THE SCR ANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, 1901. Si NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA AioNjnose. Fpnal tn tne Siranton Tribune. Monti nsr: Sept. IB. Today all M'mt ropp situ in sitrlU'Iotli ntiil nslii'X. The town Is ili-npi'd In the Kohilm- rinlili'iim of motti ninp, while In wtitniK iiipii. Ken tin womi'ii and liniment clilldicti thn t r-ccrnoil p.vns and ttrnililllltf llpa toll of I ho poignant, Ini'xinoolbli' Kih'f lirnURhl tn ini'h hpiirt hy lln ili'iith of thn lain I'ti'nldcnt MrKlulny. The RllHitlPhiinnn umnty rolllt house linn lioni ilraii'i rlulioi ntidN and In moat rNu llotit titHtP. llexldcs the mint house the other itihlli luillilltlKH, most of the IiupIiichm hntlfeH and many titi vate lesldenees display piiililcin of imiui nlnp, some elahotate and some modest, lint all attesting the love and reverenre of the people for their chief inflglHtijitp. The loiotier'H llnliest lelatle to the death of the late W'oodliuin Hollls, of Koiest Lake, vvtm eoneluded In llilH idfue on Friday afternoon and thu Jurv tendered their etillet, finding to the el! t that Ilollls' death vviih fiuisoil lij at eldetitnlly fnllliiK fiom thf wiiroii in which he was lidlns;. nil io 1011111 of the death of l'lrsldellf. ill nt MiKinlpy the Montiouc llase Hall i lull wlrofl the Stisiiuelianua tram the game of hall scheduled inr ttmt was off. hut that they would hr ready tfi tty (onilusloiis with Sus fiitehantm at u later date. This dei ! non met with the approlutlon of Sim ottehauna. V Ke(5rnlifle Slliu-rll and family, fit Now Voi I; city, aie ,vlsitiiiK filends In this phtee. Mr. Shut ell fotitterly ie h.iIpiI lieie mid has tilends who are nl. id in the oppoitunlty tif iiKitln i laspinp hands with him. l;lder F ft. Wells, delegate, and K. del A ,1. Itiewstei, alternate, Milt tep lesent tin 1'ieshytei Ian ilillleh of this pla.i .it the stated meeting of the T'i'f livti rv of l..n Uiivwinn-i. to open In the Pipliytriiun thuich at Honcs d.ile toinoitou. StftM V "I'mle 'rein's Culilii" eom pauv I- hlllpil to appear at Village 1I..1I n i his plaie, on Sept. I'.'i. I'm.'). Mink haH been vlsltliiB irlu tt s .it nitiKhamton. ()ii ii Keeler, of I.eMerMilt e, a form er Ksident of this place, Is the Riicst of If.nt Sheillf F. I.. Leonaid. ( 1 h f Justhe .1. It. McColluin and Judge 1). V. Senile and families have ret irtji d tuint their Miiatner outliiR at Slh'tr Lake. H.ilph MaeLeau and sister,, of H'llkei-l'.ai le, ale Riiosts at the hoini of Mis. Jaines Altken, on South Main stleet. Pr and Mrs. ('. i". Halsey are vi.-dt-Ihr telatives residing near llultaln, and will attend the Pan-Amoi ban ex position before letuiniuir home. fiev. A I,. Kenton. 1). 1)., pastor If the I'leMhyteilan ehtlieh, Is taking his auntiil vacation. Dr. and Mrs. Ken tun are now at riedonia. X. V., vvheio thi-y Intiiicily leslded, ".ml later will visit a number of diliuont points In Xpw York s.tale, FOREST CITY. Special to the Ronnton Tribune. Forest City, Sept. It!. KutRess Pwycr hns bsued the following ptoclatnation: "Wheiens. Our late helmed president. 'William McKiule.N. who died at the hand of an assassin, l in he bailed at Canton, Ohio, on Thuisday nttcinonii at 2 fi'ilmk. ami believing that the citizens, tepaidleis nf leliRlnus pio f'lltles in political .lfllmt!oil!. .lie it slrous ni showing their u-speit and love tni bun and tin it sympathy t,n Are C 1" sir patterns that insure ease and comfort have been selected. We want you to look at our Shoe Styles for this Fall and Winter. Some of them we are certain will be a surprise to you at our prices. Santfer Compile Eh his bereaved wife and our strkken loimtry, I do hereby lentlest that all business and woik he suspended on Tluusday. Sept. Hi, from i until 4 p. in. That all citizen dinpe their home and iilaces tit biislnes. and thnt nil citizen!!, over Pi ypurs of age, iixsetii hie at the opera house at :.' p. in., for llttliiK lUPinoilal services." The council Satin dav night a wauled the conttact tti erect the hmniich hulliU IliR to Nolan Ai t'olllti", of Caibntulnlp. ffir -f 7.7 l.'l. The other bids leeched Wcie a follows: ,1. P Conner. Carbnndale, $i,70(i; II. ,1. Kussmau, Hancock, $S. l!'l: ,1. II. YoiiRPf. $"i.l!i6. The rnntlaet and a bond are to be slpned within three das and work will IickIii at once. At all the churches