'.'1 tf iVtt in w-- ribtitie. .&v tf&v THE ONLY SCRANTON PAPER RKCIilVlNG TUB COMPLETE NEWS SERVICE OH THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, THE GREATEST NEWS AGENCY IN TUB WORLD. SCKANTON, PA., MONDAY MOUNIXCJ, SHrTMlliHK Hi, I001. TWO CENTS. TWO CENTS. J I I II II I I ill gjaaamiBiW CTBsU!ggg "wntf i)BWJR3feff(iBBfeffaWl""?r- 1 FUNERAL OF THE DEAD PRESIDENT flQhtij Thousand Persons View the Remains as Theu Reposed In the Gltu Hall at Buffalo. JOURS WERE EXTENDED Wns the Intention to Have the Body Exposed fiom 1.30 to 5.00 O'clock but So Gieat Was the Throng the Doois Were Not Closed Jn it . il. tin ImhK tif Ur doad lu 1 u" lili f ii ji Oencinl Brooke In Command. .v..jm (liiieiiil .Inlin It HionU". de lta 1 1 iii.-iit i ininiiiiiili'i, ln mi pel -ouiiillv In i iininiiind of nil tin- rnncs p.i" Hi ipntlng In tlii' i"ii "I I, unlM'l at in 01 link Id" was (n fatigue tinlfiuni with setvlit swni'il nt III Midi' Aintinil lis lr ft nun wiii wound a he.ii) burnt 11 in in- With hlin wei his iildix, noil 11 huh 11 iinii' of fitlit'i" nlllt or, nil In Irtlgtio iinifoini with the budge of I" 'Ultl'lllg Oil till II sh'Cle 'I'lh tliiii- wns now appinui hlng for tlii- il(t". The ttniiip of the iiKoeluli ling mllltur' could bi" hi'inil. utlil tin' walks lending to tin" Mllbiiin house .. 11 . 1 1 1 . ci 1 c..,.i.. I begun to In- llni'd with those who wile Until Midnight-Simple Se.vlces I M!s,nb1ed about the bl. . live,, nt the Mllbutn House P1I01 to the Removal of Cnsket Pi ogi amine of tho Washington Anangements. Mis. McKinley Booting Up Well. Czolgosz to Be Speedily Tiled. Death Mask Taken of Pieslc'.ent's race. lli Iv lu.iit" Wire fr mi Tin1 "uiiat.il I'ri.. lillflillo. Sfpt. IV Htlfl.llo I01l.1v lit .,11111 uiltv of iniilliiilng. Till' Kill mid il linllU ilt'inlu'lons of the l'.UI-Alilcl I . 1 I 1 Xpnsillon gave Nil)' to till" - 111 ibl of stiiiow. Tlii' Ii1.it K illnpi'iv of 1 1 Itv s stteets inullleil the tolling lirlli- of tho t him lies, lilts of tlepe a Plum (! on even 1 t x . The son nil' w is eveiywhere nimi'iit. In the 11101 nlug 11 simple sen he took 1'Iik o nt the icsldetiio on Pcluwnio vctim wheie the tutu l re 1 piesldmt dlrd. A liMim wns snug, unit piner w is nffi ii'il omm tho iIimiI boilv Tli.il as all dill) lhi inn ni'il hi t fmiiily anil tin fi lends mil pnlitliul assistants of the lute piesldent wete ptesfiit 'I lit' Mint- thi'le wni piitlntii 111 the i" tfiiii' Tht'ii tin' body wns bin no out to ihi' wultln mitege on tin- biuwny sltouldtis of eight "-.iiloi mill soldleis Of till lfpUbllt. Tin' lilltego passed thtongh Milld wnlls of living I111111 in ns, b.iu bended mill giief-stth ken, to the 1 il h.ill. while tin" body lay in stiitr this tiltt'i noun Their 11 it'UMi K.ible ib'inonsti ntlon it nil ted. whlih pinM'il how 1 lose the ptesident wns to the henits of the peo ple Aliuligeiiimts had been ninde to allow the publU to view the bodv . fiom the tune It HI lived, nt libollt 1 1(1 0 1 lot k, until about ." o't m K. I'ut the ncnple weie wedged Into the sliects for bloi ks. Two lines weie foimetl. Thev 1 telldeil lltel 1 1 1 foi llliles. VI'n " o't Ini k i nine lil.liiiit people h,ol pi i nil passed mil llle t muds uniting bt low In the stlicls seemed lllldllllln- 1 ' 'il It wiik ilei lib d lo eti ml tin- time until midnight. Then lor bonis Iniigci the stieels weie ill iim' with n ople mill i iinstmit slteuui HoMid up the steps of the in ii ill eiitimne Into the h.tll anil passed llle Iiiei Win II the iloois weie ' loseil m inl'lnii;hl It was estimated lint snofui ie hud It m d the t e- m ilns but thousands nt disappointed 01 es were still ill the slieets. The botlv Mill lie 111 the illy hull until mntiilug It wdl be taken to the station b n n, Hit ii j esi in t toluol low 11101111111' mid i' s '.11 the fiineial tiulu tonslsilng of s. it 11 huh, will stmt lor Washington I mi the Pennsylvania 111lho.nl Mis M lllllt. til" pll'.sldellt. Hie 1 llbillet in I i"lalles and fllends of the ibinl pi Mil' nt will in louipimy the leinulus. Mis Mi Kllilev bole up bluvclv Indiiy during tile -1 lilies III tile Mlltlllll) iPsliltnie, mid I'l. liixe), liel phvsl- II in, thinks she will be able to suppoit It t ti.vlnu: p. ill In the stale tillieial at ishliiston DETAILS OF THE DAY IN BUFFALO Simple Sei vices Held nt the Milbiuu House Remains Lie in State at the City Hall. fy Tiflmlvt Win- fru'ii Tlif niliinl I'rtM "IIHJI n House Hulfulo. riept U!. Tee iliij was may mill ihelless. l'i iy eloiids iiiini; iiiei the 1 ity. nt tun 's bieiikliiK to let thioiish 11 iltt of si'iuhine mid then tlneiileiilliK to let 1. 'ise a iloVMipoili upnn Mt Ritthei Inn ti ililturte. 