The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 16, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Services In the Chinches of This
Part of the City Yeateidny Weie
Largely of n Memoilnl Nature.
Resolutions Adopted by rhst
Welsh Baptist Sunday School.
Girl round Her Mother Dend In
Ued Man Mouined ns Dead Has
Returned to His Relatives.
At the Simpson Mithodlst UplM'i
p.ll ilmi ill. c pet lal nieuuulnl .seivbes
WW lt( 111 lust evelllim' In llcinnl nf I In
rleild pli'sldiM. Tile oMeilni of the
edifice was diaped In niui iiIuk. unil
tin' 111 t c t ii if ib'iointlotlH weie Kttlctl.v
In KfcpliiB' Willi tlicM-ivlii- Pmtinlts
i'f the thtee itiurl.Mi'il ii(lil(iit,
l.imiilit. ('tin tlelil mill .Mi K"ltilf . hlliiK
i n pliuotftv above the pulpit ami
S-tln.llllMC ill" llllll k llllllljlul with tlio
national mini, were In t'Vldeme on
PillV Hide.
IllU l till' cllnlr ('III Instil e Was sls.
j."Uim! MeKlnlev's lust vvtinK "It l.s
(.'ml o Wu.v Iliu Will I to Done ' At
P spit Inl tiMllll tin Simpson male
o'lin trite hiiik tin- ili'inl lueslilent s
IimiIIi li.vmii, "Lead. K lmll Light, '
iii'l the hull it minted the anthem,
Vliv Will lie lion'." while llie tnn
l'i T.iitlnii unlu'il In MmkIiik 'Ameil
n" The piloi, llev. II. I '. MeDer
luoit, pHMilleil , pout I till and eln
nuflil 'eiuion m the life unil leMin
to hr li'iuneil linni the tauei of Wil
li i.n MtKlnle.v. He -aid tli alterna
tions of hope unil leal kiim pi. lie tn a
p "(I'll Millnw 111 tile lieail of this nation as llie news was Uaslns!
(ii the land ami over the ilvilleil
untie, doiii Hultiiln that our helm il
i liief niapl-tiMte li.ul pa-seil aua.
A1 liiinm Mi Kllllev has ptoeu one of
the hilled nial ultst piesldents we
i er I. ail his naiiu is liisopaiably
linked with Mime of llie Ki 'at eeats
if our hlsloi.v. anil liW ilmi.utei' m
nil I. ns to loiuuiaml hoimi ami affei
t'en In his life and the most uuulTeeled
.nef af inllllons at his untimely taKlnj,'
UN (nicer is an luspliln? llltistia
Hi n of tills Milptuie. anil In eei; that he beRiiii lu did It with all
lie nt and pinspeied.
Tlu-ie oiikIii i(i he no loom for anai
tlit. In this land. A e have always
l"ac limn mid wiliome fm those tiom
evirv land win ale li limits holiest
ll .Itlt ti lou.s and law -alibiing, lull It
lion1 onrt Almond, Prcim removes!
rrdncM ct the skin ani foothen the
rain eil (milium In one night. Tike
a bottle with jou on your vacation
Swell Hosiery
For the Smart Set
It will bs in one of our windows this afternoon and
for the balance of the week. We'd like you to take
a passing look at it. Of course, the assortment
shown there is far from complete, but what is lack
ing in the window show will be found on exhibition
in the department where hundreds of styles, colors,
makes, patterns, etc., await your inspection, if you
have time to look over them all.
A Word on
Hosiery Fashions
Stripes, of course, have first call vertical or circu
lar stripes, hi all the colors of the rainbow, or toned
down to the soft tints of a fading twilight, and all
the variations existing between these two extreme?,
on black, uavy, green, pink, blue, violet, cardinal,
rose, steel, fawn, tan aud other colored grounds.
Drop stitches, fine delicate lace effects, new inser
tions, broad ribs, fine ribs, combinations of all sorts,
and fine guage plain weaves give a hint at the makes
you may look for.
The materials include the best Spun Silks, Ex
tra Quality Lisle Thread, Beautiful Mercerized
Goods, Fine Cashmeres, Egyptian Cotton Yarns,
Etc., Etc. They're all of the best, and in most
cases include extra sizes if you want them.
The Hosiery Show This
Year Is Well Worth a Look
r. Choice of Window Display from 50
Cents to $2.50 the Pair
Globe Warehouse
nulil to be (neiliiHtliiKly tind-rHlnod
that we have no toom for ptople who
am hete to pit mh tieasoti and nun
dor, to iale their hands against our
government and Us olllcerH.
Tlietf Is no loom only n pave niul
a f,iac under the diadem of a piaf
fi M. II tho death (if our noble piel
dent be the iiieaiw of crushing out
ntin'ihv In this totintiy, ho will nut
'a e died lu vnln.
Jackson Stiect Baptist Chinch.
Hotii of MtKlnle.v 's faoilte hymn's
who HiliiK at the iliu koll Stieet Hap
tlpt (l.tlldi .rsletda. wheie sperlal
rei'Vlees welP held. IteV. de Ultiehv H
theme was Out Piesident." and bin
let was fiom II Sanuiel "1 xwvlll.
Know " not tlnit a prime, and a
meat man has (alien thl" day In
liael ' The pastor dwell llpoh Pie
life and (liaiaeter nf Pieldent Mi -Klllley
flirt mi)lll-l Ills Kle.ltlies.s
ns a man, a ( hil-itlau and a busbaiid.
Welsh Baptist Chinch.
