THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1901. ) NORTHEASTERN PENNSYLVANIA TUNKHANNOCK. IvttcUl to the Scranton Tribune. Tunkhannoi'k, Sept. K', .Indpc 13. M. Dunham nrtlvcd liie from Hloonusburg on Thursday, llf- rms been lioltllriB court at thai pliioo this woek. The real estate of the late H. H. Hun ter will be void on the promise In Overflew township, nt Orphans' t-ottrt sale on Kattmliiy. Miss l.yrllu .lityne Is a student nt TVsomlnp seminary. Sheriff .John V. Gray I holding ft sheriff's i-mIc at Moshoppen today. Hx-ConRTeeMiinii Henson Wood, of Illinois, Is the Rtiest of Mr. ami Mrs. H. "W. Hardsell. farmer W. T. fre.i.xy, of llli.oimliui'ff, will df-lljer mi address on the kh-oikI day of the Tunkh.inmH'k fair. Juiy oinmlssloner Amltovv Stevens, of Windham, was n caller In town on Thursday. Tiinlilmopnck fair will conimence on iVednesday next and continue for tluee days. Theie will lie a session of ai'KUinent court here today before Judge Kdwnrd M. Dunham and Associate JiiiIros l' M. VtiURhu and H. Slckier. Fred Wilbur, nti of Htjv. H. H. Wil bur, has enteied Wyoming seminary, at Kingston, as a student. The SprliiKville Cornet banl hold a fair In Ulakoslee's Orove today. Thete will be two balloon ascensions, a base ball pame, and many other attractions. A large attendance Is anticipated. Thomas M. Hardline returned on Wednesday from Puffalo. wht-ie he has been spending a month at the ex position. The funeral of Frank Rurns will take place at his late residence on Tioga s-treet this (Friday) afteinoon at 2,30 o'clock. Dr. W. K, Dornsifc. of Centtemoie land, was a visitor In town on Wednes day. John Tnun'end, who is employed In Xew York, Is visiting his patents at this place. m UNIONDALE. Special to the Soranton Tribune Unlondale, Sept. 1.1. It i exj-ected Methodist Kplscopal c hurch will be pretty well filled with eager listeners, !tev. W. II. Ulller of Wilkes. Rane, wll deliver one of his most Intel estlng lectures that night. Kev. I"). D. Jenkins delivered the "good news" in Hr.intlt, last Sunday. Msffs Hurrtt and Fiank Lewis, re turned from the Pan-American last Thursday morning. The graded school opened last Mon day with Mr. hynn Ayeis of Clifford as Mr. Klvlna. Pa vies and Mr. James Rennet t her fnVr, base moved to make thtlr future home with Mis. Robert Kills In South Olbon. John Claik will moie hl family into the house vacated by them. Mrs. Chaiies Hayden will leave for her home In Philadelphia; next Mon day. Mrs. Ilaniet Roswell Is iccoveilng from the bad lesulth of her act Ident. Theie are many rnmplalnts of the bad condition of tiavellng on Not ton's Hill. It Is to be hoped that there will be some Improvement 1" the curly future. E. A. Stlnson Is night operator at Arrarat Summit, Nathan Furman will move bis family Into the Misses Tinker's house next Monday. Mr. and Mrs Fiank Hayden attend ed the convention held in the Baptist chtiu h, in IMihnndfilc this week. They report excellent an time. Some of our towns people will attend the Epwnrth League conference to be held In the early future In Hawley. Samuel Run It will leave next .Mon day to attend school In Washington, D. C. HALLSTEAD. gffirjgl 8peril to the Scranton Tribune. Hallstead, Wept. 12. F. H. Rolden Is planning a gieat entertainment reason for the coming winter as the nimi". ments at the Young Men's ChiiMian association. If proposes to open the season a I out the lost of October with a laughable entertainment entitled the "Country Store." There will bo about twenty people In the oast, Including both ladies and gentlemen. Mrs. Henry Millard wiib visiting with friends in RitiRhamton Wednesday. Mrs. A. F. Men 111 and chlldien weie visiting friends Wednesday at Ring- hamlon. The electric lights failed to glimmer On Her Feet All day long and racking with pain from her head to her heels. That is what many a self-supporting girl must experi ence. On those days each month, when in other cir cumstances she would go to bed, the must still be at the desk or counter and strug gle through the day as best she may. Backache, head ache, and other pains caused by womanly diseases are perfectly cured by Dr. Pierce's Fa vorite Prescrip tion. It cures the cause of these pains. It estab lishes regularity, dries enfeebling drains, heals in flammation and ulceration and cures female weak nets. It makes weak women strong and sick women well. PAIN ALL DONE. I hire taken your medicine with the greatest satisfaction," writes Mri. George Riehl, of Lock, port SUtion, 'Westmoreland Co., renna Your 'Favorite Prescription ' bat cured me of uterine trouble that I suffered from for 8fteen years, and painful monthly troubles. I can honeatlvsay I can work a whole day and cot ret tire'd, and before taking Dr. Flerce'a medicines I always felt tired. My pain is all gone and I feel like a new peison, I suffered with headache all the time, but hire no headache now since taking your medicine. I have been cured of