,,. v ' V" THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-TU'ESPA.Y, SEPTEMBER 17, 1901. 1 OillCB. BURKE BUILDING 3. Carbondale Department, j Thonc : NEW, 286 OLD, 0423 lliitlnn. New , I .11 i in. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. "Delaware and Hudson Knlhoad. June n. mi Tfalni will leave- (atlionilaV .it ill) station Inllnvvei . ,, . ... Inr Sctantim and Wilkin tune f. i.irt. W". I'M. 1001, 11 .'l .i mi li in. Ii '-',l' ' " 6 0t, 7lM. 10 01, 10 SI p in , , Sinea Haiti, leave at S''. U21 '" ' '"' 2.11, 8 .XI. ol) i in For Alliiny, Mulou. Monltr.il. Fnsland pulnt". en , 7 no .i in ('I'll) .. i i I'nr lake lnlote. Wavnuit .ml ll'inc-dal", 7 22. II if, a. in . .) "il. ii.lt I" , ,. ,. Sunday ttalni tdli Inr l.iki- Lmlore. Wavniail lid lline.ilile at H I'l .I in . I "1. I ! I' "J, , Iraliu I'lrivc .it Carlirndale limn Wllke. 1 in' and Hrarilim n, follow I. "hI. s ... I'M'. 1" " m : li .17, 2 nn, :i 1 1 I 2 h o. 7.m. "' u l1, 11 .17 p. in . I At a in. . ,. -uiitlu n tt io nun, ut i.s" .i. in . I-1"' '-' I 2 I- i'l, II Ml I, III , Train airivo dallv (i.-m vlliin n " a" ' l"P III . lllil nil Mlliiliv ill 2 iH l I" Irnlni arilve li mi 1lniipdili- iiivl Wivmiti dally at '41 n in. i 1.' in. I Hi. H 17 i i imrtij luln null, ill rml-ntidile ln'i'J i-"1' l.nlr.ii. U.t in irl iml lltim-aditr nl I'1'- ' ' ar.d 7.,'i" i m New York, Ontario and Western. Illlir 21, l'ull Train leave I'miIh ml ilo Im " nnlnn it "'. Id HI .1 in , I rm p in t unili,v train nt 7 in a in iiiwp ! llallu li IM' (ailmnilil f.i iiiiit ii"H il II in a in i I 11 i in Hi xiin In at ''1" " Tnln leu hi at II In i in mil div and '' o m. Minil.it irakr ..nt ' i ' m ("i New Vein. iViinvaM, i it Tialn airiw- ft. mi iinnii al II I" i ni ' " fi I'l p. in . (i. in i-itn. 1'i.illr mm i "I. ' "J p in. --nnlivi linn, -iinntnn al 'Mill in. .iii'l ..!" p. m.i fr in I'mI i-l,i it 'i il'i P in Hexed beyond llio pi.vvct nf tlic- illy mlltltor Ki collect I ho iiiniilllit cf '' lino 110111 the nliln limn, fi'i tlic- mill-J imiiio fulled to specify when tho inonov Hhuitlil ho turned Into tin- illy tions inci; tho lino loiitil hi- lotaluod hy the .. i .... i. .,, .i i.ii.i iitiieimuu mi inim ns ...... ...... ,.. 1 v,D will lill'IO Wll" nilllo lllllllllg lUlll lllSOtlSS- ''" a. csujrc.i.-ilK.i v...u,..o ..... CHURCHS TO UNITE IN MEMORIAL SERVICES On Thursday tho Methodist, Baptist Kite Knlhoad. lull- M. PlOl Tialni line i it- ntmn. I nlmilil. 1iih (fX j-ht -i hdn i nl Tin i in u-il I '-' P in '"r li-m'l Ml Mm Mli .0 in . 'I id i" i-i.ir iin-aM. f-1 lltiiuliinitnti. in.iVltii "ii i.--i-ii -in nv -, . 1 1, im ni. lli.lal-. ami ' 'lip in loi xi.0,r,midi inikiiij mill .tini I I 1-lClll I'-i'll'. ninlai in ii. it Mi i li i-ipi Ill-mi th i-l in i nn-i i mi-. ,itil ii '7 p in . illi a-nir tnnint n 1iin .mi- t x i tn ami S !" P '" 5- milaia at s ". i m TEN-DOLLAR FINE AGITATES COUNCIL Mil-, mill lltnillv the million lo lay ('" tho tnhl" wiip put to a VlllP. It HH lost hy ;i Milo of 3 to S. McsKlK. Halllo. Munition and Hunotl olod nn Moksik. Thnmiiooli mill DalH. i'ii. tho Limit oMilflliif Itnolf fioni votliiK. Tho iimoiuli-il lofiilutliin to hno tin illy Kolhlini mlloi-t tho lino 1 1 inn Al iIpi'iiiiiii PflitMiti iind ii-iiilt II to Dm k city loniiiltii-il lo ho dli'poi'Oil. hill for coino iiiiHim, whli It wan not rxphilnoil or iiiiui''-nt. It vmii not ntcil. It io iiinlti!'. ih'-iofiin-, for loumll lo nay what ihnll ho tloiio ahollt It. Tin-: sriT ur m:i:si: iifciinn. Tho ippoit nf tho iticot i-oniliiltlc". loioiiiiiiomlliiK th" "tlloiiiont of tho ilaninco ult of lloso IluphoM iisnlnnl tho ilty, whhli Iuih hooti pondlni? for Join In Prayor for the Departed Ruler nt the Methodist Church. Ttlnlty Church to Wot ship Alone. Sei vices In the Evening at tho Lutheian Chuich Signs of Mourn ing Multiply and Werners of Dtaped Pottiaits of President Are Numcious. AirmiRi .trills mo under wnv to hold uit-iiiorlal s,-r icos In 111" oily I'huu-hos on T'linsilav in a -iniiluiu-o with the piorlaiimtlpu -l PrrslilPiil llotixpvolt. Tlino wan a iiinfoiPiirp of pastors to this ond PMPtday, and while tho pto Kr.iinnip ol Hip dav wai not doi-ldeil upon, iiiuiiiRPiiiPtiiH lor union fpi-vkth pany of players, and F. C. Wettllnfr, J. II. Keller and Knimelt Hoffman, Hcranton; A. C. Mueller, Honetdalc. Former Carbondallan Be-mnrrles. Dr. V. W. Fletcher haR rcoelved the annnuncoment of the re-marrlagc on WedneBilay lnt of Herbert llennon, a former fHrbondallan, who has niim rrous friends here. Mr. Ilenson's bride Is Miss Marian Johnson, of CoIIcrp vIIIp, Nehinskn, whpro Mr. Hen'on has been looatPd for several years Mr. Hcnson, when n resident of I'arbnndalo, was an employe of the Van Hoi gen company. Ills nuiiicioii-i friends In this city will be sun- to have many warm wishes for his married happiness. Twelve Years of Awful Pile Pain. y liilHKiT llulilunml, lll.. m "Alti't MitlninK untnlii ai-nnv (or nift twfbo rJt Imtn Imtli form, nf pilo, ami lljlim all "iil nf pile rrimdlrs nillinut tetlrf. I am conipli-li'ljr mrcil In PuamlH Pile C'nrf " olil by all ilniKKlft. SO (i-nl box llnnk. I-Plli. ('Jtiv anil Cte." mallril fife. I'jlamlil Pile Cut C'n . Mar-li.ill Midi. , t-piiiI yoiii-s mill which was iiintlniinl ' ,,, i 0 ,,,, ) t, Klist Methodist In toinnion i1"iih lomt yoiteiday fm Hcttlcmotit. was niloplcd. Hy tho pay ment of tl.'J'n llio illy ioipIvom u ic-loan- fiotu Mi lluulirs foi what ilimi iircs would bo likely douo to Mr. HtlRhos' ptoi"il li- ioaon of tho to iiiosal ol tho lilsh li.mk In ttont of hlw Icm(i-iic" nil S ii I I JXPIltle TIlN Slllll nl--o lovoti' ih" tiamiiitc iiliondy mis t.ilitpil b Mi IliiRhos. If tlit- t-lt unci to, It i,tn piiw xiiido Salem iixonin- in thH lilnck Ik Its fun width, without I'l'llf of !