vir "y i jffis " ' 7Tn sfff.WR v ?. THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14. 19M. -. MV r -V M -BEAOTIESOP PALM BEACH QTJEEN OF ALI. WINTER RE BORIS ON COAST OF FLORIDA. A Olance nt the Pnlm and Orange Groves of the Now Peninsula. Pineapple and Banana Culture In the Southern Belt Origin of the Cocoanut and Date Palm The Pa latial Hotels and Transportation Facilities. THE charm and lovllne. of Palm Beach, no a winter ic?ort, transcends It seems to me, any possibility of description. On Kake Worth, some -'TO miles south of St. Augustine, n broad and fertile penin sula, covered with n luxuriant tropical giowth, Is by far. the iiucen of all the catil coast lesorts. The great, green, gulf stream sweeps nlong on one side, close to the shore laden with life and sea-ozone, while 'the tranquil Lake Worth, with Its jcflstlrsi tpinptmloim for falling nnd Uniting, peacefully las on the other side. Tin- loio.iuiit palm, that beautiful and tiuiJoMli tree, n one says, "ever an Index to an emthly paradise," grows heto to pcifeetlon. The shores of the lake, for miles ate fringed with stately cocoanut trees al ways In full beat Incr. Great groves of them with latse hunches of gieen husked coeoanuts. hanging from the crown, together wlih the bananna, aie seen on all side". Nature has here supplied all the material the most lavish Rai finer or lover of nature could covet. Lake Worth, Is like other waters of the Indian river sstcm, n salt-water lagoon, -'J miles long, by nn average width of a mile and separated from the Atlantic ocean by this peninsula about a mile wide. CrosslnR the lake and approachliiR West Palm Reach, even before nllght Ins from the train, one feels that the most expreslp adjectives at his com mand, Is too InslRnlflHant to cxptess his delight at the matchless and majestic view that gteets him. The grounds favored by stature, have been greatly enhanced In beauty, by the lavish expenditure of money. Heie are tropical treeo and plants gathered fioni all partr oft the world. In the "Royal rolnclana" grounds, aie cocoa nut palms of lordly dimensions nnd a great variety of other tiopieal flora These gloves extend to the spacious veranda's of the hotel, and the walks around nnd connecting with "the Bi fakers" (those two famous hotels about! tcr of a mile aput.) The walks are of asphalt, shaded on all sides by a variety of raie and In teresting tropical growth, while the borders are a solid bloom of sweet scented flowcis. Think of walks laid out in geometrical patterns, bordered with concrete curbs, and with lawns protected by curved sea-walls of con crete and cnqulna on the lake fiont Walks twenty feet wide and one mile long, bordcied with cocoanut palms, oleanders, and azaleas, that lead from the lake to the ocean with a isteop and nanow beach, upon which a mag nificent surf break, In color a clear, bilRht and ultramarine blue. The lawns, too, of whkh there are act es upon act es planted in Santa Lucia gras-r. green the entile ear. like a vel vet cat pet with no signs, "keep off the grass," to heed. Here oleandeis, hibis cus and passion flowers ate In bloom In .January. Mangoes, guavas, llmep, lem.ons, oranges, tigs, papodlllas, date palms, bananas, pineapples and early vegetables are common In all the gar dens. Some have straw beirles ilpc In February and tomatoes in abundance in March. Then hete is the rubber tree, the royal polnciana. paradize, coffee and other curious tiees. orna ment the gardens, while the gnailed fttaggllng arms of great live oaks, covered with knobs nnd hunelis of orchids and hanging moss, add to the beauty of this paradise. Glance nt the Hotels. Of the two palatial hotels, I will only describe one, the Incomparable "Hoyal Polnciana," built in colonial style, 5.",5 feet long, sK stoiies high and contains 500 hundred sleeping rooms, beslds the usual public rooms. One good feature is each of there rooms contain thirty six squat o feet of cloct space. Here is a dlnlnfir room, 210 feet long, le sembling a royal court, where over six hundred guests can at one time sit down to banquet. Wide pavllllons ex tend nearly around the superb struc ture, which stands In the midst of