The Scranton tribune. (Scranton, Pa.) 1891-1910, September 14, 1901, Page 6, Image 6

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Interesting Pnpeis Read find Re
potts Made by the Members of the
Home nml Foreign Societies Fu
neral of William Phlllipa Yester
day Afternoon Great Ciowdn
Wntched with Enger Inteicst The
Tribune Bulletins Announcing the
President's Condition.
The meeting of the Woman'
Horn? nnd Feuclmi Missionary soclttcs
of tlie Wushburn Stuet J'resbvterlun
rHiifh was held at the. paisotrii-e es
teulay nftoriioiiu. I'll olllceis if il..
Homo society were reelected 111 fol
lows: rrotfldent, Mhs Jennie Shan
n n ; vice. picMelent, Mia. T. J. l.uce;
treasurer, Mi3 Muliol Crist.
The meeting wis In el. at bo of Mrs.
j; n. 'Fellows, who lead the Serlpttne
lesion. Mif. Fiecnim presented on In
tcrestln'ff nrllcli on "Foiecast and
Rally,'" and Mrs. Valne read a paper
on Home Mlsslcnury woik In the dlf
Irrrnt lle'dils.
MisV'Sliannon pave nn Instructive
te.'k on tlio woik anion;; tin- fotelKii
.viiaUliiK people In tin . lckauannn
Valley, wheie there i over 100,000
ninonc-whom the mission honid Is now
vvoikinjr. A hour wu after
wards enjoyed and refreshments weie
Communion sen loos will be lie Id nt
tin- olmicli tomotrow inoinlii?, after
wr.ith thote will Ip a leieptlon of nvv
mimhei.s and baptism of (hlldrpu nnd
The election of a superintendent to
Pl'ceeed Mi. liturall In the Hlble school
will take plaeo next Wednesday.
llev. .1. i. Moffat will leave for
Honcsdnle on Mondav to attend a
meeting of the lresli tcr.v. nnd l'.lder
J!. .1. Williams will icpiescnt the
Tribune Bulletin Service.
The' West Seranton branch oHlc of
I'lu Tritium? was beU'RPd with peo
ple last cvcnliiR. making liuiulrles
iclitlve to the condition of President
MeKlnlcy. As the hullelius weio
pitted in the window of Jenkins' iIiiib
(ton, hunelieiK of peoplo crowded 1 ho
sidewalk In fumt to rc t a Kllmp-o of
liv1 latest repot is.
The einwd lemaiiiei about the bulle
tins until after 10 ;o oclmk, when the
Ito tnd Almond Cream remoTei
rrdncs o( the akin and toothes the
pain of eutiburn Id one night. Take
a bottle with you on your vacation.
Our Weekly Offerings
For Saturday Shoppers
Are unusually interesting, and well worthy the
attention of buyers who demand quality as a first
consideration, but will gladly take advantage of a
price cut, provided it entails no sacrifice in these
parts, in the way of desirability. The goods offered
below will fill the bill exactly in these respects, as
every item offered is faultless in quality and style,
yet considerably under regular values.
uadies' Mnslin Underwear
Ladies' Night Dresses in the most
fashionable styles. All are elabo
rately trimmed, made fiom best
muslin and value for at
least $i. Saturday only.. 79C
Ladies' Kid Gloves
In Tans, Modes, Browns and
Reds. A special purchase of fifty
dozen, which we bought much
under regular value. We guaran
tee them worth 7s cents.
Saturday 59C
High Class Neckwear
F;or Ladies. All the desirable
styles.aro included in this line, and
tho vaTiety of colorings and pat
terns is infinite. Choice 0! our
famout 30-cent line, Sat-
urday !,.., 39C
Mamlously: Cheap Neckwear
Thisnsthe last tall of the season
on Ladies' Wash Neckwear. Noth
ing in the lot offered" for Saturday
cost le,ls than 25 cents. -The
Bale Price 9C
Men' Fall Shirts
fronts, in all the best pat
Irr, lact they're the same
as are sold elsewhere for
at all
each. Our' price
mesjs only....
Globe Warehouse
last bulletin wat posted, announcing
that tho president's pulse had teaelied
Its extt entity, and he was In his liirt
Funeral of William Phillips.
New li. A. Hoyl. pa.stor of the Ply
mouth Congregational, olll
e luted at the funeral of the late Wil
liam 1'lillllps yesterday afternoon. The
net vice, weie held nt the family
tesldenee, on I'etteboiti street.
The pall bearers vvete Flunk Mar
key, Thomas Davis, .Peter (lullnglier,
Duvld .tones, David William? and
Frank Kelly. The llower hemeis .weie
William Jteesp, Jjavld llcese. Ilniry
Uatklus, Arthur Williams and Thomas
Hodney The Tripp Slope Accidental
Fund attended tlie set vices. Intel -meiit
was made In the t'amliila cetue
ii'i .