yesteidnv the local clergy made touchliiR refeience to the untimely death of President McKlnley. Mrs. William K. lewis died at her home on Italhoad stlert, Saturday, nf tei an Illness with cancer The fam ily moved lieie ftorp Nantlcoke lesm than a year iiro. She was 4i yeais oltl anil i hlRhly estitnablp wnmnn Ke sldes hei husband, two datiRhtPis.Mis. John P. Kvans, of Albany, N. V., and MOTHER GOOSE PUZZLE. There was an olJ man of Tobago, Who lived on rice, gruel anJ sago, Fill, much to his bliss, His physician saiJ this: "To a leg, sir, of mutton, you may go." PlnJ the physician and the cook. Mrs. Arthur Davis, of Piovldence, sur vive hci. The lenmlns will be taken to Nantlcoke morning. for Intel incut Tuesday be con- The services will the house. ducted at HONESDALE. .il"1! iril in tlic t rtnleii 'Iritmiir Sept. It!. The Lackawanna Presby tery Is In icsslon here to continue un til Thuisday. The business or day ses sions are held in the chapel, and even ing meetings in the Presbyterian iliurih. Tuesday evening lle. J. J Landing will deliver a lectiiu. Weil nrsday rvenlng Mr. A. W Dickson and Ready' The siioe that has been the talk of the town for the past few weeks is now open to show and sell shoes good shoes. Every good and sound principle of shoe construction is here. Lasts and Bros., Outfitters. Kcv. W. 11. llnrshaw will be Jhe unenk. era. About one hundred minister and elelera will be preacnt. Mr. William Wood of St. Louis. Mo., who hns bfeti spending a few dnya with his parents, .Mr. and Mrs. S, It. Wood, returned home on Mondny lie was ac companied by bin wlfo and two ilatmh tPts, who have been here several weeks. Mrs. lltibhaid anil children of Hav erhill, Mass., who have spent several months with llonesdnle rnlntlves, ip turned on Monday aicntupanlfd by Miss Maine PinRtiell, the foimers sister. Mi. and Mis. tleoiRe Seeley, Miss Minnie Seeley of WnshltiRtoti, I). C, have been lenewlng old acfiualntances In lloiiednlP for n few ilays. Mr. Charles UrlrilliiRer t oturiifil to dny to the St. Paul school. Harden t'lty, l.otiR Island. MKm II. Louisa Lee and Miss Mary A Menner, will tettirn to Vassal' col Icrc on Fi lilny. Ml. Fred Schlssler of the Delaware and lltlflson ft eight nlllce, H taking a well earned two weeks vauitloii, Mr. James rro.dey, who has spent the past few month with lil Invalid niol'iii, left today to tesume his pool Unit In a huge pt luting ofllcc In ('hi- I'HRO. The remains of Mr. Krnest Lenilnt zer, who died In the Srranton hospital, vcie hiouRht to the home of his father tiif West street on Saturday, where the funeral services wcie conducted Mon day af lit noon nt S..10. Freedom Lodge of Odd Fellows of which deceased was a member, attended the funetal and londucted the services nt the grove. The sail news which reached llones dnle Sattuday morning caused the people to mine about with t-olemn tread and sail heart The symbol of mourn ing could be seen on business, private anil public buildings. Kvery face bore evidence of sorrow that bad befallen the nation in the death of President McKlnley. The solemn services In the hurdles partook the form of n funeral discourse. Itev. William 11. Swift used as his text the ninth and tenth verses In the eighth chapter of Amos. As he spoke on the noble life of the mur i'eii"l piesldeiu and the lessons to be k. lined fiotn the sad event the larpe iiingiegatlon were deeply affected. Kut few ili y eyes could be setn. HOPBOTTOM. Sept. Iti. Mr. Dolbert Wiight l slowly recoveilng fiom the severe at tack of rheumatism fiom which he has been suffering for some time. Quite an epidemic of gilppe has been going the lounils of Into, but It seems to be In a mild foim and in most cases of short duration. Mr. and Mis. W. K. Krown, Mis. O. D. P.oberts, .MKs Dora Mrs. K. M. Tiffany, Miss Alta Finn, Miss Myi tle Phillips, and Mr. Leon Itaub, vveio among thnso of the village who attend ed the Maltland fair on Friday. Mrs, (!. W. Simpler spent Saturday in KliiRhninton. Mis. Almlra Htovvn and daughter ate spending a few days at Klnghnmlon and Valley, N. V. Quite a delegation fiom this place attended the I'lilveisallst Association at Nlcholj-on Friday, v Sattuday and Sunday. Among those who wcie pres flit weie Mr. nn.l Mrs. A. Hell, Mr. and Mrs. K. .M. Tiffany. Mr and Mrs. o. D. Ilobeits, .Mis. Quick. Mis. Miles. Mis. C'aiey. .Mis. Urnnt, Mrs. James