(I-1 .iiniN J. wai.sii iti:.ii:cTi:i) The iippiilittino.it ol John .1 Wnleli as liu-mhoi or llio boi.ld nl hoaltll lot the Kouillt illoli'il. to Mlinril II. W. Iluik". who h.th Mimnl out of the dis till 1. w.is iciioilcil on f.ixotiilih hy Momhi" .Mnttnio.i imil tl.tlllc, hut It Pilled nf Minllinintlon, the i-imt w.ts In1"! Il II tie oli-. Mom-iH. rietlhcl. Thoinp'O'i iitnl U.nls voted iiriiIiisI tho lepott, mid .Mc--i- liiliPtt. Ilnttleiinil .Miiittipi" In ftiMU of It. Mi D.il w.n the only one nf the tlilo- iippnitcil In the iippiiltitmetit who Mini llal d .in oilaliiitlnn fen s-o ol Ini; He dm luted Iitnl his wind the Thitd. win --nlllliil lo li-piorPiitatloii Mcrabeis 01 the Upper Thiovn Into Sort of a Mild Feimcnt by the Eftoit to Pfss Bosolutlon Remit- n . ,,(Mlll. Thl, .,,., ,,r h.M e,n ting Fine Imposed on Man.n Dock city for Alleged Fnst Diiving. The nughcs-City of Caibondale Suit for Damnges Ouleicd Settled. Other Councilmanlc Matteis.. Select Cumuli .Is aRlt.itoil last nlRht oei the irnlutlon oidetlnR the tin dnllrils to lie lonilttid In Mui'lIP Dock etty whli h t.f- Impo'Pil on him b .Mtieim.iii PoliMan fm an alleReil xlo Ititlnn nf lite illy nidln.uue piohlhltlllR fast dlhliiR ooi the wtieets. It was discui-o'l and i u-"-cd on tho (pilot and debated on tind .iiRiiod oor lor the srf.ilpf pan ol tin mi llnR and wits Anally loit undlxporod nf For a ulxlal niaitcf thN tenlutlon p.ilm an uuliiio ipiohI in the hWtory nf counolK Iinelc-itj, who Is cp'oh-aloil for his londili'-ss for spredy hones was niip--tfd by Fattolniiin Huddy several mouths iiko on a (uniplalu ol fast dtlxlns on Helmont street. wa taken bpfmo Aldcinian llelaxan of the SKth waul and lined $10 Complaint" had been made one tiftet the oilier about tccklesi dilxltiR oxer thl-- IIioioukIi-fan-. Dokort ai the llrst lo be at tested and as an ex imple a lnaw lino xas InipnPil In his iiiw Iienkerty 1 rotcsted iiRalnst the peniill. ln--lstlnK thdt ho was not dtlxlns bejond the m Hnaix speed, and when the ablet mail lottood to iexei-'e hlmolf tip- fotnier hiurIU the ollli e of hi" ft lendi- anionR the i niinellnien and had a ioolutloii Inttodueed Into select mum II xxlibh illieetod the line to be uniltted. It was liniKhed -it hy all. hut the li lends, of liorkeriy. on the Riouiid thai leuinillfi had no JiuilU tlon whatever It pas-od (elect . omit II. bovxexet. and wlieti It lattie up In inmuinn tounoll It was amended, on the .kIxIm- of tho city fnllcltot, i-o as to illiotl the lallef to heo to It that the Hue be tinned oxer to the city tteasuier, and then ie mlttcd to nockett.x. This the city lollcltni axet ted councils had atlthoi lty to dliect. It was in the amended foim I Ii.it It came befoic clect louncll last nlRht nnd peulpitated the mild stoun that p,isod oxer without the mattei beltiR l1l!-IO-Cl of. So poon as It was befoip the houp, Mr. ThompMin. xxho tepie-.i-nts the wairl hi which Aldcinian Delaxan to sides and who has s-UMalned the ac tion of the Justlie thiouRhout. was on his feet xxlth a motion to lay the amended icKiludon on tin table. Thete xvae, immedlato objictlon on the p.ut ot Mi. M.mnlnn who hotheted the ipso- lutlon and who led the It loudly feelltiR that existed In councils for Docket tj. To enlighten the mi.iubeis,Vt,x Sollel- tor StiMit. who was pioent, was sought for his opinion. He deilated that while iouikIIs had no jutlsdlctbiu oxer the aldeuncn "f the ill. It had tho llfiht nftei tho line was tinned ,oxer to the city to it-mlt tho same o ;J)oekert" or any erne else if It t-o Selected. The lesolutlon he said, xxns jliawn b) him on the loquest of ,i jpiember of lommlttcc of tominon coun- At this Junctuto and xvhen the mem bcis beean I" wax xxaim over thp met Its of the tontioversy City Contioller Wheeler, who also happened to be ?rfsent. binke'lnto the dlscus-slon with soilnR for n'ldeimen who fall to turn Into the city treasuty the lines that they mllcct fiom time to time. It s Ihe piactlce, he declaied, to inlleit iiany In the way nf fines and thet foi fet to turn them Into the city tieasuty. In his five pai.s' expeilemo In olllee, Mr. Whfelrr continued, he knew of only two or thiee Instances not mine than three when- money collected as lines Had been handed over to Hip i It.x troas uior each month as icqiilioil by law. As the i asp under discussion, the i nu ll oiler said ho saxx tho iecelpt whli h Dockerty had, It read as hi Ins an su'knoxxleilKment of money icielved In payment of a line Imposed fot "xlola jl.op pf n city ordinance. ' In tho IIrIii f "this tho money beloiiRed to tho "city. Mr. Wheeler concluded, and It should be turned Into the tieasury, ThoiiRh the alderman claimed Dockerty xvas fined under the state law the ie islpt Riven the latter plainly Indicated It xvas for a city