THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 17, lflOf. 6 WEST SCRANTON PREPARING FOR OBSERVANCE PRESIDENT'S MEMORIAL DAY WILL BE GENERAL. Tubllc Schools nnd Business Places Will Bo Closed nnd Special Relig ious Services Will Be Held in the Chuiches Sarcophagus 'Erected in Washburn Street Cemcteiy Three Distinguished Vlsltots Who Ate Now In This Pntt of tho City. Tluec Funeinls Ycstciday. I'rrp.uatlons tup uiidrr way for a c-Mie'inl observance rif Thursday as it il.iy of moilinlnj;, mid alieud some f tho details can be iinnoiimcd. The public schools will lip tloed, nnd It H expected cvciy place of business "III iIiho ilit Ir dnois-out of respect for the dfiul nmrtyi. DuikkMi' ' W. o.ln klns nnd John .1. l).iles announce that Ihclr pI.icps will Up closed ftom ISO to l.uO p. in. There will be u menioiliil sen lie In linnnr of the 111 u tyred president In St. JIaik's J.uibprati chinch on Thtiisdny evening, tommcncliii; nt 3" n't tuck, itndei the dlieotlon of the patnr, Ki'V. A. L. I'.aimr, I'll. I)., and slmllnr pciv lies will be held In the riit Welsh HiiptM I'huieh nt n p. in. and 7 p. in. lie v. I) 1). Hopkins, pastor. A union seivite will lie held nt the Washburn I'lcsbjleilttn thiirch Thurs day iifteinoiiii. comment Ihk at '1 tVilntk. Itev. If. (' Mt Dei molt, pastm if the Simpson .Methodist Kplsuifial rliuti'h, will pre.ieh the seiinnn and the follow Iiik i lei r men anil their inn KieR.itlnns will be In aitendaint. Washburn street Piesby teilan i hini h, Uev. J. 1. Moffat. I) 11. Ilanip ion Mieet Methiidlst Kpismpal i hureh. Ilev. .lames HenniiiKet , Simpson Meth odist llplscnpal tlillith. Kp. II. ( Me Deimott: Sumner avenue Piesbyteilan i hill ill, Kev. .1. J. .Moffat, I) 1). mod el aim: Jntksnn Mi eel li.uitlst ihurih. Uev. Thomas diliiuthv. 1). D . rl n nuth (' bun h. Hex. II. A. Unyil: Flist U.iptWl ihuiih, Ke. S I .Mathews. The above-named tlersMncii met In Pi. Moffat's study isterd.i mniulm; and pet Ice led thip aiiaiiRi ments The united ihulr of tlip dlfleient i hutches will sin; toKvthei undei the h ader shlp of I'nif. Oct man. The idlllie will lie .ippiopi iati ly ileiotated, nnd the SUNBURN Ho( anil Almond Cream rcmovwi rrdncu of tho tkln and soothes the rain cl (unburn In one night. TaVe a bottlo with you on your vacation. KOIt SALE BY O. W. JENKINS. Gloves and Corsets For Fall wear, are now ready for your inspec tion. The offerings from both departments in clude only the reliable makes and qualities, which experience has proved to give perfect satisfaction in service, and of course the styles are right in every particular. The Special Showing of Fashiona ble Gloves and Corsets in These Popular Departments This Week Ought to Be of Interest to Every Lady in Scranton. Stylish Gloves One-Button Walking Olovc, with outside seams and saddle stitchings are looked upon as correct among the smart set, but Two.Clasp Arabian Hocha Gloves hold their own among those who value their excellent wearing qualities and their per sonal comfort. Dent's Kid dloves need no recommendation. We have a lull line of the genuine Dent's Gloves in all makes, styles and colorings. Gloves for Evening Wear Our line is as complete now as it will be at Christmas time and embraces everything that fash ion says is right. Special Qlove Values at from 50 Cts to $1.50 Globe Warehouse MMSaaAJ service will be In keeping1 with the or der of the day Three Distinguished Visitors. The oldest residents of Hclleuto Heights mo engaged nt piesent In to nevvlng tho acquaintance of three for mer residents of that locality, who hno absented themselves from their midst for many earn. One Is Daniel Moses, of Vancouver Islands, who was mentioned In this ilepaituienl yesterrtnv. He has been nway for fort-seen eais. Another Is .Tohn M Dals, who has been In Coloindo foi tweniv-three kiiih. and the otliei l dwell Williams, who