The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 14, 1901, Page 9, Image 9

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THE fouttli nnntiHl cession of
the Atlantic Uormini It.iptlct rnn.
iiitlon niiiipilRod of tlility-fiMH"
Ceiiiuin HfipilKt rliurrliPH nnd
tllll ty-OiRllt pIlHtOIK Will 1""
held in the (ionium llnpllft
church nn Hickory Mtrot louiinoiu'liiK
Thiltsdny cnrnliiK. SopU'inlior l'.t nnd
eontltiuincr until Wednesday pvoiiIiir,
.Spptotiibot 2V The tippiilnc: cennon on
Thuied.iy evfiilnir will lie delivered liy
tlw lirv. It. T. WrRi'in-i of New York.
On Klldnv evelllllK lllele will lie il llllx
Moii feiiium delKeird liy Kev, (leotRe
Knnhlmk of PllllMdelplllil. 1M , lllld
til Hie lii-c of the KPt'ilH'll the lte.
(i A Sflmltt. coin-nil tnlsloiiiiiy sec
letmy. will Rlvo an mid rem cm nil
nm woik thiotiRluMit the land.
The hPnnoti nn Sunday 11101 nlticr will
be dellveied by Ilt-v. Alto Kooning of
New lUveii, Conn, .mil In the evening
In rte. II. I,. Dletz. (Hi Monday the
ln?ttiK exeielses and n Horiiioii ly the
lift. .1. ('. r.aiiin of WilniliiRtun. Del.
Putinc the ineetlncs the woik of the
diffrt.-nt liraiu lies of the ((invention
will he dlcu-sed and many IntiMPftliiR
t-hort adiliees dellveied. All ate In
Mi'd to .mend these sei vices.
lie-v. n. A Toitey. D. D., of
the Moody Itlble Institute of i'IiIciro.
nnd pi earlier al the Chli'iicei aeinii
( huri h, Is to be In Sc r.inton September
lh in lnclulve, and will Rive Itlble lei
tures Hint nible leadltlRS "" "The
I'lindanientHls of Hlble Tiutli. ' lie
will speak at the Not 111 Main tivrniio
Tabeinaele, North Main avenue and
Oak stieet, at 7 f!0 o.uli ivciiniK Sub
jects. 'Mutltl(.ltloli bj l-'.iltli. The
Aioiieinciu. The New lilt III. The Ku
tui" e'onilitlou of tin Iiupenltent, and
The (Mllci anil .Mlnl-tiy of the Holy
Spiilt." He will also .iddics-n noon
liinetuiRs for ineii milv at lltierney
Hall. Dili Noith ViidiliiRton avenue
(tindci the auspiMS of the' V. Al. ('. A.)
nt 1.' 20 on Ttiesd.i; , Wednesday,
Thursday and Fi Id ty, and nicetlnRS for
vol, .in only at i ho Y. ('. A. rooms
n l i 'i ioi k on above mentioned dates.
In Toney is one of the Hlble
ten' heis of the conservative school
ot our day. Ills ni.iRteiy ot s.vstematlc
ttii'oliiR, hl familiarity with his
(iie. k Testament, his conspicuous u-l'-ili,il
ability, his Inns and fiultlul
ixprtienip lith as teai her and soul
winner, his abandonment to the leader
ship of the Holy Spirit. oniblne to
make him a iniRhty man of God. Alore
trsr l.Cuti soul air led to Christ every
J., ir under his ministry at the I'hi
i.irii avenue church.
There will be a ineetliiR of the l.aik
nwann.t I'reibyteiy al Hone-dale next
Monday. ltev. J. S. Stewart, D. D.,
of Tow'aliila, will deliver an addiess on
Monday evening; Kev. 1. .1. J.ansiiiR,
of (iieen I'tdRf. Villi speak on "The
child Center of chrlstlnulty' 'on Tues
il.iv evVniiiR, and on Wednesday even
InR addiesves will be dellveied by
W. Dickson, of Suanton, and by
Iiev. W. It. Halshaw, of West l'itts
ton. The day sct-slou will be devoted
to presbytery work. Special pra.ver
and Hlble study of the piesbyleiy will
lie hold at Tiiiikhauiiock, hCRinnliiR
Tuesday, October 1, coiilliiiiliit; until
Friday noon, October 1.
In the l'lovldciii i' 1' terlan
chin ill tonioriow evoniiiK theie will
In a .special servli e In consonance
with the leiiible catastrophe vvhch has
PetHllen us In our national life and
whiih is beiiiR responded to by the
people wllh such adiuissable and pa
tiioli devotion and loyalty.
Dr. litiild will have chaiRe of the
si'vhe and will Rive h brief addict
nic I theie will iiImi he appropilate ad
i.,is.sps by .ludRO A. A. Yosbin-R and
Di'ph 15. Atherton, sccietaiy of the
!ei anion Ho.inl of Trade and 1'. K.
Trai ey, esq.
- The people at Ihiro who aie not en
f.ased in worship elsewhere aie earn
estly Invited to unite In this service,
the ociaslon of which tills and thrills
the minds and heat is of all p.itilotlc
.V cpfi'liil liiisslomiiy nieptliiR will be
).' hi a' the Ainfiiimu Aleinorlal Tab
ernacle on I'lotipoct avenue, Sunday
m p. m, AIlss I .a Veine Allnnlss
of Klnhvvii, I'lilun. will speak. Atlss
Alir.ness was one of the four mission
aries loiuteel at Klnhvvii at the time of
the Doer iiiuIMiik. Their mission
li hi whs ui ctroyi'd and they were
ii.iivc.nto the mountains. AIlss Alln will Rive a Riaphle desci Iptlon
nf the loiiillt on of the alfalis In China,
Mid ot tho oslbllllii-s of woik to be
dmie In the countiy. Dr. W. .1. Ford
eif il'i (iieeu llldne Haptist church will
aI?o he piPsent mid clve an addiess.
Kev, Dr. Kobt'ii ii. Spyniour who Is
to preach ftt the I'ouu avenue Haptist
eiui'h Is one of the foieinosl men In
th it,ipilt deiioinlii.itioii, and is a
pi.-aiher of great power. He most ac
itpiably lllli d the pulpit of tlu renn
avMiue 'iiuich duiliiR the i prom vaca
tion of tho ;wHfir, Dr. 1'leice, and ho.
v ill ilP-ulitirss he heard by l.use congie
t .mops t innrioiv.
The Free Alethodlsts will hold a
epidiKily meptitiR at Finn chapel on
September 1,1 to IS. Services will he
held as follow c: I'i caching, Filday
night. Saturday at i and "MS. Serv
ices all day Sunday. Kev. S. V. AIc
Vey in iIi.iirc. All are invited;
The Alethodlst F.plsiopal pieachers"
meeting ot Suanton and vh.uity will
be addiefred on Moml.iv niuni'nR by
Kev. '. S. Nevvlng of Dunifoie. Sub
ject, "Church Unity."
Tomorrow's Services
Methodist Episcopal.
Kim Park iliiirili-1'njcr nmt piano nnfilne
it OWi, Mr. hunljin, liMiltr; In Mi, i.riiiinii hik!
ftrvUo by i;. n hinsi'i, xulmnt '.int. (In
inrctltiK at iloie dt triu in Sumlij
I0"in, led by Mi I toflm in soiiiiUt mlmni .a
p. in. S'liim I.cjbiio al fi.,10, J. 11. Mil'muull,
ica'lrr. Wonliip and word at 7.';il h.v uHii
(irifllii, 1. ! I'KflillH',' filler of Wjnmlns dU
trlit. Miniwn Mitlioilitt l.iiioul (Imuli, nrili
Mil In difiiiiP and kliift. Wet s,0 .
Itrv. 11. C. JUUi'iniiitt. lu.toi. ut
10.0 a. m. ml T.WJ i, m The niiuiiini; con
Riegatlcn will li ailiirt"oil hv MUi Agiiea Me
.Mliner, rituinnl inlkiiiur twin Liberia,
Alrka. Flie I (nri.HiU and magnilii niUr
In the evi'iilnc the p.itor will picaih on "A
Vim id from Malailn " Sunday choo at I.'
in ; Junior l.'aBiie at .1 p. in.. Kiiuuitli I.eju
at H30 p. m. All imittd.
f outt sirtrt Mfllmdln Kpucopal ihurih-0. C.
Ionian, paiior. 1'iNcliinz at Jn.:i0j iU, 11.15,
O, l, HeWitl. lfad.r, Sundu ihoo,, fi.
It Clark, itpriititmilrni. Kpworth lrau'u. nz);
lioxhi"- t xii nu lice. Deiliwly wdiuinc.
Klnl (iirman MrllinHi't Kplainpil ilmreli. Ad
ami iiveimr anil Viti ullret J llili'lln, piHr.
I'rraililiiK nenliri al In 31 a. in. nml ' CO p. m.