ordinance violation. Mr. Thompson, xvhen the conli oiler finished, further defended the action of the alderman nnd took another step against councils i emitting the line, by declaring that It was beyond tho Juris diction of -councils. It wus ulso, he he- was also limn the Thltd wind, this year the appoliitc-o i fiom the Mtnio wind. H was an inJu--tiio. thntiRh lint liilentlonal, pet Imps. Mr. Davis ttfRcd, that tin- Kmiith waul In- passed b, and fm this r--isnn he xxould xole ii.ix Mr Walsh's appolntiuenl b.x tho mayor has liee.i In the hands ol lom nillteo lot sexotal week" TAX LIMIT r.i:S(U"l'!ON DIHS The tPMiltltloti Mom i iiliuuon t (Hindi exlcnilliiR the time limit foi the pa.x nient of taxes, xdthnut limit, fiom Septembei 1 to Deceinber 1. ramo up. hut It was too Into fm m Hon and xas aicoidlURlv of no ax all. Tho penalty Is tlieretnte In folic on unpaid taNos, thoiiRh there Is Mime mNappielienslon as tn this fact. The Kiiutittent icsolutlons pasn-d weto (itaiitiiiR pPiinlsMon to llenty Car ter to iiinneit his piopeity, on Canaan sttoet. with IhPtlty'H sewet, leiptisl tlou tm ho--o iompan's supplies and payment of bill". The bill of 1' C, Mnrnn for stteet lepah" on South Main stteet. xxhidi hit" been see-s.lxxlltR IhtoURh cnunells for months, was te-iefeiied for tho '-tcrnili time to enuiiultteo, In the hope ol (ompiomlsliiR the ilalin. Tin- dt.x's .ban- for lni of the to.-t of pavltiR atnountlnp; to H.pno wa- directed to bo paid, also JudRtnents amouiitlnR to ri.U.'l.i.l. dlxlded a" fol lows Mai .1 nuRR.in, TSI---"1 Het- niiiil .1. Mulladv ST.4.;."i. I'atibk l.tin no.x, $4jn.T."i. Maiy Timmons, $l,.'ibl.S4. The oidluancp provldltiR for a sower uti Sexenth avenue, fiom High stteet to Waj in' stieet. pas-ed lltst teadiiiR. The tommou iiiundl iiidinnnie, pro xldliiK lot llRhls In tho Thltd waul, was passed tlnnll.x The tesoliition sur Rested b the i lty i onliollei-. tutus feiiltiR $ino ft out the i utility Jail fund lo tho assistant lty eliRineot's ai lounl and tiro to the sexxots nppto pilation. xas sent to lommlttee. Tho leiptlsltinn tor supplies fiom the Col umbia lloc (oinpany xas Rianted. An unanimous tesolutloii, dltiitiiiR the patnent of the daitn of .1. IJaf lerty fin ilanuiRos to his piopeity, was Rlvin to commit! pp. i hutch wpip completed. Tho mei-tltiR of paslots took place In the "tuiij of lU-v. Dr. Whalen, pas toi or the Iteiean Hnptl"t i huroli Af lit a uinvass li xxns orippiI that a ii ii Inn "orvteo won VI be iitefetablo for .ltnnv tP,i-on- nnd xxould bo In keep Iiir with Hi" solemn event that was bi'tiR eomtneiiiniated The services will bcRlu at 11 o'clock and the inn RieRiitlons that will unite mo the Ho tel, it Ilapti"t, the Methodist and tho licvb,prliin The atidltoilum of the Jb'lliodlst ibilldi will be especially adapted to the united coiiRieRiillons thin will bow In supplemental player lot the iloii.ii toil inlet who will be laid al ttst lu eternal sleep on that inoin-inr. I'hi chaiai let- nf tin- sol vices, and the I iiiiaiumc have not been innsldeted Lttlx In n tentative wax, but they will Im tnl.pn up by the pastois today, and v 111 be mi disposed of as to bo ready for publication totnoiiow. In time to Intuitu the public that will be ourci to honor In this "olemii manner the iiiein my of theit tnat tyt ed pio-ddeiit. At Trinity Chut en. Ttlnlty Hplstop.il chinch will not Join lu tho servhes al tho Methodist i-hurdi. but, as Is the chtltch lUitom, will hold "Pi x lees alone. These xxill take place at 10.:'.0 on the same morn Iiir, Tlnusilay. a half hour pi lor lo tho union services. At Lutheian Chuich. The Kit st Lutheian (iillRICRiitloll will also hold t-op.natP services, whlih xxlll lake pl.ue on Thuis'day evenltiR, under the din t lion ot the jiastoi. I'.ev. F. HhiliRPi. The pastor Is picp.ultiR the ptoRianiine wlililt win appoar in ino Tilbuno tumuiiuM morning' I'lleehurg John I Dickie. WJlkes Harip, M. J MoAuvie, Archbald: John Oooko, Caibondale, James MulderlR, Dickson City, John Snmtnon, Dun more; A, n. Hamfeltt, Dickson; Thos. H. Brown. Olyphnnt Tho board consists of the district mine Inspectot ; W. O. Roheitson, su pcilntendent, J. O McDonouRh, miner; Jo T. Hoberts, miner; C. H. Jenkins, clerk. HERTZOG THREATENED. To Be Wedded This Morning. A wedding event that will awaken a warm Interest In the society of the principals Is the marriage of Miss Anna Kerwln of Pike street and Jos eph PldRcon of Brooklyn street. The ceremony will take place In St. Hose church nt 7 o'clock this mnrnlnR and will bp followed with a reception and breakfast at the home o( the bildes, KIDNEY TROUBLE IS GENERALLY CATARRH OF KIDNEYS THB PASBINOr.THKONQ. Local Leadtr of Socialist Creates a Storm of 'Wrath. At St. Rose Chuich. At r.inRonients aio nlso being made for "ervlio" at St Hiknp chuich. At wh.it hour they xxlll be held and of xxhat tbe.x xxlll embrai e have not been deter mined, but the a"sslant pilests, Hex-. W. A. lioiman and I'.ev. C.eorge Dixon, an- aiiaiiRiliR the pioRiatnmo of the day and will have It ready fot an nouncement with the otheis by to nun low. Signs of Mourning Multiply. The signs of the i lly's mourning nro multiplying The numbei ot business house-, and lesldenies to bo clothed in tin- diaper of sonow was appreci ably augmented