has been ill Seattle foi upwind of twenty-live enis, All three hae met a number of tin Ir funncr acipialntaiucs. and each of them iiiiiim'I at the uiowth of Scrim liin during their absent e Recent Social Events. Miss Clinbeth McWIlllimis, of South Main avenue, leiently enlei tallied a bilge p.ilt.v of voting people at he home. The oocaslon was fi might with mm h pleasllie. Miss Mabel Tlei nun, of f.llei lie slieet, was tendeied a suipilso pally by a numlier of hei fi lends ictentlv She pi n I'd eiiial to the occasion and entei tallied iheiu In a lovnl iiiauuci Miss Iti ha Thomas, of South l.lmolu avenue, one cil the lihiatlans nt the Albllght llbtai.v entertaltlrd a p.iltv nt ft lends at her home mi Satiiul.iv evening. In lioimi of the Misses Nellie Thomas and Anna Jones, of KliiRstnn A niuubei of West Sitaliton .oUliR people joiiineved to the home of Mis lleitha Finnies, nt (iiecnwood, letent Iv and suipilsed bei In an ugit cable mnniier. They wcie loyally enter tained In the pnrty weie Misses Jen nie Williams. IMlth Davis Jennie Pa s, Mmy Kvatis. Mn i Km et l).is Kiehaul i:ans, David Keesc, John Jones and Kennle Theimle. Smcophngus Elected. Theie has Just been elected over the giave ot the late IMw.uil James In Washliutn slieet lemeteiy n hand some saicophagtitt. whli h attiacts mole than nidiniiry altention. It tests In Section ! of the new addition, and was elected l .Mai hie Dealt l Anion James of Wahlniin slieet. It stands sl f-et IiIrIi, Is of Harry Rranlte. and welRhs U.OOO pound" De leased was the latlur of Hon IMvvind James, ieireseni.itle of the Third leg islative dlsttict and was one ol the Inst known men In Lackawanna conn- Boy Fell fiom n Tiee. rrcd Wcgnei, the xlx-ycai-ulil son nf John WeRiiei, of Wilght court, while out on the mountain with a lunula of bnjs on Sunday, fell fiom a tiee and fiai tilled ills .urn He was i canned to his home, and a phlclnn was called, who set the In Jill eel ineinbei. Thice Funerals Today. The funei.ils of Hilda, the otiiiR child of Mi and Mis. Thomas Thoi- buiu ol Kouiteenth stieet, will take pkicp this afternoon. SpiUps will ho Perfect Corsets Incomparable "Redfern" Cor sets meet the highest require ments of the exacting woman of fashion, The new models are now in stock. Straight Front Corsets, by all the leading makers, in a va riety of models to lit all figures. Prices from 50c the pair up. "P. D." Corset Special An excellent model in a real $3.25 quality. All sizes today You take chances it you wait. Spec ial price $1.50. Children's Waists nndnisses' Corsets The most complete line to bs found in this city, and not a poor quality or bad style in the lot, Prices are right. Corset Prices for Ladies' Wear 50 Cts to $10.00 HI EtrjfiiVQYnjHj1 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound It vrill entirely euro the worst forms of Female Complaints, all Ova rian troubles, Inflammation nnd Ulceration, Falling and Displacement of tho Womb, and consequent Spinal Weakness, and is peculiarly adapted to tho Clianjro of Life. It has cured more cases of Backache nnd IMiporrhcpn th.ui nny other remedy tho world has ever known. It is almost infallible in such cases. It dissolvos and expels tumors from tho Uterus in an early atago of development, and checks any tendency to cancerous humors. Irrogulnr, SupprcHsed or Painful ion. Weakness of tho Stomach, Indigestion, Hlonting, Flooding, Nervous Prostration, Headache-, General Debility quickly yields to it. Womb troubles, causing pain, weight, and bnckache, instantly re lieved nnd pormanentlv cured by its use. Under all circumstances it nets in harmony with the laws that govern tho femalo system, and is ns harmless ns water. It quickly removes that BouHno;-tlown Focllnp, extreme lassi tude, ''don't enro" nnd "want-to-be-lcft -alone", feeling, excitability, irritability, nervousness, DizVitions, Fnintnccm, sleeplessness, flatulencv, melancholy