'I III air wtih humid mid Imij, and onl a llcht wind fiom the sr.nih stilled th" dinnplin; iIiirs mid the emblem of iimui nini; The eiv I'lenieiltH seeuifd to lend llttliiK ne (.. nipiinlllieilt to the scene of sniinw about to be en u'tetl i 1 I1K b-'foie the lime set fur i1k f mini seilies the vlelnlt of the M ll'iur house was astli wltb piepnia t ns At il o'i'loik. loin; platoons of I ,1' otllit'is, inouiiteil and 011 tom, m ilvtd at Hie kioiiiuIs and weie iusiu In I'etftlls aloiiK the stin ts uppio.ith. i' S tilt house, l'n i' 11 lilm k In e.trli 0 ntlon. the stieets weie taped off to k'ii br.ck the KuthriliiK tiowilj. The Miiilanee of the ollle'is In keeplnp; l.,i I, tliure not eiitllled to admission will in the iesHed menu wiib re tit lit led. mid tliiwe Hiiiuiiioned to the PiiiKe. the uiilfoiinod est nit or innn li tis tint' thiwt whose bulliess inipera tlnl, IiioukIU llieni theie passed v.'thlii the four btiuaie pietlnt't about amid the stii of asseniblitn;. a soleiun ami awelike slleni'e pieMiibd, ami the division of the t'seiii I i ,11110 to thill' posts w lib sii. nt bands At in :iti o't loi k the iiillltm.i mid II.IMtl delui hill, lit look tenipni.lt V ettil Hun on West I'eiiv stiett mound the eoini'i fiom the Mllburn lunise ritt 1 nine I'oiup.nili s 1 and I, of the Pout teeiith fulled States liifnutli, sialltilled at I 'nit l'oitei, undei toiiiinaiiil of 1 'ii lit it In John I!, Tallin. 111.111 IiIiik with the ste.idv tieiid mid boailtiB of leKiihiis t'otltiw lui; them i mue a (.out pan.i of the Sei nil -Ililnl 1 oast attll lety now on dutv at the I'an-Atneil-iiiii exposition. In lonimand of Cap I llll .Inhll 1 Welssei. These weie the men who had In . n near the pitsldeiit at tin' moment he had been "-hot and who I'loK pait In the siiimule with the iifsjssin. The national kiiiiiiI of the state of N'ew Yolk wil'i repirseilted by pit l.ed lompanles fiom the Seielltv lollilh mid Seent-sth leKliuellts undei uiiiiiiianil of Ciptaln lltiwland. Tin 11 the Happing of the 111lllt.it v aim of the si 1 It i" r,ie way to those of the l'nlt"il States n.iy as llfti nun fiom the fnlleii States minboat, Mb hl Kan. uiiilei' t oiiiiiiand of Lieutenant Mliiuix swiiiik into position nioiiKsldo tlnli iiiilit.it In i-tlu 11 In aims. The i.aial outing' ill had unhid onlv this luiiiuinK In 011I1 1 that all biaiuhes of the iniilnii, naval and mailiie sen lie IIUKllt be IUUiikIv lepltsmtid At Hell head in in hid a ilet uhiueiit of mm lues in their duik blue tiuifoiiiis and with lllh'e Kilt tlllllllieil helmets. Aitir them tame the blue jukets with opi n tllioated Mill is, theli nn-( bl.uk mtk seal Is in salliii knots, tin li ''l nw li s ami salloi hats. Sailois and 111 nines mantled with their slim t eai blnis.it shouldi r nuns. The entlie nill Ituy and naval foite tunned In 1 0111 panv fi tint on West IVny stieet anil tilt li- awaited the time fni the s,. v It es to in ma Fiomiuent Civilians. Mciinlme lh mciiibiis of I lie ( abl liel otliilnN IiIkIi 111 the KOV el lllliellt si 1 vite and n.'ir fi lends of tin 111111- IV led pi. "Si..il lit'Kllll to llll llll" VMllks leadliiK up to the enliniiii' of the Mll biiin leslileiii . Thev eullle separately mid in moups, wiiiic vviiIKiiik, while those lit tan lines wete iiilniltli d with in the loped elli loMlle up to the tuib Seeietntles WIKoil mid llitt Iii'ik k tliove up loi,"thei, mid with bovvt d heads entiled the house Coveinoi' Odell. of N'ew Yolk, ill live llll with Ills sent Inn mid llepie'-entutlve l.ut Ills I.lttmu nt N'i w Y 1 1 1 K . and following the uoi 1 1101 1 mne Major !i ueial line, I onunaiiili'i of tin' National (111, ml of Nih Yolk, with his s fi of aides, all 111 full iliiilm in. Sitietuiv Moot wulked to the house with Jit. mid Mis. Spiiiirtie, at whose house he has been II miest slin ' IliM siiinmoueil in the tltv 'I'wo and I Wo, a bum line nt 111' II of Mmillled b" ,11 In,' inmi bed Up to st e the holl-e '.he foielmi 1 nlllllllsslonel s sent In I lie exposition mid itftei thelll the slate 1 oinniNsioni 1 u Hi,, nthei mem b. is of the (iiblnet In the iltv, Sc(e- ltoinev (idieial lxliox, 1; "iieial Smilh mid fileud exeeiitlve, S"iuitor llmiiia, tinveinius Yntes, Odell and ItepleselllaliVi s livaii mid Mnjoi iteneial Itiooke. Tl. II II Kohls tat and iiiuiiy I'llV 1,0111; I'oslnuisli'i of the Into I ml j- I i.iy. lilt'HOI s. AleMlUlb'1 . II Huili'i olllelS Biebident Roo&evelt. It w is lll-l elKhl Inllillles belole the opeiiini; ol the si 1 v It e when a invent! b.llollihe dloVe Up to the house, InlllK lllr I'lesidellt Itoosevelt illld Ml lllld Mis Wlb ox, it whose home he Is a iri.esi Tlie pi.'sldtnt looki d veiv kiiivh as hi' nllKlii(d and tinned to ussist Mi. mid Mis Wilt on fiom the 1 milage. Ills taei did not lelav Into 11 smile to Hie salutations of those neaiest tin illlliiR.' but he at know It tint tl the Kii'etliiKS slleiiitv ami with mi intima tion of the head Woul passed lip the vvtll-lllb'd wall: that the piesldent had milled, nntl llio-e waillllK to Klllll ell 11 am e fll Imik, mriKliiK a iianovv lane tlUOUKll whlill Ml Itoosevelt passetl iiloni; to the house Ab the pinddmt p.issed within the lunise mid the seniles weie about to Iipkih llle linn: line of soldleis mid sailois Mviiuu In Piilumim of fouls Into I), limine iivnite and foiineti In Int uition fi tint nli in ir the beautiful thor olIKhfllle