j. t- i THE SCRANTON TRIBUNE-SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 14, 1901. V .! M - , I hr 1, I I , ,l . Oiilccj 'Phone: - burke Carbondale Department. new, 286 BUILDING j , OLD, 0423 RAILROAD TIME TABLES. - Dclswnio nnd Hudson Hnllrond. June U, lJUt Ttalnt will Irate laihondie .it ill station a follnwn ror Suanttn nnrl W Ikes Haire it 00, J on . ("H. mm, 11 .' ,i tn in. in, -1j. J.Vi, i (i, 71111 iiiui, iii it iii i-iiudai ttalnt lean at ji, II 11 a in , 1 W, S.W. S.W. S(l p in SI rr IImiij, mi ilng i, Vlintirtl Ho.lnu. New iigliml olnl, ill . 7 no it lit , I ' p. I" dallt) I ol Lake I ndore, tlitmirt and llnncwl il. TV.', II ra a m . .1 31, it l t tn Sundiy tulnt Irate (in l.aki Indole, tlntinait rid llnnesdale at m a in , I TO, I (t I' in lrln ariltr al Oifhendile tioiu Wilkes llano nd Suanton ut tnllows 1. "h.. ft .17, 10, in V) m , lJ ,17, 2 nti, 3 SJ, i 2 11 7.01, S..I1, 11 Mi 11 W p in , 1 SI 1 tn Mind it (uliit aititp j,t (1 17 .1 in , 12 lit. 3 AS. &. . 11 ,n p 111, Tnim airlto dallt (mm AIImih at Tin and pP 111 . nnd nn Muni i tt .'..U i m Main unlit: (rom llnnrsilale an I tt it null !tli at 41 a m 1 12 ii, I in, fi 17 p 111 Mindjt ti tin iirhe at dirhnndalt linm Loa-Ind-ue. Waimtit and llnne.dalo at U 17. 4 ! and & p m New York, Ontario nnd Western. .lime .'i, l'M Trains Irate rathondile (i t Siranlon at 700, 10 l 1 ni , 4 on p 111 .'-undn mint at 7ii a tn ml p m. Irilns pair (ailiomlih f ir punls nntth nl 11 in a m , I II p, 111 Un sun lit al II in a tn TrOnt lcatine 11 II in a m nnkditt "id " in . m Stindit nuki n 11110 muis lor Nov oik, Cornwall, rii Train sirlio (rnm . latilon at II in a mil II " It P tn , fiom pmi 1, n.iiih in in ,1, in, I i'l (J m nndit tn-m nantnii at 1 in 1 tn. an I 1 !' p in , in in 1 i, ,tj ii 1, ml p in Eiic Railroad. lulie i hi TrAint Iratr rllt uliiirn Car'innlite, dnlt (evnpt iiniati hi 7 una 111 ami I 11 p in It Pniidt ami "tiiirtili t o , a 111, dnlt rptitis U1I tat I I I ltiu..li Hilton nnklllS I nil rriikn tm Nm v.,ik iii m, liuffiln, ami it (I In p pi ,,r viiqii(uniia. making tonne lion. I'l IT. If III initl "iindai limn al 1 I 1 m ( ir iiwiielitm i with ttrprii 1 1 11 1 1 "in and n '7 p in , with fme renin fit t Train hum il m i pi an! ,'ilt p in Mmdit at h 1 i in SOCIALISTS ORGANIZE. F. C. Heitzog, Active in the Centinl Labor Union, Establishes a Local in This City, the Second in This Vicinity The Academy of Music Rented for Labor Unions' Home. Addiess of Mr. Heitzop. Thr limit lip' ,iml lo.n lilnsv nl tin! SodriliiitU juii t ,110 hi I iik )-ii',h1 thtniich this litnlt tn tho oxtetit that thp inlnsop,iii( iif th" p.itl.t im rhIii 1TR tlllli'oious ioiirtt A fm ttroks iiao t b,.im)' nf tln i.iti. tttis niK.in )7rr'i In l'nip-'t Cltt mid nn 'I'lmt -Iuy nicbi nt tlil- tin-! niR.iiiliitliiii tt,is rf-f-'c tei In till.- t1t aiiuitiK tin- uuUm t.iiikltiBtiiPii nt the town Tho In. null uim iig.mleil In th- Aiddemy (it Muk b I. (i. Uoium,'. U'-.n ll ill! I'llOIKPtli ttmki'l In tho Milk? nf (MK,llllP(l l.llmi III tills llltl- ls.. 11111' nn iKtltc spit It In tin- (ntt.il I..1I10! uiiltm nt ('iiilxiniluli' .Mi. llcri(ir. ttlni Is a fnn I'fui tippiikoi, phiuik1p(I til- ilmtlllics nf the Soi'l.tllntir p.u-tv in his ik1i1ips.s, anrl stilted up a nutiipablp spit it nf riltllU.,iHil .linnliB (If ttmklUPIl, who hPCin to lipiniiip (Ipeply Inibueil with the plllln.-nphy nf this patty's ti.tili-In?1-. Ills talk ta vimii'ttliiit peppoty, and limine itv intusp ho took mi.isinu tn lefute tho statpiiipiit that tlu as. Mli nf IipsilPMt .Mi KIiiIp.n whs a M'rl.ilNt. pnintlim out that tho piln i.plp.s ot the SociiillHtli p.iil.t fn. liulo tlip sun ini'utliiBsi nf the anal 1 hl,s. to which tht i-p.'aUot IicIIommI cVolKtis bolnngpil Mi IloiiiR iiiiiln-hs was as fnl- 1 'WS ' Ileal t'nniiailps -It r!is hip KiP.tt I'lC.ifctlli' in liolns vh'ctcd as join Hi st c hah 111,11,. and I thank nu sliucicij lor thu honor ou hate licintetl upnii nn "Xo (niihl tlioip ato men hcio who vii-1' to leat 11 MiinethliiK nioie ah, Hit frl.ilinu iHfnio jnliiliiR the nm(.. ll"llt and tin them 1 will quote the follow Inn ilellnitlnr laken fu 111 wvii. Mil's Maiidaiil, Wnm.stei s and othet dl liotl.ll lis and em j ( loped! is, whleh all iletlne SmlalSni as a thenij. ml MUKliiF a iiUhcf and nobler ft'ate of !:Pciet, aliollshinB the pi hate and u liipelltlte MMom of pioluetloii and fhtalllflliliB the mnpuitlte and (. Ifithe ottneish, all the (uoilui Hon rnd illMiihutinu. JIISTAKHN VIi:VS OP SOCIAI.I..M. "Soine people would hate .ton boee thit SiH-lalisin wants to dltlde thp ttealth nf the nation Into equal patts nmonR the 1 eople. and that thos-e wim wote lll-i? would then he blessed with plcntv. Till- Is a ,ul ml.-liiko. Others ttntild hate ton bellete that Siu-tiillxnt ati'l Miaiiht aie twin xlhtei- This Is aln a nilMnke Sot lallsiu wants a B'UPinnieiit of ('.lied iPBlclatlon. 