or tho " blues," and backacho. These uro suro Indications of Femalo Weakness, or somo derangement of tho Uterus, which this medicino always cures. Klducy Complulnts and Backacho of cither box the Vegetablo Compound always cures. No other femalo moiliclno In tho world lias received such widespread and unqualified endorsement. No other medicino has such a record of cures of femalo troubles. Those women who refuse to accept anything olso are re warded a hundred thousand times, for they get what they want a euro. Sold by Druggists everywhere. Refusa all substitutes. held lit tho luiii"f lit "I" riYlm k, and Intrimrnt will In iii.ult In the t'aiu briii cptniMri v Tlip funeral of tin lutp Mis. Ann Hughes will take pinto tills altoiiioon. SiTlus will ho In Id at tlip liou IMS Kviinn Miett, and llitriineilt Mill lip intuit- In tlip Waidihuin Httcpt onip- U'l Tin' lPtn.ilii" of an Infant hlld of Mi. and Mm Dnwihk, nf 1 1JJ i:non Htippt will lip pilatcl intpiud In tlu Wiisdilniin s-tait loinetoij this afternoon. NOTES AND PERSONALS. ('.plain P. J. MtAiidtPW annouiu'ps hlnis-plf as a iimdldiito for iIoIpkiiip fiom the TlMt dKtilit of thp Ponr tppntli waul to the Dcnioi i.itii inuutv oini'iitlnn, to In- hi'ld in Mii'-ip hull on Tlinr.sda.v The (onilltlon ot (I. A. Williams, who l ill at Middle (ii.nnllU' .V. V duos not show itiiuli cisiis of Iniprnwinont. It N ( pei ted that an optititlon will lip neipMvaiv in his rasp All niPinliis of tho Sloan local, No U"i aio ipipiestpil to attPinl tho inppt ins to lie hold In 1. I) i:ans' hall this evening. 'I he total Mailiirs' union held a nn et Iiik last evening to lonsldei boveial lliatleis of Intel est to theltlsfhes i ll.uu Davis, ot Smitli KpIipiiii ae nif won the siiiokliiK nt whli h was haiueil off li I low ell & Hauls nn Saluiday eonlnj; William 'l'hiiniison. of l.liunln ap liliP, has lelinned honie tiom Ituftaln. lie was in the Teniplp of Mnsi when I'lesidPiit Mi Klnlev was hot Th" i pi utlM' lioaid of the I'list Baptist i Inn i h held a nuetlnt; .it tho pai-on.iRP on llmK stieet lat eni Ins and dlsuissid the aiiaiiKPliiPtita fm o)piiln tlie new i lunch building on Sundii) Oi tohei Jii. Ite .1 1 D P. pastor or the Washhuin snoot I'losbj tetlaii i Inn th. and Iul)it .1 Williams, of Smith Main aveiitn hip atU'inlltiR a meilitiK nf the l.aikawann.i I'resliy lpt at 1 loin sd, ile. AlliiotiiK ilieiits h.ue lieeK Issued tot Hip matilap nf William P. Mi Hale anil Miss Maiy Mi Lain, whlih will take plaip at M Patilik's ilinieh at 1.' o i Iik k nnnn on Vidnesda, Oi -tnliei-i' William 1 Sin i .t 11 lett ttPlda aftei nnnn tm Huffalo, wheie he will spend a tew dins piini to ills dep.utuie for rhatt.UHiOK.l, Tonn . wheie ho will ho loiattd. Pi ode th It Jones, city edltni or the Diliikiik llei.iltl, who has been Fpend Iiir the past week at the lioino of Ills patents on .T.u kson stieet, will today for a week's stay In New Votk, Philadelphia and Washington, Mi and Mis James p. Thomas, of Twi'lith stieet. well iimed a new ai at their home tsterday. Miss itiuhael JCin hail.ili, of Hamil ton stieit, has iptiiined home fiom a tup to llnir.ilo and other points of In- tl 11 si Mis Philip Wait en, the diossiii.iker, left jiHtirdn on a IniMness mp to Now Yoi k Mis Pdlth Davis, or Noah Hinmloy avtiiin. Is spi'iniiim a row das with fm nds In te. Mis. Maty J. I'hlllli and iliildten, l.ila and Tliomiis, liave iPtintud home fiom Itiilfalo and the Pan-Amoihan epostlon UiMd Williams, of Ninth Ude 1'aik aM line, has letuined home fiom an eMeinlnl lslt with fl lends In I'ailion. dale I'ontim tor and Mis. John '"llllams, nl lloek stieet hae letuined home fiom tiom a week's stay at t'l.vstal Lake, Mis. Jane KudPtlik and dauKhter Lam a nf Hampton stieet. hae ie- tuiiud home tiom a two weeks' visit with fi lends in llay.letnn Auh Hiown. of Sitantoti