tropical vegetation of which tho rar and beautiful Hoyal rolnclana. Is a conscious growth, and which has given name to tho hotel Itself There are other and less piotentlous hotels here, with rates varying from $2.00 to J3.00 with superior service, lz. "Hotel Hibiscus," located near the railroad station amidst tropical scen ery, for those who dislike the stir and bustle of tho Royal rolnclana. nnd Breakers. In addition to its delightful climate, its tropical fruits and flower. Palm Beach offers unrivalled spott for the hunter nnd Angler. It Is said that "a fish in the hand, Is worth two of tho anglers story," still It is a fart that nearly all tho sea fish ate found in Lake Worth, such as blue fish, spotted tea trout, vallo red-snapper, barracu da, pompano, saw fish, mullet and channel bass. The king fish Is caught outside of the inlet and Is a veiy gamy one. Extraordinary catches have been made her. On March 2!, two men with hook and line, caught one bundled nnd thirty-three king fish that welched 1101 pounds. It seems hardly possible, aut true. From the ocean pier, which xtends one-thirds of a mile into the scean. almost any kind of fish nre jaught and one never returns empty hand eel. Other attractions at Palm Beach are the immense salt-water awlming pools, turf bathing 365 days of the year. Tho irlglnal Indian trails, tho blcyclo laths and Palm Beach golf links. The utter enclosed by a dense fotcst of ropical palms and shrubbeiy, Gr ounding the "Royal rolnclana "and n, he "Breakers." On tho western shorn if the lake aro large plenapple planta ions. Thirty miles Inland, ! Lake Skechabee, with tettlements of Stm nolo Indians. t The Pineapples. The pineapple Is a species 'of nlr jplant and belongs to the same fam ily as Spanish moss. It Is piopagated .'iqm slips and suckers or ciowns of Ihe pines taken Horn the baso of the pineapple, each pine producing from Jve to seven slips. The mature plant s two and one-hnlf feet In height, alth a t-juead of two feet huoss, the rult Is borne on stalk In the ten .eivinly one apple, to each rtalk In I M-.itnn The ps are et mn In niQiWrnimr. in.coo to i:,fl(M t thu ,uie. i lilt planti "' 6l In I'tiUvt lows is I by 30 Inches apart, nnd the entire area thus planted Is covered by an awning of slats one by three Inches and placed four Inches apart and about eight feet above the surface; this cov ering protects from both heat nnd cold, After planting the slips will pro duce fruit In eighteen months to two years, the suckers In one year. They need but little attention, their luxuri ous growth soon shades tho ground, preventing the growth of weeds nnd rnpld evaporation of molstuie, The tost of planting, fertilizing nnd culti vation for one acre In pineapples, the same covering a period of eighteen months from beginning to maturity of the first crop will be nlwut $2,600. At present prices tho ciop Is worth nbout J.'.OOO. With necessary fertil izing, etc., withoutscttlng new plants, the same land will twelve mouths later yield another crop worth fully ns much as a cost not to exceed $100, and with proper enre this repetition of crops may bo (ontlnued terr or twelve years. The pineapples llpenen on tho sterrr nnd eaten when freshly plucked Is of better flavor nnd ns superior to the Imported as the oianges from the proves of Florida aro superior. Bnnana Culture The ha nana is not properly a tree, but a plant of leafy, succulent growth. The stock Is formed of the stems of the leaves In toncentrlc layers, reach ing with Its leaves a height of lfi or 20 feet and S to 10 lnihcs In thickness, and contains no woody llbre. From the centre comes the frult-hcnilug stem, which turns nnd grows downward. The end has the nppearnnce of nn ear of torn with purple shuck. This un folds, one leaf nt n tlrrre, dlsplaMng two rows, eight to twelve ench, of tiny little fruit with their delicate blos soms, until It nttalns a length of two or threefeet, covered with fruit. The leaves arc a marvel for size and np pearnnce, sometimes reaiblng a length of six feet nnd eighteen Inches wide of a glossy pen green. The root Is perennial. It Is large nnd floslo , some times the size of n half bushel meas ure, from which