Hen ick, Mrs. Manly) Hell, Miss Doia L'lulseand Miss Mella Hinvvu. Those who were only able to attend on Saturday weie disappointed in not heailng n sermon hy either of the vis Iting speakeis of the occasion, Dr. At wond, geneuil superintendent, or Ilev., state superintendent of the church. Those having the piogrnninie In charge should take caie thnt the business of the association which should belong to dlsmui.e.s by the able speakeis picsent, as it Is that feature of the meetings which Is of most In terest to the majority of those who attend. About fifty weie piesent at the meet ing of the Ladles' Aid at Mis. Hiovvn's ni Wednesday last. The ladles are planning to hold a church sale ome time In November. The M. !:. Sabbath school enjoyed a picnic in (lavitt's giove on Saturday. SPRINGVILLE. ICIliiti Tltnuin has Just finished build ing a barn for himself. Supervisor Bunnell has been fixing up the roads In Ills district. The lalns put them in eiy had condition for tinvel. S. O. t'ulver was engaged doing some painting and gliding over on the Cath olic ihtirch In Aubiini last week. M. L. Allyn Is at present being vis tied by his father and mother fiom Hrndfnrd county. The fair held hy Sprlngvllle band last Friday passed olf nicely. Kverythlng n advertised except the balloon, (icoigo linker, the owner, falling to get heto until two hours after dark. The band Is In no way to blame for the failure, linker violating his contract In older to stay at Sievensvllle, J. II. Mitchell has purchased it new ensilage cutter, the Hllzzard, and will till silos for those wishing his services. II. S. Thomas of Lehman, Luzerne county, was visiting his parents below town the foteparl of last week. Stuart Hlley Is having an artesian I well sunk for the uso of his farm tenant. THE MARKETS. Wftll Street Review. Now crk. sl 10. A rampant hull toik intikrt en the tliiH ih;'fi tMrilng following the h hy flij.iulloii it the rr.ilnt at the I nitril sulci urn .in ah'inul) Sn one, cun tin' liui.t iiijiiliu'. uj I'lqMicil lor tin' Jillun nl the rfjy'n Mink nilikol 'Hie il.iy' cvflit prrineil to lciiiMVtr.ile tiini(j iimloil.tliiit lontt' ilnur In the tuturr nl tnilnr anil the cantinu nun' nl the tountt.v'ji inivprrllv I'nnrrlul tnite liitatioii cvminllv Imil Mm pirt In the ilj rl'e in Tlir, fpi'cl.illv the uf Kfifiit; , hlrh v tie Isriinl in tntimtditp the ii-nlile lirar elrment. II imt only that i licit, hut t4iinl a fr.ine hie tu uncr en the put nl tlio uninverril lioil, wlni lookfil fur .1 fuilher ilnllno. 'Unit" w.n nln an .ihutinrnt nl M'lcri In till, ami h.irg.itl, huiirt fie tliltk. Thrie v i ,i ioiiiilfrahte rlomrnt. rll, ivhliii Inokril Irtr .in oprninn htejk In ptli .' nnil lonkiil in anuip haieatiK. V the rirnt ihoviiI, the eprnlnif kef a trein t hire to fix point, hither thin en I'rMiv iillrrnnnii There a a hick o( cnnflilrncn In the early .tiengtli ft lite market ami Iheip weip maiij teilliLlnj nimi'inrtit" ilurltic the ila), Imt the almnilhe pnwtr rt the liii.ilnit proved fijnil tn all n( thr-c. ami lth I ulrnlv inilllt the trullns clnerl ailltr ami 111 ill at atinut the Inp level nt the ilit. The aolentn .imiiiatuea Klvin li.v the new prmlilent of hi. pnrpew to maintain the inntlniilt) of the sovernmenlat politic vat a trllet to i.ipiUll'U ilrraillitl nl lonllnsemlr The ila,v'a innicmenl, liowever, w.t. tiwril tirnnrlly on the aviintptlon lh.1t the ileilli of the president ar.d other unfaiorahle fatter. In the binlneM outlook hue been sufficiently fll mint ed In the movement nf prices of reittritlei, nith a uoinie of hetteiment In future. Total ale todiy, 'flt.inO hire.. i;iept In pei illative t lie., which were at live and huo.vanl. the pilie movement wa. not lame. Total pale, pir value. t.TT'J.OOO I nlted stjtcv new I. adiamed I pfr cent or. the b.t i. ill. The following quotation! art furnlthtd Tht Trihune by M 3 Jordan k Co , room. 70S-7M Heart building, Scranton, Pa, Teltphont 8001 Open. Hltjh- Low- Clol- Inr," rat. eat Inf. inerlian Miliar t.N f?i)'B I2i4 ISOU Atihlwin ;ii Tfi 'Tt'S Til tihlnn. Pi fW'i W P." !'i Hi iwk. Traction WS fis l.1it ffH, Halt, k Ohio mi 10-jh 100 ltun (In a. A Ohio IP 2Ht '.MU i (hit. k (!t. Wr.t 21 .'Pi ill. 2m t. Paul H'S tll'i IVT14 tc.1'4 Itn.k Mind HO lit 111 141 Kan A Tex . Pr SI M .VJI4 St l.riii.. ,1. Sash 10-i'i Iftl'H 10l mi', vi.iti. r.inatcd it: tn'i ltd'; m Vlit. Traitinn i'1i bit IW lfil VIU.o. paillle Ii lm'a PO'i lV', vnii h. Pacific "al .iii. ."i! VS S. V. fctitial Til IV. 111 m Out N. V.t SJ'i ."