Holcomb Seiiously Iujttted.
John Holcomb, n lcsldent of Mount
Dewey, while diking home on Thuis
(ln ovenlnif. vui seiiously iujuicd bv
bi-lnir tin own fioni his mrtliiKP, and
his aim and let; weie frm lined, nnd he
also suffered Intel mil injuiies. lie Is
employed at the l'.vne (ollleiy, nnd his
hoise hpcame frightened at oseiipltiK
Hteain fiuin nn engine on tho Keser
Valley branih of the t.acknwaiinn lull
load. The animal dashed down th
load nt a fin lolls tate, with Holcomb
( linking to the lelns.
Finally he lost nil outrol of the nnl
inal. and at an Intei section of a cross
mad the hoi so ran Into largo stone,
ov ei tinning tlie buggy, and tin owing
the young man out. He stiuek on his
head and was teiideied uiuoneious.
When picked up bv passpi.sbj It was
leal lied that ho was seilouslv in luted.
Dr. W. J. I,. Davis was summoned ami
he learned that the joitng man had
sustained the Injtii les noted above. He
was lemoved to his lioine, nnd Is now
In a piecarlous condition.
Recent Social Events.
The Stbbath school class taught bv
Miss Hll'abeth Thomas In the Koutth
v.nd mission school, held nn enjovable
lawn social on Thuisdav evening at the
home of Miss lieitha Waile, on Swot
land stieet. he iieam and cake weie
served, mid the event was llheially
Miss Mniy Davis, of South Main ave
nue, entei tallied a laige patty of
fi lends nt her home teeently, when tho
hoi dlveisions Iiuldentnl to such
gatheilngs weie enJoed. Those- pies
ent weie Mr. and .Mis, Thomas Diiiden.
Mis. KHabelh Joilos, Misses .Mnnd
Dm den, Jennie Williams, Hllzabeth
AVIlllains, Jennie Rlihaid, IMna Zieg
lor. T.ottle T.vans. Cauie Kflly, Mabel
Tuttle, Hllabeth Hughes, llobeit Mali
son, William Gi coning, Hanv IJiiih,
George Thomas, George Williams. Kob
pit Campbell, Oeorgo clrcen,
Tiioinas, John Grllllths, I'. .1. Tln.ino,
"William Jones, Lewis How en and lien
jamln Williams.
Miss Delia Sc.ihlI1.of Aiihb.ild stieet,
was tendeiPd a MUitlo p.uty Thius
da evening at the homo of her brother,
Michael Siahill A featllio of the event
was tho taking of flashlight plenties
by Joseph Murphy, Tho guests weie
Misses Kate Timlin, Julia O'Hilon,
Beautiful Silk Waists
Fancy Taffeta Silks, In all the
fashionable fall shades and as cor
rect models of style as Dame Fash
ion can produce. A line live dol
lar waist on Saturday
fr p3.9o
Fall Weight Hosiery
The stainless black cotton, of fine
gauge, but good weight. A splen
did 25c quality in all sizes, includ
ing extras. The price for t 0
Saturday only is 1 oC
Fine Fall Hosiery
There's a table full of the smart
est fall hosiery for ladies' wear that
this city has to offer, awaiting our
Saturday patrons. Choice
of any in the lot 5UC
Men's Stylish Hosiery
There are Just one dozen differ
ent styles on sale Saturday at the
same price. Vertical and circular
stripes, silk stitchings,
lace and drop stitch, etc.. xOC
Ladies Wash Waists
Not a great many to choose from
but all very good, and the price
for Saturday will be the prices
of last week cut right u f
Mary Caveney, Delia llollcrnn, Sarah
Kelly, Hainh O'lirlen, Mary Iltianc,
Hollo Kcllctt, Kate Kelly, Mnillia. Pry,
Mary ltalucy, Delia nnd Until Adams,
James Phllbln, Joint Client n, Thoman
Aston, Frank Pry, Walter llalney. John
CnvnnnURli, Jninea P. Kelly, Thomas
DiiuiilRan, Harry Halnry, John
Kan, Patilck (Inrvpy, Jtnrtln OaURlian,
John Uempoey and Thomas O'Uilcn.
Jackson Street Baptist Church.
The (list rehearcal for our llutvett
Home concert will bo held next Sun
dav, after Sunday school.
The Ilov. Calvin llnie, D. D., will
Klve an aclilrcFa Sunday evenltiK In
tlin Inlet pit of nil tho youtur. on edu
cation. Ho represents Ilueknell.
The minister nnd their wives will
be entettalned by our ladies, Sept. in,
at the opening hcohIoii of ilia confer
ence. Our a"-oclallon yenr Is Jut ocet
Let in enter our work with a new con
sociation. A nuotlnfr of our Indies In railed at
the cloe of the mectlliK Sunday night.