Is put forth l ootids half nn Inch In diameter. From the main root nre constantly springing numerous suckers, which go to form new plarrts. There arc several varieties of ban ana, among which Is tiro "dwarf." This plant rarely attains the height of more than seven feet. The fruit H noted for Its large size nnd delicate flavor. Tt has been successfully culti vated for years nt Lake Worth. Laih stoik bears but one bunih of fruit. They are planted ten feet apart; this gives 00 to the acre, nnd tho s-ocond year there will be six or eight plarrts to each hill. Three bunches a year per hill Is n fair estimate; this wilt give 1.200 hum lies per acre. Many of these will contain over 100 bananas each. It Is n profitable and safe Investment, nnd $.:,noo per ear from a single acre, including plants sold, have been netted. An Ostrich Farm. Palm Beach has a binnch of the Florida ostrich farm. Here aie T5 ostriches from there of gieat beauty and value. Tills tompany owns six hundred ostriches, and now control the domestic output of ostrich feathers in the country. Palm I'eaeh, owes to a shipwreck the cocoanut trees which have given to it distinguishing beauty nnd name. VeaHs ago, the Spanish brig, Pio vidence, cocoanut-laden, was cut away off this coast, and the cocoanuts were washed ashore to find growth In a congenial soil. Thcie Is quite as much romance In tire coming of the dale-palm to Florida. From S.vila, the conquering Moots can led 11 to Spain and the Spanlaids brought It heie. The palms Indigenous to Florida, nre the low -saw, or scrub palmetto, vvhlih covets vat area, of the Mate and tho bahbage-palmctto. so called, be cause of the cabbage-like growth which is edible. The palm Is typical of the South, as tho pine Is of the North. The palm speaks of brilliant skies and tropical sun and ea-y In dolent oxlstem e, while the pine (.peaks of struggle and enduiance, defjlng wind, fiost and snow. Palm Reach Is the social center of southern Florida. As a winter rcsoit It Is extremely popular, so many per sons are annually coming heie that Its leputatlorr Is almost n household word everywheie. It Is strange how the chill of the Icy north recede from thought, as one walks heie through these long, niched avenues of palms, with the song of the sea hard by, amid homes of Northerner whose wealth has assisted the desert of a dozen yea is ngo, to bloom ns the iom, This reason has been the most sue cessful of any In the history of Palm Beach. The present accommodations being inadequate. Mr. Flagler will add 400 moie rooms to the Itovnl Polnciana making it the laigest hotel In the world. It Is estimated, so .says the "Hotel (Jazette," that one million dol lara will be expended In building giand winter homes by eastern capi talists, who have seemed $100,000 worth of property south of tho Poln ciana, usldo fioni the outlay of Mr. Flagler, who has already advertised for one thousand mechanics. From Palm Beach we orrtlnue down tho coast 67 miles to Miami, the tei minus of the Last Cast Rallwav and tho "Jumping off place" of Florida. At Intervals, the train pa'-'-es over ties, ties nnd bridges spanning the numer ous rivers, sounds, and bays that rim from tho coast to the Interior. On the border of these streams can be seen pineapple plantations and vege table guldens without end. As we pass the fifteen stations southward the lnnd seems mora and more productive, it possible. Wo parallel the shore of Lake Worth awhile and soorr crrter the heart of tho celebrated "Morning Glory." muck lands, on which tiro phenomenal yields of various vege tables nnd fruits. At Santana the southern end of Lako Worth is the commencement of the great drainage canal, of which I will speak later. At Boynton nnd Slnton are colonies from New York nnd Michigan engaged in the cultivation of tomatoes and beans. Hero nre largo celery farms, besides orange, lemon nnd grape ftult groves cf numenso yields. Next como Fort Lauderdale, here an old Indian fort still exists and where Seminole Indians tome into trade. Tho train was welcomed and Its departure speeded by Scmlnola boys and girls, the former In their native dress. At Everglades aro orange trees of great