troubles that I suffered from for fifteen years, and the best doctor In the state could not cure rae," Dr. Pierce's Common Sense Medical Adviser, in paper covers, is sent free on receipt of jr one-cent stamps to pay expense of mailing only. Address Dr. R. V. Pierce, Buffalo, N, Y. for a short time Wednesday evenlnsf. The trouble was rained by lark of steam nt the plant. A poor car of coal had been sent and the coal had to be lemoved and a fresh car biought to the plant before the flip could be made in bum. William Kenny Is a vNltor at the Pan-American. A pietty home wedding m rimed heie Wednjday when Miss Reitlm Ranker became the wife of William Melhulsh, a popular and competent employe nt the chair factory. They left Immediately for a Initial tour nt Hip Pan-Ameilcnn. Tli'.v have a host of friends who l.i them much sue c'ss, I'pon rctutnlng they will make Hallstead theli hnnic. Mrs. Hose Pa.vtim Is entertaining Mr. Simpson, of Slrntitlburg, this week. Mr. and Mr. II. II. McDonald, on Wfilnwdiiy, moved Into one of Mrs. John (Jannon's houses on Dayton ave nue. Mis. Will June, on Tuesday after noon, was neally killed by falling fiom a second-story window and striking upon her head. She was leaning out of PORTRAIT " '. I I !. . I, ,f ..,. ..I II . Cut outthese several part1; anJ rut together to form portrait of a well-Known trail. tht window tttlklnK to yonip ntip on the riitlpwnlk, vvhon 1ip Io.t her b.ilitnre and fll head llr.t to tho Krotind. Y: Mm till wits citllpd and at fitst thottcht tho vvnniHn hnd hrokpn hor nPi'k. WIiIIp Iipi iipi k was not broken, ypt It was spialtiptl so badly tlmt she will feol Dip ptfpcts of It for sotnp wp'ks, I" H H. rjnina, thp fonttvtctoi, hits the luniliM nn Hip fnnundh and will noon coniinontp thp eroctlon of 1 K. Tlffrfny's new tmue loom on M.tin ctrcet. .!ls I'lorpiii'P Kins was honip for a trlof vai'ittlon vIsltlnR hor nwthM', Mrs. K. V., KinR. ShP rnttirnetl to ninirhain tun Wpilnosday. '.' S. Cor in nnd son. (Ipoirp, hitvp ipturnpd home fiom a tilp to thp Pan Ann ilea n. Hon. Jumps T. DuBols Is confined to his home with a lamp bat k. HAWLEY. Special to the Pcrsnton Inbune. Mawlpy, Sppt. 13, C. Lambprt, or T'atorson, wits a visitor In town Mon day. Mrs. .lames Christiana and Kintidsou, llatold Orr, of Miiroid, arc visiting rilonds herp. Mrs. Victor A. Dprker, or W'Hshlnfr Inn, D. C, Is the guest of lelatlvps hero. Mis. NpIIIp Stott, of Pliiladplphln, Is pppntlliiR thp week at the homo of Ashpr AtkliiMtn, Chnrlos Sullivan, of New Yot k city, Is thp utipst of I'Mvvaid l.ynrll. Walter Mnnip, of IlHinnrk, whs the KUPft of FiPd Sands last Satttttlay. K. C. White Is In New York on bitsl- I1PPS, Dr. O T. Hodman was In Port Jprvls on Tuesday. M. T. Snydor and wife sppnt Tuesday In Set anion. Benjamin I Sutton and wife, of Say ip, N'. Y., sppnt a few days of this week at thp home of V. Tuttlp. MIssps Mabel Hodgeis nntl Kinlly Wlipeipr left Monday mornliiK for the Hlooinxlmig State Ntuinal school, BUCKNELL. Speeisl to the Seisntor. Tribune. I.ewUbuiK. I'a . Sept. 12. All depart nents of Hut knell unlvprslty will opn 'Ihurwlay. Sppt in. Thp prospects for a large nttPinlnnip are very tlatteilngr. The foot lull team reported for pre liminary piactlie under Coach llosklns on Thursday. The enteilng cla.s will ltnvp f-otne good foot ball matprlal In It. The Indians pl.ty, Hucknell nt Wllllania port on Oct. is. Trofessor fi. C. I,, niempr, recently an instructor at Ilarvnrd, will assume the chair or modern languages at the opening o Hip fall term. PITTSTON. Ipeelal to the Scrsntcn Trtbme. Plttston, Scit. 13. Consldcrflblp In tel est Is belns; hhovvn In a foot-iacc which It Is expected will take place on October 10, between A. J. MeCiie, of Hrowntown, nnd r'rter Curley, of Avoca, the well-known sprinter. The match will he for not less than $100 a side, antl Jl'5 forfeit money has been placed In the hands of Select Council man Murphy to bind the agreement. McCtie lias nlready placed his name to the articles, and Curley is expected to do so within a few days. A representative elf Chlslln, the well known long-distance runner, who took fourth money In the recent six-day race at Madison Square Harden, New York city, wns In the city htBt evening, endeavoring to arrange for a one-mile raco with Peter Cut ley, of Avoca, for $1,000 n Bide. The Brothers' base ball team will hold a picnic at Brotherhood park, Hughestown, tomorrow, and dm lug the afteinoon will play a match game of ball with the descents, of Carbon dale. The annual fair of the Luzerne County Fair association will be held. M 1 ,'sstJtV.S. ,'.. ."alllllfeMWItir-. -a.w . V ff".. .. 