yesterday. Conspicu ous among the largei buildings Is tho dl station of the Delaw.ne and Hud sou inmpati. whli h has all the posts and glideis entwined xxlth tho white and Mails. The same tliapings prevail all along the line of the toad, and then Is luobably one in txxo stations th.it has not a splendid poitialt of tho lamented piosldent enclosed In n ft nine of black. The number of xxemers of miniature poitiaits ot tho depaited piosldent, xxlth ilraplngs of hl.uk, also gtcatly Inci eased ycstculay. The Mayor's Pioclamntlon. The pun himation Issued by Mayor Kilpat! Id; leads "William MoKlnlP. tho steal and Rood piosldent of the Culled States, hudng died as the result nf tho foul w in k of an assassin, thereto! e, 1, John W. Kilpatilik, ma in of the i lty of Tin- town was life yesteiday with sensational slotles about an Indigna tion meeting that was held In some illinilcr of ihe clly nn Saturday night, fnr tho purpose of dtjvlng from the city V. C. HorUog, the leader of the Socialistic party In this section and foremost among the netlve spirits In the Central Labor union of this city. While the place of the meeting and thosp who took part In It aie kept seciet. It l known Hint the feeling against Hemog was manifested In n gathering of some chnracter by thieats to do him bodily hniin. If he continued lo glxe expiesslnn to his vlexxs, xvhlch, It I" dalined. nio regnrded as daiigei- ously radical, and If ho does not quit the town. It has been ehaiged In some Miiaitois that he Is too anaichlstle lu his leanings to suit tho tempei of the people, and It Is the poisons xvho chei- Ish this opinion of him xxho hip cred ited xxlth uirIiir pcn mor" radical measures to force hlin out of the torn nuinliy. Thete has been lalk of tar nnd fealheis nssoclated xvlth llio ihieatened steps against Ilprtog, nnd n"wa of this chainctpr was lonveycd to Ma or Kllpatilck yeslcrday aflei neion. The mayor si.it If d an Investi gation to asiertaln how much truth there was to the talk that xxent round the toxvn, but his endeaxors did not haxp any n-siills. owing lo the secrecy that pievalled when the search for in formation was begun. To foiesinll any possible insh act and to give Hertr.og tho piotectlon that the mayor bellex-ed was due him ns a citizen, his honor caiilloned Chi if of Police McAndrew to be on the aleil foi any demons!! n llon of Hie iharaitei threatened and to i ntiso the an est of any parlies xxho nilghl bo ob-o-ivfd In the vicinity of HoiD-or's homo nn the West Side, wlieie It xvas Indiinled In the stoiles that wont loiind lhat Ihe punishment lepottod to bo decided upon xxould ba administered. The thteatetieiVdomonstratlon against Iletlyog xxns the one tnplc of conxet u.itlon In Ihe i lty yesterday and It mull br heatd discussed whuever one wont. lloitng, however, appeals lo bo un dlsturhed by the levolt against him. He maintained his fearless splrll nnd his ni customed urbanity, In spile of tho wild stories of throats to drive him lieitn th.- town. Ho scotns Hip sugges llon lh.it he Is nn nnarehlst nnd puis himself on leioid as being a bitter opponent to their dodiines. which he louuilly denounces. AN AFTERNOON WEDDING. F K.Rynn.of Honcsdale, was In town yesterday. Hey. It. A. Sawyer was n Scranon visitor yesterday. Daniel Peel of Church street left yes terday for a visit In New York city. Hdward Coddlngton of the Imperial restaurant, xvas In Scranton yesterday. Dr. Reed Burns of Scranton made a piofefrslonal trip to Carbondale yes terday. Miss Catharine Monahan spent Sun day as the guest of Miss Blanche Lu vln of Plltston. David Lewis, the South Main stieet bottler. Is home after a txxo xvecks' visit In Louisville, Ky. Mrs. Peter Kelch nnd Miss Mnme Kelch nf oHnesdale, were ut the Har rison house yesterday. The Misses Blrdsall of Honesdalo spent the Sabbath In Carbondale as tho guests of Mrs. May Manvllle. Alderman It. -I. Delavan was In Seranlon yesierday In attendance as a witness before the grand Juiy. Mrs. John ft. Shepherd left yester day for Cuba. N Y where she will visit with lelatlves for a few xxeeks. The Misses Hairlet and Sadie Ward are the guests of their cousin, Miss Margaret Cat den of ihe West Side. Mr. and Mis. Frank H. Hmr aie home afler vlslllng at the Pan-Amcti-l-iiii exposition and Toronto, Canada. Mis. Bryan, xvho has been the guest of her son, William Jennings Bryan, leturned to her home In Tltusvlllo yes lerda. John Coleman, a pharmacist of Phil adelphia, Is vlslllng at the hoqie of his patents, Mr and Mis. Peler Coleman, on Wayne streel MlfS Fdllh Bryson returned lo her homo In Philadelphia after spending n few xxeeks In this city as the guest of Mrs. Oeorge D. Couch and Mrs. S. K. Itaynor Joseph Croke and daughler of Tor onlo, Canada, xvere visitors In Carbon dale yesterday. They xxeie the guests of Itev V. A Ciorman, xvlth whom they formed friendships during his course at St. Michael's college In that city. Robert Ileevrfc lias returned to Connolsvllle after spending his vaca tion In this city Mr. Reeves xvas fot merly an agent In this clly fnr tho Prudential Insurance company, but Is now nn nsslstant superintendent In Connellsvllle. A Prominent Minnesota Lady Restored to Health. Mis, M. J. Danley, Tirasutcr of the Rebecca Lodge, I. o. O F. w tiles fiom