opposite the house and Inline, ill. lit l.v frirlllB It (111 the I'Ntlenie left weie the .mi- l.tts. on iiie t'mit the siiiiois mill mil. lines in ihe tenter tin national KiiaiilMin 11 Tin v stood at prnade iest. With minis loweied, ellll link' wound about Its s'"ff mid bound with tiepp. The lionl of tin hniise mid the lawns had if t ( i.iiid b this time mid the SWeep of avelllle WHS HOW (lespi ted S.IVe 101 the ilKld nioiloiili'ss inuks aeioss fiom tin Iioiisi Anivnl of tho Heatse. The snvbe li.nl nli'eiuly bej;iin win 11 then ,m n 1 l.ittet of hnofH down the avenue and fnin HlepplitK bl.uk Iioisih tame In to view ivlth thu oaski t vvlibh was in 1 11-, 11 the dead It wns a heavy v.'hlile without any plumes 01 any liiipliliiws to iclleve the dead lihu k, The hearVe halted at the oilier to UW.ilt the tonilusion of the servlees. Uutslde thu Iiuuhu thi-iu was u huir luiiir of flllenre nnd waltlliK. Within the house of death was woe unspeak able. In the dnnvltiR loom t" the ilKht or tile hllll OS I'lt'Kltlcnt Itoosevelt ell teietl the dead chieftain was stietthed upon his blei. Ills head was to Ihe iis.inr sun. tin his fine was wiltten tin sloiy of the Christian fiiibeaianee 1 ".I vvhleli he had met hl mmlMibim. Cil.V the thinness of Ills f.iee boie mule tistiiiioiiv to the n.itbnt suffeilng he bad eiiiluieil. lie was tlltssed lis he n'wnvi' was In life The blaek funk (tint was buttoned nnoss the bie.it lllii the III st bullet or the assassin hid strtu k. The blink stilus tie below toe stutidltlK tollni" showed the Utile tl'nnKle of the while shlit fiont The 111,'ht hand lav lit his side The left was lit loss his tmtiv. lie Io'iki'ii lis mil l.nnr, of his couuti .linen have Kent lilm. .sive for one thlliK. The little liadite of the leiyal I.eKlon. the only decoration he ever w 01 e, width was alwas In the lett lapel of his toat. was nilsslim; And those who 11 mm knl It spoke of II, and nftei the body was taken to the 1 It V hall the little bad,'" whlill he ptieil thiiillKli life was phieed at,'.ilti whele It had nlwnvs been The body lav In a bl.n k casket on a link be.llskill till?. Uer the lower l.nibs was HiiiiK the staitv baiiii -r he hail I0V11I v() well. The lloWi'M weie tiw, as befitted the siiib' lllltllle of l'n man Two sentries, one ftoiu th" si 1 and one from the land, mmided the jeniains. TheV stood 111 the win now (MlibttlMllos behind the lle'ld of Hi. ia'-ket. The one to the 1101 th vvum .1 selKMilit or lllf.llltiy. In the other wim'iw was tin j-nlloi. iraibed' In the In ie btlle blouse ni the tia.. Mis. McKinley. TI." fi.inllv had taken have of their I m. I one befole Ihe olllets nitlvid. Mis MiKltll.V, Ihe pout HI lef-eilishetl w i'ow, had In en ltd Into the clumber bj '.n'i phvsh Ian, Di KIX(V, und had Kit 1 while .iliow with him who hid siipiKited und t onitortetl her thioimh nil thtli ears of wedded life I'ut lliiuph b m suplioit was (,'ont ahe und not In okeu down. Hiy-eyed, die if.tetl upon lilm i iiil fondled his f.11 ... SI11 did not si , Me to teallve that he win dead Then she was led iih.iv bv In. Itlxe.v and took up In r position nt th" lead of the stairs vvheie she toiiM hem the set v lie. Mis llobllt, the V idou of the Vlte pre.sldelit dill lllff Ml. Mtixllllev's Hi's t teim. Mis l.afuvette M V'llllunis. of C'hlr.ih'o: Miss U.iibei, Mls Miiij llai'lier and 111. I!lej. le 1 in. pet' with her time. The other i.iembi'is of the family. Air. and Mrs. A'mer MtKlnlev, MKs Helen McKln lev, Miss Dune. ill, Mi. and Mid. Um bel, Pi', and Mrs. H ier. had koiic lino tlii' lllnaiy to the 1101 th loom Whele lae t.isket lav, ami heie also iritheieil oilier 1 1 lends, wheie Ihe .strvbe was In Id The fllends and plllilli lli'iu kites of the de id man all had oppni luiilty to X lew tile lemallis befoie the set v lee be Kiin The mt inlifiH ol the talUui't had taken tin It leave lit fine the olhets illllved. Thev leinallitil seated beside their dead 1 lllef while the sad pioees slon viewed the bod.v. They weie on the ninth side of It. About a hundred ill all saw the bod.v. Some weie ovei t nine with gilef at the se,ht of the thin, plat id (outitelianie that tin It flumes shook In tonvillslve sobs. Sev -eial (linn; to the side of the lib r and with tliltitllltv 1 1 Ml til be pel south d to ltave Almost tiny lute wti te.n -"laliied. The Rieat love for ibis man ( hok( it all In the house Senator llmiiia. who had laiilv woi- shliptd his (le.nl I1I1 ml tot .veils, in teietl tin mom but did not appin.iih tile casket. Ills l.Ke WHS set like that of an lion willed man who would not b t down the Luiili'is of his m lef. The senitiir 'piue to no one. Ills ejts wne v.iiaut He Ms"-i'd tluoiiRli the thitiliK mid suited hlni-elf lit hind (!ov 1 mil (lip II, ilnklui; f.11 ilowu lulu his t hair and lestini; his hr.ul upon his hind PuililR nil tin Mil be that fol low 1 d he did not stir Ptesident Anives. .Mist letoie 11 o't link I'lisltlellt T.'n.MVelt entiled. ((.1111111; In the loom In 111 the I'M I. I 111 (illKll the llbl.HV, I. vi IV