01 the nftiPntlum. to he by tho people fur the jipople. wnlle Anaiehy wants no R'iPinniPiit what -never Anaiehy loiches toi'ei.tio. thp.stiniiBaii,i make the wek ftintiBci. while Socialism pr-r-ks to lift the weak and leate the ttroiiR to take i.me of thcinsep., . fZOUSOSiC NOT A SOl'IALIST. ,; "You ate all awnip that the pioss nil oi th countij duiliiB the lii't week b tried to Impiess upon Hie people tlut the man who nhot our wmthy fliTi'";"1' i"iain .MiKliiley, wn.s a Socialist and'that by beliiB a Socialist he was also imbued with Die jplrlt 01 An,iii-li You all know that this Is baie-faipd lie. that ho was Hn mmr. fhlft I hate 110 doubt, but tho consti tution of the Socialist paity ile.tily de limit it.- ptlnclples nnd Is open tot in ('paction by the most sci upuiouy. Our meetings are held opsns tte Ins He the public In general and no iimh )ms ,x tiffin to be confused on the fuIiJpi t V'hen th people of Kentmky olettvj Ciocl-el ax tbelr (foveinoi and the lie. I ubllcnns, with a host of consplratnis Ml ec him, why was the Itepubllenii party not classed a ntidichlMs" him pl because the mllllonalrp iluss he iio,iB9 to that pail. If thafi-ouspiiaey h,d been btoiiRht about by the woik inp people, It would hae been niur oli'sm. And jott know 1 am tollltiK the truth. "SocftllMn does not condemn the nicn who are wealthy, but It cnndeiiuis thn system thut sites men th potter SHAKE INTO YOUR SHOES AlluTt root-Kai, powdor It iiiroi niml.il martini;, nrrtein leet and injroivlnu lull 4U inttaBtly takca the iUiir out o( mina uiid'liuu loni. It' the gieatcit comlort iluutiri n( Hi.. age. Allen root-1'aae inakca t ti. lit or lieu .liuci ftl ail- Itlll ctaln ciut.loi; miiUoi, taU Uwm Mi) hsi. tired. icllue)ft.ify tt todar Sold bjr all dfUEffUU and ihoc Hcrca. Ut null (or 7jc. In ilampj. 'Irlal paikajje Hlhr.. Ad itm Alien ix-OlnMUcI, U Uuy, t,'. y. to Ret 1I1I1 at thu expense of oth"ii. The I.iIoiIiik mun who Is the bono mul Miiett of l)i Inn! Is tnbbeil of all liu ptoiliKcs except that ttlihh he Rett n a imi if siistenniKP tn keep body and sou' toR-cthei The eoueelitiatlon of wealth Into the hands of the low has elat (d the ttoikliiK people In a 1111110 potations condition year nftei year, mul rt this picsent lime they 1110 be r Inn 1 iimt to roallre that they hip 11 class, looked upot bj llie businrss class ,.s a tneie tool to be Used lor the ber -lit of piodUiliiR onlv. Y ill me nil attnie that when the last bipii! oal ltlke was Piiil! with a poslb in imise of ten ppt ipiiI. in wanes, ihut tPiy ill t If to nf 1 onflllilptlnll was tiilspd f i mn llftoin to llfly pei 1 "lit. to the (.onsiiiiiPi, in th" laboiltiK man: and Hint 1 1 1 v mlnoi.s linte !' iiiniie.t now tl'.au what they hud define, for the Mime amount of pit din Hon Hut, (oniiados, the pi obit 111 Is a Hr nne mul It would reqtilie nioie tlni tlinn I ni Kite Jim tonlRlit. I think nn ttlll all apiee that 0111 odjoet in IipIiir Is not ptliiis, but pditeatlou and to briiiB about the Il11.1l emancipation of tv v it kins people "TlianKlnR .t"il fot your kind ntten .I'Ui, I Iior .ton to allow me to Intio dt.ie ( omi, ide Thomas Datls, who Is II statiiiib Snclillst." Mil. HA VIS TALKS. .Mr. Iitls then t( -k the Hour nnd si. 1 ttei' tlBUtes ami .statl-tles finm till lolls willeis mi tbe pdituinilc ques tlnl.s, tPildlliB to piotP to the audlPiice iti.'t the piosent s.tstciii of Rotornninnt tt in ni'inliiB the middle 1 hiss into the lllilks nf the WolklllR 1 lass at the t 11 "I tin pi and one-half per tout p n 'i tt'iir. mul that tin laws whleh weio t urn led weio a stilet 1 lass leRlslatlon. plotKtliiR only the lnteie-ts nf tbe up poi diisliiiss 1 l,is.s A peiniatlelit 01- R.inli' nlop was thou foiined nnd J'D woilh of lltoiature nldeied finm the Delis I iibllshliiR i omp.iin. ' be Im.il will 111 el epi U'eilnesili.t e enliiR.it ho Ainilomt of Mnsie. hall. i:cu l"i It It iutliiil The ytuidem.t ttlll al 1 do a homo foi til' Illllnll III dill- ill." nil, lllnlls. ifiiht.- ttlll bp delltpipil ti nm time in Him- 11 l.ilin leadtMS and theie ttlll be i tilei 11 II ii-ents to Inte-.-t the ttoik I111. men, OBITUARY. MISS JAi'OH s'l'dXi: died Thiiistl.iy nlRlil alter a Ioiir Illness with -tuiii.uii tintiblp. She was about llfl.t-thiie e,ns nf ape and Is stniei b. hor husband .mil these ihlldipii. Mis. nvll. In 11 Pollen, .Jonas, Simon, Iljmen, Anna, Katie and I'm 1 Stone. Deieasid was a woman of loiiiiiiend able (hnrai teilstUs, and bet ileuiip ttlll be ibeph intuit nod by a Wide In le nf lilt mis. .lOHX Al-THOZPIIAK of Ibis 1 It was killed Wednesday etenltiR In the Pile n.lne nt Majllclil by a fall of top 1 mil. llpceased was a .touiiB man nnd viii to do mauled nest week. Ills father and one luother miuvc him. The dpi eased was Intern d in St Jtnve (.eniPteiy St. Paul's Lutheipn Cliuich. Plltieuth Sunday In Tilnlt Pnndn leiue senilis in houoi ot the Piesl. (lintV liioiiiiiful slllfeiiiiRh as ihlef nf the tmiiiti.. S.ilmth si hool il ,!0 a 111. A tlttltiR millions to the ehildien about the i-ad atlalt and iu.ier m,- a speedy iet-0, - t .f ff sllfleier will 1)( dell' eietl 'i .in a in Seniles n to n in .subject of the senium on Amos 111 1, 'Shall theie be etll In a illy, ami the land hath not done It'.'" We shall 0011- clder less what men think and sav, than what lessons Iud will ro oiii tialloa. An tamest ami wainliiR lesson to 0111 