All the ladles hould bo prevent.
The services In the ltelleviie Welsh
M. church, tomoiniw evening at
1! o clock will be conducted by the
Young People's Soclet.v of Christian
lmileavui. All ate Invited to atend.
Ml!4 liirf.nint Pitlv nt .lit onfartn
on Wednesday evening a large number
of her fi lends at her homo on fiwet-
llltlil qll,.t flump., 11ml ntlwir i1lfrt
Hlons weie Indulged In. Ilcficshments
vvue seiveii nt a veaxonalile Hour, after
which the guests departed for their
homos voting Mls IMwaids a charm
In, llMlP
Ml" Mamp Phillips, of Jackson
street, has letuineil fiom a Mlt In
New Yoik city.
Julm Conway, of South lltninley
avenue, liv enteied the lilomsbuig
Slate Normal chool.
fleotge Jloilge, of Ninth H.vde Paik
avenue, Is clieiilatlug among Ills
fi lends In Mlnersvllle.
John i: Uradlev, of Lafayette stiert,
Is teporled to bo stilously ill nt hlH
A. V. Moro, (Jeorge liauowm.iu and
Cleuige AVateis wll leave tomorrow for
tli" exposition.
Mis Laura O'.Malley, of T.tneolu
Helglits, s visiting filfiids In llnstnu,
Mis. llllrabeth Ki tiger, of Noith
Hdu I'.uk avHime, has as her guesUs
Mis. Avei, of Avery station, nnd
Flee West, of the same place.
Ml.s ihnili.i II. Heekei, of Hoblnson
stieet, has letuiiied home fiom a thie
weeks dip, which Included Philadel
phia. Atlantic city and Hangor.
l)am'l J i:ans, tlie InMtrance
agent. N among the at'emlants at the
Pan-Aniei lc un 'posltnM.
Ml1- I'liu.i Ma.v, of .Vol lb Main ave
nue, s entei mining her cousin, Miss
To-s(. rionin. of Auhluld
lames Cionln and Kobert Pi he, of
Not th I'llnioie avenue, have returned
home from a visit with the former's
patents at Fall Itlvei, Mass.
A il(1o1 ineeilng of the William
Council Antlii.iLite Jlee club will be
held In lvoilte hall tumoriow nfteinoon
at I! o'clock to which every member
Is invited to be lues.Mit. Tile i lull
will slug at the armoiy net Tue(Ia
William U Williams, of old Foige,
Willi VCMH li.tfiit Alilr.1 milt.
Ki How at the Instance of Cecuge t'lnt-
nut anil wire, dunged with iiinilual
libel, In a-seiiliig that the formei In
leinled to bum his house down, was
discharged fiom eutocl.v nltii ictiiccl
Ing his wcucls and palng the cots.
A laige ninilbei of West Si tuuton
pi nple allendcd the tempeianie leunlun
at Xa Aug paik isteida, attcinoon.
.Many of the local slngein pai th Ipati il
in the united choiuses that wete a fea
tuie ot the event.
Hnslgn l.entz, uf the SaHallou aimy,
will eh llv lectute at the hall on
Pi lie .stieet (omnium evening on the
Mibjei t, "Found Di.ul In the Sliepf-. '
The iiieinb.'is of the arm.v will hold an
open-all meeting at Na Aug paik to
luol ion afternoon.
Miss Kale Hums, of l.liuoln .lumim
and two biolheis, ,,ie visiting filond
urn iclatlvcs in .Noitheiu New Votk
A il.itlghtei' was teeent botn to Mr.
nui. .Mis (jentge Williams, of South
Main avenue.
'Hie lulled of the Simpson M V.
chin 1 h whose names begin with the In
itials A. F. C, 1), Hlld II, met last
veiling and decided to eoinlui t an In
Iti.ii .supper In the patlois of the chinch
it. t Thin silay evening.
Mis Hauls Mis. Kaniuan, ami the
lattei s Mini itoj, ,,f Swell. mil stieet,
hive litllineil home liom !1 tlip to the
I'an-Ameilcan exposition
Thu lalliotd auIIIaiy of the Slmii
Si 11 M l: c lunch, whiiioniliieteil.iii li a
cienin social at the home of .Mi-. Hur-
ifs on 'UiiiiMlay evening, will hold
their next meeting at tlie home of Mio.
Maiy A pitting, on south liioinley ave
nue, Thin sclay, October 3.
A tegular meeting of the Local Fnlon
No Jl o the Jouiuevmeii Haibeis"
I'luon, will be held next Monday even
ing All incmbeis uie ieiUi'sted to at
tend. The Wei-t Suantoii foot ball team
plajed a game at the Wallsvillo fair
vestuda.v with u team fiom Fnctoiy
ville Mis U I, Jenkins of Jackson stieet,
has letuineil homo fiom a few ela.vs' with lileuds in Jeunvn.