The I'liKllsh .seniles at the WeWh
t'liptisi chin (h, Sottlh Main avenue,
vpit of a nieiiinilal natuic. The pis
tol. i!tv I). P. llopkll'S. said. "Today
the lii-iii t of the Ameil an nail hi Is
I lei'illnjf ll. the piesenop of the dead
both of He late piexldent We 'o I
Unit we l..le been lobbed of a meat
r.i". lalthflll 1 olcr by one f.f the bob'
(it In pin I lies thnt (et bteathed
'As to his inhale and public iliiu
P(tri. thrre aie no two opinions, he
(field not be one thln.r at home and
mother 'Hint, in the White House. To
him (lad was the most Impoitant face
'ii III" nurd and eiin( Ifnre, and be
liiiil'ed al lift as a whole in that light.
And iii h a man, havlnp Filch hIioiii;
in'i1( lloii" (otild not niipiar as 'the
M.Kcl if llclll' mi the staKe. and lit t
the de 11 It hind the yeenv.
"A pine man. a man of pin - motives
(nil; 1 fit loi the White llouue. to
lake i h.use of the affali of the t iiiiii
n i He hai' his faiiltH. he w.i Iniinan,
bul hi wa' a patriot and a ('
man Wllllani Mi Klnlc was a ie-tUlnu-
olitb Ian and not a political l I'
ll; ' t.Nt Theiifoie he was man of
lunial ItilliH'lles and the senet of his
Inl'iii tiec wa.s in his .sound Hiatal char
aciei. '
St. David's Episcopal.
The niniiiliii; seivlce at St. David's
I'plM opal chilli h vas devoted to the
mi ipin.v of tile lamented incident The
li'itm. I lev. I .1 Mclloiii.v dw lt upon
'Ii Klini".'" fiueer and uefiilni -.', both
a a i ttl7i'ii and a Chi1-tiaii, and
lunch' ii Upon his llie woik and devo
tion to l)i s home, wife, chinch, count! y
n:.d 11 leiid-
At til" !i .1 1 lork Iliads at SI Patlli k's
( alhi Hi ihlliih. Ilex J. P.. Whalen
ii-feiiei' to the calamity whii h has be- th'v (iiiinliy. and piiIorI. d the
ilo'ld ftps' S,it In a betlltlnir uiiiiiiipi,
x'liilliu H'lVlies were held ill all of
t' e other WeM Srranlnn cliuit h",
("' lal iiavets IipIiir said and hrv
ii.ons i cubed and 'onus sunpr in
'lieilK.iv of the dppaitPil one
The Wc-t Scianton pastors will meet
tl in .iintninc at Hev. J P. Moffat s
miil.v to consider th? advi.s.ibllity of
holding tpfclal religious services In all
tho chutulK's on Thurscluy next.
Washburn Street Church.
Cnii'Uiiinlon wa.s adinlnlstpted at the
trairnlns service. In the evenliu; a inn
inoruni neivlco was obeiV'd. Wll
llani T. Hurrall khvo a tdinit nildieca
on lessons fin young men, to be Ruined
ri tn the life and Inlltleners of Picsl
dent .VeKlnle). l)i. M.ilfat followed
with a Muiiinn of much wisdom on the
dlie inlnnilt that overwhelms us as a
imMon. his subjed being the "Ptnvl
denies of Ood " The lot Is (ast Into
(lie lap of the I.otd. but th1 whole ills
pohlng is or do I. in rind's own way,
em,' 'line we will iinilei stand.
The Hlble school session was a
doubly mkI nun, nuiinmi gilef coupled
Willi the fact of Its li i'b llie farewell
s "Vie oi tftipptintmildit Hurrall, vis
llilv llflei I'ng ( VdVone.
NeM llmiMliiy evening the tegular
business Oll'iiltll? .if tlir, ChtUtltm l!ll.
(bavin six lei y wld be held at the p.u-
Mill.tM, to be follow "d bv a social,
U lll'l I' all flf 111., I fill,,, r l,ttil,l III li.k
' .'"'.'I. I" "I'l. ..... f
heartily welcomed and eutei tallied.
Memorial Sei vices.
Mi iiini lal services were held at the
I'll st W( sl Itaptlst Sunday sihool
velioibiv i fit i iuiiiii niul i, mil ii ii id i.
''... .... .. . , , , ... . tn .-
paled in h r the tiadiirs and pupils
of ihe mother sihool, l;van .1 DavK
Mtff nldident; rollilli Waul Mission,
.lames I;. Hughes, MiipriiMcndcut, anil
lb Ilex it- Mission David W. DavK su-
i' nun nil Mil. wiiiiii"m's weie inaile
l'.v the Ihice supeii'iteiiilent.s, also bv
Hi in y 1'. Davles. John T. Willlains
and Hev D. D. Hopkins
The illldieti sang, under the dine
lion if bilir Iiwl, ai ponipanled by
Mis D. 1). Thomas, and taither Lewis
pfslded oir the seniles. Stlpeilu
tendenl Davis olTeted the following
lesoltitliin, wliii h was unaulmotisly
ai'opti d:
We iltppli niul in sli ll Ulliirt iIii1i,ip tin tn
tinirli id nh I (,ur lilml iiclil. ril, Willi on
Mi hmlM lli wiv ( -in i ii-hi t a mil r I
hl e fe mil his Mullhi: llaMini tliirn iir
Ii-im in nli' lilin il, i r tu nil Ilm I 1 1 lr vnr,l
Mr iImiI lo Mi VtiMnli ma nlmiri!
vtiiipnlo In l,r r In ri'iioiiirni, 'inl hi- n o tint
IIimik flrnntli IU u a 1 1 n Ii, r in lur Imui of
Found Dead in Bed.
When Saiah Hughes, or ms nynon
stieit, went to notlfv her mother on
Patiudav inoiuing oi I'lesldent Mi
Kltile.v's death, he found hei (old In
death, the su nniiins having (iitni- lo
her sonii'tline dining the night. De
( eased was the widow of the late
Thomas Hughe, and a slsli r of Thom
as lit lion, the well-known tenor
She N mnvlvd by fom ihlldien, Mi v.