K'l First stieet, X. Mluneapolls.MInn,; "Anything 1 urn do to tell the world nf the iiioi Hh of Pel una 1 will bo only too it In d to do. "I was tilllletrd for seveial yoais i with kidney tiounle winch iieinme ipiltp serious nnd cntisod ni consider able unxloiy. I spont hundreds of dollnis trying to be cuied, but noth ing gave me nny permnent relief until I tiled Pcrunn, It took less thnn three months nnd only ten bot tles to offect a pctmnnent cine, bin they wpie xxoiih more than as many hundiid dollais to me. I am fully resioied to health, know neither ache nor pain and enjoy life." MRS M J DANM.KY This cxpei lent i has been tepenlcd many times Wo hear of such cases nearly veiy day. A woman Is allllctt'd with kidney disease or disease of some other of the abdominal or pelvic ot gans. Slip spends hundieds of dollais trying to find a cine. She falls. Why? Het-nusp Ihe nature of tho disease Is not recognized. One doctor trcnt hoi 44-f-M-M-f 4-f4-f 4-f444-M' -f"- t 4- rfik i - t t ) i A. for liiltainmatlon. anolher Heats her for longesllou, nitother Heats her for neuralgia and still another for ner vousness, and so ihe list goes on. None of thrtn no Heating her for the collect ailment Her trouble nine times out of ten Is catarih of Ihe pel vic organs, 1 'prima elites cntnit-h whet ever lo omed. Ii elites ciilai th of th- kidneys Just as dulckly as It ctnes catarrh of any other orRiin. Mis. Danley had rntairh of the kid iip.vs. As soon as she took tin- tight limed- she made a quit k tecovery. MRS. M .1 PAMiliV A Prominent Southern Lady's Letter Mies Lam n Hopkins, of Washing ton, D. C. niece of Hon. U O. Hop kins, one of the laigost lion manu factutets of Bliinlnghain. Ala., writes the following loiter commending Petu nn She says: "I enn chectfully locommend Po runa for IndlgeBtlon nnd stomach ttoublo nnd b a good tnlc." Laura Hopkins. If you do not detlve ptotnpt and sat isfactory tiMilts fiom the use of Pertinn, write tit once to Dr. Hnrtmnn, giving n full statement of your case, and bo w III ho pleased to give you his valuable advli o gratis Address Dr. Harimiin. Pietldent of Tho llai tin, in Sanitarium. Columbus.O. Nuptials of Miss Beitha Wnyman nnd Wiuinm Simpson. Thole wh.s a home wedding xvlth pieity leremnny yesteiday afternoon at the lesldenie of Mr and Mrs. Fiank Waiiian on Brooklyn stieet, when their eldest daughtei. Miss Bertha Wnyman, was united to William Simp sou, sou of Ml. and Mis Ili-haid Simpson of ."il Wayne stieet. I'.ev. Di. II J Wh.tlt-n. paslnt of the Ben an Rapt." dumb, otllelntetl at the nuptials which were celebrated at OLYPHANT William R. Reese died at his home, on Hill street, yesterday morning nt ,130 o'clock of nervous ptostratlon. De ceased was born In Cxvlnturch, Car marthanshlre. South Wales, and xvas Af years old. He had been a tesldent nf this toxvn fnr thltty-nlne years, and for several years held the office of ton- stable. Ho was of a kind, Jovial dis position, and enjoyed a wide cltcle nf ft lends. Ho Is survived by his wife, one daushter. Miss Lizzie Reese, and his aged parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Reese. He was a member of the In dependent Order of Odd Fellows nnd Knights of Malta lodges. The funernl will occur from his late homo Thurs day nfternnon at L'.30 o'clock. Inter ment will be made In I'nlon cemetery. Joseph Swlcnton. n Hungarian, xvas airnlgned before Justice of tho Poate Citminlngs on Sunday night, charged xvlth disturbing the services at the Jewish synagogue, on Water street, by throwing stones ut the building. He refused to pay a fine and was com mitted to the county Jail by tho Jus tice. A quiet wedding was solemnized at the residence of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas ! Patten, coiner of Susquehanna and 1 Jones street. Saturday evening, xvhen their son. David A. Patten, and Miss Carrie Klsenhart, of Shamokln. Pa , were made man nnd wife. Rev. George Hague, pastor of the Susquehanna street, who xxns Injured at Joimyn n week ago, was hi ought to her home heio yestetdii. She Is Impi ovlng likely. Miss Nellie Nyluirt, daughter of Mallcatiler James Nyharl. nnd Unity Redvllle, of Biooklyn, X. Y., were man led at Binghamton on Satiirda Mr. and Mis. Redvllle will go to housekeeping In Mott Haven. km . JERMYN AND MAYFIELD. H. M. Moscrlpt, of Idaho SprlliRs, Col., is In town, after an absence of twenty-seven ears. Among the few residents xxho xxcio heio at the tlinp ho xxent xvest vvoio Druggist Frank Cat avos, H. C. Wheeler nnd William Scull, whom he leiognbed and remem bered their names as soon as ho haw thorn yesteiday. Mr. Mnsitlpt has prospered since leaving Jeunyii, and will shortly leturn to his western home. There will be a special meeting of the Jermyn school board this evening, to take notion in roguiil to closing the schools on Thuisdny. Albert Mason and Peter Kelly, of Jermyn, successfully passed the exam ination for mine foremnn, recently held at Cnrbondale. The hoard of cemetery diiectois will meet tomorrow evening at the oillce of tho secretary. Mr. and Mrs. Fied Marbaker. of Wyoming, spent Sunday hero with relatives. Dr. S. I). Davis, assisted by Dr. Wheeler, of Caibondale. e"tenlay p t foimed an operation upon Mrs. Will iam Ctiley. of West Maylleld, who has