'VaW-IMKu aiaMaaM next week nt the West nttaton fair grounds, commencing Tucsdny nnd continuing over Friday. Indications are that previous events of this char acter here will be excelled. A special fentute will be made of tho poultry exhibit, for which largo premiums hnve been offered, Cleorge Stevenson, of Waverly, Pa,, will olllclnte ns to the relative merits of the birds. The horse racing promises to eclipse anything yet seen here, a large number of good speeders having nlrendy been entered. It will be n "wide-open" fair, with all the side attractions that mean so much to the success of the average county fnlr. ttichntd Rrenton, nged 70 yeais, a native of ttngland, died yesteulay morning at his home on Washington stieet, West Plltston, nfter n long Ill ness. He came to this country In ISIft, nnd nfter upending four yeais nt Tunkhannock, moved to West Plttslon, where he hnd since resldetl ever since, with the exception of one year spent nt Nicholson, Pa. Mr. Rrenton was widely known thioughoilt this section ns n bilclf. tontractor. The only sur viving member or his family Is his son, School Dhector William (', Rienton, of West Plltston. The funeinl will take place Saturday morning at S o'clock, nnd the remains will be taken toTunk hnnnock for burial. KNIGHTS OF MALTA. Vllierlcali i.uiiiiiiliilci). V" ", at I'llnierlnti, Cathori imnilj, I'a, Instituted In Piiili. min's hall im vpt. 5 In- riratnl ('nmniind.r sir EIWu I'lirnvuM, (iiand Itei older lt (1r.'in PUZZLE. II Pietie, lirpult tit mil toninniider n l.iinf II (iio.., Mi Milhiil V hmler, P (.. C. .ind the ileiiin -tar! of .lonlin lonmunden, No OJ, nf Vllennviii, .iltil In companion frion VLiiuli t'lnmk. Weithetl.i, Li'IiIeIiIou, .liltnston .iml nihil plan- u Vllen Vlildilind , it -Mlled a -ir kmuht t iiiuuindpr and Nl Muitt V Piulriiiin .1 leiorihr The honois of past intmnandet n oikiuipi were aw iided tu mi It. nlnii MMtipf. to wh'iiu .1 pi-i loinnunder's lowil w is piPMilcii In the lomniinrl. Tin pus u. titlnii mldii. wis ileliipifd b l.rand t nmm.ind' tr lornw.ild. Ihe p xi-mpliln .llion of tin wmk nt Ihe twebe ilfRreps was romplptid it ', i in lit Siipunie In-ttuitor Nt fjeortre II fieri i V lunipiet was spteid .tt miduiuht. This Is Ihe foiiiili lomnnndfi) to be loi md in I .tilioti loiintt Piliuittpn 1. an enteipil-ini; town, liulll lo the unat rim ti'inpiut. loi.iird in the IxdiiKh tallej. hplwrin Infij iid.'es. jt a pltie that w,t4 mi ie It firm Nnd two rjts ntrti 'Ihe watrt Mipplt, eleitrh li'ht, hrotd nienurf ant mine oilier Inipriweinptiis mirk Ihe bogiiinuiff of a creat town tint will be known is one of He piomtite iititn of IVnn'.tlianla lor weiPh, nidii-ti and betutlful and healthful smround' iiu". Malta U the hil oitrmiiiiou of am iiid to be Kt.itiotied in tint pi ire. Ihe uiiifiTinrd hitlilitin nl John Kno i'iii niandeij, Nn. .', ol tikes llnre, cn.e their se, ond ttolley And boat exuirion In llaiwy's l.nke, and It prutfd n tomplpte miupss, both coilall and flnanmlly. Thp iiiHt,,l,itii u of nthi en during Ihe firt fo-f. timht of eplrtnhpr was i harai tetied bt Hip vert' inltrevlinK iiirninny ol the pirent.ition o Pat ('.inmander's jewrls to the almost one hundiel nnd tittt entitled to rerelte them. The phi inj nf tlii-e enlden emlilfins on the hrpaxts nf no liiae a number of faithful workers is a tcvt (or ntiny happt pellht. 1 lute the supensions for Vusust were larae in iniiiiber, and enteied almost eteiy ronimind in tho sine the careful and hone-t wmk ol the delinquent lonimlttee will -peertil.v lead to th" reitistalrmeniol a larce proportion cf thnc who are tempniaril.i absent Irom Ihe tanks. The new lominaudrn at I'liiiPKie, Vlleuheny tounlt, will hold its find orcaniition meeting this werk, and will be readi foi in-tltiition ilur I11S the last week of Ihe niniitli. The annual rontmation of the niprpme ctand lonini'tndfr.t will he held in the louniil ehini. her of the f'htinber of IViniuiPiie, Km hosier. N. V, Oil. IV. lit and 17, with Mipiouii1 I omniatirlpr r John II llnffnnn, ol I'eiin-tlunli, In the fciipirme nicidental diaii. Tlie ineinliiis gener ally will lime llieit airoal hi as to bo piewnt at the lonlirrlne of the Appendnit Dnler nf the lied fioss and SopuMiie on Mondit ewiuuir, Oct. 14. The full drts parade will onur at p. tu on Hit. l.'i (ieorce II. Pierie lomtnanden. Nn. 1.7, II Phihdelpliia. will i.infii the Oidet ol the lt"d Cross ami t pukhre n Mtintifn nuiitlatis in Sipt. 2. Sir ntix. I Kiied, pi.f cniuuniuld. his tuen appointed ilrputv iirnni tnnnnaudei nl tin M tieth distnil. in ilnice ol lineman toiumauii pry. No .".'ii, n Pilnu'rtori, Pa., b itiand ( oui. minder Mr j.lirht S Koruwald. Ilus i a mm teoiiH reinunit iml ol this (onipiiilon's hhors In tho tueaiii.illou nf the comniind. THE OCTOBER 10 PABADE. Hnzleton Is Confident It Will Be Held There. "This illy will have tho parade or the Catholic Totttl AhsMnonnn l'nlnt. or the nioctso of Scranton on October iv, says the Hnzleton Standatd. The board of government ot the Sctauton I'nion met last week, but at the meet ing theie were unfavorahln rpports ft nin the lailitmd companies for the faie to this city on the day of the pa radn. "Some people made the aducempnt that the failure of the companies to give a low- rate was sufflclent to have the parade halted, but such will not come to pass. "Tho local committees on transpor tation yeritcrdity received a circular from tho jreneral passenger agent of the Leigh Valley, in' which he states that the fare from "Wllkes-nano to this city on October 10 will be U for round trip, nnd furthermore that the Valley will handle all D. & JJ, traffic In cars belonging to tho latter coni pmiy. It Is likely that the Pennsy will follow the Valley's example. "Now that the last bdriler Is re moved this city will have the greatest dy In Its history on October 10." 