Ilcniy Cllffoid, Wllllain. Tlioinas and
Saiah llliglies.and the following bioth
eis and sdteis ji David Keese,
Mis. Hciiiv Wllllanix. William Hp.vuihi.
W J Hev noli, Tlioinas lV'linn and
David He.vnoii. The f uncial announce
ment will be made Intel.
After Toity-seven Yeais.
Daniel Moves, (,r Vancouver Maud,
long slnie niiuirued n dead by his i, hi-
llv(. iitui nod Millv to this iitv,
ami Is now visiting his luothei, Ild
imi in I Moses, or Kviion street, and his
loushi, Daniel JIom, or .South Main
Ml. Mose.s ldt Caibondale foilv
seven eais ago, when the gold fevet
In Callloinia was at Its height, and
aftit an uniiilatlng a foituue on the
r.ullli (.oast, went to Vain olivet, wheic
he now ow ns a laige lain b
His vlfe (lif il niaii.v eais ago but
he has a son living, who is a wealthv
lesldent of Vain Oliver, His ictiiin to
the si cues of his bovhood was a gleat
MliprNe to his iclatlves, w lio ale pie
pailng u i ((.option foi him befoie he
RellRlous News Notes.
The Salvation Aimv held an opm-alr
meeting at Xa.v Aug .vesterdnv
afleinoon ami HnslRu I.eut. ilpllveied
a talk last evening at the hall, on Pi he
stieet. on Ihe subjei t, "round Dead 111
the MiK'is. ' Hoth ineetlngsvvere huge
ly attended.
Quaiteilv i ointnunloti senilis weie
held at the Washlilliu Stieet Pieby
tiilan i hut i h .vesleulay moiuing In
(onneitlon with a icieptioii of new
incinlins and adult and Infant bap
tism The pastoi, I'ov. .1. P. Moffat,
D D. oiiupltd the pulpit In the (veil
ing Hev. Calvin A. o. D D, llriandal
seiielai.v of Hm knell unlveislty, spoke
al the .IiuUson Stieet Haptlst ihlluli
last evening In the inoinlng Di do
(Jlinh.v poke on the need or a icvlval
In the Ablngtou Tluptlst assoi iatlim.
Tile Young People's Soi let.v of Chlls
tlan I.'niUavoi' (oiidiuted the senUes
last evening In the Hellevue Welsh I'al
vlnlslii Methodist (hiinh
Miss Agius M(Astei, a niKslonai v
fi 'MM I.lbeila. Afrlia, spoke at the
Simpson Methodist K'plsdipal (luinli
M'steidav inoinlng, ami in the evening
thepastoi, Hev. II. (' Mi Deuiiott, iou
(linleil a nieinoilal s( i v Ii e, torn hlng on
the death of Pi(sdent M( Klnley.
Hev. A. I,. Hauler. PhD. of St.
Mink's I.iitheian ihunh, hpoke .vistei
ila inoinlng on "Hi new lug Oui I'ove
iiiint with (Tod" ami In ihe evening
i hose for his Mibjeit "The Ilelievcis'
'('tossing Hlldges Hef We ('nine
to Them," was the unique Hume or an
able set moil pi cm tied by Hev. .tallies
Heuningei vostenlny inoinlng In the
Hampton Stieet Methodist i:popal
i hill ih.
Glee Paity Enteitained.
The (ifoil ("ilee pally weie entei
talneil last l'lldav evening at the home
oi Mipeiinti uilent lln.ves. or the Peo
ple's Coal loinpanv. The opening ad
diess wiih inade ! David It. llvans,
picsldent or the putty, and Thomas o.
Thnibuin played a plann selcitlon,
"Old Country Club "
The glee paity lcudeicd "Maitvis or
the Aiena " whldi was the (ompetltlve
piece at the Lake I.ndme elsteddrod on
Ialim dio.
Wllllain Kvuns sang a plPiislug holo,
"Tho Ivy clad Hulns," ami the p.ntv
followed with "Coiniades In Alius."
Thomas. Abiams sang "Am limed" pN
Tei lively, and Henjamln Oi iilltliH ip
tltid 'Sheildan's Hide," in his chai-
aiierisiii; siie.
David Stpphens lendeied the tenor
solo, "Land or the llaip," and the
paity sang "Hecker's Match. 1'he
Missing Hoat" was John Kvans' con
tilhutlon to the evonlne's (njoyinent,
and Messis. Davis nnd Jenkins len
deiPd the duet. "The Two Sallois."
Henjamln liillllths was again tailed
upon to i eilte. "Our Flag," which he
gave In an nblo manner. A pleasing
ll In ttore for nil lio use Kcnip' Palmm tor
the Tlircat on J lungs, llio ncat Kuaiantrcil
rcnicily. WouM eu Uhcw Hut It it sol.l cm
Its morlls ami on) tlrueui.t U uiitliorizij ty tho
rircprlitor ol llils nandcidil rcineJy to cho jou
iniilo botllo tree? It never lallt tu iure
into ur dirunlo ioiiIu. All ilriitjl.u tt.ll
KiDi'ii I'riie He. and UK.
dtipt, "When Wp Wore Hoyn," wan ren
derpil bv Messrs. AbraiiiB mid Hteph
piis, and the party's closing number
was "Johnny Smoker."
ItefieslimenlRweie afterwatds set veil,
and the guest left for their hollies will
pleased with the iniiniiei In vvhlih they
Weie entettalned.
