiK, lumlrrxaitin. Opm jcar aiuuti'l (.aitilai. S. A. Doolittle, sj t'artipw XtPnui llinKluiiiton, N CHESTNUT HILL ACADEMY Wissahickon Heights, Chutnut Hill, Pa'. A boardiPK chool for 1os in the elesiteil and beautiful open country notlli of 1'hll.t ilelphii 50 minutes from Pro-id bt MaUon Por catalogues aildies JAMES L. PATTERSON, Head-Master. SCRANTON CORRESPONDENCE SCHOOLS, SCRAMOV, PA. T J Poster, Treidcnt Klnier II Lanall, Tieat. li J. tester, Stanley P Allen. Vice Pretldcnt Secretary Allls-Chalmers Co Suecessots to Machine Huslness of Dickson Manufacturing Co., b'cranton and Wllkes-lSaire, Pa. Statlonaiy Iingincs, Hollers, Mining Machlneiy, I'umps. BUY PIANOS Meldrum, Scott A Co, See Our Fall Opening of Waists Dressing Sacques Kimonas and Bath Robes. We Are Showing a Most Elegant and Exclusive Line 126 WyomingAve Lager Beer Brewery Manufacturers or OLD STOCK PILSNER 43D to 455 N. Ninth Street, .PA Telephone Cn.ll. 2.U3. NEW YORK 0S WESTMINSTER HOTEL Cor. sixteenth St and Irt Ins I'lace, NEW YORK. American Plan, $.1 30 Per Pay and Tpwardt Furoppan Plan, 1 00 Per Day and Upwards. Spcual ltaipj to tamllicJ T. TII0MFS0N, Prop. MSWSBSBMWCaaXXXalWaXXXXtXXaXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX I HOTEL I JEFFERSON NEW YORK inn. int. toil Fnkl Ilh Street. The .1 I1KI I.HMIN i a tlH'toiiKlilr Brt-clan family and tranment hntel olleriuKtttamlnl. ... . i ii,,.,i,rinilr.niiimrt. mum toil iiiaiiiiiui" ";, q,,..I On lAth Mreel, )iit emi ni ""'" '1"',v;'' it i. within a few mmiitea of tho leadine shops, theatrei and clubs European P an, Jl.uo up. American Plan U.50 up. en.., Pruala Bath. $2.00 un. t or ralM cuiile. or information write JOII-X I'. IMfMKI.W. rroprlelor KmaaieTisraamam 4- -t- 4-f---' -- For Business Men In tha heart or ths wholesali district. Tor Shoppers X minute?" walk to narnakerjij S minutes to Blecel Coopers Blj Btorc. Easy of access to the sreut Dry Goods mores. For Sightseers One DIOCB irnm i i v.i.. -InB &sy transportation to nil points of Interest. HOTEL ALBERT NEW YORK. rar 11th ST. UNIVERSITY Pt only ono Block from Broadway. ,,., ci Iln RESTAURANT ROOinS, -f U), priCM Reatonable 4. 4-f-f-f-f-f-f-f-f -f---f .Every .Woman L ii ..?! .....I aVinitlA Inner jT... tr, XC1 vT A isinifrcnetimiij'ui """,, 1 . UUUUl IUO wuimtiiu MRVtL Whirling Spray ?- C , ; . :m lit he w ii njrioj'' nv" tioantui .Sutton. lti i(t ...t ttn.t rAneajnltn! -c.. rt . ivi vwt " irnuntcu 1 ItlUHBIfllVHaBUr ui u. .t fur II i ! 'tiiinot miutly Jno liifr. but kcnri t unn fori) uitiitPt rfok nlrd It mt II mtii.iiil rat an I ii tt a. Iiniiafn it pjltli IO nuilll I 'nn ' -'' " ' , -Xlt. i-t t (., Hoe-m K Timw Bds . New Verk Prof.G.F.THEEL,527 s. tmrrlrt. HuirtnUr lofure iKuh; vail I rhtlr IUrftiM, IrnhrMri 1 o M di(Eif , h.mi lllnml 1 !. Vmoo 1I-IIHJ. I'Okl Mfttthftixl, t .. !..!. 1 lairlolair Ins rut I In sT . I mAnflfP't mt Mn pitVrn OrtikKf fr Httm TatmnnlkU oli MpnlilHirj mfillMliwllfHrllfiii4 wlUw rPfr.J TRIBUNE WANT ADS. BRING QUICK RETURNS iis s fan tv r ,a rf f - I.