one was tinned tow.lld the picib't lit. lie paused once or twite to sli.lki lliillds slleiillj, but theie was ro si, lib tr .11 1 ninpnnv his KiiethiKs, Tin p'ei-lilcnt appe.iietl to be stfellni; I1I111 self foi a look Into the f.ue of hlin ,i l'oe death Ikld made lilm the 111 -I ll'iel of the Win Id The tension ill tin ii mi was sTi"at. Kvervone seenn d to be W. dill-!. Tile inllllstel of tile (11I--p I spoil with llle HolV Hook 111 Ills li mil leadv lo b.'Rlli. I'eihnps It i'l;ht hnve beiii slxiy M-nunl it s 1 lllfd lollrffl 'I'heil Ihe plesitl'iii tinned anil at tin i-ame time ndvnliiod ' a step. He bowed Ills hi ad ami looked down 11:1011 the man who-.e bunleii ami n spoiisibdltv he hud taken tlii. I.onji he Razed, HtimdliiK linniiivable save lor a twltthliu; of the muscles of the thin as he laboifd with heavy bieath to lepiess his emotion. At last he supped bark Colontl liliiKluini, the aide to the piesldent. standliiK at the side ol the loi al C'iMtt'lvnl! Rhinced 111 file tlhet-tlon or Iiev. ('hniles 1M wind I.oeke, of tho peliwiue alethndlst Kptetnpil thiiieli, who was lendci Iiir; the snvbe The pistni was at the tliinr leadini; Into the hall, u sl.illoii wheiKi his woids could be In aid at the head of the sinlls. The slitiuil was Riven mid heie w tiled out fiom he hall the beaiitiliil woids ol "l.end, Kindly I.lKht.'' supk bv a iiuartetie. It was 1'iesldeiU SleKlulev's lavnilte hmn Kvei.vnne within sound of the niiisle knew of Ii find half of those In the 1011111 put their rates In tlnli hands 10 hide theli ten in. Ctunpnolli 1 Pawes leaned against a bookcase and wept. I'lesldilit UoostVPlt st cnieil to lie sway- Iiik to and Ho as il his foniliiK w -it' Inset inc. Wlien the slnRlllR ended the 1 ! 1 jy nian lead from the vvoiiks of ihe llf teiMilh ihopter of the 1-Tist Coilntlilans. All had ilsen as he bepan and remained standltiK tllloURllollt the leiniilndei of the sel vl( e. AR.lIll the volns ins with the woids of "Neiiui. My find to Thee." the v ei y woids I'lesldeut Mi--Klnley had lepeated at Inleivals of 1 otiM lousness duiliu; the d i of iiRony berme he died. Am the llllisle tiled awny the pastor spoke iiriiIii. "l,et us piay," he said. He begun his Invoca tion with a Htaiia 1 1 (mi 11 livinn siiiir n the Methodist UlUtc.ll. ills pi.i.Ml was ns. follows: (Hi, led, imr In li In 11-" pet (ini li'ii' f.r ;mi to mint. Our she In r fiom tin li)ini.i I1I.1M, And cjui itirual livniu We, Tut mrnnlt. Iiutiilili tirttnli Tlire ( r iiiiiill'.tiiiii in 'I 'Ho four J ue mine lulu 'II v triM'iui' We liinl nlnl lilichifi 'Itiv lull luine Hint 1 r tlM line tr till '1 l.v Kmnlm v. Mi' mini till iiiiln 11. mil I'll', ih. .ti ililiktn "llli fin uliiltiiltiV . rr iv we 1 omn In I hoi 1'iirnbi' 111 fr nnr ilmilil. .mil fin. iinl (allciiiik! (illli, irilnn ill ini ai. iitnl hliniii iitiilliks innl lnlp tin In no "Mil will lie il ,i,c " In llil. ituk nlL'lit ( Kll(f nl'iiti' Willi lit til! the iliniunir s iV I,, ,mr timililnl nil., O (linl, lid Kite In 11. hi llil. In.lir of tililllli 1 il'le till I III." 1 1' in' Cllnl llilt Ullilll III! I'lMlllll' nib ihii itfuiil We tliinl; 'lliu 1li.il 1I01II1 W viiiii.i, Hut ' in tin I. miii", Inn. iiion i nt'ii in In tlii. ili.itliitiim of Tut inmiilnni li" lulii"ie In line we trint Tine -tinr (Iml ef leu'. Hie vinii M.-liiila, iinlit ml fnntir Wi tliiiik J li. r fir tlie tiii'iillkil life nl 'Hi 'a 1 int. (ill' iiiutiliil mi ii, lint, utiniii Hi, hi lii-l likui tn lilt ( munition, nn,l wc mi fur tlie liiul triuinpli ef nil III" ilMne itlnilik. nt pure ilurnlir nini In" K"-rimirnt for ulilih lie stunl ulilt" lie Iim il mill will. 1 1 wire Inpllnl In lilt l.l.w il in lit. ili'jlli. Id ir tuir inii'l' fni l,Uini! nl itii.iiltlluii iikii ill tliiwe vilm wire .i.Miililnl wiih liim in lli 111I111I11M1 itlmi nl 11" ntlilrs if tin (,'iwiiii 1111 lit lniidl luiiileif" 'lli iimiiu' lo 'lliv striuil, vslin li ia lid 11 "1111KI1 11b t illtd t" .i.iiini tlio Imh i.-iuinllillltv nf our 1 liltt in nrl.lt tie 1) (iml, I'liM cm' ilur inoiuii, inul j,niili the slup ef (.tile tUi'iluli "loi ln s. j. Ililp lii itiiili" In In Ijijm' In IIkIiI Hie Iniilit nf tin" I.1111I, iti.l Ml"" til M.ll" llll till i(ilii4 (if iKllIulll i.ruioii-ly In 11 11. iml t iii-u unr mni'mliii; I'lcstis. te io"t ni'dti tlio f null v iirili (f mir tl.piil il priMildil 'liiiil.ilt iii'tilii 'II1I111 lltliillllliil II UI'Ull Wliolll III" I1I11W if till. tlillliH lint In mil fill. Viiniiinnv lii'r, 1) (Ini, 1. llinii lui no nl. it lliruiiKh llil. iinl, v ill. .ml vliiilnw iinl 111.1 fli" fi ir no nil Ini uiM 'I lion uit with In r Mm Hi." 1,1 J' ' "I "iir I ..I.I I. .