Hjioii Slote, of Swetland .stieet, Is
spending a few davs with his ft lends
In .Kingston.
Mis. Charles Transue, of I.ln oln
avenue, is lecoverlug fiom an Illness.
A Him was teeently houi to Mr. nnd
Mis Michael Shea, of J.uzeine meet.
Mis Jennie UavK of South Main
nveuup. hus icbumcd her studies at
the Hloomsburg State Noimal school.
Miss Milium Fuller N III at her
home on South Main avenue. She Is
the daughter of Chief Feiber, ot the
the dopai ttuotit
Mis. Jnints lledell and son, Louis, of
Philadelphia, who havp been the guests
of .Mis. Long, of Hiomley avenue, ie
tiiuiecl to their linmes jesteiclaj
Mis. Patihk Jlcllala and son. Iloh
Pit, of Ninth strpet, have returned
homo fiom the Pan-Ameilonn.
clcorge Ulshop, of Hoiieselale,
spending n few days with his sister,
III West Sernuton.
The West Seianton assembly of the
Hoyal SoclPty of Hood Fellows have
icntPtl tho lodge rooms In Washing
ton hall for two pveulngs In the month.
Miss Ada A. McIJcttnott. daughter
or llev 11. ( Meneunott, of the Simp
son Methodist Fplscopal church, has
leslgnoel her position in the Oneonta
(N. Y.) High school, and leaves on
Would ue Krmji' rtiham fur the Throat nml
l.unRi. It Is curlnj mere Cniijhj, Coldi,
Aithru'i, rironcliltlf, Croup and all Tlirojt and
Lung Troulji, than anj other medicine. Tho
proprietor hu authorised an dru.-cl.l to give
feu a bjmplo llottlo I'rru to romlnce ou ut th?
imrlt ot thu treat remedy, I'rko 2m, and 50.
M VaHr7lPr'V
il wonderful, but coffer it
Injurious to the nerves and
digestloa o most people, be
cause of the caffeine In It.
The phosphates and hy
phosphites i
added to
Condensed Milk
maUe coffee of actual food
ralue bjr neutralliing the
effect of the coffee drug.
Is the greatest of all nerve
foods and body builderi. It
tastes like rich cream; pnes
a delicacy of flaror to coftec ;
makc3 It a refreshing draik
at all times. Dr. Hand's
Condensed Milk is best for
summer use. Alwavs sweet
jou don't need ice. Book free
The Dr. Hand Condensed Milk Co.
Seranton, Pa.
Monday to lesumo her studies In Sy
tactise univeisltv Miss Mi Dennott
was a student at Sviacuse before she
begin teacnlng In Oneonta
Miss Agnes McAllister, for some
eai a missionary on the west c.oat
ot Africa, will address the congiega
tmn of tlie Simpson Methodist Fpls
copal chinch tomorrow morning Site
Is n captivating speaker and ti treat
is In sloie tor those who hear ln-i.
Andipw Smith inside foreman at the
Maiviiip nine, accompanied a paitv of
voting people tlllollgh the Maivllie
mine Jpsteicla.v Mi Smith epl,ilnecl
the cliffeient vein-, of coal and showed
the in the giant pump which tluows
watei fiom thf minis
James Williams, of Foity Fort, was
attested psteidny b Patiolmau Sat
1 1 fot being ilitiuk and ellsoieloily on
Nor'h .Main avenue He was given a
heating by Muglstiate Tidier and lined
fi which he i, mild not p.iv, nnd was
ciimmltted to the county Jail for thli
tv clajs.
Last cvrnlng seveial car loads of
people nf till M'i Hon enJopil a trollej
ride over the different toiltes of the
Siianton Hallway company. The p.n
tv was aciompanled by the Silver t'oi
net band unilei w bie-e auspli es II was
Mi and Mis (Jioikc Seplier of Shen
andoah look ta at the home of Mi.
and Mrs. Flmer Moigans of Fast Mar
he t stieet lat.t evening
Mi. and Mis Ueoige Si cber of
Sheiiantlo ill ale v Kiting the lattiu's
biotliu, William II. Mult, of Fast
Mnlket stieet evening Mr. anil Mis H.iuv
lmniis of t 'hutch avenue euicitalmd
a ntiiiilw of .voitng filends at their
lionii- 'I'he evening was spent by
plalng ot cards and nihil games, un
til a seasonable houi when icfiesb
nn llld weie unveil and Hush-lights
wi-ie taken Those jnesent weie:
Misses Hlanclie I'otter Maile Mi Cue k
en. It.uhel Fvans. Cntheilite Oavis
Maud and MuttU- I'oltei, FUa Hallow
and (Scititnli Ihniney. The Mssi.
weie A '. Kelei II W. Hnttsei.Al
tluir Widow Held, Daniel Matthew, (I
Holllstii, chailes Fmmi.v, and Ilauy
I'ltige, of Pi i kv I lie.