stieit. re tin mil home cHteulay tmm a tin co weeks Mt with tl lends In I'lilladtl pllia I)i M J. Williams, nt South Main avenue, teielved a message yestetday that his wife's mothei. Mis. IEebeceu Miisstlman aged S'i eais, tiled at New Mahoning, r.ulmn munty. He will at tend tho t uncial. Mrs Williams tins been with hei mother foi dajs. Mis. Thomas W. D.nls, nl South Main avenue, lias leiovoied fiom her leiPIlt illness. A meeting of the William Connell A GREAT SURPRISE Is In utoro for all who use Krinp'a rtalwrn for the Throat and Lungs, the treat euJiantrcil remedy. Would jou liellcio Hut it is sold on its nuriti and any ilruitcl.t is autlioiizcil by (he jirorrlelor ol this wonderful remedy to glvo jou sample Ijottlu (ice? It nccr (ails to cuie acute or ihronio toughs. All drivgi.ta sell keni' llaUain, I'llie He. and Wt. How Truly the Great Fame of Lydia E. Pink ham's Vegetable Com pound Justifies Her Orig inal Signature. (JIpp flub will be lipid this evening fnr leheaisnl and pitfeitlng the ilvtallH of theli eotnlng tonieit at the Pitst Haptlst ihuiih on Tuesiln, September .'1 ("ieorge ('. Millei the i hlld of Mr. and Mis William Millet, or the Atoll hah! mines, died ycsteidav. The Til net al will In innduited at - n't lock tomoiinw afteiunnn. Interment will be made 111 the I'ambila iitnettiy, NORTH SCRANTON. v A tneetlng of the citizens or Ninth St i aiitnn was hild In Aldeiinan Meis' ofriie last night lor the puinso nr as Leitalnlng the truth nt the Illinois to the erfou that tot tain Pnles and Llthu rinlaus nf tills pal t of the city di Ink to the lnaltli or Hit assassin or Pi evi dent MeKlnle.v Aliletinati Mcis was made ilialinian nr tlie meeting, and the tase nf J S. .Ittdltkl, a tlealer on Ninth Main avenue, was tlist taken up Judlikl's paitnei was, taken befoip Hit meeting and gave the following statement. "Lust Saluiday moining Mt .Tiulli ki, my p.utnei in the moat business, said 'The ptpsldont has knot ked his I'eet togetliei and I am glad, making this statement in a laughing mannei ' A enmmittte tonslstlng of Henry Piotheioe, Aldettuatl Mes, J. K. Smith and J W Benjamin was named to adopt tesiilutlniis with a view to driving nut anv anaiehlsts who live In this pin of the titv Theie will be annlhei meeting of the t Itl.ens Wed nesday night, when the committee up pointed will piesent a lepoit. He Lost His Job. Anthony S.onsa got a iiowd ot ex i lied iltlens on his heels, .it Piovl dome s(iiaio, lu-t night, b.v teason nt Intempeiate language lelatlve to the death nf Pieslilont MiKlnlo). Dining a tonvetsatlon ho applaudid the at -Hon ot (ViiIrosk In killing the piesl dent Sonis.i t a lather Intelligent Pole, who speaks good Hngllsh, and lor some time has Ijecn eniiloed In the kick pi tlopatimeni of Phappell's stoies When the ileiks theie heaid of tills talk lliej held a meeting, and deelded thej would no longei wink ot asntlntn with a man who could expiiss suih sentiments, and named a committee to In lug this inattei to .Mi (.'happell's at lentlun, cleniandlng the ilKhaige or the man. Mr Chappell ntiestlnned the man, and ns he could not den) that he made tho statement he was dit lunged whllp wind or the action nr the cletks liad gotten abroad and a uumbei or men and bins gatheted to give Snnls.t a win in leieptlon. He iiiailo his way thinugh a tear dont and illsappt ared. Stiuck by a Cav. Vestetdnv iiftPinoon a Piov iiloncfl bound i ai No NOii, tnllided with a wagnn neai (iieen Illdfie stieet, dilven by ,lai nb Kline who was accompanied bv James Campbell, of West Maiket stieet. The ml struik nne nf the wheels of the wagon, tin owing the ooiupants nut, Kline landing safo on his feet, but Campbell was thrown be tween the hotses and tho tongue of the wagnn. He was dragged tin sev eial yanls along tho paved stieet He was pit ked up in an unconscious state, and lemoved to the ortli e or the West P.ldge Coil company, wheie Di. Donne was called and loiind that Campbell hail lecelveil no Hat tilted bones, but sevetal btlilses. The team continued In their cotlise, i mining up the avenue, until they t cached the aiidltoilum, when one or the hotses stumbled and roll, being diagged along the street by the other hoise for about ten yards, when the nthei hnise wns bi ought to a stand Still, The hnise.s wete not sei loitsly hint TOLD IN FEW LINES. r.