The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 16, 1901, Page 3, Image 3

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A Probable Fact
That wo fit nnd make more
glasses thnn nny TWO opticians
or oculists In Scrnnton. Exclu
sive of our wholesnlo Jobbing
nnd repairing.
II I y 1' W" 'I ho llihuirr I U ill
1 mil Wttr n liiiiiiiirn will lr cjhI mil",
oninifiii iiu m i in
( lll. (Hit IIP Unci' vimI' (riTti nf mili
um ilr4 r out t nnin tlili tiioriiiuif ltli .Iti'ltfn
(.iljiil mul hll)'ltnc
ftlvil'VW KUl Mill' Itifri will f I iwi (
Intr nl the initnliu. nf (otiiniii Ki lliittitlilli
ri-.-lmrtit. Iciil.lit In It" utiiitv.
WlMill HI' IIIVIM' Ml I.I" flic "snnlnii
In .nl nt Irnlc will imrt nl ii'ii '"'In I" ifuu
tir mmImi InllilnltiK till' tin i lllllf lll'lit
II nilii Mill nu lumli
in lir-l Mi: Width llio lii'ii mul Im. it
lit '.ii inM h mini lin Inn" I"'" "' ( iiU''
t r eli, will rouirn In wink tlili inmn
in.- lii.lilit Vii.ltlilit Milmlli linl it III), ltli
tn tiikir Situ'cli) ami Ukj ilnMiJ to if
lj k
( lull IMI'lll II Jiwpli Ileum mi attrr
vaiIIi "Irl'iim "I'liile linn," wh tiiuK li 1
i jl triln wlillo iinwltu; (lie ll. Unite n'lil
Hull- it Iriik at till Oilplant iltmt trl
sum In niriiilne Hi wj liruNcil inlmt l.ut
loi km it'll Itijincil
sl-KIM. SI ltl( II. -Iti-i. Hr. ll.liiiKit an
n hi I it .U'toi'liy tnoinliu'": ni" ""l
mr nl ilmnii anilico wnuM lo lif'tl in Hie
" it.! I'riOniernii elitinli I lint "In inniiitnr,
It.neiliiig mi utilnn mertiiii; l I rM In tilwn.iiif
if the Imrltl ol Pirililrnt VI, hlnle.t.
llh fl I VttlM.s lr tlie I. t inline
lil "itiiiili) tlie seiitilnii ririunir II nl" "
i.tiltl II iinrlnl I In folluMtiiu" ill ii'im "' "i
tlei .,liiiti. Iitivtlij. .!!. "t I". Wiiliio'lu.
'Mxi'.m: TIiii'mIi. !!. 51750. I'litln, ssi
smi.', "Miiinii, j.'i;.J'i..i 'Jiiui.'i.iKvii.
1 l"Itl I II Till III MlHUOW niretiri-r ot
I'nli-li citiMH "( "mill Nrinlim wi Iv'M e
tr.Ui Kuril "Hi In me tri!i rimnn ed ".
M in .tin i Imrt Ii. H wliuli elifi im
liinnri mrr Hir lioOtnilS nl the pit l hilt It
Mi rlei ifleil Hill I In leilnr "t the tlilln Ii, tin.
lliilnr ohou'il lidlii I ten lie in (lie ilmn h
Imi-1h eiimnj it 7 o'clitk.
Fltzpntrick Is Here nnd Morrlssey Is
.il ritriMttUn-, "t Columbus o,
fust . lee-piesldeiit (if tl'i J intheihood
of Hnlltoad Ti.ilumcii, utilveel lit it1
rtoidiy. and I stopping (it the .li r-
nun 1 II. Motilpy, of Cileshnig,
lit, president (if tins Hiolheihood, will
anlo beie today. He has .ng,iKed
dii it icrt at tho .Irrinii.
Tl-i liiiiniiillnto inn ini" of tlir rmn
n ot tho national ilIUu i tint clv
t n ftit, hut It Is known iosltih Hint
tht uric stiinmonod hnri" lis th n
oi .il Krlpvnnr iMimtnllti'p of lie Ka
w nn tiii Ktriii. whlih ha- s-pent il.iy
Tftpr day In this city In an attempt to
h'Miirp a conli ii'iirp with Oeueral Su ntondunt Olaike.
Fell Into n Boiler of Scalding Wnter
nt Her Home,
riprirf-e HiMity, tho llttli 2-yinr-old
son of Mr. and Mrs. fieoiKP Hiowti, of
I)iitea, was peiloit'ly sciUIpiI S.ittir
d.ij liioininK nt tho homo of his kiuikI
l'upntp, Mr. and Mis. John Jnliny, of
I'llOtf StlPOt,
Tho chili! was iil,ihiK aliout tlm
hoiiho, and while lh- Ki.iniliuiioitts
w ip not looklnir, foil Into u bailor of
liolllnc w.itci. 'I'lio hi loams ot tho ( hild
nt.nmod tho hoiisoliold and tho i hlM
was ipiiiopiI fiom tho bailor.
Pi IMor, of Aoia, was Mimmonid
fjiil inonouncod tho i.isi a koiuiis
Bishop Gnivey Delays Going to
toonn Till Next Week.
Dulm; to tho piPsldont's It. tho
inilillo lnstiillatlon of lit. Tlov. KtiRi'iie
A Oarvoy. as bishop of tho now Ilo
i(t.e of Altoon.i, whli h was to take
plaio toniouow, lias boon jjostpomil
oiio work.
A spoilal ti.iln will li,io hoio on tho
Ui'law.iio and HiiiImiii io,k at ' :: to
a loiiimodatp those who will a i oin
panv Hit-hop (i.upy to his now w
Those of tho cleiRV who kii ahnii; an
i nn s-tnl to brltiR i.ioik and mii
Wyoming Division.