been 111 for some time. Mr. nnd Mis. Thomas Huntei nnd son, Floyd, will leave this motnlng for the Pan-American exposition. Edward Mason and William Raw ling went to Philadelphia Satuiday even ing nnd bi ought home the foi met 'a father, who has been an Inmate of the Medlco-Chtuttglcnl hospital. The doc tors at tho hospital xxeio unable to at ford him any idlcf. Hdxvniil Hai pel and Rov SI, of Duninore, wer-- Jerniii vlsllois Sun day. The boiotiRli c nunc II will hold u spe cial meeting totnonow evening for the purpose of passing a new bond oidl nante. Mrs. William Hackei. ol Pei kxille, visited her mother. Mis. Care, of Third street. Sunday. llenty Mycin Is In Pltlsbutg. State Secretin y Rlttenhoue, of Solatium, last evening addressed a meeting of the Clerks' International Piotectlve association. RAILROAD TIME TABLES. Schedule in Effect June C, 1001. Tinins leave Sctnnton: G.45 a. m., week days, through ves tibule train fiom Wilkcs-Barre. Pullman buffet parlor car and coaches to Philadelphia, via Pottsvllle; stops at principal in termediate stations. Also con nects for Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philndelphln, Baltimore, Wash ington and for Pittsburg nnd tho West. 0.38 a. m., week days, fci' Sunbury, Hanisburg, Philadelphia, Balti more, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays, 1.S8 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris burg, Philauelphla, Baltimore, Washington and Pittsburg and the West. 3.33 p. m., week days, through ves tibule trnln from Wilkes-Bnrre. Pullman buffet pnrlor car and conches to Philadelphia vlnPotts vllle. Stops at principal inter mediate stations. 4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton, Sunbury, Harrisburg, Philadel phia and Pittsburg. .i ii iiurnns'sov. on visr. j n. WOOD. On. r Ast. Lehigh Valley Railroad. In I'.dret .lune 2. 1'JOl. 1 rains leave birantnn: Fnr Pliilailelpliia and New Voik in D. & II. II. It, at 0 1" and IMS m , and 1 1, 4.27 (nimk llianmnd Mruc")- ""' " M) P m- Sun" dasa, I) A. II. II It , 1 .V, .J7 p. m. Kor White Haven, Hazleton and principal polnta in tlic- inal irgfnn, via 1). k II K ft., h 1',, 2 18 and I 21 p. in Kor Pottsvllle, 6.15 a m . 2. IS p. in For Ilrthldifm, Fastnii, P.oadlnir, HarrUSurs and principal Intel nudlate atatiena via II A, II II It. 6 15. (i.:.8 a m. 2.1S. 127 (niack Dla mond Fxprew). 11 Ml p m Sundajs, U. k II. H It., D a. m ; t 5 8.27 p m For Tnnkhannoik, To.vanda. Klmlra, Ithaca, Ccnev l and principal Intermedial tatlon?, via I) I. k V 1! It . s to a in and 3 10 p in For' fieni-va, Itr-ihe-ler, nuflalo, Xlaeara Falls, Cldiauo and all polntn weal, via I A. II It It, "l" 11 5V a. m , 1 2. S .I'l (Ulaik Diamond h n'l Pri). 7 I'. 10 11. 11 3" P m Sundava, II k H R II , 11 5". 8 27 p m n,.iin,nM nailnr and sleenim: nr I.ehich Valley pailor cora on all tralna h'tvvrrn Wilkea Parre and Neve York, Philadelphia, nuflalo and Rm-pen-Inn Ilridce IIOI.I.IN II WliniR, On. Supt., 51 Cortlant stieet, New Voik CII Mll.l.s s 1 1,-1-. fifn ''a'' K' x Cortland street. New York A V SONM.VIAtlII.il. Div p. ARl . South llethlehem, Pi .... For tliketa and Pullman reserntloac apply to Wt l.aekavvanni avenue. Scianton, Pa .-.. w uumu.1 j.-.. l-.ii hiinilnle. iln illicit tli.il tho tlnirs Ml ' .,. ir. 1. ii, ,!..-. ,ir,t,, .lo. ..ruioH nmlil v t, t v. , "" ,h, ln,"1U hUl"1lnRS ,,nd ,M'k "Pl"' """" 'f.lend of tho pintles. ' "nMXZ ccVmonv Nell Bmgess Last Night. hunB llt ,ln,f lnHM ffll rt c,od of The ce, emony w. followed by a re- U"K ' ' " ialr tho tewly The- biggest attendance of tho heasnn I tl,lrt' ,n ' ajipiopt late tribute to . option and a wedd.ng dlnnei. Among d touplP, xvhlch was attended . . . .1,1... ...,ir,,i'u),.tii,,r..l.lr.i,l .....I fm llim . ,1... ...u.tirn.iullnt.i nf tmrt ..111 ftftitt ..i.,.... , lit t in i.r.inii nneia ioii.e was am nicni -" "" ..v.... ..,.,,.,.,,.. - ,, ,,,,,. r..n. ...... .. ,...- ..... ,.' moto, as when n cinwded nil'ili nee enjojed the familiar (.cones of the 'County FaP- ' with N-'ll Bui-rc In the role of "Abi gail I'rue. Tonight's Attraction. The development of a sltli senue has been a subject ilisius-erl by the most lent nod men lot many years. Who can say that In time a dth sen,-o niny not be dlscoveu-d nnd Its Intelli gent p directed to many of the visible, sounds to us unheal able. if name among us tan i-eo. beai, nuclei stand and develop things of which most of us can have no cognizance it Is the p.ut of Intelligence to satisfy ourselves that they have told the truth and then set down the explanation ns one of those things as unknown totlii as the mi- tuie of electricity was two bundled yeais ago and quite as sun to be known In due time. This argument Is advanced hy Sir lleni Turpla In con nection with his nun x clous eutettitlu ment, especially ns legaids that p.ut of It whldi ho t-ills "The .slmln Seance." and should t-et al test all talk b pro pie who usseit he pioduees his ieults by spltltuallsm wltdiuaft and other nonsensical means that wo all know aie beyond the ie,uh of mankind. Why If Sli Homy Tut pla had any atom of supernatural Hid hi lould tontiol the unlvei.se, but ho simply uses the devel opment of a seen-, selenie and his way of piesentlng his manifestations Is i call as humoious as It will