MessiH William Sti.vder and William
itolls of n section will leave todav
for an extended visit in New Yoik and
NfW .les,.j
'lass No ti of the Me-moilal HaptKt
chinch Sunda.v m hool will have a
chicken sodal Seplembei L'". at Win
ton's hall, Wavue avenue
A social featuie of the wotk of the
ladles of the Aid soeletv and congiega
tlen of the Piovldence Piesbvteilan
chinch for this season will consist of
a gathering eveiy now and then. In
the social rooms, something aftei the
nut of the old-time sewing sue let v.
Next Tuesd.iv. fiom Jo to 4, all (lie
ladles will meet j the chuich pal
lors and c and chat and at noon
eat i lidi luncheons together Several
nan of that congregation have asked
If llinv cant cniiii anil eiijo the Jiin
t he cms.
The fillieial of the late Mathew
Koelsch was beid fiom the family
lesldonce, fi.'4 Maple stieet, jesteulay
minnliig In .St. Mat's Fatholl'o
clinic 11 a irqnlem mash was celebiatcd
by Ilov. Fill her Stiaub Tin meinheis
of the Gorman Kiieger eieln, of
which the deceased was a member, at
tended the fuiieinl In a heiel.v, hetcled
b.v the ninggold baud. At the com lu
slon of the .ei vices the funeial coitege
moved to the Twentieth waul ceinp
teiv. llev. l'elei CliiKt nie'.ichei n
ahoit spnnon at the graveside. The
thing squad gave the lust salute for
their depaited conuaelp. The pall
benieis were inembeis of Kiieger Ve
i Pin.
Rutglnis eiitPiPd the hotel of Peter
Kiihner euily .vesteiclny moinlng and
secured about $S0 in cah. Tlie bur
glais PiUeied the place thiougli n side
window nf the first floor. The money
was taken fiom a diawer In the wilt
ing desk Mi Kuhner believes the
pei son who took the money must be
well acquainted In the houfco. for noth
ing else was disturbed. The police
weie untitled and they uie woiklng on
the case
The meiulieis of the Ytlllger Maeti
neichoi tendeted a very pleasant ttol
ley paity last evening to their wIvp
ami lady filend hi mind the city limit
lines. After the tiolley ride they went
to ijei mania hall, wheio lerieshments
weie served.
The inembeis nf St. Pclei's society
will meet In legulai monthly business
tomnnow nfteinoon In St. Maty's hall.
Mis. C. Hariett deslies n to k.iv thnr
Jt was Mis. Kenny and Mrs. Coyne
ner htisnnnu tiad legal difficulties with
this week and not Mrs. Cainey and
Mis. Mangan, as unnotiiicod in the
pa pets.
The gospel Tneetlii" at the South
Side Voting Woman's I'hilsllun Asso-
elation rooms, 1021 Cedar rwonue, Sun
day afternoon nt 0.43 o'clock, will bo
led hy Mrs. August Kraft. All wo
men nnd girl are Invited.
Mis. U. Stanley HKIer nf Fastnn is n
guest ut the! Forelham liomesteHd on
Cnpouse avenue.
The teachers and otllcers of Anbury
Sunday school nio making extensive
airangements for their annual "Itatlv
Fay" exercKe. Special music and a
line piogr.unine nio being piepaud.
Sister M. Isadoi, founorly Miss Anna
Kenney, Is visiting nt tho homo of her
brother, William Kenney, of Columbia
Tho hill on Sanderson avenue lip.
twoen Olenn and Lai eh stieet Is again
sadly In need of repair and idiould re
ceive attention at once from tho prop,
er otllclal. A bed of sand runs under
tho toad at this point with only about
six Inches of soil covering It. The
heavy wagons cut holes through the
thin layer of earth, leuvlng deep holes
whore n carriage wheel sinks In half
way to the hub.
Miss F.llen Dunning, daughter of Mr.
and Mrs. A. II. Dunning, of Mousey
avenup, who ha been suffcilng from
an attjek of nppctidlcllls since last
Satin day, Is slightly lmpioved.
Mies Pes and Yerd Hitter of Milton
spent "Wednesday with Miss Delia Da
vis of Oreen Hldgo street.