Football Team
The Mysloilous laevell rootbnll leain
has been oigauled for the lonilng sea
son, Willi the following pliyem 1M
waid Lewis. John llowen, Albert Wvto,
Isaac Hvatis, Chailes llvans, IMwaut
Hopkins, Wllllani (itlfllths. John Phil
lips, Wllllain illlibs, Jeiikln Lewis,
Hugh Davis ami Thomas William.
The team lMil a Hireling at the ( or
tier of Main avenue and Hampton
stieet last Friday evening and outlined
Iheli plans for the srnoii. They aie
now icady for kiihh'S. and ariange
nietits can be made with the luanagei,
Wlllliun Olbbs.
Ilit tuir. cl tlif Wist Pirk liiiilimc iliih,
'i In tlnit il lor nit lliuivln on tin' "iiinlivav.
line lirrti m Ipunnl um t lipr ililr im .ir-
unit ol tin' i.uii at tlio I'lti.tmi fur uu tint
Ihe nculi iliititl nffunn of W i.lilnKtnii eom
niinlen, Sn JtJ, huislits ol Vlili.i will lr in
a! illnl .il tin' iiii-iiiin- nut Wiilmuli) c fiiliin.
Ilirnii. (Jill mini, i(,iil !., V-ir, ulinm ilue
of lr-liltnti' iiiiilil not I Ii until, (ill ihhii V
U IITiiII till IliitjV lint lijitiiri.l hid ntnt Itul
n.iliiiil bis anUr I lie Injiittil in in a l.ikm
ii ine niti sine iiti.puu, Miiori ill" injuries
V ' Im 1 1 1 1 iii lr I In
I In' I. nlii' Vlivlllin tllli-iiili So I,
ll rt lif I-rill. In til im , ililn .liirl uil.l ilitllti
In VI a,, lull 1 il I rnhi riming, ulmli im
.iittiitlnl In Ininilipil ititini; ,cof di I In'
lini.ii lur tl mi in Mis IiiriiNIrd lij Vliw Si llie
I llll III
V ii mil ir iinillnz ol Ho lii d nnli ii, So "I
of the fiinriifittiin lliilii"!"' Intninti snl unimi
el Vinrrli i, will l,p luM it s ,u o'llmk tills
(iriiinit. VII mxinhris u rrnupolril In lilt ml,
slum, Sn I.'', I nllttl Mine Wnikim nt
Vniirlt.i, will Im!. I .in Inipi rtant in, etlmr n
im mm (Mnlne in ll ll lull, south Vl-iin
an inn
VI mi Voiltin ill, tin' Viiliiin iioiiim iilio u ts
Imlli Injiintl nn tlio hci.ii Vllln limit li
nf tlit l.ii kei inni Milroitl ,i lr iUm hei. It
rniilfrlliff il tho il sp Mivnltit "lit- Mil
ft rul tin ln"H nf hi r rlidit nnn nul
The Ml I' klmli'iKiiti n. ioiiih if Soilh
St (i ll llilillt llll I I If lit 111 Attrrl, will ir-iptll
at ' n'lloik till, iiintnin."
I lif lltttilo spui, s. , ,, i, tl,, ir r,i j-t
.mull il iljlnn in st Until hill, s,, ni, ,iv )Wn
I lie A louo uomJ at t li'ti .I, mil iiiniti the
all il r.
'II VIUv. llitr ni, t.f ilriliw INrlllin, IIP HI
ti it ilitinc Mii VI imp MiwmII, tf ( Im icn
I ik'.n Dili" I. sfi mlitii; i Ii m ilim In IliifT.iln
Vm VIjh Wil-nii hiiiI 1r Mulml Vlnrrai, nf
I'm,' fin t. lit- vi"itlinr nliiirrt ami fnrtiilt in
l.lniln. S V
Mr- I n th ll.iiri. Mrs Vimli- I' II iIi'im,
s iniitt I II mis .mil Willi mi I luikiii", nl s,lUi,
Mini nrniip Mi Ilnitl Minis "f Hi l"in.
nnl Vlr iml Vi I, m Mini, ami noli. V.illinl,
of S nili nionilri imiiiii ilttnilptl tin- funi lit
nf i rtlalop it liluanl-iillt ""iluulii
li I Ik in rr WiIIIiiik, ol ( lifAlnut lmt, U
fiu ni nun; it Ml I'mnim
Inliti ("1 VI till uf l.iiiiiiln II. mhls, li,,- iitnrnt'il
lioinp fiom i iisit In sii inrli mm toiintt
llnini" II Phillips of Hrii Mriiiiila it prml
lit'j i fm this with tfliHiis Itfip
VliftS Nrlliti laititi, if Mini .imiiii". I. "pi nil
in." Iicr i n itlon n llnflilti ml Staciri I ills
Vim siiii, linntt, nf Iifaiitli tittt, is lit
inn: film Is In I'liilnlplplii t
iliiihtir was ri'irtilli linin lo Vlr nini Sirs
llllHS Wilsntl, nf HI Siuih (,nti(Iil .hi mi.
italpli lliintii li, nf I'ritt' e1 1 t his ritiiriitrl
hrinp tiom a im nir. sonntii it I'tiiomlili
Vliss VI nut f in. nt If Dill flint, is lit mc
frt'in a two wipki"' st i.i al lljiipi's lik'.