piove to be Inteiestlng. Ills engagement In this city begins next Tuesda ut the lit and Opera house. Meetings of Tonight. William 11. Davis' Women's Relief Coips. No. 131, St. Vincent rit Paul Society. Lackawanna Tribe, No. JOS, I. O. It. M. Caibondale Conclave, No, 3."J, lm proved Older of Heptasophs, m.i oi . I leqtiost that the the .voting ( ouple's ft lends was an ai i Itlxens ot Cnibiiuilnlo display Ujiii i 1 of buiutiful piescnts. tin It bou-.es ot pi ices of business u it M, ard Mis. Simpson will make emblems as the- deem appiopii.tto lo tl-.elt honie at the Wnyman iisldeiuo on iv o evident i- nf the sot low which all line Ametliaiis feel at the death nf n pi evident mi highly endowed with gniiilnes and vlilue "John W Kilpatilik, Mitoi." THE SUCCESSFUL CANDIDATES Names of the Mlneis Who Aie Enti tled to Mine Foremen Certificates. The o:anilnlng board of the Fiist Biooklyn stieet. They nro popular among theit acquaintances and have the slnceie wishes of all their friends. WEDDING ANNOUNCEMENTS. The mniilago of Miss F.llle Flaunt gnu, nf Railroad stieet, and Mat tin Battle, of the South Side, will take place this nf let noon ut Si. Rose chuich On Wednesday afternoon In the same church the nuptials of .Miss Nota M- Shane and Thomas Hlgglns of Pike Mieet will take place. Atmthei wedding In which the pai- ties aie quite conspicuous In their so only by and Mis. Patten will lesldo at this pliu o llelene. the little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Fadden, of Duninore be cue Anthracite district, which conducted . ,.u, hPl , lhcU l)f Mls.s MWo v, Jo,.. o.Mtiuiiiaiious in mis cti on .ur. j-i, 15 and 1(1, has completed Its scanning nl tin- p.tpcia of the caudldales, and has detoi mined who in c- entitled to icicixc mine loieuian and assistant mine foi email i ei tllliatos. Those xvho qualllled aio as follows, David T. Powell. Maylldd; Louis J. Robeitsou. I.t-vxis 11. John. Siiiiuloa; Alli.in Hviuis, John L. 1ii. Duvld T. Lewis, Olyphnnt; Kted V. s-yinoie. Wllkes-Baiio. I'etet Klinuelly. Pat llik F. Fox, Thomas John. Vandliag; Divid illixnu, Dunmoio, John I'tlce, (1 .1 Thomas, Caibondale, Dtxld D. Williams. li mouth; (ipo. V O'Hiua. ITIoebuig, A. .1. Mason, I'etei Kelly, Jei'iuu. l-'iuuk II Reeso, John KI xlilKC Peckxille. The following will be leioiiimt-nded to lecelvo assistant foi email cortlll cate.s. Althur Blight. James L Hair, Throop; Fiank A. Oleason, Dickson; Chns. II. Robinson. Jessup; Mldiael Aiklns, Peckvillo, John L. Williams, Thomas Mitldovvney. RIchurd Walsh, Ftancls Fan ell, Hector Davis, William Pugh, John M. Jehu, William Mnigau, Thomas Wntklns, Scranton ; James R. McCnimlck, David L. Thomas, John J, Moran, Olyphant; (!. S. Davis, dan. daiiRhter nf Mi. and Mrs, Charles 11. Jordan, of Fall Btook street and John J. Dcmpscy of Pnuderly stieet. which will In- snlcinnUcd at St. Rose's chuich on Tuenlay, Sept 'J4. OBITUAxtY. MRS. LILLIAN JONHS, nee One -quln, dlid Sunday moinlng at the home of her mother. Mis. Maria Uacquln, on Plko stieet Deceased had been 111 for a long time with lung -double. She wan bcnn In Milwaukee, Wis. about twenty-two oais ugo but had lived In this i lty twenty eais prior to her death. She Is suixlved by her mot her only. But lid will be made In St. Rose lemo tciy this afternoon. At the Hotels. At At the Hnrilson house yesteiday the folovving salesmen fiom Scranton wcie fglsicied: T. J. Kelly. Thomas B. Walsh, John T. Nallln, John O. Gal lagher. W. W. Scheuer. John J. Magh ran, N. McRlltcr. H. J. Baldwin, David S. Regan, Samuel J. Chapman. Among tin guests at the American bouse wt.c Nell Burgess and his com- A Noted Physician Will Prove This to Sufferers in Scranton Thuisday. The astonishing statement that Asthma can ho cured, coming from so well known authority ns Di Rudolph Schlffmann. will be of Interest to asthma stiffereis. The experience of most Asthmatics has been that little If nny relief has been afforded them by the methods hcietofore employed, and. In fact, the disease bus up to now been regarded as Incurable. This noted physician has, however, after a life-long study of Asthma and kin died diseases, dlsmveied a letnedy which not only Instantly lelleves the severest cases of Asthma, Hay Fever and Bronchitis, hut Iuih ni-tuall cuied thousands whose cases had been pio uounced Incurable. So complete Is Di. Sohtlfmann's confidence In his remedy thnt he requests this paper to an nounce that all day next Thursday. Sept. 19th, he offeis a liberal sample box of "Scblffmann's Asthma Cine" froeof chaige tn all persons applying nt Matthews Bios.' ding stole, 3J0 Lackawanna avenue. Dr. Schlffmann believes that an nc tual tost will bo the most convincing, nnd In fact the only way tn overcome the nntuial piejudlce of thousands of Asthmatics who have herctofoie sought iPllef In vain. Poisoiih living out of town will ircelvo a package free by writing direct to Dr. R. Schlff mann, 370 Jackson htreet, St. Paul, Minn., befoie Sepi, 21st, and enclos ing u 2c. stamp. TAYLOR. The funeral of the late Henry Lewis, of Rendham occuned yesteiday aftei noou and was largely attended. The funeial set vices weie held In the Stew art Memoilal chuich at J 30 p. m Rev. J. L. Race of delated nnd pie.uhed nn Impressive sermon. The chu'ch cholt