age, wheio the groat freeze did not reach In 1S95. At .' v . is a nourishing colony of jrl(. large quantities of pineapples timu, grapes and vegetables aro giown. Drains for reclaiming tho great New liver mat h ( "i the Ilvergladcs are seen. A' vr. h M, 17 miles fioni Maim' a phm - , spot where the hoc worn i.f . thtough solid " I I: the . n of which f "' 'tttial . ?,-. This stream coi .ii ;'...i ii L'verglades, Is deep and lull of all kinds of nsh. A good slue ,o,v boat can taslly pass through and unier the natural curiosity. Lemon City comes next, a. thrifty set tlement on Blscayne Ray, where the residents are chiefly engaged In lemon nnd citrus fruit growing. Here we have our Orst view of the wonderful sheet of water-nnd Mnlmi, tho future metropolis of riorlda, Birth of the Miami, Some sections lay great stress on their nge, nnd refer with pardonable pride to the fact thnt they nre old and have a right to be numbered with those who made history years ago. Although Miami cannot ro so far back as St. Augustine, yet In the five years of her history she nurpnsses all others. She has a record that Is a surprise to tho world. Before the advent of the Hast Const railway In 1S76 this point was a wil derness, later u scattering hamlet of tents, containing not over fifty souls. Today It Is u young city of great promise, called the- "Mnglc City," "Tho fSntowny of the Antilles." It Is the southern terminus of the Florida Last Coast railway, nnd Its several steam ship connections nnd the neatest to all points in the West Indies. It Is miles from Jacksonville, nnd the last one of the charming unci delightful of Florldn's Last Coast winter lesnrts. Think of It; live years ngo a sleepy little vlHage, whose sole attraction wns beautiful tropical scenery and ell-' mate peculiarly soft and mild, nnd an old foit, now transformed to it modern and up-to-date city and tourist re sort. Miami Is located dhectly on the beautiful Blscayne Bay at the mouth of the Miami river, whose source Is In the Kverglades, on n narrow pen insula, the tip-toe ofthe Fulled States, separated frorrr the sea by n nartnw strip of land and some ninemlles from tho ocean. Here you have the always inspiriting boom of the suif nnd get a fresher scent of the salt breeze with Its surprising softness and moderate temperature. The leason for the balmlness and freclom from chill lies In tho fact that the great ocean river, known as the Gulf Stream, tempers the air that blows from the Atlantic nnd gives It Just enough Northern vig or to free It from uneiiervntlng qual ities that proves so soothing nnd rest ful for tired brains or woin bodies. It Is ttuly a delightful relief fiom the shivering dampness left behind so sbni t time ago. The sboies of tho bay nnd the banks of the river are fringed with full grown cocoanut trees laden with their luscious ftult and luxuriant tiopieal vegetation. The cocoanut palm Is found wild around the bay, the leaves of a full-giow n specimen will nttaln a length of I.", to 20 feet, and on ac count of their ft n it Is one of the most valuable of palms. Miami has a resi dent population of over 2,000, while In the winter thousands of tourists visit here. Hero are six churches, tine schools, two up-to-date newspapers, good business places, a bo.nd of tiade, electric light svstem and water plant, and a remarkable fwatuic, Jl.uOO.OOO of taxable property bringing a revenue of Jrt.OOO per year nnd no tlnnncial In debtedness, iipio aie htoail avenues and parks and handsome residences, rapidly multiple, lug yearly. Tho stieets aie a striking featuie, wide and made of giound coial, which becomes quite baid and smooth as a floor. All the streets are paved with it and several roads extend Into the country four or live miles, forming excellent drives. Miami Is a typical Florida city, and lias extensive trade in early spring tiuck for Noithern inaikcts. The lC' licenses to do business granted last year attests the number of busi ness establishments. Mi. Flagler has given of his wealth with a lavish hand to w oi thy institutions, among them Is the Presbyterian chinch, a beautiful stiuctuie. together with the parson age, costing Jiia.OOO, a fice-wlll