I ml (uufMil, of Surtli I ituiilii an inn, b
itiiniiiil tn his ii itnf lo illniss
Miss lltitlia Wilting ff siuih llninli.t u.
lint Is tho puost of friiiiils in sunn . Imi j
liitiirl Ihfnns, of Sottli lltlipnj atrnup, i
Mijnurniin: in thr Wlittp Vlounulns
V ilaitshlrr u is inrntli Imrn tn Mi ntnl Vlis
Innrui UtlllliiL'. nl '-mill Mini iitntii
Mis lluuli I mi ". Vlrs Williini I itiirs .iii'l
two Miti", of ( atiit ii, illnii. .up thp 1:111 st. nf Mr
iniil Vlr latum V laaif, ol Suilli 1I.mIi' Pill,
ait lint
Will in I iiiinini; i- Mrit'iisli ill tt hi. Iimnp
in Snttli Miin iitiiut, oil -liKlit In pps an (li
Itil tin' il f r liii ikiu'Ij
The flineial of ("haibs Hallpy, tho
.voting inni lin who was di owned ut
Wllletts Point took place vesteida.v af.
Kiimon at .'.'in o loek tiom tlu home
of his luothei, MllllU W. Ilalley. 1111.1
Hteiling stieet. Itev. .Mattluw or the
West Scianton Haptlst i tun ill, pie.Hli
Ing a veiy lnipiessi(. tnneial t-civlie.
The funrial was Inigely attended by
many ft lends and lelatlves li was
In chaige of Company II. Thli teintli
uginient ol which Mi llalley wa long
a member. Ihe lloial olleilng.s vvtie
nuinetinis A on.iitettf s.itur
hymns, after which the i cumins veie
lemoved to Hie Diiumnie cimelit,
w llt'l u Intel 111' Ut was made. A III lug
Miu.iil 1 1 oni C'oniiuny H Hied ihiee
volleys ovei the uiave. The
ers vtie all im mlieis ut Company II.
Tht y weie I'liailes Hakti, Thomas
Davis, Tlioinas rinn William l.angon,
I'obeit Shotts Kosti r Kej nobis, Pud
Phillips and Isaae Mills
The funeial ot Ml,ss Nellie Kearney,
of Xi" Pen avenue, will taki pi, ue
llils miiinlng al !i ii'i Im k, Set v lies
will be tondtiittd at the Holy
i bill ill. Intel niciit will bo made at
Cathedial (iinetei.v Miss Keainey was
a well known .voting lady and hei
tingle death Ptlday night was a gloat
shock to hei fijeiids.
Di. J J. Jenkins and family or Nmih
Main avenue left .vtsteiday for Niiiu
gansett, ll. 1., and othei points along
the Atlantic coast.
Hev (! A I 'llie pi mi lit d a vei lu
tuestlng M'luion .vtsteiday moiniiig
befoie a huge i ongiegatlou. His test
was, "Hope, an Am hoi lo the Soul."
He lefolied teelingly to tho demised
piesident and of the In reived Mis,
MiKltihv Joiiathaii Hioadbent sang
the pioslileiu's t.ivoilte hnin, "Load,
KU11II.V Light. '
lu the im nun lal Haptlst chuiili, In
stead oi ine usual sei Hum je.stenlay
moiniiig a pi.iyei nieeting wa held to
ask Hod's blcstlng mi the stiltktn
widow or Ihe nun tv ieil piesident, and
all lelatlves Also beseeching Hie Al
nilgluv to guide ho nation thiough Its
plest'llt Cllsls and to help ii. as he.
leaved people, In the ran of oui gieat
h-s to miv witli oui depaited leadei,
Thy will be dont." The liu omlng
piesldt'iit, Tlieoduie ltti(isitelt, was also
lenieinbeiei by all who took pail in
Hie meeting, and Hod's blessing Im
ploicd upon him Tin- tavoilte h.vinn
of Piesident .Mi Klnle Ma sung at
both the miiinlng nntl evening sessions.
The pastm, Itev W. P. Davlits, Inought
foith in h innsteily maiiei Hip bsson
or oui lale pi("sdenfs noble life and
i hilstlan i haiactei.
Ilev. Albeit Halt hei Smith, pastm of
the North Main avenue Haptlst tlitinh,
at last nights sen Ice, made spuial
lefelfllce to Hit lire or the late iis.
dmit. Wllllani MiKlnle.v, tailing pai
iluilar attention of the huge audit me
piucPIlt to the HP,ient s doinestlo
llfu. He extolled the tlomesliii litues
of Piesident Mt Klnley as Htlong
inaikH or a Htpiling ilmiaetet, and
tailed ii 1 s ii all his Ilea lots to take tho
ninitjioil piesident as a model. In his
piajer, Hev. Mr. Smith Itnphned DI
vine loinfoit to .Mis. Mt'Klnley In the
houi' of not iov, and guidance) for
President Roosevelt In his ndmlnls
tratlng of the government of tho Uni
ted Suites In this cilsls.
A very pleasant gatlieilng wa held
ai the home of Mi. nnd Mis Joseph
Klnimci'. of t-'S l"lg stioet. .vpstenlay
aflei niKiii, on the oepasloii of having
hlr son baptled. The godfuthu and
mother weie Mi. and Mis. Salvadoie
D'Alo. of New Vmk i Ity.
James Kelly, of !JT West Minuet
stieet, was aiiesled Satuiday evening
nil Willow street for being diunk and
Tor (iitelty to imlnmls. Kellv was
ililvltig a Inn so. hitched to a wagon,
up Alder stieet, and not being Inst
enough for liltn, he begun to beat the uiuiieu Ifullv, until an nllleer
ei me along and took him to the sta
fin houe, wheie he wa given a
huiiitu: bv Magistrate Stoir. He was
lliKtl ;, In default of whldi he was
snii lo ihi' counly Jail Tor thirty da.vs
The rail or St. Pauls thilich will
open this afleriioon In (lOiiiianlii hull.
Oipnt piepaiatlous have been inade by
the tiienibei-s of tho pat Mi and their
pii'oHn ought to imet with a hearty
lefionse from the public,
Osiar Oiainbo, the well-known pho
togiaphel. was piesonled With ll
(laughtei by his wife.