Ti.iniM foi .Now Yoik and Intel mo
il ate polntu lea p Si uiiHon as follows
'.i'O a m. and L' Ji p. m.
Arrivals 10 !'. a in. fiom
Haw ley and Intel media to points, :i,n
I in, fiom New- Yotk .mil Intot Me
diate points.
No Sunday ttaliis.
Six $.'fln pin sos
the West I'lttslon
1 at os
r.veiythltifr that
mipi issful fair; at
rocs in make tip n
West I'lttslon, Sept
Tho popular Punch cigar Is still the
leader ot the 10c cigars.
West i'lttslon fait, Sept lT-.-o.
M Brotdwiy, N. V.
Wllkci Dure. Carbondtle.
I 6 iJ CommonwHlth blrt'c, Kcranton, Pi.
Refened to at Somo Length by Rev.
Jnmes McLeod, D. D In His Ser
mon In the Tlist Picsbyteilnn
Chinch Ycsteulny McKlnley Wns
n Devoted Chi Istlnn Thftt Was
His Clowning Honor nnd Glory.
Lessons the Buffalo Ttngedy
Brings Home to Us.
In Ills pulpit In tin- Hist I'lojbylu
lan I'hutoh ,f'sttd.n iiiuiiilmJ. Ki'V.
lames Mol.iod pioaehid n powotftil
soimoii on "The assassination of I't evi
dent Mi Klule. ' HI" '"' vi'ni Joshua
1. 'J-r., and was as follow'. "Moses my
sot Mint Is dmd. now therofote niise,
Ko oet this .Ionian. As 1 was
With Moses, so I will bo With thee: I
will not fall thee, not foisake thee."
Ur Mi l.( ml M.i Id.
When .Mo"( s, the man of (bid. dli d,
tin natloti Hut be loved and tilled so
well in.ulo lamentation ov pi him.
"The illllill'll of Isi.ii.l wept for
Musi (i." It would bo nn wotulot It
manv of them i vpiessed a that
the id it Ii of their Kteat li.lder and
( mum. iniler would bilng about a Kteat
oi (iKisiniui national tls AM liny
wept in the plains of Moab, we can MH f them s.ivIiik: "(Mir
loi s , dead, and what Miall Wo do'.'
Who iimotiK Hi Ii lapablo of laklm; bis
plat o" Who will point out to us the
path of safetv. and who will tuoteet us
tioni oitf limteiato foes"" If some of
Hie Isi.ielltes t.ilknl aftoi this fashion,
the.v soon found out that t licit feats
VVele KtoUlltllo"f Tllelt Kre.'tt leader
was Kotie. but miotlui- was altoadv to
take his plm i If Mon s was dead,
Joshua was alive, and .loshil.i was ex
actly the man tot the rt ss. He did
a vmiik tint .Moses was ptewtu.ii innii
doing, and he did It well, lie u:t.s as
ttuo to tli tiuth, as loal to his (oim
try, nnd .is devoted to ("mil as ter
Moses w is He was not as tin ek as
Musis but he was unite as buve and
quite as patrlotli as Moses, and moie
ovoi, he was better tit toil than Mixes
to gt.tppli with the boidis of ('au.iaii
llis who Infestt d the land and who
were lebols against the best of all ro-eiuineitf-.
The people who vwpt for
Musts t-oon found out that Joshua was
'lull of the splilt of vvl-diini," and
v bile they never foigot Mos.-s, they
ltadllv and lovallv tiansfeiitd their
allt'Rlauie to Joshua, and their teivtnl
pi nver for him vv.m "inl the I.oid
lioil be with thee as lie Was with
Moses "
The .ipplli atlon of this bit of tun U tit
hlMoi.v is obvious, din nation W in
teats tod.iv. I.Ike a tond mother she
mom us the loss of her noble son. It
Im.hI might have said- Our Mosip Is
dead (iod sue and bless our Joshui!
so we have leaMiti to sav. Our Mi -Klnlev
Is did (iod save and bit ss our
lloo-t velt Tho pia.Vtl Is iipplopliate:
Tilt 1 1 thv (iod be with thee as Ho
was with Mi Klnlev.
The tm of Mi Klub v's life Is fa
miliar to us all His oarlv and hum
ble li.niic, his godlv tiainiug, his filial
affiitioti, his voiithful pletv and lndtis-
tiv, his vlgotoiis manhood, his ptiblli
cmippi' as a brave soldlei, (I tine pa
tiiot an able stattsnian. and at last,
his tlevatlon to the hlghfst iostlon in
(ho nation this Is a familiar storv.
Wheihei It was his put pose or not It
Is oettaln that ho has left ' somoihiiiK
mi vMlttin to aftoi tlniisns the.v should
not willingly let It die." It was his
high hoinn to be i hnseti twin' to 1111
the position of out nations pulileiit,
ami to In i nine
"(Hi fin I urn's (lownlng clopo,
The pillar of n people's liopt .
Tlie tentte of a v mill's dosln "
Hut In the midst of his gieat t aroer
he was nun dei ed bv a vile assassin
What power was it that neivtd tho
aim of tills a-sissu' !j what In
tluonee was thin vwtlih luiielli d when
In shot down the piesldellt of the I "ill
ti d Statu '
I'min this s.nied pl.iop I t h irgo the
assassins of ohaiaeter with their full
shaie of tt spoiislhllitv lot this lum
inous deed
Tin: yui.i.ow joriiNAi.-.