piitopetous iniintiy m the inbUt of jo and jubllie "P01 with iiiIkIHj destiny Pnlnn sine theie m'ei tan be Win1, Ailtaiuos i.iplill," ll Is pp(iled etei.t- Oilman p.tliiot will paitlelpate and Join in nui pin or Inl a hpeeilv liinteiiui; nt his t-Mtllent lillei nf 0111 tountiy. P PIIiir. r, l'astni. South Plumb Stleet. Fiiemen Appieclnted Hospitality. The .Mltldli tow 11 tlit'ineii and li.iud men who it tie heie 011 PlieinenV da dllllllB ('aibomlale's Jubilee as the Rili-Ms of the Poliitiidms, hate In en siiirIiik tin pulses nf P.u dondafe's liospltalltt ei 1 slme thell it till n home. The kind tieatmen and the r( n eiolls , ututaliiuieut pintiiioil dllllllB theii sta heie hate time bun foitllo toplis of dlsciissiiin anioiiR them ('nn dm tin Pi tin hot nt the O11t.1t In and We.stem whose nm tak. s him to the main line, .sa,s that tin Mlddlotown men deiluiid to linn that It was the lluest cnteitaimiient they eter piiJojpiI, thoiiRh they have been to Sciantou, lMttston and seteial I.iiro towns In New Yolk state. Tunoial of Mis. McDonald. The tuneial of the late Mi,,. Cath eilne Mi Donald ttlll be held tbis 11101 n. Iif. Thp pinicpslnn will lento the house at 10 n'llm-k. At eloten a tt qulem miiKS will bo suiir Id St. Itose ihtlich alter whleh builal will take place In St Hose lunotei. Meetings of Toinonow. Oei mania Singing hmlety. KnlglitH ot Kit hoi- Mathew. P. i: Heudilik lodge, No. tn, It. n. H. T. Pential I.alioi 1111I011. eiff.mnakeiK' union. No. 130 S. H. Dottet Imlse No. JOB, H, of L K. Meetings of Tonight. Point I.lly, No, So, Poicnteis Aiuci tin. niumond lodge, No. Si!, Shield Honor. of of I.01.1I 1016, Pnl ted .Mine Woikeis of Aiueilca. Hint at Coal Storage. Anthoii Jentell, a laboier at the coil sun ago Mini of the Delaware and Hudson i ompany, was badly hut not ilangeioiisly Injuied )esteiiluy after noon d doing 1 aught under u fall of coil He was taken to Pmeigeniy hos. pltal. Poor Board Meets, The Poor Homd hcli) an Impoitant meeiliiB last nlBht, Routine hunlneta was about nil that was tiuiisac-ted. A big 1 ttih ol hills was appioted and or doted tu be paid. AMUSEMENTS. "Uncle Tom's Cabin Tonight. What is said to be the biggest and best "PikIp Tours Pa bin" company triitillng, will iipint- at the (luitiil this iifteiuooii nnd p eiilng It Is known fuin oipnn to ocean as l.ron W. Wash litltn'H "Stetson m Pnclo Tom'n Pabln Pompany" mul Is compost d of ilftv nun. women and ihlldiett, all capable .Ktois, aitiosse", slngois and aiueis. As a meiile piodili Hon it Is said to bo bettei than any other. A nunibir ot Pi 1u Shetland ponies, tilik iniilofl, nnd Pol. S.ittei's splendid pack of gen uine Slbeilan bloodhounds are special f en tti 1 pc Thp spp( tiiciilar stioet phr. emit which takes pi, ue at noon to day has a gtoat ninny beautiful Shet land ponies, chat lots and hoalitlliilly (iirved tableau wagons desldos other noteltlps. The puiade Is led by Wash burn's Oteat .Mllltaiy band nnd Is ttotth going a long wnv to spp. .Miss I. Ulan I'piuketl, of this city. Is playing HII11 In this piodtictlon of "L nt lo Totn'ti Pabln " Neil Bingess, Himself, Monday. Xell HuiRiss, who ttlll npponr In hit own btilllaiit piodtiitiou of "The Poun t Pali" at the Otuiid Opeia hoiisp .Monday otiiilug next has a lonsidot able fund of hunioi, even when olf the s'liRe, with the gingham gown and iiiiksuew 1 tills of "Abigail Pino" laid iisip. t s a stniy of New- Pngland life, bilni lull nf sentlmoiit, ami at times thillllng witli pMltetuent. but nptti 1111 thing nf a ionise or vulgar until The linrte imp si one at the lose nf the thlid act is one of the best ape liattucs eter produced, and Is the 1 - lit 01 the Inventive genius of .Mi. I'.ai-Ki'ss. lie himself pl.ijs the part o' Auiu Abigail Piiip," a inlc ho lias mnde tuitions, mid will be assisted bv th? following stiong cist Sheimaii l.nttlis, ns Otis Tuikei, Ilpiny S. Hob liistin, as Solon llammeiliead: Phailes I. lank, as Jool 11, n Holt. IMiiiund Hut -toiiRhs as Tim, the Tannei . Many H. Xi'inian, hh Hill lfaikor; and Mabyl Wilght as Sally Oieenatvay. The Simla Seance Tuesday. Tin Hindoos ami nthor dwollois n the Oilcnt aie lettalnly the gieatost nf wnndei ttnikpis and Mom them wo git most nt tho stiange things that In wilder us anil make us oftliues be llete In a soiiietblng that doidet.s on the stipe! mutual. Sir llenty Tiupia has lived uiuong these stiange people m.inv eais, llkptvlse In Delhi mul Hiula in Noithoin India and in Posh iiieit, oten In ThlbPl wliPie but few white men aie ivpi able lo go on m - tnuiit of the innhlbltoiy laws that have alwn!t kepi Aliielicaus and Piiioppans out. Hut in the studt of tho Omilt he made Ids wa.v tn tmbldden gintind and ainuiiB the .Mahalliuis and Yivhls t tilted the Simla mmiup and btought It to London whom it lompletely baf lled the most sol, iiiltlc minds mid causotl no end of disi uslon, "The Hoitleilanil " Puglantl'.s gieatost li mit liPilodleal, dcvotetl pages to It and all oter the thilled win III It nt nine was acknowledged as tho highest ex ample of Oiiental mtstlilsm it his but leieutlv been olfeipd to public audieme.s and will bo teen heie for