(leorge Lindsay nnd Donald Hull ie
tuuipd yesterday from a Halting tilp
at Mooslo lake, with a fine, mtih of
Mis. Maiiville, of Cnibondale, and
Mrs. Zlloy, ot lirooklyn, N. Y weie
guest of Mis. M. P.. Kns, of Snuilci
son nvenup, yesteidav,
John Wells, of the Simpson foundiy,
Is spending hi vacation at Pleasant
Tinnk nunner, of Drinker stiopt, em
ploved as a mliipr at (iypsy Clinvo col
lipry ot tho File company, wns badly
Injuied by a fall of mof pstetriiiy
moinltig. HI right eye wns destropd
nnd he suffered a dislocation ot the
hip nnd was lit luted Internally,
First Methodist Fptscopal chinch,
Kev. Charles lleniy New lug, pastor.
Sei vices nt 10.10 a. m. and T ?,0 p. jti
The pastor will pi each both morning
and evening Moinlng subject, 'A
Client Fotce," evening subject, "A
Fatal Pargaln." Sunday school at 2.10
p. m ; prayer service at C SO p. rn., mid
week pi aver meeting Wednesday ev pil
ing nt T.SO o'clock.
The Tripp Avenue f'lnlstlan chuich.
Preaching both moinlng nnd evening
bv the pastoi, Ttev. J. D. Dabne.v.
Moinlng topic, 'How to Oct Away
fiom Our Foinier Selves," evening
topic, "I Did My Duty." Siindav school
at la a in, Hveijboily niailp vvphome
nt nil servlc es.
The Dudley Stieet HaptNl cliuri li.
Pleaching hv William Shauger at 10::0
a m . by Or. David Spencer at 7.30 p
m. Sunday school aftei moinlng sei
vhe, i 'Inn le D. Kli-r and Ml Margaiet
McLaughlin, both icsldent of Ash
stieet In Sctanton, wen mauled on
Thin sday evening tu the Methodist
p.nsonage by Kev Charles IT. Newing.
Mr. and Mis. John M. Wen letuiiied
on Thuisdav night fiom their wedding
torn, nnd for ll)e piesent will ipslde
with the hiiilps mother, on C'liuiih
Mr. and Mis Daniel (i Westeott le
tuiiied last night fiom their wedding
Despite the Incleineiu v of the weath
er Tlitiindny night the lawn social un
ilei the auspices of the Daugliteis of
n:eilca at the home of Louis Fugle
was largely attended Tlf lawn and
pori lies weie haniKoniPly Illuminated
with many hued Japanese lanterns.
The committee In chaigo felt well le
pald fot their haul woik by lb addi
tion of a very substantial suin to the
soi letv's tiea.siny
.Mis. William Marh and daughter,
Annie, of New Yoik city, aie guest
nt the lesidHiice of Martin Kenny, on
Hlt'om street
Mi. and Mis. j.inip Cllmnitin and
son. Kdwaul. have leturned lroni a
stjv at Atlantic City
Kdwaul and Annie Muriay, of Yest
Drinker stieet left Thur.-eluy tor Mans
tleld State Notinal school.
John liibbons has lesigned hi posi
tion as mine foreman at the Muuay
K. Cainev colllei.v. M J. WaKh, of
Avoca, vclll succeed him.
Jacob Wmg, of Kim stieet, Is eon
lined to his home suffering fiom an
nttnik of rheumatism.
Miss Llllle Swift has u tinned fiom a
lleasant day with fi I 'lids at Syracuse.
MK Teena Smith, of Sheuiian ave
nue. Is vhitlni: lelitlves at Lake
Lrotuiul Kelley, died at ln'l home on
lackawanna stieet. Olvphant, es(..
du.v afternoon at ."30 o'clock. She had
been an Invalid foi many jeais. ti.t
Monihiy her ),i U, .nn became t-eilom
and sin Mowlv ilcellned until death
lellpved lie-j of liei suffering yestcul'iv.
lieccaspcl's maiileii iiame was Olive
Iongstieet. She was bout in Huwley
and was -,o jeais of age. Thltty
ago she was united In nmuiage to Pr.
L Kelley, and ha been a lesident of
Objmant ever since. She was a lov
ing ami dev )td mother and her eh ath
will be keenly felt bv the inemb. i of
Iipi family. Her husband and thr-e
ihlldien sin vivo her. also tlie follow -1'ig
biotheis and slsteis: Mis Kel
lei, of (lieen Itldgc, Jlrs. Moritoe Cai
1 enter, Dr. S. I. Longstreet. of Seian
ton, Prof. W. I! LoiiRstraet, of Mans
IK Id, nnd Ui. D. L. Longstieet, of
Lackawaxen. The funeial ai range
r entt have.' not jet been mule.