Mis. AlUllsl Miimt and soil, Adolpll,
of Piospeit avenue, have gone to Nt w
Yolk to atlelld the wedidllg of hei son.
August Moser, a former U'sldent of
South Sfintitou
Joseph Allnedlt lift for a blisliirss
tilp to New Yolk .vesterday.
Chillies Tiego, of Piot-ped avenue, Is
lejoli.iu; over the anlval of a d.iugh
ttl. Camp JIO, l.iti iotiir Order Sons of
Ameilta. will meet in legulai sc.ion
this evening al Iliu tinan's hall.
Michael Pun ell, of New Yoi k, Is
visiting his mother, on Piospett ave
nue. The members of St. Irene's noilctv
will meet this evening at S o'tlotk at
Pharmacy hall.
Michael Plabeily will leave for th
Sliuuilsbuig .N'oimnl school this iiiniii
lug. AndiPW Cuiley, a pionilneiit lesl
dinl of this iti-i, for many voars ein
loed bv John Illittt'i, will leave lo
iihiiiow lm Pactmy vllle, whole he will
open a hotel. Mr. Cut ley will be
pleased to nieil all his Si ranton tilt nils
at hi new pluej of business.
Homy Ili'inl has anouuneed hlni
.'eir as a candidate loi delegate to tho
Dttnocialli couvt utlou rioin the Plral let. Nineteenth waid.
Yistenlay was obs,iod as a du of
inoiiiuing lor inn dead piesitlint in ail
the lot .U dun ilu. In all of them the
llltellois weie applopi i.itelv (Imitated
and the laige cmigiegalloiis puv-int
liovvpil by tlieir ilcmeaiioi tin gieat
Individual los that vias felt b all.
At the Plcsbv teiiaii eliuieh the setv
lecs weie iiimluited b the pastoi,
lliv. . P liibbuns, asslstnl by llev
Hjii.v A. N.vt. The favoiile hjinns ot
the pn sident, 'Lead, Kiinliv Light"
and 'Neaiei, Jl Hod to Tliu ' weie
snug. Mi. 11. DuH. Dlmnimk Vii
fei'llnglv cing 'Sonietliiii' U'i II I n
deilaiifl. ' The lest wa taken fiom
U Sanuitl u-.!S "Tin r" is a pi inn unl
a gieat man fallen this tlav In Isiatl '
AI tin Methodist chilli h llev. Cliai les
II. Newlng as a pi dude to the legul n
mottling sot mini spoke on tlio national
ml, unit v. At the iiiinnlng set v be tin
h.vinn, 'Niaier, M.v Hod to Tine' was
sung and "Lead, Kindly Light" in the
All ininibeis of Ptble of Duiiniiiie
Temple, No. M, Ladle of ihe (ioltlon
Hagle, aie iciiutsletl to be piitsetit al
tlieli meeting tonight a the Ciiainl
Teniplai. Mis Anna Million, of Phila
delphia, will III plfsent.
Nathan KiausUopl, of New Yoi k
clt.v, is visiting tileiitls in town
P. J. Heagau has letuiind tiom a
tlshlng ti lp ol siveial dajs whieh vas
spent ai Like Httliy.
James Hopkins, who ha bptn lilt
ing his father tor several wetk, lo
till n today to New Yolk cltj.
Michael Milloundl, of Ansonla,
Conn., is visiting fi lends in town.
Miss Jeannelte .Mi Hale has io
I in mil limn a vill ot seveial ilii.v.s In
New ,Yoik t it J.
A C. Sndei has i llll IK it fiom the
enianipmeni of the (i. A. It, at Cleve
CHAHLH.s TAPT, tie U .at obi
sou of Ml. and .Mis Hojal Tatt of
Nmih HI ikelj Mitel. Duninnie, illnl
on l'llday aftiinoon nt the homo ot Ills
Kiaiiilmoihei In Hawlej altii a tew
da.vs' Illness with In .tin (ever. He left
about two wieks ago In the best of
health and piiils with his mother and
slsti l.s rot Hlg Pond, wheie tluy e.
petted to lemnln until toila.v. (in last
Tuesday he Hist i oiiiplalni d or lit lug
unwell and on the follow lug (lav lie
was icmnved lo his gtandtnolln i s
homo at Haw ley. Tho fuiietal will
take plate todav at i o'doek liom
the ifsldeiKP of his giniidiuothci and
will bo Kimlileted bj Hev. W. P. (lib.
lions of the Piesliytt iliiu thiiith hen.
Intel im ut will bu made u the Haw ley
tonieti l).
WILLIAM C .lo.N'LS, of Aiku ave
nue, Jauitoi of No. l.i mIiooI and I'm -ineilv
supeivlMir or Laikawaiiua
township, was Itnind dead In bed nt
..!' oclock irtteiilav inoinlng He
was as well as usual upon uniting Sat
uiday night. Ills wire and the ihll
dien sill vivo him. Tho runeial will
take plan Wodno.sdav afternoon nt
'J .10 o'clock. Intel ment will be lu
WiiMibuiii slit ft ii ineti i.
Tho t uncial of Mis olive Kelly,
wlfo ir Dr. Leomiid Kelly, of ol
pliant, will take place this atleiiiiion at
J.. !n o'cloik, with servlies at tho Hlake.
ly Haptlst iliuit h, luteiimnt will be
made in Piopet't cenieteiy, Hlakely.
The luilt'liil of the late .Mm. Allll
Hughes will take plate ttiinoiiow al
tilliotill 1 1 Dill the linili-o, HIS 13 lion
stieet. luteimeiil will bo made In
Washbiiin slitet tcuiiiei,v.