Yi'llow join nallsni, so.ialleil, in the
tioiigh at whiih anaithlsts have In n
f'tillng and villow jotu n.tlsni with Its
lo.uljiitot jellow oi.itoi.v, uie laigely
ii sponsible tin the untimely death nt
Pit-Idem .Mi Klnle, Tito appetltlto ot
auaiih.v glows bv what it fteds on,
and tlto husks (f these vellnw Join milt
aio iiulv tit fol the swlue of I il I n i u il
kind Tin st Jotiin.ili ate the fms of
soelet.v , the.v .tie the t llelliles of light
eons goVilllintllt lliev aio pllblli ptsfs
whldi bleed toiiuptlon and w lib It mil
govt i nuieiits, both state and national,
have tnleiated fin too Inmr. When
these vile sin els t n loon and dtseilbe
the pit'slilent of the fulled Slates as
"a tviant itddi'iiliig his It iiulri in the
blood ot the pool, and lllliug his own
plliktts Ittlll tltosi of olltets with llol
itlis ooiuoil out of the sweit and teats
and hunger of lulphss stilkois and
tlioii wan wivts and tlioir statviug
ohildit u." win ti public spenkeis me
piimitted lo hainngiio the ciowd and
to vlllil.v our (hlef magistrate, and lo
hold up to Minn out "Alt Kiiilov, with
his nieiilless ami mwaidly heait.
i.ilslug Ins blood-stained hands to
heavHi In hvpoiiltlial piavei ' whin
such iniemliniv willing and kiiiIi In
oemllaiv speei lies ate piimltttil, Is It
any wondti th it they should silt up
milideious hailed and limit V . in Is It
an womlei ibtit lliev should move the
in in of the iifsassin"
Tills s the siufi upon wlili li -
hlsts, mii i.ilUts an 1 iher justs of
sot letv and oneinlis ui our tountiy
have been tot ding and it Is high time the Mtnng hand of our govein-llli-tl
t should In stlettlltil out to ( lle( 1
the vile pins and to t tit It the viler lip
of these assassins of ohai.ulei It Is
high time that adequate penalties
should he piuvideil ami i It II 1 1 led Upon
those Who use either theli tongues or
their peps 111 (l del to Incite I lass hat
ted, oi in older to piopagate false.
hooil.s and hold up out gov ot anient to
( niiti nipt
It is ttuo that some of these Jour
nals aie now loud In theli lamenta
tions, and st von- lu their ileiiiuu IntlotiH
of 1 lie assassin. Hut those vvilteis
seem to foiget that lliev aie I.ngejy
to hi. 11110 foi tht' evils lliev roniloinn
I and that their conduct now Is ,n of a ome! mothei who punlshe her
I child most sovoiely for following Iter
I own bad example. Oh, vis. these vel
I low Journalists and .vellovv matins nf-
fei t gieat soiiow, and they aio ifady
to go into deep mourning, nut thoy foi
get that thtv aio latgelv i ('sponsible
lor the oxlstetioe and the nuituie of
this IIp biood, nnd Iipiicp, like the
tlgi'l, thtv aie leadv to devour theli
own ottspilng.
The 1 1 pedum of tho piess Is 11 pi p. -lolls
llPlltago, but when fleedoin degen-,
eintes into lawlessness nnd when It Is
used foi the putposo of mining ihai
aeter when It pilbllKhes vile false
hoods to seivo Its own unholy ends
when It speaks "evil of dlgiiitlp." and
when It gloilos in its shamo. then Its
wasttd fricdoui Is a misnomer, and It
li a disgituo to Journalism and to tho
people who support It, and tu the gov
oiunu'iit that tolcialos It.
.My friends. I love this countiv. I
am suio I love It nn tleatly as If I hud
been bom in It. I will go fnithci mid
say thai J lovu It better tbdn
some who were botn In It. I love the
hpiipn-born principles for which the
l'llgtlni Fntbers fought and for which
they wero willing to die. 1 love our
foi 111 of government, for, nt times. It
hnH seemed to me tu bo divine Hither
than human. I love tho country be
cause It fosters civil nnd t"lglotli lib
el ty. I IdVP It because It IlllM been It
home for eviles, nnd an asylum for
the opptpssed of other lauds. 1 love it
for tho evopcillng beauty with which
the (Iod of 1111 tut e lias garnished It, mid
tor the tidiness which He has beie
dispensed with so livlsh n hand, "I
low its km Us tt ml illlx, Its woods nnd
templfd hills," nnd I love It most ot
till boiausc I bdloVe It Is destined to
wield a mighty power In ptocltiiiiiittK
the gloiy and In oMendlnt; the king
dom of our Divine lledeelller. Home,
loving this coiintty ns 1 do. I dpploto
the ttagedv that has been enacted In
llun'nlo, nnd I cnunot find vwuds strong
titough with which to deniiunco the
unpatilotlc, dastatdly. and llondlsli
conduct of those Journalists and speak
eis who uro assassins of c haiattor, and
thus pavtd the way for Hit' assassina
tion of th" pitsldont of the frilled
States bj being nciossorlos befntu tho
fin t.
rn itisTiA.N nocTiiiNH.
Hut Is this c lit list Inn doctrine'' If
Hit so ate eliemlts. ill" H not Jesus snv :
"l.ove jour oiiemlos" Dots not St.