-IT, :, .If, 1'cnin. H. It 141 v Hi Hli, lfi IMclflc Vliil ,TH5 II", 311, Ua Iteidlne llv II 41'. 40 41 Itcadint; Hi., Pr 75 Hi 7 Trt .iiilhern n. It 3I ;n .m, .tj-i -nulhciii It IS, Pr -n's "''j 'iia s7 f. S leather 12'i 1a 13 1-". f. S. Leather, Pr 7'iv4 Ri, 7 sl'i 1 . S Itul.lirr IS 1i li Ii fiilnn Paeille ft! Oil. w t'tilon I'ji'iHe, Pr -'. N-'s '1 m'j Walii.h. Pr .1 4U ::i2 !', We.lern t'nlon !l3. ''i's 'i7i i Col Kuel .V Iron '"'a Wj 'i7' C'S Vnial. loppet IO) 111)1, tl.? lirir, I'eopte't (in 10 tri'i 10 10) (cun. PaitHi Il H tl1.- 41 Vnm Car I'mindi) .... i'l'i '.""j 2'i 2'"j I' s Meel Co 4Pi 41V 41 ll I', S. Meel Co., Pr , .. 04 !H VIH M Scranton Bonrd of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS. Hid. Aaked. Lackawanna Dilry Co , I'r v) County Savings Hank k Trust Co.. 360 Flrt National Hank (Carbondale) j Standard Drilling Co 3a Third National Hank no Dime and Dlnount Hank.. 275 Economy l.lslit, II. & I. Co 49 Kirst National Hank 1200 Lacka. Trust Safe Deposit Co 150 Clatk k Snover Co., Pr ijj Scranton Iron Kence k iltg. Co jon, Scranton Axle Work M Scranton Savin?. Hank 400 Tradera' National Hank 17.5 Scranton Holt & Nut Co lot ... People's Hank 135 New Mexico !iy. & C. Co 7, HONDS. Scranton Tawenger Iltllwaj, flrft Mortirace, due l'tiO uj People's Street Hallway, ftrst mort- KKe, due 111S 115 People's Street Hallway, General mortirace. duo IWt 115 Dickson Manufai luring Co 103 Lacks. Township School 6 per cent. ... 103 City of Stranton St. Imp 6 per cent 102 Scranton Traction 6 per cent 115 Scranton Wholesale Market, (Corrected by 11 0. Dale. 27 Lackawanna Ave.) Beans Per bushel, choice marrow, $.t30a2.fi5. Huttcr-l'rech creamery, 21a22c. j dairy, frcs.h, 21c. , Chre.e Kill! cream, lOHalle. r'BES Wi-Mern froh, IjijalG; nearby 6tate, lotiiW'fec Medium Heanv Per tiibhel, $2 SO Creen Peas Per bu.hel, $140il.u. Klour lle.t patent, per bvrrel, 43. Hean. Per Im.liel, ihoice marrow, 3.10. Potatoes Per buhrl flal.10 Hew York drain and Produce. New 11ik, lit. KI0111 Quiet, Imt ttiadv, winter patenti-, if.t.Vlit.HJ, do. atrriiclilii, t..,0a :i 4'n Mini,eot.i piluit. .! (ijj'Mnl. winter c Ira., i..1ei2 M). Mmtii-iita Inkein, Y.e'ial Hi, winter low ui idi., i SDiJ 111 "pi.t titin, N.i. ! led. Tidai I n Ii jtloal , 7l,i eh valor. No. 1 Noiiliiin D11I11II1. 7ii'e f 0. d, atloai Option opcuiil mm ami latct advancid. Tlieie n then .1 ti action, Imt line lallled lln.illv and ilo-i'il tit (ii at 'ali net adiatiie, Miv ilo.ed 7si , M'pti nihil, 7lc . fliii.i,r, 71'i.c ; Hi'cemlier. 7iii . lurn-piit, n. 2, BJ'.c. flevatoi, ii.Tt.i-. f. o. Ii afloat. Optlima firm and hiKhrr rarlv. thin Uhliil .1 little, Imt eventually icioveieil and ilo.ed dim at ',ile. net mlvii'ie. May 1 hwed ftfijc ; xptunhn, Wji : Dtcemher, Ji. Ojtpcit tiimer; No '.'. .IS'jc. ; No 3, 3i ; No. 2 white, lu'jc ; No :. white, R'V.c. ; Itaek mixed vvrMrrn, IKi'I'Uji . j track white, .'flat?!' Option, ipilel, but rlrni on the utmielh In nlhrr imtkela. lluttei xtrad.1 : eie.itnfry, U'siJO'si . taitot .luiw packed, llal'iijo ; Imitation iieantrij, llat'c; utat edahy, I4is'4e. 1 heee Steadv ; faniy lame lolorrd. iTc , f.ini.v latije white, R'.c.j fancy iniall eiilored. 'Jijc ; fanrv email wliite, (1IJ1 K(ir-Meadv Mate and IVniui.vlvania, l'j l'K.. velern uiicandled, lPsalfTjc; wcatcin candled, 17alkc. Philadelphia Orfttn and Produoe, Plilladclphla, Sept lfi Wheat Piim, ijo. hlsher: innliact srade .vptrmher, 7.1'-.i7li. Corn Kit m. U. hlBher; No. 3 mixed epteinher, Kliiaiib Oit.-riim; No. 2 white flipped, ll'sa Ui I'loui (Jiilrl. hut atejdv lluttei- Kinn, Hood demand; fane v undent crcamei, 21'ji.i do ncatbv print. 