-it-. I Inbt tin Into (if (.ml tin' I itlnr, jinl it iiiimiiiliiii nf the Hi b Siurlt In Willi 11. ill ikiiuoii" Ann li All plesent Joined In the laud's I'luvei us the inlnlstet tepeated It, l'n shield lioosevelt's volte being lllldl- tiie at the li.uk or llie room. Ihe ser v h 1 s t 0111 lulled with a simple beliedlc tlnli. Haima, the Last. The llllieliil dliettor was about to step foi Willi! to plai" the cover oil the cnsket. When, Slldilelil , theie Wns 11 movement hi hind CloVellloi Odell. Sfli utoi lluuna, who hud ilseii, suw Hint the last nppni liinlti tn look Into the 1 ounteiimii e or his dead tileml had 1 nine. 1'iessiiiR foi w. ml. In mi Instant he was at the side of the tnsket and beiidlni; urn ami looklui; down Into It. Almost two minutes passetl and then he tinned iiwiiv und the tolllii wns dosed. I'oloiiel liimthiiin slmiallnl the body beaieis. I'ollt sailois, two lnfnntl sel Reants and two aitllleiv seiRcants hoit llle ( asket aloll and out oT the house. Tin- piesldent, cabinet und the otheis followed It. Mis. McKlnley mill the tin nibei.s of Ihe rninllv remained. The widow had passed iIiioiirIi the oideal biavely mid wllhnut IneakliiR down. The 11. 'lined niltses nnd the ptesldeiitlal attfedatlts ol the piesldent Rilllieied till the side poiih lo "-co the boilv taken uwav. It was within a mlutlte of 11 "0 o 1 bn K w hen Hut e loni; lolls of a muf- l.ed 1 llin told those outside the holl'-e thill the fuiU'ial college wns nbolll lo nppiii.itb. t'lom the dui ki'inol moms the Psi mhlllKe bi'Riin to file (lilt to the si'V( t. Soon the vvtilk and lawns V Me imaitl loveled with the silent liming, with heads bmed. At eveiy ruiiin n' the t.isket appem.'tl. "N'eani' Mv (.nil to Tll-i" ' asi ended III subdued strains fiom one of the military bands. Ttntleilv the beunr.s canled the ca.s- l'i t a in! iilmeil It In tin heat so. The ii'rii of Chopin's finical dliRe sre tmed the stialll of th- h inn. The (iidlns and sailois swung Into long column mid took up the Ioiir uianh soiiilwmil towmd the t Ity hall. I'l itltlit ISonsevelt came fiom the hoi se almost liiimedintelv follow Inpr th" ifket und eliteied the Hist cat- uiM' with Snietarx" l!ot, Attninev (leiit'i'il K110N cud I'ostinaster (leneial Smith The pivsldntlal cirilage fell In .ninit illately back of the est on. On each si p of the In'.iiM' walked a 1 -tachinrni of .soldieis nnd sailois, inl ine I'.'r.lclv link of the heaise inaiell"d a icii of (Irani) rmv of the 'te( t'i- lle vrtiiaiis, wlio had bet 11 assigned to this 1 ost of honor. As the fiineial toitige inovetl south, thiough Pelawme avenue towmd the tilv ball, It passetl thiough a vast 1011 ( 01110 or people filling the walks and noss slieets mid tlowdlllg lliillsi tops, windows and even available spac e or the buildings along th" line of 111.1 1 c ti . ROOSEVELT TAKES OATH Solemn Gercnionu That Makes Him President ol the United States. IMPORTANT STATEMENT PRESIDENT THEODORE ROOSEVELT. lli" r.lllrulil .liliuii Iii.mIiv rdnilik' Mn" In nrril tiiln will lone XV isliinicli.il il or abmtl S n'i lotk 'ln.'sili ittniin: inul lluit will miii' at ( .mtun ilnrinu tin ill Wnln mIu (Siniilll) .Inlin II11. s. i our ul hi no. J lll.11 Hunt. siiiiiirj f wjr .Inlin I) 1 1 nc. s.trit it of tin' run Hum II. Vlil'irljnl. tif tli" lio.inl t.f t i,nmii. ii.iii. is nf Hie f C .ilutlllill pievlousiy in 1 1 It 111 to leave 1'rtMilitit l)i-lrul The pi ogi amine ns Kinged was foi the BULLET MAY HAVE BEEN POISONED Autopsy Develops Gnngiene of tho Stoninch Nothing' Could Have Snved the Piesldent'8 Life. THE PROGRAMME AT WASHINGTON Remains to Lie in State nt the Cnpi toy, Wheie Religious Seivices Will Be Held. 11 HjcIihIw Wire from The Aocltfd Pre Wnshliigion, Sept 1".. Sei ictai v Hay today issued to the public the lol lowlug unnoiiiii 1'iiieiit t oik fining the fuiieial of I'lesldeut MeKlulev. II, , llllll, lit nf .1 m W i.liiti'.'i.in, si,t I", 1 ml lli" 11I111111. .11 lli. lili' imwiilciil ul' tin I mini SI.iIik, .lll.r bint; 111 UI" 111 tin nil lull. Ilnf fal.t. ilnlllik' Hi. .1I11 lliii'il if sninl.it, s, pi III, will be r.iiinMil in i-iiinsluii In .,"iljl tram mi MniitUt. sit, 11), I" it Iim llutl ilu ,U 11 a. in, inul n uliliiir Wd.liiiiiiiuii at 'i i in Hi" miMilio will Him I'" uiti"'l. inul. r 1 1," imuH nf 1 ni'inliuli nt flu t "I Mill. Iilljlll, In tin "S n uiivc nun-Ion, ulnn ih. win nut mil il 1 ii'ddik mi III. 111 nini.' if Tui'.ilit, s,M K 'Iinl will tin n li 1 inn, I p. tin tiiiiliil, .111,1111 luninl In' 1 iinlllint ami iltll ""nil, il" iltl til. nl wlili li will Ih kiihi In .1 "iiiul" 1101 li" Ilu, Itllllillt will ll 10 In tn .1 id IMIlIiiii h ilu" will lu lu'lil in tlie imniiili nf tlie 1 ipuol (II U.illll'.ill It 1 i o't link lliM'll VI I II 1 1 'ik tti" 1 . 