1'aul sum "I.ovp thlnkoth no evil"'
Dots he not also sav of tilt" l.old:
' Vengeauie Is mine"' Yts, but Hint Is
not tho whole of the gospel of love,
Chi Nt Is love lllc.11 nate. but Ho tle
11011111 ed iv Illinois in tiles,, blttel bill II-
lug wends "Woo unto sitlbes and
I'huitsles, h.vpot tiles, how shall is
tape the ilauillllHoll of hell.'" I.t't it
be allium d with emphasis that Hit
punlshmtnt of evlldoeis s not ini (in
sistent with the law of love. Jesus
1 'In lit did not come Into this wot Id of
sin to destrov tho law, but lo fitllll It
If He petmltted a penitent sinner to
wash His feet with her teats, He also
eetcsed Ills ailthoritv when He ile
nniiiti cil nnd diove out ol Ills temple
it band ol thitves who bad polluted It
Those who love our lotmti.v and who
love out voiilh. should do all in ttielr
powi'l In pli'seiit tin. spioad of t ollllp
lion. The Ood of Israel had 11 good
union for iliging both Aloses and
.losiiha to exloimln ite and tlttetly dt -siiov
the ('ana.iniles He km w that
tbev weio tntiupt and that theli In
IhleIKe were cot I liptlllg Title patllul
Isni ioin.inil"d theli wxpulsloti. And
tine patilotlsm ib tntinds the expulsion
or nt least, the touliol and linpilsoii
meitt of a hot tip of Canatinltts who
hive n lined admission among us. and
who nie bold enough lo ptoililni their
(editions ntnl tteasonablo dot tt Inn.
U lit II Jesus M1VS ' I.OVe .VOIll t lit lllli s, '
He does not mean lis to Ulldoistiilld
that love Is mi kind that II Will over
look deeds of Infamy, nor that It s mi
lieblt that It will not pimMi ass.n,.
1 am not a pi sshnlst. I am not look
ing at things with Jaundiced eves
do not believe that our (otintiy is going
10 mill Hut 1 do not llgiee Willi
those who Hatter themselves that all
Is seieiie who see no oce.isiin for Is
suing a note of winning Thov see no
thi'igti to our countiv fiom nliglous
lavlly, nor fiom Sabbath desei i.itlon,
not fiom Intempeianee, nor fi mil
tleal Intidilltv not f 10111 a vldi
illsiigard of law and older. I'.von tho
assassination of our ptpsideut Is
siaitelv stailling enough to aiouse
their doimaut st nvlbllltli s Tbesf op
tlmlstle filoiids ,ne tindir the ititltn in o
of polltli il sohmms who like f.lvmas,
am full of all subtlllly ami all mis
thief, who aie chlldiin of the devil
ami em lilies of all lighteoiisness. and
wlto will not' to piovtit the light
wavs ot the I .old Until the people ileo
lii theli majestv and In their might and
I1111I them fiom their lofty seats ami
taki fiom them the power wliith thev
have so woeliilly and so shanieliillv
I'leslibnt All Klnb v was a devoted
christian. This was his ci owning
honor and glotv He lived a chilttliin
life and he tiltd n elnslan tleatll. lie
was buo.veil up bv ihtlstlaii hope lie
buathetl cbtistlan pi. i) on. He wlils
n iod. "(iod s will, not ollis, bo ilom '
lie tiling to the ihtlstlan's eio-ss, and
among his last audible wonls won"
'Ntattr no Hod to Thee. .Nt.llol to
Thee ' He lnveil his wife with Hilt'
allot Hon Ii. loved her with a love thit
neii tnltoiid. and that never altend,
lot he ft It thill ' l.ove Is not love that
allots when It nltcintloti finds'
l'v 1 n tow 111 di his mill di 1 or ho show d
iiieiiv. Hi said "Let nobody butt
him." In iiKIiut thus he set a line
example for all law abiding citlzins.
fp lo his last conscious niomt nt ho
was thoughtful and Millcltnus about
his wife and thankful to his phvsl. -Inns
nnd nuisos and ti lends Yes,
I'lcslileiit All Klnlev w !f .1 diVottil
ihiNtlau as will ns n title patilot,
ami ho was all the noblt r p.itilnt be
ianse he was a tine chiistlau.
l'HAYf.HS NOT A fAll.flli:
We mom n his death with some stub
Itellngs as si,u! liioiunid for Most s
It wiim our hope th It he would stiivlvi,
and that Ond would heat and nliswii
the pravois that vielo olfeml loi his t".
iiiveiv not onlv bv this chilstian na
Hon hut bv tin whnli ihrlstian woild
Sine- his life wis not spainl nio we
to tomludi' that piavti to (Iod is a
tailuit ' 18 v no means Hods wins
aie not out wavs, nor Is (iod's will al
wavs out will, inn again Is our will
alwa.vs Hod's will lie knows what Is
1 st is wuv Is nlw.ivs but Tho
s.t pile iti.iv siieei .it tlif la Nt In u. and
he may l ldh ule the ptaveis of Hod's
people He tit.iv chtiiai tcil7e inayer as
an ait, hut the wilt
lontlinio to pray for he known that the
wonls of Jesus i 'hi lt aio lino. He
also knows that
' Hi ft logic Is but Reason's tool,
Reason a child 111 Nallltr s s( hool;
We ninv not Joy nor gileve by tule,
Nor s.vllogize a piayoi."
We niouin out beloved dend, but In
the midst of our gloat gilef wo nNn
lelolie. Wo ate glad that he was per-
mltted to live so long, and that ho did
till In his power to i imfer Illinois nnd
blessings upon his own countiv. us well
as upon in.vilads In other Innd". Cuba
and l'otto Rico ami the Philippines
hive loason now. and they will have
mole loason heieafter, to iWe up and
call Alt. McKlnley blessed. Out conn
tiv has siifleieil a gnat loss, bu' our
eoitntiy's loss is AIi'Klnle.v's ovoilast
lag gain.
One closing vvoid We molllll the
dead McKlnley. but thank Hod, wo
have the IMng Roosevtlf And slue
l.v in Hie most unexpected, most trv
liig, and most esaltcd powlHon lu vvhl(li
bv the mvstciloits l'lovldonio of Hod
Air Hoovsovelt bus been placed, be mav
lely with cnnlldenoe upon the loyal,
pitilotlc and chilstian svmputhy ami
suppoi't of every 1 1 no American citi
zen Out piavor Is that tho eternal
Hod may be his lefuge and that under
math him may bo tho evoi lasting
in nis. fpon our loyalty nnd lldellty
to Hod depends iiiu nation's i-afetv.