Suiiilai mhool at noun and at J n'i p. Ill
lit the tVtfuhurn ihapel. en Ta.vlor avfniu-.
1'iajrr mettlnir e.n Tliiitmlar fienlno:
I'rovldenic Mrtlwriln rplnepal -hmch-ltpv.
(Jenrno A t'tilf, patcr. Iliotlierlmoil ol St. Paul
tii(il al Ilia in. MnrnliiK aennon at IH..D, auli
JkI, "Hie Anihor of the Smil " Mmday . hool
at 2 p. in ; Cpuetth le.mnc at (5.t'. At ".SO
Ml-n Alice MiAlll'ter. nl Mnnrmla, Alrlei, (lie
nt our iiiit filled nti'l urful (oielsn mlialon
arlea, will eIc an addieM.
Aflmiy Metlioilli lplaiopal rhunli, o rnr r
Jlemapy aifiiup and l)elaarp alreft-ltn'. W. (1.
Sunpsnn, II I), palor. Pevolional iiteptlnn ol
the nl si l'aul al OhO a. m.i
prcaihinj: ,il PK'IO a in, "Hit llltllc Clj nl
TYiip I'milcm" sundiy nlmol at '-'.TO p. m.j
tpworth Ip.ieiic ' r";i) t'- m.t pteaililnc at . M
p. in, 'The t leanvr of Moral lleftleinfnt "
Pr.i)pr meptinir. WpHhpvI.iv, at 7 HO p. m. tlinl
neni niiPline of the lliotherliood ol St. l'aul. in
the kCLond and fouith Tueadaj ot rjch month at
7..IH p in .VaM frpp and all arp vvplmme.
Ilanii'lnn sircct .Methodist Kpiacopal ihunh
R(-. .lainpn ItentiJiici'r, p.i'tcr. Pieachini; At
10.0 a. ni . mliject o( reriuon, "C'roi'ltiR rtiidCPi
tlefnrp Wp ( nine to Them"; ilaw infflins al tl
j. in . siii3 mh'inl t i p til ; Kpworth loaKiie
,il i,vi p. in, leader, l'lnjd Kiutchry, rvMilns
tirearlilntf ervlce al T."o, luliject ot Roinmn,
"What Wb Seen at the ("ro?" A coidlal wil
romp to all.
Ah Slreet Milhodnt Kplcn(id ilmrih IIpv. .1.
It iiMni, pastor. Moi nirik" picnhlnc aerviip at id. i iiicptini; ut It..) j in, ( harlia
l rnop, Ipiderj Sunday tihnol at 2 p, ni., K. W.
Sinno, .iiperiiitendenl, t'pwoith leaKite at 6 IS
P ni . MIm (.race L'orry, leader; pveninj? prpaih
inB kerviio at 7..10. A roidial wpliome.
Nay Ahb Methodi't Tpiscopil chuuh Itcv. ,t,
II. Aimtin, patnri Sunday icliool at 2 SO p. m. J
pirailiini; at !t.M v. ni All welcome.
Alriran MctlindUt Kplacepal ihuicb, Howard
plue-Dr I). S. Hentley, pa.lor. Preachlns .it
10.G0 a. m ; mlijecf, 'Christ a Iniuiry Ahnut
the IOP of IP. Chureli." Sunday whool, ;."0
p. m , . Poller, fupeiintendent; ("hrl.llan V.n
deavor pi.ner ineellim. 7 p in. Pieaihinir, 7.IS
p in ; mhjert, "i'alth PrmlucM fvrtalnty." A
tordial welcome to all.
Penn Uenup ttaptit chinch ltev llohcrt V.
V. Pipicp, I). It., pastor. Pipaclilne nmrnlne at
10M and eienins at '..V liv the ltev. Ilolieit C!.
seimoui. II U , of Philadelphia. MorniiiR pray
in in the lower tciuple at 9 II; Sunday rihool
al the Penn Aunue church at 2 o'clock and at
the Aiueriniii mllen at il.30 p. in Mi Mm
linn, of ( hltu, will Riip an addiPM at Hip Aiuer
iiiiii mission diirins the Sunday fchool hour,
ounff PiitpIeN iociet,i nf Chri.lian 1-iide.onr
meetinir at b Ml A cordial welcome to all per
until at all ppruiea.
fust lliplu-t Lhurch, S.nith Main avenue ltev.
". 1'. Milium, putor. PnaihiiiK neuii n moiii
our and rvrninjy of the fcilibalh. It r.0 a. m and
7 ..n p. in, bailment nf the Wclili MaptM
limit li; Sundiv nhool, 2 .;(! p in, I'lvinoiitli
Inn tit. Hi lleddoc, auptiintendiut , II. V. P.
I" M'tvlie. "'.V) p. in, at IutiIp lull, puier
ineetinir, Wnlnrnlav, 7 "M p in All ate touhally
Invited In ihp.e fervhpa.
,l.itknii slieet PaplM t Imuli -Mnrnine prater
meetlnc at 9,a1; leader, Ilrnlher ,1, Pater. 'I he
pitor, ltev 'Ihoniiit ile (.ruiht, II. It, will
pri.idi al 111)0 'lopie, "Our oi lallun I'he
Need ol a Itevival " Sunday whool at 2, Cnarlea
Hollo , fupennlendent Kteninir eriicc at 7.
Piais p.ervlie lid by the onhettta. The addresa
will lie Eiten by the" P.ev. C.ihln llaie, II. II .
hiumiil seireliry ol Pik knell university. The
(riemli mi.) all ciadintei nf lliickiiell ate mi
di.illf Invited We will nine rvtrjliody lu our
meet lie
fiieen Ridje Hipli-t lhurch At 10 .10 the pas
tor will pnaili en 'Tropin t in Kiile." At 7 "0
Mki 111 Veina MlnuK nf Chin.i, wilt dclltir an
nddirs. sun, lay wliool at 11 ).'; meetinc of ilia
.luuior sntieiy at .t:.0, priver meeling nl the
Senlnr aniirtv at fi r.0
Xniili Main Avenue PiptM chuuh - ltev. lhert
Hal. her Smith, M. 0. put or. Vrviiea at 10 VI
a. in. nnd 7 ') p in ; S.ihbalh ichonl at 2 p. ill ;
( litKliaii l.nd(.itor at .0 p in Subjects: 10.0,
"Clod's Leadership In Individual I.ivei"; 7.S0, "
Itedotnied Mm' l.timatc of Chrit. ltev. It A.
T.'irey, I) I), nirl'hb .1(1, I.Pvt week, every even
liiK In the Tabrriiadp at 7 "0. Monday Pvemntf
thinie. "(u'tilkatlon bv l'aith. '
Mrmoml llipti-t ihunh ltev. V. I'. Davie,
pi-tur. Sru,frt tomoiruw at the uuil hour.
'I he p.i-lor will preach in the motiiiu in I'll1-
1 isli und WeNIi in the rveiiuu. Ilibte school at
2 p. in, (tuperiuteiKlini, Itrnther llinlrl Kvanv;
ounii People' meetinsr. Tmvtdiv itrmiitr.
I'iikI W'iWi Iliplist ihurcb, Mutkct slieet
Iti v. .1. V Hmrs, pa-ior. 10 ii. in., K'HiK.ti
by tho pilnr, 2 p in , sund.iv rchool; r, p. m.t
clinon b.t the p,itoi. A ionli.ll invitatiui is
extended to all to attend, tojtn dee.
CluU'd fin en Baptist chuicli Siindav morn
Inz, Sipt l.'i, Vi IJiiinu Parkom, of hill l.iKe
('lit, 1 lah, will d-lltrr an addresa upon mll'ui
woik aninny; the Mormon'. MIm P.aon W a
very iuleio'-tinc iipcakir and well cpiilitied io
lepiei-eut I lie ttnik, and thme who fol to hear
her will nil's Mlal inforuialinnon "I'he Mormon
IJuetiun " Von aie i-jinclly urRid to be piea
cnl. Illikely llipli.1 ihunh- I0;,0 a. in, publu
wm.-lilp. with snmoii bv P.itor spuicei; II Pi,
fllble stlinnl, 7.10 p. in, evrinni! wnishlp, with
Minion by ltev W II shinun, late of Hover,
N. .1. Ilverjbodj welumi
Dudley slieet ihiirth, Itiininnic Iter. V, II
shatiEer will pieaih at 0:i0 a. m., and llev.
Divid spencer. 1). It., at 7 mi p in. At the i lop
of the pveiuni; firvitp a kpeeial ineclin" will be
lii'M to tall a pislor.
Inst PrilivtPiian I'hurih Dr. Vli.eod will
pii'ich iiiiinim: and etrmni;. "Hon l hrl-tnin
slioiiM 'liiat lliir tountrj'a I'oes" will be the
topic nl his inninini: diiouie. A toidial invi
t.nioii i ivteiidid to tin seiund ilmrih lo wcr
klup with 1 1 io l'ilI fun h in the cvrulnc;,
'I he sp,,nd Proi-htli ilau liuith. Scrvii ut
pi .at a. in Dr. Kohini'in will preaih in the
iii'indiu.' fheie will hp nn pt ruing certiic. 'Hie
t'hri.liaii l.inlravor piavrr meeting at (1.30 p. in ,
a iisiinl Ml aie ttehome.