the 111 st time at the Oiatul Opeia house lii-M Tuesday Sevotal other fe.ituies. muslial, itiimilj and ntheiwlse will bo offend to make the piogiamtno de lightful. THE PASSING THRONG. .Miss Julia Tlghe of Pall Ilionk .lteot is visiting U Wilkes. Hat te. Hint Silt 01 stone, ot Hmiesdale, was a Paibondale vlsltot .vesteiila. Jew Pier V p. Pun and .Mis. Hmr aie at the Pau-AliKiicaii iposltlon. .Mih A. W. Huidlik and daugliler. .Miss P.iioline. aie visiting q Ne Yoik stale. Mls .Mai gai el I.oftus, of Suanton, Is a guest at the home of Michael Cole man oil Vine Mioet. Tlieion Lie, mi nt I:, v PhnlloH i: Lee, 1 etui ned .vesteid.iy to Lafayette inllege, to tesuine his studies Miss Kate Ollleeii, plofesslmial ntiise. Is home finm Long Island when- she was (iigasetl on a ius0 during the tUIUlllPl. Lion lilt, son of 11 11 ber P.I, leit steiday for the S.ti anise unheisit, to i.iko a 1 tun so in iniis, jir mv nij bt on seiond violinist ot the Moait m--thestia. Itobnt Slophoiis, son ot Mi. mid Mis. Kaudnll Steplu lis. Is suffoiing Horn a O't'lC 'in oil lis loot. Wll til lie IP 1 elt ed whllo playing about his home leieutlv Miss Mlua Prank ilaiighli of II, Flunk ltlt .vesliila 101 fjiiitiise. tiiiete sue win onior llie iinlvoisltv ut tL.ii p at to liilvu i.iuisc-In inu-di an I ' lillguagi Mis Rrboit Wll.iui mid two ton 1 have teiuiued lo lli.-ii home in Dela- wait, after spunlliig two 11 onilis wllh1 the rniuiKi s sistei. Mis. Wlll.ud White loi k 011 Helti.o ,t 1 leet. Ni ! M, A l'i.-tu and daiiRhfr, who hat 1 b.-n the giesis nf Mi. nud .Mis. T. P. 1 oli mul'. of I'uiidutf utioet. left ji'.ioidav imi the Pii- fm theii home ill li eIii Centre Nd'askll. Lieutenant C dimel Hatty J. Hall lolt ve,tuil.iv tm IndlaiiapoUs. iud to inn ml the Miveuign ginnd lodge. 1 " " F He ttlll lepiesont Caibon uali I'anitin. Patiiuuhs Militant. He will be gone about two weeks. JERAWN AND JV1AYFIEL0. A l.n go patty of newly fifty people fiom the two boiouglis went to Valiil llng last ot oiling ami gave Mis. James Lewis, a loimei lesldont ol MnMleld. 11 pleasant suiuiso. They weu given u thoiough wclioine, mid niter spend ing soteiul houis oiijojnlil, letiiiiud home al midnight. Miss Jennie Soi or, Miss LI1I.1 Sit mul Miss I in 1 pei nf liumnoie, aie visiting their mini Mis .ionn Soloinun. ot Main SlllOt. Mis. P. H. Uieonslndo who das b"en a delegate to the Daiighteis of St, lieoige maud lodge unit vntloli nt Spilngtleld mid the DuiiRhteis of Xu omi fiiand lodo loiiveiiUoii at Aiublei, Monigomory lounty. letumed homo Filday eteulng. attei u thtee weeks' ubsouce. Mis. Robett Dunn uud daughter, Mis. lloodilih.of .Monti om', weio yes toiibi tho giu-stH of Mi. mid Mis. lieoige Diiiui, of .Main atieet. The lonteit of llogui th's baud, given on Main stioet hibt (ivcnliig iiit-w to gether a laiu number of people, who enjoyed the line piogiainiiie. Fled Hoguilli, who lor the pust two months has been tt 01 king at Ileikl- mer, N, Y Is home on a visit to his parents. Postmnster Orimihs vvbb In Scranton Inst evening. Mrs. W. C. Nicholson, the Main Htuet nillllncr, Is in New Yoik city, ptllehnslng for the fnll Hade. Hev. James tlavls will preach in the Primitive Methodist church at both soiv Ices tomorrow. Mr. W. IJ. Davis, of MayfialdP, will oflleliite tit the Methodist Pplscopal thuich at Duiulaff tomotrow. TAYLOR. What might have proved a set Ions uiildpiit was narrowly averted at llie Aiihbald inino, Thuisdny 11101 nlng. by the piompt action of John Heybolt In rpsmiiiB a y-nutig thlter named Hnn miM fiom what seemed t pi tain death. It appeals that (he boy was about to despond on the mine 1 milage, when In some manner he lost his footing. Soy bolt, who is empln.tod on the landing, noticed the boy nnd closed the Innd lug gate This saved the boy's life, for ho imlikly siasppil the gate and hung In that poillotis position until lifted off bv Spvbnlt, whoso pi os em o of mind and timely action was highly com nipiidpil. Sabbath sortleps tomonow nt the Methodist Pplsenpnl chiinh will be at 10 HO h m and 7 30 p. m, Sabbath Mhool nt IMS p tn.: Cpwoith leugiip at " W P m All nro Invited. Tho honotlt loiuoit nnd drawing for John P.vans, at Weber's link last evening, was a ginnd success. The piogianinip was mirled hut as pub- iisiioa in tins dopaitment A inliip p.ntv, (ompospd nf a num ber of ouiiR people, whs guided thioiiRh the Pvno nilno, Wodnosdny otonliif, and the mystoilos of Hip undprgiound en puis wpip ovplaliiPd. On iPtuinlng fiom tho mine the guests ropalied to the homo of Mis. J. Y. Hopsp. vthoie delicious viands woip soi tod. Those who composed the paity wpip Mlsspq Vpida and Hesslo Hlttor. of Mlllnti, Annie P. Pdlth W and Oottrudo A.Watklns. Mis J. W Kopfp, and Mpssi.s. rtlchaid Watkins, T. Dp wltt KdtinnK Arlington Leonaid. John Thomas. P.eoige A. ItittPr and L'ugene Tteoso. Lot ovoiy singer of tho town and vicinity he pieseut at tho Calvary Hap tlst (butch tomonow evening, when an effnit will do mnde lo organls-p a choir of mixed vole ps to lompptp nt the Piotldoiico olstPildfod PiIp, $JS0. The meet lug will lommemo nt S p. in. The iiienideis ol the Tayloi Hosp (ompany. No. 1, had an enjo.vablo time last evening at their qua! tots on High street, where a smoker was held All enjoyed themselves, llptioshments were spttpd In (onjiinitlon with the smoket. H1.1111I1 No 442, Ladles' Catholic Ro novolent ii.ssoclatlon, Is piop.ulng to ouclmtnn entertainment nnd soi Inl In Novombii. Tickets lor the event will soon bo out. The Anthrailto Oleo club will hold a leheaisal tomonow artPiuoou at 3 30 o'i loi k. Pleaching services toinonow at the Calvaiy Haptlst chinch at 10 30 a. 111 and B p tn . Hpv. Dt. II 11 llnnk pastor. Sablinth st hool at 2 n. 111. All mo web nine. Pvoiy member of Tat lor 1o1rp, No fi'i"!, Iiiileiiendcnt Order of Odd Pollows. Is io(iiestod to attend this pvonlng's session, ns business nf nn Impnitnut lint 111 p Is to do tiunsactPd. Tho ilegieo will do lonfoiiod upon set-pr.il inndl datos. Mis Oanlpl TXitls, nf West Suanton, tlsitpd K-Iatlvos in this plan- yoster dav The he ctoain and peaih soilal held last evening, under the ausplips of the I'tpsdytpilan chinch coiigiegatloii, was a sin (ess soi Lilly and llnniiclnlly. Mis. rtodert Llotvollyn, of Pnlon stioet, bus dopii spending a few days nt llai toy's lake. John i:. Ptans Is home from his dusl iipss tilp to Npw York. Mis. IMwaid P. Davis, of unilioad sin- t. 1 Ptutncd pstpnluy from a few dat.s' st with iclatives In Caidon dale, m OLYPHANT Tiev. A. Mai Shannon Hlgglus. of Halt! Mount, ttlll mtupv the pulpit at tho Pi esb.v tot I, in 1 lunch tomoirow 11101 ulng and ovoiiliig SeivUes In the I'otigiogational church will be ((inducted by Hov. Jonathan Davis, of Koipst Pit, tomonow. A tally ttlll be bold In the Hlakely Haitst ( lime h tomonow b.t the mem', bem of the ( Inn 1 h and Sunday si hool. Mis. Mai Jones, ol Susquehanna stieet, ontei'talind a liumbpt of little folks PstPidav alteinoon in honor of hoi KiauddaiiBlitu, Miss ljll.ibetlt Jones, of HalHinoie. Md. The mi-aslon was liiiinoiisely onjo.ted by all pies- eni -Miss Maty OVonnm left vostcu'in I' ,,u ,l,e hlc-'l,-'r ttoiked, n dally ntei fur Xott Yoik to piiiihase' hoi faiij',Rl' ,,r llU" ",1s- 's at least a stm k of llllllliiPi MIks lllaiahe Ci lp. n lias atif'ptrd a posltinii in Watkins- t.upet slon nt """"" "' and Ml II. L fnlic s l..(t v-ester. (1,1 to tpend a few tt e.s with 10I11. tlvot ut uillauapolis .tlllinilllll'llieill is made ot tbe mm. ",,;p '" '"''I'll . Mihnil, of this plate, to Miss Maud Mi Hugh, nl (iioon l!i",!l-- '" ,lllp 1'liuo iieM 'jiiesilay "J0"1"- "l o'clni k ill St. Paul's ",' ' "' l,,,p" "l"Ke Mitll RedilliiBtou attended a social nt I'aibondalo last evening. Kdwaid Onlen.i.nf Puimioro. Is woik Ing In Tipple's inaikot, on Laikawmina stioet. Mi.'. Hush, of Alleiitcwu -tlm d.is deen tup guest of Mi. ai l Mis H H. Hush, of Lackawanna n i, n turned home jislPidav. Mis. William ll.ntp.v of HionV-i-- X. Y. letUllled dnmi PstOili tl(l a pleasant Islt ttltli ieh , p, ,,-, Mi j .k-iuilo Kenned m uiukel, bus iPlilined, after hpomli iw the paM ten dats at Sauitogii and Lake lieoige. Mis. II. p Mntli-wsiiii is at liiecn liiovo foi hoi health. MIsh Ruth Yundt, of Muiidi Chunk, has leiuiiied linmo. attut spendlne the suiiiniPi in tuts place. VVAVERLY. Mis. A. P. Hedlnid. nf Suanton, via. Rod fi lends hoie last Wednesday. Rev. A. 11. niotto, of McOiutv, X. Y, 11 foimer pastor of tho Haptlst ihuiih heie. tilled the pulpit last Sunday 11101 nlng, William Hull, Leslie Taylor mul Ai thur Miller letutnotl fiom tho Pan A11101 ban last Wodnesdny. Rev. Dr. Logan, of Set .niton, filled the pulpit at thn Methodist ihuiih last Sunday evening, A number of our summer boardeis have letiirned in their homes. Our schools louimoiiivd last Mon day with a large numbo.- of pupils in atteiidum e. Thulium Cli.iham, of Colorado, s visiting A. H. W'liichcll uud fam ll. At Ihut Wliu hrll, sou of A. II. Win 1 hell, who has enlisted In the navy lor four yeais, aim ted tor New Yoik l"st "vt'edneaday to commence, his duties. Undertaker Herman Cole has pur chased the property on Main street owned by Mr. Hopfer, which he in tends to make his future home. The llnptlst parsonage Is being painted preparatory to the new- minis ter taking possession. He is expected next week. The Wavprly and Hentnn clubs play ed a game of ball last Thursday at the fair, which resulted In a score of 7 to 5 in favor of the Waverly club. MIbs Ittitlt Peiry Is visiting Mrs. Hoycp and family, of Walton, N Y. They weio former tcsidents of this place. DALT0N. A. W. Oay, of Wyoming was a laltor In town yesterday. Hacks having been doing a large business in the transportation of pas scngeis this week to the Wallsvlllo fulr gi omuls from the station here. The wooden arch over which a stone arch will be built for the new bridge has been put In place. Wrt for the Janitorshlp of the public schools wll be iccelvcd up to 7 o'clock Saturday evening. All Information pertaining to this work may be pio currd ft 0111 Pi ank Colvln, secretary of the si hool boaid. The following persons from this place attended the Ablngton atsocla Hon held at C.trbond.ile this week. Mr. and Mis. a. M. Plnn, Mrs. N I. Purdy, Mis. (ieorge Nortlnup, and Hev. R