21i Venn- I'liin. eockI de. niandi firsli nrarbj, pic ; do welem, lfie. i 1I0. onthein, lfie, do. (mtliwetern. Hk (lieffe New V,oik full iream. famv .mail, IHiafiiaci d 1, tin. do. Mr In cliolie, SijiOi. Hellnnl Suiiao Qultt, but ttratlr. Cotton lie lowei; mid lllnir upland', f'je. Tallnw-I'lrm; ilt.v pilme in bhd . .V.i ; fiuintiv do. do panel, 0 , ukra, .V'ic Live Poitllrj ieaili , fowl., lb -, old toolei. fii(l4e. ; pi ing f hii keiw, 0j2i ; iluiki. Ifiilli. Diced Ptitillii siejdvi fmvl iliolce, 12.l do fair In good, llulUje ; old oofi, hic; binllfia 110.11 In, ljaldcj wetein fin. 10il2c; ejceptional lots, Hdlc. Ilciilpu-l'lour. -.',1100 Imirl. and 2.W1.00 pound In ack, wheit, 1 1 J.ixiO bikinis lorn, 4VI) 1iHbeN: n,ila, 7,nV) lmhe. Milpntent Wheal, I7t,mi hu.lnl; 10m, 37,uno Imshelij nata, II.'") hufhcl Ohlcngo Oraln and Produce. ('Imago, Spt. ill. -Mrenutb in the Mock ll.t wa. a potent factor In him, Ihuuaji quiet, mar ket mi the hoard of trade tod i v. December vchiat ilin-od ".ar. 1 HenmiK-i 10m, Tc. and Dciimher 01U, "Jal.ii. hlsher Prnvlon. cneil JijaSe. higher fir Jamuiy deliver). Caah quoti. tlont were ai tollowai r'lnur Meady; Atnfrlcan patenu, S) VU.i.bOj (tr.lgliU, .(aa 10; clears $iria1.tM; prinK ie rll, K lfVi(.2rt patentr, $.t.4fial.70 bakern, H.JO a.'.OJ. .No. 3 tpring wheat, 0iPja6St,; .No. 2 red, THE TRIBUNE'S "WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Than Four Lines, J Cent lor Each Hitra Lint. For Heat. For Reeto About 1200 feet of floor space on 4th (loir of the Tribune building, suitable for light maufacturing. In eluding heat, light and power, Enquire at office of Thi: Tribune. 1'flll ItK.NT Kmlit room liouo nn Adam, avenue, all inodein Impiovcmenla. ?2tl, Ceven inntm nn .lefleitcn avenue, fit. 1'lie ronnt In Ktelcr lourt, K- Coal Lvchans", Hootti rtl. l'OIl 11KNT- ll (ireen lliduc utteet, eiuht room! Meant heat. l'OIl flKNT Nlne-room lioilv In Oreen tlldne; all convenlfiiceaj latge lot. Rent, $1B. Ad fltew S. (1., Tribune. 1011 ItllNT-Klcht toomx, 7S3 Jefferson ivtnun; all modern eonvenlenres. 1 For Sale. KOlt bU.i: llou.ehold lurnlturc lor nale at 357 Monroe avenue. FOR h.W.i:- llnuvhold furniture for ale. I'p utalrr, .'in-.i Adam, avenue. Pi:. (0.l--$IV) per ton, ilellvered In tcntial city and ."outh .side Addrew John Hall, PHI Cidar avenue, 'phone MiS.1. l'OIl SAI.K Two mati, welnht, l.OuO. found; one net flotihle and Mngle lutnew, one plal form wiiton. A bargain. II. L. Snvder, I'M Monvey avrnue. KOI! SAI.K KtJbllhed butter and (ge trade. II. L. Snider, 1111 Mon.ey avenue KOH SM.K Tliree roomii, one lull and ftalr tine earpet., neirly new. will aell cheap. Apply (1. I), stoehr, 4U Wehnler avenue KOlt SALi: Two llRht aprlng wagons and tome harnew, cheap. Evan, rear 1132 Lume trect. tOH 8AI.K Car load of dravlri? and draught horaea and cood family hortcs. 221 224 Oak ford court. J. M. Field. FOIl SM.K A Cottiell k Son- cylinder preji, 3.1x36, in cood condition, new roller., fWO. Apply Wllkesllarre Time- Office. Vllke-llrre, Pa. Real Estate. iO.WD WILL Pl'IK'HW: propeiti on Jeffer-on avenue that will lent for ')! per month. Cna! Kchani:ii. It'iotn nl FOIt SM.K fat in. ICO acre, and Mock, Bond mihaid, with all tnnvenlemeii Kiclit mile, from Scranton. two mile fiom locow. Mar.v .lenklna, Maple l.ake. Pa. Furnished Booms. FOIt lilAT-l'utni-heil front room, with lieit, bath and Ba. near enittl hmnei c;entlman piefirred Addrrsa Hontn, Hox VX. FOII riKNi modern -Ft ItNI-MKI FRONT ROOM. M.I, convenience., reference, reoutied 4:.' d lam. avenue I'OK lll'.NT FiirnMietl inoinj nJ' Linden utteet beat anil h.uli Boarding-. FI'ltNlciIKI) FRONT ROOM, .ihitii;ton avenue. with board. ("I 70aUf.i N'n. -J inni, fiii'-ji., Nu 2 .vellow, ."ili5.i V.. Nn -J oat., SVai ; Nn. i while, :;ait( , No. .'I white, .tnali'i , No. 2 tje, ."i-h"CI4i-. , fair In ilioin' liulllnn birlec, ."il.iVTi , No. 1 Max i'id. 1.1, No. I N'oitbwetetn, l.'il. prime tlmoilii ied VI'J'i: miv. poik, il.70il4 7S. Inni, ' .Wi'i ,"i7iy: hort lib., ..Vi-.70; dtv allied ehnuldeij, 7iie.: hort dear side., "2i'IJ.. Buffalo Live 'Stock. Riinalo, " in. Cattle Receipt., 210 far, Meadv, be.t bit heavy stcera, -iTOalfH, licht, aliifi; wtntern fleets ID: bull, dull aid slow. Iloss lleieipln, 110 cam; fair demand for all crade; eraei.. f, 40ih ml, mixed picket., o.trn7.0; pip. Bond to iliotce, iart -Jfl. tottBh. common to Enod, j.!ma(l,20, ulaun do,, "ia'i.-5 Sheep and Lamb-- lleieipt, 'ia cain, falil.v roimI demand and utead.i , piinc; lamb., (hone Io fane.i, S3(i.tMII, do lair to Rood, ilVi3.-.!., fiprin? lambs choice to fantv, .' .10 1 Ti 40: do fair to Rood, ifl R"mj.2."i. culli lominon to Enod. .1al. Hieep Mandv veelhfta, I.Sia4; choice to extta, .'