Fiom our hearts we sny to Air. Hoosp.
velt The Lord thv Hod bo with thee
as Mo was with our AlMvlnlev Hod
save our new- ptesldent! Hod save our
MtsH Allie MeXllloter, it
irie an jiMifn Im inulit
Milhiiilt I I"-" I'll i hue h
Vliiiirnna, Mr 1 1
ut 1 1n 'io nit r i o
u In, H iiinteil mill
Four Great Artists
W II iue rn ltali
i mil r tlie nti"piin
I tho I OXs.l V
UlltV cliirini; tin
m ir Our ttii'lenu
k e limine tnkrnt at
mil the co.t o( iri
11I1114 I li e 111
. mil nt at wit hcic
iiiati a lifKinncr only
sin ui
I Vhreil I'ltiiiin,
tun, Uiuilor,
valuable Infiirnullcw teKitdlnfc the Park rontln
cnt. Hc;v. S V MiVev Ini flurtje ol the wrvlec
nltltli the l'lee Mi tlnnhA (uiiiluitrtl all Hjt
etenli In the I inn t lapel
II v .I .I II I'telev, cl Inlcprinin, n In
tlil tllv jilenlii mi M way tu New York to
pim law liirnlhlinr tor Ms v clutnli
MM Mlnilt., a riliiuiMl mlvlunarv China,
iMItrretl hi Inltrritltiir iilitre' jrvtenliv alttr
nnin at the Aintrniiii Mlluii ot the IV im Aiu
line lltpMut f lain li
Ittv tlr, ittlii OKfin, tirpulliic tliler of tlie
w.iiiilti tllKlriit ot the Mi thrall. I I'pNiopal
ihitnli, lUliiftnl i povMiful fermun b-t til tf til
In the I'lin I'.nk chnnli,
iiiiitln (ulinul it M, IMir'i cillieilrat
reMiiiinl it.tinlav wllli a very lante attemlance,
tin .Inliti ,1 lirlllni 1 is (luiL-e nt the Rl'l. "it
Ihv 11 J llii-llti, the lm)i
"Hie PrinripU" llumin fir IlilJe vtiitlj" wn
the tuple ot mi utile tl,rtti se ilebveieil ie"ttr
(In rtiuriilnt; lv Itn, Pr I .1, laming, ns( r
til tin (inni lllilife I're.hitriliti rhiirtli
"I Iwl'fl I ijiirlnti In Itiillililuil Mini" i1 lie
theme illarniirnl upnti jettenliv niurnliiK liv
llti VIIh tt It itc la r smith, the iloqunt Mtitni;
nlir nt the S.irlli Vliln Vwrme lljptut ihttrih
IIMiop Hi Inn )irtertli iltiticttet the lew
Cilhnlii thtitih it Alhet'. ul ulihli Rev. M 1'
O'lliiirke l pmlnr He nlii t urilliiiied i clis ot
thllilriti it Allium, where Itn .1 ,1. MiCale l
V r.nti lliiina lit it tlm opened veitrrJiv at
s h Im's thiiiih, lit "'nit ICi v. I'lthir
li'llirti. , of st I', tern iitluilril, preached the
m niiik' scrim ti 'I lie v rniu n tlilt tit tilt n vull
le pit nhtil lo Itn I ithrr (irlflin, nl the lathe
lr il. ami teiiioirnw tMtiitii,', Iti v, I tthir Host In,
nl the t.nhtilril, will In the pr. jt le r It' Vi
Inlir llni-tlii imvli d ar pukum ("bv ljt
inglit, uhui ti Irnii II inn ll,..itiin In in.
Vnndetbllt Sampson Attested, on
Chntge of the Lnieeny of $14
nnd n Vnlunblo Ring.
A'nndeibllt Sampson, the colniod
youth who has been arrested on sev in caslons iluilng tho past year.
I.s again In tin hands of tho law and
It looks voiv much as If thoie Im
enough ovldeiito against hhu this time
to his conviction on tho
i hat go of Ian ony.
I! o. Hi vatit, who kn ps a i stole
lu the fit'iiid Army of tho Republic
Aleinoil.ll building, oil Linden stto-t
hind Vandeibllt on Satuidnv moi nlng
to i lean out his place. Ho was unwise
enough to leivo his coat hanging on
a (halt vv hilt he "topped outside for a
moment Ns soou as he iotutn"d,
Vandeibllt teniuked that ho had some
woik to do In (tieeii Hldge nnl quick
ly left th.- place.
He was not gone voty many minutes
when Air. lit. v ant r-Mtienibei ed that ho
ha I loft his p. k 'tbonk, containing $10,
In Hie jiim kot of his coat. Which wns
still luinglii!.' on the chair. A search
lev en led Hint It was gone and a glam o
up tin- stleet lt'Velltll that V.llldt'l
lillt. too was g-otio.
V.itnlt'1 bllt, with ! kalile notvo,
ItlllKil up tit a house a lew dools IIWIIV
lu the raily ivtiiing nnd applied for
siiitio wink, wlili li had been promised
him e.irliei In the tl i.v. He w.i.s nt
llieil In a biaiiil-new suit, evlilentlv
pun h is tl with p.ut of Air. Iliv ant's
tin s. J le was set to wotk clt lin
ing -in upMalis room and ,i tew
minutes alter his iIokh tine It was diss.
ioeieil that ho had taken M and n
va uallo ling which had been lift in ,i
1 moan diavvei
He was aiiested late Saturday night
ami win n ,n i.tigneil bofoio Al.igisti.ito
.Mill. a- .vtsieidav inoinlng was te
maiidi'd lor a fcnlhei healing today.