4 iii Ih&il . t THE MARKETS. Wall Street Review. Nov Yulk. Sfpt. U. The shoik of the prei-l-il'hl'A I hiv If II upon thr tluili tuirhrl ulth run gtralrr lone llun illil Hie Mrl all.uV vipni lilm The nip.iure f( this rffrrt t In he sfrli In the f.iil that pili-, a a rule, loll tinl.iv hrlow Hie low level n( SjlunlJi. The smrtunt nl ofTcr lnj of EOMinmrnt lioinl" hroiutlit nvrr by .Vt titin Jii!i' irit)io.il4 rit illiipnlhtinif. lit" tuttl iriihilig milj shout T,.'icm,i)ii, innipsicil llh I he .n,(.Hi'l liill'"l, hut, ii iumiihiH who lii.nle Inr thrie In c,ili 11(1011 nr.rnl'lnii ,il the suli treasiin loihv, mo nl the oftcreil lionili lifltie tnlil In New ntK, tll houme very liupoilsnl nwlilnit of Hie 1l.1t. pouring itn nliun I.111I Kllrntn nl lunnry Inln llie market si Ihe i itii.tiii-nt nt KteJlr't lii'Pil 'flir jpprn Ulloll of llil llinttiiin i 'rn In Hie prompt filter InuH nl tie Imnils at the euli treasiuy, Ihe pij Infills mi lhl niinnnl (oi Hip HMtliltiit iliout '),Oii,mi, or ptsilletllt Ihe whol,. dmminl In toltnl in tin xi'tlli men! of (he niiihie 'IIiito 1111 he nn ilnuht that litis wn an Im pnilmit f.11 for In Jtlmr Hie iliv, for Ihe pre'ire nl llipilililloti wits .it limes tnj eetere, iml Ihe rnnrinnu tnipnrlitiir onli'is l.-iml In frtrnilit nf Villous ntoik'" wi'li' null pirllt nr c.iful TIk mole lm)Hrl.tnt rvlrrme tlei line well' a follows: M I'iiiI, (I'd, viiwl ('opier, Sortliwe.tpni Hoik, HriMt Niiilh, in. iiii'feiie.l. 1'nel, fl to f-; I hli.ii,". Iii'liiinp.ill. in. I boulstille, Cletebnil, t'lm iniiill, ("lilr.ieo and St. I,nul, lleltw.ire aiwl ItuiUon, I'lilon ltilrt, Vmotit in Tolitreo, Itepulillr Slecl, prrfeirnl, ( ono1lilaleil .iml llrnnldin Ti inll. ." In 'i, ; (Jftipul Klee lilt, 8'j! Vuiitfi.iu llnxed. pfpffrred, to, and the tnnjoril.t nf sitite iloik ail Ihrouith the l. fiont i to ntn t point. Total iule, 1,aiK,1il hitrs. K.illro.iil bonds were wnk, hut tint o .leutclr as slotk". Tolal .tle- psi nine. .l,i1.iXI. I'nlted tites eld 4. and ttr , dei lined i, the "s, 'i, Jtid H.e neii l IVj per tent on the Ust nil. The following, qiiotstlnns are furnished The Tribune by ( 8. Jordsn (5o , rooms 705 70S M-ars bulldinu, Pcrsnton, fs Telephcns 50: Open. Hiajh. Low inr. est. est Clos Inc. Vmetlijti Pucsr 1' H l.'vi. Mihi-on Miltl'uii. I'r., .. Hi unk. Tuition , lull. K llliin ... 7.1 !M1, fit ',l! TI'V, 'it nt'; n-ij r, i'.'j 1V7i2 n : 101 15 H-. In! IH r.-.ij ,!'l2 if in, in r.i "t si H "I's 71 mij (tl'j c; 4'l2 y) IM't ir, st Ifsl 11.11; IVl 1i S-. M in :u tin's H'l S' llJ .VI t y.'i 'Ul2 VI,', .17 HII3 ll IOIVJ PkiVs ii'" 4H'j Oil i) 1 1, Chrs . tililo 4li t tin A lit. West '.' 41 t:'s i.f. M innt; lit W, ol'i IV) Si's 140'; S'l .11 f-1'i v 1; 7el4 7', M'l Ml'. M PjiiI ftoik Island Kan .V Tex , Pr., Imis. K Sah. .. Mhii. Illetated ., Me! Trartlnn ... Misso I'adfle ... South pacific ... Noifnlk ,t West. V. V. (Vnlial ... Out. k Wr'.lern I'enna It. It. ... t'jilhc Vliil Iluillne Of. ... n;u ...:..i.w ,M llUll, iti ii iri s-, V! IMllj Ill It.' 3015 .11 lte.ulliii; lit.. Pr l'i Term t n.,1 k Iron Vi'i I' l.eillier l-i'j f. s l.ejlh"r. Pr 0 I' s llnM.fl 1 t llion P.irltir 'It I'nion I'.iilfir, Pr f Mrfbi.h. I'r t: Wpktein I'timn n)i4 I nl Fuel A Iron !'i' Vnul. t'oppr I'H People's f!.is HI'i lrj P.iriflc .Ti1, Vmer Car I'oundiv .... .''2 f - trel ( tl I . teel (o, Pr, .. "1 17'4 HII, 'II 10;', 111 4114 nn'. 2U l-v, 1 if t III e-l7 41 '4 1l Scranton Board of Trade Exchange Quotations All Quotations Based on Par of 100. STOCKS I.aikiwanna Daliy Co , Pr Countv Sitings Dank V Trust Co. flrt National Btnk (Carbendale) . Standard Uridine Co Third National Hank Dime Deposit and Discount rank, Kconnmv Unlit. II & l'. Co Kirst Natirntl Bank Laik.i Titi-t Safe Deposit Co Claik k notrr Co., I'r Siranton Iron Kenie k Mln. Co. .., Stinton Vl Works Stnnton satires Hank Traders' National lltnk Sunrtt n Hdt ; Nut r People's link New Metlco llj kl Co nONDS. Hid. Askci sm s;v 30 275 (6 l.W 150 1-5 100 95 400 175 l"l ... 