111 lint iimli 1 :i iiiilitmi tfn.rt. will I"' linet.li.it I" 1 'UOiial mi' and iininl t' I ai Inn, Ohlii, tli tin l'i uieib mil 1 nil nl, Jim Ini; II11I" ' n Mnil.il-0 ut II 1 111 . wlinc .i 1 nui 1111 nl Mr lli" Inul mmli Ini will In t mi lllllttil In Hi" illllLn ul tln 1 1112.11. of ( mn 11 iimlir tli" ilinttliiii ( 1 inniiiiillii in l .elKlnl It llie ln.iMir nf lint 1111 N11 titniiniiK-. an rvpciti'il 111 Hit' titii't iml Iiivmh a Ion; In mill" of tin funeral Ham, l.i.toinl Hi" Inlin g if l.'IU liil,,l) 1 ..h II Hal. KIHllll of H ill l.uter In the day, tlie follnwlng state -inent. giving notice nt Important inodl llcat'ons in the fifiaiigenients, was fur nlshi'd Iim pni'.s: hi i. iiiplUihe w III tlie i"irmt wUlnit ef n Vlikliiln 1 li it lln" Inul nf Inr liil.lnnl i-tiiill ri.l III Inr Ionic 11 ( niton Wiilni'.ilo nl.tit ilu" ("I I .win; .linn.". In tliu olisiiiir nf tin lain ple-l (1(1 I will In in lJ( I Hut Hi" nun ml ."nun In tin roliunli if Hi" 1 iut(, will lie liM 'I in nl 0 niniiiiiitf on lli" iriltal of tln emit wiiltli will ii((iiniiii' tli" minim from tlio wlilte Imuti. II10 Inul) t.f Hi" tile prol'ltnl will He In Male In tin; lolumli l"r tlio riiiiilnkr el liicJjy and will U CKurtcJ to Wnshlngton ul " p 111. Wednesilav. Executing the Plans. The beads nf the villlous tlepmt tni ills und lli.'lr piltnlp.il assistants weie biisv today making m imiReineiits tor thepiopti exit ntlon ol so mm li or the finii'ial piogiamuie as fell to them lespectlvelv . SeitetuiJ llav tallie to bis desk eailv In the inclining and ie iiinlued thioiighoiit tlu-dnv. Though it was Stindav, uiblegiaius ot toudolente VVele still nulling tu the clep it tlilellt of state fiom all p.uts of the woild In the war ilepaitnietit, Ai ting Secietaiy Sanger was 111 1 ousiiltatbm with llen eial lilllesple, i'oloiiel Wind and ( len eial H.11 1 y nir'inglng for the tiiinspor- t.t'lnn to Wnshlngton of the tioops to p.lltlllpllte 111 the tlllleinl plinession, milking details I'm gtuml duly and otllel lllatteis. OelliM.ll Itllllllblpll, (lllef of mtillei.v, who IS to leplescnt the miil.v at the t apllol. aiianged with Sergeant-. 1I-A1 111s Itatisdell that they should iii-opei'iti" 111 Hie miinageinelit Ol the fllllelllt C elelllllllles Ut llle Wp tol i'ollt pll'.ate soldleis will stand wiiti li tl.i ami night one ut eat h tm- lli'l or tile 1 ,ll.lfilllU.', so long us the leninliis nt (he IhI.' piesldent shall He lu the tapltol building A Stilt ible gli.ml will be m.iiiitnliieil at the eu tinilies mid villi keep the people ill alignment when they me admitted to the tapltol to View the leuilllliS next Tuesihiv Aitlng Secietaiy Hackell unified lh.it a detail should he ni.iile up, t (insisting of Pi" otllieis, tour pettv olllt eis and tweiitj-nne nivalis ill tlie inarilie coips, foi clutx at the tapltol next Tuesda to snpplt ni( lit the Ullll.V lfUt sellt.ltloll. At the White House. Iriiii.il Ikiny a-sstaut ml lulaut geneial who lias bi 1 11 plai ed In chaige of all. ills at the Wlilte House dining the t III), tile leliullis me ill Washing ton has tniiipleted his piogt.im. He h is tlliecteil lll ( emnuilidlllg olllt el nl Poll McIIemv Iklllimiiie. to dlepati h twelve lioil-tolllllllssloileil nllii lis to Washington In thaige of a coiuinls. sinned ollli or to act as bodv In mils, Tliev me to .11 live in Washington to liioiiovv lu time to handle the lemalns when liny n-icli the tallway station tomorrow night. Thev me to lenitive the 1 isk-l 1 1 .mi the 11. 1I11 ami plai e it in the Inane and will walk sn on a sale next 10 the heuise to the White HollM. It will nlsn be their dlllv to plaie the 1 asket upon the stand III the .11st 1 oimi and to pel I'm in like ottli es at the tapltol, the tallwav station and at ('union (leneial limrv has mimiged to have six ebony columns plated lu the White IIoiim to suppoit the t asket. The ne live gliaid ill the exetiltive liiansloii will consist of two 11III1 imh thiee uon 1 oiiiinlssloiinl ollli ei s nnd nine pilvates of mtllleiv fiom I'oit Hunt, suppu.. uu nted bv tin eiilial iiumbei of ollheis fiom the iiavv and by six niembeis (if the l.ov.ll l.egloil mid SlN ol the C.l.lllil Aiiiiv of the IEepiibllc, Kinm the time the ii'lililns l. Mil. the White House the gliaid will be iniiliilaluetl until the body Is iiMiiovtd to the apllol Tiles- , (lav luoinliig. A soldier ami a salloi, or a nun Ini'. will Sim, d at the head of the tollln mid two mole nt the loot, while on either side will stand a nieni bei of the (iinnd Alinv ol' Ihe Itcpuhllc und 11 1111 mh M ot tin l.n.wil Legion. I t (IX It-It ill Will be made Inr lellevlllg these wattles at iiup'1 llitenals III Iv.lieiti- Win lulu Hi" --u, ut.,1 l'n. Hiltl'iilo, Sept 1," fintigii tie poison lug In. ill the hllllet, whlill peliett.ltt d both walls ot the stom.it li, univnl Piisldent Mi K"lnle's death The nlli 1 l.ll lllttopsv esleihi liiolllillg lit 11 o't lot k lit the Mllbtllll house 1 "liib llshed this fin I. The it pint ol the phvsblans who iiuide the uutopsv wns lliuile public lu Ihe nttei 110011, mid Is lis follows. lln l.llllll Mill. Il MIIIC I, III 1,11 1. 1 I,. Ill llll nut uvt ttiiiiiiuh tin flan, aiul iinl lilile 1 inn 'llll' nihil llllll. I 1 . . . , I IhlullKli liulli will, if 1)1" .1.111111I1 mn it. I.iw.r hirihr Ituili Imti. Will" tnuinl to Ii" li.lf.lllt tlu.iNl hi Ilu Mill In-, iml Ihe tivn.. dtetitiit 1 nil iinl" had Ucinu .in 1.1.11011- Vfl.r ,i.