-xs-ni l.nlhm Mot III, rondmtei 'f Hie Norlli I lid lileo t lull, will icate (tidij for I no I'm AiuriiiJii hrn lip "111 take tiait in Hie Diu.lcu! (itlal to hi held the latttr pait of tins eeU 'Hie (ii'iual o( MU Nillle keatnev took plaio M'stinle iiKHiilii; at 10 n'tloek from tlie lluly lltniiv thiiirh, hlfh hiks ol icquiom uaj icle. Inalrd i) Itiv Kither llolinn, I.011K lifote (lie fum i it if'Hn,e tell tin' liuiim nf the nmlhir ( the ileuased or I'fii) aviiiur the ihuuli ai tumilid villi t r ii mis and relilim nf tin ill. tta.eil fler Iho ieiiiie tlie Imilv w i lelno'i In tlie (" ieineiit, wliou Initiiiieut u is madi Neailj two hundred ami lifi rinploin of I lie Mm Kilk mill eit in utliulinie at Iho lumral 'He lull lujiua rtt I'atiUk Man, Vlaitiu Miiriav. Mm Inltit, Martin Mi II lie, I'atiiik Mill Id. and Au.lln V lll-t. Jin hnm.r.ny palllieuiM wrti- .Nellli f.lllirlilsr. Mirv IMI, I Irln lliuke, Katie rtillauhir, Mietie liilirillmi and bnulH McThp. The fiourrdiearria mn Vtaiy nilliridue. Ilililuct Dean, Mluulc HIiW and Mar (..irit liilltile, DUNMORE DOINGS WORDS ON THE SLAYING OF THE PRESIDENT. Reference Mntlo to the Tingedy That Hns riunged the Nation Into Sor iow by Rev. Chailes H. Ncwlnp nnd Rev. W. F. Gibbons In the Sermons They Delivered fiom Their Pulpits on Sunday Mei ton Sceso Sustains Broken Arm by Falling fiom n Tiee. tu his pulpit In the Methodist t hutch on Sunday, Ilev. Chailes 11. Newlng spnko as fnllows cuiueinlng the assassination or Picsldetit Mc Klnloy sinie lit we met nur lirlmnl iiriidiut. Will tain Vliklulej, ln in .hot l .in .ivjln on lh I rtila.t lirfoic, tin. iird .ma.t and It Mfirn to nie ur lltllitf ll st. Jui liefoie nur rreulir -mm, nuiii llilnt inlKlil tc Mid mil r rnlntr lilm V untdlir, u tilrnnii and inl dmt, the lilttluot ot Vnnrli m iiiiiilinnd, he ilpi.l ti nit nl Viniiliani-tii. Ii.i snnr to liln t" nanl lie w n a linn nf the tomnmr. nIie, 1 mill cilhd ttnin tlie ver ehment lint inikm nur nillninl lite (.re it lie 1 imt an imnled man uhin lit n a1iid In take thai pnnini siei , sti p lit had ttiuilied IIiioiikIi Miiiit.iii. poHilinii. nf trut until, (ur tio prevtniH liinr, wluli men vine nuinlniteil fnr ucli nltlie. Iita ftllniK Iml ilamind fur Ida name, 1ml lie hid Mid "Nn. wilt i llttli nline 1 line prnniiMd to mi purl aunlhir i nidldil " line In ihe in Minna nt mm, lie wilted until tmit'v I hi tmm In timid wilt no Inneer and tliet deminded lint lie allow hlm-ell to ho pieneuted hi tote the ptnpli Ilii unit nun vai t ilm, ns wo know, a. Ie iinlii'il nut hit lniil tn Knit ,i Mlnw, and a link of pilv ttiue up in til. flic litiaii-rf lu mm. o mimtl.i . w i tn ililre, md then Innk nf pdu t nne otcr lsist fiie oi he Ml Iho Flint; nf IIhko two ileulli liull-t tut i lil lindr. ind Meiiln- Inikwiiil, teuliid liim-ilf nnd ltd, "llli, (.ml, Iniu'lie hltn," I ii ailn, tlie htctiet heictil of ciand Vinrrn in tuailinml wan li u lied In thei ck it ind nnlilc Iirirted nun, and wo fire pimul In ill lilm mi" nf u Vt I iiiiii heud hltn m, lie win proud to In tommteil with i tlintth no Inn id, m) grand is our", for. jmi ill well know, he ua 3 nzular lheiiKil lot d pieuhir In nur iliurtli ,iid, thert fine, we crieve timie, If molt we in it sriete, pettiapN thin otlietn I w i rdnuk with a lemaik tf the pipir xtai inc tint lie hid tin mniHlir nf ilm n li ndiinr him It ciid tint sv t in trim,e In me nu iiiuimtiir ttie .tatement