h. Thompson. Miss Ihnma I Parsons of Salt Lake City, Ptuh. will deliver an acldrefp In tho Raptltt church on Sunday evening on "Mnrtnonlsm." Miss Paisons Is a mlsloiiHiy In that city of the Women's IIoiuo Missniiaiy society. All are coi dlally Invited to attend. A patty of young people picnicked at Nay Aug p,nk from this place yester day. Among them weio- Mrs lister Units, Ms Houlah Halley. Miss Char lotto Smith, Mi's Lulu Rutts, Mlsg Fannie Detshltner and Miss Edna Skell, of Hald Mount. .Mrs. it. 11. Thompson has been spending the week with her parents at Mount Zloti. Ralph Sheiman who has been seri ously il Is Impiovlng. PECKVILLE. Waiahpa Tribe. Xo 211, will meet In ipgulnr session thl evening All members ate icqueMed to bo pi event ns business of gieat Impoitance is to tome before the tribe. A rousing tally nf Republicans will take plate Monday evening at the Wilson Klie 1 ompany hall. Piomlnont spoakpis will bo piespnt. A huge iiunibet of our neonle will attend the shoie dinner at Cadosla to- tnoriow. A fcpetlal tialn will be tun over the Ontaiio and Western Tialn leaves Peckvllle shoitly aftei 7 a. m. Mis. Vaughan of Main stioet l.s toiv 111. PreHb.tte1I.1n cliuiih, Hev. S. II. Moon, D. D pastoi Spi v Ices Sundav ut 10 .'.0 and 7 30 p. m. Subject In morn ing, "At Wahannln," evening, "Oter coming." All welcome. Poikvlllo Baptist thuuh, Hev. J. S. Thomas, pastoi. Spiv Ices tomoii niv al 10:.'I0 a. in . and 7 30 p. m Sabbath sshool at 11 30. All aie welcome. PRICEBURG. John Pressman, of Main stipot. Is taking In tho sights at the Paii-Ainoil-cau. Mi. and Mis. .Toplan, of Jcrmyn, spent yestoiday with Mis. John Pley. Mis. 1,1xlo Davis, of Miiiii sticot, Is soi lottsly 111. Miss Hebcica Will Is visiting fi lends In PIttstoti. Pilcobuig PiltiiltlvoJIothotllst ihuich, Rev. W Heinle, pastor. Moinlug sor vlie at 10.30 o'tlmk, subject, "A Les son of Humility" Pvenlng seivlie at 7 o'clock subpeit, "The Midnight Call." Sunday school at 2 o'clock. All aie In v itcd. INDUSTRIAL JOTTINGS. Circular Issued by Superintendent Davis The D) it. & W. Board for Today. The month of August was the banner month In the history of White Oak mine and bieakei. Tho oulptit of pre paid! coal was llie l.ugest that was eter sent from the breaker and It shows that the men who have chatge of thp company's woik heie uncloi- stiitiil their business. The total Ion n j- was 21.457 tons for the 2l. dnvs inn 11 nunc coai man tue old breaker was capable nf ptepailng and the out put was gieatly in omosi of that tor (ho month of July. In that month the j dally uveiago w.i 10ti4 tons. Had the bleaker been In opeiatiou eveiy tt 111 king day dining the moiith at the same tale the output for tho mouth would be about .l.'.OOO toim. Some da.ts, however, the bioaker winked only nine bouts nnd on thieo days It was enlliely Idle. The ie sulls nit veiy satlsfactoiy to tho genllonii'ii In iharge of the mine and lno.iki 1 it they hope to do much belli 1 lain on. Aic-hhald Cltieii. Oiowth of Steel Car Industiy. Sin" the stalling of the stetl iar Indiirtiv In Pittsburg four e,ns ago up to June 1. lfidi, Hie Post, of that p. lahulatPS more than 20J,850.000 piiiitids nf lion and uteel have been used in the constiui tlnn of 40.57S caip. The av-Piage weight of each cm will exioed ;iiooo pounds so that the ial 'illation Is based upon llgincs which aie appinxlinatel t ortWt If theso tats weio phueil end to end, allowing thioe toot for length of couplings, they would foi 111 ,1 itintiniious Haiti neatly 1.200 miles long nnd would cmry 1,0,-i7,20o,(iOO pounds of fi eight and the Intnl weight of mis and fielght com. blued would exceed 4..'M),0'o,000 pounds. Since oxpeiimeiits liuvo been made with steel passenger loaches and box mrs, ouseivatlvp lalhoud nllUlals say thut theio Is going to bt . -still gicnler demand for steel pioducts In the futiiio, one well pernio I in'lioad of Hi ial says that theie ttlll be 10,000 steel cms ordeied befoie the present year explics. and that all the luige build Ing of tho futuie will huvo steel fiamos and he pi edicts that befoie luos it will loqulio Jo.ooo.uno toiw of ore annually to supply Pittsbuig steel nianufactui. Ing indtistilrs. Cltcular of Supt. Davis. Tho following clutilHr has been Is sued by Sitpeilntendent J. M. Davis, of the Wyoming nnd Jeffeison dlvi slons of tho Prle railroad. Aa-irrrccnt Ins been entered Into between Ihli inmpanr and (lie Colliery KnuineerlnR oompatv, piopileton of Hie Inttrtutionil l oiictpnndini.e hihnnl., o( suanlnn, Pa, ivhrreh) rmplnjrt of thit tompan may take a luurwi with tie Uuer A BEAUTIFUL GIRL Suffered for Months with Indigestion Pe-ru-na-Conipletely Cured Her. MISS LE0NA MATHIS IV1IN1NEAP0LIS. MINN. M' ISS LPOXA MATHIS wiltes Horn 101 J Fifteenth avenue. South, Minneapolis, .Minn, as follows "I cannot say enough In praise of P. luua as a splendid touli 1 MiffeiPil tor four months with indigestion and catari h of thestomach My food would not digest piopeily; I lost flesh nnd became veiy neivous. Nothing helped me until I tried Peruna. This biought health bnck to me. "Sltuo that tlnu (neai ly a i.n ago) 1 hat 1 taken ami low doses off and on when 1 ftlt badl and It help me at once. Pei un 1 seems to lellove the s.t s lein tinni all the ill olfoits gtuoialh littMluted by Illness mid seems to till a, long fi It want " I.