!.')j l.'i; fair to eooiI, -i.fiOa.70, culls ami lommon, a2 ,Vi. New York Live Stock Marker. New nrk, Sepl 16, Iteeve. Steera moderate demand; top Blade, about steady; oniera, lflalSe. nil, tnmiiinn Tev.uu. not wanted; bull, and cow. loi to 15 tenia lower; nitlve teei, 4a5fj; hilf-bieed. and Texan, .1.50al.25; oven and hl.iE". -J.K"n4 V); bull., JJ .tnal.7.',: eowa, M OVi ;1.I; ealte.. pilule vtala lum to 1". tent hluhi-r, other, stead); Bta.-er. and butteimllka un iltaiiKnl. veaN, .4 .VijS; lop, V Vi'u '-i (ila--ei. and biitteiinllk, llat.J; weitein ealvra, l 20 sheep SluBKi-h ami .hade lower; Iambi, Aim In 2 i.-iitu hlsher. nheep, 2 2"u'I..V); Inp., t7S: mil.. la2; lamb. R.l7.a.17ia; few extra, i"i IOiS.-iO. (.inada limln, S 12'j: full.. Uilin. Hobs- Matkel lowir; ttaBS, Hi fi'iail 7.'i; few- fancy pi;: at hlcjlier price. Chicago Live Stock Market. Chicago, sept. Pi. tattle lleieipm, 21 nm), Iniliidinir 1,010 lexana. SOOij we.tetlf. Ilet f nil v Rteadv, nthft. weak. Enod to pilme .teen, (tiih 40; poor to medium, l,i. 5"i, ttoekeia ,iml frcdera, 2.5iial 25, enwa. f,flitiO; heifeih, 2i S, lannem, 1.10i-j:;0; bull., jj.;i; laliei., ! 6.7V, Teva. nen. tal ,V) llnz-. -Ruelpla to dav, Ri),iK)i): lomoiinw. -i.t.onii; elt nvel, U.SOii, a I run l" to five tent, hlshei ; muni and bilti ii,i(., fil.20a6.H); cood to ihoice heavv, ifilf,Sa7; iourIi heavv. W.10.i,4ft; Imhl, MIO.K175; bulk ol nale, H(5aH,70. East Liberty Cattle. l.ibeil.v, Sept in -(altle-Maiket active, eholie, (ViOiii, primr, t)VUV 0; Bond. If. 20 5. Ml; fair. lal .V). or- iijle on E0d hos, olhn jtradea alow; ptime Iioe, f7.10i7.IS; belt medium, $7.0.ia7 10, heavy nikci., Wll'iai.O.; light do., W7nah.M, toniinon to fine joikeia ami Era.ei, fi 40ah.70, pljjt, VUfi.2). akipa, ifl.SOa S23; rniishs $d 7.5ia,23, Sheep-Market tttadv; beat wclhcu, iJSifli Bood. U ,V)j1,7S; mKed, Vi,l.i; cull, and inmmnn, tl 2'nJ 2V; jrailinn, ?2.V)at: eptlnc lainlw, .!.Wa5; veal iahe, U 7.50; heavy and thin, .".aS..'u Oil Market. Oil Citv. Sept. 1A I'iriHt balance. UJ, leitift tale., no bid., shipment! liner da)., 210.D72; aveiat-e, tv'.JSI; run Ihtre elaja, 205,S77; aviiast, 7H,i'12 PITTSTON. Speelil to the Serantor. Tribune. nttston. Sept. 16. Hui-bcfs Kostpr, of West I'lttriton, Issued the follovvliiK nroclaiiiHtlon nnent the ilpath nf Piri. ilcnt MoKlnlry: "As the clilof oxei-utivo olllcor of the horotiKh of Wont nttftou, I do hereby recomtnoncl that In tmnpllnnie with tlie proi'lmnatlon of Theoiiote Hoosp. velt, proffldom of the I'nltod Statcii, that on Thurbday, Sciitcnilipr 19, 1001, the day of the fuiieral of our beloved late piPBldcnt, William MrKlnley, oil bii8lnPF3, hi far as ponslhlp, be i-ud-pendPd; that the public t-chonltc of the borouKh bo cloi-ed, and that business placcn and mldenres hiuI other build liiBH be proporly draped. "O, C, Foster, Hutgess," SITUATIONS WANTED Help Wanted Male. W WllMI -lO.KIO nitlve anetita iiiimnllatily to take oldiia fur "Life nf VMlllatu MiKlnlev." Meiimtlal Kdilinti. (Inipliii ittotd ol hi. whole (llthtllnu. lateir. Klibnratrlt Sell, at .IbIiI Mr t teini. tn asctitu, Hook, nn tredll Sample, cnihllnit "U tu mike liuiii f In I2 ilallv, In mill pii.tpahl I'llKI'. cm -a, plIi, Hi, n ddle.. filnbe lllble l'llb'R ( u , ',.'1 ( lieMtiul "I , Plilladelphli. Pa VV NTI!ll KneiuiHi mill Inr outdoor wulk ni1eiidhl iip.iilimltt fur hu.tliie Addrev. liMiiianie. Tribune mini W.WTKM- (iood, fliotu- bnv, about 11 .vears nlil, for general woik In ttoie. I'ootc k Fuller Cnptnv. Me in ItullilltiK IIRICKLAMIRS H ANTI'.l)-For fire brlek vvotk. Commtinifatlon. and pernonal application will be reeelied at inynfilcc In Hancock, N. . II .1. Iluiaman. . Help Wanted Female. WAYI'KH A flr.t ila vvalat maker, pply Id ( ual I'xcliaiiBe. WAN'TKD-dirl for general bou.ewoik. W. .1. Hand, :1.Y1 MIR atreit, Dunmoie, Pa. WANTKD-Olil for Reneial hotucwotk at Oalton. AddreM It T., tire Tribune. Agents Wanted. HANTKD-Ihe Mutual (Juirantee R ft L. an flatlon will make a (roid lontrart i.ttlt Rent. who produce huaincn., Penti.vlanU tnrporatlon. Ten jeir. old and In. matured fif teen aerli. of ..toik to clale Only men of tin qtteatloneil InteRtltj and nhlllty need apply by liller nr In peimui to Room Jl, 120 limit ftteet, PliU.tdelpbii, Pa. I'AN'VAsSKRsJ Lady or Rentleman outnldc tho fltyof veranton fan have a peiminent aEency for the perfume nf the centurv. Phcnomenil alc, (loodi In larBi' demand. Kver)thlns fur nlhed rn credit l.lbctal artanBetnent with Iho rlsht ptrty Addrew "Cut," intli ftrett and dth avenue, Xew- York BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Wont Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of tho Follow ing Drug Stores Until 10 F. M. Centrol City ALtlKRT SCIILUTZ. corner Mulberry utreet and Webster avenue. CUSTAV riCIIKL. 