gift to that denomination. It Is built of na tive rock of coral formation, rising In puio unsullied white against the sky. He has nl-o donated a valuable plot of land In the heart of the city for the erection of a $.10,000 court house, as Miami is the county seat of Dade county. These Institutes of gencioslty of Mr. Flagler may be multiplied, as he Is spending money without stint In nil public as well as private enter prises along the entlie line of the Last Coast railway. But the cr owning gloiy of his achievements Is the erec tion of the Royal Palm Hotel, a veri table palace, costing over a million dollars. In which one thousand guests can be accommodated. The site of this palatial palace Is admirably choen In the centio of n.tiopkul gar den that enchants tire ee nt every standpoint, commanding a inagnlllceiit view ofthe bay and river, and the toui lt standing heie can look far out to sea. The giounds cover twenty ucics, set with bearing tocoauut tties, bril liant h.vblscus and beautiful tiopieal foliage, nnd Is n bovver of beauty. They contain a number of rojal palms, some of them fifty feet high, many of them were dug up op tin West Coast and called bodily and trans planted along the shore. Mr. Flagler planted 1.000 trees, now giown to size. The hotel giounds me skilled by the Rise nv no Ray nn the east and pio teited by a seawall, between which nnd the giounds Is a magnificent drive way. foinilng a rratuial promenade of unrivalled beauty. The hotel Itself Is finished and furnished itgaidless ot cost, simply elegante personified, while the cieatute lomfoils of the house nm nil that the most fastidious taste could desire. The hotel, the manse, the streets of the clt leading to the or namental giounds, the handsome dwel lings, glassy lawns, (lowers, shrubber ry and trees, combined with the hotel err v irons, Is a scene of bcu;y itiiely witnessed. Tho broad, peaceful nnd beautiful bay Is beautiful to look upon, dotted with sails, canopied launches, sail and fishing boats und oven stenm ers Just arriving from Nassau and Key West, with the white breakers of tho sea glistening between. The Bay of Blscayne. The bay of Blscayne Is a lagoon, sheltered from tho Atlantic ocean by numeroua kes nnd coral Islands. The kcs nre covered with a heavy tropl cal growth and a variety of woods fceldom found elsewhere. Tho shores aie lined with palms nnd mangroves nnd tho blue water is of remarkable clearness and taken altogether, the handhomest sheet of water we have seen. Its length Is torty miles and from flvo to ten miles wide, with a prevailing depth of from six to ten feet, originally. Tho water Is of such crystal clearness that It reveals even to great depth, the wealth of vegetable and animal life everywhere present. This submarine llfo Is n never falling attraction. Turtule Harbor, Is said to rival tho far-famed sea. gardens of Natau. It is a great rendevous for Northern ynchtmen In winter. In JSD5 Mr. Flagler commenced tho c1'. mtlf tnsk of opining up a deep '"" l. of sunk lent depth for -' in i ', from Miami liver to the c em '.id In 1007 It was near com pleted and a lino of steamers was put on between Maliul and Key West is 3 miles (Inside route) and to Havana 20$ miles --i Malml and Nassau, 165 miles. This chnncl was 14 feet deep and 16 miles long, dregged dlngonally across the bay from Cape Florida to the Malml docks. These termlnnt wharves and buildings ot tho Florida Last Const Railway nre tho largest and most complete of any south of Savannah, Oa. The wharf Is 900 feet long nnd 400 feet wide. While tho present channel Is only fourteen feet, It Is confidentially expected that with the aid of the United States Rovern ment, It will soon be Increased to at least twenty-two feet, so that deep draft vessels may enter this port. The members of the river and hiubor committee, who were hero on Mnrch 18, for the Inspection of Blscayne Bny, are heartily In favor of deepening this harbor. Congressman Hester said: "I seo the pmspectlvo development of a great commerce here. This Is an enter prising community nnd with the ex i.iii'inii of commerce with the South American states, a deep water harbor here would have Increasing