(Jti'Hi Illdu'e Presbtteiian rhunh ltev. I .1.
I.tiidns. pjlor, Hpv I. II Koler, a.llant.
l'i.:;n, krrt n p nf wnudilp, with keimon bt the
pistnr, Mibjecl, ""Ihp Prim ipal lteion foi Illhli
siudt ; U in., Iliblo nhool, p. in, I hue
Inn I'li'leatoi; 7..".n p. in, a lliaiikKitlnK for tho
piesideul, 'villi a dioure bv the pjklor e,n
"Vnjiihv, ll Cnu'c an I Cure." All are i-oidlal-Iv
Protldenrp Pirli.ttrrian churih-'lhr pailnr.
Hit Hi. I. uild will : ill .it 1H I) a. m. In
the tvenlns llmr will be a spec lal servne for the
honor of our iiailoual ln.l.irv, our nation in Jmlje . . Vii-buic and Surctaiy It It.
Atherti'ii. of the board of tude, 1". K Trat.t,
e( , will clvo In n( .iddifwa The pistol will
bate ilitrRp nf the fervlip and peak blieflt.
hundav f hool at noon; l.ndeavor meitlnif at
li..lS n'cloik
Wahburn sirn. Pipsbvtriiin rhim h-I!''V.
John P. Moflal. D. It. pj.loi. Srrvliek ut p). ,0
a. in. and 7. SO p. m. ; llihle kchord al 12 m , ('.
P.. inline I'rnplp al I..J0 p. in ; pia.vrr inn tin;,
Wcilneidiv. 7. .10 p m , iii.nleilt louiinunion at
iiikiiiIiiu keiviic. Adull and infant btptlm. Up.
replleu of new- member. No keimon In live
niniiilnc. The pator will preach in t lie I'venln;.
All wiltnme.
f.iuiiie rhipel (Prefbvteilanl PiiMiliintf at
in.;m a. in. and 7 0 p. m j the pjtor, (lev.
I,. II. Koslrr. Sunday iibocl, .1 p. in.; .luniot
lliidt'.ivor, t p. in ; Senior llndeator, B.;;fi; piajer
mcrtlni;, i.uit. 1hurd.iy ririnni;. Welcome lo
Ail mi Avenue ihanel, Vetv vmk utieel-ltev.
.lamia lluu'hei will pieaili at 10.:W a lu. and 7.10
p in. I hihliin Dndeavor koi lely. l'i, Miss Hal
llitt will pruule. The simda tiliooi ttill meet
.it .1 o'clock. Sir. t handler, mpcilntrndent. Mr.
lluuheV nunv Hlble cbii will meet on the flut
Siimlav III Octobpr, and the Men'i Mutual Ini
piovrnient nclrty will cnmmencp with a social
on Tueiday pvenliiB. the liiat day of October.
All weliome to lhc kcrvbei.
st l.uke'a Parih-Itev. RoBPra Imel, D. D ,
redoi; llev. 11. J llai.clilnn, unlor curate, Kit
teenth sundaj after Trinity.
St. l.uke'a church 7,1)0 a. m , holy commun
ion; 10S0 a m., nioinine prajer and ftrm"ii;
7.MI a, in., ivenms prajer and aeimon; 9 U a.
in., Sunday Mhool and llihle
St, Mark'i, Dunmore H a. m., holy commun.
loni lo.rtO t, in., mornlnc praje' '"d rmonj
7..10 p in., evenlinf pia.vcr and Hfnuonj 3 p. m
Sundiy M'hool and lllblp rlie. Knd MImIi.n, Prenntt avenue 3 p, m.,
Sunday Pihool and Itlble cljsvfj,
South Side MKslon, I'is Hieel-2."0 p. in.,
Sunday achnol and Hlble ilaec.
tlinnh id the (Iiwd sheplierd, coiner Montpy
atenup and fJieen ltlde lreel-llev. Kranel It.
Itateinan, iPilor Kiftrmlh S,nnl.iv alter Trln
lt.. Mornliii pnjer. ID .10 m . imnlav lioil
and leilor'a ilam, i ."(I p. ni ; rvrulnct priv.T,
7.;.0 p. in, Art li'leai mi IhddllTe will priaih.
Roformetl Kpiscopnl.
Oraip llefotmrd DpI.copat ihunh. Wjmnliia;
avenue, below Mulberr.v alrpel -ltev. (iporup l.
Alrlili. pa.tor. Privrr and pral'e aervli". H.30 a.
tn.: divine worship, Id .!0 a. in. 7 "0 p. in,
pieadiliiR by the pilor: . in.. " I rn Wnr
hlp," John 4: ill SI; p. in., "sluilii In lie
hipw," lleb. 1: 1-2; Sabbalh achool, 12 in ;
). I' .S. ('. I!, (1.:.0 p. m ; l,eon almli. Wed
nesilay, 7 !!0 p. m. ; prater tneetitiir al S p til.
Seala frpe and all wplioinp. Hpv. . ('. Oiehp.
leln, of Vetv York, will ronduit tlip at inly nf til"
lllblp In Herman next Krlday at :i lifl and 8 p m.
All (letiiian-apeakliie believer weliome.
Evangelical Lutheran.
Hvanselleal l.iillieran -I'lfleenlh "nndiv after
Trinity liopel, Mitt, fi; 21.11. epltlle, al. S:
25; 8 10.
St. Mitk iliurili. Wadihurn and I'nurleenili
treet llev. A. 1,. Itiiner. Ph. D.. patnr. sei.
Mce. lO.ral a. in, 7 SO p ni.; I.ulher league,
fi.30 p. tn ; Snndi mhool, 12 in. Mornliie mil
led, "Itrnenlni: (lur Covpiiant witli (.'nil"; eteu
inir iilije(t, "The Reliever' oiililp "
Holy Trlnllv, Adam aveiniP an I Mulberry
ftlPPt flev. I li .Spieker, putnr. Service,
10.110 a nt , 7 ..0 p. in ; I.ulher league. " SO P
in ; Sunday at linnl, 12 ID. Holy imninunion will
be cebbrated at mornltig kervhr.
st I'.ml'rt ihunh, Short avenue llev, W. C. I.
Liner, patnr. Servlrrs, 10.30 a. m , 7.S0 p. m ;
Sundav, 2.S0 p. in.
Zlnn', Mifflin avenue -llev. P. I' Xl;rlniinn.
past or. Service, 10.10 a. in.; sutiilay hool, 2
p. in.
Christ iluirrli, Pedir avenue and Hlrdi treet
Tlev, .lamea Witke, pator. Serviiea, 10.SO a. m.,
7.."0 p in.; Sunday achool, 9 a. tn.
St Prtrr'a, Preinott avenue ltev. .tolin Han
dolph. pa-lor. Service, lo.'O n. ni.; Sunday
kchnol, 0 .1. in
Kmaiiuel (leiman-Pollsh I.iilhenn ihunh, Tteee
treet ltev. Kcnlinand Sattelmcier, pastor.
Pie.ichlnsr in the Pollkh lansuH'C at 10 a. in ;
Sunday school, 2 p. in.
Zlon I'nited Hvaneellcal tliuuh, 14?0 rapoue
avrnue PieaehliiR ot 10,'iO and 7.39 by the pa
tor. ltev. J V. Mesenser. Sundiv, 9 :0 ;
Junior Kndeavnr, I p. in.; Senior Kndeavor, ! ',0;
irajcr mectitie. 7 ,W, Weilneaday evenini;. heat
(rep and everybody weliome.
Calvary Reformed Monroe nveiiii and
filhoii ilreet Hev. Mirion I,, l'irnr, pastor. Har
vrat Home aerviie. Sunday, 10 ;(0 a. ni . and 7.S0
p in ; Sunday school, 11.41 a. m ; I'hrisnin Pn
deavor, 7 p. m. Serviu ire of amh cliar.nter
that all will be blerd who tome
(Imp Hv uicpIicjI KiirII'Ii luiheran churdi,
comer of Madison nvenue and Muliieny stiert
Siimlav school at 0 SO a. in ; pirnlmu; aeivl-c
at 10 .0 a. m. by Hev J T Kendill
Some of the voice leather. whom It hi been
Mr. A at kin-' e,,ml (orlune to meet Hit aumnitr
in a social an I hnlne way are Madame Kalh
rvn I. van Von Klenner, I'.dwaid J. Mejcis, J
Harrv' Wheeler and Mr Curl II. Dufft, nil pinnu
ncnt teat lieta in Sew York city.