115 Scranton rasencer Hallway, first JtortcaEf, due lno People's Stteet Hallway, f.rkt mort- Race, due fnia. People's Street Hulwav, Ocneral meildiKe. due PV21 Dickson Minufai Inline Co Iarka. Town-hip School 5 per tent. City of fccianton M. Imp. fl per tent Scranton Tuition ft per cent 115 115 115 100 102 102 115 Scranton Wholesale Market. (Correited by II 0, Dale, ,'7 Lackawanna Aie.l Ream -Per int-hel, ihoue marrow, $2 tiOa.Mi Huttcr I'leth ueanicti, 21a22c ; dairy, treh, Sir. Chee.e Pull iream, lOijallc. Krrs Welein fieh, U'ialO; nearby state, 15is.ilTic. Mrdiurn Hean-Per bii'hel. t2 50 C.iern Peas -Per bushel, fl lOal 45. Hour- llet patent, per btirel, J. Beans -Per bushel, iliolic martow, $3 10, I'otalues Per bushel -?lal,10 Philadelphia Grain and Froduoe. Philadelphia, Sept. 1.1. Wheat-'Je. lower; innti ut Blade -rpt. nlart'ji Corn ir lnw-ir; No. 2 niiviil .September. VHawie. Hits I'll. Iiaiureil Nn. 2 white ilipped, Ilal2i. Butter -Knm, fur white itiameiv, 2t2i , do. do. nea bv prinis. 2!i I jss Pre-di netrhv, 10( ; do, western, lri., do southwestrrtt, loo ; do. south nn, H Cheese Dull, New Vork full ireams fnuy Miiall, fnil'e. ; do. do do. fair tn iholc, siiat,'. Refilled aucars- Firm, Komi demand, (niton 'e lower, tnlddlini: upland', Si,e, Tallow turn, fair demand; ulv prime in hluls , ,'d,i , inunlrt do do lurirls, " , cakes, fts4., Lite Poullrv Dull and woik, fowls, Ho,, old roosteis, fiaii'sji ; prins cliiikens, llal'2c ; dm ks, l'lillc Dressed Poulti.v stenlv , fowls choite, lie ; do filr to Rood, llall'jc ; old roosteis, ll'-jo : brolleis cliiikens ne.iihi, l'2ilftc ; west, rrn do, 10at2c, lots, l.talle. Heielpts Flour, l,.'on bands, 1 ,:i0,f K1 pounds in saiks; wheat, M.tW Inishels, mm, G.OiO bushels; oits, 17,000 bushels shipment Wheat, lii.mio liifliels; corn, l.fiisl bushels; oats, 11,000 bushels. Hew York, drain and Froduea, New Vntk, Sept, 12 Flour Market wai in set tied and quiet, ihislnir easy. WheatSpot eis.v; Vo, 2 red, 7.1V. f- f. b. afloat. Options afTritcd all dvy by the unfavorable news (rom Buffilo, Ruled uenerally neak and very dull, ('hived easy at 'sac. net decline, Jtay closed T'.ii J September, 7tc; Ottober, 73'o. i Bet em- ber, 7i-)c. Corn Spot easy; No. 2 red, lVje. elevator and t2Ue. I, e. b. afloat. Options tie i lined moderately under newt of ptesident'a con dition, Closed easy at 'sc net lower. May closed fi2Vsf.; September, CI'de. ; December rdc. Oati-Spot flrmj No. 2, asci No 3 white, 40aW5c; No. 3 white, 31140. ; track west em, 3Sa30ci track white vvetdern, SOal'c: track white state, 3!)a7c. Options quiet and easy with the other matketa Butter-Steady; cream rry, 12',4a20'i?. ; factory June picked, Hals', ic; imitation creamery, Hal7c. J state dairy, Ha ljc, (Nieeae Steady; fancy larne colored, R'ia S'c. ; fancy larse white, S'ia-i'.c. i fancy small colored, P'je.; fancy small vhile, 0i;o. Pcrs Steady; atate and Pennsylvania, lKallic; western iincan'dled, H',ial',Cj western candled, Kalli. Xast Llbtrty 0ttl. East Liberty, Sept. 1.1. Cattle Market ateadv Choice, ! 63aft.S0i prime, .i.43aShO; good, if.1.131 5M). Hogs Steady; prime heavy, 7a7..l; aott ed mediuma, ti.OOa?; heavy vorkers tfa 0i)a6.9J; good light do., ipii.7;i(-.o0; pigs, t.ia8.2J; aklps, $1 75a5.'2S; roughs, i 73a6 15, Sheep Market slow, best nellic'ra,; mils and common, L2.1a2.9.S; jearllngs, f2.50a aprinij lanibj, Ja 6; veals, t7aS. Chicago Crraln end Product. Chicago, Sept. 13. Trade on the board of trade was generally depressed became ol the unfsvor able reort of the president' condition. Decern ber wheat ilcmfd lie. lower than jeaterdayj De cember corn wa also Vie, down, while December oala were rattier firm, closlnj '.jsUc. higher, '.f iBrturniwai THE TRIBUNE'S " WANT" 4 Lines 10 Cents More Thin Tour Line, 3 Cents lor Gach Ritr Line. For Rent. For Rent, About 1200 feet of floor spjee on 4th floor of the Tribune building, su'table for light mauf.tcturing. In cluding heat, light and power. Knquire at office of TlIK TKIBUNK. KOIt HIAT l.irce. sinule, le.iiuhe.ilnl I 'e, filltlWieil Tn ileslulili' part M II. Hop Kale, ('iiinmonwiMllh Ihilldlini. ftllt HUNT t'utnisheil front room, "villi heal, hilli ittnl eas; mar inert hou-ei ki ntleiniti prili tied. Vddtiss Hooin, llm J'l. i:i.l.(IVNI I'linNI' ItOtlM in "llti hel and iiild watet, steam beat. I '.ill at Mi Vlailiou nteinie l-'l HNIslini Hill K for mil to a desirable Inn int. Xi Monroe atetuie. Will loti-lder vt!er to lent iinfiiinUhid. Apply I'rederli k t'onii"ll, II' I'enn atinue. Koit m:i' n'nsioiir.n rnnT itoovti vi.i. moiletn lontcnlititea; rrleirnies pimjiiHciI 422 Vd mis ateiiue, I'l I!Ns:d HOMi: for rent. Hilt indetsnn a--nue, between fiieen Ithlee and Delaware streets. K0H HKNT-Vlncrnom house all conveniences; larec lot dress S. 15., Tribune. In flreen Hhlee; Hent, $R Ad- rOlt IIKN r-t:ieht rooms, 7JI Jefferson avenue; all modern conveniences. I For Sale. .V -ws I'M ttlM. 1 "0 per Ion, dellteied In rential illy and '"oulh Mile Vddie .Inhn Hill, I'M! CVdtr atetnie; phone onl. 1011 sllhil'ttn maris, welehl, 1,i. found, one set double and vlnijle hitne-s, nn phi form wacon. A baiiMin. II. I.. Nyilu, l'U5 Motisct atenue. KOII II. -Vl.i: IMablMied btillir and ock I. Mijdn. llli Mnnvei avenue. trad.' 10R fM.K -A rW tla-s ble bsretln at VI. T. Carnage VI inks. laities' pliielon at a Kelhr's l.aiktwanni 1011 x.y. Ihrie hof lackMiii stieet. i", i heap. Appl.v at l.Mt POR SM.K- Inrptitc mull. -lloise, .lai oha' Imness liver.v iiml sttirrv , table, 227 iheip Pol est FOR Stl.K Three rooms, one hall and stair nne isrpets, neaily new, will sell cheap. M'P'J C, D torhr, 4 Ll' Webster avmue FOR SVI.K Twci llRht sprlnj vvajon' and some harness, cheap Kvan, rear 1112 Luzerne street. 