-'on 1 M itbls Waa Never in Such Splendid Condi tion. Mis s- Relna (J.iliv, Pla wiltis "I am one ot the heilthlest women in Hie state of Ploilda My appetite is gicat. 1 was nev-Pi- In sm-ri splendid onoltion ill mv llle befoie Hetni I began taking Pei una mid Muunliu, I would eat admit .seven times 11 da. I was the most neivous poison jnu ever saw would ciy nnd wony niselt and evoiy one else. I louliln't sleep at all .un' now 1 sleep splendidly. "I have a ft lend heie that has deon ill deed for four yeais. She took .voiii medli'iiip and l.s now doing her own woik." Mis S Rein. 1. MKs Mattio L. Cook Tiiioma P.uk, P. C wilt's. "Pel una has done loi me whit othei ined.unp" lulled to do It has given me porfoi t health and stieiigth. When I tvioto j 011 Hist I had systemic m tailll. 111 nose had been sine foi tin -o cnts tu the lluht side, I hud been 'jothPied with a choking' lor a yem, (onipint ind enlpn liir 1 lie ilidmtmm of tin tlnti 1111 pat ln! ttlll hr inrplitl 'I In- itillnrt l.tik'iii'friin: iniiiiin.t i n in gaiftd 111 1 ;trni of Inst nn I itir tautiu rub Inatl rmplotia tm MiliitiH pi rta unrig tn the pptiuinii tt r.ulioaiN lliimi.li tin iiuilliiin "f trv( InnKi and llie ililuirt of lnlcua, 1II111 trated l i.lrrniiliitii and nihrr tirtt. Hit will snnn pis titer tlni tliti.inii (nr llie pinptii o( pitinc -nth 1. 1 lures, and ttill iniitinut lln -' trips ttilli thru jir brake lara at ri.-ular in tritals until all tlir nnplnjea t iku K a luur. ttitli the (nlliirt kiiiriiintiiiir mmpiii in properly 111.t11n.t11l 'lias Mim of rilutallon l coiimiIi ml linie Hi ill lo llie iiinipiu.1 and IN rmplnti.. an 1 ttliile thne it iietlilm; ei inpiibnri in nciril 10 il, ll It liepeil tint tin cmplmis ttill nail tliftn-eltia of the adt nit ije it offert and tint il will reuiip the rii' nina.tniint of all lieadi. uf dtpiitinenis. D., L. & W. Board tor Today. Following Is the mnko-up of the D, L. W, dnatd for toda : 1 num. sipn mih n 1, W1I1I l'at, ha-t-S p in, 1' liwpitruk, 10 . Ill, l ilaMCil) , II 1' 111, V ( llniumll. sH Itl'W, s pi VIIIKII It Wild I 11.-. !a!-l.Oa 111 I I Itnsrrt, 4 a. in , 1' Vtitailli.t, o a 111 , H tt illan , S a m , tt Hirtlmliinmi in 1 in , ll W liti;iril, Ha in I W lliiikhin. 1 p m , J ,t rin-ti. 1 p 111 , II oIii wllh dillikan new. ii in, M It Mi Lino, il p in, l .I lldinisan. summits, I li - a in , eat, J llrnniBiti, 8 a m, ei, O Irountelker, II a in, wejt, M ( innerty. rt p in . iait, J ParrlKit, s p in , ea.ti, la.llmer. p in. Na.t Vint, K McMllaleri 7 t in, I'ajtisa, M (.inky, i i ni , lajiica, Ttioinpnn Pivlirra fi IV a m , I inner! , S it m , IlAiner, ll SO 1 in. Vlnran. T p in, lliirpht , fl p ni , W. II Parlhnlontew I" p m, V Wldennr. rMenccr rnsinc 7 1 in, (ijllnrt, 7 1 in, Sinner. 10 a 111. I Waidcll, 10 a ni , sn,r, 7 p 111 , I J tliirut, 7 .0 p 111, Mri.itfrn Wild (at, Win 5 a in , .1 11' Mil ami, fr n ni , lohn llahasati, 10 p 111. I.iji;imcIi, 11 a m , I' Will, 1 p tu, n ('Kiiiei-, dp ni , T Ilnudiian, 1 p ni O lltndnlpli, , p ni , tt , J. Slcnei, dp 111 , ttillnni kuliy. NOTICE I 'oiidin it r tilliiner and new mil Cniiiluitnr Naumati will upon at Mipdintrndint'a offlic at 10 a, in , batuida.i, Sept 11 THEATRICAL NEWS. 'Tho House That Jack Built." imrse II llniadhiuM'a .paiklin,- loiiiitlt, "llie ll'inae Hill lai k limit, pireul d at the Itii'iun Iait tiuhl liuiie t nuttiiul I nt,, (nr tin- M-niid time in it. ianrr l.ikt all tf (IrtMlllllll't'lt pliilllUlliHH, 1 1 If il,it Is III IV, ll" I ttilli an .iliimiiaiiii ol limnt .aintn'ii Hut imir il, -ii ml ti 1 ,11k 1,1,11. and il lim ,i( ir.'ht. Willi .trilim; In 1111 r llnttitei, llnw in I1.1 -iljln'j nudiime win Kan llit pli 01 lit pi limit nm 1, ml I in, lut krrnlt miss lue iuimiiaMi. nnie i.iuai and l I pi'l'IIM iliualilu linin tie i.i.' Mit I Id l "iillnot. ttlni wat pii'iaiiiiiuil ai l.il) Miiimi, tta Inulii an I 1 nlul llnhu to 1 di'iaic Hut won it,i lur tin limit uppluisr ami i.,i'nl will if llie aiiilirtue, who (iripieuib inmprlltil lirr In how her aikiitiwIfiUenieut tks t llenrio llnev araunii'd the iol nf th, totie,t, uc.lKil li.t Mi. Annie cjiiiiih 'The Csslno Gill." Hanaier sjmuel K It irk hrnu;it a lnt of pnrllia full Lniidoii In adiirlne hit. I113 ( . Uawfjiui, "Hie ( awlno liirl," an! tlitt aie nntt- dltplajed in all cltiea lie Watte. night merrv aflalra lhe,t are, with their tleimlns u nil hiiksroimla proj.riul, acalnt vthidi are li.mln.,.,1 nsurra 01 .ipitllte eiru. n ,h nn-. I tci of ivninieiilal and lli'jtriul lltliuirii.li.., ' V had pains in my side and palpitation of tho beau My feet weio neatly al wavs cold and I bad a divadful cough. "Whcnevei I feel the least ailment I shall iPturu to my fiiend Pei una There Is nothing I can say that would ho too Roml When I began taking Peiu 11a I was at homo in VliglnU sli k, but now 1 nm well, thanks to Di lint t man's Peiunu." Mattl L Cook. The Pralso of a U. S. Senator's Wife. Mis P. i: Wan n wife of the late Coteinoi nnd now Pulled States Sena tor F i: Wan en nf Wyoming wiltes the inllnwlng vnlimiaiv testimonial to tin- value ot Peiuil.i. She saS "I am never without Pei una either in my home or in my tiavels. It is tiuly a gieat tiiumph of scientific medicine. I am constantly tioubled with coughs, colds, etc., but thanks to your good medicine, Pei una, I al ways find a piompt cuie. I believe no medecine ever biought befoie the public hns effected so many peiman ent cutes as Peiuna. Mit. F P, War leu lvis joining sttou, Washington, 1 ( The diseases most 1 0111111011 In miiii mei .lit- those of the stimiull, hnttels and otliPi pelth oigaus A lemedy that 1 lit 's all the latairhal dorango nients 01 these 01 g. ins stniiid coitalnly be cuiisldeied a household ncic-slty itut lug win 111 ttoathei. Pel una Is suth ,1 iPinedv A hook ot testimonials, inn talnlng hundieds of cuics, t.nt fioc to aii fuMiiss Di S I? llai tin, in. Piosldont of the I Lit tin 111 Saiiltailum, Columbus, O, will tieat all tatanhal weaknesses pouillai to vtiinii n 1 1 ee dining tho suni mei months All letteis for advice iten luoiupt and 1 at ot ill attention 1 ncland hat hrrn a t nerilmti lirhind Vmerici in lint tu Id nl .ntisiii piintiiij; Hut of hie tens I omlnnria line heen topi 1111: the tineriian Mtle nl putrial work, led as .1 ituiM iiicnie Iridt 111 lrert pistem tn I ondnn mil the Ins- itnurt nf pipulitinn hit Imita-nl ( riiiiiiimi'It (eitiinb Ihe pei unent exhihiier' tn piniiuite the puliliiitt nf "Hie I ivlnu lint in hlu'lili aitntiiti Will le picsinied at 'hi litieum Vloiulat niht next. Neil Burgess Himself Coming. siaae illieum was neter inoti erTeititrl. x empliheil Hun in the rue tiene in ' The I nun It lair," wlm.lt will appcir al the lueuni tliritii- l"nenlit nulit iii-vt. I. ten man ill I woiiiin and for Iliac inittir shildren iln in tin audieme, ifirr the lirst fe 1 performances, kiintts Hut I nlil WuliwM will win llie me, (or Ihtt lute seen him l il luiiii- limes lied te, hut let Ihtt ill en wild Willi ruil-mr lit M soon as tho hmses stmt 'llie tnr lnld ill "llie I iiinlt lilt" it ont tthli h contains nil the int-rtiii tinta ol New (nslind (iirni life Nui llun.;i.i uin 11 thn eason iiMkins i tmir umler hu own mmine inent, is appr.11 unr in tint ihu.ntrr whnh ha mule him Iiiiuhk, tli.s VMimiI I'lue, the uett lh Mtil 1 r. and 1a is funnt inda at lit was .tiata acn, when Xnt mk mllemea went will utir him mid pul.ed liU thralic fur four tfiu STAGE NOTES. The tale of ttlhui lliuin's new plat iwtt (tuts and Hiiiuu-lK," liax citeii tei 1 .111. ininiiiil of iiitiimiut, r,.iei i.illt in pinie-simul ir (lit Ihmp vtlin lake the title in 11, tileiii liietiiun; Inn, t.ither iijtuialli prrliapt, mn hided that it is a lull! ioined.1. Im ihe luiiirinninii of this elituriil, thni.'eia Waenlnlt A. Itrinner would like It 1111, In. loud that the tule Prui Mata mid Itittiiii tt," is iiiudt ii.rd i 1 intnhol. Hit Jili) ic lis in 1,'iiiilue mil -Kite ll tells the line nlmt- uf a nun whn is nchtin; 1, r tli two cicair! Iiiiiuin iaiiea, lhat of hherit ail inuniit on ihe nm hand, and, on tin other, the unman of lua heail'a disiie The pis will ip pnl In the miiip rtiltuied audiene. ti n, , Mr It.tron hat Inen iiiustnnteil durinc ins lonj iistiHIiliuii villi tr. Inltn Piftt, 'Hie one imminent mie rf la.t teir ' Uh-n We Weir Iniiili Hue will ,e piejented jv'n lur the amti of l'U V'U hj a .iniunt nt well known inelnipnlil in platein tmdet Hie dneiti.m ol tfir Slnnit and I Id II The loinpsiit a theruuhslf eliiilent 0110 in etciy wn, will he un tier Iho pern-nil duet lion nl Willi 1111 Morns, flin li well known a the tuxt ailor tu plat Iil" iiib inlet wllh the l.iupiic llicattr MU'iU n pint the inierrailnc prndiirimn of Vlnrinn hrk er'a "Hhlil p( the rutin." at thr 1'rnluit thea nr,- laimloii. Iiir.iln iii.-hi, dlsi leird an igiw Iid tliliiiiiuiatiou eu Hie put nf ihe Miuith ,tit and cdlert 10 dine Vinrilt ins o-( Ihe I mdin ln:e Pipie Hut flit tint l.lllrllrs pioieit lallmi of ".Siieilnik Ihilnip," en M11111I0 iiijtn wis iinililmnu.lt I'lul.pil In all luti.pdpia 11 1 1 1 lliin li 1 tit .iinrss, he was loudli I, i,t e, md "hoonl" lit Hie 'In api( iMilsul lit huu.e Ihu ililiiuiitrillou Win, lifiiillin; In Hi hot opin I"", liltnl limallcil for, hit 'Inlrlli uii-mf nf llie "hniii-is" whin he 1.11111 hrfon llu uililn 01.lt .eitnl In IntriitKv lln nil.i, 111.111 11 1 null 1 .1 mid a inn, ni 11. pin. , l,v li'ulil. wli. 11 the ( 1 '11111 plr c i pi i Knit p.111 ul llu luiiise 111. I lied, P.peudl'v lln gilliiln, ttheic tin iimi I .iliptul u. 1 1 tni. talli iMltrinil iriuii ihe ,-, n in nl.-h Inn was tn kill ihe pine In il.'jdl allniie Ktrrt atlnnpt at i plana- wis litlintlt n.rmhenis ht loud lils.i, huai, una r( "Hidei'" and "t. lemi'l" tthlili put 1 ilsueier 111 Irmlima-e rp piutal from llu tloor of tf !,,.. When Iku luilain (oil ihe applauti ttai nn hmt h.t nppnal llun Ihe whole audit net riniiin-d ten mlntns iwallluir ilridiipnini.i. mil (In .nil vmerkaui auufithil In maul limns omid te fil.-nce at,i,l the ,ht tux, citui.iu.hci anl tnc audience di tnlmij. memeuu