--inir Ihinush thu 1.I11I111.I1 1 ) I, ullil lus-iil lulu th, link wills nf lln .ili'l.. linn, lnlliiiL' an, I t. nini; th" ii,,u tint .1 ilu M1I11M. lln. i.rl.on of II." I111II, 1 tint mi-iI-o mii.'I"iii to. Ilu l'Jl'1,1. Ill llltultllw till .lll in 1. Ihe Imllit In. hut tit linn f ul II. 1. . w i no huh if iiiiitmiilix 1.1 ili-..a.t ul nil. ii it 1.111. Hull" wu he itiihli." it tint ttthli.it 11 i.piir 111 lln url uf mini", in,! il.uih i,-nh,, (mm the ;iiitii'iu wlinli Htl.itul the .tumuli .iioim, I th" Imih I wiitinib, 1. will 1. tin iiv.11.. 11. nun! lli" furt li. t turn." nf llie liullrl P. eli w 1. iinii.iiil 1I1I" lit mt Miniiial 11 tu. .In il fn.1l In, nl iinl w 1. Ihe (I11.1t li -till 1, 1 Ilu- Imtl I Wutlllil , llirut II (lijl.n.l. M ll , lit nit 111 (I Mil Intel. M D . I' M llixii. VI I) , Vljiilnw II Vlmii VI 1); ll.inuu Vlti.tir, VI i, It,.. will I '.ilk. VI I) : I'm; Ua-ilm. VI I) , 1 lu. (I siniktni, VI I), l.ilttalil I. lu.iwat. VI II ' W W li.hn.iii, M I) , w I' kiiulall. Kin tr. ..ii 1 mint sijti nini (liarh. ( ev, vi II, I iln ml I. Il'lll-i.ll, ll-lllll -III li." I. llil Ini slat. 111111. Iliiininii. I. I'.jii. VI II The uutopsv WHS pel fill Hied bv Pi'. (I, iv bud iiiid Pi. Mut.lrigfi. (d the New Yolk State l.alioi.itoi . touiieiiid wllli the I'lllVflsilV ot Jiufllllil. Ill the pies. elite of the entile sialf ot 1 mi-lilt lug pll.Vsh laiis. Dlstlllt AttllllleV 1'elllleV was plesent III his ollli lal cup, 11 Itv, ami II. 11. Slotv, steiiogtnplifi ol tlii ds. till I utloi liev's otlb e, took the notes ns thev Weie tllcluted. When Pi. Iletmmi Mvutei, one of the (oiisiililin; phv sit laiis, wns seen bv 11 lepoitei mid aski il foi a slad uu ut, he S.llil fin" o,, 11I1, ii 1 1, 1 lui uu. I li) fli M 11.11. (1,111 1 .iiriiit il p iinl of miw, w 1. ri iful Tli" w 1 111 Is in Imih walU ut ll'" Hiuiiuili win I'i'if.itb ihul ht tin .utnrc 'Ih" wutiiiil in Ih. I uliii 1. w. uliulit itinilt until.; iwit 1 ii"i .null line., nini Ilu" ii.nr put ot th" mi.ni, in I in ll-iU iinl iml (oniiil.nl" inil.rljll to Hi" l.u.l it suit ft th" 1,'Iiil'I.ii, whuli ili'tdnpitl ill j I. uu Ilu" Ini I, nf tin. Iiull. I Hut 1 an--.1 Vli Vli kinlti's il. tlii lln. ...million In, il, t,loi I to an ttnunii; t"ct"tit in tin' fetl, sum ilu wriiii.l w 1. tnlluliil Ih" uliiunli w 1. mi tinllt ill, 1 l".l la tniu'inif tint if Hi" iri..t.Ii nt hi' litul lllitll I1IIK1IIC1W lln waltn uf 111" mi. nl w nl. I lu. him iininl il I 111 1 id lilm. It has developed that Pi. Wusdlu. one of the 1 (insulting ph.vslt bins mid an expel! of high standing in the inu line luisplt il sei vli e, stioiigly siiiipoit ed the view that the muiileious bullet hail In eu poisoned und thai this was one ol the moving illllses of Ihe gilll gl "lions lomlitlou. 'I'he uiea of this dead and gangieiieil llesh wns a soiine of llllll ll Sill ll We lo the sill gt Oils, 1 .Milling a 1 li I'lliiiffi i'il c nbolll the sl.c or ,1 sill el llolhll libollt the Inter- mil w omuls. The 01 nner of llib- cotiiit todav Is sued the tollowlllg 1 i'l llllciile or th-alll oT tllf lute piesldent: BIG STEEL STRIKE ENDED AT LAST Union Loses n Lntge Number ot Mills in Obtaining an Agiee- ment with Cotpoiatiou. lit Kkclmtm Mire In 111 fhu Amnntiil I'rcH. Niw ..il, s,, 11 (in u.r,ai 11, , siril. . whlill b. kin on .liiiic .11, w 11 ln.iin.lil in an 11 1 n j iimfi nun In hi 11. tiulu In Inn n lli" ti el ut uf the .ViiijIk 1111 in il ij-kih litiuii ami otluu. ut Ilu' .ill. -l.ll ill (i.nii1lili . nf lln I nil. .I s ,i,.. si ul ii.iiir.ilhiii Vn .lui.'iniiiit wit tlini il nlnl, r wlihli tin" tern will nlilin in inuk In in' mill. Hi. I lull' I'd 11 lille 1111 Mimlii liiuiiillik Hlin iiiiiiuniiiiuiriil w it mult .11 lln mint In llil. (ill (f tint Viuiiliaii I I11i1l.1t" lo'iii.din, wlirio tlio lonl.'ifnii' wa. lit). I. Nj miikirfiolii wer mule I' the ttel miiiiun. ut nf llntt do, Hun in ..I Vital sutiiiit. 1 "UU n of I lie. St He nf Ni w uil I .ititli il" .lln I rut nl of 1I1 at h nf Mm Mi ImiiI. 1 I In II In 11 Hill llllt h" ill" I oil III" Mill till if Si'itiniliti, 'm, liana 'P n'tliuV :i 111, mil Hut tu 1111 Kiiutih il... anil Miff lln cnisi nf iliitli wi. a. h.'ri uuil.r wilit.ti I hum l.aiiLi'lH' ul Ih.iIi wall, of .linini.ti it i.l uin ri'j., Iiillnwiii tlnli linl W'iiiii.1 Wilnit. iii liiunl lli'k lull 'lat nf slimmer, l'l siL,iuliini II II (Uiinr, ll II Malmu.Tr, VI , .Ijiiii. I Mil.nu, (iilntnr Pal" uf ill at 11 Nil It. V'll Vu 'is tfitt, 7 liiutiiii. l'i ila" I 0I01 Ullil" slu'Ji, nuiili'il, in. Vlariii.t (in inul iim- I'o -iililit uf lliv I uilnl S141 , llllll, lilaic N'llin. Iiiiln lit m toil.' in I nltnl saif,, f furrlsu b nil - I'allni't mini' Win lb hliilt-j I 11I1.1 a liliihilaii l'i mutt li.inh, I' s Vluihii'. iiaini Xjnt v Mikmlit. Miiilni. hiithiilai. ul, In. I' s I 'l.ii i uf il.iilli lint II lotar.. n.iuji lii.t iritiui). r.viil.iii M i.liliijiim. li (' Geneial Stevvntt's Condition. lit Ivilu-ltp Win trmi lui Vsvulittil I'n.t II IKItlouu. s, 1,1 I, Hull wit I .llsht 1 III 111.,' f. r Ilu l.Hil 'mill ill llli inllilillllll o VilJntlint l.ilinal sii'iull. llu" li'fl ks wai built frntiiit'l irtiiilb in a rinnnnv in I'h nt 1111.I 1.1. i.ln.li lint li(tliti. ttirio 1. .tilt a H.hl. ' lnu ilianit.' of faille ttw illnli. Says It Shall Bo His Aim to Con tinue Absolutely XJnbtoken tho Policy of Ptesident McKinley. Asks All tho Cabinet Ofnclnls nntl Also Sectotaiy Cottclyott to Re main lu Their Fiescnt Positions, nt Least for a Time Will Accompany the Body of tho Late Ptesident to Washington Today. 