Ralph E. Kelly, n South Side Boy,
Killed on Delnwme nnd Hudson.
Kalpll i: Kollv, the ll-.v oar-old sou
of Ah and .Mis. .lames A. Kollv, of -I.M
fig stieot. was i tin down and fatally
in u I i'il bv a Di'lawaio and Hudson
tialn. near the fig stmt tio.ssliig, at
1 o i loi k S.ituiilav aftiiiioou.
With a nunibi i of other lads of his
own iic ho was plaviug about the
i tossing, when a tiiilu of imply mis
tame along ami i.m him down. One
b g was i ut off at tho hip and the othei
ul the knee. JU' wns n moved to the kawnumi hospital, win to ho tiled at
I o't loik.
The tuueral will take toniouow
mot nlng. The soivht-s will be hold at
the house, and inlt intent will bo mado
at l' .Mount.
West I
iltston fall
in t vnek, coiil-
Great Inducements to
Monday Buyers
Good 6c Brown Muslin 4c
Best 7c Brown Muslin sy2c
Good 6c Bleached Muslin 5c
Best 8c Hill Muslin 7c
6c Shaker Flannel 4c
ioc Outing Flannel 8c
6c Russia Cotton Crash 4c
Best Apron Ginghams 5c
Best Dark Piints 4Ac
3c Lawns 5c
Ladies' 75c Flannelette Wrappers 39c
Ladies' $1.25 Lawn and Percale Wrappeis 75c
Infants' White Lawn and Swiss Caps 1.00 Caps
for 65c. 7CC Caps for
Children's 51.50 Coats. 50c
Children's $4.00 Coats.$1.95
Ladies' 6.00 Coats 2.95
Ladies' 5 10.00 Coats.... 4.75
Dress Goods.
50c Plaids, Checks and Mixtuies 25c
$1.00 Fall and Winter Weight Plaids, jo inches
wide 50c
15 pieces 12 Jc Colored Percaline, all shades.... 8c
New line Eiderdown, all colors 19c
Granite Cloth, new shades, yard wide 23c
415-4-17 Lackawanna Ave.
They Aio Veiy Complete nnd Aio
Contained In n Boole of Fifty
Pnges Will Be ronunlly Rend
This Afternoon nt the Inspection
In Recoider Council's Oillce Fire
men Must Pny Their Debts Satis
faction Expiessed nt Tests of New
Fiio Engine.
Tho new ttllos ami tegtllillous vvhlih
hive been piopaieil b. Dlleitol of
Public Safety f. I.. Wot nisei fm the
govelilllKtll of tbo llio ilopittuielit af
ter October I and which ate to be fm
mally lead to the men tills iiftettioou
lu Hecotdcr I'tiuueU's olllie ate piob
ably as complete its unv slmllai tules
now lu foi ce lu any of tho mtinli Ipall
tles of tho coimti v.
They woto luepaied by the dim tor
aftet ho had catefully cxiimiuvd topUs
of the lilies obtaining in all the huge
t'lllt'M of Hie eoitnttv mid ate ioiiiaiii-il
lu a titutlv bound volunie of llfi.v p.igis.
Hacb iiieiubi t of the dop atint'lil Is to
be furnished with ii topy and a general
in del will be Issued iliteding that the
lilies bo familial led by all.
The tules piovlde that all tipplh nuts
for appointment to positions in tho
ilepnitlllelil tlltlst be c ItlZelts ot the
f lilted States nnd losldents of Set mi
ton for two .vears pi lor to their ap ton. They must be not less Hi in
twenty-ouo or mine than thirty-live
vims of uge. They must be at least
live foot, seven Inches high, must weigh
at bast ITi pounds ami must have u
glith ot thtst of at least Hilitv-tivc
im lies.
The ihlef of Hie tlepattinutlt Is given
power nud iiuthotlty to enlorio good
oider and discipline iimoiig the nit n
uud to have ami et'iclsi supienie mm
maud at nil liies. Ho Is dlieiled to
it-It t'tu b tile house at least ome a
month foi the put pose of insptctiou
He Is elilpoweted to summailly suspend
f diii ilutv unv pet son under his toni-
lunml tot n llagiant violation ot the
lilies. ,. s tlliected to keep all at -count
of the quantity, kind and i au
dition ot the hosy possessed by t ,u ll
The captains of the seveinl ((imp lil
ies .tie glvt ii loiiiplete lonttol of th"lr
lespectlve lilo houses and ale lo be
held dlliotlv lesponslble lor the cite
of the same ami for tbu discipline iii.iiu
taluid th-iein. Tht captain ol the
Hist t'ompanv aiilviug at a the s giv
en loinmatid until a supei Im otlli el ai
liVt'S. They aie tlliected to pliilllptly pt
ft r c liuigt s against nli.v uieiubei of til. lr
toinpaiilts who violites unv of the
lllbs of the lli'IMI ttllt lit. 'I Ili'V must
coudtiil a toll tall ovety moinliig tit
in o i lot k bv whlili time nil uoioss.nv
vvolk about the house bo Com
pleted. Thev nie till ot ted lo kt op theli
liolises Hie fiom lollllgeis ami to s, ,,
that the pienilses nie kt pt licit ami
Tlie elllvtr of imiIi coinp.itiv Is given
t hinge of tho biases and (.tables ami Is
expeettd t i ioep the s.nne in good i on
dlllon. All e uses ut sickness .inning
the hoists tlltlst lit llilllleillatel.v te
poi ted to the dim tor All lloises upon
letllllllllg to the hotfe attel nil iilaim
ot t Nt It se must be gloolueil Until tllite
iliy. lloises must be even Heil tor two
limns each dn.v et t pt on Sumlav ami
dining stcnni.v woithei, in iciisng
the hoists the.v ,ao not to be taken
mine than thiee blinks liom Huh
quintets ami mo mil to ho diiviii at
a speed glcitei than live miles an hum.