'i ii i:
It will le good new to many of Vlr. Joshua
Johns' friend to leatn of lu kigml nine. at
Pilt-limcr, Pa , wheie lie wa reienlly ihovn out
ol aU lompetitor a thp unci cor to the well
known tenor, I) unci lleddoe, at a silar.v of S .00,
in the flrant 'Ireet l.utheian ilmrih dioir 'Ihl
I ul.o a foinpliment lo lit former leather, J.
T W ilkina. Mr Johns is emplojed diirins the
week in Hie Pittsburc teel work, where he ha
diarse of the eltelrie cianei.
,1 T. Watkm will begin Iraihlne volte tullure
and kinclr.i; at hi atudio In Potvell's tnu'ic atore
nevt Mondiy. Hourk, 0 to fi
i i
Tlie inii-icil put of the servlie lit the Piist
Preabitrilan ihurch Is altvan nf an Intercom?
diaractcr ami much tune and attention i mien
to the prepiration ol It. Slrancera in town and
tho-e who have no paiticulir chuuh home are
cordially invited. The choir ol the ilitirdi ruiKS
at both the mointncr and rveninc? amice. I'he
peromiel ol the choir tomorrow- wilt be: vt
prom. Mra. Ddith Heckel, Ml Tt resa llini
vvaj ; contrjlloj, Victoria rjruener, Mr W P.
IliiPetPr; tinors, Divid Stephens, Will J.ines;
baifoa, Willi Jones, J, T. Walkins, organist,
Mia. I'lorence II. Itlchmnnd.
Henry Drejer, 1 former nifinber of the ilmlr
of the Seiond Prcbtlerian ihunh, but who for
the pist veir hi been in I'urope, Is ilsltlns hi
home in Dunmore and will tins the ofleitory at
the morning aervicc in the seiond Prcfbvtcrian
r " n
Dunns the ninmirr vaiation I. W Johnson, a
prnniLsins tenor pupil of tlie well known mite
leather, wa the rfflelcnt pretcnlor at the "second
Prcsbvlerian ihunh. AsMrtant Ois'tnlsl Ml
Mahel Ilennle and Mr. Ilirvpy Hosiri aiibstituled
for Mr. Chance, and their work wn eminently
" M 11
Tlie quaitettp of tlie Second Prih terlan church
ha returned from the summer vacation and will
lender the fullowlus inuslcil selection at tomor
row's unices:
flrzan Prelude, And into in II I'lat ... (Iiillunnt
Ouarteile, "Hrant to l's, Lord, We Pcspech
Thee" llarnby
Offriloiv llintone Solo, Heiltallve and Alii,
"llmv Lone Wilt 'lliou Forget Me, Dli
I.ortl -" Mietrke
Vr. Henry Die.vcr.
Oiean Poatlude s.almne
Orsan Prelude, "lloiuina in I) Major . Pal idihl
Quartette, "(iraciou Spirit, Holy (Ilio-t,"
OfTertorv llvinn anthem, "Close 1hv Heart
No More" (Wold by Canny (.loahy.
(Iisan Postlude Pollrri
Ml.s, snprimi; MI flirasan, alto; Mr.
T (iippel, lenor, Mr. M. Mnrnan, bass; Mr. J.
M (halite. orsanit and dirrdor. Ill"
full clmli will brslil service with the last Sab
bath in Hut month.
I' " '!
Tlie openlnc of the Conseivatory on Tluusday
of thl week wa marked with a lesistered at
tendance which broke all record lor the besln
nine of the diool jear. More than tliirefourlh
of lasl ear' stmleiit have resumed their Irs
op. This, wllh the larse Influx of new ones,
width tontlniic riallv, will makP a large total.
(in atcount of the illness nf Misi llllzahclh
Tlioiua. soprano in the l.Im Park rhuich ciuar
tettp, Mia. ,Iorph O'llileii will sins with the
other members of the ipiutrtte tonnrrotv.
i' l' I
The following musical selection will be ren
dered tomorrow- it Klin Park church under the
diiretlon ol Mr. J. Alfred Pennington, organUt
and choir-master:
Organ, I'ntrit-i In I) flat Major
llmir, "Hear Me When I Call" .
Mai sinn
(iigau, (irlt'ilniy In U Minor
( hoir, Antlirin, "Itemembcr Nol, l.ord"
Oigan. Mlegro Rlkolutn, from Sonila
Oigan, Cantaiia In It Minor
( holr. neiiedic In H Flit
in It
.. Merkel
. ...f'lupp
Oigan, Caiijonet In (' Major
( holr. '"-pread Hip Ne
Organ, ltaisloo from 'lhlrd Sonata ....(liulmant
Mr. nnd Mrs. CleorKe Drake who have
hetn viHltliiR fi lends In Tunkhnnnock
h.ivo leturncd home.
Tho Mlssen Nellie Cooper imdMuzctte
I'dfiill vl.tltnd the Seranton InisdncHs
tollese on Wednesday.
Mrsr. David Davis of Ser.tnton who
has hcen fcpendliifr n few days with
her mother. Mrs. Mary Dick, has re
turned home.
lClmer Tlnklop.aush has accepted a
position with lOdsall & Clavvson.
Mrj. Mari Kdwards will open a
candy and Ice cicain store at her
home opposite tlm Conncllton school
house on Saturday.
H. ! Rdhall, P. H. rnlmsbee nnd
new 11. A. Greene, enjoyed a few days
Ashing at la-t Orange, this week.
Sunday School
September 15.
tD.MI r tlir hi vl. Ion nt llellul, atudlrd
list wirk, ,lai ib iratiiiieil Mi loiiihpy. On atilv
iiiK ll 1 1 ut .t ii be me! llmliol ,ii llio well, wheio
he lame lo walrr the ahiep llniuBlit Inline to
Labi ,, b r (ailiei, aertnl louilcen team
for his Iwn wive. 'Hie atory ot pdltnaiiiuu mil
nam , ol lie tiimubine ami the children, tho
(ll-tii.lnii alnl ill it'll", reveals I ho aplrit ol the
life uf lime, nnd 'till repay careful klndy
n.s allow imr the lustllullon and tiisinin nl the
patllarchil a.Kllln. .latob' Intica.llu; wealth
ivtilrd ihp JialoiK.! of l.ahm'a rims, and varinu
luiitlacl wiro liiailc in tlic ililnrt of prate.
Hut (tpiratloii iiltimaltly buiinu ikiis-hij.
With a ilium ion hnu'ihold and wllh Ijtkc pus
ploti Jacob left II Iran. The ilrpatlute wa
luiilc aecrptl.t, 1 .1, a vt.i Jutly supposed, Ka
bul would npitisi It Tiula.r levoii covcia an
incident In the lionietvanl jouinry of Jacob,
Mi:ss;((ris itrikC 1 I,, .'. l Separation
from his i iih.r in litv, amltablt rtteiled at la.l,
did mil n moti all fear from the mind ol Jaiob.
He n niembi red that (ttenly or more 3rai before
tor a nic nf poltiee he had fiuriliKcil hi
brotlifr'a bitthrlKht, that the limthcr w n (neat
ly oneiided, and thai hi life hid been piesirtul
only bv lllsht tllincd', t.wli, ll 1), and lie
properl.v lonsideied tint on hut rrtmn the long
ihrlished enmity nilcht provoke attlfe. Still, ho
had been cliorn a the dltlne ihannel ot blew
in? tn tlie vvoild and he must be piotecled anil
nsaiinil. It waa llirirfnre with Riral lomtort
tint lie beh 'Id a lompiny nf nnccl, whoiu he
i ailed (Jod'd host, rbt tn lie hl. r-mii (Hebrew,
i. Ill, us aflerw lid appeared to the creat tap
tain. Unsliin. v, 11 ) KiiiunrasPil by thi
inanifpslatliiu, Jatnb mlopted n piudeutlil meas
ure, lie aent inessenif'ia before him with in
Mruotlon to rii Into the lountty where hi
brother K'.m Hied, and to tell of Ida wealth and
prtvperit), ii'Inbl.t lo louvime Haau that be
no longer Herded the fitlur'a wealth which had
been bartered
AWIIITY. (Vcium C to SI fter travtllni;
huiulred of luilea to laloiu tlie seivant ileliv
eicd tlie tnc.icc atul returned with 1 lie ataitliuc
intellicenie that Ij-.iu was lounne to meet Ida
brother, and lint with him theie were four
Iiumlrrd iiiiii Jacob' mind w.ik filled with aeil
on" appielieii'lon loneeinlns the purpose ol thl
viait Ile hid rt ison lo ear that the company
would be hoslil, . 'I he old woie mluht be
atrniced it blood. HI l,fe lulcht be aai rlfloed,
hi Hock and herd' taken a spoil, and hi faun
l.v made alaves. Hut Jatob was not oveicomo by
bis ditte.a With that ready ripiuc; of the
.situation ttlmh wa ko char.icirristii of lum
in all his taieir, he proved rquil to the rmeric
iniv. He aiiaiurd til household (u two bauds,
cadi appnenilv tomplet'. in ilkelf, piobabtv
reiocniing l.eah as the inter of one and hel
of the other, wit li apei ul tare for the hltcr.
lirraP It I In tin w iv he evpetted that at
least one of Hie tompanies would be Mird even
though the oilnr w ts lost It waa bettir to 6avo
pan than uoiiiim.