nf mu fmindri, tltt, who Mid, 'ilm ptiipto die till We know that nur lietotul Willi nn MtKlnlit did nut will until the imivIii'4 Imlhl t nunl thinuch Iim lmil In fine he lugau to hirk iIk iiillni.ii) whkh el-lnl liitueru liiin and lin llnd. Ml IhiM .tent he had kmiitn mil airted Him wtlllniily and with a lenl.t mind 1o that Kioil mm, wholn ill Ihh nillnn hnnrr. tli- )iti;hrt diitt w u to know (.od'. will ind rto it, rift 1 Inline tie did iu-t what he tnn.ideied tua ilul.t Hi wan f i r 1 1 in mini tn It" el'i i imii of nun He ui ilw in willinc h cu and fiittrltt. In h ir and fnitu n lie wh ttillim; to Mimlnutt ciio wi, efiept on piimlploi while hi Ihniijht (,'l rmilliiil luni to M ind ind not one Jit or tilth would he liuilti Ol iiiuiM. 1 di nnt know tho nltiuiinn of the nition In itbiiiI tr, ill nf tlie plii-ldenta lull, a a Minlriit nf liitnit, ind i i lno Fti.ileut ton, I Itel it la Hue tn Mt thai In wm lutul nmri lit tin" penpli- ol Ilm nit Ion ilnn an.t nthtr pre.iduit u In (tei hid, ivitpt. verhip, Kliln.'liin Itilitid, alttr rinlul Ihoiiutit and . nidi r tinn upon tin whole ownt. It I. mt tindid ointiion ind iulciiunt that Mich foul deed tint hno liei n piipttnttil mil i a lied nut, nii!lii h hit iilinli.linl lit i.tupiiui. the i in iilatimi if tlie till, lilllit ami d-tilNh liluituie tint n mAiiiiii! utir nui mil Vn i wht do I mi it io t-tinn? Siniptt Ii(iiiim. tliivi ten -hieta, sinie tho a--.l"ln ith n, line nt ited rti rilliiii'; nppo.ito itinut the life ind deiilt nf nur 1'itntid pniiletit llim tint did I'ttoio, iml mi I -,i that the men tint nniit ruth dilihuaii md wilful filehoniU Fliouhl lie lu nlo to pit ttic pniillt nf tlnir triine, ind I hope lint a- I ir ii wi Into int inftiiemi' to In ir w, will linn, tt to In ii upon nui ttitistov.uif ii ant Minim,, resiidlu.' Ihe iiirtlnn wliiih In. a lit it In n in mt heat. Hut itlvu a mm In. lain iiltul to llit priidrnt'M tlnir md hi laki r. itii milt nf ntht i , finin tint linn until mother tut hem ilttted. no mill due to in iki t l it it it tu r to he piinliil md milliard otir tin muntrt he lilllin.' tint linn. Hit lit wimiU. nt ho Iml sued hte to TvroiiiiO ptnple who '(,ood lito ill; cood h.te It I. (.ml a itai lln will hi di tie " II nut he (.ml", wit 1 do nnt know Hut one thnijr I do know ho. Intid md tint Is (,od hi slid in hu wmd, VU thins woik nuillifi fnr sooil tn thrm tint Inu him " Vuu ind I, a (hiUlian. hati a dun to dt Wi are n it without i piildiul todat lluiil. (md, wo Inn 1 tinlile nun lie I i mm Hut feus nd, ami ho tun bteti tiiul ind I tin let ih triht him, ,w Vuiirittu tlti.n let u do nur dull let u prit for lilm let u. a tar a we aio ildi , hrlp lilm l,rt u Miptmil hini in I hose limn ot need, 1 t ll tie fllttilill One of the mi itit, II not ll"' griate-t, of Vmirii in pieiihtiti In pa.ed iw i,t lit nnt Into tin i.hi d hi wiek (.ml know,, det hut lie In laken hull homi to tje it 10i.t win to the tile i utoonitt i iniiot t iru nine luni mt I inui r lit u li nn fiom till Hut a ( In it i in tn tt) ht! nKtt ll di il to do mil utial ih i1 h in 1 jn 1 In ir lit ii lenie Up uiunorj- of n ir tiihuid piofidint, wlio 1. now ,11 ie' Rev, W. T. Gibbons' Wouls. At the set vices in the Piesliyterinn thuith Stindny In ineinoiy of Piesl dent MtKluley, Pnstoi (.Ulihous said In pait Tod it Ihe tijtiiti tiinuin for out who it n In Id in liulut itiitu amoiu tho lulu nf tho i nth Hut the i runt wlihfi ha liiikiu down ill tiitlnu'n ilntf w t luw'1 fir Hun run th i-.i--in.itii ii of kin.' ur itupuoi Not itoue he taii'o Willi mi Mi Mid t li Id i limn Import mt i.i-ltliili than t'ltiiio ni in, Iml liiiaii-n ihe tun l!utit who hi lllll) doitu tu cet hlui'ill atziifi.t tin will ut Ml.mll m.l ot in. lylllL-iiil pi' ill' Wluiitti mu In o.ii picanil pollllti., MiMnlit w i the pie-liluil ut the wholn pi'ipti, and u suili ttc inimiii fur hiu tod