Hilveis mo tsptilall.v wiiiued against
ill IV lug ovt'l bose.
Hill II pet 111,1 lli'lll liieiuaii is dim led
to wear his helmet nt all Hits, liming
to ami limn Hies s stilttl.v ptohlbilid.
Ittikless and Impiudtut dilving lu ie-
spolldillg to an .ll.lllll is lo be gll.ll doit
Tile Miles piovlde that no Intoxicat
ing Illinois shall be ki pi oi thank in
ol about aiiv of tht file holts, s and
gambling of auv kind ot vunttv Is
Mtlitl.s piohlbntil, ('aid idaviiig is
48c. 50c Laps tor 39c.
Children's $2.00 Coats. 95c
Children's 56.50 Coats.$3.50
Ladies' $700 Coats 3.88
Ladies' $12.00 Coats.... 5.05
Art in the
He millions of aiiv kind dlsphiv the attlstlc
tan. I Ami good taste Is always apptcclateil
ftvcrvotio is assisted in making
the stis k lu eU'iy ilopattuiont Is
bv any bouse
A beautiful Hue of JatdliiPtes of nil kinds, nil
Hlvles. And this s Hi. season when plants will Im
tho house lu this ji.itt of Hio coimti)'
See tin so, the now est shapes, sliles nnd decoration),
i cvvt.a;
5 flPtf V MJIIr &
2 ueo. v. iYiiiiar x.
m T.TPtMe-g: JL Tl
The Celebrated Hlastic Felt Mattress made by The Scranton Bcfl
Qllip Company. We malVe and selt all kinds of mattresses, pillows,
box divans, cushions. We carry large stock of lino Brass and IrOD
HcdS, tlie best made. WllllCOItlb and BerilStlCIl.
Upholstery. We do the beat in town. Let us fix up your furnl
ture now, while you aren't using it
Lackawanna and Adams Both 'Phonej
l-or Reliable Fur Goods call and
examine onr stock of
Seal Jackets
Persian Lamb Jackets
Heaver Jackets
Fleet ric Seal Jackets
Near and Seal Jackets
Fur Capes
Xt'ck heart's
.Mini's and All Oilier kinds
or Furs
Also, il you wish your old Puts
Repaired, bung them in as soon as
possible. All kinds of fur repairing
t'uilildili I! nn Sun,aH mid ntltl' 1U p.
in oil null 1I.111 Smoking ill tht"
M.ihli-i is plohililltd Mi lulu 11 of tint
tlt'pai tint-lit .111' vvniiit'd aguliixt inter
im, a ".iiiiiii In unil'it m
Tin' iiiiiiilifis of 1'iit'h iiiiiipanv- aio
iliiiclt'il to 1 1-". II M-att'il. mid .-ilutu
wltt'll till' (ill ci tm of public .s.lfftv 01
till' 111 t' t Visit". Illl'lr lll!lltt'IM uud
ill. n nn ftii tint- dim ti'd to '-alutf
thi'li 1111101 lor ollltt'iH iiht'ii linking
thfiii on tlif siu-i t.
Il Is iiiovldi'd that no iii'-m Ihm ot tht"
ilfpailiui'iit slnill 1 ihi unv p.ut in pol
ltli"', I'M fit to mt Iiiu nt Auv
nn lulu 1 who liMtmii's a th ii gait' to
itu.v I' cnii'iis in couvtiitloii 01
wlto iiiti'ptx a Imi loi nny I'lt'C
thf ollli'f Is In hi' I'uiisidi'H d us having
vutiitt'd Ids- I'li'dt Imi No iiiHiuhi-r ul'
Iho ilt'pni luit'lit shall In tu
c unit lliuti' an num. to nuv
p.lltv ol ilssiti latlnll
Any ollli'i'i 01 liifiiilit'i ol tho dt'p.11 1-
int'iit 1 oiiMldfiiiig liliusi If iiggiit'Vi'd by
tilt' ill dels ill conduit of II supt'iiiil utll
1 'I Illll.' lUl'li'l illlllgt'S llgllllHt J-lll h
utile tt to the iliii'ti.n lu willing The
1 nl. ngiiiiling tlif paving ot ill-Ills' bv
tin- mt'iiili'ls ill llif ih'p nttiit'iit W us
tolloivs .
No nifinlii'i shall m 11 or ns-ilgii his
shIiiiv ol llirlir or i initial t nuv debts
01 liahillUiS whlili he l.s uuihle 01 un
willing to piv, ot ui'ghcl 01 leftist' to
hounialily diiiliaige and luomptl.v pi
all debts mul i ontiai Is made bv him"
Violation ot nli.v of the lilies is to
hi- lonxldeletl 11 gl.lV'e (lli't'lise itnd .s ill
stiliji'i t tlie ulti iiilci, unless he Miovv.s
that he is without blnine. to "tensnif,
it'piimiiuil, lurfi Itiiic of p iv foi t-omt
ilellulte time uud line not to i i i ed i'M
ot illsehaigo Iiiiiii tlie st'tvlee."