10R SVI.K-Car load of drasins and drausht horses and Eood famil) homes 222 224 Oak (oid court J. M. Field. FOR SM.i:--A Cottrell k Sons cvlinder press, 3.1x311, In (toed condition, new rollers, -i0O. Apply Wilkes-Barrc Times Olflce, WilkfsBarre, I'a. Heal Estate. WE OFI'Lll part nt ill el fli.on.) Penn.i Hauia Hrrwei.v bonds in cviiimRe lot dwellinrf linii-e in icntial 1 llj 01 tlreen nidus VI II llnljiatc .!,0mi Wll. I, 111 "i 100111 hou'c, 1f1ir.1l sits Prlie redmed Irom .l.hOfl M. II llolgale ai.tie) WILL Rl'V 11 mom hou-e, Vlmheirt slrret Prlie redmed from ,Vii) M II llnleit" l.i)fi WILL Rl'V o-iootn house, lui bloik (Hue street ,M II. Ilolcalf sil.tMl W,, HI V n mom Inline, 900 block Mul benv tieet. M. II lloltrate. fs.Wt WII.I lit V double house, full lot, 100 block I la; aienue. V II loLtle 27 IXI WII.I HIV l.njr double hmi-es, Vdiuis avrnuc, pa.ilni; S pel cent net. M. It. Hel Bate 4.imf! Will, HIV two lots and two sinclr lots and twn Mticle homes Inst c.'i,mi Will sell sepnatelv M. II lloluate. $l,ino WII.I, 111 V larce lot, .leffirson aienue, Oieen Rulce; reduced from 1,00, M II HolLMtr. Willi WILL VMM: HID on house No. 1721 P. nn atenue M II. Ilnltufr s2,ii Will HI .incle hnii-e Nn. 117 Dunker stieet. VI II llnljte l.7(i Will. Hl' miisle lot ,vm;-, Pimkliii lleet. Diinniore. VI, II. Ilnleato, Com moii wealth Bui Id inc. fOlt SVI.F. V faim. 120 acies and stork, soo.l on hard with all conveniences. I'.tclit miles tioni Scianton, two miles from loi ow, Vlarv .lenkins, Jlaplc Lake, Pa. Money to Loan. $J0 tn $M,000AT ONCE 4 and 5 per cent. In tetest Lay terms to icpa). Geoige W. Okcll, Co j I Exchange building. tJUO.tXs) TO LOAN Lowest rates; straight or monthly payments. Stark ft Co.,Tradcis' bids, ANY AMOUNT OP MONEY TO 1.0 VN-Quick, straight loans or Building and I.nan At from 4 to 0 per cent. Call on N. V. Walker, 31 1111 Cnnnell bulldlnu. Provisions i losed 2'4 In 5 cents lower, dsli nin tatiens weie i follows: Flour "stoadi; No, 3 spiing win it, to No 2 ted, 701c ; No. 2 oats, Z'h .u white,'ie.; No .1 while, ,li.'jr 2 tte, iVh.mi ; fair to ihoue uiiltins aio?-1!!' ; , Nn 2 U' ; No. SVaitOc : Nn. 1 Hav seed. 1.M; No 1 Nonlnvctern, l 12; pnme tlnmtht rrd, "", mess poik, ll 7.'as0; laid, .i 4 2 ' 1 1 " . short nb, s .Klaiaij cli.v salted hnuldrr, 7'ia4i.; shoit dear sides, 3.2JaM); whiskey, 1 :). Cbloago Live Stock Market. Chliagn, ept. ! Cattle Dull, slead.v at Thiirsd.i.vV decline nf 20i2V flood tn piiino steers tioniinil at u I"; !'"" '" medium, tla Sis); Muckers .mil leedeis, $2 50.1 1 21, cows, V 10 alia), helfeis,, eanners, M.'sia2 10; bulls, $2'21at7.1. calve, tJ", Texn stieis, -.lal .10. Hogs Vitlve, 10 cents higher; nnved and butt li en, v 20 Hi. 71, K'"'l In ilinue heavy, Mi nOiH.0,1, rnugli heivv, iOiAiO'll; rough hevv, fiiaO (0; light. V' mid 70; bulk nf sabs, M. ,0 ul ,V) Sheep Strong tn 10 icnts higher; lambs Miong tn 10 tenta hlghei ; good tn ihoiic wethers, $1,63aL21; fair to choice mixed, f.l.Mlal.Sj; western sheep, V.21.1I; native lambs, flat. 10; western lambs, JtJJ. Buffalo Live Stock. Buffalo. Sent. 1-1 ( attle Dull. Iloga Choice heavr. J7a7.12: pigs, $.l.',)0afl.l0. Lambs Choice to heavv, ?t.00a5. sheep Choke to extu mixed, 3.50a3 75. c BASE BALL American Lsagu. "' At Washington-First game R. II, E. Ba'ton 0 0 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 j 3 1 Washington ,..,0 1 0 0 0 0 0 it 0 I 7 3 llittciiea M intent and bchretkeiigcMf; Cartlck and Luikry. Umpire Connelly. Scnnd game R. II. 1. Pnsiiin 0 0 ft f)0 1 00 2-3 4 J Washington 0 0 1 0 II I 0 0 - 7 1 Haltcilis Mitchell and ( riser; Lee and Clark, Implies Connelly and BeUs. At Baltimore- R. II K. Philadelphia 0 0 10 4 0 3 0 2-10 18 3 Baltimore 0 4 J 0 2 0 1 - 17 3 Batterlei Wlltsc and hteeltnati; Fotcman, .Sops and Roblnon. Utnpiiv Sheridan. At Cleveland R. II. II. Detroit I 00002 100-7 11 ? Cleveland ODODOfiOilM 3 4 Batteries ("renin and McAllister, Duwli',15 an) Wood. llniplrm-lUtt and Haskell. At Chicago Milwaukee .... Chicago 1 R. II. . ,0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 l-.l 0 ,.0UU0 00J0c-3 & mdi-c-. - ' SITUATIONS WANTED FHEE. Help Wanted Male. 1 v S lsN- v. ' t'lltKMsN VN1III1 Must be ounit man jvllh small fanilly In lite In rootna jt woiks. at M T. k.lli'i's baikawaiina Cirrluitf ttorks VVNTKl"(ln.l. sliiiim buf, about HI eM old, lor eeneral wotk In store. I "aile k 1 tiller Citipani. Jleirs lluildlni; HHH'KI.VM'.H MVNIT.D- for fire brick work ('fitntiiiinlratlons and person ii api in "; will be rereiied at my nlflti' in ittnnxs II .t