it Hut the ml urn iiiiiviiii- lur him not oplt i- i tulir. Iiul i I man In rliiititn he in it tio ijllnl 1 1 nl v "Ihe t.tpiial " lu miiimr tttiilnii and ihitalrnu., lu pmpne M,,ull.i-t, in lioiit pine, inmpilltn.' tttn llie udmirillon it ldiiii d lit No I'li.Hli of slainltt itir dm I to utter Itxelf aciln.l htm, tin linn et.i thnced lilm with illhnntlt, V I .oldlrr and in l i-1 1 1 i-i)i in Id retold jt clean V man nt th ptnple, til no ilfiiiiL,omio nihil initi tun' inul folium mil ol polnii., Inn In din. a i-nui paialitel) pool nun lli'-t 1 1 all, ll c ai he tatd of lilm Unit In w h a (hii-tiit. I'lCln tin it'e ut 17 ho In In u I iniinlnr nf Iho Vhthodi.t ilnmli In intilt piailui a well a ptildn. piufn-ion, tn In fnllowiil Clirl.t Whin lie tlildi-il limi.ill to H-i. nue.tlietli It via with the laird' I'lljir in his lip... and wlien the ilirkun. id ih'ilh till upon lilm hi oul i-pliul In Mm; to lie tieirer In Hod. s.) f lit Mini fill ulup to wake in In inn' lUUlllill.'. toi.d in a vvav i.ini:s. ch.ules Cole loft yestetday foi Nyack. N. V, wheie he has accepted a position as Instiuctoi' In l.inRu.iKes m ttie aeudeniy Miss I.uc.v Heal letuined to hot Html Us at the rMinudsliuif; ntiinml si hnul jestenl.i). Mr. and Mis John Wilson have ie tinned tioiu l'ei nlo In Hilllsh I'nliiiu hla, and ate mm stopplui-r at tho linnie of iheli son, V It. Wilson, of Hlakely stieet Ollbctt Closio of Klin sliett, leaves to. day lor Ptliueiun, wheie ho will te. Htinip his studlis, Mis. I; W. Illshnp letllllitil yestetday ft mu Luke I'lenio wheio sh' has spent the past lew weeks. UeotKO Hills, nf Chliuli stionl. Ii-rt jesteiday foi' Ptintetoii iiillepri WliCd he will enter tho ficshmcn e,iM--, Mci ton Hooao, Ilm l'.'-j-t'iir-ulil sop nf JONAS LONG'S SONS. Sensational Art Goods Sale Starts Here This Morning Prices Cut to OneThird and OneFourth of the Former Selling Figures. A Grand Clearance Sale of Art Goods has been or dered and an abundant stock of these goods have had their prices lowered considerably. Quick selling will be the order of the day, as tremendous reductions on desirable Art Goods of every descrip tion presents chances that shrewd buyers will not want to miss. The merchandise offered for sale is without a blemish, although the prices are astonish ingly low. The price list we annex will convince you more forcibly than anything wc can say that this is the Greatest Bargain Event you have ever been invited to attend. Read every item, then come to the store and see the goods, face to face. Skein Silk, Tassels and Cords AT 2c. A SKEIN. lanhrolderv silks In many differ ent colors, worth fa. AT lc. A SKEIN. Fancy white In aid that sells for S cents. AT 5c. A SKEIN. .Assorted lot of yarn, worth fiom 10 tn 14e 5c. FOB A DOZEN SKEINS. Linen llo"- Tor einhioldery. All enlors of these. 'Worth more than double. 5c. FOR FRINGES. red Tor tiiRS and curtains III own and cat net rolori Values. IRp . 20c and 2,-iC. 5c. FOR UPHOLSTERY CORDS. Fancy upholsteiy clitls In mnnv dirreient colors, worth 1" and 20c. 5c. FOR SILK TASSELS. Silk tnssels nnd IipIIs ror rnncv weak In hand'-oine shades, worth 15c to 2".c. 5c. FOR TASSELS. For cushion and fumy woik, worth moto than double. Hunch eds of Laundry Bags Hemstitched. Butcau Scarfs Stamped do. lies Embroideiy Linens White uncoveted Cushions Satin coveied cushions and other nrticles of nit can be piuchnsed at this sale for less money than they cos.t the makeis. Don't fail to attend nnd get some of the good things that nwait you. Jonas Long's Sons iiiiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiismiiiiimiiiiiiimiiiiiiiiuiiiiiraiinimimHij TlieWalkOverShoe I $3.50 and $4.00. I Fall Styles Now Ready. WBrnm rjiiiiHiiHiuiiiiiiiuiiiiiiimiiiiiimiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis: (iPoikc Hic-i, of r.took sieit. Ml fiom a twins ni his lioini iteiduv and