4 'i 4 'h 4 'i' 3 f
"Inaccurate knonledee 1 a dangerou thing.
So in all things rt us be accurate."
Headers ol the Pilad would greatly aid me
in my (ask br asking question (not receii
sarily (or publication), which if posalbl will
Je ariktvered In , in an parly lsue tf the
'teeklv Falad and their recelnt acknowledged
imineiliatplr lit mail All 'irh cunrnunlia
Ions mui, hovrrrrr. as a mat'tr ot course,
bear the writer' torrert name and adtlriss
a otherwise tbey cannot be taken Into con
sideration Atrophic Rhinitis or Dry Catarrh.
Afe 1 TOOK otcisitin to wain the readers ol
the Mljil again. t arlf-tliuggins last Salur-
day, 1 feci jiutifinl in giting lo Ihtiu in to
ilaj's U'lie an rxirait ol a papi r on thy c'Ji.irih
which 1 lead Inline the Kaslnn S'ctitm of the 1..1I tiigologual, Ilhlnological, and Oto aotiely at the annual mooting in Hullilo,
Julie :!-, Psil, (oi the aame ua-,011, iiainel.v, as a
warning n.-.iui-t gilat ng loo ninth coullilcnie 111
the ktalrmrnl mule in so manj ol the udvei
tiaeiiicnts 111 our diily papers. What 1 wi.h to
convey to .ion all, a btlng Inlciested in tho
voloii fviin o( nasal disease, I only my poison
al unbiased com Iiimuiw, unbiased by any 01 the
mtiiieiou llietuie advancetl io, writer on tba
cise n( the noe lu rcgaitl to the i.iiisation,
pithology, and annptoniatolngv nf tin more
lare than commonly supposed to lie vauel.v of
lu-il iIi-c.tos; ami a the aound of the Hum
pet will waken up the long forgollrn 111.11U1!
apirit in the old war horse who his aptm lilt
declining icais bcfoie Ihe plow, ao may tho.e.
irmaik nf mine act like the kound of the tium
ptt to recall foigottrn facts and obtnatlons in
koine of .1011, which weie foigolltn only btc.iue
nf the splendor ami duliug brilliant y o( Ihe
modem teaching of enthii.ia.tic bacteriologist
(not to mv pathtloglsts) vvhlth nuke 11 so c.isv
to .iicoum for the iliQercnt phenomena and
a.vmptoms 'n .1 given ca without the tiouble of
scan hlng lurther Ihau lor the patliogrnlc tli.eise
piodiicinir nncin which n alleged lo be
tils tau-c of the tlli.ise, and, when found, Willi
nb-iilutc teitalnty tlcieimlnes the tliiguosis ml li
mit fuither connh ration of the various patho
logical change which miy be piijinl In a KHtn
Ill mv extPiLitr pvpiritnic, linili in the out-
tloor clinic ot the I imcr-ity of Pciui-.vlvanla
bnslial and in the Northeiu t'nlon l)ipeuury
nf Philadrlphii (whiih, bv the wat, I am the
founder of), 1 for a period of hflten tcau kept
tally of the vinous i.isr of iiacal ilispj-c which
tame unilei my notitc a chid of tlie no-e and
throit tlepaitmcnl. and I found thai, coutraiy
to the geneial In lief, atrophic rhinitis (tliy ia
tanh), frum whalitir cause, wa a loinpaia
tivi'lv raie tll.ea.e, averiBins about tlftein to
one thoiif.ind nl the other forma of nasal catarh.
I alto found tint the ilillerent iiaiionalitle
and late khowrd, iiuiuii bally speaking, a
milked tlKTeience In the Ireqiiencr ef the oc
curicnco of the disease among them
Thus, I found that Ihe nierkan-bnin mile
children of lrlh pirrnti were lirgely In ihe mi
jorily; next caiue thu Irish born, thru the Italian-born,
thi Ficndi native, and Hip Herman,
and Ihe smallest contingent via furnished 111
my statistics by tin) nrgio race. Oilier nationali
ties, audi a the Sialic, weie too small In num
ber to be takpn Into actount a to the pieval
enee of drv istarrh among them.
Another most fnlrrrttins; and valuable obaeiva
Hon whith I wa thu able to make waa tint,
rontiaiy lo the aweitmn of many aiithoi, the
nicupitlon of the patient had no (significant In
flueiuo upon the tausitioii of Ihe diaease, evtept
111 those veiy raie casea which pie.entcd them
teltrs in nnplove of chemltal nianufactuilng
ratablishmenls, and I made the nhsert.itlnu that
partlrularly thoe person employed in Ihe inarm
fact lire of cinchona pnparalion and of nuiiilne,
a well a in llicwe who were einploveil 111 the
mJl1nf.11 tine of blchiomite rf potassium, fur
nished insiuice of influente of ocrupitlon. In
tho latter I found tint 1 peifoiatlon of the atp
turn, the partition between the two antcilor na
sal caville which cstend (mm thp nostill
liatk tn within a khort distance ol the uiper
put of the Ihroat and U eoiuposid pirlly of
cartilage and paitly ol bony strudure, veiy soon
octurred alter the Usual symptoms ol the foi
uiatlon ol dry scabs In the anterior nasal .lum
bers, a fatt which I pointed out years ago, and
which may bo du" lo the Influence of the iliromio
arid vapor a a drstiuctlic agent to lartlltge,
a well a to tho mechanical injury Inflicted
upon (he septal inucoua meiuhiane by the finger
mil of the patient In his rndcator to remove,
even temporarily, the obstruction to nasal n
pit .it ion ottaslonril by the haul acib atiiimulil
lug and adhering to Ihe mmnii membrane, for
want nl sufficient .ruction from tho atrophic
(wasted) tiiiblinte tiuiir, due In the astr.ngcnt
action of the chromic at Id vapor
Another cbsertatlon width I, as well as oth
ers, lnve frequently referred tn in willing, 'vat
that tu,t Infrequently persons prrvntcd them
kplvr who were affllited with unilateral atrophic
rhinitis and, In one or the other ol the
chambers presented the well known characicr
Istie featuir of the disease, and weie even to .1
greater or less extent afflicted with that promi
nent and riisagrceahlt symptom orjeua, or, a
it I commonly called, effenilve breath. These
cases 1 did noi Include in my statistics, for the
iraaon thai I found thl pathological conditions
to be due Iniailahly In a niretiinlcal obstruction
to natal respiration in lha ether anterior nnal
a Prince with
Gen. xxxll: 1-32.
I'll Willi. -(Veiaes 0 tn l.M-Two fotcea may
be employ ptl In pinmotlnir liuii'a w el laic, the
one human, the (dher divine. Some depend
wholly upon the llil. otheia wholly upon the
aecoinl, I he wite man will Invoke both, so It
waa with Jacob, lt.iv inc; rvpttised his own bpt
wisdom In a alialexlc attempt tn aveit the pos
aible evil which laitt might allPiupt, he aousht
(Ind In prayer. (IValin I, 11 1 The loim ol that
prater I remarkable, conlderiiiK the time and
tlri'uiiHtamea under vvhlth it wa nfftred. The
one request vvi deliveranee fioiii Hie hind of
lau (I'aalui Hi, 1, 2) a rllieit inlpi position for
personal scciiritj. He baaed hi plia pilmailly
upon lioil'a ttinimanil to return tn hi own coun
try nnd the pminlse ul protection. (Cencsla,
swill, IV) Hut In the aatne conneilion he ill
claim all personal wnrlh. aakinir (hi tivor en
the aole pound ot flod'a Rooilnes, and be be
pin with the intenaiit idea el (lod, the (Ind of
Abraham and of la.iac.
IMICMAT (VriM 11 to l(l)-'llicic are two
w.ii by which nn advertary may be prevented
from an evil courae hid action may be over
come by mpetlor lorcc, or hi purpose may be
ibanceil. Ilel.tliu upon the power ol !od for
the tlrst. Jacob icrolvpd lo atlfinpt the eisvnd.
Ile kclcclrd Hip alinrteat and amr-t way irto
Id brother' heait, and deleitiiilird lo make hlin
a Kift. (Proverb., xviil, Pi i He uletled out of
hi flock and heard neatly 000 head of ktock
of nine d!nctcnl Kinds nn I airancrd them in a
many diove under arrvar.t, pultliifr a little
apite between drove and diove. The entire valu
ation at a low prite in our time would be nearly
five thou.and dollar. 'I his aplrndid sill was to
bo aent on in advance to meet Imii. It wa
rxiiccled that whatever enmity may have ie
tniined It vroiild all tlepatt a the benevolenio
id the donor appeared. It wa a must happy
method of rnncill nine n bmlher, of ihanglm;
any evil dcaien that mav have been In hi lie. i it.