lineman. s. . Help Wanted Femnle. W'VNTKD A lulj slrnouiiipliir In an lniir.tnte iilfin'! a.o In ad as mshirr. ililrvN lf llnv IWi, iltj. sttilnir IBM t'Vpei'ttll. I.MIIKS IliiU wauled tn addims run lopes and ntlii i.lei fni us. Nn i allt Iviuir, seiiinu or milllne reiiuireil. v ml adduced piitlitiltis prlie pild ier Ihou-and. Hitelope, V, M. C Dipt. .Ti. llm llll. Philadelphia 1VN-Ii:il lompitinl eltl lor (teneral boue- woik in (.unlit nl lw... refenmrs reitjilri'il this we.'k Mis A C Twilihell. t"l liillH.t an nue MAN IT I) (ilil (or eenenl lioit.ework at Dalton. ihlie-s II. r., tare Tilhune Agents Wanted. WANTI II Iiu Miami (Imrinlie II k I.. ao ililinn will make a B"d mnti.ti'l ".lib neetit who i.m pioduie buonrs l'enntltani t loiporatlnn leu ieir old and has mituird hi tien series nl ni.ul. In due Onli men ol tin iiui'.tioned Inli'iiril and alulllj need apply b" letter or In persmi ! lloont .11, 120 Walnut n reel, Phllidelphla, Pa. liAIIV pay ton. CVNl svKll". ra.i. iiulik seller; bie , Inqniif ;I2I Wasliltijtmi atftmc, Scran CANWssi.ip, l.mlv or eenilemin outside the tityof Nt.inlnn inn bin a permanent auenit for the perfume of the centurv Phenomensl sales rioods In laiee demind Kvertthine fur nl.hid on tiedil Uheial arrangement with the Hcht pirtv Addievs "Cut Hosri." Jntli street nd rtth aienue, New Vol U BRANCH WANT OFFICES. Want Advertisements Will Be Received at Any of the Follow ing Drug Stoies Until 10 V. M. Central City ,. AI.BKRT srilt.CTZ. corner Mulberry street and Webster avenue. GUSTAV PIC1ILL, CiO Adams avenue. West Bide OKORGP. V. avenue JP.NK1N3, 101 South Main South Scranton FRF.D L. TERPt'E. 729 Cedar avenue. North Scranton OFO. W'. DAVIS, corner North Maio avenue and Market street. Green Ridge CHARLLS P. JONF-S, 1537 Dickaon avenue. . . r. 0. J JOHNS, 020 Oreen Ridge street. LORENZ, cornrr VVaslitnsion ac nue and Marion street. Petersburg W. 11. KNEPKEL. 1017 Irving avenue. Cunmore J. 0. BONE k SON. Wanted. WANTED A lirge show case. Apply Giftoid, 1517 Dickson avenue. William WA.VIED-An intelligent (Catholic) lady or gen tleman to fill a light, pleasant prai" good pay, if suitable. Addiess P. O. Uox Scranton, Pa 20, LEGAL. THE FIRM DP Lainr, l.tvvls k Company has this iliv been disAilved tv miiiuit lonwin. the liu'sinres will hcieiller be continued by Milton R. lewis, who assumes all the debts of the said firm of l.nifi, Uwts k ( nmpany, and to whom all aicoimu due the ealO firm must be paid. imeiimIi MIlrON R. LEWIS. W. K. LAl'ER. ept. II, l'l. NOTICE 1'he annual meeting of the niemheis of the Lackawanna tnie Anciatlon, Limited, will be held at the nlbtc ol the association in the tits' of cranlnn. Pi , on Wednesday, Octo ber 2ml, liO. .it ten o'clock a in. for the elei tinn nl managers foi tlw ensuing jrar and for the tianni'tlnn of such oilier business as may propeilv come befoic the meeting II (s. KVIRl'HILD, Secretary. Niantmi Pa.. Sept IO1I1, 1001. LSl'VI'E OK KMMV 11. POI I hit, late of the Bor-iiii.-h of Dunmoie, Lackiwanna Countj, Dc ceiced Lfttei tesiameuiaiv upon the above named estate having been issued tn me, all persons hav Irg claims against said estat" will present them it omo lor pivnirnl. and ill persons Indebted tn said etale will please make immediate pay ment tn HLNH1 A. KNAPP, He rant mi. I'a. Executor. IN RE: ESmE OF ELIZABETH THOMAS, deceased; Letlei testamentary having been gtanted tlie undersigned, all those having claimi against said Oftatr vlll please present them, and all those indebted tn said cstatl will pleaia intke immediate pavmrnt tn WILLIAM K. HARRIS. EZR II (ONNELL, Executor. Atlcunev. Hitter. is i.irviu and Donohue; Kafolt and Sullivan. 1 inplif- ( inilllon. National League. t New Imk First game- R. II. I.. New 1 otk .. I (I 0 0 II 0 O 0 0 0 0 0 0 23 1 1 2 Ciniinnali .11 I O 0 0 O 0 O 0 1) 0 O 0 0 1 It 5 llitierles -lib kman and Uowermin; Halm and Bergen I'mpiic Sn.vder. I Set nnd game It. 11. E. Cintlnntti 0 0 0 0 3 0,! : 1 New loilc 0(IOH0M 0 !l Batteries-Taylor and Bovurraan; Phillips and Bergen. Umpire Snyder. 1 ' ' At Hoston-Kirst gsme R. H n. Chicago 0 0 00 1 (10ft ft 0 0 1 g 2 Boston 0000 00 1 00 ft 1-2 R 2 llitterief Eaton and Kilns; Tittinger and Mor an. Umpir Nitu. 4 .Ii,', " 1 ' I Kecond game '"'r B. 11. B. Chicago 0 0 0 ft 0 ft 0 ft () t) 1 1 Beoton .....fl 0 ft 0 0 0 0 ft 1 1 (1 1 Hatterir Taj lor and Kline; Willi! and hit tnUge. Umpire Saab. At BrooVlj n First game Ti. II E. Pittsburg 0 00 I Oft Oft! 3 S 3 Brooklyn S 0 0 0 0 0 (1 .1 I S 3 Patterife-rhillippi and O'Connor; httson and McGuire. Umpires Emslic and Blown, Second game R. II E. Pltlahtirs lftftOftftipi .1 0 Brooklyn 2 n 2 ft ft 0 0 0 -! 8 2 Batteries Poole and O'Connor; Newton and I'arrcl. Umpires Ermlie and Brown. At rhlladclphia-Kirst game- R. n, E, St. Loui 3 0 0 1 1 I ft l 1-8 18 3 Philadelphia 11 ft 0 0 0 2 0 .1-7 II 3 Batteries Sudhnfl and Mihola; Wiiltc and Mc Fatland. I'mpirc Dwjer, Seiond game R. H, E. St. liuii 0 00 00 0 0-0 .1 a Philadelphia OOftOOftl-1 3 1 Baltctles- Powell and llajdon; lown'cnd and Douglass, Umpire Dwver, Eastern League. Worcester, Brockton, .1 (flrat gtme), Brockton, R; Worcester, 3 (.sccuud game), Uontrtal, 7; Buflalo, 2, -i,'-". DIRECTORY. 