lendeieil seveial approptlale sours duilng the seivlce. At the close the remains weie convoyed to tho Foi est Home cemetery, where Inteituent was mnde. Tho pjllbe.ueis were David Pi ho, William Wntklns Joseph F.ili- c lough, Benjamin Tayloi William Heaist and James Mapleson. Tho committee In chaige of the bene, fit conceit lor Pfof. Ilnuy Hvans. be foie his depaitute for Wales, aie meet Ing with success Tickets aio being i.ipldly disponed of The event will be held In Wobet's link on Sept. ! The" bin ourIi council ate having n crosswalk placed opposite the Odd Fol lows building on North Main street. This fills a Ioiir felt want and will be Rieatly appi eclated. The v.iilous churches of this bniough will hold memoilal set vices ovei the death of the late Piosldent McKlnloy The Young People's Midety of the Calvaiy Baptist chinch will hold an Interesting meeting this evening In the chuich vestry. A well vailed pin giamme of solos and tecltntinns has been ananged. The funeral of the late William Jones, nf Bellevue, will be held tnmni low afternoon at L'.SO o'clock. Inter ment In the Washburn stieet lemeteiy. vnnounpoment has been mnde of the appioachlnR man luge of Miss Kate Flappl and Ml. John Negley, both ponulai oung people of this town. It Is tn be solemnized In tho German Hvangellcal chuich. on Thuisda. Sept. .'(.. The amoiml icallzeil fiom the Kvans benefit on 1'iiday evening was $J7M.". Woi kn. en ate eiiKitged lu i leaning about the llolden collleiv. which has been idle for some lime It Is the In tention to linxe everything In leadlness for the company carpenteis foi i impairing- the Inside and outifilo of the woi kings. Tho breaker will be gieatly Impi oved with new niadilnei The news Is balled with much delight by cur townspeople that the mine Is to icsiime work onto mote. Misses Jessie Hmlos. Maud Davis, Mamie and Bozl'j Timlin left yesier day for Si'iuiilshutg. where they will enter the normal school. Pride of Lackawanna lodge, No IS, American Ladles' Protestant nt-yicia-tlon, will meet In session this evening. Jin,. Joseph Fletcher, of Wlntun, Is Delnwnre, Lackawanna and Western In Meet Auc 11, Wl. Tralm leave Scranto.i lor Sew ork tt 1.11, S.nn. ta, 7 Ml and PIW a. in; Ijn JJD, 3 1V 'ilK) and 8 0 n in tor New York am Philadelphia 7. TO and 10 05 a m. anl 1213 and 3 n m For 'lohjhanna At C 10 p. m tot ilufTalo 1 15, n 22 and n m) a m , 1 "0. 3 S, 7 n and 11 V P. m I'nr llindiamton and way tta tlon 10 20 a. m and 101 p in For Oinegn. svraiufi- and Htica I 1 and fi .'.' a m , 1 SO and J 52 p m 0vviro, e-irieme- and btii-c train at 0 22 a m diilv. except Sunday lor Montlo( H lu a in , 1 ai and 7 0V p. m. Mihoitfn aiconiiiinilatlni, 1 (m ind H n p m ninoinlmis HlvMon -For Nnithumherland, at f. 45 and 100", a ni . 1 l and li 10 p m lor Plvinoutli, at 810 a in . 'I Vi ind "Mr. m feundav Tialn-tcr New Vmk, 1 10. .1 on, nnd lOll-i a in . .120. 3 15 and 5 no p in lor lliid.iln 1 D and 1. a ni ; 1 ..0, 3.52. i,03 and 11 .ii p ni For llm,jlnmton and way ita llonx 0(V and lei 20 a m nioomslniri; dlvlvlon Leave tianton, 10 Oi a m and 0 10 p. m. Delnwnre nnd Hudson. In FfTect June 9, 1101 Trains lor railmndilc luve sianton at ei V), cm 851 10H in. 12 0". 1 -". 2 11. 3 52. s'-o f, '5 7 '7. 9 1'. 11 - P in , 1 lfi a m For llo'licdale and l.ako Uloie, 6 .ft. 10 11 a. m rt 41 and ."-20 p in mFer Wlll-e.lliire-i. 15. 7 1. S II. 9 - 10 11 10F(!f I.! ' 'n 'n Poinu-fi 13. 0.S1 a m . 2 1?, 1 7 and 11 .1 p ni For Pennvlv inli II ft polnt-fl 13. 0 il, 2 13, 3 Kor'tlbanv Mid" all point nerth-6 20 a. m and 3 52 P ' R, SUY 1IUIS-S. For failnndile-s50, 11 M a m . 211, 3 52, rV'wilUeI.e-OW - m s . 15. 3 2, 8 32 and S 12 p m For Alhanj and point" north II 52 p m For lloneadile and I.JWe I.odore-?.50. 11.1 a ni. and 3 62 p n New Jersey Control. ;tatmn In N'w York Foot ol Liberty street v rt and s-nuh Kerry. TIMF TvBll. IN 1'f'KI.CT IfSK 30, 1901 n-ralnai leave iranton for New Vork, Newark FllJaleth Phlliilelphia, Kutnn, Rethlehem, Al iVntovi i Vlamli Chunk and White linen al H a in.; pieis. 1.10; puM. I'M p in Sun ltd I a ' 2 15 p in For Pittalon and WllUia fUrre. a Ji a m . 1 10 and 1 mi P ,n hiindaja, 2 13 p m For Daltlmoic and Washinslon and polnn RViuth and Wet via Ilelhleheiii. s 55 a rn , 1 li and i to p m. Sundava, 2 1V p ill For Ivnic nranvli, Oiean fiiove, etc, at S5J a m (thmiiRli eoath). and 1 1(1 p. m For ncadinK, 1 elunon and lljiiiiliuiir via M lenlown, 8 33 a. m and 110 p. m Sundajn, 2 15 ii in For Potuvllle, R 5V a rn . 1 10 p m Fnr Mountain Park, R 53 a in , 1 10 and I 00 Thiougli ticket" lo U point ei.l aouth and vvc.t at lovvett ratra at Hi'- tillnn ( XI IUUT. i in I'm Vet J II OIIHISIA. Orn Supt Erie Railroad, Wyominp Division. Tiaina Inr llawlev and lnteiniedute pmnta leive Ivranlon m P.llovva N 2. 7 10 a in No 1, S60 a m . No ii. ii P in . Nn s. 5 20 p in. No and ! ilnouiili tialn lur New v.ork iriv il No I, s 1 J in . Nn J, 10.10 a m. , No 5, .11 P m . No 7, 0 13 p in liami No. & and 7 aie ilmim.li tialii IP in New oik. 0 st NIIW IIIMNS Peiiailuiea No 20. 0am. N'a J, 2 p m. Airlvali-No 21, 12 13 p ni , No 2.1, 13 p m. vlslllng her patents. Mr and Jlrs. HIcliDid Wlnteis, of Billtoid strejjt. Pavld f t Spruks, of Scranton, circu lated nmong our business men yesterday.