Impor tance, The port deserves special con sideration from congress," The fish In this bay ate plentiful nnd of a great variety and add much to the amusement of guests We wero shown a morning catch of king ilsh weighing not less than nve to eight nnd ten pounds ench. One day's catch of king fish by Prof. Hand nnd Mr. Blackkburrr, aro said to weigh from twelve to forty pounds ench, verified by a photo nt the hotel Tarpon aro taught outside of the bay. The forty foot chute and Malml sw lining pool, of Hotel Royal Palm Is nn Intetestlng feature. It Is used all the year round. Resides the Malml golf links, (nine hole) laid out in a Savannah, level as a blllard table nnd fringed on all slde.s by stately plne. The drive over a coralline-rock road, as smooth as asphalt, through the city out to the links, is n delight. The nve courses running from St. Augustine, Fla. to Nasviau, has become the laigest In the country. Holders of season tickets nre entitled to play on each of the links without extra charge. Old Fort Dallas. On the north of the river stands old Foil Dallas, once occupied bv the I'nited States troops In their nnnl struggle with the Aborigines and dur ing the civil war. It has been con veited by the present nvvnei, Into a luxurious home sin rounded by exten sive tropical gardens in a high state of cultivation. Florida begins to sup ply the Northern matkets with early fresh vegetnbles In February. Tho tomato industry Is something surpris ing. Mi. J. V. Ives, who Is a diction ary of tomato lore, and well styled the "Tomato King," has a faun ot forty acies on the border of tho Lverglades, who estimates his crop at 400 crates per acre, while near him, a Mr. Kin.; grew over 100 cr,tt fioni two and one-half acres which at this time Is selling nt $3 f0 per ctate. We visited the oichards of Mr. Filer and was louitoously shown through his planta tion, some two miles out of the city, where Is every variety of frtill In ripe perfection. Oiange tices with their golden lucious treasure to their top most branches, also pineapple and banuana trees, lcinoii, limes guavas. alligator pears, and cocoanuts, all beating ft ill t. The orange trees hung heavily with ripe fruit and much was lying on the ground awaiting the gatheier arrd go ing to decay. To pluck the golden balls and eat them on the spot, Is n luxuiy indeed. Florida has demon strated that she excels the wnild in glowing the otange and that her pine apples are so abundant, large and lucious thmat she Is now nlieady in absolute control ot the m.iiket. I might add that In Sea Island cotton and cigais, she was awarded first prize at the Paris exposition in com petition with all nations. In the pcifeetlon of her climate, her wealth of picturesque and tropical scenery, her splendid hotels, and her wealth anil opportunities, her sport and i eci cation, Florida nffeis to the tourist an ideal combination which can not be excelled, If equalled In any other spot lu the country. One says, "Adam and Lve of Ciaiden of Lden fame, were they pel milled to gaze upon the beauties hi ought Into e. Istence on the east coast, by the magic wand of Henry Flagler, would ex claim! Had such splendor existed in the garden, the story of the apple would have been lost to the woild." The beneficial results to the state of Florida thiough the work of the Last Coast Railway company, can hardly be estimated, for it has open ed vast aieas of land, given inuikcts wheie none existed a f -w jean ago, and will make the for tune ot any fanner and dealer in fiults and pioduce who will give himself to the work with Intelligent Industry. While Mr. Flagler has con fidence lu tho future of f i ult culture, he has, however, gi eater faith In rhe Incomparable climate, to draw the thousands of pleasure scekots and peimanent scttleis. Heie in Malml, winter is so mild that a lire Is rarely needed aim the r llinate so equ.iln that even summer here, Is picfen I, by many to jiuic Northern latitudes What we have said ot the "Plant system," we now say of the "Flagler 8 atom." The whole syctein Is a g. gantlc Httoke of cntci prise and Florida owes much of Its unexampled prosper Ity to the genius, faith nnd liberality of this corporation. As an invited Riiest of the "Florida lieis association," wo had the good fortune to Join lu some ot tho festiv ities, on the occasion of their annual meeting at Mnlmi nnd heartily Join with the press and people of the "Flowery state," In giving unstinted praise to Mi. Flagler, whose busi ness ability iind lavish expendUui.