3 Insertions 25 Cents More Thin Four Lines, 6 Cents lor L'och Extra Line. PROFESSIONAL. Certified Public Accountant. KDWMII) V. hPAL' i! TRADERS BANK V lliilldlne. Architects. DAVIS, AHCIIITKCT, CONNEU, KHW Mil) Hiilhlliie. KRIIIlCltICK I,. IIHOWX, ARCH. n REAL Eatate i:ihanRe Illdjr.. 12 WashlnRton tie. Civil and Mining Engineers. II. L. IIAHDINtl, tail COVNTM, nUlLDlNO. Dentists. DR. ('. i:. Ell.HNHHIttlKIt, l'AUI.I BUILDlSUi ."pinie street, cranlon. 1)11. C. I". I.At'H.UTI, 115 WVOHINO AVENUE, Lawyers. FRANK II. IIOil.i:. ATIORSKY.AT.AW. Ruonis 12, II, lfi and IS Hurr Bulldinr, V. K. TflArV, ATr'V.,COMMONVEALTH BLDO. n. ii. iiciw.imi.i-:, avior.nkv-loans NEc.ot tlateil on leal est tie sciutlty. Vicars HillldlDI, inrner Maslilncton atenue and Spruce street. WIU.Anil, VHREN' k and louTiiiellors-at-law', Wahlnnton avenue. UNVPP. ATTOriNEVS ltcpiihllcan DuUdinj, .IKsl'P A .1111 P, VITORNEVS AND COUN. srllorsat hu t'ommonwcalth Rulhllnf, RtMnvi l'l, 2i) and 21. Kill! Mill TIIAMIH, ATIORNEV. ROOMS '.Vl-'sil, Dili flooi, Mears Building. L. A WVIRi:-. AITtlRNEVAT-LAVV, BOARD of liadr lluildlni, Scranton, Pa. PATTKRsOV k WILCOX, 1RADKRS' NATIONAL H.inlj Huilding, C. COVII.ffVS, 0 11 RKIM'BLICAS BUILDISO. A. W. BKRIIOLP, OKK1CK 211 Wyoming avenue. MOVED TO 04 Physicians and Surgeons. nu w k. avenue. ALLEN, fill .NORTH WASHINGTON DR. W lVVIttRKACv;. OK KICK 339 WASU Ington avifiue. Residence, 131 Mulberry. Chn nie diseases, lungs, heart. Ltdnevs and ginlln-urlnirv organs f specialty. Hours, 1 tn I p, m Hotels and Restaurants. ' THE EK CAKE, 125 AND 127 FRANKLIN AVQi nue. Hates reasonable. P. ZEH.LER, Proprietor, SCRVNTON IIOISE. NEAR D. L. ft W. PAS. the F.urnneaa senger dfpot. t'ondueled plan. VICTOll KOCH. Proprietor. Scavenger. A. B BRIC.CS CLE-V..NS PR1VV VAULTS AND res pools; nn odor; only improved pumps used. A B. Hnggs, proprietor. Leave orders 1100 North Main avenue, or Eiike'a drug store, eox' ner Adams and Mulberry. Both telephones. Seeds. 1 G. R. CI.VRKE k CO, SEEDSMEN AND NTJRS cr.vtnen, store 201 Washington avenue; green, li'rfi North Main avenue; itor tela pltone, 72. Wire Screens. JO.l'.Pll KHE1TKI.. REAR 511 LACKA. AVE., Scianton, Ta , manulacturer of Hire Screens. Miscellaneous. 1 DRESSMAKING FOR CHILDREN TO ORDER: also ladles' naista. Louil ShoenuVer, 212 Adams avenue. MEOARIiLE BR1K. rRINTERS' SUPPLIES. EN. v eloper, piper bigs, twine. Warehouse, 130 Washington avenue, Scranton, Pa. THE WILKES BARRF. RECORD CAN BE HAIJ in Scranton at the new atands of Retsman Bros., 40s Spruce and SOd Linden; M. Norton. 322 Lackawanna avenue; I. S. bchuUer, 211 Spruce etrect. Boarders Wanted. WANTEI-Table boardera. Washington avenue. Mrs. Tompkloj, 631 Kc 1 Situations Wanted. mnH SIIT'ATIOV WANTED By a respectable girl for grnetal housework in a small family, fan , furnish belt of references. Fleasc call at iWi Rebecca, aver.ue, llj da Part, city. I SITUATION WANTED Young woman wanti po. I sttion aa cook in private family. Can giva reference. Addrew OH Wjointng avenue. blTUATlO.V WAMEDBy a widow tn work in country and to take lit tin girl along; big; , enough to take caro ol chlldien. Apply Mra. M ' R., Tribune Office. bllUATlON WANTED-Bv a jnung girl II eirs old tn help with light housework. Address No. 204 South Irving avenue. SITUATION WANTED-A widow with one chiH would like A position as hounkeeper. arr give good reference. Address Mrs. E. D. Oly. p riant. SITUATION WANTED-Position aa housekeeper wanted: capable of taking full charge. Call or address 730 llartinin avenue. hll'l'ATlOV WANTED-Vs a cook in a hotel e boatdtng bous.e Addrcts Cook, Tilbune cfi flee. blTTAIION WANTED As miperinlendent or fore, man at coal mines; (litem jeart experience and best rcfetences. Box A, Tribune Office. blTUATlO.V WANTEIV-Bright, indu,trioi bn," 17 years old, cleltes situation. Woik In tin civil engineering or electrical line pielerted. Ad drcsa '. Y., Tribune Office. EITUVITON WANTED A good, honest and reli able girl would like a situation at generil housework with a nice (auiilv, AJdicsJ M. II, , bcranton Tribune. FINANCIAL. OLDEST! WALL STREET SAFEST! Money Will Earn Big Monthl nroTI Returns, DLoll Thelnvestor'aFundPayaSembmptithlr The oldest establlihed in America. No certlflcats holder has ever lost a cent Payments mada ta all subscribers every 13 dayi. No trouble. No delay. Money refunded on demind. Write to day for particulars, free to any address. C. E. Mackey & Co., Hudson Bld'g.. Ne york. Spencer Trask & Co BANKERS 2r & 29 Pine St., New York Now ready for distribution, nnd mailed upon request, Setepmber Descriptive List of INVESTMENT SECURITIES' Members New Vork Mock Ewhange. , Branch Office by State St. Albany Sv-sslw I" 3