WALTP.U C. TINKHAM, aged lit
.ve..r., died on Thursday night at tho
J Inline maun hospital, vvlipio he had
bean ill tor s uiie days. The deceased
wan a son of J. L. Tlnkhani, of Chuk's
Summit, and foimeily lived at Dal
ton. He had been tmploved at Kirch's
foundry for some niont'u 1 1 lor to hh
death. The. funeial will bo held on
hutidny at 2 30 p in., fiom the Chin
cliilla Methodist Hpliop,il cliuuh.
I'ATISICIv Mc ll HATH, of Dunmoie.
c'leil ThutMlav night at the Lacka
w.iiina hospital, of Injuileii iec.lved n
fll'.ut time iieo at one of the Penn
sylvania company's i nineties. A fam
ily him.
- i
liaiM hnlikerboiVcr, a )ouiur man who j in
chaise of tlie (JolJni Rati rrataiiiant on A nun
aienuo up to a few Ujjji jKo, wit arriilnl
lliurMUv flt tlm liKtance ot J)r W. V .ii
ell. one ot the iroiirtor, w tin rliarera lilm
with laneiij t a dealing before ierniin
Itucldy tlie dm.t,.r lemltloil that KnUUerbocker
had appropriated cIrih and ninni-y from the
rvtaurant about (no erli ajo, Iho total calue
helnj alioul in. 'Ihi ilefrnilant rllct not nulo a
vrr kplillfd denial mil he aldcrinan liclil him
under i-i'io hall.
Wire Nails
Cut Nails
Coal Picks
R. R. Picks
Taps and Dies Wagon Tops
Wagon Umbrellas
i-3 In fact we carry
a new or repair an
126-128 Franklin Ave.
4-f -f4H-f
This Store
Is Closed.Today
Will Open
at 6.30
This Evening
! Samter Brothers :
Complete Outfitter.
. - 4-
roimer' Sheriff Gave Bnttle to a
Thief at Cleveland.
A dispatch fiom f'lev eland, O, whe-ie
the annual encampment ot the (liand
Aimy of the P.epuhllc is heini; held,
contains the follow Iiir
Two hluW linll up mm atloiiipled to roh Va
II stetrn, friimr v ice n ihtti41i.1i r ot tlio ilrpirt
meiit if l'eiintltatiU and aitiinr cmiiinnilr "t
Hut ilnloou, iiiimeiliitrh after )etrielij pa
uiie Ihfri' h a woinm in tin i w
tlin cninminilir ili.iuonntrd m ir ihe i inner of
si I lair and I ri- Mieela in i lnit cmwil It
is iliteitrd i In wsy to llie Willi mien lintel met
iiniimllalfh aliiinptnl in t,et tlirniisli llie imnil
Uon't unveil tlit lulc." iiniirkeil 1 voiaiif
mm of tuini. llie Mine retiuiN wit ilro peel
,i moment later In i nun ot tiilrle five the
eoininimler emelt a nionv lit- attemplnl to
uaj fiom tin m lint did mil fuiccrd it until
nftfi a lianl ti hind risht.
Mm in Ml tin- limit of i ne ot I lie tin-n smni:
up iindor line coat, wlinh J lnittunid a. tin
liini. We tiin.k tin nun li"H tIo in tlm
faie n It 11 Ida e.une and srralilnil Ills tcinli fiom
llie hold up nun'R hand at the tune llu w-tili
ilnln hid lieen binken
Murns I'jllul toi police and the men maje
their ec ip" like a tl ih
Ihe .utitic ' umiunder in sheriff fir seven
,cimm at trantaii, 1'.1 , nnd lie n fimllur with
the tunc resortril to In hold up men If In
ludn't he nenilil dnulal.M luce I )t at l"it a
Miliulile sold c itch
Fltteenth Annual Convention of the
Lackawanna County W. C. T. U.
On Frhlav, Septemher 0 will occur
the fifteenth annual convention of tho kavv imia I'ountv Woman's flnls
tian Temperance union, at the I'e, u.
ille .Methodist I'plscopal ehiinh.
Muinlus. lift"! noon and evening s-e.s-slons
will he held
At the nimnlllK wlnn the .nldie
nf welcome s to he made liy Ui-v.
ri.uicls flendall and .Mis J r Ci.iIk,
Mid the ii'spoiisc hy .Mi.s Alice Ilai
nev and .Mi .Minnie HI icK. A feat
uie of the afternoon seson will he a
lesnni- of the eat'H woik. hy the
riclilents of the local utiloius
In the fvenliiK. Mtv. A. M Ilohev,
i f Went Plttston, and W W I.athion,
of this ilt, will elelivei .uldiee.s.
Two Teams Met on the Alleys Last
In the howling for the Senmans'
tiophy at the (lieen Uldse 'Wlieel.
men'n alleys last night the follow linr
scoich weie niade, Kennedy being IiIrIi
man with 'MO:
li:v M) i,
I'r.irr Ill pij I'.i-i7
Kenneilv IJi 111 Jim t
MiKn It 177 III-in.