-s have nsslsted nature to create a para dise at both Palm Reach and Malml 1 am Indebted to Ldltor B, R. Taium, of Malml Metropolis, for valuable In formation and polite attention. J. L. Richmond. CLARK'S SUAIAIIT. Fptrlal to th Amnion Trlbunn. Sept. 13. A number of friends of Mr. and Mrs. William Waters' friends pleasantly surprised them on tho 2d of this month, tho occasion being the 2.1th anniversary of their marriage. A num ber of very handsome and u.-' fill pres ents were received by them. Those Ptcsent were: Mr. and Mrs. Daniel L, Ldwards, Mr. and Mrs. William D. John, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph T. Phillips, of the West Side, Scranton; Mrs. CIiiib. Oakley of Factoryvlllc, and Mts. L'u gene Myers of this place. Dexter Colvitiand sister Carrie have been taking in tho I'nn-Amerlcan tho past week, D. F. Smith has been spending the week in Wnyno county fishing. Ldgnr Shlck and family will move to Fcranton in tho near future. Mr. and Mr.. Walter Chanl.trs will mo in Mr. Shlck'fc'house. Mrs. Charles Dally from Last Lemon was a caller in town yesterday. The Lender $2.00 The lnBWittSly'3Htwsiarx?w,y'?J ":!"" '. The New Shoe The Leader $2.00 Price here 29c for 50c Stockings. A cmultip lurt'iln In ladlrs' hoic. All tho flru Miipi. t!iH lutein", IIMI sfniKIM.S f 2V -Plain IiIjiV. 9 miiIi iiiii fcrt, iiNo giuc I.ip TliriMil TCn ll.v.1 it XiJL. I Mill MCKKIV.n VI' .Vk Pino liUik fjrc am lane. Aliped, 1.; tiiiclo and the :iP litc-t pcltum, I'.cir UUL. Jonas i HER POINT OF VIEW WV. Alii: a volatile- jioo.. nt ltilo ns much so poihapH, ns tho rtcinh, hut today vp foci volatile piuuikIi. "up week oro most ciC us IpIi, us if .semipliclj hail lied In our own homes. For avvhllr at lp.twt, it hcciiu'd to our ctuniipd mmi -ei ns If the unlvoisp reeled. .Many tealhcd for the first tlnip vvhnt n en pac-Ity they had for pain produced hj iIi'L'tiiiif t.inces which tout hid only outnlde the i lm of their immediate p 'lxmulltj. lint- man f.vlc earnestly last Frlda nlfrlit; "I haven't pmyed In forty eaiH, hut I've prajed this night feu William .McKlnley to 1p pnr:d." A woman oxclnlnipd, in n voice broken with polis: "I h.ivv my two hoys f,ro to war, and my heart lebelled, even IC It was for their eountiy thry went, but I would Kindly send them this day If tlioy could tUht tor the pie.sldsnt'.s life at the ilsk of their own." Thus It vva.s that li respective of party or ptejudiie, Ktief and iinxiety i loudcd every face. Perhaps uninc tlniPH vvp m cd homethlni? to an est u.s lu our wild lirrii, our occupation with tiillp-, and with n heavy hand pilp pliiK our hearts, make us conscious that wo have not grown so worldlv. m hardened, that we cannot feel mid .suiter, and, Mantling mill for once, cliown our .selllh alms In toiimvv I'oi ,1 public calamity, but Miiely we did lmt need the s.uilllie of tho .stiongest, biavest, puicst man In our laud. There has been a peculiar wave ot emotion Mveepim; over this country ot oms "luring the week Ju.t past, in :-oiiie lespects, while the religious feel ing was uppeinioM as never peihaps befoie In t-u vast a nunibt r of lienrt In another thPto was nlmot a revei- slon o I'a.;!.-1 hcntlnieiit. A stud el these prevailing conditions during this hi let per loil would present many points of ivyeholoRieal iietetest. Aftei the first rhock of hopeless lethnigy was Mid ceded by the pain which usually follows numbness, tho first Impulse of those who had n (lod and mou people have piaycd moie In these s-evoii dnv.s than have been ncctis tonid to pray In all their lives atter that Inst stupor of lioiroi, thojp who hid a 'Joel iraed to Ulni often with half finntlu Ins'storice. fim there were othpis-.omu who had never prajed slneo thry 'aid that little tender prayer nt their inrtheiVi knee, mid who had tound no il.ilnea to their liking In the wide eirth. To them came nt first the dPcperate fr ling which In the for got tPti 11301- led men to find a deity In evi-ty phaso of ualuie, in tin storm, tne him. the sea nnd the peaceful !'