a liiuKcn aim was the lesult Ut in lets leduied the ftat tine and last msht the little path nt was lestlnt; ioiiit"it ablv 1' Ilev W F. (ilbbous was in 1 law ley .vestciday wheie he tondiiftid the fil iicial seivlies nvii the run. tins ' ot Chaihe T.Ut GREEN RIDGE. .llf Minnie Wells nt Hreaker stieet hat it-tut m tl fiom an es-tenilid visit at New Vnik ilt.v and Oi.iiirp. N .1 IMwaid Fuller nf l)ii ksnn avenue lias liuiihastil the Intel et ot .Moult Hmwn In tin- iil.vphant l.umliei tompauy Mlis May llasl.itn has letuined to hei home In n.tltnn nfti I a vir-lt with tli et n ItiilRe tilt nils. The nieinbiis ol tin S.ibb.tth si hool or the Caiioute mission ot the (Ireeu Ulilat 1'iecbv tn Inn t Inu th enjned a tiolley tide S.I Lilt tl.i. afttlimiin fiom the (iic en Itldne teiiuiuus ol th, Subur ban line to St I anion, then to OI phaut by way ol Tin nop uml on their letitin tiom Uric to Nay Auj? pink, wheie ice i team was seived to all the child) ill and a dellghtlul lime nijn.voil. In at toiilnnet with the pioelamation of the inesldent ot the i'nlted States, mi nun lilt uvlits will be held In tht Ciern Itldi;e Piesbj tci Ian tliuuh Thuisil.-i) atltinoon In whith all the t hurt lit s ot this hittlon of the tity will unite .Miss lleitha Stwatd, daiiKhter or Mi. and Mis 1 ' rinvaul. or .Monsey ave nue, eiiu I tallied a number or hei yoiins fib nds wltli a ituii anil muisliiuullnw inast at hei home Friday evening The puetts wete- Misses Lama T.uihold, Nettle l.rfWienie, .It'hsle Shoetiuke, I.lhel riHiton. Flotenie Sno deu nnd Mcsms. Mo.vd 1'eny tliovet Seals, Un wind Yuiki'I Inwell Law Kin e and Austin Kcilow. The woik ot sradliiit Klikson avi nite lit twee n Delawate and Hte.iUtr has bun ttimnieiieed. This stuel has been In a wieiihed t otidltlnti and i's linpiovenieul will be Welioilied b iel dents or that pait of the town. Tluee Oveicome by Ons. Il rtilinhf Wtif (rum I tie IvniKtti Press tlluiltm Mi li ,ii I' Willi nn Hi nl J Uliiiil lltini: Mm hiiI- i'i "' !"" ' 'l"li t uill iionnUt I" liul " 'I1""- 'I1' ' ut 1 1 In '!. dinl iliimiiiil Win n In' illil n I .mi, tn I In (UlUii nl tin iH din a 1 1 i . . 1 1 1 . I . I l lili:lh "I I ui. Id '" "' - mil VHliiii, ttttil In lil is' w. Iit w"' '"' trinKllt I') 4 Utlil ilUMIItt Miscellaneous Ait Goodn. S'llk cord d t,iRcK l!ie ; regular price, L'9i In assorted handsome colore, Usui fnr t ushlons. Fnncy Fringed Table Covers, 10c. Wns 2., In plain and fancy pat terns and tjood d7e. BattenberR's, Just Half. A larpo. varied niortment. The prices plainly marked Pay Just half. Fnncy Knit Bureau Scarfs, 30c. I'm met pi Ice, file A very hand some artli le toi the hoit- and never nffeicd so low In price. Bureau Scarfs, 10c. HcKiilar ?,'e These Prarfs vvlfh motto to match, fancy ruffled edge. 25c. for Table Covers. St.itnpfd fringed table covers, wot th 40i . 50c. Scai f s, 20c. Stamped Linen llurrau Scarfs of elegant designs. A Matchless Bargain. Cuslilnii tops nsxoited patterns, wnith fiom GOi. to 7fic All ko nt .'.'it. AMUSEMENTS. Lyceum Theatre M RKIS Lessee V .1 Him, Minigrr. Tuesday, September 17th, Neil Burgess llimtill Vs Abigail Prue In Mi.- N..i "COUNTY FAIR," Wnh in wrilth it nn nuv ami me hmii-al rlfnH II" nifwt thnlliiik linii-t re f ' "it cm riii 'us'' I'llie -ii , Ml. 7i -I W Silts in iul iliuilo ,0 1 1 111 Wednesday Night hull 111 nl Thill l it 1- I n-i 11nn11n rii Jefferson De Angelis IN A Royal Rogue Vl Ihi Tm niui llii 11 1 l,n th iiti Mil' In ilm- I Iliin.-rlii nn tint nf I'n niui M Kinlitu t'llnul Sui a timv on ili J Academy of flusic M ltl.lS, Love A J Pltr, Msoagsr. Matinee Today FOR HIS SISTERS SAKE Tonight ft m OF WYSTERY. 1 1 inner l'i l" "" jmi 0 1 ni ln 11 1 Pun tu jmi in l'i sit - STAR THEATRE M.I 1. Ill ItlllMllilN Mm iter Ilm Hik, lli i. innitii V null. iitiinliii H Hi "Mouy Maidens Builesquors. .MjllllUS Moll'Ul .Ill'l Wtillltrilti t. N