6M Adanu avenue. West Side CCOROK W. jr.NKINS, 101 South Mln avenue South Scranton FRED U TERPPE. 720 Cedar avenue. North Scranton GEO. V. DAVIS, corner North avenue and llarket atrect- Ualn Green Ridge. CHARLES P. JONES, 1557 Dickson venue. F. J. JOHNS, 1)20 Green Rldse rtreet. O. LORENZ, lorncr Washington ave nue and Marlon ttreet. Petersburg W. II. KNI.PFEL. 1017 Irvlnj avenue. Dunmorc J. Q. DONE k SON. Wanted. WANTED A larBe ahow ca.e. Apply William Gilford, 15(7 Dickion avenue. WANTED An Intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen tleman to Mil a lisht, pleasant position; Rood pay, if tultable. Addrc-j P. 0. Dox 20, Siranton, Pa. Money to Loan. $50 to fiO.OOO AT ON'CE and 6 per cent. In teren Ka.y term to icpay. Uecnge W. Okell, Coal Exchange building. tSdO.uOO TO LOAN I-owest rates: ttraljlit or monthly pavmcnU. Stark k Co,,Trador' bljcr, ANY AMOUNT OF MONEY TO LOAN-Quick, itral,-lt leans or litiiltllnft and 1oan. At from 4 to 8 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, Sll-315 Connell bulldlnc Lost. I.O-r Tin dull u. tewird and no ipie.tions aked tor ! t in ii of ln-ilieril do- N line "Siort " While luw. Tan leu. T. S Fuller, 4IH Vine etteet. l.l)l' -Pockitbonk fiinlaiiutiii .1 eiim of inoini .ui, e.iluilili- pipii. Reward if titmnnl to Ttibiine nfliie LEGAL. tvn IN THE matter of the Ij-late nf Abiahim llieik stiiue, ileeeijeed Notice 1. htieby kIvhi that an applii alhui will be made b, I) II. l.-vl. adinlnistratnt in tho above cute on Oil 1. PH. hi 'i i. tu , loi I a i clUhaiEe a. ailmlnlelntni. iiiK"vi)ini itNi.D vnni m. vii:i:riNi; (,f u,- tliieklinhlirn of the vrantnn Axle Work will be liild on Finlav, s.-il 27, lm-l. at tin- nltlie nf li.i II Itippl", Connell Riiildtni;, S, rantuti, Pi , at .1 p. tu e 'f lock, fot the e In lien nf iittlici fui the eti-tiini; veal mil the tlnii nt hii It nthei buMni.1.. aa nnv pinpeili toiin- lufoii tlie meelliiK. Rll HARD II vvhlSKNI LI E. sec ret it .NOTICE The annual nifitini: of tin- imnihri. ,, the Laikawanni sint Vvne lation, Llmiled. will be held at tlie nttiie ol tin- n.v-o, mion in Hie fitv nt serantnn. Pa nn Yledmdav, Oi to ber 2lvl. 1101. at ten n'llmk a in fin the iln lion nf inaiiiuir for the , n.iiini; and for tlie tiannaition of mkIi nthir lUHinea a nij) picperl) come befoie the tueehtiE II n FMR(IIII.I). Seeie(ai). Siranton Pa , Sept loth Pall t I BASE BALL! American League. M Hniton ltr,t Bfiitc- I! II. E. Ualiinjlon .2i).iOO0HOilO-5 h I RnMnii . . . il I 0 0 n 1 .1 0 n 1 -0 12 'I Ilatteiio Paiten and (jiadj ; Lcwii and (r it er. Impne (onnoilj. Second same R. II Wa.hinsinn 2 u 0 2 n I 2 i)-7 12 :t Roaton 0 1 0 1 0 0 (I .) - I 12 1 llitteriea-Cairitk in, I llndv; VVinteis and sclneckensott I mpiii Ccnnoll). t l'lilUdelilni- R II. I.. Ralllnioie o 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 n 2 . .1 1 Phllidelphla I 3 I II 7 n -in In 0 flitteiiea Fmeinan and Iticnihati, Plank and Powns. I mpiii sheildin. Olhfi clulu not mhiiluleil National League. l Nnv .ork-I'lrl u-anie - R. II I.. New Yotk 0 nil 0 1 00 1(1 2 'i I llnrliill 000 0 2 0 1 0 it ,t i llatlrnia- MaBre and Waimi; Diikcii and lU trldBe. I nipiir llrnvvii. Seiniiil fame II II E Ro.ton 0 0 0 0 0 fi 0 1 1 2 ti 2 .New Yoil 002 0 0 00 2 '-I S 0 lltlteriii Pittlmrrr and Kltlrldeei 'lajlnr and Wanur. I mplte- lliown. At Philadelphia- II II. II. Jliooklvi 0 000 f 0 2 0 0-2 2 Philadelphia 00100:oo-.1 S 0 llatlerler Donovan and MeOiiltei Donohue and McFarland. Iropiira (ith nd Farrell. Other games not scheduled. DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Than pour Llnei, ft Ccnti Inr Cch Extra Line, PROFESSIONAL. 'naa'Vaw'V' Certified Fubllc Accountant. EllWVIID C SP.M LIII.NO, 21 1RADKRS RANK llulldlni;. Architects. EDW MID II. II WIS, AltCinTIXT.VlNNELt, llulldliiE. ''I'J'I'PIICIv, Ii. ItltOWN'. Alt! II II., HEAL .-,an- i.jciiinne iiiiie , uo vva.uinnion ave. Civil and Mining Engineers. H. L. HARDLNd, (,() CONNELL Itl'ILDlSO. Dontists. Hit. C. 1. ElI.EMIERtlKIt, PALLl IILILDINO. Spruce ftreet, Nranlon. Hit. ('..