Tho of Hilda Tliuibutn, the
Inl ant daughter of Thomas and Maty
Thoihtlin, will take plain lotnoiiow at
:i:ll p. m limn tlnli home at :;nT
Potnttenth stieet. Intt-i input lo be
made in Cambila t eint ti rv.
Tho leinalns or Ml. and Mrs Thom
as Dowilik's (hlld will be pilvately
Inli lied. It was Ihi nuuiths old anil
died .vestt i tin) at th' It home, 11J3 Ihi
non sliPet.
Change in N. Y., O. & W. Time Tnblo
Conimeiii lug Tuesday, the I7ih lust.,
N. Y. O. i V. tialu leaving Cadoslji
at S.KI a. m, and Caiboiidalo, 10 HI a.
in., arilvlng Siiaiiton, 10.10 a. in.; nnd
tialu leaving Soiantoii at 1 p, in.; Car.
boiidale, 1,11 p, in,, and in living Ca
doslu C.W p. iu will be dlsioiitlnueiR "
Plentiful Chances
To Save Money
On Monday's Buying
We are continually trylni? to make fresh records as value-Rivers,
and our daily offerings show an ever-increasing attraction.
The best makers in America compete for our business, and we
obtain advantages that smaller concerns cannot enjoy.
This advantage we share with the people
That's the reason we are able to quote prices on dependable
Roods thnt would be Impossible for others.
Take for instance the following items for
rionday's trade:
2 -'lc. for Itobe Calico.
One lot or Untie Ciillio, suitable
for (oveiliiK (omfoitH, also a lot of
Calltoes Willi (link KloUlld. the
ii'Ktihii fe , kind. Monday pi lie,
it. Mud.
Unbleached Canton flannel,
3 7-8c.
This Is no ei optional Rood offer
niul a t b Hire lo huv unlileai hod
Clinton Kliinuel (heap, the li'inilui
la kind Pol Monday, ;'Hv. aid.
Unbleached Muslin nt 4 l-2c.
Pine Muslin that Is a lull anl
w Itle iisuall sold for di. Moudav,
I'.t aid.
Apion GIghams nt 5c. yd.
The .tinisU Apiou Hlimham In
nil the staiulaiil stllpes. Por Mcm
dav at rt . Mini.
0 1-2 Cents for Peicales.
.l.'-inth Pel i abs lu Uhl and tlaik
Ktolliiils thai alvas sell toi 10c. On
Monda.v. il'ji .vntd.
12l-2c. for 45x30 pilfovv Cases.
Made or the beM bi.unls ol Mu
1 1 ii i onsltli'ied xood value al l.'o.
Pol Monday, l."t
5c. yd. for Outing Flannel.
t:ti.i good quality or Outing
Flannel Hint nlwa.vs sell for M .
Motldav pi be, fro. mil.
72x00 Unbleached Sheets, 39c.
The 4",i kind Monda.v, at J'it
40c. for Unbleached Sheets.
Slm ol the bet .Muslin, lllwavs
,'ih Mondav 4'it .
Blankets at 44c. a Pair,
nigulat in-1 lllankcls in while,
giev nnd tan, wotlb t onstleiabl
mine, bill foi Monday s sale, He
Jonas Long's Sons
South Scranton nnd Mlnookn Teams
Engaged in a Loosely Played
Contest nt the Paik.
The pool est exhibition or Imt ball
given at Athletb patk this sta son was
llie gallic on Sittliilav, bitvvien llie
South St ranton ami Minooka t lubs
The tllmiix lame, when Mlnookn was
hopelessly defi aletl
Iii the last half of the eighth Inning
with the stole 111 lavoi or South
Siiaiiton, Nallln, the III st man up. sent
a nuking tilple Into ilglit Held When
be leaibul thiid base. laiflev attempted
lo bloi k him. and as he did. Nallln suit
him spiawllng to eaitli with a push
Mi Domiiigh had tliiowu the ball to
head off the llilinu, and the sphere
stunk Nallln In the bat k, and tnioinetl
off Into the tiowil, allowing Nallln to
St oi e,
ThiH was Mlnooka'seippoi t unit v. Plist
tile planets set up a howl libollt Nal
lln's hit being toiil, but I'lnpiie Wlll
l.iius would mil allow that. Then tliev
made a Kit U because Kaffey was
pushed, but that did lint wink
Net they kli keil lit muse it was too
il.n K to play, ami falling In this the
Minooka iliiwd oil the side lim s
swaimed on the diamond and made it
impossible foi the game to be ion.
tinned. In eonst'iiiii in e of this, all bets
weie dot lined oft, and Ihe inonev was
Ulllllded as the Minooka bettots had
plaied tlieir money on a lull nine in
ning game.
The i oiliest was loosely pla.vecl, par
thiilailv by the Mluookas, Their
pitdiir. Flalllielly, llll live battels and
gave six lusis on bills, Ciossin vmis
also wlhl, but pltthed a milt h bettei
game than his opponent. Tho fielding
on lint h sides was nigged, ami the
game was piaetlcally featilieloss. Tho
sumiuaiy Is as lollnws:
sot hi i iivniv
vii it n i'0 v r
l mi if -' -' o - I II
Wur, 'Jli II 1 'J ti
I'l.ll.U, M I .' o i ,i
ulllti, 11 I 2 2 'I "
i'tril. it I I 1 n I il
Hi hIIij, jh a ii ii a i l
uiuii. t a i a 7 i i
M. lioiimll. il 1 () il I o 0
i riii-olii, I I I ii i ii
TftaU 3D U & '.'I n a
AH, I! II I'll V I
I'hllMii. H 1 I n 1 ii
Miiuuii, rf I I n II a S
M,l I in. null. Hi. li I .'. I I
Urh. 1 1 . 1 !! I 'i I
I.uln, tli J I n I - I
Mill nulil, 'ill I ll I I "
Vlilltarli. " 11114
I l.iiiij.111, llll
I limn ll), I ' n ' "
It.lali II (1 il "I I' '
s nil, MUUH.II I I I I I I ' i ' o o n .i ii a fi
I'm nl Hum stiulli virmilun. it, JIuhh i '
lun l i-o lni Mi llu.-h, I'liiukin 'I'i'" l,1'
Inn Villln si,n Ium- I nun , '-', I nits-.