The otieii"is for whit Ii the men must
st.iinl 1 1 lti 1 uti lu It My us follows:
I 'ill i less ol ItiklihH llliVlllg ol ill K -lug
IP lov.s lloe, gloss in It.ilitlll.ll f.lle-i-ssfss,
Inellli li-iii oi Im iiiac Itv ;
iieglet i or ditty. IiHiis.Ii atlon dlsoideilv
loiidiiit, li'glect to pay within it lea
Hiinulil length of Unit' a Juwt debt lu-
I III led Willie 111 till 1-el V II e, hpltMlllllK
II tlllse It MHt ill gossip :t bull I unv fel
low lllelllliel of the tlep.ll I llletlt . Illaklllg
nil llllellliolllllb flllsf ollhltll lepuit,
IP glei t to ive.ll lllilfollU ol badge. Ilh
M'lne Without leiive, lo obey II
sup' i Im ollli er or violation uf auv ut
tin nil' s
. .
rlltllge.s tlie to lie it tftl ttl tO tilt!
dileitol llllil til II t be liudt Wlthlll thll'
t dtl.VS nllei lilt nlleged offeli-if. When
tl 1 1 till Is ulti. 'It'll the ili'C'llsed IH to 1)0
siispt ndi'd until it Is ovei. The tilals
nie to lie held In .n i oidalii c with the
plnvisloll ot the llppel bill govellllllg
the sum.-.
Tin waling ot n uuirotm ut nny
)iiie ol amusement hall, potty or puli
llt iissi.mbly Is lot lilddi'ti nnd uiembeis
tile llllltllllltd IO In lllWIIVM lllltiflll of
111, 'If pi'lBiill.ll iippeiliani'i' llllil to liev
oi appeal Willi lliiii in snllttl or
lit' Il shoes Ullhtilc kt tied.
V w
Tile lests III the llt'W III f engine
dining the iast week uei,. a levelntion
to the huge unijniltv of tllo til 111111
mid Ilium iiiii i iigeiits. who wltnesst'd
lli'lll. It wns not thought bv uuvhodv
that the uiglne would lie tilde to thiow
hilt II Stlflims ,1H It litis pi llW'i! itself
iiipahlc of thinning and the geiieial
volU't'llSIIS Ot iipllllllll nil tile llll t of
those who saw the lest.s wns that the
$.. (ii'O paid for the Men hit could not
hnvi' lieeu better Invested and Hint
with this new plere of nppiii'.illl, till'
(lie depaitnii'iit Is In position to ropu
with iinytluiig In tho llio Hue cM-uiit u
geiieial loulliigiutloii.
The new I'llsllie In one of the tests
tin el.' two puut'itill Itn li uud u half
HticiiniH of waler u illstanit! !!.i' feet
or further '' " kuu'1 muny feet than
nn othor eiiglno In tho iloimttmrnt
can thiow one sltiain. Chief I-Viber
bit ihul hu tiv".'LtM tu haw no ttoublo
ability of tho
solet lions In this
new, and of the
store booausa
latest, shown
Co iU WjMtf AT6NI0 5
tu, Walkl. .aJ L.ak Ar.-d(l.
For Well Dressed Women
Silk Lined Suits, from $14
up. The $14 Suits are in
Pebble Cheviot, Swiss Taffeta
lined. We would also invite
you to the attention of our
From $10 Up.
Our Policy
In conducting this business is to
give our patterns the best possible
"Shoo Vnluo" for their money.
This is why we sell the famous
SON Shoes for men. They'ie tho
best for tho price.
TOR THE LADIES we have, we
believe, the very best shoo for 3.50
ever ninde. It is called tho "DOR
CAS." Our Childten's, Boys' nnd Youths'
Depaitment is full of "Best for the
Money" Shoes.
UjDis, Riiddy,
Dauies & Mlirphq,
330 Lackawanna Avenue.
.about an liisiiille lent t-upply of water.
I btlleve vvevc got all the water vvi
want " "uie! he the other day, "and I
think that the test on Tiieselny pioved
that. We onl had foity-llve pound
of until Hun but we managed to
thiow u stuam a distance of nt.arly
Kill) fe. t "
The m w engine is tunv (itiarteted at
the Nay Aug engine house" and will bo
di iwn bv thu t' Nay Aug team.
Chief IViber tit fhst thought that it
would leipilit" thiee hoises to pull It
but he has derided that the Incieiisn
in weight Is not Mtfllrlent to wan ant
a thiee how hitch. The old Nuy Aug
sti'uiiior In to be teniovod to tlm
Willi im Council hose house on l'ltts
toii uveiiue where It will Im hold In
teseivi'. It will not be taken out un
it i ii.'i'deil. Tlio AVIlllnni Council
house was rhoeii beeause theio Is
niote loom to .spue In It than lu nny
otlnr the house In tin city. A tem
po) my Mieit is tieing constiuciou in
the tear of the Hook .mil Ladder housn
fm the in i iiinniuilatlon ot thu old
hook uud lulder titiek. which In nls.o
tu be kept In tescrve for the present,
A eei tain councilman who does not
ib su liU naniij to. bu mentioned just
now' will make an effort to have a
i lause liisoited lu the building ordin
ance now being prepated by Hullding
Inspector ltiown and city Solicitor
Watson piovldiug foi' tho erection of
Maud-pipes In nil buildings ot more
than thiee stm bs high which may be
elected In tho city In the future. He
lie lli'M'M Hint nil such building, should
have a island pipe on evety lloor so
that In ense of ix lite In the upper
stoiles it would be possible to conned
n hose illicit to one of them without
thu necessity uf tunning a line trum
the hvdrant on tho mutest cornet. ,
Two peuuancnt men whoso names
liiieetor ot Public Safety Wniniser,
reliised to dlsi lose. Weie up betore lilm
liming the past w ek (lunged with
cieatlug a little dlstui bam n on a,
stieet car lunnlng ouiisldc tho city
limits bi'causc the condmtor tcfused
to i my them ftcc, his ordets being to
miry them free only Inside tho cltv
limits. The ilntctor said that tho In
vestigation li'venleel that thu alleged
otfetiHo was not riy serious ono nud
said that If any puui.slmuui Is netted
out It will be light.
Hi ii ml poulliy exhibit, West 1'lttston
fail', Sept. 1TO),