('. LAUIIAIH, uj W(JHN(1 AVENUE. Lawyers. I'll .NK K. IIO I.e! ATTORNKYiAT-AW. Roonti 12, li, in nnd H llttrr llulldlni;. F. K. 1HACV. ATr'Y.,C()MVONEALTII RLDf! D. II. REPl.OtlLir ATrORNEr-I.O SS NEfTo" tilted on real e.tate aecurity. Meam lltilldlng, forner Waahlnston avenue and Spruce atreet. WILLARD, WMIIIKV k h'N'APP. ATTORNKYfl and courwellora at law. Republican Bulldlns, vVaihitiKton avenue. JKsM'p f- .M'I, ATTORNEYS AND Commonwealth RulldinB, lloonn II'. 20 and 21 EDW MID W TIIWER. ATrORNKY. UHtail, nth lloor, Mrara Hiillriin, R0051S 1. V WVIHKS, VTIORN'EY-ATLAW, ROAR!) of Trade HulldltiB, Scranton, Pa. PATIER-ON- k VVILCOvTiRaTiERS' NATIONAL Hank llulldlni;. C COMEtn-f. 0 1.1 REPUBLICAN DEILDI.NO. ' I'ERIIOLF. OITICB MOVED TO M. 211 Wvomlng avenue. Fhyslclons nnd Surgeons. DR W. E. AI.LKN. 513 NORTH WASHINGTON avenue. DR S W I.' VMOREVt'X. OFFICII 330 WASH InBtnn avenue. Resilience, 1318 Mulberry. Chronic ill-ease., Iuubs, heart, Lldneja and Ecnltn-urinary organa a ipccialty. Houra, 1 to 1 p. m. Hotels and Restaurants. THE EkVaFK. 125 V.ND 127 FRANKLIN AVE- nue. Itatm reasonable. P. 7.EI0LER, Proprietor. SCIUN'TOV HOLlNKAR D., L. k V. PAS. ncnEcr depot. Cnmhiued on the European Plan. VICTOR KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. n RRIfitiS CLEANS PRIVr VAULTS ANn lean pool.; no odor, only improved pump. ued. A II llrlKK. proprietor. Leave nrelera HOC Nnrth Main avenue, nr Elike'a druj atore, cor ner Adam, and Mulberry. Itolh telephones Seeds. (1. It CLARhK A. CO , SEEDSMEN AND Nt'Rs Pijmin, atore 201 Wa.hinstiin avrnue; green hnue., pi",!) North Main avenue; atore tela phone, 7?2. Wire Screens. JOSEPH Kt'ETTEL. REAR 511 HCKA. AVB , Sitanton, Pa , manufacturer of Wire Screen. Miscellaneous. P!lliVI VKINIl FOR CHII.DItE.N TO ORDER. ,iv ladieV wai-t.. Louu Shoemaker, 212 Aduna .tveiiue alEGAIIGEi: IIROs. PRIN'IERV SCPPLII.S, LN e lupi f, piper Ihkk, twine. Warehouse, 1S1 WadiiiiBtun aiimir. Si rantuti, Pa. Illi: WII.KEMIMtRE RECOIID 'N HE II D in Hranton at tho newa htand.. of llin... 4n sruuie and .VU Linden; VI. Norton. .12.' Laikiwiinu! avinui'i I. S. Srhutzer, 211 Spruce ttretl Boarders Wanted. WANTED Table boarders. Mm. Tompkins, Ml Washington avenue. Situations Wanted. SllCU'lON' WNTED-Wahliu- and ironing ti do at home by tirt clais laundress, lefeienee if iieuhd. Addict Mi. L. M., laid 62H Forest in tut. Sill VI'ION' ANlED-'Io B" nut by the my wj-hlni; or ilianuiK. Mr.. Unwell,, 121' (t dir avenue. Mil .VI ION" WANIKD-Py a Bond, hone.t man ,i. .1 in it him-1 ni in the i-hop. Apply II. I. , Duniuoii', I '.i. A I.VIIV vtniild like In get woik tu Bu nut bv the ill) in- vi.i-Iiiiie to taku hnine. 'Ki llieik luuit, ell). . sllI'vriliN VNIEH-lt) .1 ii.-peet,iblc eirl for umeiil hnu-i'wuik In a Mitall famllt, fan fuiiiisli beit uf iifetrme... Please tall at ill Id I, in .i .iiinui', II.mIo Paik, illy. SlITAIION WANfED-Youns woman wanu po. Mimn a. look in 1 unilv. lUn give refeiiuii'. Vdilii-a nil W.vninlng avenue. Sill VI'ION WXNIED II) a widow to work tn iniiiilr) and tn take little gill alonE, bi ctmuxh tu take i.iii' nf iliihlliit. Appl) Mia. M R , 1 1 ilium' Oltiie Sill VIION' W V.NTI'D-Hv a jntinij Bill II vest, nhl to help with lisht liotiscwiiik. Addreal ,N,i. 2ii Smith IrvniE avenue. SI 1 1' VI ION WAN1ED- V widow vWtli one child vviiiiM like a piwiimn j house-keeper, i'in Eiie t-nod rcfeiencf. AddreM Mia, h. D. Oly pliant. Sill' VIION' WANlED-Poltioii a. hoiuekeener wanted; lanihle of takniE full cIuiko. tall or addiens 7,1' I llitii-nn avenue sill'M'ION WNTi:D-V. a took in a hotel ii Lcaidint; hou t AddriM ( ook, Tnbune ot dec. sl'll VI'ION W VNII'D-As auperlntendtnt or foie man at eoal inlnta; Itftfen jears experience and ben riferencea. Hox A, 'ltibuno Ollice. MTI'VTIOV WNlFD-llrlEhl. Induvtrlotu boy. 17 jcii. old, deriies Mtuattun. limit in tho civil enBlneerlui nr electrical line ptelerred. Ad dles. '. ., Trihune Oflke. si IT' VI ION' V.NTED- V good, honest and relT able gill would like ,l -ituation at Een'ri bouwwoik vvltli a nice lamil.v. Addrevi M II, Scranton Tribune. Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS 27 & 29 Pine St., New York Now ready for distribution, and mailed upon tequest, Setepmber Descriptive List of INVESTMENT SECURITIES Jlcmbcis .New- icrk Stock Echane. Branch Office 05 State St. Albany A: i . i. )lA. jiV - '.. ' i ;.' .i