. lc'.s. 'If they could these unhappy c H-beiaiiso of ihe ealainil.v threat ening the nation they, like Jaou in his perilous quest tor the Golden Klrcee, would have besieged the niacin hidden In some undent oak, If by thus doing they could vie,-,t fioni It the pledge or tho piophccy of hope amid til,' (.'loom. .eciets u divination, pininlsis dtawn ftnm occult science, the power oi "charms" fetishes, ami dieam-loro have Iron evoked to lift the veil from the futuie mid In some mystic way tinnainuio the clouds of hastening death Into the gold of lite and thus, too, In an age of enlightenment II kn outs and in the laud ticcst on earth from sii) eistltlon, Kalth-cuilsts have sent loith their good thoughts. Men whoso speech held no holy wonls. save in blasphemy, have unconsciously cried "Uod save him!" Kittle children have added to their Inlet petitions "and please, dear father, iimko our I'tesldcnt get well" Othois, who long ngo, ono dark day, lost faith In n nivlno Jtulor, nnd In nnythlng beyond tho grave, unknow ingly drilled back to tho spot where they had onco tstood In their spiritual life and whlspeicd "ilenvcn, spuro him to his country." WITHOUT AND WITHIN If nciv iiiiii'a internal cam Were written on lila brow, llow many would our pity iharo Who raie our eniy nowf The fatal fcrt, when revealed, (if fiery aching hreait, Would prove that only while concealed Their lot appeared the beat, JUtanaato, T J JONAS LONQ'S SONS. New Shoe Our Regular Saturday ValueGiving in Ladies' Shoes and Stockings Our Shoe Department is a modern shoe store by itself. The shoes we sell are a combination of comfort and good shape. We guarantee the leather thusly: A new pair for the old ones if unsatisfactory. Can anything be fairer? The "Leader" at $2.00 This is the newest ladies' shoe of fall, made of splendid Dongola Kid in the latest fall toe shapes, feels good on the feet and looks dressy Ladies' Shoes, $1.50 Slmull hr $1 "n. Dnncrii and Vli 1 Kid. prrp rrlji undo and cuiranlrrd in went and til tilnh Ml the ncir Minimi, 'lhny CI CM ionic In all i (iood value .it PJ Long's LARGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF ALL THAT Is - A ,N ALU KINDS OP FURNITUR Odd Parlor Pieces Yon can't hace too many nf th. Wo aro showlntr an unmuillv brfuht lino of odd pirlor plcrca, plain and carvrd, beautifully upnolsterod in leatter or silk clamak Office Furniture The largest assortment of Office Furniture in the city. Our slock is complete. Dining Room Furniture No furniture In tho home coire in for hvrder or more ronitant u.e. We hall esteem it a pliure to fhow you our new stvlr of ilinlne furniture, that are thorouehly ind artistically made. Hill & Connell, 121 N. Washington Avenue. :iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii3iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiBuiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinni! lTheWalkOver I $3.50 and $4 Fall Styles MxMSm IIIIIIBIlilUIIIIIillllllllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllUWI ATLANTIC --.v SEASIDE HOUSE. ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Thl well known Beach I'ront Hotel will remain open throuehout the year. Every moajnv (9 (el Improvement, intludme Hot .salt Pathi in home, etc. Perfect unitary arrangement. Ae Cmmodatea 300 ueu. ALL COLl' pmlhgti. CHAS. EVAN8 A SOVv .'.'.m'MTI and stylish. ' AA yj6JJ Ladies' Shoes, $1.50 Vlrl Kid and Cilf. All the late fall thipM and new "ctjle tnca, correct Bttlns and. nf hindwmc appcirance. Regular CI KA .no wluc. llrrc for I,BU All Sioa and Widthi. Sons Toilet Tables We harc rjult. a number of my handsome toilet tables u eomplett m tort ment w you will tlnd anywhere. Wo have t)m in oak, mahogany and maple, with French bereled minors. Brass Beds We hire ivorae ery artlatlo design in F.ra Beds which we would be pleased to ahow you. Ton ahould leok over our large auorrment before buy in? iiiiiiiiiHnmmmnnHi er Shoe I .00. I Now Ready. CITY. N. J. E - .v.,.,.,-. ..iu,'"uJj'''Lili-M..i-"