11 Huclnslv Mire from The AMiirlt"J Trots. llilffuto. Sept 1.". Theoiloie Koosc Vi ll bei aim' piesldent of the I'tllted Slates Just Ihlltieu bouts mid tell iiiiuiitfs alln thf death of William MiKlnbv II" took tlie oath of iilllt o III the small Ilium in the Id Colotllul tisldfii, e td Ansley Wlltox-, ut N'o. till P' In wme at( line, nt I! ". p. in. jester- li. lli roie tak'ng the oath or nfllrc Mt. lioosi-vdl in. lile the following st ill inent I wish to btnte that it shnll be my aim to contlnue'absolutely uubtoken the jiolicy of Piesldent McKlley for the peace, piospeiity and honor of out beloved countty. I'lesldeut Itoosivell lecUescd tho iiiiiiibi'tH of the t.ibliiet to retain their olllt es, nt leist rot the ptcsellt, mill thev 1 nasi ntecl to tin so. lie also utl 11011111 nl Unit (ongiess would not lie ' i.illiil in e xtiuoidliim session. Roosevelt's Atilvnl in BuiTalo. When .Mi Ibiosevi'lt was hire last week he was .Mr. Wlbox's guest, and was invited to make his lii'.ulqu.'irlci H at the ".line plai e when he 1 utile to lliifl'nlo In n spouse to the message that the pieshbnt wns iljlug. When he ii'.nliiil I'.iiltalo at I. .'a p. 111. 011 a spe (lal tiaiii csl( nluy, his piivate coach was i iisln il thiough the I'nlon station to the Ti ii.iii' station to avoid the 1 ItiWil, mill the V It e-pit"Heut was im nieiliatuly ill hen to the house of Mi. Wlb ox. Soon ufleiwaid the v be-piesldtnt tineigxl f 1 mn 11 nut door of the bouse, Hid. eiitet lug 11 (milage with Mr. Wll (ox. was (iii( klv diiv en down the pus s.igeway Into the stint ami tinned to wmd the M I II 111 1 11 buns,., a military est ott and ununited polite instmitlv foillled about the 1 ail Inge, but befoie tin . 1 had gone hair 11 blonk Mr. Itoosi Velt leaped out of the 1 an I.i ge mid uskul that the est 01 1 fall bat k. The V lie-plesident's Visit to tile Mllbtllll hnti" wns not of 1111 ollli lal tharaitit in an) sense, ami in- did not deshe an esc cut. lie was simply going theie as a lii. 'lid of the Mi Klnle) family, and did not want to go to the house with the pomp und tlattei nt 11 mllituiy cs (Olt tollowlllg hlin. He (llil not see Mis. Ii Kinky nl the lunise, did not look at the 1 emu ins of the pieslilent, but iitiet speaking with sin h of the lelatlvts as wete in the town pait of the house ht leturneil iiiiuiedla tel.v tn the lesldell f Ml Will ox, Wheie he awaited the lueinbeis ot the (.'.ilium mid those who had been nsktd to be plesent nl the tnkltig tif tin- oath of ollli e. The Cabinet Assembles. At !'. I"' n'i li" k .1 tan kike di ove up containing Setieiuv Hoot, Aitorncv- fieiiei.il Knox- ami I'niK d States Pis- tilct .lildge .Inlin It I In, el, ol Ullftiilo The putty pioieeiltd linnietllali 1) to the llbt. ii) ol the lunise. wheie Mi liooseielt nil. litul tin 111 'llle caning wius cbwelv follownl bv aiinlhti' 1011 tulnlng Setnlurles Long. Illleluoik iiiiil Wlpnn. Seveial nihil taiilagis ni lived soon alter bringing the piesi dent's seiietat). Mr. Coitelyou 1'icsi delit Mllbiiin or the l.xposltloll 1 0111 p.lll). SellJtor PepiVV. .Instill' Alboit llalgbt. or th- ('olllt ot Appeals, mid otheis. llthei lilemls or the lb e-pn s- Ideiit mt I th' hmisf within a few inliuites, ami .11 I '" "" bu K Mi. Wlb 'N came out on the lawn und suld to tin itH 1 .plesi llt.ltlviH that It was tin tjeslli' of t' vln-pr'Siiletlt that thev be ailniittetl to Ihe house to wlne-s the solium 1 eKIinuiv . A snue or mm. of newspuyer men walktd nolselchslv into the dusk) llliiat) uf the old hous. wheie with bowed heads, stood tie tueiiibiis of the cabinet mid those who had been iwl.nl to be piesellt. I lie mom was as gllent ns the home of dentil II R. If. No wold was spoken above a whisper. Seveial wouuil w.n In the lltt U iiinm mid all .stood with bowed heads, as If th. piesiiae of dentil weie 111' I' A Solemn Cetemony. Tho vlifptesldi nt stood oil the south side ill the inoni, with lilri back lo it small window, and the luenibeis of the nililnet und the men pieseut stood In a dicle lining blm. Km some time Ml. Itoo-evilt talked lu wblspeis with Sen Htm y Itoot, his mm over tliesctie tiiD's sluuildei. Then Sen etury llnm stepped b.uK a t"W P.n es, and the vlce-piesldenl stood motionless by th side of .lildge llii.el Th was a dead siieiiie of seveial n'i oins, and then Sin rein iv Itoot said' "Mr. Vlie-l,iesideiit"--anolher 1 nig p.nise, caused b) the seeietoiy's enui tlii "I have been miuesiid by all of Ihe inanbeis of the cabliiDt of the lulu I'nsldent McKinley who uro picn ic, mum 'I on I'a.'e s 1 WEATHER FORECAST. -f f ohin.'lm ,s pi. ll-lnirctt fir )frire il.t 111 1 I'iii-iIji: railmi lYntujltinU I dr Momliy anil TuotJay; fiuli wi'.till) wliiib. 4--'-f"f-r-'4--f4--f4"f4- 4- -i