J. Il vlisun 110 111 117-Jil
bile- IV.9
1't ".7
II'- l'.'
n-: -i.
1 1.' e u
V. Iillll
Ftnnk Isnesky Tried to Get Away
After His Attest.
.lolnt Hieiiium, of (ilhscin street, ve.
teiday hwoio out a wariaut hefore
MtlKi.stl.ile Millar for the an est of
Frank Isnesky, who lives nearhy, on
he cliaiRTi of a.ssault and b.itteiy,
Tho v airunt .va ilaetd In tho hai It
of Special Oftlier Malcolm Ilyets, who
found his man in n saloon on Penn
n'tnuc. IsiiesKy'H waffon was out
pldo, and ho MtKRcsled to Hjeus that
they clilve to the niaRlsttnto's otllte.
lljcia aa ulllliib', but wits thought-
lulals J70 til
II. VM Mi. J
(irrrn Ill til
itiilACUjv 1J7 l
Iliad; l.'i III
I'unil 117 1 .1
Tolilc ... ... n' .111
Loaded Shells
Empty Shells
Horse Rasps
Nail Pullers
everything to make &
old wagon or carriage
Lyceum Theatre
BUS lessee A J. IIU'IV, Manager.
Monday NigiTt, Sept. 16.
M. Samuel II. Hoik pi cents Cm. AV.
I.edetei's Itemendnim tiana-atlantio
tilumph tho musical eMravaganza
The Casino Girl
Hunk hv Haii 1!. Smith Music by
I.udwiR l'tiBlander.
4u0 pei feu main e? in Nv York city
ami foi "(H iilshts in l.oinlon
J'ilces--"i. 50. ".", Jl 00, ?l.50.
Seats on (.ale Friday at 9 a. in.
Tuesday, September 17th,
Neil Burgess
llumelf A.
Abigail Prue
In iho N w
With it wealili il n . nm and me. Ii-ennat
eflnn llu moot Un linn, limn, la c ec r cc.i
on oner la
Pi ici .1 &i( 7 . ! 11
S1.1U 1 11 m1 iiiiiiiIi hi 1 1 11)
Academy of flusic
M III IS I.fee
J. IIU1V, Muniger.
Mliiulit Vljnme "Ihe Panne "
Saturclav SilM, . 'It uli Itidei lioinaiice
Matinee PticM 10 and 10 fVnt
Ivenms l'ricea-10, JO and 'Jl I entf .
M I M VI VM I h.
The Myrkle-Hanler Co.,
0enms Vlundiv li nun; Willi lliinn i
Up3 nnd Downs of Life."
I venini; I'iiiij. In -0 and H I inln
Maiinee Priics -10 and V I 111
VII ( HHSIllM.IOS Vl.,ni,.i-r
I .1 Hi - ll' u. Ill '.
M ml. s p, n,l i
"Meny Maidens Burlesquers.
VI inn .1 VI nidi Jim i 11 .
r '"" g-t-At
rtieno tiny t'niiulr nr
neonvenlenee,BllerlloulinY I
In wWeh.l opnlbn. '!iV,uu'V
betis nml liiliTllon lulu
less enoiiBh to h t I-m f-Kv do the tltlv-
I h
As soon as I In. I 11 stieet was re.t lied
LsnesKv tuiii"d th ejitwanl,
and diove. tiiii.aisly up the stieet.
livers I'lappled with hlui and trii d io
taKe til" Lias ft em him, bill lie fmiRlit
him of. ami Ki pt on up the stieet. Aw
Adams aventl-1. he stmrk Hjci.s In tho
face twice, vvhrreit the latter Jump I
fiom the vwitfon. IhiiesKj, Instead rf
cl'lvlng on. leaped out after H.vers only
to be taken Into hy him as
.nan as he .stiuek the froiind
Me was taken to the Centie street
police station and will be given a lnar
Intj thh moinlng.
They Will Be Looked Over by Re
conloi on Monday.
Ulrectoi of Public Safety I' U
Wnnmi'i vesteua Issued nn order
lilieunu; Chief 11. r. Feiber. of the
the depaitment, to have as many nf
the ptrnianent men of the depaitmont
pie.sent as possible at Itccnider 1'on
ntH's otlhe on Monday afternoon at 3
c'cloeh, for liwnctl'm.
The nun will be nihil essed In thn
l ccouli 1 ami bv the dlintoi, ami tho
new tides whlih have b-en mlopteil
for their KUldauci will be lead to them.
Minder in the First Degree.
VI! llillr, I, s,,i j -lehn Anitnu, on
trial lor the tnuruer rf Wa.lilrsmn Hunter, in
aneil and wealthy fatmir, c Iwli found ijuili
in the tir.l dik'iec.
r .