I Wiiili, li Mur. Is l riw.iii. -' 1-nl. t
llll till lllMi. S lllll SHJIIInll T. Mlll'ikl
siriitk (lit lb iiiniii. Pliillilil. MiliiiimiBh.
I.HI..I. Vltlliiuli IIjiiIhIIi i-'I. t' IIiiiihIIi.
IVjiiU i' . Iini I'li'i mi ill"" s"iiHi " i
lull, I; Mniiiolsi. '1 I'll1 " I' ill- fT ( nw.lii,
li. u'l lliniiilli, llie le t'Hiliir H ( rr.t
Mil, I; In lljlllHlll .'' Wil'l 1'Hllll" I'lin
lltllt, I I'.lvlll lllll" I I 11111.411, I 11 til. 1,
liiiiln. . I Willi urn iiiiil lliuil WUIIaui.t.
Iniit ln html"
Uunecetanry Caution,
"Hist! hist'" snld the btiiglai m ho
bom uvea- .',- imui of tin.' housi.',
White Goods
15c. yd. for Stilped Whlto Goods.
A mWi eilatieous lot or line stilped
white Koods intituling all the
Pbliles In this lot aie values up to
ilfli . Por Monday, lit. yatd.
?2 l-2c. for Dotted nnd riaia
Doltid alul Plain Swl-s ror eush
lotis and uu talus, l!i Kiilar 15c.
goods. Monthly pike, W.i.
Toweling Oc. for 12 l-2c. Towel
ing. lltown slaiulard TowelliiR nnd
Hli',11 bed TowelliitT. with various
bottlois, good value al lJ'sc l'or
Monday al !K.
0c. for Huck Towel").
Towels and Toweling, ISMtf 11m k
Towels, ml bonier, liKUlnr pi lie,
l-'-e. Monday pili e. !'c.
7c. for Cinsh Towels.
Hi own Steieils ('i ash Towels,
worth UK. Mondav, 7c.
23c. for Table Damask.
.'is-lmli all-llleailietl Table Dam
ask ami aNo Tuikej lied Damask
of pli inliti qualllv that sells al
wa.vs at i'.it. Moiiilav L'"i .
08c. for Dannsk Napkins.
All l.lnon Damask Napkins, '
im h sle, that sills iegul.ul for
$1 2't. Un Moniliiv. ?S( do.
Fiinged Doylies nt 50c. Doz.
1 nno small ninged Dovlltx wlilte
and ml, witli blue bonlcis Hut
aie tt guiltily sold loi 7. Monday
at .'Or. do..
08c. for Dedspienda.
liiillatlon of Maisi llie In many
Ii.iuiImiiiio paltiins Tin e spieads,
f ti 11 si., and never --old liudii $1.13
In le Molidnv, at list.
Lyceum Theatre
vi nils i.ivxp
I 111 I P. Jhruser.
Alonday Night. Sept. 16.
M Siiiuiil I: Hoik prt si nl.s (ieo V,
l.tilenis tienii ii'loiis u ins-atlantic
Uiumpli tin nuisKal cMiavagan.i
The Casino Girl
Hook l' Il.n i II. Siimli Music by
lanlwig Hnglandei.
Infl pei ten m nut s In New York city
ami Im i' nights In Uoudon
Pin i s -, ,ii, ; . $t mi, $i ;,n
Si us on s,i, Piiday al 9 u. in
Tuesday, September 17th,
Neil Burgess
11 in-i-ii -
Abigail Prue
in hi.
Wiih Mi u ilt-i 1 1 inu rrur im! mc lunnal
(H11W llll 111 wt tl Mil lie, ll Im Uli C f itt-C
on u ij.'
'l U li ' " . 1 , l '
st it- )!i it Mim l.i ii '' 1 tn
Thursday livening, Sept. 19th.
v.i- i t li t . 1 t l Ml hI nn tun. " r
k 1 . Y 1 in ( 1111 i 11 ( in li tn
Jefferson De Angelis
III ll, I 11 nil 11 I s 1 ,1 Up 1 in lu(
A Royal Rogue
W 1 iti 11 It I I 11 s Ii l In W 11 en
r 1 1 in 1- 1 1 1 ii 1 ii 1 ' .
VI i.n ft nl s it s ,. II I l.sume
I II11I-l'rin-
1 I 1 1- 1 ' '
s Hi. 1 ti I 1 1 1
Academy of Husic
M III IS, list J HUH Mnigtr.
auu riiih i:i:k.
The 3Iyrklc-IIar(lcr Co.,
1 wiiili;; Pi i (,i 11 I n 1 m,
Mjiim 1'in I 11 I 1 u
VI I (. Ill IIIIIM.liA V.iuhrr
Ilu lio- 11 k nnniu
VI 1 I v 1 l 1
Meuy Mnlilcns Biuleseiuers.
ViIiihi VI 11 In jii I Wi'iliu 11
"Ntvir mind ' it piled the ki utlinan,
who was looking up into tin nvolver
"my wife it awav visllhiK lelatlvi.s, and
1 ii)suie vmi that I simii not think ot
KettliiK up In Kiapple vlth ou a.s
lullK (IH she Ifii t lieu tn arriini mi)
of (.owuidlte and tell the nelBbbyrjj,"