SI'nATIlHV. (Verae 17 tn 2.t.)-,lacob nli
rekolved to amine1 hi Klft In a vv.iv to produce
tlie best possible died. It ahould appear to
l'.sau In secllnn. nine in numbrr, and each ace
lion ahould be personally and louslt pieaent-
rd by those having It in iharce. In thl way the
Kond iiitluencc would lie cvrittd nine time, with
inteival for trtlritloii. The aciiuniilatlm; lm
presaion must be very creat and toward the end
the heart tnuld certainly not iralst the kindly
IppIiiik' that would be avvakentd. Morcoter, each
meant on prerntlin; the clft w.i. timimtid
to say to I-au, "I'hy servant J.irob is behind
ti. " Here w.i a piofes-lon of humililv oi anb
onlinillon in the title riMimiril, a viiluil am
rtndrr of anv kiiperiority tint mav have been
niquiieil by the pott ice lion fflenesi,
wi Ml. and ii profiwion nt Inleict a indirii
rd in the approidi These, Joined with the
btnevolenie, weie intended to appease lui f
be vvi- anry and pnpire tor the mepiinir to
Wlll.sll.lNfi (Verse 21 to 2'i ) 'IlirkP pre
chamber, which could be quit My and permanent
ly relieied by operatite Interference.
I will here sav but .1 few- word In rrgard to
Hip prominent avmploin o.iena, which ha given
use lo the popular belief that thl form of nasal
ratatili vvluili we have under consitbratlon is far
tnoie fiequent titan it really is. In tad, the
older writei tlekcribe a disease which they
called "oieni," and width they recognlred and
dhgno'titated bv the pecullir and extieinely
disigrreable fortld lireath, whidi odor, linn ever,
wa and Is unperieittd by Ihe patient. Oaena,
like ihopsy. I but one ol the stinpiom nf tall
mis and often evlen.ive ialliologlial ihaugea of
the k'sleni, and 111.11 be present in .1 taiiely of
illtTfiint nasal tliseisi. and llieiefuie is bv no
means an Infallible and ever pre-cnt diagnottle
sign of jlioplin rhinitis, although rteu to tin
tin both 07a. in and tbopsi are 1 onsidered to le
iliktintt and individual ili,,i-r. by the laity and,
I am almost n-himeil 1 1 ,. bv not a few of
the mrinbeis nf the iiittb. al pinfcs.stoii.
I now will add a few irinaiks a to my experi
imp In regard to the treatment. a initlir of
rouikr, I at flt.t wa inibued with Ihe gen rally
atctplrd rv rithedri l itement in all the text
book. and the iiinent literature of the early dais
of rhlnologt Hut dry catarrh, a it wa and ia
tallid, could not be lined and Ihe (imminent
k.vinploiii, oiena, lOtild only be held In check
in In nbtru.lvcneis upon the sense ol smell of
other than Ihe palitrit by the iheral use ol
carbolio add wj-bt nnd other soialletl anti-ep.
tit, which bv vlitiie of their own inoro or lis
ili-agree.ible odor, simply misked, for the time
being, the foetid bie.iih of the path nt without
in the least leiiinilns lis lau-e. I nerd hardlv
mention that t faithfully tned cieiy new rem
cily whiih in the i'oure of time wa icioniinend
ed in medltal liteiature, and carefully obsened
Ihe ilbcl upon the innilltiun of the patient, but
in spite nf my rtrrfullv and faithfully tarriins
out of the various method of treatment, none
of Hit 111 seriiittl to liavc any advantage one over
the other. And 1 may add here, in pirtiillici.
tint I found that the lower diss of dispensary
piliiul. nf whileter nationality, were by fir Hie
bet subjeit In i.nriing on nidi comparative In
vesication, became tliev, not being accustomed
tn think and imagine foi tht'inscltefl, haic a far
stealer icpirt for the wisdom ol tlie dihl ol
the dlspnisiiy and will tairy out Implicitly and
caielully the direction he may give them, while
pnvalo patient and the belter clas of people,
who rrally khould not be treated a paupn In
the tlispenirirs of our meat lilies, fat too
oftui think they know belter thin the physician,
and not only do not c my out hi tiirectio.i,
but also annoy iusly prevaricate and color their
ktalcmtnt so that but scant rtliaucc can be
plain! 011 what tl.ey say.
Alter a nunber 01 year or sue 11 tiuitle.s rv
peiiuienMlion I eaiuu lo Ihe toinlusion. or lather
wa foiced to It, that the proper and rlt't'H.e
trralment for atrophic rhinitis innitrd, first,
in the irmoval of the diird secretion ol the
mut mi membrane in Ihe nn.c, not bv foicihle
removal with In-liunirm or a stream of a liquid
or auti-eptii' solution under high picture, a
from the nasal rlnnclie or the pos.naal kyringe,
but by Hie giatlual solution and loosening of
them by a solvent In liquid (01111, to which
should be added borne of the ethereal intlseptl.',
such a thymol, menthol, riicalyptul, itc, to
overcome, if cvrn only trmpoiarllv, the obec
tinuable, and to Ihe operator often kicki'111117,
odor of nziena; sifondlv, nfler Hie stab hate
tbeie been icmnted, in the te eslabli.hmeiit 111
Mime wat, to as great an extent aa pouililc, of
the normal tapiutt and cnuflguutmn uf the
anterior nasal bit ilhlng chinuels, at the mnis
time supplying Ihe nrirliy tnoistuie In bo ab
sorbed bv Hie Inspired air a in Ihe normal con
dition, tlili illy. In producing a regenrialion of
the almphled turbinito liisiiei by some kind nf
stimulation lo the imnnu membrane which
would in lime re-establish thp noimil fundion
of the nose and run ptrmainnlly lemuvc lha
almost invalidity piesent oaeni.
Along these line. of logical leasonmg I sueteed
ed in attoinplialiliig the flikt proposition-n one
Iv, the gtaduil leinoval n( the nabs and with
them Hip naein, by mean of ihe solution which
l. known as tny arili-rplio nasal w.ib, thp fur
iiioU (or which 1 firt published in a paper 1 11
"Tlie Suiglcal rrealnienl of llvpeilmphu ltlu
nlti," lead before Ihe New oik Vcdemy of
Medicine, and which later, for the sake of con
lenleiitc. 111 will aa for the putpoto of Insur
ing greiter aniincy in il u.e, I tunsfonned
into what aie now milter-sally known a the
"eiler antiseptic pastille.," width solution fully
met my experlatlon. in it at lion, made bt 'lie
formula I gate or fioui the pastlllis, will h I
am gbvl to aay, an nuw for ihe fiist time in
nil these years put upon Ihe inaiket mule mi ici
ly accoiding tn the (uimula whiih I deviled,
lleieloforc llipy hate bteri nude by lunumrrahle
inanufacturliig chrml.u and put upon Ihe mar
ket without autliorltv and firm foiniiibi of (heir
own. These latter prepuatloni, although they
may hue been of seulte In some cases, ar not
the ultal pirparatlnn which 1 Ind in iiiiud and
wlildi after many tedious but always i Untitle
allv and not rmplricallv woiktd nut combina
tion 1 succeeded In clovMng, The delall nl
these evpeiluients I gato lo the ktudmu ol the
fourth-year class of the medical ilepartineni of
Ihe 1'uiierslty of Pennsylvania in a ilinltal In
tuie some yea is ago,
After accomplishing the rcmcwal nf both
scab and oiacna, it was a tornp.iiJllvdi cast
task tn detl.o n simple mean of aicompli.hlng
the two other piopoitons, although even Hut
rrquiird some experimentation and ilo.e ob
rervatlon Willi Ihe hints, linvetfi, fioni Pros
gen, ol Frankfur, who advocated chimlial ttimu
latinn of the mucous meinbrant' by means
nl nitrate nf illter triturate diluted with starch
or. a I u.e it now with better effect, with itfv
late of rlnc, and from fiottticln, ol Herlln,
who, I believe, was lha first to iiiggrsl the tot.
ton nasal plus for Ihe tamo purpose, I found
J. E. Gilbert, D.D
Secretary ol American
society ol Kellgbin
llinlinrle belnc arranireil, the procraalon moved
nvir the brn.k .labbok lido the inunlry nf the
Aininonlle In tin following onleri Klrt the
prrspnl tn lau. next the tniiaindcr ol the
tic, k and lielil, iifleiward Hip ttvn tnullle.
Hill Jacob lairiul alone tin the north aide ol the
brook. Ile aacmcil In feel Hilt there wa ulsio
ill hi lilktorj, tint lie nrctled liiniarll aoinc pic
paiallon b"toie cntirhu upnii it Miuv anollier
man ha come up Id i iilnl wlure In found It
iint'isaiy tn withdraw into ailliude iMalthrw,
lv, 2.1) All iilubt he cucaurd In pravcr. Ib
llef did not mine lo hi troubled apirit. A if
In bodll) loun aoine aiipciiiaturijl lielinf, up
lioacd lo hive been the Lord, wiestled wllh him.
.Iicob aoucht a blntaini; whiih Hie oilier mil
not prant at flrM, but he held stridil to hla
plea until the answer nine ' tdglit ol
ttrmratle began the lien era In J nob' life 'Hie
vlttory pained wa aijtnallrpd by a new namr.
Israel, which waa tluipaltir Peine ! lum and
hi postult).
MHMOIIIAI, (Verse SO to 8') Ml great
event, it Indeed anv are atrbtly tilt lal, are
worthy to be kipt In ritnernbiaiice. 'lhey be
long io pmterlly and help In transmit and pee
petuate tlm liiHiiemi tint ituirouml them. Ihi
nlltht ol pra.ver was toniiiieinoiatpil In two wits.
The pine wheie it otiuriid was tailed I'euiel.
the lam ol (Ind, the mine (.tvi'ii b) Jin ob lum
keif who felt that he had aeen Hod. I'loni i:euei
atlon to ceneratlmi that mine, mirkuiK a m
tain locality, told Hip klory of Hie wrellinu'
nitiiarth tn all who heard it. The event was
also proclaimed bt it personal lnliimlit lint
led to a natlond oh-rrtance. In vvrctlui)
Jacob' thich wa for n time put out ol Joint,
and he halted a. lie w ilked fioni Hie pine
Wherefore the Israelite forever after lefialnnl
from ratine the thluli. thus tCktifjiiis to all
their faith In what had tiiiurii'd. 'Hie linn of
middy prajer wa theieforc rcmembeicd by
double memorial.
TtnT.KCllONS -A with Jacob, a.i with u;
the avtrirft trial lesull from foiim-r traiicKii
non. Piudeiit precaulioti are ionlalent wllh
(iod. We may not meet a host ol onjel. but
wp may be assured of better help, tint of the
Cod nl all irrato. Kvrrv man miv enped tn
tome to hi J ibbok, nnd before i-tisitig in t
the nniertalnllea and pirll tint lie bpiinil, bo
khould co alone wllh Hod and timl the atinuUi
lirpiled for the lppioiildng tiial. Iliilwaid pit
piratlon aie all pioper, the fatorablo adju-t
liiint of tliiumst.iiiits in an fir as human wis
dom tun etTect them is ever to be lomtnended.
but the chiel fit c-pii j ttnri I in one's own bean
If, in humble faith we determine not to let nn
until the lilisiiig tome, we .bill become line
Nradilt lliir Peniel tint iiitoiuazr otlnrk n
wrtwtle and betoine the liLitone atimuliis totvanl
n more exaltul kpiiituil life A iukIiI of lonlliit
will usually be Inllovtril by the vlttorv al tlav
that the creator mionly of i.ise of atrophic
rhinitis readily yubbd In tiealiiient, and fre
quently In an astonishingly vhoit lime
The action ol the Uotlatein plug is pmlnbtv
not fullv uii'lerlooil mil appm i.itrd, and for
thi reason and also for the theorrtiial, bit in
my rvperirme absolutely rrioneou. lea'.in that
patient eatniot be induced to r intrmlu e it
ppiitf nlly as it should lie done, so l.Hle use w
made o( it and It hi been last aside as u.e
lea and fanclliil, but is, novoi theie-., an ivtr. melt-
useful and rlllnrnt mean fo' produuiig not
onlv stlmulition of the rvurtory gland A the
nasi! tnucou membrane bv mild but loutiiiuoti
mechanical irritation, but al-o tor bringing
about a near aiproich to the normal calllue of
tho nasal ri.piialoiy tract ami, above all, for
ahsoibing, iitaiuing, aid giving oft to the in
spired air current what little moisture thete i
cttreted by Ihe mutou mriiibi.uie, and 111 tin
threefold capacity pretenllng the lefninilti-m
of tlrieti scab of mucu and the recurienie of
liy a lillle Instruction a to ln.iv lo mike and
intioduce the plug into the proper pine in the
nisal emit namely, in pine of the jiroplniil
lower tinbiiiale, the pailruls, Willi tuy few iv
eeptlon. leirn to make the plug and pit iheiii
into position, frequently belter than the cpni
tor himself I able to do, and the comfort Mtd
rase which t hev deriie fioni both the prnpi r u.e
of the antiseptic solution to cleanse the nti. ..ti-t
meiiibrino and the wr.nlng of Ihe cotton plug
111 the intrrvals of wasbing out the im
tie i siith that they ale not willing In tin Willi
out either.
KllllORI T. - Mi plaint in list itun!it'
Issue nf the Silid ba hid the ipslrrd ilsi
and I am very grateful to Hie te.iiVi who 'n
responded tn mv appeal by sending me wools
tn be defined. The Hist one I leccmd wa ihe
question: "What 1 an editnilil ami In what
way tine It differ Iroin the other reiding tnaltii
in .1 newspaper'" Willi all tlue defeieme In ihe
superior knowledge of my c-toomce! fileud. the I
editor of The Tilbune, who bold that not all
the new in a iiftipiper are fait, y.t I thiol
the following rvplanition will coter the gi umil
nnd fullv i.nwei Ihe que-tioii: n editnilil Is
the expression of hi opinion en anv question of
Interest In Hie rradir ol hi puhli'.ilion by ihe
edllor, and I In opinion i fouueil bv lum fnvn
the au Inn ef Isolated fail githeied fioni
all over the wnrhl and publishril a ne.v In
the paper; in nther wools, an clitoiiil is 1
terlnl digestion and roiulrn-alion of the relitne
effett of hippeninga upon vital sotnl questi'ins
of the tliy tinged with the ludnitluiliiy and
mental bias of the rdilornl writer.
fail .N-il.r. M 1 1.
Mi ,Ioip-Dh' lour huslund t lass I
Mis. Ilmwri (Hi. te ; he e.itiie his tin-
iip to town ettrv tl.o lo bung out
and vegetable in ('lib igo Ittnuil lb i ihl.
w ,
" "
Delaware, Xackawonna and Western
In r.fiect Aug. 11. 10O1.
Train leave !sCianton (or .Sew urk l 1 in,
a.Hi, ft r.5, 7.W and 10 01 a in. UP'. :i '.n,
S 15, 3.01) and 8.W) p. ih toi New oik and
Philadelphia 7.50 and 10 01 a in . aid UP) and
3 13 p. m. For Tobyhanna-At 11.10 p. in F' r
lluffalo 1 13, o -"- and l () a. m , 1 , I fi., 7 ')'
and 11 .U v. m For llinghainton and way sta
tion 10 2D a in and 101 p. m For Oswego,
gyianue and I Ilea 1.13 and 0.21 a. in,; l..:0
and a hi p. m. Otw go, Mriime and F'lci
train at C2J a in. dally, rvirpl "uiulav. For
Montrose 0 no a m ; 101 aid 7.01 p. in.
Nicholson actomniotlalior, 1.00 and (1.13 n. in.
Illoomsburg Division l'or Noithumbcnand, at
(1(5 and ton) a. m ; 1 .50 and (J.10 p tn. For
Pltniouth, at 8 10 a. m ; 3 51 and 'MO p m
Sunday Trains For Nett Yolk, 1 lu, ,1 (, 5 '."
and 10 (W a m.; 3 20. 3 43 and 5 HO p in. Frr
lluffalo 1 13 and 0 11 a. in ; 1 .10, .1 32, 7 "5
and ll 3.1 p. m. For Itinjhamlon and way sta
tlons 9 00 and 10 20 a. in lllooiusliurg division
Leave pcranton, 10.03 a. m and 6.10 p. ni.
Erie Railroad, Wyoming Division.
Tialn for Ilnwlry and inteimcdlato points Irjvo
Ssiantcn aa follows: So. 1, 7.10 a m ; Xo. ,
F50 a .111 ; No- 0, 2 23 p in,; So. ?, A JO p m
Nos 2 and fi through trains for Sew- lork.
Arrltal-So. 1, Mt m ; Xu .1, lO.'io a in ;
No 5, 3.15 p. in.; No. 7. 0 15 p .in liaiu .So
5 and 7 aie through train from New 101k.
Ilepartiires-N'o. 20. 9 a. m ; S'o. 22. 2 p. m
Arrival No, 21. 12.15 p. in., No. 2J, S.13 p. ni.
New Yoik, Ontario and Western
Tlnm Table In Fett Xumliv, dune 2J, jooi.
1 ) p. in.
() p. in.
a ta p. ni.
No. 1
o. 3
No, 7
,10 aO a, in.
, 4 () p in.
. 6 10 p ni
11.10 a m.
4 41 n m.
r Cailiondale,
I.rate l.eato Vrrlve
Cadcuia. ' Caiboiidalp. bnanion.
"00 a. in. 7.40 a nt
...8.10 a.m. 10 01 a in. io.pi j ,.
... 2 13 P. m ",, P. in. i1 11 p. m.
Leave l.eavo Arrlvo
S,ranton. (".nbondalc. (.adosla.
... KM a. in- V-10 a. m. 1041 a, in.
... 71") P- I"- Ar s'arbondale. 7 43 p in
l.ratc '"''". Airite
Cadosla. Caibonitalp, 'nanton
to r, m. n (it n. tn et as .. m
No. 0
No. 4
No. 2
No. 0
No. 5
No. n
No. 10
rrslna Sns. 1. Oil W'fk llays, and (I. on Ison.
days, make main line connections- for N'etv York,
city. L'tlca, Oneida, Oswego and intermediate
rTulni Ne. 3 and make Wilton, Delhi, Ham
den and Sidney connections.
For lurther information consult ticket sgsnts.
J. O. ANDKIPsOS'. fi. p, A,, .sew york.
J. r.. WELSH, T. r. A., Seranton.
By ft itccnt net of tho 1bIU
turc, free tuition Is now granted
at the
State Normal School
Bloomsburp;, Pa.
lo nil those ptepni'ltiR to teach.
This mhool maintains courses
nf study for teachers, for thoso
prepatltiK for colleco, and for
those studylnB musk'.
It will piv to write for particular!
No other achool ofleia autli kunerlor ad
vanliKca al auch low tatct Addiesj
J. P. Welsh, A. H , Ph. D., Prin.
'Wissahickor. Mcighti. Chestnut Hill, Pa'.
A tioariliuc school for boy in the elevated
nml hcaiitilul open country notlli ol Thlla
ilclphl.i. v minute from Broad bt Matlon
l'or rnlnl'opiic ndtlie
Per Veivoiis, Hat kit ltd and Deaf Mute Chit
dim l'iii-n tl lialii'iic Manual ri.iniimr, Atlie
ul.iliMii. Mii.ii, mi, Klr.ili iRJitfll. Op. n
)car aitiiiml. tip .
S. A. Doolittle,
SJ I'artnvv Avenue, IliiiKhamtnn, N, Y.
T. J. Foster, President. Timer II. Latvall, Tren.
II. J Poster,
Stanley P.
Vice Prraldent.
$10,00 TO $18.00 A WEEK
salaiy for an intelligent man or woman In each
town Peiminenl position ;i) teni per hour for
spate time Manutai tutor, Ilox 7s, Philadelphia,
jr . Is H
Grand Atlantic Hotel no Annex
Virginia Ate and Heath, Atlantic City, X. J.
Sixth year, R,"0 beiutiful looms cnsulte, lingla
and with bath, hoi and cold sea'watcr batht
in hotel and annex, hotatlon select and central,
within few yarda of the Steel Pier. Orchestra.
Oftrra special spilng rates, $12 to SIS by week;
il.U) up by day Special rates to fsmllies. Coachei
meet all trains. Write for booklet
Schedule in Effect June f3, 1001.
Trains leave Scianton:
6.45 a. m., week days, through ve
tibulo train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia, via
Pottsville; stops at principal in
termediate stations. Also con
nects for Sunbury, Hnrrisburg,
Philadelphia, Baltimore, Wash
ington and for Pittsburg nnd the
0.38 a. m., week days, fes Sunbury,
Harrisburg, rhiladelphn, Balti
more, Washington and Pittsburg
and the West.
2.18 p. m., week days, (Sundays,
1.58 p. m.), for Sunbury, Harris
burg, Philadelphia, Baltimore,
Washington and Pittsburg and
the West.
3.33 p. m., week days, through ves
tibule train from Wilkes-Barre.
Pullman buffet parlor car and
coaches to Philadelphia viaPotts
ville. Stops nt principal inter
mediate stations.
4.27 p. m., week days, for Hazleton,
Sunbury, Hanlsbmg, Philadel
phia and Pittsburg.
1 It IH'KTIINsOV. (Ten Mr'.
J n WOOD. Hen Pass Agt.
Lehigh Valley Railroad.
In KfTrt't .lime 2, Pll.
Train lean- Stianion.
For Philadelphia and N'etv loik via 1). ;
It. It., at ( (5 and '.' ! 1 m . and 1 13,
(111 ilk Diaim lid Htpitss). oinl ll.tiO p. in.
i II
1 il
tins, 1) fi II II II . 1 1 " '' p. m.
For White llaten, llaleion and pnncipil
riolnts in tlie coil rtgnuis, via . ,v n. iv iv ,
I i. II, 2 1-; and I J7 p in lor Ptittsville. rt.5 I
' Hi . '1.1 P in.
I l'or lliililtl.em. l..i-ton, Heading, llliii-bira;
anil pun, iptl inieimtibaic via I). A it
It It , ii 45 9 is a m ; 2 1. 4.27 (niack Du
mond I'vprewt). II. a) p m Mindays, I), ti II.
11 It., o : a m ; 1 3 1 27 i in.
l'i r Tiinkhaiinoik, Toau,la, Klinirs.
ficiieva and pin.iipil lnleimediile station!, ut
J) , 1.. k V II. II . K) a in and .( Id p in.
For IJent't i. llt'die.tir. Iluftalo, Siagaia Fal.s,
( hit igo and all point west, via II 11. It U,
7 4". 11.51 a m , I 21. .1 .1.1 I Plat k Diamond 1- v
press), 7 Is. in II. II i) p, ni ninilii, D. A. it,
it It , 11 51. ''7 P m
piillmiu pirlor and sleeping or I.ehlch Vlly
pailer car on all traiin iftwpen Wilk's Harrfl
and N'Ptv S '-.. I'lnladelphia, Huflalo and Si
ppiielnn Hridge
ItOI.I.IS' II V.TI.IHR. Hen. iupt , 2 Cortland
street, Sew i"ik
(TI.M1I.F.S 1.1. K. Hen. ran. Agt., 2 Cortlani
strert. Sew- Yolk
A W S'(1S'SFM( IIKII. Div. Pass. Agt., South
Hethlehem. Pa ,.
For tltkets and Pullman recnationi apply to
Stri I.aikntaniu avenue, Scianton, Pa
New Jersey Central.
Station In Sew York Foot ol Liberty itrest,
N It . and Ninth Ferry. '
TTMt; TAM.I. IS" llr'FKOT JUN'B acVpyil
Train leave l-cranlon for New York. Newaik,
ITiiabelh. Philadelphia, Fasten, nthleh.em, Al
lentown, Msueh Chunk and White llsven, st S 1
a in.; expies., 1.10, eapren, LM p. in. San
tlats, 2 13 P m ,
For Plilston and Wilkm Parrr, 1-55 a. m ; 1 1(1
,nd 4 00 pm. hundays, 2 15 p m. '-
Foi Ililtlnioie and Mashlnglon and poin'a
S..uth and Wf't via. Ilethlrliem, f 55 ,a. rm., 110
and l.) p. i" Sundats, 2.11 p in
For 1ing Praiich. Ocean fiiove, etc., at tJ.55
a. in. ithioinh .oadn. and 1.10 p. in,-
For Heading. I.ebin"n and llarilstvue, vis Al
lmtnwn, e.51 a. ni and 1.10 p. m. Sundays,
2 15 p. ni. . ..
For Pottsvillp, 5l a in.. 1 10 p. m
For Mountain I'ark, 5 35 a. m., I.JO and 4 00
P Through ticket to ill point rut, 'tout!, and
west at lowest tale at Hip tatton. .-
('. M ni'lir. Hen. Paja. Agt.
J. II OLIIAL'SEV, Oen. Supt,
Delaware and Hudson.
In r.ftect -tune P, 1001. '
Tialr for Caibondale leave, ),
R(S) M 10 1.1 a. ni.; 12.00, 1 2'), -J '44, 3 5.'
6 -9 0.25. 7.57, 0 13. ,,. m. ; 1.16 a m
For llonesdale and Lake I.odore, O.iil, 10 13 a.
m ' ' 41 and 5 29 p in.
For Wilke.Harre-45, 7 ., s4Uil3S, 10 41
i in.; 12 0.1. 12. - JM -?. .10, 7.l,
10 41. UN) P "
t'or L. V. 11. It rolnt-oO. 0.JS a. m.i 213,
4 -7 and 11. SO T- '
For Pennnltanll It. It. points 8.13, 0.3S, :.1,
3.3.1 and 4 27 p in.
For Albany and ill point! north 20 i. m.
and 3.52 p. ni
For Citbondalf S 50, IXM i, m.; 2.41, S S3,
5 tl and 10.52 p. m.
For WTIkes.llalier-9.3S . m.; 12.01, 1,M, 3.23.
6 32 ind-M.' r. m.
For Albany ind points north 3 33 p. m.
For llonesdale ind Lake Lodors 3 50, 11 31
a. m. ind 3.52 p. m.